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No Greater Love

"Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong
as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave." (Song of Songs 8:6)

"May I help you find what you're looking for?" asked the
retailer, gesturing toward the gifts? "No, thanks" I responded,
"I'll know it when I see it."

When you think about it, many of our needs are validated in like
manner--when we "see it." And paradoxically, when it comes to
our deepest need (for love), it's often recognized...only after it's
been given away.

While the romantic notions celebrated on Valentine's Day clamor

for our attention, there are other attachments of the heart, which
are an order of magnitude more powerful. Aside from just
sentimentality, physical attraction or a kindred spirit, there's a
graceful form of love the ancients labeled "agape"…a love that
gives without measure, unconditionally.

More than a presence of mind, agape spurs action from a deep and abiding
commitment that's characterized by a willingness to meet someone's needs in a
manner that can't otherwise be satisfied. Wide and deep, "you know it when you see
it." It's a greater love that's willing to sacrifice by way of:

Seen in eyes weary yet warm, the broad affection, like that of parent for child,
provides "life equipping" sacrifice in…unflagging encouragement, patient instruction,
tireless supervision, logistical demands, 2nd jobs and the prayer "without ceasing"
necessary to secure "better" lives for our children. When one of my daughter's was a
toddler, I remember the delight we shared by repeating a question and answer, time
and again..."How much does Daddy love Jackie?" With arms spread apart, we would
assure each other..."this much!" The width of two hands extended across the horizon
imparted...my love for you knows no bounds.

Seen with bayonet affixed and driven to ground, the vertical image of an upright M-
16 rises from empty boots to meet a solitary helmet, poised in mid-air...to display a
depth of devotion that only a soldier's "life defending" sacrifice could make. Too
often this symbolic configuration includes the "band of brothers" that mourn their
fallen comrade's defense of liberty. It was the Lord who said, "Greater love hath no
man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends." And while our words of
remorse may fail to console the military and law enforcement families, each day that
dawns on freedom, heralds tribute anew to liberty's brave sentries…in that they
loved their country "this much."

Could there be any love greater than these? Before you answer, consider what was
pictured on that hill just outside of Jerusalem. Jutting from rock, a rough-hewn
timber beam acted as the "lighting rod" of God's perfect justice. With "I love you"
written in red, the penalty that was to be our own, instead was born by the One who
called us into existence. So great was His love for humanity that "while we were yet
sinners, Christ died for us." The vertical reach of "Jacob's ladder" now reconnects
heaven and earth with a sacrificial love that only God could offer. And with hands
extended across the horizon, you and I are invited to know a peace that passes all

In the face of such a deep and "redeeming love"-- if God be for us, who can stand
against us? And in the Spirit of such a broad and "reconciling love," what offense can
we hold that shouldn't be forgiven? Because "God is love" though, the best that we
can muster is a mere reflection of this power. Yet in Him, barriers between God and
man are removed (Eph 2:14). Released from the debt of our own sin, then gone too
is the need to elevate self. For in Him, reconciliation with God lays the foundation of
reconciliation with man...And in Him, this present "valley of tears" will one day give
way to an eternity that knows no want, and holds no fear, for all who would be
saved...by grace through faith in Christ.

The Greatest Love...

Juxtaposed at the cross of Calvary are the breadth and depth of the greatest love,
put on display for all the ages...For at that cross, we find protection from the penalty
of certain judgment that our sinfulness demands...At that cross, we gain access to
the power that overcomes a waywardness that would otherwise infect our souls and
damage our relationships...And at that cross, we're humbled by the promise that we
too can experience immortality, in redemptive harmony with the One who suffered
death to grant us life. Patterned now in the risen Christ, we're extended His seal on
our hearts, securing the redeemed perfection of the world to come.

May I help you find what you're looking for? Surely you've seen it...in the wide and
welcoming arms of mothers and fathers. Certainly it hasn't been missed...in our
nation's salute to the flag-draped coffin. And definitely it's in store...for any who
attempt to fathom the boundless dimensions of our Savior's sacrificial love at
Calvary. Especially during the Easter season, I cordially invite you to discover a love
that's wider and deeper than anything you can imagine.

"For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor
powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other
creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus
our Lord." (Romans 8:38,39)

"How much do you love me?" we ask. With arms open wide the Father says "this
much." "Herein is love, not that we loved God, but that he loved us, and sent his
Son [as] the propitiation for our sins." (1Jn 4:10)

Know greater love,

Roy J. Tanner

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