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Dr. Leo Louis Martello

"# $. %&

Gerald B. Gardner*s bio+ra,'y 'as been ,ublis'ed -any ti-es! includin+ a c'a,ter on
'i- in -y o.n $itc'cra/t0 T'e Old Reli+ion. For t'e record 'is /irst Cra/t boo1 .as
Hi+' Ma+ic*s Aid ,ublis'ed in %&2&! a sel/3,ublis'ed .or1. His second .as $itc'cra/t
Today in %&#2 and 'is last .as T'e Meanin+ o/ $itc'cra/t! %&#&! /i4e years be/ore 'is
deat'. 5rior to t'ese 'e 'ad .ritten A Goddess Arri4es! %&26! and eris and Ot'er Malay
$ea,ons! %&"7. T'e latter and Hi+' Ma+ic*s Aid .ere ,ublis'ed under 'is ,en3na-e o/
In $itc'cra/t Today t'e Biblio+ra,'y 'as no listin+ o/ C'arles God/rey Leland and in
t'is boo1 'e lists only Leland*s Gy,sy (orcery. 8et a care/ul study o/ t'e Gardnerian
Boo1 o/ ('ado.s re4eals t'at -any ,assa+es .ere co,ied directly /ro- Leland*s Aradia.
T'e secret na-e o/ t'e Goddess used in Gardnerian rites is also -ost re4ealin+. His ne.
con4erts s'ed lots o/ 'eat but not too -uc' li+'t! es,ecially in 4ie. o/ all t'e
'a+io+ra,'ical 'o+.as' .ritten about 'i-. T'ose con4erts .'o sa. t'e li+'t ,re/erred to
1ee, ot'ers in t'e dar1. T'is is c'aracteristic o/ all ne. con4erts to any /ait'. And today
none o/ t'is -atters as t'e Cra/t... T'e Old Reli+ion... 5a+anis- 'as +ro.n and e9,anded
.orld.ide .'ere t'e -yt's o/ t'e ,ast! t'e /actual inconsistencies! t'e clai-s and
counterclai-s /ade into insi+ni/icance. T'e stress is on s,ontaneity rat'er t'an ri+id
Gardner .as t'e a,ostle o/ -odern $itc'cra/t! .'et'er 'e .as e4er +i4en a t'ird de+ree
initiation or not. And -any .'o 'a4e clai-ed to be :Traditional; or :Hereditary; as
o,,osed to :Gardnerian!; +i4e t'e-sel4es a.ay by bot' t'e rites and t'e <tools; used in
t'eir cere-onies! traceable to Gardner*s in/luence. I/ Gardner ,ublis'ed 'is boo1s
.it'out ,er-ission /ro- 'is Hi+' 5riestess t'ere are t'ousands today .'o can be +rate/ul
t'at 'e did. Ditto Ale9 (anders .'ose Boo1 o/ ('ado.s is a direct re,lica o/ Gardner*s!
.it' -inor 4ariations. T'e ,oint is t'at i/ one is not initiated into a +enuine co4en! t'at
doesn*t -a1e t'eir initiation in4alid. Attraction to t'e cra/t is an inner callin+ and e4en
sel/3initiations are 4alid. As I*4e said -any ti-es! an initiation de,ends -ore on t'e one
recei4in+ it t'an on t'e one +i4in+ it.
5ioneer! ,ublicist! ad4ance ,ress-an! Gardner .as t'e ri+'t -an /or t'e ri+'t ti-e! a
c'annel! .'o ta,,ed t'e dor-ant s,iritual reser4oir o/ t'ousands. Not 'is /aults! nor 'is
distortion or o-ission o/ certain /acts! not t'e -atter o/ 'is idiosyncratic e9istence but t'e
s,irit o/ 'is li/e and
.or1s! t'ese li4e on. $it'out Gardner t'ere are -any today! re+ardless o/ .'at t'ey call
t'e-sel4es! .'o si-,ly .ouldn*t e9ist... not as $itc'es or 5a+ans. For t'ose .'o
belie4e in :+i4in+ t'e de4il 'is due; t'e least t'ey can do is ,ay tribute to Gardner .'o
.as neit'er de4il nor saint... =ust t'e Grand Old Man o/ $itc'cra/t>

Note0 For /uller in/or-ation on Gardner see Dr. Martello*s boo1s $ITCHCRAFT0 THE
C'a,ter 5a+e
I T'e $itc' Cult in Britain Britain 3 3 &
@II MAGIC T'INING 3 3 3 3 3 &&
IE $BH 3 %A6
EIII T'E B MAss 3 3 3 %62
E@II THE F)T)RE 3 3 3 3 A#D
I GERALD BRO((EA) GARDNER 33 Frontis,iece

Facing Page

GODDESS ! ! ! ! ! !

$ITCHE(* GOD 3 3 3

@ A $ITCH*( ALTAR 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
C'a,ter I.
My directors'i, o/ t'e Museu- o/ Ma+ic and $itc'cra/t at Castleto.n! Isle o/ Man!
brin+s -e a +reat deal o/ corres,ondence /ro- all ,arts o/ t'e .orldI so-e interestin+!
so-e abusi4e Fa 4ery little! =ust enou+' to enli4en -attersG! so-e /antastic! and so-e
/unny in all senses o/ t'e .ord.
Ho.e4er! -y -ore serious corres,ondents .ant to 1no. t'e ori+in o/ .itc'cra/t. $'ere!
t'ey as1! did it co-e /ro-H $'at is be'ind t'is t'in+ t'at obsessed t'e -inds o/ -en /or
centuriesH Is it an under+round cult o/ de4il3.ors'i,H A dar1 t'read runnin+ t'rou+'
'istoryH An irru,tion o/ t'e su,ernatural into nor-al li/eH Or is it an enor-ous delusionH
$'at is t'e -eanin+ o/ it allH
T'is is a -atter .'ic' o/ late years 'as e9ercised t'e in+enuity o/ a nu-ber o/ .riters.
T'ese -ay be rou+'ly di4ided into t'ree sc'ools. Firstly! t'ose .'o ta1e t'e se4erely
rationalist 4ie. t'at .itc'cra/t .as a 1ind o/ -ass 'ysteria! arisin+ /ro- ,syc'olo+ical
causes. (econdly! t'ose .'o -aintain t'at .itc'cra/t is real! and t'at it is t'e .ors'i, and
ser4ice o/ (atan! in .'o- its de4otees a,,ear to be +reat belie4ers. T'is is t'e attitude
ta1en by t'at 4ery ,roli/ic .riter! t'e late Monta+ue (u--ers! and 'is -any i-itators.
T'irdly! t'at sc'ool! 'eaded by ant'ro,olo+ists li1e Dr. Mar+aret Murray! .'ic' 'as tried
to loo1 at t'e sub=ect .it'out eit'er su,erstitious terrors and t'eolo+ical ar+u-ent on t'e
one 'and! or -aterialistic incredulity on t'e ot'er. T'is sc'ool o/ t'ou+'t -aintains t'at
.itc'cra/t is si-,ly t'e re-ains o/ t'e old ,a+an reli+ion o/ $estern Euro,e! datin+ bac1
to t'e (tone A+e! and t'at t'e reason /or t'e C'urc'*s ,ersecution o/ it .as t'at it .as a
dan+erous ri4al. I ,ersonally belon+ to t'is t'ird sc'ool! because its /indin+s accord .it'
-y o.n e9,erience! and because it is t'e only t'eory .'ic' see-s to -e to -a1e sense
.'en 4ie.ed in t'e li+'t o/ t'e /acts o/ 'istory.
5er'a,s I 'ad better state brie/ly .'at t'at e9,erience is. I a- at ,resent t'e Director o/
t'e only -useu- in t'e .orld! so /ar as I 1no.! .'ic' is e9clusi4ely concerned .it'
-a+ic and .itc'cra/t. I .as a Ci4il (er4ant in t'e Far East FMalayaG until -y retire-ent!
and I -ade a lar+e collection o/ -a+ical instru-ents! c'ar-s! etc.! .'ic' /or-ed t'e
nucleus o/ t'e ,resent collection 'ere. I a- an arc'aeolo+ist and an ant'ro,olo+ist! and
t'rou+' t'ese studies I beca-e interested in t'e ,art ,lay in t'e li/e o/
-an1ind by -a+ical belie/s! and by .'at ,eo,le did as a result o/ t'ese belie/s.
$'en I .as out East! be/ore I 'ad any contact .it' .itc'cra/t in Britain! I in4esti+ated
-uc' nati4e -a+ic .it'out /indin+ anyt'in+ .'ic' could not be e9,lained by tele,at'y!
'y,notis-! su++estion or coincidence! and /ran1ly I considered -a+ic as an instance o/
t'e curious t'in+s t'at ,eo,le .ill belie4e. In t'ose days I .as 4ery -uc' interested in
Dr. Mar+aret Murray*s t'eory t'at .itc'cra/t .as t'e re-ains o/ an ancient reli+ionI but
as all aut'orities see-ed a+reed t'at .'ile t'ere .as e4idence t'at so-e ,eo,le -ay 'a4e
been .itc'es! t'ere .as not t'e sli+'test e4idence t'at .itc'es 'ad e4er been or+anised
into co4ensI and as C'arles God/rey Leland! .'o 'ad 1no.n -any .itc'es in Italy and
else.'ere! and .rote a lot about t'e-! ne4er -entioned any co4en or any or+anisation! I
dis-issed .itc'cra/t as so-et'in+ .'ic' 'ad ,ossibly 'a,,ened once! but e4en i/ it 'ad
e9isted it 'ad been :burnt out; t'ree 'undred years a+o.
T'e earlier boo1s I read on t'e sub=ect all see-ed to a+ree to a certain e9tent. T'ey said
t'at .itc'es e9isted e4ery.'ere! and .ere bot' -ale and /e-ale. T'ey .ere intensely
.ic1ed ,eo,le. T'ey .ors'i,,ed t'e De4il! o/ten in t'e /or- o/ a 'eat'en +od Fbut t'en!
all 'eat'en +ods .ere t'e De4ilG. T'ey 'ad a bi+ or+anisation! re+ular reli+ious
cere-onies on /i9ed dates! a ,riest'ood .it' ,riests! ,riestesses and o//icers! and an
or+anised /or- o/ reli+ionI t'ou+' t'eir deity -i+'t be called :a +od; and :t'e De4il;
al-ost in t'e sa-e sentence. T'is .as e9,lained by sayin+ t'at all non3C'ristian +ods
.ere really t'e De4il in dis+uise.
Ho.e4er! in t'e late %D
and t'e %6
centuries ,ublic o,inion see-ed to c'an+e. In s,ite
o/ t'e stron+ 4ie.s o/ Jo'n $esley and ot'er cler+y-en! ,eo,le did not belie4e in
.itc'es any -ore! to t'e e9tent t'at .'en t.o cler+y-en induced a =ury to con4ict Jane
$en'a- o/ tal1in+ to t'e De4il in t'e /or- o/ a cat! and s'e .as sentenced to deat' /or
t'is in %D%A! t'e =ud+es ,rotested and s'e .as released. In %D"7 t'e ,enal la.s a+ainst
.itc'cra/t .ere re,ealedI and I did not t'in1 t'at anyone! .it' t'e e9ce,tion o/ t'e Re4.
Monta+ue (u--ers! dared 'int t'at t'ere -i+'t be anyt'in+ in .itc'cra/t to3day .it'out
bein+ lau+'ed at. C'arles God/rey Leland 'ad been re+arded as a ro-ancer .'o 'ad
.ritten u, a /e. Italian /ortune3tellers! and .'ile Dr. Mar+aret Murray .as 1no.n as a
+ood ant'ro,olo+ist! it .as t'ou+'t t'at s'e .as .ritin+ about t'in+s t'at 'a,,ened t'ree
or /our 'undred years a+o! .'en ,eo,le .ere su,erstitious! and belie4ed silly t'in+s.
Ho.e4er! a/ter Dr. Murray*s boo1s a,,eared! so-e ot'er ,eo,le .ere bold enou+' to
ad-it t'at t'ere .ere so-e .itc'es le/t! but
said t'at t'ey .ere only 4illa+e /ortune3tellers! i-,osters .'o 1ne. not'in+ about t'e
sub=ect! and t'ere ne4er 'ad been any or+anisation! and anyone .'o t'ou+'t ot'er.ise
.as =ust bein+ i-a+inati4e. I .as o/ t'ese o,inions in %&"&! .'en! 'ere in Britain! I -et
so-e ,eo,le .'o co-,elled -e to alter t'e-. T'ey .ere interested in curious t'in+s!
reincarnation /or one! and t'ey .ere also interested in t'e /act t'at an ancestress o/ -ine!
GriKel Gairdner! 'ad been burned as a .itc'. T'ey 1e,t sayin+ t'at t'ey 'ad -et -e
be/ore. $e .ent t'rou+' e4ery.'ere .e 'ad been! and I could not e4er 'a4e -et t'e-
be/ore in t'is li/eI but t'ey clai-ed to 'a4e 1no.n -e in ,re4ious li4es. Alt'ou+' I
belie4e in reincarnation! as -any ,eo,le do .'o 'a4e li4ed in t'e East! I do not
re-e-ber -y ,ast li4es clearlyI I only .is' I did. Ho.e4er! t'ese ,eo,le told -e enou+'
to -a1e -e t'in1. T'en so-e o/ t'ese ne. For oldG /riends said! :8ou belon+ed to us in
t'e ,ast. 8ou are o/ t'e blood. Co-e bac1 to .'ere you belon+.;
I realised t'at I 'ad stu-bled on so-et'in+ interestin+I but I .as 'al/3initiated be/ore t'e
.ord :$ica; .'ic' t'ey used 'it -e li1e a t'underbolt! and I 1ne. .'ere I .as! and t'at
t'e Old Reli+ion still e9isted. And so I /ound -ysel/ in t'e Circle! and t'ere too1 t'e
usual oat' o/ secrecy! .'ic' bound -e not to re4eal certain t'in+s.
In t'is .ay I -ade t'e disco4ery t'at t'e .itc' cult! t'at ,eo,le t'ou+'t to 'a4e been
,ersecuted out o/ e9istence! still li4ed. I /ound! too! .'at it .as t'at -ade so -any o/ our
ancestors dare i-,rison-ent! torture and deat' rat'er t'an +i4e u, t'e .ors'i, o/ t'e Old
Gods and t'e lo4e o/ t'e old .ays. I disco4ered t'e inner -eanin+ o/ t'at sayin+ in one
o/ Fiona MacLeod*s boo1s0 :T'e Old Gods are not dead. T'ey t'in1 .e are.;
I a- a -e-ber o/ t'e (ociety /or 5syc'ical Researc'! and on t'e Co--ittee o/ t'e
Fol1lore (ocietyI so I .anted to tell o/ -y disco4ery. But I .as -et .it' a deter-ined
re/usal. :T'e A+e o/ 5ersecution is not o4er!; t'ey told -eI :+i4e anyone 'al/ a c'ance
and t'e /ires .ill blaKe u, a+ain.; $'en I said to one o/ t'e-! :$'y do you 1ee, all
t'ese t'in+s so secret stillH T'ere*s no ,ersecution no.adays>; I .as told! :O'! isn*t
t'ereH I/ ,eo,le 1ne. .'at I .as! e4ery ti-e a c'ild in t'e 4illa+e .as ill! or so-ebody*s
c'ic1ens died! I s'ould +et t'e bla-e /or it. $itc'cra/t doesn*t ,ay /or bro1en .indo.s.;
I can re-e-ber as a boy readin+ in t'e ,a,ers o/ a .o-an bein+ burned ali4e in (out'ern
Ireland as a .itc'I but I could not belie4e t'at t'ere could be any ,ersecution no.adays
in En+land. (o! a+ainst t'eir better =ud+-ent! t'ey a+reed to let -e .rite
a little about t'e cult in t'e /or- o/ /ictions! an 'istorical no4el
.'ere a .itc' says a little o/ .'at t'ey belie4e and o/ 'o. t'ey .ere ,ersecuted. T'is
.as ,ublis'ed in %&2& under t'e title o/ Hi+' Ma+ic*s Aid.
In %&#% a 4ery i-,ortant e4ent occurred. T'e Go4ern-ent o/ t'e day ,assed t'e
Fraudulent Mediu-s Act! .'ic' re,ealed and re,laced t'e last re-ainin+ $itc'cra/t Act!
under .'ic' s,iritualists used to be ,rosecuted in -odern ti-es. T'is Act is! I belie4e!
uniLue in le+ally reco+nisin+ t'e e9istence o/ +enuine -ediu-s'i, and ,syc'ic ,o.ers.
I t'ou+'t t'at at last co--on3sense and reli+ious /reedo- 'ad ,re4ailedI but e4en
so! t'e ,assa+e o/ t'is Act .as 'i+'ly obno9ious to certain reli+ious bodies .'ic' 'ad
been ,reac'in+ a+ainst (,iritualis- /or years and tryin+ to outla. it as :t'e .or1 o/
(atan!; to+et'er .it' any ot'er societies to .'ic' t'ey ob=ected! includin+ Free-asonry
and! o/ course! .itc'cra/t.
About a year ,re4iously! t'is Museu- 'ad been o,ened! and I 'ad /lattered -ysel/ t'at
s'o.in+ .'at .itc'cra/t really is! an ancient reli+ion! .ould arouse no 'ostility in any
Luarter. I .as to /ind out in due course 'o. .ron+ I .as>
Any atte-,t to s'o. .itc'cra/t in anyt'in+ e4en re-otely rese-blin+ a /a4ourable li+'t!
or to c'allen+e t'e old re,resentation o/ it as so-et'in+ uni/or-ly e4il and de4ilis'! or
e4en to ,resent it as a le+iti-ate ob=ect o/ study! can still arouse t'e -ost sur,risin+
reactions. T'e 4irtues o/ 'u-anis-! .'ic' C'arles (alt-an de/ined as :sensiti4ity!
intelli+ence and erudition! to+et'er .it' inte+rity! curiosity and tolerance!; 'a4e still
Luite a lon+ .ay to +o in t'eir stru++le a+ainst t'e -entality .'ic' ,roduced t'e Malleus
In %&#A 5ennet'orne Hu+'es .rote a boo1! $itc'cra/t! .'ic' +a4e a 4ery +ood 'istorical
account o/ .itc'cra/t! but stated t'at .'ile in -ediae4al ti-es .itc'es 'ad a /ully
.or1ed3out ritual o/ t'eir o.n .'ic' t'ey ,er/or-ed! -odern .itc'es .ere si-,ly
,er4erts .'o celebrated :Blac1 Masses!; .'ic' 'e described as bein+ blas,'e-ous
i-itations o/ t'e C'ristian Mass. T'is -ade so-e o/ -y /riends 4ery an+ry! and I
-ana+ed to ,ersuade t'e- t'at it -i+'t do +ood to .rite a /actual boo1 about .itc'cra/t!
and so I .rote $itc'cra/t Today.M In .ritin+ t'is latter boo1! I soon /ound -ysel/
bet.een (cylla and C'arybdis. I/ I said too -uc'! I ran t'e ris1 o/ o//endin+ ,eo,le
.'o- I 'ad co-e to re+ard 'i+'ly as /riends. I/ I said too little! t'e ,ublis'ers .ould not
be interested. In t'is situation I did t'e best I could. In ,articular! I denied t'at .itc'es
celebrated t'e Blac1 Mass! or t'at t'ey 1illed ani-alsNor e4en unba,tised babiesNas
blood sacri/ices.
Rider! %&#2
One o/ t'e /irst Luestions I 'ad as1ed .itc'es as soon as I 'ad +ot :inside; .as! :$'at
about t'e Blac1 MassH; T'ey all said! :$e don*t 1no. 'o. to ,er/or- it! and i/ .e did!
.'at .ould be t'e ,oint o/ doin+ soH; T'ey also said! :8ou 1no. .'at 'a,,ens at our
-eetin+s. T'ere is t'e little reli+ious cere-ony! t'e +reetin+ o/ t'e Old Gods! t'en any
business .'ic' 'as to be tal1ed o4er! or ,er'a,s so-eone .ants to do a rite /or so-e
,ur,oseI ne9t t'ere is a little /east and a danceI t'en you 'a4e to 'urry /or t'e last bus
'o-e> T'ere is no ti-e or ,lace /or any nonsense o/ :Blac1 Masses!; and any'o. .'y
s'ould .e .ant to do oneH;
I t'in1 t'is is =ust co--on sense. To a Ro-an Cat'olic .'o belie4es in
Transubstantiation! t'at is! t'at t'e bread and .ine o/ t'e Mass are literally c'an+ed into
t'e /les' and blood o/ C'rist! a cere-onial insult to t'e Host .ould be t'e -ost a./ul
blas,'e-yI but .itc'es do not belie4e t'is! so it .ould si-,ly be absurd to t'e- to try to
insult a ,iece o/ bread.
I a- not t'e /irst to 'a4e ,ointed t'is outI Eli,'as Le4i! t'e celebrated Frenc' occultist!
.'o .as also a de4ote Cat'olic! stated in 'is boo1! Do+-e et Rituel de la Haute Ma+ie!
t'at t'e /irst condition o/ success in t'e ,ractice o/ blac1 -a+ic .as to be ,re,ared to
,ro/ane t'e cultus in .'ic' .e belie4ed.
(o-e -ay 'old t'at anyone .'o does not belie4e in Transubstantiation is lac1in+ in t'e
True Fait' and doo-ed to Hell. I a- told t'at certain Noncon/or-ist -inisters ,reac'in+
a+ainst Transubstantiation obtained consecrated Hosts and 'eld t'e- u, to -oc1ery in
t'e ,ul,itI but I 'a4e ne4er 'eard t'at t'is -ade t'e- .itc'es.
$'at about t'e C'ristian ,eo,le .'o carry suc' consecrated Hosts about in loc1ets as
,ersonal c'ar-sH Are t'ey bein+ re4erent or notH And are t'ey .itc'esH F$e 'a4e so-e
o/ t'ese c'ar-s in t'is Museu-G. I 1no. 4ery .ell t'at so-e ,eo,le .ould be s'oc1ed at
t'is ,ractice! but t'is does not alter t'e /act t'at it is done.
T'e ,oint .'ic' t'ose .riters .'o ,ersistently lin1 t'e .itc' cult .it' t'e Blac1 Mass
/ail to a,,reciate is t'at t'ey can eit'er -aintain t'at .itc'es are ,a+ans! or t'at t'ey
celebrate Blac1 MassesI but t'at in t'e na-e o/ lo+ic and co--on sense t'ey cannot
'a4e it bot' .ays.
)nli1e a nu-ber o/ sensational .riters! I do not .is' to con4ey t'e i-,ression t'at t'ere
are .itc'es at .or1 in e4ery corner o/ t'e land. On t'e contrary! t'ere are 4ery /e. real
.itc'es le/t! and t'ose 1ee, t'e-sel4es 4ery -uc' to t'e-sel4es. T'ey are +enerally t'e
descendants o/ .itc' /a-ilies! and 'a4e in'erited a
Tradition .'ic' 'as been ,reser4ed /or +enerations. T'is is! indeed! t'e traditional .ay in
.'ic' .itc'cra/t .as s,read and ,reser4edI t'e c'ildren o/ .itc' /a-ilies .ere tau+'t by
t'eir ,arents! and initiated at an early a+e. In /act! t'is is 4ery ,robably t'e ori+in o/ all
t'ose /ri+'t/ul stories o/ t'e .itc'es brin+in+ babies to t'e sabbat to eat t'e-I .'at really
'a,,ened .as t'at .itc' ,arents dared not o-it to 'a4e t'eir babies ba,tised! /or /ear o/
instantly arousin+ sus,icion! so t'ey used to brin+ t'e babies to t'e sabbat /irst! and
,resent t'e- in dedication to t'e old +ods. T'en! t'ey /elt! it .ouldn*t -atter i/ a
cere-ony o/ C'ristian ba,tis- .as later +one t'rou+' :/or s'o..; F:$'en I bo. -y
'ead in t'e 'ouse o/ Ri--on! t'e Lord ,ardon T'y ser4ant in t'is t'in+.;G. Ho.e4er! as
t'e ,ersecution o/ t'e old reli+ion +re. -ore /ierce! it beca-e dan+erous to ad-it
c'ildren. Innocent c'ildren ,rattled a-on+ t'e-sel4es about .'ere t'eir ,arents .ent
and .'at t'ey did! and one unluc1y .ord o4er'eard by t'e .ron+ ,erson -i+'t 'a4e
-eant deat' to t'e .'ole /a-ily. T'ere are terrible records o/ c'ildren bein+ 'an+ed or
burned .it' t'eir ,arents! -erely because t'ey .ere o/ t'e .itc' blood. Mar+aret Ine
Ouane! /or instance! .'o .as burned as a .itc' 'ere in Castleto.n in %7%D! 'ad 'er
youn+ son burned .it' 'er! si-,ly because 'e .as 'er son. Hence t'e custo- o/
initiatin+ t'e c'ildren .as less and less obser4ed! and t'is! cou,led .it' t'e .'olesale
e9ter-ination ,olicy carried on at t'e c'urc'*s insti+ation! soon +reatly reduced t'e
nu-bers o/ t'e cult.
Ho.e4er! t'ere is one /actor in t'e continuity o/ t'e tradition .'ic' t'e o,,onents
o/ t'e cult 'ad not rec1oned .it'. T'e .itc'es are /ir- belie4ers in reincarnation! and
t'ey say t'at :Once a .itc'! al.ays a .itc'.; T'ey belie4e t'at ,eo,le .'o 'a4e been
initiated into t'e cult! and 'a4e really acce,ted t'e old reli+ion and t'e old +ods in t'eir
'earts! .ill return to it or 'a4e an ur+e to.ards it in li/e a/ter li/e! e4en t'ou+' t'ey -ay
'a4e no conscious 1no.led+e o/ t'eir ,re4ious associations .it' it. T'ere -ay be
so-et'in+ in t'isI because I 1no. ,ersonally o/ t'ree ,eo,le in one co4en .'o
disco4ered t'at! subseLuent to t'eir co-in+ into t'e cult in t'is li/e! t'eir ancestors 'ad
'ad lin1s .it' it! and I 'a4e already -entioned t'e .itc'es .'o :reco--ended; -e.
O/ course! .itc' rites to3day are so-e.'at di//erent /ro- .'at t'ey used to. Be
-any centuries a+o. T'en t'e +reat -eetin+s! called sabbats! used to be attended by lar+e
nu-bers o/ t'e ,o,ulation! .'o arri4ed ,ro4ided .it' t'e .'ere.it'al to coo1 a -eal /or
t'e-sel4es F'ence t'e :'ellis' sabbat /ires; .e 'a4e 'eard so -uc' aboutG! and ,re,ared
to s,end a ni+'t on t'e 'eat'
in -erry-a1in+! once t'e -ore serious rites .ere o4er. In /act! -ost traditional country
-erry-a1in+s 'a4e so-e connection .it' t'e old reli+ionI t'e 5uritan (tubbes! in 'is
Anato-ie o/ Abuses! /iercely denounces t'e ,eo,le .'o stayed out all ni+'t in t'e .oods
:Mayin+; on t'e old sabbat date o/ May E4eI and C'ristina Hole! in 'er En+lis'
Fol1lore! notes 'o. t'e Nort'a-,tons'ire :+uisers : 33 /ol13dancers dressed in /antastic
costu-es3are called :.itc'3-en; to t'is day. (uc' instances -i+'t be +reatly -ulti,lied.
T'e En+lis' cli-ate! o/ course! did not al.ays ,er-it t'ese +at'erin+s to be 'eld
on t'e 'eat'I and I t'in1 t'at in t'is e4ent t'ey ,robably too1 ,lace in so-eone*s barn! or
in t'e 'all o/ a +reat 'ouse .'ose o.ner .as /riendly to t'e cult. In t'e BasLue country
o/ 5ays de Labourd in %7C& t'e o//icial in4esti+ator /ro- t'e 5arle-ent o/ Bordeau9!
5ierre de Lancre! .as 'orri/ied to /ind t'at t'e sabbat .as so-eti-es 'eld in t'e local
c'urc'! a,,arently .it' t'e ,riest*s consent. He .as ,articularly scandalised to /ind 'o.
-any BasLue ,riests sy-,at'ised .it' t'e Old Reli+ion. M
$e are o/ten told 'orrid tales o/ .itc' -eetin+s in c'urc'yards! and o/ .itc'es
.'o! in t'e .ords o/ Robert Burns! :in 1ir1yards rene. t'eir lea+ues o.re 'o.1it dead.;
But in t'e old ti-es t'e c'urc'yard .as t'e re+ular ,lace /or 4illa+e -erry-a1in+s. In
t'ose days a c'urc'yard .as not! as it is to3day! a ,lace o/ +ra4estones! but si-,ly a
+reen s.ard. Fro- M. C. Anderson*s Loo1in+ For History In Britis' C'urc'esP .e -ay
see t'at dancin+ in t'e c'urc'yard .as Luite /easible in t'e old days as t'e aut'or says
t'at it .as not t'e ,ractice to erect +ra4estones to t'ose .'o .ere buried t'ere. :T'e
+reat /ol1s .ere buried beneat' scul,tured to-bs .it'in t'e c'urc'. . . . T'e little ,eo,le
re-ained anony-ous in deat' be/ore t'e %D
Eileen ,o.er! in 'er boo1! Mediae4al 5eo,leQ says! s,ea1in+ o/ t'e ,easants0
T'ey used to s,end t'eir 'olidays in dancin+ and sin+in+ and bu//oonery! as country /ol1 'a4e al.ays
done until our o.n -ore +loo-ier! -ore sel/3conscious a+e. T'ey .ere 4ery -erry and not at all
re/ined! and t'e ,lace t'ey al.ays c'ose /or t'eir dances .as t'e c'urc'yardI and unluc1ily t'e son+s
t'ey san+ as t'ey danced in a rin+ .ere old ,a+an son+s o/ t'eir /ore/at'ers! le/t o4er /ro- old Mayday
/esti4ities! .'ic' t'ey could not /or+et! or ribald lo4e3son+s .'ic' t'e C'urc' disli1ed. O4er and o4er
a+ain .e /ind t'e C'urc' councils co-,lainin+ t'at t'e ,easants Fand so-eti-es t'e ,riests! tooG .ere
sin+in+ R.ic1ed son+s .it' a c'orus o/ dancin+ .o-en*! or 'oldin+ Rballads and dancin+s and e4il and
.anton son+s and
M De Lancre! Tableau de L*Inconstance des Mau4ais! 5aris! %7%A.
P Jo'n Murray! %&#%.
Q 5en+uin Boo1s! %&#%.
suc'3li1e lures o/ t'e de4ilSI o4er and o4er a+ain t'e bis'o,s /orbade t'ese son+s and dancesI but in
4ain. In e4ery country in Euro,e! ri+'t t'rou+' t'e Middle A+es to t'e ti-e o/ t'e Re/or-ation! and
a/ter it! country /ol1 continued to sin+ and dance in t'e c'urc'yard.
('e continues0
Anot'er later story still is told about a ,riest in $orcesters'ire! .'o .as 1e,t a.a1e all ni+'t by t'e
,eo,le dancin+ in 'is c'urc'yard! and sin+in+ a son+ .it' t'e re/rain S(.eet'eart 'a4e ,ityS! so t'at 'e
could not +et it out o/ 'is 'ead! and t'e ne9t -ornin+ at Mass! instead o/ sayin+ SDo-inus 4obiscurnS. 'e
said! S(.eet'eart 'a4e ,ityS! and t'ere .as a dread/ul scandal .'ic' +ot into a c'ronicle.M
Ho.e4er! I 'a4e ne4er 'eard o/ a ,resent3day .itc' -eetin+ bein+ 'eld in a
c'urc'yardI I t'in1 t'ose sensation3-on+ers .'o 'a4e described ,resent3day .itc'es as
/or+at'erin+ in +ra4eyards are +uessin+! and t'eir +uess is a /e. centuries out.
Actually! .itc' -eetin+s to3day -ay ta1e ,lace any.'ere t'at is con4enient! and only
,eo,le .'o 'a4e been initiated into t'e cult are allo.ed to be ,resent. T'e actual
,roceedin+s .ould ,robably +reatly disa,,oint t'ose .'o 'a4e been nurtured on tales o/
blood sacri/ices! drun1en or+ies! obscene rites! etc.! etc. $itc'es do not use blood
sacri/icesI and only t'e ty,e o/ -ind .'ic' considers all reco+nition o/ t'e Elder Gods
and t'eir sy-bols to be <diabolical< .ould call t'eir rites <obscene<. T'ere are! on t'e
ot'er 'and! ,eo,le .'o consider -any o/ t'e C'urc'Ss belie/s and ,ractices to be an
insult to Di4inityI a .o-an once told -e! /or instance! t'at s'e t'ou+'t t'e C'urc' o/
En+landSs Marria+e (er4ice so dis+ustin+ t'at s'e could ne4er brin+ 'ersel/ to sub-it to
it. Muc' de,ends u,on oneSs ,oint o/ 4ie. in t'ese -atters.
T'e ta1in+ o/ .ine durin+ t'e rites is ,art o/ t'e cere-onyI it consists usually o/ t.o
+lasses at t'e -ost! and is not intended to be a <-oc1ery< o/ anyt'in+! still less a <Blac1
Mass<. In /act! .itc'es say t'at t'eir rite o/ t'e <Ca1es and $ine< Fa ritual -eal in .'ic'
ca1es and .ine are consecrated and ,arta1en o/G is -uc' older t'an t'e C'ristian
cere-ony! and t'at in /act it is t'e C'ristians .'o 'a4e co,ied t'e rites o/ older reli+ions.
In 4ie. o/ t'e /act t'at suc' ritual -eals are 1no.n to 'a4e been ,art o/ t'e Mysteries o/
t'e +oddess Cybele in ancient ti-es! and t'at a si-ilar ritual -eal is ,arta1en o/!
accordin+ to Art'ur A4alon in ('a1ti and ('a1ta! by t'e Tantri1s o/ India! .'o are also
.ors'i,,ers o/ a +reat Mot'er3Goddess! t'ere see- to be so-e +rounds /or t'is
In t'e old days! t'ey tell -e! ale or -ead -i+'t be used instead o/ .ine! any drin1 in
/act t'at 'ad <a 1ic1< in it! because t'is re,resented <li/e<. I .onder i/ t'is is .'y
('a1es,eare used t'e
M T'e c'ronicle in Luestion .as t'at o/ Giraldus Ca-brensis! Ge--a
Ecclesiastica! ,t. I! c. ELII.
e9,ression <ca1es and ale< as a synony- /or /un .'ic' .as /ro.ned on by t'e ,iousH
It is a tradition t'at /ire in so-e /or-! +enerally a candle! -ust be ,resent on t'e altar!
.'ic' is ,laced in t'e -iddle o/ t'e circle! and candles are also ,laced about t'e circle
itsel/. T'is circle is dra.n .it' t'e idea o/ <containin+< t'e <,o.er< .'ic' is raised
.it'in it! o/ brin+in+ it to a /ocus! so to s,ea1! so t'at so-e end -ay be acco-,lis'ed by
raisin+ it. T'is /ocusin+ o/ /orce is called <T'e Cone o/ 5o.er<.
Incense is also used! and I 'a4e read in (,iritualist literature t'at <,o.er< is t'ou+'t by
so-e -ediu-s to be +i4en o// by na1ed /la-es! by a bo.l o/ .ater! and by incense. All
t'ese are ,resent on t'e .itc'esS altar. I once too1 a ,'oto+ra,' o/ a .itc'esS -eetin+3
,lace .'ile a rite .as bein+ ,er/or-ed t'ereI t'is included none o/ t'e ,eo,le ,resent!
deliberately! but -erely t'e altar! etc.! and ,art o/ t'e circle. $'en t'e ,'oto+ra,' .as
de4elo,ed it s'o.ed <e9tras< in t'e /or- o/ ribbon3li1e /or-ations! so-e o/ .'ic'
a,,eared to ,roceed /ro- t'e candles. I assured -ysel/ t'at t'ere .as not'in+ in t'e
co-,osition o/ t'e candles .'ic' could account /or t'is ,'eno-enon! nor .as t'ere
anyt'in+ .ron+ .it' -y ca-era. A co,y o/ t'is ,'oto+ra,' is on dis,lay in t'e Museu-.
T'e +reat reser4oir o/ <,o.er<! accordin+ to t'e .itc'es! is t'e 'u-an body.
(,iritualists +enerally s'are t'is belie/. ),on t'e ,ractical -eans used to raise and direct
t'is <,o.er< I do not ,ro,ose to touc'I but t'at it is not a -ere /li+'t o/ /ancy to belie4e
in its e9istence is ,ro4ed by so-e o/ t'e researc'es o/ -odern science. T'e radiest'esia
=ournal! T'e 5endulu-! /or Marc'! %&#7! carried an article called <Li4in+ Tissue Rays<!
by T'o-as Colson! /ro- t'e Electronic Medical Di+est. T'is told 'o. 5ro/essor Otto
Ra'n o/ Cornell )ni4ersity 'ad described to a -eetin+ o/ t'e A-erican Association /or
t'e Ad4ance-ent o/ (cience! at (yracuse! Ne. 8or1! 'o. yeast cells can be 1illed by a
,erson loo1in+ intently at t'e- /or a /e. -inutes. T'e yeast cells .ere ,laced on a +lass
,late and 'eld close to t'e ,ersonSs eyes. T'e 5ro/essor e9,lained t'is by sayin+ t'at
certain rays .ere e-itted /ro- t'e 'u-an eye .'ic' .ere ca,able o/ ,roducin+ t'is
result. For se4eral years! 'e said! scientists 'ad been re,ortin+ disco4eries t'at li4in+
t'in+s ,roduce ultra34iolet rays. In t'e 'u-an body t'ey 'ad been /ound co-in+ /ro-
.or1in+ -uscles! and in t'e blood.
T'e /in+er3ti, rays o/ se4eral ,ersons at Cornell 1illed yeast readily T'e ti, o/ t'e nose .as
disco4ered to be a /ine ultra34iolet StubeS. T'en ca-e t'e eye. Hu-an rays are not al.ays 'ar-/ul. Fro-
so-e ,ersons t'ey are bene/icial to tiny ,lants. T'ere see-s to be no
di//erence in t'e 1ind! but t'e 4olu-e di//ers. $'en lar+e! it is let'al to yeast. T'e sa-e ,erson e-its it
at di//erent rates. He -ay be S1illin+S at one ti-e and Sbeni+nS at anot'er. T'e ri+'t 'and a,,ears to
radiate -ore t'an t'e le/t! e4en in le/t3'anders.
T'ese body rays see- to be +i4en o// -ost stron+ly by t'e ,arts o/ t'e body .'ic' are re,laced -ost
ra,idly! suc' as t'e ,al-s o/ t'e 'ands and t'e soles o/ t'e /eet. . . . T'e to,s o/ t'e /in+ers are 4ery stron+
e-itters o/ t'is ener+y. . . T'e bac1 +i4es o// t'e least ener+y and t'e abdo-en and c'est sli+'tly -ore.
T'e se9 or+ans in bot' se9es and breasts in .o-en e-it t'ese rays Luite stron+ly.
T'e /irst scienti/ic ,roo/ t'at t'ere is a ,ersonal electric /ield! a sort o/ electrical aura! .it'in and in t'e
air around a li4in+ body! .as announced to t'e T'ird International Cancer Con+ress. T'e re,ort .as
-ade by Dr. Harold (. Burr! o/ 8ale )ni4ersity.
Hu-an eyes are ,o.er/ul electric batteries. T'is disco4ery! s'o.in+ t'at eac' eyeball is an
inde,endent battery! .as announced to t'e National Acade-y o/ (ciences in %&"6 by Dr. $alter H.
Miles! 8ale )ni4ersity ,at'olo+ist. . . . T'e /act t'at eyes ,roduce electricity 'as been 1no.n to
science since %67C! .'en it .as disco4ered in /ro+s! but t'e source o/ t'is electric ,o.er! its 4ariations
and es,ecially its 'i+' ,o.er in 'u-an bein+s! is little 1no.n.
T'e abo4e e9tract +i4es t'e reason /or t'e .itc'esS traditional ritual nudity. To t'eir
C'ristian o,,onents t'is .as -ere s'a-elessnessI but students o/ co-,arati4e reli+ion
1no. t'at! a,art /ro- t'e ,ractical -a+ical reason +i4en abo4e! nudity in reli+ious
cere-onies is a 4ery old and .orld3.ide ,ractice. T'is is! in /act! yet anot'er indication
o/ t'e .itc' cultSs deri4ation /ro- re-otest antiLuity.
It -ay see- stran+e t'at t'e belie/s o/ t'e .itc' and t'e disco4eries o/ t'e -an o/
science s'ould e4er /ind a real- in .'ic' t'ey could -eet and touc'I yet t'is is not t'e
/irst ti-e suc' a t'in+ 'as 'a,,ened. T'e doctor .'o introduced t'e use o/ di+italis into
-edical ,ractice bou+'t t'e secret /ro- a ('ro,s'ire .itc'! a/ter ta1in+ an interest in 'er
'erbal cures.
T'e .itc'esS belie/ t'at <t'e ,o.er< resides .it'in t'e-sel4es! and t'at t'eir rites ser4e
to brin+ it out! is t'e +reat di//erence bet.een t'e- and t'e ,ractitioners o/ <cere-onial
-a+ic<! blac1 or .'ite. T'e latter ,roceed by t'e in4ocation or e4ocation o/ s,irits!
so-eti-es o/ de-ons! .'o- t'ey see1 to co-,el to ser4e t'e-. T'is is not t'e .itc'esS
.ay! t'ou+' t'ey belie4e t'at 'el,/ul s,irits! 'u-an or ot'er.ise! co-e o/ t'eir o.n
accord to assist in t'eir rites! and t'at t'ose ,resent .'o 'a4e de4elo,ed <t'e (i+'t< Fi.e.
clair4oyanceG -ay see suc' s,irits.
A ,o,ular belie/ about .itc'cra/t! .'ic' is ne4ert'eless erroneous! is t'e idea t'at a
.itc'esS co4en -ust consist o/ t'irteen ,eo,le. Actually! it -ay consist o/ -ore or less
t'an t'irteen ,eo,leI but t'irteen is considered to be t'e ideal nu-ber. T'is -ay be
because it is t'e best nu-ber o/ ,eo,le to .or1 in t'e .itc'esS traditional nine3/oot circleI
si9 cou,les and a leader.
Or it -ay be because .itc'cra/t is a -oon cult! and t'ere are t'irteen -oons in a year and
t'irteen .ee1s in e4ery Luarter! eac' Luarter o/ t'e year 'a4in+ its (abbat. T'e /our +reat
(abbats are Candle-ass! May E4e! La--as! and Hallo.eenI t'e eLuino9es and solstices
are celebrated also! t'us -a1in+ t'e Ei+'t Ritual Occasions! as t'e .itc'es call t'e-. On
t'e +reat (abbats all t'e co4ens t'at could /or+at'er to+et'er .ould do soI but a,art /ro-
t'ese +reat (abbats! -inor -eetin+s called Esbats are 'eld. T'e .ord <Esbat< -ay co-e
/ro- t'e old Frenc' < sSesbattre<! -eanin+ <to /rolic! to en=oy onesel/<. Traditionally! t'e
Esbat is t'e -eetin+ o/ t'e local co4en /or local -atters! or si-,ly /or /un! and it is! or
s'ould be! 'eld at or near t'e /ull -oon.
As -i+'t be e9,ected /ro- a -oon cult! t'e leadin+ ,art in t'e cere-onies is ,layed by
t'e Hi+' 5riestess! or Maiden. ('e 'as t'e ,osition o/ aut'ority! and -ay c'oose any -an
o/ su//icient ran1 in t'e cult to be 'er Hi+' 5riest. In France t'e Maiden .as so-eti-es
called La Reine du (abbatI in (cotland s'e see-s to 'a4e been called t'e Oueen o/
El,'a-e Fi.e. FaeryG! and one old .itc'3trial 'as it t'at <s'e -a1es any -an in+ .'o-
s'e ,leases<.
A,art /ro- t'e t'eory t'at t'e </airies< .ere actually t'e ,ri-iti4e 5eo,le o/ t'e
Heat's! t'e s-aller! dar1er abori+inal /ol1 dis,laced by t'e Early Iron A+e in4aders!
.'ic' I treated o/ in $itc'cra/t Today! t'ere is anot'er connection bet.een t'e- and t'e
.itc'es. In t'e ,o,ular -ind! a/ter t'e ad4ent o/ C'ristianity t'e old Celtic 5aradise to
.'ic' t'e souls o/ ,a+ans .ent .'en t'ey died beca-e t'e <Real- o/ Faerie<! and t'e
God and Goddess .'o .ere t'e rulers o/ t'e A/ter3$orld beca-e t'e deities o/ t'e
.itc'es! .'o 'eld to t'e Old Reli+ion! and also .ere considered as t'e in+ and Oueen
o/ Faery. Hence t'e Hi+' 5riestess o/ a .itc' co4en! .'o is considered as t'e GoddessSs
li4in+ re,resentati4e! .ould naturally be called <t'e Oueen o/ El,'a-e<.
T'e ori+inal <Fairyland< .as t'e ,a+an ,aradise! and t'e </airies< o/ early ro-ances!
are 4ery di//erent /ro- t'e dainty -iniature creatures o/ later tales and c'ildrenSs stories!
-ade u, .'en t'eir ori+inal si+ni/icance 'ad been /or+otten. T'is is -ade abundantly
clear by t'e descri,tions +i4en in t'e anony-ous old En+lis' ,oe-! <(ir Or/eo<! o/ .'ic'
t'e earliest M(. .e 'a4e dates /ro- t'e early /ourteent' century. It is re-iniscent o/ t'e
Gree1 story o/ Or,'eus and Eurydice! but .it' a 'a,,y endin+ instead o/ a tra+ic one!
and contains a /ine descri,tion o/ <T'e ,roude courte o/ 5aradis<! .'ic' .as entered
a,,arently t'rou+' a 'ollo. 'ill or roc1y ca4e! and o/ its rulers! <T'e 1in+ OS /airy .it'
'is rout<! and 'is Lueen! t'e $'ite GoddessI <As .'ite as
-il1e .ere 'er .ee1s< and so bri+'tly s'inin+ t'at Or/eo could scarcely be'old t'e-.
A. E. $aite! in 'is introduction to El/in Music! an Ant'olo+y o/ En+lis' Fairy 5oetryM
says0 <T'e EliKabet'an a+e co--only identi/ied t'e /airies o/ Got'ic su,erstition .it'
t'e classic ny-,'s .'o attended Diana! .'ile t'e el/in Lueen .as Diana 'ersel/! and .as
called by one o/ t'e na-es o/ t'at +oddess! t'at is! Titania! .'ic' is /ound in t'e
Meta-or,'oses o/ O4id as a title o/ t'e uranian Lueen<. He states /urt'er t'at <. . . t'e
ori+inal /airy o/ Fran1is' ,oetry and /iction .as si-,ly a /e-ale initiated into t'e
-ysteries and -ar4els o/ -a+ic.<
A t'ird in+redient in t'e tales o/ </airies< is! o/ course! actual non3'u-an nature s,irits
.'ic' so-e ,eo,le clai- to be able to see! and it is /ascinatin+ /or t'e student o/ /ol1lore
to disentan+le t'ese di//erent strands t'at .ea4e t'rou+' old stories and belie/s.
T'e Hi+' 5riest o/ a .itc' co4en is! as .e 'a4e seen! c'osen by t'e 5riestess. He is t'e
,erson .'o- t'e InLuisitors and .itc'3'unters o/ old ti-es used to call <t'e De4il<! as
bein+ eit'er an actual su,ernatural de4il or else 'is 'u-an re,resentati4e. $itc'es are
constantly bein+ accused o/ <.ors'i,,in+ t'e De4il<. No.! .'en .e use t'at .ord
<De4il<! .'at ,icture auto-atically /or-s itsel/ in -ost ,eo,leSs -indsH Is it not t'at o/ a
stran+e3loo1in+ bein+ .'o see-s to be ,artly 'u-an and ,artly ani-al! 'a4in+ +reat
'orns on 'is 'ead! and a body co4ered .it' 'air! alt'ou+' 'is /ace is 'u-anH Ha4e you
e4er sto,,ed to .onder .'y t'is ,icture s'ould auto-atically co-e into your -ind in t'is
.ayH T'ere is not one sin+le te9t in t'e Bible .'ic' describes <t'e De4il; or <(atan< in
t'is -anner. T'e only ,lace in .'ic' you .ill /ind suc' a ,ersona+e described is!
curiously enou+'! a-on+ t'e +ods o/ t'e ancient ,eo,les. Here you .ill /ind Luite a
nu-ber o/ Horned Gods! and so-eti-es Horned Goddesses too! .'o .ere not! 'o.e4er!
bein+s o/ e4il! but deities bene/icent to -an. T'e reason .'y ,eo,le ,icture <t'e De4il<
in t'is .ay is because /ro- t'e 4ery earliest ti-es t'e C'urc' 'as tau+'t t'at t'e Old God
.'o ,ossessed t'ese attributes .as t'e ene-y o/ t'e C'ristian God! and 'ence -ust be
(atanI and ,eo,le 'a4e +ot so used to t'is conce,t t'at t'ey 'a4e ne4er sto,,ed to
Luestion it.
It is e4ident /ro- early ,ictures and descri,tions Ft'e earliest bein+ t'e /a-ous ca4e
,aintin+s /ound at Arie+e in t'e Ca4erne des Trois Freres! done by -en o/ t'e (tone
A+eG! t'at t'e Hi+' 5riest .'o .as t'e +odSs re,resentati4e so-eti-es .ore a ritual
dis+uise! consistin+ o/ a 'ead3dress bearin+ t'e 'orns o/ a sta+ or a bull! and a 1ind o/
robe o/ ani-al s1insI so-eti-es! too! a -as1
M$alter (cott! %666.
.'ic' concealed 'is /eatures. T'is custo- see-s to 'a4e been -ore ,articularly /ollo.ed
at t'e bi+ (abbats! .'en -any ,eo,le +at'ered outside t'e circle .'o .ere not actual
initiates o/ t'e .itc'esS -ysteries! but ca-e </or luc1< Fi.e. /or t'e blessin+ o/ t'e Old
GodsG or si-,ly to en=oy t'e-sel4es. It -ade t'e ,roceedin+s -ore i-,ressi4e! and at
t'e sa-e ti-e sa/er! i/ t'e +odSs re,resentati4e .as -as1ed and dis+uised! so t'at 'e
could not be reco+nised. T'e 'orned /i+ure! seen di-ly by -oonli+'t or by t'e li+'t o/
torc'es! .ould 'a4e see-ed to t'e outsiders to be a su,ernatural bein+! and t'e initiates
.ould not 'a4e undecei4ed t'e-. $'en only initiates .ere ,resent! t'ere .as less need
/or t'e ritual dis+uise! so t'e custo- o/ .earin+ it 'as tended to /ade out.
It .ill be seen t'at .itc'cra/t is a syste- in4ol4in+ bot' -a+ic and reli+ion. T'is in
itsel/ is an indication o/ +reat a+e! because in ,ri-iti4e ti-es -a+ic and reli+ion .ere
closely inter3related. T'e ,riest .as also t'e -a+ician! and t'e -a+ician 'ad ,er/orce to
be a ,riest. Indeed! .'en one co-es to consider it! -any reli+ious rites to3day are
directed to.ards ends .'ic' -i+'t be called -a+ical. $'at is t'e essential di//erence! /or
instance! bet.een ,rayers /or rain! or /or a +ood 'ar4est! and t'e old /ertility rites .'ic'
.ere directed to t'e sa-e endH And .'y -ust a in+ or a Oueen under+o t'e ritual o/
CoronationH $it' re+ard to t'e C'urc'Ss ,rayers and a /ertility rite! t'e di//erence .ould
see- to lie in t'e latter .or1in+ on t'e ,rinci,le t'at <God 'el,s t'ose .'o 'el,
t'e-sel4es<! .'ereas t'e /or-er is content .it' ,etition. T'e Luestion o/ t'e necessity o/
Coronation ritual raises t'e .'ole idea o/ t'e Di4ine in+ or Oueen .'ic' 'as en+a+ed
t'e attention o/ ant'ro,olo+ists /or -any years. T'e idea t'at t'ere is any connection
bet.een reli+ion and -a+ic -ay be indi+nantly re,udiated by so-e ort'odo9 belie4ersI
ne4ert'eless! bot' s,rin+ /ro- t'e sa-e root.
As I e9,lained in -y ,re4ious boo1! t'ere are certain secrets o/ t'e .itc' cult t'at I
cannot by reason o/ -y ,led+ed .ord re4ealI but -any ,eo,le .rite to -e sayin+! <8ou
said in your boo1! $itc'cra/t Today t'at all t'e ancient Mysteries .ere basically t'e
sa-eI so as .e all 1no. .'at t'ese ancient Mysteries .ere! .e 1no. e9actly .'at t'e
.itc'esS secrets are. (o .'y donSt you .rite anot'er boo1 tellin+ e4eryt'in+H<
No.! .'ile t'e ancient aut'ors .'o .ere initiated into a nu-ber o/ t'e Mysteries
a+ree t'at t'ey .ere all t'e sa-e basically! and t'ere is a certain a-ount o/ a+ree-ent
a-on+ -odern aut'ors about .'at t'eir secrets .ere! I doubt 4ery -uc' i/ any o/ t'e-
realises t'e reason be'ind t'e-! <.'at -ade t'e- .or1!< in /actI
and .'at -a1es t'in+s .or1 is t'e .itc'esS secret. I t'in1 t'at t'is .as ,robably t'e
,ractical secret o/ t'e ancient Mysteries also.
Ho.e4er! I a- not +oin+ to be dra.n in t'is .ay to brea1 -y .ordI a state-ent .'ic'
.ill! I 'o,e! result in a sa4in+ o/ note,a,er and sta-,s on t'e ,art o/ so-e o/ -y -ore
a++ressi4e corres,ondents. Certain o/ t'e ,resent3day enLuiries o/ ,syc'ical researc'!
arc'aeolo+y! ant'ro,olo+y! and ,syc'olo+y are be+innin+ to con4er+e in a -anner t'at is
+radually re4ealin+ /acts about ancient belie/s and t'eir e//ect u,on 'u-an e4olution
.'ic' 'a4e not been realised be/ore. It is -y 'o,e t'at t'is boo1 .ill be a use/ul
contribution to t'ese lines o/ enLuiry! and ,er'a,s assist in t'eir con4er+ence.
),on t'e %st Marc'! %&#7! Ma=or Lloyd3Geor+e! t'en Ho-e (ecretary! as a result o/ a
Luestion as1ed in t'e House o/ Co--ons! said t'at blac1 -a+ic .as an o//ence in
co--on la.. $'en ,ressed by M.5.s to de/ine blac1 -a+ic! 'e said! <It is t'e o,,osite to
.'ite -a+ic N Fat .'ic' t'ere .as lau+'ter and ironical c'eersG N .'ic' is ,er/or-ed
.it'out t'e aid o/ t'e de4il! so I assu-e t'e ot'er is done .it' 'is aid<.
I/ t'is be acce,ted as a de/inition! t'en aut'entic .itc'cra/t is certainly not blac1
-a+ic! because .itc'es do not e4en belie4e in t'e de4il! let alone in4o1e 'i-. T'e Old
Horned God o/ t'e .itc'es is not t'e (atan o/ C'ristianity! and no a-ount o/ t'eolo+ical
ar+u-ent .ill -a1e 'i- so. He is! in /act! t'e oldest deity 1no.n to -an! and is de,icted
in t'e oldest re,resentation o/ a di4inity .'ic' 'as yet been /ound! na-ely t'e (tone A+e
,aintin+ in t'e inner-ost recess o/ t'e Ca4erne des Trois Freres at Arie+e. He is t'e old
,'allic +od o/ /ertility .'o 'as co-e /ort' /ro- t'e -ornin+ o/ t'e .orld! and .'o .as
already o/ i--easurable antiLuity be/ore E+y,t and Babylon! let alone be/ore t'e
C'ristian era. Nor did 'e ,eris' at t'e cry t'at Great 5an .as dead. (ecretly t'rou+' t'e
centuries! 'idden dee,er and dee,er as ti-e .ent on! 'is .ors'i, and t'at o/ t'e na1ed
Moon Goddess! 'is bride! t'e Lady o/ Mystery and Ma+ic and t'e /orbidden =oys!
continued so-eti-es a-on+ t'e +reat ones o/ t'e land! so-eti-es in 'u-ble cotta+es! or
on lonely 'eat's and in t'e de,t's o/ dar1lin+ .oods! on su--er ni+'ts .'en t'e -oon
rode 'i+'. It does so still.
Fro- ti-e to ti-e t'e ,ublic 'a4e been treated to 4arious 'i+'ly3coloured and 'i+'ly
uncon4incin+ <re4elations< in t'e ,o,ular 5ress and else.'ere u,on t'e sub=ect o/ Blac1
(atanis-<! and si-ilar -atters! and occasionally t'ese 'a4e been lin1ed .it'
.itc'cra/t. Let -e state ri+'t a.ay t'at I ,ersonally -aintain an attitude o/ t'orou+'3
+oin+ sce,ticis- to.ards t'ese t'in+s! and t'at e4en i/ t'ey do e9ist I do not consider
to 'a4e any relation to t'e sur4i4al o/ t'e .itc' cult. Alle+ed con/essions<! es,ecially
.'ere .itc'cra/t is -entioned! bear a-,le internal e4idence o/ t'eir o.n
-eretriciousness! in t'at t'ey are ob4iously -odelled u,on sensational t'rillers and
re4eal no 1no.led+e .'ate4er o/ +enuine .itc' ,ractices.
T'e real t'in+ is dee,er 'idden t'an t'is. 5eo,le! es,ecially country ,eo,le! are
reluctant to tal1 about itI but no one! I t'in1! can study /ol1lore in t'is country /or lon+
.it'out beco-in+ con4inced o/ t'e a-aKin+ 4itality and tenacity o/ old belie/s.
$'ere t'e to.n3d.eller usually +oes astray in 'is conclusions about t'e .itc' cult is
t'at 'e 'as been /ed -entally u,on t'e alle+ed <re4elations< -entioned abo4e! or u,on
.or1s t'at associate .itc'cra/t .it' so-e /antastic belie/ 4a+uely 1no.n as <(atanis-<!
.it' t'e i-,lication t'at it is! or .as! a cult o/ e4il and not'in+ else. I sub-it t'at t'is is
an unreasonable 4ie.! and 'as been ,ro-ul+ated by ,ersons .'o ,ossess no
Luali/ications beyond a bent /or sensationalis- or an outloo1 blinded by reli+ious
bi+otry. T'e country-an and country.o-an ,reser4e a belie/ t'rou+' t'e centuries
because t'ey t'in1 it is so-e use to t'e-! or because t'ey deri4e so-e satis/action /ro-
it. O/ course! t'e bene/it t'ey deri4e /ro- t'e belie/ -ay not al.ays see- to us to be
'i+'ly et'ical. Ne4ert'eless! no one but a -aniac .ould deliberately culti4ate e4il /or its
o.n sa1e.
T'e /oundation o/ -a+ical belie/s! o/ .'ic' .itc'cra/t is a /or-! is t'at unseen 5o.ers
e9ist! and t'at by ,er/or-in+ t'e ri+'t sort o/ ritual t'ese 5o.ers can be contacted and
eit'er /orced or ,ersuaded to assist one in so-e .ay. 5eo,le belie4ed t'is in t'e (tone
A+e! and t'ey belie4e it! consciously or not! to3day. It is no. .ell31no.n t'at -ost
su,erstition is in /act bro1en3do.n ritual.
T'e unseen 5o.ers t'at 'a4e interested -an -ost in 'is early 'istory 'a4e been t'e
,o.ers o/ /ertility and o/ contact .it' t'e s,irit .orldI o/ Li/e and Deat'. T'ese are t'e
ele-entary ,o.ers t'at beca-e t'e di4inities o/ t'e .itc'es! and t'eir .ors'i, is as old
as ci4ilisation itsel/. T'e -eanin+ o/ .itc'cra/t is to be /ound! not in stran+e reli+ious
t'eories about God and (atan! but in t'e dee,est le4els o/ t'e 'u-an -ind! t'e collecti4e
unconscious! and in t'e earliest de4elo,-ents o/ 'u-an society. It is t'e dee,ness o/ t'e
roots t'at 'as ,reser4ed t'e tree.
C'a,ter II.
MAN8 ,eo,le 'a4e .ritten to -e sayin+ t'ey en=oyed -y 'oo1! $itc'cra/t Today! and
as1in+ -e to .rite -ore about t'e cult. T'e di//iculty is! as I e9,lained in t'e /or-er
boo1! t'at .itc'cra/t 'as beco-e one o/ t'e secret reli+ions! .'erein ,eo,le can e9,ress
t'eir +reatest lon+in+s and as,irations .it'out bein+ -oc1ed atI t'ose arc'ety,al
re4erences .'ic'! arisin+ /ro- dee, le4els o/ t'e unconscious! so stran+ely stir t'e soul.
T'ese t'in+s I t'in1 are a true /or- o/ reli+ion because t'ey are naturalI t'ou+' constant
blud+eonin+ and conditionin+ o/ t'e -ind -ay blunt ,erce,tion! and cause ,eo,le to s'ut
t'eir intuitions a.ay in t'e in-ost recesses o/ t'eir bein+.
$it' t'is Old Reli+ion co-es t'e 1no.led+e o/ a ty,e o/ -a+ic! di//icult at all ti-es to
learn! and -ore so in t'ese days! .'en e4eryt'in+ is a+ainst you in t'is res,ectI but
.'ic' e9ists all t'e sa-e as a closely +uarded secret. Ma+ic is in itsel/ neit'er blac1 nor
.'ite! bad nor +oodI it is 'o. it is used! t'e intent or t'e 1no.led+e be'ind it! t'at
Ot'er ,eo,le .rite as1in+ -e to e9,ound -ore /ully -y ideas o/ t'e ori+ins o/
.itc'cra/t! and t'e only true ans.er I can +i4e is! <I donSt 1no.<I but I 'a4e been doin+ a
lot o/ researc' on t'e sub=ect! and t'is boo1 is lar+ely t'e result. It is =ust .'at I t'in1! not
.'at I 1no.! because I do not see 'o. anyone .ill e4er /ind t'e /irst be+innin+s. T'ey
are ,robably so-et'in+ li1e t'is0
4ery ,ri-iti4e -en! still rat'er li1e t'eir ani-al 1indred! li4ed 'a,,ily and t'ou+'tlessly
until t'ey .ere -enaced by t'e slo. co-in+ o/ an Ice A+e. T'e trees +re. t'inner and
t'inner! and t'ey 'ad to searc' 'arder to +et /ood. T'eir s'a-blin+ +ait -ay 'a4e
rese-bled t'at o/ a,es! so-eti-es ,er'a,s e4en dro,,in+ to all /oursI but .'en sno.
ca-e t'ey /ound t'at by .al1in+ u,ri+'t t'ey 1e,t t'eir 'ands .ar-er! and could see
/urt'er. T'is u,ri+'t ,osition a//ected t'eir brains! .'ic' +re. 1eener. T'eir s,eec'
i-,ro4ed! and .it' it t'eir ideas. T'e cold 1illed o// -uc' o/ t'e /ruit t'ey li4ed on! and
-ade t'e- con+re+ate in ca4es! +oin+ out in bodies to 'unt +a-e! ta1in+ -ore and -ore
to a -eat diet. $it' t'e disco4ery o/ /ire3-a1in+! ritual -ay 'a4e started. 8ou did t'is
and t'is! and u, s,ran+ t'e -a+ical /la-e! a s,irit at your co--and. Or it -ay 'a4e
started .it' t'e custo- o/ dancin+ to celebrate a success/ul 'unt.
It beca-e luc1y to do certain rites to induce +ood 'untin+ and +ain ,o.er o4er t'e +a-e.
T'en slo.ly certain ,eo,le too1 to doin+ t'e rites! and so-et'in+ li1e a ,riest'ood .as
/or-edI t'at is! t'ey /ound .'o .ere t'e -ost -a+ically ,o.er/ul ,eo,le and used t'e-.
T'e dance .as t'e c'ie/ -et'od ,er/or-ed! -i-ic1in+ t'e stal1in+ and slayin+ o/ +a-e.
Later it too1 t'e /or- o/ a /ertility dance! .'en t'ey beca-e cattle breeders and not so
de,endent on 'untin+. T'en ca-e ani-is-! and ,er'a,s t'e .ors'i, o/ natural
,'eno-ena! -oon! stars and sun.
Ma+ic 'as been classed as a tric1 closely +uarded by t'e ,ri-iti4e -a+ician.
5er'a,s soI it is t'e tric1 o/ doin+ so-et'in+ so t'at so-et'in+ else .ill occur. T'e
air-en .'o dro, a bo-b could not -a1e t'e bo-b itsel/I t'ey -a1e intelli+ent use o/ a
certain /orce .'ic' t'ey do not .'olly understandI and t'at is .'at -a+ic is. I/ t'ey
-isuse t'at /orce! and detonate t'e bo-b in t'eir ,lane! t'ey -ay destroy t'e-sel4es.
T'is also occurs in -a+icI you -ust 1no. 'o. to 1ee, t'e e//ects a.ay /ro- yoursel/.
T'e .itc'esS o.n traditions si-,ly tell t'e- t'at t'ey e9isted /ro- all ti-eI but
t'at t'ey ca-e to .'ere t'ey are no. /ro- t'e (u--er Land in t'e distant ,ast. $'en
you as1 t'e- .'ere t'e (u--er Land is t'ey do not 1no.I but it see-s to 'a4e been a
,lace o/ .ar-t' and 'a,,iness! t'e Eart'ly 5aradise o/ .'ic' all races o/ -an1ind 'a4e
so-e tradition! and .'ic' so -any ad4enturers 'a4e ris1ed t'eir li4es see1in+. FIt -ay be
noted in t'is connection t'at in $els' le+end! <G.lad yr Ha4<! <t'e Land o/ (u--er<! is
t'e Celtic Ot'er $orld! and also t'e ,lace .'ere t'e ancestors o/ t'e Cy-ir ca-e /ro-.G
$itc'es also say t'at t'ey ca-e because -an .anted -a+ical rites /or 'untin+I
t'e ,ro,er rites to ,rocure increase in /loc1s and 'erds! to assure +ood /is'in+! and to
-a1e .o-en /ruit/ulI t'en! later! rites /or +ood /ar-in+! etc.! and .'ate4er t'e clan
needed! includin+ 'el, in ti-e o/ .ar! to cure t'e sic1! and to 'old and re+ulate t'e
+reater and lesser /esti4als! to conduct t'e .ors'i, o/ t'e Goddess and t'e Horned God.
T'ey considered it +ood t'at -en s'ould dance and be 'a,,y! and t'at t'is .ors'i, and
initiation .as necessary /or obtainin+ a /a4ourable ,lace in t'e A/ter3$orld! and a
reincarnation into your o.n tribe a+ain! a-on+ t'ose .'o- you lo4ed and .'o lo4ed
you! and t'at you .ould re-e-ber! 1no.! and lo4e t'e- a+ain. T'ey t'in1 t'at in t'e
+ood old days all t'is .as ob4ious to t'e .'ole tribe. $itc'es .ere su,,orted by t'e
co--unity! and t'ey +a4e t'eir ser4ices /reely to all .'o as1ed t'eir 'el,. FA ,ri-iti4e
National Healt' (er4iceHG It is ,artly because o/ t'is t'at t'ere is a stron+ .itc'
tradition t'at t'ey -ay ne4er ta1e -oney /or ,ractisin+ t'eir artI t'at is! t'ey -ay not
.or1 /or 'ire.
As t'ey .or1ed /or t'e +ood o/ t'e tribe! t'ey .ere inclined to /a4our a stron+
c'ie/ or 1in+! so-eone .'o .ould see t'at t'e la.s .ere obser4ed! t'at e4eryone 'ad
t'eir /air s'are! and t'at e4eryone did t'eir .or1 ,ro,erly. For t'is reason! too! t'ey .ere
inclined to disli1e ,oliticsI anyt'in+ t'at -ade t'e tribe /i+'t a-on+ t'e-sel4es t'ey
considered bad.
T'ey t'in1 t'at t'ey .ere not Druids! but re,resentati4es o/ an older /ait'I t'at t'e
Druids .ere a +ood and stron+ -ale ,riest'ood .'o .ors'i,,ed t'e sun in t'e dayti-e!
and .ere inclined to -i9 in ,olitics! .'ile t'e .itc'es .ors'i,,ed t'e -oon by ni+'t. It
is al-ost as i/ t'e Druids .ere t'e bis'o,s! etc.! .'o attended t'e House o/ Lords and
-ade t'e la.s! and 'ad a -a+ical reli+ion! .'ile t'e .itc'es .ere t'e ,aris' ,riests! .'o
1e,t out o/ ,olitics! and ,ossessed a /or- o/ reli+ion and -a+ic o/ t'eir o.n.
It -ust be understood clearly t'at .itc'cra/t is a reli+ion. Its ,atron +od is t'e
Horned God o/ 'untin+! deat' and -a+ic! .'o! rat'er li1e Osiris o/ E+y,t! rules o4er t'e
A/ter3$orld! 'is o.n 5aradise! situated in a 'ollo. 'ill! or at least in a ,lace .'ic' is
only a,,roac'ed t'rou+' a ca4e! .'ere 'e .elco-es t'e dead and assi+ns t'e- t'eir
,lacesI .'ere t'ey are ,re,ared! accordin+ to t'eir -erits and .isdo-! /or rebirt' into a
ne. body on t'is eart'! /or .'ic' t'ey .ill be -ade ready by t'e lo4e and ,o.er o/ t'e
Goddess! t'e Great Mot'er! .'o is also t'e Eternal @ir+in and t'e 5ri-ordial
Enc'antress! .'o +i4es rebirt' and trans-utation! and lo4e on t'is eart'! and in .'ose
'onour and by -eans o/ ritual t'e necessary ,o.er is raised to enable t'is to be done.
T'ey t'in1 t'at t'e God and t'e Goddess assist t'e- in -a1in+ t'eir -a+ic! as t'ey assist
t'e God and t'e Goddess in t'eir turn by raisin+ ,o.er /or t'e- by t'eir dances and by
ot'er -et'ods. In /act! t'ey see- to consider t'e +ods as bein+ -ore li1e ,o.er/ul
/riends t'an deities to be .ors'i,,ed.
To t'e- t'e conce,t o/ an All35o.er/ul God! one .'o could si-,ly say! <Let
t'ere be ,eace. Let t'ere be no sic1ness or -isery<! and all .ars! sic1ness and -isery
.ould cease! and .'o /or 'is o.n reasons .ill not say t'at .ord! and 1ee,s -en in /ear
and -isery and .ant! is not /it to recei4e .ors'i,. T'ey Luite realise t'at t'ere -ust be
so-e +reat <5ri-e Mo4er<! so-e (u,re-e DeityI but t'ey t'in1 t'at i/ It +i4es t'e- no
-eans o/ 1no.in+ It! it is because It does not .ant to be 1no.nI also! ,ossibly! at our
,resent sta+e o/ e4olution .e are inca,able o/ understandin+ It. (o It 'as a,,ointed .'at
-i+'t be called 4arious
)nder3Gods! .'o -ani/est as t'e tribal +ods o/ di//erent ,eo,lesI as t'e Elo'i- o/ t'e
Je.s! /or instance! .'o -ade t'e- in T'eir o.n i-a+e F<Elo'i-< bein+ a ,lural nounG!
<-ale and /e-ale -ade T'ey t'e-<I Isis! Osiris and Horus o/ t'e E+y,tiansI t'e
<,ort-anteau3.ord< o/ certain initiates! <Maben<! .'ic' is MA! AB! BEN! or <Mot'er!
Fat'er and (on<I and t'e Horned God and t'e Goddess o/ t'e .itc'es. T'ey can see no
reason .'y eac' ,eo,le s'ould not .ors'i, t'eir national +ods! or .'y anyone s'ould
stri4e to ,re4ent t'e- /ro- doin+ so. T'is 'as al.ays caused t'e- to ta1e a ,oor 4ie. o/
-issionary enter,rise! .'et'er by t'e ort'odo9 C'urc' or by totalitarians suc' as t'e
Co--unists. T'ey t'in1 t'at -any o/ t'e troubles in t'is .orld are caused by t'ose
4arious or+anisations .'ic' are /or-ed <to -a1e ,eo,le do and belie4e .'at t'ey donSt
.ant to! and to ,re4ent t'e- /ro- doin+ and belie4in+ .'at t'ey do .ant to.<
It is usually said t'at to be -ade a .itc' one -ust ab=ure C'ristianityI t'is is not
trueI but t'ey .ould naturally not recei4e into t'eir ran1s anyone .'o .as a 4ery narro.
C'ristian. T'ey do not t'in1 t'at t'e real Jesus .as literally t'e (on o/ God! but are Luite
,re,ared to acce,t t'at 'e .as one o/ t'e Enli+'tened Ones! or Holy Men. T'at is t'e
reason .'y .itc'es do not t'in1 t'ey .ere 'y,ocrites <in ti-e o/ ,ersecution< /or +oin+
to c'urc' and 'onourin+ C'rist! es,ecially as so -any o/ t'e old (un3'ero -yt's 'a4e
been incor,orated into C'ristianityI .'ile ot'ers -i+'t bo. to t'e Madonna! .'o is
closely a1in to t'eir +oddess o/ 'ea4en. In /or-er ti-es attendance at c'urc' .as
co-,ulsory by la.! and absence bot' ,unis'able and dan+erous! in t'at it aroused
sus,icionI but o/ t'is -ore anon.
It -ust be understood t'at .itc'es .ere /or t'e last t.o t'ousand years! at least
t'e 4illa+e ,riestesses! .ise -en and .o-en! etc. T'ey ,er/or-ed t'e rites .'ic'
brou+'t ,ros,erity to t'e co--unityI di//erent /ro-! but not o,,osed to! t'e o//icial
reli+ion! .'ic' .as at /irst Druidis-. T'en t'e Druids in Britain contacted t'e /irst
C'ristian -issionaries! .'o -ay 'a4e been led by Jose,' o/ Ari-at'ea. T'ey 'ad lon+
'ad a +od called Hesus! and a tradition o/ a Di4ine C'ild! so it .as not di//icult /or t'e-
to acce,t ,ri-iti4e C'ristian teac'in+. T'is tended to se,arate t'e- /urt'er /ro- t'e
.itc' cult! but t'ere is no e4idence o/ any anta+onis- bet.een t'e-.
T'en /irst t'e Ro-an! and later t'e (a9on in4asions ca-e. T'e 1in+s! nobles! and
t'e C'ristianised Druids su//ered badly! and -any /led to Ireland and (cotland! as did
-any +ood cra/ts-en! =e.ellers! etc. Fand -uc' o/ t'e .onder/ul Iris' art .as t'e .or1
o/ t'ese Britis' cra/ts-enGI but! contrary to .'at is o/ten t'ou+'t!
t'e -ain ,o,ulation re-ained in t'eir 4illa+es. T'e (a9ons! at /irst 'eat'en! .ere
con4erted to C'ristianity by -issionaries /ro- Ro-e! and so-e la.s a+ainst .itc'cra/t
.ere -ade.
A/ter t'e Nor-an ConLuest t'e (a9ons beca-e a race o/ ser/s under Nor-an
-asters. Later t'e t.o races tended to a-al+a-ate and inter-arry! beco-in+ En+lis'
instead o/ Britis' and (a9on. As t'ere is no trace o/ (a9on custo-s in t'e cult! it does not
see- t'at suc' (a9on .itc'es as t'ere .ere e4er ca-e into itI but .'en t'e Nor-ans
arri4ed t'ey 'ad a tradition o/ so-et'in+ li1e .itc'cra/t. $'et'er t'is ca-e /ro-
Nor.ay or /ro- Gaul I a- not sure! but it certainly e9isted. At any rate! t'e Britis' 'ad
al.ays t'ou+'t o/ t'e (a9ons as o,,ressors .'o 'ad robbed t'e- o/ all t'e best in t'eir
country! and t'e .itc'es disli1ed t'e- because t'ey -ade la.s a+ainst .itc'cra/t! so
bot' .ere .ryly a-used to see t'e (a9ons bein+ bullied in t'eir turn.
T'e (a9ons .ere 'ard3.or1in+! t'ic13'eaded! stolid ,eo,le! .'o stayed .'ere
t'ey .ere and ,aid 'ea4y ta9es! .'ile t'ose <Britons< .'o .ere le/t .ere inclined to be
4a+abondis'! +i,sy.anderin+! 'untin+ and /i+'tin+ ty,es o/ ,eo,le! .'o .ould ta1e
ser4ice easily .it' t'e Nor-ans. T'ey -ade +ood -ercenary soldiers! .'o li4ed 'ard
and li1ed /i+'tin+.
C'ristianity sat li+'tly u,on t'e Nor-ans. T'ey .ere ori+inally .'at in t'e East
are called <rice3C'ristians<. T'eir /at'ers 'ad recei4ed lands /ro- t'e Frenc' 1in+ to
1ee, ot'er ,irates a.ay! on t'e condition o/ acce,tin+ ba,tis-. Not so -any years a+o in
C'ina! Fen+ Hu (an+! t'e C'ristian +eneral! used to ba,tise 'is troo,s by ,layin+ 'oses
on t'e- as t'ey -arc'ed ,ast! and as C'arle-a+ne used to dri4e ,a+an tribes t'rou+'
ri4ers at s.ords ,oint! 'a4in+ a bis'o, blessin+ it 'i+'er u,. (uc' -ass3con4ersions are
a,t not to be 4ery sincere. But C'ristianity .as at t'at ti-e so-et'in+ to .'ic'! alt'ou+'
you -i+'t not belie4e it or e4en clearly understand it! you 'ad to con/or- i/ your ruler
.as a C'ristian con4ert! and to +i4e u, your ,a+an +ods and declare t'e- to be de4ils.
8ou could do t'at easily! by .ord o/ -out' at any rateI but t'e custo-s and belie/s o/
centuries are not altered so readily or so Luic1ly as t'is.
$illia- t'e ConLueror 'ad .isely ,roclai-ed t'at 'e .as t'e ruler o/ t'e C'urc'!
and 'e a,,ointed 'is o.n Bis'o,sI but as t'e C'urc' at Ro-e beca-e -ore ,o.er/ul it
insisted on a,,ointin+ non3En+lis' Bis'o,s to all o//ices o/ ,ro/it. T'is and ot'er -atters
caused so-e o/ t'e Nor-ans to ta1e notice o/ t'e older /ait'. For i/ it .as so di//icult and
e9,ensi4e to +et into t'e C'ristian Hea4en and to dod+e t'e C'ristian Hell! t'e .itc'esS
5aradise .as si-,le and ,leasantI but you 'ad to 1ee, your belie/
in it dar1. T'is! to t'e youn+er -en at least! .as easy and ro-antic. 8ou si-,ly .ent out
'untin+ .it' a /e. /ait'/ul retainers! and lost yoursel/ in t'e .oods /or a .'ile.
Doubtless all t'e Castle 1ne. .'ere you 'ad really been! but t'ey didnSt tell t'e (to1e
Ft'e (a9on 4illa+eG! or t'e ,riestI unless! as .as o/ten t'e case in t'e early days 'e 'ad
been t'ere 'i-sel/ ta1in+ ,art in t'e rites.
T'ere .ere se4eral .ars .'ic' troubled t'e countryside in ,laces! but ot'er.ise
t'in+s re-ained -uc' t'e sa-e until about t'e ti-e o/ Ed.ard I! .'o e9,elled t'e Je.s.
)ntil t'en t'e Je.s 'ad been a race a,art! .'o .ere -erc'ants! -oney3lenders! ta93
collectors and doctors! li4in+ c'ie/ly in t'e to.ns! -arryin+ usually a-on+ t'e-sel4es!
'ated but tolerated by t'e C'urc'! t'eir nu-bers 1e,t do.n by occasional -assacres.
$'en in+ Ed.ard banis'ed t'e- /ro- En+land lar+e nu-bers /ro- t'e bi+ to.ns le/t
t'e countryI t'ou+' nu-bers .ent to +round! into t'e outland districts beyond t'e la.I
t'at is! into t'e Britis' settle-ents! t'e .itc' districts. T'ese ,robably 'ad so-e
connections t'ere already. At least! it is a .itc' tradition t'at durin+ t'e Je.is' -assacres
t'ey 'ad al.ays +i4en t'e- s'elter .'en t'ey could! and it is /ro- t'ese Je.s t'at t'e
.itc'es +ot to 1no. o/ t'e Oabala'! and obtained -any o/ t'eir ideas o/ t'e Je.is'
-ystical and -a+ical traditions! u,on .'ic' -ost -ediae4al -a+ic .as /ounded.
Neit'er t'e .itc'es nor -ysel/ .is' to ar+ue as to t'e ri+'ts or .ron+s o/ .'at
t'e Je.is' Oabalists tau+'t. All I can say is t'at t'ere is a .itc' tradition t'at t'is
teac'in+ a-on+ ot'ers .as +i4en and belie4ed! na-ely t'at t'e ancient reli+ion o/ Israel
.as t'e .ors'i, o/ t'e Elo'i-! t'e (u,ernal Fat'er and t'e (u,ernal Mot'er! $'o 'ad
-ade -an in T'eir i-a+e! -ale and /e-ale FGenesis! C'a,. I! 4.A73A6G0 t'is -ystery .as
sy-bolised by t'e sacred T.in 5illars! Jac'in and BoaK! o/ (olo-onSs Te-,leI but a/ter
(olo-onSs ti-e .ic1ed ,riests arose .'o ,er4erted t'e true /ait'! and instead o/ t'e Gods
o/ Lo4e! ,reac'ed a solitary God o/ 'ate and 4en+eance. To +ain ,o.er and .ealt'! t'ese
,riests 'ad co--itted -any ,ious /or+eries o/ Holy $rit! and so led -en /ro- t'e trut'.
In t'is connection! I -ay Luote /ro- t'e Introduction to (. L. MacGre+or
Mat'ersS boo1! T'e abbala' )n4eiled. (,ea1in+ o/ t'e sy-bolis- o/ t'e (e,'irot'! t'e
Ten E-anations o/ Deity! 'e says0

A-on+ t'ese (e,'irot'! =ointly and se4erally! .e /ind t'e de4elo,-ent o/ t'e ,ersons and attributes o/
God. O/ t'ese so-e are -ale and so-e /e-ale. No.! /or so-e reason or ot'er best 1no.n to t'e-sel4es!
t'e translators o/ t'e Bible 'a4e care/ully cro.ded out o/ e9istence and s-ot'ered u, e4ery re/erence to t'e
/act t'at t'e Deity
is bot' -asculine and /e-inine. T'ey 'a4e translated a /e-inine ,lural by a -asculine sin+ular in t'e
case o/ t'e .ord Elo'i-. T'ey 'a4e! 'o.e4er! le/t an inad4ertent ad-ission o/ t'eir 1no.led+e t'at it
.as ,lural in Gen. %. 4.A7! <And Elo'i- said0 Let )s -a1e -an.< A+ain F4.ADG! 'o. could Ada- be
-ade in t'e i-a+e o/ t'e Elo'i-! -ale and /e-ale! unless t'e Elo'i- .ere -ale and /e-ale also. T'e
.ord Elo'i- is a ,lural /or-ed /ro- t'e /e-inine sin+ular ALH! Elo'! by addin+ IM to t'e .ord. But
inas-uc' as IM is usually t'e ter-ination o/ t'e -asculine ,lural! and is 'ere added to a /e-inine
noun! it +i4es to t'e .ord Elo'i- t'e sense o/ a /e-ale ,otency united to a -asculine idea! and t'ereby
ca,able o/ ,roducin+ an o//s,rin+. No.! .e 'ear -uc' o/ t'e Fat'er and t'e (on! but .e 'ear not'in+
o/ t'e Mot'er in t'e ordinary reli+ions o/ t'e day. But in t'e Oabala' .e /ind t'at t'e Ancient o/ Days
con/or-s Hi-sel/ si-ultaneously into t'e Fat'er and t'e Mot'er! and t'us be+ets t'e (on. No.! t'is
Mot'er is Elo'i-. A+ain! .e are usually told t'at t'e Holy (,irit is -asculine. But t'e .ord R@C'!
Roac'! (,irit! is /e-inine! as a,,ears /ro- t'e /ollo.in+ ,assa+e o/ t'e (e,'er 8etKira'0 SAC'T'
R@C' ALHIM C'IIM! Ac'at' F/e-inine! not Ac'ad! -asculineG Ruac' Elo'i- C'u-0 One is ('e t'e
(,irit o/ t'e Elo'i- o/ Li/e.<
As I 'a4e ,re4iously -entioned! t'e .itc'es .ere Luite .ell a//ected to.ards t'e
early Celtic C'ristians and t'e Culdees! t'e Druids .'o 'ad beco-e C'ristians! but .ere
not so .ell a//ected to.ards t'e (a9ons .'o 'ad in4aded t'e- or to.ards t'eir ty,e o/
C'ristianity! .'ic' deri4ed /ro- Ro-e and denounced .itc' rites .it' ,uritanical
/er4our. It is noticeable t'at soon a/ter t'e Oabalists be+an to -in+le .it' t'e- t'e
C'urc' be+an to ,ersecute t'e-. $'at see-s to 'a4e 'a,,ened is t'at t'e Je.s in 'idin+
disli1ed rou+'in+ it in t'e Britis' ty,e o/ 4illa+e! and slo.ly ca-e bac1 into t'e to.nsI
but t'ey dared not be 1no.n as Je.s. T'ey 'ad to ,retend to be +ood C'ristians! and t'ey
could not be -oneylenders any -ore. T'e C'urc'! t'e Te-,lars! and t'e Lo-bard
+olds-it's 'ad ta1en t'at lucrati4e =ob o4erI but t'ey could be doctors and <.ise -en<
+enerally! and -any o/ t'e- beca-e t'e ty,e .e t'in1 o/ as <.iKards<! ,ractitioners o/
cere-onial -a+ic! sellers o/ cures and c'ar-s! and ,ractised as astrolo+ers! and t'ere
.ere -any ,eo,le .'o .anted t'eir ser4ices.
Astrolo+y .as al.ays res,ectableI -any C'urc'-en ,ractised it! and t'e la.
ne4er bot'ered t'e-. T'e /unda-ental idea o/ astrolo+y is ens'rined in t'e /a-ous
,rece,t o/ Her-es Tris-e+istus! /ro- t'e (-ara+dine Tablet! <T'at .'ic' is belo. is
li1e t'at .'ic' is abo4e! and t'at .'ic' is abo4e is li1e t'at .'ic' is belo.! /or t'e
,er/or-ance o/ t'e -iracles o/ t'e one substance!< E4eryt'in+ .as considered to 'a4e its
astrolo+ical si+nature or rulers'i,! and to 1no. t'e astrolo+ical si+natures o/ 'erbs and o/
t'e ,arts o/ t'e 'u-an body .as an i-,ortant branc' o/ -ediae4al -edicine. T'e +reat
aut'ority /or early astrolo+ers .as Claudius 5tole-y FAnd century A.D.G. Cyril Fa+an! in
'is Todiacs Old and
Ne.! says! <5tole-ySs SGreat ConstructionS and SFour Boo1sS .ere translated into Arabic
and .it' t'e Mooris' in4asion .ere introduced into .estern Euro,e durin+ t'e Dar1
A+es. T'is .as ,robably .estern Euro,eSs /irst introduction to classical astrolo+y. Fro-
t'e Arabic t'e boo1s .ere rendered into Latin by t'e doctors o/ t'e c'urc'.<
$itc'es are inclined to s-ile at learned -a+icians! sayin+ t'at t'ey ne4er could do -uc'
.it'out a .itc' to 'el, t'e-I but t'ey do ac1no.led+e t'at in t'e terrible <burnin+
ti-es< -any .itc'es .ere s'eltered and ,rotected by -a+icians and astrolo+ers! and
,er'a,s t'is is all t'e -ore reason .'y t'ey ,ay attention to t'e teac'in+ o/ t'e Oabalists.
Astrolo+ical ideas /or- an inte+ral ,art o/ t'e Hebre. Oabala'.
)nder t'e (a9on 1in+s t'ere .ere la.s a+ainst -a+ic and .itc'cra/tI but t'e
,unis'-ent .as usually only by a /ine or by doin+ ,enance in c'urc'! and t'ere is no
record o/ it bein+ actually in/licted. T'e /irst trial recorded /or .itc'cra/t in En+land .as
in t'e tent' year o/ t'e rei+n o/ in+ Jo'n! .'en t'e .i/e o/ Odo t'e -erc'ant accused
one Gideon o/ be.itc'in+ 'er. Gideon .as tried by t'e ordeal o/ red3'ot iron! and
acLuitted. As t'e ordeal by red3'ot iron .as a serious t'in+! eit'er Gideon .as /a4oured
by t'e ,riests .'o conducted t'e ordeal! and .'o .ere said to 'a4e -et'ods o/
,rotectin+ t'eir /a4ourites /ro- t'e /ire! or else 'e .as able to .or1 Luite +ood -a+ic!
,ossibly o/ t'e sel/3'y,notic ty,e! /or recent e9,eri-ents at t'e )ni4ersity o/ Te9as 'a4e
been ,roducin+ re-ar1able results in t'e use o/ 'y,notis- /or t'e treat-ent and cure o/
$itc'cra/t continued to be an ecclesiastical cri-e only in En+land /or -any
years! and .as lar+ely -i9ed u, .it' c'ar+es o/ denyin+ t'e e9istence o/ de-oniacal
a+encyI /or t'e C'urc' said t'at denyin+ a ,ersonal de4il .as eLui4alent to a con/ession
o/ at'eis- and a denial o/ t'e Holy (cri,tures t'e-sel4es. In t'is .ay a +reat nu-ber o/
.itc'es .ere doubtless con4icted. T'ey .ere accused o/ /ollo.in+ or consortin+ .it'
<t'e /airies<! or Herne t'e Hunter! or Robin Hood! t'e De4il. To say 'e .as not t'e De4il
.as 'eresyI and -any ,eo,le .ere brou+'t to e9ecution on t'at account. T'at is! it .as
,ut to t'e-! <Do you belie4e Herne! or Robin! or t'e Oueen o/ El,'a-e! as t'e case
-i+'t 'e! is t'e De4ilH< I/ t'ey said <No<! it .as 'eresy. I/ t'ey said <8es <! t'ey .ere
con4icted o/ diabolis-. At /irst t'ey ,robably all denied t'at 'e or s'e .as t'e De4ilI but
t'en t'e ob4ious Luestion ca-e! < I/ t'ey are not t'e De4il! you -ust 1no. t'e- as a
-an or a .o-an. $'o are t'eyH Let t'e- be arrested and tortured<. 5robably -any
con/essed to dealin+s .it' t'e
De4il! so as not to +et so-eone else! a 'u-an leader o/ a co4en! into trouble.
T'e -ention o/ so ,o,ular a /i+ure o/ le+end as Robin Hood in t'is conte9t -ay
see- stran+e. Ho.e4er! 'e is one o/ t'e /or-s o/ t'e old +od o/ t'e .oods .'o ,resided
o4er t'e May +a-es. His na-e <Hood< ,robably -eans <Robin o/ t'e $oods<! as 'is
eLui4alent in France .as called <Robin des Bois<M
Most o/ t'e +eneral ,ublic 'ad at least a s're.d idea o/ .'ere to +o i/ one .anted
to +et -edicines t'at .or1ed! or a bit o/ ad4ice in ti-e o/ trouble! and t'e country /ol1
1ne. Luite .ell t'at dances and rites .ere 'eld at re+ular inter4als to brin+ +ood cro,s!
etc.! and .ere a.are .'o or+anised and too1 ,art in t'e-I and so occasional <,ur+es<
.ere carried out by t'e c'urc' aut'orities. (o-e .ill doubtless say t'at e4en i/ t'e
.itc'es did not 1no. t'ey .ere doin+ .ron+! t'ey 1ne. it as soon as t'e C'urc'
,roclai-ed .itc'cra/t to be 'eretical and sin/ulI but to t'e .itc'es it did not see- =ust
t'at t'ey s'ould be conde-ned /or doin+ .'at 'ad been done /or centuries and t'ou+'t
no ill o/I .'at! t'ey as1ed! .as .ron+ .it' t'e old custo-s! any.ayH And .as not t'e
C'urc' al.ays /orbiddin+ anyt'in+ niceH
I/ in En+land! as on t'e Continent! t'e ,ersecution 'ad been e4ery.'ere at t'e
sa-e ti-e! it -i+'t 'a4e see-ed di//erentI but t'ere .ould be a .ild /lare3u, o/
,ersecution in t'e do-ains o/ one lord! because 'e or 'is .i/e 'ad suddenly <+ot
reli+ion<! or because a ne. Bis'o, 'ad co-e to t'e district. FI say <ne. Bis'o,< because
it .as ,ossible t'at t'e old Bis'o, 'ad been a re+ular attendant at t'e (abbat! as t'e
Bis'o, o/ Co4entry .as accused o/ bein+ in %"C". T'e 5o,e accused 'i- Ouod diabolo
'or-a+iu- /ecerat! et eu- /uerit osculatus in ter+o. C'artier iii. ,.2#.G (o t'e ,ersecution
.ould /lare u, in one district! and so-e .itc'es .ould be cau+'t! .'ile ot'ers esca,ed!
across a ri4er ,er'a,s! or into anot'er lordSs lands.
(ir Matt'e. Hale F%7C&3%7D7G! in 'is History o/ t'e 5leas o/ t'e Cro.n! says!
<$itc'cra/t! (ortile+iu-! .as by t'e ancient la.s o/ En+land o/ ecclesiastical
co+niKance! and u,on con4iction t'ereo/! .it'out ab=uration! ,unis'able .it' deat' by
.rit de 'aeretico co-burendo.
$'at! incidentally! is t'is cri-e o/ 'eresy! t'at t'e early C'urc' ad=ud+ed to be so
terrible t'at it .arranted burnin+ ali4e t'e ,er,etrator o/ itH Accordin+ to Cob'a-
Bre.er FDictionary o/ 5'rase and FableG! <Heretic -eans Sone .'o c'oosesS! and S'eresyS
-eans si-,ly Sa c'oiceS. A 'eretic is one .'o c'ooses 'is o.n creed! and does not ado,t
t'e creed aut'orised by t'e national
M (ee C'a,. I@ o/ T'e Hero! by Lord Ra+lan.
c'urc'. FGree1 'airesis! c'oice.G< It is a curious sideli+'t u,on t'e e4olution o/ 'u-an
society t'at t'at .'ic' .as a ca,ital cri-e in t'e Middle A+es s'ould 'a4e beco-e one
o/ t'e -ost c'eris'ed and /unda-ental ri+'ts o/ -odern de-ocracy.
In En+land t'e .'ole ,o.er o/ t'e (tate .as not at /irst be'ind t'ese
,ersecutions. It .as a -atter /or indi4idual Bis'o,s and nobles. It too1 lon+er! but .as
none t'e less t'orou+'! because e4eryone 1ne. .'o /ollo.ed t'e Old Reli+ion. T'ey
.ere -ar1ed do.n and <liLuidated<. Alt'ou+' Bis'o,s occasionally burned .itc'es as
'eretics! t'e +eneral .ay o/ e9ter-ination in En+land .as by 'an+in+. Torture .as not
le+al! but .as used at ti-es and conditions o/ i-,rison-ent in t'ose days .ere o/ten
5ro,a+anda ,layed an i-,ortant ,art. It .as un/ortunate t'at t'e +od o/ t'e
.itc'es .ore a 'el-et .it' 'orns! because .'en t'e C'urc' be+an to ,roclai- t'e
doctrine o/ t'e de4il as GodSs ad4ersary t'ey -ade 'i- in t'e i-a+e o/ t'e Gree1 and
Ro-an +od 5an. T'ere .ere -any statues o/ 5an sur4i4in+! 'al/3-an! 'al/3+oat! .it'
'orns u,on 'is 'ead. T'e C'urc' said 4ery ,lausibly t'at t'e ,a+ans .ould not 'a4e
-ade suc' statues i/ t'ey 'ad no -odel to .or1 /ro-I t'ey 'ad 'ad -odels /or t'e ot'er
statues t'ey -ade! -en! .o-en and ani-als! so t'ere -ust be real creatures li1e t'is! and
t'ey -ust be de4ils! and 'a4e a (u,re-e Lord o/ E4il as t'eir c'ie/.
5ublic o,inion can only be -ade to acce,t 'an+in+s! burnin+s and torturin+s! as
ri+'teous i/ it is turned a+ainst t'ose .'o are to be t'e 4icti-sI and one o/ t'e surest
.ays in .'ic' t'is can 'a,,en is /or ,eo,le to beco-e so t'orou+'ly /ri+'tened t'at t'ey
lose t'eir 'eads and t'eir sense o/ ,ro,ortion. Hence t'e ascribin+ to .itc'es and ot'er
'eretics o/ e4ery cri-e! ,ossible and i-,ossible! t'at t'e 'u-an -ind can concei4e! until
t'ey are re,resented as bein+ co'orts o/ (atan on eart'. Hu-an society! i-,elled by t'ese
ideas! beca-e a tra+ic battle+roundI and ,er'a,s t'e -ost ,iti/ul as,ect o/ t'is ci4il .ar
o/ 'u-anity .as t'at it .as so-eti-es .a+ed by -en o/ +ood3.ill and +ood /ait'! yet
-en so dar1ly -isled t'at t'ey 'onestly t'ou+'t t'e ,yre and t'e +allo.s a triu-,' /or
C'rist and His Cross. T'at is surely one o/ t'e saddest t'in+s o/ all.
I 'a4e said t'at t'ere .ere no se4ere ci4il la.s a+ainst .itc'cra/t in early
En+land! and .'en Gideon .as tried 'e .as acLuitted by t'e ordeal o/ red3'ot ironI but
t'is si-,ly -eans t'ere .ere no records! or at least none 'a4e sur4i4ed! o/ trials in t'e
Bis'o,Ss Courts! .it' t'e curious e9ce,tion o/ t'at by a cler1 o/ t'e Bis'o, o/ Ossory!
Ric'ard Ledrede! in Ireland! .'o it see-s noted do.n so-e o/ t'e Bis'o,Ss son+s Fso-e
o/ t'e-
rat'er curious /or a Bis'o,0 <Haro! =e suis tra'i! ,ar /ol a-our de /ausse a-ie< runs one
o/ t'e-G. and included so-e notes on t'e case o/ Da-e Alice yteler o/ il1enny! in
%"A2. ('e 'ad been -arried /our ti-es! 'er /irst 'usband bein+ t'e brot'er o/ Ro+er
Outla.! .'o .as Head o/ t'e Order o/ t'e ni+'ts o/ (t. Jo'n in Ireland! and Lord
C'ancellor o/ Ireland. It .as to enric' 'is ne,'e.. 'er son! t'at s'e .as said to 'a4e
.rou+'t s,ells .it' t'e aid o/ a <De4il<! Robin Filius Artis! or Artisson! .'o is described
as <Aet'io,is<! <a ne+ro<. and .it' 'i- s'e did <dirty .or1 at t'e crossroads<. Allo.in+
/or e9a++eration! t'ere see-s not -uc' doubt t'at s'e did atte-,t to brin+ 'er son luc1!
es,ecially as one o/ t'e c'ar-s s'e is said to 'a4e used t'at o/ <s.ee,in+ dust in.ards<!
is still used in t'e Isle o/ Man. Robin is also said to 'a4e a,,eared at ti-es as <a blac1
s'a++y do+<! li1e t'e s,ectral Mo++y D'oo! .'ic' is still said to roa- about in Man.
FMay one .onder! not too seriously! i/ our Man9 Mo++y D'oo is t'e ori+inator o/ t'e
<s'a++y do+ story<HG
None o/ t'ese -atters .ere cri-es by t'e ci4il la.I but t'e Bis'o, Luoted Bulls
a+ainst sorcery ,ro-ul+ated by 5o,e Jo'n EEII. T'e Bis'o, .as actually i-,risoned /or
-a1in+ a /alse caseI but t'e =ailer .as a/raid o/ t'e Bis'o,! and co-,laints .ere -ade
t'at 'is =ail .as <-ore li1e a ball o/ /eastin+< F.'ere t'e Bis'o, doubtless san+ 'is
son+sG. $'ile in =ail 'e e9co--unicated 'is o,,onents. and ,laced t'e .'ole diocese
under interdict! .'ic' brou+'t t'e Arc'bis'o, o/ Dublin out a+ainst 'i- /or i-,osin+ an
interdict .it'out due enLuiry. He le/t 'is easy =ail in a +rand ,rocession! and attac1ed
Lady Alice and 'er son a+ain. T'e Arc'bis'o, o/ Dublin and t'e in+Ss Justiciar
su--oned 'i- to DublinI but 'e re/used to +o! and set u, a court o/ 'is o.n at il1enny!
.'ere 'e su--oned Lord Arnold de la 5oore! t'e in+Ss (enesc'al! .'o re/used to
attend. But t'e Arc'bis'o, o/ Dublin too1 'is side o4er t'e Luestion o/ 'is <=oyous
i-,rison-ent<! and 'ad a nu-ber o/ ,eo,le arrested! t'ou+' not Da-e Mice and 'er son.
But e4entually $illia- Outla.! t'e son! .as ta1en and tried at il1enny be/ore t'e
C'ancellor! t'e Lord Treasurer and ot'ers! .'en a 4erdict .as arran+ed t'at 'e s'ould
'ear t'ree Masses a day /or a year! -aintainin+ a certain nu-ber o/ t'e ,oor! and ,ay /or
re,airs to t'e Cat'edral c'oir.
Da-e Alice .ent to En+land .'ere s'e .as sa/e. T'e Bis'o, t'en attac1ed Ro+er
Outla. /or disloyalty! .'o a,,ealed to t'e in+Ss Council. T'ey de,uted a nu-ber o/
'i+' ecclesiastics to enLuire into t'e case! .'o unani-ously /ound 'i- to be <loyal arid
u,ri+'t! Kealous in t'e /ait'! and ready to die /or it<. Mean.'ile! t'e Bis'o, seiKed a
nu-ber o/ lesser /ry .'o .ere said to
'a4e belon+ed to Da-e AliceSs co4en! /lo++ed! tortured and burned ali4e 5etronilla de
Meat' and ot'ers! and +ot a.ay .it' it. I/ 'is cler1 'ad not .ritten do.n t'e son+s t'e
Bis'o, -ade! it is unli1ely t'at t'is curious .itc' trial .ould e4er 'a4e been recorded. It
is interestin+ t'at t'e ,eo,le concerned .ere all +reat nobles! /ro- En+land as .ell as
Ireland! and all o/ t'e- .ere on t'e side o/ t'e .itc'es .it' t'e e9ce,tion o/ t'e Bis'o,!
.'o 'ad t'e 'al/3'earted su,,ort o/ t'e Arc'bis'o,.
I/ all t'is could +o on .it'out any record e9ce,t t'e notes o/ a cler1 .ritin+ do.n
son+s Fand t'is .as an outstandin+ case .'ic' lasted /or years! in4ol4in+ -any o/ t'e
+reat ones o/ t'e real-G! t'en it is e4ident t'at Bis'o,s could and did do .'ate4er t'ey
li1ed in t'eir o.n dioceses! .it'out any record bein+ 1e,t! at any rate none .'ic'
sur4i4ed t'e dissolution o/ t'e -onasteries.
T'e .itc'es 'a4e 4a+ue stories o/ t'e <burnin+ ti-e<! .'ic' see-s to 'a4e started
about %"CC! .it' ,ersecutions s,rin+in+ u, and dyin+ do.n till about t'e ti-e o/ Henry
@IIII but t'e ,ersecution .as 1e,t u, by a s,ate o/ ,ro,a+anda! until it .as /ir-ly /i9ed
in t'e ,ublic -ind t'at .itc'es 'ad co--erce .it' t'e de4il! t'at t'ey raised stor-s at
sea! caused abortions! and in /act .ere t'e aut'ors o/ ,ractically e4ery e4il t'at a//licts
t'e 'u-an race. E4en a -odern aut'or! 5ennet'orne Hu+'es! declared recently in 'is
boo1 $itc'cra/t0
$itc'es cast s,ellsI t'ey raised 'a4ocI t'ey ,oisonedI t'ey aborted cattle and in'ibited 'u-an
bein+sI t'ey ser4ed t'e De4il! ,arodied C'ristian ,ractices! allied t'e-sel4es .it' t'e in+Ss ene-ies.
T'ey co,ulated .it' ot'er .itc'es in -ale or /e-ale /or-! .'o- t'ey too1 to be incubi or succubiI t'ey
co--itted abuses .it' do-estic ani-als. More! t'ey did t'ese t'in+s consciously! in t'e belie/ t'at t'ey
ser4ed a diabolic -aster and c'allen+ed Hea4en. T'eir -oti4es .ere con/used! t'eir i-,ulses .ere
be-used! and t'eir ,roceedin+s .ere -ore and -ore re-ote /ro- any co--on ori+inal ,ractice. 8et t'ey
did t'e-! and t'e reasons /or .'at t'ey did lie in t'e earliest reli+ions and belie/s Beside t'ese .itc'es!
t'ousands o/ tec'nically innocent ,eo,le died as t'e result o/ -ass 'ysteria and ,ious /ear.
$illia- Te-,le! t'e t'en Arc'bis'o, o/ Canterbury! .rote in %&"#! <('el4e t'e
res,onsibility /or 'u-an e4il on (atan i/ you .illI ,ersonally! I belie4e 'e e9ists! and t'at
a lar+e s'are o/ t'e res,onsibility belon+s to 'i- and to subordinate e4il s,irits.<
$it' ,eo,le no.adays belie4in+ t'in+s li1e t'is! it is easy to understand 'o.
.'en Henry @III re,ealed any la.s t'ere .ere a+ainst .itc'cra/t! t'e .itc'es t'ou+'t
t'at at last t'e .orld .as beco-in+ a little saner! t'e /ierce re/or-ers! /res' /ro- Gene4a
.'ere Cal4in .as busy burnin+ .itc'es Fand .'oe4er it .as .'o -ade a .a9 i-a+e o/
Oueen EliKabet' I and stuc1 ,ins in it in LincolnSs Inn FieldsG! induced t'at Lueen to ,ass
a la. a+ainst
-a+ic and .itc'cra/t a+ain t'ou+' t'e only ,enalty .as t'e ,illory. Her Cat'olic cousin!
Mary Oueen o/ (cots! -ade t'e (cottis' la. o/ burnin+ /or all .itc'es and t'ose .'o
consulted t'e-. Her son! Ja-es @I o/ (cotland! a/ter.ards Ja-es I o/ En+land! burned
.itc'es .it' Kest! and brou+'t in t'e deat' ,enalty in En+landI but 'e could not +et t'e
En+lis' to allo. burnin+. Torture! too! .as le+al in (cotland! but not in En+land.
T'e 5uritans in En+land too1 u, t'e ,ersecutions and 'an+in+s .it' 4i+our.
Matt'e. Ho,1ins! t'e notorious <$itc'3/inder General<! and ot'ers .'o i-itated 'i-!
-ade lar+e a-ounts o/ -oney out o/ it. For instance! it is on record t'at 'e recei4ed UA6
Os. "d. /ro- (to.-ar1et! .'ere t'e ,eo,le! ba-booKled into t'in1in+ t'at 'e ,ossessed
a co--ission /ro- 5arlia-ent! actually le4ied a rate to ,ay t'is c'arlatan and 'is retinue.
T'is re,resents! at ,resent3day 4alues! a considerable su-. Anot'er o/ 'is -oney3-a1in+
sc'e-es is s'o.n by Matt'e. Ho,1insS <talis-an a+ainst .itc'cra/t< t'at .e 'a4e 'ere
in t'is -useu-. Ho,1ins sold t'ese talis-ans as a ,reser4ati4e a+ainst .itc'cra/t! as1in+
a 'andso-e ,rice. I/ any re/used to buy! t'ey ran t'e ris1 o/ bein+ denounced as
</a4ourin+ .itc'cra/t.<
By in+enious -et'ods 'e de4ised -eans o/ torturin+ ,risoners and yet re-ainin+
tec'nically .it'in t'e la.. Ho.e4er! ,eo,le .ere ceasin+ to be as credulous as t'ey
/or-erly .ereI and a nu-ber o/ +entle-en! notably t'e @icar o/ Great (tau+'ton! Jo'n
Gaule! ,rotested a+ainst 'is acti4ities. Ho,1ins see-s to 'a4e co-e! in /act! to a rat'er
-ysterious end. He started 'is .itc'3/indin+ career in %722I and by %726 'e .as dead.
His ,artner! is a tradition! noted in (a-uel ButlerSs conte-,orary ,oe-! Jo'n (tearne!
stated t'at Ho,1ins died o/ a consu-,tionI but t'ere <Hudibras<! t'at so-e .'o .ere
indi+nant at 'is cruelties +ot to+et'er and /orcibly sub=ected 'i- to one o/ 'is o.n tests!
na-ely by s.i--in+ 'i- in a ,ond .it' 'is 'ands and /eet /astened to+et'er cross.ise
Ft'e ri+'t 'and to t'e le/t /oot! and 4ice 4ersaGI t'e idea bein+ t'at i/ t'e ,erson san1! 'e
.as innocent! but i/ 'e /loated 'e .as a .itc'! and conseLuently 'an+ed. One story +oes
t'at Ho,1ins /loated! so ,ro4in+ 'i-sel/ a .itc'! and +ot a se4ere c'ill /ro- .'ic' 'e
soon died. Certain it is t'at 'is career .as so-e'o. cut s'ort. Not! 'o.e4er! be/ore 'e
'ad created a -inor rei+n o/ terror in East An+lia! and 'ad been t'e instru-ent o/ 4ery
-any deat's.
Not be/ore %D"# .ere t'e ,enal la.s a+ainst .itc'cra/t re,ealedI and not until
%&#% .as t'e last $itc'cra/t Act s.e,t /ro- t'e (tatute Boo1. $it' all t'is 'istory o/
,ersecution! can anyone .onder t'at -e-bers o/ t'e .itc' cult are not ,articularly /ond
o/ t'e ort'odo9 C'urc'! or t'at t'ey distrust a /ait' .'ic' can ta1e t'e teac'in+ o/ its
Master! .'o ne4er ,ersecuted anyone! and turn t'e- into a /renKy o/ torture and 'orrorH
Ho. -any ,eris'ed in t'e .itc'3-ania t'rou+'out $estern Euro,e! in t'e .'ole o/ its
lon+ course! .ill ,robably ne4er be 1no.nI t'ey are esti-ated to nu-ber nine -illions.
E4en t'ou+' all la.s on t'e sub=ect 'a4e no. been re,ealed! t'is re,eal 'as been
recei4ed in so-e Luarters .it' re+retI and t'ere are still atte-,ts to .'i, u, ,ersecution
by +ettin+ sensational scare3stories ,rinted! endorsed by c'urc'-en .'o issue sole-n
.arnin+s about S blac1 -a+ic< and <de4il3.ors'i,<. Can anyone be sur,rised t'at
ad'erents o/ t'is ancient cult ,re/er +enerally not to be 1no.nH 8et ,eo,le are annoyed
.'en % re/use to +i4e t'e- t'e na-es and addresses o/ ,ersons .'o- I 1no. to be
.itc'es! or to ta1e t'e- to .'ere t'ey can .atc' a .itc' -eetin+ unobser4ed>
$'at does a .itc' +et out o/ .itc'cra/tH For one t'in+! s'e 'as t'e satis/action o/
1no.in+ t'at s'e is ser4in+ an ancient creed .'ic' s'e belie4es to be true. No.adays!
-any ,eo,le 'a4e only t'e si-,le ,leasure o/ bein+ t'e-sel4es and /ollo.in+ t'ose
t'in+s in .'ic' t'ey are interested! a-on+ /riends .'o understand t'e-. To so-e t'ere
is t'e /un o/ belon+in+ to a sort o/ secret society. T'is is a 'ar-less ty,e o/ a-use-ent!
realised by -any or+anisations! suc' as t'at o/ Free-asonry. But in .itc'cra/t t'ere -ay
be -ore. i/ you 'a4e any ,o.er! you are a-on+ ,eo,le .'o .ill teac' you 'o. to use it.
As one .itc' said to a re,orter! <$'at do I +et out o/ itH I +et a li/e t'at 'olds in/inite
,ossibilities! and is entirely satis/yin+ to -e on all ,lanes o/ consciousness. I 'a4e ,o.er
to -o4e in ot'er di-ensions and real-s o/ bein+. I 'a4e co--unication .it' entities o/
di//erent li/e /or-s! and by t'e de4elo,-ent o/ ne. and -a+ic +i/ts .it'in -ysel/ I 'a4e
certain ,o.ers o/ e9tra3sensory ,erce,tion. I 'a4e 1no.led+e! and t'e ability to brin+
about anyt'in+ I really .ant in -y o.n li/e. I e9,erience /or-s o/ ,leasures .'ose 4ery
e9istence is un1no.n to t'e -a=ority o/ ,eo,le. I 'a4e conLuered /ear. I 'a4e learned o/
t'e ordered ,attern be'ind a,,arently unrelated t'in+s.<
Anot'er .o-an! a con4ert to .itc'cra/t! told -e! <$'en I .as a little +irl I used
to be terri/ied o/ t'e dar1 and o/ bein+ alone! because I o/ten 'ad t'e sensation o/ unseen
,resences around -e. $e .ere ne4er encoura+ed to try to understand t'e s,irit .orld.
S(,iritsS .ere eit'er banned alto+et'er as a sub=ect o/ con4ersation! or re+arded .it' terror
as e4il. (ince I 'a4e studied t'ese t'in+s! 'o.e4er! I 'a4e lost t'is /ear. No. I understand
t'at =ust because an entity is not incarnate in /les' it is not necessarily
e4il! but t'at s,irits are =ust li1e 'u-an bein+s in t'is res,ectI so-e are desirable
co-,anions and so-e are not. I 1no. no. 'o. to deal .it' t'e SundesirablesS! so I no
lon+er dread t'e-. T'is is one o/ t'e t'in+s t'at .itc'cra/t 'as done /or -e.<
Here is .'at t.o .itc'es 'a4e said about t'eir belie/s. $'en one is studyin+ any belie/
or reli+ion! an 'onest sc'olar as1s t'e ,eo,le concerned .'at t'ey belie4e! or 'e reads
.'at t'ey t'e-sel4es say about t'eir belie/s. Anyone .'o .rote about t'e Ro-an
Cat'olic reli+ion! usin+ only t'e .or1s o/ t'e early 5rotestant re/or-ers! or .'o .rote
about t'e sa-e 5rotestant re/or-ers usin+ only .'at Ro-an Cat'olic .riters 'a4e said
about t'e 5rotestants! .ould not be considered a serious criticI anyone searc'in+ /or /acts
about conte-,orary li/e in En+land .'o only read t'e Co--unist ne.s,a,ers o/ t'is and
ot'er countries .ould be a,t to /or- distorted 4ie.s. 8et it is a curious /act t'at until Dr.
Mar+aret Murray in4esti+ated .itc'cra/t about t'irty years a+o in 'er t.o -onu-ental
.or1s. T'e $itc' Cult in $estern Euro,e and T'e God o/ t'e $itc'es! no .riters e4er
see- to 'a4e t'ou+'t! <T'e C'urc' says t'at .itc'es call u, t'e de4il! and /ly t'rou+'
t'e air on broo-stic1s! and +i4es as ,roo/ t'e /act t'at ,eo,le 'a4e been tortured until
t'ey con/essed t'is! and t'at t'ey caused stor-s and did all ot'er sorts o/ e4il. No.! I
F.'oe4er t'e .riter -ay 'a4e beenG do not belie4e in t'e de4il! and I donSt belie4e t'at
anyone can /ly on a broo-stic1I yet I a- ,re,ared to belie4e all t'e rest o/ .'at t'ey
.ere -ade to say under torture! and ne4er try any /urt'er to disco4er .'at is t'e trut' o/
t'e -atter.< Is t'is a lo+ical or sc'olarly ,oint o/ 4ie. to ta1eH
At t'e ti-e t'ese aut'ors .ere .ritin+ it .ould 'a4e been easy to in4esti+ate. (ince
t'en t.o .ars! and c'an+in+ social conditions! 'a4e disru,ted t'e .'ole countryside.
Only /ra+-ents o/ t'e old traditions re-ain. Here are so-e 4erses a -e-ber o/ t'e cult
.rote a .'ile a+o0
O Moon t'at ridSst t'e ni+'t to .a1e!
Be/ore t'e da.n is ,ale!
T'e 'a-adryad in t'e bra1e!
T'e satyr in t'e 4ale!
Cau+'t in t'y net o/ s'ado.s
$'at drea-s 'ast t'ou to s'o.H
$'o treads t'e silent -eado.s
To .ors'i, t'ee belo.H
T'e ,atter o/ t'e rain is 'us'ed!
T'e .indSs .ild dance is done!
Cloud3-ountains ruby3red .ere /lus'ed
About t'e settin+ sunI
And no. beneat' t'ine ar+ent bea-
T'e .ild.ood standet' still!
(o-e s,irit o/ an ancient drea-
Breat'es /ro- t'e silent 'ill.
$itc'3Goddess Moon! t'y s,ell in4o1es
T'e Ancient Ones o/ ni+'t.
Once -ore t'e old stone altar s-o1es!
T'e /ire is +li--erin+ bri+'t.
(cattered and /e. t'y c'ildren be!
8et +at'er .e un1no.n
To dance t'e old round -errily
About t'e ti-e.orn stone.
$e as1 no Hea4en! .e /ear no Hell!
Nor -ourn our outcast lot!
Treadin+ t'e -aKes o/ a s,ell
By ,riests and -en /or+ot.
C'a,ter III.
I HA@E endea4oured to tell as -uc' as I can o/ .'at .itc'es 1no. and belie4e about
t'e-sel4es and t'eir 'istory. No. I a- +oin+ to discuss t'e ,robable ori+ins o/ t'e cult!
and to do t'is I s'all try to s'o. t'e 4arious in/luences .'ic' -ay 'a4e been brou+'t to
bear u,on it in Britain. I 'o,e t'is -ay encoura+e ot'ers to in4esti+ate alon+ si-ilar lines
in t'is and ot'er countries.
$'en you be+in to e9a-ine t'e ori+in o/ .itc'cra/t! it is li1e e9ca4atin+ one o/
t'ose ,re'istoric ca4es in France .'ic' are still occu,ied. A /e. inc'es do.n you /ind a
co,,er coin o/ Na,oleonI a /e. inc'es /urt'er you /ind t'ose o/ 4arious Frenc' 1in+s!
t'en -ediae4al ,otteryI a little lo.er Gallo3Ro-an re-ains and t'ose o/ t'e BronKe A+e!
t'en beauti/ully ,olis'ed stone a9es o/ t'e Ne. (tone A+eI t'en rou+'er and -ore
,ri-iti4e .or1 o/ t'e Old (tone A+eI and t'ese all ser4e to /or- t'e /loor o/ t'is
d.ellin+! as t'e ,eo,le .'o -ade t'e- .ere t'e ancestors o/ t'e ,eo,le .'o li4e t'ere
to3day. (o .'ile I belie4e t'at .e /ind t'e ori+in o/ .itc'cra/t in t'e ,ri-iti4e 'untin+
-a+ic o/ t'e Old (tone A+e ,eo,le! one -ust try to see .'at di//erent ty,es o/ ,eo,le
'a4e in/luenced it t'rou+' t'e a+es.
E4eryone 'as 'eard o/ t'e ca4e ,aintin+s o/ France and (,ain! but not so .ell
1no.n is t'e car4in+ on a bone /ound in t'e 5in Hole Ca4e in 8or1s'ire! under si9 inc'es
o/ stala+-ite! s'o.in+ a dancin+ -an .earin+ an ani-al -as1. Incidentally! t'e 5in Hole
Ca4e is so called because it contained a dee, 'ole into .'ic' t'e country ,eo,le used to
dro, ,ins to +ain t'eir .is'esI anot'er instance o/ t'e .ay in .'ic' a -a+ical tradition
can lin+er about a ,lace t'rou+'out t'e centuries.
In 4arious ca4es in France and (,ain! o/ten 'al/ a -ile or -ore /ro- t'e entrance! in
,re'istoric ti-es circles 'a4e been -ade by ,uttin+ stones to+et'er! /ires 'a4e been
li+'ted inside! and ,ictures o/ ani-als ,ainted on /lat stones are care/ully ,laced /ace3
do.n.ards inside t'e-. Here it is ob4ious t'at -a+ical rites 'a4e been ,er/or-ed inside
t'e circles to a//ect t'e ani-als de,icted u,on t'e stones! .'ic' 'a4e t'en been ,laced
/ace3do.n.ards to ,re4ent t'e ,o.er raised bein+ dissi,ated. In ot'er ,laces clay /i+ures
o/ ani-als .ere /ound! .'ic' 'ad been ,ierced .it' s,ears. $'en
t'ey .ere /irst disco4ered! arc'aeolo+ists .ere ,uKKled as to t'eir -eanin+I but t'e local
,easants said! <ItSs =ust 'untin+3-a+ic. $e do t'at e4ery year .'en .e .ant to 1ill
.ol4es. T'eySre cle4erI you -ust +ain ,o.er o4er t'e- /irst! or t'ey .ill +et a.ay.< T'e
researc'es o/ t'e Abbe Breuil and ot'ers s'o. t'at t'e -a=ority! i/ not all! o/ t'ese old
ca4e ,aintin+s .ere used /or -a+ic! and t'at ori+inally t'e i-a+e or ,aintin+ .as done
es,ecially /or t'e o,eration desired. T'e intense concentration necessary .as obtained by
,aintin+ t'e ,icture. At a later date! a,,arently! t'ey 'ad disco4ered ot'er -et'ods o/
inducin+ t'e concentration necessary! and t'ey o/ten used t'e sa-e ,icture o4er a+ain!
only retouc'in+ it a little 'ere and t'ere.
Bein+ an ant'ro,olo+ist! I a- concerned .it' .'at ,eo,le belie4e and .'at t'ey
do because o/ t'ese belie/s. $'en I /irst be+an to .rite about .itc'cra/t I realised t'at it
see-ed to be a (tone A+e cult .'ic' be+an by ,ractisin+ 'untin+ -a+ic! and 'ad /ound
t'at t'e -a+ic .'ic' .ould a//ect ani-als could be used to a//ect 'u-an bein+s! and to
atte-,t to cause e4ents to occur. I realised t'at t'e ,ractice o/ -a+ic 'ad beco-e a cult!
.'ic' later +re. into a reli+ion! and t'at ob4iously at so-e later ti-e /orei+n or e9otic
ideas 'ad been introduced into t'e ori+inal si-,le /ol13-a+icI but I t'ou+'t t'at t'ese
ideas 'ad only co-e in at a co-,arati4ely late date! 4ia t'e Gree1 and Ro-an Mysteries.
T'at is still t'e si-,lest e9,lanationI yet in real li/e one /inds t'at see-in+ly si-,le ideas
are a,t to ,ro4e co-,licated on e9a-ination. For instance! -any ,eo,le say! <T'ere .as
no real reli+ion in t'e .orld until Moses led t'e C'ildren o/ Israel out o/ E+y,t and set
t'e- .ors'i,,in+ t'e One True God in t'e 5ro-ised Land! and e4en t'en t'ey .ere only
Je.s till C'rist ca-e on eart'. All ot'er reli+ions .erenSt real reli+ionsI t'ey .ere =ust
idolatry.< But on in4esti+ation you /ind t'at t'ere .ere 4ery -any .ell de4elo,ed
reli+ions be/ore t'e ti-e o/ Moses! and t'at -any o/ t'e ideas o/ C'rist 'ad been
e9,ressed by Budd'a nearly /i4e 'undred years be/ore.
As an ant'ro,olo+ist! I a- accusto-ed to tal1 to ,eo,le and try to /ind out .'at
t'ey belie4e on certain ,oints! at t'e sa-e ti-e atte-,tin+ to a4oid t'e tra, o/ readin+
into t'eir ans.ers -y o.n ,reconcei4ed o,inions. T'ere are -any ,eo,le better
eLui,,ed t'an I a- /or t'is .or1 o/ in4esti+atin+ t'e .itc' cultI but as /ar as I 1no. no
one is doin+ it! and it s'ould be done Luic1ly be/ore any -ore o/ t'e old 1no.led+e is
lost. I 'a4e t'is ad4anta+e! t'at 'a4in+ been initiated into a Britis' .itc' co4en I a- in a
,osition to tal1 to ,eo,le .'o are initiated .itc'es! and as1 t'e- .'at t'ey belie4e! and
t'ey can trust -e not to .rite do.n t'in+s
.'ic' t'ey do not .is' to be 1no.nI because .itc'es 'a4e a /ir-ly3rooted belie/ in t'eir
o.n ,o.ers! and t'e dan+er o/ t'ese bein+ -isused i/ uninitiated ,eo,le learn t'eir
-et'ods. Also! t'ey re4erence t'eir +ods! and do not .is' t'eir na-es to be 1no.n! or
bandied about and -oc1ed. In /act! t'ey o/ all ,eo,le 1ee, t'e co--and-ent! <T'ou
s'alt not ta1e t'e na-e o/ t'y God in 4ain.< In in4esti+atin+ t'e .itc' cult I can only
s,ea1 o/ Britis' .itc'es! because t'ey are t'e only ones I 1no. .ell enou+' and .'o
trust -e enou+' to tell -e real t'in+s about t'e-sel4es. Also! I t'in1 t'e sa-e causes
.'ic' 'a4e a//ected Britis' .itc'es .ould 'a4e a//ected t'ose o/ -ost ot'er Euro,ean
At /irst I t'ou+'t it .as =ust a -atter o/ 1no.in+ .'at .itc'es did and belie4ed!
and t'en seein+ .'at race or tribe did and belie4ed t'e sa-e. But .'en I be+an to loo1
closer! I /ound t'at so -any ,eo,le did and belie4ed -uc'! or all! t'at t'e .itc'es did.
(o-e could be only coincidencesI but t'ere .ere too -any o/ t'e-! and I 1ne. t'at
<Coincidence 1illed t'e 5ro/essor<I so I 1e,t on until I be+an to t'in1 I sa. a certain
,attern s'a,in+. 5eo,le did t'in+s and belie4ed t'in+s because t'ey .ere t'e natural
t'in+s to do and belie4e! and t'at -eant t'at t'ese t'in+s .ere ,robably true.
As ele,'ant 'erds are led by an e4il3te-,ered /e-ale! so early tribes o/ 'unters
.ere led by a -atriarc'I t'at is! t'e stron+est and stron+est3-inded .o-an ruled t'e
tribe! and t'e -en. T'e -atriarc' and 'er dau+'ters sat at 'o-e and +o4erned t'e tribe
because it .as 'er -a+ic .'ic' -ade t'e tribe. ('e -ade t'e babies. T'ere are ,ri-iti4e
tribes .'ic' 'a4e retained si-ilar conce,ts to t'is day. Earl Russell! co--entin+ on
Malino.s1iSs .or1! T'e (e9ual Li/e o/ (a4a+es in Nort'3$est Melanesia! ,oints out t'at
t'ere is no .ord /or </at'er< in t'e Trobriand lan+ua+e because no suc' conce,t e9ists.
C'arles (elt-an! in 'is boo1! $o-en in AntiLuity F5an Boo1s! %&#7G! says o/ t'is0
<Missionaries could not +et alon+ .it'out suc' an idea and na-e! and t'ey .ere /orced
to teac' t'e Islanders t'e /acts o/ ,rocreation! .'ic' t'ese 'a,,y ,eo,le dis-issed
lau+'in+ly as ,lain nonsense.< $'en ,er'a,s so-e 4i+orous 'unter! .'o li1ed
e9,eri-entin+! disco4ered t'at t'e -atriarc'Ss story t'at s'e -ade babies .it' t'e aid o/
a +ooseberry bus'! or 'er o.n -a+ic! or .'ate4er s'e old t'e-! .as not Luite true. He
sa. t'at t'ere .ere too -any coincidences! and t'at t'ese coincidences ,roduced babies!
and it struc1 'i- t'at 'e .as t'e coincidence! and t'at t'e tribe could de,end on 'i-. T'e
youn+er .o-en .ere c'ar-ed at t'is disco4ery! and be be+an to t'ro. 'is .ei+'t about
and to t'in1 .'at
a /ine /ello. 'e .as. Ho.e4er! it .as still a lon+ ti-e be/ore t'e rule o/ t'e old -atriarc'
+a4e .ay to ,atriarc'yI t'at t'e understandin+ o/ t'e /acts o/ ,rocreation brou+'t into
,ro-inence t'e -ale! ,'allic deity as <O,ener o/ t'e Door o/ Li/e.< T'e Great Mot'er
acLuired a ,artnerI but 'e .as not yet 'er lord.
Bet.een t'e idea o/ t'e youn+ .o-an 'e lo4ed and t'e old .o-an 'e /eared!
-an /ound a +oddess to .ors'i,! .'o lo4ed 'i- and ,rotected 'i-! and at ti-es
,unis'ed 'i-. T'ose -odern ,syc'olo+ists .'o belon+ to t'e sc'ool o/ C. G. Jun+ tell us
t'at buried dee, in .'at t'ey call t'e collecti4e unconscious o/ 'u-anity are certain
,ri-ordial conce,ts .'ic' Jun+ calls <arc'ety,es<. He de/ines t'ese as <in'erited
,redis,ositions to reaction<! and as <,er'a,s co-,arable to t'e a9ial syste- o/ a crystal!
.'ic' ,redeter-ines! as it .ere! t'e crystalline /or-ation in t'e saturated solution!
.it'out itsel/ ,ossessin+ a -aterial e9istence.< $e -i+'t call t'e- <,ri-ordial i-a+es<.
Jun+ de/ines t.o o/ t'e -ost ,otent o/ t'ese arc'ety,es .'ic' d.ell in t'e -ysterious
de,t's o/ t'e unconscious -ind o/ -an as <T'e Great Mot'er< and <T'e Old $ise Man<!
and =ud+in+ /ro- t'e descri,tion o/ t'e- +i4en in 'is .or1s t'ey are undoubtedly
identical .it' t'e +oddess and +od o/ t'e .itc' cult. Dr. Jolan Jacobi! in T'e 5syc'olo+y
o/ C. G. Jun+! says! <T'ey are .ell 1no.n /ro- t'e .orld o/ t'e ,ri-iti4es and /ro-
-yt'olo+y in t'eir +ood and e4il! li+'t and dar1 as,ects! bein+ re,resented as -a+ician!
,ro,'et! -a+e! ,ilot o/ t'e dead! leader! or as +oddess o/ /ertility! sybil! ,riestess! (o,'ia!
etc. Fro- bot' /i+ures e-anates a -i+'ty /ascination. . . .< T'ese are ,recisely t'e deities
o/ t'e .itc'es! and t'is /act -ay be a clue to t'e -ystery o/ t'e cultSs a-aKin+ endurance.
I -entioned be/ore t'at t'e ,easants in France and (,ain 1ne. .'at t'e clay
/i+ures o/ ani-als .'ic' 'ad been t'rust t'rou+' .it' s,ears -eant! because t'ey in t'e
t.entiet' century still 'unted .ol4es t'at .ay. T'at is! t'is in'erited -a+ical custo- or
1no.led+e 'ad descended /ro- /at'er to son /or ten or t.el4e t'ousand years.
No-inally! all sorts o/ ,eo,le 'ad occu,ied t'e land in turn! eac' .it' t'eir di//erent
lan+ua+esI but in /act all t'ese in4asions si-,ly -eant t'at so-e ne. ,eo,le ca-e in and
,ossibly seiKed t'e best ,ieces o/ land and so-e o/ t'e .o-en. T'e ori+inal in'abitants
.ere elbo.ed out into t'e less /ertile ,artsI but in a /e. +enerations t'e ori+inal stoc1!
e9ce,tin+ ,er'a,s so-e o/ t'e <bosses< or nobility! .as -uc' t'e sa-e. Rudyard i,lin+
,uts it neatly in 'is 4erses about a ,iece o/ land t'rou+'out t'e a+es! .it' its di//erent
lords and o.ners! and t'e /a-ily
o/ Hobdens .'o li4ed on it continuously and .or1ed it accordin+ to t'eir notions! endin+

.../or no. I understand!
$'oe4er ,ays t'e ta9es! MusS Hobden o.ns t'e land.
E4en so t'e case is in En+land and else.'ere to3dayI t'e oldest /a-ilies are t'e
'ereditary <.itc'es< or <.ise /ol1<! alt'ou+' un/ortunately t'ey 'ad not ,reser4ed
records o/ t'eir /a-ily trees.
E9actly .'en t'e cult beca-e a reli+ion I cannot sayI but t'ere is a celebrated
,re'istoric ,aintin+ in a ca4e in France FLa Ca4erne des Trois Freres! Arie+eG! usually
called <T'e Ma+ician<! .'ic' ob4iously de,icts a -an in a -as1 and an ani-alSs s1in!
.it' 'orns on 'is 'ead. E4idently 'e is ,layin+ t'e ritual ,art o/ an ani-al. In t'e (tone
A+e! .'en -an ,ossessed as yet no -etal .ea,ons! 'e 'ad to rely on 1ni4es! s,ears! a9es
and arro.s -ade /ro- /lint or stone. It is no easy ,ro,osition to 1ill a +reat sta+ or
bu//alo .it' suc' .ea,ons as t'eseI so t'e (tone A+e 'unters ado,ted t'e strate+y o/
lurin+ a 'erd o/ +a-e into so-e /a4ourable ,osition .'ere t'ey eit'er could not esca,e
and .ere s'ot .it' arro.s! or .'ere t'ey /ell o4er a cli// or into a ,it! and .ere t'ere
cau+'t and des,atc'ed. It 'as been su++ested by ant'ro,olo+ists t'at in order to +et t'e
'erd .'ere t'e 'unters .anted t'e- one o/ t'eir nu-ber! ,robably t'e c'ie/ because 'e
.ould 'a4e to be bra4e and resource/ul! used to dress u, in t'e 'orns and s1in o/ an
ani-al in order to act as a decoy. (o-e ,ri-iti4e tribes-en 'unt in t'is -anner to3day.
$'en I .as in Borneo /i/ty years a+o! t'e Go4ern-ent 'ad ta1en all t'e ,eo,leSs +uns
a.ay! so t'ey used to +o out 'untin+ deer .it' a ,air o/ 'orns set u, on a ,ole. One -an
.it' t'ese cre,t u, to t'e ri+'t ,lace! t'e rest o/ t'e ,arty bein+ on t'e ot'er side o/ t'e
'erd. One o/ t'ese .ould yell to startle t'e ani-als! t'en t'e -an .it' t'e 'orns .ould
,ut u, t'e ,ole and run. T'e 'erd o/ deer! seein+ 'orns -o4in+! ran to.ards it. and .ere
led into a s.a-,! t'e -an .it' t'e 'orns 'a4in+ ,re4iously laid so-e lo+s ready /or
'i-sel/ to run on and esca,e. In t'e s.a-, t'e deer .ere easily s,eared. T'e country
t'ere .as brus'.ood /i4e or si9 /eet 'i+'! so it .as not necessary to .ear s1ins as .ell as
t'e 'orns! but in Euro,e it .ould be -ore o,en country! and 'ence a -ore co-,lete
dis+uise .ould be necessary.
It is 4ery ,robable t'at t'e -an .'o too1 t'e c'ie/ ,art in t'e 'unt also too1 t'e
c'ie/ ,art in t'e -a+ical cere-onies! and beca-e t'e ,riest o/ t'e tribeI because in t'ose
days reli+ion and -a+ic .ere closely related. T'e ,ur,ose o/ contactin+ t'e +ods .as to
1ee, contact .it' t'e /orces o/ li/e! and t'ese .ere identical .it' t'e /orces o/ -a+ic and
/ertility. It .as t'e custo-! too! o/ early
-an! indeed u, to co-,arati4ely late ti-es! /or t'e ,riest to identi/y 'i-sel/! and to be
identi/ied! .it' t'e +od 'e ser4ed. Hence t'e 'orned 'unter beca-e t'e 'orned -a+ician3
,riest! and e4entually t'e Horned God.
Ho.e4er! t'e Horned God 'ad anot'er /unction besides bein+ t'e ,ro4ider o/
/ood. He .as also t'e dealer o/ deat'. It .as a/ter 'is -a+ical dance t'at t'e +reat sta+
.as brou+'t lo.. One day! t'e 'unter 1ne.! 'e too -ust lea4e t'is .orld by t'e +ate o/
deat'. I do not t'in1 t'at ,ri-iti4e ,eo,le .ere as a/raid o/ deat' as -any ,eo,le are to3
day. Li4in+ closer to nature! t'eir ,syc'ic ,o.ers .ere -ore acti4e! and t'ey .ere used
to t'e idea o/ co--unicatin+ .it' t'eir dead relati4es and /riends. T'ey loo1ed u,on it as
Luite a natural t'in+. Hence t'e .itc'es! a-on+ .'o- t'is ancient creed is still ,reser4ed
in a /ra+-entary /or-! do not re+ard t'e Horned God in 'is /or- as Lord o/ t'e Gates o/
Deat' as a terri/yin+ bein+! nor 'a4e t'ey any conce,tion o/ a burnin+ <Hell< suc' as
so-e C'ristians en4isa+e. T'eir idea o/ t'e A/ter3Li/e is rat'er t'at o/ a ,lace o/ rest and
re/res'-ent! .'ere ,eo,le a.ait t'eir turn to be born a+ain on t'is eart'. T'is! o/ course!
is t'e conce,t o/ reincarnation! .'ic' is .idely 'eld a-on+ ,ri-iti4e ,eo,le o/ all 1inds.
To t'e-! t'e -ost lo+ical ,lace /or t'e souls o/ ne.3born babies to 'a4e co-e /ro- is t'e
Land o/ t'e Dead! .'ere t'ere are ,lenty o/ souls a.aitin+ anot'er body. Hence t'e Lord
o/ t'e Gates o/ Deat' is also t'e ,'allic deity o/ /ertility! t'e O,ener o/ t'e Door o/ Li/e.
T'is is t'e reason .'y t'e .itc'esS +od .as incor,orated into t'e Ro-an ,ant'eon as
Janus! t'e t.o3/aced +od .'o .as Guardian o/ t'e Gates. He and 'is consort Diana are
t.o o/ t'e oldest deities o/ $estern Euro,e! and Diana is na-ed in t'e Canon E,isco,i o/
t'e early tent' century as bein+ t'e +oddess o/ t'e .itc'es.
T'ere is a /a-ous ca4e ,aintin+ at Co+ul s'o.in+ a nu-ber o/ .o-en dancin+
round a na1ed -an! .'o .ears +arters! t'ou+' t'ere .ere no stoc1in+s in t'ose days.
5resu-ably 'e re,resented t'e +od! and t'is .as so-e -a+ical cere-ony to +i4e 'i-
,o.er. One o/ t'ese .o-en see-s to be 'oldin+ .'at loo1s li1e a .itc'Ss At'a-e
F-a+ic 1ni/eGI but un/ortunately at so-e later date so-eone ,ainted a 'orned beast o4er
'er. O/ course! t'is -ay be a coincidenceI but t'e <+arter< is ,art o/ t'e .itc'esS insi+nia!
and t'e .'ole ,icture rese-bles a .itc' +at'erin+ in ot'er ,articulars.
$o-en seldo- ca-e into t'e ,ictures on t'e .alls o/ t'e ca4esI but t'e (tone
A+e ,eo,le -ade s-all statuettes o/ 4ery /at na1ed .o-en .it' t'eir se9ual attributes
4ery -uc' e-,'asised! ob4iously re,resentin+ a /ertility inducer or +oddess. It is
t'at t'ey ad-ired /at .o-enI /atness is t'e si+n o/ beauty in ,arts o/ A/rica to3day. At
any rate! t'ey s,ent -uc' ti-e and s1ill in car4in+ t'ese /i+ures out o/ i4ory .it' stone
tools! and .e -ay ,resu-e t'at t'is .as because t'ey 4enerated t'is +oddess and as1ed
blessin+s /ro- 'er! at a ,eriod .'en /ro- 'unters t'ey 'ad beco-e cattle 'erders and
.is'ed /or ,lenti/ul o//s,rin+! bot' ani-al and 'u-an. It is Luite ,ossible t'at t'e /irst
,riestess .as t'e -a+icianSs For +od3re,resentati4eSsG .i/e. On t'e ot'er 'and -atriarc'y
see-s to 'a4e been 4ery ,re4alent in early days! and it is ,robable t'at! as .it' .itc'es
to3day! t'e +od3re,resentati4e. or 'i+' ,riest! .as t'e c'oice! and o/ten t'e 'usband! o/
t'e +oddess3re,resentati4e. or 'i+' ,riestess. $'ile Man .ent out to 'unt or 'erd t'e
cattle! $o-an! t'e $itc'! stayed by t'e ca-, /ire and -ade -edicines and s,ells. ('e
'ad ti-e to ,ractise .'at .e -i+'t call t'e natural ,o.ers o/ e9tra3sensory ,erce,tionI
.'ic' to ,ri-iti4e ,eo,le. 'o.e4er! .ere all <-a+ic<. For re-e-ber! .'en I s,ea1 o/
-a+ic I -ean t'e -a+ic .'ic' really e9ists! not .'at -any ,eo,le t'in1 o/ .'en -a+ic
is -entioned. suc' as .a4in+ a .and and so-et'in+ -iraculous 'a,,enin+! or sayin+ a
r'y-e and -a1in+ si+ns and bein+ /ort'.it' re.arded by t'e a,,earance o/ a ,anto-i-e
de-on. A r'yt'-ic /or- o/ .ords Fa c'ar-G is used so-eti-es by .itc'es! B 'el, to
direct t'e ,o.er once it is raisedI but t'e <-a+ician< 'as to raise t'at ,o.er and 1no.
'o. to direct it in t'e /irst ,lace.
$'at t'is a-ounts to is t'at certain ,eo,le .ere born .it' natural ,syc'ic
,o.ers. T'ey disco4ered t'at certain rites and ,rocesses increased t'ese ,o.ers! and t'at
i/ t'ey directed t'e- ,ro,erly t'ey could use t'e- to bene/it t'e co--unity. (o t'e
co--unity de-anded t'at t'ey s'ould ,er/or- t'ese rites! t'e -ore so .'en t'ey
disco4ered t'at t'ey could =oin in t'e rites t'e-sel4es! 'el,in+ to raise ,o.er by .ild
dancin+ and in ot'er .ays. T'is -eant t'at t'e .itc'es 'ad to learn to use t'eir brains!
because t'ere are t'in+s you can do by -a+ic! and t'ere are t'in+s .'ic' are i-,ossible0
t'e .itc' doctor in A/rica to3day beco-es un,o,ular i/ 'e cannot in4ent a +ood e9cuse
/or not doin+ so-e3t'in+ t'at is i-,ossible! and t'is -ay be s'ar,ly ,ointed out to 'i-
.it' a s,ear. (o I ,resu-e t'at t'e ancient .itc'es 'ad also to e9,lain certain t'in+s
a.ay! and t'at t'ere .ere tric1s o/ t'e trade as .ell as +enuine -ani/estations.
In Britain! ,rior to "CCC B.C.! t'ere .ere only scattered tribes o/ Old (tone A+e
'unters. T'ey .ere a1in to t'ose in France and (,ain! and ,robably 'ad t'e sa-e belie/s.
$e usually t'in1 o/ t'e- as ca4e d.ellers because .e +enerally /ind t'eir re-ains in
ca4es! .'ere t'ey 'a4e naturally been better ,reser4edI but t'e
-a=ority o/ t'e- li4ed -uc' as t'e Red Indians did in A-erica a /e. 'undred years a+o!
in .i+.a-s -ade o/ s1ins or clods o/ eart'! -o4in+ about in searc' o/ +a-eI and! li1e
t'e Red Indian! t'e Tulus! t'e 5icts! and t'e Hi+'landers and Iris' o/ t'ree 'undred years
a+o! t'ey .ere o/ten al-ost na1ed! .earin+ only a s1in as a blan1et to 1ee, o// t'e .ind!
as t'e Iris'-an .ore 'is bi+ cloa1 and t'e Hi+'lander 'is ,laid /or t'e sa-e ,ur,ose.
Bein+ una/raid o/ na1edness! t'ey .ere stron+ and 'ealt'y! /or sun and /res' air are t'e
best -edicines 1no.nI but I .ill s,ea1 -ore o/ t'is anon. $e can only +uess .'at t'eir
reli+ious 4ie.s .ereI t'ou+'! as I 'a4e said! I belie4e t'ey 'ad t'eir 'orned 'untin+ +od
and t'eir na1ed +oddess o/ +eneration. T'ey buried ob=ects .it' t'eir dead! so it see-s
t'at t'ey belie4ed in a /uture li/e! or a ne9t .orld! and .e can reasonably assu-e t'at
t'ey connected t'is in so-e .ay .it' t'eir +ods. T'eir c'ie/ /or- o/ .ors'i, .as
,robably t'e dance! a +rou, dance ,er/or-ed .it' /anatic /er4our in a circle! /or by t'e
circles t'ey -ade in t'e de,t's o/ t'e ca4es t'ey e4idently 'ad t'e conce,t t'at a circle
-a+ically constructed conser4es ,o.er. T'ey ,robably 'ad crude dru-s! and t'ere is a
ca4e ,aintin+ in France o/ a -an dressed in a bullSs 'ide .it' 'orns! dancin+ and
t.an+in+ t'e strin+ o/ a s-all bo.. It is ,robable t'at by a nu-ber o/ ,eo,le t.an+in+
bo.3strin+s t'ey could ,roduce a 'ar,3li1e e//ect. It .as ,robably a sy-bolic dance
,er/or-ed .it' .ild abandon till t'ey reac'ed a state o/ ecstasy. To ,ri-iti4e ,eo,le a
dance is a ,rayer! by .'ic' t'ey attain at3one-ent .it' t'e +ods.
Muc' ca,ital 'as been -ade o/ t'e idea t'at t'e Ancient Britons .ere <na1ed
sa4a+es<. T'ese early Britons li4ed -uc' as t'e -odern nudists li4e. T'ey .ere clean
and 'ealt'y! in /act t'ey .ere certainly -uc' cleaner and 'ealt'ier t'an! /or instance! t'e
in'abitants o/ rat3in/ested! ,la+ue3ridden -ediae4al cities! .'ere t'e streets .ere 'ea,ed
.it' 'ouse'old +arba+e! and .'ere t'e ,eo,le re+arded ta1in+ a bat' as bein+ a
dan+erous o,erationI or! /or t'at -atter! t'an t'e d.ellers in our slu- districts to3day.
T'ey .ere /ree /ro- t'e diseases o/ ner4ous ori+in .'ic' ,la+ue us no.adays! and! as
-odern ci4ilised .o-en /ind! i/ you +o <nudist< t'ey seldo- 'a4e any trouble or ,ain in
bearin+ c'ildren. For -any years doctors in /orei+n lands .ere ,uKKled as to .'y nati4e
.o-en could bear c'ildren .it'out any trouble! and +o to .or1 t'e ne9t day. T'ey 1no.
t'e ans.er no.adays0 because t'e nati4e .o-an .'o ado,ts <ci4ilisation< and .ears
clot'es 'as Luite as -uc' trouble and ,ain in bearin+ c'ildren as Euro,ean .o-en 'a4e!
t'ou+' -odern science can alle4iate -uc' o/ t'e trouble caused by <ci4ilisation.<
Fro- "CCC B.C. t'ere .as a constant i--i+ration o/ Ne. (tone A+e ,eo,le into
Britain! .'o! .'ile t'ey /irst a,,eared as 'unters! scoutin+ ,arties in /act! soon ,ossessed
do-estic ani-als and settled do.n as /ar-ers and cattle raisers. T'ese ,eo,le are said to
'a4e co-e /ro- Nort' A/rica. At /irst t'ey ca-e o4erland by .ay o/ France and (,ainI
later t'ey ca-e by sea! and by about A#CC B.C. a,,ear to 'a4e 'ad +ood boats! ca,able o/
lon+ sea 4oya+es. T'ey -ade -e+alit'ic burial -ounds o/ t'e lon+ 'arro. ty,e! and
a,,ear to 'a4e 'ad a cult o/ t'e dead a1in to t'at o/ Osiris o/ E+y,tI t'at is! a +od o/ t'e
dead! .it' 'is .itc' .i/e .'o -ourned 'i- and caused 'i- to be reborn by 'er -a+icI
.'ile t'e dyin+ +od ruled t'e A/ter3$orld and could +et /a4ourable conditions /or you
.'en you .ent t'ere.
It a,,ears t'at so-e early ,eo,les! t'e E+y,tians and Assyrians! belie4ed in t'e
un'a,,y A/ter3$orld! .'ere t'e .anderin+ soul -i+'t su//er /ro- 'un+er! t'irst and
dar1ness! t'ou+' not /ro- ,'ysical ,ain. T'ey could be aided by t'e +ods! .'o could
rescue t'e- /ro- t'ese conditionsI but t'is aid .as di//icult /or t'e co--on ,eo,le to
obtain! bein+ reser4ed /or t'e 1in+s and -i+'ty -en .'o could be buried in a,,ro,riate
to-bs .it' t'e ,ro,er cere-onies! and .'o in t'eir li/e3ti-e 'ad +one t'rou+' t'e rites
.'ic' tau+'t t'e- t'e .ay to rebirt'I ot'er.ise! .'o 'ad +one t'rou+' an initiation
cere-ony .'ic' -i-ic1ed bein+ 1illed and re4i4ed a+ain 33 deat' and resurrection.
T'ey! 1no.in+ t'e .ay to t'e Land o/ t'e Gods! could lead /a4oured /ollo.ers t'ere.
T'e ,eo,le .'o built t'e -e+alit'ic lon+ barro.s -ay 'a4e belie4ed t'at
e4eryone .'o 'el,ed to build one o/ t'ese +reat to-bs .ould in ti-e s'are in t'e buried
leaderSs i--ortality under /a4oured circu-stances! as it is t'ou+'t .as belie4ed at one
ti-e in E+y,t. At a later date it .as t'e custo- in t'at country to ,aint ,ictures o/ a noble
and all 'is 'ouse'old on t'e sides o/ 'is to-b! and all .'o .ere t'us de,icted .ould
s'are 'is ,aradise! t'ou+' continuin+ to .or1 /or 'i- as ser4ants. T'is belie/ led to t'e
curious custo- o/ occasionally bribin+ t'e to-b builders so t'at at t'e last -inute! a/ter
t'e /uneral cere-onies .ere co-,leted! and =ust as t'ey .ere closin+ t'e to-b /or +ood!
t'ey .ould scratc' out t'e /ace o/ an un,o,ular ,erson! usually an o4erseer! to de,ri4e
'i- o/ 'is s'are in t'e +ood A/ter3$orld. T'ey belie4ed t'at in so-e -ysterious .ay
sal4ation de,ended on eit'er t'e ,reser4ation o/ your body or o/ an i-a+e o/ itI so a +reat
-an .ould 'a4e a nu-ber o/ i-a+es o/ 'i-sel/ buried alon+ .it' 'i-! so t'at i/ t'e body
.as destroyed 'is li/e .ould continue by -eans o/ t'ese -a+ical i-a+es. $'ile t'e
Ancient Britons see- to 'a4e entertained t'e belie/ o/ t'e to-b o/ t'e 1in+ or
'ero bein+ necessary to sal4ation! t'ey do not a,,ear to 'a4e 'eld t'e E+y,tian ideas
about t'e i-a+es! or else t'ey -ade t'e- in /or-s .'ic' 'a4e not sur4i4ed. It is li1ely!
'o.e4er! t'at t'is .as a later E+y,tian conce,tion! ,ossibly in4ented by ,riests and
i-a+e3-a1ers to +et -ore -oney. Or ,er'a,s t'e Neolit'ic i--i+rants ado,ted t'e
nati4e belie/s t'at at3one-ent .it' t'e +ods by dances and ot'er -eans .as all t'at .as
really necessary! t'ou+' bein+ o/ t'e band or /a-ily o/ a 1in+ or 'ero 'el,ed +reatly. T'e
-odern .itc'es belie4e t'at at deat' t'e <Mi+'ty Ones<! t'e Old Ones o/ t'e cult! co-e
/or /ait'/ul /ollo.ers and ta1e t'e- to a /a4oured ,lace a-on+ ot'er initiates .'o 'a4e
+one be/ore.
By no.! I t'in1! t'is body o/ ,ri-iti4e belie/ and ,ractice 'ad beco-e a real
reli+ion. $'et'er t'ey 'ad only t.o +ods! t'e old 'untin+ +od and t'e ne. +od o/ deat'
and resurrection! one cannot sayI but t'ere is a natural tendency to a-al+a-ate +ods! to
re+ard t.o di//erent +ods as bein+ really di//erent -ani/estations o/ t'e sa-e deity! and it
a,,ears to -e t'at at so-e ti-e t'e Great Hunter and t'e +od o/ Deat' and $'at Lies
Beyond beca-e one and t'e sa-e. Also! t'e Great Mot'er beca-e a-al+a-ated .it' t'e
.itc'3.i/e .'o brou+'t 'er slain 'usband to li/e a+ain! t'e ,ersoni/ication o/ /e-inine
allure and e9cite-ent! <T'e $orldSs Desire<
About ACCC B.C. t'e broad3'eaded <Bea1er 5eo,le< Fso called because o/ a ,articular
s'a,e o/ ,ottery t'ey -adeG be+an to co-e in /ro- (,ain! also by .ay o/ France and t'e
R'ine. T'ey 'ad bronKe .ea,ons and built round barro.s. T'ese are t'e ,eo,le .'o are
su,,osed to 'a4e built (tone'en+e and A4ebury.
T'ere is little doubt t'at s'i,s /ro- Crete ca-e to t'is country re+ularly! and t'at
t'ey or t'e Mycenaeans brou+'t t'e blue /aience beads -anu/actured in E+y,t circa %2CC
B.C.! lar+e nu-bers o/ .'ic' 'a4e been /ound in +ra4es in $esse9. T'e researc'es o/ t'e
late Mic'ael @entris! and e9ca4ations at 5ylos! s'o. t'at t'ere .as a +reat ci4ilisation on
t'e -ainland as .ell as in Crete /ro- at least ACCC B.C. on.ards! until t'e Mycenaean
in4asions. T'e ,o.er o/ Crete .as bro1en by t'e Gree1s o/ Mycenae! .'o sac1ed t'e
+reat Cretan city o/ Cnossus about %2CC B.C.! and t'e s'i,s o/ Mycenae and o/ Troy too1
o4er and 1e,t u, t'is trade .it' Britain until about %ACC B.C.! .'en t'ey .ere conLuered
by t'e Dorians! .'o .ere not sea-en. T'e sea ,o.er t'us lost .as Slo.ly acLuired by t'e
5'oenicians and t'eir colony Cart'a+e! on t'e coast o/ Nort' A/rica o,,osite (icily. T'ey
conLuered -ost o/ (,ain and sto,,ed all ,assa+e o/ ot'er nations t'rou+' t'e (traits o/
Gibraltar. It is ,robable t'at t'ey did 'a4e so-e co--unication .it' BritainI but by t'is
ti-e iron 'ad ousted bronKe!
so t'ere .as no 4ital need /or tin! .'ic' .as BritainSs +reat e9,ort at t'e ti-e! /ro- t'e
-ines o/ t'e $est Country! and .'ic' .as indis,ensable /or -a1in+ bronKe .ea,ons.
T'ese are all -ore or less reco+nised 'istorical /acts! eac' o/ .'ic' 'as so-e bearin+
on t'e -a1in+ o/ t'e /ait' o/ Ancient Britain! and conseLuently u,on t'at /ra+-entary
sur4i4al o/ it re,resented by .itc'cra/t. It is .ell 1no.n t'at ideas o/ all 1inds tend to
/ollo. t'e trade routesI and by t'is -eans! and by -eans o/ t'e 4arious i--i+rations o/
settlers! di//erent reli+ious ideas arri4ed 'ere.
C'a,ter I@.

I -entioned brie/ly in t'e ,re4ious c'a,ter! t'e broad3'eaded <Bea1er 5eo,le< be+an
co-in+ to t'is country /ro- (,ain by .ay o/ France and t'e R'ine! by about ACCC B.C.
T'ey brou+'t .it' t'e- bronKe .ea,ons! and t'eir arri4al is +enerally considered as t'e
co--ence-ent o/ t'e BronKe A+e is Britain. )nli1e t'e Neolit'ic ,eo,les! .'o! as .e
'a4e seen! built bi+ co--unal to-bs! t'e lon+ barro.s! t'ese bronKe3usin+ i--i+rants
buried t'eir dead indi4idually in round barro.s. T'ey laid t'e bodies in t'eir +ra4es in a
curious -anner! <crouc'in+ .it' t'e 1nees so close to t'e c'in t'at t'e cor,ses -ust 'a4e
been trussed into ,osition!< as say JacLuetta and C'risto,'er Ha.1es in t'eir 5re'istoric
Britain. A body lyin+ on its side in t'is ,osition! under t'e rounded 'illoc1 o/ eart'! -ay
'a4e been intended to -i-ic an unborn c'ild lyin+ in t'e .o-b o/ its -ot'er. In ot'er
.ords! t'ey laid t'eir dead in t'e .o-b o/ Mot'er Eart'! to be born a+ain .'en t'e ti-e
s'ould co-e! and t'is custo- -ay .ell be a -ute .itness to a belie/ in reincarnation.
$it' t'e body .ould be laid a /e. ,recious ,ossessions! suc' as .ea,ons and orna-ents!
and one o/ t'eir c'aracteristic bea1er3s'a,ed drin1in+ 4essels. $e 1no. t'at t'e Ancient
E+y,tians laid 4aluable ,ossessions .it' t'eir dead! and .e are a.are .'yI t'ey t'ou+'t
t'at t'e dead ,erson .ould be able to use t'ese t'in+s! or a 1ind o/ s,irit3si-ulacru- o/
t'e-! in t'e ne9t .orldI so t'e Bea1er 5eo,le -ay 'a4e 'eld t'e sa-e idea.
T'ese are t'e ,eo,le .'o are t'ou+'t to 'a4e built (tone'en+e! co--enced circa
%6CC B.C.! and /inis'ed in its latest state circa %ACC B.C. T'ey see- to 'a4e built
A4ebury circa ACCC B.C.I t'at is! t'e a4enue and t'e inner circles.
T'e a4enue at A4ebury consists o/ stones in ,airs! .'ic' 'a4e been rou+'ly
dressed on t'e sides .'ic' /ace one anot'er. One stone is al.ays lon+ and t'in! and t'e
ot'er s'ort and al-ond3s'a,ed! ob4iously t'e -ale and /e-ale ,rinci,les. 5er'a,s I can
best e9,lain t'is by Luotin+ .'at Gerald 8or1e 'as said in an essay about t'e reli+ion o/
t'e Tantrics o/ India0 <It see1s t'e s,iritual t'rou+' t'e senses .'ile denyin+ 4alidity to
t'e-. It is a reli+ion o/ li+'t! li/e and lo4e! in .'ic' t'e stin+ is ta1en out o/ deat' by t'e
rosary o/ s1ulls round t'e nec1 o/ t'e na1ed +oddess ali! and in .'ic' se9 is re+arded
as sacred! and is /reely
,ortrayed in te-,le scul,ture. Music! dancin+ and dra-a 'a4e not been secularised as in
t'e $est... In t'e Macrocos-! t'at is! t'e )ni4erse o/ t'e Hindu! t'e (un si+ni/ies t'e
creati4e as,ect o/ God... t'e Moon is t'e rece,ti4e ,rinci,le. In t'e Microcos-! t'at is!
-an and .o-an! t'ese t.o ,lanets are re,laced by t'e lin+a- and yoni! .'ic' are
.ors'i,,ed in te-,les dedicated to t'e-<. T'e .ords <lin+a-< and yoni< -ean t'e -ale
and /e-ale +enital or+ans res,ecti4ely.
$'ile I t'in1 t'ere .as no direct connection bet.een India and Britain! I belie4e
t'ere is a natural /or- o/ reli+ion .'ic' .as uni4ersal in t'e 'earts o/ -en! and it .as
uni4ersal because it is /ounded on certain /acts.
No.adays! e4ery C'urc' o/ En+land cler+y-an 'as to study 5aleySs <E4idences<
to +et 'is de+ree! and 5aleySs c'ie/ ar+u-ent as to t'e e9istence o/ God is t'is0
<(u,,osin+ you /ound a .atc'I loo1in+ at it one .ould realise t'at t'is .as no natural
ob=ect! so its e9istence in4ol4es a desi+ner and a creator! .'o -i+'t be 'u-anI but i/ in
t'is .atc' .as a /ull set o/ -ac'inery .'ic' enabled t'is .atc' to -anu/acture -any
ot'er .atc'es! eac' eLui,,ed .it' all -ac'inery to construct -any ot'ers! t'is .ould
in4ol4e t'e e9istence o/ a God! to desi+n and create suc' an article.< T'is is t'e ,olite
.ay o/ ,uttin+ t'is analo+y .it' 'u-an re,roductionI but t'e ,ri-iti4e -an .as no
,rude. To 'i- t'e ,'allus and its /e-inine counter,art .ere t'e only reasonable
re,resentation o/ t'e Di4ine creati4e ener+y. It .as t'us in 5alestine in ancient ti-es! and
it see-s t'at t'ere .as t'e sa-e ob=ection to s'a,in+ t'e stones .'ic' t'ey set u, as
t'ere .as in Ancient Britain. T'ey searc'ed /or stones naturally so /or-ed. <Li/tin+ u,
tools< on t'e stones too1 a.ay t'eir sacred c'aracter. T'e Bible tells o/ t'e <Asseri-<!
t'e sacred t.in ,illars .'ic' .ere erected in t'e +ro4es! and .'ic' see- to 'a4e been o/
t'is sy-bolic nature.
To t'e ancient .orld! as no.adays in 5aleySs <E4idences<! t'e ,o.ers o/
+eneration .ere attributed to t'e bounty o/ God! and no one in t'ose days .ould 'a4e
dared to t'in1 t'at t'at .'ic' .as t'e li4in+ sy-bol and e4idence o/ God .as
(o-e Je.s -ay 'a4e co-e to Britain in t'e s'i,s o/ Crete or Mycenae! or
5'oenicia. I do not t'in1 t'ere .as any settle-ent! as so-e 'a4e ,ostulatedI but -y 4ie.
is t'at t'ey ca-e as -erc'ants! and t'ey sa. 'ere e9actly .'at t'ey sa. at 'o-e! t'at
.'ic' t'ey called <Hi+' 5laces; or :Gro4es;.
T'e BronKe A+e ,eo,le .'o built (tone'en+e .ould a,,ear to 'a4e .ors'i,,ed
t'e sa-e ,rinci,les. At any rate! accordin+ to t'e .itc' belie/s t'e inner <'orses'oe< o/
stones at (tone'en+e
re,resents t'e .o-b! and .'at s'ouid be .atc'ed /or at sunrise at t'e (u--er (olstice!
t'e lon+est day! is t'e s'ado. o/ t'e Hele (tone .'ic' enters t'is <.o-b< as t'e sun
rises and /ecundates it /or t'e co-in+ year. It is t'e local custo- to .atc' /or t'is! t'ou+'
it is +enerally said t'at it is to see t'e sun rise o4er t'e Hele (tone! .'ic' is ob4iously
T'ere .as a local le+end! once t'ou+'t to be a /airy tale! t'at t'e inner <Blue<
stones 'ad been trans,orted /ro- Ireland. No.adays it is 1no.n t'at t'is /airy tale is
nearly trueI t'ey .ere actually brou+'t /ro- (out' $ales. It is +enerally t'ou+'t t'at
t'ey .ere brou+'t round by sea! and t'en u, t'e Ri4er (tour and across to t'eir ,resent
site. Ot'er ,eo,le t'in1 t'ey .ere brou+'t across country direct /ro- $ales. $'ic'e4er
.ay it .as done it .as a colossal tas1! and t'ere -ust 'a4e been a 4ery stron+ dri4in+
/orce! eit'er reli+ious or ,olitical! to cause t'e ,eo,le to underta1e it. T'e +i+antic
sarsens o/ t'e outer circle! erected circa %ACC B.C.! .ere brou+'t about A# -iles! and
t'eir erection is anot'er ,roble-. T'ere is one curious t'in+ to be noted in connection
.it' t'e-I in ancient Crete t'ey 'ad noticed t'at i/ you erected a ,illar .'ic' .as dead
strai+'t it see-ed to +et s-aller at t'e to,! because it .as /urt'er a.ay /ro- your eye! so
t'ey -ade t'eir ,illars .ider at t'e to,! to -a1e t'e- loo1 strai+'ter. T'e builders o/ t'e
outer rin+ at (tone'en+e e-,loyed t'is de4ice! .'ic' stron+ly su++ests t'at t'e -an .'o
desi+ned it 'ad seen Cretan buildin+s! and it 'as been su++ested t'at E+y,tian -asons
-ay 'a4e been i-,orted as t'ere are rese-blances to te-,les built by 'o/ra o/ t'e
Fourt' Dynasty in E+y,t! .'ere t'e lintels -eet 'al/.ay on t'e ,illar to,s and t'ese
lintels are /itted to en+a+e t'e do.els! o/ .'ic' t'ere are t.o on eac' ,illar. T'is
su++ests a ,rototy,e in .ood! and .e 1no. t'at at an earlier date t'e (tone A+e ,eo,le
-ade .ood circlesI $ood'en+e! /or instance! is Luite close. As not'in+ but t'e ,ost 'oles
re-ain it is i-,ossible to say i/ $ood'en+e 'ad lintels on t'e to,s o/ t'e ,illars! and it
'as been su++ested t'at it .as roo/ed o4er! and .as only a 4ery lar+e 'ut. A /urt'er
reason /or t'in1in+ t'at (tone'en+e .as built by /orei+n -asons is t'at t'e sur/ace o/ t'e
,illars .as dressed! t'en rubbed do.n .it' rubbin+ stones! an E+y,tian tec'niLueI t'ese
rubbin+ stories .ere later used to ,ac1 t'e base o/ t'e ,illars. It is on t'ese ,illars t'at
car4in+s o/ early ty,e bronKe a9es! and o/ da++ers o/ Mycenaean ty,e! 'a4e been /ound
Fin %&#"G.
Ho.e4er! (tone'en+e is unli1e Gree1 or E+y,tian te-,les in bein+ round! so
.'et'er it .as built by /orei+n or Britis' -asons it is clear t'at it .as built to Britis'
ideas! /or Britis' +ods. It is ,ossible t'at t'ere .as so-e alteration in reli+ion brin+in+ a
c'an+e in t'e old Biblical idea t'at un'e.n stone .as sacred! and toolin+ it desecrated it.
$e 'a4e no real ,roo/ t'at t'is .as t'e belie/ in Britain! and I a- inclined to t'in1 t'at
t'e early (tone A+e ,eo,le built lar+ely .it' undressed stone! t'ou+' t'ey could dress
stones a little. T'en so-eone built a s-all circle o/ dressed stones in $alesI t'is beca-e
1no.n as <luc1y< or <,o.er/ul<! and /or t'is reason t'e +reat c'ie/ or 'i+' ,riest ordered
it to be trans,orted to (tone'en+e! .'ic' .as already a sacred ,lace Ft'e old ,ost circle
and t'e ban1 and ditc'G. $'et'er t'is .as due to conLuest o/ (out' $ales! or si-,ly by
order o/ t'e 1in+! or 'i+' ,riest or ,riestess o/ t'e oracle! it is i-,ossible to sayI but it
.as done! and t'en t'is .onder/ul ne. te-,le .as e-bellis'ed by /urt'er .or1s.
It is said t'at in t'e Fourt' Dynasty in E+y,t t'e 1in+ 'ad one 'undred lar+e s'i,s
o/ cedar. T'is .ould see- to be about t'e ti-e .'en t'e /orei+n stone circle .as built in
$ales. 5er'a,s at t'at ti-e E+y,t 'ad no ri4als at sea! and it is not i-,ossible t'at so-e
o/ t'ese E+y,tian s'i,s ca-e 'ere e9,lorin+! see1in+ /or +old! co,,er! tin! etc.! +old /ro-
Ireland and $ales! co,,er and tin! ,earls and a-ber /ro- Britain. As t'ere .as a constant
-i+ration u, t'e coasts o/ (,ain at t'e ti-e! t'ey .ould doubtless 'a4e /airly /ull
in/or-ation as to .'ere to +o! and as soon as t'ey .ere ,ast Finisterre t'e usual sout'3
.est .ind .ould ta1e t'e- to Brittany! .'ere t'ere .ere +reat settle-ents o/ -e+alit'
builders .'o .ere in co--unication .it' t'e .est o/ Britain. T'e E+y,tian ,riests
boasted to (olon Fcirca 7CC B.C.G about t'e ancient +lory o/ E+y,t! and 'o. t'eir s'i,s
t.o t'ousand years be/ore -ade 4oya+es o/ disco4ery outside t'e 5illars o/ Hercules! i.e.
t'e (traits o/ Gibraltar. FE+y,t 'ad lost 'er sea ,o.er by (olonSs ti-e.G No.! t'ese dates
see- to /it. T'ere is not'in+ i-,ossible in itI anyone could -a1e t'e 4oya+es in Luite
s-all boats i/ t'ey .ent by easy sta+es and only tra4elled in +ood .eat'er! t'at is i/ t'ey
.ere not ,ressed /or ti-e. $'at see-s i-,ossible is .'at .e 1no. .as done! na-ely
trans,ortin+ t'e </orei+n stones< /ro- $ales.
All t'ese .onder/ul .or1s cannot 'a4e been done by <i+norant sa4a+es<I t'eir
leaders -ust 'a4e been 4ery intelli+ent -en .'o recei4ed so-e education and 'a4e 'ad
+reat .ealt'! i/ indeed t'ey did i-,ort E+y,tian -asons. T'ere are t'in+s .'ic' su++est
E+y,tian in/luenceI t'at is! co,yin+ .'at .as done in E+y,t. (ilbury Hill at A4ebury .as
built on a ,lateau cut a.ay /ro- a slo,eI it co4ers an area o/ /i4e acres. 'o/raSs 5yra-id
FFourt' DynastyG is on a si-ilar ,lateauI it also co4ers /i4e acres! and t'e slo,e o/ t'e
,yra-id is t'e sa-e as at (ilbury
Hill. It su++ests t'at so-eone 'ad seen t'e E+y,tian .or1 and tried to co,y it in eart'I
but because o/ ,articular reli+ious ideas 'ad -ade it circular. No.! .'ile I Luite a+ree
t'at a circle is t'e easiest .ay to build a -ound! all ot'er nations see- to 'a4e /ound it
easier to build t'eir stone buildin+s Luadran+ularI but (tone'en+e is circular! e4en t'e
lintels bein+ rounded inside and out. T'is -ust 'a4e been /or a +ood reason! and I can
only t'in1 t'at t'ey 'ad /ound by e9,erience t'at in so-e -ysterious .ay a circle retains
and conser4es any ,o.er +enerated inside it! in t'e sa-e .ay t'at a .itc'esS circle
/unctions. Also! t'ere is a 4ery ancient belie/ t'at a circle .ill 1ee, out e4il in/luences. I
t'in1 t'ere .ere ,riest31in+s! -a+icians! .'o .ors'i,,ed t'eir +ods and .or1ed t'eir
-a+ic in t'is and at least so-e o/ t'e -any stone circles in Britain.
I 'a4e ,re4iously -entioned t'e /act o/ t'e sun risin+ o4er t'e Hele (tone on t'e
-ornin+ o/ t'e (u--er (olstice. T'e %&## edition o/ t'e Ministry o/ $or1s O//icial
Guideboo1 to (tone'en+e ,oints out t'at e4ery sunrise durin+ t'e year -ust 'a4e a
sunset ,oint directly o,,osite! and t'e o,,osite ,oint o/ t'e sunrise on t'e lon+est day
.ill be t'e sunset on t'e s'ortest day! t'e $inter (olstice. At (tone'en+e on t'is latter
date! an obser4er standin+ in t'e centre .ill see t'e sun set =ust to t'e le/t o/ t'e tallest
stone! be'ind t'e altar! t'at is! t'e re-ainin+ u,ri+'t o/ t'e +reat central trilit'on! o/
.'ic' t'e ot'er stone and t'e lintel 'a4e /allen.
It is calculated! t'ere/ore! t'at i/ t'e no. /allen central stone o/ t'e Bluestone
'orses'oe .as o/ t'e sa-e 'ei+'t as its nei+'bours! t'e settin+ sun on t'e day o/ t'e
$inter (olstice .ould 'a4e a,,eared e9actly o4er it! and /ra-ed by t'e stones o/ t'e
+reat trilit'on.
T'e Hon. Jo'n Abercro-by! in 'is boo1 on BronKe A+e 5ottery! .ritten in %&%A! 'as
called attention to t'is /act! and ,ointed out t'at in no reli+ion or te-,le does one enter
by a door! .al1 so-e .ay into a buildin+! and t'en turn round to t'e entrance to /ace t'e
c'ie/ ,oint o/ .ors'i,. No.! t'e entrance to (tone'en+e is at t'e nort'3eastI 'ence i/ t'e
-ost 'oly t'in+ t'ere is t'e ,oint o/ t'e sunSs risin+! one 'as to turn oneSs bac1 u,on t'e
altar at t'e sout'3.est in order to 4ie. it. He t'ere/ore su++ests t'at t'e +reat occasion
'ere .as t'e $inter (olstice! .'en t'e settin+ sun! on t'e day on .'ic' it sy-bolically
<died<! a,,eared /ra-ed in t'e +reat trilit'on! o4er t'e altar. T'e .riter o/ t'e O//icial
Guide! R. (. Ne.all! F.(.A.! su++ests t'at t'e trilit'on re,resents t'e door o/ t'e
Net'er.orld! into .'ic' t'e sun ,asses at t'e $inter (olstice.
T'is! I t'in1! is an i-,ortant obser4ationI but t'e trilit'on 'as
anot'er si+ni/icance beside t'at o/ a door into t'e Land o/ t'e Dead. In 'is 4ery
re-ar1able boo1! T'e Great Mot'er0 An E9,loration o/ t'e Arc'ety,e! Eric' Neu-an! a
,u,il o/ C. G. Jun+! s'o.s a nu-ber o/ re,resentations in ancient art o/ t'e door! or
+ate.ay! or trilit'on! as a sy-bol o/ t'e Great Mot'er! t'e Goddess /ro- .'o- t'e sun3
+od is reborn. Hence t'e a,,earance o/ t'e red dis1 o/ t'e settin+ sun! +lo.in+ bet.een
t'e -i+'ty stones o/ t'e +reat trilit'on t'rou+' t'e +at'erin+ .inter dus1! .ould
sy-bolise to t'ose ancient ,eo,le not only deat' but t'e ,ro-ise o/ rebirt'! ali1e ,er'a,s
/or -an as /or t'e sun! /ro- t'e .o-b o/ t'e Great Mot'er.
I 'a4e described in -y ,re4ious boo1! $itc'cra/t Today! 'o. ,resent3day
.itc'es secretly conduct a rite at t'e $inter (olstice .'ic' re,resents e9actly t'e sa-e
idea. T'e ,riestess! or /e-ale leader o/ t'e co4en! stands be'ind a cauldron in .'ic' a
/ire is i+nited! .'ile t'e rest dance round 'er sun.ise! .it' burnin+ torc'es. T'ey call it
t'e Dance o/ t'e $'eel! or 8ule! and its ,ur,ose is <to cause t'e sun to be reborn<. T'e
cauldron 'ere re,resents t'e sa-e idea as t'e <+ate<I t'e Great Mot'er. T'e /ire in it is
t'e (un3c'ild in 'er .o-b.
Anot'er ancient -onu-ent I -ust -ention! as ty,i/yin+ t'e <-ale3and3/e-ale<
i-a+ery o/ early reli+ion! is t'e Men3an3Tol! -eanin+ <(tone .it' t'e Hole<! near
5enKance in Corn.all. Alt'ou+' it 'as been -o4ed /ro- its ori+inal site it consists o/
t.o u,ri+'t stones! and bet.een t'e- a 'u+e stone in t'e centre o/ .'ic' a 'ole 'as been
care/ully car4ed out lar+e enou+' /or a 'u-an bein+ to cra.l t'rou+' it. T'e se9ual
si+ni/icance o/ t'is +rou, o/ stones is ob4iousI and t'e care/ul car4in+ o/ t'e central stone
-ust 'a4e entailed -uc' labour! .it' t'e tools t'en a4ailable. T'e stones are still re4ered
by Cornis' ,eo,le! and it is an old custo- /or ,eo,le to ta1e t'eir c'ildren to t'e 'oled
stone o/ t'e Men3an3Tol and cause t'e- to ,ass t'rou+' it </or luc1<! or to cure t'e- o/
c'ildis' ail-ents! notably ric1ets.
A ,ersistent le+end! o/ten re/erred to in early En+lis' literature! is t'at .'en Troy
/ell a nu-ber o/ its ,rinces .it' t'eir /ollo.ers too1 re/u+e in $estern Euro,eI and in
,articular Brutus! t'e +reat3+randson o/ Aeneas! settled in Britain and /ounded a city t'at
is no. London. Hence an old ,oetic na-e /or London is Trino4antu-! Ne. Troy. T'e
,oet Hu-,'rey Git/ord Fcirca %#6CG addressed t'e youn+ -en o/ Britain as <8e buds o/
BrutusS Land<! .'en ur+in+ t'e- to resist t'e (,anis' Ar-ada. $'en Troy .as t'ou+'t!
in later years! to be a ,urely le+endary locality! t'is old story .as ridiculedI but -odern
arc'aeolo+ical researc' 'as +i4en it a ne. lease o/ li/e.
$'en Cnossos .as sac1ed circa %2CC B.C. Mycenaean ,o.er e9tended o4er Asia
Minor and t'e Ae+ean! includin+ Troy! and e4en a/ter Mycenae .as destroyed by t'e
Dorians! Troy see-s to 'a4e 1e,t u, trade .it' Britain until Troy itsel/ .as destroyed!
circa %%CC B.C. $'en t'e 'o-e to.n o/ a +reat s'i,,in+ nation is destroyed t'ere is a,t
to be a 'u+e cro.d o/ /u+iti4es! and t'en! as no.adays! closely settled states did not
.elco-e t'e-! so t'ere is not'in+ i-,ossible in t'e le+end t'at a nu-ber o/ t'ese ca-e
to Britain! and not bein+ .elco-e in t'e closely settled $est Country ,assed u, t'e
En+lis' C'annel and u, a .ide ri4er to t'e /irst 'i+' land suitable /or de/ence! and t'ere
/ounded a city .'ere London no. stands.
T'ey .ors'i,,ed t'e Great Goddess Danae! or Danu! and it is su++ested t'at
anot'er band o/ t'ese re/u+ees .ent to Ireland! .'ere t'ey .ere 1no.n as t'e Tuat'a De
Danaan! <t'e C'ildren o/ t'e Goddess Dana<. Nennius! t'e &t' century c'ronicler! .rote
t'at BritainSs earliest na-e .as Albion! by .'ic' it .as 1no.n to 5liny! /ro- Albina Ft'e
$'ite GoddessG! t'e eldest o/ t'e Danaids. T'e Latins .ors'i,,ed t'e $'ite Goddess as
CardeaI s'e .as t'e -istress o/ Janus! t'e ee,er o/ t'e Door o/ Hades. ('e 'ad +reat
,o.er at Alba Ft'e $'ite CityG! /irst colonised by e-i+rants /ro- t'e 5elo,onnese at t'e
ti-e o/ t'e +reat dis,ersal. Janus .as really t'e Oa1 God Dianus! ee,er o/ t'e Door.
His .i/e .as Jana! or Diana FDioneG! +oddess o/ t'e .oods and t'e -oon! and o/ .itc'3
cra/t. Albina! t'e Barley Goddess! .'o +a4e 'er na-e to Britain! is t'e $'ite Lady o/
deat' and ins,iration! also called Cerrid.en! /ro- <cerdd< in Iris' and $els' -eanin+
<+ain<! and also t'e ins,ired arts! es,ecially ,oetry<! and <.en<! <.'ite<. ('e is also
ee,er o/ t'e Door o/ Hades. ('e .as identi/ied .it' Isis! 5a,'ian @enus .'o arose
/ro- t'e sea! Diana! 5ros,er,ina! and Hecate! and .e 'a4e seen 'er already as t'e lady in
s'inin+ .'ite rai-ent .'o ,resided o4er t'e Land o/ t'e Dead in t'e early %2t' century
,oe- S(ir Or/eo<.
I/ .e acce,t t'e .itc' le+end t'at (tone'en+e is t'e te-,le o/ t'eir +reat +oddess!
sy-bolic o/ 'er .o-b! .'ic' t'e Druids called t'e Cauldron o/ Cerrid.en and t'e
Cauldron o/ Ins,iration! co-bined .it' t'e +reat stone ,'allus! t'e Hele (tone! .e -ay
,resu-e t'at t'e ancient .ors'i, .as e4ery.'ere t'e sa-e! t'at o/ t'e creati4e ,o.ers!
as s'o.n by t'e a4enue at A4ebury! t'e Cornis' Men3an3Tol! t'e Asseri- o/ t'e Old
Testa-ent! t'e T.in 5illars o/ (olo-onSs Te-,le! and t'e Je'o4a' and As'tarot' .'o-
'e and t'e early Israelites .ors'i,,ed! and .'o are still adored by t'e Oabalists as t'e
(u,ernal Fat'er and t'e (u,ernal Mot'er. $'ile a-on+ t'e Je.s t'e -ale +od see-s to
'a4e been c'ie/! or at least eLual to t'e +oddess! in t'e early ti-es it a,,ears
t'at! .'et'er as a sur4i4al o/ t'e -atriarc'al syste- or /ro- ot'er causes! t'e +oddess
.as t'e rulin+ ,artner. T'us at t'e Te-,le o/ Arte-is t'e -oon +oddess! .'o .as
so-eti-es called T'etis at Iolcus! a +reat ,ort in T'essaly! t'ere .ere /i/ty ,riestesses.
E4ery se4en years one .as c'osen by lot to be Oueen. ('e too1 a nan to be 'er Oa1
in+! re,resentin+ t'e +odI but 'e .as sacri/iced at t'e end o/ se4en years! .'en a ne.
Lueen .as c'osen. T'is 'as a rese-blance to t'e .itc' custo-I t'e Hi+' 5riestess is t'e
<Di4ine 5o.er<! and s'e c'ooses any -an s'e ,leases as Hi+' 5riest. He is usually 'er
o.n 'usbandI but .it' t'e- t'e Hi+' 5riest is not sacri/iced! at least not no.adays! and
t'ey 'a4e no le+end o/ t'is e4er 'a4in+ been t'e case. 5ersonally! I 4ery -uc' doubt
.'et'er anyone .ould e4er ta1e on t'e =ob o/ bein+ 1in+ /or a year! or e4en se4en years!
1no.in+ 'e .ould be sacri/iced at t'e end o/ 'is ter-I t'ou+' 'e -i+'t do so i/ t'ere .as
a +ood c'ance o/ bein+ able to arran+e /or a substitute.
Robert Gra4es! .'o 'as .ritten e9tensi4ely u,on t'is sub=ect! considers t'at in
Biblical ti-es Da4id deri4ed 'is title o/ in+ o/ t'e Je.s /ro- -arryin+ t'e Hi+'
5riestess o/ t'e Goddess Mic'al at Hebron. FT'is! incidentally! -ay e9,lain t'e
o,,osition o/ (a-uel! t'e /ollo.er o/ Je'o4a'! to t'e ,eo,leSs de-and /or a 1n+I and t'e
/act t'at (aul .as consecrated as t'e /irst 1in+ o/ Israel at Gil+al! a na-e -eanin+
<circle<! .'ere t'ere .ere t.el4e +reat stones! ostensibly ,laced t'ere to co--e-orate
t'e ,assin+ o/ t'e Jordan. It .as ,robably a stone circle.G It see-s t'at t'e 'usband o/ t'e
Hi+' 5riestess o/ t'e countrySs +oddess auto-atically beca-e 1in+! or at least could only
be reco+nised as bein+ 1in+ t'rou+' 'is .i/eI and i/ 'e died or .ere 1illed .'oe4er
-arried t'e .ido. .ould 'a4e a +ood clai- to 1in+s'i,. T'ere are 'ints o/ t'ese ideas in
t'e le+ends o/ in+ Art'ur! .'ere it .ill be seen t'at Art'ur acLuires 'is /a-ous <Round
Table< by -arria+e .it' Guine4ere! and t'ere are 4arious atte-,ts to abduct Guine4ere
by rebel 1ni+'ts .'o .anted to usur, t'e 1in+lo-! as i/ Guine4ere and t'e 1in+do- .ent
It is said in a Luotation /ro- t'e lost Gos,el to t'e Hebre.s t'at .'en C'rist .as
sent on eart' t'e Lord called a -i+'ty ,o.er called Mic'al! and t'is ,o.er .as na-ed
Mary and s'e descended to eart' .it' C'rist in 'er .o-b! and 'e .as born. Many
-ystical sects in t'e Middle A+es belie4ed in a /e-ale Holy G'ost. In t'e Abbey C'urc'
at Ne. Barnet! on t'e ri+'t side o/ 'e altar! is a lar+e ,icture o/ C'rist! and on t'e le/t is a
lar+e ,icture o/ t'e F/e-inineG Holy G'ost! s'o.n as a .o-an in .'ite! t'e $'ite
Goddess. T'e ,riests o/ t'is c'urc' told -e so-e years a+o t'at C'rist .as born o/ t'e
Fat'er! concei4ed by t'e Holy
G'ost! and t'at only a .o-an could concei4e. T'ey 'ad a nu-ber o/ ,roo/s o/ t'is bein+
a 4ery ancient doctrine. T'is o/ course is t'e ancient trinity! t'e sacred <MA3AB3BEN<!
.ritten as a <,ort-anteau .ord<! <MABEN<! t'e Mot'er3Fat'er3(on trinity o/ t'e
ancients! or Isis3Osiris3Horus. $'ile C'ristianity atte-,ted to re,lace t'is /or a .'ile by
t'e all3-ale Trinity! t'e Mediterranean ,eo,les al.ays lon+ed /or a +oddess! and so t'e
C'urc' .as /orced to e9alt t'e 4ir+in Mary! so-e.'at at t'e e9,ense o/ t'e .ors'i, o/
t'e Fat'er and t'e Holy G'ost. T'is Mot'er and (on .ors'i, is not so di//erent /ro- t'e
cult o/ t'e .itc'es! alt'ou+' it -ay be 'eresy to say so.
Acce,tin+ t'at in -ost ,eo,le t'ere see-s to be an ur+e to 'a4e a +od and a
+oddess! I t'in1 .e -ay consider t'at t'is .as t'e case /our t'ousand years a+o! and all
t'e e4idence o/ arc'aeolo+y ,oints to it. $e ,resu-e t'at /ro- about ACCC B.C. to about
%ACC B.C. t'ere .as constant co--unication bet.een t'e Eastern Mediterranean and
Britain! ,robably by s-all tradin+ boats .'ic' brou+'t 4arious +oods 4aluable to t'e
Britis'I car+oes o/ beads! and .or1-en .'o 1ne. t'e secret o/ castin+ bronKe. T'ey
recei4ed in return tin! +old! ,earls and a-ber. All .ould .elco-e t'ese traders! and
,er'a,s .ould learn reli+ious ideas /ro- t'e-I but t'ese -i+'t be only ,oints o/ ritual!
because t'e basic reli+ious ideas .ere t'e sa-e! t'ou+' t'e +ods and +oddesses -i+'t
'a4e di//erent na-es.
In t'e Britis' C'ronicle! Geo//rey o/ Mon-out' tells o/ t'e /oundin+ o/ London
by Brutus! +reat3+randson o/ Aeneas o/ Troy! in t'e year %%C" B.C. T'is .as belie4ed
i-,licitly by all Londoners until 5olydore @ir+il .as e-,loyed by t'e in+ o/ France
and t'e Ro-an C'urc' to discredit all records s'o.in+ t'at t'e Tudors .ere descended
/ro- Art'ur and t'e ancient 1in+s! and all su++estions t'at t'ere .as any ci4ilisation in
Britain until t'e Ro-ans conLuered t'e countryI and 'e succeeded so .ell t'at .e are
only =ust be+innin+ to re3disco4er t'e trut' about Ancient Britis' ci4ilisation. But at t'e
ti-e .'en Henry @III .as Luarrellin+ .it' t'e 5o,e e4eryt'in+ ,ossible in t'e .ay o/
<,ro,a+anda3.ar/are< .as done by t'e anti3Britis' ,arty! and t'is .as ,art o/ it. Fro- t'e
stand,oint o/ t'e ,resent day! t'e ,olitical ,ur,ose o/ discreditin+ t'e old Britis'
traditions is ,lain. A C'urc' o/ En+land .'ic' deri4ed its aut'ority /ro- Henry @III .as
in a .ea1 ,ositionI but a C'urc' deri4in+ its aut'ority /ro- Jose,' o/ Ari-at'ea .as a
4ery di//erent -atterI al-ost eLually dan+erous .as t'e tradition o/ an ancient
ci4ilisation inde,endent o/ Ro-e alto+et'er.
Geo//rey +a4e t'e lists o/ t'e ancient Britis' 1in+s and t'eir rei+ns since Brutus! so t'e
story .as ably ,ut about t'at as .ritin+
.as un1no.n in Britain until t'e Ro-ans ca-e it .as i-,ossible t'at t'ese na-es and
records could 'a4e been ,reser4ed! so t'ey -ust be /alse. No.adays .e 1no. t'at suc'
ar+u-ents are not 4alid. T'e Maoris o/ Ne. Tealand 'a4e lon+ ,edi+rees! learned by
'eart! .'ic' e9tend bac1.ards /or one t'ousand! /i4e 'undred years. Furt'er! Caesar
states o/ t'e Druids FDe Bello Gallico! 4i.G0
Re,ort says t'at in t'e sc'ools o/ t'e Druids t'ey learn by 'eart a +reat nu-ber o/
4erses! and t'ere/ore so-e ,ersons re-ain t.enty years under trainin+. T'ey do not
t'in1 it ,ro,er to co--it t'ese utterances to .ritin+! alt'ou+' in al-ost all ot'er
-atters and in t'eir ,ublic and ,ri4ate accounts t'ey -a1e use o/ Gree1 c'aracters. I
belie4e t'at t'ey 'a4e ado,ted t'e ,ractice /or t.o reasons 33 t'at t'ey do not .is' t'e
rule to beco-e co--on ,ro,erty nor t'ose .'o learn t'e rule to rely on .ritin+! and
so ne+lect t'e culti4ation o/ t'e -e-ory.
Later! 'o.e4er! t'e O+'a- /or- o/ .ritin+ .as e4ol4ed! see-in+ly in Ireland!
and bet.een t'e And and Dt' centuries A.D. it s,read to $ales! Corn.all! De4on!
Ha-,s'ire! and t'e Isle o/ Man. T'is scri,t a,,ears to be indi+enous to t'e Britis' Isles!
and 1no.led+e o/ it .as ,reser4ed in t'e Iris' /ol13-e-ory do.n to t'e early %&t'
In 5olydore @ir+ilSs day it .as +enerally belie4ed t'at t'ere .as no .ritin+ be/ore
t'e rise o/ Ro-e! or at least 'e s,read t'at 4ie.. It .as t'ou+'t t'at t'e 5'oenicians .ere
t'e /irst na4i+ators to 4isit BritainI t'ey 'ad no idea t'at t'e s'i,s o/ Mycenae and Crete
ca-e 'ere re+ularly. Troy itsel/ .as dis-issed as a -yt'! until (c'lie-ann! /ollo.in+ 'is
drea-! .ent and du+ u, Troy! and /ound to 'is sur,rise t'at t'ere .ere not one but si9
Troys! in one o/ .'ic' 'e /ound a ,iece o/ Iris' +old .or1 si-ilar to t'ose /ound by (ir
Flinders 5etrie at GaKa! t'us ,ro4in+ trade connections bet.een t'ese cities and t'e
Britis' Isles. Also! no one 1ne. t'en o/ t'e lar+e a-ounts o/ E+y,tian beads brou+'t to
Britain by Cretan and Mycenaean s'i,s! or t'at t'e Tro=ans .ere +reat tradin+ and
sea/arin+ ,eo,le! so t'at .'en Troy .as destroyed t'ere is not'in+ i-,ossible or e4en
unli1ely in a nu-ber o/ re/u+ees +oin+ .'ere t'ey could +et +ood land /or t'e ta1in+.
Anot'er old Britis' tradition! incidentally! .as t'at t'e To.er o/ London .as
built by Julius Caesar. T'is! too! .as lau+'ed at! until it .as disco4ered t'at t'e To.er is
built on Ro-an /oundationsI so t'e ori+inal To.er .as a Ro-an /ortress t'ou+' later
t'an Caesar.
T'ou+' t'ere do not see- to be any traces o/ Cretan traders ot'er t'an t'e
E+y,tian beads and bronKe +oods t'ey brou+'t! it is 4ery ,ossible t'at t'ey brou+'t ,art
o/ t'eir cult o/ t'e Mot'er Goddess .it' t'e-. <No traces /ound< does not -ean t'at
t'ere are none! only t'at t'ey are not yet /ound or identi/ied.
T'e old -aKe desi+ns cut on roc1s -ay be Cretan! and t'e 4arious 'ill -aKes!
t'ou+' traditionally called <Troy To.n<! -ay 'a4e been /ro- t'e Cretan idea o/ t'e
Labyrint'. One at least o/ t'ese -aKes! t'e MiK3MaKe at Lei+'! in Dorset! .as noted as
t'e -eetin+3,lace o/ .itc'es! and also as t'e ,lace .'ere in old ti-es t'e ,eo,le o/ t'e
district used to -eet to -a1e 'oliday! ,robably to obser4e t'e old (abbats. T'e MiK3
MaKe is no. al-ost obliterated! but it e9isted as late as %6CC in t'e /or- o/ ban1s -ade
to /ollo. an intricate ,attern.
In Jutland t'ere are old -aKes laid out in stone ,at'sI it is said t'at in Luite
-odern ti-es t'ey .ould ,ut a +irl in t'e centre! and youn+ -en .ould +o alon+ t'e
,at's to /ind 'er! and t'e one .'o +ot 'er beca-e 'er lo4er. I ne4er Luite +ot t'e idea o/
t'is! because t'e .alls .ere only a /oot 'i+'! and one could see e4ery t'in+ a'ead. I t'in1
t'e lads o/ t'e 4illa+e .ould Luic1ly learn .'ere to start in order to +et t'ere /irstI or! o/
course! t'e +irl -ay 'a4e 1no.n! and told 'er /a4ourite boy! <8ou start at t'at +ate.<
It is said t'at t'ere cannot 'a4e been any early Britis' .ritin+ or so-e .ould 'a4e
sur4i4ed. Ho.e4er! .e -ust re-e-ber t'e burnin+ o/ t'e +reat library o/ Ban+or! and
ot'er libraries .'ic' .ere obno9ious to t'e Ro-an C'urc' Fnot to -ention t'e En+lis'
cli-ateG. T.enty years a+o it .as t'e +reat ,oint o/ t'e Hi+'er Critics o/ t'e Bible t'at
t'e Je.s .ere utterly illiterateI so not'in+ could 'a4e been .ritten be/ore t'e Babylonian
Ca,ti4ity! because in all 5alestine only /our ,re3E9ile inscri,tions 'ad been /ound! t'ree
4ery rou+' calendar stones! and t'e /ourt' .as t'e (iloa- tunnel inscri,tion .'ic' .as
.ritten by a 5'oenician. But I .as .it' t'e $ellco-e E9,edition di++in+ u, t'e city
o/ La1is' in %&"7! and .e /ound in a +uard3'ouse a lar+e nu-ber o/ ,ots'erds inscribed
in in1 .it' a reed ,en. T'ey .ere c'ie/ly co,ies o/ t'e records o/ a trial! and one o/ t'e-
a,olo+ised /or .ritin+ to so +reat a -an on ,ots'erds! sayin+ t'at o.in+ to t'e .ar t'e
su,,ly o/ ,a,yrus .as e9'austed. T'at e9,lained -attersI t'e ,re3E9ile Je.s could and
did .rite on ,a,yrus i-,orted /ro- E+y,t. But .'ile ,a,yrus lasts in a bone3dry
E+y,tian to-b it rots Luic1ly in a da-, country li1e 5alestine. $e also realised t'at
t'ere 'ad been -any inscri,tions on stones! but t'e Maccabees! bein+ intolerant ,uritans
'ad destroyed t'e- all because t'ey .ere -ostly reli+ious inscri,tions dedicated to t'e
+ods! t'e Elo'i-! .'ose .ors'i, t'ey .ere atte-,tin+ to crus' out.
(i-ilar destruction bot' by nature and by t'e 'and o/ -an -ay 'a4e occurred in
Britain. $e 1no. t'at as late as durin+ t'e rei+n o/ Henry @III co-,laints .ere -ade by
t'e C'urc' t'at t'ere
.as a Druid 5riest in $ales na-ed Hu! .'o 'ad a +reat Oa1 idol! also na-ed Hu! and
t'at -any ,eo,le .ors'i,,ed t'is idol! brin+in+ o//erin+s o/ cattle to it. (o t'e in+ 'ad
t'e- bot' brou+'t to London! and burned to+et'er at (-it'/ield. T'is idol na-ed Hu!
.as ob4iously Hu Gadarn! and so -uc' 1no.led+e -ust 'a4e been lost by t'e deat' o/
t'at un/ortunate Druid. $e -ust also re-e-ber t'e syste-atic destruction o/ t'e
-anuscri,ts o/ t'e Mayas! and t'e burnin+ o/ t'e .ooden tablets co4ered .it'
'iero+ly,'ics on Easter Island by C'ristian Missionaries. $'at I a- atte-,tin+ to s'o.
is t'at t'ere is clear e4idence t'at t'ere .as co--unication bet.een Britain and t'e
Eastern Mediterranean at an early date! and t'at t'rou+' t'is co--unication 4arious
reli+ious ideas -i+'t 'a4e been introduced to t'is country. $'at ,uKKled -e at /irst .as
t'e rese-blance bet.een t'e (u-arian Mot'er Goddess and t'e $itc' Goddess
Fun/ortunately I a- not ,er-itted to say .'at t'is isG. I t'ou+'t t'at t'is -ust be only
coincidence. T'en I ca-e across t'e .ritin+s o/ Mr. Ross Nic'ols on <T'e Great Todiac
o/ Glastonbury<! in .'ic' 'e says! <T'is Todiac 'as (u-arian a//inities. (o-e
Arc'aelo+ical e4idence e9ists o/ t'e colonisation o/ Britain by ,eo,le o/ (u-arian
a//inities be/ore ADCC B.C. and s'i,s o/ in+ (ar+on... are said to 'a4e co-e to Britain
and t'e na-e (u-er -ay indeed be t'e <(u--er3land< o/ (o-ersets'ire .'ence in t'e
si9t' $els' Triad t'e 5atriarc' Hu Gadarn is said to 'a4e conducted t'e Cy-ry to
T. A. $addell! in t'e 5'oenician Ori+in o/ t'e (cots and Britons F,.2"! A,,nd.G!
tells o/ a road tablet o/ t'e +reat e-,eror (ar+an! circa AD#C B.C. recordin+ 'is 4ast
conLuests! a-on+ .'ic' are <T'e Tin Land Country! lyin+ beyond t'e Mediterranean<!
.'ic' .ould see- to be Britain.
It a,,ears t'at at a 4ery early date so-eone un1no.n s'a,ed a nu-ber o/ 'ill
islands in (o-erset into curious /or-sI also t'ey drained a lar+e ,art o/ a se-i3-ars' to
/or- t'is a-aKin+ lar+e scale desi+n! t'at is! t'ey -ade a 'u+e star3-a, on t'e eart'. It
see-s li1ely t'at t'e ,eo,le .'o did t'is 'u+e .or1 .ere star .ors'i,,ers! de,ri4ed o/
t'e .onder/ul si+'t o/ t'e Host o/ Hea4en .'ic' t'ey sa. eac' ni+'t in t'eir 'o-eland!
and .'o! bein+ in a tract o/ land .'ere t'ey .ere obli+ed to -a1e +reat eart'.or1s in
order to +et land abo4e t'e sur/ace o/ t'e .ater! constructed it in t'ese curious si+ns. It
see-s a curious t'in+ to doI but brin+in+ t'e /orei+n stones /ro- $ales to (tone'en+e
.as li1e.ise a curious t'in+ to do. All I can say is! t'ese ,eo,le did curious t'in+s! and
you can be sure t'ey .ere not done /or /un. T'ey 'ad so-e 4ery +ood reason! and it is
so-eti-es ,ro/itable to atte-,t to /ind t'eir
reason. T'ese 'u+e /i+ures are said to be o/ (u-erian desi+n. Can it be t'at in in+
(ar+onSs ti-e t'eir /leets did co-e 'ere! .'ic' conLuered ,art o/ t'e country and
/orti/ied a +rou, o/ islands a-on+ t'e -ars'es /ro- .'ic' base t'ey .ould send out
raidin+ ,arties! to +et sla4esH Or! -ore ,robably! it .as =ust a tradin+ centre! /ro- .'ic'
-erc'ants .ould buy tin /ro- t'e nati4es! -uc' as .e used to do in (in+a,ore and
Hon+1on+. All nations /ound it -uc' easier to set u, tradin+ stations .'ere your s'i,s
can be sa/e and .'ere you trade .'at you 'a4e a sur,lus o/! /or .'at you reLuire. T'e
(u-arians and Assyrians .ere a /ine /i+'tin+ race! t'ey 'ad -ost t'in+s close at 'and!
but t'ou+' t'ey 'ad +reat -ines o/ co,,er in Cy,rus! t'ey needed tin to -a1e bronKe. I/
t'ey did co-e to Britain /or it! it .as a lon+ =ourney! and -any .ould ,robably settle
do.n 'ere .it' nati4e .i4es. T'ey .ere used to /loods and buildin+ -ounds! so in t'eir
ne. 'o-e t'ey .ould be+in raisin+ -ounds and cuttin+ drains. T'eir Gods .ere t'e
Hosts o/ Hea4en! t'e stars! .'ic' in t'eir nati4e land see-ed so close at ni+'t. T'ey 'ad
-a,,ed out t'ese stars in t'e si+ns o/ t'e TodiacI but 'ere in t'is cold da-, land t'e
s1ies .ere so o/ten clouded! and e4en .'en you could see t'e- t'e stars see-ed so
distant. T'en t'ey noticed t'at so-e o/ t'ese 'ills loo1ed rat'er li1e a Todiac. T'en so-e
,riest or oracle -ay 'a4e said0 <Ma1e a (tar Te-,le 'ere so t'e ,o.er o/ t'e stars -ay
be .it' you.< T'ere are -entions in old tales o/ t'e /irst -i+'ty labour o/ t'e land o/
Britain! t'e buildin+ o/ <Caer Arianr'od<! t'e Te-,le o/ Hea4en. T'e second -i+'ty
labour o/ Britain .as (tone'en+e. No one 1no.s .'ere t'is Te-,le o/ Hea4en isI -ay it
not be t'is +iant TodiacH .'ic' is about t.el4e -iles across and t'e /i+ures are so 'u+e
t'ey can only be seen /ro- t'e air! but t'at t'ere .ere 1no.n to be /i+ures t'ere is ,ro4ed
by -any old stories. T'e /acts see- to be t'at so-eone! so-e'o.! disco4ered t'at t'ese
'ills rou+'ly su++ested a Todiac! and t'ey cut a.ay and built u, to -a1e t'e- -ore
,er/ect. T'is i-,lies a stron+ central +o4ern-ent! or a stron+ reli+ious -oti4e! at so-e
4ery early date. It is note.ort'y t'at lon+ a/ter.ards t'e Britis' .ere in t'e 'abit o/
-a1in+ 'u+e 'ill /i+ures! .'ite 'orses! etc. But t'ere are +ods also. T'e Giant o/ Cerne
Abbas! /or instance! and t'e curious /i+ures lately disco4ered on t'e Go+ Ma+o+ 'ills
near Ca-brid+e! includin+ one /i+ure o/ t'e Na1ed Goddess. It al.ays 'as been a ,uKKle
.'y t'ese /i+ures see- to 'a4e been constructed as i/ t'ey .ere intended to be seen /ro-
abo4e and t'e Glastonbury /i+ures are ,ractically in4isible e9ce,t /ro- t'e air. T'is 'as
-ade -e .onder! is t'ere no .ay! a,art /ro- Atlantean Airs'i,s F.'ic' so-e ,eo,le
belie4e inG and Flyin+ (aucers! in .'ic' ,ri-iti4e
,eo,le could 'a4e /lo.n! or at least risen in t'e airH And I t'in1 t'ere are at least t.o
di//erent .ays .'ic' .ere .ell .it'in t'eir -eans. About si9ty years a+o! be/ore
aero,lanes ca-e into e9istence! t'ere .ere t.o .ays in .'ic' a +eneral in .arti-e could
see /ro- t'e air .'at t'e ene-y .as doin+! na-ely 1ites and balloons. A s-all 1ite .as
sent u,! .'ic' in turn too1 u, a bi++er 1iteI t'is too1 u, anot'er bi+ enou+' to carry a
-an .'o could obser4e t'e ene-y and send .ritten -essa+es do.n t'e 1ite3strin+. T'e
.'ole a//air /olded u, into a s-all cart! and .as -ore ,ortable t'an t'e -ilitary balloon!
.it' its a,,aratus /or -a1in+ +as! etc. But t'e /irst balloons .ere /ire balloons. A Frenc'
,a,er -anu/acturer na-ed Mont+ol/ier noticed t'at s-o1e rose u,.ards .it'
considerable /orce and it struc1 'i- i/ 'e con/ined s-o1e in a ba+! t'e ba+ .ould be
carried u, alon+ .it' t'e s-o1e. T'e story +oes t'at 'e .as stayin+ in an inn! .'en 'e
+ot t'is idea! and .it' t'e 'el, o/ a .aiter 'e li+'ted a /ire in an un-entionable utensil
.'ic' t'ey too1 /ro- underneat' t'e bed and 'eld ,a,er ba+s o4er it. T'e ,a,er ba+s
rose to t'e ceilin+ and Mont+ol/ier .as nearly burned as a .itc'! but balloonin+ .as
born. In June! %D6"! 'e succeeded in sendin+ a bi+ balloon to a 'ei+'t o/ o4er one
t'ousand /i4e 'undred /eet! by -eans o/ an iron c'a/in+3dis' burnin+ ten ,ounds o/ -oist
stra. and .ool to ,roduce s-o1e. In No4e-ber o/ t'at year 'e and a co-,anion sailed
across 5aris and in %D62 t'e En+lis' C'annel .as crossed by Blanc'ard and Je//ries in a
balloon. It .as soon disco4ered t'at it .as 'eat and not s-o1e .'ic' caused t'e balloons
to rise. Na,oleon 'ad a Hot Air Balloon Cor,s! and obtained i-,ortant -ilitary
in/or-ation in t'is .ay and ,art o/ 'is ,lans /or t'e in4asion o/ En+land F.'ic' t'e
.itc'es clai- to 'a4e /oiledG in4ol4ed t'e trans,ort o/ troo,s by a lar+e /leet o/ balloons.
No.! i/ Mont+ol/ier concei4ed t'e idea o/ utilisin+ t'e ascendin+ /orce! it is Luite
,ossible t'at so-e (u-erian 5riest! .atc'in+ t'e clouds o/ s-o1e arisin+ /ro- a
sacri/ice! -i+'t 'a4e concei4ed it also and atte-,ted it .it'out any dan+er to 'i-sel/!
and it is Luite /easible t'at t'e secret .as 1no.n 'undreds i/ not t'ousands o/ years
be/ore. I/ any (u-erian 5riest did disco4er it! 'is in+ .ould surely be +lad to ,atronise
an e9,eri-ent .'ic' loo1ed li1e bein+ use/ul in .ar. T'ere are! in /act! -any ancient
stories o/ <Flyin+ -ac'ines< o/ 4arious 1inds! /ro- -any countries 33 t'e .ell31no.n
Eastern <Flyin+ Car,et<! /or instance. T'ere is a Britis' le+end o/ in+ Bladud o/ Bat'!
.'o in4ented a contri4ance .it' .'ic' 'e <Atte-,ted to /ly to t'e u,,er re+ion o/ t'e
air<I but 'e /ell do.n u,on t'e te-,le o/ A,ollo in t'e City o/ Trino4entu- FLondonG
and .as das'ed to deat'. In Ireland a Druid called Mo+
Ruit' ,ossessed! accordin+ to story! a -a+ical -ac'ine called t'e Rot' Fail. (t. Colu-ba
.rites o/ t'is as a 4ast s'i, .'ic' could na4i+ate bot' land and sea. FMuc' as anyone o/
t'ose days .ould describe a balloon i/ t'ey sa. it.G T'e le+end +oes t'at Mo+ Ruit' and
'is dau+'ter Tlac't+a /le. in t'is :s'i,; to Italy! .'ere 'e -et t'e /a-ous -a+ician
(i-on Ma+us. T'e Druid lent 'i- t'e Rot' Fail to de-onstrate to t'e Ro-an E-,eror
t'at t'e Heat'en Gods 'ad -ore ,o.er t'an t'e C'ristian but t'e -ac'ine cras'ed at t'e
trials and (i-on Ma+us .as seriously in=ured. C'ristian onloo1ers clai-ed t'at t'is .as
because t'ey -ade t'e si+n o/ t'e cross. T'e story +oes t'at Tlac't+a collected t'e
bro1en bits o/ t'e -ac'ine! and /le. t'e- bac1 to Ireland .'ere! ,resu-ably. s'e too
cras'ed! as t'e -ac'ine beca-e t.o -asses o/ roc1 .'ic' are s'o.n to t'is day. One is
in Dublin County! t'e ot'er in Ti,,erary. No.! i/ so-e cle4er -an o/ ancient ti-es did
in /act ,recede Mont+ol/ier in t'e in4ention o/ /ire balloons! it .ould e9,lain all t'ese
stories Fe9ce,t turnin+ into roc1G! and t'e -ystery o/ t'e construction o/ t'ese +reat Eart'
/i+ures -ay be considerably enli+'tened.
In a /lat country! suc' as (u-aria! it .ould be 4ery use/ul to 'a4e a -an u, alo/t
in .ar ti-e! or e4en at ordinary ti-es! to loo1 out /or bandits and raiders. T'ey 'ad +ood
loo-s and could -a1e 4ery /ine clot'I t'ey used -uc' incense co-,osed o/ resins! so
.ould 1no. 'o. to -a1e a /ine stron+ 4arnis'! to -a1e t'e balloon airti+'t. I/ t'ey used
t'ese at 'o-e! .ould t'ey not 'a4e been li1ely to e-,loy t'e- on a colonisin+
e9,edition! to s,y out t'e landH And i/ t'ey /ound t'e 'ills o/ t'is land .ere s'a,ed in a
.ay .'ic' su++ested a si+n /ro- t'e +ods! -i+'t not t'eir ,riests acce,t it as suc'H I a-
not sayin+ t'is .as so. I a- only su++estin+ .'at -i+'t account /or t'e /acts as .e /ind
t'e-. @iK! T'e Great Todiac as it is and t'e a,,arent (u-erian in/luence in $itc'cra/t!
.'ic' I cannot account /or ot'er.ise. About t'e ,eriod! circa A#CC B.C.! it is said
Assyria .as t'e +reat ,o.er in t'e Mediterranean. ('e 'ad +ood s'i,s! and an abundant
,o,ulation. BronKe .as a +reat necessity and /or t'is t'ey needed tin. I/ 'er s'i,s .ent
outside t'e Mediterranean t'ey .ould /ind +reat nu-bers o/ Lybians FBerbersG
e-i+ratin+ nort'.ards! to t'e :Green Land; .'ere t'ere .as suc' +ood +raKin+ /or
cattle! and .'ence ca-e +old! ,earls! a-ber and tin. Is it not li1ely t'ey .ould .is' to
disco4er .'at t'is land .as li1e and ,rocure .'at .as -ore 4aluable to t'e- t'an
anyt'in+ else! abundant tin. T'ey already 'ad Cy,rus. .'ence all t'e co,,er ca-e! but
tin .as 4ery rare indeed. One s'i,3load o/ tin returnin+ .ould lead to an e9,edition bein+
sent .it' orders to seiKe so-e easily de/ended
base .'ere t'eir s'i,s could s'elter in .inter .'ence t'ey could +o to t'e -ines. A+reed
it -i+'t 'a4e been nearer /or t'e- to seiKe a base in Corn.all! but ,ossibly all s'eltered
,laces suitable .ere already occu,ied. T'e distance /ro- 'o-e .as so +reat! t'at t.o or
t'ree days -ore sailin+ .ould not -atter. An unoccu,ied natural de/ensi4e ,osition .as
t'eir ai-. A /e. raids .ould ,ro4ide all t'e sla4es t'ey reLuired. 5ossibly t'e -ines .ere
in t'e ,ossession o/ .arli1e tribes .'o- it .as not .ort' .'ile atte-,tin+ to conLuer.
T'e Blac1 stone .as useless to t'e stone a+e nati4es! and t'ey .ould trade lots o/ it /or
beads and ot'er +oods .'ic' cost little. As /ar as .e 1no.! t'ese (tone A+e ,eo,le .ere
not .arli1e! -ost o/ t'eir a9es! etc.! .ere tools! and -etal ar-ed and ar-oured ,eo,le
.ere -uc' in t'e sa-e ,osition as Euro,ean settlers .it' +uns .ere a-on+ nati4e tribes
t.o 'undred years a+o. $'en Assyria lost 'er ,o.er! co--unications .ould ,robably
be 1e,t u, .it' Britain by t'e ,eo,le o/ Crete! Gree1s and Tro=ans! t'en 5'oenicians. In
t'ose days t'ere .as a sort o/ /ree trade! and it is ,ossible t'at E+y,tian s'i,s -ay 'a4e
-ade t'e 4oya+e in early ti-es. T'ere are 4ery curious roc1 car4in+s in Nor.ay and
(.eden .'ic' 'a4e al.ays been su,,osed to record t'e 4isits o/ stran+e s'i,s at 4ery
early dates! circa ACCC B.C. (o-e o/ t'ese s'i,s are 4ery E+y,tian in a,,earance. (ee
5a+es %%D and %2" T'e @i1in+ A+e! by 5aul du C'aillu. (o-e car4in+s see- to s'o.
raids by s'i, ,eo,le .'o lead ca,ti4e .o-en a.ay. A nu-ber o/ t'ese s'i,s are s'o.n
.it' a sun o4er t'e-! -uc' rese-blin+ t'e E+y,tian <(olar Bar1<. All t'is see-s to
,oint to t'e /act t'at durin+ t'e (tone A+e in Britain! a nu-ber o/ Mediterranean ,eo,le
did co-e by sea to Britain and /urt'er! and t'at t'is intercourse continued until t'e rise o/
Cart'a+e .'ic' do-inated (,ain and cut o// all trade .it' t'e outer sea by 'er
co-,etitors. Also t'is .as in t'e iron a+e and so tin .as not ur+ently needed.
I/ I a- ri+'t! I .ould su++est t'at by t'e ti-e Assyrian s'i,s ceased to co-e to
Britain t'ere .ould 'a4e +ro.n u, a stron+ and co-,act settle-ent o/ descendants o/
Assyrian Fat'ers and nati4e -ot'ers in (o-erset and it is not i-,ossible t'at t'is na-e
ca-e /ro- <(u-aria<.
T'e Aristocracy and 5riest'ood .ould 'a4e t'e t'eory o/ a 1in+do- .'ere t'e
5riest in+s and Hi+' 5riestess .ere obeyed. 5ossibly t'eir e-,ire e9,anded! and t'e
seat o/ +o4ern-ent .ould be c'an+ed to A4ebury and (tone'en+e.
5ossibly reli+ious c'an+es ca-e in and t'ey -ade no -ore Todiacs! but t'e
tradition re-ained o/ -a1in+ +i+antic ani-als. T'e ser,ent3li1e a4enue at Carnac in
Brittany is Luite as bi+ as
any o/ t'e Todiac /i+ures. And /ro- t'is in ti-e .ould co-e t'e custo- o/ cuttin+ t'e
Hill Fi+ures .'ic' are not /ound in any ot'er country. It s'ould be re-e-bered t'at
.'ile t'e outer circle at (tone'en+e! circa %ACC B.C. .as oriented to t'e (un! t'e inner
circle! circa %6CC B.C.! .as oriented to t'e stars and so .ould see- to 'a4e been built by
a star .ors'i,,in+ ,eo,leI .'o .ould ,resu-ably! 'a4e co-e /ro- so-e country .'ere
t'e stars are brilliant and t'e s1ies clear. And! I can only i-a+ine t'at so-e absolute
-onarc' o/ t'e Assyrian ty,e could 'a4e +i4en t'e order0 <T'ereSs a nice stone circle in
$ales! brin+ it 'ere.< No.! t'e reader .ill as1! <$'ate4er 'as all t'is to do .it'
.itc'cra/tH< T'e ans.er is! I a- tryin+ to /ind out t'e 'istory and ori+ins o/ t'e tradition
called <.itc'cra/t<! and as it a,,ears to 'a4e co-e /ro- ,re'istoric ti-es I -ust loo1 at
,re'istoric ti-es and see .'at t'ey .ere really li1e. Once I t'ou+'t t'ey rese-bled t'e
,o,ular conce,tion o/ ,eo,le .'o li4ed in ca4es! dressed in s1ins! and .'o s,ent t'eir
ti-e 'untin+ and bein+ 'unted by .ild beasts and t'eir leisure in brainin+ eac' ot'er .it'
stone a9es and 'aulin+ /air -aidens into t'eir ca4es by t'e 'air! until Caesar and 'is
Ro-an le+ions landed and Britis' 'istory co--enced. I /ind instead t'at early Britons
.ere a,,arently /airly ,eace/ul ,eo,le .'o .ere /ar-ers and cattle3breeders! and .'o!
.'ile not erectin+ +ood bric1 County3Council3a,,ro4ed suburban 4illas to li4e in! ne4er3
t'eless did construct t'e -ost a-aKin+ .or1s! ,resu-ably /or reli+ious reasons. T'ey
understood t'e calendar! and 1ne. .'en to e9,ect t'e (u--er and $inter (olstices.
T'ey see- to 'a4e belie4ed in reincarnation. T'ey .ors'i,,ed a Great Mot'er +oddess.
T'ey co--unicated /airly /reely .it' t'e rest o/ t'e .orld. T'e BronKe A+e Britons 'ad
+ar-ents o/ linen and .oollen stu//! and orna-ents o/. 8or1s'ire =et! Iris' +old .or1!
and blue beads brou+'t by traders /ro- E+y,t. Beauti/ul drin1in+ cu,s o/ +old and a-ber
'a4e been reco4ered /ro- t'eir +ra4es. E4en in Neolit'ic ti-es! t'eir /lint and stone a9es!
arro.'eads! etc.! s'o. delicate cra/ts-ans'i,I and in later ti-es t'e art o/ ena-el .or1
on -etal .as in4ented in Britain. 8et .e can still /ind ,eo,le! e4en arc'aeolo+ists!
enLuirin+ doubt/ully i/ t'ere .as any ci4ilisation in Britain be/ore t'e Ro-ans ca-e>
T'e ans.er is! o/ course! t'at! as 5ro/essor Joad used to say! it all de,ends .'at
you -ean by ci4ilisation. $e are rat'er incldined to set u, t.o 4a+ue 'eadin+s!
<Ci4ilisation< and <Barbaris-<! and to t'in1 ,eo,le <ci4ilised< .'o so-e.'at rese-ble
oursel4es. $'at t'ose .'o- .e label <sa4a+es< .ould 'onestly t'in1 o/ our o.n society
is a sub=ect u,on .'ic' .e rarely re/lect! and .'ic' it is ,er'a,s -ore tact/ul not to
E4en .'en t'e (tone A+e Britons could not -a1e -etal instru-ents t'e-sel4es! t'ey
.ere in constant co--unication .it' ,eo,le .'o used -etal! t'ou+' t'ese -i+'t not
'a4e been al.ays .illin+ to su,,ly t'e- .it' suc'! e4en as Euro,ean +o4ern-ents
/ro.n on su,,lyin+ +uns to ,ri-iti4e races. (uc' -etal3usin+ ,eo,le a,,ear to 'a4e
constructed +reat .or1s at A4ebury and (tone'en+e and ot'er ,laces! notably
Glastonbury. A re-ar1able structure .'ic' -ay be seen at Glastonbury is t'e so3called
C'alice $ell. .'ic' rises near t'e /oot o/ t'e t.o /a-ous 'ills! C'alice Hill and t'e Tor.
It consists o/ a s,rin+! +i4in+ a co,ious 4olu-e o/ .ater! .'ic' is enclosed by -assi4e
-asonry. Accordin+ to t'e +uide issued to 4isitors by t'e ,resent o.ners o/ t'e $ell!
<T'e -asonry o/ t'e $ell 'as been t'e cause o/ -uc' discussion and is belie4ed to be o/
,re3Ro-an ori+in. 5ossibly it is connected .it' t'e Druids! since e9,erts consider it to
'a4e been associated .it' t'e ancient rituals o/ sunli+'t and .ater. Certain it is t'at t'e
-assi4e stone.or1 is orientated! as 'as been ,ro4ed by -easure-ents on Midsu--er
Day. Arc'aeolo+ists .'o 'a4e e9a-ined t'e stones re,ort t'at t'ey are ,laced to+et'er in
.ed+e /or-ation as is t'e case in t'e 5yra-ids! and t'at t'ey are :ri,,le; -ar1ed by
stone i-,le-ents! as at (tone'en+e. (ir Flinders 5etrie .as o/ t'e o,inion t'at t'e $ell
-i+'t 'a4e been roc13'e.n by E+y,tian colonists in about t'e year ACCC B.C. T'e .aters
are c'alybeate and radio3acti4e! 'a4in+ a ne4er3/ailin+ /lo.o/ t.o t'ousand! /i4e 'undred
+allons ,er day! e4en durin+ t'e se4erest drou+'t. T'e $ell is sLuare! -easurin+ 62 /eet
dee, /ro- .ater le4el. A /riend .'o recently 4isited Glastonbury tells -e it is locally
belie4ed t'at t'e -assi4e stones o/ t'e $ell are -ade o/ t'e sa-e 5rescelly <blue< stone
as t'e /a-ous </orei+n< stones at (tone'en+e. $'et'er t'is is true or not I cannot say
Fand t'e e9traordinary t'in+ is t'at ,eo,le see- to be so little interested in tryin+ to /ind
out>G but t'e e9istence o/ t'is ancient sacred $ell ,ro4es t'at Glastonbury is a ,re3
C'ristian sacred ,lace.
No one .ould 'a4e bot'ered to build a structure li1e t'is -erely to conser4e an
ordinary .ater su,,ly. Furt'er! as -i+'t 'a4e been e9,ected! .'ere .e /ind t'e (acred
$ell! .e also /ind t'e (acred Tree. T'e Glastonbury T'orn! .'ic' traditionally stood on
t'e o,,osite $earyall Hill! -ay .ell be a C'ristianised 4ersion o/ a -uc' older sanctity.
It is notable t'at al-ost e4ery.'ere .'ere a sacred .ell! or /ount! or ,ool! is /ound! t'ere
is eit'er a sacred tree nearby or else a local le+end o/ one. T'is is yet anot'er 4ersion o/
t'e ,ri-ordial -ale3/e-ale! -ot'er3/at'er reli+ious inia+e. T'e .ell sy-bolises t'e
.o-b! t'e dee, container o/ li/eI and t'e +reen! li4in+! u,3s,rin+in+ tree! t'e ,'allus.
Later! t'e (acred $ell beca-e a sacred cauldron! t'e Cauldron o/ Cerrid.en! o/
.'ic' t'e C'ristian 4ersion .as t'e Holy Grail! and t'e ,a+an one t'e cauldron o/ t'e
A ,ersistent connection .ill be noted bet.een t'e Great Mot'er and .ater! or t'e
sea. @enus arises /ro- t'e sea. T'e -oon +oddess is associated .it' t'e sea! ,er'a,s
because o/ t'e tides. ('ells are sy-bols o/ t'e Great Mot'er. Bina'! t'e (u,ernal Mot'er
o/ t'e Oabalists! is called t'e Great (ea. $e 1no. to3day t'at in actual /act t'e .aters o/
t'e .ar- 5alacoKoic seas .ere t'e .o-b o/ e4ol4in+ li/e /or t'e /irst li4in+ t'in+s u,on
T'e co-,le-entary ele-ent! /ire! .as also sacred and -a+ical! and -asculine
.'ere .ater .as /e-inine. T'e altar /ire! or t'e altar candle! is t'e uni4ersal sy-bol o/ a
sacred ,lace. (uc' re4erence is naturalI t.o t'in+s distin+uis'ed ,ri-iti4e -an /ro- t'e
ani-als! t'e ability to -a1e /ire and t'e ability to construct cuttin+ tools! and .e
,robably need loo1 no /urt'er /or t'e e9,lanation o/ t'e -any cults o/ /ire3.ors'i, and
consecrated .ea,ons. To t'is day! t'e .itc'es ,reser4e t'ese traditions0 t'e /la-e u,on
t'e altar! and t'e ritual 1ni/e .it' .'ic' t'e -a+ic circle is dra.n. Bot' -ay .ell 'a4e
t'eir ori+in in t'e 4ery da.n o/ 'u-an ci4ilisation. F5syc'olo+ically! o/ course! t'e
.ea,on 'as also a ,'allic si+ni/icance.G
T'e ,eo,le o/ BronKe A+e Britain -ay 'a4e used incense in t'eir reli+ious rites.
A ty,e o/ ,ottery 4essel 'as been /ound! datin+ /ro- t'at ,eriod! .'ic' arc'aeolo+ists
call an < incense3cu,<. as t'ey are unable to ascribe any ot'er use to it. (uc' 4essels are
s-all! and ,ierced .it' 'oles in t'e lo.er ,art! ,ossibly to allo. a +ood drau+'t to 1ee,
ali+'t t'e +lo.in+ c'arcoal u,on .'ic' +rains o/ incense are burned. $e 1no. t'at t'e
reli+ious rites o/ ancient ti-es used incense e9tensi4ely. and i/ ancient Britain could
i-,ort E+y,tian beads! as .e 1no. it did! t'ere is no reason .'y it s'ould not 'a4e
i-,orted E+y,tian incense also.
I 'a4e ,re4iously noted t'e use by .itc'es o/ incense in t'eir rites. T'is is not
necessarily a /orei+n i-,ortation! or an i-itation o/ c'urc' ,ractices! as .ill be seen /ro-
t'e /ore+oin+.
To su- u,! it see-s t'at at a 4ery early date in t'e (tone A+e certain secrets .ere
disco4ered .'ereby .'at .e call -a+ic could be ,ractised. T'at is! its ,ractitioners
.or1ed to obtain t'ereby certain bene/its /or t'e-sel4es and t'eir /riends. T'is .as
,er'a,s a lot o/ su,erstition to+et'er .it' so-e ,ractical /acts. As it .as /irst used to
obtain +ood 'untin+ it beca-e ,art o/ t'e reli+ion atac'ed to t'e 'untin+ +od. Later!
.'en it .as also used to obtain /ertility! a /ertility +oddess ca-e into t'e cult. Conce,ts
o/ t'e li/e a/ter deat'! .it' .'ic' ,ri-iti4e ,eo,le .ere -uc' concerned!
also ,layed t'eir ,art. T'e +od o/ t'e cult beca-e t'e ruler o/ t'e A/ter3$orld! and
understandin+ o/ 'is -ysteries .as t'ou+'t to 'el, 'is /ollo.ers to ad=ust t'e-sel4es to
t'e conditions t'ey /ound .'en t'ey Luitted t'is li/e and t'eir souls arri4ed <on t'e Ot'er
(ide<. T'is /ait' .as -uc' t'e sa-e t'rou+'out t'e ancient .orld! t'ou+' o/ course .it'
-any local 4ariations deter-ined by national c'aracter.
T'ere .as no anta+onis- bet.een old3.orld reli+ionsI no one clai-ed t'at 'is
+od .as t'e only true one and all t'e ot'ers .ere /alse. On t'e contrary! tra4ellers
res,ected t'e indi+enuous +ods o/ t'e countries t'ey ca-e to! reco+nisin+ t'e- as
di//erent t'eo,'anies o/ t'e sa-e Cos-ic 5o.ers. (ectarianis- and reli+ious ,ersecution
.ere ,ractically un1no.n. Hence reli+ious ideas .ere /reely e9c'an+ed! es,ecially alon+
t'e trade routesI and t'ere is no real reason .'y al-ost any reli+ious conce,t o/ t'e
BronKe A+e ci4ilisations o/ Euro,e and t'e Mediterranean s'ould 'a4e been un1no.n to
Ancient Britain.
C'a,ter @.
I AM o/ten as1ed! <$'ere do t'e Druids co-e inH< <$ere t'e .itc'es o/ t'e Druid
belie/H< I can only say! <I/ .e only 1ne. /or certain e9actly .'at t'e Druids belie4ed! I
could tell youI but t'ere are 4ery /e. t'in+ .e do 1no. about t'ese -ysterious ,eo,le<.
$e are told by ancient .riters t'at t'e Druids re4erenced t'e sun! and .e 1no. t'at t'ey
.ere t'e ,riests o/ t'e Celtic ,eo,le o/ t'e Hallstadt Iron A+e culture .'o in4aded
Britain in t'e #t' century B.C. and occu,ied t'e sout'3eastern ,arts. Later! about A#C
B.C.! Bel+ic ,eo,le o/ t'e La TVne Iron A+e culture in4aded Britain and occu,ied t'e
sout'! dri4in+ t'e ot'ers nort'.ards and .est.ards. T'ese .ere Bryt'ons! .it' so-e
Teutonic blood! and are t'e :Britons; Caesar .rote about. La TVne .as t'e Druidic
centre o/ Gaul. About #C B.C.! =ust a/ter CaesarSs unsuccess/ul in4asion! t'ere .as
anot'er Bel+ic in4asion! and t'ese ca,tured all t'e country /ro- (alisbury 5lain to
(urrey. Alt'ou+' a nu-ber o/ ,eo,le +ot ,us'ed about in t'ese in4asions! t'e de/enders
usually too1 re/u+e in t'eir 'ill /orts! .'ic' .ere al-ost i-,re+nable to t'e a++ressors
-eans o/ attac1I but t'ey .ere /orced to surrender /ro- 'un+er and t'irst! as t'ey 'ad no
.ater su,,ly. T'e /orts .ere only desi+ned to be de/ended a+ainst s'ort raids. T'is
-eans it is unli1ely t'at -any o/ t'e de/enders .ere 1illed! t'ou+' t'ey -ay 'a4e been
reduced to a state o/ ser/do-. T'e co-in+ o/ successi4e .a4es o/ .arli1e in4aders!
es,ecially .'en t'e latter be+an to be ar-ed .it' iron .ea,ons! turned t'e co-,arati4ely
,eace/ul ,icture o/ BronKe A+e Britain into one o/ stri/e and .ar! .it' eac' tribe set
a+ainst its nei+'bours. T'e +reat nu-ber o/ t'e 'ill /orts -entioned abo4e .'ic' .ere
built in t'is ,eriod bears .itness to t'is state o/ a//airs. T'e one uni/yin+ /orce .as t'e
Druid ,riest'ood! .it' t'e Arc'druid at its 'ead .'o- e4en t'e ,etty 1in+s 'ad to obey.
T'ere are -any ,o,ular -isconce,tions about t'e Druids. For instance! it .as at
/irst t'ou+'t! .'en Britis' arc'aeolo+y .as in its in/ancy! t'at t'e Druids built
(tone'en+e. To3day! arc'aeolo+ists date t'e earliest ,art o/ (tone'en+e at about %6CC
B.C.! and! as .e 'a4e seen! t'e Druids did not co-e to Britain until t'e Early Iron A+e
in4asions -entioned abo4e. Ho.e4er! JacLuetta
and C'risto,'er Ha.1es! in t'eir boo1! 5re'istoric Britain! 'a4e t'is to say about t'e
Druids and (tone'en+e0
$'at! t'en! o/ t'e Druids! t'ose -ysterious ,riests o/ t'e Celtic Iron A+e .it' .'ose bearded and
lon+3robed /i+ures -any o/ us 'a4e lo4ed to ,eo,le t'e +reat circles o/ (tone'en+eH T'e /ountain3'ead
/or suc' ,icturesLue ideas .as in t'e i-a+ination o/ (tu1eley FDruids 'ad an ine4itable a,,eal to a
Ro-anticG! and /or t'is reason it .as lon+ t'e ,leasurable duty o/ t'e scienti/ic -ind to scorn and deny
t'e-. 8et t'e disco4ery o/ undoubted Iron A+e ,ottery on t'e site! and also... o/ Iron A+e stone 'oles!
'as s'a1en suc' sce,ticis-. It is no. ,ossiible and ,er-issible to belie4e t'at t'ere -ust 'a4e been a
last ,'ase .'en (tone'en+e .as ad-inistered by Celtic ,riests! t'ou+' t'ey 'ad little s'are in its
de4isin+. It see-s t'en! t'at (tu1elcySs 'aKards .ere really nearer t'e trut' t'an 'e deser4ed.
T'e earliest -ention o/ Druids is by a Gree1! (otion o/ Ale9andria! about ACC B.C.!
and .'en (otion .rote t'ey already ,ossessed a considerable re,utation as ,'iloso,'ers.
Most o/ .'at .e 1no. about Druidis- co-es /ro- Julius Caesar and 5linyI t'ou+' t'ere
is -uc' traditional lore o/ t'e $els' Bards ens'rined in suc' boo1s as Barddas! .'ic'
.as .ritten do.n by Lle.ellyn (ion o/ Gla-or+an! a $els' bard and sc'olar! to.ards
t'e end o/ t'e %7t' century A.D. T'is -anuscri,t 'as been edited and translated by J. A.
$illia-s A, It'el /or t'e $els' Manuscri,ts (ocietyI it ,ur,orts to be t'e ancient
Druidic teac'in+s! but -odern sc'olars doubt t'is. Ho.e4er! it certainly contains t'ou+'t
.'ic' is not C'ristian in ori+in! and it teac'es reincarnation. CaesarSs account in 'is Dc
Bello Gallico is sus,ect! as its ,olitical -oti4ation is ob4iousI and 5linySs is late! circa
A.D. DD. Caesar relates t'e .ell31no.n +rueso-e story o/ 'o. t'e Druids o//ered 'u-an
sacri/ices by /illin+ +reat .ic1er3.or1 i-a+es .it' li4in+ -en! and settin+ /ire to t'e-I
but t'is is an e9tre-ely i-,ractical .ay o/ o//erin+ 'u-an sacri/ices! as t'e /irst t'in+
t'at .ould 'a,,en .'en suc' an i-a+e .as set on /ire .ould be t'at it .ould /all o4er
and t'e in-ates .ould brea1 out. T'e Ro-ans 'ad a stron+ 4ested interest in atrocity
stories a+ainst t'e Druids! as t'e latter .ere a uni/yin+ /orce a-on+ t'e tribes o/ Gaul and
Britain! and it .as t'e disunity o/ t'e Britis' and Gaulis' tribes .'ic' alone ,er-itted
t'e Ro-an conLuest. Ho.e4er! I do not t'in1 t'e story o/ .ic1er3.or1 i-a+es is ,ure
in4ention. T'at t'ey .ere used /or 'u-an sacri/ice see-s unli1elyI but .ic1er3.or1
i-a+es 'a4e lon+ been ,o,ular in carni4al ,rocessions in En+land. France and else.'ere!
o/ten o/ 'u+e siKe. T'ese ,o,ular /esti4als -ostly date bac1 to ,a+an ti-es! and t'e
i-a+es -ay ori+inally 'a4e been ,a+an +ods. $ic1er3.or1 .as about t'e -ost use/ul
-aterial a4ailable in olden ti-es /or a lar+e ,ortable i-a+eI stone or e4en .ood .as
'ea4y and di//icult to carry! i/ t'e statue .ere
lar+eI but a 'u+e i-a+e o/ .ic1er3.or1! ,er'a,s dec1ed .it' /lo.ers and +reen bou+'s!
could -a1e an i-,ressi4e si+'t. I re-e-ber seein+ in (alisbury Museu- a /ine .ic1er3
.or1 :to.n +iant; .'o is still carried in ,o,ular ,rocessions.
(o-e students o/ Druidis- indi+nantly deny t'e c'ar+e t'at t'e Druids o//ered 'u-an
sacri/ices. Alan Insole! in 'is boo1! I--ortal BritainM says! :Our 'istorians... i+nore t'e
/act t'at i/ a ,eo,le .ere accusto-ed to celebrate t'eir /esti4als in suc' a +rueso-e
-anner /or +enerations! t'en on e4ery sacred 'ill .ould 'a4e been /ound 'u+e ,iles o/
burnt bones and s1ulls. But none 'as e4er been /ound<. A nu-ber o/ burials! cre-ated
and ot'er.ise! 'a4e been /ound at (tone'en+e! but t'ere is no e4idence t'at t'ey .ere
sacri/ices. T'e so3called <(lau+'ter (tone< is actually a /allen sarsen! and t'e ,eculiar
indentations on its sur/ace 'a4e been ,roduced by .eat'erin+.
One interestin+ burial .as /ound at (tone'en+e .'ic' -ay bear out t'e .itc'esS idea
t'at t'e Blue3stone <'orse3s'oe< re,resents t'e .o-b. It .as a :crouc'ed burial;! in
.'ic' t'e body .as laid in t'e eart' in t'e crouc'ed ,osition o/ an unborn c'ild! and it
.as /ound .it'in t'e <'orses'oe<! =ust be/ore t'e Altar (tone. T'is custo- o/ <crouc'ed
burial<! /reLuent a-on+ ancient ,eo,les! -ay be a sy-bol o/ t'e belie/ I 'a4e -entioned
,re4iously! t'at t'e souls o/ t'e dead +o to a.ait rebirt' in 'u-an /or- on t'is eart'. It
.ould 'ere sy-bolise Li/e lyin+ in t'e .o-b o/ t'e +oddess! .aitin+ to be reborn. T'e
custo- o/ buryin+ s'ells .it' t'e dead -ay be anot'er /or- o/ t'e sa-e sy-bolis-! as
t'e s'ell is a /e-ale sy-bol Fi.e. o/ t'e .o-bG! and t'is! too! .as a /reLuent custo-
a-on+ ancient ,eo,les.
Julius CaesarSs in/or-ants about Druidis- .ere Gallic Druids! and t'ey told 'i- t'at
t'eir rule o/ li/e .as disco4ered in Britain and trans/erred t'ence to Gaul. Iris' .ritin+s
say t'e sa-e t'in+! and /or t'at reason t'eir students .ent /ro- Ireland to Britain! as t'e
Gauls did! to learn its secrets /ro- t'e source! .'ic' so-eti-es in4ol4ed a t.enty yearsS
course o/ study. Caesar -entions t'eir ob=ections to .ritin+ do.n t'eir secret teac'in+s!
and t'e cardinal doctrine .'ic' t'ey tau+'t! na-ely t'at souls do not ,eris' at deat'! but
,ass /ro- one body to anot'er F.e .ould call t'is idea reincarnationG. T'is doctrine
re-o4ed t'e /ear o/ dcat'! and 'ence .as a +reat incenti4e to 4alour. $e -ust re-e-ber
t'at Ro-ans in CaesarSs ti-e +enerally belie4ed t'at a rat'er un,leasant Hades .ould be
t'e lot o/ all! e9ce,tin+ a /a4oured /e. .'o could ac'ie4e de-i3+ods'i,! so t'is belie/
.ould be
M ALuarian 5ress! %&#A.
curious to Caesar and t'e ,eo,le /or .'o- 'e .as .ritin+. He also says t'ey 'ad -any
discussions about t'e stars and t'eir -o4e-ents! t'e siKe o/ t'e )ni4erse and t'e eart'!
t'e order o/ Nature! and t'e ,o.ers o/ t'e i--ortal +ods! and t'at t'ey 'anded do.n
t'eir lore to t'e youn+ -en.
Cicero FDe Di4inationeG says! <I 1ne. a Druid -ysel/! Di4itaecus t'e Aeduan. He
clai-ed to 'a4e a 1no.led+e o/ Nature .'ic' t'e Gree1s call S5'ysiolo+iaS! and 'e used
to -a1e ,redictions! so-eti-es by -eans o/ au+ury and so-eti-es by con=ecture.< T'is
Aeduan 'ad been a /riend o/ Caesar! and .as a -an o/ a//airs and a ,olitician and
di,lo-at o/ establis'ed re,utation t'rou+'out t'e .'ole o/ Gaul. T'ere is a li/e3siKed
bronKe statue o/ 'i- in t'e 5ro-enade des Mabres at Autun. Accordin+ to tradition! a
Druid called Abaris .as a /riend o/ 5yt'a+oras! .'o!
it .ill be re-e-bered! .as also a belie4er in reincarnation. Diodorus (iculus said o/ t'e
Celts0 <A-on+ t'e- t'e doctrine o/ 5yt'a+oras ,re4ails! accordin+ to .'ic' t'e souls o/
-en are i--ortal! and a/ter a /i9ed ter- reco--ence to li4e! ta1in+ u,on t'e-sel4es a
ne. body.<
G. eetin+ in 'is History o/ Ireland -entions Iris' Druids .'o di4ined by -eans o/
.ra,,in+ t'e-sel4es in t'e s1ins o/ sacri/iced bulls. (i-ilar ,ractices .ere 1no.n in
(cotland and called <Ta+'air-<. Accordin+ to 5liny t'e Druids 'ad a -ysterious round
stone! about t'e siKe o/ a s-all a,,le! .'ic' t'ey called <t'e ser,entSs e++<! and .'ic'
t'ey .ore in a case 'un+ round t'e nec1. T'is -ay 'a4e been a s'o.3stone! used li1e a
crystal /or scryin+ Fa /a4ourite de4ice o/ .itc'esG. (o-e .riters say t'at t'ese <+lane3
stones<! as t'ey call t'e-! .ere -ade o/ +reen +lass! and a .onder/ul story .as told o/
'o. t'ey .ere en+endered by a tan+le o/ 'issin+
ser,ents. T'is .as ,robably a /able to scare t'e uninitiated. T'e Iris' Druids see- to
'a4e been noted /or t'eir ,o.ers o/ ,ro,'ecy. T'e .ord used in describin+ suc'
,ro,'ecies is <Baile<! -eanin+
:s,eec' o/ e9cite-ent<. In Ireland! Druids .ere attac'ed to t'e 1in+Ss court! and .ere
su,,osed to use t'eir
,o.ers to 'el, and ,rotect 'i-.
It 'as al.ays been reco+nised t'at $itc'es 'ad certain .ords suc' as Co4en and
At'a-e! .'ic' did not see- to belon+ to any 1no.n lan+ua+e! and t'e -atter .as
co-,licated by t'e /act t'at ,eo,le .'o .ere not necessarily .itc'es .ere 1no.n to
'a4e used t'ese .ords in t'e old days. I .as in t'e Cra/t a lon+ ti-e be/ore I realised t'at
so-e o/ t'e- .ere a.are t'at t'ere .as an <Old Lan+ua+e< 1no.n to only a /e.0 I donSt
t'in1 t'ere is anyone .'o can really s,ea1 it .ell! but t'ey do 'a4e a tre-endous nu-ber
o/ .ords! c'ie/ly relatin+ to t'in+s .'ic' a//ect t'e cra/t.
No.adays it 'as beco-e only a sort o/ a-usin+ slan+! and so-e o/ .'at are said to be
<$itc' $ords< are ob4iously <cant<! as <ic1in+ t'e $ind< 33 t'eir .ord /or bein+
'an+ed. Ob4iously datin+ /ro- t'e days .'en $itc'es and ot'ers .ere ,ublicly e9ecuted
by bein+ slo.ly stran+led Fbe/ore t'e <dro,< .as in4entedG.
(o-e .ords t'ey use! suc' as <@a4asour< Fone .'o 'olds lands /or anot'erG are
,robably Nor-an3Frenc'. Ot'er .ords are see-in+ly Celtic! but t'e -ain Cor,us o/ t'e
lan+ua+e is -ade u, o/ .ords li1e <Halc'<! <D.ale<! <$arri1<! <Ganc'<! etc.! .'ic'
see- to belon+ to so-e older ton+ue. )n/ortunately t'ey .ill not ,er-it -e to +i4e t'eir
-eanin+s! or -ore o/ t'e old .ords.
It see-s t'at in t'e ori+inal idea o/ 1in+s'i, t'e 1in+ is t'e eart'ly re,resentati4e o/ t'e
+od. T'is .as t'e case in E+y,t and (u-eria! and in Ancient Greece. In E+y,t! /ro-
about AD#C B.C.! t'e 1in+ .as t'e sun3+od Ra or Osiris! a deity in eart'ly /or-. In 'is
4eins ran t'e ic'or o/ Ra! t'e +old o/ t'e +ods and t'e +oddesses. His business .as to
ensure t'e ,ros,erity o/ t'e land and t'e ,eo,le! to render t'e soil /ertile! ,reser4e t'e
li/e3+i4in+ .aters o/ t'e Nile! t'e /ertility o/ .o-en! etc. T'is .as t'e case in (u-eria!
alsoI but to ,reser4e it t'e 1in+ 'ad to enter into a /or- o/ sacred -arria+e .it' t'e
+oddess o/ /ertility! by -eans o/ 'er ,riestess. $'ere4er t'e doctrine o/ t'e Di4ine in+
.as obser4ed! as in Britain! it .as t'e 1in+Ss =ob to see t'at t'e land .as /ruit/ul. I/ t'e
cro,s /ailed! t'e 1in+ .as 'eld res,onsibleI in so-e .ay 'e -ust 'a4e dis,leased t'e
+ods. Also! i/ t'e 1in+ .ere -altreated! t'e cro,s .ould /ail. In Ireland! .'en t'e 4assal
clans re4olted in t'e rei+n o/ Tuay'al Teac't-'or in t'e %
century A.D.! /a-ine
/ollo.ed! and .as bla-ed on to t'e re4olt. I/ t'e 1in+Ss .i/e .ere not 4irtuous! t'e eart'
.ould not yield. By 'is -arria+e t'e Di4ine in+ ,ro-oted t'e /ertility o/ t'e country.
At t'e /esti4al o/ Lu+'nassad FLa--asG t'e Iris' 1in+s .ent t'rou+' a ritual -arria+e
.it' a ,riestess re,resentin+ t'e land o/ Ireland! -uc' as t'e ,riest o/ Ne-i did .'en t'e
re,resentati4e o/ Diana as +oddess o/ t'e eart' annually -arried t'e in+ o/ t'e $ood
Ft'e 'untin+ +odHG. Here .e see t'e Druids! li1e t'e (u-erian ,riests! ,rotectin+ t'e 1in+
and conductin+ a /ertility cult! .'ic' a,,arently entailed a class o/ ,riestesses.
T'e Druids ,ractised astrolo+y and di4ination! and I t'in1 t'ese are li1ely to 'a4e been
t'e ancient custo-s o/ t'e country /ro- at least t'e ti-e .'en t'e BronKe A+e in4aders!
t'e 5roto3Celts! ca-e 'ere and built (tone'en+eI and t'e ,riestly class o/ .o-en .'o
too1 t'e ,art o/ t'e +oddess o/ t'e country in t'e
sacred -arria+e .ere ,robably t'e .itc'es! or .ise .o-en! initiated into t'e old
-ysteries. As .e 'a4e already seen! t'e .itc'es s'are t'e DruidsS belie/ in reincarnation.
T'e ,ro,'ecies o/ :Baile; are a1in to .itc' ,ractice! as is :Ta+'air-;! t'ou+'
.itc'es ,ractise it .it'out 1illin+ an ani-al. T'e ob=ection o/ so-e .riters t'at Boadicea
acted .it'out a Druid! so t'ere could not 'a4e been Druids in 'er ti-e FA.D. 7%G! I t'in1
rat'er ,ro4es t'e ,oint. In t'e rei+n o/ t'e E-,eror Claudius FA.D. 2%3#2G t'e Ro-ans
'ad su,,ressed t'e Druids in t'ose territories o/ Britain and Gaul .'ic' .ere under
Ro-an control! ostensibly on t'e +rounds t'at t'e reli+ion t'e Druids ,ro/essed .as
barbarous and in'u-anI but t'ey -ay not 'a4e realised t'e stren+t' o/ t'e .itc' cult! in
.'ic'! .'ile a -an -ay not ta1e t'e +oddessSs ,art! a 'i+' ,riestess -ay! by +irdin+ on a
ritual s.ord! ta1e t'e ,art o/ t'e +od. It is notable t'at Boadicea ,er/or-ed 'er di4ination
by -eans o/ obser4in+ t'e actions o/ a 'are. Dio! in 'is Ro-an History! says! <$'en t'e
Britis' Oueen Boadicea 'ad /inis'ed s,ea1in+ to 'er ,eo,le! s'e e-,loyed a s,ecies o/
di4ination! lettin+ a 'are esca,e /ro- t'e /old o/ 'er dressI and since it ran on .'at t'ey
considered t'e aus,icious side! t'e .'ole -ultitude s'outed .it' ,leasure! and Boadicea!
raisin+ 'er 'and to.ards 'ea4en! said! SI t'an1 t'ee! Andraste... I su,,licate and ,ray t'ee
/or 4ictoryS.< Andraste .as a Britis' +oddess .'o is said to 'a4e +i4en 'er na-e to t'at
,art o/ t'e country anciently called Anderida. Her na-e -uc' rese-bles t'at o/ t'e 4ery
ancient Gree1 +oddess Andrasteia! .'o .as one o/ t'e t'ree nurses o/ Teus in t'e
Dictean Ca4e! and .'o- t'e later Gree1s identi/ied .it' Ne-esis. T'ese t'ree +oddesses
Ft'e ot'er t.o .ere called Io and A-alt'eaG .ere t'e +uardians o/ t'e Cornuco,ia! or
Horn o/ 5lenty! an attribute .'ic' is o/ten ,ictured on Celtic statues o/ t'e T'ree Mot'ers
Fi.e. t'e tri,le -oon +oddessG. I/ t'is identi/ication is correct! Boadicea .as in4o1in+ t'e
-oon +oddess in 'er destructi4e as,ect! t'at o/ t'e .anin+ -oon! sy-bolised as a terrible
old .o-an! and ,rayin+ /or 4en+eance u,on t'e Ro-ans /or 'er .ron+s. F('e 'ad been
c'eated out o/ 'er 1in+do-! /lo++ed li1e a cri-inal! and 'er dau+'ters ra,ed by Ro-an
soldiers.G T'e 'are 'as /ro- ti-e i--e-orial been sacred to t'e -oon! and 'ence .as a
suitable ani-al /or t'e /ollo.er o/ a -oon3+oddess to di4ine by. In later ti-es 'ares -ay
o/ten be /ound traditionally associated .it' .itc'es. Fro- t'e /act t'at Boadicea released
t'e 'are /ro- 'er dress! it -ay 'a4e been a ta-e one. Is t'is t'e earliest recorded instance
o/ <a .itc' and 'er /a-iliar <H
It .ould see- t'at BoadiceaSs ,rayer .as ans.ered. Her re4olt
+a4e t'e Ro-an ,o.er t'e bi++est =olt it 'ad 'ad /or years! and! alt'ou+' Boadicea
'ersel/ see-s to 'a4e lost 'er li/e in it! it led directly to t'e re,lace-ent o/ t'e tyrannical
(uetonius 5aulinus by o//icials .'o ruled -ildly /or t'e ne9t ten years.
Early sc'olars belie4ed t'at Druidis- 'ad its ori+in in t'e East. R. Borro.! in 'is
Asiatic Researc'es! traced a +reat rese-blance bet.een t'e cults o/ t'e Druids and t'e
5ersian Ma+i F5liny 'ad /or-erly noticed t'e sa-e t'in+G! and General C'arles @allency
belie4ed t'at t'ey .ere /irst Bra'-ins! t'en C'aldeans! t'en Ma+i. $'at I t'in1 -ysel/ is
t'at t'ere .as an ancient cult ,ossibly s,readin+ /ro- (u-eria and t'e Near East! and
,art o/ t'is reLuired certain cere-onies in sacred +ro4es o/ trees! <5aradises< as t'ey
.ere called! ,re/erably on a 'ill! .'ere at certain ti-es a sacred -arria+e! in to1en or
ot'er.ise! too1 ,lace in order to con/er t'e Di4ine in+s'i, on t'e ruler! and on t'is t'e
+eneral ,ros,erity o/ t'e land .as t'ou+'t to de,end. In Britain t'is sacred +ro4e .as o/
oa1! in Ireland o/ ye.I in t'e East ot'er trees .ere used. At a later date t'ese sacred
+ro4es .ere constructed near e4ery to.n! and /ro- C'ristian or Je.is' in/luence ca-e to
'e called <5aradises<. Ori+inally t'ey .ere ,robably a natural +ro4e. T'ere are a nu-ber
o/ old ,lace3na-es called <5aradise< to t'is day! notably one at Glastonbury. And t'ere is
one close to t'is -useu-! /or-erly used by t'e .itc'es. T'e early Je.s did t'e sa-e
t'in+! but 'a4in+ 'ills 'andy t'ey usually ,lanted t'eir +ro4es u,on t'e <'i+' ,laces<
In t'e 4ery early days! descent .as traced! not t'rou+' t'e /at'er! but t'rou+' t'e
-ot'er. it .as t'e ,riestess .'o enroyalled t'e 1in+ by c'oosin+ 'i- as 'er -ate in t'e
sacred -arria+eI and t'e 'eir to t'e t'rone .aB not t'e 1in+Ss son! but t'e -an .'o
-arried t'e ,riestess3LueenSs dau+'ter. T'en! .it' t'e colla,se o/ t'e older ci4ilisations!
li1e t'at o/ Minoan Crete! /or instance! be/ore t'e Aryan in4asions o/ Euro,e! ,atriarc'al
ideas! and descent t'rou+' t'e -ale line! .ere i-,osed u,on society by t'e in4aders.
Male ,riest'oods +re. u,! and -yt'olo+ies .ere altered to accord .it' t'e ne. ideasI
t'ou+' t'e old /e-ale ,o.ers .ere still /eared and 4enerated a-on+ t'e co--on ,eo,le!
and 'ad to a certain e9tent to be co-,ro-ised .it'.
Is it not ,ossible t'at t'e 5roto3Celts! as t'ey +re. stron+er in Britain! 'ad introduced
-ore and -ore o/ t'eir o.n ,atriarc'al ideasH In a da-, cloudy country t'e sun +od
.ould be .elco-ed and re4ered! and t'e sun and t'e -oon .ere identi/ied .it' t'e t.in
se9ual ,rinci,les .'ic' .ere t'e real basis o/ ancient .ors'i,. 5robably t'e sun .as
al.ays 4enerated as t'e c'ie/ o/ t'e 'osts
o/ 'ea4enI but .e -ust re-e-ber t'at t'e Iris' Celts see- to 'a4e +i4en +reater
4eneration to t'e -oon! /or t'e truly Iris' reason t'at t'e sun only +a4e li+'t in dayti-e!
.'en you didnSt need it! .'ile t'e -oon +a4e li+'t at ni+'t! .'en you did. $'ile I t'in1
so-e ,riest'ood o/ t'e 5roto3Celts Fcall t'en <5rotoDruids< i/ you li1eG 'ad by %ACC B.C.
con4erted t'e nation to a ty,e o/ sun3.ors'i,! as t'e outer circle o/ (tone'en+e circa
%ACC B.C.! is orientated to t'e sun! t'is ,ossibly only -eant t'at t'ere .as a -ale sect
.'o -ainly .ors'i,,ed t'e sun3+od and a /e-ale sect .'o .ors'i,,ed t'e -oon3
+oddessI bot' bein+ really o/ t'e sa-e reli+ion! as .e to3day 'a4e a -onastery o/ -on1s
.'o are dedicated! say! to (t. Jose,'! and a nunnery .'ic' 4enerates (t. Anne! bot'
bein+ C'ristian. But I t'in1 t'at e4en at t'is date .itc'es .ere t'e 4illa+e .ise .o-en
and ,riestesses! .'o c'ie/ly .ors'i,,ed in t'eir o.n circleI t'ou+' ,er'a,s attendin+ t'e
-ain /esti4als and bein+ assi+ned t'eir o.n s,ecial ,lace in t'e cere-onies! but not
ta1in+ ,art in t'e education and ,olitics o/ t'e nation. At least! .'ile t'e Ro-ans s,ea1
o/ orders o/ <Druidesses< F.'o -ay 'a4e been .itc'esG t'ey a,,arently did not atte-,t
to disturb t'e-! .'ile t'ey -assacred t'e Druids because t'ey incited t'e Britis' to
resistance! and too1 a 'and in ,olitics +enerally. T'e Druids .ere ,ossibly e4ol4ed /ro-
a branc' o/ t'e Old Reli+ion .'ic' beca-e t'e .itc' cult! and -ay 'a4e ado,ted -any
o/ its ideasI t'e use o/ t'e circle! /or instance! to +ain and conser4e ,o.er. T'at t'ey
t'e-sel4es realised t'ere .as so-e +reat ,o.er in t'e circle .e can be sure! /ro- t'eir
use o/ (tone'en+e! etc.
Robert Gra4es and ot'ers 'a4e ,ostulated t'e e4olution o/ a -ale ,riest'ood .'ic'
+radually usur,ed t'e ,ri4ile+es o/ t'e ancient -atriarc'y! and too1 o4er t'e e9ercise o/
its ,o.ers. May t'e Druids 'a4e been suc' a ,riest'ood! .'ic'! .'en it .as destroyed in
Britain by t'e Ro-ans! le/t t'e ,riestesses o/ t'e older .ays! .'o 'ad been ,us'ed into
t'e bac1+round /or t'at 4ery reason! in ,ossession o/ t'e /ieldH
T'ere .as an alteration o/ reli+ious ideas in Britain in t'e Middle BronKe A+e! .'en
-ore in4aders ca-e across t'e C'annel and settled in t'e desirable $esse9 lands around
(tone'en+e! /or-in+ t'e brilliant culture .'ic' 'as been called t'e A+e o/ t'e $esse9
C'ie/tains. It is e4ident t'at t'ese ,eo,le re4ered (tone'en+e! /ro- t'e lar+e nu-ber o/
t'eir ric'ly3endo.ed barro. +ra4es .'ic' 'a4e been /ound in its near 4icinityI but
instead o/ buryin+ t'eir dead li1e t'eir ,redecessors! t'ey cre-ated t'e- and buried t'e
as'es in a /unerary urn! acco-,anied by ric' orna-ents! .ea,ons and tools. Aerial
,'oto+ra,'s o/ t'e area
around (tone'en+e s'o. -any o/ t'eir barro.s! -eticulously rounded! and! in t'e case
o/ t'e so3called <disc< barro.s! actually surrounded by a -iniature ban1 and ditc'! t'e
idea bein+! ,er'a,s! to enclose t'e +ra4e .it' a ,rotecti4e -a+ic circle.
By circa &CC B.C. arc'aeolo+ists consider t'at! o.in+ to t'e successi4e i--i+rations
/ro- t'e Continent! t'e lan+ua+e s,o1en in Britain -ust 'a4e been reco+nisably Celtic.
T'ese 4i+orous ,eo,le! t'e Celts! .'o brou+'t t'eir culture and t'eir Druid ,riest'ood to
Britain! .ere an o//s'oot o/ t'e +reat Aryan in4asion o/ Euro,e! t'e Mediterranean! and
India! .'ic' 'ad suc' a tre-endous i-,act u,on t'e ancient .orld. T'ese no-adic
,eo,le s,read /ro- t'e +eneral 4icinity o/ .'at is no. t'e Russian ste,,es! .'ic' in
t'ose days! circa ACCC B.C.! .ere ,robably .ar-er and -ore /ertile t'an t'ey are no..
Bein+ no-adic! t'eir society .as -ore inclined to t'e ,atriarc'al /or- t'an t'e settled
-atriarc'al BronKe A+e ci4ilisations. T'ey .ere at /irst .ild barbarians! but t'ey beca-e
a,t ,u,ils o/ t'e societies t'ey in4aded! and t'ey t'e-sel4es -ay be t'e disco4erers o/
t'e ,rocess o/ iron s-eltin+! .'ic' /irst arose in t'e Near East circa %#CC B.C. Anot'er
disco4ery o/ t'eirs .as t'e ta-in+ and ridin+ o/ 'orses. Gradually t'ey o4erca-e and
trans/or-ed t'e older ci4ilisations! and t'e-sel4es beca-e di//erentiated into t'e Gree1s!
t'e Latins! t'e Celts! t'e 5ersians! t'e Indians o/ @edic ti-es! etc. T'e lan+ua+e o/ t'e
latter ,eo,le! (ans1rit! is reco+nised as bein+ t'e ,arent o/ -ost ,resent3day Euro,ean
ton+ues! includin+ Celtic.
Ho.e4er! in t'e old India o/ ,re3Aryan ti-es! as -odern arc'aeolo+ists 'a4e /ound by
researc' at t'e old buried cities o/ Mo'en=o3daro and Hara,,a! t'e ,eo,le .ors'i,,ed t'e
4ery sa-e 'orned +od and -ot'er +oddess as t'ey did in Euro,e. Many ,ottery /i+ures o/
a +oddess 'a4e been /ound at Mo'en=o3daro! identical in a,,earance .it' t'ose o/ t'e
Great Mot'er in t'e ancient Near East. In bot' t'ese old cities! too! =ust as in our o.n
country! 'a4e been /ound u,ri+'t conical stones! and lar+e stone rin+s! sy-bolisin+ t'e
-ale and /e-ale ,rinci,les res,ecti4ely. (eal i-,ressions /ro- Mo'en=o3daro s'o. a
-ale 'orned +od! so-eti-es de,icted .it' t'ree /aces! and .it' t'e 4ery c'aracteristic o/
t'e :De4il; o/ t'e .itc' sabbatsI a /la-in+ torc' bet.een t'e 'orns! .'ic' are so-eti-es
t'ose o/ a bull and so-eti-es t'ose o/ a sta+. He is na1ed e9ce,t /or ritual orna-ents. In
one seal i-,ression 'e is sittin+ in a sLuattin+ ,osture! li1e t'ose o/ yo+a! and surrounded
by 4arious ani-als. He is e4idently Lord o/ t'e Beasts. 5er'a,s t'e beasts are t'ou+'t o/
as bein+ under 'is ,rotection. I/ so! t'en t'is Indian seal i-,ression! datin+
/ro- bet.een "CCC and ACCC B.C.! 'as its e9act counter,art - t'e altar /ro- ancient
Celtic France! or Gaul as it .as t'en called! /ound at R'ei-s! .'ic' de,icts a 'orned +od
/eedin+ a bull and a sta+! and seated in a 4ery si-ilar cross3le++ed ,osture. T'e ori+lnal
-ay be seen in t'e Museu- at (t. Ger-ain3en3Laye.
It is considered t'at t'e Great Mot'er o/ ,re3Aryan India and 'er 'orned consort are
t'e ,rototy,es o/ t'e Lord ('i4a! t'e Lord o/ t'e Beasts F5asu,atiG and t'e Lord o/ 8o+a!
and 'is bride ('a1ti! t'e Great Mot'er .'ose rites a-on+ t'e Tantrics stron+ly rese-ble
t'ose o/ $estern .itc' co4ens.
A nu-ber o/ re,resentations o/ Gaulis' +ods 'a4e been /ound! and t'e Gauls also
.ors'i,,ed t'e Great Mot'er in tri,le /or- Ft'e @ir+in! t'e Bride! and t'e Ha+G. T'e
district in France called t'e Marne is na-ed a/ter t'e T'ree Mot'ers! and a nu-ber o/
statues o/ t'e- and o/ ot'er +oddesses 'a4e been /ound. As .e 1no. t'at t'e ancient
Gauls .ors'i,,ed +ods and +oddesses! and t'e ancient Iris' did t'e sa-e! and t'e ,riests
o/ bot' .ere Druids! it see-s to dis,ose o/ t'e contention o/ so-e .riters u,on Druidis-
t'at t'e Druids .ere -onot'eists! and in /act /orerunners o/ t'e C'ristian -essa+e.
Certain .riters on Druidis- belie4e! 'o.e4er! t'at t'e Druids ea+erly acce,ted t'e
C'ristian /ait' .'en it a,,eared in Britain! and +ra/ted C'ristianity on to t'eir ,a+anis-.
T'is I t'in1 .as Luite true o/ t'e ty,e o/ early C'ristianity .'ic' ca-e soon a/ter C'ristSs
deat'! but not o/ .'at C'ristianity 'ad c'an+ed to by Au+ustinSs ti-e. It is not +enerally
realised t'at C'ristianity ca-e
to Britain /ro- t.o di//erent sourcesI na-ely! .'at 'as been called:Celtic C'ristianity;!
traditionally brou+'t to t'ese s'ores by Jose,' o/ Ari-at'ea! and t'e -uc' later -ission
o/ Au+ustin Ro-an Cat'olics in #&D A.D. $'et'er or not it .as Jose,' o/ Ari-at'ea
'i-sel/ .'o! as le+end says! /led 'ere .it' so-e co-,anions a/ter t'e Cruci/i9ion and
too1 re/u+e at t'e Druid centre o/ Glastonbury! it is certain t'at C'ristianity .as
establis'ed in Britain lon+ be/ore Au+ustinSs ti-e! and .as o/ a di//erent /or- /ro- t'at
.'ic' Au+ustin! t'e e-issary o/ t'e Ro-an C'urc'! ,reac'edI because in 7CD A.D. t'e
Arc'bis'o, o/ (t. Da4idSs! .it' si9 Bis'o,s and t'e Abbot o/ Ban+or! -et Au+ustin and
/latly re/used to ac1no.led+e t'e su,re-acy o/ Ro-e. As a result! t'ey .ere -assacred
at Ban+or Abbey by t'e (a9ons on t'e orders o/ t'e Ro-an Bis'o,! and Ban+or Library!
at t'at ti-e one o/ t'e /inest in t'e .orld! .as burnedI e4en as t'e Druids 'ad been
,re4iously -assacred by t'e Ro-an +eneral (uetonius 5aulinus! and t'eir learnin+
destroyed. T'ese t.o e4ents cannot but 'a4e
-ades +reat +a,s in our 1no.led+e o/ t'e ancient traditions o/ our country.
Dr. OSDono4an! editin+ <T'e Annals o/ t'e Four Masters<! says0
Not'in+ is -ore clear t'an t'at (t. 5atric1 en+ra/ted C'ristianity on to t'e ,a+an su,erstition .it'
so -uc' s1ill t'at 'e .on o4er t'e ,eo,le to t'e C'ristian reli+ion be/ore t'ey understood t'e
di//erence bet.een t'e t.o syste-s ot belie/.
(ir Jo'n R'ys says0

Iris' Druidis- absorbed a certain a-ount o/ C'ristianity! and it .ould be a ,roble- o/
considerable di//iculty to /i9 on a ,oint .'ere it ceased to be Druidis- and /ro- .'ic' on.ards it
could be said to be C'ristianity in any restricted sense o/ t'e ter-.
T'ey si-,ly t'ou+'t o/ certain saints and o/ Jesus 'i-sel/ as bein+ +reat Druids. It is
+enerally reco+nised t'at so-e Druids at least carried on t'eir ,ractices! but called
t'e-sel4es <Cele De<! <Culdees<! -eanin+ (er4ants o/ God. T'ey .ors'i,,ed in t'e
C'urc' o/ (t. Re+ulas at (t. Andre.s until t'e year %%A2 A.D. At Ri,on and 8or1 t'ey
/unctioned in t'e ei+'t' century! also at Iona. In Ireland t'ey 'eld s.ay at Clones and
Ar-a+'! and in %7A6 a deed .as si+ned by Ed.ard Burton! 5rior o/ t'e Cat'edral
C'urc' o/ Ar-a+'! <on be'al/ o/ t'e @icars c'oral and Culdees o/ t'e sa-e.< Arc'bis'o,
Lan/ranc .as e9tre-ely 'orri/ied at /indin+ t'ey did not use t'e Ro-an style o/ .ors'i,.
and .ould not reco+nise t'e Ro-an saints. T'e Ro-an C'urc' .as also s'oc1ed because
t'ey .ere not celibate! and t'eir style o/ tonsure .as said to 'a4e co-e /ro- t'e Druids.
T'e .itc'es and t'e Druids certainly s'are a nu-ber o/ belie/s0 a belie/ in a /uture li/e
and in reincarnationI in t'e e//icacy o/ t'e -a+ic circleI in /or-s o/ ,ro,'ecy For! as .e
.ould call it! clair4oyanceGI in t'e sacredness o/ (tone'en+e and ot'er stone circles!
.'ic' in later ti-es beca-e t'e traditional -eetin+3,laces o/ .itc'esI and in an acute
disli1e o/ co--ittin+ t'eir teac'in+s to .ritin+. But ,er'a,s t'e -ost stri1in+ lin1
bet.een t'e Druids and t'e .itc'es is t'at o/ t'e /our +reat ritual occasions t'e .itc'es
call <(abbats<
In Ireland! as 'as been said! t'ere .as a +reat annual /esti4al on Au+ust %st FLa--asG!
'eld at Tailltenn and ,resided o4er by Druids. It .as said to be in 'onour o/ t'e sun3+od
Lu+'. A si-ilar /esti4al .as 'eld in Gaul at Lu+udunu- FLyonsG in 'onour o/ Lu+us!
+od o/ li+'t and 1no.led+e. T'e tailltenn /esti4al also 'onoured Lu+'Ss /oster3-ot'er
Tailltiu. It is closely associated .it' t'e cult o/ t'e dead! and Tailltiu bein+ ob4iously t'e
Great Mot'er. T'e ener+y e9,ended in t'e +a-es .as t'ou+'t o/ as +i4in+ ne. stren+t'
to t'e +od to brin+ /ertility to t'e land F.itc'es dance at La--as to3day .it' t'e sa-e
ob=ectG. T'e
celebration o/ Lu+'nassad FLa--asG ensured ,lenty o/ corn! -il1! etc.! t'rou+'out
Ireland. I/ t'e rites .ere ,oor t'e cro,s .ould be ,oor! and te-,orary -arria+es see- to
'a4e been a +reat /eature o/ t'e rites. To t'is day <a Tailltenn -arria+e< is t'e .ord /or
t'e ty,e o/ union <.'en you do not bot'er t'e ,riest .it' your ,ri4ate a//airs.<
<Lu+'nassad< -eans <t'e -arria+e o/ Lu+'<! and 'e .as su,,osed to ta1e t'e land as 'is
bride. T'e in+ o/ All Ireland .as cere-onially -arried to t'e +oddess! actually to a
,riestess re,resentin+ 'er. T'is is e9actly .'at .as done in (u-eria! .'en eac' year t'e
1in+! re,resentin+ t'e +od! -arried a ,riestess re,resentin+ t'e +oddess.
(a-'ain FNo4e-ber %stG! t'e .inter /esti4al o/ t'e Celts! .as t'e be+innin+ o/ t'eir
Ne. 8ear! and on (a-'ain E4e Four Hallo.eenG di4inations to 1no. t'e 'a,,enin+s o/
t'e co-in+ year .ere -ade. In Ireland t'is .as 'eld at Tara! .'en all t'e Druids
asse-bled to sacri/ice to t'e +ods. T'ey sacri/iced a blac1 s'ee,! and o//ered libations to
t'e s,irits o/ t'ose .'o 'ad died durin+ t'e year.
May %st .as Bealteinne FBeltaneG t.o +reat /ires .ere li+'ted by t'e Druids on eac'
sacred 'ill! and t'e cattle .ere dri4en bet.een t'e- as a ,reser4ation a+ainst sic1ness.
Later! in En+land! t'e May in+ and May Oueen! <Robin Hood and Maid Marian<!
re,resented t'e old +od and +oddess o/ /ertility. T'eir -arria+e and union .ere belie4ed
-a+ically to assist t'e cro,s. T'e May Day re4els .ere /iercely denounced by t'e
5uritans! on account o/ t'e /reedo- o/ lo4e-a1in+ .'ic' ,re4ailed a-on+ t'ose .'o
too1 ,art in t'e-.
Ross Nic'ols! in 'is little boo1! (assenac' (tray! says! s,ea1in+ o/ old Gaelic
T'e bi+ sun! Beltane! rea,,ears! re,lacin+ .interSs .iKened little sun on Mayday! .'en
cere-onial /ires o/ sy-,at'etic -a+ic .ere lit. On Hallo.eSen t'e little sun substituted /or t'e bi+ sunI
t'e under.orld be+an to do-inate t'e u,,er .orld and you could see into t'e /uture. At t'ese
c'an+eo4ers su,ernatural bein+s beca-e unstuc1 and /le. about.
No.! t'e /our +reat /esti4als t'e .itc' cult celebrates are Hallo.een! May E4e Ft'e old
<$al,ur+is Ni+'t<G! La--as! and Candle-as! February And. FIt is note.ort'y t'at! bein+
a -oon cult! t'ey celebrate t'e ni+'t be/ore t'e day o/ t'e /esti4al.G
February And is called by t'e C'ristian C'urc' <T'e 5uri/ication o/ t'e Blessed @ir+in
Mary<I but it is actually deri4ed /ro- t'e rites o/ t'e Ro-an +oddess Februa! .'o .as
.ors'i,,ed .it' li+'ted torc'es. Oi-elc! t'e /esti4al o/ t'e -oon +oddess Bride a-on+
t'e ancient Celts and Gaels! .as February %st. Bride 'as
in -odern days been C'ristianised as <(t. Bride< or <(t. Bri+et<I but t'e E4e o/ (t. Bride
is still 'eld as <uncanny< by t'e Gael! a belie/ .'ic' /or-s t'e t'e-e o/ one o/ t'e .eird
stories o/ :Fiona Macleod;! <By t'e 8ello. Moonroc1< F/ro- T'e Do-inion o/
Drea-sG. On BrideSs Day ser,ents .ere su,,osed to a.a1e /ro- t'eir .inter slee, and
co-e /ro- t'eir 'oles! and t'e Gaels 'a4e a c'ar- a+ainst t'e- .'ic' runs as /ollo.s0
Today is t'e day o/ Bride.
T'e ser,ent s'all co-e /ro- its 'ole.
I .ill not -olest t'e ser,ent!
And t'e ser,ent .ill not -olest -e.
T'ere is! 'o.e4er! anot'er 4ersion o/ t'is c'ar- .'ic' says0
On t'e day o/ Bride o/ t'e /air loc1s
T'e noble Lueen .ill co-e /ro- t'e 'illI
I .ill not -olest t'e noble Lueen!
Nor .ill t'e noble Lueen -olest -e.
It is a,,arent t'at t'e ser,ent is in /act a /or- o/ t'e +oddess! and .e -ay recall in t'is
connection t'e sna1e3+oddess o/ Minoan Crete! and t'e <La-ias< o/ Gree1 le+end .'ose
.eird beauty ins,ired one o/ eatSs ,oe-s.
It .ill be noticed t'at t'ese /our ancient /esti4als neatly di4ide t'e year into /our ,arts!
/ro- .'ic' t'ey are so-eti-es 1no.n as <t'e /our Cross3Ouarter Days<. T'eir ori+in 'as
been so-et'in+ o/ a ,uKKle. It 'as been su++ested t'at t'ey are connected .it' t'e
seasons o/ /ertility in ani-als.
I .ould li1e to ad4ance a su++estion in t'is connection .'ic' I do not t'in1 'as been
-ade be/ore. T'e /our +reat (abbats eac' ta1e ,lace .'en t'e sun is in one o/ t'e /our
/i9ed si+ns o/ t'e TodiacI so-eti-es called t'e erubic (i+ns! because t'ey are t'e Man!
Ea+le! Lion and Bull .'ic'! accordin+ to abalistic teac'in+! are t'e erubs or rulin+
sy-bols o/ t'e Four Ele-ents. T'e Man is ALuarius! t'e /i9ed si+n o/ AirI t'e Ea+le is
(cor,io! t'e /i9ed si+n o/ .ater For rat'er! t'e esoteric sy-bol t'ereo/GI t'e Lion is Leo!
t'e /i9ed si+n o/ FireI and t'e Bull o/ Taurus! t'e /i9ed si+n o/ Eart'. In C'ristian ti-es
t'ese .ere ado,ted as t'e sy-bols o/ t'e Four E4an+elists! t'e Man /or (t. Matt'e.s! t'e
Ea+le /or (t. Jo'n! t'e Lion /or (t. Mar1! and t'e Bull /or (t. Lu1e.
In Gods in t'e Ma1in+! by T. Ma.by Cole and @era $. Reid! .e /ind t'e /ollo.in+0
T'ese /our /i9ed si+ns are ,er'a,s t'e -ost uni4ersal o/ all reli+ious sy-bols! /or t'ey are to be
/ound in t'e 'u-an3/aced beasts o/ t'e +ods o/ C'aldea! in t'e /our Assyrian s,'in9es in t'e C'erubi-
o/ t'e abbala. T'e sa-e sy-bols are /reLuently -entioned by EKe1iel and are said to be so-eti-es
de,icted in t'e /our ar-s o/ (i4a in
Hindu te-,les! .'ile t'e .'ole /our are asse-bled in t'e -ysterious (,'in9 o/ E+y,t. . T'ere can be
no doubt t'at t'ese sy-bols o/ t'e /i9ed si+ns so uni4ersally e-,loyed ,ossess ,ro/ound and ,re+nant
esoteric si+ni/icance. By t'eir ,osition in t'e Todiac! -id.ay bet.een t'e cardinal ,oints! t'ey -ay be
considered to -ar1 t'e cul-ination ,ea1 o/ cos-ic ener+y released by t'e ELuino9es and (olstices! or!
a+ain! to indicate 4ital! ,ro+ressi4e sta+es in t'e un/old-ent o/ consciousness.
T'e (abbat o/ Candle-as ta1es ,lace .'en t'e sun is in ALuariusI t'at o/ May E4e
.'en t'e sun is in TaurusI t'at o/ La--as .'en t'e sun is in LeoI and t'at o/ Hallo.een
.'en t'e sun is in (cor,io.
C'a,ter @I.
THE ,osition o/ t'e cult in Ro-an and (a9on ti-es see-s rat'er a ,uKKle. T'e +reat
Luestion is! .ere t'e .itc'es and t'e Druids -e-bers o/ t'e sa-e cultH T'e .itc'es 'a4e
no e9act traditions on t'e sub=ect. 5ersonally! I t'in1 t'ey .ere notI t'e .itc' cult .as t'e
reli+ion o/ t'e soil! as it .ere! and t'e Druids .ere t'e -ore aristocratic reli+ion! -uc' as
t'in+s .ere a t'ousand years later! .'en t'e .itc' cult .as t'e reli+ion o/ t'e ,easants!
but t'e Ro-an C'urc' .as t'e do-inant ,o.er. T'e latter .as not only a reli+ion! but
also t'e Ci4il (er4ice! t'e educational syste-! t'e ,oliticians! and t'e not so 4ery <'idden
'and< .'ic' ruled t'e 1in+s. T'e Druids see- to 'a4e occu,ied a si-ilar ,osition.
T'e Ro-an Occu,ation lasted /ro- A.D. 2" to A.D. 2%C. I doubt i/ t'e reli+ion t'e
Ro-ans brou+'t .it' t'e- 'ad -uc' in/luence u,on t'e .itc' cult. T'e o//icial cult o/
t'e dei/ied E-,erors and Ca,itoline Jo4e .as! I t'in1! -ore o/ a national e9,ression o/
/eelin+! li1e t'e /i+ures o/ Britannia .it' trident and s'ield Ft'ou+' t'is is really a /i+ure
o/ t'e Great Mot'er GoddessG! or <)ncle (a-< in stri,ed trousers and a +oatee beard or
t'e ,retty lady .it' s'ort s1irts! a 4ery decolletW c'e-ise! and t'e Ca, o/ Liberty!
labelled <La France<. Men /ou+'t and died /or t'e-! but did t'ey really belie4e in t'e-
as +ods! t'ou+' t'ey belie4ed in .'at t'ey stood /or. T'at is! t'ey did not ta1e t'e-
seriously F.'o could 'a4e ta1en t'e dei/ied E-,erors seriouslyHG but t'ey con/or-edI as
,eo,le! .'ate4er t'eir ,ri4ate /eelin+s about royalty! stand .'en t'e National Ant'e- is
,layed. But it is anot'er -atter .'en .e t'in1 o/ t'e 4arious Mystery Cults .'ic' t'e
Ro-ans brou+'t .it' t'e-! t'e cult o/ (era,is at 8or1 /or instance! or t'e cult o/
Mit'ras! .'ic' 'ad a nu-ber o/ te-,les in Britain and .'ose te-,le 'as recently been
unco4ered in London.
Fro- .'at .e 1no. o/ t'is latter cult I doubt i/ it 'ad any e//ect at all. It .as an
e9clusi4e! ,uritanical! -ale cult o/ sun3.ors'i,! .'ic' a,,ealed to stern! 'ard3li4in+
soldiers! and .as 4ery ,o,ular .it' t'e Ro-an Le+ionaires. Ho.e4er! it is di//erent
.'en one co-es to t'e Ro-an and Gree1 Mysteries. I 'a4e told at len+t' in -y ,re4ious
boo1! $itc'cra/t Today! o/ t'e disco4eries in t'e @illa o/ t'e Mysteries at 5o-,eii. All
t'e Mysteries .ere
si-ilarI t'ey 'ad t'eir sacred dra-a .'ere t'e candidate re,roduced certain e4ents o/ t'e
'istory o/ t'e +od or +oddess. T'is is t'e ,rinci,le o/ t'e Holy Co--union a-on+
C'ristians! t'e eatin+ o/ t'e bread and drin1in+ o/ t'e .ine to identi/y t'e-sel4es .it'
t'e acts o/ C'rist. $'en rituals o/ t'is ty,e are ,er/or-ed i-,ressi4ely t'ey beco-e
e4ents in t'e candidateSs li/eI t'ey -ay actually c'an+e 'is c'aracter! -a1in+ 'i- a /it
-ediu- to obtain contact or co--union .it' t'e +od. T'ey are de/initely -a+ical in
intentionI but t'is intention is to -a1e t'e ,artici,ants better -en and -ore .ort'y o/
sal4ation in t'e /uture li/e. Or,'is- .as ,er'a,s t'e -ost i-,ortant o/ t'e Mystery cults.
It .as an or+iastic! ecstatic reli+ion! consistin+ -ainly in t'e .ors'i, o/ Dionysus! and
t'e initiate li4ed 'is -yt' o4er a+ain to obtain at3one3-ent .it' t'e +od! and
,arin+enesis! dyin+ and bein+ reborn a+ain as t'e +od 'ad done. T'ey usually 'ad so-e
sort o/ doctrine o/ ori+inal sin! or at least i-,urity! and t'e initiates .ere ,ur+ed o/ t'is
by certain -orti/ications o/ t'e /les' in t'e Mysteries Ft'ou+' t'is doctrine .as not t'e
sa-e as t'e C'ristian C'urc'Ss doctrine o/ ori+inal sinG. T'e Mysteries .ere t'e +reat
centres o/ Gree1 li/e! ,rotected by t'e (tate! .'ic' ,aid t'e /ees o/ t'e ,oor so t'at all
citiKens s'ould be -e-bers! .'ile ,eo,le o/ bad c'aracter! no -atter .'at t'eir ran1
-i+'t be! .ere ri+idly e9cluded. T'e secrets .ere t'ou+'t necessary /or t'e ,reser4ation
o/ t'e (tate! and it .as a ,enal o//ence to betray t'e-. T'ese Mysteries /louris'ed
uninterru,tedly /or o4er a t'ousand years! until t'e 2t' century A.D.! .'en t'e early
C'ristians looted and destroyed t'e te-,les! and ,re4ented t'e rites /ro- bein+ ,er3
/or-ed. FDeliberately desecrated te-,les 'a4e been /ound in Britain! tooI suc' as t'e
s'rine o/ Con4entina and t'e te-,le o/ Mit'ras at Carra.bur+'.G T'e Te-,le o/ Eleusis
itsel/ .as destroyed by t'e Got's! at t'e insti+ation o/ t'e -on1s .'o /ollo.ed t'c 'ost
o/ Alaric.
T'e Ro-an E-,erors Au+ustus! Claudius! Hadrian! Marcus Aurelius! Co--odus!
(e,ti-us (e4erus! and ,robably Antoninus! .ere initiates o/ t'e Eleusinian Mysteries!
t'ou+' so /ar as is 1no.n! Hadrian .as t'e only i-,erial initiate to recei4e all t'ree
de+rees! and it .as 'e .'o brou+'t t'e celebration o/ t'ese Mysteries to Ro-e. Dudley
$ri+'t! in T'e Eleusinian Mysteries and Rites! says0
About t'e be+innin+ o/ t'e /i/t' century T'eodosius t'e Great ,ro'ibited and al-ost totally
e9tin+uis'ed t'e ,a+an t'eolo+y in t'e Ro-an E-,ire! and t'e Eleusinian Mysteries su//ered in t'e
+eneral destruction. It is ,robable! 'o.e4er! t'at t'e Mysteries .ere celebrated secretly in s,ite o/ t'e
se4ere edicts o/ T'eodosius and t'at t'ey .ere ,artly continued t'rou+' t'e dar1 a+es! t'ou+' stri,,ed
o/ t'eir
s,lendour. It is certain t'at -any rites o/ t'e ,a+an reli+ion .ere ,er/or-ed under t'e disse-bled
na-e o/ con4i4ial -eetin+s! lon+ a/ter t'e ,ublication o/ t'e E-,erorSs edicts! and 5sellius in/or-s us
t'at t'e Mysteries o/ Ceres e9isted in At'ens until t'e ei+'t' century o/ t'e C'ristian era and .ere
ne4er totally su,,ressed.
In t'e @illa o/ t'e Mysteries at 5o-,eii 'a4e been /ound li/e3siKed /rescoes illustratin+
an initiation. I +ot so-e lar+e3siKed illustrations o/ t'ese! .'ic' s'o.ed tiny details! and
s'o.ed t'e- to En+iis' .itc'es! and t'ey all said t'e sa-e tliin+0 <(o t'ey 1ne. t'e
secrets in t'ose days.<
No.! t'is could -ean t'at t'e real .itc' secrets ca-e to Britain by -eans o/ t'e
Mysteries! t'at is to say! ,rior to! say! %CC A.D.! and t'at t'e Britis' .itc'es .ere only
4illa+e .ise .o-enI but I do not /eel t'at t'is is t'e true e9,lanation. I t'in1 it is usually
a+reed t'at t'e Gree1 Mysteries ca-e ori+inally /ro- E+y,t! and t'ey -ay .ell 'a4e
done so. T'ere are certain t'in+s in t'e .itc' cult .'ic' -i+'t 'a4e ori+inated in E+y,t!
tooI but t'ere are also ideas .'ic' -ay 'a4e been deri4ed /ro- (u-eria. My o.n
i-,ression is t'at all t'ese t'in+s reac'ed Britain in t'e early days! .'en t'ere .as
co--unication and trade bet.een E+y,t! Crete and (yria direct. In t'ose days reli+ious
ideas .ere /reely e9c'an+ed and /reely ado,tedI but it is ,ossible t'at certain ideas and
,ractices ca-e to Britain 4ia t'e Mysteries brou+'t by t'e Ro-ans. Bacc'ic and Or,'ic
,a4e-ents 'a4e been /ound in (o-ersetI but t'ere is little ,roo/ o/ Mysteries o/ a
Dionysiac nature e4er bein+ celebrated in Britain.
T'e conce,t o/ .itc'es as /ollo.ers o/ t'e -oon +oddess! and enc'antresses .'o- it
.as dan+erous to -eddle .it'! .as already .ell 1no.n to t'e Ro-an .orld. Lucius
A,uleius! .'o /louris'ed in t'e And century A.D.! .as a Ro-an ,ro4incial .'o .rote in
Latin a .onder/ul and 4ery ,o,ular ro-ance! T'e Golden Ass! .'ic' 'as been described
as t'e ,arent o/ -odern ro-antic literature. It is essentially a ro-ance o/ .itc'cra/t. In it
-any o/ t'e conce,ts o/ t'e be'a4iour o/ -ediae4al .itc'es can be /ound. At t'e
co--ence-ent o/ t'e tale! Lucius tells 'o. 'e =ourneyed into T'essaly! a /a-ous ,lace
/or .itc'cra/t! and 'o. 'is tra4ellin+ co-,anions re+aled 'i- .it' -ost /ri+'t/ul and
'orrible stories o/ t'e ,o.ers o/ t'e T'essalian .itc'es.
Be/ore lon+ Lucius .as to 'a4e ,roo/ o/ t'ese in 'is o.n ,erson. T'e .i/e o/ 'is 'ost
in T'essaly .as one 5a-,'iles! a /a-ous .itc'. His cousin Byrr'ena sole-nly .arned
'i-! be/ore t'e statue o/ t'e +oddess Diana! not to -eddle .it' 5a-,'iles or see1 to s,y
u,on 'er enc'ant-entsI but Lucius des,ised 'er .arnin+! and deter-ined to ,ry and <to
besto. -y -oney in learnin+ o/ t'at art! and no. .'olly to beco-e a .itc'.<
Accordin+ly 'e -ade lo4e to 'er .anton -aid Fotia! and ,ersuaded t'e +irl to let 'i-
s,y u,on 5a-,'iles t'rou+' t'e c'in1 o/ a door! as s'e .as .or1in+ 'er -a+ical rites.
He sa. t'e .itc' stri, 'ersel/ na1ed and anoint 'ersel/ all o4er .it' so-e un+uent!
.'ereat s'e beca-e c'an+ed into an o.l and /le. a.ay. He be++ed Fotis to steal t'e
-a+ic un+uent /or 'i-I but t'e +irl stole t'e .ron+ bo9! and .'en 'e -ade use o/ it
Lucius /ound 'i-sel/ c'an+ed! not into an o.l! t'e bird o/ .isdo-! but into an ass.
In t'is s'a,e 'e ,assed t'rou+' -any 'air3raisin+ and ludicrous ad4entures! until!
bein+ by t'e sea3s'ore at t'e /ull -oon! 'e sole-nly ,rayed to t'e -oon +oddess to
release 'i- /ro- t'e s,ell! e9,ressin+ re,entance /or any o//ence 'e 'ad co--itted
a+ainst 'er. He .as re.arded by a drea-34ision o/ t'e +oddess! in .'ic' s'e told 'i-
'o. to re-o4e t'e s,ell! and in +ratitude to 'er! a/ter 'e 'ad re+ained 'is 'u-an s'a,e!
'e beca-e a ,riest o/ Isis.
In t'e story! =ust as in -ediae4al ti-es! .itc'es are said to be able to c'an+e
t'e-sel4es into 4arious ani-als! to use -a+ical oint-ents! to .or1 enc'ant-ents u,on
,ersons by -eans o/ a ,iece o/ t'eir 'air! and to -a1e s,ells by -eans o/ ,arts stolen
/ro- ne.ly3buried cor,ses! /u-i+ations o/ incense! and ,entacles inscribed .it' -a+ical
c'aracters. It s'ould be re-e-bered in t'is connection t'at /or -any centuries ,eo,le 'ad
an e9traordinary belie/ in t'e -edicinal 4alue o/ .'at .ould stri1e us as -ost +risly
re-ediesI 'ence t'e use o/ suc' t'in+s does not necessarily indicate blac1 -a+ic. Mrs. C.
Leyel! in 'er 4ery interestin+ boo1! T'e Ma+ic o/ HerbsM tells us so-e o/ t'ese. 5er/ectly
res,ectable a,ot'ecaries sold -u--y dust and 'u-an /les'I and a liLuor ,re,ared /ro-
cri-inalsS s1ulls .as ,rescribed /or C'arles II .'en 'e .as su//erin+ /ro- a /it o/
Lucius relates .it' relis' a nu-ber o/ -acabre stories o/ t'e ,o.ers o/ .itc'es in 'is
day. 8et t'ey are not de4otees o/ (atan! o/ .'o- Lucius 'ad ne4er 'eard. T'eir +oddess
is Hecate! and Hecate! in t'e 4ision .'ic' deli4ers Lucius /ro- bonda+e! is declared to
be identical .it' Isis! t'e +racious and lo4ely Oueen o/ Hea4en. T'at is! s'e is t'e sa-e
+oddess in 'er dar1 and li+'t as,ects! as is natural to a +oddess o/ t'e -oon.
It is notable t'at ('a1es,eare in <Macbet'< -a1es 'is /a-ous t'ree .itc'es in4o1e
Hecate as t'e -istress o/ t'eir c'ar-s. T'ere is no <(atanis-< t'ere.
<5a,us< FDr. Gerrard EncausseG! in 'is Traite de Ma+ie 5ratiLue F5aris! %6&"G! +i4es in
an a,,endi9 o/ <Ma+ie des Ca-3
Jonat'an Ca,e! %&"A.
,a+nes<! or <country -a+ic<! a-on+st -uc' ot'er -atter e4idently ta1en /ro- suc'
sources as t'e Grand Albert and si-ilar boo1s! an e9traordinary traditional s,ell .'ic'! i/
it is aut'entic Fun/ortunately 'e does not +i4e its sourceG! is an a-aKin+ illustration o/ t'e
blendin+ o/ old ,a+an ,ractices .it' C'ristianity! an in4ocation o/ Hecate at t'e /ull
-oon -in+led .it' t'e rites o/ t'e C'urc'0 33
For nine entire days! .'en t'e -oon is increasin+ in li+'t! a/ter 'er /i/t' day! burn incense in
'onour o/ t'e ,rotectin+ ,o.ers o/ su//erin+ soulsI recite eac' ti-e a 5rayer Fi.e. 5ater noster! t'e
LordSs 5rayerG solely /or t'e re,ose o/ t'e said souls! and burn to t'is sa-e intention a candle in 'onour
o/ t'e s,irits .'ic' ,rotect su//erin+ souls! /or t'eir acLuiescence in t'e intention you 'a4e.
Fro- ti-e to ti-e! burn incense in 'onour o/ t'e s,irits! to t'is end.
For t'ree ni+'ts /ollo.in+ Fa4oid FridayG li+'t a /ire! and -a1e t'ree rounds! -entally /or-in+ a
circle. Ta1e so-e incense in your 'and! and cast it in t'e /ire! t'in1in+ o/ and i-,lorin+ Hecate
F+oddess o/ enc'ant-entsGI t'en retirin+ inside t'e circle and ,lacin+ yoursel/ in t'e -iddle! in4o1e t'e
'el, o/ t'e stars by loo1 and by t'ou+'t! and say0 <O Hecate! +oddess in t'e 'ea4ens! +oddess u,on t'e
eart'! and 5roser,ine in 'ellI O -ot'er o/ s'ado.s! su,re-e Lueen o/ t'e 'ost o/ t'e deadI send not
a+ainst -e t'y le+ions! O Hecate! but rat'er cause t'e- to ser4e -e. O tri,le Hecate! +reat +oddess
.'o ,resides o4er enc'ant-ents! in t'is /ire .'ic' is o//ered to t'ee t'e incense s'all burn in t'ine
'onour. O Hecate! -ay t'y di4inity co-e unto -e and t'y ,o.er surround -e! -y Fat'er in Hea4en
not bein+ o//ended t'ereat> By Hecate! O s,irit ruler o/ t'e airI by Hecate! su//erin+ souls o/ t'e deadI
by Hecate! O .anderin+ souls o/ t'e re+ion belo.I by Hecate! beco-e -y 'el,ers! -y ser4ers! -y
T'en! lea4in+ t'e circle! ta1e t'e incense in your 'and to o//er it to t'e s,irits! and /or-ulate your
A/ter.ards! burn an o//erin+ o/ bread and .ine /or t'e bene/it o/ su//erin+ souls in +eneralI and
.'en t'is is done! say0 <By Hecate! in t'e silence o/ t'e ni+'t I 'a4e called u,on t'e le+ions o/ t'e air!
t'e 4ast ar-y o/ t'e Good GoddessI to so-e I 'a4e o//ered t'e incense .'ic' deli+'ts t'e-! to ot'ers
t'e bread /or .'ic' t'ey 'un+er. No.! .'ile t'e stars s'ine in ,o.er! and t'e /orces in4o1ed -o4eI
li1e a so4erei+n in 'is -antle o/ ,ur,le! t'y ser4ant! O Hecate! .ill +o to 'is bed in ,eace.
A 4eneer o/ C'ristianity is +i4en to t'is ritual by t'e use o/ t'e LordSs 5rayer and t'e
,ro4iso in t'e in4ocation! <My Fat'er in Hea4en not bein+ o//ended t'ereat<I but t'e
.itc' +oddess is concei4ed o/ as bein+ t'e ruler o4er < su//erin+ souls<! i.e. souls in
5ur+atory! .'ic' is concei4ed o/ as a sort o/ inter-ediate re+ion! /ro- .'ic' souls can
re4isit t'e eart'. T'e .ord .'ic' I 'a4e translated as <t'e Good Goddess< is <Obs< in t'e
ori+inalI t'is sounds li1e a .orn3do.n 4ersion o/ <O,s<! t'e +oddess o/ eart' and o/
/ertility! t'e bride o/ (aturn! but -ay be connected .it' Obi $ors'i, in A/rica. T'e
+oddess .'o .as t'e +uardian o/ t'e seed 'idden in t'e eart' .as! in -any ancient
Mysteries! also t'e +uardian o/ t'e dead! .'ose ,ro-ise o/ i--ortality and rebirt' .as
sy-bolised by t'e rebirt' o/ t'e corn eac' year. It .ill be noted t'at i/ t'e s,ell is
,er/or-ed as stated! /or nine days .'en t'e -oon is increasin+ in li+'t! a/ter t'e /i/t'
day! it .ill be o,erated at t'e /ull -oon. T'is .as t'e traditional ti-e /or t'e local Esbat!
.'en t'e ,o.er o/ t'e -oon3+oddess .as at its 'ei+'t.
In A.D. "A2 t'e con4erted E-,eror Constantine decreed t'at C'ristianity s'ould be t'e
o//icial reli+ion o/ t'e Ro-an E-,ire. T'e te-,les o/ t'e Ro-an +ods .ere destroyed or
con4erted into C'ristian c'urc'es. T'is c'an+e in reli+ion caused -any ,olitical
u,'ea4als! as t'e triu-,'ant C'ristians be+an to attac1 t'e /ollo.ers o/ t'e older
reli+ions. T'e old Ro-an society beca-e disru,ted and be+an to disinte+rate.
As Hendri1 $ille- @an Loon says in 'is (tory o/ Man1ind! <T'e C'ristians still
/or-ed a 4ery s-all -inority o/ all t'e ,eo,le Fnot -ore t'an /i4e or si9 ,er centG! and in
order to .in! t'ey .ere /orced to re/use all co-,ro-ise. T'e old +ods -ust be
destroyed.< T'e E-,eror Justinian closed t'e sc'ool o/ ,'iloso,'y at At'ens! .'ic' 'ad
been /ounded by 5lato! and! @an Loon continues! <T'at .as t'e end o/ t'e old Gree1
.orld! in .'ic' -an 'ad been allo.ed to t'in1 'is o.n t'ou+'ts and drea- 'is o.n
drea-s accordin+ to 'is desires.<
T'e certainties o/ t'e Old $orld .ere bein+ s.e,t a.ay. $a4es o/ barbarians /ro- t'e
east! t'e Huns! t'e Got's! t'e @andals! and t'eir .ild! bri+and3li1e /ollo.ers! battered at
t'e Ro-an E-,ire. Constantine! t'e /irst C'ristian E-,eror! re-o4ed 'is court /ro-
Ro-e and too1 re/u+e in ByKantiu-! .'ic' .as na-ed Constantino,le in 'is 'onour.
T'e E-,ire .as di4ided by 'is t.o sons into eastern and .estern ,ro4inces! .it'
Constantino,le as ca,ital o/ t'e east and Ro-e as ca,ital o/ t'e .est. T'e elder son ruled
at Ro-e! t'e youn+er at Constantino,le.
T'e .estern e-,ire ,resently colla,sed utterly into t'e 'ands o/ t'e barbarian in4aders.
In A.D. 2%C t'e E-,eror Honorius recalled t'e Ro-an Le+ions /ro- Britain! tellin+ t'e
Britons t'at 'e could no lon+er s,are Ro-an troo,s to +arrison t'e countryI t'e need at
'o-e .as too des,erate. He bade t'e Britons to de/end t'e-sel4es a+ainst t'e barbarian
raiders! t'e An+les and (a9ons! .'o /or so-e ti-e 'ad been see1in+ to o4errun t'e
As t'e Ro-an E-,ire cru-bled into decay! t'e old <5a9 Ro-ana< +a4e ,lace to local
anarc'yI bri+ands /louris'ed e4ery.'ere. T'e C'urc' tried 'ard to ,roduce so-et'in+ to
re,lace t'e old Ro-an tradition! and to a +reat e9tent succeeded. T'e ecclesiastical
aut'orities beca-e t'e leaders o/ t'e ,eo,le. T'ey
.ere bi+oted! and +enerally ,oorly educatedI but t'ey did ser4e to 'old t'e 4arious
,ro4inces to+et'er .'en t'eir natural leaders .ere t'us abolis'ed! and t'e curious
,osition arose o/ Bis'o,s co--andin+ ar-ies! or rat'er t'e local -ilitia. T'ey at any rate
,re4ented a total colla,se o/ all aut'ority in ,ro4inces .'ere t'e Le+ions 'ad been
.it'dra.n. For by t'is ti-e t'e ar-y .as c'ie/ly co-,osed o/ conscri,ts /ro- ot'er
,ro4inces. T'e Ro-an $all in Britain .as c'ie/ly +arrisoned by -ercenaries /ro- Ger3
-any and conscri,ts /ro- (,ain! and local .ars ,re4ented rein/orce-ents bein+ sent.
T'e C'urc' Councils! too! .ere busyI t'eir concern .as to e9tir,ate t'e old reli+ion!
and to +ain co-,lete control o/ t'e (tate. T'e Council o/ Ancyra! "%2 A.D.! /or instance!
.'en @italis! Bis'o, o/ Antioc'! (t. Leontius o/ Caesarea! and -any ot'er Bis'o,s!
denounced ,acts .it' t'e de4il. T'ey also ob=ected to 4e+etarianis-I at least! t'eir %2t'
canon orders t'at <cler+y s'all be de,ri4ed i/ t'ey obstinately re/use to eat -eat! or
4e+etables coo1ed .it' -eat.< T'e %6t' canon e9co--unicates t'ose .'o! 'a4in+ been
a,,ointed Bis'o,s and been re/used by t'e ,eo,le o/ t'e diocese to .'ic' t'ey 'a4e been
a,,ointed! .is' to in4ade ot'er dioceses Fa sideli+'t on t'e .ay in .'ic' Bis'o,s .ere
liable to be'a4e in t'ose daysG. T'e A2t' canon +i4es /i4e yearsS ,enance to t'ose .'o
use soot'sayin+ or .itc'cra/t to cure diseases! or .'o /ollo. t'e custo-s o/ t'e Gentiles
Fi.e. t'e ,a+ansG. T'e %#t' canon enacts t'at c'urc' ,ro,erty unla./ully sold by ,riests
durin+ a 4acancy in t'e Bis'o,ric s'all be reclai-ed by t'e C'urc' Fa,,arently .it'out
any reco-,ense to t'e innocent buyer! a clear case o/ t'e old Ro-an la. Ca4eat e-,tor!
<Let t'e buyer be.are<G. T'e C'urc' 'ere is clearly su,ersedin+ t'e ci4il la.. T'is .as
brou+'t out -ore clearly at t'e Council o/ An+ers! A.D. 2#"! .it' Leo! Arc'bis'o, o/
Boud+es! ,residin+! t'e %st canon o/ .'ic' is to t'e e//ect <T'at since Bis'o,s 'ad been
+ranted t'e ,o.er o/ tryin+ ci4il cases! t'e cler+y s'ould! in e4ery case o/ di//erence
a-on+ t'e-sel4es! a,,ly to t'e- instead o/ to t'e ci4il aut'orities. T'at in case o/ a
dis,ute bet.een t'e cler+y and t'e laity! t'ey s'ould reLuire it to be =ud+ed by t'eir
Bis'o,I but i/ t'e ot'er ,arty s'ould not a+ree to t'is t'ey s'ould not +o be/ore any
secular =ud+e .it'out ,er-ission o/ t'eir Diocesan.< T'is is a 4ery clear case o/
atte-,tin+ to o4ert'ro. t'e ordinary la. o/ t'e land. T'e sa-e Council ordered all
.anderin+ -on1s to be e9co--unicated. 5riests .ere /orbidden to assault or -utilate
t'eir /loc1> T'e 2t' canon de,ri4es t'ose o/ t'e cler+y .'o .ould not abstain /ro-
intercourse .it' all <stran+e .o-en< F.itc'esHG
(o! .'ile t'e 5o,es and in+s and E-,erors sLuabbled! .'ile
t'e cities set u, as s-all inde,endent states! .'ile 4arious in4aders settled do.n in ne.
,ro4inces Fas t'e Nort'-en did in France by beco-in+ ba,tised and callin+ t'e-sel4es
<Nor-ans<! t'ou+' still retainin+ -uc' o/ t'eir ,a+an belie/ and enterin+ into alliances!
to say t'e least! .it' t'e local .itc'esG! .'ile t'e +reat -ass o/ t'e ,eo,le s.ore /ealty to
any o4erlord .'o .ould and could ,rotect t'e-! t'e C'urc' +radually created a /ait'!
and used t'e de4il to scare ,eo,le into obedience. And t'e C'urc' .as t'e only /orce
.'ic' .as consistent. It -i+'t rac13rent its ser/s! but it ,rotected t'e-. T'e Bis'o,Ss
-ilitia .as a /or-idable /orceI but t'is security .as only built u, at t'e ,rice o/ losin+
'u-anity and toleration.
(lo.ly t'e la.s a+ainst 'eresy and .itc'cra/t +re. /iercer. T'e ,riest .'o .ould only
be <de,ri4ed< /or associatin+ .it' t'e .itc'es by t'e Council o/ An+ers .ould 'a4e been
burned ali4e /i4e 'undred years later! i/ 'is Bis'o, .is'ed it. FO/ course! -any Bis'o,s
did notI so-e ,ossibly belon+ed to t'e cult t'e-sel4es! es,ecially t'e Nor-an Bis'o,s.G
T'e ,enalty /or usin+ .itc'cra/t to cure diseases by t'e decree o/ t'e Council o/ Ancyra
.as /i4e yearsS ,enanceI in %#D7 Bessie Dunlo, o/ Ayr .as con4icted and burnt ali4e /or
t'e sa-e o//ence. No one alle+ed t'at s'e 'ad 'ar-ed anyoneI 'er s,eci/ic o//ence .as
curin+. By t'e Council o/ Ancyra! ,riests .ere /orbidden to assault or -utilate t'eir
/loc1I but in %#&7 anot'er (cots.o-an! Alison Bal/our! .as brou+'t to a con/ession o/
.itc'cra/t by t'e e9,edient o/ ,uttin+ t'e ,ilnie3.in1s! an instru-ent o/ torture /or
crus'in+ t'e /in+ers! not u,on 'er! but u,on 'er se4en3year3old dau+'ter! in 'er ,resence.
$e 'ad not yet reac'ed t'ese re/ine-ents o/ ci4ilisation in t'e Dar1 A+esI but ,ro+ress
.as startin+ on its .ay! e4en in s,ite o/ suc' reactionary acti4ities as t'ose o/ t'e Holy
(ynod o/ 5aderborn in D6#! .'ic' decreed t'at <$'oe4er. bein+ /ooled by t'e de4il!
-aintains! in accordance .it' ,a+an belie/! t'at .itc'es e9ist and causes t'e- to be
burned at t'e sta1e! s'all be ,unis'ed .it' deat'.<
$'ile sc'ool boo1s tal1 o/ t'e Ro-ans lea4in+ Britain! actually t'ere .ere 4ery /e. to
lea4e! a,art /ro- t'e Ar-y. One or t.o o//icials and a /e. traders -ay 'a4e +oneI but
t'e <Ro-ans< in Britain t'en .ere Britons .'o .ere Ro-an citiKens. (o-e ot t'e- -ay
'a4e 'ad a little Ro-an blood! t'ou+' t'eir /a-ilies 'ad been li4in+ in Britain /or se4eral
+enerations. T'ey .ere .ell educated a/ter Ro-an standards! but t'ey .ere Britons! and
al-ost at once s,lit u, into t'e 4arious tribes in t'e areas in .'ic' t'ey .ere .'en t'e
Ro-ans ca-e t'ree 'undred and /i/ty years be/ore. T'us! Nort'u-berland alone 'ad to
resist all t'e
attac1s o/ t'e 5icts and (cots .it'out 'el, /ro- t'e ot'er tribes. Also! all alon+ t'e east
coast 4arious districts 'ad to de/end t'e-sel4es a+ainst +reat (a9on attac1s .it'out 'el,
/ro- t'e ot'ers! and .it' no Ro-an /leet to attac1 t'e in4adersS s'i,s. As all 1no.! t'e
result .as t'at t'e (a9ons conLuered and occu,ied t'e +reater ,art o/ Britain.
One result o/ t'e s,littin+ u, into se,arate clan areas .as t'e brea13u, o/ t'e Ro-an
syste- o/ culti4ation by 'u+e /ar-s attac'ed to 4illas. T'ese .ere ,ro-,tly deserted by
t'e sla4es or ser/s .'o culti4ated t'e-. T'e Ro-ano3Britis' o.ner! t'us deserted! 'ad to
lea4e also. (o-e o/ t'ese ser/s in ti-e too1 to culti4atin+ s-all ,atc'es /or t'e-sel4esI
t'e result o/ .'ic' .as t'at t'e nationSs /ood su,,ly .as about 'al4ed. $'ile t'e s-all
/ar-ers could =ust /eed t'e-sel4es! t'ey 'ad not'iin+ o4er! so it .as i-,ossible /or t'e
ne. states to su,,ort anyt'in+ li1e an ar-y in t'e /ield. To re,el a local attac1! a cro.d
o/ local -ilitia could be asse-bled /or a /e. days only! t'en t'ey .ould -elt a.ay.
T'ese circu-stances .ould 'a4e tended to increase t'e in/luence o/ t'e .itc' cult. T'e
.itc'es belie4ed in /ertility rites! and .ould use all t'eir ,o.ers to -a1e eac' s-all
co--unity +ro. corn! etc.! in t'eir little /ields! as t'ey 'ad done in t'e ,re3Ro-an ti-es.
Also! I t'in1 t'at 'ere .e 'a4e a clue as to .'y .e do not 'ear anyt'in+ o/ .itc'es in t'e
Ro-an ti-es. T'e Ro-an 4illa .as -uc' li1e a 4ast co--unal /ar- in Russia to3day. It
.as scienti/ic /ar-in+ by e9,erts! t'e .or1 bein+ carried out by /orced or sla4e labour
bound to t'e land. T'ey 'ad no need /or .itc'esS /ertility rites! t'ou+' t'ese lin+ered on
in t'e <nati4e 4illa+es< in out o/ t'e .ay ,laces. $'en all t'e sla4e labour deserted t'e
Ro-an 4illas t'eir o.ners deserted t'e- too. $e 1no. t'is because t'e Ro-an 4illas .e
di+ u, 'a4e not been sac1ed or burnedI t'ey 'a4e si-,ly been denuded o/ anyt'in+ easily
,ortable and abandoned! and slo.ly beco-e buried.
I/ t'ese Britis' states 'ad been le/t alone t'ey .ould doubtless in ti-e 'a4e +ot
t'e-sel4es into as +ood a condition as t'ey .ere be/ore t'e Ro-an in4asionI but t'e
constant (a9on in4asions! cou,led .it' t'e Danis' raids! brou+'t about a state o/ c'aos.
Most o/ t'e -erc'ants and trades-en see- to 'a4e e-i+rated to Ireland! .'ic' .as at
t'e ti-e e9tre-ely ,ros,erous! and it .as t'ey .'o -ade -uc' o/ t'e e9Luisite <Iris'<
-etal .or1 and ot'er artistic ,roductions /or .'ic' s'e .as /a-ous /or t'e ne9t t'ree
'undred years. A +reat ,art o/ t'e rest o/ t'e Britis' ,o,ulation in course o/ ti-e see-s to
'a4e e-i+rated to Brittany and $alesI yet t'ere .as no .'olesale clearin+3out or
-assacre o/ t'e Celtic ,o,ulation as so-e boo1s in/er. $'at actually 'a,,ened
.as t'at t'e (a9ons li1ed t'e ric' botto- land alon+ t'e ri4ers. T'is .as densely
/orested! but .it' +reat labour t'ey cleared it and settled t'ere. In a /e. o/ t'e lar+er
to.ns! notably London and E9eter! t'ey s'ared .it' t'e Britis' ,o,ulation! t'ere bein+
Britis' and (a9on Luarters! eac' .it' t'eir o.n c'urc'es and +o4ern-ent. T'e (a9on
1in+s -ade t'e la.s! and t'e Britis' 'ad to obey t'e-! -ore or less! Fc'ie/ly lessG! -uc'
as it .as in Ireland /i/ty years a+o.
), to t'at ti-e it is doubt/ul i/ t'e $ica 'ad a distincti4e na-e /or t'e-sel4es. T'ey
.ere t'e ,eo,le! t'e ,riests and ,riestesses o/ t'e Old Goddess! .'o .ere reco+nised as
o/ t'e ,eo,le. T'e (a9ons 'ated and /eared anyt'in+ to do .it' -a+ic. T'ey .ors'i,,ed
Odin F$odenG and T'or and t'e ot'er (candina4ian +ods! and .ere e9tre-ely
<res,ectable< in a Ger-anic .ay. $'en t'ey beca-e C'ristians t'ey .ere -ore so! T'at
Odin used to 'a4e a $ild Hunt rese-blin+ t'at o/ Herne! and @al1yries .'o .ere in
so-e .ays li1e t'e .itc'es o/ le+end! only t'ey rode 'orses t'rou+' t'e air instead o/
+oats or broo-stic1s! -ade t'in+s .orseI t'ey 'ated t'e -e-ory o/ Odin and t'e
@al1yries because t'ey .ere ,a+an di4inities. I 'a4e been as1ed! <Did t'e (a9ons -a1e
c'an+es in t'e .itc' cultH< And I say! <I donSt t'in1 so.< Caesar records t'at t'e custo-s
o/ t'e <Ger-ans< .ere entirely di//erent /ro- t'ose o/ t'e Celts. T'ey 'ad no Druids!
and s,ent -ost o/ t'eir ti-e in 'untin+ and .arli1e ,ursuits! reco+nisin+ as +ods only
t'ose t'in+s .'ic' t'ey could see and .'ic' ob4iously bene/ited t'e-! suc' as sun!
-oon and /ireI <t'e ot'er +ods t'ey 'a4e ne4er e4en 'eard o/.< T'ey .ere not
a+riculturists! settled /ar-in+ bein+ acti4ely discoura+ed by t'eir c'ie/s. Mil1! c'eese and
-eat .ere t'eir ,rinci,al /oods. Alto+et'er! Caesar ,aints a ,icture o/ t'e Ger-ans Fi.e.
Teutonic tribesG o/ 'is day as leadin+ a sa4a+e! se-i3no-adic e9istence! and bein+ ,artial
to ,lunderin+ raids u,on ot'er tribes. Tacitus in A.D. &6 describes t'e- 4ery si-ilarly.
T'ey .ere ori+inally yet anot'er branc' o/ t'e ,atriarc'al Aryan no-ads! and a study o/
t'eir reli+ion re4eals once a+ain t'e ,rocess o/ t'e i-,osition o/ a ,atriarc'al -asculine
,ant'eon u,on abori+inal -atriarc'y. T'eir +ods .ere t'e .arli1e Aesir! 'eaded by
$oden For OdinG and T'orI but t'ere are 'ints o/ ot'er! older! -ore ,eace/ul +ods! called
t'e @anir! t'e c'ie/ o/ .'o- .ere Frey and Freya! na-es .'ic' si-,ly -ean <t'e lord<
and <t'e lady<. Frey .as t'e +od o/ ,eace and ,lenty! and Ada- o/ Bre-en tells us t'at
'e .as de,icted <cu- in+enti ,ria,o<. Carl Cle-en in 'is Reli+ions o/ t'e $orld
illustrates a ,'allic statue o/ FreyI and 'e .as so-eti-es called Fricco. Freya .as also
called Fri++aI and t'e na-es o/ t'ese t.o ancient deities
are t'e ob4ious ori+in o/ a nu-ber o/ .ords o/ a se9ual connotation .'ic' are not usually
considered ,rintable. It is e4ident t'at Frey .as ori+inally t'e -ate o/ FreyaI but in later
ti-es s'e .as <-arried< to $oden! and Frey beca-e 'er <brot'er<. Li1e Is'tar! one o/
FreyaSs attributes .as 'er .onder/ul nec1lace! and in t'is s'e rese-bles t'e .itc'3
+oddess also. ('e is! in /act! t'e abori+inal Great Mot'er! and Frey is 'er ,'allic consort.
T'e /at'er3+od $oden and 'is /ierce /ollo.ers are t'e +ods o/ t'e ,atriarc'al Ayran
By t'e ti-e t'e An+les and (a9ons started to in4ade Britain! t'ey 'ad acLuired -ore
ci4ilisation t'an .'en Caesar and Tacitus described t'e-. E4en so t'ere .as a +reat
di//erence bet.een t'e- and t'e cultured! literate Ro-ano3Britis'! -any o/ .'o- .ere
C'ristians o/ t'e old Celtic C'urc'. It is to t'is ,eriod t'at in+ Art'ur and 'is c'i4alry
-ust 'a4e belon+ed! i/ 'e 'ad an 'istorical e9istence.
T'e (a9ons ca-e in as 'eat'en conLuerorsI t'ey looted and 1illed and ra,ed. Most o/
t'e Celtic ,o,ulation .ere dis,ersed in t'ese lon+ .ars! and t'e re-nants li4ed in
inaccessible ,laces. Only in t'e bi+ to.ns did t'e races -eet and -i9! and e4en t'ere
t'ey .ere 'ated conLuerors! .'o 'ad dis,ossessed t'e Celts /ro- t'eir ancestral lands
and /orced t'e- to li4e in t'e out3lands. Also! t'ey 'ated -a+ic. T'is is no condition /or
any -in+lin+ o/ cult ,ractices. T'en t'e (a9ons beca-e C'ristian! t'e ne. 1ind o/
intolerant! Ro-an C'ristian! .'ic' -ade -atters e4en .orse. And t'en! =ust as t'e
(a9ons .ere settlin+ do.n nicely! t'e Danis' in4asions co--enced. To t'e- t'e (a9ons
.ere rene+ades .'o 'ad /orsa1en t'e old /ait' o/ Odin and T'or! and so deser4ed
e9ter-inatin+. But in ti-e t'ese Danes t'e-sel4es .ere ba,tised and -ade C'ristians!
and li4ed in an uneasy con/ederacy .it' t'e (a9ons.
By t'is ti-e t'e Celts in t'eir out3o/3t'e3.ay d.ellin+s .ere re+ainin+ t'eir
,ros,erity! and t'e Danis'3(a9on la.+i4ers be+an -a1in+ la.s a+ainst t'e abori+inal
-a+ic t'ey /eared. As t'ey 'ad no .itc'es o/ t'eir o.n t'ey 'ad no s,ecial na-e /or
t'e-I 'o.e4er! t'ey -ade one u, /ro- .i+! an idol! and laer! learnin+! .i+laer! .'ic'
t'ey s'ortened into .icca. T'ey also used t'e ter-s scin3laeca! +aldor3crae/ti+! and
-ort'.yrt'a. (cin3laeca see-s to 'a4e been a ,'anto- double or astral body! or t'e one
.'o could ,ro=ect it. Galdor3crae/ti+ is one s1illed in s,ells. Mort'.yrt'a is a .ors'i,,er
o/ t'e dead. T'ey also 'ad a .ord dry /or a -a+ician. T'eir la.s .ere clear on t'e
sub=ect0 <I/ any .icca or .i+laer F-ale .itc'G! or /alse s.earer! or -ort'.yrt'a . . . or
any /oul! conta-inated! -ani/est 'orc.enan F.'ore! Luean! or stru-,etG! be any.'ere in
t'e land! -an s'all dri4e t'e- out
<$e teac' t'at e4ery ,riest s'all e9tin+uis' all 'eat'endo-! and /orbid $it.eort'un+a
F/ountain .ors'i,G and lic.i+lun+a Fincantations or in4ocations o/ t'e deadG! '.ata
Fo-ens or soot'sayin+sG! and +aldra F-a+icG! and -an3.ors'i,! and t'e abo-inations
t'at -en use in t'e 4arious cra/t o/ t'e $ica! and /rit's,ottu- .it' el-s and ot'er trees!
and .it' stones F<+oin+ to t'e stones<HG! and .it' -any ,'anto-s.< 5enalties .ere
,ro4ided /or destroyin+ anyone by <.icca cra/te<! or /or dri4in+ sic1ness on a -an! or /or
causin+ deat'! or /or usin+ <.icca cra/te< to +ain anot'erSs lo4e! or /or +i4in+ 'i- to eat
and drin1 o/ -a+ic! or /or di4inin+ F.i+lianG by t'e -oon! or /or .ors'i,,in+ t'e sun or
-oon! /ire or /loods! .ells or stones! or trees! or /or <lo4in+ .icca cra/te<. T'ere .as also
anot'er .ord! unlybban .yrce! .'ic' see-s to -ean unla./ul -a+ic! t'at is! t'e deadly
1ind! or .'at is called no.adays blac1 -a+ic. It is a curious /act t'at .'en t'e .itc'es
beca-e En+lis'3s,ea1in+ t'ey ado,ted t'eir (a9on na-e <$ica<.
T'e allusion to <-an3.ors'i,< is notable! as it -ay .ell re/er to t'e a,,earance o/ t'e
old Horned God in t'e /or- o/ 'is ,riest! t'e +odSs re,resentati4e! dressed in 'is ritual
costu-e o/ s1in and 'orns. T'e Liber 5oenitentialis o/ T'eodore! co-,osed in t'e Dt'
century! lays do.n! (i Luis in alendas Januani in cer4ulo aut 4etula 4adit! id est! in
/eraru- 'abitus se co--utant! et 4estiuntur ,ellibus ,ecudu-! et assu-unt ca,ita
bestiaru-I Lui 4ero taliter in Jerinas s,ecies se trans /or-ant! ill annos ,oeniteantI Luia
'oc dae-oniacu- est<I <$'oe4er at t'e alands o/ January +oes about in t'e /or- o/ a
sta+! t'at is! c'an+es 'i-sel/ into t'e /or- o/ an ani-al! dressin+ in t'e s1in o/ a 'orned
beast! and ,uttin+ on t'e 'ead o/ a beast! /or t'ose .'o in suc' .ise trans/or-
t'e-sel4es into t'e a,,earance o/ a .ild ani-al! ,enance /or t'ree years! because t'is is
de4ilis'.< 8et! in s,ite o/ t'is and si-ilar la.s! t'e custo- o/ t'e <C'rist-as Bull< or t'e
<$ooser< .as 1e,t u, in Dorset until t'e end o/ t'e %&t' centuryI as .itness t'e curious
-as1 1no.n as t'e <Dorset Ooser< illustrated in Mar+aret MurraySs God o/ t'e $itc'es!
and El.ort'ySs Horns o/ Honour. In t'at a-usin+ little boo1! Dorset ),3Alon+ and
Do.n3Alon+! an account is +i4en o/ t'is custo-0
T'e Bull! s'a++y 'ead .it' 'orns co-,lete! s'a++y coat! and eyes o/ +lass .as .ont to arri4e!
unin4ited! at any C'rist-as /esti4ity. None 1ne. .'en 'e -i+'t or -i+'t not a,,ear. He .as +i4en t'e
/reedo- o/ e4ery 'ouse! and allo.ed to ,enetrate into any roo- escorted by 'is 1ee,er. T'e .'ole
co-,any .ould /lee be/ore 'is /or-idable 'orns! t'e -ore so as! to.ards t'e end o/ t'e e4enin+!
neit'er t'e bull nor 'is 1ee,er could be certi/ied as strictly sober. T'e C'rist-as Bull is no. obsolete!
but u, to /orty years a+o 'e .as a reco+nised custo-. In so-e ,arts o/ $est Dorset t'is creature .as
1no.n as t'e $ooser! and t'ere are t'ose .'o tell us t'at 'e 'as 'is ori+in in de4il3.ors'i,.
<T'e alands o/ January< .as Ne. 8earSs Day! .'ic' .ould o/ course! 'a4e /allen
.it'in t'e traditional T.el4e Days o/ C'rist-as.
In all t'is ,eriod t'ere is only one in/luence t'at I can t'in1 o/ .'ic' -i+'t 'a4e
a//ected t'e $ica! beside t'eir 'a4in+ recei4ed a na-e. T'at is .'en t'e Ro-ans turned
C'ristian! and all t'e disasters be+an to 'a,,en to t'e Ro-an E-,ire. A nu-ber o/ t'e
-ore conser4ati4e ty,e o/ Ro-ans belie4ed t'at all t'ese disasters .ere a ,unis'-ent /or
t'eir desertin+ t'e old +ods .'o 'ad al.ays +i4en 4ictory to Ro-e. T'ey .is'ed to as1
,ardon o/ t'ese +ods! but t'e Ro-an +o4ern-ent and t'e ,riests 'ad destroyed all t'e
te-,les! or con4erted t'e- to ot'er uses. T'ey .ould 1no. o/ t'is little /ertility cult o/
Britain and $estern Euro,e. T'ese .ere t'eir o.n +ods under ot'er na-es! and so -any
o/ t'e- .ould be+in attendin+ .itc' -eetin+s! as t'e only .ay in .'ic' to enter into
co--union .it' t'eir o.n old +ods. (o-e o/ t'ese at least .ould 'a4e belon+ed to t'e
Dionysiac cults! ot'ers -ay 'a4e been! li1e Lucius A,uleius! initiates o/ IsisI and it is
Luite ,ossible t'at t'ey tau+'t t'eir Mysteries to t'e .itc'es F/or t'ey see- to 'a4e
,ossessed so-e at least o/ t'e-! i/ .e ta1e t'e e4idence o/ t'e 4illa o/ t'e Mysteries o/
.'ic' I 'a4e already s,o1enG.
It is said t'at a/ter t'e Nor-an ConLuest! .'en t'ere .ere nu-erous (a9on risin+s in
out o/ t'e .ay ,arts! t'e Nor-an troo,s sent to su,,ress t'ese .ere o/ten led by <Frenc'3
s,ea1in+ .itc'es<. T'is can -ean t'at t'e local .itc'es .ere better educated t'an -ost!
and s,o1e Frenc'I but it is -ore li1ely t'at Nor-an .itc'es ca-e o4er at t'e ConLuest!
/raternised .it' t'e d.ellers on t'e 'eat's! t'e <'eat'ens<! t'e Britis' ,eo,le o/ t'e
outlands .'o 'ated t'e (a9on usur,ers! and /ound out .'at .as +oin+ on. Here.ard t'e
$a1e is said to 'a4e 1illed one o/ t'ese .itc'es .'o .as 'el,in+ to 'unt 'i- in t'e Fen
It .as o/ten said t'at t'e Nor-ans 1e,t .itc'es as courtesans in t'eir castles. I s'ould
i-a+ine t'at t'is .as Luite li1ely. A Nor-an castle 'eld a nu-ber o/ /i+'tin+ -en but
not -any .o-en. As t'ere .as a sort o/ alliance bet.een t'e castle and t'e ,eo,le o/ t'e
'eat'! it is ,robable t'at so-e soldiers did 'a4e Britis' s.eet'earts. Bein+ non3C'ristians
t'ey .ould not 'a4e a C'ristian -arria+eI but .e -ust re-e-ber t'at outside t'e +reat
/a-ilies /e. 'ad. $illia- t'e ConLueror 'i-sel/ .as t'e lo4e3c'ild o/ Robert t'e De4il!
also called Robert t'e Ma+ni/icent! and a tannerSs ,retty dau+'ter! Arlette or Harlotta!
/ro- .'ose na-e so-e say t'e .ord <'arlot< co-es. Many o/ t'e +reat -en o/ t'e ti-e
.ere ,roud o/ t'e title o/ <Bastard<. F$'en in+ Louis o/ France .is'ed t'e Duc de
Maine! one o/ 'is ille+iti-ate sons! to
succeed 'i-! 'e 'ad enLuiry -ade! and it see-ed t'at -ore t'an 'al/ o/ t'e 1in+s o/
France 'ad been born out o/ .edloc1I so t'e Co-te de (t. (i-on tells us. It .as t'e
Re+ent dSOrleans .'o ,ut t'e le+iti-ate 'eir on t'e t'rone! by /orce.G
$'en! on 'is +ainin+ t'e real- o/ En+land! $illia- t'e ConLueror .as as1ed by 5o,e
Gre+ory @II to do 'o-a+e to 'i- as in+ o/ En+land! 'e re,lied! <Fealty I 'a4e ne4er
.illed to do! nor .ill I do it no.. I 'a4e ne4er ,ro-ised it! nor do I /ind t'at -y
,redecessors did it to yours<I a re,ly t'at -ust 'a4e increased 'is ,o,ularity .it' t'e
.itc' cult as -uc' as it ,ained t'e ,ious. His successor! $illia- Ru/us! li4ed to ,ain
t'e- e4en -ore! /or 'e .as an o,en ,a+anI and it -ay be noted in t'is connection t'at
Ru/us! alt'ou+' not t'e eldest son! in'erited t'e t'rone because 'e .as t'e ConLuerorSs
/a4ourite. Had t'e C'urc' 'ad its .ay! Ru/us .ould ne4er e4en 'a4e been bornI /or 5o,e
Leo IE 'ad curtly /orbidden Bald.in! Count o/ Flanders! to +i4e 'is dau+'ter Matilda in
-arria+e to $illia- t'e Nor-anI but t'e cou,le .ed in de/iance o/ 'i-. Historians 'a4e
o/ten ,uKKled o4er t'e reason /or t'e 5o,eSs action! as t'ey 'a4e o4er t'e reason /or t'e
ConLuerorSs /at'er bein+ nic1na-ed <Robert t'e De4il<. I/ $illia- and 'is /a-ily .ere!
to say t'e least o/ it! 'all3,a+an. t'e ,uKKle is sol4ed.
c'a,ter @II.
5ERHA5( at t'is ,oint it .ould be a +ood idea to as1 t'e Luestion0 <$'at is Ma+icH $'y
do ,eo,le belie4e in itH<
5ro/essor Nadel! /or-erly 5ro/essor o/ Ant'ro,olo+y and (ociolo+y at t'e Australian
National )ni4ersity! Canberra! +a4e a -ost interestin+ tal1 on t'e T'ird 5ro+ra--e o/
t'e B.B.C. on t'e 2t' o/ January! %&#7. He said! <In a .ord! -a+ic atte-,ts t'e
,'ysically i-,ossible! and i/ t'is is so! t'en ine4itably t'e belie4ers in -a+ic -ust be
con/ronted a+ain and a+ain .it' e4idence ,ro4in+ t'e /ailure o/ t'eir -a+ical e//orts.< He
+i4es as e4idence t'at rain-a1ers t'ro. u, .ater into t'e air so t'at it /alls li1e rain! and
.'en t'e rain does not co-e t'ey see t'eir c'ar- does not .or1. But t'ere is not'in+
<,'ysically i-,ossible< about rain /allin+. T'e 5ro/essor 'as started .it' a .ron+ de/i3
nition. I/ -a+icians tried to -a1e t'e rain /all u,.ards! /or instance! t'ey -i+'t be
accused o/ atte-,tin+ t'e ,'ysically i-,ossible. $'at! 'o.e4er! t'ey are tryin+ to do in
t'is instance! is to cause a natural ,'eno-enon to occur as and .'en t'ey .is' it to do
so. Modern science is constantly atte-,tin+ t'e sa-e t'in+.
I de/ine -a+ic as atte-,tin+ to cause t'e ,'ysically unusual. Aleister Cro.ley de/ined
it as <T'e (cience and Art o/ causin+ C'an+e to occur in con/or-ity .it' t'e $ill.< (. L.
MacGre+or Mat'ers FFrater D.D.C.F. o/ t'e Order o/ t'e Golden Da.nG de/ined it as
<T'e science o/ t'e control o/ t'e secret /orces o/ nature.<
)n/ortunately! ,ro/essors and ot'ers see- to +et t'eir ideas o/ -a+ic /ro- Gri--Ss
Fairy Tales. .'ere so-eone .a4es a .and and i--ediately t'e i-,ossible 'a,,ens. I
doubt i/ t'e Gri-- brot'ers 'ad e4er 'eard o/ rain3-a1in+I i/ t'ey 'ad t'ey -i+'t 'a4e
described it so-et'in+ li1e t'is! <T'e -a+ician t're. a bo.l o/ .ater into t'e air! so t'at
it /ell do.n in dro,s! .a4ed 'is .and! and i--ediately rain descended /ro- t'e
cloudless s1y.<S No.! alt'ou+' so-e curious t'in+s can be done .it' t'e ri+'t sort o/
.and! actually not'in+ is e4er done li1e t'is.
Ma+ic is as I understand it! t'e art o/ +ettin+ results. Ta1e a 4ery crude e9a-,le. I/ I
-a1e a .a9 i-a+e o/ a -an in t'e ,ro,er -anner! stic1 ,ins into it and roast it in t'e
traditional .ay! and tell t'e -an .'at I a- doin+! and 'e dies o/ /ri+'tI I contend
t'at 'e died as t'e result o/ a -a+ical act. I/ I tell 'i- t'at I a- doin+ t'is! .it'out
actually doin+ it! and 'e dies o/ /ear! 'e is dead all t'e sa-e! is 'e notH No.! i/ I! usin+
t'e .a9 i-a+e as a ,oint o/ /ocus! ,ro=ect .'at I a- doin+ into 'is -ind! .it'out lettin+
'i- 1no. by .ord or deed! and 'e dies! I contend t'at 'is deat' is still t'e result o/ a
-a+ical act. In -y Museu- in t'e Isle o/ Man I 'a4e Australian 5ointin+ Bones!
Malayan eris Ma=a,a'it! etc.! .'ic' are used to 1ill by ,ointin+. T'ere see-s to be
incontestable ,roo/ t'at -any ,eo,le die annually as t'e result o/ t'eir -a+ical useI cases
.'ere t'e -an 'as been ta1en to 'os,ital and e9a-ined! and not t'e sli+'test trace o/
,oison or anyt'in+ .'ic' could cause deat' 'as e4er been /ound. T'ou+' t'ey o/ten are
/ri+'tened! e4eryt'in+ 'as been done to reassure t'e-! and t'ey are so-eti-es Luite
'a,,y! and s'o. no si+ns o/ /ri+'t at all Fand /ear does cause certain ,syc'olo+ical si+ns
and 'as certain e//ects on t'e 'u-an bodyG. T'ey -ay not s'o. t'ese e//ectsI but in a
day or t.o t'eir 'earts sto, beatin+! and t'e ,ost3-orte- cannot /ind t'e cause o/ deat'.
FI s'ould ,er'a,s add! /or t'e bene/it o/ t'e ner4ous reader! t'at I a- re/errin+ to
'a,,enin+s in Australia and Malaya! and not in t'e nei+'bour'ood o/ -y Museu->G
T'ose interested -ay /ind /urt'er details in a little boo1 called Deadly Ma+ic0 includin+
t'e Australian 5ointin+ (tic1! by Colonel F. J. Hayter.
I 'a4e read t'at -any ,eo,le describe -a+ic! or <atte-,ted -a+ic<! as bein+ ,er/or-ed
by i-itatin+ t'e result reLuired! i.e. <s'o.in+ t'e 5o.er .'at to do<! and re,eatin+ a
r'y-e to -a1e it .or1. I +at'er t'at t'ey belie4e t'e i-itation causes t'e e//ect to occur!
.'en <tri++ered o//<! as it .ere! by a r'y-e. I ,re/er to t'in1 t'at doin+ t'e i-itati4e act!
-a1in+ t'e -odel o/ t'e t'in+! etc.! are si-,ly use/ul -eans o/ /ocusin+ t'e -ind. T'is is
rein/orced and dri4en into t'e unconscious -ind by a re,etition o/ .ords Ft'e (,ellG. T'is
need not be in t'e /or- o/ a r'y-e at all! but r'yt'- or alliteration are an aid to -e-oryI
t'at is! you cannot dri4e a t'in+ into your unconscious and /i9 your -ind ,in,ointed on
your ob=ect i/ you 'a4e to sto, and t'in1 .'at t'e ne9t .ord is! and t'e act o/ readin+
distracts your attention! 'o.e4er sli+'tly. In /act! you .ant so-et'in+ .'ic' al-ost says
itsel/. I cannot /or t'e -o-ent t'in1 o/ a s,ell in li-eric1 /or-! t'ou+' doubtless t'ey
e9istI but t'ey al-ost say t'e-sel4es! and t'e i-,act o/ t'e /inal r'y-e s'ould be 4ery
e//ecti4e Also! I t'in1 t'at t'e <s,ell< s'ould 'a4e a decided re/erence to t'e .or1 in
'and! t'ou+' so-e ,eo,le say t'is is not necessary. and t'at .ords in an un1no.n
ton+ue! es,ecially <Enoc'ian<! as used by Dr. Dee and Fd.ard elly Fand later
Aleister Cro.leyG! or a strin+ o/ .ords o/ un1no.n -eanin+! <t'e barbarous na-es o/
e4ocation<! 'a4e t'e best e//ectI t'ou+' to use t'e- e//ecti4ely you -ust learn t'e- by
'eart t'at t'ey -ay say t'e-sel4es< at t'e ,ro,er instant .it'out any e//ort o/ -e-ory.
T'ere is t'e .itc' ,ractice o/ raisin+ t'e ,o.er to t'e ut-ost and t'en clearly statin+
.'at is reLuired! endin+ .it' a /or-ula o/ .'ic' I -ay +i4e t'e last t.o lines. It <says
itsel/<! endin+ li1e 'a--er blo.s .it' <As I .ill! so -ote it be! c'ant t'e s,ell and Be it
Done> .< A -a+ical ,ractitioner .'o disco4ered t'is endin+ said to -e sadly! <I li1e t'at
so -uc' -ore t'an our /or-ulae. I a- so tired o/ bleatin+! SI de-and t'isS and SI de-and
t'atS! endin+ ta-ely .it' SI/ it be T'y $illS and ST'y $ill be doneS.<
Mrs. Nesbit .rote -any years a+o t'at to .or1 -a+ic you -ust e9,ress your .is' in
ori+inal r'y-e -ade u, at t'e -o-ent! and t'e .orse t'e ,oetry t'e better t'e resultsI
but I do not t'in1 s'e -eant t'is to be ta1en seriously> FAs .it' H. G. $ellsS idea in one
o/ 'is 'u-orous stories t'at all in+redients in -a+ical co-,ounds -ust in4ariably be t'e
.orst! instancin+ t'at i/ an e++ is called /or in t'e reci,e it -ust be addled.G Ho.e4er!
t'is latter is not so silly as it see-s! .it' re+ard to so-e 1inds o/ -a+ic. T'e late Aleister
Cro.ley contended t'at sudden /eelin+s o/ re4ulsion could 'a4e a +reat e//ect on so-e
natures! and t'ere is no doubt t'at 'e -ade t'e -ost e9traordinary e9,eri-ents in t'ese
directions. T'e <+reat Tantric secrets< .'ic' 'e used in 'is secret Order! t'e O.T.O.
FOrdo Te-,li Orientis! or Order o/ Oriental Te-,larsG .ere o/ t'is nature! and t'ere is no
doubt t'at 'e occasionally ,roduced results! t'ou+' I t'in1 t'is .as because 'e 'i-sel/
'ad naturally e9ce,tional ,o.ersI but 'e .as /ascinated by t'ese! .'ic' I can only
describe as re4oltin+! ,ractices! because t'ey suited 'is nature. As 'e said to -e once!
<T'e .itc' ,ractices are /ine /or ,eo,le .'o li1e t'at sort o/ t'in+! ,eo,le o/ t'at natureI
but I li1e so-et'in+ I can .allo. in and 1ee, it u, /or ei+'t 'ours at a ti-e<I and I t'in1
'e could. But 'e 'ad to ta1e an increasin+ a-ount o/ dan+erous dru+s to do so! and
t'ou+' 'e used t'ese intelli+ently! and could stand 'eroic Luantities! 'e su//ered /or t'is
in t'e end. Ho.e4er! 'e .as an old -an .'en 'e died! and 'is intellect .as uni-,aired.
I .is' 'ere t'at I could nail t'e silly lie t'at Aleister Cro.ley .as a <(atanist<.
Cro.ley! li1e -ost intelli+ent ,eo,le! did not belie4e in (atan. FI -i+'t add t'at neit'er
do I.G T'e state-ents
I 'a4e read in <,o,ular< articles about 'i-! t'at 'e 'ad <-ade a sole-n ,act .it' t'e
De4il<! and <sold 'is soul to (atan<! are eit'er s'eer i+norance or =ournalistic in4ention.
Cro.ley .as born
o/ ,arents .'o .ere narro. and e9clusi4e 5ly-out' Bret'ren. As a boy! 'e re4olted
a+ainst t'e strictness o/ 'is u,brin+in+ until! as 'e says! <I ,ractised .ic1edness /urti4ely
as a -a+ical /or-ula! e4en .'en it .as distaste/ulI e.+. I .ould snea1 into a c'urc' 33 a
,lace -y -ot'er .ould not enter at t'e /uneral ser4ice o/ 'er best3lo4ed sister. FC'urc'
o/ En+land! because I con/idently su,,osed t'at An+licanis- .as a ,eculiarly 4iolent
/or- o/ De4il3$ors'i,! and .as in des,air at bein+ unable to disco4er .'ere t'e
Abo-ination ca-e in.G< In %6&6! .'en 'e .as t.enty3t'ree! 'e =oined t'e Her-etic
Order o/ t'e Golden Da.n! .'ic' clai-ed descent /ro- t'e ori+inal Rosicrucians. In t'is
Order 'e learned -a+ical ,ractices .'ic' enabled 'i-! in Cairo in %&C2! to contact a
,o.er/ul discarnate entity called <Ai.ass<! .'o dictated to 'i- t'e t.o 'undred and
t.enty 4erses o/ Liber Le+is! T'e Boo1 o/ t'e Lo.. ),on t'is docu-ent Cro.ley based
'is Ma+ic1! and indeed t'e rest o/ 'is li/e. It .as /ro- Liber Le+is t'at 'e obtained 'is
/a-ous dictu-! :Do .'at t'ou .ilt s'all be t'e .'ole o/ t'e La.. Lo4e is t'e La.!
Lo4e under $ill;. T'is .as not! 'o.e4er! an in4itation to uni4ersal licence! and ,eo,le
.'o t'in1 it .as t'ereby re4eal t'e /act t'at t'at is .'at t'ey .ould li1e to do i/ t'ey
could do .'at t'ey .ould. Cro.ley -aintained t'at :E4ery -an and e4ery .o-an is a
star<! and! li1e t'e stars in t'e 'ea4ens! eac' 'ad a ,ro,er course a,,ointed to t'e-. T'is
course 'e called t'e True $illI and 'e -aintained t'at i/ e4eryone did t'eir True $ill
t'ere .ould be no trouble in t'e .orld. :T'e sun -o4es in s,ace .it'out inter/erence.
T'e order o/ Nature ,ro4ides an orbit /or eac' star. A clas' ,ro4es t'at one or t'e ot'er
'as strayed /ro- its course.< T'ere/ore! 'e said! t'e ,ro,er tas1 o/ -an is to disco4er 'is
True $ill and do itI and 'e reco--ended 'is Ma+ic1 as a -eans .'ereby one could
disco4er oneSs True $ill. He said /urt'er t'at t'e +reat ai- o/ Ma+ic1 s'ould be to obtain
t'e no.led+e and Con4ersation o/ oneSs Holy Guardian An+el! .'o .ould s'o. t'e
.ay. All ot'er ai-s o/ Ma+ic1 .ere side3issues! 4aluable only as t'ey conduced to t'e
+reat ai-! t'e Great $or1I and i/ t'ey .ere ,ursued as ends in t'e-sel4es! t'ey beca-e
Blac1 Ma+ic. He too1 t'e title o/ <T'e Beast 777< because 'e belie4ed t'at t'e
A,ocaly,se! in .'ic' t'is interestin+ c'aracter is described! is a ,ro,'ecy o/ t'e endin+
o/ one +reat A+e and t'e be+innin+ o/ anot'er! and t'at 'e .as t'e sy-bolical Great
Beast< .'o .as to be t'e 'erald o/ t'e Ne. A+e! .'ic' 'e called t'e Aeon o/ Horus.
Many ot'er occultists! includin+ t'ose o/ suc' e9tre-e res,ectability t'at t'ey al-ost
curl u, and die .'ene4er Cro.leySs na-e is -entioned! a+ree t'at .e are no. in t'e
transition ,eriod bet.een t.o +reat A+es! t'e A+e o/ 5isces
and t'e A+e o/ ALuarius! and t'at t'is brea1in+3u, o/ old /or-s o/ ci4ilisation to -a1e
.ay /or ne. ones is t'e reason /or t'e .orld3.ide stri/e and u,'ea4al e9,erienced in t'is
It .ill be seen t'at t'ese -atters bear no relation or rese-blance .'atsoe4er to t'e
,o,ular conce,tion o/ <(atanis-< so belo4ed by t'e .riters o/ sensational /iction! And as
t'ere is not'in+ secret about t'ese teac'in+s o/ Cro.leySs Ft'ey bein+ set /ort' ,lainly in
all 'is -a=or .or1sG! I can only conclude t'at t'e a/oresaid .riters and =ournalists eit'er
cannot understand t'e OueenSs En+lis'! or else t'ey continue to ,ro,a+ate t'is -yt'
because t'ey /ind it ,ays t'e- better to titillate t'e ,ublic .it' t'rills o/ delicious
.ic1edness t'an to tell t'e un4arnis'ed trut'.
Cro.ley .as a ,oet o/ re-ar1able ,o.er and in4ention! and -any o/ 'is rituals .ere
co-,osed in 4erseI ,robably /or t'e reasons set /ort' abo4e. I so-eti-es .onder i/ t'e
ori+in o/ ,oetry .as /ro- -a+icI so-e /or-ula! ,ossibly a blessin+! -ore li1ely a curse!
.ould be /ound e//icacious. T'e Druids o/ ancient Ireland .ere said to 'a4e e9celled in
t'e use o/ ,oetry /or -a+ical ,ur,osesI le+end tells t'at one o/ t'e- co-,osed suc' a
la-,oon on a -ean and in'os,itable 1in+ t'at it brou+'t t'e 1in+Ss /ace out a blisters! and
t'ere are a nu-ber o/ ot'er Celtic stories o/ -a+ical e//ects .rou+'t by Druid son+s. As
.e 1no. in sc'ools! t'e -ost ,rosaic lessons +et re,eated in a sort o/ sin+3son+! and t'ey
o/ten /all into so-e sort o/ r'yt'-! t'e end .ords bein+ distorted until t'ey r'y-e. T'is
is e-,loyed instincti4ely .'en .itc'es start re,eatin+ s,ells not laid do.n in r'y-e. In
t'e old days alliteration .as also -uc' used! but t'is .as -ore /reLuent a-on+
,ractitioners .'o .or1ed alone. Alliteration is di//icult to .rite! and -ore di//icult to
re-e-ber. To say aloud <(o -ote it be<! does not co-e .it' t'e sa-e decisi4e 'a--er
stro1e as it does i/ it is t'e last line o/ a r'y-e.
Bet.een blessin+ and bannin+! it a,,eared to our ancestors t'ere .ere -any /or-ulas
.'ic' ,roduced -ysterious results i/ said .it' t'e correct intonation! .'ic' :tuned in;
to t'e 4ibration 'ey sou+'t 8ou -ay say! <O'! .e 1no. t'at so-e s,ecial tones 'a4e
e//ects on you! t'atSs not -a+ic> < E9actlyI but understand -a+ic is 1no.in+ t'at certain
t'in+s 'a4e certain e//ects! and 'o. to -a1e use o/ t'ese e//ects to render ,eo,le -ore
sensiti4e to certain ot'er in/luences. Co-binin+ 'al/ a doKen or -ore o/ suc' in/luences
33 say dancin+! c'antin+! incense! etc. 33 'as e//ects .'ic' so-e ,eo,le .ould say :.or1
li1e -a+ic;.
One o/ t'ese stories .'ic' is ,o,ular .it' .riters o/ /iction is t'at o/ t'e ,erson .'o
/inds a s,ell in so-e old boo1 or -anuscri,t and says it /or /un! and a de-on or s,irit
a,,ears! or

so-et'in+ 'a,,ens. T'is I t'in1 is 'i+'ly unli1ely! because t'e -ost i-,ortant ,art o/
any o,eration is t'e belie/! nay! t'e /ir- 1no.led+e! t'at it can be done and t'at you can
and .ill do it. 8ou -ay realise t'at it .ill not 'a,,en at once! and t'at ,er'a,s you 'a4e
not +ot t'e o,eration ri+'t! so t'at you -ay 'a4e to 4ary t'e s,ell to obtain t'e ri+'t one.
In -y o.n e9,erience! t'e -ost i-,ortant t'in+ is .'o you are .or1in+ .it'. 8ou -ust
be in absolute sy-,at'y .it' t'e-! and it is 4ery seldo- t'at you are in sy-,at'y .it'
,eo,le at once. 8ou can only obtain t'is by .or1in+ .it' t'e- /or so-e ti-e. O/ course!
you -ay! and 4ery o/ten do! /eel instincti4ely <I can .or1 .it' t'at ,erson<! and t'e tra,
'ere is t'at t'is -ay be =ust ,'ysical attraction. Ho.e4er! i/ t'is is /elt by all t'e ,ersons
concerned! it is -ore t'an li1ely t'at ,ractisin+ to+et'er .ill induce t'e -a+ical
sy-,at'y. One -ust al.ays re-e-ber .'at -a+ic is and 'o. it .or1s. It is not a case o/
,ressin+ a button or on turnin+ a ta,. It is .or1! and o/ten 'ard .or1. For -ost t'in+s it
.ould be easier to ,roduce t'e results by ordinary -et'ods o/ .or1in+ in t'e usual
-undane .ayI and it is! abo4e all! not a .ay to -a1e -oney. But t'ere are =ust certain
t'in+s .'ic' cannot be obtained by ordinary -et'ods! and t'en it .or1s.
T'e ,lain /act is t'at under -odern conditions -a+ic is not t'e 'el, t'at it .as at one
ti-e. Its uses beco-e /e.er and /e.er. To t'e ,ri-iti4e -an it .as al-ost e4eryt'in+I
t'e di//erence bet.een a +ood li/e and star4ation. And it also +a4e t'e /eelin+ o/ sa/ety
and ,rotection /or .'ic' no.adays council 'ouses .it' subsidised rents! /a-ily
allo.ances! doles! /ree -edical attention! /alse teet' and s,ectacles! are suc' a ,oor
For one t'in+! alt'ou+' t'e 4oters -ay t'in1 t'ese t'in+s are .onder/ul! t'ey do not
+i4e t'at s,irit o/ .onder and ro-ance .'ic' -a+ic still +i4es e4en in t'ese ,rosaic daysI
t'at curious -in+lin+ o/ e9cite-ent and cal- .'ic' its 4otaries /eel. A+ain! in t'ese
<+'astly! t'in3/aced ti-es o/ ours< .e are debarred /ro- t'e e-otional release t'at ,eo,le
used to obtain /ro- t'e bi+ dances. T'ey .ere natural and si-,le! and <deli4ered t'e
+oods<! s'all .e sayH T'at is! t'ey -ade ,eo,le /eel t'in+s t'at no -odern arti/icial
entertain-ent can +i4e! and -ade t'eir li4es .ort' li4in+. As De Lancre said o/ t'e
BasLues! <T'ey tal1 o/ not'in+ but t'e last (abbat! t'ey loo1 /or.ard to not'in+ but t'e
ne9t.< $e are debarred /ro- nearly all o/ t'is real- o/ natural =oy no.adays. Instead! .e
+et t'e -o4ies! t'e 5alais de Danse! and tele4ision.
In -y o.n belie/! t'ere are so-e t'in+s t'at can be done by -a+ic! and so-e t'at
cannot! and I doubt .'et'er rain can actually
be caused to /all by -a+ic. But it -ust be re-e-bered t'at I 1no. one ty,e o/ -a+ic
.ell! and a- t'ere/ore inclined to belie4e t'at all ty,es .or1 in -uc' t'e sa-e .ayI I
-ay be -ista1en on t'is ,oint. T'ose s,irits .'ic' -a+icians and Oabalists atte-,t to
in4o1e or e4o1e -ay e9ist! and i/ t'ey do I su,,ose t'ey could a//ect t'e .eat'er. One
class o/ suc' s,irits are t'ose called <ele-entals<! t'at is! s,irits in'abitin+ t'e </our
ele-ents< o/ t'e ancients! eart'! air! /ire and .ater. I do 1no. t'at t'ere are ,eo,le .'o
a,,ear to belie4e t'at t'ey can a//ect t'e .eat'er. Ho.e4er! t'e .itc'es tell -e! <In t'e
old days ,eo,le .ould .ant t'e .itc'es to S-a1e rainS or S-a1e dry .eat'erS! and o/
course .e couldnStI but i/ .e said so our in/luence .as +one. $ell! .e .ere usually
.eat'er3.ise! and .e could so-eti-es +et clair4oyantly .'at .as +oin+ to 'a,,en. (o it
.as a case o/ ,uttin+ t'e- o// until .e 1ne. .'at .as .anted .ould 'a,,en naturally.
T'en it .ould be sa/e to do so-e rite.< It .as no lau+'in+ -atter! because in A/rica t'e
.itc'3doctor is so-eti-es 1illed Fto encoura+e t'e ot'ersG i/ rain does not co-e. T'e
A/rican ,ractice is to say! <T'e Gods .it''old t'e rain because so-eone 'as done
so-et'in+ .ron+I so-eone is -a1in+ e4il -a+ic! or 'as co--itted incest! $e -ust 'old
a bi+ -eetin+ and s-ell t'e- out! and t'ey -ust be 1illed.< I t'in1 t'e Britis' .itc'es
'ad in sel/3de/ence to in4ent so-e storyI t'e Gods .ere .rat'/ul because t'e C'urc' 'ad
sto,,ed t'e bi+ dances in t'e ,ro,er ,laces! or so-et'in+ o/ t'at sort. 5ossibly it .as not
4ery et'icalI but t'e ,riests! and e4en -ore so t'e 5uritans! .ere al.ays bla-in+ e4ery
-is/ortune! /ro- t.ins to s.ine /e4er! on to <t'e -alice o/ .itc'es<! and! o/ course!
clai-in+ all +ood .eat'er and all ot'er +ood t'in+s as ans.ers to t'eir o.n ,rayers.
T'ere .ere no .eat'er bureau records 1e,t in t'ose days! so! as no.adays! ,eo,le .ere
al.ays sayin+ t'at t'e .eat'er .as so -uc' .orse t'an it .as .'en t'ey .ere youn+!
and t'ere .as -uc' -ore s.ine /e4er about! and t'at t'ey +ot -ore toot'ac'e and
bellyac'e and r'eu-atics t'an t'ey 'ad done t'irty years a+o! and it .as all t'e -alice o/
t'ose .ic1ed .itc'es. It is a ,ity t'at no one e4er t'ou+'t to as1! be/ore t'ey +ot out t'e
t'u-bscre.s and t'e /a++ots! <I/ you really belie4e all t'is! .'y donSt you ,ut u, bi+
,rayers in c'urc' to a-end t'ese t'in+sH< And .'en t'ey said! <But .e do! re+ularly<! to
as1 /urt'er! <T'en do you really belie4e t'e .itc'es are stron+er t'an your GodH<
Just si9ty years a+o! Hira- Ma9i- tells us in Li Hun+ C'an+Ss (cra, Boo1! t'e
celebrated C'inese states-an! Li Hun+ C'an+! .as in En+land on a di,lo-atic -ission!
and t'e .eat'er .as e9ce,tionally dry. He .as a-aKed to /ind t'at .e .ere ,rayin+
/or rain in t'e c'urc'es! 'a4in+ t'ou+'t t'at .e belie4ed in not'in+ but trade and bi+
+uns! and 'e as1ed a Bis'o,! <Does your God ans.er your ,rayers! /or I see t'e +round
see-s all dried u,H< He .as told! <(o-eti-es God ans.ers our ,rayersI so-eti-es! in
His .isdo-! He .it''olds t'ese bene/its! in His in/inite +oodness.< And Li Hun+ C'an+
said! <T'at is 4ery /unny. All sa-e li1e C'inese =oss.<
Anot'er a.1.ard situation /or a .itc' .as .'en so-eone in a 'i+' ,osition .ould
send /or 'er and say! <I .ant so-e stron+ and secret ,oison! or ISll 'a4e you burnt.< No.!
t'e .itc'es .ere +reat 'erbalists! and .or1in+ .it' 'erbs you naturally 1no. t'at certain
t'in+s are 4ery +ood -edicine! but too lar+e a dose .ill 1ill. Henbane! /or instance! is
+ood /or ast'-a! but it is 4ery strictly on t'e ,oison list. My .i/e .as /or-erly a nurse at
(t. T'o-asSs Hos,ital. In t'e course o/ 'er trainin+! -any t'in+s relatin+ to t'e ,ro,er
'andlin+ o/ ,oisonous substances .ere i-,ressed on 'er. <No nurse -ay +i4e -ore t'an
si9 dro,s o/ t'isI a doctor -ay +i4e u, to ten dro,s o/ t'at! and no -oreI e4eryt'in+ o/
t'is nature -ust be 1e,t loc1ed u,I t'e let'al dose o/ t'is so3and3so.< In ot'er .ords! in
t'e lan+ua+e o/ =ournalese <T'is .o-an .as +i4en a course o/ secret instruction! in
.'ic' s'e .as tau+'t t'e use o/ ,oisons.< T'e inter,retation o/ t'e use o/ .ords in
=ournalese and ,ro,a+anda is an i-,ortant branc' o/ ant'ro,olo+ical researc' into suc'
Luestions as t'ese .e are dealin+ .it'. As I 'a4e stated! .itc'es did 1no. ,oisons! and I
e9,ect t'at in early days t'ey .ere ,ressed to su,,ly t'e-! li1e ('a1es,eareSs <,oor
a,ot'ecary< in <Ro-eo and Juliet<. Ouite ,ossibly so-e o/ t'e earliest .itc' burnin+s
.ere cases o/ t'ose .'o re/used. T'ere is not t'e sli+'test doubt t'at -any ,eo,le .'o
.ere /a-ed as -a+icians! alc'e-ists and astrolo+ers did su,,ly ,oisons! and it is -ore
t'an li1ely t'at so-e astrolo+ers 'el,ed t'eir ,redictions t'at so-e i-,ortant ,erson
.ould die .it' a <little dose<. All dru++ists sold ,oisons as a -atter o/ course. Italy .as
/a-ous /or ,oisonin+. T'ere are letters e9tant /ro- t'e ,ious in+ 5'ili, o/ (,ain! t'e
'usband o/ <Bloody Mary< and o/ Ar-ada /a-e! in .'ic' 'e discusses sendin+ -es3
sen+ers to Italy /or t'e best ,oisons. He .anted 4arious ,eo,le -urdered! as e9ecutin+
t'e- /or no cri-e .ould cause scandal! and i/ t'ey .ere 1ni/ed in t'e bac1 t'e -urderer
-i+'t be cau+'t! and say .'o e-,loyed 'i-I in+ 5'ili, disli1ed t'at sort o/ ,ublicity.
In Italy in t'e se4enteent' century a .o-an na-ed To/ani is said to 'a4e in4ented a
tasteless and colourless ,oison .'ic' clai-ed o4er si9 'undred 4icti-s! in t'e .ay o/
un.anted 'usbands! too lon+3li4ed relati4es! etc.! be/ore s'e .as /inally
e9ecuted. It .as sold in bottles -ar1ed <Manna o/ (t. Nic'olas o/ Ban<! a/ter t'e
-iraculous oil .'ic' .as su,,osed to /lo. /ro- t'e to-b o/ t'at saint. It .as t'e day o/
t'e <Bra4o< .'o .ould -urder anyone at a ,rice /i9ed accordin+ to t'eir ran1. T'ere is a
story told about a /a-ous (,anis' +randee .'o .as dyin+I t'e ,riest .as 'earin+ 'is last
con/ession ,rior to +i4in+ 'i- absolution! and as1ed! <Ha4e you /or+i4en your ene-iesH<
<But I 'a4e no e-enies! Fat'er.< <But -y son! t'in1! you are a +reat states-anI surely
you -ust 'a4e -ade so-e ene-ies durin+ your lon+ careerH< He .as told /ir-ly!
<Fat'er! I a- a (antia+o de (antia+o. Do you t'in1 any -an e4er li4ed a day a/ter 'e
beca-e -y ene-yH I 'a4e no ene-ies! /at'er.< Murder .as t'e custo- o/ t'e a+e.
es,ecially a-on+ t'e u,,er classesI so i/ a .itc' .as e4er /orced to su,,ly ,oison by
t'reats o/ burnin+! let us not t'in1 too 'ardly o/ 'er.
C'arles God/rey Leland!. in 'is Gy,sy (orcery! says F,.%D6G0

It -ay be tnuly said t'at t'e Holy Fat'ers and InLuisitors /irst syste-ised and /or-ulated Blac1
Ma+ic. )nder suc' aut'ority belie/ in it /louris'ed! /illin+ t'e ,eo,le .it' ab=ect /ear or un'oly curiosity.
T'e /or-idable Council o/ Constance! and t'e For-icariu-! +a4e t'e list o/ .itc' cri-es as S(econd (i+'t0
Ability to Read (ecrets and Foretell E4entsI 5o.er to Cause Diseases! Deat' by Li+'tnin+! and Destructi4e
(tor-sI to Trans/or- T'e-sel4es into Birds and BeastsI to Brin+ Illicit Lo4eI Barrenness o/ Li4in+ Bein+s
and Cro,sI and t'e De4ourin+ o/ C'ildren.

T'is Council 'ad a,,arently ne4er 'eard t'e yarn o/ .itc'es /lyin+ on broo-stic1s! or
t'ey .ould doubtless 'a4e added t'at as .ell. No.! t'is Council .as asse-bled by t'e
E-,eror (i+is-und! and lasted /ro- All (aints Day! %2%2! to late in %2%6! t'ree and a
'al/ years. It .as ,ri-arily to ,ut an end to t'e sc'is- caused by t'e nu-ber o/ ri4al
5o,es. At t'is ti-e t'ere .ere t'ree0 Balt'asar Cossa! called 5o,e Jo'n EEIIII 5edro di
Luna! called 5o,e Benedict EIIII and An+elo Corrano! called 5o,e Gre+ory EII.
E9,ectin+ trouble! one Arc'bis'o, alone brou+'t si9 'undred 'orse soldiers .it' 'i-.
Ot'ers did -uc' t'e sa-e! so /inally re+ulations .ere -ade li-itin+ Cardinals to ten!
Bis'o,s to /i4e! and Abbots to /our 'orse-en! because o/ t'e e9tre-e s'orta+e o/
,ro4ender caused. It .as t'is Council .'ic' +a4e Jo'n Huss a <sa/e conduct< to co-e
be/ore t'e- and e9,lain 'is 4ie.s. He .as /oolis' enou+'t to trust t'e-! and .as
,ro-,tly burned ali4e. Jo'n $ycli//eSs reli+ious ideas .ere conde-ned! and as 'e .as
dead 'is bones .ere ordered to be du+ u, and desecrated. Jero-e o/ 5ra+ue! .'o 'ad
co-e .it' Huss! .as so terri/ied at HussSs terrible /ate t'at 'e recanted 'is :errors<. He
.as e9co--unicated! anat'e-atised! and t'en burned ali4e. T'e Council
de,osed all t'ree 5o,es and elected a ne. one! Cardinal Colonna! as 5o,e Martin @! and
-ade arran+e-ents not to 'a4e -ore t'an one 5o,e at a ti-e in /uture. (uc' .as t'e ty,e
o/ Council .'ose decisions encoura+ed ,eo,le to belie4e in blac1 -a+ic and .itc'cra/t
and all 1inds o/ su,erstition.
For instance! in %#D% a tra4ellin+ con=urer e9'ibited se4eral Luite si-,le card tric1s in
5aris. He .as tortured until 'e con/essed t'at 'e 'ad attended a .itc'esS (abbat. He .as
t'en burned and as t'e result o/ .'at 'e said a nu-ber o/ ,eo,le .ere burned on t'e
sa-e c'ar+e. Actually! it see-s li1ely t'at .'at 'e said .as dictated under torture! and
,ossibly a nu-ber o/ innocent ,ersons .ere burned in conseLuence. Bet.een %#6C and
%#&# o4er nine 'undred ,eo,le .ere burned ali4e in Lorraine alone! and a 4ast nu-ber
/led t'e country! because o/ a .itc'cra/t scare.
At t'e sa-e ti-e! an interest in occultis- as a,art /ro- t'e old ,a+an tradition o/
.itc'cra/t .as -ore or less secretly /ollo.ed by -any o/ t'e nobility and e4en by
5rinces o/ t'e C'urc'. For instance! in s,ite o/ t'e /act t'at in %2A" (t. Bernardino o/
(iena 'ad ,reac'ed a+ainst Tarot cards at Bolo+na! callin+ t'e- an in4ention o/ t'e
De4il! in %262 t'e /a-ous -iniaturist Antonio Cico+nara .as co--issioned to ,aint a
-ost beauti/ul ,ac1 o/ t'ese cards /or ,resentation as a +i/t to Cardinal Ascanio (/orKa.
(o-e cards /ro- t'is -a+ni/icent ,ac1 .ere ,ut on s'o. in A-erica in %&#2. It is true
t'at t'e Tarot cards could be used -erely /or +a-in+! but t'eir +reatest use! as occult
students 1no.! is /or di4ination.
T'e sinister Oueen Cat'erine de Medici Fs'e .'o 'ad t'e 5rotestants -assacred
on (t. Bart'olo-e.Ss E4eG .as noted /or 'er interest in t'e occult arts. It .as .'is,ered
t'at 'er /a4ourite son! in+ Henri III o/ France! .as de4oted to blac1 -a+ic. T'is -ay!
o/ course! 'a4e been -erely a ,olitical ru-our s,read to discredit 'i-! as 'e .as 'i+'ly
un,o,ularI but it see-s Luite li1ely t'at Oueen Cat'erine did in /act instruct 'i- in 'er
occult ,ractices! and a/ter 'is deat' 'is curious -a+ical instru-ents .ere ,ublicly
He .as e4entually assassinated! and su,,lanted by Henri I@! a ,rince .'o too1 li/e
and reli+ion -uc' -ore li+'t3'eartedly t'an Oueen Cat'erine or 'er son. He .as
ori+inally a 5rotestant! but on bein+ ad4ised t'at 'e .ould be -ore acce,table as 1in+ i/
'e c'an+ed 'is reli+ion! e9clai-ed! <5aris is .ort' a Mass<! and beca-e con4erted.
Ho.e4er! 'e too died at t'e 'ands o/ an assassin! lea4in+ 'is son! Louis EIII! still a
-inor! and 'is Oueen! Marie de Medici! .'o ruled as Re+ent. Once a+ain t'e s'ado. o/
sorcery /ell across t'e Frenc' Royal House. T'e Oueen Re+ent!
to t'e des,air and c'a+rin o/ t'e nobles ca-e utterly under t'e do-ination o/ t.o base3
born Italian ad4enturers! Leonora Gali+ai and 'er 'usband Concini! /or .'o- Leonora!
t'e stron+er ,ersonality o/ t'e t.o! lost no ti-e in obtainin+ t'e title o/ MarWc'al
DSAncre. Leonora! .'ile no-inally t'e OueenSs Lady3in3$aitin+! actually e9ercised suc'
in/luence o4er t'e Oueen t'at s'e and 'er 'usband ,ractically ruled France! and a-assed
an enor-ous /ortune. ('e see-s to 'a4e been one o/ t'ose stran+e ,ersonalities .'o! li1e
Ras,utin! ,ossessed t'e ,o.er o/ castin+ a 1ind o/ 'y,notic +la-our o4er ot'ers. (oon
'er 'usband Concini .as loaded .it' 'onours! .'ile t'e si9teen3yearBold in+ .as 1e,t
4irtually a ,risoner. A+ain! li1e Ras,utin! it .as ru-oured t'at t'e ser,ent3eyed Leonora
,ractised blac1 -a+ic! and t'at it .as t'is .'ic' +a4e 'er e9traordinary ascendancy o4er
t'e Oueen.
T'e youn+ 1in+! beco-in+ des,erate! cons,ired .it' so-e o/ 'is nobles to assassinate
Concini! and one o/ t'e- s'ot t'e MarWc'al dead. He .as 'astily interred! but t'e 5aris
-ob! by .'o- 'e .as 'ated /or 'is o,,ressions! dra++ed t'e body /ro- its +ra4e and
'un+ it on t'e +ibbet .'ic' Concini 'ad erected on t'e 5ont Neu/! to inti-idate all .'o
4entured to o,,ose 'i-I and so bitter .as t'e ra+e a+ainst t'e Marec'al t'at a/ter t'e
sy-bolic 'an+in+ 'is body .as cut in ,ieces and actually sold to anyone .'o .is'ed to
buy. T'at! at least! is one e9,lanation /or t'is scene o/ -acabre 'orrorI but anot'er is! it is
said! Concini bein+ estee-ed as a ,o.er/ul sorcerer! suc' +ri- relics .ere belie4ed in
t'e-sel4es to ,ossess so-e -a+ical 4irtue.
T'e in+! 'a4in+ re+ained 'is liberty! sent a co-,any o/ arc'ers to arrest Leonora
Gali+ai and ta1e 'er to t'e Bastile. ('e .as brou+'t to trial! accused o/ sorcery. It .as
de,osed t'at so-e boo1s in Hebre. 'ad been /ound in 'er a,art-ents F.'ic' -ay
,ossibly 'a4e been +ri-oiresG! and one o/ 'er ser4ants said t'at 'e 'ad acco-,anied 'er
to a c'urc' in order to -a1e a sacri/ice o/ a coc1erel t'ere at -idni+'t. E4ery -anSs 'and
.as! o/ course! a+ainst t'e /allen /a4ouriteI but it does see- t'at t'e MarWc'ale associated
.it' an Italian Je.is' doctor na-ed Montalo! .'o .as a re,uted sorcerer! and t'at s'e
consulted a /ortune3teller and carried c'ar-s u,on 'er ,erson. ('e .as! o/ course! /ound
+uilty! and conde-ned to be be'eaded and burned on t'e 5lace de Gre4e! on t'e 6t' July!
Her re,ly to t'e c'ar+e o/ sorcery is -e-orable. <My sorcery<! s'e said <'as been t'e
,o.er .'ic' t'ose .'o are stron+ o/ -ind are bound to ,ossess o4er t'e /eeble3s,irited.<
F<Mon sortilV+e a etW le ,ou4oir Lue doi4ent a4oir les a-es /ortes sur les Ws,rits /aibles.<G
(eein+ 'er ,ortrait Fand s'e .as certainly not re-ar1able
eit'er /or beauty or ,leasantness o/ e9,ressionG! and recollectin+ t'ese .ords! one /eels a
little sorry /or Oueen Marie de Medici.
Leland saysM <T'ere is a stron+ tradition t'at t'e 5o,es 'a4e been ,ractisin+ .itc'cra/t
e4er since t'e tent' century! and t'at 5o,e (yl4ester II con/essed to t'is on 'is deat'3
bed.< Here! 'o.e4er! Leland /ails to a,,reciate t'e distinction bet.een cere-onial -a+ic
and .itc'cra/t ,ro,er! as so -any .riters do. Bot' Cat'erine de Medici and Leonora
Gali+ai -ay 'a4e been sorceressesI but t'ey .ere /ar too +ood Cat'olics to be ,a+an
.itc'es. Cere-onial -a+ic! blac1 or .'ite! t'e -a+ic o/ t'e +ri-oires! is so-et'in+
Luite di//erent /ro- .itc'cra/t! and 'as be'ind it Luite a di//erent set o/ ideas. (o-e o/
t'ese ideas date bac1 to Ancient E+y,t! and e9a-,les o/ t'e- -ay be /ound in t'e ,a,yri
o/ t'at landI but in t'e /or- in .'ic' t'ey .ere 1no.n and ,ractised in t'e Middle A+es
t'ey .ere de/initely C'ristian in outloo1 and ,'raseolo+y. Ho.e4er! t'is .as but a cast
.'ic' t'ey 'ad been +i4en in translation! /or t'ey are based u,on t'e Je.is' secret
tradition! t'e Oabala'. To e9,lain 'ere t'e ideas o/ t'at +reat tradition .ould be a
'o,eless tas1I it reLuires a boo1 to itsel/! and so-e +ood ,reli-inary elucidations o/ it
-ay be /ound in T'e Mystical Oabala'! by Dion Fortune! and T'e abala' )n4eiled! by
(. L. MacGre+or Mat'ers. Brie/ly! it -ay be said t'at cere-onial -a+ic o/ t'is ty,e
.or1s u,on t'e ,re-ise t'at s,irits! e4il or +ood! -ay be co--anded by t'e 1no.led+e
and use o/ t'ose Holy Na-es! .'et'er o/ God or o/ t'e an+els and arc'an+els! .'ic' t'at
,articular s,irit is bound to /ear and re4ere! by reason o/ its occult a//inity and sub=ection
to t'e-. $'en e4il s,irits are e4o1ed! t'ey are co--anded and constrained by t'e Holy
Na-es o/ God to do t'e -a+icianSs .ill. Hence t'e sayin+ <A na-e to con=ure .it'!< T'e
.ord <con=ure< really -eans <to s.ear .it'<! or <to ta1e oat' .it'.< It is not al.ays e4il
s,irits .'o are called /ort'I but ne4ert'eless t'e bein+s .'o ans.er t'e -a+icianSs call or
con=uration are +enerally considered as bein+ tric1sy! i/ not'in+ .orse! and t'e -a+ician
is en=oined in t'e +ri-oires! or boo1s o/ -a+ic! to stand .it'in a circle about .'ic' are
.ritten sacred na-es and si+ils! so t'at t'e circle constitutes a 1ind o/ astral /ortress. I/ a
4isible a,,earance o/ t'e entity e4o1ed is desired! t'en a trian+le is dra.n outside t'e
circle! and t'e s,irit is constrained to a,,ear .it'in t'e trian+le. One o/ten sees /anci/ul
re,resentations in art o/ a scene o/ cere-onial -a+ic .'ic' s'o. t'e robed -a+ician
standin+ outside t'e circle! and t'e de-on or s,irit a,,earin+ .it'in it. T'is is! accordin+
to t'e ,ractice laid do.n in t'e +ri-oires! Luite absurd.
M O,. Cit. ,. %66.
T'ose /a-iliar .it' t'e le+ends o/ Ancient E+y,t .ill re-e-ber t'e belie/ o/ t'e
E+y,tians in t'e <'e1au< or <.ords o/ ,o.er< by .'ic' discarnate entities! and e4en +ods
and +odlin+s! -i+'t be co-,elled. Isis is said in one le+end to 'a4e acLuired 'er ,o.er
by obtainin+ and usin+ t'e secret na-e o/ t'e (u,re-e God Ra. T'is! o/ course! leads us
bac1 to yet -ore ,ri-iti4e belie/s. suc' as t'at .'ic' -a1es so-e sa4a+es reluctant to
tell anyone tbeir real na-e! in case it -i+'t be used to -a1e -a+ic a+ainst t'e-. T'ey
,re/er to be called by a nic13na-e.
T'e Oabalistic -a+ic o/ na-es see-s rooted in t'e Hebre. le+end t'at in+ (olo-on
by 'is +reat .isdo- disco4ered t'e $ords o/ 5o.er! t'e (ecret Na-es o/ God! and
beLueat'ed 'is 1no.led+e to 'is son Re'oboa-. T'is is t'e alle+ed ori+in o/ .'at -i+'t
be called t'e classic +ri-oire! <T'e Cla4icule For eyG o/ (olo-on<! .'ic' ,ur,orts to be
t'e actual docu-ent .'ic' in+ (olo-on le/t as a le+acy to 'is son. T'ere are a nu-ber
o/ di//erent editions o/ t'is .or1. Its co-,anion3,iece is a .or1 called <T'e La-e+eton!
or Lesser ey o/ (olo-on< Fso-eti-es called <T'e Goetia<G! .'ic' ,ur,orts to be an
account o/ t'e se4enty3t.o rulers o/ e4il s,irits .'o- t'e +ood in+ (olo-on! /or t'e
bene/it o/ -an1ind! bound in a braKen 4essel and cast into t'e sea. By t'e /olly o/ later
+enerations t'is 4essel .as /is'ed u, a+ain and t'e /iends allo.ed to esca,eI but t'e seals
.'ic' (olo-on co-,elled t'e de-on ,rinces to +i4e 'i- are contained in t'e
<Le-e+eton<! and by t'ese curious si+ils! and t'e -a+ical ,rocedure and Na-es o/
5o.er +i4en .it' t'e-! t'ey -ay yet! says t'e boo1! be bound to do t'e .ill o/ t'e
I 1no. ,ersonally a -an .'o told -e t'at 'e recently succeeded in e4o1in+ to 4isible
a,,earance one o/ t'e s,irits o/ t'e <Le-e+eton<. T'is s,irit 'as a,,eared to 'i- on -ore
t'an one occasion! and s,o1en to 'i-. $'et'er! o/ course! t'e a,,earance .ould 'a4e
been 4isible and audible to a t'ird ,erson I do not 1no.. T'e a,,earance o/ t'e s,irit .as
so-e.'at di//erent /ro- t'at laid do.n in t'e +ri-oireI t'ou+' accordin+ to Aleister
Cro.ley! .'o also ,ractised t'e e4ocation o/ t'ese s,irits! t'is is not unusual. T'e
interest! I t'in1! lies in .'at t'e s,irit is alle+ed to 'a4e said. It +a4e its na-e in .'at
later ,ro4ed to be t'e correct Hebre. s,ellin+! and told t'e o,erator t'at creatures o/ its
1ind .ere not necessarily eit'er <+ood < or <e4il<I t'ey .ere =ust di//erent. T'at is! t'ey
.ere on a di//erent ,lane o/ e4olution to t'at o/ t'e 'u-an race! and conseLuently it .as
-isleadin+ to classi/y t'e- by 'u-an standards as bein+ eit'er <+ood< or <e4il< s,irits.
For t'is reason also! intercourse bet.een t'e-
and 'u-ans .as not al.ays 'ealt'y. T'e s,irit did not see- to be ,articularly -ali+nant.
Its a,,earance .as t'at o/ a bein+ t'e 'ei+'t and build o/ a tall! stron+ -an! but co4ered
.it' .'at loo1ed li1e s'inin+ scales! and 'a4in+ a 'ead .it' .'at see-ed to be eit'er
s-all! /aun3li1e 'orns or 'i+'! ,ointed ears.
T'e t.o +ri-oires -entioned abo4e are t'e source3boo1s /or -ost o/ t'e ot'er -a+ical
boo1s o/ t'is and later ,eriods! .'ic' eit'er co,y and ada,t t'e-! or at any rate closely
rese-ble t'e-. (o-e li+'t u,on 'o. suc' boo1s ca-e into C'ristian 'ands is t'ro.n by
t'e ,re/ace to a -anuscri,t co,y o/ t'e <ey< in t'e Britis' Museu- FLansdo.ne M((.
%AC"G0 <T'is Testa-ent .as in ancient ti-e translated /ro- t'e Hebre. into t'e Latin
lan+ua+e by Rabbi Abo+naKar! .'o trans,orted it .it' 'i- into t'e to.n o/ Arles in
5ro4ence! .'ere by a notable ,iece o/ +ood /ortune t'e ancient Hebre. Cla4icule! t'at it
to say t'is ,recious translation o/ it! /ell into t'e 'ands o/ t'e Arc'bis'o, o/ Arles! a/ter
t'e destruction o/ t'e Je.s in t'at cityI .'o! /ro- t'e Latin! translated it into t'e 4ul+ar
ton+ue! in t'e sa-e ter-s .'ic' 'ere /ollo.! .it'out 'a4in+ eit'er c'an+ed or
au+rnented t'e ori+inal translation /ro- t'e Hebre..<
Durin+ t'e Middle A+es -any learned C'ristians! notably 5ico de Mirandola. studied
t'e Je.is' Oabala'! ostensibly <to brin+ about t'e con4ersion o/ t'e Je.s<I but actually
to +ain 1no.led+e o/ its -a+ical ,ractices! .'ic' t'ey t'en ,roceeded to +i4e a C'ristian
4eneer to! so t'at later +ri-oires not only use t'e Hebre. Oabalistic Na-es o/ God and
o/ t'e arc'an+els to constrain t'e s,irits! but also t'e na-es o/ Jesus! Mary! and t'e
T'e $ica see- to 'a4e been tau+'t certain belie/s! -ost ,robably by t'e abalists!
.'ic' t'ey 'a4e incor,orated into t'eir o.n.
One o/ t'ese belie/s is t'at t'ere .ere t.o ,arties! or sects! In ancient Israel! .'ic'
-i+'t be co-,ared to our -odern En+lis' <Hi+' C'urc'< o/ C'arles ISs ti-e and t'e
5uritans! and t'e in+s o/ Israel did .'at t'ey belie4ed or /ound ,olitically con4enient.
T'at is! t'ey built <Hi+' 5laces< and <Gro4es< and .ors'i,,ed t'ere.
T'en t'e ne9t in+ .ould +i4e in to t'e 5uritan 5arty and .ould cause t'e- to be
destroyed. T'en 'is son and 'eir on succeedin+ .ould ,ro-,tly reinstate t'e-.
Durin+ t'eir ,eriods o/ ,o.er! t'e ,uritanical sect see- to 'a4e been able to
inter,olate 4arious sayin+s into t'e <(acred $ritin+s< .'ic' /a4oured t'eir ai-s. Finally
in t'e rei+n o/ Josia'! .'o .as ,articularly su,erstitious and credulous! t'e Hi+' 5riest
Hil1ia' ,retended to /ind a ne. roll o/ t'e Mosaic La.!
.'ic' durin+ all t'e t'ree 'undred years t'e Te-,le 'ad been built! no one 'ad e4er
'eard o/
$'ile it .as ,er/ectly ,ossible /or interested ,arties at ti-es to add a /e. lines to t'e
end o/ an e9istin+ Roll! it is ,er/ectly i-,ossible t'at t'ere could be any un1no.n roll in
t'e arc'i4es at a ,eriod .'en interested ,riests o/ bot' sides .ere continually +oin+
t'rou+' t'e Rolls! see1in+ to /ind so-e ,assa+e .'ic' .ould bac1 u, t'eir o,inions.
But t'e Hi+' 5riest -ana+ed to /ri+'ten t'e in+ in order to /orce 'i- to dis+race 'is
,artySs o,,onents.
As is told in II. in+s! EEII. II. t'e in+ .as terri/ied and rent 'is +ar-ents! and said!
:Go ye! enLuire o/ t'e Lord... concernin+ t'is boo1 t'at is /ound0 /or +reat is t'e .rat' o/
t'e Lord t'at is 1indled a+ainst us! because our /at'ers 'a4e not 'ear1ened unto t'e .ords
o/ t'is boo1.< (o it is ob4ious t'at t'is Roll consisted o/ t'reats o/ t'e 4en+eance o/ t'e
Lord a+ainst t'ose .'o .ors'i,,ed in t'e old -anner! Astrot' in t'e Te-,le! .'ere
(olo-on ,laced 'er! t'e .ay .'ic' Hil1ia' and 'is ,arty .is'ed to su,,ress.
Bein+ t'us /ri+'tened! in+ Josia' did as t'e Ne. Roll co--anded! +i4in+ /ull ,o.er
to t'e 5uritanical /action! and 'e ,er/or-ed all t'e destruction as told in %%. in+s!
EEIII. And li1e into 'i- .as t'ere no in+ be/ore 'i-! t'at turned to t'e Lord .it' all
'is 'eart! and .it' all 'is -i+'t! accordin+ to all t'e la. o/ MosesI neit'er a/ter 'i-
arose t'ere any li1e 'i-.
No. t'e abalists 4ery ,lausible say! :T'e Bible is /ull o/ stories o/ ,eo,le .'o did
t'e .ill o/ t'e Lord and ,ros,ered. And t'e country ,ros,ered also. And o/ t'ose .'o
.or1ed a+ainst t'e .ill o/ t'e Lord! and -et sudden deat' in conseLuence! and t'e land
also su//ered /ro- t'e $rat' o/ God.<
And t'ey say t'is is a case in ,oint! because o/ Hil1ia'Ss :5ius For+ery; and o/ t'e
in+s /a4ourin+ t'e 5uritanical ,arty. As .e are told in t'e ne9t 4erse! II. in+s! EEIII!
A7. :T'e Lord turned not /ro- t'e /ierceness o/ 'is .rat'! .'ere.it' 'is an+er .as
1indled a+ainst Juda'...; and in 4erse AD! :...I .ill cast o// t'is City o/ Jerusale- .'ic' I
'a4e c'osen! and t'e 'ouse o/ .'ic' I said! RMy Na-e s'all be t'ereS.< And 4erse A& tells
us 'o. Josia' .as ,ro-,tly 1illed at Me+iddo by 5'arao' .'o laid t'e .'ole country
under 'ea4y tribute o/ +old and sil4er! and too1 t'e in+Ss son ,risoner to E+y,t .'ere
'e died. Anot'er son! Jec'oia1i-! succeeded! but Nebuc'adneKKar later too1 'i- and all
'is /a-ily and all 'is -i+'ty -en and all 'is artiKans! and all 'is treasures to ca,ti4ity in
(o-e at least o/ t'e abalists belie4ed t'at t'e true story be'ind all t'ese curious
'a,,enin+s .as t'at Hil1ia' and 'is ,arty .ere secretly bribed by Babylon .it' ,ro-ises
o/ la4is'

tyt'es and unli-ited ,o.er o4er t'e ,eo,le to cause reli+ious disunion in t'e land so t'at
it -i+'t easily beco-e ,rey to Babylon. (o-e o/ t'e- t'in1 t'at t'e /or+ed boo1 .as
a/ter.ards .ritten into Deuterono-y! C'a,s. 2! 994i! 994ii.
Ot'ers t'in1 it .as discreetly <abolis'ed< as soon as it 'ad done its .or1. it .ill be
readily understood t'at t'e $ica are naturally interested in stories li1e t'is .'ic' s'o.ed
t'e <dirty .or1< o/ t'e ,eo,le .'o o,,ressed t'e-! and t'e abalists! .'o secretly
.ors'i,,ed t'e Goddess.
C'a,ter @III.


NO$! t'ese ideas and ,rocedures! .'ile ancient enou+' Ft'e -a+ical .or1s o/ (olo-on
are -entioned by Jose,'usG! are as t'in+s o/ yesterday co-,ared .it' t'e ideas be'ind
.itc' ,ractices! .'ic'! as % 'a4e been tryin+ to s'o.! date /ro- t'e (tone A+e. T'ou+'
t'e basic idea o/ :t'e -a+ic o/ t'e na-e< -ay be ,ri-iti4e! and t'ou+' si-ilar
tec'niLues 33 t'ou+'! o/ course! usin+ di//erent God3Na-es 33 .ere 1no.n to t'e Ancient
E+y,tians! t'e cere-onial -a+ic .'ic' 'as co-e do.n to us /ro- t'e Middle A+es is a
'i+'ly so,'isticated tradition! .'ic' reLuires a certain a-ount o/ education in order to
.or1 it. It also needs elaborate ,re,arations and ,ara,'ernaliaI and it is de/initely Judeo3
C'ristian in lan+ua+e and outloo1. T'e .itc' tradition! on t'e ot'er 'and is not C'ristian
or Je.is'I it could be .or1ed and .as! by ,eo,le .'o could neit'er read nor .riteI and
its ,ara,'ernalia are o/ t'e si-,lest. T'e .itc'esS circle is not cast to 1ee, t'e de-ons
out! because no de-ons are e4o1edI it is cast to 1ee, t'e <,o.er< in. T'ey s'are a belie/
in :t'e ,o.er o/ t'e na-e< to t'e e9tent t'at t'ey do not li1e t'eir Gods to be na-ed
unnecessarily! nor /or T'eir na-es to be di4ul+edI but t'is belie/ as .e 'a4e seen! s,rin+s
/ro- a 4ery ,ri-iti4e le4el o/ 'u-an de4elo,-ent and instances o/ it can be /ound in
al-ost all 'u-an societies. T'e .itc'esS ,ractices o/ ritual dancin+! <initiati4e -a+ic <!
etc.! are -uc' -ore ,ri-iti4e in /or- t'an t'e sole-n and elaborate rites o/ t'e
cere-onial -a+ician. Cere-onial -a+ic .as a ,ursuit o/ <cler1s< and noble-enI t'e
.itc' belon+ed essentially to t'e ,eo,le! t'ou+' t'e tradition -i+'t be 'anded do.n 'ere
and t'ere in an ancient and noble /a-ily.
Ho.e4er! so-e ,ractitioners o/ cere-onial -a+ic! t'ou+' t'ey -ay not 'a4e belon+ed
to .itc' co4ens t'e-sel4es! ne4ert'eless 1ne. o/ t'eir e9istence! and so-eti-es +ot
.itc'es to assist t'e- as clair4oyants. In return! t'ey .ould 'el, and s'elter t'e .itc' in
ti-es o/ ,ersecutionI and t'e .itc'! .'en ,oor! .ould obtain +ood! .ell3-ade -a+ical
.ea,ons and i-,le-ents /ro- t'e -a+ician. I 'a4e described in /iction t'e .or1in+ o/
suc' a :+entle-enSs a+ree-ent< in -y no4el! Hi+' Ma+ic*s Aid.
One t'in+! 'o.e4er! I -ust e-,'asise. I 1no. o/ no +ri-oire .'ic' en=oins t'e
-a+ician to 'ail (atan as God. or to .ors'i, t'e 5o.ers o/ E4il. Debased! stu,id and
blas,'e-ous as t'e ideas

contained in t'e -ore un,leasant +ri-oires -ay see- to us to3day! t'ey are not t'e
,ractice o/ <(atanis-< as described in sensational /iction. T'eir basic idea is to in4o1e
God and His an+els to co-,el t'e de-ons to ser4e t'e -a+ician! so-eti-es /or
t'orou+'ly un+odly ends. In t'e 'i+'er ty,e o/ +ri-oire! 'o.e4er! t'e ,ractitioner is
sole-nly .arned a+ainst usin+ t'e 1no.led+e contained in it /or e4il! and told t'at i/ 'e
does so t'e e4il .ill rebound on 'i-sel/.
5o,e Honorius III! .'o ,reac'ed t'e Crusades! is alle+ed to be t'e aut'or o/ a /a-ous
+ri-oire to e4o1e s,irits! t'e use o/ .'ic' .as reser4ed e9clusi4ely to ,riests. $e 'a4e a
co,y o/ T'e Gri-oire o/ Honorius in t'e Museu-. It is -uc' t'e sa-e as all +ri-oiresI it
is diabolical in t'e sense t'at it tells you 'o. to e4o1e de-ons and /orce t'e- to .or1 /or
you. 5ersonally! I doubt .'et'er an e4il s,irit could be induced to do +ood /or anyone. It
'as a ,rea-ble ,ur,ortin+ to be a 5a,al Bull o/ Honorius III addressed to t'e ,riests o/
t'e C'urc'! entrustin+ t'e- .it' t'e -et'ods o/ controllin+ de4ils. $'et'er t'is is
aut'entic or not! t'e +ri-oire is e4idently intended /or t'e use o/ ,riests! because so-e o/
its reLuire-ents could only be carried out by an ordained ,riest. For instance! it s,eci/ies
t'at t'e o,erator <s'ould rise in t'e -iddle o/ t'e ni+'t on t'e /irst Monday o/ t'e -ont'!
and say one Mass o/ t'e Holy G'ost. A/ter t'e consecration! 'e ta1es t'e Host in 'is le/t
'and! and! bein+ on 'is 1nees! 'e s,ea1s t'us0 Fand 'ere /ollo.s a lon+ ,rayer to Jesus
C'rist to :4ouc'sa/e to T'ine un/ortunate ser4ant! .'o no. 'olds T'y Body in 'is 'and!
t'e stren+t' and ,o.er to a,,ly 'is stren+t' a+ainst t'e rebelled s,irits<G. T'is is /ollo.ed
by t'e sacri/ice o/ a blac1 coc1! a/ter sunrise! and t'e ne9t day! at daybrea1! a Mass o/ t'e
An+els is celebrated. A /eat'er o/ t'e sacri/iced coc1 is to be on t'e altar! and beside it a
ne. 1ni/e. Ta1in+ t'e consecrated .ine! t'e -aster t'en .rites .it' it certain /i+ures on
a ,iece o/ 4ir+in ,a,er .'ic' is restin+ on t'e altar. $'en t'e Mass is o4er! t'e docu-ent
is .ra,,ed in a ,iece o/ ne. 4iolet3coloured sil1! to+et'er .it' t'e Oblation and a ,art o/
t'e consecrated Host. T'e sacri/ice o/ a -ale la-b! and t'e recital o/ 4arious ,sal-s and
litanies are called /or! endin+ .it' t'e Mass /or t'e Dead! and detailed instructions are
t'en +i4en /or t'e e4ocation and control o/ de4ils.
Accordin+ to Leland! a ,rinted edition o/ t'e Gri-oire o/ 5o,e Honorius .as ,ublis'ed
in Ro-e in %7A&. <It is not abalistic! and is ,er-eated .it' C'ristian ideas! and is
acco-,anied by a co,y o/ a 5a,al Bull ,er-ittin+ its use.<
It is note.ort'y t'at 5o,e Honorius III in %AA" .rote to t'e Arc'bis'o, o/ Canterbury
ur+in+ 'i- to +i4e an En+lis' bene/ice
to Mic'ael (cott t'e .iKard. T'e Arc'bis'o, o//ered Mic'ael t'e Arc'bis'o,ric o/
Cas'el in IrelandI t'is 'e re/used because 'e 'ad no 1no.led+e o/ Iris'. It .as a +reat
,osition! and -uc' to 'is credit t'at 'e re/used it because 'e t'ou+'t 'i-sel/ un/itted /or
t'e ,ost. Mic'ael (cott .as e4idently 'i+'ly estee-ed at t'e @atican! as in %AAD 5o,e
Gre+ory IE! t'e successor o/ Honorius! a+ain -ade o4ertures on 'is be'al/.
In %7%% a ,riest na-ed Fat'er God/rey .as arrested on a c'ar+e o/ corru,tin+ se4eral
.o-en! and o/ bein+ ,resent at se4eral .itc'esS (abbats. T'e AbbW o/ 5o,onsa! .'o
.rote an account o/ t'e trial! says! <T'e ,rocess contained -any de,ositions u,on t'e
,o.er o/ de-ons.... (e4eral .itnesses said t'at a/ter bein+ anointed .it' oil God/rey
trans,orted 'i-sel/ to t'e (abbat Fno broo-stic1HG and a/ter.ards returned by t'e s'a/t
o/ t'e c'i-ney to 'is c'a-ber. One day .'en t'ese de,ositions .ere bein+ read to t'e
5arlia-ent and t'e i-a+inations o/ t'e =ud+es e9cited by a lon+ recital o/ su,ernatural
e4ents! t'ere .as 'eard an e9traordinary noiseI t'en a tall -an in blac1 suddenly
a,,eared in t'e /ire,lace. T'e =ud+es! t'in1in+ it .as t'e De4il co-e to rescue 'is
disci,le! all /led! e9ce,t Councillor T'ornton t'eir re,orter! .'ose +o.n +ot cau+'t in 'is
des1. Terri/ied at bein+! as 'e t'ou+'t! cau+'t by anot'er de4il! 'e tre-blin+ly -ade t'e
si+n o/ t'e cross! .it' 'is eyes startin+ /ro- t'eir soc1ets! as t'e tall -an a,,roac'ed!
bo.ed! and a,olo+ised! e9,lainin+ t'at 'e .as t'e c'i-ney s.ee,! .'o! 'a4in+ s.e,t
t'e c'i-neys o/ Monsieur des Co-,tes! .'ose c'i-neys ad=oined t'e Tournelle! 'ad by
-ista1e descended into t'e 5arlia-ent C'a-ber.< No.! t'is ,oints! incidentally! to 4ery
bi+ c'i-neys .'ic' interco--unicated! so it is Luite ,ossible t'at at ti-es ,eo,le .'o
.is'ed to +o in and out unobser4ed -i+'t do so 4ia t'e c'i-ney! t'us +ettin+ into t'e
'ouse ne9t door. It is ,ossible t'at God/rey did t'is! t'ou+' it is no ,roo/ 'e .as +oin+ to
a (abbatI 'e -i+'t si-,ly 'a4e been callin+ on one o/ t'e .o-en .'o- 'e .as accused
o/ debauc'in+. Hi+'.ay-en and ot'ers are .ell 1no.n to 'a4e been ca,tured 'idin+ in
c'i-neys. It .as ,robably a .ell31no.n ,ractice /or at'letic ,eo,le to use t'e-! and -ay
e4en account /or t'e <Fat'er C'rist-as< le+end. As t'ey burned /ire.ood! and not coal! it
.ould not be too un,leasant cli-bin+ about t'ese c'i-neys.
5riests did use -a+ic in t'ose days. Leland +i4es t'e s,ell ,ronounced by (ir Jo'n
Ro.ell! ,riest o/ Corsto,'ine in (cotland! a+ainst t'ie4es .'o 'ad raided 'is ,oultry
yard! callin+ u,on t'ese de-ons to tor-ent t'e-0 :Goro+! Haro+! (y-! (1ynar!
De4etinus! t'e De4il t'at -ade t'e Dyce! Fire-out'! Cocoda-e! Tutu4illus! Bro.ney
and (yr Garna+e< He does not +i4e t'e date!
but it .as ,robably be/ore Mary Oueen o/ (cots ,assed t'e /irst la. a+ainst -a+ic and
.itc'cra/t in (cotland! in %#7"! :T'at na -anner o/ ,erson nor ,ersones o/ Luatsu-e4er
estait! de+ree or condition t'ey be o/! ta1e u,on 'and in onie ti-es 'erea/ter to use onie
-aner o/ .itc'cra/t! sorcerie or necro-ancie! under t'e ,aine o/ deat'! als .eil to
e9ecute a+ainst t'e user! abuser! or see1er o/ t'e res,onse o/ consultation.;
At /irst si+'t it see-s curious to so-e t'at t'e C'urc' did not ob=ect to cere-onial
-a+ic! .'ile t'ey ,ersecuted t'e .itc'. I t'in1 t'e only ans.er is t'at t'e C'urc'
,ractised t'is 1ind o/ -a+ic itsel/! and it 1ne. t'at .itc'cra/t ,ractised a di//erent /or-
o/ -a+ic because it .as a se,arate reli+ion! and t'at it in4ol4ed t'e carryin+ on o/ a
tradition o/ ,ractices by certain /a-ilies and +rou,s o/ ,eo,le .'o could only obtain
1no.led+e o/ t'ese ,ractices by secret initiations or /a-ily teac'in+sI and t'e C'urc'
'ated and dreaded t'ese traditions as belon+in+ to a deadly ri4al.
Tote-is- e9isted a-on+ (tone A+e ,eo,le! and t'ey 'anded do.n secret traditions
/ro- one +eneration to anot'er. It is -ost ,robable t'at t'e Mysteries o/ E+y,t! (u-eria!
Eleusis! (a-ot'race! t'e Cabiri! Bacc'us! etc.! .ere -erely elaborations o/ t'ese
,ri-iti4e traditions. It .ould a,,ear t'at t'rou+'out t'e a+es t'ere 'as been a /usion o/
occult belie/s. It 'as lon+ been an article o/ belie/ ,ro-ul+ated by 4arious -ystic
societies! o//s'oots o/ t'e Bla4ats1y tradition! t'at t'e secrets o/ .onder/ul sciences 'a4e
been 'anded do.n /ro- +eneration to +eneration! to -odern ti-es! by a series o/
:Ade,ts;! o/ t'e T'eoso,'ist ,ersuasion. $'ile I doubt t'is latter ,art! I t'in1 t'at a
secret tradition 'as been 'anded do.nI but it de,ends on 'o. you de/ine an :Ade,t.<
T'is is usually ta1en to -ean so-e .onder/ul -an. and t'ey +i4e t'e na-es o/ Francis
Bacon! t'e Co-te de (t. Ger-ain! Ro+er Bacon and ot'ers. But e4en allo.in+ t'at t'ese
.ere :Ade,ts<! t'ey cannot say /ro- .'o- t'ey recei4ed t'eir :Ade,ts'i,<! and to
.'o- t'ey ,assed it in turn! and I .ould li1e aut'entic in/or-ation on t'is sub=ect.
Ho.e4er! i/ it is t'e case t'at certain 1no.led+e .as ,assed on by Luite ordinary
,eo,le! as a secret and sacred! I t'in1 it is -ost ,robable T'ere .ere -any suc' lines o/
trans-ission! .'ose ,ossessors -et and discussed t'eir traditions! and /ro- /indin+
t'e-sel4es in contact! or e4en in con/lict! .it' eac' ot'er! t'ese ,eo,le recei4ed eac'
ot'erSs ideas. Gree1 and Ro-an .riters! and e4en t'ose o/ a later date! 'a4e said :T'at
.'en t'e ancient -ysteries are s,o1en o/! it s'ould 'e understood t'at one and t'e sa-e
series o/ cere-onies are intended! one and t'e sa-e initiatory ,rocesses and re4elations!
and .'at is true o/ one a,,lies .it' eLual certainty to all. T'us
(trabo says t'e stran+e or+ies in 'onour o/ t'e -ystic birt' o/ Ju,iter rese-bled t'ose o/
Bacc'us! .it' t'ose o/ Ceres! R'ea! @enus! and Isis. Euri,ides says t'e rites o/ Cybele
are celebrated in Asia Minor! and are identical .it' t'e Gree1 -ysteries o/ Adonis!
Dionysus! and t'e Cretan rites o/ t'e Cabiri.< No.! .e 'a4e a +reat deal o/ ,roo/ t'at
t'ese ancient -ystics .ere in ,ossession o/ -uc' occult .isdo-! and -a+ical or se-i3
-a+ical ,ractices! and t'at .'en t'e Mysteries .ere destroyed in about t'e Fourt'
Century! and ,ro'ibited /ro- /unctionin+ in ,ublic! it is only natural to e9,ect t'at t'ey
.ould +o under+round! and continue in t'e lo.er ran1s o/ society! .'ic' e4ery.'ere are
t'e -ost conser4ati4e. T'e ori+in o/ t'e .ord :,a+an< is /ro- t'e Latin .ord <,a+anus<!
-eanin+ a 4illa+er or ,easant0 and t'e .ord :'eat'en< is An+lo3(a9on! -eanin+ :a
d.eller on t'e 'eat'<.
Rites .'ic' .ere intended to be ,er/or-ed in a 'u+e te-,le -i+'t! sli+'tly -odi/ied!
be ,er/or-ed on a deserted 'eat'! .'ic' -eant t'at ,eo,le .ould 'a4e to +o so-e
distance to attend. No.! t'e -ost con4enient ,lace /or -any ,eo,le to attend secretly
.as o/ten a crossroads! .'ere ,eo,le could co-e /ro- all directions! and t'is is t'e -ore
a,,ro,tiate as crossroads are sacred to Diana in 'er /or- o/ Hecate! t'e Goddess o/
$itc'cra/t. It is note.ort'y t'at early -entions o/ .itc'cra/t o/ten say t'at .itc'es
asse-ble at t'e crossroads. and t'at t'e .itc' Goddess is t'e Goddess o/ t'e Moon and
Ni+'t. T'ou+' s'e 'as -any na-es! s'e is closely identi/ied .it' Diana! /or is s'e not
t'e consort o/ t'e old Huntin+ GodH Le.is (,ence! in T'e Encyclo,edia o/ Occultis-!
s,ea1s o/ BensoKia! C'ie/ De4iless o/ certain (abbatic -eetin+s 'eld in France in t'e
%At' and %"t' centuries. ('e .as t'e Diana o/ t'e ancient Gauls! and .as also called
Nocticula! Herodias! and t'e Moon. He says one /inds in t'e -anuscri,ts o/ t'e c'urc' at
Couserans t'at ladies o/ t'e %2t' century .ere said to +o on 'orse3bac1 to t'e nocturnal
re4els o/ BensoKia. All o/ t'e- .ere /orced to inscribe t'eir na-es in a (abbatic
catalo+ue alon+ .it' t'ose o/ .itc'es ,ro,er! and a/ter t'is cere-ony t'ey belie4ed
t'e-sel4es to be /airies. T'ere .as /ound at Mont-orillon in 5oitou! in t'e ei+'teent'
century! a ,ortion o/ an ancient te-,le! a bas relie/ .it' t'e /i+ure o/ a na1ed .o-an
car4ed u,on it! t'ou+'t to be t'e ori+inal deity o/ t'e BensoKia cult.< @iolet Al/ord and
Rodney Gallo,! .ritin+ in Fol1iore! @ol. EL@I! %&"#! on :Traces o/ a Dianic Cult /ro-
Catalonia to 5ortu+al;! say0
T'e c'urc' ,orc' at Moissac Fon t'e Garonne near A+enG! s'o.s a car4in+ o/ a na1ed .o-an! a
toad ser4in+ in lieu o/ a /i+3lea/! and a de4il by 'er sideI anot'er! on a .all at Castel3+aillard! s'o.s a
.o-an +allo,in+ on a lance. Du MW+e .is'ed to trans,ort t'is to Toulouse Museu-! but t'e in'abitants o/
t'e 4illa+e re/used to let it
+o! sa4in+ t'at i/ t'ey .ere de,ri4ed o/ it 'ail .ould destroy t'eir 'ar4est! and t'e ri4er .ould co-e
do.n in /lood. FDu MW+e! Arc'Xolo+ie 5yrVnVenne! Toulouse! %%#6G.
T'ere is no .ord in Frenc' e9actly corres,ondin+ to our <.itc'<! .'ic' in t'e ori+inal
An+lo3(a9on ,ossessed t.o /or-s! <.icca<! F-asculineG! and :.icce<! F/e-inineG. T'e
Frenc' used t'e .ord <sorcier< /or bot' sorcerer and .itc'! t'e /e-inine /or- bein+
<sorciVre<. <(orcellerie< can be usually translated as <.itc'cra/t<. T'e ladies .'o .ent
on 'orsebac1 as stated abo4e ,resu-ably ca-e lon+ distances. Bein+ /orced to .rite t'eir
na-es! I ta1e si-,ly to -ean t'at t'ey .ere told! <I/ you .ant to co-e a+ain! you -ust
be one o/ us! t'at is! be initiated! and t'en you .ill be a /airy.< No.! in France! as in
(cotland! a lar+e nu-ber o/ ,eo,le s,o1e o/ :/airies< .'en t'ey ob4iously -eant
.itc'es. It .as a -ore ,olite ter-! and in (cotland any co--unication .it' </airies< .as
ta1en as an ad-ission o/ dealin+ .it' .itc'es! t'at is! .it' t'e <'eat'en<! t'e 5eo,le o/
t'e Heat's! .'o ,ractised t'e Old Reli+ion and .or1ed -a+ical rites. To su- u,! t'ere
.ere +reat /esti4als in 'onour o/ t'e Na1ed Goddess o/ t'e Moon! to .'ic'! .'ile t'e
co--on ,eo,le -ay 'a4e .al1ed! and .ould all 'a4e been nei+'bours and 1no.n to
eac' ot'er! t'e nobles F/or I t'in1 it unli1ely t'at t'ese ladies ca-e .it'out -ale escortG
ca-e on 'orsebac1. As t'ere .as ,ersecution about! t'ey 'ad to be 4ouc'ed /or .'en
t'ey ca-e /or t'e /irst ti-e! and t'eir na-es recorded! so t'at t'ey could co-e a+ain as
-e-bers o/ t'e cult .'o 'ad done so-e act o/ .ors'i, to t'e GoddessI t'en! i/ t'ey .ere
s,ies! t'ey .ould 'a4e trouble .it' t'e C'urc'! because t'ey 'ad beco-e </airies<! t'at
is! .itc'es! and adored t'e $itc' Goddess.
T'e <Ro-ance o/ t'e Rose<! co-,osed at t'e end o/ t'e t'irteent' ccntury! 'as t'is
'al/3=estin+! 'al/3serious account o/ t'ese :ni+'t3ridin+ .itc'es;0
Maintes +ens! ,ar lor /olie!
Cuident estre ,ar nuit estries
Errans a4ecLues da-e HabondeI
Et dient! Lue ,ar tout le -onde
Li tiers en/ant de nacion
(unt de cest condicion!
OuSil 4ont trois /ois en la se-aine!
(i cu- destineW les -aine!
Et ,ar tous ces oste9 se boutent!
Ne clWs ne barres ne redoutent!
Ains sSen entrent ,ar les /endaces!
5ar c'atieres et ,ar cre4aces!
Et se ,artent des cors les a-es!
Et 4ont a4ec les bonnes da-es
5ar lius /orains et ,ar -aisons0
Ft le ,rese4ent ,ar tie9 raisons!
Oue les di4ersitWs 4eues
Ne sunt ,as en lors liK 4enues.
T'e abo4e 4erse! in its Luaint old Frenc'! is an allusion to t'e .ell31no.n Decree o/
t'e Council o/ Ancyra! re/errin+ to <Certain .ic1ed .o-en! re4ertin+ to (atan! and
seduced by t'e illusions and ,'antas-s o/ de-ons! F.'oG belie4e and ,ro/ess t'at t'ey
ride at ni+'t .it' Diana....< T'is decree .as ec'oed in an e,isco,al statute o/ Au+er de
Mont/aucon! %AD&3%"C2! .'ic' says! Nulla -ulier se nocturnis eLuitare cu- Diana
,a+anoru-! 4el cu- Herodiade seu BensoKia! et in nu-ina -ultitudine- ,ro/iteatur<. It
.ill be noted as a curious /act t'at t'e C'urc' 'ere a,,ears to be -aintainin+ t'at t'e
stories o/ ridin+ on 'orsebac1 to t'e (abbat to .ors'i, t'e $itc' Goddess .ere all
<illusions and ,'antas-s o/ de-ons<! and ,eo,le are en=oined not to belie4e in t'e-.
T'is .as in /act t'e o//icial teac'in+ o/ t'e early C'urc' /or -any years! until it .as
realised t'at t'is attitude .as untenable! .'en it .as con4eniently disco4ered t'at t'is
decree o/ t'e Council o/ Ancyra .as in /act a,ocry,'al! and instead t'e ,eo,le .ere
.arned t'at t'e (abbat .as real a/ter all! and t'at it .as a deadly sin not to belie4e in it>
Many docu-ents illustratin+ t'is 4olte3/ace on t'e ,art o/ t'e C'urc' are Luoted in H. C.
LeaSs Materials To.ard a History o/ $itc'cra/t! to .'ic' I re/er t'e reader /or t'e details
o/ t'is rat'er a-usin+ sideli+'t on t'e in/allibility o/ t'e C'urc'Ss teac'in+ about
.itc'cra/t. F(ee A,,endi9 2G.
<Da-e Habonde< .as Abundia! t'e Goddess o/ Fertility! and <BensoKia< .as <Bona
(ocia<! <T'e Good Nei+'bour<. All t'ese ter-s are titles o/ t'e $itc' Goddess! and
eu,'e-is-s /or 'er real na-e! e4en as 'er /ollo.ers! t'e .itc'es! are re/erred to as :les
bonnes da-es;. Ot'er ter-s /or t'e Goddess .ere <La Reine 5edauLue<! t'e Oueen .it'
t'e Goose3Foot Ft'e :+oose3/oot< bein+ itsel/ a eu,'e-is- /or 'er si+n! t'e 5enta+ra-GI
and :Frau Hilde< or <Holda< in t'e Teutonic countries. Dr. $. $a+nerSs As+ard and t'e
Gods0 t'e Tales and Traditions o/ our Nort'ern Ancestors says o/ Holda :...t'at t'ose
.'o .ere cri,,led in any .ay .ere restored to /ull stren+t' and ,o.er by bat'in+ in 'er
Ouic1born F/ountain o/ li/eG and t'at old -en /ound t'eir 4anis'ed yout' t'ere once
-ore.< T'is is ,recisely t'e .itc'esS Goddess o/ Rebirt' and ResurrectionI and it is t'e
sa-e tale .'ic' .as told about t'e -a+ical cauldron o/ t'e Ancient Britis' Goddess!
Cerrid.en. T'e inner -eanin+ in bot' cases is t'e sa-eI t'e GoddessSs +i/t is rebirt' in a
ne. body! reincarnation. <$it' sturdier li-bs and bri+'ter brain! t'e old soul ta1es t'e
road a+ain.<
Incidentally! t'is -ay be t'e inner -eanin+ o/ t'e old Britis' tale o/ A4alon! t'e 5lace
o/ A,,les. E4ery old Celtic tale s,ea1s o/ t'e a/ter3.orld as a ,lace o/ a,,le3trees! but
nobody see-s to
1no. =ust .'y. I/ t'e reader cares to -a1e t'e e9,eri-ent o/ slicin+ an a,,le across! 'e
.ill see t'e ans.er0 t'e core /or-s t'e si+n o/ t'e 5enta+ra-! t'e sy-bol o/ t'e Goddess
o/ Rebirt' and Resurrection. <A4alon< .as t'e ,lace .'ere souls .ent to rest bet.een
incarnations on eart'. To t'is day! in t'e .itc' ritual! t'e 5riestess /irst stands .it' 'er
ar-s crossed on 'er breast and 'er /eet to+et'er! to re,resent t'e God o/ Deat'! and t'en
o,ens out 'er ar-s and stands .it' /eet a,art to re,resent t'e Goddess o/ Resurrection. In
t'is ,osition t'e 'u-an body rese-bles t'e /i+ure o/ t'e 5entacle! or 5enta+ra-. Because
it .as t'e ,lace /ro- .'ic' t'e old and .eary soul .as reborn in a youn+ body! .it' its
stren+t' and coura+e rene.ed! A4alon .as also called in t'e Celtic <Tir3nan3O+<! t'e
land o/ 8out'.
$a+ner! in As+ard and t'e Gods F%66CG! ,oints out t'at Holda rese-bles anot'er
Goddess o/ Resurrection! Ostara! .'o! accordin+ to t'e @enerable Bede! +a4e 'er na-e
to our /esti4al o/ Easter. ('e .as t'e Goddess o/ (,rin+! but 'er le+ends are no.'ere
One -onu-ent alone! and t'at a ne.ly3disco4ered one! re-ains o/ t'e old .ors'i,! t'e E9tern3
stones! .'ic' are to be /ound in t'e Teutober+ Forest at t'e nort'ern end o/ t'e .ooded 'ills. It is
stated in t'e c'ronicle o/ a nei+'bourin+ 4illa+e! datin+ /ro- last century! t'at t'e i+norant ,easantry
.ere +uilty o/ -any -isde-eanours t'ere .'en doin+ 'onour to t'e 'eat'en +oddess Ostara... T'e
roc1s -ay ,er'a,s 'a4e been called Eastern or Eostern3stones! and -ay 'a4e been dedicated to Ostara.
T'ere! as else.'ere! t'e ,riests and ,riestesses o/ t'e +oddess ,robably asse-bled in 'eat'en ti-es!
scattered May/lo.ers! li+'ted bon/ires! slau+'tered t'e creatures sacri/iced to 'er! and .ent in
,rocession on t'e /irst ni+'t o/ May! .'ic' .as dedicated to 'er... Edicts .ere ,ublis'ed in t'e ei+'t'
century /orbiddin+ t'ese ,ractices but in 4ain! t'e ,eo,le .ould not +i4e u, t'eir old /ait' and
custo-s. A/ter.ards t'e ,riestesses .ere declared to be .itc'es! t'e bon/ires! .'ic' cast t'eir li+'t to
+reat distances! .ere said to be o/ in/ernal ori+in! and t'e /esti4al o/ May .as loo1ed u,on as t'e
.itc'es (abbat'.
I/ ani-als .ere slau+'tered at t'ese /esti4als it .as ,robably /or t'e -undane ,ur,ose
o/ ,ro4idin+ so-et'in+ to eat! .'ic' t'e bon/ires ser4ed to coo1I because no .itc'
-eetin+ .as! or is! co-,lete .it'out a con4i4ial -eal o/ so-e 1ind. $'en ,eo,le 'ad
co-e so-e considerable distances to a -eetin+3,lace! t'ey .anted a substantial -eal!
and t'e -eat and drin1 .ere ,art o/ t'e attraction o/ t'e .itc'esS sabbat's. T'e C'urc'
tried to dis,el t'is dan+erous attraction by s,readin+ t'e story t'at t'e -eat and drin1 o/
t'e .itc'es .ere actually all 1inds o/ 'orrible and dis+ustin+ substances! in order to -a1e
t'e (abbat sound re,ulsi4e! so t'at ,eo,le .ould not .is' to +o to it. But t'e 4ery
-onstrosity o/ t'ese stories de/eats its o.n endsI because .'at ,eo,le on eart' .ould +et
out o/ t'eir .ar- beds at ni+'t and +o lon+ distances
/or t'e e9Luisite ,leasure o/ eatin+ -uc1 and 1issin+ a billy3+oat a ter+oH T'e co--on
,eo,le .ent to t'e .itc'esS (abbats /or one natural and understandable reasonI because
t'ey 'ad a =olly +ood ti-e t'ere.
I t'in1 it is .ort' notin+ t'at! .'ile -ost o/ t'e ,ictures illustratin+ t'e .or1s o/ t'e
o,,onents o/ .itc'cra/t see- at /irst si+'t to be .or1s o/ ,'antasy and i-a+ination! i/ not
o/ -adness! on +oin+ t'rou+' a nu-ber .it' a .itc'! .e bot' noticed 4arious t'in+s
.'ic' .ere ri+'t.
Actually! it .as as i/ t'e -an .'o -ade t'e dra.in+ 'ad been ,resent and seen
so-et'in+ 'e did not understand! or ,ossibly 'ad tal1ed to so-eone .'o 'ad seen it. FO/
course 'e -ay 'a4e been ,resent at t'e trials.G
Most o/ t'ese t'in+s I -ay not s,ea1 about. But I -ay -ention t'is. I .as ,uKKled! at
/irst! by t'e +reat nu-ber o/ t'ese ,ictures .'ic' s'o.ed t'e s1eletons o/ ani-als!
usually .it' so-e /ra+-ents o/ /les' still on t'e-. T'ey are +enerally de,icted as i/ t'ey
.ere ali4e and -o4in+. I used to t'in1 t'ese .ere si-,ly to -a1e t'e ,icture 'orrible
until I .as ,resent at a .itc' ,arty in a .ood .'en t'ey <Barbecued< a .'ole s'ee, o4er
a bon/ire Fand -i+'ty +ood it .as tooG. T'is .as roasted .'ole! on a 'u+e iron s,it! and
.'en done t'e /les' .as sliced o// t'e bones. It .as a .eird si+'t. .it' t'e /la-es
li+'tin+ u, t'e trees! and I suddenly sa. t'e /ra-e.or1 o/ t'e s'ee,! t'rou+' t'e bon/ire!
its ribs bare! t'e bones o/ t'e /our /eet 'an+in+ do.n. T'e /lic1erin+ o/ t'e /ire and
s-o1e -ade it see- to -o4e as i/ it .ere ali4e! and it .as e9actly as t'e old <$itc'
,ictures< s'o.ed it! e9ce,tin+ t'is 'ad no 'ead! and it is Luite ,ossible t'at in t'e old
days t'ey -ay 'a4e barbecued it .it' t'e 'ead on.
It is note.ort'y t'at Joan o/ Arc at 'er trial /reely ad-itted dancin+ round <t'e Fairy
Tree<. One o/ 'er co-,anions .'o t'us 'onoured <t'e /airies< .as burned as a .itc' in
JoanSs li/eti-e. In t'e be+innin+ o/ 'er career t'ere .as a ,lot a-on+ t'e -en o/ t'e
Frenc' ar-y to assassinate 'er because s'e .as a .itc'. All t'rou+' 'er 'istory s'e
see-s to 'a4e been ad4ised and +uided by a nu-ber o/ ,ersons. (o-e 'a4e t'ou+'t t'at
t'is -ust 'a4e been a ,o.er/ul secret society. O/ course! s'e said t'at t'ey .ere <saints<!
(t. Mic'ael and (t. Cat'erine! bot' o/ .'o- are old di4inities in C'ristian dis+uiseI (t.
Mic'ael ta1in+ t'e ,lace o/ t'e (un3God! and (t. Cat'erine t'at o/ Cerrid.en! t'e Celtic
Nature3GoddessI 'ence t'e ,o,ularity o/ t'ese t.o saints as t'e ,atrons o/ c'urc'es and
c'a,els built on 'ill3to,s! t'e old <Hi+' 5laces <. It .ill be re-e-bered 'o. care/ully
Joan dod+ed t'e Luestion! <Did (t. Mic'ael a,,ear to you na1edH< It is e4ident
/ro- 'er trial t'at Joan did not li1e tellin+ a direct lie! but t'at s'e .as an ade,t at
e4asionI s'e could dod+e about li1e a la.yer. A care/ul ,erusal o/ 'er ans.ers as +i4en
in t'e record o/ t'e trial yields so-e intri+uin+ ,oints! and I reco--end it to t'e
interested sc'olar.
For one t'in+! u,on JoanSs o.n ad-ission! 'er co-,liance .it' t'e reLuire-ents o/ t'e
Cat'olic C'urc' .it' re+ard to con/ession! attendance at Mass! etc.! .as t'e 4ery
-ini-u- ,ossibleI and .'en s'e .rote any letter to 'er collea+ues t'e contents o/ .'ic'
.ere </or s'o.< only! and .'ic' s'e did not .is' t'e- to belie4e! s'e .ould ,ut <Jesu
Maria< and t'e si+n o/ t'e cross at t'e to, o/ it. A curious use o/ t'e cross /or a de4out
Cat'olic to -a1e>
T'at .'ic' ,articularly scandalised t'e ,riests .'o tried 'er .as 'er ,ersistent
ado,tion o/ -ale attire. No.! t'ere is a tradition in t'e .itc' cult t'at a ,riestess -ay
i-,ersonate eit'er t'e God or t'e Goddess! but t'at a -ale ,riest -ay only i-,ersonate
t'e God. (o Joan in -ale attire -ay .ell 'a4e been i-,ersonatin+ t'e God o/ t'e
.itc'es! as Mar+aret Murray belie4esI es,ecially in 4ie. o/ t'e curious de4ice .'ic' s'e
ado,ted as 'er ,ersonal standard! na-ely an u,ri+'t s.ord .it' its ,oint encircled by a
cro.n! and .it' a /leur3de3lys on eit'er side o/ it. T'is /i+ure is identical .it' t'e Ace o/
(.ords in t'e old -ystical sy-bols o/ t'e Tarot cards! .'ic' are still used by occultists!
and are t'e ancestors o/ our ,resent3day ,layin+3cards.
Muc' in+enuity 'as been e9ercised by occultists and ot'ers to account /or t'e ori+in o/
t'ese cards! and it is at least a curious ,arallel t'at accordin+ to an old Iris' :Boo1 o/
In4asions< .'ic' is considered to date /ro- t'e %At' century! t'e /our -a+ical talis-ans
.'ic' t'e Tuat'a de Danaan! t'e ancient Iris' Gods! brou+'t to Ireland .it' t'e- .ere
t'e (.ord o/ Nuada! t'e Lance o/ Lu+'! t'e Cauldron o/ t'e Da+da! and t'e (tone o/ Fal!
.'ic' are analo+ous to t'e (.ord! t'e $and! t'e Cu,! and t'e 5entacle co-,risin+ .'at
A. E. $aite called :t'e Four ,al-ary sy-bols o/ t'e Tarot<. And t'e (.ord o/ Nuada!
:/ro- .'ose stro1e no one e4er esca,ed or reco4ered<! is none ot'er t'an t'e s.ord o/
t'e Old God o/ Deat' Hi-sel/! .'ic' is yet borne sy-bolically by His re,resentati4e in
t'e rites o/ .itc'cra/t.
T'e -eanin+ o/ t'e Ace o/ (.ords in t'e old Tarot sy-bolis- .as :Triu-,'<! and! as
t'e Old GodSs o.n sy-bol! it .as! i/ Joan .as His li4in+ re,resentati4e! ,er/ectly
a,,ro,riate! t'e t.o /leur3de3lys bein+! o/ course! t'e national e-ble-s o/ France.
T'e C'urc' tried and conde-ned Joan /or 'eresy! ,artly because t'at .as .'at t'ey
.ere interested in sta-,in+ out! and ,artly
because 'er 'eresy .as easy to ,ro4e. To3day! i/ a -an 'as co--itted a doKen -urders
t'ey seldo- try 'i- /or -ore t'an one at a ti-eI it is only i/ t'ey cannot +et t'e desired
4erdict t'at t'ey brin+ /or.ard t'e ne9t cri-e -ost easy to ,ro4e. (o it .as .it' JoanI
'er 'eresy .as clear! and t'ey +ot 'er ,ut out o/ t'e .ay as t'ey .anted. It .as
unnecessary to ,roceed .it' t'e Luestion o/ /airies and .itc'cra/t. T.enty years a/ter!
.'en t'e 1in+ .as /ir-ly on t'e t'rone! 'e .as so annoyed by t'e =eers o/ ot'er cro.ned
'eads at 'is 'a4in+ been ,ut on t'e t'rone by a .itc' t'at 'e ordered a retrial! .it' -uc'
/a1ed e4idence. Joan beca-e a national 'eroine and! as Bernard ('a. says! .ould be
-uc' a-used to 'ear t'at s'e .as a C'ristian saint.
In all t'e .itc' trials it see-s t'at a lot o/ t'e ans.ers +i4en .ere Luite true! i/ you
realise t'e /act t'at <t'e De4il < .as si-,ly a -an! o/ten .earin+ a -as1. He .as t'e
Hi+' 5riest! .'o e4en at so-e rare cere-onies no.adays .ears a 'el-et .it' 'orns!
.'ic' are ,robably t'e re-nants o/ t'e -as1. It see-s t'at at so-e .itc' cere-onies in
Australia actual -as1s are occasionally .ornI but as t'ese cere-onies are said to 'a4e
been 'eld in :studios< t'is -ay be =ust artistic licence! t'ou+' I t'in1 it is ,robably an
atte-,t to re4i4e t'e ancient ,ractice. For instance! Jeanne Belloc! in t'e rei+n o/ Henri
I@ o/ France! .as indicted /or .itc'cra/t in 'er ei+'ty3/ourt' year. ('e said s'e /irst
attended a (abbat in %7C&! .'ere s'e .as ,resented to t'e De4il! .'o 1issed 'er! a -ar1
o/ a,,robation .'ic' 'e besto.ed on t'e +reatest o/ sorcerers F.itc'esG only. ('e said
t'e (abbat .as really a 1ind o/ -as1ed ball! to .'ic' ,eo,le o/ten ca-e dis+uised as
do+s! cats! don1eys! ,i+s and ot'er ani-als! t'ou+' ot'ers .ere .it'out dis+uise. I/ you
ta1e t'is as a -eetin+ o/ t'e 5eo,le o/ t'e Heat' and ot'er belie4ers .'o .ore ani-al
dis+uises to obtain reli+io3-a+ical +ood luc1 and /ertility /or t'eir do-estic ani-als! as
t'e ,re'istoric ,eo,le o/ t'e ca4es used to do! and at t'e sa-e ti-e en=oy t'e-sel4es! and
t'at s'e! as an e-inent cult -e-ber! .as naturally introduced ,ersonally to t'e leader!
.'o 1issed 'er! =ust as -i+'t 'a,,en to3day! 'er account is Luite understandable.
T'ere is e4en a story /ro- (cotland o/ a youn+ .itc' .'o beca-e i-,atient o/ t'e
:De4ilSs; atte-,ts to ,lay -usic /or dancin+ u,on a :tru-,< Fa 1ind o/ Je.Ss 'ar,G! and
snatc'ed t'e instru-ent /ro- 'i-! /etc'in+ 'i- a ,lay/ul s-ac1 on t'e c'ee1 .it' it
sayin+ t'at s'e could ,lay it better t'an 'e. T'is story alone s'ould dis,ose o/ t'e idea
t'at t'e :De4il< .'o ,resided o4er t'e (abbats .as any 1ind o/ su,ernatural bein+.
I-a+ine MiltonSs (atan bein+ s-ac1ed across :t'e c'o,s< by a (cottis' ser4in+3.enc'>
Go--e! in Fol1lore as a Historical (cience F,. AC% et seLG! stresses t'e i-,ortance o/
t'e act o/ initiation as a,,lied to t'e .itc' cult. It e-,'asises t'e e9istence o/ a caste
a,art /ro- t'e +eneral ,o,ulace. T'e e9istence o/ t'is caste lon+ be/ore! .'ere t'ey did
,ractise t'eir ,o.ers! carryin+ bac1 t'is act o/ initiation a+e a/ter a+e. It is clear t'at t'e
,eo,le .'o .ere /ro- ti-e to ti-e introduced into t'e .itc' caste carried on t'e
,ractices and assu-ed t'e /unctions o/ t'e caste e4en t'ou+' t'ey ca-e into it as no4ices
and stran+ers. $e t'us arri4e at .'at -i+'t be ter-ed an arti/icial -eans o/ descent into
a ,eculiar +rou, o/ su,erstitions. T'is .as in/luenced in t'e Middle A+es by belie/s o/
t'e carryin+ on o/ traditional ,ractices by certain /a-ilies and +rou,s o/ ,eo,le .'o
could only acLuire suc' ,ractices by initiation and /a-ily teac'in+.< T'is is! o/ course!
e9actly .'at 'a,,ened. It is a /a-ily +rou,! i/ you li1eI but not all o/ t'e /a-ily belon+s
to it! only t'ose .'o are initiated! and ,eo,le o/ non3.itc' /a-ilies are at ti-es
introduced and initiated. $'ile it is unusual /or -e-bers o/ t'e cult to3day to t'in1 o/
t'e-sel4es as a :caste<! t'ey certainly re+ard t'e-sel4es as a 1ind o/ :/a-ily; a,art. At
a .itc' -eetin+! .'ere I .as ,resent! a 4isit to a nudist club .as discussed! and a .o-an
said! <I .ouldnSt li1e t'at<. I said! :$'y notH< And t'e re,ly .as! :I donSt care 'ere! o/
courseI but I .ouldnSt +o be/ore ot'er ,eo,le<. T'e e9act <caste< /eelin+>
Returnin+ to t'e state-ent t'at all t'e Mysteries are one! I t'in1 t'at t'is ,lainly -eans
t'at t'ere are certain .'at -i+'t be ter-ed :natural< /or-s o/ reli+ion .'ic' are /elt to
be true by ,eo,les o/ Euro,ean stoc1. 5eo,les o/ Eastern and A/rican stoc1 also 'a4e
t'eir o.n :natural< /or-s! .'ic' -ay be di//erent /ro- t'ose o/ Euro,e. C'ristianity! in
t'e /or- .e 1no. it at least! is an Eastern reli+ion .'ic' .as ori+inally i-,osed /ro-
abo4e by /orce u,on $estern Euro,e! and .'ile it 'as -any +ood ,oints! it is not o/ t'e
real /or- natural to t'e ,eo,le o/ t'ese countries. T'is is! I belie4e! one reason .'y t'e
.itc' cult 'as sur4i4ed t'e -ost cruel and deter-ined ,ersecutions t'at -an1ind 'as e4er
5lato says! <O/ .'at t'e disease o/ t'e s,irit consists! /ro- .'at cause it is dulled! 'o.
it can 'e clari/ied! -ay be learned by ,'iloso,'y. For by lustrations o/ t'e Mysteries t'e
soul beco-es liberated and ,asses into di4ine condition o/ bein+. 'ence disci,line
.illin+ly endured beco-es o/ /ar +reater utility /or ,uri/ication.... On enterin+ t'e interior
,art o/ t'e Te-,le! un-o4ed! and +uarded by t'e sacred rites! t'ey +enuinely recei4e into
t'eir boso-s di4ine illti-ination! and di4ested o/ t'eir +ar-ents t'ey ,artici,ate in t'e
di4ine nature.< T'e sa-e ideas are
/ound in t'e (,eculations o/ T'ales. 5roclus! in 'is On t'e T'eolo+y o/ 5lato! says! :t'e
-ind is a//ected and a+itated in deat'! =ust as in initiation into t'e Mysteries! and .ord
ans.ers .ord! as .ell as t'in+ to t'in+I /or to die! and to be initiated! is t'e sa-e. $it'
'y-ns! dances! and subli-e and sacred 1no.led+e cro.ned and triu-,'ant! t'ey .al1
t'e re+ions o/ t'e blessed.<
It is an old sayin+ t'at :T'e di//erence bet.een ort'odo9y and 'eterodo9y is t'at
ort'odo9y is -y do9y and 'eterodo9y is so-eone elseSs do9y.< Jo'n Cal4inSs do9y Fa
-ost ill3/a4oured 'a+G .as e-bodied in 'is /a-ous dictu-! :All ,leasure is sin.; No.a3
days -ost ,eo,le -odi/y t'at a little! sayin+ :My ,leasures are innocent! e4erybody
elseSs ,leasures are sin.< $itc'es cannot sy-,at'ise .it' t'is -entality. T'ey are
inclined to t'e -orality o/ t'e le+endary Good in+ 5ausol! :Do .'at you li1e so lon+ as
you 'ar- no one <. But t'ey belie4e a certain la. to 'e i-,ortant! :8ou -ust not use
-a+ic /or anyt'in+ .'ic' .ill cause 'ar- to anyone! and i/! to ,re4ent a +reater .ron+
bein+ done! you -ust disco--ode so-eone! you -ust do it only in a .ay .'ic' .ill
abate t'e 'ar-.< T'is in4ol4es e4ery -a+ical action bein+ discussed /irst! to see t'at it
can do no da-a+e! and t'is induces a 'abit o/ -ind to consider .ell t'e results o/ oneSs
actions! es,ecially u,on ot'ers! T'is! you -ay say! is ele-entary C'ristianity. O/ course
it isI it is also ele-entary Budd'is-! Hinduis-! Con/ucianis-! and Judais-! to na-e
only a /e..
<(o -any Gods! so -any creeds!
(o -any ,at's t'at .ind and .ind!
$'en =ust t'e art o/ bein+ 1ind
Is all t'is old .orld needs.<
Leland says! in 'is Gy,sy (orcery F5.2"#G!
T'ere arose a class o/ =ud+es and InLuisitors li1e Bodin in France and (,ren+er in Ger-any .'o
co-,osed len+t'y treatises u,on t'e -anner o/ disco4erin+ .itc'es and ,uttin+ t'e- to t'e test! and
+enerally ,residin+ o4er .itc'cra/t trials. T'e cold3blooded cruelty o/ t'ese te9tboo1s can only be
accounted /or by t'e li1eli'ood t'at t'eir aut'ors /elt t'e-sel4es =usti/ied t'rou+' -oti4es o/ /idelity to
t'e C'urc' o/ C'rist and reli+ion. T'e a./ul terror disse-inated! es,ecially a-on+ t'e -ore intelli+ent
by t'e ,ossibility o/ a c'ar+e o/ .itc'3cra/t bein+ brou+'t a+ainst t'e- at any -o-ent! brou+'t about
an intolerable state o/ t'in+s. T'e intellectual or ric' -i+'t be arrai+ned at any ti-e by any rascal .'o
li1ed to brin+ a c'ar+e. It is curious t'at t'e -ore serious ,art o/ t'e ,o,ulatton did not atte-,t to sto,
t'is terrible state o/ a//airsI but t'ey could not! because t'e .'ole syste- .as countenanced by t'e
C'urc'! in .'ose 'ands all t'e ,ersecution lay.
$e can understand .'at all t'is -eant to t'e .itc'0 .'at it .ould 'a4e -eant to t'e
Founder o/ t'e C'ristian reli+ion! .e -ay .ell .onder.
C'a,ter IE.
(OMEONE as1ed -e t'e ot'er ni+'t! $'y do .o-en ta1e t'e c'ie/ ,lace in .itc'cra/tH< I
'ad to say! <I donSt I-o..< No one 1no.s. To say t'at it 'as al.ays been so is not an
ans.er. T'e easiest t'in+ is to say it is a sur4i4al o/ -atriarc'y. It -ay .ell be! but I
doubt i/ it is t'e true ans.erI because .e do not 1no. e9actly .'at .as t'e ori+in o/
-atriarc'y. I t'in1 t'e best e9,lanation is because .o-en re,resent t'e GoddessI and t'is
,robably ori+inated .'en t'e cult o/ t'e Goddess .as su,eri-,osed on t'e ori+inal cult
o/ t'e Old God o/ Huntin+ and Deat'.
It -ust be clearly realised t'at not all .o-en are re+arded as re,resentati4es o/ t'e
Goddess. It is only t'ose .'o are reco+nised as bein+ youn+ and lo4ely! lo4in+ and
+enerous! -ot'erly and 1ind. In /act! t'ose .'o ,ossess all t'ose Lualities .'ic' can be
su--ed u, in t'e one .ord :s.eetness;. T'ey s'ould be ManSs IdealI in t'at .ay t'ey
-ay be .ort'y to 'a4e t'e s,irit o/ t'e Goddess in4o1ed to descend u,on t'e-.
T'e ,oet sin+s0
O $o-an> In our 'ours o/ ease
)ncertain! coy! and 'ard to ,lease!
And 4ariable as t'e s'ade
By t'e li+'t Lui4erin+ as,en -ade!
$'en ,ain and an+uis' .rin+ t'e bro.!
A -inisterin+ an+el t'ou>
No.! t'at is not Luite t'e .itc' ideal. ('e s'ould be stead/ast! trusty and easyI
ot'er.ise s'e is not /it to 'a4e t'e Goddess descend u,on 'er. I/ s'e is cross and sel/is'
and un+enerous! it is certain s'e .ill ne4er recei4e t'at di4ine blessin+. Our Lady o/
$itc'cra/t 'as a 'i+' ideal set be/ore 'erI s'e -ust be /res' and 1indly and al.ays t'e
sa-e to you. In any case! s'e .ill al.ays recei4e t'e 'onour and res,ect .'ic' .itc'es
+i4e to e4ery .o-an! but to recei4e t'e 'i+' 'onours s'e -ust be .ort'y o/ t'e-.
A-on+ t'e 4irtues s'e -ust 'a4e is t'e realisation t'at yout' is a-on+ t'e reLuisites
necessary /or t'e re,resentati4e o/ t'e Goddess! and t'at s'e -ust be ready to retire
+race/ully in /a4our o/ a youn+er .o-an in ti-e ('e .ill t'en beco-e one o/ t'e Elders!
.'ose decisions are ,o.er/ul in council.
But as t'e Old God told t'e Goddess! <A+e and Fate .it'er all t'in+s! and a+ainst t'e-
I a- 'el,less. But .'en -en die and
co-e to -e I +i4e t'e- rest and ,eace so t'at t'ey -ay return<. (o a true 5riestess
realises t'at +race/ully surrenderin+ ,ride o/ ,lace no. is one o/ t'e +reatest 4irtues! and
s'e .ill return to t'at ,ride o/ ,lace t'e ne9t ti-e! in anot'er incarnation! .it' +reater
,o.er and beauty. In a sense! t'e .itc' reli+ion reco+nises all .o-en as an incarnation
o/ t'e Goddess! and all -en as an incarnation o/ t'e GodI and /or t'is reason e4ery
.o-an is ,otentially a ,riestess! and e4ery -an ,otentially a ,riestI because to t'e .itc'
t'e God and t'e Goddess are t'e Male and Fe-ale! t'e Ri+'t and t'e Le/t! t'e T.o
5illars .'ic' su,,ort t'e )ni4erse and e4ery -ani/estation o/ -ale and /e-ale is a
-ani/estation o/ T'e-.
T'ere are -any ty,es o/ beauty! and beauty o/ t'e s,irit is +reater t'an t'at o/ t'e body.
T'e ,uri/ications you under+o in t'e cult increase t'at secret beauty. T'e Mysteries in
ancient ti-es -ust 'a4e been a +arden o/ /air /aces. One -ay lo4e blac1 eyes -ore t'an
bro.n! so-e blue -ore t'an +rey! and t'ere is t'e .onder/ully rare +reen eye. To so-e
.'ite s1in is .onder/ul! ot'ers ,re/er suntan or e4en bro.nI but t'ey are all di//erent
/acets o/ t'e sa-e +e-. T'e +reat reli+ions! C'ristianity in its di//erent /or-s!
Mo'a--edanis-! and to a +reat e9tent Budd'is-! and Co--unis- in e9celsis F/or
Co--unis- is a reli+ion! li1e t'at o/ t'e early Hebre.s! <Fi+'t /uriously to +et t'e
+reatest a-ount o/ ,lunder /or t'e tribe! sacri/ice your li4es in t'ousands! so t'e Te-,le
.ill be ric' and t'e sur4i4ors -ay ta1e ,art in t'e ric'es<GI all t'ese are reli+ions
desi+ned to control t'e -asses so t'at t'ey .ill .or1 'ard in order t'at t'e +o4ernin+
classes -ay create a society .'ic' is .ealt'y and ,o.er/ul.
Call t'ese +o4ernin+ classes 1in+s! ,riests! NaKis! or Co--unist Co--issars! it -a1es
no -atterI t'ey are all t'e sa-e! t'ou+' so-e are -ore rut'less t'an ot'ers. $'ate4er
labels t'ey ,ut on t'eir ,olicies! t'ey are essentially t'e sa-e! and entail t'e eternal
:-oral ,olicin+< o/ t'eir sub=ectsI and you -ust understand t'at any /orce .'ic' in any
.ay obstructs or inter/eres .it' t'is constant <-oral ,olicin+< .ill at once be o,,osed by
t'e 5o.ers t'at Be o/ t'ese <reli+ions<. For none o/ t'e- can stand t'e ,er-ission to
'a4e oneSs o.n secret t'ou+'ts! t'ose s.eet drea-s o/ t'e All3Mot'er and Eternal Bride!
.'o is +entle and lo4in+! 1ind and +enerous. Beauty and s.eetness
are a terror to all t'ese or+anised tyranniesI so t'ey -ust be debased and 'idden as -uc'
as ,ossible.
T'e Co--unists and NaKis! bein+ utterly rut'less! /orbade not only /reedo- o/ s,eec'
and action! but also cos-etics and ,retty
clot'es. Ot'er reli+ions! bein+ less ,o.er/ul! atte-,t to ,re4ent beauti/ul clot'es. $'at
-onstrosities .o-en 'a4e been ,ersuaded to clot'e t'e-sel4es in! in t'e na-e o/
<-odesty<> T'e reli+ions actually :.or1< t'e /as'ion s'o.s in 5aris and else.'ere to
/orce .o-en to .ear lon+ and 4olu-inous s1irts to 'ide t'eir le+s! and all sorts o/
de4ices are ,ut t'rou+' to ,re4ent t'e /i+ure bein+ dis,layed. Cur4es -ust be co4ered u,
or /lattened out! and +irls -ade to loo1 as -uc' li1e boys as ,ossible. <@i4e Ho-o3
se9uality>< is t'e cry. As lon+ as .e can 1ee, -enSs -inds a.ay /ro- anyt'in+ s.eet and
Our youn+ -en and -aidens -ust be +uarded a+ainst anyt'in+ .'ic' -a1es t'e-
t'in1 <t'ou+'ts<. (o art -ust consist o/ c'ildrenSs scribbles .it' an obscene -eanin+. In
/act! it is better /or ,eo,le to be sni++erin+ly obscene! rat'er t'an t'at t'ey s'ould be
natural and blessed .it' t'e Blessin+ o/ 5an. (o t'eir sense o/ t'e beauty o/ se9 and
nature -ust be syste-atically destroyed! and t'ey -ust be tau+'t t'at <Marria+e .as
ordained /or t'e ,rocreation o/ c'ildren only<! t'us reducin+ 'u-an lo4e to t'e le4el o/
For i/ t'ey t'in1 o/ beauty! t'ey .ill ne4er be +reat Co--issars. T'ey .ill ne4er be
ready to betray t'eir country at t'e co--and o/ <t'e 5arty<. And abo4e all! t'ey .ill
ne4er .or1 at a soulless =ob! or suc' 4ocation as t'at o/ a /o-entor o/ stri1es! or a NaKi
e9ecutioner! or one o/ t'e Do-inican <Hounds o/ God< .'o led t'e InLuisition. T'ey
.ould ne4er 'a4e 'el,ed (a4onarola destroy all lo4ely t'in+s. T'ey .ould ne4er be
5uritans! as t'ose .'o -ade suc' a desert o/ En+land! and /ro- .'ose e9cesses .e still
su//erI Ft'e days .'en a s'i,Ss ca,tain returnin+ /ro- a lon+ and ,erilous 4oya+e on a
(unday! 1issed 'is .i/e! and s,ent t'e rest o/ t'e day in t'e stoc1s bein+ ,elted by t'e
rabble /or t'e a./ul cri-e o/ <(abbat' brea1in+<G.
Be t'ey Red Co--issars in Euro,e or MacCart'yite <in4esti+ators< in A-ericaI
Gesta,o bosses in t'e T.entiet' Century or .itc'3'untin+ ,riests in t'e Middle A+esI
s,iritually t'ey are all o/ t'e sa-e 1indred. T'e sa-e blac1 ,oison corrodes t'e- allI t'e
.ar,ed lust /or ,o.er! .ellin+ u, /ro- /ears and re,ressions in t'e de,t's o/ t'e
unconscious -ind.
T'ere .as no roo- /or t'is sort o/ s,irit in t'e .itc' cult! nor in t'e -ystery reli+ions
.'ic' .ere its ,redecessors in t'e days o/ BronKe A+e -atriarc'y! so lon+ as t'ey
re-ained true to t'eir traditions. T'e ,ur,ose o/ initiation .as to +i4e t'e neo,'ytes
esoteric instruction .'ic' .ould rid t'e- o/ t'eir /ear o/ t'e un1no.n and 'el, t'e- to
/ind a ,'iloso,'y .'ic' -ade sense o/ t'e )ni4erse! notably t'e doctrines o/
reincarnation! 1ar-a! and
t'e i--ortality o/ t'e 'u-an soulI and in t'e sacred or+ies t'ey lost t'eir re,ressions and
/ound ecstasy and t'e Blessin+ o/ 5an.
Just .'ere t'e ,uritanical! ,atriarc'al reli+ion ori+inated .e do not 1no.. Robert
Gra4es! in T'e $'ite Goddess! 'as su++ested t'at t'ey ca-e /ro- t'e East. But certain it
is t'at in ,re'istoric ti-es t'ey be+an to in/iltrate! under-ine! and so-eti-es attac1 t'e
older /or-s o/ reli+ion. $'y t'is 'a,,ened is an e4en -ore di//icult Luestion. T'e
ans.er -ay lie in t'e ancient esoteric teac'in+ t'at 'u-an a//airs /ollo. a certain cos-ic
cycle. 5er'a,s it .as necessary /or t'e 'u-an race to descend into t'e <ali 8u+a<! or
Dar1 A+e! as t'e Easterns call it! or t'e :A+e o/ 5isces<! t'e (i+n o/ su//erin+ and sel/3
undoin+! in order to learn so-e i-,ortant lesson.
T'e Je.is' ,uritans in Biblical ti-es! .'o set out to destroy t'e <Hi+' 5laces<! see-
to 'a4e started t'e idea! :Beauty is E4il<I I su,,ose because t'ose .'o- t'ey .ere
see1in+ to destroy! t'e ,riestesses .'o .ors'i,,ed t'e Oueen o/ Hea4en! .ere lo4elyI
and ,er'a,s because t'eir youn+ -en .ere rebellious! as1in+! <$'y s'ould .e destroy
t'in+s .'ic' are beauti/ul and en=oyableH< (o t'e ,eo,le 'ad to be conditioned to t'in1
o/ u+liness as 'olyI as later t'e C'ristians declared! <Dirt is 'oly! cleanliness is o/ t'e
.itc' and t'e De4il.< T'ey s,o1e o/ t'e dan+erous ene-ies o/ +ood C'ristians! .'o lay
in .ait in t'e dar1 to seiKe t'eir souls /or t'e De4il! and t'ey ,roceeded to describe t'ese
ene-ies as .ood ny-,'s! loreleis! and .itc'es! as in t'e le+end o/ Tann'auser! .it'
eyes li1e stars and teet' li1e ,earls! t'eir lo4ely .'ite s'oulders and breasts +lea-in+ in
t'e starli+'t Ft'e stories o/ t'e 'ideous! /oul old .itc' ca-e -uc' laterG. (o t'e early
C'ristians set t'eir con4erts on to loot and destroy ,a+an te-,les and 4illas! and in due
course t'e 5uritans set t'e rabble on to destroy any beauti/ul C'ristian c'urc'! s-as'in+
stained +lass .indo.s and de/acin+ any beauti/ul car4ed .or1 t'ey could +et at. (o .'en
it ca-e to t'e ears o/ a s'oc1ed ,riest or -inister! <T'ere are so-e le/t .'o .ors'i,
beauty! .'o say t'at lo4e and deat' are as one! /or lo4e is stron+er t'an deat'! it /ollo.s
you into t'e ne9t .orld! to ad4entures beyond s,ace and ti-eI .'o say t'at +oodness is
also 'a,,iness and t'at 'a,,iness is +oodness<I suc' a cult .as -ar1ed /or destruction.
As I 'a4e said! t'ere are certain reli+ious ideas .'ic' see- to co-e naturally to
,eo,le! and I can only conclude t'at it is because t'ere is a certain /unda-ental need /or
t'e-. For instance! a-on+ t'e A-erican Indians t'e boys s,end a lon+ ,eriod in t'e
.oods under+oin+ a course o/ /astin+! ,ur+in+ and /la+ellation. T'is is under+one to
brin+ t'e initiate into direct touc' .it' t'e
di4ine <(o-et'in+<. T'e Gree1s called it t'e Nou-enon be'ind t'e -ani/ested .orld o/
,'eno-ena. $e -ay call it t'e dee,er layers o/ t'e unconscious. T'is rite is .'at
c'an+es a c'ild into a -an! and 'ence is called a <Rite de 5assa+e<. $'en 'e lea4es t'e
class o/ boys and beco-es a .arrior! 'e t'us +ains a +uardian s,irit! or a contact .it' t'e
Gods! .'ic' beco-es a +uide /or 'is .'ole li/e. In Euro,e! Asia and A/rica! at ,eriods
.'en t'ere .as no ,ossibility o/ intercourse! ,ractically all ,ri-iti4e ,eo,les 'ad -uc'
t'e sa-e initiation cere-onies! and t'ese .ere initiations into ,riest'oods! into -a+ic
,o.ers! secret societies and -ysteries. T'ey .ere usually re+arded as necessary /or t'e
.el/are o/ t'e tribe as .ell as /or t'e indi4idual. T'ey usually included ,uri/ication and
so-e tests o/ coura+e or /ortitude 33 o/ten se4ere and ,ain/ul! instruction in tribal lore!
se9ual 1no.led+e! in t'e -a1in+ o/ c'ar-s and in reli+ious and -a+ical -atters
+enerally! and o/ten a ritual o/ deat' and resurrection. T'is is ,ractically .'at t'e
A-erican IndiansS ,ractice consisted o/.
$'en you enLuire t'e reasons /or t'ese rese-blances! at t'e botto- you al.ays /ind
t'e Cult o/ t'e Great Mot'er o/ all Li4in+! t'e Moon Goddess. $e -ay 1no. 'er best as
Is'tar o/ Babylon! but s'e .as .ors'i,,ed under -any na-es in t'e 4arious countries
.'ere s'e ruledI Attar! in Meso,ota-iaI At'er! in ArabiaI Astar! in AbyssiniaI Atar+atis
in (yria! and Astarte or Arte-is in Greece. For s'e is t'e /orce .'ic' e9,resses itsel/ in
t'e +i4in+ and ta1in+ For recei4in+ a+ainG o/ li/e! and s'e is also t'e <lo4e /orce<! t'e
$itc' Goddess .'o introduces 'ersel/ in t'ese .ords0
No ot'er la. but lo4e I 1no.!
By nau+'t but lo4e -ay I be 1no.n!
And all t'at li4et' is -y o.n!
Fro- -e t'ey co-e! to -e t'ey +o.
('e is t'e Great Mot'er o/ All! t'e +i4er o/ /ertility and t'e ,o.er o/ re,roduction. All
li/e co-es /ro- 'erI all li/e3+i4in+ cro,s itnd /ruits! ani-als and ,eo,le are 'er c'ildren.
('e is t'e Brin+er and t'e Ta1er A.ay! t'e Goddess o/ Li/e! Deat' and Rebirt'I but all in
a s.eetly lo4in+ .ay. Lau+'in+ly s'e 'as been described as <T'e Mot'er .'o lo4in+ly
s,an1s and 1isses 'er c'ildren.<
T'e celebrated <Dance o/ t'e (e4en @eils< .as ori+inally a reli+ious cere-ony! t'e
story o/ Ta--uK and Is'tar! .'ic' /or-ed a ,ro-inent ,art o/ t'e ritual o/ t'e story o/
t'e Great Goddess. T'is .as obser4ed by t'e ancient Je.s! but ,uritans a-on+ t'e-
stron+ly ob=ected to its bein+ obser4ed in t'e Te-,le o/ (olo-on! and it .as conde-ned
by t'e Biblical ,ro,'ets. 8early Ta--uK!
or Adonis F/ro- <Adonai<! -eanin+ <Lord<G! died and .ent to t'e )nder.orld! and
.inter ca-e and t'e /ruits o/ t'e eart' /ailed! and neit'er -an nor beast nor ,lants could
,ro,a+ate! nor could t'ey .is' to ,ro,a+ate! all bein+ sun1 in 'o,eless inacti4ity.
On cunei/or- tablets is .ritten t'e story o/ <T'e Descent o/ Is'tar into Hades <0 33

(ince t'e Lady Is'tar descended into t'e Land o/ No Return!
T'e bull does not s,rin+ u,on t'e co.!
T'e ass does not bo. o4er t'e =ennet!
No -ore -an bo.s o4er .o-an!
T'e -an slee,s in 'is c'a-ber!
T'e .o-an slee,s alone.
$e -ay t'in1 di//erently! but to t'e ancients t'e ,o.er and desire /or /ertility .ere
+i/ts o/ t'e Gods. $'en t'e Goddess .as absent /ro- t'e eart' in t'e Land o/ No Return!
all natural desire .as li1e.ise absent /ro- t'e eart'. (o all -an1ind -ourned! .'ile t'e
Goddess .ent to t'e Ot'er $orld to rescue 'er lo4e! and at eac' o/ t'e si9 +ates s'e 'ad
to ,ass t'e +uardians de,ri4ed 'er o/ so-e clot'in+! sy-bolised by t'e 4eils. $'en s'e
.as na1ed at t'e se4ent' +ate s'e .as de,ri4ed o/ 'er =e.els. T'us ritually na1ed! s'e
s'one /ort' in -a+ical ,o.er as Oueen o/ t'e )nder.orld! and rescued Ta--uK and
brou+'t 'i- bac1 a+ain to t'e .orld o/ -en.
(o-e t'in1 t'at t'e loss o/ 'er clot'in+ and =e.els re,resents t'e .anin+ o/ t'e -oon!
until s'e rises a+ain in 'er beauty and ,o.er.
Ma+ic and ins,iration are 'er +i/ts. ('e is t'e Goddess o/ Ma+ic and Ma+icians.
A,'rodite tau+'t 'er son Jason <to dra. do.n t'e dar1 Moon! in4o1e HecateI /or s'e
'ersel/ 'ad not t'e ,o.er o/ -a+ic.<
T'e Rites o/ Hecate .ere ,er/or-ed at ni+'tI t'ey .ere to turn aside e4il. ('e is Dea3
Tri/or-is o/ t'e cross3roads! t'e Oueen o/ G'osts! and s'e s.ee,s t'rou+' t'e ni+'t
/ollo.ed by a dread/ul train o/ s,irits and bayin+ 'ounds. ('e is Lueen o/ all t'at li4es in
t'e 'idden ,arts o/ t'e ,syc'e! in t'e unconscious -ind! as .e .ould say. ('e is o/ten
re,resented in ancient art as t'ree /i+ures in one! Arte-is! (elene and Hecate. Arte-is is
t'e .a9in+ -oon! (elene t'e /ull -oon! and Hecate t'e dar1 -oon. T'ey eac' usually
carry a lar+e 1ni/e Ft'e .itc'esS At'a-eG! a torc'! and a .'i, or scour+e. T'e +reatest o/
-a+ic ,o.er lay in Hecate! t'e dar1 -oon! .'ose rites .ere al.ays 'eld at ni+'t.
On t'e t'irteent' o/ Au+ust t'ere .as a +reat /esti4al to Arte-is in Greece and to
Diana! t'e Oueen o/ Hea4en! in Ro-e! to ,re4ent t'e co-in+ o/ autu-n stor-s .'ic'
-i+'t s,oil t'e co-in+ 'ar4est. No.adays in t'ese countries t'e sa-e day! t'e t'irteent'
Au+ust! is set aside /or ,rayers to t'e @ir+in Mary! Oueen o/ Hea4en! to turn aside stor-s
till t'e 'ar4est is +at'ered in.
$o-en o/ all $estern Asia and -any o/ (out'ern Euro,e .ear a crescent as an a-ulet
to secure t'e Moon Mot'erSs aid in ti-e o/ c'ildbirt'0 To3day t'ese .o-en -ay tell you
t'e Moon Mot'er is t'e @ir+in MaryI as t'ey say t'is t'ey .ill bo. to t'e -oon in t'e
s1y. And to -ost o/ us it is considered luc1y to see t'e ne. -oon i/ it is not t'rou+'
+lass! because t'e latter i-,lies t'at you are in a 'ouse and not! as you s'ould be! outside
to ,ay re4erence to t'e ne. -oon. Old accounts o/ ,ri-iti4e ,eo,le describe t'e- as
cro.din+ out o/ t'eir 'ouses to .elco-e t'e ne. -oon.
T'ere is a curious su,erstition t'at t'e -oon sends c'ildren! not directly! but by a +iant
-oon3bird! to t'e di//erent .o-en. 5ossibly t'is is t'e ori+in o/ our idea o/ stor1s
brin+in+ babies. I re-e-ber a lar+e /li+'t o/ stor1s o4er Jerusale- .'en I .as t'ere
Ft'eir .in+s -a1e an e9traordinary noiseG! and ,eo,le sayin+! <T'ere .ill be -any babies
born in t'e ne9t day or so.<G
(o-eti-es t'e crescent -oon .as concei4ed o/ as a -a+ical boat sailin+ u,on t'e
.aters o/ s,ace! .'ic' brou+'t ne. souls to be born on eart'! and bore a.ay t'e souls o/
t'e dead to t'e Ot'er $orld. T'e T'ree Oueens .'o bore a.ay t'e dyin+ in+ Art'ur to
A4alon .ere t'e Tri,le Goddess in 'er Moon3boat.
Al-ost e4ery.'ere in t'e non3C'ristian .orld t'e -oon is ser4ed c'ie/ly by .o-en!
t'ou+' -en ta1e a subordinate ,art in t'e rite. But .o-en 'a4e t'e -a+ical ,o.er to
.or1 t'e /ertilisin+ acti4ities o/ t'e -oon! includin+ rain3-a1in+ and t'e care o/ a sacred
/ire! .'ic' -ust not be allo.ed to die. $'en a -an is rain3-a1er! 'e usually 'olds t'e
o//ice by -arryin+ a -oon3,riestess. In -any ,arts o/ A/rica! t'e rain3-a1er 'as to 'a4e
a certain .o-an to aid 'i- in ,ourin+ out .ater. T'e in+ o/ Da'o-ey is t'e incarnation
o/ t'e Moon God and c'ie/ rain-a1er! but 'e cannot do t'is alone! 'e -ust be 'el,ed by
t'e ,riestess o/ t'e Moon God. In -any o/ t'e A/rican tribes! 'o.e4er! t'e ritual o/ rain3
-a1in+ -ust be carried out by na1ed .o-en! .'o! ta1in+ .ater /ro- sacred s,rin+s!
t'ro. it o4er t'e-sel4es.
$e s'ould re-e-ber t'at one o/ t'e c'ar+es a+ainst -ediae4al .itc'es .as t'at t'ey
.ent na1ed to ,ools and strea-s and t're. u, .ater to brin+ rain and stor-s.
)ntil Luite recent ti-es! ,easants in Ger-any! t'e Tyrol! Russia! Ru-ania and
Hun+ary! .'en rain .as needed! led a na1ed +irl to a strea- and s,rin1led 'er .it'
.ater! or so-eti-es
all t'e +irls o/ t'e 4illa+e .ould +o na1ed t'rou+' t'e 4illa+e sin+in+! e4eryone
s,rin1lin+ t'e- .it' .ater.
T'e /ertilisin+ ,o.er o/ t'e -oon .as t'ou+'t to lie in 'er li+'t! so t'is .as rein/orced
at ti-es by torc'es! candles and /ires burned in 'er 'onour! .'ic' .ere used as /ertilisin+
-a+ic! bein+ carried round ne.ly3,lanted /ields in -odern ti-es! as torc'es .ere carried
in HecateSs 'onour in ancient ti-es.
Diana t'e Huntress .as also t'e -ot'er o/ all ani-als and 'u-ans! and .as de,icted
.it' -any breasts! li1e Diana o/ E,'esus. ('e is s'o.n .it' a crescent 'ead3dress! and
o/ten .it' a li+'ted torc'. T'e torc' .as 4ery ,ro-inent in 'er .ors'i,.
It is note.ort'y t'at t'e And o/ February is celebrated as Candle-ass in 'onour o/ t'e
@ir+in Mary! Moon o/ our C'urc'I but be/ore it .as celebrated on t'at day .it' torc'es
in 'onour o/ t'e triune Moon Goddess o/ t'e Celts! Bri+it! Bride or Bri+entis! and on t'is
day 'er ne. /ire .as 1indled and blessed. It is traditionally one o/ t'e .itc'esS (abbats!
and is celebrated .it' /ires by ,resent3day .itc'es.
No.! t'e -oon +oddesses o/ t'e East! as a-on+ t'e Celts and in Ro-e! .ere ser4ed by
,riestesses .'o tended t'e sacred /ire! e-ble-atic o/ t'e ,o.er o/ t'e sun and t'e -oon.
(o-eti-es t'ese ,riestesses .ere called <@estal @ir+ins<I but usually considered as
.i4es o/ t'e 1in+! and o/ten 'e +ained 'is ,o.er by -arryin+ one o/ t'ese ,riestesses. In
early Ro-e -any o/ t'e 1in+s .ere sons o/ a @estal @ir+inI t'at is! one .'ose .o-anSs
nature 'ad been dedicated to t'e Goddess! and not to ordinary -arried li/e. On t'eir
consecration! Ro-an @estal @ir+ins recei4ed t'e na-e o/ A-ata! or <Belo4ed<! .'ic'
.as t'e na-e o/ t'e .i/e o/ t'e le+endary 1in+ o/ Ro-e! Latinus! /ro- .'ic' t'e na-e
<Latin< is deri4ed. To+et'er .it' t'e ,er,etual /ire in t'e te-,les o/ t'e -oon +oddesses
t'ere .ere usually ,'allic sy-bols to re,resent 'er di4ine /ertility. In Ro-e t'ese .ere
1no.n as <5ria,us<! and Robert Gra4es! in 'is boo1! T'e $'ite Goddess! considers t'at
t'e /a-ous <5alladiu-<! on t'e sa/e 1ee,in+ o/ .'ic' in t'e te-,le t'e sa/ety o/ t'e
country .as t'ou+'t to de,end! .as not a <res,ectable< statue o/ a clot'ed di4inity! but a
,'allic i-a+e. In -any countries t'ese <@estal @ir+ins< .ere as t'e sacred ,rostitutes in
t'e Te-,le o/ Jerusale-! t'e <Te-,le Maidens<! .'o +a4e t'e-sel4es to stran+ers /or
'ire! t'e -oney +oin+ to t'e Te-,le. T'us <@ir+in< .as used in its ancient -eanin+!
.'ic' .as si-,ly <un-arried<. T'at is! t'ey .ere ,led+ed to t'e ser4ice o/ t'e God.
No. accordin+ to -odern ideas! t'is .as 4ery s'oc1in+I because .e are conditioned
to t'in1 so. In -odern ti-es! /or about t'e
last t.o t'ousand years! enor-ous nu-bers o/ .o-en 'a4e been :,led+ed to t'e ser4ice
o/ t'e God.< T'ey are e9,ressly called t'e :Brides o/ C'rist<I t'ey -ust li4e in con4ents
in a li/e o/ utter -isery! all t'eir natural instincts stulti/ied. It is inconcei4able t'at any
Deity s'ould conde-n -illions to suc' a li/e o/ lon+3dra.n3out re,ression! unless you
understand t'e idea be'ind it all! t'at is! <T'e Gods are not all3,o.er/ul! t'ey need t'e
aid -en and .o-en. I/ su//icient ner4e ,o.er is raised by t'e .ors'i,,ers t'e God .ill
beco-e all3,o.er/ul<
One o/ t'e earliest atte-,ts to do t'is .as t'e <(acred Marria+e<. T'e lo4e .as not
-erely /or t'e satis/action o/ t'ose .'o too1 ,artI t'eir ,o.ers .ere dedicated to a
'i+'er ,ur,ose! t'at o/ +i4in+ +reat ,o.er to t'e Gods! and at t'e sa-e ti-e brin+in+ t'e
Gods into co--union .it' t'eir .ors'i,,ers.
5eo,le do at ti-es atte-,t to ,roduce a +ood e//ect by usin+ e4il -eans! and t'ere
see-s to be e4idence t'at so-e o/ t'e ,riests also used 'o-ose9uals /or t'e sa-e
,ur,ose Fand to -a1e -oney /or t'e-sel4esGI but t'e -ain /act re-ains clear. It .as
belie4ed t'at t'e Gods needed -anSs aid to ,er/or- t'e blessin+s reLuired by t'e tribe or
nation! and t'at it .as a reli+ious duty to assist 'e Gods in t'is +ood .or1. T'is could be
e//ected by ,ersonal sel/3sacri/ice! or 4icariously by t'e sacri/ice o/ ot'ers. $'en t'e
.'ole nation belie4ed in t'is! t'ey sa. no reason .'y t'is ser4ice o/ t'e Gods s'ould not
+i4e ,leasure to -en at t'e sa-e ti-e.
At one ti-e it .as considered t'at education could only be obtained by lon+ and
/reLuent t'ras'in+sI no. it is considered t'at i/ t'e lessons are -ade interestin+ and
,leasant! better results ire obtained. T'e ulti-ate ai- is t'e sa-e! a +ood education. T'e
best .ay to ,roduce it is si-,ly a -atter o/ o,inion. T'ou+' I 'a4e 'eard t'e un,leasant
.ay denounced! I 'a4e ne4er 'eard t'e ,leasant .ay described as <.ic1ed<.
$'en t'e ,uritanical ,arty .on in 5alestine t'e ,leasant .ay o/ <raisin+ ,o.er< .as
sto,,ed! and lar+e nu-bers o/ t'e ,eo,le belie4ed t'at all t'e tribulations and /orei+n
ca,ti4ities .ere t'e result o/ de,ri4in+ t'e Je.is' tribal God o/ His <5o.er<! and o/ 'is
Goddess3consort! so t'at He could no lon+er ,rotect t'e ,eo,le. (ee Jere-ia'! C'a,. 22!
4. %#3%&! re/errin+ to <t'e re-nant o/ Juda'! .'ic' are +one into t'e land o/ E+y,t to
so=ourn t'ere<0 <T'en all t'e -en .'ic' 1ne. t'at t'eir .i4es 'ad burned incense unto
ot'er +ods! and all t'e .o-en t'at stood by! a +reat -ultitude! e4en all t'e ,eo,le t'at
d.elt in t'e land o/ E+y,t! in 5at'ros ans.ered Jere-ia'! sayin+! SAs /or t'e .ord t'at
t'ou 'ast s,o1en unto us in t'e na-e o/ t'e Lord! .e .ill not 'ear1en unto t'ee. But .e
.ill certainly do .'atsoe4er t'in+ +oet'
/ort' out o/ our o.n -out'! to burn incense unto t'e Lueen o/ 'ea4en! and to ,our out
drin1 o//erin+s unto 'er! as .e 'a4e done! .e and our /at'ers! our 1in+s! and our ,rinces!
in t'e cities o/ Juda'! and in t'e streets o/ Jerusale-0 /or t'en 'ad .e ,lenty o/ 4ictuals!
and .ere .ell! and sa. no e4il. But since .e le/t o// to burn incense to t'e Lueen o/
'ea4en! and to ,our out drin1 o//erin+s unto 'er! .e 'a4e .anted all t'in+s! and 'a4e
been consu-ed by t'e s.ord and by t'e /a-ine. And .'en .e burned incense to t'e
Lueen o/ 'ea4en! and ,oured out drin1 o//erin+s unto 'er! did .e -a1e 'er ca1es to
.ors'i, 'er! and ,our out drin1 o//erin+s unto 'er! .it'out our -enHS<
It is e4ident /ro- t'e abo4e 4erses t'at t'e c'ie/ ,art in t'is cult .as ta1en by t'e
.o-en. I .as di++in+ .it' t'e $ellco-e E9,edition in %&"73%&"D .'ic' e9ca4ated t'e
Biblical city o/ Lac'is'. $e /ound t'e Te-,le o/ Je'o4a'! and in it t'e re-ains o/ a 4ery
beauti/ul i4ory statue o/ t'e Goddess. Accordin+ to an article in T'e Obser4er! dated July
%Ct'! %&##! <)neart'in+ t'e Holy LandSs 5ast<! by T. R. Fy4el!
On t'e (ite o/ a Cannanite te-,le Fa,,ro9. %D#C B.C.G standin+ on t'e seas'ore o/ $estern
Galilee! a tea- under Dr. M. Dot'an unco4ered a <'i+' ,lace< about /ourteen -etres in dia-eter... A
stri1in+ /ind .as an e9Luisite stone -ould! t'e /irst o/ its 1ind seen in Israel! o/ a 'orned +oddess .it'
'i+' conical ca, and lon+ 'air and a ,ro4ocati4e loo1 33 it -i+'t be As'era o/ t'e (ea! or Astarte.
A bronKe cast -ade /ro- t'e stone -ould illustrates t'e articleI it s'o.s a tall! sli-
+oddess! na1ed e9ce,t /or 'er ritual orna-ents! and .it' a deli+'t/ully -isc'ie4ous
Ho.e4er! a/ter t'e triu-,' o/ t'e ,uritanical ,arty in ancient 5alestine! t'e docu-ents
.'ic' .e no. call t'e Bible .ere care/ully edited and e9,ur+ated to re-o4e all
/a4ourable -ention o/ t'e Goddess3Consort and 'er rites.
Many years later! under t'e in/luence o/ (t. 5aul and ot'ers o/ 'is 1ind! lar+e nu-bers
o/ ,eo,le dedicated t'eir li4es to un,leasant tortures! as 'er-its. T'ese beco-in+
uncontrollable /ro- t'eir eccentric conduct! and leadin+ to riots and bloods'ed! t'ey .ere
later re+i-ented into con4ents and -onasteries. T'e reli+ious 'eads 1ne. t'e idea be'ind
t'is! t'ou+' I doubt i/ t'e ran1 and /ile realises it no.adays. But undoubtedly -uc' o/ t'e
stren+t' o/ t'e early c'urc' lay in t'e +reat reser4e o/ <,o.er< .'ic' is bein+ continually
raised in t'ese establis'-ents all o4er t'e .orld! Fby abstainin+ /ro- all acts o/ se9ual
intercourseGI by t'e constant direction o/ t'e t'ou+'ts to t'e .ill o/ t'e C'urc' and
its a++randise-entI and so-eti-es by actual tortures! suc' as t'e .earin+ o/ ,ain/ul
belts and s,i1ed
bracelets! and by /la+ellation. At t'e sa-e ti-e suc' ,o.er is bein+ raised in a -ost
.aste/ul .ay! and as t'ere does not see- to be any reasonable /or-ula to ,reser4e and
contain it! it is continually lea1in+ out and bein+ dissi,ated. Hence t'e /reLuent curious
stories o/ ,eculiar ,syc'ic ,'eno-ena in -onasteries and con4ents! suc' as t'at o/ t'e
<,ossessed nuns< o/ LoudunI all suc'! o/ course! bein+ attributed to t'e ubiLuitous
De4il<! or to <-iracles<. T'e only C'ristian order .'ic' consciously -a1es use o/ t'is
,o.er no.adays is t'e Jesuits! and it is note.ort'y t'at ,ractically e4ery state in t'e
.orld 'as at one ti-e or t'e ot'er 'ad la.s a+ainst t'is Order! because t'ey .ere al.ays
in/luencin+ t'in+s too -uc' in t'eir o.n /a4our.
(t. Cle-ent o/ Ale9andria! .'o! be/ore turnin+ C'ristian! .as initiated in t'e .ors'i,
o/ t'e Goddess Cybele .'ose sy-bol .as a crescent -oon in ,er,etual union .it' t'e
sun! says t'e /ollo.in+ con/ession o/ /ait' .as -ade0
<I 'a4e eaten /ro- t'e ti-brel!
I 'a4e drun1 /ro- t'e cy-bal!
I 'a4e borne t'e sacred 4essel!
I 'a4e entered into t'e bridal c'a-ber.<
No.! it see-s ob4ious t'at <I 'a4e eaten /ro- t'e ti-brel and drun1 /ro- t'e cy-bal<
-eans t'at a sacred -eal! or a s,ecies o/ Euc'arist .it' /ood and drin1 t'at 'ad been
blessed .as eaten out o/ t'e < .or1in+ tools< o/ t'e cult! and t'is -eal is 1no.n to 'a4e
consisted o/ a ca1e o/ barley! and o/ .ine. It is note.ort'y t'at t'e .itc'esS < sacred
-eal<!< Ga1es and $ine<! consists o/ ca1es Fany sortG and .ine! .'ic' are blessed and
t'en eaten and drun1 out o/ t'e <.or1in+ tools<! and t'is blessin+ 'as at least a ,'allic or
/ertility si+ni/icance. <I 'a4e borne t'e sacred 4essel< -ay be so-et'in+ si-ilar to t'e
.itc' custo- t'at e4eryone s'ould 'a4e one o/ t'e <.or1in+ tools<! usually t'e AIt'a-e!
in t'eir 'ands all t'e ti-e .'en t'e 'ands are ot'er.ise unoccu,ied. 5er'a,s in (t.
Cle-entSs ti-e t'e <enterin+ into t'e bridal c'a-ber< in4ol4ed -ore t'an a /ertility
blessin+. I -ention t'is to s'o. 'o. t'e ancient -ysteries .ere all connected to+et'er.
In t'ese -ysteries! to de-onstrate t'e trut' t'at God is Male and Fe-ale! and t'at true
blessedness consists in t'eir union! it .as custo-ary /or .o-en at t'eir initiation into t'e
-ysteries o/ t'e Great Goddess to sacri/ice t'eir 4ir+inity by enterin+ into a sacred
-arria+e! 'ieros +a-os! .'ic' .as consu--ated so-eti-es .it' a ,'allic i-a+e!
so-eti-es .it' a stran+er! and so-eti-es .it' a ,riest. T'is .as to -a1e t'e act
i-,ersonal. T'e ,riest .as considered an incarnation o/ t'e GodI so .as a stran+er.
He -i+'t e4en be t'e God 'i-sel/. T'e t.o .ere stran+ers to eac' ot'er! .'o 'ad ne4er
-et be/ore! and .ould ,robably ne4er -eet a+ain. No.! allo.in+ /or t'e /act t'at early
5rotestant .riters .ere ,re=udiced! t'ere see-s little doubt t'at until t'e ti-e o/ Henry
@III at least! t'ere .ere certain con4ents .'ere t'e nuns .ere re+arded as t'e brides o/
t'e ,riests and .ere re+ularly used as suc'. It .as not si-,ly a case o/ loose li4in+. It
.as sincerely belie4ed t'at t'e (acred Marria+e s'ould be re+ularly and re4erently
,er/or-ed! to brin+ ,o.er and blessin+s on t'e co--unity! as 'ad al.ays been t'e case.
T'e early 5rotestants did not realise t'is. T'ere 'ad al.ays been t.o sc'ools o/ t'ou+'t
in t'e C'urc' .it' re+ard to t'is! and! o.in+ to t'eir strea-s o/ abuse t'e old custo- .as
discontinued. At least! it .as only ,ractised in strict secrecyI but t'e 1no.led+e o/ its
e9istence at one ti-e .as .ides,read! and durin+ t'e Frenc' Re4olution -any un/ortu3
nate -on1s and nuns .ere ill3treated to -a1e t'ern ad-it t'ese ,ractices. It is ,robable
t'at it .as t'is .'ic' ins,ired <Les Noyades<! .'en! as (.inburne san+0
In t'e .ild /i/t' year o/ t'e c'an+e o/ t'in+s!
$'en France .as +lorious and blood3red! /air
$it' t'e dust o/ battle and deat's o/ in+s.
A Lueen o/ -en .it' 'el-eted 'air.
Carrier ca-e do.n to t'e Loire and sle.
Till all t'e .ays and t'e .a4es .a9ed red0
Bound and dro.ned! slayin+ t.o by t.o!
Maidens and youn+ -en! na1ed and .ed.
T'at is! -any ,riests and nuns! a-on+ ot'ers! .ere stri,,ed! bound /ace to /ace! and
cere-onially dro.ned! in .'at .as called <Ci4il Marria+e<. $'ile t'is .as! o/ course!
done in -oc1ery! it illustrates .'at all t'e ,easants 1ne.! 4iK.! t'at t'ere .as a (acred
Marria+e! .'ic' t'ey belie4ed .as still ,ractised by t'e ,riests and nuns! and it a-used
t'e- to 1ill t'e- .'ile t'ey .ere celebratin+ it! e4en t'ou+' in4oluntarily.
As C'arles (elt-an so truly says in 'is $o-en in AntiLuity F,. "CG!
T'ere are occasions .'en na1edness beco-es essential as an act o/ .ors'i, .it'in a reli+ion
.'ic' 'as ,assed .ell beyond t'e ,ri-iti4e and -a+ical. T'e idea is t'ere in t'e Mosle- rite o/
re-o4in+ t'e s'oes and .as'in+ t'e /eet be/ore enterin+ a 'oly ,laceI carried /urt'er! it .as -ore
re4erent still to discard all conta-ination o/ clot'es and to enter t'e s'rine in cleanliness and ,urity!
/earin+ no 'ar- /ro- e4il s,irits! because God is in 'is House. Accordin+ly! cult na1edness can be
bot' cat'artic and ,ro,'ylactic! bot' cleansin+ and ,rotecti4e. 8et it .as not only .it'in t'e s'rine!
but at ti-e in ,rocessions o/ a reli+ious 1ind t'at suc' a custo- -i+'t e9ist. T'us it is e4ident /ro-
Attic ,ainted 4ases o/ t'e 6t' and &t' centuries B.C. t'at .o-en -ourners! and e4en t'e .ido.
'ersel/! .al1ed na1ed in t'e /uneral corte+e o/ any At'enian citiKen. Co-in+ nearer 'o-e! .e obser4e
5linySs re-ar1 t'at in reli+ious cere-onials
in Ancient Britain t'e .o-en and +irls .ent co-,letely na1ed a/ter 'a4in+ stained t'e-sel4es all
o4er .it' a bro.nis' sun3tan lotion. T'ese considerations -ay =usti/y t'e 4ie. t'at e4ery little na1ed
Meso,ota-ian terracotta does not necessarily re,resent Is'tar! but is rat'er a ,er-anent substitute /or
t'e /e-ale 4otary. T'e /i+urine .ould t'us re,resent t'e .o-an in t'e act o/ .ors'i,! all clot'es
discarded and .it' 'er 'ands ,ressin+ or su,,ortin+ t'e breasts.
5eriodically /ertility rites .ere ,ractised by t'e .o-en o/ Meso,ota-ia and all Hit'er Asia and
t'e borderlands o/ t'e Midland (ea FMediterraneanG. $riters eLui,,ed .it' Luite anot'er set o/ -orals
'a4e o/ten assu-ed t'at .o-en .ere in so-e sense <stained < by suc' or+iastic rites! but .e no.
,ercei4e t'in+s -ore clearly and -ust concede t'at t'e .o-en! li1e t'e later T'yiads at At'ens and
Del,'i! t'orou+'ly and ,assionately en=oyed t'e /ertility rites and /elt sancti/ied by t'e-. Indeed it is
e4ident t'at suc' .ere t'e distinctions and ,ri4ile+es o/ t'e .o-en in Babylon t'at .e cannot /ail to
be astonis'ed at t'e contrast o/ t'eir lot .it' t'e +ri- lot .'ic' .as to be/all 'u-an /e-ales t'ree
-illenia later.
$it' re/erence to t'is ,assa+e! .itc'es 'a4e ,ointed out to -e t'e t.o sets o/ +estures
-ade .it' t'e 'ands .'ic' are so o/ten ,ortrayed in artistic re,resentations o/ t'e /e-ale
/or-! o/ t'is ,eriod. One! t'e 'ands on t'e solar ,le9us! is so li1e a certain .itc' +estureI
and t'ey t'in1 t'e ot'er! t'e e9'ibitin+ o/ t'e t.o breasts .it' t'e 'ands! re,resents t'e
/ull -oon and ,robably t'e sun as ob=ects o/ .ors'i,! t'at in t'is .ay t'e .o-an
sy-bolised t'e (un God and t'e Moon Goddess! and t'is is .'y so -any o/ t'e /i+ures
o/ t'is ,eriod are o/ .o-en. Men .ould be ,resent at t'e rites! and also be totally na1ed!
but t'ey could not re,resent t'e Goddess! and so .ould not 'a4e /i+urines o/ t'e-
dedicated to t'e Gods. T'is a+ain is in accordance .it' t'e .itc' custo-. T'e Hi+'
5riestess stands /or t'e Goddess! but at ti-es can re,resent t'e God i/ necessary Ft'at is!
i/ a -an o/ su//iciently 'i+' ran1 in t'e cult is not ,resentGI but no -an can e4er re,resent
t'e Goddess. In /act! t'rou+' all antiLuity t'e attitude to.ards .o-en see-s to 'a4e been
-uc' as in t'e .itc' cult. $o-an .as a ,ri4ile+ed ,erson! as lon+ as s'e .as .ort'y.
T'at is! s'e 'ad to be 1ind and c'ar-in+ and +enerous. T'e s,irit o/ c'i4alry is
essentially a ,a+an one. It .as t'e /as'ion /or @ictorian .riters to ta1e t'e 4ie. t'at
.o-an in ancient ti-es .as under,ri4ile+ed! t'at s'e 'ad to till t'e /ields .'ile 'er lord
and -aster .ent o// to t'e .ars. No.adays .e realise t'at .ar creates necessities! and in
ti-e o/ suc' necessity .o-en 'ad to beco-e land3+irls! and rat'er en=oyed it. $e tend to
'us' u, t'e /act t'at t'is ne.ly3.on liberty 'as brou+'t bac1 .'at t'e @ictorian .riters
dared only to e9,ress .it' 'ints! na-ely t'at .'en .o-en +et /ree so-e o/ t'e- do .'at
t'ey li1e! in s,ite o/ all t'e C'urc'Ss teac'in+s. All reli+ious bodies ,ro/essed to be
e9tre-ely s'oc1ed at t'e insey Re,orts! sayin+ t'at only in A-erica could suc' t'in+s
ta1e ,lace! and t'at it could only 'a,,en in non3reli+ious co--unities. T'e
curious t'in+ about t'e insey Re,orts .as t'e ,ercenta+e o/ ,re3-arital and ,ost3
-arital se9ual intercourse a-on+ .o-en o/ all ran1s! inco-es! and reli+ious /a-ilies!
.as a,,ro9i-ately t'e sa-e. T'at is! about t'irty3/our ,er cent o/ all .o-en Luestioned
ad-itted t'is Luite /reely. No.! .'en you consider t'at .o-en .'o are ,ractisin+
C'ristians are! to say t'e least! a,t to be s'y at ad-ittin+ t'eir! s'all .e say! la9ness! .e
can only conclude t'at t'e true ,ro,ortions are 4ery -uc' 'i+'er. A -uc'3,ublicised
re,ort by t'e Marria+e Guidance Council +i4es about t'e sa-e ratio /ro- En+land.
(.inburneSs /a-ous 4erse tells us 'is o,inions0
T'ou 'ast conLuered! O ,ale GalileanI
T'e .orld 'as +ro.n +rey at t'y breat'.
$e 'a4e drun1en o/ t'in+s Let'ean!
And /ed on t'e /ulness o/ deat'.
$'ic' is a ,oetical .ay o/ sayin+ t'at t'e C'urc' 'as ta1en all t'e ,leasures out o/ our
li4es! and 'as done t'is si-,ly to en/orce t'eir dictu- t'at <Lo4e is ('a-e.< Ho.e4er! a
lar+e nu-ber o/ .o-en in C'ristian countries no.adays assert t'eir ri+'t to lo4e .it'out
bein+ in t'e least as'a-ed o/ it. To t'e e9tent! at least! t'at t'ey .ill tell t'e Marria+e
Guidance Council and si-ilar bodies all about itI /or re-e-ber! t'e Marria+e Guidance
Council cannot use any InLuisitional -et'odsI t'ey si-,ly as1! and only t'e ,eo,le .'o
/eel no s'a-e! or are e4en rat'er ,roud o/ it! .ill tell /ran1ly o/ t'eir se9ual e9,eriences.
No.! acce,tin+ t'ese re,orts at t'eir /ace 4alue! can .e not assu-e t'at ,ublic o,inion
is slo.ly c'an+in+ on t'ese -attersH $'en I .as youn+! t'ere .ere .'is,ers o/ <a./ul
.o-en< .'o +ot di4orced! or .orse still! .'o li4ed .it' -en to .'o- t'ey .ere not
-arried. T'ere .ere tales o/ ,eo,le .'o 'ad -et t'e- by c'ance and disco4ered t'eir
+uilty secret! and .'en t'is .as 1no.n t'e cul,rits .ere /orced to lea4e t'e
nei+'bour'ood! 'an+in+ t'eir 'eads in s'a-e. No.adays t'ey stay and braKen it out. All
t'eir /riends 1no. t'ey are not -arried! and no one see-s to t'in1 anyt'in+ about it.
Contrary to t'e re,orts o/ t'e C'urc'! .itc'es do not belie4e in or encoura+e
,ro-iscuity. To t'e- se9 is so-et'in+ sacred and beauti/ul! .'ic' s'ould not be allo.ed
to beco-e sordid or c'ea,. FT'ey also reco+nise a /act .'ic' -any C'ristians see- to
'a4e /or+otten! na-ely t'at t'ere are si9 ot'er Deadly (ins beside Lust.G In a rare old
boo1 in -y ,ossession! Receuil de Lettres au (u=et des Male /ices et du (ortile+e... ,ar le
(ieur Boissier F5aris %D"%G! t'ere is Luoted -uc' 4aluable e4idence /ro- a bi+ .itc'cra/t
trial at La Haye Du,uis in %77&! .'ic' illustrates t'e attitude o/ t'e .itc' cult in t'is
res,ect. One .itness! Mar+eurite Mar3
+uerie! said t'at .'en a -ale .itc' .as not at t'e (abbat 'is ,artner did not =oin in t'e
dance! and it is said /urt'er! <As /or t'e dance! it is done... bac1 to bac1 and t.o by t.o!
eac' .itc' 'a4in+ 'is .i/e o/ t'e (abbat! .'ic' so-eti-es is 'is o.n .i/e! and t'ese
.i4es 'a4in+ been +i4en to t'e- .'en t'ey .ere -ar1ed Fi.e. initiated0 -y noteG t'ey do
not c'an+e t'e-I t'is 1ind o/ dance bein+ /inis'ed! t'ey dance also 'and in 'and! li1e our
4illa+ers. . .
Boissier is a 4aluable .itness! as 'e is .ritin+ about t'in+s .'ic' occurred in t'e
li4in+ -e-ory o/ 'is o.n ti-e! and 'e is by no -eans ,re=udiced in /a4our o/ .itc'es!
because 'is boo1 ends .it' t'e re,roduction o/ a letter to t'e in+ o/ France /ro- t'e
5arlia-ent o/ Nor-andy! in ,rotest a+ainst t'e in+ 'a4in+ co--uted t'e deat'
sentences ,assed in t'e abo4e case into sentences o/ banis'-ent and sus,ended /urt'er
,roceedin+s! ,ointin+ out at +reat len+t' t'at suc' cle-ency to .itc'es o//ended God and
endan+ered C'ristendo-. FMuc' to 'is credit! Louis EI@ too1 no notice o/ t'is ,ious
,rayer.G Incidentally! t'e e4idence .'ic' Boissier Luotes also s'o.s t'at t'ose .'o
attended t'e (abbats .ere na1edI t'at /or t'e -ost ,art! t'e .itc'es .ere t'ose .'o ca-e
/ro- .itc'3/a-ilies! and 'ad been tau+'t by t'eir ,arentsI t'at t'ose .'o .is'ed to sli,
out o/ t'eir 'ouses unseen to attend t'e (abbet .ere in t'e 'abit o/ doin+ so 4ia t'e 'u+e!
old3/as'ioned c'i-neysI t'at t'ere .ere t'ree <-ar1s< +i4en to t'e .itc'es at t'ree
di//erent ti-es! but only t'e older ones 'ad all t'ree! .'ic' .as <to -a1e t'e-
-a+icians< Fi.e. t'e -odern <T'ree De+rees <GI and t'at t'e .itc'es! in order to scare
,eo,le a.ay /ro- t'eir -eetin+3,lace! i-,ersonated t'e $ild HuntI all o/ .'ic' I 'ad
.ritten o/ in -y ,re4ious boo1! $itc'cra/t To3day! as 'a4in+ been told -e by ,resent3
day sur4i4ors o/ t'e .itc' cult! be/ore BoissierSs so-e.'at rare boo1 ca-e into -y
,ossessionI and be/ore I 'ad e4en 'eard o/ it. I -ay t'ere/ore re/er t'ose .'o 'a4e
c'allen+ed -y state-ents on t'e abo4e ,oints to t'e e4idence Luoted in BoissierSs boo1.
$e -ay +et a better ,ers,ecti4e o/ t'ese secret (abbats and -erry-a1in+s by loo1in+
at t'e social conditions in .'ic' t'ey /louris'ed. C'arles (elt-an! in $o-en in
AntiLuity F,a+e %7"G! says! s,ea1in+ o/ C'ristianity0 33
As an 'istorical reli+ion! .it' a /ounder in ti-e! t'e Fait' 'as a -eanin+0 but not so i/ it esca,es 33
as it .as already doin+ by t'e -id3/irst century o/ our era 33 /ro- t'e /or-idable e9a-,le and ,rece,t
o/ its Founder. (uc' e4idence as .e 'a4e -a1es it -ost i-,robable t'at He .ould 'a4e consented to
t'e de/a-ation o/ 'al/3t'e /e-ale 'al/3o/ 'u-anity.... 8et it .as t'is line .'ic' led! t'rou+' /ear o/
.o-en and se9! to a terrible esca,e into 4o.ed celibacy and
c'astity. In t'e /ra-e.or1 o/ t'e -ediae4al and -odern .orld -ost -on1s and nuns .ere Luiet
,eo,le dedicated not only to t'eir ideals! but to a ,ro,osition called S'olinessS. But t'e lar+e -onastic
-o4e-ents too o/ten enabled a s-all nu-ber o/ /anatics to +aiO control o4er t'e .ell3eLui,,ed
-ac'inery o/ t'e C'urc'. Many o/ t'ese creatures .ere sin+le3-inded! dedicated! truculent! and not
Luite sane! /or t'ey belie4ed t'e-sel4es to be t'e consecrated instru-ents o/ God! and t'ey 'ad t'at
/ear and 'atred o/ .o-en o/ .'ic' suc' -en alone can be ca,able. 5eo,le in t'e Middle A+es .ere!
in /act! +oin+ slo.ly -ad! because o/ t'e a,,allin+ code ado,ted concernin+ .o-en. T'e ato- bo-b
today is said to be dri4in+ us to.ards insanityI .'ic' state! 'o.e4er! is not'in+ co-,ared .it' t'e
.ild t'ou+'t induced by a /ait' /ounded u,on a <Hea4en and Hell conce,tion< o/ t'e ,'ysical
As G. Rattray Taylor! in <(e9 in History<! says F,a+e %&G0 33
T'e C'urc' ne4er succeeded in obtainin+ uni4ersal acce,tance o/ its se9ual re+ulations! but in
ti-e it beca-e able to en/orce se9ual abstinence on a scale su//icient to ,roduce a ric' cro, o/ -ental
disease. It is 'ardly too -uc' to say t'at -ediae4al Euro,e ca-e to rese-ble a 4ast insane asylu-. A
condition! one -i+'t add! in .'ic' 4arious s-all +rou,s o/ -ore or less enli+'tened ,eo,le stro4e
'ard to 1ee, t'e /lic1erin+ /la-e o/ sanity and 'u-an ,ro+ress ali4e.
T'e ,roceedin+s o/ t'e Court C'ristian! t'e C'urc' Court! in -any cases o4erruled t'e la. o/ t'e
land. C'aucer tells us o/ t'e Arc'deaconSs Court! .'ic' concerned itsel/ .it' se9ual o//ences!
.itc'cra/t! de/a-ation! .ills! contracts! intestacy! lac1 o/ sacra-ents! and -any ot'er <-anner o/
cry-e .'ic' needet' not re'ersen at t'is ti-e! o/ unsure and sy--onye also!< and tells o/ t'e Bis'o,Ss
A,,aritor or (u--oner! <For s-ale tyt'es and s-ale o/irin+e 'e -ade t'e ,eo,le ,iteously to sin+e.
He is a runner u, and do.n .it' -ande-ents /or /ornicacioun.
As J. $. Jed.ine tells us in Tort! Cri-e and 5olice0 33
T'e C'urc' Courts 'a4e all t'e se9ual o//ences and t'e Courts /ine .o-en S/or bein+ 4iolatedS> > >
i.e! .o-en ra,ed by /orce! as in t'e case o/ a city bein+ ta1en in .ar. Later t'e .o-en are stri,,ed
and t'en ,ublicly .'i,,ed /or t'is o//ence and t'e -an ,ays -oney to t'e C'urc'! .'ile any .'o
'a4e s'eltered a .o-an .'o 'as sinned are ,unis'ed by t'e C'urc' as bac1slidin+ C'ristians 33
<Robert Donalson and Mar+aret Masoun are decernit to ,ay EI s. /or Snoc't re4elin+ o/ t'e barne born
in t'eir 'ous be Janet Masoun +otten adulterie be J'on Beatoun o/ 5itlic'ie and also to -a1 ,er/ect
'u-iliatiounS.< FRe+isters o/ (t. Andre.s ir1 (ession. (cottis' Hist. (oc. ,.D&7G.
T'e (u--oner .as assisted by s,ies and -isc'ie4ous ,ersons .'o encoura+ed liti+ants to see1
t'e Court C'ristian rat'er t'an t'e co--on 1no.led+e o/ t'eir nei+'bours. T'e records o/ t'e leet
Jurisdiction o/ Noc.ic' F(eld. (oc.G +i4e a-,le e4idence o/ t'is. T'e court .'ic' clai-ed t'ese ri+'ts
as o/ t'in+s belon+in+ to reli+ion -i+'t be a court belon+in+ to an undesirable alienI /or instance! t'e
En+lis' 5riory .as not in/reLuently t'e cell o/ a Frenc' Abbey Fsee 8.B. %D Ed.. III. %2!%6G.... In t'e
Or1ocys! t'e ,roceedin+s o/ -a1in+ a 4o. to (t. Ma+nus .as to cast lots .'et'er t'e 4o. s'ould be
to +o sout' on a ,il+ri-a+e! or set a sla4e /ree! or to +i4e t'e -oney to (t. Ma+nusSs s'rine. It
+enerally ended in t'e -oney bein+ +i4en to t'e s'rine.... T'ere 'ad been in in+ (te,'enSs day a
dis,uted clai- bet.een (t. $illia- o/ 8or1 and Henry Murdoc! .'o .as t'e candidate o/ t'e
Cistercians and o/ (t. Bernard and Ro-e. (t. $illia- in %%#" .as restored to t'e Arc'bis'o,ric o/
.'ic' 'e
'ad been de,ri4edI Osbert o/ Bayeu9! .'o 'ad been an Arc'deacon to Murdoc! ,oisoned (t. $illia-
in t'e Euc'aristic c'alice! and clai-ed i--unity as a cler1 /ro- t'e co--on la.>
No.! I t'in1 .e s'ould try to consider t'e <$'yH< o/ t'is /antastic state o/ t'e la..
$'y s'ould any -an +et a.ay .it' a cruel and co.ardly -urderH FA lay-an -i+'t be
e9cused /or t'in1in+ t'at ,oisonin+ t'e c'alice o/ t'e Holy Co--union .as also so-e3
t'in+ in t'e nature o/ a sacrile+e.G I t'in1 t'e only ans.er can be t'at t'ere .as suc' a
+eneral 'atred o/ t'e ,riest'ood. or .'at it stood /or! t'at no ,riest could /eel sa/e i/ tried
by any ordinary le+al tribunal. FO/ course! in t'e case o/ Osbert o/ Bayeu9 t'ere -i+'t be
t'e co-,lications due to a Nor-an -urderin+ a (a9on.G But t'ere .as al.ays t'e stron+
clai- o/ t'e C'urc' t'at all cler1s Fi.e. ,riests or lesser ordersG .ere abo4e t'e la. and
could brea1 it .it' i-,unity. T'e (elect 5leas o/ t'e Cro.n F(.5.C. ,.%A%G s'o. t'at in
%AAC a -an c'ar+ed .it' assault and 1illin+ in t'e 5ar1 o/ Lord $arenne clai-ed cler+y!
as 'e .as an acolyte! and so +ot o// scot /ree. T'e Ancient La.s o/ $ales! edited by
Aneurin O.en FA.L.O.$. 4.%%! &AG! says
I/ a sc'olar co-nnit a t'e/t and is de+raded! 'e is not also to be 1illed! since t'ere ou+'t not to be t.o
,unis'-ents /or one cause.
Fro- t'is is a,,ears t'at occasionally t'e courts could deal .it' a cri-inal cler1 by
un/roc1in+ 'i-! but could do no -ore. In any case! it see-s a clear 4erdict o/ <Not
Guilty! but donSt do it a+ain.<
Las TrWs Ancient Coutu-ier de Nor-andie FT.A.N.C. C'a,. DAG. t'e Constitutions o/
Ric'ard III FCoeur de LionG. says. <5riests and Cler1 are not to be 'un+I cler1s in ,rison
are to be 'anded to t'e Bis'o,<. O/ course! i/ t'e said cler1 'ad done anyt'in+ t'e Bis'o,
ob=ected to! .oe betide 'i-I but in ,ractice! 'andin+ 'i- o4er to t'e Bis'o, -eant
si-,ly lettin+ 'i- +o /ree. Incidentally! t'is custo- beca-e 1no.n as Bene/it o/ Cler+y!
and a-ounted to! in /act! t'at anyone .'o could read -ust be ad=ud+ed a cleric. T'e test
.as a s-all 4erse o/ t'e (cri,tures. .'ic' t'e accused .as su,,osed to read in o,en
court. I say <su,,osed< because it beca-e a by3.ord t'at all cri-inals learnt it o// by
I 'eart! and it .as 1no.n as <T'e Nec1 @erse<! as it sa4ed t'e- /ro- 'an+in+. T'e
C'urc' clun+ obstinately to t'is ,ri4ile+e and t'e /irst atte-,t to -iti+ate t'is e4il .as
t'at all .'o ,leaded <Bene/it o/ Cler+y< .ere branded on t'e t'u-b to ,re4ent t'e-
clai-in+ it t.ice. T'en .il/ul -urder .as re-o4ed /ro- t'eir bene/its. In a later a+e!
t'ose .'o re-o4ed t'e ,enal la.s a+ainst .itc'es t'ou+'t t'at /or ,riests and bis'o,s to
co--it -urder .as <not Luite nice<. For -anners and o,inions .ere c'an+in+ slo.ly.
It is di//icult /or us to understand t'e -entality o/ t'ose days. T'ose .'o t'in1 o/ t'e
Middle A+es as a ,eriod o/ Ro-ance! all tourna-ents and /eastin+ and ro-antic lo4e
a//airs! -ust re-e-ber t'at t'is did e9ist in t'e days o/ suc' -onarc's as Good in+
Rene o/ 5ro4ence! t'e ,atron o/ t'e TroubadorsI but 5o,e Innocent IIISs Crusade a+ainst
t'e Albi+enses crus'ed -ost o/ it out. T'e .o-en o/ t'e ,ri4ile+ed classes! as .e call
t'e- no.adays! could 'a4e a /airly +ood ti-e! and so could t'e lo.est classes o/ all! i/
t'ey did not -ind 'ard .or1 and .ere /ond o/ c'ildren. 5easants can be 4ery 'a,,y
under conditions o/ dirt and in surroundin+s .'ic' .ould -a1e social re/or-ers s'udder.
But it 'as been said t'at bet.een t'ese t.o classes t'e only a4ailable careers /or .o-en
in t'ose days FC'arles (elt-an! o,. cit.G .ere :T'e bour+eoise .i/e3coo13'ouse1ee,er!
t'e ,rostitute! t'e nun! and t'e .itc'.< T'is o,inion is interestin+. T'at is! a,art /ro- t'e
nobles and t'e drud+es F.i4es! ser4in+3-aids! ,easantsG .'o .ere bound to labour all t'e
days o/ t'eir li4es! and t'e nun .'o .as bound to an e4en .orse /ate! t'e only /ree
.o-en! ,eo,le .'o could use t'eir brains! .ere ,rostitutes and .itc'es. No.! t'ere .ere
,rostitutes in s.ar-s in e4ery to.n! and t'ey acco-,a-ed all ar-ies in .ell3or+anised
'ordes! c'eer/ully +oin+ o4er to t'e ene-y i/ t'eir ,rotectors .ere 4anLuis'ed. T'e
C'urc' at ti-es ,ersecuted t'e-! but usually t'ey let t'e- alone as lon+ as t'ey ,aid
tit'es on t'eir earnin+s.
It is curious in t'ese days to /ind .itc'es re+arded as a class or ,ro/ession. E4er since
t'e <burnin+ ti-e<! .itc'es al.ays do e4eryt'in+ t'ey can to be incons,icuous! but in t'e
early ti-es it .as di//erent! be/ore t'e rei+n o/ ecclesiastical lync'3la. be+anI -ost o/
t'e- .ere! as no.adays! -arried .o-en and 'a,,ily -arried! and t'ey 'ad a distinct
status! bein+ res,ected and so-e.'at /eared! t'ou+' also lo4ed /or t'eir ser4ices to t'e
co--unity as doctors! -id.i4es! and turners3a.ay o/ e4il +enerally.
T'e 4illa+e ,riest .as o/ten re+arded in -uc' t'e sa-e .ayI 'e -ay 'a4e bot'ered
,eo,le about tit'es! 'e .as! all t'e sa-e! undoubtedly a +ood in/luenceI nor! as in t'e
case o/ t'e 4illa+e ,riest o/ In4er1eit'in+ in %A6A or t'e BasLue ,riests about .'o- De
Lancre .rote in %7%"! .as 'e abo4e occasionally ta1in+ ,art in t'e rites o/ t'e Old
Reli+ion 'i-sel/. It .as t'e -on1s /ro- t'e Abbey! .'o ne4er did anyt'in+ /or t'e +ood
o/ t'e country /ol1! .'o .ere -uc' loat'ed. T'ey .ere al.ays co-in+ round /or tit'es
on e4eryt'in+! ta1in+ t'in+s by /orce and ne4er +i4in+ anyt'in+ in return! and -ade t'e
C'urc' -uc' 'ated. It .as 'ated also /or its constant attac1s on <reasonable< .o-en!
t'at is! t'ose .'o did not /all into t'e cate+ories o/ .i/e3'ouse1ee,er3
drud+e or nun. $o-en! t'ey t'ou+'t! s'ould breed nu-bers o/ c'ildren to be -on1s and
nuns! .it' enou+' -arried ones to carry t'e breed on! or t'ey s'ould be nuns and +i4e u,
e4eryt'in+. As (i-one de Beau4oir! in T'e (econd (e9M says!
It is C'ristianity .'ic' in4ests .o-en ane. .it' /ri+'tenin+ ,resti+eI /ear o/ t'e ot'er se9 is one o/
t'e /or-s assu-ed by t'e an+uis' o/ -anSs uneasy conscience.... E4il is an absolute realityI and /les'
as sin. And! o/ course! since .o-an re-ains al.ays St'e Ot'erS! it is not 'eld t'at reci,rocally -ale and
/e-ale are bot' /les'I /les' is /or t'e C'ristian! t'e 'ostile ROt'erS is 33 ,recisely $o-an. In 'er t'e
C'ristian /inds incarnated t'e te-,tation o/ t'e .orld! t'e /les' and t'e de4il. All t'e /at'ers o/ t'e
C'urc' insist on t'e idea t'at s'e led Ada- into sin. $e -ust Luote Tertullian Fend o/ t'e And century
A.D.G0 S$o-an> 8ou are t'e +ate.ay o/ t'e de4il. 8ou ,ersuaded 'i- .'o- t'e de4il dared not attac1
directly. Because o/ you t'e (on o/ God 'ad to die. 8ou s'ould al.ays +o dressed in -ournin+ and in
ra+sS.... C'ristian literature stri4es to en'ance t'e dis+ust t'at -an can /eel /or .o-en. Tertullian
de/ines 'er as Sa Te-,le built o4er a se.erS.... (t. Au+ustine FA.D. "#232"CG called attention .it'
'orror to t'e obscene co--in+lin+ o/ t'e se9ual and e9cretory or+ans0 SInter /aeces et urina-
-asci-urS. T'at is! < Bet.een urine and /ilt' .e are born.<
Many t'eolo+ians considered Fand /or t'at -atter! a,,arently so-e o/ t'e- still doG
t'at ori+inal sin is in4ol4ed in t'e 4ery la. o/ +eneration0 <Concu,iscence is a 4ice ...
'u-an /les' born t'rou+' it is sin/ul /les'. T'e union o/ t'e se9es trans-its ori+inal sin
to t'e c'ild! bein+ acco-,anied since t'e Fall by concu,iscence< F(t. Au+ustineG.
(o-e o/ t'e /ollo.ers o/ (t. Au+ustine e4en said t'at t'e Al-i+'ty .as .ron+ in
co--andin+ Ada- to <be /ruit/ul and -ulti,ly< by t'e -eans ,ro4ided! and t'at t'e sin
o/ Ada- lay in obeyin+ t'e Al-i+'tySs .ill! su++estin+ t'at i/ Ada- 'ad only 'ad t'e
delicacy to re/use to 'a4e anyt'in+ to do .it' t'ese dis+ustin+ -et'ods t'e Al-i+'ty
.ould 'a4e been /orced to in4ent a -ore decent .ay to carry out His ,lans. T'e C'urc'
'as e4er been curiously reluctant to credit t'e Great Arc'itect o/ t'e )ni4erse .it'
1no.in+ His =ob.
$'ile t'e C'urc' .as in/luenced by ,eo,le .it' t'is -entality! one can understand
t'e <$'y< o/ -any o/ its actions. $'en t'e .itc' cult! on t'e ot'er 'and! re+arded (t.
Au+ustine as bein+ a sin+ularly nasty3-inded old -an! and belie4ed in t'e di4ine ,ur3
,ose and sanctity o/ its Horned and 5'allic God and His Moon Goddess consort! one can
also understand t'e <$'y< o/ its belie/s and actions! and t'e ori+in o/ t'e centuries3lon+
con/lict t'at .as =oined bet.een t'e-! and .'ic' is not resol4ed yet.
M Frenc' Edition! %&2&! En+lis' Trans. %&#"G.
C'a,ter E.
5ROBABL8 it .as t'e C'urc'Ss in/luence .'ic' caused t'e -ost curious stories to be
circulated about .itc'es! and ,ossibly t'e one .'ic' .as -ost success/ul in causin+ /ear
and 'atred o/ t'e cra/t .as t'e story t'at t'ey -ade .a9 i-a+es! and stuc1 ,ins in t'e-!
to 1ill t'e ori+inal.
To atte-,t to 1ill by t'is -et'od is a 4ery ancient ,ractice and is al-ost .orld.ide.
Ancient Babylonian inscri,tions +i4e t'e /or-ula /or -a1in+ .a9! clay! or ,itc' /i+ures
.'ic' .ere slo.ly burned .'ile sacred /or-ulae .ere recited to torture and 1ill t'e
ori+inal o/ t'e i-a+e. T'e oran tells t'at an atte-,t t'is .ay .as -ade on t'e li/e o/ t'e
5ro,'et. It is an 'istorical /act t'at t'e Bis'o, o/ Troyes .as tried in %"%6 A.D. and
conde-ned to deat'! t'e e4idence s'o.in+ t'at 'a4in+ Luarrelled .it' t'e Oueen o/
France! 'e -ade a .a9 i-a+e o/ 'er and a/ter doin+ 4arious indi+nities to it! burned it! so
t'e Oueen died. In %77" an atte-,t .as -ade on t'e li/e o/ 5o,e )rban by stabbin+ 'is
i-a+e .it' a 1ni/e .'ile it .as slo.ly -elted be/ore a /ire. (i-ilar atte-,ts .ere -ade
on t'e li/e o/ in+ Louis EIII o/ France.
It is curious t'at t'e C'urc' does not see- to 'a4e ob=ected to t'is ty,e o/ -urder i/ it
.as ,ractised by ,riests or lay-en. Only t'e .itc' .as si+nalled out /or abuse! $'yH
T'e reason see-s clear to -e. T'e C'urc' 1ne. 4ery .ell t'at ,riestsS -a+ic at best .as
a <'it or -iss< a//air! but .itc'esS -a+ic .or1ed! and so -i+'t be dan+erous.
$'en I .rote -y /irst serious boo1 on t'e sub=ect! $itc'cra/t Today! s,ea1in+ o/ t'e
use o/ t'e .a9 i-a+e! I said0
), to no. I 'a4e not /ound anyone .'o 1no.s t'e e9act rite used.
I 'a4e not t'e sli+'test doubt t'at so-e still 1no. it t'ou+' t'ey
.onSt adrtiit so. I ,articularly .ant to obtain ,ossession o/ it because
I t'in1 it is a,t to be -ore or less unc'an+ed /ro- t'e days .'en
t'e ca4e -an ,ractised it.
(ince t'en I 'a4e been luc1y enou+' to see one -ade! but un/ortunately! or rat'er
/ortunately! t'is .as not to 1ill anyone! as I t'in1 t'e -et'od used could 1ill. It also bore
out .'at a .itc' told -e lon+ a+o! <Be/ore you can do any 'ar- to your ene-y by -eans
o/ a .a9 i-a+e you -ust be in a +enuine and s,ontaneous ra+e! as you .ould need to be
be/ore you 1noc1ed 'i- do.n ,'ysically. <M
M I 'a4e t'is .a9 i-a+e on e9'ibition in -y Museu- o/ Ma+ic and $itc'cra/t.
In t'is case a certain -an .'o- .e -ay call E! atte-,ted to +ain so-e ,ro,erty by
blac1-ailin+ t'e o.ner! sayin+ in e//ect :I/ you donSt +i4e it u,! certain /acts .ill be
1no.n .'ic' .ill be e9tre-ely un,leasant /or you and your /riends.; T'e o.ner
consulted la.yers! but .as told! <I/ t'is .as s,read about it .ould be un,leasant. E
.ould not say it 'i-sel/! or .e -i+'t +et 'i- /or slander. He .ould +et ot'er ,eo,le to
s,read t'e yarn. 8ou -ust =ud+e i/ it is not better to let 'i- 'a4e t'e ,ro,erty t'an let
your /riends su//er. It is only a -atter o/ t'ree t'ousand ,ounds.<
T'e o.ner ob=ectin+ to bein+ blac1-ailed! .ent to a .itc' .'o 1ne. t'e blac1-ailer
.ell! and did not a,,ro4e o/ 'is doin+s. (o at t'e ne9t -eetin+! s'e brou+'t t'is case u,
as all 'ad 'ad un,leasant e9,eriences .it' E. It .as a+reed t'at 'e -i+'t be dealt .it'!
but only in a .ay .'ic' .ould cause 'i- no 'ar-. (o I .as able to see e9actly .'at .as
done. O/ course I -ay not tell .'at t'is is! but I can say I consider it to be a 4ery ancient
,ractice! a .ay o/ directin+ a curse! so-et'in+ .'ic' I su,,ose 'as been /ound out by
trial and error! t'at doin+ so-et'in+ in a ,articular .ay .ill 'a4e a ,articular e//ect. In
t'is case t'e ,o.er .as directed to ,re4ent t'e o//ender s,ea1in+! by ,innin+ 'is li,s
to+et'er! and to ,re4ent 'is -o4in+ in any .ay a+ainst t'e o.ner! by bindin+ t'e /i+ure
O/ course t'e unbelie4er .ill say it .as ,ure coincidence t'at E sto,,ed all t'reats
i--ediately! sold 'is 'ouse and le/t t'e district.
I t'in1 t'is -i+'t be ta1en to s'o. 'o. a .itc'Ss et'ics are at least better t'an! say! t'e
Bis'o, o/ Troyes.
To be trut'/ul! I 1no. t'e C'ie/ $itc' .as in a ra+e! and I belie4e i/ t'e ot'ers 'ad
allo.ed 'er! t'e -an -i+'t 'a4e been seriously in=ured! i/ not 1illed. But t'is I t'in1 also
s'o.s .'at I 'a4e so o/ten said. <$itc'es -ay be an+ry and /or+et 'eir teac'in+! but t'e
ot'ers .ill not let t'e- do any 'ar-.<
For! i/ t'ere is anyone ,resent .'o does not a+ree to all t'at is atte-,ted! t'ey can
s,oil t'e c'ar-. T'is -ay e9,lain t'e c'ar+e /ound in .itc' trials! <T'at you .ere
,resent and consented to t'e 1illin+ o/ A.< or .'ate4er t'e c'ar+e a+ainst t'e ,rinci,al
No.! because I 'a4e told o/ t'e one case at .'ic' I .as ,resent .'en t'e .itc'esS
<5o,,et< .as used! ,lease donSt t'in1 t'at .itc'es are al.ays doin+ t'is sort o/ t'in+. It is
t'e /irst case I 'a4e seen in nearly t.enty years.
It is t'e usual ,oint o/ 4ie. o/ certain critics to say! < T'ey 1no. 'o. to -a1e S.a9
i-a+esS! t'at ,ro4es t'ey are al.ays doin+ it.!S 5resu-ably t'ey /eel t'at i/ t'ey only
could do it t'e-3sel4es! not'in+ could ,re4ent t'e- usin+ it on all t'ey disli1ed.
Lon+ a+o! certain ,eo,le 'ad a si-ilar /eelin+! and t'e 'orrible /act .as true t'at t'ey
'ad only to accuse anyone o/ .itc'cra/t! to 'a4e t'e- burned. Any'o.! t'e /act re-ains!
t'ere are 4ery /e. .itc'es .'o 1no. 'o. to do it! t'e ran1 and /ile certainly donSt. I .as
tal1in+ to a cou,le .'o 'ad been ,resent .'en t'e <5o,,et< .as -ade! and bot' said!
<$e sa. it done! but still donSt 1no. 'o. to do it!< and t'atSs e9actly -y ,ositionI I /eel
t'ere is so-et'in+ .'ic' esca,ed -e! and Ss'e .'o did itS .onSt tell -e.
It is Luite ,robable t'at ,eo,le .'o are not .itc'es 1no. t'e secret. J. M.
Mac5'earsonSs 5ri-iti4e Belie/s in t'e Nort'3$est o/ (cotland! ,.AC"! tells o/ an old
lady in In4erness <.'o too1 u-bra+e at 'er Minister because 'e re/used 'er Holy
Co--union. ('e ado,ted t'e ancient -et'od o/ -a1in+ an i-a+e. T'e 5astor /ell into
bad 'ealt'! +radually +ro.in+ .ea1er. T'en t'e i-a+e .as disco4ered! t'e s,ell bro1en!
and 'e reco4ered.< T'is old lady -ust 'a4e been a de4out C'ristian to desire Co--union
so -uc'.
He also tells us F,.AC2G! o/ t'e Fis'er-en o/ 5reston,ans .'o used to set sail on
(unday e4enin+s /or t'e /is'in+ +rounds. A cler+y-an o/ t'e to.n ,rayed a+ainst t'eir
(abbat' brea1in+! so <to ,re4ent any in=ury accruin+ /ro- 'is ,rayers! t'e /is'er-en
-a1e s-all i-a+es o/ ra+s and burned t'e- on to, o/ t'eir c'i-neys.< In t'is case t'e
MinisterSs ,rayers .ere suc' as .ould cause e4il.
T'e use o/ an i-a+e to ,rotect one a+ainst e4il! is co--on 1no.led+e a-on+ .itc'es!
es,ecially to cure illnesses. $'en t'e ,atient .as at a distance an i-a+e .as -ade! t'e
<lin1 /or-ed< and re-edies .ere a,,lied to it.
T'e /act is! ,eo,le all o4er t'e .orld 1no. t'e art o/ -a1in+ i-a+es! /ro- Babylonia!
India! Ancient E+y,t! Greece! Ceylon! A/rica. T'ere is t'e idea t'at .'at .as done to a
-anSs i-a+e .as done to 'i-! by a sort o/ 'o-oeo,'at'etic -a+ic. (orcerers atte-,ted it
on a lar+e scale. $'en .e burn so-eone in e//i+y! .e are really atte-,tin+ to brin+ at
least bad luc1 to 'i-.
It .as belie4ed t'at Nectanebus! t'e last nati4e 1in+ o/ E+y,t! about "#6 B.C. 1e,t 'is
inde,endence in t'is .ay. He 'ad .a9 -odels o/ E+y,tian s'i,s and /i+'tin+ -en -ade!
also t'ose o/ any li1ely ene-ies. $'en any atte-,ted to in4ade E+y,t! 'e ,laced t'eir
-odels in 4ats o/ .ater! o,,osed to t'e E+y,tian -odels! and by 'is con=urations t'e
s'i,s /ou+'t on t'e .ater! t'e ene-y .as 4anLuis'ed and t'eir s'i,s sun1. And t'is
caused t'e real s'i,s to sin1 li1e.ise.
As 'is successors did not ,ractise t'is art! E+y,t lost 'er inde,endence.
$it' all t'is ra+e /or <Disar-a-ent< no.adays to -a1e a /e. suc' <$a9 ('i,s< -i+'t
be a +ood ,recaution. And .'at about .a9 ato- bo-bsH But donSt as1 .itc'es! t'ey donSt
1no. t'is art! it is sorcery.
T'e Luestion see-s to -e to be! <$'y is it t'ou+'t t'at it is so .ic1ed /or a .itc' to
-a1e an i-a+e! .'en t'ere see-s to be no ob=ection to ot'er ,eo,le doin+ t'e sa-eH
One ob4ious ans.er is <T'e $itc'Ss 5o,,et .or1s .'ile ot'er ,eo,leSs donSt.< T'ou+' it
see-s to 'a4e .or1ed e9cellently /or t'e Bis'o, o/ Troyes and t'e Old Lady o/
In4erness. But! and a 4ery bi+ but! i/ .itc'es could 1ill t'eir ene-ies so easily! .'y .as
t'ere not a notable nu-ber o/ deat's a-on+ t'eir <O,,ressors<H I/ t'ere 'ad been! surely
it .ould 'a4e been broadcast as an e9a-,le o/ t'e -alice o/ .itc'es.
For t'e .itc' ,ersecution .as t'e one t'in+ .'ic' .ould be a,t to raise t'e- to t'e
state o/ <+enuine and s,ontaneous ra+e< necessary.
I donSt .ant /or a -o-ent to con4ey t'e i-,ression t'at .itc'es are -ore et'ical t'an
ot'er ,eo,le! and I t'in1 t'at .'en /irst attac1ed t'ey 'it bac1! but t'e actual <initiated
.itc'es< as distinct /ro- t'e <Con+re+ation< .ere /e.. T'e C'urc' as a .'ole .as a
stron+ cle4er /orce! and 1ne. 'o. to stri1e s.i/tly! and to a certain e9tent to ,rotect itsel/
a+ainst -a+ic. It is a tradition a-on+ .itc'es! t'at t'ousands o/ ,eo,le .ere tortured and
burnt /or e4ery one .itc'I and e4ery ti-e a .itc' struc1 bac1! -any t'ousands -ore
.ere -artyred. T'e .itc'es -et and decided! <$e canSt /i+'t a+ainst t'is terror e4ery
ti-e .e stri1e! so -any t'ousands .ere -assacred! t'e only .ay any o/ us can sur4i4e! is
to +o under+round! ne4er 'urt any! 'o.e4er -uc' t'ey 'a4e .ron+ed you! t'en in ti-e
.e .ill be /or+otten.< T'ey did so! and .it' a bit o/ s1il/ul ,ro,a+anda! -ade .itc'cra/t
a /i+ure o/ /un! an old .o-an .it' a blac1 cat! /lyin+ on a broo-stic1! and so! slo.ly!
t'ey .ere /or+otten! all la.s a+ainst t'e- 'a4in+ been re,ealed! as soon as it .as 1no.n
'o. 'ar-less t'ey .ere. (till! a .itc' .as burned ali4e in Me9ico in %&##! and t'e
<,o.ers t'at be< e9,ended -uc' -oney and in/luence in su,,ressin+ t'is /act! re+ardin+
it as an act o/ sa4a+ery. $ell! t'e Me9ican .itc' -ay not be t'e sa-e as t'e Britis' one!
and s'e -ay 'a4e been doin+ so-e 'ar-! or s'e -ay not 'a4e been a .itc' at allI t'e
real c'ar+e a+ainst 'er see-s to be t'at s'e 'ad been ,er/or-in+ a cere-ony in 'onour o/
t'e old +ods.
Because it is t'e un/ortunate result o/ t'e C'urc'Ss ,ro,a+anda t'at t'e .ord .itc'cra/t
is used by t'e 5ress! .'en t'ey -ean a curious case o/ ,oisonin+! a case o/ a 5olter+eist!
an Australian
Blac1/ello. usin+ a ,ointin+ bone! a @oodoo sacri/ice! a bit o/ :Lueer .or1; by an
A/rican $itc' Doctor! alle+ed De4il $ors'i, in 5aris or else.'ere! or e4en t'e curious
case o/ .'ere so-e sc'oolboys 'ad a nature class in an abandoned su--er'ouse! .'o
,ut t'e s,eci-ens t'ey collected be/ore t'e- on a round table. A careta1erSs .i/e seein+
t'is circle! 'o.led <Blac1 Ma+ic< and :$itc'cra/t<! rus'ed o// to t'e @icar .'o it is said!
as1ed ,er-ission o/ 'is Bis'o, to e9orcise t'e ,lace. T'e sensational 5ress 'ad t'eir
usual or+y o/ screa-in+ 'eadlines! but .'en t'e trut' ca-e out .ere discreetly silent.
T'e trut' is! at one ti-e! .e 'ad -ore 'u-our. $'en a 4ery celebrated Frenc'
Naturalist describin+ so-e ani-al said! <T'is is a 4ery .ic1ed ani-alI i/ you attac1 it! it
de/ends itsel/.< He .as -uc' ridiculed /or sayin+ t'is.
$'yH $'en it is t'ou+'t t'at i/ a $itc' is attac1ed! s'e -ust not /i+'t bac1! yet t'e
'o.l is e4er! <('e is so .ic1ed <. 5er'a,s it is because t'e ,ersecutors t'in1 s'e is
'ar-less! so s'e is /air +a-e. As ,eo,le al.ays s,ea1 o/ a .itc' as s'e! I do t'e sa-eI
t'ou+'! o/ course! I -ean by t'e ter- bot' -ale and /e-ale.
But to return to t'e -a1in+ o/ t'e .a9 i-a+e.
I t'in1 t'at t'e bindin+ o/ t'is /i+ure illustrates one o/ t'e uses to .'ic' a .itc' ,uts
'er cord. Fro- ancient ti-es <Cords! T'reads or Cle.s< 'a4e been -entioned as used by
.itc'es! /or e4il or +ood! and o/ten t'ey are described as coloured. Gree1 .itc'es are
al.ays described as usin+ coloured cords.
Modern .itc'es do t'e sa-eI I 'a4e as1ed t'e reason! and t'ey say itSs =ust because
t'ey are ,retty. T'is -ay si-,ly -ean t'at as .itc'cra/t is a reli+ious rite! t'ey 'a4e
e4eryt'in+ as :nice; as ,ossible! or t'ere -ay be so-e reason .'ic' is no. /or+otten. It
'as been su++ested to -e t'at it -i+'t be -erely t'at .'ite cords .ould soon s'o. dirt!
but I donSt t'in1 t'is is ri+'t! or t'ey .ould use blac1! or dar1 coloured ones! t'ou+'
Italian .itc'es use blac1 cords or t'read .'en -a1in+ an e4il c'ar-.
In t'is Museu- I 'a4e a dried3u, le-on stuc1 .it' blac1 ,ins and bound .it' blac1
t'read. T'is .as -ade to ,art t.o lo4ers .'ose union t'e ,arents did not a,,ro4e o/! and
blac1 cords are said to be e-,loyed /or <1illin+ s,ells<.
Incidentally! t'e .itc' used .'ite cords to bind t'e blac1-ailer! but t'is .as not to
in=ure 'i- in any .ay! si-,ly to ,re4ent 'i- 'ar-in+ ot'ers! and .as t'e only cord s'e
'ad 'andy.
It is said t'at Babylonian .itc'es snared ,eo,leSs souls by tyin+ 1nots in a cord! sayin+
a s,ell at eac' 1not. It .as an old c'ar+e a+ainst .itc'es in Euro,e! t'at t'ey tied 1nots to
ruin ,eo,le!
t'ou+' -y /riends deny 1no.in+ t'is art. But t'ere is not t'e sli+'test doubt t'at Fso
calledG .itc'es in t'e Isle o/ Man and else.'ere used to sell 1notted cords to sailors! to
+i4e t'e- /a4ourable .inds! it bein+ usually said t'at untyin+ t'e /irst 1not -ade a li+'t
.ind! .'ic' soon died a.ay! untyin+ t'e second brou+'t a stron+ .ind! .'ic' ,resently
/ailed! untyin+ t'e t'ird 1not brou+'t a stor- .'ic' +enerally san1 t'e s'i,.
T'is I t'in1 s'o.s 'o. e4eryt'in+ a .itc' did .as distorted. (ailors are not bi++er
/ools t'an ot'er ,eo,le. It is ob4ious t'at no one in 'is senses .ould untie t'e t'ird 1not
i/ 'e belie4ed it .ould raise a stor-! and any canny Ca,tain .ould buy a nu-ber o/ cords
and only untie t'e /irst t.o. I say <so3called .itc'es<! /or e4eryone .'o sells c'ar-s and
s,ells 'as not been initiated. And it is an old .itc' la. t'at <you -ust ne4er .or1 -a+ic
/or -oney.< T'ou+'! o/ course! as .it' e4ery reli+ion! not all ad'erents al.ays obey t'e
Returnin+ to t'e sub=ect o/ <Cords<. T'e InLuisition ori+inally c'ar+ed .itc'es .it'
<Raisin+ (tor-s! Hu-an (acri/ice! and $earin+ Girdles<! .'ic' 'as al.ays see-ed to
-e to be a curious co-bination es,ecially at a ti-e .'en +irdles .ere an ordinary article
o/ attire.
No.! t'e InLuisition -ay 'a4e been co-,osed o/ sadistic scoundrelsI t'ey .ere!
'o.e4er! certainly not /ools. $'en t'ey -ade t'is c'ar+e! it 'ad a real -eanin+ to t'e-.
It -ust be re-e-bered t'at t'e sa-e c'ar+e .as -ade a+ainst t'e Te-,lars. T'e
C'ronicle ol (t. Denis states e-,'atically0 <In t'eir +irdles .as t'eir -a'o--erie<! i.e.
t'eir -a+ic. (o-e .itc'es belie4e t'at t'is -eans t'at t'e InLuisition 1ne. t'at bot'
Te-,lars and .itc'es used t'e- to .or1 -a+ic.
In t'e C'ronicle o/ Cy,rus! it is -entioned as a curious /act t'at a Te-,larSs ser4ant
re-o4ed FstoleHG 'is -asterSs +irdleI as soon as 'e 1ne.! t'e Te-,lar 1illed 'i- .it' 'is
s.ord. It also tells t'at an ea4esdro,,er 'eard a ni+'t Te-,lar instructin+ so-e
no4ices! tellin+ t'e- to +uard t'ese cords .ell! .earin+ t'e- concealed beneat' t'eir
clot'in+ as t'rou+' t'e- t'ey -i+'t attain +reat ,ros,erity. I cannot i-a+ine anyt'in+
t'at could be done .it' a cord! to +ain +reat ,ros,erity e9ce,t to use it in t'e .itc'esS
.ay to <.or1 -a+ic.<
(o-e aut'ors con/ound t'e cord .it' t'e <$itc'es Garter<. T'is is a bad+e o/ ran1
.'ic' is seldo- used no.adays as /ar as -y e9,erience +oes! but a nu-ber ,ossess t'e-
and occasionally .ear t'e-.
T'e +arter .as occasionally e-,loyed in t'e old days as a si+n o/ reco+nition. It .ould
not be -uc' use no.adays .'en! i/ any3
one .anted to ,retend to be a .itc'! it is t'e /irst t'in+ t'ey .ould t'in1 o/.
Dr. Mar+aret Murray t'in1s t'e cord .as used as a -eans o/ e9ecution o/ traitorsI o/
t'is I 'a4e no 1no.led+e! t'ou+' t'e cases s'e Luotes a,,ear to -e to be -ercy 1illin+s!
a -an bein+ ta1en! and sub=ected to t'e usual ,rolon+ed tortures! stran+led 'i-sel/ or
.as stran+led to +ain a -erci/ul deat' to +o to t'e real-s o/ t'e Goddess! t'e land
described by t'e ,oets! <.'ere t'e youn+ -en are .al1in+ .it' t'e +old li+'t lo. on
t'eir li-bs! and t'e youn+ +irls .it' radiance on t'eir /aces and boso-s! and t'e youn+
blosso- burstin+ /ro- t'e a,,le3bou+'s! and all t'at is youn+ t'ere +loryin+ in t'e
-ornin+! and it is -ornin+ t'ere /or e4er! in t'e land o/ yout'.< T'e land .'ere t'e $ica
belie4e t'ey .ill +o /or rest and re/res'-ent till by t'e ,o.er o/ t'e Goddess t'ey .ill be
ready to be reborn on eart' a+ain.
T. C. Let'brid+e says F,.%A#G in Go+-a+o+0
$itc'cra/t only ca-e into /ull bein+ .'en a ,astoral sta+e o/ e9istence re,laced 'untin+ as a
-ode o/ li/e. In order to secure t'is end! ritual dances .ere ,er/or-ed! ritual licence and /east too1
,lace! and at inter4als 4icti-s .ere ,ut to deat' by /ire. It is 1no.n t'at t'e c'ie/ ob=ect o/ adoration is
a +oddess! but I 'a4e ne4er seen 'er na-e disclosed! alt'ou+' so-et'in+ rese-blin+ <Adraste< 'as
been su++ested. T'e leader o/ t'e cere-onies! 'o.e4er! see-s /reLuently to 'a4e been been dressed u,
to rese-ble a bull! +oat! or 'orse.... No.! t'is ritual bears a close rese-blance to t'at deduced /or our
Go+ and Ma+o+ reli+ion. Is it t'e sa-e or notH
F,. %ADG. T'e ,o,ular ,icture o/ .itc'es! .'ic' still re-ains .it' us today! is t'e result o/ lon+ and
/urious ,ro,a+anda by t'eir ene-ies. It -ust be /ar /ro- t'e trut'. A /ait'! .'ic' needed so -uc'
4eno- /ro- ecclesiastical aut'ority to su,,ress it! -ust 'a4e 'ad -any +ood ,oints in order to -a1e it
a serious ri4al. It is clear ... it 'ad a /ir- belie/ in i--ortality.
F,. %"%G. T'e Luestion o/ t'e Druids. T'eir na-e is certainly connected .it' t'e Celtic root SdruS
/or oa1. T'ey are re,orted by conte-,oraries as ,riests o/ t'e sacred oa1 in t'e sacred +ro4e... . I/ .e
can s'o. early e9a-,les o/ t'e use o/ t'e sacred +ro4es! or rites connected .it' t'e oa1! it .ill +o a
lon+ .ay to s'o. t'at a ,riest'ood o/ t'e Druidic ty,e e9isted in Britain be/ore t'e iron3a+e Celts
arri4ed. T'ese Celts -ay 'a4e been t'e /irst to call t'e- Druids! but t'ey .ould 'a4e been Druids
none t'e less.
F,. %"7G. It is not une9,ected to /ind e4idence /or t'e e9istence o/ t.o belie/s side by side and in t'e
sa-e indi4idual. Not only is t'ere t'e Biblical testi-ony /or it a-on+ t'e ancient Hebre.sI but i/ Dr.
Mar+aret Murray is ri+'t. .'ic' I /eel sure is t'e case! t'e rulin+ /a-ilies o/ En+land! do.n to
5lanta+enet ti-es! .ere de4otees o/ bot' reli+ions... . T'e rites o/ t'e older /ait'! no. re+arded as
su,erstition! are ,ractised all o4er t'e country today. It did not -ean t'e ,eo,le .ere not C'ristianI but
t'at t'ey could see a lot o/ sense in t'e old belie/s also. T'e idea o/ trans-i+ration and subseLuent
rebirt' on eart' -ay 'a4e 'ad a .ider a,,eal to Celtic .arriors t'an t'at o/ t.an+in+ a 'ar, in t'e s1y!
or restin+ on t'e boso- o/ Abra'a-... . Many o/ t'e rites o/ Isis beca-e C'ristian cere-oniesI -any
,a+an +ods and +oddesses .ere canoniKed as C'ristian (aintsI Bri+id beca-e (t. Brid+et! Ma and
Matrona beca-e (t. Mary.
No.! e4eryt'in+ Mr. Let'brid+e says is e9actly .'at t'e .itc'es 'a4e told -e!
e9ce,tin+ t'at t'ey deny e4er 'a4in+ used any 1ind o/ li4in+ sacri/ice! 'u-an or ani-al.
Mr. Let'brid+e belie4es t'at t'e Goddess .as at /irst a /erocious ,ersonality! a Goddess
o/ deat' and destruction! but .'o distributed t'e a,,les o/ li/e and .as o/ a -aternal
c'aracterI .'o later turned into a -ilder Moon Goddess to .'o- blood o//erin+s .ere
no lon+er -ade.
Mr. Let'brid+e naturally acce,ts t'e e4idence 'e -eets .it'I I do li1e.ise .it' re+ard
to t'e traditions and rituals .'ic' 'a4e sur4i4ed! and I /ind a 'atred o/ any blood or burnt
sacri/ice. It is Luite ,ossible t'at t'is 'atred co-es /ro- a ti-e .'en suc' t'in+s .ere
done. FE4en t'ou+' -odern .itc'es attribute it to ob=ections to t'e +oin+s on o/ Aleister
Cro.ley.G Also! I t'in1 t'ere is -uc' e4idence t'at t'ere .as <Huntin+ Ma+ic<
ori+inally! and I ,resu-e it .as t'e sa-e ,eo,le .'o as t'ey +radually turned to cattle3
1ee,in+ .ould ,er/or- ,astoral rites! t'ou+' t'is is only -y t'eory.
T'e /irst o/ May FMay DayG is celebrated in Euro,e and A-erica! but no one see-s to
1no. e9actly .'y. It is not a C'ristian /esti4al. For-erly it .as celebrated .it'
,rocessions and re=oicin+s. It is con=ectured to be t'e re-nant o/ so-e ancient /ertility
rite t'at once -ar1ed t'e co-in+ o/ (,rin+. But (,rin+ be+ins in Marc'I ot'ers say it 'ad
to do .it' a Ro-an +oddess! FloriliaI i/ so! .e s'ould e9,ect to 'a4e so-et'in+ .'ic'
su++ests 'er .ors'i,.
Ot'ers say it .as t'e Celtic Beltane! .'en sacri/ices .ere -ade to t'e God Baal! or
Beal. No.! t'e Ro-an A,ollo .as so-eti-es called Belinus! t'e +od o/ Tyre .as BaalI
t'e 5'oenicianSs +od .as BaalI and t'e +reat Iris' +od .as Beal. All o/ t'ese na-es
-eant t'e (unI alt'ou+' t'eir /esti4als .ere in t'e (,rin+! t'ey do not see- to 'a4e all
been on May Day.
T'e .itc'es 'a4e one o/ t'eir -ost i-,ortant /esti4als in 'onour o/ t'eir Goddess on
t'at dayI 'o.e4er! as t'ey .ors'i, t'e Moon! t'eir day be+ins at sundo.n. (o accordin+
to our rec1onin+! t'ey 1ee, t'e ni+'t o/ t'e "Ct' A,ril. No.! is t'ere anyt'in+ .'ic'
-i+'t lead us to t'in1 t'at t'e .itc'esS /esti4al .as t'e ori+in o/ May Day. $as it
celebrated in En+landH $e read! <It .as a ti-e o/ ,leasure and lo4e3-a1in+. 8oun+
,eo,le .ent out t'e ni+'t be/ore A,ril "Ct' and s,ent t'e ni+'t drin1in+! -a1in+ -usic
and in lo4e.< T'ey bro1e branc'es /ro- /lo.erin+ trees and a/ter a ni+'t o/ abandon!
returned 'o-e at da.n! <Brin+in+ in t'e May.<
T'e ,uritan 5'ili, (tubbs .rote in %#6#0 <I 'a4e 'eard it credibly re,orted... t'at o/
/ourtie! t'reescore! or a 'undred -aides +oyin+ in t'e .oods o4erni+'t! t'ere 'a4e been
t'e t'irde ,art o/ t'e- returned 'o-e unde/iled.< He .as a 5uritan and ,robably
e9a++erated yet t'ere -ust 'a4e been so-et'in+ t'at 'e .as co-,lainin+ abuutI 'e also
disli1ed t'e May 5ole! and says0 <T'ey dance about li1e as t'e 'eat'en ,eo,le did at t'e
dedication o/ t'e idols .'ereo/I t'is is t'e ,er/ect ,attern! or rat'er t'e t'in+ itsel/.< I ta1e
t'is to -ean t'at 'e reco+0nised .'at t'e May 5ole re,resented.
T'e 5uritans ,assed a bill t'rou+' 5arlia-ent callin+ t'e May Day celebrations a
<Heat'enis' @anity.< T'e dances .ere conde-ned as ,a+an and a de4ice o/ t'e de4il.
T'o-as Hall! one o/ t'e 5uritan .riters! said0 <I/ Moses .as an+ry .'en 'e sa. t'e
,eo,le dance about t'e Golden Cal/! .ell-i+'t 'e be so to see ,eo,le dancin+ t'e
-orrice about a ,ost in 'onour o/ a .'ore.< May .e not assu-e t'at 'e 1ne. t'at May
Day .as in 'onour o/ so-e +oddess! .'o- t'e ,eo,le still 4enerated! but 'er na-e is
ne4er -entioned. $'yH And! i/ so! -ay s'e not 'a4e been t'e +oddess o/ t'e $itc'es!
.'ose na-e I a- /orbidden to -ention! as I tell in $itc'cra/t Today.
I .onder .'y it .as c'osen as a 'oliday /or labour de-onstrations by t'e 4ery serious
body! t'e (ocialist International! as lon+ a+o as %66&. Did t'ey 1no. t'e Goddess
,ro-ised /reedo- to all 'er c'ildrenH
C'a,ter EI.
BRITAIN 'as been 4ery unluc1y in t'e -atter o/ 'istory. $'ile s'e 'as so-e o/ t'e -ost
.onder/ul ancient -onu-ents in t'e .orld! t'ey -ostly date /ro- a ti-e .'en .ritin+
.as unco--on! and .'at .as .ritten .as not usually inscribed on stone! t'ou+' t'ere
are O+'a- inscri,tions in (out' $ales and at (ile'ester in Ha-,s'ire. Caesar tells us
t'at t'e Druids used Gree1 c'aracters in .ritin+! t'ou+' t'ere are t.o so3called <Tree
Al,'abets< .'ic' .ere also used by t'e-. But o.in+ to t'e Ro-an in4asion tendin+ to
brea1 u, t'e Britis' tribes! t'e co-in+ o/ C'ristianity .'ic' destroyed so -uc' o/ t'e old
traditions! t'en t'e (a9on in4asions and t'e conseLuent se4eral 'undred yearsS /i+'tin+
.'ic' t'ey led to! t'e destruction o/ t'e libraries suc' as t'at o/ Ban+or Abbey .'ic'
.as burnt by t'e /ollo.ers o/ (t. Au+ustine! and t'e abo-inable da-, En+lis' cli-ate!
.e 'a4e 'ardly any .ritten records sur4i4in+I .'ile t'e Ro-an e9ter-ination o/ t'e
Druids and t'e +eneral brea13u, o/ Ancient Britis' tribal li/e 'a4e eli-inated -ost oral
traditions also.
T'ere are also suc' 'istorical incidents! dee,ly distressin+ to t'e ant'ro,olo+ist! as t'at
.'ic' records 'o. certain Bis'o,s co-,lained to Henry @III! in t'e days .'en 'e 'ad
been ne.ly dubbed <De/ender o/ t'e Fait'<! t'at t'ere .as a <'eat'en ,riest< in $ales
na-ed Dar4ell Gadarn a/ter t'e 'u+e <idol< o/ t'e sa-e na-e! -ade o/ oa1 .'ic' 'e
ser4ed! and to .'ic' t'e ,eo,le .ere in t'e 'abit o/ o//erin+ sacri/ices o/ cattle. In order
to sa4e t'e ,eo,leSs souls /ro- Hell! t'e Bis'o,s 'ad t'e <,riest< and 'is <idol< brou+'t
to London and t'ere burned to+et'er. T'is .as a terrible loss to our 1no.led+e! as t'e
<idol< -ay .ell 'a4e been a relic o/ i--e-orial a+e! and ,robably re,resented Hu
Gadarn! Hu t'e Mi+'ty! t'e ruler o/ t'e Celtic Hades.
Ireland .as -ore /ortunate! as t'ere t'e Druids stayed on at t'e 1in+Ss courts as .ise
-en and -a+icians! and it .as ne4er conLuered by t'e Ro-ans or t'e (a9ons. Also in
later years! -any Iris' ,riests .rote do.n t'e traditions o/ t'e country! ,artly to e9,lain
t'e co-in+ o/ (t. 5atric1I but t'ey included -any tales o/ t'e ancient days. (o t'ere is a
/airly +ood account o/ t'e ancient Iris' Gods! t'eir na-es and attributes! e4en t'ou+' a
C'ristian +loss 'as been ,ut o4er t'e .'ole.
Anot'er source o/ in/or-ation about t'e Ancient Gods is t'e
-ediae4al ro-ances suc' as t'e :Morte DSArt'ur<! t'e Grail stories! etc.! in .'ic' t'e
Gods and Goddesses a,,ear under stran+e dis+uisesI t'e Moon Goddess! /or instance!
a,,earin+ as Mor+an Le Fay<! or t'e Old God a,,earin+ as a </airy 1ni+'t<! as in <(ir
Huon o/ Bordeau9<
Art'ur 'i-sel/ see-s to be a /or- o/ t'e Old God o/ Deat' and t'e A/ter3$orldI /or it
is e4ident t'at e4en in ('a1es,eareSs day 'e .as re+arded by t'e co--on ,eo,le as t'e
Ruler o/ t'e A/ter3$orld. It .ill be re-e-bered 'o. ('a1es,eare -a1es (ir Jo'n
Falsta//Ss landlady! .'en describin+ 'is deat'! say t'at <He -ade a +ood end! and .as
+one to Art'urSs boso- i/ e4er a -an .as.; in+ Art'ur .as! in so-e districts! re+arded
as t'e leader o/ t'e $ild Hunt! .'ic' de/initely identi/ies 'i- .it' t'e God o/ t'e
$itc'es. T. Cro/ton Cro1er! in 'is Fairy Le+ends and Traditions o/ t'e (out' o/ >reland!
tells us!
5o,ular le+ends are /ull o/ accounts o/ .ild 'unts-en! and suc' restless ,ersona+es. in+ Art'ur!
.e are told! used to 'unt in t'e En+lis' .oods0 no one could see t'e -onarc' 'i-sel/! but t'e soundin+
o/ t'e 'orns and t'e cry o/ t'e 'ounds -i+'t be ,lainly 'eardI and .'en any one called out a/ter 'i-!
an ans.er .as returned 33 $e are in+ Art'ur and 'is 1indredS.
T'e e,ita,' on in+ Art'urSs to-b at Glastonbury as +i4en by (ir T'o-as Malory is an
illustration o/ t'e ancient belie/ in reincarnation0 Hic =acet Art'urus! Re9 Luonda-!
Re9Lue /uturus! ie0 :Here lies in+ Art'ur! .'o .as 1in+ be/ore and .'o s'all be 1in+
a+ain.; In 'is no4el! $i/e to Mr. MiYton! Robert Gra4es descri'es 'o. Jo'n Milton! t'e
,oet! belie4ed so stron+ly at one ,eriod o/ 'is li/e t'at in+ Art'ur .ould reincarnate and
a+ain lead t'e Britis' nation t'at 'e .as in t'e 'abit o/ castin+ astrolo+ical /i+ures in
order to ascertain t'e -ost /a4ourable ti-e /or suc' a c'ild to be concei4ed as .ould
,ro4ide t'e s,irit o/ Art'ur .it' a 4e'icle /or reincarnation! and t'en 'a4in+ intercourse
.it' 'is .i/e at t'e ti-e t'e /i+ure indicated! in an atte-,t to be+et a son .'o s'ould be
in+ Art'ur reborn.
It is a,,arent /ro- t'e /ore+oin+ t'at in+ Art'ur .as re+arded bot' as a 'ero .'o
.ould so-e day reincarnate! and as a God. It .ould see- t'at t'e Du9 Brittanoru- .'o
rallied t'e bro1en Britis' nation a+ainst t'e (a9on in4aders a/ter t'e .it'dra.al o/ t'e
Le+ions 'ad co-e in t'e -inds o/ t'e ,eo,le to be associated .it' t'e attributes o/ an
ancient God. T'is is a /a-iliar occurrence to students o/ co-,arati4e reli+ion! .'o .ill
re-e-ber 'o. di4ine -yt's o/ 4arious 1inds! suc' as -iraculous birt'! etc.! co-e to be
incor,orated into t'e li4es o/ /a-ous -en as ti-e ,asses and t'eir stories are told and re3
told. T'ose 'eroes .'o ,assed
into t'e real-s o/ t'e Gods beca-e li1e unto t'e-! e4en as in Ancient E+y,t t'e soul o/
t'e =ust -an beca-e as t'at o/ Osiris.
A certain a-ount 'as been .ritten by 4arious aut'ors about t'e old le+end o/ t'e $ild
HuntI but its connection .it' t'e .itc' cult does not see- to be +enerally realised.
Ho.e4er! I stated in -y boo1! $itc'cra/t Today! t'at -odern .itc'es 'ad told -e t'at
t'ey .ere in t'e 'abit! in old ti-es! o/ +oin+ to t'eir -eetin+s ridin+ on 'orsebac1!
dressed u, in stran+e clot'es and s'outin+ .ildly! in order to scare ,eo,le a.ay. T'is
stran+e ca4alcade .ould! o/ course! 'a4e been ta1en by t'e country ,eo,le to be t'e $ild
Hunt! .it' its ,'anto- 'orse-en! to loo1 u,on .'ic' .as deat'. (o-e ,ersons cast
doubt u,on -y state-ent about t'is -atterI but! as I 'a4e ,re4iously -entioned!
con/ir-ation o/ -y in/or-antsS state-ents ca-e to -e /ro- a rare old boo1! Receuil de
Lettres au (u=et des Male/ices et due (ortile+e 5ar le (ieur Boissier! F5aris! %D"%G. In t'is
boo1 Boissier re,eats t'e e4idence +i4en at a .itc'cra/t trial in France in %77&! so-e o/
.'ic' is to t'e e//ect t'at t'e .itc'es .ere 'oldin+ a -eetin+ at a cross3roads near an old
+ran+e .'en so-eone ca-e alon+ t'e road! .'ereat <T'e De4il caused si9 'orses to
a,,ear! u,on .'ic' si9 .itc'es -ounted<! and .it' .'oo,s and .ild yells +allo,ed ,ast
t'e intruder! .'ic' e//ecti4ely scared 'i- a.ay. O/ course! 'e .ould 'a4e ta1en t'e- /or
t'e /a-ous ,'anto- train! le+ends o/ .'ic' are /ound all o4er Euro,e.
But .'y s'ould t'e .itc'es i-,ersonate t'e $ild HuntH Did it 'a4e any ot'er
si+ni/icance to t'e cult! beside t'e =o1e o/ scarin+ ,eo,leH I t'in1 it did! and t'at t'e
le+ends o/ t'e $ild Hunt are t'e re-ains o/ one o/ t'e oldest traditions o/ t'e Ancient
Its leader +oes by 4arious na-es in di//erent countries! and in di//erent districts o/ t'e
Britis' Isles. But under .'ate4er na-es 'e -ay be 1no.n! 'e is al.ays t'e Old God o/
Huntin+ and Deat'. One o/ t'e -ost /a-ous o/ 'is na-es is G.yn a, Nudd! and C'arles
(Luire 'as t'is to say about 'i- in 'is Celtic Myt' and Le+end! 5oetry and Ro-ance0N
G.yn a, Nudd 'as outli4ed in tradition al-ost all 'is su,er3natural 1in. 5ro/essor R'ys is te-,ted
to see in 'i- t'e Britis' eLui4alent o/ t'e Gaelic Finn -ac Cu-'ail. T'e na-e o/ bot' ali1e -eans
S.'iteSI bot' are sons o/ t'e 'ea4en3+odI bot' are /a-ed as 'unters. G.yn! 'o.e4er! is -ore t'an t'atI
/or 'is +a-e is -an. In t'e early $els' ,oe-s! 'e is a +od o/ battle and o/ t'e dead! and! as suc'! /ills
t'e ,art o/ a ,syc'o,o-,os! conductin+ t'e slain into Hades! and t'ere rulin+ o4er t'e-. In later! se-i3
C'ristianised 'istory 'e is described as SG.yn! son o/ Nudd! .'o- God 'as ,laced o4er t'e brood o/
de4ils in Ann.n! lest t'ey s'ould destroy t'e ,resent raceS. Later a+ain! as ,a+anis- still /urt'er
de+enerated! 'e ca-e to be considered as 1in+ o/ t'e Tyl.yt' Te+. t'e $els' /airies! and 'is
na-e as suc' 'as 'ardly yet died out o/ 'is last 'aunt! t'e ro-antic 4ale o/ Neat'. He is t'e .ild 'unts-an
o/ $ales and t'e $est o/ En+land! and it is 'is ,ac1 .'ic' is so-etirnes 'eard at c'ase in .aste ,laces by
In 'is earliest +uise! as a +od o/ .ar and deat'! 'e is t'e sub=ect a ,oe- in dialo+ue contained in t'e Blac1
Boo1 o/ Caer-art'en. Obscure! li1e -ost o/ t'e ancient $els' ,oe-s! it is yet a s,irited ,roduction. . ! . In
it .e s'all see -irroredt,er'a,s t'e clearest /i+ure o/ t'e Britis' 5ant'eon! t'e S-i+'ty 'unterS! not o/ deer!
but o/ -enSs souls! ridin+ 'is de-on 'orse! and c'eerin+ on 'is de-on 'ound to t'e /earBl c'ase. He 1no.s
.'en and .'ere all t'e +reat .arriors /ell! /or 'e +at'ered t'eir souls u,on t'e /ield o/ battle! and no. rules
o4er t'e- in Hades! or u,on so-e S-isty -ountain3to,S.
G.ynSs /at'er! Nudd or Llud! is t'e sa-e as t'e Iris' God Nuada! t'e o.ner o/ t'e
Great (.ord </ro- .'ose stro1e no one e4er esca,ed or reco4ered<! i.e. t'e (.ord o/
Deat'! .'ic' .as one o/ t'e Four Talis-ans o/ t'e Tuat'a De Danaan! t'e C'ildren o/
t'e Goddess Dana! t'e Great Mot'er o/ Gods and Men. He -ay .ell be -erely a youn+er
4ersion o/ Nudd! as Horus .as o/ Osiris.
One o/ G.ynSs es,ecial 'aunts .as Glastonbury Tor! .'ic' in early ti-es .as
surrounded by al-ost i-,assable s.a-,s. It .ill be re-e-bered 'o. t'e .itc'es clai-
Glastonbury as one o/ t'eir sacred ,laces. As <A4alon<! t'e 5lace o/ A,,les! .it' t'eir
sy-bolis- o/ rebirt'! it .ould naturally be sacred to t'e Old God o/ Deat' and
Resurrection. I 'a4e already -entioned t'e (acred $ell t'ere! .'ic' .as already ancient
.'en C'ristianity /irst ca-e to Britain.
It occurs to -e as a ,ossibility t'at t'e /a-ous <Glastonbury T'orn< -ay .ell be t'e
last re-ainin+ relic o/ a sacred +ro4e! as it is -entioned in t'e early Grail ro-ances!
.'ic' s,ea1 as il a nu-ber o/ suc' trees e9isted t'ere. All suc' relics o/ t'e olden ti-e
.ould! o/ course! be C'ristianised a/ter t'e con4ersion! or no-inal con4ersion! o/
En+land! and le+ends -ade u, to account /or t'eir e9istence.
Indeed! .'ere4er .e /ind a really old C'ristian sanctuary! .e -ay be al-ost certain
t'at it is built u,on a still -ore ancient s'rine o/ ,a+anis-. It .as t'e deliberate ,olicy o/
t'e early C'urc' to do t'is! as t'ey 1ne. t'at t'e ,eo,le .ould continue to +o to t'eir
traditional sacred sites any.ay! .'et'er t'ey .ere C'ristian or not! so t'ey -i+'t as .ell
be C'ristian. T'ere is e9tant a letter /ro- (t. Gre+ory! t'en 5o,e! to Abbot Mellitus in
A.D. 7C%! in .'ic' t'e 5o,e directs t'at e9istin+ ,a+an te-,les are to 'e S ,uri/ied< and
c'an+ed into C'ristian c'urc'es! so t'at <t'e nation! seein+ t'at t'eir te-,les are not
destroyed! -ay re-o4e error /ro- t'eir 'earts! and 1no.in+ and adorin+ t'e true God!
-ay t'e -ore /a-iliarly resort to t'e ,laces to .'ic' t'ey 'a4e
been accusto-ed.< FOuoted by t'e @enerable Bede in 'is <Historia Ecciesiastica.<G
(o-eti-es! as .e 'a4e seen! t'e old te-,les and sites .ere deliberately de/iled and
raKed! but .'en t'is .as too dan+erous! as it tended to arouse ,o,ular /eelin+! it .as
/ound a better ,olicy to ada,t t'e- Luietly and subtly to t'e ne. reli+ion.
Hence it is t'at t'e Celtic Elysiu-! A4alon! beca-e t'e /ocus o/ C'ristian le+endI
alt'ou+'! as I 'a4e -entioned be/ore! t'ere is not'in+ basically i-,ossible in t'e tale o/
Jose,' o/ Ari-at'ea! i/ 'e .ere really in t'e tin trade! 'a4in+ co-e t'ere a/ter t'e
Cruci/i9ion! .'en ,robably 'is ,osition in 'is nati4e country .ould 'a4e been at least
di//icult! i/ not dan+erous. He .ould! li1e so -any ot'ers a/ter 'i-! 'a4e co-e to Britain
as a ,olitical re/u+ee! 'o,in+ to be able to -a1e a li4in+ by so-e trade 'e 1ne..
A le+end o/ Glastonbury Tor illustrates t'e stru++le bet.een t'e ,a+an and t'e
C'ristian elernents at Glastonbury. It relates 'o. an early C'ristian 'er-it! (t. Coilen!
.'o d.elt in a cell near Glastonbury Tor! one day 'eard t.o -en .'o .ere ,assin+ 'is
cell tal1in+ about G.yn a, Nudd! and sayin+ t'at 'e .as in+ o/ Ann.n Ft'e A/ter
$orldG and o/ t'e /airies. (t. Collen ,ut 'is 'ead out o/ 'is cell and told t'e- to 'old
t'eir ton+ues! sayin+ t'at G.yn and 'is /airy 'ost .ere not'in+ but de-ons. T'e t.o
-en retorted t'at soon Collen .ould 'a4e to -eet t'e Dar1 Ruler /ace to /ace! Later!
so-eone ca-e 1noc1in+ at CollenSs door! and on Collen callin+ out <$'oSs t'ereH< 'e
+ot t'e re,ly! <I a- t'e -essen+er o/ G.yn a, Nudd! in+ o/ Hades! to bid t'ee co-e by
t'e -iddle o/ t'e day to s,ea1 .it' 'i- on t'e to, o/ t'e 'ill.< T'e saint re/used to +o.
T'e -essen+er ca-e a+ain .it' t'e sa-e -essa+e! but 'e still re/used. T'en t'e
-essen+er ca-e a t'ird ti-e! and on recei4in+ a t'ird re/usal 'e told t'e saint t'at i/ 'e
continued not to co-,ly a/ter bein+ su--oned t'ree ti-es it .ould be t'e .orse /or 'i-.
(o t'e saint decided to +o! but as a ,recaution 'e too1 a /las1 o/ 'oly .ater .it' 'i-.
T'e saint toiled u, t'e +reen slo,e o/ t'e +reat Tor! and to 'is sur,rise 'e /ound it
cro.ned by a s,lendid castle! .'ic' 'e 'ad ne4er seen be/ore. Handso-ely dressed
courtiers .ere .al1in+ about! and a ,a+e conducted t'e saint to .'ere G.yn 'i-sel/ .as
sittin+ on a +olden c'air be/ore a ric'ly3s,read table. G.yn! in contrast to t'e saintSs
discourtesy! in4ited 'i- to s'are 'is /east! addin+ t'at i/ t'ere .as anyt'in+ 'e es,ecially
li1ed 'e 'ad only to as1 and it s'ould be bou+'t /or 'i-. But t'e saint! /eelin+ 'i-sel/ to
be t'e 4icti- o/ -a+ical illusion and +la-ourie! said!
I do not eat t'e lea4es o/ trees.< He e4idently 1ne. t'e traditional s,ell o/ /it'3/at'! or
s'a,e3s'i/tin+! by .'ic' a co--on t'in+ could be -ade to loo1 li1e so-et'in+ <ric' and
Ho.e4er! G.yn continued to s,ea1 t'e saint /air! and as1ed 'i- i/ 'e did not ad-ire t'e
courtiersS li4ery! .'ic' .as red on one side and blue on t'e ot'er. :T'eir dress is +ood
enou+' /or its 1ind;! said t'e +ru// saint. <$'at 1ind is t'atH< as1ed G.yn.
:T'e red s'o.s .'ic' side is bein+ scorc'ed! and t'e blue s'o.s .'ic' side is bein+
/roKen;! re,lied t'e saintI i-,lyin+ t'at t'ey .ere eit'er de-ons or da-ned souls in 'ell.
And t'ere.it' Collen laid about 'i- .it' 'is /las1 o/ 'oly .ater! and t'e in+ o/
Ann.n! to+et'er .it' 'is castle and 'is .eird co-,anions! 4anis'ed into t'in air.
As usual! t'e 'eat'ens are s'o.n as bein+ 1ind and ,olite! and t'e :saints< as c'urlis'
and destructi4e.
(t. Collen is by no -eans t'e only ,erson to 'a4e .itnessed stran+e t'in+s on
Glastonbury Tor. T'ere are tales to3day o/ ,eo,le .'o 'a4e seen stran+e li+'ts and /airy3
li1e /or-s u,on t'e Tor! and I 'a4e -et local ,eo,le .'o 'a4e sole-nly assured -e t'at
t'e Tor is 'ollo. Z ,er'a,s a </ol13-e-ory< o/ t'e Hollo. Hill .'ere t'e Old God
G.ynSs <Fairy Host< t'e (lua+'! as it is called in Ireland! is traditionally co-,osed o/
t'ose .'ose souls are too +ood /or 'ell! but not +ood enou+' /or 'ea4enI or else o/ t'e
souls o/ unba,tised ,ersons! i.e. ,a+ans. It -ay be noted! 'o.e4er! t'at t'e na-e <G.yn<
-eans <.'ite<! and in t'e doctrine o/ t'e Druids t'e Hi+'er Real-s o/ t'e A/ter $orld
F.'at (,iritualists .ould call t'e <Hi+'er 5lanes<G .ere called t'e Real- o/ G.yn/yd.
Curiously enou+'! .'ite .as once ,o,ular as a colour o/ -ournin+ /or t'e dead. Henry
@III is said to 'a4e .orn .'ite -ournin+ /or Anne Boleyn! and t'ere is a beauti/ul
,ortrait e9tant o/ :Marie! Reine dSEcosse! en Deuil Blanc'e;! Mary Oueen o/ (cots
.earin+ .'ite -ournin+ /or 'er /irst 'usband. $'ite .as t'e colour o/ -ournin+ in
(,ain until %2&6! accordin+ to Cob'a- Bre.er. Its si+ni/ication .as 'o,e /or t'e soul o/
t'e de,arted. One .onders i/ it -i+'t be a distant relic o/ ,a+anis-! .it' its 'o,e /or t'e
soul in t'e A/ter3$orld! and t'e ,ro-ise o/ re3birt'! as o,,osed to t'e +ri- C'ristian
doctrines o/ t'e Last Jud+-ent. and o/ Hea4en bein+ reser4ed /or a c'osen /e.! .'ile t'e
+reater ,art o/ -an1ind .ere -enaced .it' Hell and 5ur+atory.
G.ynSs di4ine /at'er! Nudd! or as t'e Ro-ans called 'i-! Nodens! 'ad a /a-ous
te-,le at Lydney on t'e (e4ern. He .as re+arded as a 'ealin+ God as .ell as a God o/
t'e sea! or! as 'e .as called! <T'e God o/ t'e Great Dee,s <! and t'e Ro-ans eLuated
'i- .it' (il4anus! .'o .as t'e in+ o/ t'e $ood. T'is see-s to 'e a curious
co-,le9ity o/ attributesI 'o.e4er! not all dee,s are t'ose o/ t'e sea.
Late and ,ost3C'ristian as are t'e $els' ,oe-s and stories translated by Lady
C'arlotte Guest in t'e <Mabino+ion<! t'ey yet +i4e a /e. 4i4id +li-,ses o/ t'e leader o/
t'e $ild Hunt! .'o a,,ears t'erein as <Ara.n! t'e in+ o/ Ann.n<! acco-,anied .it'
'is .'ite /airy 'ounds .it' t'e red ears .'ic' are so o/ten a /eature o/ Celtic -yt'. In
Nort' De4on t'ese s,ectral 'ounds are called <8et' Hounds<. i.e. Heat' or Heat'en
Hounds! and on Dart-oor t'e <$is' Hounds<. One .onders i/ t'is -i+'t not be a
corru,tion o/ <$itc' Hounds<
In (candina4ian and Teutonic countries t'e leader o/ t'e $ild Hunt is Odin or $oden!
and Dr. $. $a+ner! in As+ard and t'e Gods! 'as a 4ery intri+uin+ co--ent to -a1e
about itI 'e says!

T'e $ild Hunt +enerally .ent on in t'e sacred season! bet.een C'rist-as and T.el/t' Ni+'t.
$'en its s'outs .ere ,articularly loud and distinct! it .as said t'at it .as to be a /ruit/ul year. At t'e
ti-e o/ t'e su--er solstice! and .'en day and ni+'t beca-e o/ eLual len+t'! t'e $ild Hunt a+ain
,assed in t'e .ind and rain! /or $oden .as also lord o/ t'e rain! and used to ride on 'is cloud3'orse!
so t'at ,lenti/ul rains -i+'t re/res' t'e eart'.

No. it .ill be noted /ro- t'e /ore+oin+ Luotation! /irstly a connection in t'e ,o,ular
-ind bet.een t'e $ild Hunt and /ertility! and secondly a connection bet.een t'e
a,,earances o/ t'e $ild Hunt and t'e eLuino9es and solstices! .'ic' are /our o/ t'e
.itc'esS Ei+'t Ritual Occasions.
Fro- Ireland co-es anot'er le+end .'ic' connects a 1ind o/ $ild Hunt or /airy
ca4alcade .it' /ertility! and also .it' a .itc'esS (abbat. T. Cro/ten Cro1er! in 'is Fairy
Le+ends and Traditions o/ t'e (out' o/ Ireland! relates 'o. around t'e La1e o/ illarney
t'ere is a le+end o/ a +reat c'ie/tain o/ a by+one a+e! called <T'e OSDono+'ue<. He ruled
in t'e ti-e be/ore 'istory! and 'is rei+n .as distin+uis'ed by abundance! .isdo- and
,ros,erity Z a 1ind o/ Golden A+e. One day! 'e le/t t'e .orld o/ -en and .al1ed into t'e
La1e o/ illarney! a/ter utterin+ to 'is asse-bled court a ,ro,'ecy o/ t'e ti-es .'ic'
.ere to co-e a/ter 'i-.
He is su,,osed to rise out o/ t'e .aters! -ounted u,on a .'ite 'orse! and ride u,on
t'e sur/ace o/ t'e .a4es! acco-,anied by a beauti/ul /airy train! to t'e sounds o/
enc'antin+ -usic. It .ill be noted t'at 'is a,,earance is connected .it' /ertility and +ood
/ortune! and t'at t'e occasion o/ it is May Day! one o/ t'e old (abbats. It is not di//icult
to see in t'e /i+ure o/ T'e Good OSDono+'ue< one o/ t'e ancient Gods.
T'ere is! 'o.e4er! anot'er as,ect o/ t'e belie/s re+ardin+ t'e $ild Hunt .'ic'
illustrates t'e ot'er side o/ t'e Old GodSs c'aracter! na-ely t'at o/ t'e God o/ Deat'.
T'at is t'e tradition .'ic' connects t'e a,,earance o/ t'e $ild Hunt .it' so-e
national cala-ity. T'is es,ecially see-s to a,,ly to t'e a,,earance o/ <Le Grand @eneur
de Fontainebleau< in France! and Herne t'e Hunter in $indsor 5ar1 in En+land. $a+ner!
in As+ard and t'e Gods! says o/ t'e /or-er t'at 'is s'outs .ere 'eard beside t'e Royal
5alace t'e day be/ore Henry I@ .as -urdered by Ra4aillac. Ob4iously! t'e Old God o/
Deat' 'ad co-e /or t'e soul o/ t'e doo-ed in+. <T'e Ra+in+ Host also ,assed o4er t'e
'ea4ens t.ice! dar1enin+ t'e sun! be/ore t'e Re4olution bro1e out. T'e ,o,ulace
e4ery.'ere belie4es t'at its a,,earance is t'e /ores'ado.in+ o/ ,estilence or .ar! or
so-e ot'er +reat -is3/ortune.<
$it' re+ard to Herne t'e Hunter! Eliott OSDonnell! in 'is boo1! Haunted Britain!
s,ea1s o/

t'e /earso-e s,ectre o/ Herne! 'is 'ead cro.ned .it' +i+antic sta+Ss 'orns. (o-eti-es 'e is
seen on /oot and so-eti-es -ounted on a 'u+e blac1 'orse. $'en t'e latter! 'e is acco-,anied by
'is 'ounds! .'ic' /ollo. 'i- in 'is -ad career around t'e ,ar1.
It is o,en to con=ecture .'et'er t'e 5'anto- $'ite (ta+! .'ic' is also ru-oured to 'aunt t'e
5ar1! is t'e Luarry o/ Herne! since! so /ar as is 1no.n! it 'as ne4er been 4isualised c'ased by t'e
HunterSs 'ounds. Its a,,earance is said to ,redict so-e e4ent o/ national i-,ortance and! accordin+ to
a ru-our circulated at t'e ti-e! it .as seen in t'e 5ar1 i--ediately ,rior to t'e outbrea1 o/ t'e First
$orld $ar.
T'is sta+ could be a 1ind o/ alter e+o o/ Herne 'i-sel/.
I 'a4e 'eard so-e.'ere! too! t'at Herne and 'is ,'anto- band .ere seen =ust
be/ore t'e /atal illness o/ in+ Geor+e @.
C'ristina Hole! in En+lis' Fol1lore! says!
Be/ore any cala-ity a//ectin+ t'e royal /a-ily or t'e nation! t'e a,,arition o/ Herne t'e Hunter is
seen .it' 'orns on 'is 'ead! to+et'er .it' t'e +'ostly /or- o/ t'e blasted oa1 FHerneSs sacred tree0 -y
noteG. (o-eti-es a .'ite sta+ a,,ears also! issuin+ /ro- a 'ollo. .'ic' is associated .it' /airies. All
t'ree ,'anto-s are said to 'a4e been seen in t'e ,ar1 be/ore t'e econo-ic crisis o/ %&"%.

Herne t'e Hunter! .it' 'is 'el-et cro.ned .it' sta+Ss antlers! 'is .ild band o/
/ollo.ers! 'is association .it' :/airies<! and t'e 'u+e oa1 tree! no. a,,arently destroyed!
beneat' .'ic' 'e used to a,,ear! is t'e Britis' e9a-,le ,ar e9cellence o/ a sur4i4in+
tradition o/ t'e Old God o/ t'e $itc'es.
T'e dual nature o/ t'e Old God .ill be noticed. He is t'e +i4er o/ /ertility! bot' o/
t'e +round and o/ 'u-ans and ani-alsI but 'e is also Lord o/ t'e Gates o/ Deat'. T'is
dual nature 'as caused so-e students o/ co-,arati4e reli+ion to eLuate 'i- .it' Janus!
.'o .as in 4ery ancient ti-es t'e consort o/ Diana! and .'o .as de,icted .it' t.o
/aces. T'ere is also an ob4ious rese-blance to t'e Indian ('i4a! .'o is t'e 5'allic God
as .ell as t'e Destroyer! and .'o is t'e consort o/ t'e Great Mot'er Goddess! ('a1ti.
T'e .itc'es e9,lain t'is duality by a ritual in .'ic' t'ey in4o1e t'e Old God0 <T'ou
art t'e O,ener o/ t'e Door.ay o/ t'e $o-bI and yet! because all t'in+s t'at are born
-ust also die! t'at t'ey -ay be rene.ed! t'ere/ore art t'ou Lord o/ t'e Gates o/ Deat'.<
In t'e Ma+ical Le+end o/ t'e $itc'es! .'ic' I +a4e in $itc'cra/t Today and .'ic' is
re,rinted as an A,,endi9 to t'is boo1! t'e Old God e9,lains to t'e Goddess t'at A+e and
Fate Fi.e. ar-aG a+ainst .'ic' 'e is ,o.erless Fbecause t'ey are Cos-ic La.G cause all
t'in+s to .it'er and dieI :But .'en -en die at t'e end o/ ti-e! I +i4e t'e- rest and
,eace! and stren+t' so t'at t'ey -ay return;! i.e. be reborn u,on t'e eart'! or
In t.o o/ t'e En+lis' countrysideSs -ost /a-ous <'ill3/i+ures< .e -ay ,er'a,s see
t'ese t.o as,ects o/ t'e Old God -ani/ested. <T'e Giant o/ Cerne<! cut u,on t'e 'illside
at Cerne Abbas in Dorset! it'y,'allic! and .it' u,li/ted club Falso a ,'allic sy-bolG!
s'o.s 'i- as t'e God o/ FertilityI and 'e is still re+arded as suc' by t'e local ,eo,le. It
is said t'at i/ a c'ildless .o-an .is'es to beco-e /ruit/ul s'e -ay do so by s,endin+ a
ni+'t lyin+ u,on t'e GiantSs ,'allus at t'e ,ro,er season o/ t'e yearI and t'ere is a story
t'at .'en a local cler+y-an .as incensed by t'e GiantSs naturalistic a,,earance! and!
bein+ unable to ,ut breec'es u,on 'i-! ,ro,osed t'at ,art o/ t'e GiantSs anato-y to
.'ic' 'e ob=ected s'ould be ,lou+'ed u,! 'e .as ,re4ented /ro- carryin+ out t'is
,ro=ect by t'e indi+nation o/ t'e local ,eo,le. Ha,,ily! t'e Giant o/ Cerne no. belon+s to
t'e National Trust! and is! .e -ay 'o,e! sa/e /ro- suc' 4andalis-.
T'ere is anot'er story /ro- Cerne to t'e e//ect t'at about t'e ti-e o/ t'e /irst $orld
$ar a co--unity o/ nuns ca-e to li4e t'ere! and .ere so/tened by t'e si+'t o/ t'e
+loriously s'a-eless Old God. (o t'e Mot'er (u,erior directed t'e- to +o u, on t'e 'ill
.it' 4essels o/ 'oly .ater and s,rin1le t'is .or1 o/ t'e De4il in order to e9orcise its
disturbin+ in/luence. On t'eir return! ,assin+ t'rou+' t'e 4illa+e! t'ey .ere told! <It baint
no use you +oin+ u, t'ere t'is ti-e o*year. 8ou +ot to +o u, in May i/ you .ants babies.<
T'e ot'er /i+ure is! o/ course! t'e <Lon+ Man o/ $il-in+ton<! in (usse9. T'is /i+ure
.as re3cut in late @ictorian ti-es! 'a4in+ been allo.ed to beco-e o4er+ro.n until it .as
-erely an outline 4isible .'en de. or 'oar3/rost .as u,on t'e +rass. Ho.e4er! .'en
to.ards t'e end o/ t'e last century t'ere too1 ,lace a renaissance o/ interest in
arc'aeolo+y! t'e re3cuttin+ .as carried out at t'e insistance o/ Dr. J. (. 5'enW. Naturally!
in t'ose days t'ey .ould not 'a4e cut <T'e Lon+ Man< in Luite suc' a naturalistic /or-
as t'at o/ t'e Giant o/ Cerne> Ho.e4er! a,art /ro- t'is t'e old outlines .ere! I belie4e!
/ollo.ed as closely as ,ossible.
T'e /i+ure a,,ears as usual! u,on a 'illsideI t'is ti-e .it' outstretc'ed ar-s .'ic'
a,,ear to be 'oldin+ t.o lon+ .ands. (ir Flinders 5etrie t'ou+'t t'at it -i+'t 'a4e
re,resented t'e (un3God o,enin+ t'e +ates o/ da.n. I t'in1 t'at 5etrie .as 4ery nearly
ri+'t! but t'at it really re,resents t'e Old God as Lord o/ t'e Gates o/ Deat'! .'ic' 'e is
re,resented as 'oldin+.
At t'e ti-e o/ .ritin+! traces o/ yet ot'er <+iant< /i+ures cut in t'e eart' 'a4e been
/ound on t'e slo,es o/ t'e Go+-a+o+ Hills at $andlebury! a /e. -iles /ro- Ca-brid+e!
by Mr. T'o-as C'arles Let'brid+e! Honorary ee,er o/ An+lo3(a9on AntiLuities at
Ca-brid+e )ni4ersity Museu-. E9a-ination o/ t'is site 'as only =ust co--enced! and it
.ill be so-e ti-e be/ore any /inal conclusions can be reac'edI but enou+' 'as already
been unco4ered to s'o. t'at one o/ t'e /i+ures is a na1ed Goddess. To t'e nort' o/ t'e
/i+ure! on t'e bro. o/ t'e 'ill! is an ancient eart'.or1 .'ic' 5ro/essor Gra'a-e Clar1e
o/ t'e Ca-brid+e De,art-ent o/ Arc'aeolo+y belie4es -ay 'a4e been t'e scene o/
/ertility rites! traces o/ .'ic' a,,arently sur4i4ed until EliKabet'an days! as a )ni4ersity
edict o/ t'at ti-e /orbade students /ro- attendin+ /esti4ities at $andlebury<. (o-et'in+
si-ilar 'a,,ened at Cerne! .'ere t'ere is a s-all eart'.or1 on t'e bro. o/ t'e 'ill! =ust
abo4e t'e /i+ure! .'ic' is 1no.n locally as <T'e GiantSs Fryin+ 5an <. Here t'e May,ole
used to be erected e4ery May Day! until Cro-.ell and 'is 5uritans ,ut a sto, to it. It is
4ery ,robable t'at t'is /i+ure re,resents an ancient Britis' Goddess. and I belie4e t'at
close by it! o4er 'er 'ead! 'as been /ound t'e s'a,e o/ a crescent -oon! and beside 'er
,art o/ t'e /i+ure o/ a 'orse! or so-e 1ind o/ beast. T'e Moon! o/ course! .ould be a
clear lin1 .it' t'e Mot'er Goddess. T'ere are ,robably yet -ore /i+ures o/ t'is ty,e
e9istin+ in t'e Britis' Isles .'ic' -odern tec'niLues o/ arc'aeolo+y! es,ecially aerial
,'oto+ra,'y! -ay yet unco4er! and /ro- .'ic' .e .ill learn -ore o/ our Ancient Gods.
A re-ar1able Neolit'ic /i+ure o/ t'e Great Mot'er .as /ound at t'e old /lint -ine
1no.n as Gri-eSs Gra4es in Nor/ol1. JacLuetta and C'risto,'er Ha.1es! in t'eir boo1
5re'istoric Britain! describe it t'us0
Ent'roned on a led+e sat t'e c'al13car4ed i-a+e o/ a /at and ,re+nant .o-an! loo1in+ do.n on a
,'allus! also cut in c'al1! and a +reat ,ile o/ deer3'orn ,ic1s t'at 'ad been laid as o//erin+s at 'er /eet.
Here! in /act! .as t'e s'rine o/ a /ertility cult! but one a,,arently intended to ser4e a curious and
une9,ected ,ur,ose. T'is ,articular s'a/t 'ad /ailed to stri1e t'e usual ric' /lint3bed! and it see-s
reasonable to su,,ose t'at t'e s'rine .as set u, to counteract t'e sterility o/ t'is ,it and ensure t'e
abundance o/ t'e ne9t. But t'is
.as only one -ani/estation in t'e ,eculiar conditions o/ a -inin+ conununity o/ a /ertility cult t'at
.as +enerally ,ractised a-on+ t'e Neolit'ic ,eo,le Z /e-a%e /i+urines and ,'alli 'a4e been /ound at
se4eral cause.ayed ca-,s and in a to-b! .'ere ,resu-ably t'e rites .ere directed to -ore 'o,e/ul
biolo+ical ends Z t'e /ecundity o/ -en and beasts.

5recisely t'e sa-e conce,t -ay be /ound a-on+ .itc'es to3day. T'eir Goddess is t'e
Mot'er o/ Fertility in all its /or-s! .'et'er it be t'e /ertility o/ t'e eart'! o/ cattle and
'u-an bein+s! or t'e -aterial ,ros,erity o/ so-e 4enture! or t'ose -ore subtle /or-s o/
/ertility .'ic' +er-inate in t'e -ind and brin+ /ort' ,oetry and t'e arts. T'is latter is not
-erely a -odern re/ine-ent. One o/ 'er Celtic na-es .as Cerrid.en! and t'is na-e is
/ound in suc' ,lace3na-es as Lis1eard in Corn.all! .'ic' is <Lys Cerrid <! t'e Court o/
Cerrid. ('e it .as .'o! in Bardic -yt'olo+y! .as t'e o.ner o/ t'e Ma+ic Cauldron in
.'ic' .as bre.ed t'e :A.en<! t'e Drau+'t o/ lns,iration. and in .'ic' old -en beca-e
youn+ a+ain. T'is! as ti-e ,assed! beca-e C'ristianised as t'e Holy Grail. A +ul/ o/ ti-e
se,arates t'e Great Mot'er o/ Gri-eSs Gra4es /ro- t'e $'ite Lady o/ t'e Bards! but t'e
arc'ety,e is t'e sa-e. Her <Cauldron< is t'e $o-b o/ t'e Goddess! t'e Mot'er and
Lo4er o/ all -en! because s'e is incarnate ,otentially in all .o-en.
I -ust not! 'o.e4er! +i4e t'e i-,ression t'at t'e ,eo,le o/ Ancient Britain
.ors'i,,ed only one God and only one Goddess! .'o .ere e9actly t'e sa-e in all ,arts
o/ t'e country. In 4ery early ti-es t'e country .as s,lit u, into -any di//erent tribes!
.'ic'! o/ course! li4ed in localities di//erin+ /ro- eac' ot'er as to t'e ty,e o/ country
t'ey .ere. For instance! t'e sea3/arin+ ,eo,le .ould concei4e t'eir God as a God o/ t'e
(eaI t'ose .'o de,ended u,on a+riculture .ould ,ay -ost re4erence to t'at as,ect o/
Di4inity .'ic' -ani/ested as t'e +reen and +ro.in+ t'in+s o/ Nature returnin+ eac' year!
or t'e /ertility o/ cattleI and t'e 'unters .ould 'a4e a Huntin+ God. Also! t'ese tribes 'ad
di//erent dialects! and e4en di//erent lan+ua+es! and so t'e na-es o/ t'e Gods .ould 4ary
/ro- one ,art o/ t'e country to anot'er. As C'arles (Luire! in 'is Celtic Myt' and
Le+end! 5oetry and Ro-ance! says0

T'e Celts! bot' o/ t'e Gaelic and Britis' branc'es! .ere s,lit u, into nu-erous ,etty tribes! eac'
.it' its o.n local deities e-bodyin+ t'e sa-e essential conce,tions under di//erent na-es.

And t'is state-ent! I t'in1! is -ore or less true o/ all ,eo,les. But t'e t.o +reat
realities .it' .'ic' all ancient ,eo,le .ere /aced .ere essentially t'e unc'an+in+!
unendin+ ones o/ Li/e and Deat'I and t'ese it .as! to+et'er .it' t'at t'ird elusi4e t'in+!
-a+ical ,o.er! .'ic' t'e Gods 'eld in T'eir 'ands. ConseLuently!
.'ere4er -en 'a4e /ot-ulated /or t'e-sel4es /i+ures o/ Di4inity! t'ese 'a4e e4er been
t'e arc'ety,es0 t'e Lady o/ Li/e! t'e Lord o/ Deat' and $'at Lies beyondI and bet.een
t'e- t'e .eb o/ -a+ic 'as been s,un.
Nor are t'e Great Ancient Ones -ere conce,ts lin+erin+ in t'e lea4es o/ old boo1s and
t'e -inds o/ old sc'olars. T'e ,eo,le re-e-berI nay! t'e 4ery land itsel/ re-e-bers.
C'ristina Hole. in 'er boo1! En+lis' Fol1lore! Luotes a story told by R. M. Heanley in t'e
(a+a Boo1 o/ t'e @i1in+ Club! January! %&CA. ('e says0
In (e,te-ber! %&C%! 'e FHeanleyG sa. a ern Baby -ade o/ barley stra. ,laced o,,osite t'e +ate o/
a .'eat3/ield. T'e /ar-erSs .i/e told 'i- it .as t'ere to a4ert stor-s. ('e said t'at ,rayers .ere all
ri+'t so /ar as t'ey .ent but t'e Al-i+'ty -ust be Sstran+e and t'ron+S .it' so -uc' corn to loo1 a/ter!
and s'e added S$e -ustnSt /or+et o.d 5ro4idence. Ha,,en itSs best to 1ee, in .iS bot' ,artiesS. In
-any country districts t'e .ord 5ro4idence is not used in its ordinary reli+ious si+ni/icance but
denotes t'e De4il! or rat'er t'e old +ods .it' .'o- 'e is so o/ten con/ounded.

Dr. E4ans in t'e Fol1lore Journal /or Marc'! %6&#! tells 'o.! on a Good Friday
-ornin+ in t'e late nineteent' century! an old -an said to 'i-! <I be a3+oin+ to t'e in+3
stones! /or t'ere I s'all be on 'oly +round<. He .as re/errin+ to t'e Rollri+'t (tones on
t'e border o/ O9/ords'ire and $ar.ic1s'ire! .'ic' .ere traditionally t'e c'ie/ -eetin+3
,lace in not so Ancient ti-es o/ t'e nei+'bourin+ .itc'es.
Accounts o/ t'e Iris' and $els' 5ant'eons are! as I 'a4e said! /airly ,lenti/ul. t'ou+'
t'e latter are o/ late date! and .e -ay /eel con/ident t'at t'e Ancient Gods o/ $ales are
also t'ose o/ Ancient Britain. T'e Iris' Gods rese-ble t'e- closely! .it' sli+'tly
di//erent na-es o.in+ to t'e di//erence in lan+ua+e. But in En+land al-ost all accounts
'a4e been destroyed by successi4e .a4es o/ in4asion! and by t'e acti4ities o/ t'e
C'ristian 'ierarc'y. so t'at little re-ains beside t'e elusi4e traces in /ol1lore! t'e +reat
/i+ures cut on t'e 'illsides! and t'e belie/s ,reser4ed in t'e .itc' co4ens.
T'e Great Mot'er in Ireland .as called DanaI t'e $els' 4ersion o/ t'is na-e .as
D[n. D[n 'ad a dau+'ter called Arianr'ad! .'ic' -eans <(il4er $'eel<! so .e -ay
consider 'er as bein+ a Moon Goddess. But s'e .as also t'e Goddess to .'ose castle t'e
souls o/ 'eroes .ent .'en t'ey died! and t'e constellation Cassio,eia .as called Lys
D[n! t'e Court o/ D[n. T'ere .ere! 'o.e4er! ,laces in Britain called Caer Arianr'od. In
Cardi+an Bay. in $ales! t'ere is said to be a city sun1en beneat' t'e sea .'ic' is Caer
Arianr'od! t'e bells o/ .'ic' can be /aintly 'eard s.in+in+ .it' t'e tide.
Arianr'od 'ad a brot'er! .'o .as also 'er consort! called
G.ydion! and 'e .as <T'e ,ri-e enc'anter o/ t'e Britons. T'e stories in t'e
Mabino+ion< treat o/ t'ese Gods and Goddesses! but in a late and con/used /as'ion! and
are e4idently ,ost3C'ristian because t'ey contain re/erences to suc' t'in+s as t'e sayin+
o/ Mass. $e can! 'o.e4er! distin+uis' t'e outlines o/ di4ine /i+ures s'inin+ t'rou+'
t'ese -ists o/ obscurity! and -a1e out so-et'in+ o/ .'at t'e Ancient Britons belie4ed
about t'e-! t'eir relations'i,s and /unctions! and t'e -eanin+ o/ t'eir -yt's. Arianr'od!
/or instance. is said to 'a4e +i4en birt' to t.in Gods! Lle.! t'e (un3God! and Dylan! t'e
God o/ t'e $a4es! and to 'a4e -iraculously concei4ed t'ese c'ildren by lea,in+ o4er a
.iKardSs .and. T'is is interestin+! because it s'o.s t'e early -eanin+ o/ t'e .and as a
,'allic sy-bol! and its relations'i, to t'e broo-stic1 .'ic' .itc'es carricd as suc'.
C'ristina Hole! in 'er En+lis' Fol1lore! says! :Gy,sies lea,t o4er broo-stic1s at t'eir
.eddin+s! and t'ere .as a /or- o/ -arria+e o4er a broo-stic1 .'ic' .as /airly co--on
at one ti-e! t'ou+' it .as not al.ays considered bindin+ i/ eit'er ,arty .is'ed to de/ault
a/ter.ards.< Actually! I t'in1 t'is is -ore a Tin1er t'an a Gi,sy custo-. At least! t'is is
.'at Gi,sies tell -e. In 8or1s'ire an i--oral .o-an is called a beso-. Mot'ers .ere
usually care/ul to ,re4ent t'eir dau+'ters /ro- ste,,in+ o4er a broo-! and -isc'ie4ous
or s,ite/ul ,eo,le so-eti-es laid one .'ere t'e +irl .ould .al1 o4er it by accident. t'e
reason bein+ t'at i/ s'e strode o4er a beso- or broo-3'andle s'e .ould beco-e a -ot'er
be/ore s'e .as a .i/e. T'e i4y3.reat'ed t'yrsus carried by t'e Bacc'antes ,robably 'ad
essentially t'e sa-e -eanin+. One sees ,ictures on old Gree1 4ases o/ Bacc'antes
.a4in+ a branc' .it' a bunc' o/ lea4es on t'e end o/ it! .'ic' are re-iniscent o/ t'e
,ictures o/ .itc'es .it' broo-stic1s.
Lle.! t'e (un3God! is t'e sa-e as t'e Celtic Lu+' .'ose /esti4al! t'e Lu+'nassad is!
as .e 'a4e seen! t'at < La--as< .'ic' is one o/ t'e .itc'esS (abbats. It is a curious
t'in+ 'o.! in s,ite o/ all t'e ,ro,a+anda /or :sta++ered 'olidays<! La--as3tide at t'e
be+innin+ o/ Au+ust is still t'e ,eriod to .'ic' t'e .or1in+3class ,o,ulation -ost
stubbornly clin+s as its /a4ourite ti-e /or ta1in+ a 'oliday. T'ey donSt Luite 1no. .'y!
t'ey =ust /eel t'at itSs t'e ,ro,er ti-e <I and no ot'er ti-e see-s Luite t'e sa-e. Fol13
-e-ory dies 'ard.
T'e $iKard God .'ose .and brou+'t LIe. and Dylan into t'e .orld .as Mat'! t'e
brot'er o/ t'e Great Mot'er! D[n. His na-e -eant :treasure< or <.ealt'<! and 'e tau+'t
'is arts to 'is ne,'e. G.ydion! .'o t'en beca-e t'e Druid o/ t'e Gods. G.ydion -ay
be t'e sa-e as t'e Teutonic $oden or Odin. Mat' -ay 'a4e been t'e ori+inal o/ Merlin.
T'e +reat (ea God .as Mana.yddan! t'e son o/ Llyr. His Celtic na-e .as Manannan
MacLir! t'e God o/ t'e Isle o/ Man. He it .as .'o o.ned t'e ori+inal <Da4y JonesSs
Loc1er<. An old $els' ,oe- tells 'o.0
T'e ac'ie4e-ent o/ Mana.yddan t'e $ise!
A/ter la-entation and /iery .rat'
$as t'e Construction o/ t'e bone /ortress o/ Oet' and Anoet'.

T'is is described as bein+ a ,rison! in t'e s'a,e o/ a bee'i4e! -ade o/ 'u-an bones
-ortared to+et'er! di4ided into innu-erable cells /or-in+ a 1ind o/ labyrint'I 'ere 'e
i-,risoned <t'ose /ound tres,assin+ in Hades< F,resu-ably t'e .ic1ed! or else t'ose
.'o .ere not under t'e ,rotection o/ t'e Gods by 'a4in+ +one t'rou+' t'e MysteriesG.
T'is +rueso-e tale .as +radually trans3-o+ri/ied into t'e sailorsS tradition o/ :Da4y
JonesSs Loc1er<. T'e Celtic -ind .as a,t to associate t'e A/ter3$orld! not only .it' t'e
:Hollo. Hill;! or <A4alon<! t'e 5lace o/ A,,le3trees! but also .it' a beauti/ul land
<)nder t'e $a4es<! or across t'e sea in t'e $est! t'ou+' t'is last conce,tion .ould! o/
course! be -ore co--on a-on+ ,eo,le .'o li4ed by t'e sea! and t'eir (ea3God
Manannan or Mana.yddan! .it' 'is beauti/ul .i/e Fand! .ould be t'e rulers o/ it.
It -ust be re-e-bered t'at t'e .ords <Hell< and <Hades< do not con4ey to t'e early
,eo,les t'e connotation .'ic' t'ey 'a4e to3day. <Hell< is called a/ter t'e Goddess Hel
.'o .as t'e (candina4ian and Teutonic Goddess o/ t'e Dead. Her real-s .ete not a
,lace o/ /iery ,unis'-ent! but si-,ly t'e ,lace ,eo,le .ent to .'en t'ey died. (i-ilarly!
<Hades< ta1es its na-e /ro- t'e Gree1 God .'o .as t'e Ruler o/ t'e A/ter3$orld! and it
'as t'e sa-e -eanin+ as t'e /or-er.
5er'a,s t'e Iris' Gods! t'e Tuat'a de Danaan! are t'ose .'ose /i+ures a,,ear -ore
clearly in <t'e sunset o/ old tales<. T'e Gaelic Moon Goddess .as called Bri+it or Bride!
and s'e .as also t'e Goddess o/ /ire and ,oetry! .'ic' t'e Gaels dee-ed a ty,e o/
su,ersensual /la-e or li+'t. $e tal1 o/ ,eo,le as bein+ enli+'tened<! or </ired .it'
ent'usias-<. Bride is de,icted cro.ned .it' t'e crescent -oon! and .it' a /la-e o/ ,ale
/ire arisin+ bet.een 'er 'ands. One o/ t'e GaelSs -ost ,oetic conce,tions .as t'e Lo4e
God! An+us O+. An+us t'e 8oun+! .'o bore t'e Cu, o/ Healin+ in 'is 'ands. Anot'er
.as t'at o/ t'e God called T'e Da+da. t'e /at'er o/ An+us. He .as an Eart' God!
a,,arently! and 'ad a -a+ical 'ar,! t'e tune o/ .'ic'! as 'e ,layed it! caused t'e seasons
to c'an+e and /ollo. u,on eac' ot'er in t'eir order.
To +i4e a co-,lete account o/ t'e ancient Iris' and $els'
,ant'eons .ould be too -uc' o/ a di+ressionI t'e interested reader -ay /ind /uller
accounts o/ t'e- in Celtic Myt' and Le+end!5oetry and Ro-ance! by C'arles (LuireI
Myt's and Le+ends o/ t'e Celtic Race! by T. $. RollestonI T'e Candle o/ @ision! by <A.
E.<I and t'e .or1s o/ Fiona Macleod F$illia- ('ar,G. But I t'in1 enou+' 'as been said
to indicate t'at t'ey .ere not -ere </ertility de-ons< F.'ate4er t'ose -ay beG! or tribal
/etis'es! but an Oly-,us o/ +racious bein+s .'ic' .as undoubtedly t'e ,roduct o/ a
,oetic +enius o/ .'ic' our race -ay .ell be ,roud Z /or t'ere is ,lenty o/ Celtic blood in
t'e En+lis' ,eo,le.
I -ention t'is ,oint because o/ a rat'er a-usin+ incident .'ic' occurred at a lecture I
recently attended at Ca9ton Hall. T'e lecturer .as s,ea1in+ u,on t'e sub=ect o/ t'e Celtic
Gods! .'en a +entle-an in a biretta +ot u, and conde-ned 'i- roundly /or not
dis,ara+in+ t'e-! sayin+ t'at t'ey .ere <t'e De4il<. Bein+ e4er .illin+ to learn
so-et'in+ ne.! I enLuired o/ t'e o.ner o/ t'e biretta i/ 'e .ould be 1ind enou+'! as
t'ere .ere a considerable nu-ber o/ Celtic Gods Fnot to -ention GoddessesG! to indicate
to -e .'ic' ,articular one o/ t'e- .as t'e De4ilH As I understood t'ere .as only one
de4il! and 'e couldnSt be t'e- all at once. I re+ret! 'o.e4er! t'at I recei4ed no intelli+ible
re,ly! or I .ould +ladly ,ass on t'e in/or-ation to t'e reader.
C'a,ter EII.

A FREO)ENT alle+ation is -ade a+ainst .itc'es by t'e sillier ty,e o/ .riter t'at t'ey see1
to desecrate C'ristian c'urc'es! and to .rec1 C'ristian +ra4eyards. Did t'ese ,eo,le but
1no. it! t'ere s'ould be /e. in t'is country -ore interested in t'e ,reser4ation o/ our old
cat'edrals and c'urc'es t'an t'e -e-bers o/ t'e .itc' cult! because it is in t'ose 4ery
cat'edrals and c'urc'es t'at so-e o/ t'e -ost interestin+ secret si+ns o/ t'e cult are to be
$e -ust re-e-ber .'at t'e conditions o/ t'e country .ere .'en our oldest ,laces o/
C'ristian .ors'i, .ere built! /or t'e elucidation o/ t'is ,arado9. $e 'a4e already seen
'o. it .as t'e acce,ted ,ractice o/ t'e early C'urc' to build t'eir ,laces o/ .ors'i, u,on
,a+an sitesI but by .'o- .ould t'e actual buildin+ o/ suc' c'urc'es 'a4e been carried
outH T'e ans.er is! by t'e a4era+e Britis' cra/ts-an! .'o at t'at ti-e -i+'t or -i+'t not
'a4e been 'i-sel/ a C'ristianI .'o 'ad! 'o.e4er! in t'e -atter o/ buildin+ ,laces o/
.ors'i,! no ot'er -aster but t'e C'ristian C'urc' to ,ro4ide 'i- .it' e-,loy-ent. On
t'e ot'er 'and! t'e C'urc' itsel/ e-,loyed t'e best cra/ts-en it could obtainI i/ it 'ad
stayed to -a1e enLuiry into t'eir ,ri4ate belie/s! it -i+'t ne4er 'a4e +ot its c'urc' or
cat'edral erected at all.
$e 'a4e o/ten 'eard t'e .ealt' o/ car4in+ u,on ancient c'urc'es and cat'edrals
described as <Luaint< or <curious< or <+rotesLue<I but /e. o/ t'e +eneral ,ublic 'a4e
realised =ust 'o. <curious< so-e o/ t'ese car4in+s .ere. E9,erts u,on c'urc'
arc'itecture! sta++ered by t'e sub=ects o/ so-e o/ t'e- Z e4en allo.in+ /or t'e coarse
'u-our o/ olden ti-es Z 'a4e ad4anced 4arious uncon4incin+ e9,lanations /or t'eir
e9istence! suc' as t'at <t'e ecclesiastical aut'orities .is'ed t'e c'urc' to be a sort o/
uni4ersal ,icture3boo1 o/ conte-,orary li/e /or a con+re+ation .'ic' could not read<! or
t'at <t'e car4in+s .ere intended to con4ey ,ictures o/ 4ice as cautionary tales! to be
a4oided.< Just 'o. uncon4incin+ t'ese e9,lanations are t'e reader -ay =ud+e as .e
,ro+ressI but e4en .ere t'ey true o/ t'e -ore Rabelaisian and scandalous re,resentations.
t'ey cannot account /or t'e ,resence o/ sy-bols .'ic' are de/initely ,a+an.
T.o o/ t'e -ost interestin+ o/ t'e latter are t'ose 1no.n as t'e <('eila3na3Gi+< and
t'e <Green Man<. T'e /or-er is a
crude /i+ure o/ a na1ed .o-an! .it' t'e se9ual or+ans deliberately e-,'asised. Its
intention is not obscenity! but si-,ly a re,resentation o/ t'e /e-ale ,rinci,le o/ /ertility.
In its rou+' and ,ri-iti4e .ay! it is a /i+ure o/ t'e Great Mot'er! li1e t'e little
5alaeolit'ic /i+urines /ro- t'e ca4es! ,re4iously -entioned. T'e na-e <('eila3na3Gi+<
-eans <('eila t'e Giddy<! or <T'e Merry ('eila<! accordin+ to 5ayne ni+'t! .'o .as
one o/ t'e /irst .riters to notice t'ese curious /i+uresI Dr. Mar+aret Murray! 'o.e4er!
+i4es t'e -eanin+ as <$o-an o/ t'e Castle<. It is! o/ course! an Iris' na-e! because
t'ese /i+ures .ere at /irst -ainly disco4ered u,on old Iris' c'urc'es! t'ou+' e9a-,les
occur in Britain also! as .e s'all see! and u,on t'e Continent.
In t'e Museu- o/ t'e (ociety o/ AntiLuaries in Dublin! accordin+ to T. Cli/ton
Lon+.ort'! t'ere are se4eral e9a-,les o/ t'e ('eila3na3Gi+! re-o4ed /ro- ancient
c'urc'es. One o/ t'ese ca-e /ro- Roc'esto.n! Co. Ti,,eraryI anot'er /ro- $'ite
Island! Lou+' Erne! Co. Fer-ana+'I and a t'ird /ro- County Ca4an.
In 'is boo1! T'e De4il a Mon1 $ould Be! Lon+.ort' describes and illustrates a
('iela3na3Gi+ /ro- il,ec1 C'urc'! about nine -iles /ro- Here/ord. He says o/ t'is
c'urc' t'at it is <one o/ t'e -ost re-ar1able Nor-an c'urc'es in t'is country. It dis,lays
.ealt' o/ /antastic /i+ures o/ -en and beasts and -uc' beauti/ul Celtic ,laited .or1 and
interlaced car4in+! so t'at all antiLuarians are a+reed it -ust 'a4e been built under Iris'
in/luence. A-on+ t'e Luaint car4in+s 'i+' u, near t'e roo/ is a crude e9a-,le o/ t'e
('eila3na3Gi+.< FT'e in/luence! 'o.e4er! could 'a4e been $els' or (cottis'.G He +oes
on to say t'at t'ere is a si-ilar car4in+ on t'e $est Front o/ (out'.ell Minster! but t'at
it is in suc' a lo/ty ,osition t'at t'e details are di//icult to -a1e outI and t'at t'ere is
anot'er in 8or1 Minster.
To Lon+.ort'! t'ese car4in+s are <+ross obscenities<. T'e student o/ ancient cults
-ay! 'o.e4er! loo1 at t'e- .it' di//erent eyes. Crude and ,ri-iti4e t'ey are! certainlyI
but as sacred in t'eir o.n .ay to t'e -en .'o car4ed t'e- as! /or instance! a statue o/
t'e Madonna to t'e Cat'olic. Indeed! t'e @esica 5iscis .'ic' surrounds t'e /i+ure o/ t'e
Mot'er o/ God in -any ,ictures and car4in+s is si-,ly a /or-alised re,resentation o/ t'e
sa-e ideaI t'e +ate.ay o/ birt'.
One o/ t'e -ost re-ar1able ('eila3na3Gi+ /i+ures to be /ound in t'is country is t'at
,reser4ed in t'e La1e @illa+e Museu- at Glastonbury. It is 1no.n as <Jac1 (ta+<! but t'e
/i+ure is ob4iously /e-ale! t'ou+' -uc' .orn and .eat'ered by ti-e. It used to stand
u,on t'e to, o/ t'e old Mar1et Cross! .'ic' .as de-olis'ed in %6C6! and re,laced by t'e
,resent rat'er +race/ul!
t'ou+' -odern! structure. T'e connection o/ Glastonbury .it' t'e Old Reli+ion 'as
already been noted.
M.D. Anderson! in Loo1in+ /or History in Britis' C'urc'esM says0

(tran+e as it see-s! t'e -ediae4al cler+y did not ,re4ent t'e intrusion a-on+ t'e desi+ns used to
decorate c'urc'es o/ so-e crude sy-bols deri4ed /ro- t'e old /ertility rites. In an article in t'e
Ant'ro,olo+ical Institute Journal /or %&"2 Dr. M. A. Murray illustrates se4eral e9a-,les car4ed u,on
En+lis' c'urc'es o/ t'e e-ble- 1no.n as t'e ('eila3na3Gi+ F$o-an o/ t'e CastleG and notes its
a//inity .it' t'e E+y,tian +oddess Baubo. At $'ittles/ord FCa-bsG t'e ('eila3na3Gi+ is car4ed o4er a
.indo. o/ t'e c'urc' to.er! acco-,anied by a sinister! 'u-an3'eaded Luadru,ed.

Baubo! in t'e sacred le+end o/ Isis and Osiris! endea4oured to co-/ort Isis!
'eartbro1en o4er t'e deat' o/ 'er 'usband OsirisI but all 'er e//orts /ailed until at last in
des,eration s'e suddenly .'i,,ed u, 'er s1irts and s'o.ed 'er na1ed body to t'e
+oddess! .'o burst out lau+'in+ at t'e si+'t. E9actly t'e sa-e incident occurs in t'e
sacred le+end o/ Eleusis! only t'is ti-e t'e =estin+ lady is na-ed Ia-be! and t'e -ourner
to .'ose /ace s'e brin+s a s-ile is De-eter! sorro.in+ /or 5erse,'one. It is reasonable to
su,,ose! t'ere/ore! t'at t'is le+endary incident contains so-e reli+ious teac'in+. I
su++est its underlyin+ -eanin+ -ay be t'at t'e berea4ed one ta1es co-/ort and s-iles at
t'e si+n o/ t'e Gate o/ Rebirt'! t'e ,ro-ise t'at t'e lost belo4ed .ill be reborn in anot'er
reincarnation! and t'at t'ey .ill re-e-ber! 1no. and lo4e eac' ot'er a+ain. It is also
e4idently associated .it' t'e ancient idea o/ ritual nudity! es,ecially in t'e latterSs
connection .it' /ertility.
In t'e Notes at t'e end o/ t'e abo4e3-entioned boo1 t'e aut'or states t'at /urt'er
e9a-,les o/ ,ossible /ertility /i+ures car4ed on c'urc'es are discussed and illustrated in
Man! EEE and EEEII also an article by Dina 5ort.ay Dobson on An+lo3(a9on
scul,ture in Bristol and Glos. Arc'. (oc. Trans.! L.@.I and t'at e9a-,les o/ t'e ('eila3
na3Gi+ on roo/ bosses -ay be /ound in C. J. 5. Ca4eSs Roo/ Bosses in Mediae4al
It does indeed see- stran+e t'at t'e -ediae4al cler+y did not ,re4ent t'e intrusion o/
t'ese ,a+an i-a+es. $ere so-e o/ t'e- secret sy-,at'isers .it' t'e Old Reli+ion! .it'
a /oot in bot' ca-,sH Or .as it t'at t'e builders o/ t'ese ancient c'urc'es .ere at least as
-uc' ,a+ans as t'ey .ere C'ristiansH
It -ay be ob=ected t'at no one but a belie4er .ould build a c'urc'I .e 'a4e! 'o.e4er!
t'e e9a-,les o/ @oltaire and (ir Francis Das'.ood to t'e contrary. T'e c'urc' built by
t'e latter at $est $yco-be 'as so-e curious /eatures! .'ic' -ay be indicati4e o/

M Jo'n Murray! %&#%.
'is ,ri4ate belie/s. It .ill be re-e-bered t'at 'e .as also t'e /ounder o/ t'e notorious
<Hell Fire Club<.
T'e /or- o/ t'e C'ristian cat'edral is! a/ter all! based u,on t'at o/ t'e old sacred +ro4e.
T'e 4aulted arc'es o/ t'e na4es o/ our +reat cat'edrals re,roduce in stone t'e /or- o/
o4erarc'in+ trees! and at t'e end o/ t'e- t'e East $indo.! usually in t'e /or- o/ a
circle! re,resents t'e (un in its risin+. T'e t.in to.ers .'ic' are so o/ten a /eature o/ t'e
/abric 'ar1 bac1 to t'e -e-ory o/ T.in 5illarsI and t'e soarin+ s,ire is a ,'allic sy-bol.
(o-e3one in/or-ed G. . C'esterton o/ t'is latter /act once! and! 'e tells us in one o/ 'is
essays! <For a -o-ent I .as in t'e -ood in .'ic' t'ey burned .itc'es>< But no a-ount
o/ e-otional tantru-s on t'e ,art o/ t'e de4out .ill alter t'e /acts o/ reli+ious 'istory.
C'esterton /elt t'at to belie4e t'at a c'urc' s,ire .as a ,'allic sy-bol .as to belittle t'e
c'urc'I t'e .itc' .'o- 'e .anted to burn .ould not t'in1 so.
Nor! ,ossibly! .ould so-e o/ t'e old3ti-e ,riests. Not all o/ t'e- .ere .itc'3'untin+
/anatics. On t'e contrary! -any o/ t'e- .ere +i/ted .it' su//icient tolerance and .isdo-
to ,er-it t'e Old Reli+ion and t'e Ne. to /louris' ,eace/ully side by side! and e4en to
a,,reciate t'at <T'ere is no reli+ion 'i+'er t'an Trut'.< Ta1e! /or instance! t'e /a-ous
Horn Dance celebrated at Abbots Bro-ley in (ta//ords'ire! .'ic' is clearly a sur4i4al o/
t'e rites o/ t'e Old Reli+ion. Accordin+ to M. D. Anderson! t'e si9 sets o/ reindeerSs
'orns and t'e 'obby3'orse used in t'is dance are still 1e,t in t'e c'urc' .'en not in use!
and ori+inally t'e dance too1 ,lace in t'e c'urc' itsel/I later! t'e -usic .as ,layed /ro-
t'e c'urc' ,orc' .'ile t'e dancers ,er/or-ed in t'e c'urc'yard! and no.adays t'e dance
ta1es ,lace t'rou+' t'e streets.
Dancin+ in c'urc'es .as by no -eans an un'eard3o/ t'in+I it .as o/ten -ade a
conco-itant o/ C'ristian /esti4als. T'e ori+inal <C'rist-as carollers< .ere dancers. An
old direction /ro- (ens lays do.n t'at t'e leaders o/ t'e cler+y <on t'e second day o/
C'rist-as s'all e9ecute a dance in t'e c'oir o/ t'e c'urc' or around it! 'oldin+ sta//s in
t'eir 'ands.< T'e boy c'oristers 1no.n as seises dance be/ore t'e Hi+' Altar o/ (e4ille
Cat'edral durin+ Mass to t'is day! I belie4e. Ho.e4er! t'e (ynods o/ Rouen! %A%2! o/
Lie+e and E9eter! %A6D! and t'e T'eolo+ical Faculty o/ t'e )ni4ersity o/ 5aris! %222! all
conde-ned t'e ,ractice o/ c'urc' dancin+. T'e last3na-ed concla4e called it <t'is /ilt'y
custo-;! sayin+ t'at <it 'ad been ta1en o4er /ro- t'e 'eat'en and co--e-orates t'e-.<
It .as t'e Re/or-ation .'ic' ,ut an end to al-ost all c'urc' dancin+I t'e ,ractice .as
/orbidden in 5rotestant Ger-any and 5rotestant En+land in t'e -iddle o/ t'e si93
teent' century. But .e -ay in i-a+ination! .'en seated in an ancient c'urc' or
cat'edral! see t'e -erry carollers! or t'e dancers o/ t'e Feast o/ Fools in t'eir ani-al
-as1s! treadin+ t'eir +ay round bet.een t'e +reat branc'in+ ,illars .'ic' arc'
t'e-sel4es abo4e into t'e di-! car4en roo/ li1e so -any tall trees turned to stoneI and
t'en! as ti-e rolls bac1! see t'e car4en stone a+ain beco-e branc'es and lea4es! and t'e
+lories o/ t'e East $indo. trans/or- into t'e risin+ sun! as t'e dancers +reet t'e da.n in
t'e sacred +ro4e.
$e 'a4e seen t'at t'e old na1ed Goddess o/ Fertility is to be /ound car4ed on Britis'
c'urc'es! .'et'er secretly ,laced t'ere by 'er de4otees! or under t'e tolerance o/ a ,aris'
,riest .'o eit'er .ors'i,,ed 'er in secret 'i-sel/ or else turned a blind eye to 'er ,a+an
,resenceI and t'e Old God is also to be /ound t'ere. His +uise is t'at o/ t'e <Green Man<!
or </oliate -as1<! as it is so-eti-es called. T'is is t'e /i+ure o/ a -anSs /ace! usually
el4is'3loo1in+ and .it' ,ointed ears re-iniscent o/ 'orns Fone 4ery old e9a-,le! at least!
is actually 'ornedG. T'e /ace a,,ears as i/ loo1in+ t'rou+' a screen o/ /olia+e! usually!
t'ou+' not in4ariably! o/ oa1 lea4es! and lea4es are re,resented as curlin+ /ro- t'e 'al/3
o,en -out'. T'is -as1 'as been na-ed t'e <Green Man<! because it 'as been su++ested
by students o/ /ol1lore t'at it re,resents t'e /i+ure 1no.n as <Jac1 in t'e Green< .'o
used to ta1e t'e leadin+ ,art in t'e May Day /esti4ities. It .ill be re-e-bered t'at May
E4e is one o/ t'e .itc'esS (abbats! and t'e old custo- .as to stay out all ni+'t +at'erin+
+reen +arlands to dec1 t'e ,rocession .'ic' .as 'eld on t'e -orro.! .'en t'e ,'allic
:May,ole< .as erectedNo/ten! as .e 'a4e seen! u,on an old ,a+an siteNand t'e ,eo,le
danced around it. (o-e o/ t'e +reen branc'es used to be arran+ed u,on a 1ind o/
.ic1er.or1 /ra-e! cro.ned .it' a +arland o/ /lo.ers! and inside t'is erection t'e -an
re,resentin+ <Jac1 in t'e Green< used to ,arade! bein+ al-ost in4isible beneat' 'is +reen
cano,y. T'e /oliate -as1 is su++ested to re,resent t'is /i+ure ,eerin+ t'rou+' t'e /olia+eI
t'e in/erence bein+ t'at 'e is a /or- o/ <t'e s,irit o/ 4e+etation<! t'e +reen lea4es
returnin+ in t'e s,rin+.
<Jac1 in t'e Green< 4ery ,robably did re,resent t'isI but in 'er article in Fol1lore
F%&"&G u,on t'e <Green Man<! Lady Ra+lan +i4es an illustration o/ a 4ery -uc' older
/or- o/ t'e /oliate -as1 .'ic' s'e calls a <Jani/or- bust<! /ro- Ro-e! o/ .'ic' s'e
un/ortunately does not +i4e t'e date! statin+ -erely t'at it is /ro- classical ti-es. It is a
bust s'o.in+ t.o /aces! one a youn+ -an! t'e ot'er an old bearded -an. On eac' side o/
t'e ,edestal are t'e .ords <(ACR. DIAN<. Bot' /aces are adorned
.it' lea4esI t'e /ace o/ t'e youn+ -an For +odHG 'as lea4es s,rin+in+ /ro- its -out'.
T'e 'air stands u, around bot' /aces! and u,on t'e /ore'ead o/ eac' it /or-s t.o ,oints
re-iniscent o/ 'orns. T'e ends o/ t'e 'air! and t'e beard and -oustac'e o/ t'e older /ace!
/all into lea/3li1e s'a,es.
No.! .e 'a4e seen t'at Janus or Dianus .as a /or- o/ t'e God o/ t'e $itc'esI t'e t.o
/aces de,ict 'is dual nature. As t'e .itc' ritual says! <T'ou art t'e O,ener o/ t'e
Door.ay o/ t'e $o-bI and yet! because t'at .'ic' is born -ust also die! t'at it -ay be
rene.ed! t'ere/ore art T'ou Lord o/ t'e Gates o/ Deat'.< Bein+ t'e consort o/ Diana! 'e
.as t'e in+ o/ t'e $ood! and as t'e 5'allic God! 'e .as t'e rene.er o/ li/e. It is
e4ident t'at t'e bust .'ic' Lady Ra+lan illustrates de,icts 'i- as t'e rene.er o/ li/e in
s,rin+I t'e +reen lea4es ta1e li/e /ro- 'is -out'. Closely a1in to 'i- are Faunus and
(il4anus! and 5an! .'o .as 'ailed in Hellas as <5a-,'a+X! 5an+enetor<! <All3De4ourer!
All3Be+etter<I and as <C'airX (oter os-ou<! <Belo4ed (a4iour o/ t'e $orld;! yet /ro-
.'ose na-e .as deri4ed <,anic< as a ter- o/ terror. 5ria,us! too! .as t'e 5'allic God
and t'e God o/ Gardens. T'e conce,t o/ /ertility! o/ eternal! e4er3rene.in+! u,s,rin+in+
li/e! is t'e basis o/ t'e- all.
May .e 4enture to su++est t'at t'e /oliate -as1 is not -erely deri4ed /ro- t'e /i+ure
o/ <Jac1 in t'e Green<! but t'at bot' are deri4ed /ro- t'e sa-e sourceNt'e Old God o/
T'e Old God -a1es an actual a,,earance as <T'e Green Man< in t'e old ro-ance o/
<(ir Ga.aine and t'e Green ni+'t.< T'e /i+ure o/ t'e :Green ni+'t;! .eird and
/antastic yet courtly and 1ind in a .ay t'at ,uts (ir Ga.aine to s'a-e! is ty,ical o/ t'e
Old GodI and it is to be noted t'at 'is :.i/e; in t'e story is Mor+an Le Fay! t'e Lady o/
t'e Moon! .'o a,,ears so-eti-es as an old 'a+! and so-eti-es as an enticin+ youn+
Mor+an t'e Goddess
T'ere/ore it is 'er na-e.
$ields none so 'i+' 'autesse
T'at s'e cannot -a1e /ull ta-e.

T'e ro-ance .as .ritten so-e.'ere bet.een %"7C and %2CC! and at its end are t'e
.ords <Honi soit Lui -al y ,ense<! .'ic' is t'e -otto o/ t'e Order o/ t'e Garter /ounded
in %"2&. T'e story turns u,on t'e ,ossession o/ a +irdle o/ +reen sil1 FT'e $itc' Cord!
or GirdleHG t'e lo4e3+i/t o/ Mor+an Le Fay! .'ic' t'e lords and ladies o/ in+ Art'urSs
court later ado,t as t'e si+n o/ t'eir /ello.s'i, and t'e re-e-brance o/ t'e courtesy o/
t'e Green ni+'t and 'is Lady. It .ill
be re-e-bered t'at t'e Order o/ t'e Garter .as /ounded ostensibly as a -e-orial o/
in+ Art'urSs Round Table by t'at in+ Ed.ard III .'o +a4e re/u+e to Lady Alice
yteler .'en 'er co4en in Ireland .as ,ersecuted by t'e Bis'o, o/ Ossory. It is notable
t'at Ed.ard III later .ent out o/ 'is .ay to be as obno9ious to t'e said Bis'o, as 'e
could. It -ay also be noted t'at .'en 'e co--enced t'e ,ro=ect o/ /oundin+ t'e Order o/
t'e Garter 'e is said to 'a4e instructed 'is secretary! $illia- o/ $y1e'a-! to -a1e
enLuiries into t'e traditton o/ t'e Order o/ (t. Geor+e and t'e Garter. It is di//icult to see
'o. enLuiry could 'a4e been -ade into t'e tradition o/ an Order .'ic' did not yet e9ist!
so t'e Garter -ust 'a4e an earlier -eanin+.
(ir Ga.aine and t'e Green ni+'t< is an En+lis' <Mystery Le+end<! and as suc' I
reco--end its study to t'e interested sc'olar. It 'a,,ens! too! to be a 4ery +ood story.
Lady Ra+lan tells us t'at s'e /irst noticed t'e <Green Man< on t'e c'ancel arc' o/ a
c'urc' at Llan+.n! Mon. Here in t'is c'urc' it is! :as in so -any ot'ers .'ere .e 'a4e
/ound it;! t'e only car4in+ in t'e c'urc'.
('e later /ound t.o -ore o/ t'e sa-e 1ind! one on t'e /ont at (to. Minster in
Lincolns'ire! t'e ot'er on .'at 'ad been t'e ca,ital o/ t'e ,illar in t'e na4e o/ Melrose
Abbey. (ince t'en Lady Ra+lan and t'e Re4. J. Gri//it' 'a4e /ound e9a-,les in t.enty3
t'ree counties o/ En+land! as .ell as in Midlot'ian. In -any o/ t'e cat'edrals and
-insters t'ere are se4eral e9a-,les. as at (out'.ell! E9eter! Lincoln! $ells and Ely.
T'ere are also e9a-,les on t'e Continent Fe.+. t'e C'urc' o/ t'e Do-inicans at G'ent!
and t'e c'urc' at (e-ur3en3Au9oisG. It .as a +reat .itc' =o1e! a+ainst t'e C'ristians! t'at
t'ey could ,ublicly .ors'i, t'eir o.n +ods. T'ese 'eads .ere deliberately -ade so as
not to be reco+nised /or .'at t'ey .ere. $e 'a4e t.o s,eci-ens in t'is Museu-! one o/
-assi4e oa1! t'e ot'er a rare s,eci-en o/ .rou+'t iron. I 1no. o/ a si-ilar .ooden one
/ro- an old c'urc' .'ic' 'as been destroyed t'at is no. ,reser4ed in a .itc'esS -eetin+
I 'a4e already -entioned t'at in -any c'urc'es it is t'e sole decoration! and surely i/
.e .ere about to c'oose one car4in+ only /or t'e decoration o/ our c'urc'! .e s'ould
select t'e ,erson oB t'e sy-bol t'at .as in our o,inion t'e /ocal ,oint o/ our rcli+ious
ideals. Mr. C. J. 5. Ca4e! .'o 'as ,'oto+ra,'ed 'undreds o/ roo/ bosses in cat'edrals
and c'urc'es! says t'at in t'e -a=ority t'e only alternati4e to t'ese lea/y /aces or /oliate
'eads! as 'e calls t'e-! is oa1 lea4es! and I also 'a4e noticed t'is ,redo-inance o/ oa1. It
is! 'o.e4er! by no -eans in4ariable . It is ,ossible
t'at t'ere is no s,ecial -eanin+ in t'e c'oice o/ /olia+e! but I t'in1 it is si+ni/icant t'at
oa1 ,redo-inates<. FOa1! o/ course! .as t'e DruidsS sacred tree.G T'ere is Hernes oa1 at
(t. Bernard! .e are told! .'en conte-,latin+ t'e decoration o/ t'e Cluniac c'urc'es
.as a+'ast at t'e :/antastic -onsters< in t'e cloisters! and blus'ed /or t'ese
<absurdities<. He declared t'at t'ey .ere dan+erous! attractin+ t'e soul and 'inderin+
-editation u,on t'e .ill o/ God. 5er'a,s 'e 'ad so-e in1lin+ o/ ,a+anis- a-on+ t'e-.
One o/ Lady Ra+lanSs illustrations! /ro- t'e /ont o/ (t. $ooloSs C'urc'! Ne.,ort!
Mon.! s'o.s a /oliate -as1 .'ic' is de/initely 'orned! and 'as +reat .'orls o/ /olia+e
co-in+ /ro- its -out'. Anot'er -as1! /ro- t'e cloisters o/ Mon Ma=our! near Arles!
France! .'ic' also illustrates t'is article! s'o.s 'i+'! ,ointed ears! re-iniscent o/ 'orns!
and a beard and -oustac'e! as .ell as t'e usual /olia+e. T'ere is a -as1 si-ilar to t'is on
t'e outside o/ (alisbury Cat'edral! near one o/ t'e entrances.
A 4ery li4ely -isericord /ro- Lincoln Cat'edral! .'ic' Lady Ra+lan illustrates! s'o.s
not only oa1 lea4es as /olia+e adorn-ent! but also acorns. Anot'er! /ro- t'e C'a,ter
House at (out'3.ell Minster! 'as /olia+e .'ic' loo1s li1e 'a.t'orn in /lo.er. It .as
necessary /or t'e ,erson ta1in+ t'e ,art o/ <Jac1 in t'e Green< in t'e May Day ,rocession
to -a1e a s-all 'ole in t'e erection o/ +reen bou+'s t'at co4ered 'i-! to be able to see
'is .ay! and t'is little /i+ure /ro- (out'.ell Minster a,,ears to be doin+ e9actly t'at.
It is notable t'at a nu-ber o/ t'ese /oliate -as1s 'a4e t'e ton+ue ,rotrudin+. Lady
Ra+lan su++ests t'at t'e ori+inal <Green Man< -ay 'a4e been t'e Di4ine in+! and .as
,er'a,s sacri/iced by 'an+in+! t'e +reen +arland itsel/ bein+ later 'un+ u, in 'is ,lace! as
at Castleton in Derbys'ire! .'ere it is sus,ended on t'e c'urc' to.er a/ter t'e May Day
,rocession is o4er. Ho.e4er! it occurs to -e t'at t'e -oti4e o/ t'e ,rotrudin+ ton+ue
-ay be t'e sc'oolboy one o/ derision F,er'a,s at t'e sole-n edi/ice in .'ic' 'e /inds
'i-sel/HG as t'e e9a-,les s'e s'o.s loo1 Luite c'eer/ul and /ar /ro- dead. To stic1 out
t'e ton+ue .as ori+inally a ,'allic +esture.
Lady Ra+lan says!
T'e /act is t'at uno//icial ,a+anis- subsisted side by side .it' t'e o//icial reli+ion! and t'is
e9,lains t'e ,resence o/ our Green Man in a c'urc' .indo. .it' t'e @ir+in beside 'i- and belo. 'i-
t'e sun. T'is e9traordinary /i+ure -ay 'e seen in -ediae4al stained +lass at t'e c'urc' o/ (t. Mary
Redcli//e at Bristol. He is cro.ned! and it .ould see- t'at to t'e artist .'o -ade t'e .indo.! and
,resu-ably also to t'e ,riests .'o ordered it! 'e .as eLually 4enerable .it' t'e @ir+in.
It .ould certainly a,,ear in t'is instance t'at 'e .as re+arded as a sacred bein+! and
so-e at least o/ t'e .ors'i,,ers -ay 'a4e acce,ted t'e ,icture o/ t'e @ir+in as a
re,resentation o/ t'e Great Mot'er u,on .'ic' t'e ,riests 'ad ,ut clot'es.
On a roo/ boss at 5ers'ore F$orcs.G! too! t'e /oliate 'ead .ears a cro.n.
In t'e Notes at t'e end o/ M.D. AndersonSs boo1! Loo1in+ For History in Britis'
C'urc'es! it is stated0

E9a-,les o/ t'e /oliated -as1 can be seen Fon bossesG0 Be4erley F8or1sG! (t. MarySsI Bo9+ro4e
F(usse9GI Canterbury Cat'edralI Con+resbury F(o-ersetGI Ely Cat'edralI E9eter Cat'edralI in+s
Ny-,ton FDe4onGI Here/ord Cat'edralI Nor.ic' Cat'edralI 5atrin+ton F8or1sGI 5ers'ore F$oresGI
('erborne Abbey FDorsetGI Te.1esbury FGlosGI $ar-in+ton FNort'antsGI $inc'ester Cat'edralI and
$orcester Cat'edral. All t'ese e9a-,les are illustrated in Mr. C. J. 5. Ca4eSs boo1 on Bosses. T'e
/oliated -as1 also a,,ears /reLuently in -isericords as! /or instance! at in+Ss Lynn! (t. Mar+aretSsI
Co4entry! Holy TrinityI $in+'a- FentGI Lincoln Cat'edral.

I 'a4e /ound! too! a beauti/ul e9a-,le o/ t'e <Green Man< a-on+ t'e elaborate
decoration o/ an illu-inated -anuscri,t in t'e Britis' Museu- FB.M. E+erton M.(. "ADD!
/. %A7 b.G. T'is is a ,a+e /ro- a 5salter and Boo1 o/ Hours! illu-inated! ,er'a,s! by an
East An+lian artist! /or Hu-/rey de Bo'un! Dt' Earl o/ Here/ord Fd. %"D"G! and 'is
dau+'ter Mary Fd. %"&2G! /irst .i/e o/ Henry I@. A re,roduction o/ t'is ,a+e in colour
a,,eared in t'e C'rist-as nu-ber o/ T'e (,'ere in %&#2! as one o/ t'e illustrations to an
article! <T'e Beauty o/ Mediae4al Illu-inated Manuscri,ts<! by Julian Bro.n.
Anot'er /or- in .'ic' t'e Old God -ana+ed to +et 'i-sel/ into t'e /abric o/ an En+lis'
c'urc' is t'at scul,ture described by Barin+3Gould as bein+ car4ed in +ranite o4er t'e
,orc' o/ ('ee,stor c'urc' in De4on! na-ely a s1ull .it' ears o/ corn issuin+ /ro- t'e
-out' and eyes. $'en in t'eir cere-onies t'ere .as no -an o/ su//icient ran1 ,resent to
re,resent t'e God! in t'e old days t'e .itc'es sy-bolised 'is ,resence by a s1ull and
crossbones ,laced u,on t'eir altar at t'e (abbats.
It occurs to -e t'at t'is ,ractice -ay be t'e ori+in o/ t'e -any le+ends o/ <(crea-in+
(1ulls<. T'e +eneral /or- o/ t'e <(crea-in+ (1ull< le+end is t'at a s1ull is ,reser4ed in
so-e old 'ouse! and t'at any atte-,t to re-o4e it is i--ediately /ollo.ed by uneart'ly
screa-in+! and so-eti-es by stor-s and <5olter+eist< disturbances. Le+ends o/ t'is ty,e
e9ist at A-bleside in t'e La1e DistrictI at $ardley Hall in Lancas'ireI at Bettisco-be
/ar-stead near Brid,ort in DorsetI at $arbieton 5riory! (usse9I at a /ar-'ouse at C'ilton
Cantelo! in (o-ersetI at Tre-arro.! in Corn.allI and at Burton A+nes Hall! bet.een
Bridlin+ton and Dri//ield. T'is
curious ,attern o/ <'auntin+< loo1s as i/ eit'er t'e real-s o/ s,oo1ery are so-e.'at
unin4enti4e! and t'e in'abitants t'ereo/ 1ee, re,eatin+ t'e-sel4es! or else t'at t'ere
e9isted an ancient custo- o/ 1ee,in+ in 4arious ,laces! .it' +reat re4erence! a s1ull!
.'ic' .as re+arded .it' suc' su,erstitious a.e t'at su,ernatural disturbances .ere
e9,ected to /ollo. its re-o4alI and t'at in later days! .'en t'e ori+inal reason /or t'is
re4erence and a.e 'ad been /or+otten! ro-antic stories .ere in4ented to account /or it.
$'ile u,on t'e sub=ect o/ scul,tures o/ t'e Old God in c'urc'es .e -ust not /or+et t'e
/a-ous <Lincoln I-,<! .'o sLuats u,on a s,andrel on t'e nort' sideNt'e <De4ilSs
side<No/ Lincoln Cat'edral. He is uneLui4ocally 'orned and 'airy! but bears a 'u-an
/ace .it' a broad +rin! .'ic' consorts .ell .it' 'is nonc'alant attitude o/ one le+
crossed o4er t'e ot'er. A better /i+ure! /or t'e ,eriod! o/ t'e Old Horned God it .ould be
'ard to /ind.
Anot'er .ay in .'ic' t'e Britis' cra/ts-en o/ old days ,reser4ed t'e si+ns and sy-bols
o/ t'e Old Reli+ion .as by t'eir so3called <MasonsS Mar1s< .it' .'ic' t'ey used to
-ar1 t'e stones t'ey .or1ed. $'en I .rote -y little 'istorical no4el! Hi+' Ma+icSs Aid!
I 'ad t'e dust3=ac1et o/ it adorned .it' a /e. .itc' si+ns. I 'a4e recently been +i4en a
cast o/ a <MasonSs Mar1< /ro- a stone in t'e arc'.ay o/ t'e sout' door o/ t'e 4ery old
c'urc' at Bra-ber! in (usse9. It is identical .it' one o/ t'e si+ns +i4en on t'e dust3=ac1et
o/ Hi+' Ma+icSs Aid.
T'e si+n o/ t'e 5enta+ra-! too! is /ound as a <MasonSs Mar1<. One suc' is u,on t'e
sout' door.ay o/ Nut/ield C'urc'! in (urrey! and is illustrated in Old En+lis' C'urc'es!
by Geor+e Clinc'! F.G.(. FL! ),cott Gill! %&CA.G Gra//iti! I 'a4e been told! are o/ten
/ound .it'in old c'urc'es near t'e nort' doorNt'e ,a+an <De4ilSs Door<. I 'a4e tried in
t'is c'a,ter to cite enou+' e9a-,les o/ ,a+an si+ns in c'urc'es to ,ro4e -y case. It is
-y 'o,e t'at it -ay be ta1en as a /irst rou+' s1etc' o/ an interestin+ line o/ researc'!
.'ic' ot'er students .ill ta1e u,.
Not only! 'o.e4er! did t'e -ediae4al cra/ts-en .or1 t'e sy-bols o/ t'eir ,ri4ate
belie/s into t'e /abric o/ t'e buildin+s .'ic' t'ey 'el,ed to erectI t'ey also included
criticis-s! scat'in+ to t'e ,oint o/ obscenity! o/ t'e ecclesiastics t'ey .ere .or1in+ /or.
T. Cli/ton Lon+.ort'! in 'is boo1! T'e De4il a Mon1 $ould Be! +i4es descri,tions and
,'oto+ra,'s o/ t'e -ost e9traordinary carB n+s -ostly satires on t'e cler+y! includin+ t'e
.ell31no.n one o/ a /o93,riest in a ,ul,it ,reac'in+ to a con+re+ation o/ +eese! and
si-ilar sub=ects. Can .e really belie4e t'at t'ese car4in+s .ere e9ecuted by de4out
C'ristiansH T'e car4in+s are
a -ute .itness o/ so-et'in+ at least curious in t'e relations bet.een t'e .or1in+ -an
.'o -ade t'e +reat cat'edrals! and t'eir ecclesiastical -astersI -any o/ t'e- 'a4e no.
been re-o4ed or co4ered u,! t'ou+' ot'ers are still in situ in odd corners o/ t'e -ost
di+ni/ied and sacred edi/ices.
For instance! Lon+.ort' +i4es an illustration o/ a car4in+ in (t. Da4ids cat'edral
.'ic' s'o.s a co.led /o9 +i4in+ t'e Host to a 'u-an3'eaded +ooseI and 'e states t'ere
are /e. ancient sets o/ -isericords .'ic' do not include t'e /i+ure o/ a /o9 in t'e ,ul,it
,reac'in+ to +eese.
In $orcester cat'edral a 4ested /o9 is s'o.n +i4in+ absolution to a 1neelin+ s'ee,I
and in C'ester Cat'edral a /o9 in clerical 'abit is s'o.n at a sly assi+nation .it' a youn+
.o-an in a .ood. Do not t'ese s'o. a s,irit o/ <Anti3clericis-< to say t'e least>
:Anot'er scene ,ortrays a de4il .'eelin+ a barro. load o/ -on1s to 'ellI t'ey are
acco-,anied by a /o9 .it' a stolen +oose in 'is -out'.<
Many o/ t'e Lueer old car4in+s in -ediae4al c'urc'es are! o/ course! si-,ly
e9a-,les o/ t'e Rabelaisian 'u-our o/ t'e ti-esI but it is a 'u-our .'ic'! .e -ay /eel!
'as a distinct tan+ o/ ,a+anis- in it. Furt'er details o/ suc' car4in+s -ay be /ound in
Lon+.ort'Ss boo1! already -entioned! and in Les Licences de LSArt C'retien! by Dr. G.
J. $it1o.s1i F5aris! %&A%G. Many o/ t'e- are o/ suc' a nature as to be unsuitable /or
descri,tion in a boo1 intended! as t'is is! /or t'e +eneral readerI and as orna-ents in a
c'urc' t'ey are! to ,ut it -ildly! sur,risin+. Anyone .'o re,roduced t'e- no.adays! or
e4en described t'e- in ,lain lan+ua+e! .ould soon /ind 'i-sel/ in =ail /or obscenity!
to+et'er .it' 'is un/ortunate ,ublis'ers and t'e boo1sellers .'o stoc1ed 'is .or1sI yet
.e are seriously as1ed by so-e co--entators to belie4e t'at t'ey .ere aut'orised by
Bis'o,s and clerics to i-,ro4e t'e -inds o/ t'eir con+re+ations> (o-e ,eo,le 'a4e no
sense o/ 'u-our.
May .e t'eorise t'at so-e! at least! o/ t'ese e9traordinary scul,tures .ere t'e
.ordless ,rotest o/ t'e -e-bers o/ t'e Old Reli+ion! .'o .ere allo.ed to adorn no
,laces o/ .ors'i, sa4e t'ose o/ t'e C'ristian C'urc'I and .'o! not bein+ ,er-itted to
car4e s'rines /or t'e Old Gods! yet ,laced t'eir e-ble-s .'ere t'ey could in ,laces
.'ere t'ey .ere no. co-,elled by la. to .ors'i,! e4en t'ou+' suc' e-ble-s -i+'t be
no -ore t'an a scratc'ed ,enta+ra- or a <MasonSs Mar1<H
:T'e 5ro-ised City.< T'is is a ,'rase .'ic' stri1es a note in -any ,eo,leSs -inds!
arousin+ t'ou+'ts o/ a Hea4enly Jerusale-! built o/ ,recious stones. $'ere one .ears
+or+eous robes and a

+olden cro.n! and does not'in+ but ,lay a Golden Har, all day Fand ,resu-ably! all
ni+'tG lon+ and is not /orced to do any .or1. All races see- to 'a4e 4isions o/ so-et'in+
si-ilar to t'is. T'e C'inese 'a4e tales o/ suc' a cityI it is t'e basis o/ all t'eir secret
T'e C'ristian ty,e is descended /ro- t'e days .'en C'ristianity .as a (ecret
(ociety! or+anised in s-all cells. T'ey obtained t'eir recruits by ,ro-ises o/ <Be /ait'/ul!
and you .ill e4entually be ta1en to t'is Hea4enly CityI i/ not no.! .ell! at t'e end o/ li/e.
Continue to be obedient to us! and .'en you die you .ill +o to Glory. But to t'e a4era+e
-an t'is is Cloud Cuc1oo Land<I 'e .ants so-e.'ere .'ere 'e can +o at once! i/ only
te-,orarily. (o-e.'ere .'ere 'e can t'ro. o// all t'e cares and /rustrations o/ t'is li/e!
e4en i/ it is /or a /e. 'ours only.
T'e truly reli+ious o/ all /ait's ,ossibly attain t'is! or so-et'in+ li1e it! by ,rayer.
T'e o,iu- s-o1er and t'e ta1er o/ 'as'is' can usually attain t'is at .illI at least at /irst
F,ro4ided t'ey can +et .'at dru+s t'ey reLuire.G (o-e drun1ards do so /or a s'ort ti-e!
but <,in1 ele,'ants< 'a4e a .ay o/ s,oilin+ t'is ty,e o/ 5ro-ised City. T'e anarc'ists o/
t'e %&t' century t'ou+'t t'ey could attain it by abolis'in+ all Go4ern-ents! .'en eac'
-an could do as 'e .is'ed. But! un/ortunately! so -any o/ t'e- .is'ed to call attention
to t'eir 4ie.s by /ollo.in+ t'e e9a-,le o/ t'e Iris' dyna-iters! t'ro.in+ bo-bs in
cro.ded ,laces! and -urderin+ 1in+s and ,residents. (o t'e non3anarc'ists did as t'ey
.is'ed! and e9ecuted a /e. anarc'ists. T'e late Aleister Cro.ley tau+'t 'is disci,les to
bleat! :Do .'at t'ou .ilt s'all be t'e .'ole o/ t'e la..< Too late t'ey /ound t'at t'is
-eant in ,ractice! <Do .'at Aleister Cro.ley .ills s'all be t'e .'ole o/ t'e la..<
Muc' as t'e late Henry Ford is said to 'a4e declared! <E4ery ,urc'aser o/ our ne9t
year*s -odel can 'a4e a car o/ .'ate4er colour 'e c'ooses! ,ro4ided 'e c'ooses blac1.<
(,ra+ue de Ca-, .rote a 4ery /unny story o/ a <Hea4enly City< .'ere e4eryone beca-e
.'at 'e .is'ed to be. His 'ero /ound 'i-sel/ t'ere dressed as a das'in+ ca4alier o/ t'e
dSArta+nan ty,e! but .it' 4a+ue ideas o/ 'o. a ca4alier s'ould das' because -ost o/ 'is
nei+'bours .ere dressed in ,late ar-our! or else as $a+nerian 'eroes! in bear3s1ins! .it'
'u+e s.ords. Most o/ t'e +irls .ere -o4ie ,roducersS ideas o/ E+y,tian ,rincessesI all
t'e -en .ere 'andso-e! all t'e .o-en sur,assin+ly beauti/ul. But t'e trouble .as .'ere
to stay! and .'ere to eat. Because t'e 4ery /e. ,eo,le .'o i-a+ined t'e-sel4es 'otel3
1ee,ers t'ou+'t t'e-sel4es o/ t'e $estern 1ind! .'o ran t'eir 'otels .it' a si93s'ooter
in eac' 'and! .it' .'ic' t'ey settled all
co-,laints. And t'e only ,eo,le .'o /ancied t'e-sel4es as bar-en t'ou+'t o/
t'e-sel4es as <1ee,in+ order< by t'ro.in+ bottles at t'eir custo-ers 'eads. Also t'ere
.ere -any co.boys .'o i-a+ined t'e-sel4es s'ootin+ out t'e li+'ts! but nobody .'o
t'ou+'t o/ <-endin+ t'e-.< T'ere .ere lar+e nu-bers o/ Inter,lanetary 5atrol -en! but
no Inter,lanetary tra//ic! because! t'ou+' t'ere .ere -any desi+ners o/ Inter,lanetary
s,aces'i,s! t'ere .as no one .'o /ancied t'e don1ey .or1 o/ buildin+ t'e-.
T'ere .ere nu-berless 'are- beauties. No one! 'o.e4er! re+arded 'i-sel/ ric'
enou+' to 1ee, a 'are-. T'ere .ere beauti/ul s,ies! and bearded co--unists
e4ery.'ere. In /act! it .as t'e 4ery ,lace to 1ee, a.ay /ro-. Because o/ t'e /act! .'at
you .is' -ust al.ays be conditioned by t'e doin+s o/ t'e ,eo,le around you. No. t'is
.as 4ery clearly ,ointed out by so-e o/ t'e early C'ristian .riters! .'o belie4ed t'at!
a-on+ t'e -ost .onder/ul =oys o/ 'ea4en .as loo1in+ o4er t'e .alls at t'e ,eo,le you
sa. bein+ tortured in Hell. T'e InLuisition also sa. +li-,ses o/ t'e 5ro-ised City! and
disli1ed .'at t'ey be'eld. For t'ey co-,lained bitterly! <T'e BasLues! -an! .o-an and
c'ild! tal1ed o/ not'in+ but t'e Last (abbat! and t'ou+'t o/ not'in+ but t'e ne9t one.<
And t'ey ,ointed out t'e trut'! t'at in all -en t'ere is t'e drea- o/ a secret ,lace .'ere
t'ey can be 'a,,y! i/ only /or a ti-e! .'ere /or a s'ort .'ile at least t'ey -ay 1no. <t'e
Joy t'at ,asset' all understandin+.<$'ere t'ere .ere no ill e//ects! as by t'e use o/ dru+s.
It is no <Reli+ious Ecstasy< .'ic' -ay only be e9,erienced! i/ at all! once in a li/e3ti-eI
but so-e.'ere on t'is eart' as t'e BasLues did o/ old! <8ou -ay .is' to tal1 o/ not'in+
but t'e last -eetin+! and lon+ /or not'in+ sa4e t'e ne9t. It is .'at t'e <$ica< su//ered
torture and deat' /or rat'er t'an +i4e u,. It is t'e /oretaste o/ t'e < 5ro-ised City< .'ic'
.e -ay no. enter todayNt'e < $itc'esS Circle.<
C'a,ter EIII.
I HA@E ,re4iously! in t'e c'a,ter 'eaded <Ma+ic T'in1in+<! re-ar1ed t'at t'ere .as Fand
isG a ty,e o/ -a+ic .'ic' is Judeo3C'ristian in ,'raseolo+y and in t'eolo+ical outloo1!
and t'at t'is ty,e o/ -a+ic .as ,ractised by ,riests a-on+ ot'ersI na-ely! t'at -a+ic
.'ic' see1s to in4o1e God and His an+els Fin t'e case o/ t'e Oabala'G! or God t'e
Fat'er! (on and Holy G'ost! C'rist! t'e @ir+in! and t'e (aints Fin t'e case o/ C'ristian3
ised ritualsG! to +i4e t'e ,ractitioner ,o.er o4er de-ons! in order to co-,el t'e latter to
carry out 'is .is'es. I 'a4e also ,ointed out in .'at .ay t'is ty,e o/ cere-onial -a+ic
di//ers /ro- .itc'3cra/t. Ne4ert'eless! -any .riters about .itc'cra/t accuse .itc'es o/
,er/or-in+ ,er4erted C'ristian cere-onies! notably a -oc1ery o/ t'e Mass! .'ic' t'ey
call <t'e Blac1 Mass<. Hence! in t'is c'a,ter % ,ro,ose to enLuire into .'at t'e Blac1
Mass really .as Fand /or all I 1no.! isGI .'o .ere t'e ,eo,le .'o really ,er/or-ed suc'
a cere-onyI and .'at .as t'e ,syc'olo+y o/ t'at state o/ -ind .'ic' +a4e rise to it.
T'e Gri-oires 'a4e been o/ten described as boo1s o/ (atanis-! and conseLuently
,eo,le .'o 'a4e ne4er seen one 'a4e been led to belie4e t'at t'ese boo1s en=oin t'e
.ors'i, o/ (atanI not'in+ could be /urt'er /ro- t'e trut'! as t'e -ost cursory
e9a-ination o/ t'e- .ill re4eal. F$e 'a4e a considerable nu-ber o/ t'e- in t'is
Museu-! bot' ,rinted and in -anuscri,t. T'e +eneral reader .ill be able to /ind e9tracts
/ro- t'e -ost i-,ortant +ri-oires in T'e Boo1 oY Cere-onial Ma+ic! by Art'ur Ed.ard
$aiteG. T'e t'eolo+y o/ t'e +ri-oires is o/ t'e -ost ort'odo9. God and His an+els!
C'rist and t'e saints! rei+n abo4eI t'e de4il and 'is an+els rei+n belo.. T'e /or-er are
in4o1ed! t'at is ,rayed to attendI t'e latter are e4o1ed! t'at is /orced to a,,ear! by t'e
,o.er o/ t'e /or-er. T'is conce,tion .as elaborated in /or-er ti-es in t'e -ost
-eticulous .ay. For instance! about %#6" Jo'ann $eyer ,ublis'ed! in 'is
5seudo-onarc'ia Dae-onu-! a detailed account o/ t'e 'ierarc'y o/ 'ell! .'ic' .as
di4ided into in+s! MarLuises! Du1es! 5rinces! etc.! etc.! eac' o/ .'ic' 'ad le+ions o/
-inor de4ils sub=ect to 'i-! to t'e nu-ber o/ se4en -illions odd. He see-s to 'a4e
belie4ed t'is! but H. C. Lea su++ests t'at $eyerSs -oti4e in ,ublis'in+ t'is treatise .as
to illustrate t'e /ollies o/ su,erstition t'en current a-on+ ,riests about t'e ,o.ers o/
de-ons. In a note! Mr. LeaSs editor! 5ro/essor Art'ur C. Ho.land! says!
It indicates a Curious state o/ -ind t'at t'e in4ocation o/ t'ese s,irits is addressed! in t'e na-e o/
t'e Trinity! to Jesus C'rist! ,rayin+ 'i- by t'e -erits o/ t'e @ir+in and saints to +rant di4ine ,o.er
o4er all -ali+nant s,irits! so t'at .'o-soe4er t'e ade,t calls s'all at once a,,ear and ,er/or- 'is
.ill! .it'out in=urin+ or /ri+'tenin+ 'i-.
I su,,ose t'e reasonin+ o/ t'is .as t'at i/! as uni4ensally belie4ed! God 'ad +ranted t'e ,o.er to
(olo-on o4er e4il s,irits! t'ere .as no reason .'y 'e s'ould not do so to any one else .'o sou+'t it.
Besides! t'is .as 4irtually .'at t'e e9orcists .ere doin+ e4ery day. T'e t'eolo+ians uni4ersally 'eld
t'at t'ere .as no sin in co--andin+ de-ons! t'ou+' it .as 'eretical to su,,licate t'e-! and t'us t'is
/or-ula eluded t'e la.s a+ainst -a+ic and sorcery. In /act! it .as only t'e assu-,tion by a lay-an o/
t'e ,o.er o/ t'e cler1.
In later ti-es! 'o.e4er! a/ter t'e Re/or-ation! t'is 1ind o/ -a+ic .as also
conde-ned! as .e read t'at accordin+ to t'e secular =urists! t'e ,ossession o/ boo1s o/
cere-onial -a+ic o/ t'is nature .as e4idence su//icient to brin+ one to torture and t'e
sta1e. But in earlier ti-es! as .e 'a4e seen! t'e distinction .as dra.nI t'e cere-onial
-a+ician! .'o .as o/ten a ,riest! .as -ore or less licit in t'e eyes o/ t'e C'urc' because
'e <co--anded de-ons<I t'e .itc'! 'o.e4er! .'o ,rayed to t'e Old Gods! .as
conde-ned! as t'is .as 'eld to be <su,,licatin+ de-ons<.
Muc' 'as been -ade in recent years by suc' .riters as Hu+' Ross $illia-son and
H. T. F. R'odes o/ t'e conce,t o/ <Dualis-<! -eanin+ t'at idea .'ic' di4ides t'e
)ni4erse bet.een a +ood God and an e4il God! or <(atan<! bet.een .'o- eternal .ar is
.a+ed. @aluable as t'e researc'es o/ bot' t'ese aut'ors are! I -ust be+ to di//er /ro-
t'e- u,on so-e i-,ortant ,oints. T'ey 'old t'e idea t'at t'is Dualis- is an i-,ortant
/actor in t'e de4elo,-ent o/ t'e .itc' cult! and .it' t'is I cannot a+ree! because bot'
'a4e t'e ort'odo9 conce,tion t'at (atan .as t'e deity t'e .itc'es .ors'i,,ed! and /ro-
.'at I 1no. t'is is not so. T'e ,eo,le .'o ascribe ,o.ers to (atan .'ic' are al-ost t'e
eLual o/ t'ose o/ God are C'ristians! .'et'er ort'odo9 or unort'odo9. T'e ,a+anis-
/ro- .'ic' t'e .itc' cult is descended did not do so.
$'at did ,a+anis- teac' about t'e ori+in o/ e4ilH T'is! o/ course! de,ends u,on
.'at one -eans by <,a+anis-<. T'e only 1inds o/ ,a+anis- .it' .'ic' .e are
concerned 'ere are t'ose .'ic' -ay 'a4e 'ad so-e in/luence u,on t'e .itc' cult.
Druidis-! t'e reli+ion o/ t'e Celts! 'ad no doctrine o/ an e4il deity o,,osed to t'e God o/
Good. T'ere is no e4idence t'at t'e reli+ion o/ t'e Great Mot'er Goddess or t'e old
Huntin+ God 'ad any conce,tion o/ a su,ernatural aut'or o/ all e4il. And .'at o/ t'e
Mystery Cults o/ t'e ancient .orld\ 'a4e .e any .ay o/ ascertainin+ .'at t'e
Mysteries tau+'t about t'e ori+in o/ e4ilH
Fortunately .e 'a4e. In t'e 2t' Century A.D.! .'en ,a+anis- .as en+a+ed in a
/ierce stru++le .it' t'e ne. creed o/ C'ristianity! (allustius! .'o .as a close ,ersonal
/riend o/ t'e E-,eror Julian Fcalled t'e A,ostate because 'e tried to restore t'e old
reli+ionG! .rote a treatise called 5eri T'eon 1ai os-ou! About t'e Gods and t'e $orld.
It is ,robable t'at t'is treatise .as a 1ind o/ -ani/esto o/ t'e 'i+'est ty,e o/ ,a+anis-
,re4ailin+ at t'at ti-e! and it is e4ident t'at its aut'or .as an initiate o/ t'e Mysteries.
T'e treatise is ,rinted in t'e t'ird 4olu-e o/ Mullac'Ss Fra+-enta 5'iloso,'oru-I
a,art /ro- t'at! be/ore Gilbert Murray ,ublis'ed a /ull translation o/ it as an A,,endi9 to
'is Fi4e sta+es o/ Gree1 Reli+ion! t'e only edition o/ it .'ic' .as +enerally accessible!
and t'at rarely! .as one ,ublis'ed by Allatius in %#"&. 5ro/essor Murray says o/ it t'at it
<-ay be said to constitute so-et'in+ li1e an aut'oritati4e 5a+an creed.<
$it' re+ard to t'e -yt's o/ t'e Gods! (allustius says! <For one -ay call t'e $orld a
Myt'! in .'ic' bodies and t'in+s are 4isible! but souls and -inds 'idden.< Hence -yt's
are a -eans o/ teac'in+ ,eo,le di4ine trut's. <\T'e -yt's state t'e e9istence o/ Gods to
all! but .'o and .'at t'ey are only to t'ose .'o can understand.<
(allustiusS stron+ belie/ not only in t'e sur4i4al o/ bodily deat'! but in t'e. continued
acti4ity and interest o/ t'ose souls .'o 'a4e ,assed beyond eart' in bene/itin+ 'u-anity!
is e4idenced by 'is re-ar1! <May t'ese e9,lanations o/ t'e -yt's /ind /a4our in t'e eyes
o/ t'e Gods t'e-sel4es and t'e souls o/ t'ose .'o .rote t'e -yt's.<
He says! <It is ,ro,er to t'e First Cause to be OneN/or unity ,recedes -ultitudeN
and to sur,ass all t'in+s in ,o.er and +oodness. ConseLuently all t'in+s -ust ,arta1e o/
it. For o.in+ to its ,o.er not'in+ else can 'inder it! and o.in+ to its +oodness it .ill not
'old itsel/ a,art\. A/ter t'is ine9,ressible 5o.er co-e t'e orders o/ t'e Gods. O/ t'e
Gods so-e are o/ t'e .orld! Cos-ic! and so-e abo4e t'e .orld! Hy,ercos-ic.<
(allustius ,ositi4ely denies t'e e9istence o/ a 5o.er o/ E4il! or e4en o/ e4il s,irits! in
t'e sense t'at t'ey are <de4ils<. He says!
T'e Gods bein+ +ood and -a1in+ all t'in+s! 'o. do e4ils e9ist in t'e .orldH Or ,er'a,s it is
better /irst to state t'e /act t'at! t'e Gods bein+ +ood and -a1in+ all t'in+s! t'ere is no ,ositi4e e4il! it
only co-es by absence o/ +oodI =ust as dar1ness itsel/ does not e9ist! but only co-es about by
absence o/ li+'t.
I/ E4il e9ists it -ust e9ist eit'er in Gods or -inds or souls or bodies. It does not e9ist in any God!
/or all God is +ood. I/ anyone s,ea1s o/ a bad -ind<! 'e -eans a -ind .it'out -ind. I/ o/ a
bad soul! 'e .ill -a1e soul in/erior to body! /or no body in itsel/ is e4il. I/ 'e says t'at E4il is -ade
u, o/ soul and body to+et'er! it is absurd t'at se,arately t'ey s'ould not be e4il! but =oined s'ould
create e4il.
(u,,ose it is said t'at t'ere are e4il s,irits0 i/ t'ey 'a4e t'eir ,o.er /ro- t'e Gods! t'ey cannot be
e4ilI i/ /ro- else.'ere! t'e Gods do riot -a1e all t'in+s. I/ t'ey do not -a1e all t'in+s! t'en eit'er
t'ey .is' to and cannot! or t'ey can and do not .is'I neit'er o/ .'ic' is consistent .it' t'e idea o/
God. $e -ay see! t'ere/ore! /ro- t'ese ar+u-ents! t'at t'ere is no ,ositi4e e4il in t'e .orld.
It is in t'e acti4ities o/ -en t'at t'e e4ils a,,ear! and t'at not o/ all -en nor al.ays. And as to
t'ese! i/ -en sinned /or t'e sa1e o/ e4il! Nature itsel/ .ould be e4il. But i/ t'e adulterer t'in1s 'is
adultery bad but 'is ,leasure +ood! and t'e -urderer t'in1s t'e -urder bad but t'e -oney 'e +ets by
it +ood! and t'e -an .'o does e4il to an ene-y t'in1s t'at to do e4il is bad but to ,unis' 'is ene-y
+ood! and i/ t'e soul co--its all its sins in t'at .ay! t'en t'e e4ils are done /or t'e sa1e o/ +oodness.
FIn t'e sa-e .ay! because in a +i4en ,lace li+'t does not e9ist! t'ere co-es dar1ness! .'ic' 'as no
,ositi4e e9istence.G T'e soul sins t'ere/ore because! .'ile ainun+ at +ood! it -a1es -ista1es about t'e
+ood! because it is not 5ri-ary Essence. And .e see -any t'in+s done by t'e Gods to ,re4ent it /ro-
-a1in+ -ista1es and to 'eal t'e- t'en it 'as -ade t'e-. Arts and sciences! curses and ,rayers!
sacri/ices and initiations! la.s and constitutions! =ud+-ents and ,unis'-ents! all ca-e into e9istence
/or t'e sa1e o/ ,re4entin+ souls /ro- sinnin+I and .'en t'ey are +one /ort' /ro- t'e body Gods and
s,irits o/ ,uri/ication cleanse t'e- o/ t'eir sins.
T'en (allustius +oes on to e9,lain t'e inner -eanin+ o/ reli+ious rituals! in 'is
section 'eaded! <In .'at sense! t'ou+' t'e Gods ne4er c'an+e! t'ey are said to be -ade
an+ry and a,,eased.< He says!
It is i-,ious to su,,ose t'at t'e Di4ine is a//ected /or +ood or ill by 'u-an t'in+s. T'e Gods are
al.ays +ood and al.ays do +ood and ne4er 'anrn! bein+ al.ays in t'e sa-e state and li1e t'e-sel4es.
T'e trut' si-,ly is t'at! .'en .e are +ood! .e are =oined to t'e Gods by our li1eness to t'e-I .'en
bad! .e are se,arated /ro- t'e- by our unli1eness. And .'en .e li4e accordin+ to 4irtue .e clin+ to
t'e Gods! and .'en .e beco-e e4il .e -a1e t'e Gods our ene-iesNnot because t'ey are an+ered
a+ainst us! but because our sins ,re4ent t'e li+'t o/ t'e Gods /ro- s'inin+ u,on us! and ,ut us in
co--union .it' s,irits o/ ,unis'-ent. and i/ by ,rayers and sacri/ices .e /ind /or+i4eness o/ sins!
.e do not a,,ease or c'an+e t'e Gods! but by .'at .e do and by our turnin+ to.ards t'e Di4ine .e
'eal our o.n badness and so en=oy a+ain t'e +oodness o/ t'e Gods. To say t'at God turns a.ay /ro-
t'e e4il is li1e sayin+ t'at t'e sun 'ides 'i-sel/ /ro- t'e blind.
:T'is sol4es t'e Luestion about sacri/ices and ot'er rites ,er/or-ed to t'e Gods. T'e
di4ine itsel/ is .it'out needs! and t'e .ors'i, is ,aid /or our o.n bene/it. T'e
,ro4idence o/ t'e Gods reac'es e4ery.'ere! and needs only so-e con+ruity /or its rece,3
tion.; FCo-,are .it' t'e .itc'esS idea t'at -an 'ad to do so-et'in+ to :build a brid+e;!
so to s,ea1! bet.een 'i-sel/ and t'e GodsG. He continues. :Fro- all t'ese t'in+s t'e
Gods +ain
not'in+I .'at +ain could t'ere be to GodH It is .e .'o +ain so-e co--unication .it'
:Nor!; 'e says! :need t'e /act t'at re=ections o/ God 'a4e ta1en ,lace in certain ,arts o/
t'e eart' and .ill o/ten ta1e ,lace 'erea/ter disturb t'e -ind o/ t'e .iseI bot' because
t'ese t'in+s do not a//ect t'e Gods! =ust as .e say t'at .ors'i, did not bene/it t'e-I and
because t'e soul! bein+ o/ -iddle essence! cannot al.ays be ri+'t.;
He re4eals 4ery clearly 'is belie/ in t'e doctrines o/ Reincarnation and ar-a .'en
'e +oes on to say!
It is not unli1ely! too! t'at t'e re=ection o/ God is a 1ind o/ ,unis'-entI .e -ay .ell belie4e t'at
t'ose .'o 1ne. t'e Gods and ne+lected t'e- in one li/e -ay in anot'er li/e be de,ri4ed o/ t'e
1no.led+e o/ t'e- alto+et'er. Also t'ose .'o 'a4e .ors'i,,ed t'eir o.n 1in+s as Gods 'a4e
deser4ed as t'eir ,unis'-ent to lose all 1no.led+e o/ God.
T'is belie/ is /urt'er elaborated .'en 'e s,ea1s o/ t'e transnii+ration o/ souls.
I/ t'e trans-i+ration o/ a soul ta1es ,lace into a rational bein+! it si-,ly beco-es t'e soul o/ t'at
body. But i/ t'e soul -i+rates into a brute beast! it /ollo.s t'e body outside! as a +uardian s,irit
/ollo.s a -an. For t'ere could ne4er be a rational soul in an irrational bein+.
FNote t'e belie/ in .'at to3day .ould be called <(,irit Guides<I also! 'e e4idently
does not t'in1 t'at a 'u-an soul could literally trans-i+rate into an ani-al! 'o.e4er
brutal and debased it 'ad beco-e! and belie4ers in reincarnation to3day +enerally ta1e
t'is 4ie. also.G
T'e trans-i+ration o/ souls can be ,ro4ed /ro- t'e con+enital a//lictions o/ ,ersons. For .'y are
so-e born blind! ot'ers ,aralytic! ot'ers .it' so-e sic1ness in t'e soul itsel/H A+ain! it is t'e natural
duty o/ souls to do t'eir .or1 in t'e bodyI are .e to su,,ose t'at .'en once t'ey lea4e t'e body t'ey
s,end all eternity in idlenessH
:(ouls t'at 'a4e li4ed in 4irtue are in +eneral 'a,,y;! 'e says! :and .'en se,arated
/ro- t'e irrational ,art o/ t'eir nature! and -ade clean /ro- all -atter! 'a4e co--union
.it' t'e Gods and =oin t'e- in t'e +o4ernin+ o/ t'e .'ole .orld.; Here 'e is e4idently
s,ea1in+ o/ t'ose .'o 'a4e ,ro+ressed to t'e ,oint .'ere t'ey .ill 'a4e no /urt'er need
/or reincarnation on eart'. But 'e does not use t'e ,ro-ise o/ Hea4en or t'e t'reat o/ Hell
as a -eans o/ -a1in+ ,eo,le +ood! /or 'e continues0
:8et e4en i/ none o/ t'is 'a,,iness /ell to t'eir lot! 4irtue itsel/! and t'e =oy and +lory o/ 4irtue!
and t'e li/e t'at is sub=ect to no +rie/ and no -aster are enou+' to -a1e 'a,,y t'ose .'o 'a4e set
t'e-sel4es to li4e accordin+ to 4irtue and 'a4e ac'ie4ed it.;
No.! t'e t'in+ t'at .ill! I t'in1! stri1e -ost t'e consciousness o/ t'e reader .'o is
.ell 4ersed in t'e teac'in+ o/ t'e 'i+'er ty,es o/ s,iritualist and occult circles +enerally
is not t'e antiLuity o/ t'is teac'in+ o/ (allustitis! but its startlin+ -odernity. It -i+'t
'a4e been s,o1en yesterday. Furt'er! it -i+'t 'a4e been s,o1en at a .itc' -eetin+! at
any ti-e! as a +eneral state-ent o/ t'eir creedI and it .ill be seen t'at t'ere is no roo- in
it /or any :.ors'i, o/ t'e E4il 5rinci,le;. O/ course! not all o/ (allustiusS teac'in+ stands
u, so .ell to t'e ,assin+ o/ ti-eI /or instance! 'e 'ad t'e idea t'at t'e eart' .as t'e
centre o/ t'e Cos-osI but t'e s,irit o/ 'is teac'in+! t'e s,irit o/ t'e Mysteries o/ 'is day!
.'ic' is also t'e s,irit o/ t'e belie/s o/ t'e .itc' cult! is ti-eless.
@ery truly does 5ro/essor Murray say!
In ,art instincti4ely! in ,art su,er/icially and sel/3consciously! eac' +eneration o/ -an1ind reacts
a+ainst t'e last. T'e +ro.n -an turns /ro- t'e li+'ts t'at .ere t'rust u,on 'is eyes in c'ild'ood. T'e
son s'ru+s 'is s'oulders at t'e .atc'.ords t'at t'rilled 'is /at'er! and .it' 4aryin+ de+rees o/
sensiti4eness or dullness! o/ /uller or -ore /ra+-entary e9,erience! .rites out /or 'i-sel/ t'e
-anuscri,t o/ 'is creed. 8et! e4en /or t'e .ildest or bra4est rebel! t'at -anuscri,t is only a
,ali-,sest. On t'e sur/ace all is ne. .ritin+! clean and sel/3asserti4e. )nderneat'! di- but indelible!
in t'e 4ery /ibres o/ t'e ,arc'-ent! lie t'e c'aracters o/ -any ancient as,irations and ra,tures and
battles .'ic' 'is conscious -ind 'as re=ected or utterly /or+otten. And /or+otten t'in+s! i/ t'ere be
real li/e in t'e-! .ill so-eti-es return out o/ t'e dust! 4i4id to 'el, still in t'e /or.ard +ro,in+ o/
To return to t'e t'eory ad4anced by Hu+' Ross $illia-son and H. T. F. R'odes t'at
t'e conce,t o/ Dualis- 'as in/luenced t'e .itc' cult! t'e su++estion 'as been ,ut /or.ard
by t'ese .riters! es,ecially t'e latter! t'at t'e sect o/ C'ristian 'eretics 1no.n as t'e
Cat'ari or Albi+enses .as closely associated .it' t'e .itc' cult! t'at t'ese 'eretics 'eld
t'e conce,tion o/ Dualis-! and t'at t'ey celebrated a 1ind o/ <@ain Obser4ance< o/ t'e
C'ristian Mass as a /or- o/ de/iance! or ,er'a,s o/ in4erted salutation! o/ t'e God o/ t'e
C'ristians! .'o- t'ey re+arded as t'e E4il 5rinci,leI and t'at t'is .as t'e ori+in o/ t'e
<Blac1 Mass< t'at t'e .itc' cult is alle+ed to ,er/or-.
T'e .or1s o/ Mr. R'odes and Mr. $illia-son are sc'olarly and o/ +reat interest0 but
I sub-it t'at u,on t'is ,oint t'ey 'a4e been -isled. I ,ro,ose to e9a-ine! t'ere/ore! .'o
t'e Cat'ari really .ere and .'at t'ey really tau+'t.
T'e Cat'arist 'eresy is t'ou+'t to 'a4e -ade its /irst a,,earance in t'e early ,art o/
t'e %Ct' Century A.D.! in t'e Bal1an ,eninsula. Fro- t'ere it s,read ra,idly! as usual
alon+ t'e trade routes. By t'e %%t' Century it 'ad s,read across Macedonia! T'race! Asia
Minor! Greece! and t'rou+' Bosnia and Dal-atia into Italy! and t'ence into France! and
t'rou+' Hun+ary into Ger-any. By t'e be+innin+ o/ t'e %At' Century it 'ad de4elo,ed
into a co-,lete syste- o/ /ait' and conduct .'ic' di//ered in i-,ortant .ays /ro-
ort'odo9 C'ristianity.
It ste--ed ori+inally /ro- Manic'aeis-! and see-s to 'a4e
been ,reac'ed in t'e Bal1ans by 5aulicians! a 'eretical C'ristian sect .'ic' .as
descended /ro- t'e Manic'ees! .'o 'eld t'e ,'iloso,'y o/ Dualis-. One o/ t'e reasons
/or its ,o,ularity .as t'at t'ese ,reac'ers 'eld t'eir ser4ices in t'e co--on ton+ue o/ t'e
,eo,le! as o,,osed to t'e ort'odo9 ,ractice o/ 'oldin+ ser4ices in Latin. It .as o,,osed
to 5a,al C'ristianity! and! li1e so -any reli+ious -o4e-ents! ,roclai-ed itsel/ to 'e <t'e
only true C'ristian C'urc'<.
In so-e res,ects! t'e Cat'ari .ere a'ead o/ t'eir ti-e. T'ey belie4ed t'at all -en
.ould e4entually be <sa4ed<! and denied t'e doctrines o/ <Hell< and <eternal da-nation<!
sayin+ t'at t'ese .ere inco-,atible .it' t'e +oodness o/ God. T'ey also realised t'at t'e
cruel God o/ t'e Old Testa-ent .as an un.ort'y re,resentation o/ t'e Deity! and indeed
.ent so /ar as to say t'at 'e .as so /ull o/ bad ,assions and in=ustice t'at 'e -ust be t'e
Bad God! and not t'e God o/ Good. T'ey did not re+ard Jesus as God Incarnate! but as a
+ood -an .'o- God 'ad sent u,on a s,ecial -ission to eart'I not to redee- ,eo,le by
4icariously dyin+ /or t'e-! but to teac' t'e- t'e .ay to li4e.
T'ey belie4ed in reincarnation! and 'eld t'at by t'is -eans all .ould e4entually
beco-e ,er/ect! but t'at -en could s'orten t'e nu-ber o/ incarnations t'ey .ould 'a4e
to under+o by -a1in+ an e//ort to li4e as Jesus tau+'t.
T'ey absolutely denied t'e 4alidity o/ t'e sacra-ents as ad-inistered by t'e Ro-an
C'urc'! sayin+ t'at no sacra-ent could be 4alid unless it .as ad-inistered by a ,riest
.'o .as a +ood and 'oly -an! and 'ence /it to ad-inister it! and unless t'e reci,ient o/ it
.as in suc' a state o/ s,iritual a.areness t'at 'e could /itly recei4e it. T'is .as
absolutely contrary to t'e Ro-an teac'in+ t'at so lon+ as a -an .as an ordained ,riest
'is -oral c'aracter -attered not'in+I t'e sacra-ents 'e ad-inistered .ere auto-atically
4alid. It .as t'is denial o/ t'e ort'odo9 C'urc'Ss clai-! es,ecially .it' re+ard to t'e
Mass! t'at caused t'e Cat'ari to be so bitterly ,ersecuted and so sa4a+ely ,ut do.n.
But t'e -ost indi4idual and curious o/ t'eir teac'in+s .as t'at based u,on t'e
conce,t o/ Dualis-. T'ey said t'at t'e -aterial .orld! bein+ i-,er/ect! could not 'a4e
been created by t'e Good God! .'o .as ,er/ect. Hence it -ust 'a4e been created by t'e
E4il God> T'ey 'eld t'e conce,t t'at t'ere .as not one God! but t.oI one +ood and t'e
ot'er e4il. T'ey said t'at t'e Good God 'ad no concern .it' t'e .orld o/ -atter at all!
sa4e to redee- -enSs souls /ro- it as soon as ,ossible. Only t'e Good GodSs .orldBt'e
Hea4en3.orld33.as real and eternal. T'e .orld o/ -atter .as e4il! illusi4e! and
transitory. FOne -ay detect in t'e
Cat'arist teac'in+ so-e stran+e ec'oes o/ Budd'is-! and t'e li/e o/ t'e Cat'ar <5er/ecti<
re-inds one irresistibly o/ t'e Budd'ist (an+'aI su//icient! indeed! to -a1e one .onder
i/ Cat'aris- could be t'e re-ote descendant! curiously trans/or-ed! o/ one o/ t'ose
Budd'ist -issions dis,atc'ed by in+ Aso1a to! a-on+ ot'er ,laces! t'e Near East!
.'ence t'e Cat'arist 'eresy /irst arose and .'ere it lin+ered lon+est.G
T'e Cat'ari accounted /or -anSs ,lace in nature! and 'is ,ossession o/ a -aterial
body! by assertin+ t'at t'e E4il God 'ad seduced a lar+e nu-ber o/ t'e an+els o/ 'ea4en
to se,arate t'e-sel4es /ro- t'e Good God! and t'at t'ey 'ad t'us </allen<! and beco-e
ensnared in t'e E4il GodSs real-! t'e .orld o/ -atter. T'e Good God 'ad ,er-itted t'e-
to e9ile t'e-sel4es! but 'ad decreed t'at t'e snare o/ t'e E4il One s'ould beco-e t'e
instru-ent o/ t'eir rede-,tion! by -eans o/ reincarnation! until t'ey .on bac1 a+ain to
t'eir ori+inal state o/ blessedness and ,urity. T'ese /allen an+els .ere t'e 'u-an race.
Hence! t'e Cat'ars said! -an1indSs ,ro,er course .as to se,arate t'e-sel4es as -uc' as
,ossible /ro- t'e .orld o/ -atter! and stri4e only to return to t'eir ori+inal ,urity. Fro-
t'is doctrine t'ey too1 t'eir na-eI t'eirs .as t'e reli+ion o/ cat'arsis! a Gree1 .ord
-eanin+ <,uri/ication<.
Fro- t'is doctrine! too! t'ey deri4ed t'eir teac'in+s o/ an e9tre-e asceticis-. T'ey
-i+'t o.n no ,ro,ertyI but 'eld all -aterial +oods in co--on! and laid out suc' .ealt'
as t'ey 'ad u,on relie4in+ t'e sic1 and ,oor. T'ey built no c'urc'esI all t'e @aticanSs
,o-, and dis,lay! t'ey said! .as a delusion o/ t'e E4il God. T'ey -et .'ere t'ey could!
so-eti-es in t'e o,en air. T'eir ser4ices .ere 4ery si-,le! and t'eir -ain sacra-ent! t'e
Consola-entu-! .as intended to brin+ about t'e union! or rat'er re3union! o/ -an .it'
'is Hi+'er (el/. T'is t'ey called :t'e Ba,tis- o/ t'e Holy G'ost;! and one .'o 'ad
recei4ed it .as /ro- t'ence /or.ard 4o.ed to a li/e o/ t'e -ost e9tre-e asceticis-! and
co-,lete .it'dra.al /ro- all eart'ly ties. T'ese ascetics .ere 1no.n as :5er/ecti;! and
t'ey see-ed to 'a4e li4ed -uc' as t'e early Budd'ist -on1s! and! li1e t'e-! to 'a4e
been re+arded .it' -uc' re4erence by t'e co--on ,eo,le! .'o contrasted t'eir li4es o/
,o4erty! celibacy! +ood .or1s! and continual ,rayer! /astin+! and ,reac'in+ .it' t'ose o/
t'e ordinary cler+y! .'o .ere o/ten lu9urious! lec'erous and 4enal.
T'ere .ere /e. 5er/ecti! because t'ere .ere /e. -en or .o-en F/or t'e Cat'ars
ad-itted bot' se9esG. .'o could stand suc' a li/e o/ co-,lete ,o4erty and sel/3
abne+ationI t'ere .ere! 'o.e4er! -any :credentes; or :belie4ers;! .'o /ollo.ed and
su,,orted t'e-. T'ese credentes .ere ,er-itted a certain a-ount o/ .orldly
ties! but it .as understood t'at t'ey s'ould endea4our to ,ro+ress to.ards t'e rece,tion
o/ t'e Consola-entu-! and co-,lete e-anci,ation /ro- t'e -aterial .orld.
T'e Cat'ars 'eld se4en t'in+s to be -ortal sinsI t'e ,ossession o/ ,ro,ertyI
co--unication .it' .orldly ,eo,le! e9ce,t to con4ert t'e-I tellin+ anyt'in+ but t'e
trut'! at .'ate4er costI t'e slayin+ o/ anot'er 'u-an bein+! u,on any ,rete9t! includin+
t'ose o/ .ar or =udicial e9ecutionI t'e 1illin+ o/ any ani-als! ot'er t'an re,tiles or /is'esI
t'e eatin+ o/ ani-al /les'! and se9ual intercourse! .'et'er t'e latter .ere /or ,rocreation
or -erely /or +rati/ication o/ desire! because t'is .as t'e -eans .'ereby t'e E4il God
-aintained 'is .orld o/ -atter! and 1e,t 'u-an souls i-,risoned in it.
It .ill be readily seen t'at t'is is a 4ery di//erent creed /ro- t'at o/ t'e .itc' cult.
T'ere are so-e su,er/icial rese-blances! in t'at bot' belie4ed in reincarnation! -et in
t'e o,en air or in obscure ,laces! and t'at t'e Cat'arist 5er/ecti 'ad a +irdle consistin+ o/
a sacred cordI yet t'e -ain doctrine o/ t'e Cat'ari is dia-etrically o,,osed to t'e .itc'
cultSs -ain tenet! na-ely t'e .ors'i, o/ /ertility! and 'ence t'e sacredness o/ se9.
Ho.! t'en! did t'e Cat'ars co-e in any .ay to be associated .it' .itc'esH T'e old
,ro4erb says t'at :Mis/ortune -a1es stran+e bed/ello.s;. In order to discredit t'e-! t'e
o//icial ,ro,a+anda o/ t'e C'urc' s,read abroad t'e sa-e stories o/ <'ideous or+ies<!
<obscene rites<! etc.! etc.! about t'e Cat'ari as it did about t'e .itc'es! t'e (tedin+er! t'e
$aldenses! and t'e ni+'ts Te-,larsI about anyone! in /act! .it' .'o- it disa+reed.
Martin Lut'er! /or instance! is seriously stated by so-e o/ t'ose .riters .'o ,ro/ess to
e9,ound <t'e 'orrors o/ t'e (abbat< to 'a4e been t'e result o/ 'is -ot'erSs liaison .it' an
incubus de-on>
T'e ,reac'in+ o/ t'e Cat'ars .as a considerable t'orn in t'e side o/ t'e C'urc'!
es,ecially .'en t'ey denied t'e 4alidity o/ t'e C'urc'Ss sacra-ents. T'is struc1 ri+'t at
t'e 'eart o/ t'e C'urc'Ss aut'ority! and so in/luential did t'e Cat'ars beco-e in (out'ern
France! in t'at re+ion 1no.n loosely as Lan+uedoc! t'at! 'a4in+ /ailed to o4erco-e t'e
'eresy by -eans o/ -issionaries! 5o,e Innocent III! in %ACD! ,reac'ed a Crusade a+ainst
t'e :Albi+enses;! as t'ey .ere called Fa/ter t'e Frenc' to.n o/ Albi! .'ic' .as one o/
t'eir centresG. All .'o .ould =oin t'e crusade .ere ,ro-ised t'e sa-e re-ission o/ sins
as t'ey .ould +ain by crusadin+ in 5alestine.
T'e nobles o/ Lan+uedoc! 'o.e4er! resisted t'e in4aders by /orce! and sou+'t to
,rotect t'e Cat'ars by +i4in+ t'e- re/u+e in t'eir castlesI but t'ey .ere o4er.'el-ed by
t'e su,erior
nu-bers o/ t'ose .'o 'ad ans.ered t'e 5o,eSs call! an9ious /or blessin+ and +reedy /or
loot. T'e crusadin+ ar-y .as under t'e su,re-e co--and o/ Arnauld! t'e 5a,al Le+ate!
and .'en it stor-ed and ca,tured t'e to.n o/ BeKiers 'e .as as1ed .'at .as to be done
.it' t'e in'abitants! and 'o. t'e /ait'/ul .ere to be distin+uis'ed /ro- t'e 'eretics. He
re,lied! :ill t'e- allI God .ill 1no. His o.n.; T'e c'aritable reLuest .as co-,lied
.it'I t'e in'abitants o/ BeKiers .ere -assacred and t'e to.n .as ,illa+ed and burnt.
(i-ilar treat-ent .as -eted out to Carcassonne. Re-e-berin+ BeKiers! t'e bul1 o/ t'e
in'abitants /led! t'ou+' so-e o/ t'e- .ere ca,tured! and o/ t'ese /i/ty .ere 'an+ed and
/our 'undred burned ali4e. T'e to.n .as ,illa+ed! but not burnt as it .as needed to lod+e
t'e ar-y.
T'ese 'orrors .ere but t'e /irst o/ -anyI t'e Holy $ar dra++ed on its .retc'ed
course /or nearly t.enty years! .it' .arSs usual conseLuences o/ de4astation and ruin. As
a direct result o/ t'e stru++le a+ainst t'e su,,orters o/ t'e Cat'ars! t'e InFluisition ca-e
into e9istence! .'en in %A"A 5o,e Gre+ory IE trans/erred all inLuisitorial ,o.ers u,on
t'e Order o/ Do-inicans! and a /e. years later e9tended t'e sa-e ,o.ers and ,ri4ile+es
to t'e Francis3cans. T'is e,isode in 'istory 'as been described by 5aul Daniel
Al,'aridery! 5ro/essor o/ t'e History o/ Do+-a at t'e (orbonne! as <A rei+n o/ terror
.'ic' .asted Lan+uedoc /or a century.< T'e InLuisitors too1 o4er .'ere t'e crusadin+
ar-y 'ad le/t o//. $'en t'ey 'ad run t'eir course! Cat'aris- in Lan+uedoc .as 4irtually
deadI so .as Lan+uedoc. Its .ealt'! culture! or+anisation! and sel/3res,ect .ere
Anot'er direct result o/ t'e stru++le .it' t'e Cat'ars .as t'e de/inite ado,tion by t'e
C'urc' o/ t'e Do+-a o/ Transubstantiation. Contro4ersy u,on t'is ,oint 'ad been
carried on /or so-e centuries! but it .as not until %A%# t'at t'e .ord <Transubstantiation<
.as ado,ted and t'e doctrine de/ined by t'e Fourt' Latin Council Also! t'e C'urc' 4ery
de/initely too1 t'e stand! as be/ore stated! t'at t'e -oral c'aracter o/ t'e ,riest .'o
,er/or-ed t'e Mass -attered not'in+I so lon+ as 'e .as a ,riest! t'e Mass .as 4alid! and
transubstantiation too1 ,lace.
No. I a- +oin+ to ad4ance .'at I a- .ell a.are is a 'i+'ly contro4ersial 4ie.!
.'ic' I /ear -ay o//end so-e ,eo,le. T'at 4ie. is t'at t'e root o/ t'e ,ractices 1no.n as
t'e :Blac1 Mass; is to be /ound in t'is latter belie/! .'en it .as 'eld by s,iritually
i+norant ,eo,le and un.ort'y ,riests. It 'as not'in+ to do .it' t'e .itc' cult or t'e
Cat'ars! and ne4er 'as 'ad anyt'in+ to do .it' t'e-.
T'e Blac1 Mass .asNand I 'o,e I a- ri+'t in s,ea1in+ o/ it
in t'e ,ast tense3a Mass .'ic' .as ,er/or-ed by an ordained ,riest! .it' 4arious
-a+ical cere-onies added! in order to use! or rat'er ,er4ert! t'e ,o.er o/ t'e Euc'arist to
so-e -a+ical end. $e 'a4e seen an e9a-,le in t'e e9tracts /ro- t'e Gri-oire o/
Honorius .'ic' I 'a4e Luoted in t'e c'a,ter 'eaded <Ma+ic T'in1in+<. I 1no. t'at
4arious alle+ed e9a-,les o/ <Blac1 Masses< are to be /ound in t'e con/essions o/
.itc'es! e9tracted under tortureI but .'at reliance can be ,laced u,on suc' e4idence
.'en t'ey .ere told .'at to say and tortured until t'ey said itH
O/ course! it .ill 'ere be ar+ued! by t'ose .'o co-,lain t'at I 'a4e +one out o/ -y
.ay to clai- t'at t'ere is not'in+ diabolical about .itc'cra/t! t'at I a- a s,ecial ,leader.
I/ t'ey .ill not listen to -e! ,eria,s t'ey .ill listen to t'e .ords o/ a -an .'o o//iciated
as con/essor to t'ose .'o .ere conde-ned /or .itc'cra/t at t'e 'ei+'t o/ t'e ,ersecution
in Ger-any in t'e %Dt' CenturyI a -an .'o! /ar /ro- bein+ a .itc' or /a4ourable to t'e
.itc' cult! .as in /act a Jesuit Fat'erI a -an .'o .as! /urt'er-ore! one o/ t'ose noble
and coura+eous c'aracters .'o s'ine bri+'test in t'e dar1est ,eriods o/ 'istoryI Fat'er
Friedric' @on (,ee! (.J.
$'en 5'illi, 4on (c'o-born! Bis'o, o/ $urKbur+ in %72A! .as a youn+ -an! 'e
as1ed Fat'er 4on (,ee .'y 'is 'air 'ad turned .'ite be/ore its ti-eI @on (,ee ans.ered
t'at it .as caused by t'e a+ony o/ -ind t'at 'e /elt .'en! in t'e course o/ 'is o//icial
duties! 'e 'ad 'ad to acco-,any to t'e sta1e t'ose .'o .ere conde-ned /or .itc'cra/tI
because :'e 'ad not disco4ered in a sin+le one anyt'in+ to con4ince 'i- t'at s'e .as
=ustly conde-ned. T'ey 'ad in t'eir con/ession! out o/ /ear o/ +reater torture! con/essed
.'at .as reLuired. But .'en t'ey reco+nised t'at t'ey 'ad not'in+ to /ear /ro- t'e
con/essor! t'ey 'ad .it' 'eartrendin+ des,air de,lored t'e i+norance or .ic1edness o/
t'e =ud+es and in t'eir last necessity called on God to .itness t'eir innocence. T'is 'ad
so s'attered 'is ner4es t'at 'e beca-e +rey be/ore 'is ti-e.< FH. C. Lea! FO,. cit.G .'o
Luotes LeibnitK as 'is aut'ority /or t'is storyG.
Fat'er @on (,ee .as not t'e only -e-ber o/ 'is (ociety .'o de,lored t'e 'orrors
and in=ustices o/ t'e .itc'3'untsI 'e .as su,,orted by t.o -ore Jesuits! Fat'er 5aul
Lay-ann and Fat'er Ada- Tanner! and by a 5rotestant Doctor o/ Holy $rit! Jo'ann
Mey/art'. T'e latter said t'at in 'is yout'! by t'e .ill o/ God! 'e 'ad been ,resent at a
nu-ber o/ scenes o/ torture in/licted u,on alle+ed .itc'es! :and 'e .ould +i4e a
t'ousand dollars i/ 'e could banis' it /ro- 'is -e-ory.; All o/ t'ese C'urc'-en .rote
boo1s ,rotestin+ a+ainst t'e use o/ torture to e9tract con/essions o/ .'ate4er .as
reLuired! at a ti-e .'en to raise oneSs 4oice
a+ainst t'e ,re4ailin+ ,ersecution .as to court its i--ediate /ury a+a-st onesel/! and
t'eir .or1s 'ad considerable in/luence u,on t'e restoration o/ sanity and 'u-anity to a
country in t'e +ri, o/ an 'ysterical rei+n o/ terror.
@on (,ee! in 'is boo1 Cautio Cri-inalis! seu de 5rocessibus contra (a+as FFirst
Edition! Rinteln! %7"%G! says0
Jud+es and InLuisitors s'ould /ollo. not only t'e la.s but natural reason. It is incredible 'o. t'is
is e4ery.'ere disre+arded .'en al-ost all ra+e a+ainst t'e accused and 'old as 4alid and true
.'ate4er bears a+ainst t'e-! .'ile .'ate4er /a4ours t'e- is cast aside. $'en t'ey can con4ict t'ey
triu-,'I but i/ innocence is de-onstrated t'ey are .rot'.
He continues .it' a scat'in+ e9,osW o/ t'e -et'ods o/ t'e .itc'3'unters! in .'ic'
'e s,ares neit'er t'e reli+ious nor t'e secular ,o.er. He says!
T'at inLuisitor is not incorru,tible .'o sends a+ents to ,laces to in/la-e t'e -inds o/ t'e ,easants
about .itc'es and ,ro-ises to co-e and destroy t'e-! i/ a ,ro,er collection is -ade /or 'i-I .'en
t'is is done 'e co-es! celebrates one or t.o autos de /e! e9cites t'e ,eo,le still -ore .it' t'e
con/essions o/ t'e accusedI ,retends t'at 'e is +oin+ a.ay and 'as anot'er collection -adeI .'en 'e
'as e9'austed t'e district! 'e -o4es o// to anot'er and re,eats t'e sa-e.
\T'e ,rocess is t'at t'e inLuisitor su--ons t'e .o-an be/ore 'i-! tells 'er s'e 1no.s o/ .'at
s'e is accused and t'e ,roo/ is as /ollo.s and s'e -ust ,ur+e 'ersel/ and ans.er. As I 'a4e 4ery o/ten
/ound! s'e does t'is and e9,lains a.ay e4eryt'in+ to t'e -inutet ,oint! so t'at t'e /utility o/ t'e
accusation is -ani/est. ('e -i+'t as .ell be s,ea1in+ to a stone. ('e is -erely told to return to 'er
cell and t'in1 .'et'er s'e .ill ,ersist in denial! /or s'e .ill be su--oned a+ain in a /e. 'ours. In t'e
-ean.'ile an entry is -ade in t'e ,rotocol t'at s'e denies and is sentenced to torture. No -ention is
-ade o/ 'er dis,roo/. $'en brou+'t bac1 s'e is as1ed i/ s'e ,ersists in 'er obstinacy! /or t'e decree
o/ torture is issued. I/ s'e still denies! s'e is carried to t'e torture. $'ere 'as t'ere been anyone .'o!
no -atter 'o. s'e 'as cleared 'ersel/! 'as not been torturedH E4en i/ t'ere is no le+iti-ate ,roo/!
-any =ud+es enter o/ t'e record t'at t'ey ,roceed accordin+ to .'at is alle+ed and ,ro4ed.
Re-e-ber! t'is is not a -ere con=ectural account. Fat'er @on (,ee .as an eye3
.itness o/ t'e t'in+s o/ .'ic' 'e .rites. And yet t'e ,iti/ul /arra+oes o/ 'ideous
nonsense to .'ic' conde-ned .itc'es <con/essed< are ta1en seriously by ,eo,le
ot'er.ise ,ossessed o/ t'eir .its as <e4idence o/ t'e e4ils o/ .itc'cra/t<>
@on (,ee +oes on!
$'at is to be t'ou+'t o/ tortureH Does it brin+ /reLuent -oral ,eril to t'e innocentH In re/lectin+
u,on .'at I 'a4e seen! read and 'eard! I can only conclude t'at it /ills our Ger-any .it' .itc'es and
un'eard3o/ .ic1edness! and not only Ger-any but any nation t'at tries it. T'e a+ony is so intense!
t'at to esca,e it .e do not /ear to incur deat'. T'e dan+er! t'ere/ore! is t'at -any to a4oid it .ill
/alsely con/ess .'ate4er t'e e9a-iner su++ests or .'at t'ey 'a4e e9co+itated in ad4ance. T'e -ost
robust .'o 'a4e t'us su//ered 'a4e a//ir-ed to -e t'at no cri-e can be i-a+ined .'ic' t'ey .ould
not at once con/ess to i/ it .ould brin+ e4er so little relie/! and t'at t'ey
.ould .elco-e ten deat's to esca,e a re,etition\. I con/ess t'at I .ould at once ad-it any cri-e
and c'oose deat' rat'er t'an suc' su//erin+! and I 'a4e 'eard -any -en! reli+ious and o/ unco--on
/ortitude! say t'e sa-e\ T'ere is a /reLuent ,'rase used by =ud+es! t'at t'e accused 'as con/essed
.it'out torture! and t'us is undeniably +uilty. I .ondered at t'is and -ade enLuiry and learned t'at in
reality t'ey .ere tortured! but only in an iron ,ress .it' s'ar,3ed+ed c'annels o4er t'e s'ins! in .'ic'
t'ey are ,ressed li1e a ca1e! brin+in+ blood and causin+ intolerable ,ain! and t'is is tec'nically called
.it'out torture! decei4in+ t'ose .'o do not understand t'e ,'rases o/ t'e inLuisitors.
T'e la. ,rescribes t'at no one under torture s'all be Luestioned about acco-,lices by na-eI but
t'is is disre+arded and na-es are ,ut in t'e -out's o/ t'e accused /or denunciation. T'is is not only
custo-ary in -any ,laces! but s,ecial cri-es! ,laces and ti-es /or t'e (abbat'! and ot'er details! are
su++ested in t'e Luestions\. (o-e e9ecutioners! .'en ,re,arin+ t'e accused /or torture! .ill tell
t'e- .'at acco-,lices to denounce and .arn t'e- not to re/useI t'ey .ill also tell t'e- .'at ot'ers
'a4e said about t'e-! so t'at t'ey .ill 1no. .'at details to con/ess! and t'us -a1e all accord. T'us
t'e ,rotocols are -ade to a+ree! and t'e e4idence o/ +uilt is ,er/ect.
All t'at Re-y! Bin/lield! Del Rio and t'e rest tell us is based on stories e9torted by torture. FMy
Nic'olas Re-y .as t'e aut'or o/ De-onolatria FLyons! %#&#GI 5eter Bins/ield .as
t'e aut'or o/ Tractacus de Con /essionibus Male/icaru- et (a+aru- FTrier! %#6&GI Martin
Del Rio .as t'e aut'or o/ DisLuisi/iones Ma+icae FLou4ain! %#&&3%7C%G. All o/ t'ese
boo1s .ere acce,ted as standard aut'orities u,on .itc'cra/t! and by suc' -odern .riters
as Monta+ue (u--ers t'ey are so acce,ted still. By <and t'e rest< I ,resu-e t'at @on
(,ee includes all t'e ot'er anti3.itc'cra/t .ritin+s! includin+ t'e Malleus Male/icaru-.
<$'at are t'e ar+u-ents<! says @on (,ee! <o/ t'ose .'o belie4e t'at .'at is
con/essed under torture is trueH It is -ar4ellous t'at t'e learned .riters .'o teac' t'e
.orld about .itc'cra/t base t'eir .'ole ar+u-ent on t'is deceit/ul /oundation.<
It is indeedI and it is e4en -ore -ar4ellous t'at in t'is t.entiet' century t'ey
continue to obtain credence.
$'ere! t'en! did t'e stories o/ t'e Blac1 Mass co-e /ro-H T'e inLuisitors and
e9ecutioners .'o ,ut t'e- into t'e -out's o/ alle+ed .itc'es -ust 'a4e +ot t'e basic
idea /or t'e- /ro- so-e.'ere. I su++est t'at it .as in /act .idely 1no.n and .'is,ered
about t'at t'is ty,e o/ ,er4erted Mass .as ,er/or-ed /or -a+ical ends! t'ou+' decent
C'urc'-en abo-inated itI and t'at su,erstitious ,eo,le re+arded t'e consecrated Host as
a ,o.er/ul i-,le-ent o/ -a+ic. T'is is ,ro4ed by t'e c'ar-s containin+ ,ieces o/
consecrated Hosts .'ic' .e 'a4e in t'is Museu-I by suc' stories as t'at told by
Monta+ue (u--ers! .'o does not see- to realise t'e real si+ni/icance o/ it! o/ i+norant
country ,eo,le .'o re+arded t'e Ablution /ro- t'e c'alice .'ic' 'ad 'eld t'e
Euc'aristic .ine
as a re-edy /or t'e ail-ents o/ t'eir c'ildrenI and by innu-erable instances in t'e
4arious +ri-oires o/ -a+ical i-,le-ents! etc.! .'ic' 'a4e to be consecrated by 'a4in+ a
Mass said o4er t'e-. T'e /irst re/or-ed 5rayer Boo1 o/ Ed.ard @I F%#2&G! 'as a rubric
.'ic' runs as /ollo.s0 <And alt'ou+'\ t'e ,eo,le t'ese -any years ,ast recei4ed at t'e
,riestSs 'ands t'e (acra-ent o/ t'e Body o/ C'rist in t'eir o.n 'ands\ yet as t'ey -any
ti-es con4eyed t'e sa-e secretly a.ay! 1e,t it .it' t'e-! and di4ersely abused it to
su,erstition and .ic1edness\ it is t'ou+'t con4enient t'e ,eo,le co--only recei4e t'e
(acra-ent o/ C'ristSs Body in t'eir -out's at t'e ,riestSs 'ands.< T'e ,ur,ose .as not! as
t'e le+end o/ :(atanis-; insists! deliberately to insult t'e Host! but to use it /or -a+icI
and it .ill be noted t'at t'e rubric conde-ns t'ose .'o do so! not as <(atanists< nor e4en
as .itc'es! but si-,ly as bein+ su,erstitious and .ic1ed.
It .as ,eo,le o/ t'is -entality .'o .ere t'e clients o/ ,riests .'o .ere ,re,ared! /or
a consideration! to say a Mass /or -a+ical ,ur,oses. One suc' ,ractice! /or instance! .as
t'at o/ sayin+ t'e Mass /or t'e Dead in t'e na-e o/ a li4in+ ,erson! to cause t'e- to die.
(o -any o/ t'e C'urc' Councils /ul-inate a+ainst t'is ,ractice! t'at it -ust 'a4e
continued t'rou+' -any centuries. I/ t'e ,ractice 'ad ceased! t'ere .as no reason to
continue /orbiddin+ it.
I belie4e t'at t'e Cat'olic C'urc' ,er-its ,riests to say Masses /or so-e ,articular
<intention< o/ one o/ t'eir con+re+ation! and! o/ course! in t'e 'ands o/ any u,ri+'t ,riest
suc' a ,ractice is sa/e /ro- abuse. No decent ,riest .ould say a Mass /or an <intention<
t'at .as ob4iously bad. But 'as it al.ays been /ree /ro- abuseH Es,ecially in -ediae4al
Nand e4en laterNti-es! .'en su,erstitions o/ all 1inds 'eld s.ay o4er -enSs -inds to
an e9tent .'ic' .e /ind di//icult to understand or e4en creditH And .'en it .as /ir-ly
belie4ed! by bot' ,riest and ,eo,le! t'at 'o.e4er bad a -an .as! so lon+ as 'e .as an
ordained ,riest transubstantiation o/ t'e ele-ents o/ t'e Mass .ould auto-atically ta1e
,lace at 'is .ordH
Ha4e .e any real e4idence about t'e Blac1 Mass .'ic' is .ort' -ore t'an t'e ,a,er
it is .ritten onH T'ere is 4ery little! only one case bein+ .ort' e9a-ination! because it
does see- t'at t'e ,eo,le .'o carried out t'e in4esti+ation 'ad no a9e to +rindI indeed!
as t'e in4esti+ation ,roceeded t'ey .ere -ore concerned to 'us' u, t'e scandalous
details t'an to ,roduce -ore. I re/er to t'e /a-ous <A//aire des 5oisons< in t'e rei+n o/
in+ Louis EI@ o/ France.
T'e ,ri-e -oti4e o/ t'is in4esti+ation .as not to unco4er :Blac1 Ma+ic; or :.itc'cra/t;
at all! but to ,ut a sto, to t'e
-any cases o/ -ysterious deat's by ,oison .'ic' .ere reac'in+ t'e ,ro,ortions o/ a
national scandalI and it 'ad no t'eolo+ical or 'eretical i-,lications! but .as si-,ly a
strai+'t/or.ard ,iece o/ ,olice detecti4e .or1. It .as carried out by t'e lieutenant o/ t'e
5aris ,olice! Nicolas de La Reynie.
T'e .itc'3'untin+ -ania in France .as by t'en ,ractically a s,ent /orce. Indeed! as I
'a4e already -entioned! Louis EI@ 'ad so-e years ,re4iously! in %7DC! co--uted t'e
sentences ,assed on a nu-ber o/ ,eo,le /or .itc'cra/t into banis'-ent /or li/e! and
re/used t'e reLuest o/ t'e 5arlia-ent o/ Rouen t'at t'ose conde-ned s'ould be ,ut to
deat'. Ho.e4er! belie/ in t'e e//icacy o/ t'e <occult sciences<! suc' as alc'e-y!
astrolo+y and di4ination o/ all 1inds! as .ell as cere-onial -a+ic! .as .ides,read.
Medical science .as still co-,arati4ely in its in/ancy! and t'is added to t'e ,eculiar
terror o/ deat' by ,oison! because t'ose -edical tests by .'ic' ,oisoners to3day can
Luic1ly be detected 'ad not yet been de4ised. ConseLuently! /ri+'tened ,eo,le -istoo1
natural deat's /or t'e results o/ ,oison! and con4ersely deat's .'ic' .ere really by
,oison could not be ,ro4ed.
In %7D7 all 5aris 'ad been s'oc1ed by t'e trial and e9ecution o/ a youn+ and
beauti/ul MarLuise! Mada-e de Brin4illiers! /or 'a4in+ ,oisoned 'er /at'er and 'er t.o
brot'ers! and 'a4in+ atte-,ted t'e li/e o/ 'er sister. It .as re4ealed durin+ t'e course o/
t'e trial t'at s'e 'ad! in /act! ,oisoned a nu-ber o/ ot'ers </or ,ractice<! be/ore
co--encin+ t'e atte-,t u,on 'er /at'er! .'ic' .as so cunnin+ly carried out t'at 'is
deat' a,,eared to be t'e result o/ a ,rotracted illness. ('e 'ad obtained 'er su,,lies o/
,oison /ro- one (aint3Croi9! 'er lo4er! .'o ,retended to be an alc'e-ist.
Because o/ t'e 'i+' ran1 o/ t'e -urderess! and t'e atrocious details o/ t'e case! t'e
-ind o/ t'e entire /as'ionable .orld .as /or so-e ti-e occu,ied .it' not'in+ elseI all
+ossi, and s,eculation ran u,on ,oisonI it .as .idely ru-oured t'at Mada-e de
Brin4illiers .as not t'e only ,ur4eyor o/ silent deat' .'o -o4ed +aily in 'i+' society!
but -erely one .'o 'ad 'ad t'e -is/ortune to be /ound out.
France in t'ose days ,ossessed! at @ersailles! t'e -ost brilliant court in Euro,e!
centred around <Le Roi (oleil<. Louis EI@I a -onarc' .'o could say LSeStat! cSest -oi!
.'ic' .as little -ore t'an t'e trut'. Ine4itably! around t'is centre o/ lu9ury and -a+3
ni/icence! clustered a s.ar- o/ 'an+ers3onI a de-i-onde .'ic' li4ed by su,,lyin+ t'e
lu9uries! and so-eti-es t'e 4ices! o/ 'i+' society. A-on+ t'ese .ere ,retenders to
occult arts o/ all 1indsI a,ot'ecaries .'o .ould co-,ound cos-etics! ,er/u-es! lo4e3
,otions and ,oisons! as .ell as -edicinesI so3called alc'e-ists
.'o did a little coinin+ on t'e sideI card3readers! astrolo+ers. ,al-ists! and clair4oyants!
or <sybils<! as t'ey .ere calledI and -id.i4es .'o! .'en discreetly consulted! .ould
underta1e to ,rocure abortions or dis,ose o/ un.anted c'ildren! as .ell as carryin+ on
t'e -ore res,ectable ,art o/ t'eir callin+. T'e Court o/ @ersailles .as a 'ierarc'y .it'
t'e (un3in+ at its su--it! .'ile on its lo.est le4els -o4ed so-e o/ t'e .orst 4er-in o/
A 'i+'ly /as'ionable ,asti-e .as to 'a4e oneSs /ortune told by t'e cardsI a <sybil<
.'o 'ad t'e art o/ en+a+in+ con4ersation and a s,ice o/ s'o.-ans'i, could -a1e a
/ortune out o/ tellin+ ot'er ,eo,leSsN,ro4ided! o/ course! t'at s'e could tell .'at 'er
clients -ost .is'ed to 'ear! or at least +i4e t'e- so-e idea o/ 'o. to brin+ t'eir desires
to ,ass. Most o/ t'e /ortune3tellers .ere s're.d ,syc'olo+istsI so-e .ere -uc' -ore.
One e4enin+ to.ards t'e end o/ %7D6 a la.yer na-ed 5errin .as one o/ a -erry
dinner3,arty at t'e 'ouse o/ Mada-e @i+oureu9 in t'e Rue Courtau4ilain. E4eryone .as
4ery +ay and a little drun1! and in t'e -ood to lau+' at anyt'in+. In ,articular! t'ey .ere
1e,t in /its o/ -irt' by t'e sallies o/ a ,lu-,! /as'ionably dressed .ido.! Marie Bosse!
.'o .as one o/ t'e -ost success/ul /ortune3tellers by cards! and -uc' ,atronised by 'i+'
society. O'! s'e told t'e-! i/ t'ey could only see t'e ,eo,le .'o ca-e to consult 'er>
Duc'esses! -arLuises! +rand sei+neurs! all ca-e to 'er little 'ouse. Only t'ree
,oisonin+s -ore! and s'eSd be able to retire .it' a /ortune>
T'e co-,any .ere con4ulsed .it' lau+'ter. But it so 'a,,ened u,on suc' little
t'in+s does 'istory so-eti-es de,endNt'at as t'e $ido. Bosse -ade 'er re-ar1
5errinSs eyes 'ad been u,on t'e /ace o/ 'is 'ostess! Mada-e @i+oureu9I and 'e 'ad seen!
=ust /or a /leetin+ -o-ent! an e9,ression u,on it .'ic' -ade 'i- .onder i/ t'e =o1e .as
really so /unnyI i/! indeed! it .as a =o1e at all.
He t'ou+'t t'e -atter o4er! and s,o1e about it to 'is /riend! Ca,tain Des+reK! .'o
'a,,ened to be t'e ,olice o//icer .'o 'ad arrested Mada-e de Brin4illiers. Des+reK sent
t'e .i/e o/ one o/ 'is -en to 'a4e 'er /ortune told by t'e $ido. Bosse. ('e 'ad been
,ri-ed to co-,lain o/ a 'usband .'o- s'e .anted to +et rid o/ it. It only too1 t.o 4isits
/or t'e .o-an to +et 'old o/ a ,'ial o/ ,oison.
La Reynie! Des+reKS su,erior! +a4e orders /or t'e arrest o/ t'e $ido. Bosse and t'e
little coterie o/ so3called <-id.i4es<! /ortune3tellers and c'ar-3sellers .'o .ere 'er
closest acLuaintances. $it'out 1no.in+ it! 'e 'ad co--enced to unco4er a scandal t'e
re4erberations o/ .'ic' .ere to ec'o t'rou+' e4ery ran1 o/ t'e 'ierarc'y o/ @ersailles
until t'ey reac'ed t'e t'rone itsel/.
La Reynie soon disco4ered t'at La Bosse! La @i+oureu9! and t'eir acco-,lices .ere
s-all /ry. T'e bi+ /is' .as t'e .o-an .'o directed t'eir or+anisation! Cat'erine
Mon4oisin! co--only 1no.n as La @oisin. ('e 'as been described as one o/ t'e -ost
a-aKin+ cri-inals in 'istory. a descri,tion .it' .'ic' I a+ree. ('e 'as also been
described as a .itc'! a descri,tion .it' .'ic' I de/initely disa+ree! /or reasons .'ic' I
.ill set out /urt'er on.
La @oisin .as no bac13street /ortune3teller. To 'er 'ouse in t'e Rue Beaure+ard
ca-e t'e elite o/ 5aris! .'o Lueued to consult 'er! .'et'er by cards! by 'and3readin+! by
,'ysio+no-y! or by astrolo+y! <occult sciences< at .'ic' s'e .as considered an ade,t.
('e 1e,t a retinue o/ ser4ants! and an eLual retinue o/ lo4ers! .'ose ,resence 'er
'usband! a bro.3beaten nonentity. 'ad to su//er. ('e recei4ed 'er clients dressed so
-a+ni/icently t'at it .as said t'e Oueen o/ France 'ad no /iner robe t'an t'e one s'e
.ore .'en deli4erin+ 'er oraclesI it consisted o/ a -antle o/ cri-son 4el4et se.n .it'
t.o 'undred and /i4e double3'eaded ea+les in +old t'read! and tri--ed .it' costly /urI a
s1irt in .ater3+reen 4el4et! tri--ed .it' Frenc' ,oint laceI and s'oes se.n .it' +olden
double3'eaded ea+les to -atc' t'ose on t'e -antle. T'e .'ole 'ad been s,ecially .o4en
/or 'er! and 'ad cost 'er /i/teen t'ousand li4res. A/ter 'er clients /or t'e day 'ad been
dis-issed! s'e 'ersel/ +a4e la4is' e4enin+ ,arties.
('e 'ad e4en! in %772! been to t'e (orbonne to en+a+e in a debate .it' t'e doctors
t'ere u,on t'e trut' o/ astrolo+y! and clai-ed t'at t'ey 'ad not been able to contro4ert
'er in ar+u-ent.
A-on+ 'er -any /riends .as a youn+ courtier na-ed Louis de @anens! a +reat
a-ateur o/ -a+ical sciences! and a youn+ -an o/ culture and +ood loo1s. He 'ad also
'ad t'e +ood /ortune to be one o/ t'e inti-ate circle o/ /riends o/ t'e -ost ,o.er/ul
.o-an in France! t'e in+Ss -istress! Mada-e de Montes,an.
Late in t'e course o/ 'is in4esti+ation! La Reynie .as to .rite a-on+ 'is notes0
<Re4enir ] La C'aboissiere Fle do-estiLue de @anensG sur le lait LuSil nSa 4oulu etre ^crit
dans son interro+atoire! a,rVs en a4oir entendu la lecture! Lue @anens s*Wtait -^lW de
donner des conseils _ M-e. de Montes,an! Lui -Writeraient de le /aire tirer _ Luatre
c'e4au9<. <Return to La C'aboissiVre F@anensS ser4antG u,on t'e /act t'at 'e did not .is'
to 'a4e .ritten do.n in t'e state-ent o/ 'is interro+ation! a/ter 'a4in+ it read o4er to
'i-! t'at @anens 'ad +i4en suc' counsels to M-e. de Montes,an t'at 'e deser4ed to be
torn in ,ieces by /our 'orses.<
But as yet! Mada-e de Montes,anSs na-e 'ad not entered into t'e story. It .as t'e
disco4ery o/ t'e .ides,read trade in ,oisonin+! abortion! and t'e -urder o/ un.anted
c'ildren t'at caused
La Reynie to ur+e t'e in+ and 'is -inisters to set u, t'e /a-ous <C'a-bre Ardente< to
,ut a sto, to t'e e4il once and /or all. T'is tribunal .as so called Fi.e. <T'e Burnin+3
C'a-ber<G! not because it i-,osed (entences o/ burnin+! but because it .as t'e custo-
/or suc' e9traordinary tribunals to sit in a c'a-ber 'un+ .it' blac1 and lit .it' burnin+
candles and /la-beau9.
$'en La @oisonSs 'ouse in t'e Rue Beaure+ard 'ad been searc'ed! an u,,er
c'a-ber 'ad been /ound abo4e t'e cabinet in .'ic' s'e +a4e 'er /a-ous consultations!
.'ic' .as ob4iously used to carry out abortionsI and be'ind t'e cabinet! in a 'idden
recess! a /urnace .as disco4ered containin+ t'e re-ains o/ burnt 'u-an bones. La @oisin
e4entually con/essed t'at s'e 'ad burned in t'e /urnace! or buried in 'er +arden! t'e
bodies o/ o4er t.o t'ousand! /i4e 'undred in/ants.
T'e /i+ure see-s incredibleI yet 'er con/ession .as not e9tracted under torture. La
Reynie .as not ,er-itted! as 'e 'i-sel/ records .it' so-e indi+nation! <to ,ut 'er to t'e
Luestion.< On t'e contrary! t'e ,roble- soon beca-e! not 'o. to -a1e La @oisin tal1!
but 'o. best to silence 'er and 'us' u, t'e .'ole a//air. T'e -ore La Reynie ,robed into
t'e ra-i/ications o/ t'is %Dt' Century 4ersion o/ <Murder Incor,orated<! t'e -ore
.orried not only 'e! but t'e in+ and 'is -inisters! beca-e. Duc'esses! -arLuises!
+rand sei+neurs! 'ad indeed consulted t'e li1e o/ Marie Bosse and La @oisin! and +one
a.ay .it' a little ,'ial o/ ,oison. A nu-ber o/ nobles /led t'e country! and it .as
ru-oured t'at t'e in+ 'ad assisted t'eir /li+'t! rat'er t'an see t'e- e9,osed to t'e
,ublic scandal o/ a trial.
La @oisinSs +uilt! 'o.e4er! .as ,lainI 'er 'andso-e inco-e 'ad /or years been
deri4ed -ore /ro- cri-e t'an /ro- t'e ,ro/ession o/ t'e occult arts! t'ou+' s'e 'ad also
co--anded 'i+' /ees /or 'er ,ractice o/ t'e latter. ('e .as conde-ned to deat'! and
e9ecuted on t'e ACt' February! %76C.
La Reynie continued 'is in4esti+ations into t'e ra-i/ications o/ t'e trade in ,oisonI
-any o/ t'e ,eo,le .'o- 'e 1ne. .ere +uilty 'ad been ,laced beyond 'is reac'!
because o/ t'eir 'i+' ran1I still 'e .as deter-ined at least to ensure t'at t'eir creatures!
t'e +o3bet.eens and su,,liers o/ ,oisons! s'ould not esca,e =ustice! or be enabled to
continue t'eir ,ro/itable careers o/ cri-e. He 'ad soon disco4ered t'at 'e .as not only
dealin+ .it' co--on cri-inalsI .'en t'e ,olice 'ad searc'ed La @oisinSs 'ouse in t'e
Rue Beaure+ard! t'ey 'ad /ound in t'e +rounds a 1ind o/ ,a4ilion .'ic' .as /itted u, in
a ,eculiar -anner. T'e .alls .ere 'un+ .it' blac1! and at one end t'ere .as an altar.
Be'ind t'e altar stretc'ed a blac1 curtain .it' a .'ite cross u,on it! and instead
o/ t'e usual .'ite altar3clot' t'e to, o/ t'e altar .as co4ered .it' a dra,in+ o/ blac1!
.'ic' concealed a -attress ,laced beneat' it. T'e altar 'ad a tabernacle sur-ounted by a
cross! but t'e candles .ere blac1.
La Reynie 'ad soon disco4ered t'at La @oisin 'ad -any acLuaintances a-on+ t'e
less re,utable ty,e o/ ,riest. In s,ite o/ t'e /act t'at s'e 'ad -ade an out.ard s'o. o/
,ietyNs'e 'ad actually been arrested as s'e le/t t'e C'urc' o/ Notre Da-e de Bonne
Nou4elle! .'ere s'e 'ad been attendin+ MassNt'e Missionaires o/ (t. @incent de 5aul
'ad lon+ sus,ected 'er o/ e4il ,ractices! and 'ad 'ad 'er under sur4eillance! .it'out
bein+ able to obtain any ,ositi4e e4idence a+ainst 'er. But a/ter La @oisin .as e9ecuted!
'er dau+'ter Mar+uerite Mon4oisinNno. t'at 'er -ot'er 'ad no -ore to /ear or 'o,e
/or in t'is .orldNbe+an to tal1. ('e -ade 'er /irst i-,ortant state-ent on t'e %At' July!
%76C! 'a4in+ all t'is ti-e been detained in ,rison as a -aterial .itness. $'at s'e said
struc1 'orror into La Reynie. He could not belie4e itI yet it .as so su,,orted by t'e
state-ents o/ ot'er .itnesses! .it' .'o- Mar+uerite Mon4oisin could 'a4e 'ad no
contact since s'e 'ad been arrested! t'at 'e dared not discredit it.
As .itness a/ter .itness con/ir-ed Mar+uerite Mon4oisinSs story! La Reynie soon
'ad no alternati4e but lay .'at 'e 'ad disco4ered be/ore t'e in+! .it' t'e result t'at! on
t'e %st October! %76C! t'e sittin+s o/ t'e C'a-bre Ardente .ere abru,tly sus,ended by
Royal order.
Brie/ly! t'e story t'at Mar+uerite Mon4oisin and t'e ot'er .itnesses told .as t'is0 in
%77D 'er -ot'er 'ad acLuired a ne. and brilliant client at t'e Court! t'e youn+ and
beauti/ul MarLuise de Montes,an. At t'at ti-e Louis EI@ 'ad as 'is rei+nin+ -istress
Louise de la @alliWre! a c'ar-in+ and s.eet3natured youn+ +irl .'o see-ed unsuited /or
suc' a ,osition. Mada-e de Montes,an .as deter-ined to oust 'er and ta1e 'er ,lace!
and s'e consulted La @oisin .it' a 4ie. to obtainin+ 'er desires by -a+ical rites. La
@oisin ,ut 'er in touc' .it' t.o ,ractitioners o/ cere-onial -a+ic! Lesa+e and t'e Abbe
Mariette! ,riest o/ (aint3(e4er-. $'o ,ut Mada-e de Montes,an in touc' .it' La
@oisin is not 1no.nI t'ou+' /ro- t'e state-ent already alluded to! .e -ay .ell
con=ecture t'at it .as Louise de @anens. A -a+ical cere-ony .as arran+ed at a 'ouse in
t'e Rue de la Tannerie. Lesa+e! Mariette! and Mada-e de Montes,an -et in a s-all
roo- /urnis'ed .it' an altar. Mariette .as in 'is ,riestSs 4est-ents! and Lesa+e
a,,arently acted as assistant! c'antin+ t'e @eni Creator. Mada-e de Montes,an 1nelt
be/ore t'e altar! .'ile Mariette read .'at .as described as <LSW4an+ile< o4er 'er. T'en
s'e recited
t'e /ollo.in+ con=uration0 <I de-and t'e /riends'i, o/ t'e in+ and t'at o/ Monsei+neur
t'e Dau,'in! and t'at I -ay retain t'eir /a4our! t'at t'e Oueen -ay be barren! t'at t'e
in+ -ay lea4e 'er bed and 'er table and co-e to -e! t'at I -ay obtain /ro- 'i- all
.'ic' I as1 o/ 'i- /or -ysel/ and -y ,arents! t'at -y /ollo.ers and ser4ants -ay be
a+reeable to 'i-! t'at I -ay be c'eris'ed and res,ected by t'e +reat nobles! t'at I -ay be
called into t'e counsels o/ t'e in+ and 1no. all t'at ,asses t'ere! and t'at! t'is li1in+
increasin+ -ore and -ore! t'e in+ -ay lea4e La @alliere and t'in1 no -ore o/ 'er! and
t'at t'e Oueen bein+ re,udiated! I -ay -arry t'e in+.<
Mada-e de Montes,an .as e4idently a lady .'o 1ne. .'at s'e .anted! and .ould
stic1 at not'in+ to +et it. It does not a,,ear! 'o.e4er! t'at t'is .as a Blac1 Mass! but
-erely a -a+ical cere-ony done under t'e /or-s o/ ort'odo9 reli+ion.
At t'e be+innin+ o/ %776! s'e actually introduced Mariette and Lesa+e into t'e Royal
Court itsel/! and t'ey secretly ,er/or-ed a -a+ical cere-ony in t'e roo- o/ 'er sister!
Mada-e de T'ian+es. It a,,ears to 'a4e rese-bled t'e one already describedI incense
.as burned! and con=urations recited to obtain t'e in+Ss /a4our and +et rid o/ Mlle. de la
('ortly a/ter t'is rite! Mada-eSs dearest drea- .as realisedI t'e in+ too1 'er to bed
.it' 'i-! alt'ou+' to out.ard see-in+ La @alliWre .as still Maitresse en titre. (oon!
'o.e4er! it .as e4ident t'at La @alliWreSs rei+n .as o4er! and t'at t'e ne. /a4ourite .as
destined to ecli,se 'er co-,letely. T'e MarLuis de Montes,an! Mada-eSs 'usband! .'o
'ad 'ad t'e bad taste to ob=ect to t'e arran+e-ent! .as /irst -ade t'e ob=ect o/ ,ublic
ridicule in a t'ousand e,i+ra-s and in MoliereSs co-edy! A-,'itryonI and t'en! .'en 'e
still re/used to be'a4e accordin+ to t'e usa+es o/ ,olite society! e9iled to (,ain. Mada-e
de Montes,an acLuired suc' an ascendancy o4er t'e in+ t'at s'e .as 1no.n as <t'e
Oueen o/ t'e Le/t Hand<. He ,resented 'er .it' t'e -a+ni/icent C'ateau o/ Cla+nyI in
t'e Royal 5alace itsel/! s'e occu,ied an a,art-ent o/ t.enty roo-s on t'e /irst /loorI t'e
Oueen occu,ied ele4en roo-s on t'e second /loorI on (tate occasions t'e OueenSs train
.as borne by a ,a+eI but it .as t'e MarWc'ale de Noailles .'o bore t'at o/ Mada-e de
In %77& s'e +a4e birt' to t'e /irst o/ t'e se4en c'ildren .'o- s'e 'ad by t'e in+I
and until %7DA 'er rei+n .as absolute. In t'at year! 'o.e4er! t'e in+ be+an to +i4e 'er
cause /or =ealousy. ('e sa. and /elt 'er e-,ire s'a1en! and s'e su//ered a+onies o/ /ear
and ra+e. For /i/teen days s'e re/used to see anyone but at last s'e did see so-eoneNLa
Her old acLuaintances! Lesa+e and t'e Abbe Mariette! 'ad in t'e -eanti-e been
c'astened by a so=ourn in ,rison /or sacrile+e! and Mariette 'ad /or t'e ti-e bein+ /led
abroad. Ho.e4er! La @oisin introduced 'er to a ,ractitioner o/ a dar1er s'ade t'an t'ese
t.o! .'o! s'e assured 'er! .as ,re,ared to ,er/or- e4en -ore ,o.er/ul cere-oniesI t'e
AbbW Guibour+.
Guibour+ .as a si9ty3se4en3year3old ,riest! .'o alle+ed 'i-sel/ to be t'e
ille+iti-ate son o/ a noble-an. He 'ad a nu-ber o/ bene/ices in 5aris and t'e
surroundin+ districts. His re,utation .as e4il! and in t'e ,ursuit o/ blac1 -a+ic 'e .as
utterly rut'less. He 'ad 'ad se4eral c'ildren by 'is -istress! a .o-an called La
C'an/rain! and 'e .as said to 'a4e used so-e o/ t'e- as sacri/ices in 'is -onstrous rites.
It is said in T'e ey o/ (olo-on!
In -any o,erations it is necessary to -a1e so-e sort o/ sacri/ice unto De-ons! and in 4arious
.ays. (o-eti-es .'ite ani-als are sacri/iced to t'e +ood (,irits and blac1 to t'e e4il. (uc' sacri/ices
consist o/ t'e blood and so-eti-es t'e /les'. T'ose .'o sacri/ice ani-als! o/ .'atsoe4er 1ind t'ey
be! s'ould select t'ose .'ic' are 4ir+in! as bein+ -ore a+reeable unto t'e (,irits! and renderin+ t'e-
-ore obedient.
It is e4ident! /ro- t'e details +i4en! t'at t'e ,ur,ose o/ Guibour+Ss cere-onies .as
to e4o1e de-ons and co-,el t'e- to obey 'is reLuestsI and .e 'a4e seen t'at t'e
dis,osal o/ un.anted c'ildren .as ,art o/ La @oisinSs trade. Mada-e de Montes,an .as
a ,assionate! des,erate .o-an! and not noted /or so/tness o/ 'eart. 8et t'ey .ere bot'
-ot'ers! and .e cannot but .onder at t'e ,syc'olo+ical ,rocesses .'ic' led t'e one to
su,,ly t'e sacri/ice! and t'e ot'er to .atc' it ,er/or-ed be/ore 'er eyes.
Once a+ain! I t'in1! t'e e9,lanation is to be /ound in a su,erstitious and ,er4erted
4ie. o/ t'e sacra-ents. T'ey sal4ed t'eir .retc'ed consciences by t'e idea t'at! so lon+
as t'e c'ild 'ad been ba,tised! it .as a sinless creature .'ic'! .'en 1illed! .ould +o
strai+'t to 'ea4en. T'ere is a story about La @oisin .'ic' illustrates t'is belie/. La
Le,Vre! one o/ La @oisinSs -id.i/e cronies! .as once in t'e roo- in t'e latterSs 'ouse
.'ere s'e +a4e 'er /ortune3tellin+ consultations! to+et'er .it' La @oisinSs 'usband. La
@oisin 'ersel/ .as in t'e roo- abo4e! in t'e act o/ su,er4isin+ eit'er an abortion or a
clandestine birt'. 5resently! s'e ca-e do.nstairs .it' 'er /ace .reat'ed in a c'eer/ul
s-ile! e9clai-in+! :Ouel bon'eur> LSen/ant a ,u ^tre ondoyW>< F<Ho. /ortunate> T'e
c'ild .as able to be ba,tised><G ('e is said to 'a4e been 4ery ,articular t'at any c'ild
.'ic' s'e 'andled .'ic' .as born ali4e s'ould be ba,tised be/ore it .as <dis,osed o/<.
A lurid li+'t is t'ro.n u,on t'is belie/ by t'e slan+ na-e by .'ic' t'ose -id.i4es .ere
1no.n .'o .ere ,re,ared! </or a
consideration<! to -a1e a.ay .it' un.anted babies. T'ey .ere called </aiseuses
DSan+es<! <-a1ers o/ an+els<
T'is trait o/ La @oisinSs is! I t'in1! a clear ,iece o/ e4idence t'at s'e .as not a
-e-ber o/ t'e .itc' cultI because no -e-ber o/ t'e latter .ould 'a4e entertained suc' a
belie/! nor .ould t'ey 'a4e 'ad any /ait' in Guibour+Ss consecration o/ t'e ele-ents in
t'e Mass as ,art o/ a -a+ical cere-ony. $itc'cra/t! as I 'a4e already e9,lained! is a
reli+ion as .ell as a syste- o/ -a+ic! and no +enuine ,ractitioner .ill ,er/or- its rites
/or ,ay. La @oisin! on t'e contrary! .as blatantly <in it /or t'e -oney<. All 'er -a+ical
,ractices see- to 'a4e been /ounded on ,er4ersions o/ t'e C'urc'Ss sacra-ents! and
.it'out 'er acLuaintances a-on+ t'e ,riest'ood s'e could do not'in+. A real .itc'
.ould 'a4e 'ad no need to call in rene+ade ,riests. Her /ortune3tellin+ .as based on
card3readin+! astrolo+y! ,al-istry! and ,'ysio+o-y! and t'ere is not'in+ esoteric about
t'ese t'in+s! Fe9ce,t in connection .it' t'e Tarot! and t'at is not a secret o/ t'e .itc'
Dr. Jules Re+nault! in 'is boo1 La (orcellerie! ses Ra,,orts a4ec les (ciences
Biolo+iLues F5aris! %&"7G! actually +i4es t'e .ords o/ Guibour+Ss abo-inable <blessin+<
o/ t'e destined 4icti-! <Notre (ei+neur Jesus3C'rist laissait 4enir _ lui les ,etits en/ants.
Aussi =Sai 4oulu Lue tu 4iennes! car le suis son ,r^tre! et tu 4as! ,ar -a -ain Lue tu dois
benir! tSincor,orer ] ton Dieu.< F<Our Lord Jesus C'rist su//ered t'e little c'ildren to
co-e to Hi-. E4en so I 'a4e .illed t'at t'ou co-est! /or I a- His ,riest! and t'ou +oest!
by -y 'and .'ic' t'ou s'ouldSst bless! to incor,orate t'ysel/ .it' t'y God.<G
)n/ortunately! Dr. Re+nault does not +i4e 'is aut'ority /or t'is .ordin+I .'ic'! i/ it is
aut'entic! is a ,er/ect illustration o/ t'e -entality be'ind t'e Blac1 Mass. It .ill be noted
t'at in it Guibour+ describes 'i-sell as t'e ,riest o/ Jesus C'ristI not as eit'er a
<(atanist< or a .itc'.
It -i+'t .ell be /elt t'at .'ile suc' so3called <,riests< .al1ed t'e eart'! t'ere .as
little need to e4o1e de-ons. But .as Guibour+ any .orse t'an Nic'olas Re-y! .'o! in
'is boo1! dedicated to Cardinal C'arles de Lorraine! boasted o/ 'a4in+ been ,ersonally
res,onsible /or t'e deat's o/ nine 'undred .itc'es! and ur+ed =ud+es to be -erciless in
tortureI or Arnauld! t'e 5a,al Le+ate! .'o ,resided o4er t'e Massacre o/ BWKiersH
T'e root o/ all t'ese 'orrors is t'e sa-eI it s,rin+s ulti-ately /ro- no doctrine! nor
/ro- any cultI it is si-,ly t'e 'eartless cruelty o/ souls .'ose utter sel/is'ness blinds
t'e- to all interests and /eelin+s sa4e t'eir o.n. Nor is t'e ad4ance-ent o/ any cult! nor
t'e e9tir,ation o/ any cult! t'e re-edy /or itI t'e only real re-edy is t'e s,iritual
e4olution o/ -an1ind as a .'ole.
Guibour+ and La @oisin told Mada-e de Montes,an t'at! in order to attain its ob=ect! t'e
Blac1 Mass -ust be said t'ree ti-es in succession. Accordin+ly! arran+e-ents .ere
-ade to say t'e /irst one in t'e c'a,el o/ t'e C'`teau de @illebousin! in t'e 'a-let o/
Mesnil! near Montl'Wry. It .as a reLuire-ent o/ t'is ,articular ritual t'at t'e .o-an on
.'ose be'al/ it .as bein+ said 'ad to lie on t'e altar na1ed. T'e s,ectacle o/ t'e -ost
,o.er/ul! and one o/ t'e -ost beauti/ul .o-en in France! lyin+ na1ed on t'e altar o/ t'e
Blac1 Mass! 'as o/ten seiKed t'e i-a+ination o/ sensational .riters and artists! and .e
'a4e usually 'ad t'e scene de,icted .it' Mada-e de Montes,an lyin+ e9tended u,on t'e
altar. Actually! 'o.e4er! s'e lay across t'e altar! on 'er bac1! ber body at ri+'t an+les to
its len+t' and .it' 'er 1nees dra.n u,. A ,illo. su,,orted 'er 'ead! and s'e 'eld in 'er
e9tended ar-s t'e t.o candlestic1s .it' t'eir blac1 candles. A cross .as ,laced bet.een
'er breasts! and t'e c'alice bet.een 'er t'i+'s. Guibour+! t'e o//iciatin+ ,riest! stood
bet.een 'er 1nees. $e are told by Mar+uerite Mon4oisin t'at 'e 'ad a s,ecial 4est-ent
/or t'is ritual! a .'ite c'asuble se.n .it' blac1 ,ine cones.
T'e ritual a,,arently /ollo.ed t'e ort'odo9 .ordin+ o/ t'e Mass! but .it' t'e
-onstrous addition o/ t'e sacri/ice o/ a baby! at .'ic' t'e /ollo.in+ .ords .ere said by
Guibour+ on be'al/ o/ Mada-e de Montes,an0 <Astarot'! As-odeus! ,rinces o/
a//ection! I con=ure you to acce,t t'e sacri/ice .'ic' I ,resent to you! o/ t'is c'ild! /or t'e
t'in+s .'ic' I de-and o/ you! .'ic' are t'at t'e a//ection o/ t'e in+! and o/
Monsei+neur le Dau,'in! -ay be continued to.ards -e! and t'at I -ay be 'onoured by
t'e ,rinces and ,rincesses o/ t'e Court! and t'at not'in+ -ay be denied -e o/ all t'at I
as1 o/ t'e in+! eit'er /or -ysel/ or /or -y /a-ily and ser4ants.< T'is is Guibour+Ss
4ersion o/ t'e con=uration! .'ic' 'e +a4e to t'e C'a-bre Ardente.
H. T. F. R'odes 'as -ade a nu-ber o/ s,eculati4e deductions /ro- t'e details o/ t'e
descri,tion o/ t'is Mass! in t'e course o/ .'ic' 'e says! <T'e do-inant /eatures o/ t'e
t.o3/aced (atan o/ t'e %Dt' century are t'ose o/ t'e -ot'er3+oddess. It is only in t'e li+'t
o/ t'is /act t'at t'e blac1 rites and cere-onies o/ t'e ,eriod can be understood. T'e na-e
.as Astarot'.< But u,on t'is ,oint Mr. R'odes 'as been e+re+iously -isled. T'e
<Astarot'< to .'o- Guibour+Ss con=uration .as addressed .as not a +oddess at all! but a
+oetic de-on. He is -entioned as suc' in t'e Gri-oriu- @eru-! t'e Gri-oire o/ 5o,e
Honorius! t'e (acred Ma+ic o/ Abra-elin t'e Ma+e F.'ic' dates /ro- %2#6 and in
.'ic' Astarot' and As-odeus are listed as t.o o/ t'e Ei+'t (ub35rinces o/ E4ilG! in t'e
5seudo-onarc'ia De-onu-! t'e Dictionnaire
In/ernale o/ Collin de 5lancy! t'e Dra+on Rou+e! t'e Goetia! and in Francis BarrettSs
Ma+us. He is described as <a Grand Du1e o/ Hell<! and 'e is ,ictured in t'e Ma+us as a
bearded /i+ure .it' a /ierce e9,ression. He is said to a,,ear in t'e body o/ an an+el!
-ounted on an in/ernal dra+on! and to -ani/est 'is e4il nature by brin+in+ .it' 'i- a
/oul odour. His attribute is t'e ability o/ causin+ /riends'i,s .it' +reat lords. In t'e
Gri-oire o/ 5o,e Honorius! it says! <T'ose .'o .ould obtain t'e /a4ours o/ rulers call
As-odeus is a destructi4e de-on -entioned in t'e Goetia and in a nu-ber o/ ot'er
+ri-oires. It 'as been su++ested by (. L. MacGre+or Mat'ers t'at 'is na-e is deri4ed
/ro- t'e Hebre. .ord Asa-od! to destroy or e9ter-inate. T'e ,ur,ose o/ t'e Blac1
Mass at .'ic' t'ese t.o de-ons .ere e4o1ed .as /irstly to re+ain t'e in+Ss /a4our! and
secondly to destroy Mada-e de Montes,anSs ri4alsI 'ence t'e ,ur,ose o/ c'oosin+ t'is
,articular e4ocation is ,er/ectly clear.
Mr. R'odes 'as been /urt'er -isled .'en 'e says t'at t'e Mass .as <o//ered< to
Astarot' and As-odeus. It .as t'e blood3sacri/ice alone .'ic' .as o//ered to de-onsI
t'e MassNHea4en 'el, t'e->N.as o//ered to God! in order to control t'e de-ons and
-a1e t'e- obey.
T.o -ore -asses .ere ,er/or-ed! at /i/teen3day and t'ree3.ee1 inter4alsI t'e
second too1 ,lace in a tu-ble3do.n 'ouse at (aint3DenisI t'e t'ird in a 'ouse at 5aris! to
.'ic' Guibour+ .as ta1en .it' 'is eyes blind/olded! and conducted t'ence a+ain in t'e
sa-e .ay. And in due course! Mada-e de Montes,an re+ained 'er ascendancy o4er t'e
In %7D#! 'o.e4er! t'e in+ .as seiKed .it' one o/ 'is /its o/ ,iety! and Mada-e de
Montes,an .as banis'ed /ro- t'e Court. T'is ti-e s'e .ent strai+'t to La @oisin! .'o
su,,lied 'er .it' <-a+ical ,o.ders< .'ic' s'e .as to +et introduced into t'e in+Ss
/ood and drin1. It .as not t'e /irst ti-e t'at t'is 'ad been done. (o-e o/ t'e o//icers .'o
ser4ed t'e in+Ss table .ere in Mada-e de Montes,anSs ,ay. Mar+uerite Mon4oisin
stated! <E4ery ti-e so-et'in+ ne. 'a,,ened .it' re+ard to Mada-e de Montes,an! and
s'e /eared so-e lessenin+ o/ t'e in+Ss /a4our! s'e told -y -ot'er! so t'at s'e -i+'t
brin+ 'er so-e re-edy! and -y -ot'er 'ad recourse to t'e ,riests! by .'o- s'e 'ad
Masses said! and s'e +a4e so-e ,o.ders .'ic' t'e in+ .as to be +ot to ta1e.< ('e said
t'at t'ese ,o.ders .ere -ade accordin+ to di//erent /or-ulas! but t'at all .ere intended
as a,'rodisiacs! and .ere co-,osed o/ cant'arides! t'e ,o.der o/ dried toads! t'e blood
o/ bats! <et les ,lus i+nobles in+redients<. T'ese t'in+s .ere -ade into a ,aste .'ic' .as
,laced underneat' t'e c'alice
durin+ t'e Mass! and blessed by t'e ,riest at t'e -o-ent o/ t'e o//ertory. T'e ,aste .as
t'en dried and ,o.dered! and secretly ad-inistered to t'e in+ in 'is /ood. T'e o,erati4e
,rinci,le! o/ course! .ould 'a4e been suc' a,'rodisiac substances as cant'aridesI an
o4erdose o/ t'is! 'o.e4er! .ould 'a4e ,ro4ed /atal! and in /act! accordin+ to -edical
records! Louis did so-eti-es s'o. sy-,to-s o/ bein+ dru++ed .it' so-e suc'
substance. At one ti-e! 'e su//ered /ro- /its o/ diKKiness and 'is si+'t beca-e obscuredI
at anot'er! 'e see-ed to 'a4e a /e4eris'! satyr3li1e desire /or .o-en. T'e ot'er /antastic
in+redients o/ La @oisinSs <-a+ical ,o.ders< -i+'t 'a4e ser4ed to dilute t'e dan+erous
dru+s and -a1e t'eir action less 4iolent.
Once a+ain! La @oisinSs desi+ns .or1ed! and t'e in+ su--oned 'is -istress bac1
to Court. But t'ey 'ad .or1ed only too .ellI t'e in+! reco4erin+ /ro- 'is -ood o/
reli+ion! .ent to t'e ot'er e9tre-e! and t'e un'a,,y <Oueen o/ t'e Le/t Hand< 'ad a
.'ole succession o/ ri4als. ('e beca-e so des,erate t'at once a+ain s'e resol4ed to try
t'e Blac1 Mass. T'is ti-e t'e Masses .ere 'eld at La @oisinSs 'ouse in t'e Rue
Beaure+ard! in t'e blac13dra,ed ,a4ilion .'ic' t'e ,olice disco4ered .'en t'ey searc'ed
t'e ,lace! a/ter La @oisinSs arrest. T'e usual t'ree Masses .ere said! but Mada-e de
Montes,an .as only ,resent in ,erson at t'e /irst one! at .'ic' a c'ild .as sacri/iced.
T'e ot'er t.o .ere said on 'er be'al/ by Guibour+ and La @oisin. It .as t'e duty o/
Mar+uerite Mon4oisin to 'el, 'er -ot'er to ,re,are t'e <c'a,el<! and so-eti-es to act
as assistant. Mada-e de Montes,an .as not t'e only .o-an .'o ca-e to La @oisinSs
'ouse to ta1e ,art in a Blac1 Mass! and a,,arently t'ere .as an alternati4e ritual. Dr.
Re+nault FO,. cit.G says0
<Notons toute/ois Lue La -esse dite ,our Mada-e de Montes,an ne /ut ,as tourt ]
/ait co-,lVte. En raison de la situation de la courtisane! on a4ait c'oisi le 4ieu9
Guibour+e! a/in LuSil ne /at ,as tentW de sui4re le rite le ,lus courant Lui consisterait ]
,lacer! a,res la consecration! lS'ostie dans le 4a+in de la /e--e! en +uise dS'y-en! et ]
,ratiLuer le c[it dans ces conditions<. Accordin+ to a state-ent o/ Mar+uerite Mon4oisin!
'o.e4er! Guibour+ did ,ractise t'is ritualI but it is not clear .'et'er or not 'e ,ractised it
.it' Mada-e de Montes,an. T'e ,ur,ose! 'o.e4er! .as not a cere-onial desecration o/
t'e ele-ents! but a ,er4ersion o/ t'e ancient (acred Marria+e.
Once a+ain! Mada-e de Montes,an re+ained t'e /a4ours o/ t'e in+0 'er ri4als .ere
disre+arded! and s'e see-ed to rei+n -ore brilliantly t'an e4er! Oueen in all but na-e o/
t'e -ost -a+ni/icent Court in Euro,e. But in s,ite o/ t'e lu9ury .it' .'ic' s'e
.as surrounded! s'e .as an un'a,,y! tor-ented .o-an. A,art /ro- t'e ,recariousness
o/ 'er ,osition! .'ic' -i+'t any day be -enaced by t'e ri4alry o/ anot'er! ,er'a,s
youn+er and ,rettier /ace! it cannot 'a4e been ,leasant to li4e .it' t'e -e-ory o/ t'e
si+'ts and sounds o/ t'e Rue Beaure+ard! or o/ t'e c'a,el in t'e lonely c'`teau! or t'e old
ruined 'ouse at (aint3Denis. (aint3(i-on tells us t'at to.ards t'e end o/ 'er li/e s'e
.ould not slee, e9ce,t in a roo- .ell lit .it' -any candles! and .it' t'e curtains o/ 'er
bed .ide o,en! and t'at s'e ,aid a nu-ber o/ ser4in+3.o-en solely to sit u, .it' 'er at
ni+'t and .atc' .'ile s'e sle,t. ('e 'ad! 'e says! a +reat /ear o/ deat'.
('e 'ad no need to /ear blac1-ailI suc' .as 'er ,osition t'at no one .ould 'a4e
dared itI but s'e -ust 'a4e dreaded disco4ery! In %7DD 'er old /riend! Louis de @anens!
'ad been arrested! on c'ar+es connected .it' coinin+! .'ic' 'e 'ad been concerned .it'
under t'e co4er o/ an :association o/ alc'e-ists<I and t'e ,olice .ere be+innin+ ur+ently
to ,robe t'e scandal o/ secret ,oisonin+s. It see-s unli1ely t'at s'e .as co-,letely
i+norant o/ La @oisinSs ,artici,ation in t'e latter.
At t'e be+innin+ o/ %7D& 'er ri4al a,,eared u,on t'e scene! a beauti/ul youn+ +irl o/
ei+'teen! Mlle. de Fontan+es. Fair3'aired! +entle and c'ar-in+! s'e is said to 'a4e borne
a stran+e rese-blance to Louise de la @alliere! t'e in+Ss old! and so-e said 'is only real
lo4e! .'o- Mada-e de Montes,an 'ad dri4en /ro- t'e Court so -any years a+o. T'e
in+ /ell in lo4e .it' 'er.
Mada-e de Montes,an .as beside 'ersel/ .it' ra+e and /ear. No lon+er did s'e see1
to re+ain t'e in+Ss /a4our. ('e .ent to La @oisin! and o//ered 'er one 'undred t'ousand
ecus to ,oison bot' t'e in+ and Mlle. de Fontan+es. La @oisin! daKKled by t'e su- s'e
o//ered! undertoo1 to do it. ('e .as actually en+a+ed on a sc'e-e to 1ill t'e in+ .'en
s'e .as arrested.
E4en! t'at blo. did not so/ten Mada-e de Montes,anSs deter-ination to ,oison t'e
Duc'ess de Fontan+es. Her actions at t'is ti-e s'o. suc' des,eration t'at it -i+'t be
con=ectured t'at s'e .as al-ost out o/ 'er -indI /or s'e ,ro-,tly entered into
ne+otiations .it' La Filastre! one o/ La @oisinSs +an+ o/ e9,ert ,oisoners! and
des,atc'ed 'er to Nor-andie and Au4er+ne to obtain -ore subtle ,oisons. ),on 'er
return to 5aris! t'e .o-an .as arrestedI and it .as 'er declarations .'ic'! .'en
con4eyed to t'e in+ by La Reynie! re-o4ed t'e last doubt /ro- 'is -ind o/ 'is e93
-istressSs +uilt! and caused 'i- to order t'e i--ediate sus,ension o/ t'e C'a-bre
Ardente! on t'e %st October! %76C.
Alt'ou+' in Marc'! %7D&! in t'e sa-e -ont' t'at La @oisin .as arrested! Mada-e
de Montes,an 'ad /allen /ro- /a4our! s'e
.as still treated ,ublicly by t'e in+ .it' ,olite +allantry. Ho.e4er! .'en 'e ,roclai-ed
Mile. de Fontan+es a duc'ess! .it' a la4is' ,ension! Mada-e de Montes,an 'ad a
4iolent scene .it' t'e in+! in .'ic' s'e re,roac'ed 'i- bitterly! and t'eir relation3s'i,
+re. increasin+ly cold.
It -i+'t be t'ou+'t a curious coincidence t'at t'e outbrea1 o/ t'e scandal o/ t'e
<A//aire des 5oisons< s'ould coincide .it' t'e in+Ss tirin+ o/ Mada-e de Montes,an.
Ho.e4er! 'ad 'e -erely .is'ed to +et rid o/ 'er! t'ere .as no necessity to 'a4e -ade a
scandal t'at roc1ed t'e entire Frenc' nobility! and startled Euro,eI and in /act! .'en t'e
disco4eries o/ La ReynieSs in4esti+ation .ere ,laced be/ore 'i-! t'e in+ and 'is t.o
-inisters! Colbert and Lou4ois! /ar /ro- ,roclai-in+ t'e /allen /a4ouriteSs s'a-e to t'e
.orld! -ade des,erate e//orts to conceal it. It too1 /our days o/ ,leadin+ on t'e ,art o/ La
Reynie to ,ersuade t'e in+ to ,er-it t'e C'a-bre Ardente to resu-e its sessions! and
'e t'en did so only t'at t'e a//air -i+'t so-e'o. be concluded. In t'e -eanti-e! all t'e
dossiers o/ e4idence t'at i-,licated Mada-e de Montes,an 'ad been seLuestered /ro-
t'e rest! and +i4en in a sealed cas1et to t'e cler1 o/ t'e C'a-bre Ardente! to be ,ut a.ayI
t'ey .ere not s'o.n to t'e =ud+es. All t'ose .'o could bear .itness a+ainst 'er .ere
i-,risoned /or li/e! by lettre de cac'et! and La Reynie re+retted t'at in t'is .ay -any o/
t'e .orst cri-inals! includin+ t'e Abbe Guibour+ 'i-sel/! esca,ed t'e ,ublic e9ecution
t'at 'e .ould 'a4e +i4en t'e- by la..
On t'e %2t' June! %DC&! Nic'olas La Reynie diedI and on t'e %"t' July! %DC&! t'e
in+ sent /or t'e sealed cas1et. It .as brou+'t to 'i- at t'e 5alace! and 'e is said to 'a4e
burned its contents .it' 'is o.n 'and! in t'e /ire,lace o/ 'is ,ri4ate a,art-ent. La
Reynie! 'o.e4er! 'ad -ade e9tensi4e notesNindeed! 'e 'ad been bound to do soNo/ t'e
case in all its ra-i/ications! and it is t'ese notes! to+et'er .it' letters bet.een 'i- and
t'e in+ and 'is -inisters .'ic' tell t'e story. It is an unco--only u+ly story! but it 'as
/or t'at 4ery reason t'e a,,earance o/ trut'. I/ Louis EI@ 'ad .is'ed an in4ention
a+ainst Mada-e de Montes,an! 'e .ould 'ardly 'a4e -ade one .'ic' .as so
'u-iliatin+ to 'i-sel/I and! as Nic'olas de la Reynie .rote in 'is notes! a/ter care/ully
co-,arin+ all t'e e4idence about t'e Blac1 Masses .'ic' Guibour+ and Mar+uerite
Mon4oisin 'ad +i4en! <Guibour+ and la /ille @oisin a+ree .it' eac' ot'er u,on
circu-stances so ,articular and so 'orrible t'at it is di//icult to concei4e t'at t.o ,eo,le
could 'a4e i-a+ined t'e- and concocted t'e- all to+et'er! un1no.n to eac' ot'er. It
-ust be! it see-s! t'at t'ese t'in+s .ere done! to 'a4e been said.<
Mada-e de Montes,an 'ad one -ore terrible scene .it' in+! in .'ic' 'e -ay 'a4e
ta9ed 'er .it' 'er +uiltI .e scarcely 1no. /or certain .'at ,assed! /or no one else .as
,res e9ce,t Mada-e de Maintenon! .'o 1e,t a discreet distance. .as t'e +o4erness o/
Mada-e de Montes,anSs se4en c'ildren t'e in+! and ulti-ately beca-e 'is -istress
.'en t'e youn+ Duc'esse de Fontan+es died t'e ne9t year! at t'e a+e o/ t.enty3t.o.
5oison .as stron+ly sus,ected as t'e cause o/ 'er deat' t'ou+' it -ay 'a4e been natural.
A/ter t'is scene! t'e in+ 'ad no /urt'er relations .it' Mada-e de Montes,anI to
lessen ,ublic scandal! 'o.e4er! s'e .as ,er-it to re-ain at Court. In %7&% s'e retired to
a con4ent! and t'e in+ +a4e 'er a 'andso-e ,ension. To.ards t'e end o/ 'er li/e!
beca-e 4ery re,entant! and it is said t'at! in s,ite o/ t'e terrors o/ deat' and o/ t'e dar1
/ro- .'ic' s'e su//ered! .'en deat' /inally clai-ed 'er s'e -et it cal-ly. ('e died in
I 'a4e treated t'is story at suc' len+t' because! as I 'a4e -entioned! it is t'e only
account I 1no. o/ t'e Blac1 Mass .'ic' is su,,orted by anyt'in+ .ort' callin+
e4idence. T'e conclusions .'ic' I 'a4e dra.n /ro- it -ay not be acce,table to all.
Ne4ert'eless! it is as clear as dayli+'t Fe9ce,t to t'ose o/ .'o- t'e ,ro4erb says! <T'ere
are none so blind as t'e- t'at .onSt see;G! t'at t'e ,eo,le .'o .ere ,ractisin+ t'e Blac1
Mass in t'e %Dt' century .ere not .itc'es! but ,riests. Guibour+ .as not alone 'is
in/a-yI .e 'a4e also t'e na-es o/ t'e AbbW Da4otI Dulon+ t'e Canon o/ Notre Da-e!
and Bri+alier! a Royal Al-onerI AbbW Gui+nard! and t'e AbbW (ebaultI Bart'ele-y
Le-ei+nan t'e 4icar o/ (aint3Eustac'e! and anot'er ,riest called TournetI and a Bis'o,!
Gille3Le/ranc. H. T. F. R'odesNu,on t'e /acts .'ose boo1 I cast no doubt! disa+reein+
only .it' t'e deductions 'e dra.s /ro- t'e-Ntells us t'at bet.een %7D" and %76C at
least /i/ty ,riests .ere e9ecuted /or sacrile+e! and t'at t'e -a=ority! i/ not all o/ t'ese!
.ere associated .it' La @oisin.
Do not let -e +i4e t'e i-,ression t'at by statin+ t'ese /acts I a- atte-,tin+ to cast a
slur u,on t'e Cat'olic cler+y as a .'ole. In e4ery reli+ious co--unity t'ere are +ood
and badI but un/ortunately t'e bad o/ten -a1e -ore noise in t'e .orld t'an t'e +ood.
$'ile .itc'3'untin+ butc'ers suc' as Institoris and (,ren+er .ere at t'eir 'ate/ul .or1!
'undreds o/ 1indly and decent ,aris' ,riests .ere at t'eirsI and a+ainst t'e -e-ory o/
Guibour+ .e s'ould ,lace t'at o/ Tanner! Lay-ann! and @on (,ee! .'o ris1ed t'eir li4es
in t'eir atte-,ts to secure =ustice and 'u-anity /or t'ose accused as .itc'es.
C'a,ter EI@.
IN t'e year %&#% t'e Britis' Go4ern-ent o/ t'e day added an i-,ortant c'a,ter to t'e
lon+ 'istory o/ le+islation a//ectin+ .itc'cra/t! and also! incidentally! to t'at relatin+ to
reli+ious and ,ersonal liberty. T'ey ,assed t'e Act o/ 5arlia-ent 1no.n as t'e
Fraudulent Mediu-s Act.
T'is Act is! % belie4e! a uniLue ,iece o/ le+islation in t'at it le+ally reco+nises t'e
,ossibility o/ +enuine -ediu-s'i, and ,syc'ic ,o.ers! and i-,oses ,enalties only on
t'ose .'o /raudulently ,retend to t'e ,ossession o/ suc' ,o.ers in order to -a1e -oney.
T'e (,iritualists 'ailed it as t'eir c'arter o/ /reedo-! and it .as t'ose M.5.s .'o .ere
sy-,at'etic to (,iritualis- .'o bac1ed t'e Bill in t'e House and secured its ,assa+e.
It is interestin+ to note 'o. t'e la.s relatin+ to .itc'cra/t 'a4e re/lected t'e o,inion
and intellectual cli-ate o/ t'e ti-es. As .e 'a4e seen in t'e early days in Britain .'en
t'e 'old o/ C'ristianity u,on t'e -ass o/ t'e ,eo,le .as not stron+! t'e C'urc' could
only i-,ose ,enances and /ines /or .'at! in later years! beca-e ca,ital o//ences. T'en
t'e C'urc'! +ro.in+ stron+er! be+an to ,ersecute t'e ,oor and 'el,less a-on+ t'e <
'eat'en <! but let t'e +reat nobles alone. Ho.e4er! as t'e C'urc'Ss ,o.er +re. it be+an
to /ly 'i+'er. T'e /irst bi+ trial o/ a ,erson o/ 'i+' ran1 .as t'at o/ Da-e Alice yteler!
and e4en t'en t'ey only seiKed 'er ser4ants! torturin+ and burnin+ t'e-I s'e 'ersel/
esca,ed. 5resently! 'o.e4er! not e4en t'e 'i+'est in t'e land .ere i--une! and t'e /ull
/ury o/ ,ersecution ra+ed! .it' t'e la. re/lectin+ t'e C'urc'Ss doctrine t'at .itc'cra/t
.as t'e direct concern o/ (atan.
(till! .it' t'e rise o/ rationalis- in t'e ei+'teent' century ,ublic o,inion .ould no
lon+er su,,ort t'e deat' sentence on .itc'es. It .as not due to a ne. s,irit o/ cle-ency
in t'e C'urc'! but to an increased +ro.t' o/ rationalis- a-on+ t'e ,eo,le! t'at t'e
,rosecution o/ .itc'es be+an to d.indle and /inally ceased. In %D"7 Ja-es ISs $itc'cra/t
Act o/ %7C2 .as re,ealed! and re,laced by an Act .'ic' said in e//ect t'at t'ere .as no
suc' t'in+ as .itc'cra/t! and t'at anyone .'o ,retended to occult ,o.ers .as i,so /acto
a /raud! and s'ould be ,rosecuted as suc'. It .as under t'is Act! cou,led .it' t'e
@a+rancy Act! t'at s,iritualist -ediu-s .ere ,rosecuted u, to %&#%.
In %&#%! as .e 'a4e seen! it .as re,ealed in its turn and re,laced
by t'e Fraudulent Mediu-s Act. T'is a+ain re/lected t'e c'an+e in intellectual cli-ate!
/ro- t'e rat'er -aterialistic rationalis- o/ t'e %6t' and early %&t' Centuries to t'e
,resent3day in4esti+ations into ,ara,syc'olo+y! ,syc'ic researc' and study +enerally as
,ioneered by suc' bodies as t'e (ociety /or 5syc'ical Researc' and suc' ,'iloso,'ers as
Carl Gusta4 Jun+! to+et'er .it' t'e rise o/ suc' -o4e-ents as (,iritualis- and
T'eoso,'y. Once a+ain t'e s,irit o/ t'e a+e 'as c'an+ed! and t'e c'an+e is re/lected in its
No. to t'ose reli+ious bodies .'o 'a4e /or centuries been ,reac'in+ t'at all suc'
t'in+s .ere t'e direct inter4ention o/ (atan in 'u-an a//airs! and conseLuently t'at no
ordinary ,erson s'ould be allo.ed to in4esti+ate t'e- /or 'i-sel/ and -a1e u, 'is o.n
-ind about t'e- .it'out < t'eolo+ical +uidance < Fsuc' as is contained! /or instance! in
t'e Malleus Male/icaru-G! t'e Fraudu3lent Mediu-s Act o/ %&#% .as +all and
.or-.ood! and .e 1no. /ro- e9,erience t'at t'ese interests do not ta1e t'is sort o/
t'in+ lyin+ do.n.
It -ay! o/ course! be t'e s'eerest coincidenceI but to.ards t'e end o/ %&#% a nu-ber o/
4ery stran+e t'in+s be+an to a,,ear in certain sections o/ t'e 5ress! and t'ey 'a4e 1e,t on
a,,earin+ at inter4als e4er since. T'e +eneral trend o/ t'ese stories 'as been t'at Britain
is bein+ riddled and under-ined by < Blac1 Ma+ic <! and t'at t'e ,ublic s'ould be
aroused to a state o/ alar- about it.
T'e /irst article .as ,ublis'ed in a sensational ne.s,a,er in %&#%! sayin+! < T'ere are
-any -en and .o-en in Britain to3day .'o deli+'t in .ic1edness and .'o! subscribin+
to t'e cult o/ Blac1 Ma+ic! ta1e ,art in unbelie4able debauc'ery.< T'eir re,orter +a4e 'is
/indin+s as /ollo.s0
< %. Blac1 -a+ic is not ,ractised by a /e. craKy indi4iduals. It is t'e cult o/ -any
or+anised +rou,s.
< A. Most o/ t'e -en and .o-en in4ol4ed are not only sane t'ey are 'i+'ly intelli+ent.
< ". T'ey include ,eo,le .'o are nationally and internationally /a-ous. A re4i4al o/
.itc'cra/t is s.ee,in+ t'e country! and ,eo,le -ust be .arned a+ainst it.< T'e re,orter
also said0 < I 'a4e in -y ,ossession a dossier! t'e result o/ -any yearsS .or1 by an
in4esti+ator! a Mr. A.! .'o is out to e9,ose t'ese -ali+nant ,eo,le and t'eir teac'in+s
and ,ractices. T'is dossier +i4es t'e -ost detailed in/or-ation on t'e acti4ities o/ -any
.ell31no.n ,eo,le.<
His article concluded! :I ur+e t'e aut'orities to 1ee, a closer .atc' on stran+e and
craKy3soundin+ societies. Many o/ t'e- are /ar -ore sinister t'an t'ey a,,ear to be.:
No.! .'en state-ents are -ade .'ic' are deliberately calculated
to alar- t'e ,ublic about so-et'in+! and .'ic' ur+e t'e aut'orities to ta1e action! I t'in1
it a ,ity t'at it is not disclosed =ust .'o is res,onsible /or suc' state-ents! and .'at
e4idence t'ere is to su,,ort t'e-. Ho.e4er! in s,ite o/ t'e /act t'at .e .ere assured t'at
Mr. A. .as not a cran1! t'e ,ublic 'a4e ne4er been +i4en t'e o,,ortunity o/ =ud+in+ t'is
/or t'e-sel4es. $e are not told .'at Luali/ications 'e ,ossesses! nor .as 'is true na-e
Furt'er! i/ t'is ,a,er really ,ossessed a dossier :+i4in+ t'e -ost detailed in/or-ation
on t'e acti4ities o/ -any .ell 1no.n ,eo,le; .'o .ere ,ractisin+ Blac1 Ma+ic! .'y
.erenSt t'e /acts ,ublis'edH
$'y! instead o/ -a1in+ use o/ t'is s,icy scoo,! did t'e .riters /ail to ,roduce t'eir
in/or-ant Mr. A.! or t'e dossierH I t'in1 it is ti-e t'e ,ublic .ere told. I/ t'ere is
anyt'in+ e4il +oin+ on! .'y not in/or- t'e ,oliceH
I .onder i/ t'ese ne.s,a,ers 'a4e sto,,ed to re/lect on .'at -ay be t'e e//ect o/
state-ents t'at -any ,eo,le <.'o are nationally and internationally /a-ous< are
in4ol4ed in blac1 -a+ic. Is not t'is calculated to under-ine t'e con/idence o/ t'e
ordinary -an and .o-an in t'e! s'all .e say! <+o4ernin+ classes < o/ t'is countryH Let
t'ose .'o t'in1 I a- e9a++eratin+ re-e-ber 'o. t'e ordinary RussianSs /ait' in t'e CKar
and 'is /a-ily .as under-ined by t'e 'orrible stories t'at .ere told about t'eir
subser4ience to t'e;Blac1 Ma+ician <! Ras,utin. I do not su++est t'at t'e ,a,ers .'ic'
'a4e ,rinted suc' state-ents as t'at .'ic' I 'a4e Luoted are deliberately ai-in+ /or t'is
ob=ectI but I do su++est t'at t'is 4a+ue s-ear3and3scare ca-,ai+n is ,otentially -ore
dan+erous to Britain t'an t'e alle+ed acti4ities o/ all t'e so3called blac1 -a+ic +rou,s ,ut
$e 'a4e 'eard a 4ery +reat deal about < T'e Blac1 International o/ (atanis- :.
Bet.een t'e co4ers o/ a t'riller suc' t'in+s are no -ore sinister t'an t'e acti4ities o/ Dr.
Fu Manc'uI but .'en t'ey are ,resented as sober /act! .'ic' Britis' citiKens s'ould +et
alar-ed about! I t'in1 it is ti-e to as1 eit'er /or so-e o/ t'at a.1.ard t'in+! e4idence! or
/or a 'alt to be called until it can be ,roduced. 5ersonally! in t'e course o/ a lon+ li/e! t'e
+reater ,art o/ .'ic' 'as been de4oted to an interest in /ol13lore! ant'ro,olo+y! ,syc'ic
researc'! -a+ic! and 1noc1in+ about in so-e o/ t'e odd ,laces o/ t'e .orld in +eneral! I
'a4e ne4er co-e across t'e sli+'test e4idence t'at any suc' < Blac1 International; e9ists
outside .or1s o/ /iction! and conseLuently I do not belie4e t'at it does.
$'at .e do co-e across! ti-e and a+ain in 'istory! is t'e
tra+ic results .'ic' 'a4e accrued /ro- listenin+ to ,eo,les irres,onsible i-a+inin+s and
ta1in+ t'e- /or trut'. A,art /ro- t'e -illions .'o ,eris'ed in t'e .itc' ,ersecutions!
t'ere .ere suc' a//airs as t'e < 5o,is' 5lot :! in t'e days o/ C'arles! II! .'en Ro-an
Cat'olics all o4er En+land .ere ,ersecuted! and so-e lost t'eir li4es! on account o/
sensational ru-ours s,read in t'e /irst instance by a -an called Titus Oates! .'o .as
ulti-ately ,ro4ed to be an i-,ostorI but Titus Oates .as se4erely ,unis'ed /or 'is lies.
At t'e end o/ October! %&#A! an article entitled $itc'es De4il $ors'i, in London
a,,eared in t'e 5ress. T'is re,eated t'e tales about < obscene cere-onies! in4ol4in+
,riestesses! blood sacri/ices o/ cats and +oats! and ritual dances to t'e r'yt'- o/ dru-s;!
and told 'o. < (urrounded by blac1 dra,eries! .it' t'e si+ns o/ t'e Todiac +lo.in+ in
t'e li+'t o/ candles! t'ese .ors'i,,ers o/ t'e De4il ,er/or- t'eir incantations .'ile
'erbal incense bu-s.< Once a+ain t'e alle+ation .as re,eated t'at so-e o/ t'ose .'o
too1 ,art in t'ese t'in+s .ere < 'i+'ly intelli+ent -en and .o-en! so-e nationally and
internationally /a-ousNbut all sli+'tly un'in+ed.<
In %&#"! t.o -ore articles about Blac1 Ma+ic in Britain a,,eared in t'e October and
No4e-ber issues o/ a ,syc'ic ,eriodical! no. de/unct. A-on+ all t'e usual
sensationalis-! tales o/ < ,acts .it' t'e De4il <! blood sacri/ices! < blac1 rites;! or+ies <!
etc.! etc.! a,,eared t'is si+ni/icant ,assa+e0
(,iritualists recently re=oiced t'at t'ey 'ad at last been +ranted t'eir < /reedo- c'arter <. One o/
t'e last t'in+s t'e Labour Go4ern-ent did .as to ,lace u,on t'e (tatute Boo1 t'e Fraudulent
Mediu-s Act .'ic' re,laced t'e centuries3old $itc'cra/t Act and @a+rancy Act! under .'ic'
-ediu-s .ere o,en to ,rosecution e4ery ti-e t'ey 'eld a seance or conducted a ser4ice in a
(,iritualist c'urc'.
For -any years (,iritualists in and out o/ t'e House o/ Co--ons 'ad been ca-,ai+nin+ /or t'e
.it'dra.al o/ t'ese t.o Acts! but so-e ,eo,le .'o 'ad a little -ore 4ision .arned t'at abolition .ould
o,en t'e door /or all sorts o/ occult ,ractices! so-e o/ .'ic' .ere undesirable to say t'e least. T'at is
e9actly .'at 'as 'a,,ened.
(o-e o/ t'e stories retailed in t'ese articles .ere identical .it' t'ose .'ic' 'ad been
told in %&#%. Furt'er! .e .ere in/or-ed t'at < A =ournalist .'o .as carryin+ out an
in4esti+ation o/ certain Occult ,ractices .as /orced to dro, 'is story as bein+ Stoo 'ot to
'andleS .'en 'e /ound t'e identity o/ so-e o/ t'e ,eo,le in4ol4ed.< < Hi+' o//icials o/
,olitical ,arties :! .e .ere told! consulted occultists.
Once a+ain! t'e s-ear3and3scare3ca-,ai+nSs usual tec'niLueI not one scintilla o/
e4idence is ,roduced to su,,ort t'e alle+ations -ade! .'ile t'e 'int is dro,,ed t'at t'e
/ull trut' cannot co-e
out because ,eo,le in 'i+' ,ositions are ,re4entin+ it. $'at nonsenseN.'at dan+erous
In (e,te-ber! %&#2! a .onder/ul t.o3,a+e s,read ca-e out.
:Men ea4esdro, on t'e De4il!; But alas it did not co-e any.'ere near li4in+ u, to its
title. FOt'er.ise! .'at an inter4ie. it -i+'t 'a4e been>G In /act! t'e De4il! as /ar as I can
-a1e out! .as ne4er t'ere. T'e re,orters .atc'ed t'e so3called :Blac1 Ma+ic; cere-ony!
t'ou+' actually t'ey re4ealed t'at t'e .'ole ,roceedin+s 'ad been :-ade u,; in t'e
'ouse o/ a coloured +entle-an .'o .e .ill call Mr. E.! ,urely to -a1e a story! and t'at
so-e +irls 'ad been in4ited .'o did not 1no. t'ey .ould be ,'oto+ra,'ed by concealed
All t'ese ,re,arations .ere said to be -ade to ,ro4e t'at ,eo,le in Britain .ere
interested in Blac1 Ma+ic. A cere-ony .as said to 'a4e been ,er/or-ed to release a
youn+ -an /ro- a Blac1 Ma+ic s,ell cast on 'i- so-e ti-e be/oreI t'is .as enli4ened
by ,layin+ a +ra-o,'one record o/ an old ne+ro =aKK nu-ber. T'e article .as .ritten to
su++est t'at so-et'in+ .ic1ed .as +oin+ on. 5ersonally I cannot see it is so 4ery .ic1ed
to atte-,t to release so-eone /ro- a Blac1 Ma+ic s,ell. But a re,orter said0 < I 'a4e seen
a blac13-a+ician 1neel be/ore a candle and ,ray to t'e de4il.;No.! I t'in1 t'is .as a
4ery rude allusion to t'eir 'ostSs colour. And! any'o.! t'e De4il! ,ossibly bein+
/ri+'tened o/ t'e re,orters! did not co-e. T'e ot'er re,orter said 'e 'ad seen t'is
-a+ician -assa+e a blonde +irlSs bac1. T'at a,,arently .as all t'at 'a,,ened.
E9ce,t t'e utterly ,riceless co--ent o/ t'is re,orter0 < It is disturbin+ to +et
con/ir-ation t'at t'ere are adults in Britain .'o still .is' to /lirt .it' Blac1 Ma+ic.< <
$'at!< it -ay be as1ed! <do t'ese .onder/ul re4elations a-ount to a/ter allH<
In %&##! t'ese sensational ,a,ers ,ro-ised us < T'e s'oc1in+ inside story o/ Blac1
Ma+ic in Britain.< T'is .as to be t'e real MacCoy at last.
Oddly enou+'! no re/erence .as no. -ade to t'e dossier .'ic'! it .ill be
re-e-bered! contained detailed in/or-ation about < unbelie4able debauc'ery in .'ic' <
,eo,le .'o are nationally and internationally /a-ous too1 ,art in t'e course o/ t'eir
,artici,ation in t'e rites o/ blac1 -a+icI not.it'standin+ t'at t'e sa-e re,orter .as still
res,onsible /or t'e articles. On t'e contrary! t'e c'ie/ < con/essor; ,ro4ed to be a
coloured .o-an o/ obscure ori+in .'o li4ed in Bir-in+'a-.
< Made in Bir-in+'a- < 'as! alas! too o/ten turned out to be t'e 'all3-ar1 o/
:antiLues; o/ doubt/ul ,ro4enance! and t'e :.itc' cult < o/ t'e sensational 5ress ,ro4ed
to be no e9ce,tion.
In letters o/ about t.o inc'es 'i+'! t'e .ords < Blac1 Ma+ic in Britain < lea,t at us
/ro- t'e ,a+e. < 8ou are about to be /ri+'tened < .e .ere told FT'e Britis' nationNso
notoriously ti-id>G :T'e (unday 5ictorial be+ins to3day Fit .as t'e AAnd May! %&##G to
,ublis' a startlin+ dossier .it' t'e ,ri-e idea o/ scarin+ anyone .'o -ay be te-,ted to
/lirt .it' blac1 -a+ic . . . t'e dossier you are about to read concerns t'e de4il on our
doorste,N'ere in Britain <. F$'ere .as t'e ,re4ious dossierH In t'e .aste3,a,er
< Because de4il .ors'i, is ,ractised in secret! because its /ollo.ers loo1 no di//erent
/ro- t'e -an or .o-an ne9t door! t'is in4esti+ation 'as ta1en -any -ont's . . . enou+'
'as been disco4ered to ,ro4e to you t'at de4il .ors'i, can .rec1 t'e 'ealt'! corru,t t'e
-ind and de+rade t'e body o/ t'ose it ensnares.
Its cri-esNas .e .ill s'o.Ninclude blas,'e-y! desecration! -oral ,er4ersion.
Our in4esti+ators 'a4e /ound t'e e4idence o/ a nation3.ide c'ain o/ .itc'cra/t +rou,s
called Co4ens.
Its -e-bers are sincere in a satanic belie/ t'at t'eirs is t'e ancient reli+ion o/ Britain.
T'ey clai- it is older t'an! and su,erior to! C'ristianity.
Ti-e and a+ain I 'a4e been .arned durin+ t'is in4esti+ation0 ST'e ,ublic .ill ne4er
belie4e you i/ you ,rint t'e /acts. T'e trut' is inconcei4ableS. <
T'e .riter +oes on to LuoteNine4itablyNt'e Re4. Monta+ue (u--ers! < a retired
Ro-an Cat'olic ,riest <! and a /a-ous sensational .riter.
:In 'is F(u--ersSG .arnin+s 'e .rote o/ S/ear/ul /orces o/ e4il! /orces o/ ,o.er .'ic'
see- illi-itableS.;
But no one too1 any notice o/ Monta+ue (u--ers. E9ce,t! o/ course! t'e sensational
5ressI and no. loo1 .'at a +lo.in+ re.ard 'ad co-e to t'e->
Four -ont's a+o! it is stated! ne.s 'ad been recei4ed /ro- t'e Midlands t'at < For t'e
/irst ti-e a ,erson .'o 'ad been 4itally in4ol4ed in a t'ri4in+ blac1 -a+ic circle .as
,re,ared to -a1e a /ull state-ent :. T'ey 'ad /ound a coloured .o-an .'o clai-ed to
'a4e been a Hi+' 5riestess o/ a local .itc' co4en. . . . ('e told o/ 'er trainin+! 'er
initiation! o/ secret -eetin+s at ni+'t. ('e told o/ 4isits to +ra4eyards at -idni+'t to <
clai- souls o/ t'e ne.ly3buried /or t'e de4il <. ('e told 'o. stron+ -en and .o-en 'ad
been -ade sic1 by s,ells. Ho. at cere-onies lastin+ into early da.n or+ies .ere
,ractised .'ile e4eryt'in+ decent in li/e .as -oc1ed. . . !
< T'e .ord o/ one .o-an!< it .as considered! < .as not
enou+'. An all3out atte-,t .as -ade to /ind -ore e4idence. At 4arious ti-es! in t'e last
/i4e -ont's! -any -e-bers o/ our editorial sta// 'a4e .or1ed on t'is ,robe into e4il. $e
'a4e tra4elled t'ousands o/ -ilesNbac1.ards and /or.ards to t'e Midlands! to t'e
(out' Coast! to Bel/ast! to O9/ord! and to t'e e9tre-e .est coast o/ Eire. T'e results
'a4e been stran+e! e9citin+! and at ti-es terri/yin+. T'e 'unt 'as included 4isits to lonely
+ra4eyards. C'ases in /ast cars. Mysterious tele,'one -essa+es. . . .
Ho. do co4ens +et t'eir recruitsH Li1ely -e-bers are .ooed .it' ,ro-ises o/ ,o.er
and t'rillsI too late t'ey /ind t'ey 'a4e acLuired a ,ass,ort to debauc'ery. In so-e
co4ens eac' -e-ber is e9,ected to introduce nine ne. initiates a year. . . Ho. can one
+et /ree /ro- t'is e4il +ri,H (ee1 out your Doctor or Cler+y-an. Tell 'i- .'at 'as
'a,,ened3in con/idence. Or .rite to us.<
No.! it -i+'t 'a4e been le+iti-ately e9,ected! a/ter /i4e -ont's o/ in4esti+ation
.'ic'. i/ .e .ere to belie4e t'e abo4e account! -ust 'a4e ri4alled t'e ad4entures o/
Bulldo+ Dru--ond! t'at t'e sensation see1ers .ould 'a4e 'ad so-et'in+ to tell its
readers. Ho.e4er. t'e curious t'in+ about t'is series 'as been t'at at no ti-e 'as t'e
result o/ t'is /i4e -ont'sS in4esti+ation been -ade ,ublic.
It .as ad-itted t'at <T'e .ord o/ one .o-an .as not enou+'.; 8et t'e .ord o/ one
.o-an .as all t'at .e .ere e4er +i4en. Not one .ord o/ corroboration o/ t'is .o-anSs
story .as! as .e s'all see! e4er ,rinted. Nor did any ot'er -e-ber o/ t'e sensation
see1ersS sta// a,art /ro- t'is ,articular re,orter! e4er +i4e t'eir 4ie.s! or t'eir story. $e
.ere ne4er enli+'tened as to .'at .as /ound on t'e (out' Coast! in Bel/ast! O9/ord! or
t'e e9tre-e .est coast o/ Eire! nor t'e ,ur,oses o/ t'e < c'ases in /ast cars <! or .'at t'e
< -ysterious tele,'one -essa+es333 .ere all about.
In t'e sa-e article .e .ere told about t'e .ay in .'ic' a .o-an asociated .it' t'e <
de4il3.ors'i,,ers < created a /las' o/ li+'t by ,lacin+ 'er /in+er3ti,s to+et'er! and o/
anot'er .o-an .'o .as able! by so-e occult ,o.er! to -a1e 'er 'ead and /eet
lu-inous. As a -e-ber o/ t'e (ociety o/ 5syc'ical Researc'! I s'ould 'a4e 4ery -uc'
li1ed t'e o,,ortunity to -eet bot' t'ese ladies! but not'in+ -ore .as e4er 'eard about
5ersonally! a/ter a close study o/ t'e ,eculiar tec'niLue o/ t'e sensational 5ress! I /ind
t'e t'in+s t'ey lea4e unsaid 4ery -uc' -ore intri+uin+ t'an t'ose t'ey say. $e s'all see
later on 'o. one ,iece o/ e4idence about .itc'cra/t in Britain! .'ic' I ,ro4ided /or t'e-
and .as ,re,ared to +uarantee as +enuine! t'ey /latly re/used to ,rint! u,on t'e -ost
/eeble e9cuse I 'a4e e4er 'eard.
in t'e ne9t (undaySs issue .as +i4en t'e con/ession o/ a .itc'.
('e con/esses to3day.< .e .ere told! < in t'e 'o,e o/ sa4in+ ot'ers;. ('e stated0 <
T'is is -y con/ession. I .rite it to con4ince you t'at I 'a4e been ca+ed by /ear. Fear o/
blac1 -a+ic and t'e De4il. 5er'a,s you do not belie4e t'at 'ere in Britain! in t'e
t.entiet' century! it is ,ossible to be in4ol4ed in t'e e4ils o/ .itc'cra/t. I can assure you
/ro- -y o.n terrible e9,eriences as Hi+' 5riestess in a Blac1 Ma+ic circle! t'at t'is is
true .... :
('e tells us t'at s'e .as one day introduced to a -an .'o ca-e to 'a4e a dread/ul
si+ni/icance in 'er li/e. $'ere4er s'e -o4ed to! 'e /ollo.ed 'erI 'e be+an to tal1 to 'er
o/ stran+e reli+ious t'eories! and slo.ly a relations'i, o/ teac'er and ,u,il ca-e about.
Most o/ 'er lessons .ere by tele,'one! so-eti-es t.ice a day! and o/ten t'e calls lasted
'al/ to t'ree3Luarters o/ an 'our. < E4entually I .as so +ri,,ed by t'e 4oice on t'e S,'one
t'at I li4ed only to 'ear it t.ice a day. One day in %&2# .'en 'e did not ,'one -e as 'e
'ad ,ro-ised to do I e4en tried to co--it suicide.< T'e -an! s'e tells us. tau+'t 'er
4arious re-ar1able t'in+sI 'o. to call u,on < t'e ele-ents <! and as1 t'e- to send t'eir
s,irits to 'er! 'o. to -a1e any -an ensla4ed to 'er F.asnSt s'e rat'er slo. not to 'a4e
used t'is latter 1no.led+e u,on 'er teac'er! to -a1e 'i- S,'one 'er as ,ro-ised! instead
o/ tryin+ to co--it suicide .'en 'e didnStG! 'o. to build a te-,le in 'er -ind! and 'o.
to use obscene lan+ua+e. T'is is! incidentally! t'e /irst ti-e t'at I 'a4e e4er 'eard t'e
latter Luoted as bein+ ,art o/ t'e eLui,-ent o/ a -a+ician! and I cannot Luite see o/ .'at
,ractical use in -a+ic t'is acco-,lis'-ent .ould be.
Furt'er! Mr. E. tau+'t 'er <to call u,on HellNSO'! Hell! 'el, -e> S < FNot! as one
-i+'t 'a4e su,,osed! u,on t'e recei,t o/ 'is tele,'one bill! but as a /or- o/ ,rayer.G ('e
.as also tau+'t to ,ray < directly to Mic'ele! a nic1na-e o/ t'e de4il :.
:I .as told<! s'e continues! <t'at .'en I 'ad /ound nine ,u,ils I could be initiated
into t'e /ull Blac1 Art. . . . T'is day ca-e on February %#t'! %&26.... In a lar+e ,ri4ate
/lat. T'ere .ere about /i/ty ,eo,le ,resent. T'ere .as a s-all altar. . . . A youn+ coc1erel
.as 1illed and t'e blood ,oured into a +lass to be +i4en to t'ose to be initiated . . . beside
< T'e candles .ere on a slant! al-ost u,side3do.n! burnin+.< FT'is in itsel/ -ust
'a4e been a rat'er re-ar1able -a+ical /eat3 I .onder i/ t'e sensational 5ressSs re,orter
'as e4er tried burnin+ candles u,side do.nH T'ey +o out at onceG. < A cross .as ,laced
u,side3do.n in a tu-bler containin+ .ater. . . . T'e /irst initiate dran1 t'e blood o/ t'e
sacri/iced c'ic1en! and .as in/or-ed t'at s'e 'ad drun1 t'e blood o/ t'e de4il. T.isted
,rayers .ere said.
('e si+ned a ,act bearin+ blood +i4in+ 'er soul to t'e de4il in return /or ,o.er. . . . I .as
initiated as a Hi+' 5riestess! a/ter -y lon+ trainin+. My -ot'er .as an E+y,tian! and I
.as told t'at E+y,tian blood .as -ost suited to t'is ,osition o/ aut'ority. ... T'e ritual
.as a co-,lete -oc1ery o/ C'ristian .ors'i,.<
('e +oes on to describe 'o.! < 4eiled! .earin+ -y robes <! s'e too1 ,art in /urt'er
cere-onies as Hi+' 5riestess. T'ere .as! s'e says! a beatin+ o/ dru-s. -usic ,layin+ so/t
and lo.! a,,arently ,ro4ided by so-e 1ind o/ band! and a 1ind o/ call .ould be +i4en. <
It is a -ost ,eculiar call! a 1ind o/ s'rill sound t'at .ould +o ri+'t t'rou+' you! as i/
so-eone .ere in a+ony.< T'en s'e .ould be ,us'ed t'rou+' a curtain by one o/ t'e
o//iciators! to +o and stand on t'e le/t3'and side o/ t'e altar. F$'at a disres,ect/ul .ay to
treat a Hi+' 5riestess> Or .as 5oor Mrs. Jac1sonSs 4eil so t'ic1 t'at s'e couldnSt see
.'ere s'e .as +oin+H In .'ic' case! 'o. can s'e 'a4e seen t'e t'in+s s'e describesHG
< T'e 5riest .ould .al1 slo.ly t'rou+' t'e cro.d u, t'e roo- and 1neel in t'e
centre o/ t'e circle.... C'antin+ .ould be+in.< T'ere .ere < t.isted ,rayers < and < -oc1
'y-ns <. T'en t'e -usic and dru--in+ .ould be+in a+ain and333/anatical dancin+333
.ould ensue! .or1in+ u, to a ,itc' .'en < -en and .o-en tore t'eir clot'es o// <.
<Drin1s .ere +i4en to anyone and e4eryone. It .as ri+'t to use obscene lan+ua+eN
t'e .orse t'e better. O/ten t'ese -eetin+s lasted into t'e early 'ours o/ t'e -ornin+ :.
All t'is in a Bir-in+'a- /lat3-eetin+s at .'ic' about /i/ty ,eo,le at a ti-e too1 ,art>
$'at a ,ity t'at t'e co--ents o/ t'e occu,ants o/ t'e ad=acent /lats are not recordedN
still! ,er'a,s t'at accounts /or t'e obscene lan+ua+e>
('e continues0 < Me-bers o/ t'e circle .ere tested as to t'eir alle+iance. My /irst test
.as an instruction to +o to a c'urc'yard at -idni+'t. T'ere I .as told t'at I s'ould /ind
t'e ne. +ra4e o/ a certain ,erson .'o 'ad been buried t'at day. I .as to ,ray aloud to
Mic'ele to ta1e t'e soul o/ t'e dead ,erson. For ,roo/ t'at I 'ad carried out t'e tas1! I
.as to brin+ bac1 clay /res' /ro- t'e +ra4eside.<
5ersonally! t'is 'ardly stri1es -e as a 4ery con4incin+ test. I cannot see .'at .as to
,re4ent t'e ,erson .'o .as bein+ < tested < /ro- brin+in+ bac1 clay /res' /ro- t'eir o.n
bac1 +arden! and s,endin+ t'e ni+'t in t'eir bed. Ho.e4er! t'is is ,robably -erely -y
natural de,ra4ityI t'e de4il3.ors'i,,ers o/ Bir-in+'a- .ere /ar too 'onourable and
u,ri+'t to do suc' a t'in+.
('e concluded 'er article! :I do .ant ... to e-,'asise no. t'e reality o/ t'e sinister
+ro.t' o/ .itc'cra/t in Britain to3day. . .
I belie4e t'at e4entually unless t'is 4ast .a4e o/ .ic1edness is c'ec1ed! blac1 -a+ic
could brin+ about t'e absolute -oral corru,tion o/ t'is country.<
No.! t'is descri,tion bore absolutely no rese-blance .'atso. e4er to any -eetin+ o/
a Britis' .itc' co4en I 'ad e4er seen or 'eard o/. But t'ere .as one t'in+ to .'ic' it did
bear a 4ery stron+ rese-blance. Allo.in+ /or e9a++erations! it could easily be a
descri,tion o/ a @oodoo rite! as ,ractised in Ne. Orleans or Haiti. < Mic'ele <! /or
instance! is a 4ery curious a,,ellation /or t'e God o/ Britis' .itc'esI because it is
ob4iously intended /or t'e Frenc' na-e < Mic'el. <. @oodoo arose a-on+
Frenc'3s,ea1in+ ne+roes! and t'e na-es o/ t'eir deities are al-ost all Frenc' or +i4en a
Frenc' turn o/ s,eec'. /or e9a-,le! O+oun Feraille! MarnS ErKulie! Baron (a-edi! etc.
Anyone .'o is su//iciently curious -ay -eet .it' corroborati4e e4idence o/ t'e
rese-blance o/ t'e rites s'e describes to @oodoo in a classic boo1 u,on t'e sub=ect.
called Di4ine Horse-enI t'e Li4in+ Gods o/ Haiti! by Maya Deren. Here and in ot'er
boo1s u,on t'e sub=ect one -ay /ind accounts o/ t'e blood sacri/ices o/ c'ic1en! t'e
dressin+3u, in robes and 4eils! t'e 'andin+ out o/ drin1s to t'e de4otees! t'e dru--in+
and < /anatical dancin+ <. t'e altar rese-blin+ a C'ristian one! and in ,articular t'e
curious rite o/ +oin+ to a c'urc'yard to contact t'e souls o/ t'e ne.ly3dead! .'ic' is
ty,ical @oodoo. But it is not .itc'cra/t.
It is ,ossible! o/ course! t'at a coloured .o-an! as s'e tells us s'e is! .ould use t'e
.ord < .itc'cra/t333t'in1in+ it t'e En+lis' .ord /or < @oodoo 3I but .as t'ere no one on
t'e sensational 5ress sta// .'o 1ne. t'e di//erenceH
('e states! < My -ot'er .as an E+y,tian! and I .as told t'at E+y,tian blood .as
-ost suited to t'is ,osition o/ aut'ority <. $'yH $'at 'as < E+y,tian blood333+ot to do
.it' a ,osition o/ aut'ority in a Britis' co4enH Are .e to deduce /ro- t'is t'at t'e
E+y,tians are .itc'esH T'ey .ere all Mo'a--edans and Co,ts .'en I .as out t'ere.
But coloured blood is considered ,re/erable /or t'e Hi+' 5riestess o/ a @oodoo society.
A-erican and $est Indian ne+roes belie4e all -a+ic ca-e /ro- E+y,t! so a ,erson .'o
.as 'al/ E+y,tian .ould 'a4e so-e -a+ical aut'ority a-on+ t'e-. In t'is .ay only
could be e9,lained 'er e9traordinary state-ent t'at s'e .as -ade t'e Hi+' 5riestess on
'er initiation.
By no -eans do I .is' to a,,ear to de/end t'e ,ractices s'e 'as described. On t'e
contrary! I t'in1 t'e- t'orou+'ly undesirable! stu,id and nastyI but to say t'at t'ey are <
.itc'cra/t333and t'at t'e ,eo,le .'o carry t'e- on are < .itc'es < or+anised into %%
.itc' co4ens 3! is ridiculous and untrue.
$'y could not t'e sensational 5ress 'onestly say! < $e 'a4e reason! /ro- state-ents
-ade to us! to belie4e t'at @oodoo ,ractices are carried on in En+land. $e t'in1 t'at t'is
s'ould be in4esti+ated and any e9cesses restrained <H $'y .as .itc'cra/t brou+'t into
In s,ite o/ t'e /act t'at t'ey 'ad ta1en t'is ladySs .ord alone .as not enou+' to
ensure t'e acce,tance o/ t'e sensational stories
s'e told! t'e ne9t issue still bore no corroborati4e e4idence. Her story .as continued!
.it' screa-in+ 'eadlines as usuaL
('e says! < I 1ne. -y con/ession -i+'t ,ut -e in dan+er . . T'ree days a/ter t'at
con/ession a,,eared I .as attac1ed in t'e street near -y 'o-e.... On t'e cro.n o/ -y
'ead is a ,atc' co-,letely denuded o/ 'air. . . . T'e 'air .as slas'ed o// by -y attac1ers.
)ntil it is ,ro4ed to -e ot'er.ise! I s'all belie4e t'at t'e ,ur,ose o/ t'is attac1 .as to
/ri+'ten -e into endin+ -y story in t'e sensational ,a,ers.<
T'ey no. stated t'at s'e 'ad /ound a .arnin+ si+n! -ade o/ +ra4eyard c'i,,in+s and
t.i+s! on 'er doorste, be/ore t'e attac1 occurred. T'is sounds to -e li1e an ouan+a3a
$est Indian @oodoo si+n.
Ho.e4er! t'e story o/ t'e alle+ed attac1 sounds 4ery odd. Accordin+ to 'er! it too1
,lace at %."C a.-. ('e .as! s'e tells us! +oin+ in /ear o/ 4en+eance33yet 'ere s'e .as
.al1in+ t'e bac1 streets o/ Bir-in+'a- alone at %."C a.-.! a t'in+ I .ould not -uc' care
to do -ysel/. Furt'er! s'e -ust 'a4e been in t'e 'abit o/ doin+ t'is! or 'o. .ould t'e
attac1ers 'a4e 1no.n .'ere to /ind 'erH
On Au+ust Ban1 Holiday Monday! %&#%! s'e says! s'e .as lyin+ ill in bed at 'er
'o-e! in Bir-in+'a-! .'en < 'al/ an 'our be/ore -idni+'t! I .as told t'at so-eone .as
at t'e door /or -e<. no.in+! s'e says! t'at t'is -eant s'e .as .anted to ,reside at a
cere-ony! s'e sto,,ed only toS,ull on a dressin+3+o.n o4er 'er ni+'tdress! and .ent
do.n to a .aitin+ car. It dro4e 'er to t'e Bull Rin+! t'e city -ar1et ,lace! and /ro- t'ere
a 4an too1 'er to a 'ouse.
I sli,,ed a robe on to, o/ t'e t'in+s I .as already .earin+. I .al1ed t'rou+' t'e
curtains into a bi+ roo-. T'e roo- see-ed /ull o/ a sort o/ ,in1 +lo.. and at /irst I
could =ust distin+uis' s'a,es t'at I 1ne. .ere ,eo,le. T'en! as -y eyes +ot used to t'e
lac1 o/ li+'t! I noticed t'e -ar1in+son t'e /loor.... Facin+ t'e roo- no. I sa..
i--ediately in /ront o/ t'e altar! a star dra.n on t'e /loor and! close to it! a dra+on.333
No.! t'is is anot'er ty,ical @oodoo touc'. It is t'e custo- in @oodoo to dra.
4arious desi+ns on t'e /loor! called < 4e4ers <.
to in4o1e t'e @oodoo deities! eac' deity 'a4in+ a s,ecial < 4e4er < o/ its o.n. T'ese are
,ictured and described in Maya DerenSs boo1! already -entioned.
:No. t'e ritual be+an. . . . T'ree youn+ -en brou+'t in a youn+ +irl. T'ey led 'er to
t'e ,oint o/ t'e star nearest a statue. T'e -en .ere co.led and -as1ed <. T'e leader <
s,o1e a ,arody o/ t'e LordSs 5rayer! t'en 'e called on t'e co4ens. . . . S$e 'a4e a 4ir+in
in our -idst .'o is to be initiated. C'antin+ be+an and t'e youn+ +irl3s'e see-ed to be
about se4enteen3.as brou+'t to t'e statue. ('e .as -ade to re,eat certain declarations. . .
. Ot'er ,arodies o/ reli+ion /ollo.ed . . . distortions o/ a Mass .ere carried out. . . .< And
t'is! s'e continues! .as /ollo.ed by t'e usual dri n1in+ and dancin+.
< $'en dancin+ be+an! e4erybody .as ser4ed .it' drin1.'is1y! ru-! +in! .'ate4er
t'ey .anted! As soon as a +lass .as e-,tied it .as re/illed <. T'e 'os,itality .as
certainly +enerousI one cannot 'el, .onderin+ .'o ,aid /or it all. T'e coloured lady
beca-e ill and .as allo.ed to +o 'o-e! a/ter +i4in+ 'er 4o. o/ silence to all ,resent! and
'er 'and,rint bein+ ta1en in t'e blood o/ a coc1erel on a s'eet o/ ,a,er. Be/ore t'is! s'e
says! s'e 'ad been < re,ri-anded < because s'e re/used a drin1. Re,ri-anded> A 'i+'
5riestess> And a 4o. o/ silence de-anded /ro- 'er! acco-,anied by u+ly
-u-bo3=u-bo! be/ore s'e .as < told333s'e could +o 'o-e>
(urely! i/ s'e 'ad really been a Hi+' 5riestess! s'e .ould 'a4e been in c'ar+e o/ t'e
,roceedin+s! and it .ould 'a4e been 'er ,lace to re,ri-and! not to be re,ri-andedH ISd
li1e to see anyone re,ri-and a .itc' Hi+' 5riestess.
('e continues0 < T'en a/ter so-et'in+ t'at 'a,,ened on No4e-ber A"rd! %&#"! I
su//ered a se4ere ner4ous brea1do.n.< ('e 'ad tried! s'e says! to brea1 a.ay /ro- t'e
blac1 -a+ic circle in %&#A! but all 1inds o/ -is/ortunes 'ad beset 'er 3until s'e %% ca-e
do.n to li4in+ in utter de+radation in a laundry 4an.< (o! a,,arently! s'e .ent bac1 to t'e
cult! until t'e abo4e date! .'en s'e attended 'er last cere-ony. T'at ni+'t! s'e says! s'e
.as ta1en by car to < a lonely +ra4eyard.<
<$e all +ot out o/ t'e car e9ce,t t'e dri4er. $e .al1ed to an o,en +ra4e and stood
around it. A -an ,ulled a boo1 out o/ 'is 5oc1et and be+an a +'astly .ar,ed 4ersion o/
t'e /uneral ser4ice. A/ter.ards all raised t'eir ar-s to.ards t'e dar1 s1y. $it' /in+ers
outstretc'ed t'ey as1ed Mic'ele Ft'e de4ilG to ta1e t'e soul O/ t'e dead .o-an and +i4e
bac1 t'e .isdo- o/ t'e a+es in return. T'at .as t'e last cere-ony I attended.... T'en I
be+an to recei4e stran+e tele,'one calls orderin+ -e to attend -eetin+s.
T'ese reLuests sto,,ed .'en t'e 5ress in4esti+ations .ere disco4ered.<
It .ould a,,ear t'at u,on t'e occasion o/ t'e cere-ony described abo4e <Mic'ele<
.as bein+ sadly c'eated! /or i/ t'e +ra4e .as o,en late at ni+'t! as s'e says it .as! surely
it -ust 'a4e been e-,tyH I/ <Mic'ele< didnSt 1no. t'is! t'en 'e .as a ,oor 'o,e /or
besto.in+ t'e .isdo- o/ t'e a+es.
T'e ne9t instal-ent! .e .ere ,ro-ised! .as +oin+ to be entitled <T'e (earc' /or t'e
Trut';I but it ne4er a,,eared! a circu-stance .it' .'ic' I t'in1 I -ay 'a4e 'ad
so-et'in+ to do. No corroboration .'atsoe4er o/ t'e coloured ladySs story .as t'en! or at
any ot'er ti-e! e4er ,ublis'ed. Nor .ere t'e circu-stances in .'ic' s'e ca-e to tell it to
t'e sensational 5ress! e4er re4ealed.
In /act! a/ter ,ublis'in+ anot'er co-,letely uncorroborated and e4en less con4incin+
story /ro- an anony-ous .o-an in an un1no.n ,art o/ En+land! t'e .'ole series
/iKKled out.
Later! 'o.e4er! it 'ad a 4ery sur,risin+ seLuel! and as 4ery -uc' less ,ublicity 'as
been +i4en to t'is seLuel t'an .as accorded to t'e ori+inal story! I t'in1 ,ublic attention
s'ould be directed to it.
On May A#t'! %&#7! a series o/ articles entitled <E4il at $or1; be+an in a ,icture
,a,er. T'e /irst one! re/errin+ to t'e .riterSs in4esti+ations in Bir-in+'a-! contained t'is
re-ar1able state-ent0
<(enior o//icers at Bir-in+'a- ,olice 'eadLuarters told -e t'ey .ould be +lad to
in4esti+ate any co-,laint recei4ed! but t'at so /ar no res,onsible ,erson 'ad +i4en
in/or-ation. FMy italicsG.
T'ey aut'orised t'is state-ent0 < $e cannot say no suc' t'in+ is +oin+ on! but .e
/eel sure t'at i/ it .as .e s'ould 'a4e recei4ed co-,laints.<
But t'ey ad-itted t'at on one -anSs ,re-ises t'ey /ound a ,ur,le robe! incense! and
bottles containin+ so-e o/ t'e ob=ects usually associated .it' .itc'cra/t. <T'ere .as
so-e su++estion t'at 'e .as tryin+ to set u, as a sort o/ .itc'3doctor to t'e -ore
,ri-iti4e a-on+ t'e coloured ,o,ulation<! I .as told! <but .e dealt .it' 'i- by brin+in+
a /alse ,retences c'ar+e relatin+ to a c'eLue o//ence. T'at s'o.ed 'i- to be a co--on
cri-inal. T'at de/lated 'i-S. <
It .ould see- to 'a4e de/lated t'e sensational 5ress! too. Does t'is -ean t'at! a/ter
t'e screa-in+ 'eadlines in .'ic' t'e alle+ed 'orrors ta1in+ ,lace in Bir-in+'a- 'ad
been ,roclai-ed to t'e nation! t'e senior o//icers at Bir-in+'a- ,olice 'eadLuarters did
not re+ard eit'er t'e sensational 5ress or t'e coloured lady as bein+ < res,onsible ,ersons
$ellNt'ey said it> I didnSt>
C'a,ter E@.
I AM sorry to say t'at so-e o/ -y .itc' /riends did not treat T'e (unday 5ictorialSs
re4elations .it' t'e sobriety and concern e4inced by t'e Bis'o, o/ E9eter! t'e Re4. F.
A-,'lett Mic1le.ri+'t! t'e Re4. Gordon 5. O.en! and Mr. (tanley Ma9ted! all o/ .'o-
'ad been utterin+ sole-n .arnin+s about t'e seriousness o/ t'e 5ictorialSs disco4ery.
A re,orter as1ed -e .'at I t'ou+'t o/ t'e ladySs story o/ bein+ attac1ed and 'a4in+ a
,iece o/ 'er 'air cut o//. I ,ointed out to 'i- t'at t'e descri,tion o/ 'er in=uryNsli+'t
abrasions to t'e scal, and a ,atc' o/ 'air cut o//N.as also ,er/ectly consistent .it' an
in=ury t'at .as sel/3in/licted. He said! <Ho. do you 1no.H< I re,lied! < $'en an in=ury is
sel/3in/licted! t'ey are al.ays care/ul ne4er to do anyt'in+ t'at really 'urts! t'eySll slas'
'air! tear clot'es! brea1 t'eir s,ectacles! ,ut -ud on t'e-sel4es! but ne4er anyt'in+ t'at
is ,ain/ul. In En+land! .'en anyone .ants to scare a ,erson t'ey slas' t'eir /ace! cos'
t'e-! or +i4e t'e- a blac1 eye. Abroad t'ey 1ni/e t'e- <.
And indeed! .'at .as to sto, 'er alle+ed assailantsNt.o -en in a deserted street at
%."C a.-.! as s'e described t'e-N/ro- beatin+ 'er unconscious and 'al/31illin+ 'er! i/
t'ey 'ad c'osen toH 8et all t'ey did .as to cut o// a ,iece o/ 'er 'air>
Ho.e4er! in t'e ne9t issue o/ t'e ,a,er re/erred to! dated June %At'! %&##! instead o/
t'e article <T'e (earc' /or t'e Trut'< .'ic' 'ad been announced! and .'ic' .e 'ad
e9,ected to in4ol4e t'e <c'ases in /ast cars<! <-ysterious tele,'one -essa+es<! and all
t'e ot'er t'rills .e 'ad been ,ro-ised! t'ere a,,eared a /ierce denunciation o/ -ysel/!
under t'e title <T'is ManSs $'ite.as' is Dan+erous. No $itc'cra/t is Fun.<
It co--enced! <Dr. Gerald Brosseau Gardner is an aut'ority on .itc'cra/t.; FI a-
obli+ed /or t'is entirely unsolicited testi-onialI but I donSt 1no. .'y t'ey +a4e it to -e!
as t'ey .ouldnSt ta1e any notice o/ anyt'in+ I told t'e- about it.G :It is t'rou+' 'i-!; it
.as stated! <t'at -any ,eo,le +et t'eir /irst -ista1en ideas about .itc'cra/t.; FT'atSs odd!
i/ IS- an aut'ority.G
T'e article .ent on! <He is a sel/3con/essed .itc' and a ,ractisin+ de4otee o/ a .itc'
co4en in Britain. But 'e is also a .'ite.as'er o/ .itc'cra/t.
He ,uts around t'e! to -y -ind! dan+erous idea t'at .itc'cra/t is not e4il.
He see-s to o4erloo1 t'at .'at -ay be+in as an innocent dabble in searc' o/
e9cite-ent -ay lead e4entually to de4il .ors'i,.<
No.! t'is is nonsense. T'ere is not'in+ 4ery <innocent< in :dabblin+< in t'e 1ind o/
t'in+ t'ese ,a,ers 'ad been describin+! rites at .'ic'! u,on t'eir /irst initiation! ,eo,le
'ad been alle+ed to drin1 t'e blood o/ sacri/iced ani-als and si+n ,acts +i4in+ t'eir souls
to t'e de4il in e9c'an+e /or ,o.er. 5eo,le .'o are ,re,ared to do t'at are not <innocent;!
t'ey 1no. ,er/ectly .ell .'at t'ey are doin+! and i/ t'at is .'at t'ese ,a,ers call <an
innocent dabble in searc' o/ e9cite-ent<! I be+ to di//er.
Ho.e4er! you 'a4e to belie4e t'at t'ere is suc' a bein+ as t'e de4il! and t'at 'e can
+i4e you ,o.er! be/ore you are li1ely to do suc' t'in+s. (o 'o. can t'is result /ro-
=oinin+ a cult .'ic' s,eci/ically denies t'e e9istence o/ any suc' bein+H
In /act! .it' a sin+ular lac1 o/ lo+ic! t'e article continues0
:In boo1s Gardner 'as .ritten and in 'is lectures! 'e +oes out o/ 'is .ay to dis-iss
t'e idea t'at .itc'cra/t in Britain is in any .ay diabolical.
He clai-s t'at t'is is a stu,id notion deliberately /ostered by t'e C'urc' and is
absolutely untrue.
<No.'ere in GardnerSs boo1 $itc'cra/t Today< Fsays t'e re,orter .ist/ullyG! <could
% /ind descri,tions o/ 'orrible and de+radin+ cere-onies. . . .< I co--iserate .it' 'i-.
He -ust 'a4e been 4ery disa,,ointed.
<And yet<! 'e +oes on! :.'en I c'allen+ed Gardner last .ee1< FReallyH % 'adnSt
noticed it>G <'e ad-itted t'at -ost ,eo,le .ould be s'oc1ed by .itc'cra/t cere-onies
.'ic' include0
ONE0 Men and .o-en dancin+ in t'e nude.
T$O0 5rayin+ to a 'orned +od.
THREE0 (ti-ulation t'rou+' .ine! -usic and dru--in+.
He a+reed t'at in cere-onies in so-e ,arts o/ t'e .orld it is necessary to 'a4e a
nude +irl on an altar.<
I 'a4e no recollection .'atsoe4er o/ -a1in+ t'e state-ent t'at -ost ,eo,le .ould be
s'oc1ed at .itc'cra/t cere-onies! in /act! % donSt t'in1 any nor-al ,eo,le .ould be
s'oc1ed at t'e-. T'ere are a lar+e nu-ber o/ nudist clubs in t'is country to3day at .'ic'
dances ta1e ,lace re+ularlyI and t'e s1y 'asnSt /allen yet on t'at account> <(ti-ulation
t'rou+' .ine! -usic and dru--in+< ta1es ,lace at all t'e -ost res,ectable ni+'t3clubs. Is
anybody s'oc1edH $it' re+ard to t'e second abo-ination! <,rayin+ to a 'orned +od;N
$'y notH He only .ears a 'el-et .it' 'orns on it. Is it not a
little re/res'in+ t'ese days to /ind ,eo,le .'o .ors'i, anyt'in+ ot'er t'an -oney and
t'eir o.n ad4anta+eH Or .'ose ideas u,on li/e and reli+ion are not entirely conditioned
to .'at J. B. 5riestley 'as so cuttin+ly described as < Ad3Mass <H
:I dre. GardnerSs attention<! says t'at sa-e collea+ue! <to anot'er boo1 ,ublis'ed
under 'is na-e and ,ri4ately ,rinted .'ic' is on sale in London.
In t'is boo1! .'ic' is sold as /iction! is a detailed descri,tion o/ initiation into t'e
.itc' cult. T'e cere-ony is ,er/or-ed in t'e nude. A/ter.ards! t'e candidate!
blind/olded and /eet tied to+et'er! is scour+ed. Finally! a/ter +i4in+ an oat' ne4er to
re4eal t'e Ssecrets o/ t'e ArtS! t'e candidate is touc'ed .it' a S-a+icalS s.ord. He said0
T'is descri,tion o/ initiation .as Sbroadly correctS.< O/ course it is not.
In s,ite o/ all t'e a+onised a,,eals o/ t'ese ,a,ers /or -e-bers o/ .itc' co4ens to
+o to t'eir doctor or cler+y-an! or to t'e ,a,ers t'e-sel4es! 'o. -any didH
$e -ay be sure t'at i/ any ,eo,le .'o .ere initiates o/ any +enuine .itc' co4en
'ad co-e /or.ard and be++ed to be released by t'e 1ind o//ices o/ t'ese ,a,ers! t'e /act
.ould 'a4e been blaKoned abroad. (o I re,eat! 'o. -any didH
T'e ans.er is! None. T'at /act in itsel/ is e4idence t'at t'e /ollo.ers o/ t'e Old
Reli+ion are 'a,,y in t'eir /ait'.
$it' re+ard to t'e descri,tion o/ a .itc' initiation +i4en in -y boo1. Hi+' Ma+icSs
Aid! .'ic' is .'at t'e re,orter is tal1in+ about! I a- 4ery sorry to disa,,oint t'is earnest
youn+ -anI I can assure 'i- t'at I did not .il/ully lead 'i- u, t'e +arden ,at' on t'is
,ointI but -y no4el is <sold as /iction< because it is /iction! /iction -oreo4er about e4ents
.'ic' .ere su,,osed to be 'a,,enin+ in t'e year %AC7. And t'e details .'ic' it contains!
as an 'istorical no4el! are <broadly correct 3. At least! I e9ercised -y best endea4ours to
-a1e t'e- so.
Ne4ert'eless! e4idently t'in1in+ t'at 'e .as on to so-et'in+ +ood! t'e re,orter
,roceeded to Luote a lar+e c'un1 o/ .'at 'e called <one o/ t'e lurid ,assa+es; /ro- -y
no4el! .'ic' described one o/ t'e Great (abbat's as 'eld in t'e old days. He did not!
'o.e4er! Luote it Luite in /ullI in /act 'e cut out .'at 'e .ould ,robably call t'e -ost <
lurid ,assa+e<! so I .ill re3Luote it 'ere in its co-,leteness. It concerns a -an! not a
-e-ber o/ t'e cult! but .'o ne4ert'eless 'as been to one o/ t'e Great (abbat's to .'ic'
'al/ t'e countryside ca-e in t'ose days! tal1in+ to a $o-an .'o is an initiated .itc' in
t'e year %AC7 A.D.
< STell -e t'e trut'S! 'e said suddenly! St'is altar used at your
+at'erin+s. . . . In (,ain I sa. t'e li4in+ body o/ a .o-an! and t'ey ,ractised
abo-inations on itS.
S8es!S s'e re,lied si-,ly! SAt t'e Great (abbat' t'e li4in+ body o/ a ,riestess does
/or- t'e altar. $e .ors'i, t'e di4ine s,irit o/ Creation! .'ic' is t'e Li/e3s,rin+ o/ t'e
.orld! and .it'out .'ic' t'e .orld .ould ,eris'. Are .e t'en so abo-inableH $e count
it not so. To us it is t'e -ost sacred and 'oly -ystery! ,roo/ o/ t'e God .it'in us .'ose
co--and is0 Go /ort' and -ulti,lyS.
STis a ,'allic reli+ionS! said T'ur! Sand t'e broo-stic1 sy-bolises t'e ,'allusS.<
:(urely;! says our indi+nant re,orter! < e4en Gardner can see t'at t'e ty,e o/ ,erson
li1ely to be du,ed and snared into .itc'cra/t in Britain is li1ely to ,re/er t'is /oul bait to
t'e .'ite.as' o/ 'is ot'er boo1H And! indeed. to e9,ect it /ro- t'e co4en 'e =oinsH
T'ere is no doubt at all t'at t'ere are satanic de4il.ors'i,,ers in Britain .'o are e4er
ready to ,ro4ide t'is ty,e o/ se9ual ,er4ersion to ca,ture t'e -en and .o-en t'ey .is'
to -a1e t'eir sla4es.<
$'at ty,e o/ < se9ual ,er4ersion <H T'e .ors'i, o/ <t'e di4ine s,irit o/ Creation!
.'ic' is t'e Li/e3s,rin+ o/ t'e .orld! and .it'out .'ic' t'e .orld .ould ,eris'<H Is t'at
<se9ual ,er4ersion<H
T'e .ors'i, o/ t'e .itc' cult is! and al.ays 'as been! t'at o/ t'e ,rinci,le o/ Li/e
itsel/. It 'as -ade o/ t'at ,rinci,le. as -ani/ested in se9! so-et'in+ sacred. $'ic' is t'e
,er4ersionH T'is! or t'at outloo1 .'ic' see1s to -a1e 'u-ans as'a-ed o/ t'eir na1ed
bodies! and /ear/ul o/ se9 and < ori+inal sin < and so-et'in+ uncleanH Our ,syc'iatristsS
consultin+3roo-s are /ull o/ t'e -iserable neurotics .'o 'a4e been ,roduced by t'e
latterI -ore! /ar! /ar -ore! t'an 'a4e e4er been craKed by alle+ed <blac1 -a+ic;. T'e
5ress .ould not need to searc' /i4e years be/ore it could /ind one o/ t'e-.
T'ere is still! in t'e collecti4e unconsciousness o/ -enSs -inds! a realisation o/ t'e
ri+'tness o/ t'e Old (acred Marria+e. I re-e-ber listenin+ to a radio ,ro+ra--e once! in
.'ic' ,eo,le /ro- an audience .ere as1ed to co-e u, to t'e -icro,'one and ans.er
Luestions. I belie4e! t'ou+' I cannot be certain! t'at t'e co-,Vre .as $il/rid 5ic1les.
One -an .as as1ed i/ 'e could tell t'e audience o/ so-e drea- t'at 'e .ould li1e to
/ul/il. He t'ou+'t /or a bit! and t'en said! <ISd li1e to ta1e ,art in one o/ t'ose t'in+s t'ey
used to do in t'e old ti-es! .'at t'ey called t'e (acred Marria+e! ,ro4ided t'e .o-an in
it .as -y .i/e.< Ot'er ,eo,le in t'e sa-e ,ro+ra--e 'a4e said 'o. t'ey .ould li1e to
+o out in t'e -oonli+'t and dance na1ed! or dance bare/oot on +rass.
$'at -ade t'e- say t'ese t'in+sH I/ it is not /ol1 -e-ory! or 'ereditary -e-ory!
.'at is itH
$'en t'e C'urc' -ade -arria+e a (acra-ent! t'ey .ere ri+'tI but .'en t'ey added
t'at it .as ordained /or t'e ,rocreation o/ c'ildren and /or t'at alone! t'ey .ere a
t'ousand t'ousand ti-es .ron+.
Let -e -a1e it clear. 'o.e4er! t'at t'e .itc' cult does not 'old se9 sacred as an end
in itsel/! but as a li4in+ sy-bol and -ani/estation o/ t'e Great (ource o/ All T'in+s
.'ic' -en call God. Furt'er! t'e Great (abbat's as described in t'e Luotation I 'a4e =ust
+i4en .ere su,,ressed by t'e C'urc' -any centuries a+o.
Be/ore t'e Luotation re/erred to! t'ese ,a,ers said! <Gardner ad-itted! too! t'at so-e
.itc'es /ind +reat ,o.er in ne. s,illed blood.<
It .ill be noted t'at t'e re,orter does not say t'at I said .itc'es used blood in t'eir
rites. He could not do so! because I 'ad s,eci/ically denied it! bot' 4erbally and in ,rint.
$'at I 'ad actually told 'i- .as t'at any .itc'es .'o 'ad read 'is boo1s 1ne. about
t'e use o/ blood by suc' ,ractitioners as Aleister Cro.ley! but t'at t'ey did not do it
t'e-sel4es. In /act! Cro.leySs boo1! Ma+ic1 in T'eory and 5ractice! in .'ic' 'e
discusses blood sacri/ices! 'as been .idely read since its ,ublication in t'e %&ACSs! and
'as! to -y 1no.led+e! been in at least one 5ublic Library! .'ere t'e librarian described it
as bein+ <4ery ,o,ular<. F(o -uc' /or <dar1 occult secrets <> G
O/ course! t'e re,orter -ay 'a4e -isunderstood .'at I said to 'i-! but u,on 'is o.n
ad-ission 'e 'ad read -y boo1! $itc'cra/t To3day! in .'ic' I -ade t'e sa-e denial! not
only once but se4eral ti-es.
Ho.e4er! to clear u, any ,ossible -isunderstandin+! no. or in t'e /uture! I .ill say
it yet a+ain0 .itc'es do not use t'e blood o/ sacri/iced ani-als! birds! or any ot'er li4in+
t'in+s in t'eir rites. As I 'a4e ,re4iously stated in C'a,ter @II! blood .as so-eti-es
used in cere-onial -a+ic! but t'is is a di//erent t'in+ /ro- .itc' rites. T'e cere-onial
-a+ician .as +enerally a -an .'o .or1ed alone or .it' one or t.o assistants. I/ 'e
.anted to raise ,o.er Luic1ly! and .as not too scru,ulous as to 'o. 'e did it! t'is -i+'t
be one o/ 'is -et'odsI on t'e ot'er 'and! .itc' rites are .or1ed by a nu-ber o/ ,ersons!
.'o es,ecially i/ t'ey are o/ .itc' /a-ilies! -ay 'a4e in'erited ,syc'ic or -ediu-istic
/aculties! and t'e ,o.er t'ey +enerate is li1e t'at o/ a s,iritualistic circle. T'e -et'ods
t'ey use do not need suc' rites as blood sacri/ices! e4en i/ t'ey .ere .illin+ to use t'e-.
As t'is article constituted a ,ersonal attac1 u,on -ysel/ and
-y 4ie.s. I 'a4e deliberately re,roduced 'ere =ust as -uc' o/ it as I could. Actually! o/
course. t'is re,orterSs inter4ie. .it' -e 'ad ,ut 'i- in a cle/t stic1I 'e 'ad as1ed -e! as
an aut'ority on .itc'cra/t! .'at I t'ou+'t o/ t'e coloured lady. I 'ad +i4en 'i- t'e
o,inion .'ic' I 'a4e re,eated 'ere. He 'ad eit'er to ,rint t'at o,inion! .'ic' .ould
'a4e s,oilt t'e .'ole stunt! or else atte-,t to silence -e and discredit .'at I said about
.itc'cra/t! and 'e c'ose to do t'e latter.
Durin+ t'e ne9t /e. .ee1s! t'e nu-ber o/ -otorcoac'es .'ic' arri4ed at t'e
Museu- .ere al-ost -ore t'an .e could co,e .it'. I +ot as -any co,ies as I could o/
t'e ,a,ersS attac1s! and ,ut t'e- t'ere /or ,eo,le to seeI and to -y 'u+e a-use-ent
-any ,eo,le .anted to buy t'e-. and se4eral o/ t'e- .ere stolen. I -ust +i4e t'e ,a,ers
t'e credit o/ 'a4in+ s,elt -y na-e ri+'tly! and adorned so-e o/ t'eir articles .it' an
e9cellent ,'oto+ra,' o/ -e! but I 'ad ne4er t'ou+'t it .as so +ood t'at ,eo,le .ould
.ant it /or a ,in3u,. Ho.e4er! de4otion to trut' co-,els -e to record t'e /act>
Not only did I ac'ie4e t'e status o/ a ,in3u,! but /an3-ail started to co-e -y .ayI
our local ,ost-an 'ad to +i4e -e a -ail3ba+ all to -ysel/ one day! and t'e daily delu+e
o/ letters 1e,t u, /or .ee1s.
Many o/ t'e letters .ere e4idence o/ t'e interest ta1en by ,eo,le in all .al1s o/ li/e
in .'at is +enerally 1no.n as t'e su,ernor-al! and o/ t'eir dissatis/action .it' ort'odo9
a,,roac'es to li/e and reli+ion. O/ten! t'e .riters +a4e ,ersonal e9,eriences! and
interestin+ scra,s o/ /ol1lore and tradition. I can only re-e-ber one letter .'ic' .as
'ostileI t'is .as /ro- a cler+y-an! .'o said t'at I .as Luite as bad as t'e s,iritualists
and t'e C'ristian (cientists>
C'a,ter E@I.
IT .ill be re-e-bered 'o. t'e ne.s,a,er re,orter 'ad told -e t'at t'ey .ould +i4e a
.itc' a c'ance to re,ly to .'at 'ad been said! ,ro4ided s'e .rote so-et'in+ t'at .as
.ort' ,rintin+. I t'ere/ore +ot a .o-an /riend .'o is a -e-ber o/ a .itc' co4en to .rite
a s'ort article! and send it to so-eone to ,ost /or 'er to t'e ,a,erSs o//ice in London.
Ho.e4er. t'ey /latly re/used to ,rint it.
I t'in1! 'o.e4er! t'at t'e reader s'ould 'a4e t'e o,,ortunity o/ =ud+in+ t'e .itc'Ss
re,ly! so I re,roduce it 'ere.it'. Fortunately a co,y o/ t'e article 'ad been 1e,t! and I
sub-itted it to t'e Editor o/ t'e (,iritualist ne.s,a,er! 5syc'ic Ne.s! in .'ic' it
a,,eared as /ollo.s in t'e issue dated July A"rd. %&##! .it' only 4ery -inor c'an+es o/
.ordin+ /ro- t'e ori+inal0
:T'ey Ft'e .itc'esG are sincere in a satanic belie/ t'at t'eirs is t'e ancient reli+ion o/ BritainI t'ey
clai- it is older t'an! and su,erior to! C'ristianity.<
T'at ,ara+ra,' a,,eared in a series o/ articles on .itc'cra/t ,rinted by a (unday ne.s,a,er. It is
,er/ectly true. I a- a .itc'! and t'at is .'at I belie4e.
T'e only .ord I .ould disa+ree .it' is t'e .ord <satanic<. $'et'er or not -y reli+ion is su,erior
to C'ristianity is a -atter o/ o,inion! but t'at it is -uc' older is a -atter o/ /act! as e-inent
ant'ro,olo+ists .ill tell you.
(o .'y do ,eo,le ,ersist in accusin+ -e o/ .ors'i,,in+ t'e De4ilH T'e idea o/ t'e De4il is
so-et'in+ belon+in+ to C'ristianityI t'e sca,e+oat .'ic' -en 'a4e in4ented to e9cuse t'eir o.n
/ollies and cri-es. I donSt belie4e in t'e De4il! so 'o. could I .ors'i, 'i-H
$'o-! t'en! do t'e .itc'es really .ors'i,. T'ey .ors'i, t'e ancient Gods o/ t'is land o/ Britain!
.'ose tradition is rooted dee, in Britis' soil. T'e Old Gods are not dead! as I 1no. by e9,erience.
Durin+ t'e last .ar a .itc' co4en in4o1ed t'e Old Gods to ,rotect t'is land /ro- HitlerSs
t'reatened in4asion! e4en as t'eir /ore/at'ers 'ad done a+ainst Na,oleon and! earlier still! a+ainst t'e
(,anis' Ar-adaNor so t'e tale is 'anded do.n to us.
I 'a4e seen t'e- in4o1ed /or -any ,ur,oses and 'a4e in4o1ed t'e- -ysel/I but I 'a4e ne4er seen
t'e- in4o1ed /or a bad ,ur,ose. And t'ese ,ur,oses 'a4e been so o/ten ac'ie4ed t'at to call! it
coincidence! as -any .ill! .ould! i/ t'ey 1ne. all t'e details! reLuire a +reater e//ort o/ credulity t'an
to belie4e t'at t'ereSs so-et'in+ in it.
8ou .ant to 1no. 'o. t'ese cere-onies are ,er/or-edH $ell. I can tell you t'is! t'at t'ey are not
,er/or-ed .it' ridiculous obscenities so o/ten attributed to t'e-.
Ho. -any .itc'es are t'ere in BritainH @ery /e. +enuine ones! and
-ost o/ t'ese co-e /ro- .itc' /a-ilies in .'ic' t'e tradition 'as been 'anded do.n.
$e belie4e in reincarnation and t'at t'ose .'o in /or-er li4es 'a4e belon+ed to us .ill be dra.n
bac1 into t'e cult.
$e 'a4e no need to <du,e< or <snare< anyone into .itc'cra/t. Our o.n .ill co-e to us. $e 1no.
.'en ,eo,le .ant to =oin us .'et'er t'ey belon+ or not. (ensation3see1ers 'o,in+ /or /oul and erotic
rites ,lease noteN.e donSt .ant you>
Out in t'e .ilds! as /ar as .e can +et /ro- so3called ci4ilisation! .e +at'er to celebrate our rites.
5er'a,s around an old ti-e3.orn stone circle! or u,on a 'ill3to,! or in t'e de,t's o/ a /orest.
T'ereNnot in lu9ury /lats! as 'as been described! .e /eel close to t'e unseen ,o.ers o/ t'e
uni4erse.! .e can sin+ t'e old son+ in a lost lan+ua+e! dance t'e old dances! and do ot'er t'in+s o/
.'ic' % -ay not tell you Ft'ou+' t'ey are neit'er e4il nor obsceneG. And t'e Old Gods co-e.
I 'a4e been ,ossessed I by t'e Goddess o/ t'e .itc'esI it /elt as i/ I .ere bein+ burned .it' cold!
.'ite /ire. Anot'er +irl I 1no. 'as 'ad t'e sa-e e9,erience! and 'er /ace c'an+ed so t'at s'e loo1ed
li1e anot'er ,erson.
I 'a4e 'ad t'e e9,erience! too! o/ +oin+ out o/ -y body and 4isitin+ a ,erson at a distance o/
'undreds o/ -ilesI I .as able to identi/y later! in t'e /les'! t'e t'in+s I 'ad seen in t'is <astral< 4isit.
FIncidentally! it is t'is ,o.er .'ic' +a4e rise to t'e old idea o/ .itc'es /lyin+ t'rou+' t'e air>G
And I 'a4e seen in t'e course o/ a cere-ony t'e ,o.er risin+ /ro- t'e body o/ t'e 'i+' ,riest li1e
t'in! /eat'ery s,irals o/ s-o1e.
I 'a4e seen s,irits! too! .'o 'a4e co-e to =oin in t'e riteI but t'ey 'a4e been s,irits o/ -en and
.o-enNnot de-onsNand I 'a4e /elt t'at t'ey ca-e as /riends.
One o/ our rites consists o/ callin+ u,on t'e Lord o/ t'e Gates o/ Deat' to ,er-it our /riends! .'o
'a4e ,assed into His real-! to return /or a .'ile to s,ea1 .it' us.
I/ I say t'at t'ey 'a4e returned! and t'at I 'a4e s,o1en to t'e- and t'ey 'a4e ans.ered -e! you
-ay not belie4e -eI but it is t'e trut'! and I 1no. ot'ers .'o 'a4e 'ad t'e sa-e e9,erience.
Do you really t'in1 t'at i/ .itc'cra/t .as -erely a tissue o/ obscenities and absurdities! or a
-oc1in+ o/ t'e C'ristian reli+ion! t'at it .ould 'a4e lasted /ro- +eneration to +eneration! /ro-
century to centuryH
$'y t'en! i/ .itc'cra/t is not e4il! is t'e C'urc' o,,osed to usH
My ans.er is! because t'ey are a/raid o/ us.
T'ey 1no. t'at in centuries o/ ,ersecution t'ey 'a4e not succeeded in sta-,in+ us outI nor .ill
t'ey e4er do so! and t'ey 1no.! too! t'at t'ey 'a4e lost t'eir 'old on t'e ,eo,le! .'o 'a4e beco-e
dissatis/ied .it' C'urc' do+-as. Hence t'ey /ear us! as t'ey 'a4e al.ays /eared usNas a ri4al.
One day! I belie4e! t'e ,eo,le o/ t'e .orld .ill turn bac1 /ro- t'e road o/ scienti/ic! ort'odo9
ci4ilisation .'ic' 'as ,ro4ed so stony and return to t'e li/e and reli+ion o/ nature.
$'en t'at day da.ns! t'e .ise Old Gods .ill be t'ereN.aitin+.
T'e ,a,er .'o ,ro-ised to +i4e a .itc' t'e c'ance to re,ly ne4er e4en c'ose to
re4eal t'e /act t'at a re,ly 'ad been o//ered! let alone recei4ed.
Instead! in t'e ne9t instal-ent o/ t'eir series! on June %&t'! %&##! t'ey ,ublis'ed a
story .'ic' t'ey alle+ed 'ad been sent in
to t'e- by a .o-an reader li4in+ .it' 'er /a-ily so-e.'ere in t'e (out' o/ En+land.
('e says0
A year a+o I .ould 'a4e lau+'ed i/ anyone 'ad told -e suc' t'in+s e9isted....
I +ot -y rude a.a1enin+ last su--er .'en % couldnSt slee, one ni+'t.
I could 'ear an odd sort o/ noise.... I .ondered i/ -y nei+'bour 'ad le/t 'er .ireless on. (oon I
/ound out t'at it .asnSt t'e .ireless but a sound o/ t'e -ost ,eculiar -oanin+ +ibberis' co-in+ /ro-
t'e nearby .ood. I t'ou+'t it -i+'t be so-eone drun1 or e4en 'urt! and I t'ou+'t I .ouldnSt do any
'ar- i/ I in4esti+atedI so I sli,,ed on -y coat and .ent across /ro- -y bun+alo. to t'e o,en
co--on. $'at I sa.! I no. realise! .as a -eetin+ o/ a co4en o/ .itc'es. T'e ritual .as one .'ic'
-a1es t'e e93.itc'Ss story o/ 'er e9,eriences told in t'e ,a,er! see- li1e a (unday3sc'ool treat. . . .
...T'at ni+'t I /elt a /orce o/ real e4il.... I 'a4e certainly ne4er 1no.n suc' terror! and I can
'onestly say I 'a4e ne4er 1no.n a -inuteSs /reedo- /ro- /ear since.
:T'ey .ere 'orrible! Luite 'orrible<! s'e says! but .e are ne4er told .'y. Belie4e it
or not! t'at is all t'e descri,tion o/ .'at s'e is alle+ed to 'a4e seen t'at is +i4en.
T'e ,a,erSs in/or-ant .ent on to say t'at t.o re,resentati4es o/ t'e. alle+ed <co4en<
called on 'er a/ter.ards.
<T'ey .arned -e;! s'e says! <a/ter 'aran+uin+ -e /or a lon+ ti-e o/ t'e 4irtues o/
t'ese Snature ritualsS! t'at i/ I breat'ed a .ord o/ it to anyone -y /a-ily and I .ould be
,enalised terribly.
T'ey e4en t'reatened to use -y youn+ son in t'eir cere-onies. (o I 'a4e ne4er said
a .ord to anyone! not e4en to -y 'usband. O/ten I 'a4e 'eard t'e- since on t'e
co--on. I 'a4e t'ou+'t o/ +oin+ to t'e 4icar and ris1in+ t'eir ,o.ers. But I 1no. 'e
.ouldnSt belie4e -e. . . . $e canSt -o4e a.ay /ro- 'ere because o/ -y 'usbandSs .or1.
And 'e .ould ne4er belie4e about .itc'es. I darenSt tell 'i- to +o out and see /or 'i-sel/
.'en I 'ear t'e-! in case t'ey 'urt 'i-.< And s'e ne4er told t'e ,olice>
< T'ere> < says one ,articular ,a,er! < Here is Mrs. @acancy Blan1! o/
(o-e.'ere3on3t'e3Ma,! to ,ro4e .'at .e say>;
<8es<! says one ,articular ant'ro,olo+ist! :and youS4e +ot to ad-it s'eSs! a /irst3rate
.itness. On 'er o.n ad-ission! 'er 'usband and t'e 4icar! .'o 1no. 'er ,ersonally!
.onSt belie4e a .ord s'e says on t'e sub=ect. And .'y not +i4e 'er na-e and addressH<
< 8our boo1s <! says t'e ne.s,a,er ,onderously! < in t'e .ron+ 'ands can be
By June A7t'! %&##! t'e .itc'3'unt 'ad .or1ed its .ay /ro- t'e /ront ,a+e to t'e bac1!
.'ere it .as as1ed in t'e <Cri-e (tri,;!
$'o .ere t'e +'ouls .'o desecrated t'e +ra4eyard at t'e $est $yco-be 'o-e o/ (ir Jo'n
Das'.ood! Bart.! last .ee1 on t'e ni+'t
o/ Midsu--er E4e3t'e -ost i-,ortant day in t'e calendar o/ blac1 -a+icH
T'ere .as /antastic da-a+e! +ra4estones u,rooted! urns o4erturned. $as it t'e .or1 o/ ,eo,le
celebratin+ t'e Blac1 MassH
$'y are t'ose .'o ,ractise t'e Blac1 Art so 1een to 4isit t'e Das'.ood 'o-eH Because in t'e
-id3ei+'teent' century a (ir Francis Das'.ood /or-ed t'e notorious < Hell Fire Club<. 5olice are
,uKKled by t'e t'orou+'ness o/ t'e da-a+e. Four +ro.n -en .ere needed to li/t so-e o/ t'e s-as'ed
T'is /eature .as 'eaded <On $itc'esS Ni+'t;.
No.! t'is interested -e. I 'ad 'eard a lot o/ stories o/ .'at 'a,,ened at Blac1
Masses! but t'is .as t'e /irst ti-e I 'ad e4er 'eard t'at suc' at'letic ,roceedin+s as t'e
s-as'in+ o/ +ra4estones .ere ,art o/ t'e ritual.
(o. in s,ite o/ t'e /act t'at Midsu--er E4e 'as actually no ,articular connection
.it' blac1 -a+ic! I .ent to $est $yco-be to see .'at 'ad 'a,,ened.
Ho.e4er! I could not /ind anybody on t'e s,ot! includin+ t'e Curator o/ t'e <Hell
Fire Ca4es; .'o belie4ed t'at a Blac1 Mass 'ad ta1en ,lace t'ere. T'e da-a+e .as
si-,ly a ,iece o/ silly 4andalis-! and I satis/ied -ysel/ t'at! alt'ou+' it -i+'t 'a4e ta1en
/our -en to re,lace t'e stones /ro- .'ere t'ey 'ad /allen! a c'ild could 'a4e ti,,ed t'e-
o4er /ro- t'eir ori+inal ,ositions. A cou,le o/ -isc'ie4ous sc'oolboys could 'a4e
accounted /or all t'e da-a+e done.
T'e ne9t .ee1 t'is ,a,er carried an account o/ /our ot'er +ra4eyards in .'ic'
'eadstones 'ad been t'ro.n do.n and s-as'ed. and said! <5eo,le li4in+ in t'e area are
as1in+! S$as it a +an+ o/ Teddy BoysH Or .as it a co4en o/ .itc'es ,er/or-in+ one o/
t'eir Blac1 Ma+ic ritualsHS;
T'e res,onsibility /or t'is latter state-ent rests sLuarely u,on t'e ,a,er in Luestion
and to ,lant su++estions li1e t'is is to ris1 a dan+erous c'ain reaction. T'ere see-s!
un/ortunately! to be a certain ele-ent a-on+ adolescents .'ic' deli+'ts in senseless
da-a+e. Ho.e4er! .'en .e 'ad read ,re4iously o/ t'ousands o/ ,ounds .ort' o/
da-a+e bein+ caused annually by 'ooli+ans! nobody 'ad t'ou+'t to .'is,er .it' bated
breat' <$as it .itc'esH< T'is s,icy addition to t'e t'rills o/ 4andalis- .as calculated to
+i4e its ,er,etrators an e9tra Kest. One can .ell i-a+ine .'at .ent on in .'at /or t'e
sa1e o/ ar+u-ent -ay be described as t'eir -inds! 4andalis-! as ,syc'olo+ists 1no.! is
an attention3see1in+ de4ice0 :No. .eSre really -a1in+ t'e 'eadlinesNt'ey t'in1 itSs t'e
Blac1 Mass> $'at a lau+'> LetSs s-as' so-e -ore>;
A/ter t'is! all .as Luiet until t'e be+innin+ o/ t'is year! %&#7. T'en a certain section
o/ t'e 5ress +ot 'old o/ a blac1 -a+ic yarn
.'ic' .as ,otentially -ore serious t'an anyt'in+ t'ey 'ad touc'ed yet0 T'e C'arles
$alton -urder case.
T'e t'in+s t'at 'a4e been said about t'is case 'a4e been t'e decidin+ /actor .'ic'
induced -e to .rite t'is c'a,ter. A/ter all ne.s,a,er sensations are a 4ery easy tar+et /or
criticis-! so easy t'at t'ey are 'ardly .ort' s'ootin+ at. A ne. one a,,ears re+ularly
e4ery .ee1! duly -a1es its contribution to t'e +aiety o/ nations! and t'en co-es in 4ery
use/ul /or .ra,,in+ /is'. Ho.e4er. .'en t'in+s are said .'ic' -ay a//ect t'e
in4esti+ation o/ an unsol4ed -urder! t'e -atter beco-es -ore serious. To un-as1
irres,onsible sensationalis- is t'en a ,ublic duty.
T'is -ysterious and terrible cri-e! .'ic' s'attered t'e ,eace o/ a beauti/ul! secluded
little 4illa+e in t'e Cots.olds in %&2#. 'as been t'e sub=ect o/ .ild s,eculation! and dar1
'ints o/ <.itc'cra/t< and <ritual -urder<. (tated brie/ly! t'e /acts o/ t'e case are t'ese0
On February %2t'! %&2#! a /ar- labourer na-ed C'arles $alton. a+ed about D2! .as
/ound -urdered on Meon Hill in $ar.ic1s'ire. T'e -urderer 'as ne4er yet been cau+'t!
nor t'e -ystery o/ t'e cri-e sol4ed.
Accordin+ to t'e account ,ublis'ed in t'e (trat/ord3on3A4on Herald at t'e ti-e!
$alton .as an ino//ensi4e old -an! 'a4in+ a +ood re,utation .it' 'is nei+'bours. In
s,ite o/ t'e /act t'at 'e su//ered /ro- r'eu-atis-! and .al1ed .it' t'e aid o/ t.o stic1s!
'e still did s-all =obs! suc' as 'ed+e3tri--in+! /or a local /ar-er! Mr. Al/red Jo'n
5otter! o/ t'e Firs Far-. He li4ed .it' a niece! Miss Edit' $alton! o/ Lo.er Ouinton.
On February %2t'! %&2#! Miss $alton returned 'o-e /ro- .or1 at about 7.C ,.-.!
and /ound t'at 'er uncle 'ad not co-e 'o-e. His usual ti-e o/ return .as about 2.C ,.-.
Fearin+ t'at 'er uncle! in/ir- as 'e .as! 'ad -et .it' so-e -is'a,! s'e enLuired o/ t'e
nei+'bours! and one o/ t'e-! Mr. Harry Beasley. .ent .it' 'er to loo1 /or 'i-. T'ey
searc'ed! but /ailed to /ind 'i-I so t'ey .ent to t'e /ar- and enLuired o/ 'is e-,loyer!
Mr. 5otter. Mr. 5otter 1ne. .'ere $alton 'ad been .or1in+I t'e old -an 'ad been
en+a+ed in tri--in+ a 'ed+e on t'e slo,es o/ Meon Hill. He led Miss $alton and Mr.
Beasley to t'e s,ot.
T'ey /ound C'arles $alton t'ere dead. Accordin+ to t'e e4idence +i4en at t'e
inLuest! t'e body .as lyin+ <close a+ainst t'e 'ed+e! in a bit o/ a ditc'.< He 'ad been
-urdered .it' terrible /erocity. A bloodstained .al1in+3stic1 .as lyin+ nearby. and
bruises on t'e 'ead su++ested t'at 'e 'ad been struc1 do.n .it' it. T'e 1iller 'ad t'en
slas'ed 'is t'roat .it' t'e 'ed+in+ tool t'e old -an .as carryin+! and /inis'ed 'is
+'astly .or1 by ,innin+
t'e body to t'e +round .it' t'e t.o3tined ,itc'/or1 .'ic' .as also ,art o/ $altonSs
'ed+in+ eLui,-ent. T'e t.o tines o/ t'e ,itc'/or1 ,assed on eit'er side o/ t'e -urdered
-anSs nec1. T'e bill'oo1 .it' .'ic' t'e t'roat 'ad been cut .as le/t e-bedded in t'e
5ro/essor J. M. $ebster! o/ t'e $est Midlands Forensic Laboratory! +i4in+ e4idence
at t'e inLuest! said t'at t'e cause o/ deat' .as s'oc1 and 'ae-orr'a+e! due to +ra4e
in=uries to t'e nec1 and c'est caused by a cuttin+ .ea,on and a stabbin+ .ea,on. He said
t'at t'e cuttin+ .ea,on 'ad been .ielded t'ree ti-es. (o se4ere .as t'e slas' across t'e
t'roat t'at all t'e +reat blood 4essels o/ t'e nec1 .ere se4ered.
Cuts on t'e 'ands s'o.ed t'at t'e old -an 'ad atte-,ted to de/end 'i-sel/.
E93(u,t. Robert Fabian! in 'is boo1! Fabian o/ t'e 8ard! describes 'o. t'e C'ie/
Constable o/ $ar.ic1s'ire called in (cotland 8ard to 'el, in t'e enLuiries! and 'o. 'e
and anot'er o//icer! (er+eant Albert $ebb! .ent to t'e scene o/ t'e cri-e to -eet (u,t.
Alec (,ooner o/ t'e $ar.ic1s'ire C.I.D.! and to co--ence t'eir in4esti+ation. A ,lane
/ro- t'e R.A.F. air/ield at Lea-in+ton too1 aerial ,'oto+ra,'s o/ t'e scene o/ t'e cri-eI
a detac'-ent o/ t'e Royal En+ineers searc'ed t'e /ields .it' -ine3detectors! loo1in+ /or
clues! /our t'ousand state-ents .ere ta1en in t'e course o/ t'e in4esti+ationI but no
arrest .as -ade. and t'e cri-e re-ains u,on t'e list o/ unsol4ed -urders.
Accordin+ to E93(u,t. Fabian! (u,t. (,ooner called 'is attention! i--ediately u,on
'is arri4al in t'e Cots.olds! to t'e ,ossibility o/ t'e belie/ in .itc'cra/t bein+ a /actor in
t'e -urder. (u,t. (,ooner s'o.ed 'i- a ,assa+e in a boo1! Fol1 Lore! Old Custo-s and
(u,erstitions in ('a1es,eare3land! by J. Har4ey Bloo-! M.A.! ,ublis'ed in %&A&. T'is
boo1 re/ers to t'e stron+ belie/ in .itc'es and .itc'cra/t! and says. <In %6D# a .ea13
-inded youn+ -an 1illed an old .o-an na-ed Ann Turner .it' a 'ay3/or1 because 'e
belie4ed s'e 'ad be.itc'ed 'i-.<
Fabian o/ t'e 8ard .as /irst ,ublis'ed in %&#C. And by %&#A a .riter in a
.idely3read ,a,er .as sayin+!
T'e -anner in .'ic' t'e 'ay3/or1 .as used .as e9actly si-ilar to t'e -urder in %6D#! in nearby
Lon+ Co-,ton! o/ Ann Turner! 1illed by a -an < because s'e .as a .itc' <! and also to an earlier
'ay3/or1 stabbin+ .'en Jo'n Hay.ood attac1ed an old .o-an. . . . T'e -urder o/ C'arles $alton!
still unsol4ed! -ay 'a4e arisen /ro- an internal /eud .it' a band o/ .itc'es.
In its bi+ s,las' in %&##! t'e sensational ,a,er! too! 'ad -entioned t'e $alton case.
addin+ t'at <It 'a,,ened on (t. @alentineSs Day! %&2#Ntraditionally a day o/ sacri/ice.<
T'e i-,lication
bein+! a,,arently! t'at C'arles $alton .as 1illed as a 'u-an sacri/ice.
It .as in February o/ t'is year! %&#7! t'at t'e .itc'3'unters really <.ent to to.n; on
t'is story. On February %#t'! %&#7! one ,a,er ran a story! :5olice C'ie/ Goes Bac1 on t'e
$itc'esS (abbat';0 it described 'o. (u,erintendent (,ooner .as in t'e 'abit o/ returnin+
to t'e 4illa+e e4ery year on t'e anni4ersary o/ t'e cri-e! to see i/ t'ere .ere any ne.
de4elo,-ents. and added! :T'ere .as an identical 1illin+ DC years be/ore in a nearby
4illa+e.; It also added t'e re-ar1able in/or-ation t'at t'e .itc'esS (abbat' .as .'en
<T'e .itc' anointed 'er /eet and s'oulders .it' t'e /at o/ a -urdered baby and t'en!
-ountin+ a broo-stic1! rode o/t into t'e ni+'t!< )n/ortunately it did not ,ublis' any
acco-,anyin+ ,'oto+ra,' o/ t'is interestin+ scene.
Ho.e4er! on t'e /ollo.in+ (unday! t'e %&t' February! %&#7! a ne.s,a,er .it' close
,olitical a//iliations to t'e Daily Herald! ca-e out .it' a s,lendid 'eadline0 Blac1 Ma+ic
iller3$o-an Tal1s. It said !
A terri/ied .o-an! dri4en +rey3'aired by so-e o/ t'e -ost e4il -en in Britain! o//ered last ni+'t
to 'el, sol4e t'e -urder o/ C'arles $alton! .'o .as i-,aled .it' a ,itc'/or1 in a lonely
$ar.ic1s'ire /ield on (t. @alentineSs Day! %&2#. ('e .ill +i4e t'e na-e o/ t'e alle+ed -urderer to
Det. (u,t. A. $. (,ooner! C'ie/ o/ t'e $ar.ic1s'ire C.I.D....
T'is .o-an! .'o be++ed -e not to re4eal 'er na-e! 'as o//ered to tell Det.3(u,t. (,ooner
e4eryt'in+N,ro4ided s'e is ,rotected /ro- t'e 4en+eance o/ BritainSs blac1 -a+ic cults.
For t.el4e /ri+'t/ul years s'e too1 ,art .it' ot'er -e-bers o/ t'e cults in +rotesLue rites t'at
ste- /ro- BritainSs -ysterious ,ast. No. s'e .ants t'e ,olice to sta-, out t'ese e4il ,ractices. And
s'e .ants t'e- to sol4e t'e %%3year3old cri-e s'e clai-s .as a ritual -urder.
T'is ,a,erSs in/or-ant .ent on to tell a 'arro.in+ taleN.'ic' yet so-e'o. see-ed
curiously /a-iliarNo/ 'o. as a youn+ .o-an s'e 'ad been to s-all reli+ious -eetin+s
in London and Bir-in+'a-! .'ere 4arious </oul rites< too1 ,laceI o/ 'o. s'e .as too
/ri+'tened to +o to t'e ,oliceI and 'o.! .'en s'e tried to brea1 a.ay /ro- t'e cult! 'er
'ead .as scarred .it' 1ni4es.
$altonSs actual -urderer! s'e said! .as a .o-an .'o .as brou+'t by car to t'e
Cots.olds /ro- a di//erent ,art o/ t'e country. T'e leader o/ t'e London branc' o/ t'e
cult 'ad been ,resent. T'e story o/ 'o. t'e -urder .as co--itted 'ad been told to 'er
by t'e Midlands leader! .'o .anted to +et <Nu-ber One in London; out o/ t'e .ay! so
t'at 'e could +ain national control o/ t'e cult /or 'i-sel/.
< T'e -anner o/ 1illin+ <. says t'e ,a,er! < .as identical .it'
t'at in a -urder o/ %6D# in nearby Lon+ Co-,ton! o/ a .o-an 4illa+ers t'ou+'t .as
a .itc'.<
In s,ite! 'o.e4er! o/ t'eir in/or-antSs ,raise.ort'y desire t'at t'e ,olice s'ould
sta-, out t'ese e4il ,ractices! stran+ely enou+' it .as t'is ,a,er and not t'e lady 'ersel/!
.'o +a4e t'is in/or-ation to t'e ,olice. T'ey! o/ course. realised t'at t'ey .ere le+ally
bound to do soI but it see-s 4ery odd to -e t'at anyone ,ossessin+ suc' in/or-ation! i/ it
.ere +enuine! s'ould not 'a4e ta1en it strai+'t to t'e aut'orities. Instead! 'o.e4er! t'is
.o-an .aited until a -ention o/ t'e -urder a,,eared in t'e 5ress! and t'en ca-e
/or.ardI e4en t'en s'e did not +o strai+'t to t'e ,olice! but to a ne.s,a,er.
T'e ne9t day. February ACt'! %&#7! a ,a,er +a4e /urt'er details o/ .'at t'e .o-an
'ad said. under t'e 'eadline0 Murder at Blac1 Mass! says $o-an0
A .o-an 'as co-e /or.ard to say t'at a s'e,'erd! 1illed ele4en years a+o! .as -urdered by a
.o-an durin+ a Blac1 Mass at -idni+'t. ('e says t'at s'e .as once a -e-ber o/ a blac1 -a+ic
society and t'at s'e 1no.s t'e na-e o/ t'e 1iller.
T'e body o/ t'e s'e,'erd! D23year3old C'arles $alton! .as /ound on (t. @alentineSs day! %&2#! in
t'e -iddle o/ a circle o/ stones in a /ield at Lo.er Ouinton! $ar.ic1s'ire. He 'ad been 1illed by
blo.s /ro- a /ar- bill'oo1 and sta1ed to t'e +round .it' a ,itc'/or1. His nec1 .as slas'ed in t'e
s'a,e o/ a cross. @illa+ers said it .as a ritual -urder. T'ere .as a si-ilar -urder on (t. @alentineSs
Day! %6D#! at Lon+ Co-,ton! also in $ar.ic1s'ire. T'e accuser! an elderly .o-an /ro-
Bir-in+'a-! .ill ,robably be inter4ie.ed by ,olice t'is .ee1.
No. t'e reader .it' a lon+ -e-ory .ill doubtless be .antin+ to ,ause /or so-e
<(urely<! 'e .ill be sayin+! :t'is isnSt .'at I .as readin+ =ust no.H $altonSs body!
accordin+ to t'e e4idence +i4en at t'e inLuest. .as /ound lyin+ Sclose a+ainst t'e 'ed+e!
in a bit o/ a ditc'S. And t'at ditc' .as on t'e slo,es o/ Meon Hill. $'atSs t'is about t'e
body bein+ /ound in t'e -iddle o/ a circle o/ stonesH<
T'e ans.er is t'at .'en E93(u,t. Fabian .rote 'is boo1! in .'ic' 'e -entioned t'is
unsol4ed cri-e! 'e said t'at it .as done :not /ar /ro- t'e stone circle o/ t'e $'is,erin+
ni+'ts<! and t'at <it loo1ed li1e t'e 1ind o/ 1illin+ t'e Druids -i+'t 'a4e done in
+'astly cere-ony at /ull -oon.< (ince t'en e4ery .riter .'o 'as raided 'is boo1 /or
<co,y< 'as re,roduced t'is state-ent .it'out! a,,arently! e4er bot'erin+ to c'ec1 on it.
ConseLuently t'ey 'a4e been sadly -isledI t'e $'is,erin+ ni+'ts are not a circle. but
,art o/ a +rou, o/ stones called t'e Rollri+'t (tones0 t'ey are not'in+ to do .it' t'e
DruidsI and t'ey are t.el4e -iles a.ay /ro- Meon Hill. $e can /or+i4e E93(u,t. Fabian
/or not bein+ an arc'aeolo+ist! but 'is de/inition o/ <not /ar /ro-< as
:t.el4e -iles a.ay< 'as ,ro4ed a ,it/all into .'ic' al-ost e4eryone .'o 'as .ritten
about t'is case 'as co-e a nasty cro,,erI and it loo1s as i/ eit'er t'e ,a,ers or t'eir
in/or-ants .ere a-on+ t'e-.
:8es! and loo1 'ere <! continues t'at lon+3-e-oried reader! :s'e says t'at C'arles
$alton .as 1illed at a Blac1 Mass at -idni+'t. But 'e .ent to .or1 ne9t -ornin+ as
usual. His body .as /ound in t'e e4enin+.<
8es! I noticed t'at! too. To ,ut it -ildly! so-et'in+ see-s a-iss.
Ho.e4er! in anot'er ,a,er! in t'e issue dated Marc' %#t'! %&#7! t'e sa-e in/or-ant
told Luite a di//erent story o/ t'e <Blac1 Ma+ic Murder;. T'eir re,orter 'ad /ound 'er in
a suburb o/ $ol4er'a-,ton! <an attracti4e .o-an .it' 'aunted eyes.<
:T'irteen ,eo,le;! s'e says! :too1 ,art in t'e cere-ony. One o/ t'e- 1ne. $alton.
T'e rest ca-e /ro- 4arious ,arts o/ t'e country.
$alton .as 'ed+in+ t'at day in a /ield .ell a.ay /ro- 'ouses and t'e road. T'e
,erson .'o 1ne. 'i- a,,roac'ed 'i- .it' t.o ot'ers. He .as struc1 do.n. It .as
e9actly -idday. FMy italicsG.
Ra,idly t'ey -utilated 'is body! soa1ed so-e robes in 'is blood! dro4e in t'e
,itc'/or1! and danced round t'e body.< . . .
I s'ould be +reatly obli+ed i/ anyone could e9,lain to -e 'o. t'irteen ,eo,le could
dance round t'e body o/ a -an .'ic'. accordin+ to t'e e4idence +i4en at t'e inLuest by
one o/ t'e t'ree ,eo,le .'o /ound it! .as lyin+ close a+ainst t'e 'ed+e! in a bit o/ a ditc'.
Co-,ared to t'e tra4ellin+ circle o/ stones! t'is is a -inor -iracle. T'ey s'ould really
'a4e read t'e case u, -ore be/ore t'ey started to tell t'is story.
Gradually! s'e told t'e re,orter. s'e /ound out t'e story o/ t'e 1illin+. ('e le/t t'e
circle! and /elt li1e +oin+ to t'e ,olice F>G
<$it'in a /e. days t'e circle o/ silence .as ,ut on -y doorste,. It .as -ade o/
t.i+s and +ra4eyard c'i,,in+s. It -eant See, OuietS.
But I could not li4e .it' -ysel/. I told one o/ t'e leaders t'at I .ould +o to t'e
T'at ni+'t! on -y .ay 'o-e! I .as +rabbed and scal,ed. T'ey too1 a co-,lete
circle o/ 'air and s1in /ro- -y 'ead! usin+ a doctorSs scal,el.<
No.! .'ere 'a4e .e 'eard so-et'in+ li1e t'is be/oreH I/ .e read on .e s'all soon
see. as <Mrs. E;! .'o clai-ed to be a /or-er Hi+' 5riestess o/ t'e blac1 -a+ic cult!
described :so-e o/ t'e s'oc1in+ rites ,er/or-ed by t'e Blac1 Ma+ic circle.<
<At al-ost e4ery cere-ony I attended\ t'ere .as .ild sin+in+ and dancin+!
drin1in+ and se9ual de,ra4ity\.
Ani-als .ere 1illed and t'eir blood ,oured into +oblets. T'e S,riestsS ,rayed to t'e
De4il /or 'el,....
T'e altar is a ,arody o/ a C'ristian altar. T'e Cross is ,laced u,side do.n in a +lass
o/ .ater and t'e candles on a slant! al-ost u,side do.n.
Ne.co-ers are initiated by bein+ /orced to drin1 t'e .ar- blood o/ ani-als. . . .
T'en t'ey all drin1 +lasses o/ s,irits and dance round t'e altar. T'ese ne.co-ers .ear
.'ite robes! .'ic' are soa1ed in blood. T'ey 'a4e to si+n a ,act in blood! +i4in+ t'eir
souls to t'e De4il.<
T'is descri,tion is al-ost e9actly t'e sa-e as t'at +i4en by t'e coloured lady in
%&##I so also is t'e story o/ 'er bein+ attac1ed in order to inti-idate 'er into silence! only
no. t'e alle+ed attac1! .'ic'! it .ill be re-e-bered! in t'e ori+inal case consisted
-erely o/ 'a4in+ a ,iece o/ 'air slas'ed o//! and .'ic'! accordin+ to t'e ,a,erSs account
at t'e ti-e! .as testi/ied by a ,olice sur+eon as 'a4in+ ,roduced abrasions! bruisin+ and
s.ellin+! and le/t <cut roots ... on t'e le/t 'and side area<! is no. described as a scal,in+!
t'e re-o4al o/ a co-,lete circle o/ 'air and s1in! usin+ a doctorSs scal,el. It .ill be
re-e-bered 'o. I 'ad re-ar1ed u,on t'e coloured ladySs alle+ed attac1 as bein+
,ossibly sel/3in/licted. Is t'is .'y t'e second story is di//erentH
It /ollo.s t'at eit'er t'ere are t.o <E93Hi+' 5riestesses li4in+ in t'e Midlands! bot'
o/ .'o- are sellin+ t'e sa-e story to t'e ne.s,a,ers! or else t'at t'e lady .'o 'as
na-ed t'e -urderer o/ C'arles $alton! and t'e coloured lady are one and t'e sa-e
No.! t'is is 4ery intri+uin+. For i/ t'is is so! t'en it /ollo.s t'at t'is .'ole u+ly
s-ear! .it' all its sensational and 'orrible ad=uncts! rests entirely u,on t'e
uncorroborated .ord o/ one ,ersonNa ,erson! -oreo4er! .'o! i/ .e are to belie4e t'e
ne.s,a,er accounts Luoted! 'as been de-onstrably .ron+ u,on i-,ortant ,articulars. A
,erson! /urt'er! .'o 'as eit'er been 4ery badly -isLuoted or else 'as c'an+ed 'er story
.'en it .as realised t'at t'e /irst 4ersion .ould not do.
I/ I a- .ron+ in t'is ,resu-,tion Fand it is a ,resu-,tion .'ic' I t'in1 is =usti/ied
in 4ie. o/ t'e re-ar1able si-ilarity in t'e stories toldG t'en it is 4ery easily susce,tible o/
,roo/! and I t'in1 t'e .o-an concerned s'ould be as1ed eit'er to e9,lain t'e -atters I
'a4e ,ointed out. or else </ore4er a/ter 'old 'er ,eace.<
By no.! 'o.e4er! t'e .itc'3'untin+ /raternity 'ad /airly +ot t'e bit bet.een t'eir
teet'. On Marc' A#t'! %&#7! a ,a,er ca-e
out .it' a /ront3,a+e 'eadline0 <Blac1 Ma+ic0 A 5riestSs $arnin+.< T'e ,riest .as Canon
Bryan Green! t'e Rector o/ Bir-in+'a-! and by one o/ t'ose /unny coincidences .'ic'
.e 1ee, co-in+ across in t'ese -atters! Canon Bryan Green is a noted anti3(,iritualist.
T.o $orlds! t'e (,iritualist .ee1ly! 'ad t'is to say about 'i- last Au+ust0 <T'ou+' 'e is
,at'etically i+norant about (,iritualis-! 'e does not 'esitate to attac1 itN'e does so
,eriodicallyN.it' t'e usual nonsense t'at Satte-,ts to co--unicate .it' t'e s,irits are
dan+erous and .ron+.<
T'is is .'at Canon Bryan Green 'ad to say about blac1 -a+ic0 :I understand t'ere
'as been a re4i4al o/ Blac1 Ma+ic ,ractices in Bir-in+'a-. I .ant to utter a
conde-nation and a .arnin+.
Not'in+ can be .orse or -ore de,ra4ed t'an t'e deliberate distortion o/ t'e beauti/ul
and natural +i/t o/ se9 /or sensuous and ,er4erted /eelin+s o/ +rati/ication. And t'is is
.'at Blac1 Ma+ic does.
Moreo4er! it debases -anSs natural desires to lo4e and trust God as 'is Hea4enly
Fat'er and tries to +et 'i- to -a1e t'e De4il 'is source o/ +uidance. My .arnin+ is!N
ee, clear o/ Blac1 Ma+ic. . . .3
$'at on eart' Canon Green -eans by 'is /irst ,ara+ra,' o/ 'is .arnin+ I /ind it 'ard
to understand. Does 'e -ean t'at it is .ron+ to +et any +rati/ication out o/ se9H And t'at
i/ anyone does so! t'ey are ,ractisin+ Blac1 Ma+icH I/ so! I t'in1 'e .ill /ind so-e
di//iculty in +ettin+ any doctors or ,syc'olo+ists to a+ree .it' 'i-. $it' re+ard to 'is
second ,ara+ra,'! it see-s to -e t'at t'e -ost earnest belie4ers in t'e De4il t'ese days!
and t'e ,eo,le .'o are al.ays boostin+ 'is su,,osed ,o.ers! are c'urc'-en li1e Canon
Bryan Green.
A ,a,erSs re,orter -entioned t'e deat' o/ C'arles $alton! and added t'at it .as
<belie4ed to 'a4e been a ritual 1illin+<. By .'o-H $e .ere not toldI but :a student o/
,a+an reli+ions;! .'o .as <,re,ared to ,ut 'is /indin+s be/ore t'e ,olice;! 'ad +i4en a
.arnin+Nt'e <5re,arations /or a 'u-an sacri/ice are .ell ad4anced as ,art o/ a ritual
Blac1 Mass to be ,er/or-ed by an un/roc1ed ,riest! re+arded as .orld leader o/ t'e cult.;
5ersonally! i/ in/or-ation li1e t'at .ere in -y ,ossession! I .ould not .aste ti-e
tellin+ re,orters .'at I .as <,re,ared; to do. I .ould tell (cotland 8ard i--ediately. I/ I
couldnSt ,ro4e it! t'ey soon .ouldNi/ it .ere true.
T'e re,orter .ent on! < I 'a4e =ust co-,leted an in4esti+ation on t'e ,eo,le acti4e in
Blac1 Ma+ic. Many a,,ear rational and intelli+ent. (o-e are .ell 1no.n ,ublicly. T'ey
clai- to be
,ractisin+ an ancient ,re3C'ristian reli+ion. But t'is is -erely a co4er /or obscene!
de+radin+ ,ractices.<
Notice 'o. t'e old s-ear3tec'niLue co-es out a+ainH 5eo,le .'o are <.ell 1no.n
,ublicly< are alle+ed to be ,ractisin+ blac1 -a+ic. No na-es are +i4en! and no e4idence
brou+'t /or.ard to su,,ort .'at is said! so t'e s-ear can a,,ly to anyone in ,ublic li/e!
and any occult +rou, .'ic' is not s,eci/ically C'ristian. Later on t'e ,a,er beca-e -ore
s,eci/ic. On t'e "rd June! %&#7! t'ey said0 <5eers on 8ard Blac1 Ma+ic List;. $e .ere
told t'at a -an Fanony-ous! o/ courseG 'ad +i4en (cotland 8ard <a secret list o/ one
'undred and t.enty na-es o/ ,eo,le said to be leadin+ -e-bers o/ t'e Blac1 Ma+ic
cult;. F(o it .as not a :8ard list; at all! but a list co-,iled by an anony-ous indi4idual
co-,letely .it'out credentials.G
<A/ter t'e detecti4es 'ad seen 'i- last ni+'t;! says t'eir re,orter! <t'e -an told -e0
ST'e list reads li1e ,a+es ta1en /ro- Debrett Ft'e ,eersS and 1ni+'tsS $'oSs $'oG> It
includes t.o or t'ree o/ t'e -ost /a-ous na-es in t'e ,eera+e and t'at o/ a /or-er
a-bassador at t'e Court o/ (t. Ja-es. It also na-es a nu-ber o/ .ealt'y ,eo,le!
includin+ one .it' t.o country -ansions and a lu9urious $est End /lat.<
(ooner or later in t'ese alle+ed in4esti+ations! .e al.ays see- to co-e to state-ents
li1e t'is. It is al.ays t'e .ic1ed u,,er classes .'o are t'e -ainstay o/ blac1 -a+ic!
es,ecially .'en t'e ,a,er concerned is Le/t $in+ in ,olitics> I/! 'o.e4er! t'is ca-,ai+n
ori+inated as ,olitical ,ro,a+anda! desi+ned to /oster class'atred! it .ould indeed be
sin+ularly c'ea, and c'ildis'. I do not alle+e t'at it did so ori+inateI -y ,ur,ose 'ere is
to ,oint out t'e sin+ular ,ersistence o/ t'is ca-,ai+n! t'e re-ar1ably /li-sy basis u,on
.'ic' all t'is structure o/ ru-our and /ear 'as been built u,. and t'e utter /ailure to brin+
/or.ard anyt'in+ .ort' callin+ e4idence to su,,ort it. I/ t'ere is any ,olitical slant! t'en I
t'in1 it is a side3issue. T'e actual ins,iration be'ind all t'e .ild tal1 about <(atanis-;
.as ori+inally clerical! and it ste--ed /ro- t'e Ro-an Cat'olic C'urc'. Its ,ur,ose .as
to co-bat t'e risin+ (,iritualist -o4e-entI it started bac1 in t'e nineteent' century! and
'as been +oin+ on s,oradically e4er since! assisted by t'e anti3(,iritualist ele-ents in t'e
C'urc' o/ En+land. Its -et'ods 'a4e ne4er been 4ery intelli+ent! and t'ey 'a4e al.ays
been /unda-entally t'e sa-e! na-ely to sell t'e idea to t'e ,ublic t'at any -o4e-ent
.'ic' atte-,ts to -a1e contact .it' God or .it' t'e .orld unseen! and .'ic' does not
,ossess t'e ,er-ission o/ eit'er t'e @atican or t'e C'urc' o/ En+land to do so! -ust 'a4e
(atan be'ind it.
No.! .it' re+ard to t'e ,ro,osition t'at -any ,eo,le in 'i+' ,laces are in4ol4ed in
blac1 -a+ic! I do not 1no. .'et'er it is true or not. I 'a4e tried /or -any years to /ind
any traces and 'a4e /ailed! but I t'in1 it 4ery doubt/ul! and I s'all not belie4e it until I
recei4e e4idenceI t'ere is! 'o.e4er! one t'in+ .'ic' I do 1no. to be true. A +ood
nu-ber o/ ,eo,le o/ ran1 and education are (,iritualists! and t'ey o/ten occu,y so-e
,ublic ,osition. T'ey do not al.ays care /or t'eir belie/ to be 1no.n. but ne4ert'eless
t'ey 'old it and ,ractise it. Are t'ese t'e ,eo,le .'o are t'e .itc'3'untersS real LuarryH
I 'a4e already ,ointed out 'o. t'ere 'as been a 4eritable outburst o/ t'is 1ind o/
,ro,a+anda e4er since 5arlia-ent +a4e (,iritualis- le+al reco+nition in t'e Fraudulent
Mediu-s Act. Ha4e t'ere been any atte-,ts to brin+ (,iritualis- into t'e +reat
T'e (,iritualist .ee1ly! T.o $orlds! noted so-e in its issue dated June %7
! %&#7.
By t'is ti-e! a series on :Blac1 Ma+ic; 'ad started in t'e (unday Gra,'ic! and .as bein+
.ritten by Dennis $'eatley! and on June %Ct' 'e said0 :A -ore usual -eans o/ recruitin+
/or t'e De4il is t'rou+' t'e less re,utable 1ind o/ s,iritualist -eetin+ or seance. Many
,eo,le attend seances only in searc' o/ e9cite-ent. And at so-e seances t'e Blac1
/raternity 'a4e .'at -i+'t be ter-ed Stalent scoutsS.;
On June 6t'! %&#7! t'e Re4. F. A-,'lett Mic1le.ri+'t F.'o. it .ill be re-e-bered!
.as one o/ t'e ori+inal bac1ers o/ t'e ca-,ai+n in t'e sensational ,a,ers! 'ad said in an
inter4ie. .it' G. $. 8oun+! .'ic' .as ,ublis'ed in an article .it' t'e .onder/ul title!
<)nder.orld o/ Blac1 Mass Maniacs<0 <T'ere is a sort o/ diabolis- 'an+in+ on t'e
/rin+es o/ /rea1 reli+ions! and so-e /or-s o/ s,iritualis- lend t'e-sel4es to t'is sort o/
Co--entin+ on t'ese re,orts! T.o $orlds said0 <$ell! .'at do you doNlau+' it
o// or +et an+ryH ('ould .e ,rotest .'en t'ese circulation3boosters! ree1in+ .it' dar1
'ints and a,,etite.'ettin+ c'un1s o/ se9 and (atanis-! dred+e in ,utrescent innuendoes
.'ic' could send t'e s,iritually /astidious enLuirer scuttlin+ /or terri/ied co4erH Or do .e
s-ile and say! S$ell! ,eo,le .'o belie4e t'at (,iritualis- is a sort o/ antec'a-ber to a
+allery o/ t'e Blac1 Arts are no +ood to us any.ayH*;
5ersonally! I incline to t'e latter courseI in s,ite o/ all t'e sound and /ury o/ t'is
ca-,ai+n! t'e ,ublic are not so nai4e u,on t'ese sub=ects as t'ey .ere in t'e nineteent'
century! or e4en t.enty years a+o! and I 'a4e reason to t'in1 t'at t'e ins,irers o/ it 'a4e
/ound t'at out.
An atte-,t .as also -ade to lin1 s,iritual 'ealin+ .it' .itc'3
cra/t! and bot' .it' blac1 -a+ic. A ,anel o/ ten doctors 'ad been a,,ointed by t'e
Britis' Medical Association to ,re,are e4idence about alle+ed su,ernor-al 'ealin+! to be
+i4en to t'e Arc'bis'o,sS Co--ission on Di4ine Healin+. T'eir re,ort .as ,ublis'ed in
May! %&#7! and on May %%t'! re,ortin+ it! t'e Daily Mirror! t'e .ee13day associate o/ t'e
(unday 5ictorial! did so under t'e 'eadline <T'ese Cures by $itc'es Must Be 5robed;.
A,,arently one doctor 'ad told t'e co--ittee! :T'e ,ractice o/ -a+ic! bot' .'ite and
blac1! is .idely s,read in -y De4on ,ractice. I 'ad one de/inite deat' /ro- .itc'cra/t! or
I su,,ose I s'ould say su++estion! .'ile I .as t'ere<. He also said! <T'e ,ractice o/
c'ar-in+ a.ay .arts is e9tre-ely e//ecti4e<. $'ic' o/ t'ese -atters .as t'e :.itc'esS
cure; t'at :-ust be ,robed; is not clear. But by t'e %"t' May! Reynolds Ne.s ca-e out
.it' a .'oo,0 <$itc'cra/t Gro.in+ $arns Dean;. T'e dean .as t'e @ery Re4. Hu+'
Hey.ood! Rural Dean o/ (out'.ell! Nottin+'a-s'ire! .'o 'ad said in 'is Deanery
Ma+aKine t'at in ,arts o/ $estern En+land t'e cult o/ t'e .itc'3doctor .as +ro.in+! and
added so-e re-ar1s about 'ealin+ by radiest'esia! .'ic' a,,arently 'e see-ed to t'in1
.as a /or- o/ .itc'cra/t. It .as all -ade to sound 4ery sinister! and by June And t'e
Daily Herald .as sayin+ <T'e Britis' Medical Association recently ad4ised an inLuiry
into .itc'cra/t in Britain;.
On June &t'! %&#7! T.o $orlds re,orted t'e /a-ous (,iritualist 'ealer! Harry
Ed.ards! as co--entin+0 :It is not by c'ance t'e B.M.A. included re/erences to
.itc'cra/t in t'eir re,ort to t'e Arc'bis'o,sS Co--ittee on Di4ine Healin+. T'ey are
linin+ it u, .it' s,irit 'ealin+. It is one o/ t'eir lines o/ attac1 /or t'e /uture.;
T'e Daily Herald! on June And! %&#7! ,ro-ised us a story by a lady called Myrna
Blu-ber+! .'o t'ey clai-ed 'ad beco-e :an a,,rentice .itc' 'ersel/.< T'is! I t'ou+'t!
s'ould be +ood! and I a.aited .it' +reat interest t'e account o/ Miss Blu-ber+Ss
initiation. I .anted to see .'et'er any 'u-an blood 'ad /lo.ed at t'e 'orrid scene! or
.'et'er t'ey 'ad been content -erely .it' a cou,le o/ coc1erels. I .as also interested to
1no. .'et'er ,oor Miss Blu-ber+ 'ad 'ad to t'ro. o4er to-bstones 'ersel/! and i/ so
'o. -any! or .'et'er any -ale -e-bers o/ t'e sta// o/ t'e Daily Herald 'ad been
+allant enou+' to co-e alon+ and do it /or 'er.
$ell! Miss Blu-ber+ certainly 'ad t'e -ost re-ar1able initiation into .itc'cra/t I
'a4e e4er 'eard o/I it consisted o/ 'irin+ a car and a c'au//eur and tourin+ De4on> Her
account o/ t'e 4arious ,eo,le s'e -et .'o could c'ar- .arts and do ot'er 1inds o/
'ealin+ .as -ost interestin+. Ne4ert'eless! a/ter all t'e terri/ic tales .e 'ad been 'earin+!
t'is .as a distinct anticli-a9.
Ho.e4er! s'e -ade u, /or it t'e ne9t day! .it' t'e 'eadline0 :Blac1 $itc'ery Can Lead
to Murder;. T'is article consisted o/ t'e ine4itable inter4ie. .it' t'e Re4. F. A-,'lett
Mic1le.ri+'t! .'o said 'e .as <con4inced t'at under 4arious +uises t'ere is as -uc'
.itc'cra/t ,ractised no. as in t'e Middle A+es <! and t'at 'e 'ad been < close on t'e
/rin+e o/ so-e o/ t'e -ost bale/ul t'in+s! distortions and ,er4ersions o/ old blac1 -a+ic
3! and o/ course uttered t'e usual sole-n .arnin+ t'at < ItSs one o/ t'e -ost dan+erous
cults to dabble in <I a recital o/ 4arious tales o/ curses bein+ ,ut on ,eo,le! and a -ention
o/ t'e case o/ t'e -urder o/ C'arles $alton! in .'ic' it said < it .as +enerally .'is,ered
t'at .itc'cra/t ,layed a ,art.<
Miss Blu-ber+ 'ad inter4ie.ed Dr. Mar+aret Murray! .'o told 'er! <5eo,le .rite to
-e /ro- all o4er t'e country as t'ou+' I .ere an anti3.itc' and could brea1 t'e s,ells
t'ey belie4e in. All I can do is to tell t'e- to lau+' it o//.<
Dr. Murray 'as -y sy-,at'y! t'ey .rite to -e! too. I do not al.ays tell t'e- to
<lau+' it o// <I but t'at is t'e best ad4ice in -any cases.
LetSs +et t'is business o/ <be.itc'-ent< and <,uttin+ curses on ,eo,le< strai+'t.
T'ere are t.o necessary ,rereLuisites /or <,uttin+ a curse on so-eone<. T'e /irst is a
+enuine -oti4e /or doin+ so! and t'e second is t'e ability to do it. $'en t'ose t.o t'in+s
co-e to+et'er! and t'ey so-eti-es do! you +et an indubitable result. I 1no. too -any
stories o/ t'is 1ind ,ersonally to say t'at it can ne4er 'a,,enI but .'at I do say is t'at it
is rare. In t'e /irst ,lace! to do a t'in+ li1e t'is reLuires a considerable e9,enditure o/
,syc'ic /orce! .'ic' no one .it' real 1no.led+e .ould do u,on tri4ial +rounds.
(econdly! t'ose .'o really 1no. about t'ese t'in+s .ould not resort to suc' an act
unless in e9ce,tional circu-stances. ConseLuently! ninety3nine ,er cent o/ t'e ,eo,le
.'o t'in1 t'ey are bein+ < be.itc'ed < are cases o/ s'eer auto3su++estion! and I belie4e
t'at suc' cases 'a4e been enor-ously increased by t'e ne.s,a,er scare ca-,ai+n.
Not'in+ is -ore calculated to ,rey on t'e .ea1 -inds and send borderline -ental
cases o4er t'e ed+e t'an to read article a/ter article in t'e ,o,ular 5ress boostin+ <t'e
terrible ,o.ers o/ (atan;! and alle+in+ t'at Britain is riddled .it' blac1 -a+ic. I/ t'is
boo1 ser4es no ,ur,ose t'an to debun1 t'is ,oisonous rubbis'! it .ill 'a4e done a +ood
It .as ti-e t'at all t'is +ri- +'oulis'ness 'ad so-e co-ic relie/I and t'at .as
,ro4ided in abundance! /or t'ose .'o 'ad a sense o/ 'u-our! by a series on <Blac1
Ma+ic< in t'e (unday Gra,'ic! .'ic' co--enced on t'e "rd June! %&#7. For a/ter
t'e aut'or 'ad been boosted in t'e ad4ance blurb as < T'e -an .'o 1no.s. -ore t'an
anyone about t'is stran+e! e4il cult<! 'e -ade! in 'is /irst article! t'is e9traordinary
ad-ission0 .'en! 'e says! 'e .as an o//icer in t'e /irst $orld $ar! 'e .as ,layin+
4in+t3et3un! +ot /ed u, .it' losin+! and called on t'e De4il to +i4e 'i- luc1I 'e .on t'e
ne9t +a-e! and .as so /ri+'tened t'at <I 'a4e ne4er called on t'e De4il since. Neit'er
'a4e I e4er attended any /or- o/ -a+ical cere-ony or seance! t'ou+' I 'a4e interro+ated
-any .'o 'a4e.< And t'at! a,,arently! is t'e su- total o/ 'is ,ractical e9,erience>
$ell! suc' candour is re/res'in+! and rat'er disar-in+I a/ter t'at! I 'a4enSt +ot t'e
'eart to say 4ery -uc' about 'is articles> A/ter all! <blac1 -a+ic< t'rillers 'a4e ,ro4ided
-e .it' -any 'ours o/ innocent en=oy-ent.
By t'is ti-e t'e cause o/ .itc'3'untin+ .as rat'er scra,in+ t'e botto- o/ t'e barrel
/or so-et'in+ /res' to say! and t'e ,a,ers 'ad to e1e out t'eir yarns .it' 'oary old
le+ends about Aleister Cro.ley! and e4en .it' ordinary +'ost stories. One o/ t'ese .as
really ,retty 'orrible.
<T'e Re4. Monta+ue (u--ers told -e <! says t'e narrator! o/ an e9orcis- 'e
,er/or-ed in Ireland! on a /ar-erSs .i/e .'o! it .as said! .as ,ossessed by an e4il s,irit.
He arri4ed in t'e e4enin+. On t'e table in t'e li4in+3roo- .as t'e re-ains o/ a cold le+
o/ -uttonNob4iously /or su,,er. At t'e si+'t o/ a ,riest t'e .o-an beca-e so 4iolent
t'at s'e 'ad to be 'eld do.n. As 'e s,rin1led 'oly .ater on 'er and co--anded t'e
de-on to co-e /ort'. a s-all cloud o/ blac1 s-o1e issued /ro- 'er /oa-3/lec1ed -out'.
It .ent strai+'t into t'e cold -utton! and .it'in a /e. -inutes e4eryone ,resent sa. t'at
t'e -eat .as ali4e .it' -a++ots.< I s'o.ed -y secretary t'is tale! and s'e said! <8es!
t'at .as a +ood story .'en I /irst read it. too. It 'ad t'e Fourt' For- scared sti//.<
I said. $'at do you -eanH<
<$'y;! s'e said! <IS4e read t'at story years a+o! .'en I .as a +irl at sc'ool. ItSs a
boo1 o/ /ictional +'ost stories called A Mirror o/ ('alott by Robert Hu+' Benson.
Ad-ittedly! t'e 4enue 'as been c'an+ed /ro- t'e $est Indies to Ireland! but ot'er.ise
t'e story is =ust t'e sa-e 3. (o .as Monta+ue (u--ers le+3,ullin+ or lyin+H
Accordin+ to G. $. 8oun+ in Re4eille on June 6t'! %&#7! t'e Re4. A-,'lett
Mic1le.ri+'t 'ad told 'i- o/ <.ild or+ies in ,laces .'ere t'e at-os,'ere .as dru++ed
.it' et'er or c'loro/or-! t'e s-ell bein+ ca-ou/la+ed by t'e burnin+ o/ incense.< It 'as
e4idently not occurred to t'ese +ood /ol1 to /ind out by
,ractical e9,eri-ent =ust .'at .ould 'a,,en i/ t'ey s,rayed a roo- .it' et'er! and t'en
introduced /ire o/ any 1ind! suc' as candies or burnin+ incense! into it. (till! ,er'a,s t'at
is =ust as .ellI t'e resultin+ e9,losion -i+'t .ell 'a4e ,ro4ed /atal. and I s'ould be sorry
to see a +rand ,olice o//icer li1e Bob Fabian co-e to suc' a stic1y end. FI/ anyone doubts
-y .ord on t'is! donSt try it yoursel/Nas1 a 'os,ital anaest'etist.G
I/ t'e dru+ s,rayed .ere c'loro/or-! t'e -ost li1ely result .ould be t'at t'ose .'o
in'aled it .ould be 4ery sic1I circu-stances .'ic' are 'ardly in4itin+ /or e4en t'e
-ildest o/ or+ies.
E93(u,t. Fabian said /urt'er! <One o/ -y -ost -e-orable -urder cases .as at t'e
4illa+e o/ Lo.er Ouinton! near t'e stone Druid circle o/ t'e $'is,erin+ ni+'ts. T'ere a
-an 'ad been 1illed by a re,roduction o/ a Druidical cere-ony on (t. @alentineSs E4e.<
No.! t'e $'is,erin+ ni+'ts are not a circleI t'ey are not Druidical.! and t'ey are
about t.el4e -iles a.ay! as t'e cro. /lies! /ro- Lo.er Ouinton. Nor .as C'arles
$alton 1illed on (t. @alentineSs E4eI and as no one 1no.s /or certain =ust .'at t'e
DruidSs cere-onies .ere! it is i-,ossible to say t'at 'is deat' .as a re,roduction o/ one.
A,art /ro- t'ese details! t'e descri,tion is accurate.
Let -e -a1e it clear! 'o.e4er! t'at I cast no doubt .'atsoe4er u,on E93(u,t.
FabianSs state-ent in t'e sa-e article t'at ,eo,le co-e to London /ro- t'e ,ro4inces and
,ay 'ea4y /ees to ta1e ,art in <re4oltin+ cere-onies< sta+ed by <little Blac1 Ma+ic
+rou,s in London t'at rise! /ester and dis,erse a+ain li1e ,la+ue abscesses<. E93(u,t.
Fabian 'as in 'is ti-e been C'ie/ o/ t'e @ice (Luad .'ic' doubtless concerns itsel/ .it'
suc' t'in+s. (e9ual de+enerates .it' -oney can /ind t'ose .'o are .illin+ to ,ro4ide t'e
,er4erted satis/actions t'ey cra4e. But t'is sort o/ t'in+ is not .itc'cra/tI I doubt i/ it is
e4en really blac1 -a+ic! or any sort o/ -a+ic. It is si-,ly one o/ t'e rac1ets t'at t'e @ice
(Luad concerns itsel/ .it'. (o-eti-es! doubtless! suc' t'in+s are done under t'e
,retence o/ bein+ <-a+ical cere-onies< =ust as so-eti-es t'ey are done under t'e
,retence o/ bein+ <,ri4ate cabaret ,er/or-ances<! or so-et'in+ si-ilarI but t'ey bear no
relations'i, .'atsoe4er to +enuine .itc'cra/t. T'ou+'! o/ course. sensational ne.s,a,er
descri,tions o/ alle+ed blac1 -a+ic rites in4ol4in+ or+ies o/ se9 and blood .ill 'a4e been
ea+erly la,,ed u, by neurotic de+enerates! and +i4en t'e- /res' ideas to e-ulateI a
de4elo,-ent /or .'ic' res,onsibility does not lie at t'e door o/ t'e .itc'es. And e4ery
ti-e t'e sensational 5ress 'a4e bi+ blurbs o/ <BLAC MAGIC< and BLAC MA((E(!
t'ere are
al.ays so-e < bri+'t youn+ t'in+s333.'o say! < LetSs 'a4e a +o at t'is.; I can con/idently
say t'is. Any <Blac1 Ma+ic< cere-onies e4er 'eld are =ust t'e result o/ sensationalis- in
t'e ,a,ers. I a- s,ea1in+ o/ t'e last /i/ty years! o/ course. T'ree 'undred years a+o it
-ay 'a4e been di//erent.
T'e articles by Dennis $'eatley /inis'ed on June A2t'! .it' an in=unction to readers
to -a1e t'e si+n o/ t'e Cross i/ t'ey .ere e4er con/ronted .it' an e4il -ani/estation.
$'et'er t'ere .as any relation bet.een t'is ne.s,a,er ca-,ai+n and t'e u+ly
outbrea1 o/ 'ooli+anis- .'ic' interru,ted t'e Druid cere-ony at (tone'en+e at da.n on
June A%st! %&#7! is ,roble-aticalI it -ay be si+ni/icant! t'ou+'! t'at t'e disturbance
started! accordin+ to t'e re,ort in 5icture 5ost! .it' a cry o/ <8ouSre ,a+an>< T'ro.in+
o/ t'under3/las'es and s-o1e3bo-bs /ollo.ed! a lady DruidSs dress .as set on /ire! and
t'e Daily Tele+ra,' Luoted a Ministry o/ $or1s custodian as sayin+ t'at t'e cro.d .as
<t'e -ost unruly I 'a4e e4er seen in -y t.enty years 'ere.;
It is ,er'a,s si+ni/icant also t'at t'is disturbance o/ t'e traditional cere-ony at
(tone'en+e! t'is insult to t'e Old (tones! 'as been /ollo.ed by .'at I belie4e to 'a4e
been t'e .orst su--er on record. It -ay be s'eer coincidence! o/ courseNbut I 1no.
.'at our /ore/at'ers .ould 'a4e said>
But t'e /irst /ine /renKy o/ .itc'3'untin+ 'ad ,assed. On July Dt'. %&#7! Illustrated
,ublis'ed t'e results o/ an in4esti+ation underta1en by its re,orter! Nor-an 5'illi,s! .'o
ca-e out .it' t'e rat'er disa,,ointin+ 4erdict Fin so-e LuartersG t'at <Des,ite t'e
'eadlines! solid e4idence t'at blac1 -a+ic is ,ractised in Britain is scant indeed<I t'at
<t'ere are not enou+' ,eo,le in Britain .'o call t'e-sel4es .itc'es to /or- e4en one
traditional co4en o/ t'irteen;I and t'at < .itc'cra/t! as an or+anised belie/! is as dated as
t'e .itc'Ss 'at in Britain. <He as1ed! <Is blac1 -a+ic .ides,read in BritainNor are a /e.
,eo,le -a1in+ a -ountain out o/ -u-bo3=u-bo /or t'e sa1e o/ t'e curiousH<
A/ter .'at 'as been +oin+ on /or t'e last /i4e years! I t'in1 t'e reluctance o/ ,eo,le
to call t'e-sel4es .itc'es! es,ecially to re,orters! is 'ardly to be .ondered atI but I t'in1
I 'a4e done so-et'in+ in t'is c'a,ter to s'o. t'at t'e ans.er to t'e last ,art o/ Mr.
5'illi,sS Luestion is e-,'atically <8es><
T'e last .ord to date 'as been said on t'is -atter in t'e No4e-ber! %&#7! issue o/
5rediction! by t'eir ,o,ular contributor
Madeline Montalban! in an article discussin+ certain as,ects o/ ar-a0
A recent case .as t'at o/ a certain =ournalist .'o did a series o/ <blac1 -a+ic< articles /or 'is
He dre. a 4ery s-all a-ount o/ 'is -aterial /ro- /act! a +reat deal /ro- i-a+ination and 'earsayI
and 'e ,resented t'e .orld .it' a sensational Fand -ostly /ictitiousG blac1 -a+ic scare.
$'ile 'e .as doin+ t'is 'e ca-e to see -e! and I .arned 'i- a+ainst it.
:Blac1 -a+ic -ay be .ron+ :! I said! :but as you 'a4e 'ad no 1ind o/ occult instruction! 'o. are
you to 1no. .'at is blac1 -a+ic and .'at is notH
I/ you ,resent t'is story as a .arnin+ to ,eo,le! you create an interest in blac1 -a+ic t'at .as not
t'ere be/ore> 8ou .ill also -a1e a ,ersonal ,ro/it out o/ a sensation t'at -ay a//ect t'e .ea1-inded.
And belie4e -e! youSll su//er /or it in t'e lon+ run;.
He did not see .'y 'e s'ould. He .as sa/e on 'is soa,3bo9 o/ <.arnin+< t'e -asses o/ t'e e4ils o/
blac1 -a+icNt'ou+' 'e +ot 'is in/or-ation /ro- unreliable sources! and .as 'i-sel/ decei4ed.
Bit by bit 'is editor /ound t'e stories to be untrueI no reliable e4idence .as /ort'co-in+ and t'e
=ournalist <lost /ace<. $it' t'at! 'e lost sel/3con/idence! and ot'ers lost con/idence in 'i-.
T'is! in turn! brou+'t about a series o/ ,ersonal -is/ortunes /ro- .'ic' 'e 'as not yet reco4ered.
$'en 'e last sa. -e 'e ,rotested at t'e :in=ustice; o/ t'is and said0 :I only .anted to brin+ t'e blac1
-a+icians to =ustice;.
T'at! o/ course! did not lie .it'in 'is ,o.er.
T'e -an did not understand 'is o.n un.ort'y -oti4es. Accusin+ ot'ers o/ blac1 -a+ic al.ays
brin+s t'e accuser to trouble Fnote t'e .itc'3'unters o/ t'e ,ast and t'e -iserable ends t'ey ca-e toGI
and t'at un/ortunate =ournalist no. sees 'is .orld turned to,sy3tur4y. . . .
Ho.e4er! .'en 'e +ets t'in+s into ,ers,ecti4e! and realises t'at occult sins are ,unis'ed by occult
-eans! 'e .ill be .iser! 'a,,ier and luc1ier>
Considerations o/ s,ace 'a4e ,recluded -e /ro- +i4in+ in t'is c'a,ter t'e /ully
detailed debun1in+ t'at t'e Great $itc'3Hunt deser4es. Also! I 'a4e deliberately
con/ined -ysel/ to con4ictin+ t'e .itc'3'unters out o/ t'eir o.n -out's! usin+ only
-atter .'ic' t'e ,ublic can c'ec1 on. I 'a4e! 'o.e4er! been assisted by ,ri4ate
in4esti+ators! and I /eel I -ust include one ite- .'ic' t'ey turned u,.
On a /e. occasions t'e as'es o/ /ires 'ad been /ound at t'e Rollri+'t (tones! .'ic'
-i+'t 'a4e been t'e .or1 o/ tra-,s! +i,sies! s-all boys or ,ractical =o1ersI but .'ic'
ins,ired a 'eadline in Reynolds Ne.s on t'e AAnd A,ril! %&#70 :$itc'cra/t Fires On
5a+an Hillto,;. And on May %st! %&#7! anot'er enter,risin+ =ournal! .'ic' out o/ c'arity
s'all be na-eless! ca-e out .it' a story0 :5.C. NNN $aits ), For $itc'es;. It .as a
t'rillin+ yarn o/ 'o. :For ei+'t 'ours last ni+'t 5.C. NNN 1e,t 4i+il by t'e ,re'istoric
Rollri+'t (tonesNon a .itc' 'unt <. F:Last ni+'t;! o/ course! bein+ May E4e.G :Eac'
ni+'t t'is .ee1;! it stated! :'e .ill resu-e 'is .atc';.
I a- able to re4eal t'at t'e ,olice o//icer in Luestion .as! in /act! a.ay t'at ni+'t
u,on an entirely di//erent duty! in t'e co-,any o/ anot'er o//icer. Nor did 'e :1ee,
4i+il; t'e rest o/ t'e .ee1 eit'er. T'e ne.s,a,er concerned! in s,ite o/ t'e detailed
con4ersation .it' 5.C. NNN .'ic' t'ey re,orted! 'ad in /act drea-ed t'e .'ole story
o/ t'e :.atc' /or .itc'es; u,>
T'ere are Luite a nu-ber o/ anecdotes o/ t'is nature! and o/ so-e o/ t'e
:in4esti+ators o/ .itc'cra/t;! .'ic' s,ace in t'is boo1 =ust .ill not run toI but I t'in1
enou+' 'as been said to enable readers to loo1 .it' a so-e.'at -ore critical eye in t'e
/uture at t'ose bi+ blac1 'eadlines about :Blac1 Ma+ic and .itc'cra/t;.
No.! I ,ro,ose to tac1le boldly t'is alle+ed :.itc'cra/t -urder;! t'e deat' o/
C'arles $alton in %&2#. $'at are t'e alle+ations in t'e case! and .'at are t'e /actsH
%. It is alle+ed t'at aut'orities u,on ancient reli+ions 'a4e said t'at t'e circu-stances
o/ t'is cri-e s'o. it to be a ritual -urder.
Fact0 T'e only aut'ority .'o 'as been .illin+ to be Luoted as sayin+ anyt'in+ about
t'is ,ossibility is Dr. Mar+aret Murray! .'o is one o/ t'e +reatest aut'orities in t'e
-odern .orld u,on t'is sub=ectI and .'at Dr. Murray 'as actually said is t'is0 :T'e lac1
o/ a -oti4e .as ,uKKlin+. T'ere .as also t'e si+ni/icance o/ t'e dayNt'e %2t' o/
February. In ,re3C'ristian ti-es February .as a sacri/icial -ont'! .'en t'e soil .as
s,rin+3cleaned o/ t'e dirt o/ .inter. In t'e old calendar February And .as a sacri/icial
day! but t'e old calendar .as %A days be'ind ours! .'ic' -eans t'at February %2t'
corres,onds to February And. But I /ound not'in+ to su,,ort -y t'eory beyond t'at. T'e
,itc'/or1 .as ne4er an instru-ent o/ sacri/ice in t'is country! t'ou+' it -ay 'a4e been in
ItalyNand t'ere .ere Italian ,risoners3o/3.ar in t'e nei+'bour'ood at t'e ti-e.< FGi4en
in an inter4ie. .it' G. $. 8oun+! ,ublis'ed in Re4eille! June lst! %&#7G
A. It is alle+ed t'at Britis' .itc'es 1ee, to t'e old calendar -entioned abo4e! so t'at
(t. @alentineSs Day! t'e %2t' February! is a .itc'esS (abbat'.
Fact0 T'e so3called < Old Calendar < is o/ no si+ni/icance to ,resent3day .itc'es!
because as I 'a4e already e9,lained in t'e c'a,ter dealin+ .it' t'e Celts and t'e Druids!
t'e (abbats relate to t'e (un! t'e Moon! and t'e Todiac. Hence (t. @alentineSs Day is not
a .itc'esS (abbat! t'ou+' it .as ori+inally a ,a+an /esti4al. T'e .itc'esS (abbat in
February is Candle-as E4e! t'e Celtic Oi-elc! .'ic' occurs on February %st!
a,,ro9i-ately 2C days a/ter t'e $inter (olstice. As! accordin+ to Dr. Murray in t'e
inter4ie. =ust Luoted. t'is is t'e only ,ossible connection bet.een t'is cri-e and
.itc'cra/t in Britain! t'is is ,recisely t'e ,lace .'ere t'e connection brea1s do.n. $it'
re+ard to t'e Italian ,risoners3o/3.ar in t'e nei+'bour'ood! t'e .itc'3'unters cannot
'a4e it bot' .aysNi/ t'e 1iller .as an Italian! t'en t'e cri-e is not'in+ to do .it' a
Britis' .itc' co4en.
". It is alle+ed t'at an identical cri-e .as co--itted on t'e sa-e day! February
%2t'! in %6D#! at nearby Lon+ Co-,ton! .'en a .o-an na-ed Ann Turner .as 1illed
.it' a 'ay/or1! and t'at t'ere .as an earlier 'ay/or1 1illin+ in t'e sa-e nei+'bour'ood!
.'en a -an called Ja-es Hay.ood 1illed an old .o-an! bot' t'e 4icti-s are alle+ed to
'a4e been sus,ected .itc'es.
Fact0 T'ere .as no suc' cri-e on February %2t'! %6D#. $'at actually 'a,,ened .as
t'at on t'e %#t' (e,te-ber! %6D#! a /eeble-inded -an na-ed Ja-es Hay.ood attac1ed a
D&3year3old .o-an na-ed Anne Tennent! at Lon+ Co-,ton! .it' a ,itc'/or1! and
in/licted in=uries u,on 'er o/ .'ic' s'e died t'ree 'ours laterI 'e .as testi/ied at t'e
inLuest u,on t'e 4icti- to 'a4e been su//erin+ /ro- delusions t'at ,eo,le .ere
be.itc'in+ 'i-. He .as brou+'t to trial at $ar.ic1 AssiKes! /ound Not Guilty u,on t'e
+rounds o/ insanity! and ordered to be detained durin+ Her Ma=estySs ,leasure. T'e cri-e
.as not identical .it' t'e deat' o/ C'arles $alton. 5oor old Anne Tennent .as attac1ed
in t'e road outside a 4illa+e s'o,. Hay.ood .as seen to stab 'er in t'e le+s .it' t'e
,ron+s o/ t'e ,itc'/or1! and 1noc1 'er do.n .it' t'e 'andle. ('e died o/ s'oc1 and loss
o/ blood. A /ull re,ort o/ t'e case -ay be /ound in t'e (trat/ord3on3A4on Herald /or
%6D#! /ro- .'ic' I 'a4e ta1en t'ese details.
It .ill be noticed t'at not only are t'e date and t'e 4icti-Ss na-e .ron+. but t.o
-urders 'a4e been -ade out o/ one. T'is is .'at is 1no.n as :conductin+ an
2. It is alle+ed t'at :nearby; t'e scene o/ t'e cri-e is an ancient stone circle 1no.n
as t'e Rollri+'t (tones.
Fact0 T'e Rollri+'t (tones are about %A -iles a.ay! :as t'e cro. /lies;! /ro- Meon
Hill. I s'ould not ,ersonally de/ine :nearby; as -eanin+ :t.el4e -iles a.ay;.
#. It is alle+ed t'at t'e Rollri+'t (tones are a ,lace .'ere t'e Druids o//ered u,
'u-an sacri/ices.
Fact0 T'ere is no e4idence t'at t'e Druids e4er 'ad any connection .it' t'e Rollri+'t
(tones! .'ic' .ere already an ancient -onu-ent be/ore t'e Druids e4er ca-e to Britain.
Nor is t'ere any e4idence o/ sacri/ices bein+ o//ered t'ere. And t'ere is little e4idence t'e
Druids e4er ,er/or-ed 'u-an sacri/ices.
7. It is alle+ed t'at t'ere is no ot'er e9,lanation o/ t'is cri-e t'an t'at it .as a ritual
Fact0 T'ere is anot'er ,ossible e9,lanation! and I t'in1 it is ti-e it .as +i4en. T'at
e9,lanation is t'at so-eone 1illed C'arles $alton because t'ey t'ou+'t 'e 'ad t'e :E4il
Eye; or ,ossibly .as a .itc'.
I a- not sayin+ t'at t'at is t'e only solution o/ t'is -ysteryI but .'at I a- sayin+ is
t'at i/ .itc'cra/t enters into t'is cri-e at all! t'en t'at is a /ar -ore li1ely e9,lanation
t'an t'e alle+ed :ritual -urder;.
T'e /acts u,on .'ic' I base t'is o,inion are t'ese0 /irstly! t'ere is a stron+ local
belie/ in .itc'cra/t. J. Har4ey Bloo-. .'ose boo1! Fol1 Lore! Old Custo-s and
(u,erstitions in ('a1es,eare Land! .as ,ublis'ed in %&A&! relates 'o. in %&%A 'e could
only +et ,eo,le in t'e nei+'bour'ood to tell 'i- stories about .itc'es :.it' -uc'
,ersuasion and so-e /ear o/ t'e conseLuences.; It is e4ident! /ro- t'e /ol13lore 'e
recounts! t'at Meon Hill is a :.itc' district;. For one t'in+! t'ere is a local le+end o/ t'e
$ild Hunt. J. Har4ey Bloo- says! :A-on+ t'e 4illa+es o/ t'e ,lain belo. t'e 'ill are
-any old /ol1 li4in+ to tell t'ose t'ey can trust cree,y stories o/ t'e Hell3'ounds!
Ni+'t3'ounds! or Hooter! as t'ey are 4ariously na-ed! t'at in ,'anto- .ise! .it' 'ounds
and 'orn! ,ursue ,'anto- /o9es alon+ t'e 'ill3to,s at -idni+'t. Many are t'e le+ends to
account /or uncout' sounds at ni+'t! .'ic' certainly do occur. One story is told o/ a local
'unts-an .'o .ould not desist /ro- 'is /a4ourite s,ort e4en on t'e (abbat'. On one
(unday =ud+e-ent /ell u,on t'e un+odly cre.! 'unts-en! 'orses and 'ounds /ell into a
c'as- t'at o,ened in t'e 'ill and .ere ne4er seen a+ain! t'ou+' t'ey still in +'ostly .ise
'unt at -idni+'t.; FNote t'e /ol13-e-ory o/ t'e $ild Hunts-an .'o co-es out o/ t'e
Hollo. Hill.G
In 'is article in @ol. @I o/ Fol13Lore F%6&#G! entitled :T'e Rollri+'t (tones and t'eir
Fol1lore;! Art'ur J. E4ans says! :(o-e say t'ere is a +reat ca4e beneat' t'e in+ (tone!
and accordin+ to so-e t'e sa-e e9ists beneat' t'e circle too.; T'is -ay be anot'er
/ol13-e-ory o/ t'e Hollo. Hill t'at .as t'e entry to t'e Old GodSs 1in+do-. It is noted
in t'e @ictoria County History o/ $ar.ic1s'ire t'at t'e Rollri+'t (tones .ere t'e
traditional -eetin+3,lace o/ .itc'esI and accordin+ to J. Har4ey Bloo- t'ere is a ,ro4erb
in t'e locality t'at :T'ere are enou+' .itc'es in Lon+ Co-,ton to dra. a .a++on3load
o/ 'ay u, Lon+ Co-,ton 'ill.; $e 'a4e already seen t'e bearin+ t'at t'is belie/ 'ad
u,on t'e deat' o/ Anne Tennent.
Ho.e4er! .e are -ore i--ediately concerned 'ere .it' Meon
Hill and its i--ediate nei+'bour'ood. T'ere are so-e eart'.or1s u,on Meon Hill! and
BronKe A+e articles 'a4e been du+ u, t'ere! s'o.in+ t'at it .as anciently in'abited. It
.as at one ti-e t'e scene o/ a :.a1e; or all3ni+'t /air! but t'e date on .'ic' t'is .as
'eld is no. /or+otten. Accordin+ to le+end! Meon Hill .as -ade by t'e De4il. In a /it o/
annoyance at seein+ E4es'arn Abbey built! 'e 1ic1ed a clod o/ eart' at it! but at t'e
,rayer o/ (t. Ec+uuine t'e clod /ell s'ort! and /or-ed Meon Hill. Le+ends o/ t'in+s bein+
:-ade by t'e De4il; are usually a si+n o/ ,a+an associations.
But 'o. does all t'is 'a4e any bearin+ on t'e deat' o/ C'arles $alton! t'at 'ar-less
old country-an so brutally and bloodily -urdered on February %2t'! %&2#H For .'oe4er
1illed 'i- -ade certain t'at 'is blood s'ould /lo.. Had robbery been t'e -oti4e! a blo.
on t'e 'ead .it' t'e stic1 .ould 'a4e su//iced. At t'e inLuest! e4idence .as +i4en t'at
t'ere 'ad a,,arently been an atte-,t to +o t'rou+' 'is ,oc1ets! and 'is .atc' .as
-issin+. But t'e .atc' .as only a -etal one! and 'e 'ad le/t 'is ,urse at 'o-e. $'o .as
+oin+ to ris1 'an+in+ to rob a /ar- labourer o/ a -etal .atc' and ,ossibly a ,oc1et/ul o/
s-all c'an+eH Is it not li1ely t'at t'e searc'ed ,oc1ets and t'e -issin+ .atc' .ere blinds
to conceal t'e real -oti4eH $'ic' .as to +et so-e c'ar- 'e carried. FI/ t'is .as o/ ,a,er
or ,arc'-ent 'e -ay 'a4e carried it in 'is .atc'.G
Art'ur J. E4ans FLoc. cit.G! s,ea1s o/ :a 4ery .ides,read su,erstition re+ardin+
.itc'es! o/ .'ic' I /ound -any sur4i4in+ e9,ressions in t'e nei+'bourin+ 4illa+e o/
Lon+ Co-,ton. T'ey say t'ere t'at i/ you only dra. 'er blood Rbe it but a ,inSs ,ric1*!
t'e .itc' loses all 'er ,o.er /or t'e ti-e.; T'is belie/ .as 4ery ,re4alent in old ti-es!
and still e9ists a-on+ country /ol1. Dr. Mar+aret Murray told G. $. 8oun+ 'o. at
(.a//'a- in Nor/ol1! a /ar-er ad-itted slas'in+ t'e /ore'ead o/ a .o-an 'e belie4ed
'ad ,ut a curse on 'i-. Many cases o/ assault o/ t'is 1ind are on record. In t'e old ti-es!
i/ t'ey struc1 t'e sus,ected .itc' an unluc1y blo.! and 1illed t'e-N.ell! t'at .as :=ust
too bad.; T'eir intentions 'ad been entirely ri+'teous! o/ course. It .ill be re-e-bered
'o. Ja-es Hay.ood! /illed .it' su,erstitious /ear! -ade sure t'at Anne TennentSs blood
/lo.ed .'en 'e 1illed 'er. Not satis/ied .it' 1noc1in+ 'er do.n .it' t'e ,itc'/or1
'andle! 'e stabbed 'er in t'e le+s .it' t'e ,ron+sI s'e died o/ s'oc1 and loss o/ blood.
It .ill be re-e-bered t'at t'e area around (trat/ord3on3A4on is :('a1es,eareSs
Land;! and I belie4e ('a1es,eare -a1es one o/ 'is c'aracters say! :Blood .ill I dra. on
t'ee! t'ou art a .itc'>;
$'y s'ould anyone 'a4e t'ou+'t t'at old C'arles $alton .as a .itc' or 'ad t'e e4il
eyeH It a,,ears t'at 'e 'ad a local re,utation as a seer o/ +'osts. T'is! be/ore 'is deat'!
'ad actually +ot into ,rint. J. Har4ey Bloo-! t'at industrious collector o/ local /ol1lore!
says in 'is boo1 FO,. cit.G!
At Al4eston a ,lou+' lad na-ed C'arles $alton -et a blac1 do+ on 'is .ay 'o-e nine ti-es in
successi4e e4enin+s. He told t'e s'e,'erd and carter .it' .'o- 'e .or1ed and .as lau+'ed at /or 'is
,ains. On t'e nint' encounter a 'eadless lady rustled ,ast 'i- in a sil1 dress! and on t'e ne9t day 'e
'eard o/ 'is sisterSs deat'.
Accordin+ to Fabian o/ t'e 8ard! 'o.e4er! (u,t. (,ooner told Robert Fabian t'is
story! and said t'at it 'a,,ened! not at Al4eston! but on Meon HillI and as in t'e
(trat/ord3on3A4on HeraldSs re,ort o/ 'is deat' it .as stated t'at :Mr. $alton s,ent 'is
.'ole li/e in Ouinton! and .as 1no.n to e4eryone;! t'is 4ersion -ay be correct. To be
t'ou+'t to 'a4e second3si+'t in a ,lace .'ere t'ey belie4e in .itc'cra/t! is to in4ite
E93(u,t! Fabian testi/ies to t'e e9tre-e and e9traordinary reluctance o/ t'e 4illa+e
,eo,le to co3o,erate in 'is enLuiries. $'en E93(u,t. Fabian tal1s about suc' -atters as
blac1 -a+ic! Druids! and stone circles! I a- ,re,ared to Luestion .'at 'e says! but .'en
'e s,ea1s as a ,olice o//icer 'e is s,ea1in+ as an e9,ert u,on cri-inal in4esti+ation! and I
acce,t 'is o,inion. He says in 'is boo10 :$e -ade our in4esti+ations in t'e 4illa+e /ro-
door to door. T'ere .ere lo.ered eyes! reluctance to s,ea1 e9ce,t /or tal1 o/ bad cro,sN
a 'ei/er t'at died in a ditc'. But .'at 'ad t'at to do .it' C'arles $altonH Nobody .ould
$'at could it 'a4e 'ad to do .it' C'arles $altonNunless so-eone t'ou+'t 'e .as
t'e cause o/ itH Did so-eone t'in1 t'at 'e 'ad ,ut t'e e4il eye on itH Had t'e /ear! 'atred
and su,erstition en+endered by +enerations o/ ,ious .itc'3'unters settled so /ir-ly into
so-eoneSs -ind t'at 'e sus,ected anyone ,ossessin+ ,syc'ic ,o.ers o/ bein+ a .itc' or
'a4in+ t'e e4il eye liable to blast cro,s and in=ure cattleH And did t'ey decide t'at t'e
only .ay to a4ert t'e ill3luc1 .as to 1ill 'i-! -a1in+ sure t'at 'is blood /lo.ed /reelyH It
is said t'at all aut'orities consulted said it .as a .itc'cra/t -urder. T'e +reat aut'ority
consulted .as Dr. Mar+aret MurrayNs'e said it .as not. And I donSt 1no. any .'o said
it .as.
('e also said on Tele4ision .'en I 'ad t'e 'onour to a,,ear .it' 'er0 :It could not be a
ritual -urder! because any sacri/ice on t'at date .ould only be /or /ertility! ;Good Cro,s
:. And it -ust be a c'ild o/ under se4en years o/ a+e. $e also discussed t'e idea o/ suc'
a sacri/ice! a+reein+ t'at it .as al.ays ,er/or-ed
.it' -uc' ritual! .it' a nu-ber o/ ,eo,le ,resent! and t'e ,olice re,orts all ,ro4ed t'at
t'is .as not t'e case. In t'is connection I -i+'t -ention t'e coloured lady see-s to 'a4e
described .'at .ould 'a4e 'a,,ened i/ it 'ad been a @oodoo sacri/ice. It is curious t'at
t'e /irst story t'e ,a,ers told .as t'at $alton .as 1illed at a Blac1 Mass at MIDNIGHT!
a :.onder/ul story to con=ure u, scenes o/ 'orror;! .'en ,eo,le noticed t'at i/ $alton
.as 1illed at a Blac1 Mass at -idni+'t on (t. @alentineSs E4e! it .as curious t'at so
-any ,eo,le sa. 'i- ali4e and .ell t'e ne9t dayI so t'e story .as 'astily c'an+ed. ('e
no. said t'at :'e .as 1illed e9actly at Mid3day on (t. @alentineSs Day.; No. it so
'a,,ens I .as one o/ t'e ,eo,le consulted at t'e ti-e o/ t'e -urder! as to t'e ,ossibility
o/ its bein+ a ritual -urder! or a sacri/ice. I said it canSt be a sacri/ice because! .'at use is
an old cri,,le /or a sacri/iceH All races I 1no. o/ .ant so-et'in+ youn+ and 4i+orous.
Because I .as consulted I .as told certain t'in+s not usually 1no.n! and I ,resu-e
t'ey are still ,olice secrets! so I donSt -ention t'e-. But I can say 'e .as ali4e and .ell
a/ter -id3day! so t'is second story is all -oons'ine. I t'in1 'e 'ad so-e sort o/ c'ar-
F.'ic' i/ it .as a .ritten ,a,er c'ar- 'e -ay 'a4e carried in 'is .atc'G. It is ,ossible
so-eone 'e 1ne. said! :DonSt ,ut t'e e4il eye on -e! or cause any -ore accidents to
'a,,en to -y ani-als; or so-et'in+ o/ t'at 1ind. T'ey 'ad .ords. 5ossibly $alton said0
:ISll ,ut t'e eye! or t'e curse! on you.; T'e -urderer tried to :dra. blood abo4e t'e
breat'!; as t'e old su,erstition is! to sto, anyone :Ill .is'in+ you <. $alton /ou+'t. and
t'e -urderer realised t'at 'e -ay 'a4e 'it 'arder t'an 'e intended! and t'ou+'t :I .ill
+et into troubleI -y only c'ance is to be sure 'e is dead.; (o /inis'ed 'i- o// .it' t'e
bill'oo1. T'en 'e tore $altonSs clot'es o,en in /ront! +ot .'at 'e .anted. and /i9ed 'i-
to t'e 'ed+e in a .ay .'ic' .ould sto, t'e ,o.er o/ t'e :eye3: /ro- /ollo.in+ 'i-.
T'is is .'at I belie4e caused t'e ,olice to t'in1 it .as a :Ritual -urder;. In t'is
connection it -ay be re-e-bered t'at so-e ti-e be/ore! a ,olice constable na-ed
Gutterid+e .as -urdered by t.o -en! na-ed Bro.n and ennedy! and t'ey s'ot t'e
dead -anSs eyes out! to ,re4ent t'e eyes :/ollo.in+ t'e-.;
I sub-it t'at i/ t'is .as really a :.itc'cra/t e4il eye -urder;! t'en t'ere is -ore to
su,,ort t'is t'eory t'an t'ere is to substantiate t'at o/ :'u-an sacri/ice;. Alt'ou+'! i/ I
a- ri+'t. in one sense C'arles $alton .as a 'u-an sacri/iceI 'e .as a 4icti- o/ t'e lon+
ca-,ai+n o/ .itc'3'untin+ t'at 'as been .a+ed
t'rou+'out t'e centuriesI and t'e -odern ,ur4eyors o/ /ear and /olly -ay .ell ta1e it to
t'eir consciences.
(uc' .riters need not /latter t'e-sel4es t'at I 'a4e .ritten t'is c'a,ter to < con/ute <
t'e-I on t'e contrary! t'ey are ob4iously ,eo,le .'o 'a4e -ade u, t'eir -inds u,on t'e
sub=ect! and are not +oin+ to be distracted by -ere ,roo/. My ,ur,ose 'ere 'as been to
undecei4e t'e ,ublic as to t'e reliability o/ t'e state-ents -ade! to e9,ose t'e 'ar- suc'
e4il nonsense can do! and to ensure t'at t'e -an in t'e street .ill be -ore able in /uture
to .ei+' u, and criticise suc' stories! and e4aluate t'e- at t'eir true .ort'.
No. t'ere is one t'in+ .'ic' I t'in1 s'ould be re-e-bered. T'ese sensational
stories -ay be said to only a-use ,eo,le! t'at no one .ould belie4e t'e-. But t'ey 'a4e
un/ortunate re,ercussions. (,icy bits +o to ot'er countries and are co,ied and belie4ed.
T'e sensation about $itc'cra/t .as started in May! %&##. On July "rd! a ,oor .o-an!
Jose,'ina Arista! .as accused o/ .itc'cra/t and ,ublicly burned at t'e sta1e in t'e little
border to.n o/ O=ina+a! Me9ico! accordin+ to Fate. T'e A-erican Bureau o/ In/or-ation
tells -e t'ey 'a4e e4ery reason to belie4e it is true! t'ou+' all sorts o/ in/luences are at
.or1 to 'us' t'e -atter u,! and t'e (aturday Mail! ,ublis'ed in Glas+o.! (e,te-ber &t'!
%&#7! tells o/ t.o .o-en! C'ristina Tra=o and Benita (abina .'o! accused o/ bein+
.itc'es! .ere 'ac1ed in ,ieces and t'ro.n on to a bon/ire at Al/a=ayucan! Me9ico! to
,uri/y t'eir souls! on (e,te-ber 6t'! %&#7. No. I a- ,er/ectly entitled to e9,ress -y
belie/0 :T'at t'ese t'ree ,oor .o-en -et an a+onisin+ deat' as t'e direct result o/ t'ese
Rsensational .ritin+s*;! and i/ =ournalists .ere less inclined to +et :(,icy bits; at all
costs! and 4eri/ied .'at t'ey .rote! t'ose deat's .ould not 'a4e occurred.
C'a,ter E@II.
I( t'ere a /uture /or t'e Cra/t o/ t'e $icaH
8es! t'ere could be. T'e +reat ,ersecutions could not 1ill it because t'e s,irit o/
.onder d.ells in it. Its roots are set in t'e Ancient Ma+ic! .it' its secrets o/ =oy and
terror .'ic' stir t'e blood and enli4en t'e soul. It 'as su//ered badly by reason o/ t'e
-odern disease o/ :-eddle3o3-ania; or :deliriu- inter/erens;! .'ic' -ay be de/ined as
a -orbid desire to run ot'er ,eo,leSs li4es /or t'e-I so t'at ,eo,le dare not initiate t'eir
c'ildren as t'ey used to do in t'e +ood old days Fand e4en dared to do in t'e bad old
days! t'e :burnin+ ti-e;G! /or /ear o/ /indin+ so-e ,aid snoo,er /ro- :t'e aut'orities; or
a re,resentati4e o/ t'e :(unday Hysterical; on t'eir doorste,. 8et! in s,ite o/ all! it
sur4i4esI because t'ere e9ists! e4en in t'e $el/are (tate! a s,irit o/ ro-ance! a lo4e o/ t'e
s,ice o/ li/e! and a disli1e o/ s-u+ res,ectability.
(o I .onder! :$'at 'as t'e Cra/t to contribute to t'e /utureH;
For one t'in+! it -ay ,ric1 t'e bubble o/ -yt' t'at ort'odo9 C'ristianity is t'e
ancient /ait' o/ t'ese islands and t'at t'ere .as no ci4ilisation in Britain until t'e Ro-ans
ca-e. T'e true C'ristianity! t'e /ait' .'ic' Jesus 'i-sel/ ,reac'ed! -ay 'a4e co-e 'ere
once! but it .as s.i/tly crus'ed. T'e 4arious ty,es o/ ecclesiastical do-ination .'ic'
seiKed ,o.er and t'e .ealt' o/ t'e country are slo.ly rottin+ a.ay. It is not only t'e old
cat'edrals! but t'e old do+-as! .'ic' are /ull o/ decay and t'e deat'3.atc' beetleI and
.e could better s,are t'e old do+-as t'an .e could t'e old cat'edrals! /or t'e latter .ere
built by +ood -en.
It is true t'at a nu-ber o/ ,eo,le su,,ort t'e ort'odo9 C'urc'es .it' t'e -ista1en
idea t'at t'ey are t'e only ,o.ers .'ic' can co-bat Co--unis-. No.! t'ey +et
subscri,tions by ,retendin+ to try to do soI but o/ .'at do t'eir e//orts consistH Just t'in1
o/ t'e -eans t'e C'urc' used to crus' t'e .itc'es! or t'e Te-,lars or t'e Albi+enses> It
.as t'e rulers o/ t'e C'urc' .'o .ere res,onsible /or introducin+ into t'e -odern .orld
t'e /oul ideas o/ ,ersecutin+ ,eo,le because o/ t'eir belie/sI o/ -a1in+ :de4iationist
t'in1in+; a cri-eI o/ conductin+ :,ur+es; to :liLuidate; -inoritiesI o/ burnin+ boo1s!
and su,,ressin+ /reedo- o/ s,eec' and ,ublicationI o/ conductin+ :trials; .'ere t'e
accused 'ad no
'o,e o/ acLuittal! .'et'er t'ey .ere +uilty or innocentI o/ usin+ torture to obtain
:con/essions; as reLuiredI o/ e9ter-inatin+ .'ole co--unities on t'e ,rete9t t'at t'ey
.ere +uilty o/ :acts o/ sabota+e;! or .ere about to :encircle; t'e (tateI in /act! t'ere is
not one 'ideous detail o/ t'e cri-es a+ainst 'u-anity co--itted by t'e =ac1booted louts
o/ Hitler and (talin .'ic' .as not ta1en /ro- t'e blue3,rint ,ro4ided by :C'ristian;
ort'odo9y. Only t'e na-es needed to be c'an+edI all t'e rest o/ t'e ,lan /or t'e
su,,ression o/ 'u-an liberty .as t'ere! tried and ,ro4ed. T'ey so.ed t'e .ind! and -en
to3day are rea,in+ t'e .'irl.ind o/ t'at so.in+.
But .e are to3day u,on t'e t'res'old o/ a ne. A+e. Call it t'e ALuarian A+e! t'e
Aeon o/ Horus! or .'at you .ill. T'e +reat! clean .ind o/ a ne. Cos-ic 5o.er is
blo.in+ u,on t'e .orld /ro- t'e dee,s o/ s,ace. Already it 'as blo.n a.ay -any o/ t'e
cob.ebs o/ t'e ,ast. Muc' ,rudery and /alse -odesty! /or instance! 'as +one by t'e
Many coastal resorts no lon+er trouble to ,ro4ide c'an+in+ 'uts on t'e beac'.
One o/ t'e tolerant to.ns is 5ai+nton in De4on. Many ,eo,le bat'e t'ere re+ularly in
t'e nude and are ne4er bot'ered by ,olice.
One 'ouse.i/e told -e0 :My 'usband and I +o bat'in+ in t'e nude to+et'er at e4ery
o,,ortunity. $e 1no. a lot o/ youn+ cou,les .'o do t'e sa-e. T'ere is not'in+ i--oral
about it i/ you 'a4e a clean -ind.;
Bustlin+ Blac1,ool is eLually broad3-inded.
5ublicity director Mr. H. 5orter told T'e (unday 5ictorial\ :$e donSt -ind in t'e
least i/ ,eo,le e9,ose t'eir bodies to t'e sun! ,ro4ided it is done in a reasonable .ay.
5lenty o/ ,eo,le sli, o// t'eir clot'es at t'e .aterSs ed+e and run into t'e sea na1ed.
Ti-es 'a4e c'an+ed a lot in t'e last t.enty years. E4ery year Britain is beco-in+ less
and less -odest. $e are no lon+er a nation o/ ,rudes and ,ri+s on t'e beac'. Nudists are
no lon+er considered to be cran1s by -ost ,eo,le;.
Bra4o! Miss Audrey $'itin+! .'o .rote t'is article> Get 'old o/ your ,ro/essional
collea+ue so-e ti-e! and tal1 so-e sense about ,rudery! ,ri++ery and 'y,ocrisy to 'i->
5eo,le are no lon+er tau+'t to loo1 u,on t'e trans-ission o/ t'e /la-e o/ 'u-an li/e
t'rou+' se9ual union as so-et'in+ :dirty; and s'a-e/ul. A ne. conce,tion o/ t'e
sacredness o/ 'u-an liberty 'as co-e into t'e .orldI and I .ant to e-,'asise t'at t'is
conce,tion o/ indi4idual liberty is ne.. $'en $ilber/orce tried to sto, t'e sla4e trade!
not so 4ery -any years a+o! 'e .as ,reac'ed a+ainst by ,arsons u, and do.n t'e
country. T'e Tol,uddle Martyrs .'o dared to /or- t'e /irst trade union .ere denounced
/ro- -any a ,ul,it. $'en Au+ustine sa. t'e En+lis' c'ildren in t'e Ro-an
sla4e3-ar1et 'e .as +reatly troubled at t'e /act t'at t'ey 'ad ne4er been ba,tised! and
,re,ared 'is -ission to En+land ri+'t a.ay. It ne4er occurred to 'i- to start a -ission on
t'e s,ot! and ,reac' a+ainst t'e /act t'at 'ere .ere 'u-an bein+s ,ublicly e9,osed /or
sale. T'e ,ious 5uritans o/ (ale- in A-erica! .'o started t'e .itc'3,ersecution o4er
t'ere! t'ou+'t t'at it .as .ic1ed to o.n /ine clot'es and =e.elsI yet t'ey ne4er t'ou+'t
t'at it .as .ic1ed to o.n sla4es! /or it .as one o/ t'eir sla4e3.o-en .'o .as t'e /irst to
be arrested and interro+ated by torture. T'is conce,t o/ indi4idual liberty is so-et'in+
t'at belon+s to t'e Ne. A+e! not t'e Old. It 'as been slo.ly e4ol4in+ since about t'e
latter 'al/ o/ t'e ei+'teent' century! .'en t'e ALuarian s,irit /irst be+an to breat'e
t'rou+' 'u-an a//airs. But it 'as 'ad its 'eralds and /orerunners! and so-e o/ t'ese .ere
a-on+ t'e .itc'3co4ensI and not a /e. o/ t'e- are a-on+ t'e .itc'3co4ens still.
One o/ t'e .ays in .'ic' t'e Cra/t o/ t'e $ica 'as ser4ed t'e ALuarian A+e 'as
been in t'e .ay in .'ic' it 'as 1e,t ali4e t'e teac'in+ o/ reincarnation and ar-a. T'is
.as .idely belie4ed in t'e ancient .orld. not only by ,a+ans but by -any o/ t'e early
C'ristiansI but .'en t'e C'urc' .anted to brin+ in t'e ideas o/ Ori+inal (in! @icarious
Atone-ent! and (al4ation by Fait'! it realised t'at t'is old teac'in+ o/ t'e Mysteries
contradicted t'e-! and -ust t'ere/ore be discredited. (o in ##" A.D. t'e C'urc' Council
o/ Constantino,le -ade t'e /ollo.in+ o//icial ,ronounce-ent! :$'oe4er s'all su,,ort
t'e -yt'ical doctrine o/ t'e ,re3e9istence o/ t'e soul and t'e conseLuent .onder/ul
o,inion o/ its return! let 'i- be anat'e-a.; (o all 'ad to +i4e it u, e9ce,t t'e :.ise
ones;> And t'at! o/ course! -eant t'e .itc'es.
Ho.e4er! a recent sur4ey o/ reli+ious belie/s in Britain sur,rised t'ose .'o carried it
out by t'e nu-ber o/ ,eo,le it /ound .'o belie4ed in so-e /or- o/ reincarnation. I
.onder i/ t'is is entirely due to t'e teac'in+ o/ t'e T'eoso,'ical (ociety and si-ilar
bodies since %6D#H Or did t'ese teac'in+s /all u,on -ore rece,ti4e soil t'an t'ey .ould
ot'er.ise 'a4e /ound! because t'e $ica 'ad 1e,t t'e old Mysteries ali4e! and so
in/luenced t'e Grou,3soul o/ t'is countryH
But all t'is belon+s to t'e ,ast! t'e reader -ay say. $'at o/ t'e /utureH
T'e ALuarian A+e is a'ead o/ us! but it is not yet /ully arri4ed. $e are in t'e
transition ,eriod bet.een t.o +reat A+es. Hence t'e .orld3.ide tur-oil o/ recent years.
And t'ere are t'ose /orces
.'ic' .ould see1 to .or1 a+ainst t'e co-in+ o/ t'e Ne. A+e! and delay it all t'ey can
/or t'eir o.n sel/is' ends. (tron+ t'ou+' t'ese /orces are! t'ey cannot ,re4ent its co-in+!
t'ou+' t'ey can cause ,rolon+ed su//erin+ and destruction. T'e Ne. A+e is bound to
co-eI but t'e c'oice o/ .'et'er it co-es in ,eace or in destruction rests .it' -an1ind. I/
-an c'ooses to .or1 in 'ar-ony .it' Cos-ic La.! it can co-e in ,eaceI i/ not! t'en 'is
ci4ilisation can +o t'e .ay o/ Atlantis.
T'at .'ic' 'as in/luenced t'e Grou,3soul o/ t'is country once can do so a+ain. I
'a4e already told o/ t'e belie/ o/ t'e $ica in t'e Ancient Gods o/ t'ese islands. T'is is
not -ere su,erstition or a /i+ure o/ s,eec'. Initiates .ill understand -e .'en I say t'at
t'e Gods are real! not as ,ersons! but as 4e'icles o/ ,o.er. Muc' /ood /or t'ou+'t u,on
t'is ,oint .ill be /ound in suc' boo1s as T'e Mystical Oabala'! by Dion Fortune! and
T'e Art o/ Creation! by Ed.ard Car,enterI by t'ose .'o care to see1. Brie/ly! it -ay be
e9,lained t'at t'e ,ersoni/ication o/ a ,articular ty,e o/ cos-ic ,o.er in t'e /or- o/ a
God or Goddess! carried out by belie4ers and .ors'i,,ers o4er -any centuries! builds
t'at God3/or- or Ma+ical I-a+e into a ,otent reality on t'e Inner 5lanes! and -a1es it a
-eans by .'ic' t'at ty,e o/ cos-ic ,o.er -ay be contacted. Nor is t'e .ors'i,,ersS
belie/ 4ain0 /or t'ou+' t'ey -ay t'e-sel4es 'a4e built t'e Ma+ical I-a+e! t'e 5o.er
.'ic' ensouls it is real and ob=ecti4e! i/ t'e buildin+ 'as been done in t'e ri+'t .ay.
O/ course! t'e Cra/t o/ t'e $ica is not t'e only +rou, .'ic' see1s to contact t'e
Gods. T'ere are ot'er occult +rou,s .'ic' use a si-ilar tec'niLue! and t'eir ai-s are t'e
sa-e! na-ely to brin+ t'rou+' t'e Di4ine ,o.er to 'el,! +uide and u,li/t -an1ind at t'is
dan+erous and e9citin+ turnin+3,oint in 'u-an 'istory. But! so /ar as I 1no.! t'ese
+rou,s +enerally .or1 .it' t'e E+y,tian and Gree1 Gods and Goddesses! and I cannot
t'in1 t'at t'ese contacts are as ,o.er/ul 'ere as t'ey .ould be u,on t'eir nati4e soil!
.'ereas t'e di4inities o/ t'e Cra/t o/ t'e $ica are t'e Ancient Ones o/ Britain! ,art o/ t'e
land itsel/. FFor a country e9ists not -erely u,on t'e ,'ysical ,lane! and -an does not
li4e by bread alone.G
Nor is t'e 4eneration o/ t'e $ica /or t'e old sacred ,laces suc' as (tone'en+e and
Glastonbury -ere senti-ent. T'ose .'o are sensiti4e to at-os,'ere .ill 1no. t'at t'ese
,laces ,ossess a li/e o/ t'eir o.n! and! /ro- .'at .e 'a4e been told by seers! t'ese too
e9ist not only u,on t'e -aterial ,lane. T'ey are /ocusin+ ,oints /or in/luence and t'e
,o.er /ro- t'e Inner 5lanes! ,laces .'ere t'e @eil is t'inner t'an else.'ereI and t'e
t'at it is dan+erous to re-o4e or in=ure t'e Old (tones is /ounded on /act.
I a- Luite a.are t'at -uc' o/ .'at I 'a4e .ritten abo4e! about :Ma+ical I-a+es;!
:Inner 5lanes;! :t'e Grou,3soul o/ a nation;! etc.! etc.! .ill sound li1e rabid nonsense to
-any. T'is consideration troubles -e not at all! as in t'is c'a,ter I 'a4e not .ritten /or
t'e -any but /or t'e /e. .'o .ill understand. For re-e-ber! t'ere are still -any .'o
belie4e in! ,ractise and lo4e t'e :Cra/t o/ t'e $ica;.
As t'is boo1 +oes to ,ress! a curious t'in+ 'as 'a,,ened! .'ic' I t'in1 is .ort'
recordin+. T'e a+ent o/ a (unday ,a,er 'a,,ened to +et into touc' .it' .itc'es in t'e
Midlands! and ,ut t'is ,ro,osition to t'e-0 N:E4eryt'in+ .'ic' is .ritten about .itc'es
is by t'eir ,ersecutors. No.! i/ you .ill tell -e your side o/ t'e case! it .ill be ,rinted
/airly and trulyI and let t'e ,ublic =ud+e.; Furt'er tal1 brou+'t out t'at .'at 'e .anted
.as a beauti/ul youn+ .itc' o/ 'i+' ran1 to tell t'e story! illustrated by nude
,'oto+ra,'s0 t'at 'er /ull na-e and address .ould be +i4en! so t'at! as 'e ,ut it! t'e
,ublic could 4eri/y t'e /acts. T'is ,ro,osal naturally .as re=ected as i-,ossible! /or it
.ould result in t'e ,oor +irl bein+ ,ersecuted /or t'e rest o/ 'er li/e. Also! a .o-an is
usually -iddle3a+ed at least! be/ore s'e attains 'i+' ran1. But a/ter so-e discussion it
.as arran+ed t'at 'e s'ould -eet se4eral .itc'es! includin+ a +irl o/ t.enty3/i4e years o/
a+e! .'o .as o/ 'i+' ran1! t'at 'e .ould obtain all in/or-ation to establis' t'eir +ood
/ait'! and .ould be allo.ed to ta1e ,art in an i-,ortant rite! .'ic' .ould be 'eld in t'e
.oods0 and 'e! in return! ,ro-ised to set out /ully t'e .itc'esS articles o/ /ait'. I a-
inclined to t'in1 t'at 'e .as +enuine in 'is belie/. T'ey .ere 4ery e9cited about it! and
'ad arran+ed to /eature t'e rite in /uture nu-bers o/ t'e ,a,er.
But .'en t'e article .as ,ublis'ed it 'ad a,,arently been /irst sub-itted to 4arious
C'urc'-en. It started .it' a state-ent by t'e Bis'o, o/ E9eter sayin+! :T'ese are
entirely e4il t'in+s. To lin1 suc' ,ractices .it' C'ristianity is absolutely .ron+.; Ho. 'e
t'ou+'t t'at anyone could lin1 an ancient 5a+an Cult! .'ic' .as old 'undreds o/ years
be/ore t'e ad4ent o/ C'rist! .it' C'ristianity! I lea4e it to t'e Bis'o, to e9,lain. T'e
article .as o/ t'e usual :dirty s-ear; ty,e. It said t'e ,ro,rietors o/ t'e ,a,er 'ad
acce,ted t'e .itc'esS o//er in order to let t'e ,eo,le o/ Britain 1no. .'at .as +oin+ on
in t'eir -idst. )n/ortunately t'e ni+'t o/ t'e .itc'3-eetin+ .as .et! so an abrid+ed rite
.as 'eld in a 'ouse. But a doKen 4ery +ood ,'oto+ra,'s .ere ta1en. Only one o/ t'e-
re,roduced. T'e actual re,ort o/ t'e rite .as described Luite .ell /or so-eone .'o did
not understand .'at 'e sa.. To say t'at .itc'es drin1 ru- .as ,robably a -ista1e! as it
is a 4ery strict .itc' la. t'at no s,irits -ay be drun1 by t'e-! and only t.o +lasses o/
.ine in t'e e4enin+. T'en ,art o/ t'e inter4ie. .it' a doctor .as Luoted! one ,ractisin+
in t'e Midlands! .'o /ir-ly belie4es in t'e +oodness and beauty o/ t'e .itc'3reli+ion. He
said +i4en t'e o,,ortunity! 'e t'ou+'t .itc'cra/t could a+ain beco-e a ,racticable and
noble reli+ion. T'e ,a,er co--ented on t'is! sayin+ :Conde-ned by t'e C'urc' as a
-onstrous e4il! 'o. could any res,onsible 'u-an bein+ belie4e in it as a reli+ionH; $ell!
t'ere are -any t'in+s .'ic' t'e C'urc' 'as conde-ned as -onstrous e4ils!
5rotestantis-! Noncon/or-ity! Di4orce! @accination and -any ot'er t'in+s .'ic' are
no. acce,ted as a -atter o/ course. A/ter all t'is! .e .ere ,ro-ised re-ar1able
re4elations t'e /ollo.in+ .ee1. But t'e story .as t'en ,us'ed into t'e bac1 s'eets. $e
.ere told t'e 'orri/yin+ /act t'at a t.enty3/i4e3year3old Hi+' 5riestess! A-anda! .as
initiated by 'er /a-ily into .itc'cra/t .'en s'e .as ei+'t years old! and brou+'t u, in
t'e belie/ t'at t'ere .as a Goddess .'o ,roduced t'e suns'ine and caused e4eryt'in+ to
+ro.. ('e .ors'i,,ed t'e God and Goddess o/ Fertility! belie4in+ t'ey 'ad ,o.er to 'eal
t'e sic1! and to brin+ curses on t'e 'eads o/ t'ose .'o do 'ar-. $e .ere told! /urt'er!
t'at .itc'es do not belie4e in t'e sacra-ent o/ -arria+e. FAs it is only so-e o/ t'e
C'ristian sects .'ic' do belie4e in t'e sacra-ent o/ -arria+e! t'ere is not'in+ stran+e in
.itc'es disbelie4in+ in it! 'oldin+ t'e sa-e 4ie..G ('e .as -ade Hi+' 5riestess t'ree
years a+o! because t'e Elders decided t'at s'e 'ad :inborn 5o.er.; ('e .as +i4en a
+arter to .ear abo4e 'er 1nee as a sy-bol o/ 'er o//ice. T'is! a nec1lace o/ la,is3laKuli
and a sil4er bracelet! are all s'e .ears at -eetin+s o/ t'e Co4en. T'is is all broadly
correct! e9ce,t t'at s'e .as not +i4en a +arter .'en -ade a Hi+' 5riestess. T'is is only
,resented to a .o-an .'en s'e is -ade a 5riestess in c'ar+e o/ -ore t'an one Co4enI
and t'is is true in A-andaSs case! to -y 1no.led+e. I .as ,resent .'en s'e recei4ed 'er
But t'en t'e e9traordinary state-ent .as -ade t'at A-anda told t'e re,resentati4e
o/ t'e ,a,er t'at :I/ t'ey did not in4o1e t'e assistance o/ t'e God and Goddess! t'e (un
.ould not return eac' -ornin+.; Eit'er t'is .as a -isunderstandin+! a le+3,ull0 or o/
course! it -ay 'a4e been .ritten in by t'e Editor. For no .itc'! and certainly not
A-anda! e4er belie4ed in suc' a t'in+. But t'ere is an ancient rite! .'ic' is still
,er/or-ed about t'e end o/ Dece-ber! :t'e s'ortest day!; .'en .itc'es dance round
.it' torc'es! in .'at is called t'e :Dance o/ t'e $'eel.; 8et no one t'in1s o/ t'is as
-ore t'an an old custo-.
T'e article ends .it'! :Call it idiocy or e4il! t'e 5a+an Cult o/ $itc'cra/t is a /act
t'at C'ristians in Britain 'a4e to rec1on .it'.; No.! it .ill be noticed t'at! e4en i/ t'e
,a,er s,ea1s t'e trut' .'en it says its ,ro,rietors .ere a,,roac'ed .it' t'is o//er! .'ic'
t'ey acce,ted! or .'et'er t'e ,a,er -ade t'e o//er /irst! t'e /act re-ains t'at t'e bar+ain
t'at i/ t'ey .ould set out /ully and /airly t'e .itc'esS articles o/ /ait'! its re,orter .ould
be ,er-itted to .itness one o/ t'eir cere-onies and .ould ,'oto+ra,' it! .as not carried
out. T'e -e-bers o/ t'e ,a,er 'a4e not -ade t'e least atte-,t to ,ut on record t'e
.itc'esS /ait'. T'ey bro1e t'eir bar+ain s'a-e/ully. As al.ays in t'e ,ast! it is t'e
.ic1ed 5a+ans .'o tell t'e trut' and .'o 1ee, t'eir .ord0 it is t'e ri+'teous! 'oly
C'ristian .'o lies and c'eats.
No. ru-our 'at' it t'at t'e ,a,er .is'ed to 1ee, to t'e bar+ain! but t'at stron+
,ressure .as ,ut on its o.ners to 1ill t'e story> :T'e trut' -ust not be 1no.n.; I/ t'is is
so! .'ere is t'e alle+ed /reedo- o/ t'e 5ressH One can understand t'at t'e trut' about a
,ri-iti4e belie/ .'ic' 'as been described as :a noble reli+ion a,,licable to t.entiet'
century li/e!; 'ad it beco-e 1no.n! -i+'t 'as disturbed 4ested interestsI t'ou+' .itc'es
donSt see1 con4erts! con4erts -i+'t .ant to =oin t'e .itc'es and! ,ersonally! I belie4e t'at
t'is is .ell reco+nised! so it 'as been deter-ined ne4er to +i4e t'e- t'at o,,ortunity. I
'a4e 1no.n -any at'eists .'o 'a4e entered t'e Cult and said! :It is so lo4ely to /ind a
reli+ion in .'ic' you can belie4e.;
T'e C'urc'! no.adays! +i4es ,eo,le .'ist3dri4es and outin+s! it +i4es t'e +irls
.onder/ul .'ite .eddin+s. But it does not ,ro4ide t'e- .it' a /ait' in .'ic' t'ey can
belie4e. It is true t'at in early days so-e C'ristians .ere -artyrs /or t'eir /ait'. But!
re-e-ber! so-e nine -illion ,eo,le .ere si-ilarly tortured to deat' /or .itc'cra/t! e4en
i/ t'ey .ere not all .itc'es. Does it not ,ro4e it .as a /ait' ,eo,le .ere .illin+ to die
8es! t'e .itc'es died in t'ousands /or t'eir /ait'! 'a,,y in t'e con4iction t'at t'ey
.ould +o strai+'t to a sunny ,lace a-on+ t'eir lo4ed ones! and t'at rested. re/res'ed!
t'ey .ould in ti-e be reborn on eart' a+ain! a-on+ t'eir o.n ,eo,le. It is t'is! and -any
ot'er belie/s! t'at t'e ,a,er a+reed to ,ut /or.ard! but it (ee-s so-e stron+ ,ressure .as
e9erted to su,,ress its re4elations0 t'at at t'e sa-e ti-e :s-ear; su++estions .ere -ade
about t'e .itc'es .it'out anyt'in+ 4ery de/inite bein+ said! e9ce,tin+ t'at t'ey Fin
co--on .it' t'e 5uritansG do not re+ard -arria+e as a sacra-ent. Article A# o/ t'e
T'irty3Nine Articles .'ic' all
cler+y-en 'a4e to s.ear to belie4e and to teac'! says it is not a sacra-ent.
It is an old +a-e to s,read stories about a /ait' you disli1e! so as to /ri+'ten ,eo,le
/ro- =oinin+ it. I .onder 'o. -any Ro-ans .ere scared o// by t'e story t'at t'e
C'ristians .ere cannibals! .'o ate 'u-an /les' and dran1 'u-an blood at t'eir
co--union ser4icesH
T'ere .as an old ideal! :T'e trut' s'all ,re4ail.; But t'e -odern ideal see-s to be!
:(ee t'at t'e trut' s'all be un1no.n! so t'at it -ay not ,re4ail.;
A,,endi9 I.
NO$ ! G. Ft'e $itc' GoddessG 'ad ne4er lo4ed! but s'e .ould sol4e all t'e Mysteries!
e4en t'e Mystery o/ Deat'! and so s'e =ourneyed to t'e Net'er Lands.
T'e Guardians o/ t'e 5ortals c'allen+ed 'er! :(tri, o// t'y +ar-ents! lay aside t'y
=e.elsI /or nau+'t -ay ye brin+ .it' ye into t'is our land.;
(o s'e laid do.n 'er +ar-ents and 'er =e.els! and .as bound! as are all .'o enter
t'e Real-s o/ Deat' t'e Mi+'ty One. FNote0 t'ere .as a Celtic custo- o/ bindin+
cor,ses. T'e cord .'ic' 'ad bound a cor,se .as use/ul in learnin+ t'e :second si+'t.;G
(uc' .as 'er beauty t'at Deat' 'i-sel/ 1nelt and 1issed 'er /eet! sayin+! :Blessed
be t'y /eet t'at 'a4e brou+'t t'ee in t'ese .ays. Abide .it' -e! let -e but ,lace -y cold
'and on t'y 'eart.;
('e re,lied! :I lo4e t'ee not. $'y dost t'ou cause all t'in+s t'at I lo4e and ta1e
deli+'t in to /ade and dieH;
:Lady;! re,lied Deat'! :*tis A+e and Fate! a+ainst .'ic' I a- 'el,less. A+e causes
all t'in+s to .it'er! but .'en -en die at t'e end o/ ti-e I +i4e t'e- rest and ,eace! and
stren+t' so t'at t'ey -ay return. But t'ou! t'ou art lo4ely. Return notI abide .it' -e.;
But s'e ans.ered. :I lo4e t'ee not.;
T'en said Deat'! :An t'ou recei4ed not -y 'and on t'y 'eart! t'ou -ust recei4e
Deat'Ss scour+e.;
:It is FateI better so;! s'e said. and s'e 1neltI and Deat' scour+ed 'er! and s'e cried!
:I /eel t'e ,an+s o/ lo4e.;
And Deat' said! :Blessed be;! and +a4e 'er t'e Fi4e/old iss! sayin+. :T'us only
-ay ye attain to =oy and 1no.led+e.;
And 'e tau+'t 'er all t'e Mysteries. And t'ey lo4ed and .ere one! and 'e tau+'t 'er
all t'e Ma+ics.
For t'ere are t'ree +reat e4ents in t'e li/e o/ -an! Lo4e! Deat'! and Resurrection in a
ne. bodyI and Ma+ic controls t'e- all. For to /ul/il lo4e you -ust return a+ain at t'e
sa-e ti-e and ,lace as t'e lo4ed one! and you -ust re-e-ber and lo4e t'e- a+ain. But
to be reborn you -ust die! and be ready /or a ne. bodyI and to die you -ust be bornI and
.it'out lo4e you -ay not be born. And t'ese be all t'e Ma+ics.
A,,endi9 II.
THE /ollo.in+ account! ta1en /ro- Me-oirs o/ E9traordinary 5o,ular Delusions! by
C'arles Macay! LL.D. FLondon! %6#AG. .ill ser4e as an e9a-,le o/ t'e .ay in .'ic'
not -erely .'ole /a-ilies! but .'ole co--unities o/ ,eo,le! .ere e9ter-inated in t'e
course o/ t'e C'urc'Ss ca-,ai+n a+ainst t'e .itc' cult. Macay states t'at 'is aut'ority
/or t'is narrati4e is Entste'un+s+esc'ic'te der Freistbdlisc'en Bcnde i- Mittelalter! by
Dr. F. ortil- F%6ADG.
:T'e Frieslanders! in'abitin+ t'e district /ro- t'e $eser to t'e Tuydersee! 'ad lon+
been celebrated /or t'eir attac'-ent to /reedo-! and t'eir success/ul stru++les in its
de/ence. As early as t'e ele4ent' century t'ey 'ad /or-ed a +eneral con/ederacy a+ainst
t'e encroac'-ents o/ t'e Nor-ans and t'e (a9ons! .'ic' .as di4ided into se4en
seelands! 'oldin+ annually a diet under a lar+e oa1 tree at Auric'! near t'e ),stalboo-.
Here t'ey -ana+ed t'eir o.n a//airs! .it'out t'e control o/ t'e cler+y and a-bitious
nobles .'o surrounded t'e-! to t'e +reat scandal o/ t'e latter. T'ey already 'ad true
notions o/ a re,resentati4e +o4ern-ent. T'e de,uties o/ t'e ,eo,le le4ied t'e necessary
ta9es! deliberated on t'e a//airs o/ t'e co--unity! and ,er/or-ed! in t'eir si-,le and
,atriarc'al -anner! nearly all t'e /unctions o/ t'e re,resentati4e asse-blies o/ t'e ,resent
day. Finally. t'e Arc'bis'o, o/ Bre-en! to+et'er .it' t'e Count o/ Aldenbur+ and ot'er
nei+'bourin+ ,otentates! /or-ed a lea+ue a+ainst t'at section o/ t'e Frieslanders 1no.n
by t'e na-e o/ t'e (tedin+er! and succeeded! a/ter 'arassin+ t'e- and so.in+
dissensions a-on+ t'e- /or -any years! in brin+in+ t'e- under t'e yo1e. But t'e
(tedin+er! de4otedly attac'ed to t'eir ancient la.s! by .'ic' t'ey 'ad attained a de+ree
o/ ci4il and reli+ious liberty 4ery unco--on in t'at a+e! did not sub-it .it'out a 4iolent
stru++le. T'ey arose in insurrection in t'e year %AC2! in de/ence o/ t'e ancient custo-s o/
t'eir country! re/used to ,ay ta9es to t'e /eudal c'ie/s or tit'es to t'e cler+yN.'o 'ad
/orced t'e-sel4es into t'eir ,eace/ul retreatsNand dro4e out -any o/ t'eir o,,ressors.
For a ,eriod o/ ei+'t3and3t.enty years t'e bra4e (tedin+er continued to stru++le
sin+le'anded a+ainst t'e /orces o/ t'e Arc'bis'o,s o/ Bre-en and t'e Counts o/
Oldenbur+! and destroyed! in t'e year %A"A! t'e stron+ castle o/ (lutterber+! near
Del-en'orst! built by t'e latter
noble-an as a ,osition /ro- .'ic' 'e could send out 'is -arauders to ,lunder and
destroy t'e ,ossessions o/ t'e ,easantry.
T'e in4incible coura+e o/ t'ese ,oor ,eo,le ,ro4in+ too stron+ /or t'eir o,,ressors
to co,e .it' by t'e ordinary -eans o/ .ar/are! t'e Arc'bis'o, o/ Bre-en a,,lied to
5o,e Gre+ory IE /or 'is s,iritual aid a+ainst t'e-. T'at ,relate entered cordially into t'e
cause! and launc'in+ /ort' 'is anat'e-a a+ainst t'e (tedin+er as 'eretics and .itc'es!
encoura+ed all true belie4ers to assist in t'eir e9ter-ination. A lar+e body o/ t'ie4es and
/anatics bro1e into t'eir country in t'e year %A""! 1illin+ and burnin+ .'ere4er t'ey
.ent! and not s,arin+ eit'er .o-en or c'ildren! t'e sic1 or t'e a+ed! in t'eir ra+e. T'e
(tedin+er! 'o.e4er! rallied in +reat /orce! routed t'eir in4aders! and 1illed in battle t'eir
leader! Count Burc1'ardt o/ Oldenbur+! .it' -any in/erior c'ie/tains.
A+ain t'e 5o,e .as a,,lied to! and a crusade a+ainst t'e (tedin+er .as ,reac'ed in
all t'at ,art o/ Ger-any. T'e 5o,e .rote to all t'e bis'o,s and leaders o/ t'e /ait'/ul an
e9'ortation to ar-. to root out /ro- t'e land t'ose abo-inable .itc'es and .iKards. :T'e
(tedin+er;! said 'is 'oliness :seduced by t'e de4il! 'a4e ab=ured all t'e la.s o/ God and
-an! slandered t'e C'urc'! insulted t'e 'oly sacra-ents! consulted .itc'es to raise e4il
s,irits! s'ed blood li1e .ater! ta1en t'e li4es o/ ,riests! and concocted an in/ernal sc'e-e
to ,ro,a+ate t'e .ors'i, o/ t'e de4il! .'o- t'ey adore under t'e na-e o/ As-odi. T'e
de4il a,,ears to t'e- in di//erent s'a,esNso-eti-es as a +oose or a duc1! and at ot'ers
in t'e /i+ure o/ a ,ale! blac13eyed yout'! .it' a -elanc'oly as,ect! .'ose e-brace /ills
t'eir 'earts .it' eternal 'atred a+ainst t'e 'oly C'urc' o/ C'rist. T'is de4il ,resides at
t'eir sabbat's! .'en t'ey all 1iss 'i- and dance around 'i-. He t'en en4elo,es t'e- in
total dar1ness! and t'ey all! -ale and /e-ale! +i4e t'e-sel4es u, to t'e +rossest and -ost
dis+ustin+ debauc'ery>
In conseLuence o/ t'ese letters o/ t'e 5o,e. t'e e-,eror o/ Ger-any! Frederic II!
also ,ronounced 'is ban a+ainst t'e-. T'e Bis'o,s o/ RatKebour+! Lubec1! Osnabruc1!
Munster and Minden too1 u, ar-s to e9ter-inate t'e-! aided by t'e Du1e o/ Brabant!
t'e Counts o/ Holland! o/ Cle4es! o/ t'e Mar1! o/ Oldenbur+! o/ E+inond! o/ Diest! and
-any ot'er ,o.er/ul nobles. An ar-y o/ /orty t'ousand -en .as soon collected! .'ic'
-arc'ed! under t'e co--and o/ t'e Du1e o/ Brabant! into t'e country o/ t'e (tedin+er.
T'e latter -ustered 4i+orously in de/ence o/ t'eir li4es and liberties! but could raise no
+reater /orce! includin+ e4ery -an ca,able o/ bearin+ ar-s! t'an ele4en t'ousand -en to
co,e a+ainst t'e o4er.'el-in+ nu-bers o/ t'eir /oe. T'ey /ou+'t .it' t'e
ener+y o/ des,air! but all in 4ain. Ei+'t t'ousand o/ t'e- .ere slain u,on t'e /ield o/
battleI t'e .'ole race .as e9ter-inated! and t'e enra+ed conLuerors scoured t'e country
in all direction! sle. t'e .o-en and c'ildren and old -en! dro4e a.ay t'e cattle! /ired
t'e .oods and cotta+es! and -ade a total .aste o/ t'e land.;
As it is stated t'at t'e cler+y 'ad :/orced t'e-sel4es into t'e ,eace/ul retreats; o/ t'e
(tedin+er! it is clear t'at no cler+y 'ad been t'ere be/ore.! in ot'er .ords! t'e (tedin+er
.ere :'eat'ens;. It .ill be noted t'at t'ey 'eld t'eir annual :,arlia-ent< under an oa1
tree! sacred to t'e Old God /ro- ti-e i--e-orial. T'e 5o,e .as ,robably +uessin+ at
t'e na-e o/ t'eir God! or -erely in4entin+I :As-odi; is As-odeus! t'e e4il s,irit o/ t'e
Boo1 o/ Tobit! in t'e A,rocry,'a! and not a Teutonic na-e at all. T'e story o/ t'e
:de4il; a,,earin+ as a +oose or a duc1 is! o/ course! nonsenseI but t'e :,ale! blac13eyed
yout';! .'o ,resided at t'e sabbat's! and .as +reeted .it' a 1iss! sounds li1e t'eir
'u-an leader.
Had t'e 4aliant de/enders o/ Friesland been C'ristians! t'eir na-es .ould ,robably
'a4e been 'anded do.n to ,osterity as 'eroes!
For 'o. can -an die better
T'an /acin+ /ear/ul odds
For t'e as'es o/ 'is /at'ers
And t'e te-,les o/ 'is GodsH
T'o-as o/ Canti-,rW! .ritin+ in t'e year %A#6! ad-its t'at ,a+anis- .as still e9istent
in Ger-any in 'is day. He says! :T'en t'ere is t'e t'ird s,ecies o/ de-ons called Dus' or
Dusiones! o/ .'o- .e 'ear -uc'! to .'o- t'e Gentiles anciently consecrated ,lanted
+ro4es! to t'e- t'e 5russian +entiles still consecrate .oods! .'ic' t'ey dare not cut
do.n and ne4er enter e9ce,t to o//er sacri/ices;. FMy italicsG. De Bonu- )ni4ersale! I. ii!
c. #7. FOuoted in H. C. LeaSs Materials To.ards a History o/ $itc'cra/tG. Many old
.riters -ention t'ese :Dusii;! .'o- t'ey li1en to Faunus! (yl4anus and 5an. In ot'er
.ords! t'e old :in+ o/ t'e $ood;! under .'ose sacred oa1 t'e (tedin+ers -et.
A,,endi9 III.
LATER 5alaeolit'ic 5eriod Ft'e Old (tone A+e! .'en -an used tools and .ea,ons o/
c'i,,ed stoneG! t'e ti-e o/ t'e ca4e ,aintin+s in France and (,ain de,ictin+ round dances
and a God! or a ,riest as a GodSs re,resentati4e! dressed in ani-al s1ins and .it' a
'orned 'eaddressI also o/ t'e -a1in+ o/ /i+urines o/ a Goddess o/ Fertility! na1ed and
.it' 'er /e-inine se9uality e-,'asised0 about %ACCC to %CCCC B.C.
Britain beca-e an island about 7CCC B.C. It 'ad ,re4iously been =oined to t'e
-ainland o/ Euro,e.
Co--ence-ent o/ a+riculture in t'e Near East Ft'e disco4ery o/ /ar-in+ and
cattle3breedin+! ,eo,le 'a4in+ ,re4iously li4ed by 'untin+G0 about 7CCC to #CCC B.C.
FT'is -eant t'at t'e conce,t o/ t'e /ertility o/ t'e soil .as added to t'at o/ t'e /ertility o/
'u-ans and o/ 'erds o/ +a-e! .it' conseLuent additions to t'e rites and belie/s o/
reli+ion and -a+ic.G
Fro- about "CCC B.C. ,eo,le ,ossessin+ Neolit'ic culture Fculture o/ t'e Ne. (tone
A+e! .'en -en 'ad +round and ,olis'ed .ea,ons o/ stone! and t'e 1no.led+e o/
a+ricultureG be+an to settle in Britain. T'ese ,eo,le are said to 'a4e co-e /ro- Nort'
A/rica. T'ey built t'e :lon+ barro.s;! and -ay 'a4e 'ad a cult o/ sur4i4al and t'e
A/ter3$orld a1in to t'at o/ Osiris and Isis in E+y,t! in its essential conce,ts.
As soon as -an1ind disco4ered a+riculture! t'e .ors'i, o/ t'e (un God and t'e
Moon Goddess beca-e i-,ortant! because o/ t'e e//ect o/ t'e sun and t'e -oon u,on t'e
seasons and t'e +ro.t' o/ cro,s. T'ey .ere associated .it' sur4i4al and reincarnation!
because ,ri-iti4e reli+ion dre. an analo+y bet.een t'ese conce,ts and t'at o/ t'e annual
deat' and rebirt' o/ t'e sun! and t'e -ont'ly disa,,earance and rea,,earance o/ t'e
-oonI also .it' t'e continual deat' and rebirt' o/ t'e corn and ot'er cro,s. T'is -ay be
t'e ori+in o/ t'e old sayin+ o/ Her-etic ,'iloso,'y! :As abo4e! so belo.;.
Circa ""#C B.C. (ar+on o/ A11ad recorded 'is conLuest o/ :T'e Tin Land Country!
.'ic' lies beyond t'e Mediterranean.; T'is -ay 'a4e been a ,art o/ Britain. Corn.all
and (o-erset 'ad 4aluable tin -ines.
T'e Glastonbury Todiac0 It 'as been su++ested t'at t'e natural /or- o/ t'e 'ills!
ri4ers! etc.! around Glastonbury su++ested
/i+ures! /ro- .'ic' t'e Todiac .as ori+inated. (o-e 'u-an labour suc' as cuttin+ and
buildin+ u,! -ade t'e /i+ures clearer. T'e Todiac is described as bein+ de4elo,ed at an
early date! and ori+inated in a Britis' latitudeI .'ere else in suc' a latitude could it 'a4e
About ACCC B.C. ,eo,le o/ t'e Early BronKe A+e be+an co-in+ to Britain. T'ey 'ad
bronKe .ea,ons and i-,le-ents! -ade o/ a -i9ture o/ co,,er and tin. BritainSs
,ossession o/ tin -ines .ould 'a4e attracted traders /ro- all bronKe3usin+ countries o/
t'at ,art o/ t'e ci4ilised .orld. T'e :round barro.s; .ere -ade by t'e BronKe A+e
Construction o/ (tone'en+e! a /ertility te-,le! co--enced about %6CC B.C.
A4ebury .as ,robably co--enced rat'er earlier. T'e :C'alice $ell; at Glastonbury
also ,robably belon+s to t'is ,eriod. T'e Early BronKe A+e .as t'e ,eriod o/ t'e
construction o/ -ost o/ t'e -e+alit'ic Fi.e. :bi+ stone;G -onu-ents! suc' as stone circles!
etc. T'ese continued t'rou+'out succeedin+ years! ri+'t u, to t'e ,resent day! to be t'e
traditional -eetin+3,laces o/ t'e .itc' cult. FFor e9a-,le! t'e Rollri+'t (tones.G
It s'ould! o/ course! be distinctly understood t'at t'ese 4ery early dates are -erely
a,,ro9i-ations! based u,on t'e ,resent state o/ arc'aeolo+ical 1no.led+eI and t'at t'e
4arious :A+es; are not s'ar,ly de/ined! but -er+e into eac' ot'er.
In %%C" B.C. Faccordin+ to Geo//rey o/ Mon-out'G Brutus and 'is /ollo.ers!
re/u+ees /ro- Troy! sailed u, t'e T'a-es and /ounded London. T'is date is! o/ course!
a,,ro9i-ateI but .'en Troy .as destroyed so-e re/u+ees -ay 'a4e co-e to t'e
countries t'ey 'ad traded .it'! and t'ey 'ad tradin+ relations .it' Britain. (uc' re/u+ees!
.is'in+ to /ound a ne. colony! -i+'t clai- to be o/ royal stoc1. Geo//rey o/
Mon-out'Ss dates co-e /ro- 'is list o/ 1in+s! and in t'e len+t' o/ t'eir rei+nsI 'e +ot
re-ar1ably near to t'e date o/ Troy.
In t'e #t' century B.C. Celtic ,eo,le o/ t'e Hallstadt Iron A+e culture in4aded
Britain and occu,ied t'e sout'3eastern ,arts. T'ey brou+'t iron .ea,ons and i-,le-ents
to Britain! and are +enerally t'ou+'t to 'a4e been t'e ,eo,le .'o brou+'t t'e Druids as
t'eir ,riestsI but it is ,ossible t'at t'e Druids .ere ,artly descended /ro- t'e earlier tribal
,riest'oods. T'e ,eo,le .'o built (tone'en+e and A4ebury -ay 'a4e 'ad a reli+ion t'at
re-ained until t'e later Druids -er+ed .it' it. Only in t'is .ay! I t'in1! can .e account
/or t'e Celts in France and Ireland. .'o 'ad nu-bers o/ Druids o/ t'eir o.n! all a+reein+
t'at in Britain .as t'e /ait' /ounded! and t'e true 1no.led+e to be learned. T'e Britis'
Druids -ust 'a4e 'ad an earlier tradition.
B.C. ##. Julius CaesarSs aborti4e atte-,t to conLuer Britain.
About A.D. "D Jose,' o/ Ari-at'ea! .it' so-e co-,anions! re/u+ees /ro- 5alestine
a/ter t'e Cruci/i9ion! is said to 'a4e co-e to Britain and ta1en re/u+e in Glastonbury!
t'en a Druid centre! .'ere 'e built t'e /irst C'ristian c'urc' in Britain.
A.D. 2". A Ro-an ar-y! des,atc'ed by t'e E-,eror Claudius! landed on t'e coast
o/ ent! and durin+ t'e ne9t /orty years t'e Le+ions +radually occu,ied t'e country u, to
t'e (cottis' Hi+'lands.
A.D. 7%. T'e Re4olt o/ Boudicca FBoadiceaG. Massacre o/ t'e Druids by t'e Ro-an
A.D. %AC. Britain incor,orated by treaty into t'e Ro-an E-,ire.
A.D. "A2. By decree o/ t'e E-,eror Constantine! C'ristianity beca-e t'e o//icial
reli+ion o/ t'e Ro-an E-,ire.
A.D. 2%C. T'e /all o/ Ro-e! and end o/ Ro-an rule in Britain. FIt .as in t'is /i/t'
century t'at in+ Art'ur -ust 'a4e li4ed! i/ 'e 'ad an 'istorical e9istence.G
A.D. ##". Council o/ Constantino,le declares doctrine o/ reincarnation to be 'eresy.
A.D. #&D. (t. Au+ustine brin+s 5a,al C'ristianity to Britain. no. e9tensi4ely settled
by An+les! (a9ons! Jutes! and Danes.
A.D. 7CD. Re/usal o/ t'e Celtic C'ristians to ac1no.led+e t'e su,re-acy o/ Ro-e.
Massacre o/ t'e Celtic Bis'o,s and burnin+ o/ Ban+or Library.
Dt' century A.D. :Liber 5oenitentialis; o/ T'eodore /orbids t'e ,ractice o/ dancin+
in ani-al -as1s! es,ecially t'ose o/ 'orned beasts Fso t'e ,eo,le .ere used to dancin+ in
-as1s! as .itc'es didG.
A.D. &CC. in+ Ed+ar re+retted t'at t'e Old Gods .ere -uc' -ore .ors'i,,ed in
'is do-inions t'an t'e C'ristian Gods.
Circa A.D. &C7 Re+ino! in 'is De Eccleslastica Disci,linis! +i4es t'e /a-ous :Canon
E,isco,i;! denouncin+ :.ic1ed .o-en; .'o ride at ni+'t :.it' Diana! t'e +oddess o/
,a+ans;! obeyin+ 'er as a +oddess and bein+ :su--oned to 'er ser4ice on certain
ni+'ts;. T'is is described as a delusion o/ t'e de4il. Re+ino ascribes t'is Canon to t'e
Council o/ Ancyra! circa "%2 A.D.! but -odern aut'orities t'in1 it ,ossible t'at Re+ino
.rote it 'i-sel/. It .as t'e o//icial teac'in+ o/ t'e C'urc' about t'e (abbat -eetin+s
until t'e ,ublication o/ t'e Malleus Male/icaru- in %267! .'ic' denied its aut'ority
Fbac1ed by t'e Bull o/ 5o,e Innocent @III in %262! .'o called t'e aut'ors o/ t'e
:Malleus Male/icaru-;! Institoris and (,ren+er! 'is :belo4ed sons;G. It is a ,ossibility
t'at Re+ino /or+ed t'e Canon E,isco,iI and it is a
certainty t'at Institoris and (,ren+er /or+ed t'e A,,robation o/ t'e T'eolo+ical Faculty
o/ t'e )ni4ersity o/ Colo+ne .'ic' .as a//i9ed to t'e Malleus Male/icaru-. (o t'e
:in/allible Mot'er C'urc'Ss; teac'in+ on .itc'cra/t be+an .it' a /or+ery! and continued
.it' anot'er /or+ery .'en t'e /irst one no lon+er ser4ed its ,ur,ose. It 'as been /urt'er
su++ested t'at t'e translation o/ t'e Aut'orised @ersion o/ t'e Bible o/ E9odus! C'a,.
EEII! 4. %6! as :T'ou s'alt not su//er a .itc' to li4e; is yet a t'ird /or+ery! ,er,etrated to
,lease t'e .itc'3'untin+ in+ Ja-es I! in .'ose rei+n it .as -ade. T'e .ord translated
:.itc'; actually -eans :,oisoner;I yet t'is te9t .as t'e deat'3.arrant o/ t'ousands.
Ho.e4er! t'e Lut'erans in Ger-any also used t'e te9t in t'e sa-e sense! t'ou+' I t'in1
learned -en t'ere -ust also 'a4e 1no.n t'at it .as a /alse translation.
%C77. T'e Nor-an ConLuest.
%C&C3%ADC. T'e era o/ t'e Crusades! .'ic' ended in /inal /ailure.
%%CC. Deat' o/ $illia- Ru/us F.'o .as al-ost certainly a ,a+anG.
:In t'e %Ct' year o/ t'e rei+n o/ in+ Jo'n; too1 ,lace t'e /irst recorded trial /or
.itc'cra/t in Britain. in+ Jo'n is said to 'a4e been /riendly .it' t'e .itc' cult. T'e
4erdict in t'e abo4e case .as :Not Guilty;.
%ACD. 5o,e Innocent III co--enced to ,reac' t'e Albi+ensian Crusade! directed
a+ainst t'e Cat'ari in t'e (out' o/ France.
%A"2. E9ter-ination o/ t'e (tedin+ers.
%A&C. Ed.ard I e9,elled t'e Je.s /ro- En+land.
%"C". T'e Bis'o, o/ Co4entry accused by t'e 5o,e o/ bein+ a .itc'.
%"CD3%"%2. 5ersecution o/ t'e ni+'ts Te-,lars.
5o,e Jo'n EEII .as 5o,e /ro- %"%7 to %""2. He .as t'e aut'or o/ so-e o/ t'e
earliest /or-al decrees a+ainst .itc'cra/t.
%"A2. Trial o/ Da-e Alice yteler o/ il1enny! by t'e Bis'o, o/ Ossory. ('e too1
re/u+e in En+land .'ere s'e 'ad :'i+'ly3,laced /riends<. Later! in+ Ed.ard III! in
.'ose rei+n t'is 'a,,ened! .as in a state o/ /eud .it' t'e Bis'o, o/ Ossory /or so-e
years. $as 'e one o/ t'e :'i+'ly3,laced /riends;H
%"2&. Foundation by Ed.ard III o/ t'e Order o/ t'e Garter F.'ic' -ay 'a4e 'ad
connections .it' t'e .itc' cultG.
%2C7. in+ Henry I@ +i4es directions to t'e Bis'o, o/ Nor.ic' to searc' /or and
arrest .itc'es and sorcerers in 'is diocese.
%2"C. Trial o/ Joan o/ Arc.
%262. 5a,al Bull o/ 5o,e Innocent @III! (u--is desiderantes a//ectibus.
F5articularly /ierce attac1 on 'eretics and .itc'es.G
%267. 5ublication o/ t'e Malleus Male/icaru-. T'is .as t'e si+nal /or se4ere and
.ides,read ,ersecution.
%#2%. $itc'cra/t Act ,assed in t'e rei+n o/ Henry @Ill. Be/ore t'is ti-e! accordin+
to Hale! :$itc'cra/t! (ortile+iu-! .as by t'e ancient la.s o/ En+land o/ ecclesiastical
co+niKance! and u,on con4iction t'ereo/! .it'out ab=uration! .as ,unis'able .it' deat'
by .rit de 'aeretico co-burendo;. FOuoted by H. E. Lea! Materials To.ards a History o/
$itc'cra/t.G T'is loo1s as i/ .itc'es .ere /or-erly reco+nised as bein+ an 'eretical sect!
and con/ir-s t'e old story o/ t'e :burnin+ ti-e;.
%#2D. T'e Act o/ Henry @III .as re,ealed under Ed.ard @I.
%#7A. Anot'er $itc'cra/t Act ,assed! in t'e rei+n o/ EliKabet' I. T'e ,unis'-ent
.as t'e ,illory /or t'e /irst o//ence! and deat' a/ter t'ree se,arate con4ictions.
%#7". T'e 5arlia-ent o/ Mary Oueen o/ (cots ,assed a la. decreein+ deat' /or
.itc'es. :),on a 4ery -oderate calculation! it is ,resu-ed t'at /ro- t'e ,assin+ o/ t'e
Act o/ Oueen Mary till t'e accession o/ Ja-es to t'e t'rone o/ En+land! a ,eriod o/ "&
years! t'e a4era+e nu-ber o/ e9ecutions /or .itc'cra/t in (cotland .as ACC annually! or
u,.ards o/ %D!CCC alto+et'er. For t'e /irst nine years t'e nu-ber .as not one Luarter so
+reatI but to.ards t'e years %#&C to %#&"! t'e nu-ber -ust 'a4e been -ore t'an 2CC;.
FMac1ay! History o/ E9traordinary 5o,ular Delusions.G
%#62. First edition o/ T'e Disco4erie o/ $itc'cra/t! by Re+inald (cot. T'is .as one
o/ t'e /irst boo1s to deny su,erstitious notions o/ .itc'cra/t! and to treat t'e sub=ect in a
rationalistic -anner. Ja-es I ordered it to be burnt by t'e ,ublic 'an+-an. FHe ob4iously
t'ou+'t t'at in t'e .ron+ 'ands it .as dan+erous>G It is a .itc' tradition t'at t'ey
in/luenced t'e .ritin+ o/ boo1s to -a1e ,eo,le see reason and sto, t'e
,ersecution3-ania0 suc' boo1s ridiculed ,o,ular su,erstition! e4en to t'e e9tent o/
su++estin+ t'at t'ere .ere no suc' bein+s as .itc'es. T'is boo1 o/ (cotSs -ay 'a4e been
one o/ suc'. (cot -ay e4en 'a4e been a .itc' 'i-sel/I 'e dis,lays a sus,icious
1no.led+e o/ -a+ical ,rocesses! s'o.in+ t'at 'e 'ad e4idently studied t'e sub=ect.
%#&D. Ja-es @I o/ (cotland FJa-es I o/ En+landG ,ublis'ed at Edinbur+' 'is treatise
on De-onolo+y and $itc'cra/t. $itc''untin+ .as +i4en Royal ,atrona+e.
%7C2. T'e $itc'cra/t Act o/ Ja-es I! t'e -ost se4ere yet introduced in En+lis' ci4il
la.. :Dr. Tac'ary Gray! t'e editor o/ an edition o/ Hudibras! in/or-s us in a note to t'at
.or1! t'at 'e 'i-sel/ ,erused a list o/ "!CCC .itc'es .'o .ere e9ecuted in t'e ti-e o/ t'e
Lon+ 5arlia-ent alone. Durin+ t'e /irst 6C years o/ t'e se4enteent' century! t'e nu-ber
e9ecuted 'as been esti-ated
at #CC annually! -a1in+ t'e /ri+'t/ul total o/ 2C!CCC;. FMac1ay. O,. cit.G It -ust be
re-e-bered t'at t'is total a,,lies to Britain alone! and ta1es no account o/ t'e terror t'at
.as ra+in+ on t'e Continent! and 'ad been continuin+ /or years.
%722. Matt'e. Ho,1ins started u, in business as :$itc'3/inder General;. He -ade a
,ro/itable career o/ it! clai-in+ t.enty s'illin+s a 'ead /or e4ery .itc' /ound! and la4is'
:E9,enses; /ro- t'e aut'orities .'o e-,loyed 'i-. He 'as a nu-ber o/ i-itators!
es,ecially in (cotland.
%76%. Jose,' Glan4il! in 'is (adducis-us Triu-,'atus! says! :T'ousands in our o.n
nation 'a4e su//ered /or t'eir 4ile co-,acts .it' a,ostate s,irits<! i.e. as .itc'es. It is
notable! 'o.e4er! t'at (adducis-us Triu-,'atus .as .ritten as a ,ious ,rotest a+ainst
t'e +ro.in+ disbelie/ in .itc'cra/t. T'e -ore intelli+ent and educated ,eo,le .ere
+ro.in+ sic1ened at t'e slau+'ter! and .ere be+innin+ to doubt t'e .'ole
,'antas-a+oria o/ t'e C'urc'Ss teac'in+ about .itc'cra/t.
%D%%. Jane $en'arn o/ $al1erne .as tried as a .itc' and! bein+ /ound +uilty by t'e
=ury! .as conde-ned to deat'I but t'e =ud+e disbelie4ed t'e e4idence and disa+reed .it'
t'e =urySs 4erdict. He e9erted 'i-sel/ to ,rocure 'er ,ardon! and s'e .as released. T'is is
+enerally stated to 'a4e been t'e last trial /or .itc'cra/t in En+land.
%DAA. An old .o-an .as burned as a .itc' at Dornoc'! in (cotland. T'is .as t'e
last =udicial e9ecution in (cotland.
%D"#. In t'e rei+n o/ Geor+e II! t'e $itc'cra/t Act o/ %D"#! .'ic' said in e//ect t'at
t'ere .as no suc' t'in+ as .itc'cra/t! and no one in /uture s'ould be ,rosecuted /or itI
but t'at anyone .'o ,retended to su,ernor-al ,o.ers s'ould be ,rosecuted as an
%D2&. Girola-o Tartarotti ,ublis'ed at Ro4ereto! Italy! 'is boo1! Del Con+resso
Nottorno delle La--ie! in .'ic' 'e stated t'at .itc'cra/t .as deri4ed /ro- t'e old cult
o/ Diana! and dre. a distinction bet.een it and cere-onial -a+ic t'at sou+'t to con=ure
de-ons. He 'ad to .rite 4ery +uardedly! because o/ t'e dan+er o/ too ,ointedly
o//endin+ t'e cler+y o/ Cat'olic Italy t'ou+' 'e .as u,on t'e ri+'t trac1! and is! I
belie4e. t'e earliest .riter to ta1e t'is line.
%6C&. Bro.nSs Dictionary! ,ublis'ed at Edinbur+'! de/ines a .itc' as :A .o-an
.'o 'as dealin+s .it' t'e De4il;. FOld ideas e4idently died 'ard in (cotland.G
%626. Modern (,iritualis- .as /ounded as a result o/ in4esti+ations into t'e
,'eno-ena ,roduced by t'e Fo9 (isters in A-erica. F(uc' ,'eno-ena 'ad a,,eared
be/ore! but ,eo,le 'ad been a/raid
to in4esti+ate t'e- rationally.G T'e C'urc' denounced (,iritualis- as :diabolical;!
.'ic' it .as not! and as :a re4i4al o/ t'e old .itc'cra/t;! .'ic' in -any res,ects it .as.
%6#D. A Frenc' (,iritualist! Allan ardec! u,on instructions /ro- 'is :Guides;!
reintroduced t'e ancient doctrine o/ reincarnation ,ublicly into Euro,e.
%6&A3%6&D. One o/ t'e +reatest i-,ostures o/ -odern ti-es .as ,er,etrated in
France by t.o Freet'in1ers! Dr. C'arles Hac1s and Gabriel Jo+and. T'ey ,ublis'ed a
series o/ :re4elations o/ (atanis-;! o/ t'e -ost sensational ty,e! .'ic' .ere /ir-ly
belie4ed in by lar+e nu-bers o/ 'i+'3ran1in+ cler+y. Jo+and .as actually recei4ed in
audience by 5o,e Leo EIII and ,atronised by Bis'o,s and Cardinals. T'en on A,ril %&t'!
%6&D! in t'e lecture roo- o/ t'e Geo+ra,'ical (ociety in t'e Boule4ard (t. Ger-ain! 'e
ad-itted it .as all a /abrication! intended as an elaborate ,ractical =o1e u,on t'e credulity
o/ t'e cler+y. In s,ite o/ t'is! a nu-ber o/ t'e- continued to belie4e in it! and -ost
-odern descri,tions o/ :(atanis-; are in /act based u,on t'ese /a1e :re4elations;. It 'ad
,ro4ed too +ood a stic1 to beat (,iritualis- .it'> FJo+and 'ad declared (,iritualis- to be
a branc' o/ (atanis-.G Daniel Dou+las Ho-e! t'e /a-ous -ediu-! .as in 'is day
declared by t'e C'urc' to 'a4e a ,act .it' t'e De4il! and to celebrate Blac1 Masses.
%&A%. Dr. Mar+aret Alice Murray ,ublis'ed 'er boo1! T'e $itc' Cult in $estern
Euro,eI it .as /ollo.ed by T'e God o/ t'e $itc'es. In t'ese boo1s! Dr. Murray stated
t'at .itc'cra/t .as t'e re-ains o/ t'e ancient ,a+an reli+ions o/ Euro,e! and s'e
identi/ied t'e Horned God o/ t'e .itc'es as bein+ t'e oldest re,resentation o/ a deity
1no.n to -an! and identical .it' t'e deity de,icted in t'e 5alaeolit'ic ca4e ,aintin+s.
Her boo1s .ere attac1ed by t'e Re4. Fat'er Monta+ue (u--ers as bein+ a re4i4al o/ t'e
'eresy o/ Girola-o Tartarotti Fsee abo4eG.
%&2&. G. B. Gardner! under t'e ,en3na-e o/ < (cire <! .rote an 'istorical no4el
called Hi+' Ma+icSs Aid! .'ic' .as ,ublis'ed in t'is year. It .as! so /ar as 'e 1no.s! t'e
/irst boo1 .ritten by an initiated .itc'! describin+! under t'e +uise o/ /iction! so-et'in+
o/ .'at a .itc' belie4es.
%&#%. T'e $itc'cra/t Act o/ %D"# .as re,ealed! and re,laced by t'e Fraudulent
Mediu-s Act! .'ic' le+ally reco+nises t'e e9istence o/ +enuine -ediu-s'i, and ,syc'ic
,o.ers! and ,ro4ides ,enalties only /or t'ose .'o /raudulently ,retend to ,ossess suc'
,o.ers in order to -a1e -oney.
%&#2. $itc'cra/t Today! by G. B. Gardner! .as ,ublis'edI t'e /irst boo1 e4er .ritten
describin+ .'at .itc'es are and .'at t'ey
do! by so-eone .'o 'ad actually ta1en ,art in t'eir cere-onies! .ors'i,,ed t'eir Gods
.it' t'e-! and -ade -a+ic .it' t'e-.
%&#7. T'e Au+ust nu-ber o/ Fate Ma+aKine FA-erican editionG carried a story o/
'o.! on July "rd! %&##. in O=ina+a! Me9ico! ei+'ty3/i4e -iles /ro- Al,ine! Te9as! a
.o-an na-ed Jose,'ina Arista .as ,ublicly burned at t'e sta1e as a .itc'. .it'out trial!
u,on t'e orders o/ t'e local ,riest! carried out by t'e alcalde and t'e city ,olice.
A,,endi9 I@.
I HA@E ,re4iously re/erred t'e reader to H. C. LeaSs Materials To.ards a History o/
$itc'cra/t /or t'e /ull details o/ t'is -atterI 'o.e4er! as t'at boo1 is not one .'ic' is
.it'in easy reac' o/ t'e +eneral reader! and as t'e -atter is o/ so-e i-,ortance in t'e
story o/ t'e ,ersecution o/ t'e .itc' cult! I .ill +i4e a brie/ abstract o/ it 'ere. Lea Luotes
a lar+e nu-ber o/ rele4ant docu-ents to s'o. t'at t'e earliest teac'in+ o/ t'e C'urc'
about t'e .itc'esS (abbat di//ered radically /ro- t'e ,arade o/ 'orrors /or .'ic'
credence .as! and is! de-anded by ort'odo9 .riters. T'e /oundation /or t'is early
teac'in+ is a docu-ent called t'e Canon E,isco,i! .'ic' .as acce,ted as aut'oritati4e
until t'e ti-e o/ t'e ,ublication o/ t'e Malleus Male/icaru- in %267! .'ic' /inally t're.
it o4erboard! a/ter it 'ad been :inter,reted; and :re3inter,reted; until t'e /inal sense in
.'ic' it .as ta1en .as al-ost t'e o,,osite o/ its ori+inal sense. Re+ino Fcirca A.D. &C7G
see-s to 'a4e been t'e /irst ,ublis'er o/ it! in 'is De Ecclesiastica Disci/linisI and 'e
ascribes it to t'e Council o/ Ancyra! .'ic' -et in A.D. "%2. Ho.e4er! 5ro/essor Geor+e
Lincoln Burr! in a note to Mr. LeaSs boo1! says! :Already t'e %7t' century RCorrectores*
o/ t'e Canon La. ,ointed out t'at t'is canon is not to be /ound in t'e +enuine acts o/ t'e
Council o/ AncyraI but t'ey /ind its substance in t'e Fa,ocry,'alG De (,iritu et Ani-a o/
Au+ustin and in an old li/e o/ 5o,e Da-asus .'ic' see-s to ascribe it to a Ro-an synod
o/ 'is ti-e. FA.D. "773"620 -y noteG. But Friedber+ Ft'ou+' in 'is ed. o/ t'e Canon La.!
Lei,Ki+! %6D&! 'e retains .it'out co--ent t'is note o/ t'e RCorrectores*G 'as in 'is Aus
deutc'en Bussbuc'ern F%67&G! ,,. 7D3D"! s'o.n t'at t'e ascri,tion to t'e Council o/
Ancyra is only a -isunderstandin+ by Gratian! .'ile t'e li/e o/ Da-asus deser4es no
credit. He t'in1s it is an e9cer,t /ro- so-e Fran1is' ca,itulary. Accordin+ to so 'i+' an
aut'ority as 5aul Fournier FBibliot'eLue de %SEcole des C'artes! l999i! %&AC! ,. %D//.G
Re+ino -ust not be i-,licitly trusted as an editor o/ canons. II est incontestable LuSon
trou4e dans son oeu4re! en asseK +rand no-bre! des te9tes retouc'Ws et ,ar/ois ,lus ou
-oins re-ainiWs. Nay -ore0 not only are canons a,ocry,'ally ascribed to councils to
.'ic' t'ey do not belon+! a-on+ t'e- R,seudo3canons dSAneyre*. but il est! dSailleurs!
le recueil de Re+inon des te9tes Lui sont incontestable-ent des a,ocry,'es /or+W de
toutes ,iVces. And! since .e 1no. t'at Re+ino retouc'ed 'is te9ts! +a4e t'e- /allacious
labels! and ad-itted /ra+-ents .'olly a,ocry,'al! .e cannot! t'in1s Fournier! 'el,
sus,ectin+ t'at a-on+ t'e ca,ita incerta so-e -ay be o/ 'is creation. T'e Ca, E,isco,i
Fournier does not -ention! but t'e re/or-in+ ,ur,ose o/ Re+inoSs boo1 and 'is 1no.n
interest in -orals su++est t'e ,ossibility o/ its co-in+ /ro- 'is ,en.;
In ot'er .ords! t'is alle+ed Canon o/ t'e Council o/ Ancyra .as ,ossibly a /or+ery!
and .as ascribed to t'e Council o/ Ancyra to +i4e it ,retended aut'ority. Its ,ur,ose .as
,ro,a+anda a+ainst t'e :ni+'t3ridin+ .itc'es;! and its co-,arati4ely -ild tone re/lects
t'e /act t'at t'e C'urc' .as not yet su//iciently /ir- in t'e saddle to be able to do -ore
t'an dis,ara+e and -oc1 at t'e nocturnal asse-blies to celebrate t'e old Mysteries and
.ors'i, t'e old Gods. T'e te9t! translated /ro- t'e Latin! is as /ollo.s0N
Bis'o,s and t'eir o//icials -ust labour .it' all t'eir stren+t' to u,root t'orou+'ly /ro- t'eir
,aris'es t'e ,ernicious art o/ sorcery and -ale/ice in4ented by t'e de4il! and i/ t'ey /ind a -an or
.o-an /ollo.er o/ t'is .ic1edness to e=ect t'e- /oully dis+raced /ro- t'eir ,aris'es. For t'e A,ostle
says! :A -an t'at is a 'eretic a/ter t'e /irst and second ad-onition a4oid;. T'ose are 'eld ca,ti4e by
t'e de4il .'o! lea4in+ t'eir creator! see1 t'e aid o/ t'e de4il. And so 'oly C'urc' -ust be cleansed o/
t'is ,est. It is also not to be o-itted t'at so-e .ic1ed .o-en ,er4erted by t'e de4il! seduced by
illusions and ,'antas-s o/ de-ons! belie4e and ,ro/ess t'e-sel4es! in t'e 'ours o/ ni+'t! to ride u,on
certain beasts .it' Diana! t'e +oddess o/ ,a+ans! and an innu-erable -ultitude o/ .o-en! and in t'e
silence o/ t'e dead o/ ni+'t to tra4erse +reat s,aces o/ eart'! and to obey 'er co--ands as o/ t'eir
-istress! and to be su--oned to 'er ser4ice on certain ni+'ts. But I .is' it .ere t'ey alone .'o
,eris'ed in t'eir /ait'lessness and did not dra. -any .it' t'e- into t'e destruction o/ in/idelity. For
an innu-erable -ultitude! decei4ed by t'is /alse o,inion! belie4e t'is to be true and! so belie4in+!
.ander /ro- t'e ri+'t /ait' and are in4ol4ed in t'e error o/ t'e ,a+ans .'en t'ey t'in1 t'at t'ere is
anyt'in+ o/ di4inity or ,o.er e9ce,t t'e one God. $'ere/ore t'e ,riests t'rou+'out t'eir c'urc'es
s'ould ,reac' .it' all insistence to t'e ,eo,le t'at t'ey -ay 1no. t'is to be in e4ery .ay /alse and
t'at suc' ,'antas-s are i-,osed on t'e -inds o/ in/idels and not by t'e di4ine but by t'e -ali+nant
s,irit. T'us (atan 'i-sel/! .'o trans/i+ures 'i-sel/ into an an+el o/ li+'t! .'en 'e 'as ca,tured t'e
-ind o/ a -iserable .o-an and 'as sub=u+ated 'er to 'i-sel/ by in/idelity and incredulity!
i--ediately trans/or-s 'i-sel/ into t'e s,ecies and si-ilitudes o/ di//erent ,ersona+es and deludin+
t'e -ind .'ic' 'e 'olds ca,ti4e and e9'ibitin+ t'in+s! =oy/ul or -ourn/ul! and ,ersons! 1no.n or
un1no.n! leads it t'rou+' de4ious .ays! and .'ile t'e s,irit alone endures t'is! t'e /ait'less -ind
t'in1s t'ese t'in+s 'a,,en not in t'e s,irit but in t'e body. $'o is t'ere t'at is not led out o/ 'i-sel/
in drea-s and nocturnal 4isions! and sees -uc' .'en slee,in+ .'ic' 'e 'ad ne4er seen .a1in+H $'o
is so stu,id and /oolis' as to t'in1 t'at all t'ese t'in+s .'ic' are only done in s,irit 'a,,en in t'e
body! .'en t'e 5ro,'et EKe1iel sa. 4isitations o/ t'e Lord in s,irit and not in t'e
body and t'e A,ostle Jo'n sa. and 'eard t'e -ysteries o/ t'e A,ocaly,se in t'e s,irit and not in
t'e body! as 'e 'i-sel/ says! < I .as in t'e s,irit <. And 5aul does not dare to say t'at 'e .as ra,t in
t'e body. It is t'ere/ore to be ,roclai-ed ,ublicly to all t'at .'oe4er belie4es suc' t'in+s or si-ilar to
t'ese loses t'e /ait'! and 'e .'o 'as not t'e ri+'t /ait' in God is not o/ God but o/ 'i- in .'o- 'e
belie4es! t'at is! o/ t'e de4il. For o/ our Lord it is .ritten! :All t'in+s .ere -ade by Hi-;. $'oe4er
t'ere/ore belie4es t'at anyt'in+ can be -ade! or t'at any creature can be c'an+ed to better or to .orse
or be trans/or-ed into anot'er s,ecies o/ si-ilitude! e9ce,t by t'e Creator Hi-sel/ .'o -ade
e4eryt'in+ and t'rou+' $'o- all t'in+s .ere -ade! is beyond doubt an in/idel.;
It .ill be noted t'at t'e deity o/ t'e .itc'es is not said to be (atan in ,ro,ria
,ersona! but :Diana! t'e +oddess o/ t'e ,a+ans;. It is said! 'o.e4er! t'at t'is +oddess is
really (atan in dis+uise! and t'at t'e ,eo,le .'o are :su--oned to 'er ser4ice on certain
ni+'ts;! i.e. to t'e (abbats! do not really and cor,oreally +o t'ere at all! but t'at t'e .'ole
t'in+ is si-,ly a delusion o/ t'e i-a+ination! t'e :illusions and ,'antas-s o/ de-ons;.
Hence! accordin+ to t'is! t'ere is in reality no /lyin+ u,on broo-stic1s! or +oats! no
1issin+ o/ t'e buttoc1s o/ +oats or e4en o/ Grand Masters! no ,er/or-in+ toads! no
cannibalis- o/ unba,tised babes! no de/iled Hosts! no co,ulation .it' de-ons! no
trans/or-ation into ani-als! not e4en any blac1 candles or crosses u,side do.nNt'e
.'ole t'in+ is s'eer i-a+ination> Furt'er! it is 4ery ,lainly stated t'at t'ose .'o belie4e
t'e .itc'esS (abbat to be a ,'ysical reality are :in/idels;.
No.! in t'e days in .'ic' it .as .ritten! t'is /a1e addition to Canon La. .as a
cle4er and subtle ,iece o/ ,ro,a+anda. Its ,ur,ose .as to /ri+'ten ,eo,le out o/ attendin+
t'e (abbats by so.in+ doubts in t'eir -inds about :delusions o/ de-ons;. It ties in 4ery
.ell .it' t'e teac'in+ o/ t'e Early C'urc' t'at all ,a+an di4inities .ere de4ils in
dis+uise. T'is tal1 about ,'antas-s and illusions .as t'e sort o/ t'in+ to con/use t'e
-inds o/ si-,le ,eo,le and /ill t'e- .it' 4a+ue terrors o/ t'e un1no.n. 5recisely t'e
sa-e tec'niLue is used by t'e Ro-an Cat'olic C'urc' to t'is day in its attac1s u,on
(,iritualis-I all t'e :Guides;! t'ey say. are de4ils in dis+uise! and t'e .'ole t'in+ is a
diabolical illusion.
But as ti-e .ent on! ,recisely t'e sa-e t'in+ 'a,,ened .it' re+ard to t'e .itc' cult
as is be+innin+ to 'a,,en .it' re+ard to (,iritualis-. (o -any ,eo,le ad'ered to it t'at
t'e c'ar+e o/ :illusion; .ould not ser4e. Dar1er alle+ations 'ad to be brou+'t! tales o/
:de4il3.ors'i,; and :/oul or+ies; to .'ic' t'e e9ternal a,,earance o/ t'e cult .as
-erely t'e outer court F4ide Mr. Dennis $'eatley in T'e (unday Gra,'icI it is .onder/ul
'o. 'istory re,eats itsel/G.
Ho.e4er! t'e t.o ty,es o/ anti3.itc' ,ro,a+anda .ere -utually contradictoryI it
.as no use s,readin+ :atrocity stories; i/ at t'e sa-e ti-e your Canon La. tau+'t t'at
t'e -eetin+s at .'ic' t'ese atrocities too1 ,lace .ere i-a+inary. And as ti-e .ent on
t'e :Canon E,isco,i; beca-e -ore and -ore o/ an encu-brance to t'e .itc'3'unters!
and needed to be :inter,reted; .it' lon+er and lon+er ar+u-ents. T'e early C'urc'-en
.'o 'ad belie4ed t'at a Luic1 and decisi4e 4ictory o4er ,a+anis- .as a certainty .ere
disa,,ointed. It .as ,ro4in+ a lon+3dra.n3out stru++le. T'e Jud+-ent Day .'ic' t'ey
'ad e9,ected in t'e year %CCC did not co-e o//. T'e Crusades 'ad ended in i+no-inious
/ailure. And still t'e accursed ,a+ans sur4i4ed> $orse still! suc' -en as $ycli//e 'ad
be+un to ,reac' a+ainst :t'e corru,tion o/ t'e C'urc';! and to translate t'e Bible into
En+lis' so t'at -en could read it and t'in1 /or t'e-sel4es. T'e ,rintin+3,resses .ere
be+innin+ to be set u, all o4er Euro,e! and t'ereon .ere bein+ ,rinted! not only suc'
boo1s as .ere to t'e +lory o/ Mot'er C'urc'! but boo1s o/ 5lato and t'e 'eat'en Gree1s.
T'ere .as /ar too -uc' /ree3t'in1in+ +oin+ on in t'e .orld! es,ecially u,on t'e sub=ect
o/ :,a+an error;! and stron+ -easures .ere needed to co,e .it' it.
Ro-e .as Luic1 to realise t'e /or-idable ,o.er o/ t'e ne. in4ention! t'e
,rintin+3,ress! as a -eans o/ controllin+ t'e -inds o/ -en and s'a,in+ ,ublic o,inion. In
%262 5o,e Innocent @III ,ublis'ed a 5a,al Bull .'ic' .as a ,articularly stron+ attac1
u,on 'eretics and .itc'es. It said t'at .itc'es co,ulated .it' de-ons in t'e /or-s o/
incubi and succubae! destroyed t'e o//s,rin+ o/ .o-en and cattle and t'e /ruits o/ t'e
eart'! a//licted -en and .o-en .it' diseases! ,re4ented intercourse bet.een -an and
.i/e! -a1in+ -en i-,otent and .o-en sterile! :.it' -any ot'er uns,ea1able cri-es;. It
.as t'e si+nal /or a ste,,in+u, o/ t'e ca-,ai+n to e9ter-inate t'e .itc' cult. Be/ore t'is!
t'ere 'ad been ,lenty o/ 5a,al Bulls directed a+ainst t'e .itc' cult! but t'ey 'ad been
directed to s,ecial localities! and .ere but little 1no.n to t'e +eneral ,ublicI t'is Bull!
'o.e4er! .as ,rinted! and s,read broadcast o4er Euro,e as ,art o/ a boo1 .ritten under
@atican ,atrona+e by t'e 5o,eSs :belo4ed sons;! Heinric' Institoris and Jacob (,ren+er.
T'is boo1! t'e /a-ous Malleus Male/icaru-! 'ad a tre-endous e//ect u,on t'e
,ersecution o/ .itc'es. It .as t'e /orerunner o/ -any si-ilar .or1s! all de4oted to t'e
,ro-otion o/ .itc'burnin+! and to re-o4in+ t'e last ar+u-ents in /a4our o/ s'o.in+ any
cle-ency! includin+ es,ecially t'ose dra.n /ro- t'e Canon E,isco,i. It .as not t'e /irst
boo1 to deny t'e aut'ority o/ t'e Canon
E,isco,i! but it 'ad a +reater e//ect t'an any ot'er on account o/ its .ides,read
circulation! t'e o//icial ,atrona+e o/ t'e @atican! and t'e alle+ed ,atrona+e o/ t'e
)ni4ersity o/ Colo+ne.
It co--ences .it' elaborate ar+u-ents t'at disbelie/ in t'e e4ils o/ .itc'cra/t is
'eresyI ar+u-ents a+ainst unbelie4ers are set out at len+t'! s'o.in+ t'at suc' unbelie4ers
e9isted and .ere a t'orn in t'e side o/ t'e .itc'3'unters. It cites 5o,e InnocentSs Bull as
,roo/ o/ t'e e4il deeds o/ .itc'es> T'ere is a +reat deal o/ t'e usual -on1is' abuse o/
.o-enI a nu-ber o/ .eird and .onder/ul stories o/ ,eo,le bein+ carried o// by de-ons!
etc.! and innu-erable alle+ed instances o/ :sorcery;! -ost o/ .'ic' .ould insult t'e
intelli+ence o/ any sc'oolc'ild. $itc'es are accused o/ usin+ consecrated Hosts to .or1
e4il c'ar-s! -urderin+ babies! a//lictin+ ,eo,le .it' all 1inds o/ diseases! trans/or-in+
,eo,le into beasts! raisin+ stor-s! ridin+ bodily t'rou+' t'e air! 1illin+ ,eo,le by -ere
touc'! or e4en a loo1! be.itc'in+ cattle to -adness or deat'! stealin+ -il1 by a 1ind o/
:re-ote control;Nin s'ort t'e boo1 is a /arra+o o/ e4ery su,erstitious 'orror
T'e t'ird ,art o/ t'e boo1 ur+es secular as .ell as ecclesiastical courts to ,rosecute
.itc'es! and +i4es t'e- -inute instructions as to 'o. to do so. Mere :ill3/a-e;! and t'at
u,on t'e .ord o/ ,ersons o/ bad c'aracter or si-,le -ind! is su//icient to be acce,ted as
An e9,lanation is indirectly /urnis'ed by t'is boo1 as to .'y so -any .itc'es or
alle+ed .itc'es ,ersisted to t'e last in :con/essin+< t'e -ost ,re,osterous t'in+s. I/ t'ey
con/essed! t'ey .ere =ud+ed :,enitent;! and .ere accorded t'e :-ercy; o/ bein+
stran+led be/ore bein+ burnedI but i/ t'ey re/used to con/ess .'at .as reLuired o/ t'e-!
or asserted t'eir innocence a/ter t'ey 'ad been conde-ned! t'ey .ere =ud+ed
:i-,enitent; and burned ali4e. Accordin+ to t'e tradition in t'e .itc' cult! i/ anyone .as
cau+'t and t'e inLuisitors tried to -a1e t'e- tell anyt'in+ real about t'e cult! t'ey .ere
/ore.arned by t'e la.s o/ t'e cult t'at t'ey -ust not do soI but in order to obtain relie/
/ro- torture! i/ t'ey could see t'at t'ere .as no 'o,e o/ esca,e t'ey .ere told to con/ess
to any 'orrors and i-,ossibilities su++ested to t'e- because t'is .ould brin+ t'e- a
Luic1 deat'.
At t'e ti-e .'en t'e Malleus Male/icaru- .as issued! t'e )ni4ersity o/ Colo+ne
.as t'e a,,ointed Censor o/ boo1s! t'ou+' t'is o//ice .as re-o4ed /ro- it by a 5a,al
Bull o/ %26D! and trans/erred to t'e Bis'o,sI ,robably because o/ its re/usal to co3o,erate
in t'e -atter o/ t'e Malleus Male/icaru-! /or .'en (,ren+er and Institoris sub-itted
t'eir boo1 to t'e T'eolo+ical Faculty o/ t'e )ni4ersity! t'ey could +et only /our o/ t'e
/essors to issue a cautious and +uarded a,,robation o/ itI t'e rest .ould 'a4e not'in+ to
do .it' it. Not'in+ daunted! t'is ,recious ,air o/ scoundrels ,roceeded to /or+e a
docu-ent .'ic' ,ur,orted to s'o. t'e a,,robation o/ t'e .'ole Faculty.
T'e /or+ery 'as been e9,osed in -odern ti-es by t'e learned arc'i4ist o/ Colo+ne!
Jose,' Hansen! in %6&6. It a,,ears t'at t'e co,ies o/ t'e Malleus Male/icaru- .'ic'
.ere intended /or circulation in Colo+ne .ere s,ecially ,rinted .it'out t'e :A,,roba3
tion<I but t'e ones intended /or circulation else.'ere 'ad t'e :A,,robation; inserted in
t'e-. In s,ite o/ t'is ,recaution! it beca-e 1no.n to t'e )ni4ersity t'at t'e /or+ery 'ad
been co--ittedI but it is ,robable t'at it .as unsa/e /or t'e- to 'a4e too -uc' to say
about it. Also! t'eir o//ice o/ censorin+ boo1s 'ad by no. been re-o4ed /ro- t'e-! by
5a,al order! and ,laced in t'e 'ands o/ t'e Bis'o,s! .'o could be relied u,on to do as
t'ey .ere told.
Ho.e4er! t'e beadle! u,on .'ose alle+ed .ord t'e :A,,robation< rested! and t'e
Dean o/ t'e Faculty! T'o-as de (cotia! entered t'eir /or-al denial in t'e records o/ t'e
)ni4ersityI and! as a -ar1 o/ t'eir /eelin+s u,on t'e -atter! .'en (,ren+er! .'o .as a
-e-ber o/ t'e T'eolo+ical Faculty! died! no ReLuie- Mass .as ,er/or-ed /or 'i- by
t'e )ni4ersity! contrary to t'e usual custo-. T'ere .as little t'at t'ey dared do or sayI
t'ey .ere -erely a 'and/ul o/ sc'olars a+ainst a /or-idable and ,itiless totalitarian
-ac'ineI but t'ey -ade t'eir -ar1 in t'e arc'i4es! and t'at -ar1 'as co-e do.n to us.
T'eir denial .as noted in %D#6! by Jose,' HartK'ei-. .'o .as t'en Dean o/ t'e
T'eolo+ical Faculty! and as suc' 'ad c'ar+e o/ t'e records. T'e records t'e-sel4es
subseLuently disa,,earedI but t'e note o/ t'e FacultySs denial! in HartK'ei-Ss
'and.ritin+! .as ,reser4ed! and /ound by Jose,' Hansen. An entry by Arnold @on
Ton+ern! .'o .as Dean o/ t'e Faculty in t'e early si9teent' century! 'as also been ,re3
ser4ed0 :Liber Lui Malleus Male/icaru- dicitur /also /acultati inscri,tus. E9a-inandus
traditur uni nia+istroru- cu- relatione ad /acultate-.; It is a,,arent t'at so-e action .as
atte-,ted! but t'e disa,,earance o/ t'e records ,re4ents us 1no.in+ .'at ca-e o/ it.
Great ,lay 'as been -ade by suc' .riters as Monta+ue (u--ers u,on t'e
uni-,eac'able c'aracter and inte+rity o/ t'e aut'ors o/ t'e Malleus Male/icaru- so I
t'in1 it ti-e t'at t'e readin+ ,ublic .as ,resented .it' t'is sa-,le o/ it.
T'e -ain ,ur,ose o/ t'e Malleus Male/icaru- .as to brea1 do.n t'e o,,osition o/
reasonable and educated lay-en to t'e cruelties and in=ustices o/ t'e .itc'3'unt as
carried on by t'e
C'urc'. For t'is ,ur,ose! t'e bac1in+ o/ suc' institutions as t'e )ni4ersity o/ Colo+ne
.as 4italI and so success/ul .as t'e /or+ery t'at not only Cat'olic but 5rotestant circles
ca-e to acce,t t'e Malleus as aut'oritati4e. Its ot'er ,ur,ose .as to +et rid o/ t'at
a.1.ard Canon E,isco,iI it does t'is by blandly denyin+ t'at t'is Canon a,,lies to
.itc'es at all! and calls t'e idea t'at it does so :t'is ,esti/erous o,inion;. 8et Lea FO,.
Cit.G Luotes docu-ent a/ter docu-ent to s'o. t'at /or centuries t'e Canon E,isco,i .as
t'e o//icial teac'in+ o/ t'e C'urc' about .itc'es.
(o t'ose .'o see1 :t'e C'urc'Ss teac'in+ about .itc'cra/t; in ,re/erence to t'at o/
secular ant'ro,olo+y 'a4e an intri+uin+ c'oice be/ore t'e-I .ill t'ey 'a4e t'e Canon
E,isco,i! or .ill t'ey 'a4e t'e Malleus Male/icaru-H T'ese are t'e C'urc'Ss o//icial
teac'in+s. T'e aut'ors o/ bot' .ere /or+ers. $'ic' /or+ery do t'ey ,re/erH
I/ t'ey acce,t t'e teac'in+ o/ t'e Malleus Male/icaru-! 'o. do t'ey /eel about t'e
little -atter o/ ,ro4en /or+ery as a//ectin+ t'e credit o/ its aut'orsH And .'at beco-es o/
t'e .isdo- o/ t'e C'urc'! .'ic' 'ad been teac'in+ /alse doctrine about .itc'cra/t /or
I/! on t'e ot'er 'and! t'ey acce,t t'e Canon E,isco,i Fo4erloo1in+ once a+ain t'e
/or+ery co--itted by its aut'orG! .'at beco-es o/ all t'e .onder/ul stories o/ :t'e
'orrors o/ t'e (abbat;H
Bein+ no t'eolo+ian! I .ill lea4e t'e- to .or1 it out.
A,,endi9 @.
THERE a,,eared in t'e 5eo,le o/ October ADt'! %&#D! an article u,on t'e e9istence in
Britain o/ a -odern cult o/ .itc'cra/t. T'e .riter o/ t'e article relates 'o. 'e 4isited a
lar+e 'ouse in Finc'ley! in .'ic' 'e .itnessed a .itc' cere-ony .'ic' +oes bac1 to
,a+an ti-es. Men and .o-en too1 ,art in it! .e are in/or-ed! .'o are re+arded as
re,utable and res,ectable indi4iduals by t'eir unsus,ectin+ collea+ues and /riends. :First
one o/ t'e -en lit so-e incense in a bo.l. (oon t'e roo- .as /illed .it' ,un+ent
e9citin+ /u-es. T'en one o/ t'e +irls ,roduced a len+t' o/ .'ite ta,e. ('e laid it round
t'e /loor in a circle nine /eet across. ('e lit /our candles and ,laced t'e- on t'e /loor
round a .ooden bo9Nt'e altar. T'ere .ere /our 1ni4es! t.o =ars o/ oil! so-e braided sil1
cord! a +oblet! a sil4er ,late and a candlestic1. T'en t'e electric li+'ts .ere s.itc'ed o//
and t'e /our R.itc'es* undressed. Hel,in+ t'e-sel4es /ro- t'e =ars! t'ey rubbed oil into
t'eir 'ands! t'en ste,,ed na1ed into t'e candle3lit circle. $it' 'eads bo.ed and 'ands
raised be/ore t'e- t'ey stood be/ore t'e altar. T'en one o/ t'e +irls too1 a +reat s.ord
inscribed .it' sy-bols and dre. its ,oint around t'e .'ite circle.; At t'is =uncture! t'e
.riter in/or-s us! 'e .as as1ed to lea4e t'e roo- .'ile certain 'i+'ly secret rites .ere
,er/or-ed. $'en 'e returned 'e /ound t'at t'e .itc'es .ere sittin+ on t'e /loor around
t'e altar. T'ey .ere drin1in+ ru-. :(uddenly t'ey rose! brandis'in+ t'e ritual 1ni4es! and
be+an a /renKied dance to t'e acco-,ani-ent o/ t'robbin+ -usic /ro- a ta,e recorder.
T'ey .'irled! 'o,,ed and ca,ered until t'e -usic died a.ay. T'en t'ey stu-bled
e9'austed to t'e /loor. T'at .as all. But one o/ t'e +irls e9,lained t'at at t'e end o/ t'e
cere-ony t'e -en and .o-en ,artici,ants are Luite /ree to ,air o// /or .'at s'e insisted
on describin+ as Rnec1in+*.;
$'en t'e .riter o/ t'e article le/t 'e i--ediately be+an 'is o.n inde,endent
in4esti+ation into t'e -en and .o-an .'o 'ad ta1en ,art in t'e cere-ony. :T'rou+'
t'e-!; 'e re,orts! :I ca-e u,on ot'er -e-bers o/ t'e .itc'cra/t sect. One is a t'irty3
/i4e3year3old doctor .'o ,ractises in a nort'ern to.n. He! too! is a 'i+'ly res,ected
-e-ber o/ t'e co--unity. He .as t'ere/ore -ost an9ious not to be identi/ied. It is easy
to see .'y. For 'e told -e t'at! as a .itc'! 'e belie4es in -a+ic. ROrt'odo9 doctors!* 'e
said! R.ould be 'orri/ied i/ t'ey 1ne.. But -e-bers o/ any reli+ion 'o,e! by ,rayer! to
in/luence e4ents o4er .'ic' t'ey 'a4e
no control. $e -erely e-,loy di//erent -et'ods. $itc'cra/t 'as its i-,er/ections! o/
course. T'ey 'a4e cre,t in durin+ t'e se4eral 'undred years in .'ic' .e 'a4e been
,ersecuted. Gi4en o,,ortunity! .itc'cra/t could a+ain beco-e a ,racticable reli+ion
a,,licable to ACt' century li/e.*
Conde-ned by t'e C'urc' as a -onstrous e4il! 'o. could any res,onsible 'u-an
bein+ belie4e in it as reli+ionH;
T'ere .as anot'er article u,on t'e sa-e sub=ect in t'e 5eo,le /or No4e-ber &t'
/ollo.in+. A-anda! a Hi+' 5riestess o/ t'e cult! related to t'e .riter o/ t'e article 'o.
t'e .itc'es dealt .it' a -an .'o .as blac1-ailin+ one o/ t'eir -e-bers. :$e -ade a
,u,,et!; s'e said! :a .a9 i-a+e o/ t'e -anNand bound it .it' strin+. T'en .e in4o1ed
a 4ery s,ecial ,o.er. (uddenly! t'e blac1-ail sto,,ed. His 'ands .ere tied. He could do
no -ore 'ar-.; T'e eyes o/ t'e 5riestess! .e are told! blaKed .it' con4iction as s'e said
t'is and as s'e -ade anot'er astonis'in+ state-ent0 :I/ .e .itc'es did not in4o1e t'e
assistance o/ our +od and +oddess! I belie4e t'at t'e sun .ould not return eac' -ornin+.;
T'is stri1es one as a rat'er .ild assertion! and one .onders 'o. /ar t'e .riter
e-broidered it. It .ill be noticed t'at t'is absurd state-ent is recorded in bot' articles.
:A.E.; FGeor+e RussellG. T'e Candle o/ @ision. FMac-illan! %&ACG.
ALFORD! @IOLET! and RODNE8 GALLO5. Traces o/ a Dianic Cult
/ro- Catalonia to 5ortu+al. Article! Fol1lore! @ol. EL@I! %&"#.
ANDER(ON! M. C. Loo1in+ /or History in Britis' C'urc'es. FJo'n Murray! %&#%G.
ARMITAGE! H. Early Man in Halla-s'ire.
(T. A)G)(TINE. FA.D. "#232"CG.
BARING3GO)LD! RE@. (. On Gables. Article! MurraySs Ma+aKine! %66D.
BEDE! THE @ENERABLE. Historia Ecclesiastica.
BLOOM! J. HAR@E8. Fol1lore! Old Custo-s and (u,erstitions in ('a1es,eare3Land.
BOI((IER. Receuil de Lettres au (u=et des Male/ices et du (ortile+e ... ,ar le (ieur Boissier. F5aris! %D"%G.
BORRO$! R. Asiatic Researc'es.
BO)O)ET! DR. A. C.! D.D. Co-,arati4e Reli+ion. F5en+uin Boo1s! %&#CG.
BRE$ER! RE@. DR. COBHAM. Dictionary o/ 5'rase and Fable.
BRO$N! J)LIAN. T'e Beauty o/ Mediae4al Illu-inated Manuscri,ts.
Article! T'e (,'ere C'rist-as Nu-ber! %&#2.
CAR5ENTER! ED$ARD. T'e Art o/ Creation. FAllen and )n.in! %&%AG.
CA@E! C. J. 5. Roo/ Bosses in Mediae4al C'urc'es.
C'alice $ell! Glastonbury. Descri,ti4e lea/let.
CICERO. De Di4inatione.
CLINCH! GEORGE! F.G.(. Old En+lis' C'urc'es. F),cott Gill! %&CAG.
COL(ON! THOMA(. Li4in+ Tissue Rays. Article! T'e 5endulu-! Marc'!
%&#7 F/ro- T'e Electronic Medical Di+estG.
CROER! T. CROFTON. Fairy Le+ends and Traditions o/ t'e (out'
o/ Ireland. F$illia- Te++. N.D.! but /irst a,,eared in A 4ols.! %6A# and
%6A6! by Jo'n MurrayG.
CRO$LE8!ALEI(TER! Ma+ic1 in T'eory and 5ractice.
: : T'e ELuino9 o/ t'e Gods. FT'e O.T.O. %&"7G.
DACOMBE! MARIANNE R. FEdG. Dorset ),3Alon+ and Do.n3Alon+.
FFriary 5ress! Dorc'ester. %&#%G.
DA@IE(! R. TRE@OR. Four Centuries o/ $itc' Belie/s.
DE BEA)@OIR! (IMONE. T'e (econd (e9. FEn+lis' Translation! %&#"G.
DE LANCRE! 5IERRE. Tableau de L*Inconstance des Mau4ais An+es. F5aris! %7%AG.
DEREN! MA8A. Di4ine Horse-enI t'e Li4in+ Gods o/ Haiti.
DIO. Ro-an History.
D) CHAILL)! 5A)L. T'e @i1in+ A+e.
E@AN(! DR. Article on t'e Rollri+'t (tones. T'e Fol1lore Journal! Marc'! %6&#.
FABIAN! ROBERT. Fabian o/ t'e 8ard. FNaldrett 5ress. %&#CG.
FORT)NE! DION. T'e Mystical Oabala'. F$illia-s and Nor+ate. %&"#G.
F)NC3BRENTANO! F. Le Dra-e des 5oisons. F5aris! %&"7G.
F8@EL! T. R. )neart'in+ t'e Holy LandSs 5ast. Article! T'e Obser4er!
%Ct' July! %&##.
GARDNER! G. B. F5en Na-e :(cire.;G Hi+' Ma+icSs Aid. FMic'ael
Hou+'ton! %&2&G.
: : : $itc'cra/t Today. FRider! %&#2G.
GEOFFRE8 OF MONMO)TH. Historia Re+u- Britanniae.
GIBBON. Decline and Fall o/ t'e Ro-an E-,ire.
GOETIA! THE. FOr Lesser ey o/ (olo-onI also 1no.n as t'e Le-e+etonG.
COMME! L. Fol1lore as a Historical (cience.
GRA@E(! ROBERT. in+ Jesus.
: : T'e $'ite Goddess.
: : $i/e to Mr. Milton.
G)E(T! LAD8 CHARLOTTE FTransG. T'e Mabino+ion.
HA$E(! JACO)ETTA and CHRI(TO5HER. 5re'istoric Britain. F5en+uin Boo1s! %&2"G.
HA8TER! COL. F. J. Deadly Ma+ic0 Includin+ t'e Australian 5ointin+
(tic1. FRider! N.D.G
HOLE! CHRI(TINA. En+lis' Fol1lore.
HOLME(! EDMOND. T'e Holy Heretics0 t'e (tory o/ t'e Albi+ensian
Crusade. F$atts and Co.! %&26G.
H)GHE(! 5ENNETHORNE. $itc'cra/t.
IN(OLE! ALAN. I--ortal Britain. FALuarian 5ress! %&#AG.
JACOBI! DR. JOLAN. T'e 5syc'olo+y o/ C. G. Jun+.
JED$INE! J. $. Tort! Cri-e and 5olice.
EATING! G. History o/ Ireland.
E8 OF (OLOMON! THE. Also 1no.n as t'e Cla4icule o/ (olo-on.
IN(E8! DR. (e9ual Be'a4iour in t'e Hu-an Fe-ale.
Essays u,on t'e $ors'i, o/ 5ria,us.
LELAND! CHARLE( GODFRE8. Gy,sy (orcery.
LEA! H. C. Materials To.ards a History o/ $itc'cra/t. F)ni4ersity o/
5ennsyl4ania 5ress. 5'iladel,'ia! %&"&G.
LETHBRIDGE! T. C. Go+-a+o+. FRoutled+eG.
LONG$ORTH! T. CLIFTON. T'e De4il a Mon1 $ould Be. FHerbert
Jose,'! N.D.G.
MACA8! CHARLE(! LL.D. Me-oirs o/ E9traordinary 5o,ular
Delusions. FNat. Illustrated Library! %6#AG.
:FIONA MACLEOD; F$illia- ('ar,G. T'e Do-inion o/ Drea-s. FHeine-ann! %&%CG.
MALOR8! (IR THOMA(. Le Morte DSArt'ur.
MALT$OOD! . E.! F.R.(.A. A Guide to GlastonburySs Te-,le o/ t'e
(tars. FJo'n M. $at1insG.
: : : : T'e Enc'ant-ents o/ Britain.
MATHER(! (.L. MACGREGOR. T'e abbala' )n4eiled. Fe+an 5aul!
Trenc'! Trubner and Co. %66DG.
: : : FEdited! .it' IntroductionG. T'e (acred Ma+ic
o/ Abra-elin t'e Ma+e.
MO(ELE8! JAME( $. Mystery Ruins o/ 5eru. Article! Fate Ma+aKine! Dece-ber! %&##.
M)RRA8! 5ROF. GILBERT. Fi4e (ta+es o/ Gree1 Reli+ion. F$atts and Co.! %&27G.
M)RRA8! DR. MARGARET A. T'e $itc' Cult in $estern Euro,e.
: : : : T'e God o/ t'e $itc'es.
NICHOL(! RO((. T'e Great Todiac o/ Glastonbury. Article! T'e Occult Obser4er.
OSDONNELL! ELIOTT. Haunted Britain.
OSDONO@AN! DR. FEd.G T'e Annals o/ t'e Four Masters.
5ALE8! ARCHDEACON. E4idences o/ C'ristianity.
5ROCL)( T'e T'eolo+y o/ 5lato.
RAGLAN! LAD8. T'e Green Man in C'urc' Arc'itecture. Article! Fol1lore! %&"&.
REGNA)LT! DR. J)LE(. La (orcellerie ses Ra,,orts a4ec les (ciences Biolo+iLues. F5aris! %&"7G.
REID! @ERA C.! and T. MA$B8 COLE. Gods in t'e Ma1in+. FALuarian 5ress! %&# %G.
RHODE(! H. T. F. T'e (atanic Mass. FRider! %&#2G.
ROLLE(TON! T. $. Myt's and Le+ends o/ t'e Celtic Race. FHarra,!
(ELTMAN! CHARLE(. $o-en in AntiLuity.
(HAE(5EARE! $ILLIAM. Henry @.
: : T.el/t' Ni+'t.
(5ENCE! LE$I(. T'e E<ncyclo,edia o/ Occultis-.
(O)IRE! CHARLE(. Celtic Myt' and Le+end! 5oetry and Ro-ance.
FGres'arn 5ublis'in+ Co. N.D.G.
(T. (IMON! COMTE DE. Me-oirs.
(T)BBE(! Anato-ic o/ Abuses.
()MMER(! MONTAG)E. $itc'cra/t and Blac1 Ma+ic.
TA8LOR! G. RATTRA8. (e9 in History.
TERT)LLIAN. FAnd Century A.D.G.
THEODORE. Liber 5oenitentialis. FDt' Century A.D.G.
$ADDELL! L. A. T'e 5'oenician Ori+in o/ t'e (cots and Britons.
F$illia-s and Nor+ate. %&A2G.
$AGNER! DR. $. As+ard and t'e Gods. FAda,ted and Edited by M. $. MacDo.all and $. (. $.
Anson. (.an (onnensc'ein! Lo.rey and
Co. %66&G.
$AITE! A. E. T'e Boo1 o/ Cere-onial Ma+ic.
: : : El/in Music0 An Ant'olo+y o/ En+lis' Fairy 5oetry. $aiter (cott! %666G.
: : : T'e Holy Grail.
$ITO$(I! DR. G. J. Les Licences de LSArt C'r+tien. F5aris! %&ACG.
$RIGHT! THOMA(! M.A.! F.(.A. FEditorG. A Conte-,orary Narrati4e o/ t'e 5roceedin+s a+ainst Da-e
Alice yteler. FT'e Ca-den (ociety!
8ORE! GERALD. Tantric Hedonis-. Arti,le! T'e Occult Obser4er.
Dictionary o/ Fol1lore. Myt'olo+y and Le+end. Fun1 and $a+nalls
Co-,any! Ne. 8or1! %&#6.
T'e A+e o/ C'aucer0 @ol. I o/ a Guide to En+lis' Literature.
Edited by Boris Ford. F5en+uin Boo1s! %&##G. FCo-,lete te9t o/ (ir
Ga.aine and t'e Green ni+'tG.

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