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FST Tunnel Forum Mtg Minutes, 073114

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First Street Tunnel Forum Meeting
Thursday, July 31, 2014
Scheduled for 7 PM 8:30 PM
St. Georges Episcopal Church 160 U Street, NW Washington, DC 20001

Attendees: Community Members (List attached)

DC Clean Rivers Project Staff Skanska-Jay Dee JV Staff Tunnel Forum Members
John Kennedy
Tom Lindberg
Ron Davis
Stephen Njoloma
Jeff Simon
Janice Jessup
DC Water Staff
John Lisle, External Affairs
Eric Gainey, Security

Note: Throughout DCCR refers to
the collective DC Clean Rivers project
Scott Hoffman
Thomas March
Sharon Goods
Terry Lee
Corneilus CJ Johnson
Commissioner Teri Janine Quinn
Commissioner Austin Pearl
Joe Levesque
Neal Herman
Chris Von Ferro
Betsy McDaniel
Scott Roberts
Sherry Howard
Victoria Leonard
Pia Brown
Angela Ray
Serita Sanders

Welcome and Introductions (Slides 13), Tom Lindberg
Tom Lindberg called the meeting to order at 7:10 PM. He welcomed everyone to the meeting. All
attendees introduced themselves. Tom Lindberg presented the agenda, and then handed the
presentation over to Scott Hoffman.

Construction Six-Week Look-Ahead, Scott Hoffman
Scott Hoffman complemented the presentation (Slides 49) by providing an overview of
construction activities taking place over the next six weeks.
On W Street, DCCR is laying pipe and installing utilities for the next few weeks. As we go
further south, a smaller diameter pipe will be installed.
DCCR is drilling secant piles over the next five to six weeks. Noise-cushioning devices are in
place to mitigate noise and vibration.
The Construction Staging Area on Adams Street is gearing up: installing fencing, utility work
(utilities are 14 feet deep), catch basins, and manholes. DCCR is in contact with the DC Fire and
EMS Department (FEMS) regarding site layout.
The pump station on First and Thomas Streets will be starting at end of August: drilling 30- to
40-foot shaft, including soil excavation.

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DCCR is working on the W Street Alternative Parking Area and plans to open it at the end of

Q: Commissioner Teri Janine Quinn: Where are you in terms of overall schedule?
A: Scott Hoffman: On Channing Street, we are ahead of schedule. On V Street we are a little behind
because the trench is taking longer than anticipated; we will be finished at the end of August. On
Adams Street we are a little ahead of schedule; and the pump station on Thomas and First Streets is
on schedule.

Street Closures, Sidewalk Closures, Parking Restrictions, Street Cleaning, Thomas March
Referring to Slide 10 of the presentation, Thomas March pointed out the location of the Alternative
Parking Areas (in pink) and street closures (in red). He presented the list of street closures in the
order of the slide, and stated the closures are due to implementing Construction Staging Areas
(referencing Slide 11). Next week DCCR will be occupying Flagler Place, and parking restrictions
will be in place as shown on the map. DCCR will occupy Thomas Street toward the end of August,
and parking restrictions will be in place as shown on the map.

The Department of Public Works (DPW) suspended street cleaning in the Bloomingdale
neighborhood, including Thomas Street, through the end of the street cleaning season, October 31.
(Slide 12)

Discussion on street cleaning: Commissioner Austin Pearl worked with DPW to halt street
cleaning. His next step is to ensure that this message is conveyed to Parking Enforcement, so that no
parking tickets are written. Chris Von Ferro stated that Commissioner Pearl does not represent
Thomas Street and should not have included Thomas Street in his discussions with DPW.
Commissioner Pearl indicated that he will talk with DPW about reinstating street cleaning for
Thomas Street.

Discussion on Alternative Parking Areas: Residents are reporting that Alternative Parking Areas
are currently underutilized, and it has come into question whether there is a need for the W Street
Alternative Parking Area. Tom Lindberg agreed that the Alternative Parking Areas are underutilized
now, but as the weather gets cooler and Construction Staging Areas become fully operational, on-
street parking will be impacted and there will be a need for additional parking.

Thomas March added: As DCCR develops other Construction Staging Areas, the W Street Alternative
Parking Area will be needed. This is currently a small unused tennis court, which will provide an
additional 20 parking spaces. The basketball court and baseball field will remain intact. (Slide 13)

Betsy McDaniel stated that 143 W Street is much underutilized and two people [that she knows]
cant get parking tags.

Sharon Goods responded that DCCR has received and issued 200 Alternative Parking Area tags.
After the initial rush of applicants, requests slowed, so we terminated office hours for this service.
She indicated that neighbors can call the hotline or see Terry Lee this evening to register for a
parking tag. Alternative Parking Area tags will be issued throughout the life of the project for those
who qualify. Sharon echoed Tom Lindbergs earlier statement that on-street parking will be
impacted as we become fully mobilized. She went on to say that the shuttle vans are not yet labeled,

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and that if you are in the neighborhood and need a ride, hold your shuttle pass up to get the drivers
attention (like hailing a cab). Tom Lindberg took a poll to see how many people had ridden the
shuttle vans: None. Tom Lindberg encouraged the community to ride the shuttle vans and get
familiar with the drivers. The shuttles are large, white 15-passenger vans. DC Water plans to mark
the vans with the hotline number and the First Street Tunnel project logo.

Q: A resident asked if DCCR is getting ridership numbers.
A: Cornelius Johnson, who manages the shuttle van service, responded that we do keep count.

There was more than one resident that mentioned they had seen the shuttle vans driving through
the alley and that they were driving a little too fast. The vans also make a lot of noise when they
drive over the metal plates. Thomas March said he would relay to drivers to only use the alley when
necessary for drop offs or pickups. Tom Lindberg agreed that security personnel should not be
driving on the metal plates.

Commissioner Quinn asked for street signs in the area to remind drivers to slow down for safety
reasons. John Kennedy responded that DC Water is working with the District Department of
Transportation (DDOT) on Maintenance of Traffic Plans for each areas of work.

Commissioner Quinn: The community needs to work with Councilmember Kenyan McDuffies office
to request he write a letter to the head of DDOT to obtain additional signage. A resident ask if we
could put orange barrels to slow traffic. Tom Lindberg responded that, yes, we can, once weve
cleared it with DDOT.

Construction Staging Areas and Maintenance of Traffic (Plans) Defined, Thomas March
Thomas March described a Construction Staging Area and a Maintenance of Traffic [Plan] to better
clarify the two terms and acronyms for the community. (Slide 15)

Q: A resident ask if it is possible to share the Maintenance of Traffic Plans (MOTs) with the public
for their clarity.
A: Yes, DCCR can upload the final MOTs to the First Street Tunnel website.

Fire Hydrants, Thomas March
DCCR is replacing existing hydrants at First & V Streets and Adams Street & Flagler Place.
Installation of the new hydrants will occur first, and then we will decommission the existing ones.
FEMS is aware of these actions and they have been approved. FEMS will inspect the hydrants
following installation. (Slides 16 and 17)

Q: Commissioner Quinn asked if these changes are permanent.
A: Yes.

Discussion regarding FEMS access to a Construction Staging Area: There was discussion about
safety, clearances, and access within the Construction Staging Areas, especially at First and V Streets.
Scott Hoffman stated that during the day, large equipment would be moved if need be. He also
stated that there is access at night, because no large equipment blocks entrances; that there is
always a clearway at night. Angela Ray and another resident disagreed, stating that clearways are
sometimes blocked. Scott Hoffman reiterated that there is clearance if a fire occurs.

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Elizabeth Royall expressed concerns that there is only one accessible exit in her building, and that
she should have two according to DC code. SKJD and FEMS will meet on site, conduct an inventory,
and DC Water will provide a follow-up to that meeting.

Ms. Royall suggested there be made available temporary sidewalks along First and V Streets, going
from the south to the north.

Tree Pruning, Tom Lindberg
A number of trees are not up to DDOT standards (Slides 18 and 19). Tom Lindberg explained that
he, Serita Sanders, Angela Ray, Commission Quinn, Jeff Simon, Thomas March, Kendrick Miles, and
Shaun McKim (Ward 5 arborist) walked along First Street and observed overgrown trees.
Overgrown trees will be pruned in accordance with DDOTs Urban Forestry Administration.

Commissioner Quinn discussed the Tree Box Act enacted in the 1990s: 18-inch max height; a barrier
is only allowed on three sides, not the street side. Commissioner Quinn stated that on the sidewalk
side of the tree boxes, the trees cannot hang lower than 10 feet, and on the street side, trees cannot
hang lower than 14 feet. Neighbors will be notified prior to tree pruning.

Tom Lindberg: DCCR will prune trees first, and then we will meet and talk with neighbors about
pruning foliage in tree boxes. We have to prune trees for public safety.

Jeff Simon: DCCR will start pruning in the next ten days. We will be pruning trees on First, V, and
Adams Streets. Smaller trees will not be affected, and we will be coordinating and working with a
certified arborist.

Angela Ray offered that the tree pruning is a win-win situation.

Q: A resident asked if branches will be hauled away.
A: Yes, DCCR will collect and haul away branches. Call the hotline if branches are not picked up.

Thomas March added that some trees that are low-hanging will be pruned whether or not they are
in a Construction Staging Area. DDOT will continue with its tree-pruning program.

Chris Von Ferro questioned why he wasnt informed about the meeting to discuss this program.
Tom Lindberg assured Chris that this recently came up and DCCR needed to get started quickly with
a small group for public safety reasons.

Q: Is the Department of Public Works going to collect leaves in the fall? (Note: Leaf collection
program runs from first week of November through the second week in January.)
A: Commissioner Pearl responded: This has to be worked out. He will check into it.

Shuttle Service, Sharon Goods
Currently, the shuttle vans are not being used to capacity. The vans run from the Alternative Parking
Areas to the residents home and from the residents home to the Alternative Parking Areas. Vans
circle at peak hours from 7 AM to 9 AM and from 4 PM to 7 PM. For other times, call the hotline to
schedule a pickup. (Slide 20)

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Tom Lindberg added that security and shuttle drivers should be stationary during non-peak hours
and shall avoid the alleys.

Terry Lee is set up in the back of the room to work with residents who want an APA tag.

Q: A resident asked if there are designated routes that the shuttle vans use.
A: Yes, there are routes, and maps of the routes are on the website.

Tom Lindberg added that the routes are relatively short and reminded residents that the drivers are
there to help residents.

Trash Collection, Sharon Goods
Some neighbors are land locked by our Construction Staging Areas. DCCR is reaching out to these
residents individually to ensure their trash is being picked up. Sharon Goods reminded residents to
address-label their receptacles and the back of their property, so receptacles can be returned to
their proper location. (Slide 21)

Q: A resident on Flagler Place and Adams Street asked to confirm that trash bins go in the
breezeway behind the house.
A: Yes.

A resident stated that Wednesday trash collection wasnt picked up, but that it was picked up on
Thursday. Thomas March stated that DPW missed some homes on Wednesday, but confirmed that
trash collection is not moving to Thursdays. It will remain on Wednesdays.

Sharon Goods stated that Skanska coordinates with DPW trash collection supervisors, but stated
that residents have more influence to get DPW to pick up missed trash because they have a street
address that they can reference. She reminded residents to call 311 if trash isnt picked up.
Commissioner Quinn reminded residents to address-label their receptacles.

Commissioner Pearl stated that DC Water needs to communicate with DPW regarding trash pickup,
because even a one-day delay causes problems with trash, debris, and vermin.

Betsy McDaniel reminded the residents that DPW picks up trash starting at 6 AM when an air quality
is code red.

Instrumentation and Monitoring, Thomas March
DCCR has invested in a full-scale, multi-million dollar instrumentation program (Slide 22). Thomas
March showed a sample prism to the residents. The prisms are anchored to a mortar joint on the
exterior of the house. It takes 15 minutes to install. Monitoring stations are on the sidewalk. The
program benefits the residents and helps us monitor structures and ground settlement. There are
two samples on the project site office at 2036 First Street. Tom Lindberg referred residents to Terry
Lee if they want to participate in the instrumentation program. Thomas March explained how the
prism works.

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Q: Angela Ray asked if the residents will have access to the data.
A: Yes, when DCCR has more information. We will have a report to the Tunnel Forum at a future

Discussion on structural data and presentation: Tom Lindberg stated that DCCR has some data, but
it doesnt make sense in its current form. Joe Gersen stated that he wanted that data in its raw form,
and that it should not be massaged to be made clearer. John Lisle stated that DC Water intends to
share the data, and that DC Water is determining how to provide the data so that its understood.
Tom Lindberg stated that this level of effort is not in the contract and it takes time to put plans
together. In the next couple of Tunnel Forum meetings, well have something for the residents to
react to.

Commissioner Pearl agreed with the resident that the data should be released in its raw form. Raw
data can be interpreted in various ways, but reworked data is dangerous, too. Tom Lindberg
reiterated that we are not trying to hide anything. Serita Sanders stated she had a background in
statistics and agreed that DC Water should take its time to get the presentation right.

Discussion on pre-construction survey: Joe Levesque mentioned that his property is outside the
area where pre-construction surveys are offered. He stated that he should have had the benefit of a
pre-construction survey.

John Kennedy stated that DC Water does not offer pre-construction surveys, but this is a unique
project with shafts and work being done 100 feet below grade. The work being done in the alley
[referring Mr. Levesques property] is not outside the normal or traditional work that DC Water
undertakes. Therefore, a pre-construction survey was not offered for his property.

Joe Levesque and Jim Myers mentioned that 5-feet by 6-feet trenches and steel plates are moved
daily. Jim Myers asked if they could get a baseline survey. Tom Lindberg stated he would take this
conversation off-line with Stephen Njoloma of DCCR.

Joe Levesque and Jim Myers expressed a deep concern about how this utility trench construction
project is different, and they are concerned about structural damage to their property.

Formal Claims Process, John Kennedy
John Kennedy went over the formal claims process flowchart as shown on Slide 23. He stated that if
you notice damage, contact the hotline. John Kennedy then went over the flowchart, and informed
residents that DC Waters insurance company covers our contractor. If damage is observed, an
adjuster will be in contact with you. He did not know how long it would take for the adjuster to get
back to the resident.

DC Water will follow up with our insurance company, and then its between the homeowner and the
insurance company in the case of disputed claims. John Kennedy stated that residents call the
hotline only once to report a claim.

Q: Resident Jim Myers asked if the dispute process was new.
A: Yes, its new.

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Q: Commissioner Quinn asked if inspectors were going inside the house.
A: No.
Follow up: Commission Quinn, followed up: So wouldnt all of those claims be disputed?

Discussion on insurance claims and damage disputes: There was discussion to revise the
flowchart to accommodate a step where damage on the inside of the house is addressed, but the
revision was eventually nixed after further discussion and evaluation of the flowchart.

John Kennedy stated that if cracks are observed on the inside of the house, then an insurance
adjuster will conduct a site visit and determine fault.

One resident suggested taking photos on the inside of the house for a documented baseline account
of its appearance. Another resident countered that comment by claiming that the photos may not
cover the area of damage. If a claim is disputed, then the photos are of no use.

Commissioner Quinn suggested having homeowners contact their insurance company to have the
company do a baseline assessment of the property now before heavy construction begins. But that
suggestion was quickly rejected because private insurance claims are not to be taken lightly and can
affect rates.

Tom Lindberg stated that DC Water is the blanket insurer. He explained the blue box on the left of
the flowchart (Slide 23).

Commissioner Pearl: Damage done to the inside of a home is an automatic disputed claim. John
Kennedy: But even if disputed, there is still an avenue for protection.

John Lisle: Thats why DC Water offered pre-construction surveys. Commissioner Pearl responded
that not every homeowner was offered a pre-construction survey.

Adjusted Items, Tom Lindberg
Tom Lindberg addressed the adjusted items listed on Slide 24:
Three-way stop sign at First Street and V Street Construction Staging Area,
Stop sign at Second and Bryant Streets was returned on Thursday, July 24.
Added a north entrance to Bryant Street Alternative Parking Area,
Off-hour deliveries will be directed to the Main Mining Shaft site at Channing Street using the
approved truck route from Michigan Avenue,

The group discussed postponing the meeting until September, but it was eventually decided the next
meeting would be held on Thursday, August 28, 2014.

Q: A resident asked if DCCR can set up an email address for this project.
A: John Lisle: Yes, we will set that up.

Q: A resident asked if DCCR can get the brickwork done. It needs to be done faster and right.
A: Brickwork repair and replacement is in progress.

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Tree boxes, John Kennedy
In mid-November of 2013, DCCR discussed the removal of tree boxes on the east side of First Street
at the intersection of First and V Streets. Intense activity at First and V Streets will require that the
area be closed to through traffic for two months starting in mid-September 2014. DC Water is still
negotiating with DDOT to close the street for the duration of the project after heavy construction
begins. If DDOT approves this proposal, then the tree boxes will not need to be removed on the east
side of First Street. John Kennedy explained the current MOT plan. He then reminded residents that
discussions are ongoing between DC Water and DDOT regarding street closure.

Angela Ray suggested the residents on First Street get in front of DDOT and encourage the agency to
keep First Street closed for the duration of the project.

Tom Lindberg concluded the meeting at 8:57 PM.

The next meeting will be held on Thursday, August 28, 2014, from 7 PM to 8:30 PM at St. Georges
Episcopal Church, in Washington, DC.

Action Items
1. Commissioner Pearl to talk with the Department of Public Works about reinstating street
cleaning for Thomas Street.
2. Commissioner Pearl to talk with the Department of Public Works regarding its leaf collection
program that starts in the fall. The residents do not want this service halted.
3. Commissioner Pearl: Should trash collection be a problem in terms of interrupted service and
the residents have placed calls, but action is slow to occur, then DC Water needs to run
interference. (Note: This is not necessarily an action item, but more to keep on the radar.)
4. Thomas March will relay to shuttle van drivers to only use the alley when necessary for drop offs
or pickups.
5. Add orange barrels to slow traffic in the alleys on the west side of First Street. DC Water to
consult with DDOT prior to taking action.
6. Upload the final MOTs to the First Street Tunnel website.
7. Verify with construction crews that Construction Staging Areas have clearways after hours to
ensure that emergency service vehicles can obtain appropriate access.
8. Contact Elizabeth Royall to set up a meeting between her and FEMS to run [an evacuation] test.
9. Tom Lindberg to follow-up with Steven Njoloma to check if a baseline survey can be done for Joe
Levesque and Jim Myers property at 111 W Street NW.
10. After a decision is made, inform residents whether or not DDOT will close First Street for the
duration of the project.
11. Provide a dedicated project email address for the First Street Tunnel residents.

Attendee sign-in sheet
First Street Tunnel Forum/Community Group Presentation (six slides/page for reference)

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