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Marks: 50
Questi! N: " # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
The behavior of people is influenced by which of the following factors?
Psychological needs
Individual drives
Social roles and status
) A&& * t(e +i,e! -ti!s
Questi! N: . # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
The greatest contribution of which one of the following to OB is through their study of
group behavior in organizations, particularly foral and cople! organizations?
) Ps/'(&+/
Social Psychology
Questi! N: 0 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich one of the following set of s$ills is best representing the re%uired copetencies
of anagers?
) 1e'(!i'a& ski&&s2 (u3a! ski&&s a!4 '!'e-tua& ski&&s
&eading s$ills and otivational s$ills
Organizing s$ills and interpersonal s$ills
'otivating s$ills and intrapersonal s$ills

Questi! N: 5 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
The sell of fresh ca$e ba$ing a$es Saia(s outh water is an e!aple of which one
of the following learning theory?
) C&assi'a& '!4iti!i!+
Social learning
Operant conditioning
)einforceent theory
Questi! N: 5 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
'anagers should be interested in their eployees( attitudes because*
"ttitudes influence behavior and perception
"ttitudes give warning signs of potential probles
"ttitudes are associated with +ob satisfaction
) A&& * t(e +i,e! -ti!s
Questi! N: 6 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following is ,OT one of the scales to easure +ob satisfaction?
'innesota Satisfaction -uestionnaire
The .aces Scale
) 1(e 3e!tr s'a&e
/escriptive Inde!
Questi! N: 7 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
0ahra(s personality shows that she is dependable, well organized, and responsible1
"ccording to the Big .ive odel2 which of the following is the right diension for
describing 0ahra(s personality?
3otional stability
) C!s'ie!tius!ess
Questi! N: 8 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following are the categories into which eotions are usually
Siple and 4ople!
) Psiti,e a!4 Ne+ati,e
Positive and 4ople!
4ople! and ,egative
Questi! N: 9 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
3otional )esponses that the organization re%uires wor$ers to show and considers
appropriate in a given +ob are called*
.elt 3otions
) Dis-&a/e4 E3ti!s
3otional Intelligence
Questi! N: "0 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
Organizational ebers who intentionally violate established nors that result in
negative conse%uences for the organization, its ebers, or both, show*
) De,ia!t Wrk-&a'e Be(a,ir
3otional &abor
3otional disorder
,one of the given options
Questi! N: "" # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hat do we call the process by which individuals organize and interpret their sensory
ipressions in order to give eaning to their environent?
3nvironental analysis
Social verification
) Per'e-ti!
Questi! N: ". # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
The awareness that a proble e!ists and that a decision needs to be ade is a5an*
) Per'e-tua& issue
3ergency issue
4ognitive issue
3thical issue
Questi! N: "0 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following is ,OT an assuption of the rational decision6a$ing odel?
The decision a$er has coplete inforation
The decision a$er is aware of all conse%uences
The decision a$er can identify all the relevant criteria
) 1(e 4e'isi! 3aker is '!strai!e4 :/ ti3e a!4 'sts
Questi! N: "5 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
"ccording to which of the following decision a$ing odel2 people see$ solutions that
are satisfactory and sufficient?
) Bu!4e4 ;ati!a&
Three 4oponent 'odel
Questi! N: "5 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
7ow is the satisficing decision a$er best characterized?
"s using rationality
) As usi!+ :u!4e4 rati!a&it/
"s using creativity
"s relying on others to a$e decisions
Questi! N: "6 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following is NO1 an ethic in decision a$ing?
.ocus on right
.ocus on +ustice
) <a,ritis3
Questi! N: "7 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following stateents is NO1 an e!aple of stereotyping?
There is no need to offer child6care to hi2 en aren(t interested in child care
/on(t hire an older wor$er2 they can(t learn new s$ills

) S(e =as +4 at (er &ast >:2 s s(e =i&& :e +4 at t(is !e
She won(t relocate for a prootion, since woen don(t relocate

Questi! N: "8 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hat is the priary organizational factor that satisfies people(s physiological needs?
) Pa/
Questi! N: "9 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#ho developed 3)9 theory?
) A&4er*er
Questi! N: .0 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
Shahid is a salaried eployee whose +ob is to proof read legal docuents1 7e discovers
that he is paid substantially ore than his colleagues, even though their +obs and
perforances are very siilar1 #hat is li$ely to be his reaction to this discovery
according to e%uity theory?
The %uantity of docuents he proofreads will decrease
The %uality of docuents he proofreads will decrease
) 1(e ?ua!tit/ a!4@r t(e ?ua&it/ * 4'u3e!ts (e -r*rea4s =i&& i!'rease
There will be no effect of this fact on his perforance
Questi! N: ." # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following stateents is true?
) O&4er e3-&/ees (a,e &=er rates * a,i4a:&e a:se!'e t(a! /u!+er =rkers
Older eployees have lower rates of unavoidable absence than younger wor$ers
Older eployees are ore li$ely to %uit their +ob than younger wor$ers
Older eployees are perceived to be ore fle!ible than younger wor$ers
Questi! N: .. # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
)esearch does NO1 support which of the following stateents about gender in the
#oen are ore willing to confor to authority than en
'en are ore aggressive than woen
) W3e! are 3re -r4u'ti,e at =rk t(a! 3e!
'en have higher e!pectations of success
Questi! N: .0 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following is NO1 one of the ost widely used variable6pay progras?
Piece6rate wages
'erit6based pay
) <iAe4 -a/
Profit sharing plans
Questi! N: .5 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
In which of the following situation Synergy is ost li$ely to occur?
The activities of all group ebers are fully dependent on one another
The perforance of one eber of a group affects what other ebers do
9roup ebers ust perfor specific behaviors in a predeterined order
) Bru- 3e3:ers a'ti!+ t+et(er -r4u'e 3re r :etter ut-ut t(a! a&!e
Questi! N: .5 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following is the stage of group developent characterized by the
developent of close relationships and cohesiveness?
) Nr3i!+
Questi! N: .6 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following does NO1 e!plain the characteristics of teas?
4oonality of purpose
Interconnectivity aong individual ebers
.le!ibility and degree of responsiveness
) ;estri'ti!s ! eA-ressi! * i4eas
Questi! N: .7 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following is NO1considered an advantage of electronic eetings?
'aintains the secrecy of ideas
Speed up decision a$ing process
) ;e'ei,i!+ 're4it *r t(e :est i4eas
"ccurate e!change of opinions
Questi! N: .8 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following stateent is true about decision a$ing using noinal group
This ethod is good to generate a %uantity of ideas
This ethod is good for building group cohesiveness
) 1(is 3et(4 is +4 *r e!'ura+i!+ i!4e-e!4e!t t(i!ki!+
This ethod is an ine!pensive way of generating a!iu ideas
Questi! N: .9 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following is the product of a sender(s encoding?
) Messa+e
Questi! N: 00 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
If "li is apprehensive regarding oral counication, which of the following behaviors is
he least li$ely to display?
) Ce -re*ers t ta&k ! t(e -(!e
7e prefers to send eails
7e relies on eos or letters
7e avoids face6to6face counication
Questi! N: 0" # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
Sai is developing ar$eting page for the copany web site and is concerned about
the appearance of his active lin$s1 7e see$s reactions fro fellow eployees1 The
reactions he see$s are part of the*
"d+ourning phase
3ncoding phase
/ecoding phase
) <ee4:a'k -(ase
Questi! N: 0. # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following is an iportant nonverbal coponent of counication?
#ritten eo
) E/e '!ta't
Questi! N: 00 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
" counication channel with greater channel richness is ost li$ely to provide*
9reater feedbac$ density
9reater filtering capability
9reater perceptual wellness
) Lar+er a3u!ts * i!*r3ati!
Questi! N: 05 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
:obs in which success deands staina, leg strength and anual de!terity re%uire
anageent to identify an eployee(s which characteristics?
) P(/si'a& a:i&ities
'otor abilities
'ental abilities
3otional abilities
Questi! N: 05 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
If a anger is responsible to define goals, establish an overall strategy for achieving
those goals and atching activities accordingly, then which one of the following
functions is he5 she perforing?
) P&a!!i!+
Questi! N: 06 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
" bachelor degree holder is ost li$ely to have a +ob that re%uires*
7uan s$ills
) 1e'(!i'a& ski&&s
4onceptual s$ills
&eading s$ills
Questi! N: 07 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
#hich of the following type of values deterine the preferences for the eans to be
used in achieving desired ends?
Terinal values
) I!stru3e!ta& ,a&ues
Theoretical values
Social values
Questi! N: 08 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
"li is an eployee in a copany1 7e e!presses his dissatisfaction by discussing the
proble with the superiors, suggests iproveents and involves the unions in proble
solving, 7e e!presses his dissatisfaction in which of the following ways?
) L/a&t/

Questi! N: 09 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
The degree to which an individual believes that perforing at a particular level will
generate a desired outcoe is defined by e!pectancy theory as what $ind of
) Per*r3a!'e%re=ar4
)eward6personal goal
Questi! N: 50 # Marks: " $ % P&ease '(se !e
The counication used by anagers to provide +ob instructions is an e!aple of*
) D=!=ar4 '33u!i'ati!
&ateral counication
/irectional counication
/iagonal counication
Questi! N: 5" # Marks: "0 $
7ow does 3)9 theory differ fro 'aslow(s hierarchy of needs?
A!s=er :
"braha 'aslow(s theory of needs describes five levels of needs and fro botto to
top order they are *
<= Physiological needs * These include basic needs of food, e!istence, shelter
etc1 This is the lowest level of needs in 'aslow(s hierarchy1
>= Safety needs *These include the needs for feeling safe and protected fro
environental hazards1
?= Social needs * These include the need for belongingness and having social
@= 3stee needs * These needs include the need for being recognized and
having respect in society
A= Self actualization needs * This is the highest level of needs and eans that a
person reaches the full potential he is capable of reaching1
In contrast to this, 4layton "lderfer(s 3)9 needs are three and they are *
<= 3!istence needs * The need for e!istence i1e food, shelter etc1
>= )elatedness needs * The need for having social relationships and being
related to1
?= 9rowth needs * The needs for growth and achieving soething and doing
soething good in life1
Spring 2010
MGT502- Organizational Behaio!r "Se##ion - 1$
Re% No&
Ti'e& (0 'in
Mar)#& 50

*!e#tion No& 1 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

opinion or belief segment of an attitude is described by which component of attitude?
- .ognitie
Behavior intension

*!e#tion No& 2 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

Values like working hard, being creative and honest are the means which lead towards achieving
organizational goals !hich of the following term best described these values?
Terminal values
- In#tr!'ental al!e#
Theoretical values
"ocial values

Not ,on%ir' *!e#tion No& / " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following country is a representative of collectivism as a nation ie group harmony,
cohesiveness, consensus and corporation?

- 0nite1 State#
#ape Town

*!e#tion No& 2 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

%uatemala is a country where ine&ualities e'ist showing gap between rich and poor !hich of the
following value is truly representing the state of %uatemala?
- +o3er 1i#tan,e
)ncertainty avoidance

1004#!re *!e#tion No& 5 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

Big *ive model is related to ++++++++++++++++
- +er#onalit5

*!e#tion No& ( " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich dimension of the Big *ive model refers to be pleasant and accommodating in social situations?
- E6troer#ion
.penness to e'perience
-motional stability

*!e#tion No& 7 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following is /.T one of the traits according to the Big *ive 0odel?
- Sel% a,t!alization

*!e#tion No& 8 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

-motional 1esponses that the organization re&uires workers to show and considers appropriate in a given
2ob are called3
*elt -motions
4isplayed -motions
- E'otional Intelligen,e

1004#!re *!e#tion No& 9 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following is NOT one of the si' universal emotions, as agreed upon by most
contemporary researchers?
- :ate

1004#!re *!e#tion No& 10 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one",hap 12$

is a group leader at interior designing firm "he is concerned with the achievement of her peers and
subordinates, she appreciate their suggestions and motivates them to come up with something new and
uni&ue !hich of the following is "ana5s style?
- .on,ept!al

DD1004#!re *!e#tion No& 11 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one ",hap 11$

because he was late in his first class, his teacher thinks he is irresponsible student7 !hich error teacher
has commited in this case?
"elective perception
- :allo e%%e,t
"ocial perception

1004#!re *!e#tion No& 12 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one",hap 11$

(t is
not possible for 0r Asim to understand everything he sees, he notices a few of the things, we can say that
he engages in3
- Sele,tie per,eption
8alo -ffect
Target ,erception

*!e#tion No& 1/ " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

According to attribution theory, which of the following is an e'ample of e'ternally caused
- An e'plo5ee i# late ;e,a!#e o% a %lat tire<
An employee was promoted because of his abilities
An employee was fired because he slept on the 2ob
An employee was promoted because he was hard working

*!e#tion No& 12 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

According to attribution theory, if someone shows different behaviors in different situations then this can
be termed as+++++++++++
- Di#tin,tiene##

*!e#tion No& 15 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following statement ;e#t describes 6motivation?9
1esults in a level of efforts put by a group
(ntensifies an individual5s efforts from others
- G!i1e# an in1ii1!al=# e%%ort# to3ar1# a goal
0eets an individual5s needs, wants and demnands

*!e#tion No& 1( " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

"hahid is a salaried employee whose 2ob is to proof read legal documents 8e discovers that he is paid
substantially more than his colleagues, even though their 2obs and performances are very similar !hat is
likely to be his reaction to this discovery according to e&uity theory?
The &uantity of documents he proofreads will decrease
The &uality of documents he proofreads will decrease
- The >!antit5 an1?or the >!alit5 o% 1o,!'ent# he proo%rea1# 3ill in,rea#e
There will be no effect of this fact on his performance

Not ,on%ir' *!e#tion No& 17 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

degree to which an individual believes that performing at a particular level will generate a desired
outcome is defined by e'pectancy theory as what kind of relationship
1eward:personal goal
- E%%ort-#ati#%a,tion

Not ,on%ir' *!e#tion No& 18 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

factor theory suggests that dissatisfaction is caused by e'trinsic factors !hich of the following is an
e'ample of such a factor?
- @or)ing ,on1ition

*!e#tion No& 19 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hat continuum in the two:factor theory is made up of the hygiene factors?
/o dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction
/o dissatisfaction to satisfaction
- Sati#%a,tion to no #ati#%a,tion
"atisfaction to dissatisfaction

*!e#tion No& 20 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following is /.T a biographical characteristic?
- Region

*!e#tion No& 21 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following statements concerning tenure is NOT true?
Tenure does not appear to be a good predictor of employee productivity
Tenure and satisfaction are positively related
- Ten!re i# a goo1 aria;le in e6plaining t!rnoer
Tenure and organizational investment are negatively related

*!e#tion No& 22 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hat does 0B. provide for the individual employee?
- Spe,i%i, per%or'an,e o;Ae,tie#
,recise 2ob descriptions
#lear direction and purpose
8igher salaries

Not ,on%ir' *!e#tion No& 2/ " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

sets 0B. ob2ectives?
The immediate supervisor
The superior and subordinate
- The hea1 o% 1epart'ent
The employees themselves

*!e#tion No& 22 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following are all forms of variable:pay programs?
;;;;;;;;!age incentive plans, fle'time, piece:rate
BBBBBBB-B+ie,e-rateC 3age in,entie plan#C gain #haring
;;;;;;;;,rofit:sharing, lump:sum bonuses, e'tended vacations
;;;;;;;;1etirement benefits, e'tended vacations, fle'time

*!e#tion No& 25 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following is one advantage of variable pay plans to management?
BBBBBBB-BThe5 t!rn %i6e1 la;or ,o#t# into aria;le la;or ,o#t#
;;;;;;;;They turn low producers into high producers
;;;;;;;;They turn slow employees into fast employees
;;;;;;;;They turn high fi'ed costs into low fi'ed costs

*!e#tion No& 2( " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following statements 'o#t accurately describes interest groups?
;;;;;;;;They are longer lasting than friendship groups
BBBBBBB-BThe5 are %or'e1 ;e,a!#e o% #o'e ,o''on o;Ae,tie
;;;;;;;;They are governed by labor laws
;;;;;;;;They are likely to involve great social conflict

Not ,on%ir' *!e#tion No& 27 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

Teams typically outperform individuals when the tasks being completed ++++++++++++++
;;;;;;;;1e&uire multiple skills
BBBBBBB-BRe>!ire A!1g'ent
;;;;;;;;1e&uire e'perience
;;;;;;;;All of the given options

Not ,on%ir' *!e#tion No& 28 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

Team members with good listening, feedback, and conflict resolution skills possess ++++++++++++++
;;;;;;;;Technical e'pertise
;;;;;;;;,roblem:solving skills
BBBBBBB-BDe,i#ion-'a)ing #)ill#
;;;;;;;;(nterpersonal skills

*!e#tion No& 29 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following is one of the drawbacks of a small team?
BBBBBBB-BDa,) %or 1ier#it5 o% ie3#
;;;;;;;;<ess chances of disagreement
;;;;;;;;<ess rigidity
;;;;;;;;<ess difficult to assemble

*!e#tion No& /0 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

(ndividual decisions are generally preferable to group decisions when which of the following is re&uired?

*!e#tion No& /1 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

main difference between a leader and a manager is3
;;;;;;;;0anagers seek change and leaders don>t
;;;;;;;;<eaders are thought of as better people because they don>t punish
BBBBBBB-BDea1er# are a1o,ate# %or ,hangeC an1 'anager# %or the #tat!# >!o
;;;;;;;;0anagers are concerned with people, and leaders with events

*!e#tion No& /2 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following is a behavioral theory of leadership?
;;;;;;;;Trait theory
;;;;;;;;*iedler model
BBBBBBB-BOhio State #t!1ie#
;;;;;;;;-&uity Theory

*!e#tion No& // " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

According to the .hio "tate studies, the e'tent to which a leader5s behavior is directed toward getting the
2ob done is called3
BBBBBBB-BInitiating #tr!,t!re

*!e#tion No& /2 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

leader high in initiating structure would do which of the following?
;;;;;;;;-'hibit laissez:faire type of leadership
;;;;;;;;0a'imize leader:member relations
BBBBBBB-BA##ign gro!p 'e';er# to parti,!lar ta#)#
;;;;;;;;-mpower employees to make their own decisions

*!e#tion No& /5 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

graphic portrayal of a two:dimensional view of leadership styles by Blake and 0outon is known as3
;;;;;;;;<east preferred co:worker scale
;;;;;;;;<eader:participation model
;;;;;;;;Autocratic:democratic continuum
BBBBBBB-BManagerial gri1

*!e#tion No& /( " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

means by which a communication is passed is called3

*!e#tion No& /7 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

Bulletin, notice boards, circulars are considered to be which type of communication?
;;;;;;;;)pward communication
BBBBBBB-BDo3n3ar1 ,o''!ni,ation
;;;;;;;;8orizontal communication
;;;;;;;;<ateral communication

*!e#tion No& /8 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following is an important nonverbal component of communication?
;;;;;;;;!ritten memo
BBBBBBB-BE5e ,onta,t

*!e#tion No& /9 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

!hich of the following communication network occurs when a checkout clerk reports to a department
manager, who in turn reports to a store manager, who reports to a regional manager?

*!e#tion No& 20 " Mar)#& 1 $ - +lea#e ,hoo#e one

+++++ network best serves to promote high member satisfaction

*!e#tion No& 21 " Mar)#& 10 $

@hat are the ,o''on #)ill# e6hi;ite1 ;5 an e%%e,tie 'anagerE
A skill is an ability to act in a way that allows a person to perform highly in her or his role 0anagers
need three types of skills3
1< .on,ept!al S)ill#
2< :!'an S)ill#
/< Te,hni,al S)ill#
? #onceptual skills to analyze and diagnose a situation to distinguish between cause and effect@
A 8uman skills to understand, work with, lead, and control the behavior of individuals and groups
B Technical skills 2ob:specific knowledge and techni&ues re&uired to perform an organizational role
-ffective managers need all three types of skillsCconceptual, human, and technical *or e'ample,
-ntrepreneurs often are technically skilled but lack conceptual and human skills "cientists who become
managers have technical e'pertise, but low levels of human skills
Manage'ent S)ill#
1obert Datz has identified three essential management skills3 technical, human, and conceptual
1< Te,hni,al S)ill#
The ability to apply specialized knowledge or e'pertise All 2obs re&uire some specialized
e'pertise, and many people develop their technical skills on the 2ob
2< :!'an S)ill#
The ability to work with, understand, and motivate other people, both individually and in
groups, describes human skills 0any people are technically proficient but interpersonally incompetent
/< .on,ept!al S)ill#
? The mental ability to analyze and diagnose comple' situations
A 4ecision making, for e'ample, re&uires managers to spot problems, identify alternatives
that can correct them, evaluate those alternatives, and select the best one
S)ill# E6hi;ite1 ;5 an E%%e,tie Manager
? #larifies goals and ob2ectives for everyone involved
A -ncourages participation, upward communication, and suggestions
B ,lans and organizes for an orderly work flow
E 8as technical and administrative e'pertise to answer organization:related &uestions
F *acilitates work through team building, training, coaching and support
G ,rovides feedback honestly and constructively
H Deeps things moving by relying on schedules, deadlines, and helpful reminder
I #ontrols details without being over:bearing
J Applies reasonable pressure for goal accomplishment
?K -mpowers and delegates key duties to others while maintaining goal clarity and commitment
?? 1ecognizes good performance with rewards and positive reinforcement

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