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Abstract Submission Form

International Symposium on Nano - Materials, Technology and Applications

(NANOMATA), 15-1 Octo!er "#1$, %anoi, &ietnam

Abstract Submissions: Opens 15 May 2014 and !"oses #0 Au$ust 2014
%nstructions &ote: 'our a!stract can !e su!mitted (ia email as an attachment directly to
nanomata"#1$)gmail*com or nanomata"#1$)(nu*edu*(n* All +ields should !e +illed, incomplete
a!stracts ,ill not !e accepted*
Details of Presenting Author:
Title (Prof./Dr./):
Last Name: First Name:
Job Title: Department:
Correspondene !ddress:

Countr": Postal Code:
Tel: Fa#:
Mode of Preferred Presentation:
In&ited tal' (ral Poster
Title of Paper
First !ut)or
* +eond !ut)or
Institution, Address, Town, State
Institution, Address, Town, State
Corresponding author's e-mail: author@nu!edu!n
!bstrats must be submitted prior to !u-ust ./* 0/12 314. !ll abstrats s)all be submitted
eletroniall" ia email (nanomata0/125-mail.om or nanomata0/125&nu.edu.&n). !bstrats sent
&ia fa# or re-ular mail 6ill not be proessed or a'no6led-ed. !bstrat aeptane 6ill be
announed &ia email b" +eptember /7* 0/12. T)e presentin- aut)or must be a paid re-istrant at t)e
+"mposium. !bstrats s)ould be less t)an .// 6ords* fi-ures and tables are permitted (t)e titles*
aut)or names* addresses* and referenes 6ill not ount in t)e .//%6ord limit). T)e te#t s)ould
ontain t)e follo6in- items in t)e e#at -i&en order and 6ritten in $n-lis) (use of 8+%9ord is
stron-l" reommended):
1. Title of t)e paper: 12 pt si:e Time Ne6 ;oman bold font.
0. !ut)or (initials or first names before surnames)* separated b" ommas and ea) follo6ed
b" a footnote letter (a*b*...) referrin- to t)e respeti&e address (10 pt si:e Time Ne6 ;oman re-ular
.. !ddresses* ea) preeded b" a footnote letter referrin- to t)e respeti&e aut)or name(s) (11
pt si:e Time Ne6 ;oman itali" font).
2. 8ain Te#t preferabl" s)ould not be partioned into setions (10 pt si:e Time Ne6 ;oman
re-ular font).
<. ;eferenes s)ould be limited to t)e most rele&ant literature. T)e" s)ould all be ited in t)e
te#t* numbered in s=uare 34 bra'ets onseuti&el" in order of first appearane.
>. Tables s)ould )a&e a lear struture* 6it) simple olumn )eadin-s t)at inlude all units in
7. Fi-ures must be suffiientl" lar-e in order for all details not to beome ille-ible in printed
form. Fi-ure aptions s)oule be 11pt si:e Time Ne6 ;oman re-ular font.
;eferene sample:
314 !. ?d* $. F. @) and J. Alm* I$$$ Transation on 8a-netis* 2B* >> (0/1.).
Keywords (inlude .%< 'e"6ords):
&ote 'or a submission via emai":
-.ample: John Smith will submit an abstract for &anomata 2014
-mail su!/ect: Nanomata abstract: John Smith
Attached +ile name: Nanomata abstract_JohnSmith.doc
To su!mit your a!stract, please +ill in the in+ormation and send it ,ith all necessary attachments to
nanomata"#1$)gmail*com or nanomata"#1$)(nu*edu*(n* To a(oid the communication
pro!lems, please 0eep the si1e o+ all attachments as small as possi!le (pre+era!ly !elo, 5M2)*
Attached +igures should !e in TI33, 4S, or 453 +ormat, please do not use the lo, resolution 64-7,
2M4, and 7I3 +ormats*
Once you ha(e su!mitted your a!stract (ia email, you should recei(e a +ormal con+irmation !y
email* 3or any +urther in+ormation related to a!stract su!mission, please contact Symposium
Secretary !y email*
To recei(e additional in+ormation please contact Symposium Secretary8
- O++ice address8 3aculty o+ -ngineering and Nanotechnology, &N9-9ni(ersity o+ -ngineering and
Technology, :oom "*"*, 2uilding -$, 1$$ ;uan Thuy road, <au 7iay district, %anoi, &ietnam
- -mail8 nanomata"#1$)gmail*com or nanomata"#1$)(nu*edu*(n
- Tel*8 = >$ $ ?5$ @$"@ A = >$ $ ?5$ @BB5, 3a.8 = >$ $ ?5$ $B#

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