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-¨¡-E¢√®Ωç 12 -Çí∫Ææ’d 2006 Ñ-Ø√-úø’ £j«-ü¿®√-¶«-ü˛ 2

Prabhakar: Hi Divakar, when did you come?

Ñ Ææ綵«-≠æù í∫´’-Eç-î√®Ω’ éπü∆? ÅFo-é¬-éπ-§Ú-®·Ø√,
(£æ…ß˝’ C¢√-éπ®˝! á°æ¤p-úÌ-î√a´¤?) áèπ◊\-´í¬ short sentences, exclamations
Divakar: Hardly a few hours ago, by the ÖØ√o®· éπü∆. ´’†ç OöÀE spoken English ™
Howrah Express. report îËÊÆ-ô-°æ¤púø’, Ç ´÷ô-éÌÊÆh formal í¬ report
(É°æ¤púË éÌEo-í∫ç-ô© éÀçü¿ô, £æ«˜®√ îËÊÆ-ô-°æ¤púø’ èπÿú≈ ´’éÃ\éÀ -´’-éÀ\í¬ rules v°æ鬮Ωç
áé˙q-vÂ°Æˇ™ ´î√a†’.) report îËߪ’-†-éπ\-®Ω-™‰ü¿’. äéπJ ´÷ô-™ xE ¶µ«´ç îÁúø-
Prabhakar: Back home after a long time, you èπ◊çú≈, Ææ£æ«-ïûªyç éπE-°œç-îË-ôô’x report îËߪ’-í∫-L-TûË
feel happy, don't you? But why
î√™« ¶«í∫’ç-ô’çC. îª÷úøçúÕ:
Kumar: I am taking the exam next week.
are you out so soon?
Kesav: Wish you the best of luck.
(î√™«-鬩ç ûª®√yûª AJ-íÌ-î√a´¤. ÆæçûÓ- 4) Ashok: Why did you drive so fast? Study this table carefully and practise the
Report: Kumar told Kesav that he was taking
≠æçí¬ ÖçC éπü∆? Å®·ûË Å°æ¤púË ´’S} spoken form well.
the exam next week, and Kesav
(áçü¿’-éπçûª ¢Ëí∫çí¬ †úÕ-§ƒ´¤?)
•ßª’-öÀ-éÌ-î√a-¢ËçöÀ?) Amar: I was late for class. Now look at the following expressions &
wished him the best of luck.
Divakar: Oh, just think of it. What do I find (class èπ◊ Ç©-Ææu-´’-®·çC) sentences.
as I step into home? Mom down Ashok: I wouldn't do it if I were you. Isn't Prabhakar: What train did you say you came by?
with a fever. dangerous? D†®Ωnç: †’´¤y à train ™ ´î√a-†-Ø√o¢˛?
-Ççí∫x-¶µ«-≠æ-ù 197
(îª÷úø’. Éçöx Cí∫-í¬ØË Øˆ’ îª÷Æœç (ØËØË †’´y-®·ûË Å™« îËߪ’†’. v°æ´÷ü¿ç äéπ®Ω’ îÁ°œpçC ÆæJí¬ N†-éπ-§ÚûË, ´’S} îÁ°æp-
-üË-N’öÀ? Å´’tèπ◊ ïy®Ωç.) éπü∆?) ´’-†ôç É™«.
a) O’ Ê°Í®-N’-ô-Ø√o®Ω’, ´’S} ã≤ƒJ îÁ°æpçúÕ.
What did you say your name was?

You are welcome

b) Srinath: You kept it where?
Sumanth: I kept it on the table.
´÷´‚-©’í¬ Å®·ûË,Where did you keep
it? spoken form
Åçö«ç éπü∆. ™ you kept it
where ÅØËC common. DØËo ÉçéÓ Nüµ¿çí¬–
Prabhakar: What train did you say you came Kesav's words ᙫ Report: Where did you say you kept it?
by? report î˨»¢Á÷ (Indirect a) Present tense: Ashok wonders why (áéπ\úø °ö«d-†-Ø√o´¤ ü∆Eo?)
(à train ™ ´î√a†Ø√o´¤ †’´¤y?) speech ™ ᙫ îÁ§ƒp¢Á÷) Amar drive so fast. Amar says he was
2) Mom must be wondering where I am.
Didn't you say the Howrah í∫´’-Eç-îªçúÕ. ´÷´‚-©’í¬ late for class. Ashok advises him not to
Express? Å®·ûË, Kesav said that do it and warns him it is dangerous.
ØËØÁ-éπ\-úø’-Ø√oØ√ ÅE Å´’t -Ç-™-îª-†-™ °æ-úÕ -Öç-ô’ç-C.
(£æ«˜®√ áé˙q-vÂ°Æˇ ÅØ√o´¤ éπü∆?) he wished him the best b) Past tense: Ashok wondered why Amar
´÷´‚-©’í¬ wonder Åçõ‰ Å®Ωnç ´’†ç-ü¿-JéÀ
of luck
My uncle must have come by the had driven so fast. Amar said he was late
ûÁ©’Ææ’– Ǩ¡a-®Ωu-éπ-®Ω-¢Á’i† N≠æߪ’ç ÅE. Å®·ûË
same train. ´Ææ’hçC. Å™« Åçõ‰ for- for class. Ashok advised him not to do it
Ééπ\úø, Mom must be wondering/ I wonder-
mal spoken form ™ í¬F, (formal í¬ and warned him against it/ of the danger/
É™«ç-öÀ-îÓôx wonder èπ◊ Å®Ωnç– 'à´’-ߪ·uç-ô’çD,
(´÷ ´÷´’ߪ’u èπÿú≈ ÅüË train ™ í¬ í¬F,
´îª’aç-ú≈L). éπçõ‰ spoken form ™ áèπ◊\-´í¬) î√™« ÅÆæ-£æ«- that it was dangerous.
à´’-´îª’a— ÅE. àüÁjØ√ N≠æ-ߪ÷Eo í∫’Jç* ´’†ç
Ç™-îª-†™ °æúøôç ÅE.
But why are you out? ïçí¬ Öçô’çC. Åçü¿’-éπE Å™«çöÀ ¶µ«´ç îÁúø-èπ◊çú≈ Now look at the following part of conver-
°j† ûÁL-°œ-†ô’x report îËߪ’ôç better. a) I wonder if he knows this =
Divakar: I told you. Mom has a fever and I sation at the beginning of the lesson:
am going to get some medicines. 1) Abhishek: Thanks a lot for your help. Prabhakar: Really a pity! Hope it is just an
¢√úÕ-éÀC ûÁ©’≤Ú ûÁL-ߪ’üÓ? (Ø√éπ®Ωnç 鬴-ôç-™‰ü¿’)
Anamika: You are welcome. b) Suneetha: Will Suguna come now?
What a bother? ordinary fever.
(îÁ§ƒp†’ éπü∆. Å´’tèπ◊ ïy®Ωçí¬ thanks
(á´-È®jØ√ ´’†èπ◊ you are
îÁ°œp-†-°æ¤púø’, Divakar: (I) wish it were! But I'm afraid it's
(Ææ’í∫’ù É°æ¤p-úÌ-Ææ’hçü∆?)
welcome/ you are most welcome/ welcome Supriya: I wonder.
Öçü¿E, ´’çü¿’©’ BÆæ’-èπ◊-®√-´-ú≈-EéÀ ¢Á∞¡Ÿ- some viral fever.
ûª’Ø√o. àç ¶«üµÓ! – NÆæ’í∫’ – What a Åçö«ç) Prabhakar: Sorry to hear that.
(´Ææ’hçüÓ ®√üÓ, Ø√éπ-†’-´÷-†¢Ë’)
bother) Report: Exercise: Report aloud the whole conversa-
Suppose we want to report the conversation
Prabhakar: Really a pity! Hope it's just an a) Present tense: Abhishek thanks tion at the beginning of the lesson, both
above. How do we go about it?
ordinary fever Anamika a lot for her help. Anamika according to rules and informally.
(´’†ç °j Ææ綵«-≠æù ᙫ report îË≤ƒhç?)
(Eïçí¬ ü¿’®Ωü¿%≠æd¢Ë’. ´÷´‚©’ appreciates his thanks.
ïy®Ω¢Ë’ éπü∆?) b) Past tense: Abhishek thanked Anamika Reporting - Present Reporting - Past
Divakar: (I) wish it were! But I'm afraid it's a lot for her help. Anamika appreciated Formal (acc. to rules) Informal (spoken) Formal (acc. to rules) Informal (spoken)
some viral fever. it. Prabhakar says it is really Prabhakar is disap- Prabhakar said it was real- Prabhakar was dis-
(´÷´‚©’ ïy®Ωç Å®·ûË ¶«í¬ØË 2) Pradhan: Congratulations on your getting a pity and that he hopes it pointed and hopes it ly a pity and that he hoped appointed and hoped
Öç-úË-C. àüÓ viral fever ÅE ņ’-´÷- the top grade. Keep it up. is ordinary fever is ordinary fever. it was ordinary fever. it was ordinary fever.
Prakash: Thank you. Divakar says he wishes it Divakar wishes it Divakar expressed a wish
†çí¬ ÖçC Ø√èπ◊.) Divakar wished it
Prabhakar: Sorry to hear that. a) Reporting verb - Present tense: were, but that he suspects were, but suspects that it had been, but that had been, but sus-
(ÅÈ®, §ƒ°æç) Pradhan congratulates Prakash on his it is some viral fever. it is a viral fever. he suspected it was some pected it to be a viral
getting the top grade and adds a word viral fever. fever.
Divakar: Damn these heavy rains! They are
of encouragement. Prakash thanks him.
the cause of all these.
b) Reporting verb - Past tense: 1. Make †’, Do †’ àN-üµ¿çí¬ b) Do= àüÁjØ√ °æE-îË-ߪ’ôç/ E®Ωy-£œ«ç-îªôç
(Ñ ¢Áüµ¿´ ´®√{©’. OöÀ-´™‰x É´Fo.)
Pradhan congratulated Prakash on his i) What is he doing? =
Prabhakar: Oh, curse my memory! I forgot to -Ö°æßÁ÷-Tç-î√L?
getting the top grade and added a word 2. Xerox , photocopy ©
congratulate you on your getting ÅûªØËç îËÆæ’h-Ø√oúø’ (àüÁjØ√ °æE)
of encouragement. Prakash thanked him. He is studying= Åûªúø’ îªü¿’-´¤-ûª’-Ø√oúø’.
a new and better job. ´’üµ¿u ûËú≈ ûÁ©-°æçúÕ.
3) Susanth: This bike often gives me trouble. – ñ„.®√V, ÇC-™«-¶«ü˛ ii) You do your duty = F NCµ †’´¤y- îÁ®·u (E®Ωy-£œ«ç)
(Ø√ ´’A-´’-®Ω-°æ¤-´©x ´’®Ω-*-§Ú-ߪ÷†’.
What a bother! 1. a) Make means to produce / manu-
Fèπ◊ Éçûª-èπ◊-´·çü¿’ éπçõ‰ ´’ç*, éÌûªh Do work, harm, homework, business, a course,
job ´*a-†ç-ü¿’èπ◊ éπçví¬ö¸q. (What a bother= áçûª *é¬èπ◊) facture. Make Åçõ‰ üËØÁj oØ√ one's best, etc.
Divakar: Thank you. But I must rush. I've Report: ûªßª÷-®Ω’-îË-ߪ’úøç, ÖûªpAh îËߪ’úøç ÅØË Make a cake, money, a speech, fun etc.,
been too long with you. Mom must a) Susanth is vexed that this/ that bike Å®ΩnçûÓ áèπ◊\-´í¬ ¢√úøû√ç. 2. Photocopy Photostat
, photo
Åçõ‰ üËE-ÈéjØ√ BÆœ†-ô’xí¬
be wondering where I am. See often gives him trouble. i) Mother is making coffee = ´îËa copy ÅE.Xerox company machine
¢√∞¡x O’ü¿
you later. Bye. b) Susanth was vexed that that bike often Å´’t 鬰∂‘ ûªßª÷®Ω’îË≤ÚhçC. BÊÆ photocopy Å®·ûË Xerox copy photo-
(Thanks. é¬F ؈’ ¢Á∞«}L. FûÓ ´’K gave him trouble. ii) The student is making an stat machines †’ ¢Á·ü¿ô v°æ¢Ë-¨¡-°-öÀdçD, É°æp-öÀéà Åûªuçûª
áèπ◊\-´-ÊÆ-°æ¤-Ø√o†’. OúÁ-éπ\-úø’-Ø√oú≈ ÅE É™« ´’†ç report îËÊÆ-ô-°æ¤púø’ He said that, attempt to understand the sub- °ü¿l company ÅüË. ÅÆæ©’ ÅØ√-LqçC photocopy ÅØË.
Å´’t ņ’-éÌç-ô’ç-ô’çC. ûª®√yûª etc., ™«çöÀN ¢√úø-èπ◊çú≈ ¶µ«¢√Eo ûÁ©’°æ-í∫-L-TûË ject = Nü∆uJn Æ涄-bèπ◊d†’ Å®Ωnç îËÆæ’- Xerox copy Xerox brand machine O’ü¿ -BÊÆ copy
éπ©’ü∆lç.) î√©’. éÓ-´-ö«-EéÀ v°æߪ’ûªoç îËÆæ’h-Ø√oúø’. È®çúø÷ äéπõ‰. photocopy correct.
Spoken English -§ƒ-ûª -¢√u≤ƒ-©éÓÆæç -éÀxé˙ -îË-ߪ’ç-úÕ.. URL: http://www.eenadu.net/spoken/spoken.htm

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