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Jared Suarez Alvarez

2 Bachelorette Bielefeld

1. What is meant by the scientific method? What are the roles of various kinds
of reasoning in science? To what extent is there one method which is
appropriate for, and actually followed in, all of the natural sciences?
The scientific method is a compilation of steps that may be very different for
some and so obvious for others. Those same steps find their roots of the 4 ways of
knowing, basis on the interpretation of each, but as a unit. Its relationship with
natural sciences its when people make simple questions about the word surrounding
them. Scientific method helps to minimize influence on results by personal, social o
unreasonable influences. Thus science is seen as a pathway to study phenomena in
the word, based upon testable and verifiable evidence. This pathway may take
different forms, in fact felicity is essential to scientific thinking, so there is no single
method that all scientists use, but each must ultimately have a conclusion that is
testable and falsifiable, otherwise it is not science. By different ways of knowing and
the instances in how the scientific method is applicable we determinate wither a
natural reasoning comes in. So, natural sciences by the scientific method explain
everything that is around us and how they became part of our knowledge. But what
is the scientific method? Well, the scientific method is a method of research in which
a problem is identified, relevant data are gathered, a hypothesis is formulate from
this data, and the hypothesis is empirically tested. This explains that everything
started being a problem, and then after research and experiments we came out with
Scientific method involves formulating a hypothesis. There are many ways in
which a scientist may arrive at their hypothesis (including serendipity), but probably
the most common one is observation induction that is, observing that a
phenomenon has always occurred that way in the past, and inducing that it will
always happen that way in the future. Proving this hypothesis to be true will be the
aim of their experimentation during the testing stage. This goes by hand with
language as being the main source of acquiring knowledge, because, its the non-
chosen one, the necessary for survival. But there is a problem with this way of
viewing science. We cannot prove anything with 100% certainty in the natural world,
so the purpose of science is not to show that things are true, rather that things are
false. If a hypothesis stands up to testing over a long period of time, it is given the
term theory. This means that we are not so much interested in theories that are true
we are theories that are not false. This idea provides us with a convenient definition
of a scientific hypothesis: a statement that can be falsified.
Now, science doesnt not mean the same as pseudo-science. Nevertheless the
got similar conclusion the differences are mean full. This may appear on daily life
experiences and makes us see how the world behaves. Science can be described
as a powerful "way of knowing" based on experimentation and observations of the
natural world. We depend on science for unbiased and verifiable information to make
important decisions about our lives. Although there are other ways of knowing

may be important in our personal and cultural lives, they rely on opinion, belief, and
other factors rather than on evidence and testing. The scientific method utilizes a
series of facts, hypotheses, laws, and theories to explain observations in the natural
world. Pseudo-science is based con coincidences and predictions. Predictions must
be testable. Based upon observation the scientific community builds a collection of
observations and interactions. This background is used to construct theories, which
can be used to make predictions about the system under observation.
When scientists use the word theory, they mean more than a suggestion. A
scientific theory must be based upon previously made observations, and it must
provide a basis for experiments that test the theory. As previously stated, if the
theory fails it must be abandoned for the area in which it failed. The pseudo-science
cannot be proven at all. It does not follow a particular way, talking of organization
and believable ideas. At this point, belief is a strong factor, so the knowledge of
science is determined by what a person believes. The most common example of
pseudo-science is Astrology. It studies the same objects as the astronomers, but in a
completely different way. Astrology possesses claims in which there is a relationship
between astronomical phenomena and events in the human world.
But what about math? Does mathematics even follow the scientific method? In
what may come as a surprise to some, yes, it does.. A mathematician engaging in
research does not produce a statement for a theorem and proceed to prove it. She is
usually feeling her way in the unknown as much as any scientist. Math will consider
some specific examples, and try to see if they have a property or not; will formulate
some questions, and try to see how she can answer them for specific cases. This
process continues until the mathematician finally obtains an argument establishing
her hypothesis, or she manages to disprove it On the other hand, there are some
notable differences with sciences like physics: while there is observation, there
seems to be no observation of the "real world". And mathematicians always demand
"proof", a far more stringent standard than is met by any other science. Although
certain concepts in mathematics might be proved rigorously, it does not always
mean that they are completely certain because there are always some assumptions
and an element of perception that is involved that can create some uncertainty.
The ambiguity in many complex mathematical concepts affects the certainty in
science as well as other areas of knowledge because some science concepts are
based on numbers such as quantum mechanics in physics. Natural sciences are
most affected by mathematics in physics because physicians use math which is not
completely certain but is very accurate and hence there is always the possibility of
discovering a theory which has more truth to it than the previous one. This adds to
the barriers of uncertainty that exist in science. This idea leads to the connections
that exist between different areas of knowledge.
The development of theories may pass through the Scientific Method and
becomes generally accepted world wide and there it becomes a theory or in some
cases if it stays for a long time a law. Einstein's Laws of Relativity and Gravity are
good examples of these long term developments. Is the existence of gravity really
truth as according to the correspondence theory when its a theory and by definition
theories are said to be able to be changed over time in the natural sciences and truth
must be eternal. This is one thing that confuses me, how can something be subject
to change and be truth at the same time? Well once simple answer is that the natural
science does not determine truth from a correspondence or coherent point of view, in
fact the natural sciences are a lot more based on pragmatic views. If you look at
science from a pragmatic point of view, you see it works very well with the Scientific
Method, if it works and its useful then it is truth. Therefore it is possible to achieve
truth through theories in the natural sciences.
TOK Mathematics and Sciences - International Baccalaureate Theory of Knowledge
- Marked by Teachers.com. (n.d.). Retrieved August 22, 2014.
Science and Pseudoscience. (n.d.). Retrieved August 22, 2014.
How Non-scientists use the Scientific Method. (2000, January 1). Retrieved August
22, 2014.
How do we acquire knowledge in the natural sciences? (2014, January 1). Retrieved
August 22, 2014.
Science as a Way of Knowing | UCSUSA. (n.d.). Retrieved August 22, 2014.
Abd-El-Khalick, F., and Lederman, N.G. (2000). Improving science teachers
conceptions of the nature of science: A critical review of the literature. International
Journal of Science Education, 22(7), 655-701.

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