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The preprocessor is a translator that converts a program written in one high-level

language into an equivalent program written in another high level language, i.e. a preprocessor
converts a program written in C into an equivalent program in simplified C language.

The preprocessor is controlled by directives known as preprocessor directives. Important points
for writing preprocessor directives:
1. The pound (#) symbol should be either the first character or the first non-white-space
character in a line.
2. A new-line character ends a preprocessor directive.
3. The white-space characters that can appear in a preprocessor directive single-space or
horizontal tab.

Some of the preprocessor directives in C language are:
1. Macro replacement directive (#define, #undef)
2. Source file inclusion directive (#include)
3. Conditional Compilation Directives (#if, #else, #elif, #endif, #ifdef, #ifndef)

Macro Replacement Directive:
Using the macro replacement feature, a token can be replaced by a user-defined
sequence of characters.

Types of Macro:
1. Object-like macros
2. Function-like macros

Object-like macros:
The define directive in this case causes each subsequent instance of the macro name to
be replaced by the replacement list of preprocessing tokens present in the definition of the
#define PI 3.1416
void main()
int radius = 5;
printf("Area of the circle is %f", PI*radius*radius);

Function-like macros:
A macro with arguments is called a function like macro. It is similar to a function call and
its syntax is as follows:
#define macro-name(parameter-list) replacement-list

Important points about function-like macros:
1. There should be no white-space character between the macro name and the left
parenthesis of the parameter list in the definition of a function like macro.
2. In the definition of a macro, the replacement list must always be parenthesized to protect
any lower precedence operator in it from a higher precedence operator.
3. There should be no semi-colon in a macro definition.
#define SQR(x) ((x)*(x))
void main()
int val = 5;
printf("SQUARE OF %d is %d", val, SQR(val));

Stringification/Token Replacement:
The # and the parameter are replaced by a string literal. So this operation is known as
#define STR(x) #x
void main()
printf(STR(String Replacement)); // It will print String Replacement

If a ## preprocessing token appears between two parameters, the parameters will be
pasted to form one token. The ## operator is known as the concatenation operator.
#define JOIN(x,y) x##y
void main()
int JOIN(var,1) = 10;
printf("The value of var1 is %d", var1);

Source file inclusion directive:
The source file inclusion directive include tells the preprocessor to replace the directive
with the concatenation file specified.
The different ways of including source file are:
1. #include<stdio.h> Searches all the pre-specified list of directories.
2. #includestdio.h Searches the present directory first. If the file is not found then it
searches all the pre-specified list of directories.

void main()
char ch;
printf("Enter some character: ");
ch = getch();
printf("The character entered is %c", ch);

Conditional Compilation Directives:
Conditional Compilation directives are compiled only if a certain condition comes out
be true. The various conditional compilation directives are:
#if, #else, #elif, #ifdef, #ifndef, #endif
General Syntax:
#if const-exp
#elif const-exp

Only if the constant expression is true will the compiler evaluate a given set of statements. If
none of the expressions are true, the compiler will evaluate the #else part if present.

#define var 10
void main()
#if (var==5)
printf("Executed the if part");
#elif (var==10)
printf("Executed the elif part"); //This part will get executed
printf("Executed the else part");

#ifdef and #ifndef:
#ifdef will execute a set of statements if a macro with the name specified by the
identifier has been defined. The #ifndef does the opposite, i.e. it executes a set of statements if
a macro by the name specified by the identifier has NOT been defined.
General Syntax:
#ifdef idenfifier//Can also be replaced by #ifndef, the syntax will remain the same

//for #ifdef
void main()
#ifdef MAX
#define MIN 90
#define MIN 100
printf("MIN number : %d", MIN); // Value of MIN will be 100

//for #ifndef
void main()
#ifndef MAX
#define MIN 90
#define MIN 100
printf("MIN number : %d", MIN); // Value of MIN will be 90

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