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3:^-^ THA/LAND
. . for Thou wast slain, and didst purchase unto God with Thy blood
men of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation." Revelation 5:9b.
APRIL, 1955
in Thailand
APRIL 1955 Vol. 4 No. 1
Published twice yearly, in spring and
autumn, by undenominational Christian
missionaries laboring to establish in
Thailand (Siam) self-supporting
churches after the New Testament
pattern. Distributed with the hope of
gaining needed prayer support for the
Thailand work, of gaining more con
secrated workers for this and other
fields, and of encouraging ail to greater
effort in the spread of simple undenom
inational Christianity throughout the
world. Missionaries engaged in th's ef
fort are presently located at two centers
in extreme Northern Thailand: Talat
Chiengkam, Changwat Chiengrai, Thai
land; and Pua, Nan Province. Thailand.
Cover Picture
Nai Da, is one of the faithful Chris
tians at the Leper village. He reads
the northern Thai dialect and has a
copy of the New Testament in that di
alect. The headman has written out
many of the Thai hymns in the northern
Thai script so he can take an active
part in the worship services. He is faith
ful in teaching his boy the Scripture
verses and is seeking to bring h'm up
in the way of the Lord. Photo was taken
by LaVerne Morse.
School at the Leper Village
About thirty are enrolled in the short
term school at the leper village and are
learning to read and write. In addition
to this they are also having regular
Bible study classes and Scripture mem
orization classes each school day. Those
learning 40 memory verses will receive
a copy of the "Life of Christ Visualized"
and those who learn 100 verses will re
ceive a Thai New Testament.
Missionaries Visit
LaVerne and Lois Morse visited the
Chiengkam missionaries at Christmas
time. It was a happy time of fellowship
for all. Since then LaVerne has gone on
to Burma while Lois is in Bangkok
awaiting her Burmese visa.
Son Born to Bares
Mr. and Mrs. Garland Bare announce
the birth of an 8 pound 7 ounce son.
Geoffrey Edward, at American Mission
Hospital, Prae, Thailand on March 18.
Leprosy patients say "Thank You."
Shortly after Christmas a group from
the leper village came to bring a gift of
eggs to the missionaries to express their
appreciation for the teaching and treat
ment that they have received. Though
these people are poor and outcasts of
society because of their disease, yet
they have come to know the riches that
they have in Christ Jesus. The gift of
eggs is an expression of their love, for
these who were hopeless have found
hope and new life in Christ Jesus.
Two Baptisms
In December two persons at the leper
village were buried with Christ in bap
tism. Both of these people came to the
village about a year ago and eagerly
listened to the gospel message. Nai Awn
was a Buddhist priest before he began
to be disfigured by leprosy. Since be
coming a Christian he has found new
joy and happiness. He has enrolled in
the classes to learn to read and is mak
ing rapid progress. He is ahead of all
the rest in memorizing Scripture verses.
Nang Gao is faithful in her attendance
at services and recently married a
young Christian man of the village.
Three others were baptized earlier in
the year. Pray for these young Chris
tians that they may grow in the Lord.
Wallace Altlce Resigns
Mr. Altice resigned as a missionary
recruit to Tha'land. He feels he can
better serve the Lord thru evangelism
in America. We pray the Lord's blessing
on h'm as he continues in the Lord's
'"''They Sacrifice to Demons
and not to Qod. " (^or. 10:20
By flashlight I could see that it was
only 2:30 A.M. Yet people were already
bustling about in the headman's house
next door. A rasping blast, no doubt
from a water buffalo horn, brought me
fully awake. Shortly the orchestra
composed of this horn, a drum, cymbals,
a native flutebroke forth with a weird
tune. Every few minutes from then
until daybreak the music would burst
forth afresh, but it was always the
same strange tune.
Three days previously six Thai work
men and I had arrived in this Yao vil
lage to commence clearing and level
ling the site for our future home. Our
first night in the mountains we spent in
the home of the headman, Tzan Fu. He
and his family were quite busy prepar
ing to "tso da ^ei," (literally, "do big
demons," but signifying a large scale
spirit worship). They said that many
people would be coming from other vil
lages to stay in that house and to help
with the rituals of spirit worship. Hear
ing this we had gladly removed our
selves and belongings to the house of
the neighbor, Geem Chang. There I and
seven others were trying to sleep on a
bamboo platform no bigger than two
double beds. There was hardly room to
turn over and six inches of my six feet
protruded over the end of the platform.
With smoke from the open fire hovering
about and with cold air blowing in
through the cracks in the wall, I was
not sleeping soundly to begin with. Thus
I lay in my sleeping bag and pondered
over these things.
My thoughts went back to the scene
of preparations during the past two
days in the headman's house. Big sheets
of heavy grass paper were cut into
pieces about three inches by six inches,
and then a metal stamp was struck over
and again against the paper to imprint
the total surface of each sheet and
make hundreds of piece of paper "mon
ey." Two young men worked steadily at
this for two days. The "money" was to
be offered to the demons and apparent
ly the thought was that the demons
would mistake the substitute for real
money. Two men were busy writing
posters or booklets in big Chinese char
acters for the occasion. The headman's
father, who seems always to be doing
something related to spirit worship,
worked at fastening skins onto frames
to use as drums.
For such a big devil worship as this
pigs and chickens would surely be sacri-
flced and perhaps lesser things as well.
I did not anticipate going out of my
way to follow each detail on this occa
sion lest I appear overly solicitous for
their manner of worship. We had inevit
ably seen enough in previous experi
ences among the Yao to know what the
general practices were. There would
be spirit doctors to mumble incantations
and to dance before the spirits. Children
would thrill with the good food to eat,
at the shooting of firecrackers, and at
the opportunity of running about over
the hillsides with young relatives from
other villages. Adults would be more
sober as usual as they attended to the
performance of rites laid down by cen
turies of tribal tradition. They may not
be able to explain why the ritual is per
formed as it is, why the small bamboo
mat is always hung before the door to
indicate that devil worship is in prog
ress, or how it has developed that the
men of the tribe bow down before the
household spirit shelf and rehearse a
long sing-song chant. Yet they believe
that all of this will somehow hold off
the wrath of the spirits and thus ward
off sickness or damage to their crops.
The tribespeople frequently admit
to us that demon worshio is costly, and
at least some consider it to bring little
benefit to them. They readily confess
that they are in ^eat fear of the de
mons. lliis fear is evidenced by the
spirit bridges and other devices used to
detour spirits away from a village and
by the constant talk of the people re
garding demons.
Paul could declare to these just as he
did to those in Athens, "in all things I
perceive that ye are vety religious."
Yet how worthless is religion that goes
contrary to the Word and Spirit of
Christ. Several thousand Yao tribes-
people in Thailand reli^ously observe
such rituals as the above- year after
year, but they are lost ^d without
hope. Brethren, for "they sacrifice to
demons, and not to God."
by C. W. Callaway, Jr.
Ruff, Our Miao Puppy. Birthday Oift
from Our Black Miao Friends.
All day my activities had centered
around preparations for Garland's birth
day dinnera very special dinner, as I
had decided to use some ingredients
saved throughout the months to cele
brate a really worthy occasion. True,
there were no guestsjust the two
Nichols boys, Garland and myself. Nev
ertheless, it would be a nice birthday
party. Just as I was going into the
kitchen to finish preparing the meal
two Black Miao men came up the back
steps. Inside the house I could hear
chattering which indicated that some
of their friends had just come in the
front. Soon 1 hear Garland's voice greet
ing them and asking the usual polite
questions about where they had come
from, how long on the road, etc. "Oh
my," I thought. "This probably means
a late dinner. But that's all right. We
are happy when the Miao come as it
means one more opportunity to make
friends with that tribe."
As I went about my work I could
hear Garland explaining the chart on
the heart of man which hangs on our
living room wall. The brightly colored
pictures on this chart supplement our
limited vocabulary as we explain the
lost condition of man and that a com
plete surrender to Christ is the only
way of escape.
Preparations for dinner were coming
to a close when Garland came out to
ask if we had enough food for our Miao
friends. "How many are there?" I
asked. "About ten, I think," was the
staggering answer. We do not usually
feed our tribal visitois. Such a practice
could easily get out of hand. However,
the Miao from this village had been es
pecially hospitable during Garland's
visit to them. Besides they brought a
special gifta bright, furry Miao puppy,
and we wished to return their kindness.
A bit of hurried poking about in our
food supply disclosed a few vegetables
and a bit of meat. Andrew and I man
aged to concoct two fairly substantial
dishes to go with the rice while Garland
went back to invite our visitors to his
"birthday party."
Because of the limited space it was
necessary to serve them on the floor
Thai fashion. While Garland played
host, Andrew and I served. The guests,
however, were quite oblivious to all but
the food and the only sound was that
which only the Miao can make to show
genuine appreciation of their meal.
When they had finished they an
nounced that they had business in the
market and suddenly the house was
empty and quiet. Now we had time to
enjoy our special family dinner.
As if by previous arrangement our
Miao friends returned just as we fin
ished clearing the table. They had many
questions about the wonderful news
they had heard from the chart and from
the gospel records in their own lan
guage. "To these who had never known
anything but the hopeless darkness of
sin and spirit-worship the good news of
eternal life in Christ Jesus came truly
as a ray of light. Far into the night
their excited questions continued and,
before retiring, many said they would
like to believe and accept but that they
would have to discuss it further.
When the house was finally quiet and
we were preparing for the night Gar
land said, "Best birthday party I ever
Dorothy Bare
In the last issue of Tribes and Trails
we mentioned our first meeting with
Lao Taungthe bright young man of
the White Miao tribe who met us along
the trail and invited us to his village.
We planned a visit to his village soon
thereafter but were hindered by respon
sibilities at Pua until heavy rains ruled
out a trip up the steep slopes of Doi
Phu Kha. However, Lao Taung kept
his promise of visiting us whenever he
came down to the market and soon a
warm friendship grew between this son
of the cloud forests and the white stran
gers who had moved into the valley.
Like most Miao, Lao Taung is short
and sturdy with erect posture and quick
movements. His alert sensitive face eas
ily breaks into an amused or friendly
grin, and his lively conversation makes
his visits to our home an interesting
treat. During each visit we have at
tempted to teach him of Christ using
Bible pictures to supplement our limited
vocabulary. We have been surprised at
his quick grasp of the meaning of most
of these stories.
At Miao New Years time, Lao Taung
brought six of his teenage friends to
our home. They were resplendent in
their holiday clothesblack jackets and
trousers with bright red silk sashes and
embroidered trimmings topped by quan
tities of heavy silver jewelry. Much to
our pleasure he immediately conducted
his companions around our living room
and study, pointing out the Bible pic
tures and charts and explaining them
to the best of his understanding. Then
they all sat down to hear the gospel re
cordings in their own language. They
filled the air with exclamations of
amazement when the "sound box"
started talking in their own dialect.
They soon subsided to listen to the mes
sage of the Great Creator and the Lov
ing Saviour. Upon parting Lao Taung
told us, "Some day our village is going
to follow Jesus."
A few weeks later five of the village
elders including Lao Taung's father
called at our home to inform us
that their village had decided to wor
ship Jesus. They went on to say that
they would also continue to worship
A Smile From Lao Taung
their evil spirits. We tried to make it
clear that true worship of Christ re
quires the abandonment of all else
that it would be completely impossible
to serve both Christ and evil spirits.
Like the rich young ruler, they went
away sorrowful, for though they desire
the blessings and benefits which are
found in Christ, they are slaves to the
terror of the malevolent demons which
they worship.
Through our friendship with Lao
Taung we now have a contact with an
other village which was formerly hos
tile to us and. closed to our message.
Lao Taung is endowed with high intelli
gence and natural leadership. We are
praying that he will soon surrender
these abilities to the Master and thus
become an instrument for the evange
lization of his tribe.
Doi Phu Kha is a massive granite
mountain that towers above our valley
like a huge fortress, and so it is, for
the four little Miao villages that perch
near its summit have always been
strongholds of the Evil One. Today it is
the scene of a tremendous spiritual bat
tle, for the Word of God has reached,
directly or indirectly, to each of these
villages. Satan never surrenders his
strongholds without a struggle, neither
does he willingly release his captives
to the freedom of Christ Jesus. Before
you lay this paper aside, will you join
us in interceding at the Father's Throne
for Lao Taung and the tribesmen of Doi
Phu Kha.
Garland Bare
"WaA' a a>mmA...
"I was a sinner. My heart was full of
sin, but the Lord Jesus Christ saved me.
There is nothing in this worldnothing!
but the blood of Jesus Christ that
can wash away our sins and make us
clean." Precious words to rouse one
from slumber in the tropic night. Pre
cious words to awaken the hearts of the
lost to whom Nai Brong was witnessing
that nightstanding all alone "singing
the song of his own salvation" that sin
ners might be converted.
Nai Brong had come asking to be
baptized several months before. He
went down into the watery grave to
arise to walk in a true newness of life.
Now he was accompanying the mis
sionaries on a mountain trip. We had
reached the foot of the mountain foot
sore and weary and crawled into our
sleeping bags on a porch of the granary
adjoining the house. But the Thai host
and hostess, always curious about the
strange white foreigner and his ways,
found welcome opportunity to question
fhe Thai helpers, once the foreigner was
fast asleep. The tales the carriers tell
run high and laughable, and a carrier
who is working for the foreigner for the
first time tells by far the most hilarious
tale. But here was a carrier with a dif
ference. He carried also a message for
these who walk in darkness.
The next night the Yao had gathered
about the fire. During a lull in the con
versation, Tzan Fu, the headman of
the village, asked, "Nai Liep, have you
entered Christ?" Nai Liep, who is a
member of a denominational church,
lived in the Yao village with us carrying
mail and supplies from the Chiengkam
plain. His witness had never been such
that the head man could know whether
or not he was a Christian. Now he was
caught in an uncomfortable situation.
He fumbled and finally said, "Oh yes,
I'm a Christian. I was born a Christian.
My parents were Christians and I have
been a Christian ever since I was born.
But Nai Brong over there has newly
entered the Christian religion." Nai
Brong took up the conversation and re
peated the thrilling witness that he had
home to the ridiculing crowd at the foot
of the mountain. "Yes, I have entered
Christ. I was a sinner. My heart was
full of sin." A glance at the headman
revealed that the word sin in Thai
meant nothing to this Yao man. His
Thai vocabulary was for businessnot
the soul. Brong continued, "When I say
that my heart was full of sin, that
means that my heart was filthy. But
Jesus washed it clean with His blood.
He died for me and by dying he washed
my heart clean. There's nothing in this
worldnothing!that can wash our
hearts clean but the blood of Jesus."
The silent thoughtfulness of the head
man gave time and reason for us to
offer a twofold prayerthat these won
derful words of life might enter the
heart of Tzan Fu with saving power,
and a prayer of thanksgiving for Nai
Brong who was not afraid to stand firm
for the Lord who saved him.
Herein, we thought is the difference.
Nai Liep has been taught that he was
"baptized" as a baby because he was
born a sinful being through the sins of
his parents. He was "baptized" through
the will of his parents. His "Christian
ity" had been inheritedit was not a
matter of conviction. Nai Brong, on the
other hand, had come to Christ because
he saw himself a sinner, lost and hope
less. It had taken courage to step out
from the Buddhist masses, but once
having found Christ his heart was brim
ming over with praise for the One who
had stepped out before a throng that
cried, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!"
Whether it be Nai Brong in his small
corner, you in yours, or I in mine, there
is but one thing that will bring the lost
to the Lord Jesus. "I was a sinner. The
Lord saved me. He can do as much for
you." Nothing but this will avail. It
is in essence the gospelthe only Good
News in the world.
"Restore unto me the joy of thy sal
vation: And uphold me with a will
ing spirit.
Then will I teach transgressors thy
ways: And sinners shall be convert
ed unto thee." Psalms 51:12,13
Pray for: Nai Brong that this joy of
his salvation might continually well up
in his heart.
Tzan Fu that this witness will bear
Nai Liep that he may see what he
lacks and desire it as the pearl of great
The ridiculing crowd that conviction
might come upon them.
by Lois Callaway
Returning to the mission field for a
second term of service is much differ
ent from going out the first t'me. There
is not the excitement of the first ocean
voyage nor the glamour of going into
the unknown. For now one knows that
life on the mission field is not one gay
You know that the natives are not
going to flock to your doors to hear
the message but that you must go to
them and win them by long and patient
teaching, through living and loving and
showing Christ to them in ways which
they will understand. You know that
many will seem interested and gwe you
joy by their concern but come seeking
material things and not even realizing
their need for the spiritual things which
you have to give them. You know that
some will accept Christ and truly wish
to follow H'm but will be drawn back
into the world through temptations. You
know there wdl be discouragement on
eveny hand and heartbreak such as ycu
never knew you could bear.
You also know that some who hear
the message will accept it fully and will
become new creatures in Christ Jesus
and though there be persecution and re
jection bv family and friends they will
stand firm and faithful. And for these
you return with joy and hope and
Some have asked "Should you go back
in such a t'me as th's, are there not too
manv dangers involved?" Yes. there are
physical dangers, as there always has
been and probably alwavs will he. The
early Christians faced dangers dahy as
they witnessed for Christ and we know
many of them died for their faith. Paul
was not complaining of the danger hut
was hanpv that he could suffer on be
half nf h's Lord in II Cor-nthians
11:26-27. "In journeyings often, in per'l.s
of waters, in perils of robbers, in perils
bv mine own countrymen, in perils by
the heathen, in perils in the citv, 'n per
ils in the wilderness, in perils in the sea.
in perils among false brethren: in
weariness and painfulness, in watchings
Imogene Williams on board MS Prein
Maersk for return trip to Thailand.
often, in hunger and thirst, in frstings
often, in cold and nakedness." Paul del
not turn back nor did he live in fea"
and neither can we. His promise still
holds true and can be claimed "Lo I
am with you always, even into the
end of the world."
Another question which has been
asked is "Do you think it really worth
your time and money to go when so
few heed the call and accept the mes
sage of Christ? Yes, we think it is
worth the time and money and we be
lieve the Lord agrees for He it is who
sends us out. In Luke 15:7 we read "I
say unto you, that likewise joy shall be
in heaven over one sinner that repent-
eth, more than over ninety and nine just
persons, which need no reoentance."
Thus if only one Thai, or one Yao or on
M'ao person repents of his sins and
accepts Christ there will be rejoicing in
heaven and truly worth any amount o'
money, time, labor, discouragement and
When we look upon the lost millions
in Thailand, many not knowing their
condition, many knowing and not caring
does at t-mes look like a hopeless task
but what may seem hopeless to us is not
to Him.
And so I am returning to Thailand.
The ship is due to arrive in Bangkok
on April 17th. My deep appreciation to
you who have made it financially pos
sible for my return. Continue to work
with mo through your prayers.
Imogene Williams
All the boys and girls scurried around
and finished their work quickly in order
to be able to go and watch or join the
processions going to the temple. Many
of the people in the procession carry
silver bowls containing their gifts for
the temple. Some of the larger gifts
are made like parade floats with money
for the temple put in as part of the dec
oration. These large floats are pulled by
many people or are put in an oxcart
and taken to the temple. A band adds
to the noise and fun of the occasion
though it often consists of only a drum
and cymbals or other native instru
ments. Excitement pervades the air for
there is much to see and do at the tem
ple at festival time. In the afternoon
there are boxing matches, a side show,
and many things to see and buy. At
night dances are held. Homemade sky
rockets are shot up into the air and
crowds of people are constantly coming
and going.
At night as the crowds passed by in
front of the missionary house they were
surprised to receive a tract telling them
about Jesus from a Thai Christian or
one of the missionaries or a missionary
child. Many of them stopped at the
booth to listen to the phonograph rec-
Missionary to Thailand
Mailed By:
First Christian Church
Klamath Falls, Oregon
A procession of people tukiiig gifts to
the temple.
ords which told them the story of Jesus.
Some bought Scripture portions. Many
boys and girls gathered around to listen
to the phonograph and look at the gos
pel posters. They eagei'ly listened when
some of the pictures were explained.
Some of the children used the money
they had been saving to buy sweets and
bought books telling about Jesus in
The festival lasted for five days.
Many of the children came back night
after night to listen to the story of
Jesus and to watch the strange foreign
ers. Each night they received a different
tract to take home and read. Perhaps
someday some of these boys and girls
will ccme and accept Jesus as their
Saviour. Will you pray for them?
Dorothy Uhlig
- ^ r ^ f
V-' r. i,. Ij
- f>
v.- ^ sxJ
". . . for Thou wast slain, and didst purchase unto God with Thy blood
nfen of every tribe, and tongue, and people, and nation." Revelation 5:9b.
in Thailand
Vol. 5 No. 2
Published twice yearly, in spring and
autumn, by undenominational Christian
missionaries laboring to establish in
Thailand (Siam) self-supporting churches
after the New Testament pattern. Dis
tributed with the hope of gaining needed
prayer support for the Thailand work, of
gaining more consecrated workers for
this and other fields, and of encouraging
ail to greater effort in the spread of
simple undenominational Christianity
throughout the world. Missionaries en
gaged in this effort are presently located
-"t two centers in extreme Northern
'''hailand: Talat Chiengkam, Changwat
Chiengrai, Thailand; and Pua, Nan Prov
ince, Thailand.
Cover Picture
Thai sisters in typical dress. Taken in
Chiengkam, this illustrates the blending
of ancient and modern styles which is
worn by Northern Thai women. The
older girl wears the striped wrap
around skirt which Is universal in the
north, Hamdo and blouse are modern
Imogene Returns
Imogene Williams returned to Thai
land on the Perin Maersk arriving in
Bangkok in late April. Before proceod-
ing to Chiengkam, Imogene and Dorothy
Uhlig visited the Bares at Pua for a
News Items
Word has been received from two
Khamoo villages in the Nam Yao River
valley that many of the villagers have
decided to become Christians and wish
to be baptized the next time a mission
ary visits. Teaching in these villages
began in June, 1954.
After more than six months of wait
ing in Thailand for her entry permit to
Burma. Lois Morse was finally gi*anted
permission to join LaVeme in Rangoon.
She flew from Bangkok on June 22.
Notes on modern travel: When Gar
land and Dorothy Bare returned to Pua
from Bangkok in July it required two
and a half days by boat to cover the
first 35 miles from Nan. The last 11
miles by oxcart consumed 6 hours of
*.- 2" i'LJ'
Picture of three tribal girls with em
broidered trousers: Yao Lassies, In
center is one of Tzan Fii's daughters.
"Who has believed our report?" asked Isaiah.
"And to whom has the arm of the Lord been
But Ho was wounded because of our sinninfr,
And by His stri|ics alone, we are healed.
He was despised and rejected of men,
Fami'iar with sorrows, acquainted with jrrief.
Just as Isaiah had written of Him
Lest we perish throuffh disbelief.
Ail of mankind, like unshepherded sheep
Had turne<l us away from the sound of His call.
All our transtrressinns arc laid upon Him.
And the shame and dlsi;racc of us ail!
Marvelous mystery. He who was sinless
Bore all the blame of the vile and depraved.
The Sin-bearer bore the stroke due to the sinner.
The Sinless was smitten, the sinner was saved I
For my transjrression the shepherd was smitten.
For my rebellion the Holy One, died.
"And the fruit of His travail," praise God it is
"He shall liehoid, and shall be satisfied."
"Who has believed our report?" we have echoed.
"And to whom has the arm of the Lord been
Yet He was wounded because of our ainnini;.
And it is by His stripes we are healed.
Lois Nichols Bare
Tlicy Come to Hear
"Swei jao lo ma?" came the \'oice of
someone on the back porch late one
evening. "Are you asleep?" was the
question asked in Chinese by a Black
Miao tribal fellow. We didn't have to
ask why a group had come for we knew
they wanted to hear the Gospel records
in their language. We almost wished we
had been asleep for there are times when
our bodies are weary that we almost
say "oh no, not more of them" and yet
we are happy every time they come.
Sometimes they come early in the
morning, sometimes they wait til we're
eating breakfast or studying Thai. They
come when there is a roomful of Thai
patients, they come in the early evening
and late evening and every time they
come we rejoice that they can hear a
message concerning salvation through
Jesus Christ in their own language.
Last year two representatives from
the Gospel Recordings Inc. of Los An
geles came to Thailand to get tape re
cordings in the Northern Thai and
Tribal languages. Near Chiengmai a few
Miao, both Black and White, had be
come Christians through the teaching of
missionaries in that area. They gave
simple Gospel messages and testimonies
to be recorded for theii' fellow tribes-
people in other parts of Thailand.
Though we do not understand the rec
ords we have learned they contain
simple messages with good teaching and
we are happy to use them.
How interesting it is to watch these
people as they hear the first words in
their own language. The news spread
rapidly concerning the records but no
one could quite believe they were real
til they came and heard and even then
they remained mystified. One group
came saying they wanted to hear their
parents, long ago dead, talk for they had
been told we had a box whereby they
could hear their parents speak to them.
As they listen they keep saying over
and over again "its really our own
language" and they get quite a thrill
from being able to understand it when
the Thai can't. The Thai look down upon
these "dirty, uncouth and uneducated"
mountain people and often sarcastically
say "if you understand tell us what it
says." The Miao will then give in detail
the story on the record; it says "don't
be afraid of evil spirits, believe in
Jesus" and they go on and on. They are
amazed that we don't understand and
wonder that we can have the records
and not know what they say. To try
A black Male couple who came to hear.
and explain in either Thai or Chinese
to thom just how such a thing can be
is to say the least difficult. They always
ask "Did these come from America?"
and we answer "yes" and then the ques
tion which always follows "Are there
Miao in America?" and of course we
have to answer "no". Thus it takes a
bit of explaining to say they were begun
in Chiengmai, "Thailand and finished in
America. There are some who ask no
questions but just listen and enjoy.
They usually want to hear the records
which we have in other languages too,
Yao, Thai and Chinese, Though they do
not understand completely they do real
ize the same story is being told in each
language. This gives us a wonderful op
portunity for telling them that Jesus is
the Savior for all people and that we
have come here that they may know
Him. Many questions are asked and we
again realize that in order to really
teach these people one must learn their
language for though they understand
some of these trade languages they do
not understand enough to get the full
message of salvation through Jesus
Christ. We rejoice in the many friends
we have made among the mountain peo
ple through the records. Every person
who hears must tell many more about
them for they keep coming to hear.
Since it is not possible to move into a
tribal village this year we praise Him
for the opportunity of seeing so many
of the Miao people and making friends
with them. We believe the records will
help open the door for future work
among these people. Pray with us for
their salvation,
Tribal group In front of house; Robert
T'ang plays Gospel records in front of
Tzaii Fu's home. A tribal chieftain
stands at left. "Inciulsitive in center
with back to camera.
If you were to visit us in our "cabin
in the clouds" in the Yao village, we
should like to take you down the wind
ing path from our house perched on the
lovely mountain side to visit some of
the squalid Yao homeshouses made of
boards set perpendicularly and topped
with roofs of ingenious bamboo "tiles".
Inside you will have to wait a moment
until your eyes adjust to the darkness
for there are no windows and the doors
are kept closed most of the time to keep
the pigs from wandering in.
If it is a cool day, or if it is near meal
time a smoky fire will be burning in
one corner and the people we want to
meet will be gathered about the fire.
That is the men will be. We will prob
ably have to follow the women around
at their tasks. The old grandmother will
be sitting on a 6 inch stoolor if men
are present making it impolite for her
to sit, she will be squattingworking
on some embroidery on a pair of trous
ersor perhaps making a network of
tiny silver bells for her granddaughter's
forthcoming wedding. If devil worship is
in progress there will be a piece of
bamboo matting hung on the door and
they will tell us they are "remember
ing" and we cannot enter. Otherwise
we will be extended a cordial welcome
and be invited to sit down around the
smoky fire. Several men and perhaps
an old woman may be gurgling away
on an ancient Chinese water pipe, which
is kept by the fire and picked up and
used by whoever happens to want to
use it.
Living Among the Yao
Our first call is in the home of the
village headman, Tzan Fu. He is a man
of about 35, though he looks much
younger. As a boy he learned to read
some Chinese, and is quite alert and
well above average in intelligence. Six
years ago he took a "social smoke" of
opium and three years ago he came into
our home for seven days to take the
"cure". He quit at that time and asked
us if we could cure him of worshipping
the evil spirits. We assured him that
we knew One who couldand warned
him that unless he accepted that One
as his personal Lord, he would likely
find that it would not be long until he
would not bo able to abstain from opium
in his own strength. We are told that
this proved to be true, and that he is
now smoking again. Tzan Fu has lis
tened almost wistfully sometimes to the
gospel message. Recently he has re
ceived two letters one in Chinese,
which he could read a bit of, and one
in Yaothe first he had ever received
in Yao, and which he still cannot read.
These were from a headman of a Yao
village far to the north, a man who
has been converted by missionaries of
the China Inland Mission. This headman
bears a burden for Tzan Fu's soul, and
the letters were to introduce him to
Jesus Christ. Will you share Old Six's
burden for Tzan Fu's soul? Sometimes
we feel he is very near to the kingdom.
But wait! Did you detect a scowl on
the face of the old man sitting on the
other side of the fire? Sometimes it is
very hard to tell if he is scowling or if
it is just his natural face full of Satanic
influence. That is Tzan Fu's father. If
you think he looks omnious now you
should see him when he dons the black
robe and hood of the demon priest! He
has long been the demon priest for his
village, and by rights this son, who has
followed his father as headman should
also be the understudy for the demon
priesthood. Tzan Fu will not turn to
Christ without much opposition from
his father. Nor will his sharp-tongued
mother be veiy happy to see her son
become a Christiein. The Matriarch as
we call herbecause of her position not
only in the family, but as the most
feared woman in the villagecan be
very friendly when she thinks there is
to be some material gain. But she can
be veritably led of the devil in her ef-
forts to make things uncomfortable for
the missionaries who won't compromise
their teaching to condone her ways.
The very shy woman standing quietly
by is Tzan Fu's wife. Whether her
quietness means that she would willing
ly follow her husband into Christ, or
whether she would remain in mute re
sistance only time will tell.
The little girl who has come and
snuggled up as close to me as her shy
ness permits is Tzan Fu's daughter. She
is a child as alert as her father, and we
expect her to be one of our most prom
ising pupils when we begin our reading
classes. The twelve year old son who
peeps into our phonograph or books, or
picture rolls has long since gained for
himself a name in our family parlance
-"Inquisitive". That he is! Perhaps his
father was that until the opium habit
slowed him down. What a blessing if
"Inquisitive" can be won for the Lord
before this habit overtakes him and
dulls his brain. Oh, that his inquiring
mind might inquire into the deep things
of God and this "gift of gab" of his be
converted to preaching the gospel. Pray
for little "Inquisitive" and his affection
ate little sister. An older brother bled
to death last year just because no one
knew how to apply a pressure bandage.
Then there are two older sisters. See
that girl grinding com over there in the
dark cornerthat is the oldest. The
other is over there by the water trough
dipping water into the big pot of chop
ped banana trees and certain kinds of
weeds that she will boil up for their
pigs. The pigs deserve very special care
for they are kept for demon worship.
Most of the meat is not eaten until it
has been sacrificed to the demons. (See
what a N.T. situation we face here!)
Watch the babies swinging to and fro
on the backs of the women who are
grinding com in the hand - operated
stone mill. One of them is the youngest
child of Tzan Fu's youngest brother. Oh,
yes, they live here, too. When a man
marries he brings his wife home to his
mother's home. If the father has two
wives, as this Patriarch does, he usually
maintains two homes, and the children
and their wives and children live with
their respective mothers.
And the other baby is really the son
of one of the couples next door. Sen
Soi, the father of the child, though still
a very young man, has the opium habit
very badly, and has plunged his family
into destitution with this very expensive
habit. So when this little one was old
enough to wean, they sold it to TZem Fu
thus relieving the financial problem
for a time, and releasing the mother
from responsibility for the child, making
it possible for her to work long, hard
hours in the fields to support her hus
band and two older children.
This Sen Soi's family is an interesting
household, too. Want to take a minute
to visit them? The "little father" is a
pleasant, friendly man. He'll chat ami
ably with us and help us a bit with the
Yao language most any time. His title
"little father" means that he is really
the stepfather. The father died some
years ago, and the mother married this
younger man. A second wife or husband
is referred to as the little wife or hus
band, and the children refer to a step
father as "our little father". The moth
er, though an older woman, is often
seen on the trail bringing in a basket of
com or vegetables on her back from
fields a mile or two distant up and
down steep trails.
There are three older sons. Sen Soi
and his twin brother have married sis
ters, pleasant, friendly hard working
women. The younger brother and his
wife live here also. A younger brother
of about 12 would be another "Inquisi
tive" if he weren't just a wee bit shy.
Then there are two foster sonsdeaf
and dumb boys the family has bought
from Thai parents who didn't want
them. One is a very intelligent boy
using an ingenious sign language. "ITie
other fellow is retarded mentally as
well as being deaf and dumb. But he is
a willing worker, and that is why they
wanted him. In a society where every
thing is primitive, and a living is made
literally in the sweat of the brow, many
hands make lighter work.
The old, old, lady squinting over a
piece of embroidery through her de
crepit glasses has the honor of being
the oldest person in the village. "Grand
ma, how old are you?" "Oh, more than
seventy," is her reply. "I lived over
sixty years before I ever saw a white
person," she told me one day. And she
had lived her three score and ten with
out ever having heard of Jesus. She has
seen a good many much younger than
she go to Christless graves, and the fear
of an unknown beyond still hovers over
her. Pray for her, won't you, that she
will be able to believe this unbelievably
good news that we bring her of a Savi
our, And don't forget to pray for all the
others we've introduced you to today.
Young or old, they need Jesus. Your
prayer may add just the power that is
needed to bring them to Him.
A man slowly and painfully made his
way into the village. His feet were
swollen and had ulcers on the bottoms
that he covered with filthy rags. He
walked using a stick as a crutch, but
frequently he had to stop and rest. A
month before he had left his home in
Indo-China and made his way alone to
ward the Thai border. The little bit of
money that he had was soon gone, and
he had to beg for food. At night he
usually slept in the forest alone for
when people saw the marks of his dis
ease upon him they were afraid and
would not let him stay in their homes.
But at last he arrived at his destina
tion. As he wearily made his way to the
headman's house, hope sprang again
within his heart. No one cursed him and
told him to go away as he sat down on
the porch. Instead a few people gath
ered around and listened to his story as
he told of his month-long journey which
a well person could make in only 10
days. As he talked his audience sympa
thized with him for some of them had
endured similar journeys and they knew
of his sufferings without being told, for
they too were outcsists of society. "They
too had the mark of the disease in their
He told his story simply. "My name
is Nai Awn. As a boy I lived in a small
village with my parents and brothers.
We had some fields and raised enough
rice to eat. Also we had chickens and
a small vegetable garden. When I was
12 years old I went to live in the Bud
dhist temple and studied to become a
priest. When a boy enters the temple
they call him a "Nen" or learner, and
he wears the yellow robes of the priest
hood. We studied the Buddhist scrip
tures every day and I learned to read
Laos. (This is similar to Thai.) After
staying in the priesthood for 7 years, I
left it and went back home.
"During that time there was a man
who came to live in our village who
called himself a Christian, He came
from another area where some mission
aries had taught him about Jesus. After
becoming a Christian he moved to our
village to tell us about Jesus. We
laughed at him some because what he
taught was so different from what we
believed, and yet we would have liked
to believe as he did, for he told us that
tte evil spirits no longer had power over
him. He didn't offer sacrifices to the
evil spirits even when he was sick!
Everyone was surprised at this, but
very few people believed in this Jesus
that he told us about. Maybe they were
like me, they sort of believed and yet
they didn't.
"Later we moved and I didn't hear
anything more about the Jesus religion.
Then I began to notice some spots on
my skin and some places where I
couldn't feel anything. At first I didn't
say anything about it, but finally my
family noticed too. It was a long time
before I would admit even to myself
that I had leprosy, but it finally be
came obvious to everyone and I was no
longer welcome in their homes as be
fore. I had had the disease for over 6
years when one day someone told me of
a village for leprosy patients just over
the Thai border. I thought about it for a
long time and finally decided to come
for it was my only hope of getting well.
My parents will come soon and will
help me build a little house here in this
village if you will let me stay."
When Nai Awn finished his story the
villagers invited h'm to live in the vil
lage. In the days that followed Nai Awn
was interested to hear again of this
same Jesus that he had heard of as a
young man. He found that in this village
most of the people were Christians and
they didn't fear the evil spirits or offer
sacrifices to them. After eight months
he accepted the Lord as his Saviour and
was baptized.
When a short term school was held
in the village he enrolled and quickly
learned to read Thai. Nai Awn became
the star pupil and was the first to be
IZED book for memory work. He has
almost memorized enough verses to re
ceive a New Testament.
He has spent only one short year in
the village and yet how much difference
that year has made in his life. When
he arrived from Indo-China he was sick
and discouraged, he was afraid of the
evil spirits and in bondage to Satan.
Now he has found peace and happiness
and Life in Christ Jesus.
And yet his battle is not over, but
has only just begun. For Satan will
seek to tempt him and draw him back
from the Way and bring him into bond
age again. Will you not pray that he
may be firmly grounded in the Word
and that he may stand fast in tempta
tions. Pray that others may come to
know the Lord thru his witness and that
he may be "faithful even unto death."
cHe ^ied WtiluHdi
Our acquaintance with Sen Kam Paa
began in December 1953 when we were
overnight guests in his hut in the Black
Miao village of Kang Haw, At the time
we were impressed with the keen mind
and lively curiosity of this illiterate
seventy-year-old tribesman. His nine
grown children and their families com-^
prise the majority of Kang Haw village,
so Sen Kam Paa was automatically as
sured a position of respect and influ
ence. Beyond this, however, he com
bined initiative with the courage to
defy the age-old traditions of his tribe,
making him a leader in his own right.
For generations the Miao tribes have
employed the "slash method" of agricul
ture. Large patches of virgin forest are
cut and burned off for use as fields. As
soon as this soil loses its first flush of
fertility it is abandoned. When the area
surrounding a village has been com
pletely devastated the tribesmen aban
don their village site and move south
ward. Thus the Miao tribes have moved
from Central China through Tonkin,
Laos and North Thailand leaving in
their wake scarred and barren moun
By 1949 most of the forests around
Kang Haw had been burned off so the
tribesmen decided to evacuate to the
southern-most high mountains of Thai
land in the Tak and Petchaboon areas.
Of the village leaders Sen Kam Paa
stood alone in opposition to the move.
"We can't continue moving south for
ever," he argued. "Beyond Petchaboon
there are no more high mountains. We
must find a new way of growing our
crops." With the help of his sons he
began terracing the land of the small
hollow where Kang Haw was located
in order to grow paddy rice. Scornful of
his efforts, the majority of the villag
ers moved to Petchaboon. Sen Kam-Paa
and his relatives remained and stub
bornly cultivated the paddies. To their
disappointment Siamese paddy rice
could not thrive in the altitude and cold
climate of Kang Haw. This year they
are experimenting with rice ordered
from Formosa.
Weary of the scorn with which low-
landers treated the "ignorant Miao,"
Sen Kam-Paa decided to defy tradition
in yet another way. He hired a Thai
teacher to live in the village and tutor
his sons. When the teacher tired of the
rugged Miao life md left, no replace
ment could be found. Three of the vil
lage boys were then sent away to the
government school in Pua. The fact that
these three boys led their class their
very first year in school did much to
silence the mocking references to the
"ignorant Miao".
On our first visit Sen Kam-Paa
showed considerable interest in the
Jesus way and even suggested that a
missiona^ come to live in his village.
The entire village has a warm interest
which continues to grow. I had planned
a \asit during the dry seeison and had
hoped to bring this courageous Miao
patriarch to a saving knowledge of
Christ. However, down-country business
prevented my taking most of the dry
season trips I had planned.
Last week I finally made the long-;
delayed climb. At the vUlage, Lao Jurr,
the patriarch's youngest son, came out
to meet me. "Teacher, we are happy you
have come, but you are too late. Our
father and mother died three days apart
last month. Before Father died he kept
asking for you. Teacher."
The sickening disappointment that
Sen Kam-Paa and his wife had gone
into eternity without Christ haunted me
throughout my stay in the village. On
the third day as I was preparing to
leave Lao Jurr said, "My father often
talked of God's Way but he did not
understand it. We, his sons, are going
to study until we do understand for
God's way is surely the best."
"The - Lord - is - my - shepherd
Reuben had just learned the Twenty-
third Psalm and was proud and happy
to pass his knowledge on to the other
children at the Mission home. Then tall
Andrew came in sight and the children
cried. "Andrew, Andrew! Play ball with
us." Good-natured Andrew was a fav
orite of the children because he was so
patient and willing to play with them.
Reuben is only seven years old but
many exciting things have happened to
him. When he was just a tiny boy he
crossed the cold high mountains of
Tibet perched on a pony in front of one
of his big Tibetan brothers. Andrew,
who was 12, came, too. For Ihiee years
they lived among the Khasi of India and
saw many different people come from
the mountains round about. Reuben
learned to sing many choruses in Khasi.
Then these two adopted brothers flew
across India to Calcutta and from there
to Bangkok in Thailand. During the
next two years they visited many inter
esting places in Thailand. For six
months they lived here in Pua and their
many friends here still ask about them.
Every night while Andrew and Reuben
were with us they asked God to please
let them go live with their Mama and
Daddy Nichols in Hawaii.
Tribes and Trails in Thailand
Miss Dorothy Uhlig, Missionary
Mailed by:
First Christian Church
9th and Pine Sts.
Klamath Falls, Oregon
Form 3547 Requested
Andrew and Reuben Nichols
In July, while we were all in Bang
kok, the last arrangements were made.
Early on a Friday morning the boys
boarded the PAA Clipper "Miles Stand-
ish." That night they would reach Japan
and change to the giant Strato-Cruiser
and on Saturday night they would be
with their parents in Hawaii. Andrew
remarked happily. "Yes. I KNOW God
hears my prayers."
Non-Profit Org.

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