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Waste is a huge problem in the world, but new endeavors are formulating plans to

use garbage as a useful resource. One of these is to convert waste into electri
There are many items around us that can generate heat, and surprisingly waste pr
oducts are one of these. Heat generated from waste to create electric power is a
great benefit to the earth because it can eliminate materials that ruin the ozo
ne layer. Molecular thermoelectric devices can help harvest energy directly from
the sun and reduce the need for photovoltaic cells that are used in solar panel
Dont Waste!
There is so much garbage on the planet that many countries wind up dumping their
waste in lesser developed countries. This garbage, however, could be used to ge
nerate power so it is a resource that is being considered useful. Biofuel can be
made from processed garbage, which would replace gasoline and decrease global c
arbon emissions by 80 per cent. Biofuels can be produced from living organisms o
r metabolic by-products (that is, organic or food waste products). For fuel to b
e regarded as a biofuel it must have over 80 per cent renewable materials.
The Benefits of Biogas
Biogas is a gas that is produced from organic matter. It is created by being bro
ken down biologically to create electricity. It is a commonly used form of renew
able energy, mainly used in domestic and industrial spheres. Biogas is a blend o
f carbon dioxide and methane, and its created by plant as well as animal waste. I
n the home, biogas is mainly used for cooking. It creates less pollution than tr
aditional cooking gas.
The EGG Machine
You can get in on the action of turning your garbage into power by making an EGG
Electricity from Garbage Generator. This machine can produce electricity withou
t harming the environment. It is easy to make and the bonus is that you can recy
cle your garbage instead of throwing it away. Make sure you only use organic mat
erials from your trash, however.
What Youll Need
A container. This will be used as the digester and its the place where your trash
will be stored.
A second, larger container. This is where you will put the reservoir and water.
A bucket. This is your reservoir and it must therefore be smaller than the secon
d container because it will be placed inside it.
Steam engine or cooker.
Hose. This will go from the reservoir to the steam engine or cooker.
Small stick. This is used to secure the hose in the reservoir.
Wire and ropes
Tap this will control the exit of biogas from the reservoir.
Using a pencil, draw a circle on the top of the digester (the smaller contai
ner) that fits the diameter of the hose. Take the knife and make a hole on the c
ircle youve drawn.
Cut the hose into two pieces, with one piece being longer than the other. Th
e long piece will be used later to transfer the biogas from the reservoir to the
boiler or cooker. The second piece will transfer the biogas from the digester t
o the reservoir.
Push about seven inches of the short piece of hose into the digester through
the hole you have made and seal the hole with the silicone to prevent the bioga
s from escaping.
You can see a diagram for these steps here.
Fill the big container with water.
Fasten the hose from the digester and the longer piece of hose to a small st
ick. You can do this with the use of wire or rope. Remember not to make the fast
ening too tight as you want the biogas to move through the hoses.
Make two holes on the the side of the bucket by using the hammer and nail.
Secure the stick and two pieces of hose to the bucket using wires (you can l
oop the wire through the holes you made in step 6. Be sure that the stick and ho
ses are near the base of the bucket.
You can see diagrams for the above steps here.
Place the bucket upside down inside the large container that is filled with
water. Push it to the base of the container so that you get rid of any air. Make
sure that it is surrounded by water completely.
Put a tap in the end of the long hose that will transfer the biogas from the
reservoir to the boiler. This will control how much gas can exit.
Put the digester on a stand so that it is higher than the reservoir. You can
place trash in the digester with the use of a cone
Place organic trash into the digester and wait for it to be consumed by bact
eria. This is where the biogas is produced. Its important to remember that this g
as is flammable! Biogas produces CO2, however it creates 50 per cent more energy
for the same amount of CO2 production when compared to gasoline, so it is not a
s much of an environmental pollutant.
Once the biogas is produced, it is collected in the hose and stored in the r
The hose will transmit the biogas over to the boiler in order to make electr
icity that can be used for various purposes, such as to heat water or cook.
To make electricity, you will require a boiler and steam engine. The biogas
will warm up the water to be boiled and then the steam will be transferred to th
e steam engine.
- See more at: http://www.ecopedia.com/how-to/using-garbage-to-create-electricit

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