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[nidokidos] Has the water entered my ship? - l.dadallage@gmail.

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Has t he Wat er ent er ed my Shi p?

Wor k f or a c ause, not f or appl ause.
Li ve l i f e t o ex pr ess not t o i mpr ess.
Dont st r i ve t o mak e your pr esenc e not i c ed, j ust mak e your absenc e f el t
Has t he w at er ent er ed my shi p?

I n 1923, ni ne of t he w eal t hi est peopl e i n t he w or l d met at Chi c ago' s Edgew at er Beac h Hot el . Thei r c ombi ned w eal t h,
i t i s est i mat ed, ex c eeded t he w eal t h of t he Gover nment of t he Uni t ed St at es at t hat t i me.
These men c er t ai nl y k new how t o mak e a l i vi ng and ac c umul at e w eal t h.
At t endi ng t he meet i ng w er e t he f ol l ow i ng men:
1. The Pr esi dent of t he l ar gest st eel c ompany,
2. The Pr esi dent of t he l ar gest ut i l i t y c ompany,
3. The Pr esi dent of t he l ar gest gas c ompany,
4. The Pr esi dent of t he New Yor k St oc k Ex c hange,
5. The Pr esi dent of t he Bank of I nt er nat i onal Set t l ement s,
6. The gr eat est w heat spec ul at or ,
7. The gr eat est bear on Wal l St r eet ,
8. A member of Pr esi dent Har di ng' s c abi net .

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[nidokidos] Has the water entered my ship? - l.dadallage@gmail.com- Gmail
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox/13df5fa21258a4fb[4/11/2013 9:26:33 AM]
9. The head of t he Wor l d' s gr eat est monopol y
That ' s a pr et t y i mpr essi ve l i ne-up of peopl e
by anyone' s yar dst i c k .
Yet , l et s ex ami ne w hat happened t o t hem 25 year s l at er :
1. The Pr esi dent of t he t hen l ar gest st eel c ompany
(Bet hl ehem St eel Cor p), Char l es M Sc hw ab
l i ved on bor r ow ed c api t al f or f i ve year s bef or e
he di ed bank r upt .
2. The Pr esi dent of t he l ar gest ut i l i t y c ompany,
Samuel I nsul l , di ed penni l ess!
3. The Pr esi dent of t he t hen l ar gest gas c ompany,
How ar d Hubson, w ent i nsane.
4. The t hen Pr esi dent of t he New Yor k St oc k Ex c hange,
Ri c har d Whi t ney, w as sent t o j ai l .
5. The Pr esi dent of t he Bank of I nt er nat i onal Set t l ement ,
Leon Fr aser , c ommi t t ed sui c i de.
6. One of t he gr eat est c ommodi t y t r ader s (Wheat Spec ul at or ) , Ar t hur Cut t en, di ed i nsol vent .
7. The gr eat est bear on Wal l St r eet , J esse Li ver mor e
c ommi t t ed sui c i de.
8. The member of t he US Pr esi dent s Cabi net (t he member of Pr esi dent Har di ng' s c abi net ), Al ber t Fal l ,
w as par doned f r om j ai l j ust t o be abl e t o go home
and di e i n peac e.
9. The Pr esi dent of t he t hen w or l ds gr eat est monopol y,
I var Kr ueger , c ommi t t ed sui c i de.
What t hey f or got w as how t o " mak e" l i f e
w hi l e t hey got busy mak i ng money !
Money i n i t sel f i s not evi l . I t i s onl y a medi um of ex c hange.
We need t w o k i nds of educ at i on.
One t hat t eac hes us how t o mak e a l i vi ng
and t he sec ond how t o l i ve.
Many of us get so engr ossed i n pr of essi onal l i f e t hat w e negl ec t our f ami l y, heal t h, soc i al r esponsi bi l i t i es.
And w hen ask ed w hy w e do i t , w e w oul d r epl y " For our f ami l y"
How ever , our k i ds ar e sl eepi ng w hen w e l eave home. They ar e sl eepi ng w hen w e c ome home! 25year s l at er , w el l t ur n bac k and
t heyl l be gone t o pur sue t hei r ow n dr eams and l i ves.
Lessons f r om a Shi p:
Wi t hout w at er , a shi p c annot move. I t needs w at er but i f t he w at er get s i nt o t he shi p, i t w i l l f ac e ex i st ent i al pr obl em.
[nidokidos] Has the water entered my ship? - l.dadallage@gmail.com- Gmail
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox/13df5fa21258a4fb[4/11/2013 9:26:33 AM]
What w as a means of l i vi ng bec omes a means of dest r uc t i on .
Si mi l ar l y w e l i ve i n t i me w her e ear ni ng i s a nec essi t y but l et not t he ear ni ng ent er our hear t s, f or w hat w as onc e a means of l i vi ng
w i l l sur el y bec ome a means of dest r uc t i on f or us as w el l !

So t ak e a moment t o ask your sel f :
Has t he w at er ent er ed my shi p?

Your Divine Friend

[nidokidos] Has the water entered my ship? - l.dadallage@gmail.com- Gmail
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox/13df5fa21258a4fb[4/11/2013 9:26:33 AM]

[nidokidos] Has the water entered my ship? - l.dadallage@gmail.com- Gmail
https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?tab=wm#inbox/13df5fa21258a4fb[4/11/2013 9:26:33 AM]

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