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Flat Stomach in 30 Days

It is possible to get a flat stomach in as little as 30 days, but just wanting it is not going to
make it happen. You are going to have to put in the work. Some basic abdominal eercises
that will have your stomach looking flat in no time and will work to not only reduce belly fat,
but strengthen your core. !ork your abs every day, doing each eercise until your muscles
feel ehausted.
"ow, focus # take a serious look at where you are, and determine how much you have to
lose. $et%s say you%re &'( body fat today, and you%re ready to up your game, here%s what
you%d do)
24% 7.5% = 16.5% body fat to lose
I%ll give you 30 days, but you have to promise to *maintain% for at least +, weeks, without
breaking habit # your results will be rapid # sustaining it is a whole different animal. -his
is only safe if you sustain your weight loss # otherwise, the health detriments of
alternating weight gain and loss can outweigh the conse.uences of being overweight or
obese. /gain, you%re not in any danger so long as you make sure not to just hit the *off%
switch as soon as you hit your target. -hat%s when you just back down and start working
out & days per week while keeping your nutrition on point.
0efore we get started, if you%re a guy, shave your chest # it%s important. You have to see
your progress every single day, twice # once in the morning and once at night # stand
sideways and head on with the mirror, let your breath out and really evaluate your resting
position. 1oes anything need work2 0e sure to emphasi3e proper position tomorrow when
you work out # the posture you lift in is the posture you stay in.
Let's get started!
Day 1. Training Tip: 4ut Your 5ore 6irst
If flat abs are important to you, promote them to the top of your fitness to7do list. / lot of
people eercise their abdominal muscles at the end of their workout, and that8s when you
get sloppy or run out of time. You should do them first, and then move on to your cardio. -o
get them looking great, you need to make them a priority. You8ll be glad you did.
Day 2. Core-S!lpting "or#o!t: /ttack Your 9idden 5ore :uscles
;ven women who are otherwise slender and fit can end up with a belly pooch due to
underworked lower abdominal muscles. -ry this workouts to tap into the deep abdominal
Stability $all %el&i Tilt Cr!n'
<rab a five7to +07pound medicine ball =or dumbbell>. $ying face up on a stability ball with
your upper back and head pressed against the ball and your feet together on the floor,
hold the medicine ball against your chest. 0race your abs and crunch up until your
shoulders are off the ball. -hen reach the ball toward the ceiling. $ower it and return to the
starting position. 1o +& to +? reps.
Tip: 5ontrol your movement through the entire eercise, bracing your core and keeping
your back flat.
Stability $all (o!ntain Cli)ber
/ssume a plank position with your hands shoulder7width apart on a stability ball. 1raw
your right knee toward your chest. 9old for one second, then return to the plank position.
@epeat with your left knee. -hat8s one rep. 1o +& to +? reps.
T'e (atri*
<rab a five7to +07pound medicine ball =or dumbbell> and kneel on the floor with your knees
hip7width apart. Aeep your torso upright and hold the ball against your abs. Slowly lean
back as far as possible, keeping your knees planted. 9old the reclined position for three
seconds, then use your core to slowly come up to the starting position. 1o +& to +? reps.
+r) %!ll-,&er Cr!n'
<rab a pair of dumbbells and lie on your back with your arms above your head. $ift your
legs to a '?7degree angle. 0ring your arms over your chest and lift your shoulders up while
lifting your legs up perpendicular to the floor. @eturn to the starting position =keep your legs
off the floor>. -hat8s one rep. 1o +& to +?.
-nee-Cross Cr!n'
Stand with your shoulders in line with your hips, and etend your left arm up and your right
leg to the side, toes pointed. $ower your left elbow and raise your right knee, crunching
them together on a diagonal line. @eturn to the starting position. -hat8s one rep. 1o +& to
+? on each side.
T'e Sprinter
$ie on your back with your arms at your sides, legs straight, and heels hovering si to +&
inches off the floor. /s you sit up, lift and bend your left elbow, and pull your right knee to
your chest, as if you were sprinting. @eturn to the starting position, keeping your legs
raised, and repeat with the opposite arm and leg. -hat8s one rep. 1o +0 to +&.
"all Cr!n' and T.ist
Sit on a stability ball, facing a wall. $ie back so the middle to small of your back is resting
on the ball. 4lace your feet hip7width apart on the wall with your knees bent B0 degreesC
cross your arms over your chest. 5url up and twist through the waist to the left. @eturn to
centre and curl down so your back is parallel to the floor, then twist up to the right. -hat8s
one rep. 1o +0 to +&.
1ay 3. %lan# Test /1
-his is the first of five plank tests. 9old a plank for as long as you can with proper form.
Your goal is to build up to B0 seconds. 9ow long can you hold it2 !rite down your time so
you can track your progress.
9ow to do a plank) Starting at the top of a pushup position, bend your elbows and lower
yourself down until you can shift your weight from your hands to your forearms. Your body
should form a straight line. 0race your abs =imagine someone is about to punch you in the
gut> and hold. 6ocus on form) 1on8t drop your hips or raise your butt.
1ay '. Training Tip: :ove Your 0utt
Your booty and your belly are unlikely partners in crime. 9ere8s why) Dver time, sitting
around too much renders your gluts practically useless and causes your hip fleors#the
muscles that connect your hipbones to your legs#to become stiff. -his couch7potato
combo tilts your pelvis forward, which increases the arch in your back and puts stress on
your spine. 6rom a cosmetic standpoint, it pushes your abdomen out, making even a
relatively flat stomach bulge. -hat means that to lose your gut, you8ve got to work your
5ombat tight hip fleors with this stretch) In a lunge position, lower yourself so your back
knee is resting on the floor. 4ush your hips forward, keeping your back upright, until you
feel a stretch in the front of your back hip. 9old for +0 seconds, rela, and repeat. Switch
legs. You can increase the stretch by reaching your arms over your head.
1ay ?. Sli)-0o.n Strategy: ;at :onounsaturated 6ats
1ietary fat is one nutrient with a serious image problem) E6at in food is e.uated to fat on
hips#but it8s not the sameF Dur bodies need certain fats. <etting the right amounts from
the right sources will not only ensure your food doesn8t taste like cardboard, but also can
help you lose stubborn pounds =yes, you read that correctly>.
+ st!dy in t'e 1o!rnal 0iabetes Care fo!nd t'at a diet ri' in )ono!nsat!rated fats
2s!' as al)onds3 a&oados3 and oli&es4 )ay pre&ent t'e a!)!lation of
abdo)inal fat. Co)bining fats and arbs in t'e sa)e )eal .ill #eep yo!r blood
s!gar stable and 'elp yo! a&oid '!nger-ind!ing spi#es and dips.
T'is isn5t liense to gorge on one ginor)o!s inna)on roll3 t'o!g'. Spread yo!r
fat-arb o)bos t'ro!g'o!t t'e day: nat!ral n!t b!tter on .'ole-grain toast in t'e
a.).3 oli&e oil dri66led on yo!r salad at l!n'3 g!aa)ole .it' &eggies for a sna#.
7ood 8at3 $ad 8at: 9earn t'e 0ifferene:
0ietary fat is one n!trient .it' a serio!s i)age proble): :8at in food is e;!ated to
fat on 'ips<b!t it5s not t'e sa)e=
8at5s 2+'e)4 9arger %!rpose
-he main reason fat gets a bad rap is that much of the type we eat comes in less7than7
healthy packages like doughnuts and cheese fries. -he fact that we8re wired to crave the
flavour fat provides makes it even easier to overeat. 0ack when mammoth was still a
menu item, calories were hard to come by. 9umans evolved to seek out the most
concentrated supply of them, and fat, with nine calories per gram =versus four per gram in
carbs and proteins>, was our best food source for survival.
-hough we no longer need that primitive urge to keep us alive, fat still plays a critical role)
It delivers key nutrients to your body. EGitamins such as /, 1, ;, and A are called fat7
soluble because they need to bind to fat to be absorbed. If fat isn8t available, the vitamins
can8t be absorbed properly.E -op your salad with low7fat dressing and you could miss out
on a lot of the benefits in those leafy greens#which can also leave you craving for a snack
later. E4art of losing weight is being satisfied so you aren8t gra3ing all day on other foods.
/nd studies have found that foods with healthy fats, like avocado and nuts, take longer to
digest and therefore help keep you fuller longer.E
T'e 9o.-8at 9ie /pproaching fat the way you do the limbo#how low can you go2#won8t
send the scale plummeting.
5utting all fat from your diet means you8ll also miss out on good fats that can help you in
your .uest to shrink a si3e. / study in the journal Diabetes Care found that a diet rich in
monounsaturated fats =such as almonds> may prevent the accumulation of abdominal fat.
5ombining fats and carbs in the same meal will keep your blood sugar stable and help you
avoid hunger7inducing spikes and dips.
-his isn8t license to gorge on one ginormous cinnamon roll, though. Spread your fat7carb
combos throughout the day) natural nut butter on whole7grain toast in the a.m., olive oil
dri33led on your salad at lunch, guac with veggies for a snack.
,ne to +&oid
6or all the friendly types of fat, there is one you should keep as an enemy) man7made
trans fats, which have been shown to raise bad =$1$> cholesterol and lower good =91$>
cholesterol. Hnlike other unsaturated fats, which tend to have health benefits, these have
been chemically altered through a process called hydrogenation to make the product they
are in easier to sell =for eample, some packaged cookies contain hydrogenated or
partially hydrogenated fats to make them last longer on store shelves>.
Hnfortunately, you may not even be aware they8re in a product, thanks to tricky labelling
laws that allow manufacturers to list 3ero grams of trans fat as long as a serving contains
less than 0.? grams. -o avoid them, stay away from food whose ingredients panel lists
hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils.
6inally, always remember to watch your portions, even with good fats. 6at in any form
packs more than twice the amount of calories as protein and carbs. Dften, people eat the
right foods but too much of them. Dlive oil is the number one offender among her clients. /
cup has close to &,000 calories, and unless you8re a stickler for measuring, it8s easy to
pour on more than the proper two7teaspoon serving. 0ottom line) In small doses, fat is one
of your best food friends.
1ay ,. Core-S!lpting "or#o!t:
If you want to learn how to flatten your stomach, the former Biggest Loser drill sergeant#
who grew up overweight but now considers her abs her favourite body part#has an
awesome workout for you. 0ut be prepared) Scoring a scorching tummy involves more
than a few crunches. =In fact, it involves no standard crunches at allC they tend to isolate
one muscle group, so Iillian8s not a huge fan.> -he best abs workouts for women take a
3,07degree approach to finally get over the hump and reduce that belly bump. -hink you
can stomach it2
6irst things first) EYou can8t spot7reduce fat,E says Iillian. EYou must burn calories to burn
fat while you condition your abs.
0ay 7. Training Tip: <ive Your /bs / @est
You need only three sessions a week to see maimum results#really. -raining every day
with endless crunches won8t flatten your belly faster. You8ll see benefits .uicker if you give
your muscles a day to fully recover between workouts. -hat8s because stressing your
muscles during a workout breaks down the tissues, and they need rest days to rebuild and
get stronger.
!hat8s more, you should stick to only +? to &0 reps of each move. If you can easily do that
many, it8s time for harder moves.
0alance your gut and brain and follow the rules for the net 30 days.
0on>t o&ero)pliate t'is < 1!st get started=

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