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In the case of a 70 MHz 1F carries for a transponder band width of 36 MHz; energy
mst !ie between " MHz.
a.# 3$ and 106
b.# %&. 'nd ((
c.# 106 and 1$&
d.# 3$ and 1$&
&. )adar sed to e!iminate c!tter in na*igationa! app!ication is "
a.# +!se radar
b.# ,rac-ing radar
c.# M,I radar
d.# Mono p!se radar
3. ,he 1.%% mm windows is not yet in se with fiber optic systems becase "
a.# ,he attenation is higher than at 0.(% mm
b# ,he attenation is higher than at 1.3mm
c.# .itab!e !aser de*ices ha*e not yet been de*e!oped
d.# It does not !end itse!f to wa*e!ength m!tip!e/ing
$. +re0emphasis in FM systems in*o!*es0
a.# 1ompression of the mod!ating signa!
b.# 2/pansion of the mod!ating signa!
c.# 'mp!ification of !ower fre3ency components of the mod!ating signa!.
d.# 'mp!ification of higher fre3ency components of the mod!ating signa!.
%. In a terrestria! microwa*e system transmission of signa!s is achie*ed throgh0
a.# ref!ection from the ionosphere
b.# !ine of sight mode
c# ref!ection from the grond
d.# diffraction from the stratosphere.
6. 1asse grain feed is sed with a parabo!ic ref!ector to
a.# increase the gain of the system
b#. increase the bandwidth of the system
c.# redce the size of the main ref!ector
d.# a!!ow the feed to be p!aced at a con*enient point.
7. In most microwa*e commnication !in- rain drop attenation is cased de to0
a.# scattering of microwa*es by water drops of specific size.
b# scattering of microwa*es by a co!!ection of drop!ets acing as a sing!e body.
c.# absorption of microwa*es by water and conse3ent heating of the !i3id
d.# absorption of the microwa*es by water *apor in the atmosphere.
(. 4hen a 57% " 6$0#4 !oad is connected to a coa/ia! !ine of 70 8 7% 4 at 6MHz then the
!oad matching on the !ine can be accomp!ished by connecting0
a.# ' short " circited stb at the !oad
b.#'n indctance at the !oad
c. #' short circited stb at a specific distance from the !oad
d.#none of the abo*e
's compared to ana!og m!timeters9 digita! m!timeters are "
a.# !ess accrate
b.# more accrate
c.# e3a!!y accrate
d.# none.
:. 4hen a signa! of 10 m; at 7% MHz is to be measred then which of the fo!!owing
instrments can be sed "
a.# ;,;M
b.# 1athode ray osci!!oscope
c.# Mo*ing iron *o!tmeter
d.# <igita! m!timeter
10. 'mp!ifier of c!ass = has high theoretica! efficiency of 7(.% percent becase0
a.# It is biased a!most to satration
b.#Its 3iescent crrent is !ow
c.#It>s otpt is an e/act rep!ica of it>s inpt
d.#It is biased we!! be!ow ct off
11. ,he cop!ing that prodces minimm interference with fre3ency response is0
a.# <irect cop!ing
b.#Impedance cop!ing
c.# ) 1 cop!ing
d.#,ransformer cop!ing
1&. spercondctor is a "
a.# ' materia! showing perfect condcti*ity and Meissner effect be!ow a critica!
b.# ' condctor ha*ing zero resistance
c.# ' perfect condctor with highest di0magnetic ssceptibi!ity
d.# ' perfect condctor which becomes resistance when the crrent density throgh it
e/ceeds a critica! *a!e
13. 4hen an indctor tnes at &00 ?Hz with 6&$ pF capacitor and at 600 ?Hz with 60.$
pF capacitor then the se!f capacitance of the indctor wo!d be "
a# (.0% pF
b# 10.0%pF
c.# 16.01pF
d.# &0.01pF
1$. ,he @ of a radio coi! "
a.# is independent of fre3ency
b.# increases monotonica!!y as fre3ency increases
c.# decreases monotonica!!y as fre3ency increases
d.# increases pto a certain fre3ency and then decreases beyond that fre3ency
1%. 4hen a generator of interna! impedance and operating at 1AHz feeds a !oad *ia a
coa/ia! !ine of characteristic impedance %0 ohm then the *o!tage wa*e ratio on the feed
!ine is "
a.# 0.%
b.# 1.%
c.# &.%
d.# 1.7%
16. ,he coding system typica!!y sed in digita! te!emetry is "
a.# ++M 5p!se position mod!ation#
b.# +'M 5p!se amp!itde mod!ation#
c.# +1M 5p!se code mod!ation#
d.# +<M 5p!se dration mod!ation#
17. )adiation pyrometers are sed for the measrement of temperatre in the range of "
a.# 0&0001 to %0001
b.# 001 to %0001
c.# %0001 to 1&0001
d.# 1&0001 to &%0001
1(. )F amp!ifier of an '.M. recei*er is norma!!y biased in "
a.# 1!ass B'B
b.# 1!ass BbB
c.# 1!ass B1B
d.# Cone
1:. ,he *a!e of gate *o!tage for the operation of enhancement of on!y C channe!
MD.F2, has to be "
a.# High positi*e
b.# High negati*e
c.# Eow positi*e
d.# 7ero
&0 .1onsider the fo!!owing e/pressions indicating the step or imp!se response of an
initia!!y re!a/ed contro! system0
1. 5% " $e0&F# 5t#
&. 5e0&t F%# 55t##
3 .;5t# F (e0&t 5t#
$ . ;5t# F $e0&t $5t#
&1. 4hich is the fo!!owing re!ate to rationa! transfer fnction of a system0
1. )atio of Forier transform of otpt to inpt with zero initia! conditions.
&. )atio of Eap!ace transform of otpt to inpt with zero initia! conditions.
3. Eap!ace transform of system imp!se response.
&&. Eap!ace transform of system nit step response se!ect the correct answer sing the
codes gi*en be!ow. 1odes
a.# 1 and $
b.# & and 3
c.# 1 and 3
d.# & and $
&3.For the signa! g 5t# " 10 cos 5%0 pt# cos& 51%0at# ,he Cy3ist samp!ing state in t
seconds is
a.# 1%0 samp!es per second
b.# &00 samp!es per second
c.# 300 samp!es per second
d.# 3%0 samp!es per second
&$. In the case of a 70 MHz 1F carries for a transponder band width of 36 MHz; energy
mst !ie between " MHz.
a.# 3$ and 106
b.# %&. 'nd ((
c.# 106 and 1$&
d.# 3$ and 1$&
&%.)adar sed to e!iminate c!tter in na*igationa! app!ication is "
a.# +!se radar
b.# ,rac-ing radar
c.# M,I radar
d.# Mono p!se radar
&6.,he 1.%% mm windows is not yet in se with fiber optic systems becase "
a.# ,he attenation is higher than at 0.(% mm
b# ,he attenation is higher than at 1.3mm
c.# .itab!e !aser de*ices ha*e not yet been de*e!oped
d.# It does not !end itse!f to wa*e!ength m!tip!e/ing
&7.+re0emphasis in FM systems in*o!*es0
a.# 1ompression of the mod!ating signa!
b.# 2/pansion of the mod!ating signa!
c.# 'mp!ification of !ower fre3ency components of the mod!ating signa!.
d.# 'mp!ification of higher fre3ency components of the mod!ating signa!.
&(.In a terrestria! microwa*e system transmission of signa!s is achie*ed throgh0
a.# ref!ection from the ionosphere
b.# !ine of sight mode
c# ref!ection from the grond
d.# diffraction from the stratosphere.
&:.1asse grain feed is sed with a parabo!ic ref!ector to
a.# increase the gain of the system
b#. increase the bandwidth of the system
c.# redce the size of the main ref!ector
d.# a!!ow the feed to be p!aced at a con*enient point.
30.In most microwa*e commnication !in- rain drop attenation is cased de to0
a.# scattering of microwa*es by water drops of specific size.
b# scattering of microwa*es by a co!!ection of drop!ets acing as a sing!e body.
c.# absorption of microwa*es by water and conse3ent heating of the !i3id
d.# absorption of the microwa*es by water *apor in the atmosphere.
31.4hen a 57% " 6$0#4 !oad is connected to a coa/ia! !ine of 70 8 7% 4 at 6MHz then
the !oad matching on the !ine can be accomp!ished by connecting0
a.# ' short " circited stb at the !oad
b.#'n indctance at the !oad
c. #' short circited stb at a specific distance from the !oad
d.#none of the abo*e
3&.'s compared to ana!og m!timeters9 digita! M!timetersBs are "
a.# !ess accrate
b.# more accrate
c.# e3a!!y accrate
d.# none.
33.4hen a signa! of 10 m; at 7% MHz is to be measred then which of the fo!!owing
instrments can be sed "
a.# ;,;M
b.# 1athode ray osci!!oscope
c.# Mo*ing iron *o!tmeter
d.# <igita! m!timeter
3$.'mp!ifier of c!ass = has high theoretica! efficiency of 7(.% percent becase0
a.# It is biased a!most to satration
b.#Its 3iescent crrent is !ow
c.#It>s otpt is an e/act rep!ica of it>s inpt
d.#It is biased we!! be!ow ct off
3%.,he cop!ing that prodces minimm interference with fre3ency response is0
a.# <irect cop!ing
b.#Impedance cop!ing
c.# ) 1 cop!ing
d.#,ransformer cop!ing
36.' spercondctor is a "
a.# ' materia! showing perfect condcti*ity and Meissner effect be!ow a critica!
b.# ' condctor ha*ing zero resistance
c.# ' perfect condctor with highest di0magnetic ssceptibi!ity
d.# ' perfect condctor which becomes resistance when the crrent density throgh it
e/ceeds a critica! *a!e
37.4hen an indctor tnes at &00 ?Hz with 6&$ pF capacitor and at 600 ?Hz with 60.$
pF capacitor then the se!f capacitance of the indctor wo!d be "
a# (.0% pF
b# 10.0%pF
c.# 16.01pF
d.# &0.01pF
3(.,he @ of a radio coi! "
a.# is independent of fre3ency
b.# increases monotonica!!y as fre3ency increases
c.# decreases monotonica!!y as fre3ency increases
d.# increases pto a certain fre3ency and then decreases beyond that fre3ency
3:.4hen a generator of interna! impedance and operating at 1AHz feeds a !oad *ia a
coa/ia! !ine of characteristic impedance %0 ohm then the *o!tage wa*e ratio on the feed
!ine is "
a.# 0.%
b.# 1.%
c.# &.%
d.# 1.7%
$0# )ona!d and 2!an are wor-ing on an assignment. )ona!d ta-es 6 hors to type 3&
pages on a compter9 whi!e 2!an ta-es %
hors to type $0 pages. How mch time wi!! they ta-e9 wor-ing together on two different
compters to type an assignment
of 110 pages G
'# 7 hors 30 mintes
=# ( hors
1# ( hors 1% mintes
<# ( hors &% mintes

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