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Spring 2010
MGT502- Organizational Bea!io"r #Se$$ion - %&
Ti'e( )0 'in
Mar*$( +)
St",ent In-o
/enter( O01ST
E2a'.ate( 03 A"g 2010
For Tea4er5$ 6$e Onl7
1 2 : % 5 + ; 3 Total
8 No9 ) 10 11 12 1: 1% 15 1+
8 No9 1; 13 1) 20 21 22 2: 2%
8 No9 25 2+ 2; 23 2) :0 :1 :2
8 No9 :: :% :5 :+ :; :3 :) %0
8 No9 %1 %2 %: %% %5 %+ %; %3
8 No9 %) 50 51 52 5:

8"e$tion No( 1 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Ali usually goes for shopping, calls friends to come over, or arranges a party. He
looks for meaning outside of himself. We can say that he is:
< E2tro!ert
Open to eperience

8"e$tion No( 2 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

!c"lelland#s theory of needs concentrates on $hich three needs%
&o$er, acceptance and confirmation
Affiliation, control and reali'ation
Achievement, reali'ation and acceptance
< A4ie!e'ent= po>er an, a--iliation

8"e$tion No( : # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

According to !c"lelland, individuals $ho have a desire to ecel and to succeed
are high in ((((((((((((((need.
< A4ie!e'ent

8"e$tion No( % # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is the most likely eplanation for the higher a)sentee rate
of $omen in the $orkplace%
Women tend to have more illnesses that keep them from $ork than do
< Tra,itionall7= >o'en a!e a, te re$pon$i?ilit7 o- 4aring -or o'e
an, -a'il7
Women tend to )e less satisfied $ith their *o)s than men
Women tend to $ork in *o)s that have less flei)le schedules than men do

8"e$tion No( 5 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is one advantage of varia)le pay plans to management%
+hey turn fied la)or costs into varia)le la)or costs
< Te7 t"rn lo> pro,"4er$ into ig pro,"4er$
+hey turn slo$ employees into fast employees
+hey turn high fied costs into lo$ fied costs

8"e$tion No( + # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is an eample of a piece,rate plan%
-tock options
.s/0 for each unit produced
< 0ro,"4ti!it7 ?on"$

8"e$tion No( ; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing statement )est defines leadership%
Implementing the strategy provided )y management
1east concerned in )ringing organi'ational change
"oordinating and handling day,to,day pro)lems
< Te a?ilit7 to in-l"en4e a gro"p in goal a4ie!e'ent

8"e$tion No( 3 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing are mem)ers of an organi'ation $ith authority to influence
other mem)ers to achieve organi'ational goals%
< For'al lea,er$
Informal leaders

8"e$tion No( ) # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he most fragile relationships are contained in $hich of the follo$ing types of
< .eterren4e

8"e$tion No( 10 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is least likely to create dependency%
-carcity of resources
4on su)stituta)ility
< 0o>er legiti'a47
-upply and demand

8"e$tion No( 11 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he interactionist vie$ of conflict proposes that functional conflict is:
< Ne4e$$ar7 -or e--e4ti!e gro"p per-or'an4e
An indication of the group maturity level
Al$ays focused around relationships
!ake group mem)ers static and apathetic

8"e$tion No( 12 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

In assessing intentions, cooperativeness is the degree to $hich:
66666666One party attempts to satisfy the other#s concerns
@@@@@@@<@One part7 atte'pt$ to re$ol!e 4on-li4t
666666667oth parties $ork to$ard a common goal
66666666One party can empathi'e $ith the other

8"e$tion No( 1: # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he focus of relationships in distri)utive )argaining is:
66666666+he long term
@@@@@@@<@Te $ort ter'

8"e$tion No( 1% # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is NOT a common success criteria for any organi'ational
666666668ecentrali'ed reporting
@@@@@@@<@Aig re$i,"al 'a$$
66666666&ermanent monitoring
66666666.apid response

8"e$tion No( 15 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he flatten organi'ations are considered to )e:
@@@@@@@<@S'all an, narro> $pan$ o- 4ontrol
666666661arge and $ide spans of control
66666666+ight control and strict discipline
66666666!ore focused epertise on a given area

8"e$tion No( 1+ # Mar*$( 1 & ttp(BB!"$t",ent$9ning94o' - 0lea$e 4oo$e

9ou have eliminated hori'ontal, vertical, and eternal )arriers $ithin your
organi'ation. 9ou are operating as a5an:
7oundaryless organi'ation
Organi'ational pyramid
< Matri2 organization
:irtual organi'ation

8"e$tion No( 1; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the given options is the epansion of *o) content to include a $ider
variety of the tasks and to increase the $orkers; responsi)ility for checking
<uality and direction for the method%
< Co? enlarge'ent
=o) rotation
=o) enrichment
=o) reengineering

8"e$tion No( 13 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing factors influence the O7 in glo)al organi'ations%
"ustomers and $ork force
1anguage and communication styles
8ifferences in pay scales
< All o- te -a4tor$ in-l"en4e9

8"e$tion No( 1) # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

A manger is helping his su)ordinates to eplore, and possi)ly resolve, personal
pro)lems. What is he doing%
< /o"n$eling

8"e$tion No( 20 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

All of the follo$ing include )ehavioral symptoms of stress EX/E0T(
< Ba, 'oo,$
7eing irrita)le

8"e$tion No( 21 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

1earning ho$ to )e a )etter listener and ho$ to )e a more effective team player
is eample of $hich training%
&ro)lem solving
< Interper$onal

8"e$tion No( 22 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing statement is true regarding a dominant culture%
+he sum of an organi'ation#s su)cultures
8efined )y the leader of an organi'ation
< S7non7'o"$ >it an organizationD$ 4"lt"re
1ikely to )e a $eak culture of an organi'ation

8"e$tion No( 2: # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

A strong culture can act as a su)stitute for $hich of the follo$ing%
< Organizational r"le$

8"e$tion No( 2% # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

All of the follo$ing are eamples of material sym)ols EX/E0T(
>se of the company *et
< Ne> e'plo7ee orientation$
1uury cars for eecutives
&rivate parking spots

8"e$tion No( 25 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

1ooking for )etter $ay to stay is called:
< Rea4ti!e 4ange
Anticipatory change
.adical "hange
Incremental "hange

8"e$tion No( 2+ # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is5are considered necessary for the development of
< All o- te gi!en option$

8"e$tion No( 2; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

&roductivity, *o) satisfaction and turnover are (((((((.
!oderating varia)les
< .epen,ent !aria?le$
Independent varia)les
"ontinuous varia)les

8"e$tion No( 23 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he relatively sta)le set of psychological attri)utes that distinguishes one person
from another is called (((((((.
< 0er$onalit7

8"e$tion No( 2) # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is true for the people $ho adopt a thinking style )ased on
logics and rationality%
+hey process information serially
+hey perceive things as a $hole
+hey perceive things on the )asis of past eperiences
< Teir ,e4i$ion$ ,epen, "pon $it"ation

8"e$tion No( :0 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+eams are very useful in $hich of the follo$ing situations%
+he $ork to )e performed is very )asic
< Te ta$*$ are interrelate,
4o one $ants to )e accounta)le
+he group is homogeneous

8"e$tion No( :1 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing sho$s all people, positions, reporting relationships, and
lines of formal communication in the organi'ation%
O)*ectives chart
< Organizational 4art
&osition chart
&ert chart

8"e$tion No( :2 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he internal operations of an organi'ation provide the frame$ork for $hich
type?s@ of departmentali'ation%
< F"n4tion an, pro4e$$
2unction and market
&roduct and customer
Aeographical and customer

8"e$tion No( :: # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing departmentali'ation is similar to functional
departmentali'ation ecept that the focus is much more on specific *o)s grouped
according to activity%
< 0ro4e$$ ,epart'entalization
&roduct departmentali'ation
Aeographic departmentali'ation
"ustomer departmentali'ation

8"e$tion No( :% # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Organi'ational culture includes all of the follo$ing EX/E0T:
A )asis on individual perceptions
2eelings that characteri'e life in the organi'ation
< Gain $aring plan
.eference to current situations in an organi'ation

8"e$tion No( :5 # Mar*$( 1 & ttp(BB!"$t",ent$9ning94o' - 0lea$e 4oo$e

Which of the follo$ing is the organi'ational source of resistance to change%
2ear of unkno$n
Economic threat
< Ne> $o4ial relation$ip
+hreatened po$er

8"e$tion No( :+ # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is the process of planned change and improvement of the
organi'ation through application of kno$ledge of the )ehavioral science%
Organi'ational culture
Organi'ational theory
Organi'ational "hange
< Organizational .e!elop'ent

8"e$tion No( :; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing is the process in $hich data is gathered, analy'ed,
summari'ed and returned to those $ho generated them%
&rocess "onsultation
< S"r!e7 -ee,?a4*
Inter,group development
-ensitivity +raining

8"e$tion No( :3 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

&+"1 has contracted $ith different recruiting agencies to provide human
resource for its call centers. It is an eample of $hich of the follo$ing%
Off shoring
< O"t$o"r4ing
=o) migration

8"e$tion No( :) # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

>sman and A$ais are procurement engineers in A7" "orporation. 7oth have
same eperience and education. +he responsi)ilities of )oth are same. 7ut
>sman is earning more )ecause of the personal relationships $ith their )oss.
Which of the follo$ing may )e the reason of organi'ational stress for A$ais%
< Salar7

8"e$tion No( %0 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+oday the $orld is facing severe type of recession. 8ue to $hich organi'ations
have to do$nsi'e. +his do$nsi'ing is causing $hich of the follo$ing
organi'ational stress for employees%
< Se4"rit7

8"e$tion No( %1 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

All of the follo$ing are the key components of performance management cycle
< 0lanning

8"e$tion No( %2 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

=o) rotation, understudy assignments, apprenticeship and formal mentoring
programs are eamples of $hich of the follo$ing%
< On te Eo? training
Off the *o) training
-imulation training
:esti)ule training

8"e$tion No( %: # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Emotional Intelligence is important for $hich of the follo$ing positions%
8aily $age $orker
< Manager

8"e$tion No( %% # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

Which of the follo$ing can )e considered a method of social learning%
&urchase invoices
< TF 4o''er4ial
Work !anual

8"e$tion No( %5 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

+he administration of a "ollege recommended Ayesha to )e the mem)er of
college honor society for her ecellent effort. Administration ehi)ited $hich of
the follo$ing po$er over Ayesha%
< 0er$onal

8"e$tion No( %+ # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

4aveed is relatively ne$ employee and $ants to make sure that he makes a
good impression on his co$orkers and supervisor. He agrees $ith the
supervisor#s opinion most of the time and is al$ays doing nice things for him.
4aveed is attempting to use:
&olitical )ehavior
"onflict management
2astidious )ehavior
< I'pre$$ion 'anage'ent

8"e$tion No( %; # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

In contrasting organi'ational culture $ith *o) satisfaction, organi'ational culture is
a descriptive term, $hile *o) satisfaction is a ((((( term.
< Rea4ti!e

8"e$tion No( %3 # Mar*$( 1 & - 0lea$e 4oo$e one

!r. Ali is a marketing manager of A7" "orporation. He asked !.. >sman, sales
manager, to help him in a pro*ect and promised him that he $ill help him $hen he
$ould need $ithout )ringing it into the notice of their supervisors. 7oth of them
are involved in $hich of the follo$ing type of politics%
!anaging impression
"ontrolling information
< /"lti!ating net>or*$
"reating o)ligation

8"e$tion No( %) # Mar*$( : &

Ho$ strong organi'ational cultures have great influence on the )ehavior of its
employees% http:55vustudents.ning.com
Organi'ational cultures are learnt )y stories, rituals, and hand)ook. 7ut the
intensity of the culture and the degree to follo$ it )y employees depends upon
the employee stage of satisfaction to the organi'ation.
4ormally satisfied employees try to follo$ and adopt organi'ational culture on
them. 7ut unsatisfied employees try to avoid as on $here they can.
A strong organi'ational culture means every employee should follo$ and if not,
negative reinforcement, or punishment $ill )e applied upon him. -ome
organi'ations don#t compromise on <uality, customer satisfaction.
With this degree of ho$ strong the organi'ational culture is employees have to
follo$ it, other$ise they are ready for the reaction from the organi'ation.

8"e$tion No( 50 # Mar*$( : &

Ho$ I-O has impacted organi'ational )ehavior% http:55vustudents.ning.com
&roducts or services all over the $orld have some properties attached to them.
+he satisfaction they provide, against the resources paid, is called <uality of the
product. I-O tried to put some )asic properties of the product, )y $hich $e can
understand that the product, $ill provide the )enefit at least the level of the
<uality prescri)ed.
+he organi'ations $hich follo$ the standards provide )y the I-O for their product
and services are glo)ally accepted. -o in the current situation if any organi'ation
$ould like to introduce their product glo)ally they have to follo$ some rules and
regulation prescri)ed )y I-O.
Buality can )e achieved )y applying some strict rules in the transformation
process of the organi'ation. And to follo$ these rules is the responsi)ility for
everyone in the organi'ation.
Ed$erd 8eming introduced the +B! ?+otal Buality !anagement@ concept at
organi'ational level. +his <uality management are the steps )y follo$ing an
organi'ation produce <uality products, and keep survival in the competitive $orld.

8"e$tion No( 51 # Mar*$( 5 &

8iscuss some of the important steps that management takes to revie$ the
performance of employees% http:55vustudents.ning.com
+o measure the employee performance, mostly organi'ations use confidential
report ?".@ and appraisal form. 4ormally this ". or appraisal form filled )y the
immediate supervisor. +he performance depends upon, A)ility, Attitude, and
-upervisor has to *udge the personal traits, 1earning a)ility, -trength, and
response of the employee. And ho$ much the employee is loyal to the

8"e$tion No( 52 # Mar*$( 5 &

8o you think structured intervie$ reduces )iases as compared to unstructured
intervie$% http:55vustudents.ning.com
-tructured intervie$s can definitely reduced )iases, $hich is a normal human
fault occurs during intervie$s.
An unstructured intervie$ can not measure the candidate a)ility to *o) fit,
interpersonal skills, and )ehavior.
Intervie$er can make the follo$ing mistake.
-elective perception: A)ility he is searching in the candidate can not )e find in
half an hour or one hour.
Halo effect: Intervie$er can like or dislike any one thing of the candidate and the
intervie$ee can )e re*ected or accepted through it.
-tereotyping: +he intervie$er can have the earlier kno$ledge a)out the group
the intervie$ee )elongs to.
&ro*ection: He epected $hat is he in his mind a)out the candidate

8"e$tion No( 5: # Mar*$( 5 &

8ifferentiate )et$een *o) description and *o) specification.
=o) description means ho$ the task divided in *o)s, this $ill ans$er, What to do,
ho$ to do. A complete set of series documented form is a *o) description.
While =o) specification means $hat are the minimum <ualification and
eperience, certification re<uired to do this type of *o).

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