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Ismail, M. B. M. (2012), Application of Attribute Quality Control Cart (AQCC)!

A Case "tu#y
of Bric$ Manufactory of %einaa$$a#u an# its &eriperals of Ampara Coastal Belt (ACB) in "ri
'an$a( &aper presente# at International Conference on Business an# Information 2012!
Callen)es * +pportunities in te 21
Century, +r)anise# by ,aculty of Commerce an#
Mana)ement "tu#ies, -ni.ersity of /elaniya, "ri 'an$a.
"ubmitte# full paper. &ublise# full paper on te #ay of conference.
Application of Attribute Quality Control Chart (AQCC): A Case Study of
Brick Manufactory of Neinaakkadu and its Peripherals of Ampara Coastal
Belt (ACB) in Sri anka
!smail" M# B# M
Abstract Quality control plays a .ital role all o.er te 0orl# in all in#ustries. 0estern, 1astern
an# Asian or)ani2ations are $een on teir 3uality process. Quality concern in "ri 'an$a is i)er
tan earlier. 4is researc is base# on Bric$ In#ustry. 4is researc aims at $no5in) numbers of
3uality (non6#efecti.es) an# #efecti.es manufacture# by %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals bric$
manufactories an# #eterminin) 7 si)ma le.els for %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals bric$
manufactories. 4is researc is approace# by analytical mo#el incorporatin) )raps an#
matematical mo#els. 8rap is attribute control cart. Matematical formulas are e3uations suc
as -pper Control 'imit (-C') an# 'o5er Control 'imit ('C') for 3uality control. 4is researc
uses p cart formulas bric$ manufactory 9 %einaa$$aa#u * its periperals. :esearc fin#in)s
conclu#e# tat bric$ factory %einaa$$aa#u * its periperals as 1 #efecti.e for e.ery 100 bric$s
manufacture# an# ;; non6 #efecti.es (3uality bric$s). Bric$ pro#uctions of %einaa$$a#u an# its
periperals bric$ manufactories a.e 11 out of control 5ee$s 5itin one si)ma le.el. 2 * 7
si)ma le.els a.e a sin)le #efecti.e.
1"enior 'ecturer in Mana)ement, <epartment of Mana)ement, ,aculty of Mana)ement an#
Commerce, "out 1astern -ni.ersity of "ri 'an$a, +lu.il, e6 mail! mbmismail=seu.ac.l$ *
$ey %ords Attribute Quality Control Cart. Bric$ Manufactory.
& !ntroduction
Altou) tere are se.eral #efinitions #efine# by se.eral autors all te times te #efinitions
#efine# by >uran an# Crosssby are still .ali# an# 5i#ely accepte# all o.er te 5orl#. 4ey are!
Quality is fitness for use (>uran, 1;?@) an# Quality means conformance to re3uirements (Crosby,
1;?;). Quality control is a process by 5ic entities re.ie5 te 3uality of all factors in.ol.e# in
pro#uction. "tatistical process control 6"&C6 is te application of statistical meto#s to te
monitorin) an# control of a process to ensure tat it operates at its full potential to pro#uce
conformin) pro#uct. -n#er "&C, a process bea.es pre#ictably to pro#uce as muc conformin)
pro#uct as possible 5it te least possible 5aste. 0ile "&C as been applie# most fre3uently to
controllin) manufacturin) lines, it applies e3ually 5ell to any process 5it a measurable output.
+ne of te $ey tools in "&C is control carts. 4ere are t5o types of control carts suc as
.ariable an# attribute control carts incorporatin) a p cart or an np cart. 0en number of #aily
manufacture# items is constant or .aries #ay to #ay statistics of te interest is te fraction or
percenta)e #efecti.es. 4us, one of tese carts can be use# #epen#in) on te situation. Bric$
In#ustry is one of te "mall an# Me#ium 1ntrepreneursips ("M1) 5ic as not been
populari2e# li$e oter in#ustries. "M1 also contributes to number of establisments,
employments an# .alue a##ition. Altou) its contribution to establisments, employments an#
.alue a##ition it is rarely una5are in te country. "uccee#in) sections of tis researc #escribes
statement of te problem, researc 3uestions * obAecti.es, literature re.ie5, bric$ ma$in)
process of bric$ manufactory! %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals, approac to te researc,
researc #esi)n, researc meto#olo)y, #ata collection, #ata presentation * analysis, results *
#iscussion of fin#in)s, conclusions, limitations * future researc a.enues, mana)erial
implications an# .alue a##ition
' Statement of the problem
:esearcer #iscusse# 20 bric$ buyers (ne5ly built bric$ ouseol#ers) in %einaa$$aa#u * its
periperals. :esearcer as$e# about te preference of cement bloc$ stones instea# of bric$s.
:espon#ents ne.er preferre# bloc$ stones. BuyersB preference is on bric$s in place of bloc$
stones. In a##ition to tat, tere are #efects in bric$s suc as brea$, crac$ etc. manufacture# in
%einaa$$aa#u * its periperals. Bric$ buyers are not price sensiti.e. 4ey prefer 3uality bric$s
5itout re)ar# to price. In#ustry eCperts are bric$ manufacturers. :esearcer inter.ie5e# one
bric$ manufacturer in %einaa$$aa#u * its periperals. De as in#icate# tat sale of our bric$s
increases. "ale of bric$s in in#ustry as increase#. 4ere are a number of bric$ manufactories
5ic are run in Ampara Coastal Belt. &resent researc problem is #efine# on te basis of )roup
#iscussion of buyer bea.ior (buyersB preference) of en.ironmental conteCt an# inter.ie5 of
bric$ manufacturer in %einaa$$aa#u * its periperals. 4ese t5o mo#es of #ata )atere#
eCpresse# some symptoms suc as #isli$e to5ar#s bloc$ stones, searc for bric$s, #efects in
bric$s suc as brea$, crac$ etc., poor focus on bric$ price an# increase# sale of bric$s in
In#ustry. 8roup <iscussion of bric$ buyers an# inter.ie5 of bric$ manufacturer in %einaa$$aa#u
* its periperals are matcin) in a sense. 4ere is a proof for increase# sales in in#ustry an#
3uality orientation of buyers to5ar#s bric$s. Bric$ buyers see$ for 3uality bric$s rater tan
#efecti.es. ,rom te abo.e matcin) .ie5points of bot parties, researc issue rests on 3uality
bric$s (non 6 #efecti.es) an# te #efecti.es.
( )esearch *uestions and ob+ecti,es
4e abo.e note# researc issue is casca#e# into t5o researc 3uestions.
1. 0eter %einaa$$aa#u * its periperals bric$ manufactories manufacture #ifferent numbers
of 3uality (non6#efecti.es) an# #efecti.esE
2. Are %einaa$$aa#u * its periperals bric$ manufactories fall 5itin 7 si)ma le.elsE
4o sol.e te abo.e t5o :Qs, te follo5in) t5o obAecti.es are set.
1. 4o $no5 numbers of 3uality (non6#efecti.es) an# #efecti.es manufacture# by %einaa$$aa#u
* its periperals bric$ manufactories
2. 4o #etermine 7 si)ma le.els for %einaa$$aa#u * its periperals bric$ manufactories
- iterature re,ie%
&re.ious literatures are foun# in forei)n countries in #ifferent in#ustries an# in #ifferent time
frames. ,or eCample, researces a.e been carrie# out in %eterlan#, -/, -A1, -"A, Cina,
4ailan# an# "in)apore. 4ey a# #ifferent obAecti.es, meto#olo)y, #ata analysis an# fin#in)s.
4ere are fe5 literatures in tis respect in "ri 'an$a. Cooray an# :u5ine (2010) con#ucte# a
researc 5it te obAecti.e of facilitatin) te #e.elopment of "M1s of "ri 'an$a trou)
sustainable consumption an# pro#uction. Case stu#y 5as use#. In#ustry 5as Brass In#ustry.
Ismail (2011) #i# a researc on Quality Control in "mall an# Me#ium Bric$ In#ustry! An
application of Control Cart in <i.isional "ecretariat of A##alaicenai, Ampara, 1astern
&ro.ince of "ri 'an$a. It 5as a comparati.e stu#y bet5een +lu.il an# &alamunai bric$
manufactories by usin) mean control carts. Ismail (2011) 5or$e# a paper on Application of
Attribute Quality Control Cart (AQCC) in Bric$ In#ustry Clusters (BIC)! A "pecial :eference
to +lu.il Bric$ Manufactory (+BM), Ampara Coastal Belt (ACB) of "ri 'an$a. It 5as a maAor
bric$ player in +lu.il by usin) np cart. 4is researc is a )eo)rapical eCpansion 5ic is #one
in %einaa$$aa#u * its periperals bric$ manufactories by usin) p cart. It can be note# tat tis
researc fills te )ap of literature in te area of 3uality control.
. Brick Makin/ Process of Brick Manufactory: Neinaakkadu and its peripherals
"mall an# Me#ium Bric$ In#ustry in Ampara Coastal Belt (ACB) is analy2e# in input an#
process le.el. Inputs are FMs. 4ey are Manpo5er, Macinery, Material, Money an# Meto#s.
Bric$ ma$in) process consist of number of steps. ,irst, -nseasone# clay is ac3uire# from
%eina$$a#u. "econ#, "easonin) (&atani#al) occurs. 4ir#, unseasone# clay is sprea# o.er te
lan# in a circle. ,ourt, it is 5atere# insi#e te circle consi#erin) te nature of te clay. ,ift, it
is 5aite# for a 5ile. "iCt, unseasone# clay is miCe# 5it 5ater trice (/ottippurattutal).
"e.ent, 5et clay is roun#e#. 1i)t, moul#in) starts. %int, lan# is le.ele# neatly before
puttin) te moul#e# bric$ onto te lan#. 4ent, moul#e# bric$s are #rie# for about t5o 5ee$s.
1le.ent, after t5o 5ee$s, #rie# bric$s are put in ro5s in furnace ("oolai). 45e.elt, an outer
linin) is ma#e for #rie# bric$s to put te us$ (umi). 4irteent, us$ is put on insi#e te ro5s of
te #rie# bric$s an# outer linin) an# set fire to us$. ,ourteent, furnace is set fire to 7 #ays
continuously. ,ifteent, after tree #ays, as (saampal) is remo.e# an# furnace is cleane#. At
last, bric$ is terme# as fire# bric$.
0 Approach to the )esearch
4is researc is approace# by analytical mo#el incorporatin) )raps an# matematical mo#els.
8raps are attribute control cart. Matematical formulas are e3uations suc as -pper Control
'imit (-C') an# 'o5er Control 'imit ('C') for 3uality control. 4is propose# researc uses p
cart formulas bric$ manufactory 9 %einaa$aa#ua its periperals. 4ese formulas a.e been
a#opte# from 8rant an# 'ea.en5ort (2000).
G.1 p cart formulas bric$ manufactory 9 %einaa$$aa#u * its periperals.
%umber of #aily manufacture# bric$ (n) .aries #ay to #ay. "tatistics of te interest is te fraction
or percenta)e #efecti.es. 4us, a cartin) tecni3ue base# on te binomial #istribution is a
rational coice. If sub)roup si2e (%umber of #aily manufacture# bric$) is .ariable te cart for
actual percenta)e of #efecti.es can be use#. "uc cart is calle# as p cart. ,raction #efecti.e 9p6
is calculate# by #i.i#in) actual number of #efecti.es by sub )roup si2e (number of #aily
manufacture# bric$). Actual percenta)e of #efecti.es 6p6 may terefore be 3uantity tat, #i.i#e#
by n, )i.es p. "tan#ar# #e.iation of number of occurrences in n trials of an e.ent 5it a constant
probability of occurrence p in oter 5or#s stan#ar# #e.iation of percenta)e of #efecti.es is

p( 1p)
. "tan#ar# #e.iation of te proportion of occurrences in oter 5or#s te fraction
#efecti.es is

. 4e appropriate mo#el for 7 si)ma control limits on an np cart is )i.en
-C'p H p I 7

'C'p H p 6 7

1 )esearch 2esi/n
4is researc is base# on eCploratory #esi)n an# conclusi.e #esi)n. :esearc problem is #efine#
by eCploratory #esi)n. :esearcer stu#ie# buyer bea.ior of en.ironmental conteCt an#
inter.ie5 of bric$ manufacturer in %einaa$aa#ua its periperals. In oter 5or#s, researc
problem is 3ualitati.e. 4is 3ualitati.e researc problem is 3uantifie# for arri.in) at conclusion
for te researc. Conclusi.e researc #esi)n co.ers #escripti.e #esi)n. i.e. cross sectional
researc is #esi)ne#. :ecor# seets are use# to collect #ata from population at one point in time.
<escripti.e #esi)n is carrie# out in tis researc 5it te use of #escripti.e statistics.
3 )esearch Methodolo/y
K.1 -ni.erse
4ar)et uni.erse of &rimary "amplin) -nits (&"-) are all te researc sites. i.e. bric$
manufactories locate# in Ampara Coastal Belt. It is a case stu#y. Bric$ manufactories are ta$en
from %einaa$aa#ua its periperals. :eason for selectin) tese manufactories is tat tey are bi)
players in bric$ in#ustry.
K.2 "ample
4ar)et -ni.erse of "econ#ary "amplin) -nits (""-) are all te respon#ents i.e. o5ners of
%einaa$aa#ua its periperals bric$ manufactories. Con.enience samplin) tecni3ue is applie#
for 3uestionin) ""- i.e. 5it o5ners of %einaa$aa#ua its periperals bric$ manufactories 5it
re)ar# to #efecti.es an# non6 #efecti.es.
K.7 <ata collection
:esearcer inter.ie5e# 5it bric$ manufacturer of %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals. De as
in#icate# tat tere are some causes for 3uality #efects. 4ey are a#ere# bi) san#, brea#t air
stone, etc.L labour, animalsB fin)er mar$L ca#Aan, rain clot mar$, etc.L crac$, scrap, etc. an#
srun$ bric$. :esearcer co#e# tese causes into as so5n in table 1.
4able 1 causes an# co#in)
Causes Co#in)
A#ere# bi) san#, brea#t air stone, etc. A
'abour, animalsB fin)er mar$ B
Ca#Aan, rain clot mar$, etc. C
Crac$, scrap, etc. <
"rin$ in bric$ 1
("ource! Inter.ie5 5it bric$ manufacturers)
:esearcer instructe# to use tese co#in) 5en usin) recor# seets. <ata 5it respect to
#efecti.es an# non6 #efecti.es 5ere collecte# usin) primary source recor# seet for reasons for
#efecti.es an# recor# seet for number of #aily manufacture# bric$s. It consume# 7G #ays to fill
tese t5o recor# seets. :esearcer use# recor# $eepers for .isitin) bric$ manufactories in
%einaa$$a#u an# its periperals. 1numerator as been traine# on o5 to fill recor# seets an#
o5 to #e.elop rapport 5it o5ners of %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals bric$ manufactories.
+ne traine# enumerator 5as appointe# by cief researcer. 1numerator 5as AM' scool lea.er of
A/M Al Damra Maa Ni#yalaya. 1numerator 5as sent to %einaa$$a#u an# its periperal. After
collectin) tese t5o recor# seets, tey a.e been cross cec$e# by te cief researcer for
+bser.ation 5as starte# on 02
Au)ust, 2010 an# en#e# up 5it 0F
"eptember, 2010. It too$
aroun# 7G #ays 5ic 5as a continuous G 5ee$ samplin). ? samples 5ere obser.e# eac #ay.
Naryin) number of bric$s 5as manufacture# #aily in %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals. Quality
#efects are obser.e# in 1F
#ay. Moul#e# bric$s a.e to #ry for t5o 5ee$s before puttin) into
3#- 2ata presentation and analysis
<ata presentation an# analysis is so5n in table 2.
4able 2 <ata presentation an# analysis
:esearc obAecti.es
Meto# of #ata
Meto# of #ata analysis
1. 4o $no5 numbers of 3uality (non6
#efecti.es) an# #efecti.es
manufacture# by %einaa$$a#u an#
its periperals bric$ manufactories
4ables :atio analysis
2. 4o #etermine 7 si)ma le.els for
%einaa$$a#u an# its periperals
bric$ manufactories
Attribute Quality Control
-pper Control 'imit
(-C') * 'o5er Control
'imit ('C') statistics
("ource! researcersB .ie5)
4 )esults and 2iscussion of findin/s
;.1 +bAecti.e 1 to $no5 numbers of 3uality (non6#efecti.es) an# #efecti.es manufacture# by
%einaa$$a#u an# its periperals bric$ manufactories
4ere are 2G0 #efecti.es out of 2G2G0 (?00 bric$s per #ay O 7G manufacturin) #ays) bric$s.
Mo#erate causes for tese #efects a.e been i#entifie# in ca#Aan, rain clot mar$, etc.), crac$,
scrap, etc. an# srin$ in bric$. Minor causes a.e been i#entifie# in a#ere# bi) san#, brea#t
air stone, etc. an# labour, animalsB fin)er mar$ in bric$ manufactory of %einaa$$a#u an# its
periperals. Bric$ factory %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals! ,or e.ery 100 bric$s manufacture#,
tere is 1 #efecti.e an# ;; non6 #efecti.es (3uality bric$s). It is so5n in table 7 * @.
4able 7 Causes for #efecti.es! Bric$ Manufactories6 %einaa$$aa#u an# its periperals
Weeks Causes for defectives: Brick Manufactories- Neinaakkadu and its
"ota! defectives
fro# a!! causes
&i' sand(
air stone(
rain c!ot
#ark( etc.)
- %Crack(
scrap( etc.)
%/rink in
"ota! defectives
fro# individua!
Neinaakkadu 21 30 67 67 67 261
2ank 5 4 1 1 1
4able @ :atio of Bric$ manufactories6 %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals
Brick Manufactor3 "ota! nu#&er of
dai!3 #anufactured
&rick taken as *ot
/i4e and varia&!e
si4e n for 36 da3s
"ota! nu#&er
of dai!3
defectives for
36 da3s
2atio: "ota! nu#&er
of dai!3 defectives
for 36 da3s5 "ota!
nu#&er of dai!3
#anufactured &rick
taken as *ot /i4e n
for 36 da3s
6 of ratio 7
Neinaakkadu and
its pereipera!s
26261 261
1.118811 1.881188
Causes for #efecti.es a.e been #one for Bric$ Manufactories6 %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals.
Causes for tese #efecti.es a.e been i#entifie# in all fi.e areas 5it #ifferent preferences.
;.2 +bAecti.e 2 to #etermine 7 si)ma le.els for %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals bric$
&roportion #efecti.e is 0.010 P(2G0M 2G2G0) O 100Q. It refers to e.ery 100 bric$s a.e 1 #efecti.e.
&roportion #efecti.e in -C' an# 'C' is 0.01@ an# 0.00?. It refers to e.ery 100 bric$s can a.e a
1.@ #efecti.es an# 0.? #efecti.e. Do5e.er, tere are 11 out of controls. Bric$ pro#uction of 11
5ee$s as surpasse# tese limits. It is so5n in fi)ure 1.
,i)ure 1 Attribute control cart of Bric$ manufactory 9 %einaa$$aa#u an# its periperals 1
si)ma le.el
("ource! "ur.ey #ata)
4ere is a nee# to recalculate -C' an# 'C' 5itin 2 an# 7 si)ma le.el. Calculate# -C's an#
'C's 5itin 2 * 7 si)ma le.els are so5n in table F. Do5e.er, tere is 1 out of control 5itin 2
* 7 si)ma le.els. Bric$ pro#uction of 1 5ee$ as surpasse# tese limits. It is so5n in table G.
4able F -C's * 'C's
Brick Manufactory: Neinaakkadu and its peripherals
CL + / - Control limits
9C* 1 : 1 1.114
9C* 2 : 2 1.117
9C* 3 : 3 1.122
*C* 3 - 1 1.116
*C* 2 - 2 1.112
*C* 1 - 3 1.111
("ource! sur.ey #ata)
4able G %umber of out of control bric$ pro#uction an# Applicability of Cart 6 Bric$
Manufactories6 +lu.il * %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals
;- /i'#a
Nu#&er of out of contro! &rick production $pp!ica&i!it3 of
Cart 1< 2< 3<
Brick Manufactor3- Neinaakkadu
and its pereipera!s
11 1 1 n
("ource! "ur.ey #ata)
&5 Conclusions
Bric$ factory %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals manufacture 1 #efecti.e for e.ery 100 bric$s.
4ere is 1 #efecti.e an# ;; non6 #efecti.es (3uality bric$s). 4ere are 11 out of controls. Bric$
pro#uction of 11 5ee$s as surpasse# tese limits. Do5e.er, tere is 1 out of control 5itin 2 *
7 si)ma le.els. Bric$ pro#uction of 1 5ee$ as surpasse# tese limits.
&& imitations and future research a,enues
4is researc is constraine# 5it %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals bric$ manufactories, Ampara
Coastal Belt (ACB) of "ri 'an$a. 4is can be eCpan#e# to oter parts of te islan#. 4is researc
is base# on a case stu#y 5ic al5ays as a limitation of )enerali2ation. Interpretin) fin#in)s are
cautious. 4is researc is only #one in bric$ In#ustry. 4ere are a number of "mall an# Me#ium
1nterprises ("M1) clusters similar to Bric$ In#ustry.
&' Mana/erial implications
MaAor causes for tese #efects a.e been i#entifie# in a#ere# bi) san#, brea#t air stone, etc.L
labour, animalsB fin)er mar$L ca#Aan, rain clot mar$, etc.) an# crac$, scrap, etc. "rin$ in bric$
also contributes a mo#erate cause for #efecti.es in bot bric$ manufactories of %einaa$$a#ua
an# its periperals. +nce tese causes are remo.e# tere can be impro.e# sales an# #eman# in
te bric$s manufacture# by %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals bric$ manufactories.
Bric$ factory of %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals as, for e.ery 100 bric$s manufacture#, 1
#efecti.e an# ;; non6 #efecti.es (3uality bric$s). Do5e.er, once Bric$ Manufactory!
%einaa$$a#u an# its periperals tries tey can acie.e 2ero #efect le.el in #ue course 5ic is
ea.ily i)li)te# by to#ayBs contemporary mana)ement.
&( 6alue addition
Bric$ manufactory6 %einaa$$a#u an# its periperals as .ariable #aily pro#uction. p cart is
applie# to tis manufactory. Attribute 3uality control carts are applie# in bric$ in#ustry of ACB.
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