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Section II
2. The Heart & the Emotional entre
!eel"ebub most #re$uently re#ers to humans% as&your #avorites%' and as those three(brained or three(
centered bein)s breedin) u*on *lanet Earth+
&, they% li-e every other three(brained bein) o# the .hole o# our /reat 0niverse% have three
se*arately inde*endent s*irituali"ed *arts% each o# .hich has% as a central *lace #or the
concentration o# all its #unctionin)% a locali"ation o# its o.n .hich they themselves call a 1brain2
,.' 3*. 4567
Humans are three(brained bein)s and im*ressions arisin) #rom .ithin or .ithout .ill be *erceived
inde*endently by these three as*ects o# a *erson2s *resence. Each brain .ill e8*erience accordin)
to the nature o# the im*ressions% and the inde*endent associations or res*onses evo-ed. /urd9ie##
re#ers to these three locali"ations as+ &thin-in) center% #eelin) center and movin)(motor center.' 3*.
::;27 <n other occasions% the movin)(motor center is re#erred to as the movin)(instinctual center.
This triune distinction is most im*ortant to understand. Humans e8*erience and #unction mentally%
emotionally and *hysically=enablin) thin-in)% #eelin) and sensation>action.
!eel"ebub identi#ies each brain or center .ith di##erent anatomical structures .here it is
locali"ed. The intellectual or thin-in) center is associated .ith &the head o# each one o# them%' or
&as the terrestrial learned call them% the 1cells(o#(the(head(brain.' The second brain=the movin)(
instinctual center=is identi#ied .ith the &vertebral column%' the s*inal cord% and in *articular% .ith
the &1brain notes2 o# their s*inal marro..' 3*. ;;?7
The emotional or #eelin) center is a third inde*endent brain. In his Tales% !eel"ebub tells an
unusual tale about the #all o# those three(brained bein)s on *lanet Earth and ho. the center o# their
emotional li#e chan)ed+

&... in the be)innin) these three(brained bein)s o# the *lanet Earth ... had this concentration 3the
emotional center7% similar to us% in the #orm o# an inde*endent brain locali"ed in the re)ion o# their
.hat is called 1breast.2
&!ut #rom the time .hen the *rocess o# their ordinary bein)(e8istence be)an *articularly shar*ly to
chan)e #or the .orse% then @ature ... .as com*elled% .ithout destroyin) the #unctionin) itsel# o# this
brain o# theirs% to chan)e the system o# its locali"ation.
&That is to say% she )radually dis*ersed the locali"ation o# this or)an% .hich had its concentration in
one *lace in them% into small locali"ations over the .hole o# their common *resence% but chie#ly in
the re)ion o# .hat is called the 1*it o# the stomach.2 The totality o# these small locali"ations in this
re)ion they themselves at the *resent time call the solar *le8us or the 1com*le8 o# the nodes o# the
sym*athetic nervous system.2' 3**. ;;?(;567
!eel"ebub in #act does not e8*licitly state that the heart is this inde*endent brain in the re)ion o#
the breast. Ahat this brain is% is not commented u*on #urther% at least e8*licitly. Ho.ever% .e can
dra. the in#erence% .hich seems #airly strai)ht#or.ard% that the heart .as the ori)inal center o# the
emotional li#e.
Ho.ever% amon) the three(brained men(bein)s on *lanet Earth% the heart is no lon)er the center
o# the emotional li#e% and the emotional reactivity has been dis*ersed to the solar *le8us and other
nerves o# the sym*athetic system. !eel"ebub is thus su))estin) that humans ordinarily are not
*ro*erly centered .ithin the heart and the emotional center% but that the solar *le8us and &*it o# the
stomach' became the *rimary locali"ations #or
emotional reactivity. B:
In describin) the stran)e *syche o# those three
brained bein)s on *lanet Earth to his )randson
Hassein% !eel"ebub% e8*lains ho. sel#(love% vanity%
e)oism% vanity% cunnin)% and so #orth% came to be
crystalli"ed in the bein)s2 *resences% so that they
.ere no lon)er ca*able o# e8*eriencin) the sacred
bein)(im*ulse% es*ecially Cove. Instead% the *erson
is ty*ically im*risoned by narcissism in its varied
#orms. So(called love is based on sel#(love%
centered more in the solar *le8us or )enitals% than
in that &inde*endent brain locali"ed in the re)ion o#
their .hat is called 1breast.2' 3*. ;567
!eel"ebub characteri"es .hat is ta-en as 1love2
amon) those stran)e three(brained &men(bein)s+'

& ... in none o# the ordinary bein)s(men here has
there ever been% #or a lon) time% any sensation o#
the sacred bein)(im*ulse o# )enuine Cove. And
.ithout this &taste' they cannot even va)uely
describe that most beati#ic sacred bein)(im*ulse ,. Here% in these times% i# one o# those three(
brained bein)s &loves' somebody or other% then he loves him either because the latter al.ays
encoura)es and undeservin)ly #latters himD or because his nose is much li-e the nose o# that #emale
or male% .ith .hom than-s to the cosmic la. o# &*olarity' or &ty*e%' a relation has been established
.hich has not yet been bro-enD or #inally% he loves him only because the latter2s uncle is in a bi)
.ay o# business and may one day )ive him a boost% and so on and so #orth. !ut never do bein)s(
men here love .ith )enuine% im*artial and non(e)oistic love.' 3**. EF;(EF57
0nderstandin) this shi#t o# the emotional center is o# *ro#ound im*ortance to understand the
de)radation o# the human *syche% and .hy humans no lon)er e8*erience the &sacred bein)(
im*ulses.' !eel"ebub% li-e all other Tetartacosmoses .ithin the 0niverse% has the center o# his
emotional li#e .ithin this unmentioned &inde*endent brain' in the re)ion o# &the breast%' but
un#ortunately% the emotional li#e o# human-ind has been dis*ersed into the &*it o# the stomach' and
other nerve nodes .ithin the autonomic system.
0n#ortunately% accordin) to !eel"ebub% modern educators and *arents% and other male#icent
in#luences .ithin historic and contem*orary culture% encoura)e the #ormation o# &e)oism%' in these
stran)e three(brained bein)s. This 1e)oism2 is then the basis #or a .hole array o# other abnormal
and unbecomin) 1bein)(im*ulses+2

&Grom the time .hen the said e)oism had become com*letely 1inoculated2 in the *resences o# your
#avorites% this *articular bein)(*ro*erty became% in its turn% the #undamental contributory #actor in
the )radual crystalli"ation in their )eneral *syche o# the data #or the arisin) o# still several other
$uite e8clusively(*articular bein)(im*ulses no. e8istin) there under the names o# 1cunnin)%2
1envy%2 1hate%2 1hy*ocrisy%2 1contem*t%2 1hau)htiness%2 1servility%2 1slyness%2 1ambition%2 1double(
#acedness2 and so on and so #orth.' 3*. E;?7
These are some o# all those ne)ative emotions and bein)(im*ulses .hich so dominate the li#e o#
those stran)e three(brained bein)s on *lanet Earth.
!eel"ebub e8*lains a *ro#oundly im*ortant *rinci*le underlyin) the de)eneration o# human-ind%
and the dis*ersal o# the emotional center=#rom the inde*endent brain in the re)ion o# 1the breast.2
This concerns ho. this 1e)oism2 became so crystalli"ed in those stran)e three(brained bein)s%
maintains a #alse consciousness system% and% that it usur*s the role o# real 1I.2 He states+ &... this
said 10ni$ue(*ro*erty2 e)oism usur*ed the *lace o# the 10ni$ue(All(Autocratic(Ruler2 in their
)eneral or)ani"ation.' 3*. E567
Gootnotes+ :. The sym*athetic nervous system consists o# t.o nerve tracts that e8tend #rom the
base o# the s-ull and run *arallel to the vertebral column but outside o# it. The nerve tracts branch to
di##erent *le8uses% such as the solar% cardiac and hy*o)astric *le8uses% and then to di##erent or)ans
o# the body. The illustration de*icts the autonomic nervous system com*osed o# the com*lementary
sym*athetic and the *ara(sym*athetic nerves. The sym*athetic system is active durin) the #i)ht and
#li)ht syndrome o# arousal% .hile the *ara(sym*athetic system is dominant durin) the rela8ation
res*onse. The autonomic nervous system e8erts a .ides*read in#luence on the or)ans 3smooth
muscles7 and )lands o# the body% the breath and the heartbeat. The solar *le8us is the lar)est o# the
autonomic nerve *le8us and a *articularly im*ortant center #or emotional reactivity% related to the
or)ans o# the viscera 3i.e.% the stomach and intestines7 and the adrenal )lands.
2. Dr. Holmes2 326647 series% Aithin(Aithout #rom Zero Points% o##ers e8tensive elaborations o#
&the heart doctrine.' !oo- I% The Heart Doctrine+ Iystical Jie.s o# the <ri)ins and @ature o#
Human onsciousness% e8amines the *hysical% s*iritual and divine dimensions o# the human heart=
.hile dra.in) #rom diverse mystical% s*iritual and esoteric teachin)s. In li)ht o# the com*le8ity o#
1the heart doctrine%2 .e can understand .hy /urd9ie##% and !eel"ebub% did not actually name this
&inde*endent brain' as bein) the heart% .hich *eo*le .ould then ima)ine that they understood=as
sim*ly re#errin) to a *hysical or)an. /urd9ie##% in Jie.s #rom the Real Aorld 3:?;F7% does note+
&There do e8ist in$uirin) minds% .hich lon) #or the truth o# the heart% see- it% strive to solve the
*roblems set by li#e% try to *enetrate to the essence o# thin)s and *henomena and to *enetrate into
themselves.' 3*. 4E7
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