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Beyond Newton and Archimedes
Author Ajay Sharma
Chaptr 10 pp. !"0
#nr $nno%ati% scinc
Price 50.00/$80.00
&ublishr: Cambri'g $ntrnational Scinc &ublishing( Cambri'g )nglan'.
*thr boo+ of author Beyond Einstein and E=mc
The theme of th boo+ is that "",- yars ol' Archim's principl ( !!0
yars ol' .wton/s thir' law r0uir' to b gnrali1'. 2h rason is that whn ths laws ar
subjct' to mo'rn mathmatical 0uations an' 3primnts thn thir inconsistncis ar
highlight'. 2hs laws wr th bst for th systm thy wr formulat'. Author who spnt
o%r !" yars on th boo+ strongly fls( it will b intro'uc' in t3tboo+s of school on 'ay.
Aristote !"8#B$% "22B$& stated that ha%ir bo'y falls 0uic+ly than lightr
bo'y. $t appars tru as ston falls 0uic+ly than a straw. 4ow%r aftr narly "000 yars in 1,!1(
#alilo contra'ict' it in mor ralistic obsr%ation( as two balls of mass 10+g an' -+g fall 0ual
'istancs in 0ual intr%al of tim. Sto+ law 51619-190!7 also 'als with falling sphrs of %ry
small si1 in %iscous flui's. 2h mathmatical 0uation of Sto+s 8aw implis that ha%ir
sphr falls 0uic+ly than lightr ons. $t is li+ Aristotl/s assrtion. 2hus aban'on' Aristotl/s
assrtion 5about !-0 yars ago7 is tru %n now un'r crtain con'itions( Sto+s law hol's
goo'. 2hus Aristotl/s assrtion is still usful in such cass.
22'5 years od Archim's principl is th ol'st principl in
scinc. $t implis decrease in weight of body is equal to weight of fluid displaced. $ts two main
limitations ar point' out. 9irstly it 'os not account for th shap of th bo'y. $t implis a
sphrical( flat( an' twist'( umbrlla shap' must fall through 0ual 'istancs in 0ual intr%als
of tim. :ut it is not 3primntal obsr%ation. 2hus principl n's to b gnrali1' that
decrease in weight of body is proportional to weight of fluids displaced. 2hus a''itional factor
coms in pictur which accounts for shape of body. $n a''ition un'r som fasibl con'itions
th mathmatical 0uations bas' upon Archim's principl imply that %olum of m'ium
fill' in balloon bcoms in'trminat i.. ; <0/0. $t is maninglss pr'ictions from
Archim's conclu'' in th boo+. $f the generalized form of the principle is us' thn w gt
3act %olum i.. ;<;.
There is no com(ete thory in 3isting scinc which may 3plain
natural motion of bo'is5 1mgm( 1+g or 10+g 7 of stl of 'iffrnt shaps .g. sphrical( flat(
umbrlla shap'( thin pip shap' tc. in li0ui's. 2hr 3ists no mathmatical 0uation which
may pr'ict in tim =s( how much 'istanc will b tra%ll' by 'iffrnt bo'is 5mntion'
abo%7. $n th 3isting litratur Archim's principl( law of gra%itation( Sto+s law( 'rag forc
an' 2chn/s 0uations ar us' for th purpos. :ut ach is applicabl in limit' rgion an'
3planation is 0ualitati%. 2h sam argumnts ar tru for rising bo'is also. 2hus to 3plain th
phnomna o%r wi' rang an altrnat thory is r0uir'( which ta+s all lusi% factors 5shap
of bo'y( magnitu' of bo'y( 'istortion of bo'y( magnitu' of m'ium( shap of m'ium( stat of
motion of m'ium tc.7 in account. 2hus gnrali1' thory for 3plaining rising( falling an'
floating bo'is is '%lop' which can b 3primntally tst'.
)f we oo* at +ario,s '%lopmnts in history of scinc( thn
.wton/s first law of motion is just othr form of #alilo/s law of inrtia. #alilo 'fin' th
law of inrtia in i.. yars bfor .wton/s first law of motion. 9irstly .wton n%r ga% th
scon' law of motion( as taught right sinc 9
class all o%r th worl'. $t was gi%n by Swiss
scintist 8onhar' )ulr in 1>>- i.. =6 yars aftr 'ath of .wton by )ulr. So it is not
scintific an' logical to tach .wton/s scon' law of motion( an' .wton/s law. $t is )ulr/s
law. $t is strang stat of .wton/s first two laws of motion.
2hir' law stats that ?
to every action there is equal and opposite reaction.
Consi'r a rubbr ball is thrown at th wall from th 'istanc of -m an' aftr stri+ing it again
coms bac+ to original point tra%lling 'istanc of - m. 2hus action an' raction ar 0ual an'
opposit in this cas. 9urthr consi'r a woo'n ball is thrown un'r similar con'itions from
'istanc of -m an' aftr stri+ing th wall it rboun's to "m only. 2hus action an' raction ar
not 0ual. So th thir' law is not oby' in all cass. 4nc thir' law is gnrali1'-
to every action there is opposite reaction but it may or may not be equal.
E+an-eista Torricei constr,cted mrcury baromtr in 1,=!. :ut till 'at watr
baromtr has not b construct' sinc past !>0 yars. $n this cas th lngth of watr column
must b 10.!m an' a glass tub of lngth o%r =0 ft. So it woul' b both scintific an'
popular 3primnt. $f hight of watr column is not 10.!m ( th acclration 'u to gra%ity
will 'iffr from 9.6m/s or mass of arth woul' com out to b 'iffrnt. 2his is importanc of
th 3primnt. $f th watr baromtr 5in%ol%ing =0 ft long tub7 is construct'( thn mass of
th arth can b masur' by this mtho'.
Ajay Sharma Assistant @irctor )'ucation Shimla 1>1001
Absit www.Ajay*n8in.us
)mail ajay.p0rsBgmail.com
Cob.09=16= -0699( &hon D fa3 01>> "60=-=,
&*S2A8 &ost :o3 10> #&* 2h Call Shimla -1>1001

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