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- The 2009 PYP Exhibition -


Cristina Milos
4th Grade ANTZ
The PYP Exhibition 2009

Dates Stages of the process
Introduction to the central idea
April 6- 14 Students begin to develop their own understanding of the central idea
1 Students are encouraged to consider topics of interest to research
Students are shown exemplars of previous Exhibitions
Students choose an area of interest/issue to be researched and they group
according to it

April 15 - 1 SPRING BREAK

Students begin to identify their research questions
April 27- Research planning tools are introduced
1 Research begins
Students develop timeline for their research
The groups are paired with mentors

May 4 - 15 2 Students begin to work with mentors

Research continues
First draft of research is due

Mentor meetings continue

May 18 - Students revise and refine research findings using teacher feedback
1 Final draft of research is due
Students prepare for the presentation of their research and they are monitored as

May 25 - 1 Students review and prepare the final details of their presentations
June 1st - 5 1 PYP Exhibition

June 8 - 12 1 Students reflect on their actions, presentations and the exhibition process
Things I need to consider:

Planning: does it need improvement or other changes?

Resources: does the school ensure they are made available?


1. Myself
- Do my questions foster critical & creative thinking?
- Do I enable my students to rethink, reorganize and refine their ideas?
- Do I provide enough time for students to work independently, in pairs and in groups??
- Do I act as a facilitator of the inquiry process?

2. My students
- Are they enthusiastic about this exhibition? Are they too anxious?
- Do they show independence in their work? Do they need my assistance too often?
- What do they find difficult to understand, research, learn or present?
- Do they work collaboratively?
- Do they manage their time effectively?

3. Mentors:
- Do they show commitment? Do they follow their timetable?
- Are they assisting students thoroughly during these sessions? Do they provide too much/not enough support?
- What is their feedback on the students’ work?
- How do students view the work with the mentors?

4. Parents
- Have they understood the importance of this exhibition?
- Do they support their kids throughout this process? How?
- Do they have other questions regarding the final event?

5. School staff (especially IT Department)

- Do other staff members show understanding of Exhibition’s importance?
- Do they help when required?

DON’T FORGET: classroom display

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