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The Amateur Boxing Association of England Ltd.

Senior Novice National Championships.

Entry Form 2013 / 2014.
Please enter me as a Competitor for the.kgs Class A / Class B at the forthoming Championships to !e
hel" #n"er the r#les of the Amate#r Bo$ing Assoiation of Englan" %imite".
&y orret name is (block capitals). 'ate of !irth
&e"ial (eor" Car" )#m!er ***********************. Bo$er+s ,ignat#re....
Cl#!...ABC Assoiation
,ignat#re of the -on ,eretary of Cl#! or .rganisation.'ate.
All ompetitors shall !e at least 1/ years ol" on 01 .to!er 2013.
Class A. 2 - ! total competitive "outs "# ! $cto"er 2!%. % x 2 minute &ounds.
Class B. 11 0 20 total ompetiti1e !o#ts !y 01 .to!er 2013. 4 $ 2 &in#te (o#n"s.
The 'eight for Classes A and B are as follo's(
Light )l#'eight**************
over +, -gs not exceeding +. -gs
over +. -gs not exceeding , -gs
over , -gs not exceeding ,+ -gs
over ,+ -gs not exceeding ,/ -gs
over ,/ -gs not exceeding 0! -gs
Light 1elter'eight************..
over 0! -gs not exceeding 0%., -gs
over 0%., -gs not exceeding 0/ -gs
Light 2iddle'eight************.
over 0/ -gs not exceeding / -gs
over / -gs not exceeding /, -gs
Light 3eav#'eight************..
over /, -gs not exceeding . -gs
Cruiser'eight*************** over . -gs not exceeding .0 -gs
over .0 -gs not exceeding 4 -gs
Super 3eav#'eight************.. over 4 -gs

Assoiation Championships shall !e omplete" B2 ,#n"ay 20 .to!er 2013.
Fo#r Pre 1/4 Final (o#n"s shall !e omplete" B2 ,#n"ay 03 )o1em!er 2013.
1 &erseysi"e 3 Cheshire 1 Com!ine" ,er1ies. 2. East &i"lan"s (egion 1 2orkshire.
3. ,o#thern Co#nties 1 -ome Co#nties. 4. Eastern Co#nties 1 &i"lan" Co#nties.
4he 5#arter Finals shall !e omplete" B2 ,#n"ay 1/ )o1em!er 2013.
1. 4yne 4ees 3 6ear 1 )orth 6est (egion. 2. Pre 1/4 Final 1 1 Pre 1/4 Final 2.
3. Pre 1/4 Final 3 1 Pre 1/4 4. 4. 6estern Co#nties 1 %on"on.
4he ,emi0Finals shall !e omplete" B2 ,#n"ay 01 'eem!er 2013.
5/F 1 1 5/F 2 in 4yne 4ees 3 6ear 5/F 3 1 5/F 4 in &i"lan" Co#nties.
4he Finals shall !e omplete" B2 ,#n"ay 07 'eem!er 2013 !y Com!ine" ,er1ies.

&ules 5overning these ABAE Senior Novice Championships
1. 4he Championships shall !e go1erne" !y the entry on"itions set o#t !elo8* 8hih may from time to time 1ary
'ith the &ule Boo- currentl# in print.

2. Competitors must "e Novice Boxers 6British or Non-British7 and must registered 'ith the ABA of England Ltd. Competitors must
represent the Clu" on the entr# form throughout the Championships. The# must "e at least / #ears old on $cto"er ! 2!%.The#
must have had a minimum of 2 ABAE "outs on entr#. Competitors shall declare all details of competitive "outs in other com"at
sports. These num"ers must "e entered at the top on page on the 2E%. The# shall "e counted to'ards the num"er of "outs on the
entr# criteria.
Acceptance of entr# does not necessaril# impl# that the entrant is eligi"le or that he 'ill "e allo'ed to compete. Those
in "o#!t as to their eligi!ility sho#l" refer their ase to the -on. ,eretary of their Assoiation* or to the ABAE offie.
)on0 British ompetitors m#st ha1e hel" an &E3 for 1 year from the "ate of their first me"ial sho8n in the &E3.
%. An intending competitor ma# onl# enter through one Association and "ox in one 'eight. Should a competitor "e too
light or too heav# for the 'eight at 'hich he entered the Championships he ma# transfer to his correct 'eight at
the initial 'eigh in. 3e cannot transfer to a different 'eight categor# after the first stage of the Championships.
4. By entering these Championships* for a !o$er #n"er 17 years of age* a ompetitor+s parent or g#ar"ian 8ill ha1e !een "eeme" to
gi1e onsent to allo8 his name* photographs an" 1i"eo footage to !e #se" in all me"ia for p#!liity p#rposes if re9#ire"..
:. 4he entry form m#st !e signe" !y the ompetitor* gi1ing his orret name* "ate of !irth an" a""ress.
The 3on. Secretar# of the competitor8s clu" or organisation must also sign the entr# form9 to verif# that the competitor:s details
are correct.
;. '#ring the 20ho#r 6eigh in perio" !o$ers may ha1e as many hek 8eighs as they 8ish #p to the offiial los#re of the sales.
Bo$ers may 8eigh in strippe" if neessary.
/. <lo1es 0 all !o$ers 8ill 8ear l.o= AlBA appro1e" an" stampe" glo1es s#pplie" !y the organisers.
7. Competitors may !ring their o8n seon"s 8ho m#st 8ear 8hite or plain grey tro#sers an" 8hite 1est or 8hite shirt or
8hite s8eater. 4raining shoes or !o$ing !oots m#st !e 8orn. 4raks#its or 8hite >akets are permitte".
)o hea" 8ear at ringsi"e. &o!ile phones m#st !e s8ithe" off 8hen at ringsi"e.
?. &e"ial reor" ar"s @&E3A m#st !e pro"#e" at the time of time of 8eighing in at all stages of the Championships.
10. For the Pre 0 5#arter Final an" 5#arter Final mathes* appointe" .ffiials shall !e pai" e$penses !y their o8n Assoiation.
)e#tral .ffiials for Pre 5#arter Finals an" 5#arter Finals shall !e pai" for !y the hosting Assoiation.
.ffiial+s e$penses for the ,emi Finals an" Finals to !e pai" !y the ABAE.
11. All !o$ers m#st 8ear a g#m shiel"* #p protetor* ABAE appro1e" !an"ages on the han"s an" an ABBA appro1e" an" stampe"
hea" g#ar" 8hen ompeting. )o re" or part re" olo#re" g#m shiel"s may !e 8orn.
12. 6here !oth !o$ers in the eliminating ro#n" of a 8eight lass are "is9#alifie" the Assoiation or Assoiations >ointly onerne"
8ill !e permitte" to nominate a representati1e to the ne$t stage pro1i"e" the nominee has entere" an" 8eighe"0in for his
Assoiation Championships.
13. All partiipants i.e. !o$ers an" oahes* are remin"e" that these Championships are s#!>et to the ABAE Anti C'oping (#les.
14. 4he soring mahine ,-A%% ).4 !e in operation in the Championships at the (egional Assoiation Finals* Pre 5#arter Finals*
5#arter Finals* ,emi0Finals an" Finals.
1:. Bf there is no opponent for a !o$er to ompete in the )ational Final* he shall !e only !e a8ar"e" the )ational 4itle
if he has !o$e" at an earlier stage.
1;. Bf neessary* to "efine the D!elt+ line* ompetitors 8ill !e re9#ire" to 8ear the appropriate olo#r sash.
)o !o$er 8ill 8ear a (E' 1est in the B%EE orner or a B%EE 1est in the (E' orner.

1/. All !o$ers &E,4 8ear a (E' hea" g#ar" an" glo1es in the (E' orner an" a B%EE hea" g#ar" an" glo1es in the B%EE orner.
17. All 8inners of the )ational Final in Class A shall only !e allo8e" to ompete in Class B in f#t#re years pro1i"ing the !o#t
9#alifiation n#m!er has not !een e$ee"e".
1?. All 8inners of the )ational Final in Class B shall !e #pgra"e" to B)4E(&E'BA4E lassifiation.
20. All !o$ers shall !e lean0sha1en !efore presenting themsel1es to the to#rnament &e"ial .ffier.
2. The entr# fee of ;,.!! must accompan# each application.
<C A=5=ST 2!%

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