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Reflection 6505 Final


Burke (2011) summarized the concept of group work and its advantages by stating that groups
have more resources stimulate creativity with regard to problem solving and remember
discussions better (p.88). I believe this to be true in this instance because of the minds that were
placed together and the underlying similarities that existed among the members. This group
worked because there was singleness of purpose and commitment to the task at hand.
Responsibilities when determined were accepted and it is my belief that each person gave her
best to what was before her or them in the case of pairs. When presented to the group every
member of the group delved in to improve and or refocus the content. This group worked
because there was a safe psychosocial climate when someone was unsure of or struggling with
a particular section she was not afraid to express her confusion or the need for others to take a
second look. This being the case it never felt like doing someone elses work when anyone or
two persons stepped in to assist and to clarify and even to explain the probable source of doubt.
The outcome of this particular assignment is one with which we are satisfied overall and this
result was only obtained because as individuals we chose to be accommodating, focused and
were able to laugh at ourselves.
Looking back on the process I will say that I would not change the group that was put together to
form team Wenger. The strengths that came to the table were so diverse that each one was
important for the successful completion of the project. As far as the content goes, given more
time, the ICT aspect that we desired to incorporate in this piece would have been given more
prominence. This is of particular importance because the student of today is growing up in the
information age and some teachers are fearful or even reject meeting them where they are even
ten percent of the time. Reigeluth frames this idea so well when he says that The learning
Reflection 6505 Final

experiences must be designed in such a way as to meet the needs of the larger educational
system, which in turn must be designed in such a way as to meet the needs of the information
age society in general and each community and student in particular. Otherwise, there will be
continual dissatisfaction with, and turmoil in, our educational systems (p.391).
As stated in the first paragraph group work helps one to remember discussions better and I might
add forever. Prior to this particular course I never looked into what possibly goes in to the
creation of any of the syllabus documents with which I work. Having to look into such factors as
task and contextual analysis along with the creation of rubrics for a second time gave me the
opportunity to reconsider how I do what I do in the sense of attention to detail and the planning
of schemes of work. Further I had time this time around to read for understanding and not just to
pull out what I need to submit an assignment. The time afforded and discussions with one
particular group member helped me to finally understand how to lay out in writing a procedural
analysis and to generate a task analysis table. My original contribution to this particular area saw
me create a table with about seventeen rows which looked like the procedural analysis in the
form of a table. Reworking this element with help finally cemented what it ought to be I even
took to Twitter to celebrate having sorted this through once and for all. The challenges of group
work can in no way cast a shadow on its benefits. I walk away from this project with a greater
awareness of what it means to be a careful planner and designer of instruction. Have I acquired
new schema? The answer, without a doubt is yes. Were the schemata stable prior to this
assignment? Resoundingly- no! This is due in part to the time frame given to read, understand
and produce. I need time to process while I read so that it becomes a permanent part of the
cognitive structures in my head. When the time arrives for application I will have no need to
constantly refer to the text. This may not change in terms of the format of the course so for me
Reflection 6505 Final

consolidation in some instances will have to come later when faced with my daily professional
tasks. I will say that my approach to classroom instruction has changed. I am currently involved
in teaching two advanced level subjects for which the recommended text is inadequate after year
one. My usual approach would be to source articles from newspapers and the internet and
modify accordingly and it has worked. What this particular project and course have highlighted
is that this approach can be improved with the inclusion of graphic organizers and my new
ability to create rubrics per assignment to clarify my organisation and planning and to assist
students as they proceed with the tasks that I will assign. I have also come to see that a mark
scheme is not a rubric. Putting together a scheme of work and a unit of lessons with its
accompanying assessments has taken on new significance as I get ready for the new academic
Burke, A. (2011). Group Work: How to Use Groups Effectively in The Journal of Effective
Teaching, Vol. 11, No. 2, 2011, 87-95
Reigeluth, C.(2009). Instructional Theory for Education in the Information Age in C. Reigeluth
and Carr-Chellman (eds). Instructional-Design Theories and Models: Building a
Common Knowledge Base Volume III. New York: Routledge pp.387 - 399

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