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Racism has been around since the beginning of time.

It might have been in

the form of the Egyptians making the Hebrews into slaves, white people owning
black slaves, or Hitler killing millions of people because he thought they were less
evolved and not perfect. It all goes back to sin and thinking that some people are not
as important as us or that you your self is the center of the universe. All of it is a
pride issue and is a result of the fall of man. It is an evil that has been almost
eradicated many times, but always rears it ugly head in each generation in many
different ways. I have been accused of being a racist before and yes I have made
many black jokes, but never would I truly think that I am above someone else just
because of the color of my skin. In my opinion it is the same as saying someone has a
lot of freckles or they are tall. It is a physical characteristic that has been passed
down through the generations.
Being racist used to mean just hating like the Irish or the British or the
Germans which can make more sense because your country might actually be at war
with them at the time. When the champion for the evolutionist, Charles Darwin
wrote the Origin of Species he claimed that the darker color of someones the less
evolved they were. And many people might say that black people were in slavery
before that. Well who do they think sold them from Africa? Other black people sold
them to white people who then shipped them over to America and wherever else
they were sold. And this hasnt just been going on for a couple hundred years either,
no, the Jews were slaves and then became their own country and then were taken
over by the Persians so black people arent the only people in history who have been
slaves. Many, many different kinds of people have been slaves at one point or
another. Doesnt make owning slaves right it is just showing that black people arent
the only ones in history who have been persecuted for being who they are. Jews
were murdered by the millions when Hitler was in control of Germany, white
Germanic people were considered savages by the ancient Romans, and almost all of
Asia was taken over by the Mongols. The people of the world have always hated
those who are different then them and the one thing that has driven people apart is
race. As the great speaker of the world Morgan Freeman was asked what he thought
about black history month and he said he hated it. There is no white history month
or Indian month and as Morgan said the best way to get rid of racism is to stop
talking like we are all different. We should all acknowledge that we are made in the
image of God and just refer to each other as people.

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