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Te form of Japanese Verb:

While changing a verb into "te form" there is different rules for different groups. The verbs in
this form end either in "te" or in "de". We always need to consider the dictionary form of a
verb while changing it into the "te form". In case of group 1
If the end of the root verb is either "u", "tsu" or "ru" then remove that ending and add
"tte". In other words, remove u, tsu, ru respectively and add a small tsu and te. Here
the rule of double consonants plays a role. E.g. kau (to buy) - katte
If the root verb ends with either with "mu", "bu" or "nu" then remove that end and
replace it by adding "nde". In other words, remove "mu", "be", "nu" respectively and
add the nasal sounf "n" and "de". Here the rule of nasal sound "n" comes into action.
E.g. Yomu (To read) Yonde
If the root verb ends in "ku" then remove "ku" and add "ite". E.g. kiku (To listen)
If the root verb ends in "gu" then remove "gu" and add "ide". E.g. Oyogu (To swim)
If the root verb ends in "su" then remove "su" and add "shite". E.g. kasu (To lend)
In case of group 2 the only rule to follow for all the verbs included in this group is, remove
"ru" from the root verb form and add "te" at the end. E.g. miru (To see) mite
In case of Group 3 as there are only two verbs, their form is as follows:
Suru (To do) Shite
Kuru (To come) Kite
It is very important to learn the rules for group 1. Comparatively rule for group 2 is very easy
and group 3 is the easiest.
Ta Form of Japanese verb:
Once you are clear with how to change a verb into "te" form then it is very easy to change the
verbs into "ta" form. "Ta" form is the past tense of Japanese verbs in plain form. The rule for
group 1 verbs is, first change the verb into "te" form. Next step will be just replacing the end
"te" to "ta" and in case of "de" replacing it by "da". E.g.
kau (to buy) katte katta Oyogu (To swim) oyoide Oyoida
In case of group 2 just remove "te" and add "ta". In other words, add "ta" at the end of the
masu base form of the verbs of this group. E.g. tabe (to eat) tabeta
In case of group 3, "shite" becomes "shita" and in the same way, "kite" become "kita" Nai
Form of Japanese verb:
A Japanese verb when used in the "nai form" indicates some negative meaning of the
sentence. This form also has different rules for each group. Again, here also we have to first
consider the dictionary form of verbs irrespective of the group to which they belong. Lets
see each group one by one.
In group1, first convert the verb into its dictionary form. All the "u" sound consonants should
be removed and all the "a" sound should be added. This means that ku, su, tsu, nu, hu, mu, ru,
gu, zu, bu and pu will be replaced by ka, sa, ta, na, ha, ma, ra, ga, za, ba and pa respectively.
There is only one exception for "u" ending root verb. The verbs having root verbs ending
with "u" will be replaced by "wa" and not "a". The last step would be to add "nai" to all the
"a" ending verbs. E.g. kau (To buy) kawa kawanai Wakaru (To understand) wakara-
In group2, directly add nai to the stem form of the verb. This applies to all the verbs, which
come under group 2. E.g. Akeru (To open) ake akenai
The "nai form" of the two verbs of group 3 is "shinai" and "konai". As the verbs of this group
do not follow any rules, they have to be learnt as given.
Following are the tables that have the Japanese verbs and their different forms according to their

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