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The Secrets of Mental Math

Arthur T. Benjamin,
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The Teaching "ompany.
Arthur T. Benjamin, Ph.D.
Professor of #athematics
$arvey #udd "ollege
Professor Arthur T. %en&amin is a Professor of
#athematics at $arvey #udd "ollege. $e
graduated from "arnegie #ellon University in '()*,
here he earned a %.S. in Applied
#athematics ith university honors. $e received his
Ph.+. in #athematical Sciences in '()( from ,ohns
$opkins University, here he as supported
by a -ational Science .oundation graduate felloship and a /ufus P. 0saacs
felloship. Since '()(, Professor %en&amin has been a faculty member of the
#athematics +epartment at $arvey #udd "ollege, here he has served as
department chair. $e has spent sabbatical visits at "altech, %randeis
University, and the University of -e South Wales in Sydney, Australia.
0n '(((, Professor %en&amin received the Southern "alifornia Section of
the #athematical Association of America (#AA! Aard for +istinguished
"ollege or University Teaching of #athematics, and in 1222, he received
the #AA +eborah and .ranklin Tepper $aimo -ational Aard for
+istinguished "ollege or University Teaching of #athematics. $e as
also named the 12234122) 5eorge P6lya 7ecturer by the #AA.
Professor %en&amin8s research interests include combinatorics, game theory,
and number theory, ith a special fondness for .ibonacci numbers. #any of
these ideas appear in his book (coauthored ith ,ennifer 9uinn! Proofs That
Really Count: The Art of Combinatorial Proof, published by the #AA. 0n 1223,
that book received the #AA8s %eckenbach %ook Pri:e. .rom 122; to 122),
Professors %en&amin and 9uinn served as the coeditors of Math Horizons
maga:ine, hich is published by the #AA and en&oyed by more than 12,222
readers, mostly undergraduate math students and their teachers. 0n 122(, the
#AA published Professor %en&amin8s latest book, Biscuits of Number Theory,
coedited ith <:ra %ron.
Professor %en&amin is also a professional magician. $e has given more than
'222 =mathemagics> shos to audiences all over the orld (from primary
schools to scienti?c conferences!, in hich he demonstrates and e@plains his
calculating talents. $is techniAues are e@plained in his book Secrets of
Mental Math: The Mathemagicians ui!e to "ightning Calculation an!
Amazing Math Tric#s. Proli?c math and science riter #artin 5ardner calls it
=the clearest, simplest, most entertaining, and best book yet on the art of
calculating in your head.> An avid game player, Professor %en&amin as
inner of the American %ackgammon Tour in '((B.
Professor %en&amin has appeared on do:ens of television and radio
programs, including the To!ay sho, The Colbert Re$ort, "--, and -ational
Public /adio. $e has been featured in Scienti%c American, &mni, 'isco(er,
Peo$le, )s*uire, The Ne+ ,or# Times, the "os Angeles Times, and Rea!ers
'igest. 0n 122C, Rea!ers 'igest called him =America8s %est #ath Whi:.> D
Ta;le of #ontents
Professor %iography i
"ourse Scope '
Acknoledgments *
#ath in Eour $eadF ;
#ental Addition and Subtraction ''
5o .orth and #ultiply 1'
+ivide and "onAuer *2
The Art of 5uesstimation *C
#ental #ath and Paper ;'
0ntermediate #ultiplication ;3
The Speed of Gedic +ivision C1
#emori:ing -umbers C)
Ta;le of #ontents
LE#TU"E 2*
"alendar "alculating 3*
LE#TU"E 22
Advanced #ultiplication 3(
LE#TU"E 21
#asters of #ental #ath B3
Solutions )1
Timeline 'C2
5lossary 'C1
%ibliography 'CC
The Secrets of Mental Math
#ost of the mathematics that e learn in school is taught to us on paper
ith the e@pectation that e ill solve problems on paper. %ut there
is &oy and lifelong value in being able to do mathematics
in your head. 0n school, learning ho to do math in your head Auickly and
accurately can be empoering. 0n this course, you ill learn to solve many
problems using multiple strategies that reinforce number sense, hich can be
helpful in all mathematics courses. Success at doing mental calculation and
estimation can also lead to improvement on several standardi:ed tests.
We encounter numbers on a daily basis outside of school, including
many situations in hich it is &ust not practical to pull out a calculator,
from buying groceries to reading the nespaper to negotiating a car
payment. And as e get older, research has shon that it is important
to ?nd activities that keep our minds active and sharp. -ot only does
mental math sharpen the mind, but it can also be a lot of fun.
Iur ?rst four lectures ill focus on the nuts and bolts of mental mathH
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Iften, e ill see
that there is more than one ay to solve a problem, and e ill
motivate many of the problems ith realJorld applications.
Ince e have mastery of the basics of mental math, e ill branch out
in interesting directions. 7ecture C offers techniAues for easily ?nding
appro@imate ansers hen e don8t need complete accuracy. 7ecture 3
is devoted to pencilJandJpaper mathematics but done in ays that are
seldom taught in schoolK e8ll see that e can simply rite don the
anser to a multiplication, division, or sAuare root problem ithout any
intermediate results. This lecture also shos some interesting ays to
verify an anser8s correctness. 0n 7ecture B, e go beyond the basics to
e@plore advanced multiplication techniAues that allo many large
multiplication problems to be dramatically simpli?ed.
0n 7ecture ), e e@plore long division, short division, and Gedic division, a
fascinating techniAue that can be used to generate ansers faster than any
method you may have seen before. 7ecture ( ill teach you ho to improve
your memory for numbers using a phonetic code. Applying this code allos us
to perform even larger mental calculations, but it can also be used for
memori:ing dates, phone numbers, and your favorite mathematical constants.
Speaking of dates, one of my favorite feats of mental calculation is being able
to determine the day of the eek of any date in history. This is actually a very
useful skill to possess. 0t8s not every day that someone asks you for the
sAuare root of a number, but you probably encounter dates every day of your
life, and it is Auite convenient to be able to ?gure out days of the eek. Eou
ill learn ho to do this in 7ecture '2.
0n 7ecture '', e venture into the orld of advanced multiplicationK here,
e8ll see ho to sAuare *J and ;Jdigit numbers, ?nd appro@imate cubes
of 1Jdigit numbers, and multiply 1J and *Jdigit numbers together. 0n our
?nal lecture, you ill learn ho to do enormous calculations, such as
multiplying to CJdigit numbers, and discuss the techniAues used by
other orldJrecord lightning calculators. <ven if you do not aspire to be a
grandmaster mathemagician, you ill still bene?t tremendously by
acAuiring the skills taught in this course. D
Putting this course together has been e@tremely gratifying, and there are
several people 0 ish to thank. 0t has been a pleasure orking ith the
very professional staff of The 5reat "ourses, including 7ucinda
/obb, #arcy #ac+onald, Lachary /hoades, and especially ,ay Tate.
Thanks to Professor Stephen 7ucas, ho provided me ith valuable
historical information, and to calculating protMgMs <than %ron and Adam
Garney for proofJatching this course. Several groups gave me the
opportunity to practice these lectures for live audiences, ho provided
valuable feedback. 0n particular, 0 am grateful to the -orth +akota
+epartment of Public 0nstruction, Professor Sarah /undell of +ennison
University, +r. +aniel +oak of Ihio Galley University, and 7isa 7oop of the
"laremont 5raduate University Teacher <ducation Program.
.inally, 0 ish to thank my daughters, 7aurel and Ariel, for their
patience and understanding and, most of all, my ife, +eena, for all
her assistance and support during this pro&ect.
Arthur %en&amin
"laremont, "alifornia
Math in Your Hea&?
Lecture 2
t ;.
e a
if .ou
9ant to
, then
just li>e
nee& to
0n school, most of
the math e
learn is done
ith pencil
and paper, yet
in many
situations, it
makes more
sense to do
problems in
your head.
The ability to
do rapid
can help
achieve higher
scores on
tests and can
keep the mind
sharp as e
Ine of the ?rst
mental math
tips you can
practice is to
, you
N ;C
but in
left to
The a;ilit. to &o ra%i& mental
calculation can hel% stu&ents
achie,e hi0her scores on
stan&ar&iAe& tests an& can
the ?rst digit of
the anser
multiplying by (
is ' less than
the multiplier
(e.g., ( O * P 1B
begins ith 1!.
0n many ays, mental calculation is a process of simpli?cation. .or
e@ample, the problem ;*1 O * sounds hard, but it8s the sum of three
easy problemsH * O ;22 P '122, * O *2 P (2, and * O 1 P 3K '122 N (2
N 3 P '1(3. -otice that hen adding the numbers, it8s easier to add
from largest to smallest, rather than smallest to largest.
Again, doing mental calculations from left to right is also generally
easier because that8s the ay e read numbers. "onsider C; O B. In
paper, you might start by multiplying B O ; to get 1), but hen doing
the problem mentally, it8s better to start ith B O C2 (*C2! to get an
estimate of the anser. To get the e@act anser, add the product of B
O C2 and the product of B O ;H *C2 N 1) P *B).
%elo are some additional techniAues that you can start using right aayH
x The product of '' and any 1Jdigit number begins and ends ith
the to digits of the multiplierK the number in the middle is the sum
of the original to digits. <@ampleH 1* O '' 1 N * P CK anserH 1C*.
.or a multiplier hose digits sum to a number greater than (, you
have to carry. <@ampleH )C O '' ) N C P '*K carry the ' from '*
to the )K anserH (*C.
x The product of '' and any *Jdigit number also begins and ends
ith the ?rst and last digits of the multiplier, although the ?rst digit
can change from carries. 0n the middle, insert the result of adding
the ?rst and second digits and the second and third digits.
<@ampleH *'; O '' * N ' P ; and ' N ; P CK anserH *;C;.
x To sAuare a 1Jdigit number that ends in C, multiply the ?rst
digit in the number by the ne@t higher digit, then attach 1C at
the end. <@ampleH *C
* O ; P '1K anserH '11C. .or *Jdigit
numbers, multiply the ?rst to numbers together by the ne@t
higher number, then attach 1C. <@ampleH *2C
*2 O *'P (*2K
anserH (*,21C.
x To multiply to 1Jdigit numbers that have the same ?rst
digits and last digits that sum to '2, multiply the ?rst digit
by the ne@t higher digit, then attach the product of the
last digits in the original to numbers. <@ampleH ); O )3
) O ( P B1 and ; O 3 P 1;K anserH B11;.
x To multiply a number beteen '2 and 12 by a 'Jdigit number,
multiply the 'Jdigit number by '2, then multiply it by the
second digit in the 1Jdigit number, and add the products.
<@ampleH '* O 3
(3 O '2! N (3 O *! P 32 N ')K anserH B).
x To multiply to numbers that are both beteen '2 and 12, add
the ?rst number and the last digit of the second number,
multiply the result by '2, then add that result to the product of
the last digits in both numbers of the original problem. <@ampleH
'* O '; '* N ; P 'B, 'B O '2 P 'B2, * O ; P '1, 'B2 N '1 P ')1K
anserH ')1. D
Im%ortant Terms
left to ri0htH The =right> ay to do mental math.
ri0ht to leftH The =rong> ay to do mental math.
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The
Mathemagicians ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math
Tric#s, chapter 2.
$ope, /eys, and /eys, Mental Math in the Mi!!le ra!es-
,ulius, Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number Po+er-
/yan, )(ery!ay Math for )(ery!ay "ife: A Han!boo# for 0hen 1t
2ust 'oesnt A!! 3$-
The folloing mental addition and multiplication problems can be done
almost immediately, &ust by listening to the numbers from left to right.
1. 1* N C
2. 1* N C2
3. C22 N 1*
4. C222 N 1*
5. 3B N )
6. 3B N )2
7. 3B N )22
8. 3B N )222
9. *2 N 3
10. *22 N 1;
11. 1222 N 1C
12. ;2 N (
13. B22 N );
14. ';2 N ;
15. 1C22 N 12
16. 1*22 N C)
17. '* O '2
18. '* O '22
19. '* O '222
20. 1;* O '2
21. 1;* O '22
22. 1;* O '222
23. 1;* O ' million
24. .ill out the standard '2JbyJ'2 multiplication table as Auickly as
you can. 0t8s probably easiest to ?ll it out one ro at a time by
25. "reate an )JbyJ( multiplication table in hich the ros
represent the numbers from 1 to ( and the columns
represent the numbers from '' to '(. .or an e@tra
challenge, ?ll out the sAuares in random order.
26. "reate the multiplication table in hich the ros and
columns represent the numbers from '' to '(. .or an e@tra
challenge, ?ll out the ros in random order. %e sure to use
the shortcuts e learned in this lecture, including those for
multiplying by ''.
The folloing multiplication problems can be done &ust by
listening to the anser from left to right.
27. ;' O 1
28. 31 O *
29. B1 O ;
30. C1 O )
31. 12B O *
32. ;21 O (
33. C;* O 1
+o the folloing multiplication problems using the shortcuts from this
34. 1' O ''
35. 'B O ''
36. C; O ''
37. *C O ''
38. 33 O ''
39. B( O ''
40. *B O ''
41. 1( O ''
42. ;) O ''
43. (* O ''
44. () O ''
45. '*C O ''
46. 13' O ''
47. )3* O ''
48. B)( O ''
49. 9uickly rite don the sAuares of all 1Jdigit numbers that end
in C.
50. Since you can Auickly multiply numbers beteen '2 and 12,
rite don the sAuares of the numbers '2C, ''C, '1C, Q
'(C, 12C.
51. SAuare ((C.
52. "ompute '22C
<@ploit the shortcut for multiplying 1Jdigit numbers that begin ith
the same digit and hose last digits sum to '2 to do the folloing
53. 1' O 1(
54. 11 O 1)
55. 1* O 1B
56. 1; O 13
57. 1C O 1C
58. 3' O 3(
59. 31 O 3)
60. 3* O 3B
61. 3; O 33
62. 3C O 3C
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 45-
Mental A&&ition an& Su;traction
Lecture 1
The ;a& ne9s is that most 53&i0it su;traction %ro;lems re'uire
some sort of ;orro9in0. But the 0oo& ne9s is that the. can ;e
turne& into eas. a&&ition %ro;lems.
When doing mental addition, e ork one digit at a time. To add a 'J
digit number, &ust add the 's digits (C1 N ; 1 N ; P 3, so C1 N ; P
C3!. With 1Jdigit numbers, ?rst add the '2s digits, then the 's
digits (31 N 1; 31 N 12 P )1 and )1 N ; P )3!.
With *Jdigit numbers, addition is easy hen one or both numbers are
multiples of '22 (;22 N C3B P (3B! or hen both numbers are
multiples of '2 (;C2 N *12 ;C2 N *22 P BC2 and BC2 N 12 P BB2!.
Adding in this ay is useful if you8re counting calories.
To add *Jdigit numbers, ?rst add the '22s, then the '2s, then the 's.
.or *'; N 'C(, ?rst add *'; N '22 P ;';. The problem is no simpler,
;'; N C(K keep the ;22 in mind and focus on '; N C(. Add '; N C2 P 3;,
then add ( to get B*. The anser to the original problem is ;B*.
We could do B33 N ;)( by adding the '22s, '2s, and 's digits, but
each step ould involve a carry. Another ay to do the problem is to
notice that ;)( P C22 4 ''K e can add B33 N C22, then subtract ''
(anserH '1CC!. Addition problems that involve carrying can often be
turned into easy subtraction problems.
With mental subtraction, e also ork one digit at a time from left to
right. With B; 4 1(, ?rst subtract B; 4 12 P C;. We kno the anser
to C; 4 ( ill be ;2Jsomething, and '; 4 ( P C, so the anser is ;C.
A subtraction problem that ould normally involve borroing can usually
be turned into an easy addition problem ith no carrying. .or '1' 4 CB,
subtract 32, then add back *H '1' 4 32 P 3' and 3' N * P 3;.
With *Jdigit numbers, e again subtract the '22s, the '2s, then
the 's. .or );3 4 11C, ?rst subtract 122H );3 4 122 P 3;3. Reep
the 322 in mind, then do ;3 4 1C by subtracting 12, then
subtracting CH ;3 4 12 P 13 and 13 4 C P 1'. The anser is 31'.
ThreeJdigit subtraction problems can often be turned into easy
addition problems. .or )*C 4 ;(B, treat ;(B as C22 4 *. Subtract
)*C 4 C22, then add back *H )*C 4 C22 P **C and **C N * P **).
Understanding com%lements helps in doing dif?cult subtraction.
The complement of BC is 1C because BC N 1C P '22. To ?nd the
complement of a 1Jdigit number, ?nd the
number that hen added to the
Un&erstan&in0 com%lements hel%s ?rst digit ill yield ( and the
in &oin0 &ifBcult su;traction. number that hen added to the
second digit ill yield '2. .or
BC, notice that B N 1 P ( and
C N C P '2. 0f the number ends in 2, such as )2, then the
complement ill also end in 2. 0n this case, ?nd the number that
hen added to the ?rst digit ill yield '2 instead of (K the
complement of )2 is 12.
Rnoing that, let8s try )*C 4 ;3B. We ?rst subtract C22 ()*C 4
C22 P **C!, but then e need to add back something. $o far is
;3B from C22, or ho far is 3B from '22S .ind the complement of
3B (**! and add it to **CH **C N ** P *3).
To ?nd *Jdigit complements, ?nd the numbers that ill yield (, (,
'2 hen added to each of the digits. .or e@ample, the
complement of 1*; is B33. <@ceptionH 0f the original number ends
in 2, so ill its complement, and the 2 ill be preceded by the 1J
digit complement. .or e@ample, the complement of 3B2 ill end
in 2, preceded by the complement of 3B, hich is **K the
complement of 3B2 is **2.
ThreeJdigit complements are used freAuently in making change. 0f an
item costs T3.BC and you pay ith a T'2 bill, the change you get ill
be the complement of 3BC, namely, *1C, T*.1C. The same strategy
orks ith change from T'22. What8s the change for T1*.C)S .or the
complement of
1*C), the digits must add to (, (, (, and '2. The change ould be
TB3.;1. When you hear an amount like T1*.C), think that the dollars
add to (( and the cents add to '22. With T1*.C), 1* N B3 P (( and C)
N ;1 P '22. When making change from T12, the idea is essentially
the same, but the dollars add to '( and the cents add to '22.
As you practice mental addition and subtraction, remember to ork one
digit at a time and look for opportunities to use complements that turn
hard addition problems into easy subtraction problems and vice versa. D
Im%ortant Term
com%lementH The distance beteen a number and a convenient
round number, typically, '22 or '222. .or e@ample, the complement
of ;* is CB since ;* N CB P '22.
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagicians
ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math Tric#s, chapter '.
,ulius, More Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number Mastery-
UUU, Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number Po+er-
Relly, Short6Cut Math-
%ecause mental addition and subtraction are the building blocks to all
mental calculations, plenty of practice e@ercises are provided. Solve the
folloing mental addition problems by calculating from left to right. .or an
a!!e! challenge, look aay from the numbers after reading the problem.
1. C1 N B
2. (* N ;
3. *) N (
4. BB N C
5. (3 N B
6. ;2 N *3
7. 32 N C;
8. C3 N B2
9. ;) N 32
10. C* N *'
11. 1; N 3C
12. ;C N *C
13. C3 N *B
14. BC N '(
15. )C N CC
16. 1B N B)
17. B; N C*
18. )3 N 3)
19. B1 N )*
+o these 1Jdigit addition problems in to aysK make sure the
second ay involves subtraction.
20. 3) N (B
21. B; N 3(
22. 1) N C(
23. ;) N (*
Try these *Jdigit addition problems. The problems gradually become
more dif?cult. .or the harder problems, it may be helpful to say the
problem out loud before starting the calculation.
24. )22 N *22
25. 3BC N 122
26. 1*C N )22
27. 3*2 N '12
28. BC2 N *B2
29. ;B2 N C'2
30. ()2 N 1;2
31. **2 N )(2
32. 1;3 N )'2
33. (32 N *13
34. '*2 N CB(
35. *1C N 31C
36. CBC N 3BC
37. '1* N ;C3
38. 12C N '2)
39. B;C N '*;
40. *;' N '('
41. C32 N )2*
42. C33 N ')C
43. B3; N 3*B
+o the ne@t fe problems in to aysK make sure the second
ay uses subtraction.
44. B)B N )((
45. **( N ()(
46. B(B N '33
47. ;B; N (B2
+o the folloing subtraction problems from left to right.
48. (B 4 3
49. *) 4 B
50. )' 4 3
51. C; 4 B
52. (1 4 *2
53. B3 4 'C
54. )( 4 CC
55. () 4 1;
+o these problems to different ays. .or the second ay, begin by
subtracting too much.
56. B* 4 C(
57. )3 4 3)
58. B; 4 CB
59. 31 4 ;;
Try these *Jdigit subtraction problems, orking from left to right.
60. B'3 4 C2C
61. ()B 4 3C;
62. B3) 4 111
63. 3;C 4 1*'
64. B)' 4 ;'3
+etermine the complements of the folloing numbers, that is,
their distance from '22.
65. 1)
66. C'
67. *;
68. )B
69. 3C
70. B2
71. '(
72. (*
Use complements to solve these problems.
73. )11 4 C(*
74. 3'; 4 *B1
75. (*1 4 B33
76. B;* 4 *)C
77. (1) 4 131
78. C*1 4 ')1
79. 3'' 4 *;C
80. B1; 4 ;B3
+etermine the complements of these *Jdigit numbers, that is, their
distance from '222.
81. BB1
82. 3(C
83. );(
84. B'2
85. '1)
86. (B;
87. CC'
Use complements to determine the correct amount of change.
88. T1.B' from T'2
89. T).1) from T'2
90. T*.1; from T'2
91. TC;.(* from T'22
92. T)3.') from T'22
93. T';.*3 from T12
94. T'1.BC from T12
95. T*'.;' from TC2
The folloing addition and subtraction problems arise hile
doing mental multiplication problems and are orth practicing
before beginning 7ecture *.
96. *C2 N *C
97. B12 N C;
98. 1;2 N *1
99. C32 N C3
100. ;(22 N 1'2
101. '122 N ;12
102. '312 N ;)
103. B122 N C;2
104. *1;2 N *3
105. 1)22 N *C2
106. 1'C2 N C3
107. )22 4 '1
108. *322 4 3*
109. C322 4 1)
110. 3*22 4 '2)
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 47-
!o 6orth an& Multi%l.
Lecture 5
YouC,e no9 seen e,er.thin0 .ou nee& to >no9 a;out &oin0 53
&i0it3;.323&i0it multi%lication. D ETFhe ;asic i&ea is al9a.s the
same. +e calculate from left to ri0ht, an& a&& num;ers as 9e 0o.
Ince you8ve mastered the multiplication table up through '2, you can
multiply any to 'Jdigit numbers together. The ne@t step is to multiply 1J and
*Jdigit numbers by 'Jdigit numbers. As e8ll see, these 1JbyJ's and *JbyJ's
are the essential building blocks to all mental
multiplication problems. Ince you8ve mastered those skills, you ill
be able to multiply any 1Jdigit numbers.
We kno ho to multiply 'Jdigit numbers by numbers belo 12, so
let8s arm up by doing a fe simple 1JbyJ' problems. .or e@ample,
try C* O 3. We start by multiplying 3 O C2 to get *22, then keep that
*22 in mind. We kno the anser ill not change to ;22 because the
ne@t step is to add the result of a 'JbyJ' problemH 3 O *. A 'JbyJ'
problem can8t get any larger than ( O (, hich is less than '22. Since
3 O * P '), the anser to our original problem, C* O 3, is *').
$ere8s an area problemH .ind the area of a triangle ith a height of '; inches
and a base of C( inches. The formula here is 'V1(bh!, so e have to calculate
'V1 O (C( O ';!. The commutative la allos us to multiply numbers in any
order, so e rearrange the problem to ('V1 O ';! O C(. $alf of '; is B, leaving
us ith the simpli?ed problem B O C(. We multiply B O C2 to get *C2, then B O
( to get 3*K e then add *C2 N 3* P to get ;'* sAuare inches in the triangle.
Another ay to do the same calculation is to treat C( O B as (B O 32! 4 (B O '!H
B O 32 P ;12 and B O ' P BK ;12 4 B P ;'*. This approach turns a hard
addition problem into an easy subtraction problem. When you8re ?rst
practicing mental math, it8s helpful to do such problems both aysK if you get
the same anser both times, you can be pretty sure it8s right.
The goal of mental math is to solve the problem ithout riting
anything don. At ?rst, it8s helpful to be able to see the problem,
but as you gain skill, allo yourself to see only half of the
problem. <nter the problem on a calculator, but don8t hit the
eAuals button until you have an anser. This allos you to see
one number but not the other.
The &istri;uti,e la9 tells us that * O )B is the same as (* O )2! N (* O
B!, but here8s a more intuitive ay to think about this conceptH 0magine
e have three bags containing )B marbles each. Ibviously, e have * O
)B marbles. %ut suppose e kno that in each bag, )2 of the marbles
are blue and B are crimson. The total
number of marbles is still * O )B, but e
can also
think of the total as * O )2 (the
number of blue marbles! and *
O B (the number of crimson
marbles!. +raing a picture can
also help in understanding the
distributive la.
We no turn to multiplying *Jdigit
numbers by 'Jdigit numbers. Again,
e begin ith a fe armJup
problems. .or
*1; O B, e start ith B O *22 to get 1'22. Then e do B O 12, hich is
';2. We add the ?rst to results to get 11;2K then e do B O ; to get 1)
and add that to 11;2. The anser is 113). Ine of the virtues of orking
from left to right is that this method gives us an idea of the overall
anserK orking from right to left tells us only hat the last number in
the anser ill be. Another good reason to ork from left to right is that
you can often say part of the anser hile you8re still calculating, hich
helps to boost your memory.
Ince you8ve mastered 1JbyJ' and *JbyJ' multiplication, you can
actually do most 1JbyJ1 multiplication problems, using the
factorin0 metho&. #ost 1Jdigit numbers can be factored into
smaller numbers, and e can often take advantage of this.
Most 13&i0it num;ers can
;e factore& into smaller
num;ers, an& 9e can often
ta>e a&,anta0e of this.
1, hich makes the problem 1* O () O 1!. .irst, multiply by ) () O
12 P '32 and ) O * P 1;K '32 N 1; P ');!, then multiply '); O 1 to
get the anser to the original problem, *3). We could also do this
problem by thinking of '3 as 1 O ) or as ; O ;.
.or most 1JbyJ' and *JbyJ' multiplication problems, e use the
a&&ition metho&, but sometimes it may be faster to use subtraction.
%y practicing these skills, you ill be able to move on to multiplying
most 1Jdigit numbers together. D
Im%ortant Terms
a&&ition metho&H A method for multiplying numbers by breaking the
problem into sums of numbers. .or e@ample, ; O 'B P (; O '2! N (; O
B! P ;2 N 1) P 3), or ;' O 'B P (;2 O 'B! N (' O 'B! P 3)2 N 'B P 3(B.
&istri;uti,e la9H The rule of arithmetic that combines addition ith
multiplication, speci?cally a O (b N c! P (a O b! N (a O c!.
factorin0 metho&H A method for multiplying numbers by factoring
one of the numbers into smaller parts. .or e@ample, *C O '; P *C O 1
O B P B2 O B P ;(2.
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagicians
ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math Tric#s, chapter 1.
,ulius, More Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number Mastery-
UUU, Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number Po+er-
Relly, Short6Cut Math-
%ecause 1JbyJ' and *JbyJ' multiplication problems are so important, an
ample number of practice problems are provided. "alculate the folloing 1J
byJ' multiplication problems in your head using the addition method.
1. ;2 O )
2. ;1 O )
3. 12 O ;
4. 1) O ;
5. C3 O 3
6. ;B O C
7. ;C O )
8. 13 O ;
9. 3) O B
10. B( O (
11. C; O *
12. B* O 1
13. BC O )
14. 3B O 3
15. )* O B
16. B; O 3
17. 33 O *
18. )* O (
19. 1( O (
20. ;3 O B
"alculate the folloing 1JbyJ' multiplication problems in your head
using the addition method and the subtraction method.
21. )( O (
22. B( O B
23. () O *
24. (B O 3
25. ;) O B
The folloing problems arise hile sAuaring 1Jdigit numbers or multiplying
numbers that are close together. They are essentially 1JbyJ' problems ith a
0 attached.
26. 12 O '3
27. 12 O 1;
28. 12 O 1C
29. 12 O 13
30. 12 O 1)
31. 12 O *2
32. *2 O 1)
33. *2 O *1
34. ;2 O *1
35. *2 O ;1
36. ;2 O ;)
37. C2 O ;;
38. 32 O C1
39. 32 O 3)
40. 32 O 3(
41. B2 O B1
42. B2 O B)
43. )2 O );
44. )2 O )B
45. (2 O )1
46. (2 O (3
$ere are some more problems that arise in the ?rst step of a 1J
byJ1 multiplication problem.
47. *2 O 1*
48. 32 O '*
49. C2 O 3)
50. (2 O 13
51. (2 O ;B
52. ;2 O '1
53. )2 O ;'
54. (2 O 33
55. ;2 O B*
"alculate the folloing *JbyJ' problems in your head.
56. 322 O B
57. ;21 O 1
58. *32 O 3
59. *32 O B
60. *(2 O B
61. B'' O 3
62. C)' O 1
63. '3' O 1
64. 3'3 O B
65. 3B( O C
66. B;B O 1
67. C*( O )
68. ';* O ;
69. 13' O )
70. 31; O 3
71. )3; O 1
72. BB1 O 3
73. *;C O 3
74. ;C3 O 3
75. ;B3 O ;
76. CB1 O (
77. 33B O *
When sAuaring *Jdigit numbers, the ?rst step
is to essentially do a *JbyJ' multiplication
problem like the ones belo.
78. ;2; O ;22
79. 113 O 122
80. ;11 O ;22
81. ''2 O 122
82. C') O C22
83. *;2 O *22
84. 3C2 O 322
85. 1B2 O 122
86. B23 O )22
87. '31 O 122
88. ;C; O C22
89. 33; O B22
Use the factoring method to multiply these 1Jdigit numbers together
by turning the original problem into a 1JbyJ' problem, folloed by a 1J
byJ' or *JbyJ' problem.
90. ;* O ';
91. 3; O 'C
92. BC O '3
93. CB O 1;
94. )( O B1
0n poker, there are 1,C(),(32 ays to be dealt C cards (from C1
different cards, here order is not important!. "alculate the folloing
multiplication problems that arise through counting poker hands.
95. The number of hands that are straights (;2 of hich are
straight Wushes! is
'2 O ;
P ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O '2 P SSS
96. The number of hands that are Wushes is
(; O '* O '1 O '' O '2 O (!V'12 P '* O '' O ; O ( P SSS
97. The number of hands that are fourJofJaJkind is '* O ;) P SSS
98. The number of hands that are full houses is '* O '1 O ; O 3 P SSS
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 78-
Di,i&e an& #on'uer
Lecture (
en I
s a
. If I
(- after
frames, I
&i,i&e (-
;. 5 to
0et 2-,
GAt this
rate, ICm
on %ace
to 0et a
score of
We begin by
, then
on to
. 7et8s
?rst try
B( X *.
rite *
into B
ct 3,
the (,
and so
on. %ut
cting 3
from B,
think of
r of
times *
into B
is 1, so
r of
times it
into B(
is 12.
the 12
B, but B O B* P
C'', hich is a
little too big. We
no kno that
the Auotient is 3,
so e keep that
in mind. We then
multiply 3 O B*
to get ;*), and
e kno that
C22 4 ;*) P 31.
The anser is 3
ith a remainder
of 31.
We can also do this problem another ay. We originally found that B* O B as
too big, but e can take advantage of that calculation. We can think of the
anser as B ith a remainder of 4''. That sounds a bit ridiculous, but it8s the
same as an anser of 3 ith a remainder of B* 4 '' ( P 31!, and that agrees
ith our previous anser. This techniAue is called overshooting.
With the problem BB2 X B(, e kno that
B( O '2 P B(2, hich is too big by 12. Iur
?rst anser is '2 ith a remainder of 412,
but the ?nal anser is ( ith a remainder
of B( 4 12, hich is C(.
A ;Jdigit number divided by a 1Jdigit number
is about as large a mental division problem
as most people can handle. "onsider the
problem 122' X 1*. We start ith a 1JbyJ'
multiplication problemH 1* O ) P ');K thus,
1* O )2 P ');2. We kno that )2 ill be part of the anserK no e
subtract 122' 4 ');2. Using complements, e ?nd that ');2 is '32
aay from 1222. .inally, e do '3' X 1*, and 1* O B P '3' e@actly,
hich gives us )B as the anser.
The problem 12'1 X 1; is easier. %oth numbers here are divisible by ;K
speci?cally, 12'1 P C2* O ;, and 1; P 3 O ;. We simplify the problem to C2* X
3, hich reduces the 1Jdigit problem to a 'Jdigit division problem. The
simpli?ed problem gives us an anser of )* CV3K as long as this anser and
the one for 12'1 X 1; are e@pressed in fractions, they8re the same.
To convert fractions to decimals, most of us kno the decimal e@pansions
hen the denominator is 1, *, ;, C or '2. The fractions ith a denominator
of B are the trickiest, but if you memori:e the fraction for 'VB (2.';1)CBQ!,
then you kno the e@pansions for all the other sevenths fractions. The trick
here is to think of draing these numbers in a circleK you can then go
around the circle to ?nd the e@pansions for 1VB, *VB, and so on. .or
e@ample, 1VB P 2.1)CB';Q, and *VB P 2.;1)CB'Q.
A (3&i0it num;er
&i,i&e& ;. a 13&i0it
num;er is a;out as
lar0e a mental &i,ision
%ro;lem as most
%eo%le can han&le.
When dealing ith fractions ith larger denominators, e treat
the fraction as a normal division problem, but e can
occasionally take shortcuts, especially hen the denominator is
even. With odd denominators, you may not be able to ?nd a
shortcut unless the denominator is a multiple of C, in hich case
you can double the numerator and denominator to make the
problem easier.
Reep practicing the division techniAues e8ve learned in this
lecture, and you8ll be dividing and conAuering numbers mentally
in no time. D
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The
Mathemagicians ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math
Tric#s, chapter C.
,ulius, More Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number
Relly, Short6Cut Math-
+etermine hich numbers beteen 1 and '1 divide into each of
the numbers belo.
1. ;;'2
2. B231
3. 1B;;
4. **,(CB
Use the createJaJ:ero, killJaJ:ero method to test the folloing.
5. 0s ;('* divisible by 'BS
6. 0s *';' divisible by C(S
7. 0s *CC,''* divisible by BS Also do this problem using the
special rule for Bs.
8. Algebraically, the divisibility rule for Bs says that '2a N b is a
multiple of B if and only if the number a 4 1b is a multiple of B.
<@plain hy this orks. ($intH 0f '2a N b is a multiple of B,
then it remains a multiple of B after e multiply it by 41 and
add 1'a. "onversely, if a 4 1b is a multiple of B, then it
remains so after e multiply it by '2 and add a multiple of B.!
#entally do the folloing 'Jdigit division problems.
9. (B X )
10. 3* X ;
11. 'C( X B
12. ;33) X 3
13. )B3* X C
"onvert the .ahrenheit temperatures belo to "entigrade using the
formula " P (. 4 *1! O CV(.
14. )2 degrees .ahrenheit
15. 3C degrees .ahrenheit
#entally do the folloing 1Jdigit division problems.
16. (BC X '*
17. 1C( X *'
18. ;(2 X 31 (use overshooting!
19. ')* X '( (use overshooting!
+o the folloing division problems by ?rst simplifying the problem to
an easier division problem.
20. ;122 X )
21. 3C; X *3
22. *3( X ;C
23. )'1 X '1.C
24. 5ive the decimal e@pansions for 'VB, 1VB, *VB, ;VB, CVB, and 3VB.
25. 5ive the decimal e@pansion for CV'3.
26. 5ive the decimal e@pansion for '1V*C.
27. When he as groing up, Professor %en&amin8s favorite
number as 1C12. What is so special about that numberS
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 9/.-
The Art of !uesstimation
Lecture -
Your ;o&. is li>e a 9al>in0 .ar&stic>, an& itCs 9orth >no9in0
thin0s li>e the 9i&th of .our han& from %in>ie to thum;, or the
siAe of .our footste%s, or %arts of .our han& that measure to
almost e7actl. one or t9o inches or one or t9o centimeters.
#ental estimation techniAues give us Auick ansers to everyday Auestions
hen e don8t need to kno the anser to the last penny or decimal
point. We estimate the ansers to addition and
subtraction problems by rounding, hich can be useful hen
estimating the grocery bill. As each item is rung up, round it up or
don to the nearest C2 cents.
To estimate ansers to multiplication or division problems, it8s
important to ?rst determine the order of magnitude of the anser. The
general rules are as follosH
x .or a multiplication problem, if the ?rst number has : digits and
the second number has y digits, then their product ill have : N
y digits or, perhaps, : N y 4 ' digits. <@ampleH A CJdigit number
times a *Jdigit number creates a BJ or )Jdigit number.
x To ?nd out if the anser to a O b ill have the larger or
smaller number of digits, multiply the ?rst digit of each
number. 0f that product is '2 or more, then the anser ill be
the larger number. 0f that product is beteen C and (, then the
anser could go either ay. 0f the product is ; or less, then
the anser ill be the smaller number.
x .or a division problem, the length of the anser is the difference
of the lengths of the numbers being divided or ' more. (<@ampleH
With an )Jdigit number divided by a *Jdigit number, the anser ill
have ) 4 * P C or 3 digits before the decimal point.!
To estimate
ans9ers to
multi%lication or
&i,ision %ro;lems,
itCs im%ortant to
Brst &etermine the
or&er of ma0nitu&e
of the ans9er.
x To


a X b, if the ?rst digit of a is the same as the ?rst digit of b,
then compare the second digits of each number. 0f the ?rst
digit of a is larger than the ?rst digit of b, then the anser
ill be the longer choice. 0f the ?rst digit of a is less than
the ?rst digit of b, then the anser ill be the shorter
0n estimating sales ta@, if the ta@ is a hole number, such as ;Y, then
estimating it is &ust a straight multiplication problem. .or instance, if
you8re purchasing a car for T1*,;C3, then to estimate ;Y ta@, simply
1*,222 O 2.2; (P T(12K e@act anserH
T(*)!. 0f the ta@ is not a hole number,
such as ;.CY, you can calculate it using
;Y, but then divide that amount by ) to
get the additional 2.CY.
Suppose a bank offers an interest rate of
*Y per year on its savings accounts. Eou
can ?nd out ho long it ill take to
double your money using the =/ule of
B2>K this calculation is B2 divided by the
interest rate.
Suppose you borro T122,222 to buy a
house, and the bank charges an interest rate
of 3Y per year, compounded monthly. What
that means is that the
bank is charging you 3V'1Y, or 'V1Y, interest for every month of
your loan. 0f you have *2 years to repay your loan, ho much ill
you need to pay each monthS To estimate the anser, follo
these stepsH
x .ind the total number of payments to be madeH *2 O '1 P
x +etermine the monthly payment ithout interestH T122,222 X
*32. Simplify the problem by dividing everything by '2 (P
2 X *3!, then by dividing everything by ; (P C222 X (, or '222
O CV(!. The fraction CV( is about 2.CCC, hich means the
monthly payment +ithout interest ould be about '222 O
2.CCC, or TCCC.
x +etermine the amount of interest oed in the ?rst monthH
T122,222 O 2.CY P T'222.
A Auick estimate of your monthly payment, then, ould be T'222 to
cover the interest plus TCCC to go toard the principal, or T'CCC. This
estimate ill alays be on the high side, because after each payment,
you8ll oe the bank slightly less than the original amount.
S'uare roots arise in many physical and statistical calculations, and
e can estimate sAuare roots using the divideJandJaverage method.
To ?nd the sAuare root of a number, such as ;2, start by taking any
reasonable guess. We8ll choose 3
P *3. -e@t, divide ;2 by 3, hich
is 3 ith a remainder of ;, or 3 1V*. 0n other ords, 3 O 3 1V* P ;2.
The sAuare root must lie beteen 3 and 3 1V*. 0f e average 3 and 3
1V*, e get 3 'V*, or about 3.**K the e@act anser begins 3.*1F D
Im%ortant Term
s'uare rootH A number that, hen multiplied by itself, produces a
given number. .or e@ample, the sAuare root of ( is * and the sAuare
root of 1 begins '.;';Q. 0ncidentally, the sAuare root is de?ned to be
greater than or eAual to :ero, so the sAuare root of ( is not 4*, even
though 4* multiplied by itself is also (.
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagicians
ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math Tric#s, chapter 3.
+oerWer, 'ea! Rec#oning: Calculating 0ithout 1nstruments-
$ope, /eys, and /eys, Mental Math in the Mi!!le ra!es-
Relly, Short6Cut Math-
/yan, )(ery!ay Math for )(ery!ay "ife: A Han!boo# for 0hen 1t 2ust
'oesnt A!! 3$-
Weinstein and Adam, uesstimation: Sol(ing the 0orl!s Problems
on the Bac# of a Coc#tail Na$#in.
<stimate the folloing addition and subtraction problems by
rounding each number to the nearest thousand, then to the
nearest hundred.
1. *B3; N ;33)
2. (33' N B2BC
3. (3'* 4 '1C1
4. C1C* 4 *B;'
<stimate the grocery total by rounding each number up or don
to the nearest half dollar.
-. =. 8.
C.1; 2.)B 2.B)
2.;1 1.3C '.)3
1.B( 2.12 2.3)
*.'C '.C' 1.B*
2.1) 2.(C ;.1(
2.(1 1.C( *.;B
;.*( '.32 1.3C
What are the possible numbers of digits in the ansers to the
folloing problemsS
8. C digits times * digits
9. C digits divided by * digits
10. ) digits times ; digits
11. ) digits divided by ; digits
.or the folloing problems, determine the possible number of digits in
the ansers. (Some ansers may allo to possibilities.! A number
ritten as *abc represents a ;Jdigit number ith a leading digit of *.
12. *abc O Bdef
13. )abc O 'def
14. 1abc O 1def
15. (abc X Cde
16. 'abcdef X *ghi&
17. 1Babcdefg X 13hi&k
18. 0f a year has about *1 million seconds, then ' trillion seconds
is about ho many yearsS
19. The government ants to buy a ne eapons system costing
T'' billion. The U.S. has about '22,222 public schools. 0f
each school decides to hold a bake sale to raise money for
the ne eapons system, then about ho much money does
each school need to raiseS
20. 0f an article is sent to to independent revieers, and one revieer
?nds ;2 typos, the other ?nds C typos, and there ere 1 typos in
common, then estimate the total number of typos in the document.
21. <stimate 3Y sales ta@ on a ne car costing T*',C22. Ad&ust
your anser for 3.1CY sales ta@.
22. To calculate ).CY ta@, you can take )Y ta@, then add the ta@ you
&ust computed divided by hat numberS .or ).BCY ta@, you can
take (Y ta@, then subtract that ta@ divided by hat numberS
23. 0f money earns interest compounded at a rate of 1Y per year, then
about ho many years ould it take for that money to doubleS
24. Suppose you borro T12,222 to buy a ne car, the bank charges
an annual interest rate of *Y, and you have C years to pay off the
loan. +etermine an underestimate and overestimate for your
monthly payment, then determine the e@act monthly payment.
25. /epeat the previous problem, but this time, the bank charges
3Y annual interest and gives you '2 years to pay off the loan.
26. Use the divideJandJaverage method to estimate the sAuare
root of 1B.
27. Use the divideJandJaverage method to estimate the sAuare
root of 'C*.
28. Speaking of 'C*, that8s the ?rst *Jdigit number eAual to the
sum of the cubes of its digits ('C* P '
N *
!. The ne@t
number ith that property is *B2. "an you ?nd the third
number ith that propertyS
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 9/4-
Mental Math an& Pa%er
Lecture =
E,en if .ou ha,enCt ;een ;alancin0 .our chec>;oo>, .ou mi0ht
no9 9ant to start. ItCs a 0reat 9a. to ;ecome more comforta;le
9ith num;ers, an& .ouCll un&erstan& e7actl. 9hatCs ha%%enin0
9ith .our mone.?
0n this lecture, e8ll learn some techniAues to speed up calculations done
on paper, along ith some interesting ays to check our ansers. When
doing problems on paper, it8s usually best to perform the calculations from
right to left, as e ere taught in school. 0t8s also helpful to say the running
total as you go. To check your addition, add the numbers again, from
bottom to top.
When doing subtraction on paper, e can make use of complements.
0magine balancing your checkbookK you start ith a balance of
T'1*C.B(, from hich you need to subtract T1B'.)1. .irst, subtract the
centsH B( 4 )1. 0f the problem ere )1 4 B(, the anser ould be *
cents, but since it8s B( 4 )1, e take the complement of * cents, hich
is (B cents. -e@t, e need to subtract 1B1, hich e do by subtracting
*22 ('1*C 4 *22 P (*C!, then adding back its complement (1)!H (*C N
1) P (3*. The ne balance, then, is T(3*.(B. We can check our ork by
turning the original subtraction problem into an addition problem.
"rossJmultiplication is a fun ay to multiply numbers of any length. This
method is really &ust the distributive la at ork. .or e@ample, the problem
1* O C) is (12 N *! O (C2 N )!, hich has four separate componentsH 12 O
C2, 12 O ), * O C2, and * O ). The * O ) e do at the beginning. The 12 O
C2 e do at the end, and the 12 O ) and * O C2 e do in criss3cross
steps. 0f e e@tend this logic, e can do *JbyJ* multiplication or even
higher. This method as ?rst described in the book "iber Abaci, ritten in
'121 by 7eonardo of Pisa, also knon as .ibonacci.
The digitJsum check can be used to check the anser to a multiplication
problem. 7et8s try the problem *'; O 'C( P ;(,(13. We ?rst sum the digits
#astin0 out nines also
9or>s for a&&ition an&
su;traction %ro;lems,
e,en those 9ith &ecimals,
an& it ma. ;e useful for
eliminatin0 ans9ers on
stan&ar&iAe& tests that &o
not allo9 calculators.

by adding its digitsH * N 2 P *. Thus, the anser reduces to the number
*. -o, e reduce the original numbersH *'; * N ' N ; P ) and 'C( ' N C
N ( P 'C, hich reduces to ' N C P 3. #ultiply the reduced numbers, ) O
3 P ;), then reduce that numberH ; N ) P '1, hich reduces to ' N 1 P *.
The reduced
numbers for both the anser and
the problem match. 0f all the
calculations are correct, then these
numbers must match. -ote that a
match does not mean that your
anser is correct, but if the
numbers don8t match, then you8ve
de?nitely made a calculation error.
This method is also knon as castin0
out nines, because hen you reduce
a number by summing its digits, the
number you end up ith is its
remainder hen divided by (. .or
e@ample, if e add the digits of 3B, e
get '*, and the digits of '* add up
to ;. 0f e take 3B X (, e get B ith a remainder of ;. "asting
out nines also orks for addition and subtraction problems, even
those ith decimals, and it may be useful for eliminating ansers
on standardi:ed tests that do not allo calculators.
The number (, because of its simple multiplication table, its divisibility test,
and the castingJoutJnines process, seems almost magical. 0n fact, there8s
even a magical ay to divide numbers by (, using a process called Gedic
division. This process is similar to the techniAue e learned for multiplying
by '' in 7ecture ', because dividing by ( is the same as multiplying by
The close3to0ether metho& can be used to multiply any to numbers
that are near each other. "onsider the problem '2B O '''. .irst, e note
ho far each number is from '22H B and ''. We then add either '2B N ''
or ''' N B, both of hich sum to ''). -e@t, e multiply B O '', hich is
BB. Write the numbers don, and that8s the anserH '',)BB. The
ebraic formula for this techniAue is (z N a!(z N b! P (z N a N b!z N ab,
here typically, z is an
easy number ith :eros in it (such as z P '22 or z P '2! and a and b are
the distances from the easy number. This techniAue also orks for
numbers belo '22, but here, e use negative numbers for the distances
from '22. Ince you kno ho to do the closeJtogether method on paper,
it8s not dif?cult to do it mentallyK e8ll try that in the ne@t lecture. D
Im%ortant Terms
castin0 out nines (also knon as the method of digit sums!H A method of
verifying an addition, subtraction, or multiplication problem by reducing each
number in the problem to a 'Jdigit number obtained by adding the digits. .or
e@ample, 3B sums to '*, hich sums to ;, and )* sums to '', hich sums to
1. When verifying that 3B N )* P 'C2, e see that 'C2 sums to 3, hich is
consistent ith ; N 1 P 3. When verifying 3B O )* P CC3', e see that CC3'
sums to 'B hich sums to ), hich is consistent ith ; O 1 P ).
close3to0ether metho&H A method for multiplying to numbers that
are close together. When the closeJtogether method is applied to 1* O
13, e calculate (12 O 1(! N (* O 3! P C)2 N ') P C().
criss3cross metho&H A Auick method for multiplying numbers on paper.
The anser is ritten from right to left, and nothing else is ritten don.
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagicians
ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math Tric#s, chapter 3.
"utler and #cShane, The Trachtenberg S$ee! System of Basic Mathematics-
.lansburg and $ay, Math Magic: The Human Calculator Sho+s Ho+
to Master )(ery!ay Math Problems in Secon!s-
$andley, S$ee! Mathematics: Secrets of "ightning Mental Calculation-
,ulius, More Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number Mastery-
UUU, Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number Po+er-
Relly, Short6Cut Math-
Add the folloing columns of numbers. "heck your ansers by
adding the numbers in reverse order and by casting out nines.
1. 1. 5.
C(; *33 1.12
'1 3)3 ;.31
C'' ;3( '.B*
'(( 12'2 *1.*2
*()1 31 *.21
1(' C22 2.*(
'3(B ;'(3 C.(2
+o the folloing subtraction problems by ?rst mentally
computing the cents, then the dollars. "omplements ill often
come in handy. "heck your ansers ith an addition problem
and ith casting out nines.
4. 'BB3.3C 4 B).(C
5. C(BB.*' 4 );1.B)
6. B3'.;C 4 )2.*C
Use the crissJcross method to do the folloing multiplication
problems. Gerify that your ansers are consistent ith casting out
7. 1( O )1
8. B3; O C';
9. CC(* O 1(23
10. What is the remainder (not the Auotient! hen you divide
',1*;,C3B by (S
11. What is the remainder (not the Auotient! hen you divide
'1,*;C,3B) by (S
12. After doing the multiplication problem '1*; O C3B,)(2, you
get an anser that looks like B22,BZ3,132, but the ?fth digit is
smudged, and you can8t read it. Use casting out nines to
determine the value of the smudged number.
Use the Gedic method to do the folloing division problems.
13. *1'2 X (
14. 12,C1( X (
15. 1),*23 X (
16. (;1,)CB X (
Use the closeJtogether method for the folloing multiplication problems.
17. '2) O '2C
18. (1 O (C
19. '2) O (C
20. (() O ((B
21. *2; O *''
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 995-
Interme&iate Multi%lication
Lecture 8
on I
ause once .ou
com%ute a
num;er, D .ou
%ut it to use.
0n this lecture, e8ll
e@tend our knoledge
of 1JbyJ' and *JbyJ'
multiplication to learn
?ve methods for 1JbyJ1
multiplication. .irst is
the addition method,
hich can be applied to
any multiplication
problem, although it8s
best to use it hen at
least one of the
numbers being
multiplied ends in a
small digit. With this
method, e round that
number don to the
nearest easy number.
.or ;' O 'B, e treat
;' as ;2 N ' and
(;2 O 'B! N (' O 'B!
P 3)2 N 'B P 3(B.
A problem like C* O
)( could be done by
the addition method,
but it8s probably
easier to use the
metho&. With this
method, e treat )(
as (2 4 ' and
calculate (C* O (2! 4
(C* O '! P ;BB2 4
;C* P B'B. The
subtraction method
is especially handy
hen one of the
numbers ends in a
large digit,
such as B,
), or (.
$ere, e
round up
to the
.or (B O
11, e
treat (B as
'22 4 *,
('22 O 11!
4 (* O 11!
P 1122 4
33 P 1'*;.
A third
"elsius to .ahrenheit.
Another strategy for 1Jdigit multiplication is s'uarin0. .or a problem like
, e can apply the closeJtogether method. We replace one of the '*s
ith '2K then, since e8ve gone don *, e need to go back up by adding
* to the other '* to get '3. The ?rst part of the calculation is no '2 O '3.
To that result, e add the sAuare of the number that ent up and don (*!H
'2 O '3 P '32 and '32 N *
P '3(.
-umbers that end in C are especially
easy to sAuare using this method, as
are numbers near '22.
.inally, our ?fth mental multiplication
strategy is the closeJtogether method,
hich e sa in the last lecture. .or a
problem like 13 O 1*, e ?rst ?nd a round
number that is close to both numbers in
the problemK e8ll use 12. -e@t, e note
ho far aay each of the numbers is from 12H 13 is 3 aay, and 1* is
* aay. -o, e multiply 12 O 1(. We get the number 1( in several
aysH 0t8s either 13 N * or 1* N 3K it comes from adding the original
numbers together (13 N 1* P ;(!, then splitting that sum into 12 N 1(.
After e multiply 1( O 12 (P C)2!, e add the product of the distances
(3 O * P ')!H C)2 N ') P C().
After you8ve practiced these sorts of problems, you8ll look for other
opportunities to use the method. .or e@ample, for a problem like 'B O
B3, you can make those numbers close together by doubling the ?rst
number and cutting the second number in half, hich ould leave you
ith the closeJtogether problem *; O *).
The best method to use for mentally multiplying 1Jdigit numbers depends
on the numbers you8re given. 0f both numbers are the same, use the
sAuaring method. 0f they8re close to each other, use the closeJtogether
method. 0f one of the numbers can be factored into small numbers, use the
factoring method. 0f one of the numbers is near '22 or it ends in B, ), or (,
try the subtraction method. 0f one of the numbers ends in a small digit,
such as ', 1, *, or ;, or hen all else fails, use the addition method. D
If .ouCre 'uic> 9ith 13;.32
multi%lications, .ou can
%ractice the Gmath of least
resistanceHIloo> at the
%ro;lem ;oth 9a.s an&
ta>e the easier %ath.
Im%ortant Terms
math of least resistanceH "hoosing the easiest mental calculating
strategy among several possibilities. .or e@ample, to do the problem ;*
O 1), it is easier to do ;* O B O ; P *2' O ; P '12; than to do ;* O ; O B
P 'B1 O B.
s'uarin0H #ultiplying a number by itself. .or e@ample, the sAuare of C is
su;traction metho&H A method for multiplying numbers by turning
the original problem into a subtraction problem. .or e@ample, ( O B( P
(( O )2!
4 (( O '! P B12 4 ( P B'', or '( O *B P (12 O *B! 4 (' O *B! P B;2 4 *B P
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The
Mathemagicians ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math
Tric#s, chapter *.
Relly, Short6Cut Math-
"alculate the folloing 1Jdigit sAuares. /emember to begin by
going up or don to the nearest multiple of '2.
1. ';

2. ')

3. 11

4. 1*

5. 1;

6. 1C

7. 1(

8. *'

9. *C

10. *3

11. ;'

12. ;;

13. ;C

14. ;B

15. C3

16. 3;

17. B'

18. )1

19. )3

20. (*

21. ((

+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using the addition method.
22. *' O 1*
23. 3' O '*
24. C1 O 3)
25. (; O 13
26. ;B O ('
+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using the
subtraction method.
27. *( O '1
28. B( O ;'
29. () O C;
30. )B O 33
31. *) O B*
+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using the factoring
32. BC O C3
33. 3B O '1
34. )* O ';
35. B( O C;
36. ;C O C3
37. 3) O 1)
+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using the closeJ
together method.
38. '* O '(
39. )3 O );
40. BB O B'
41. )' O )3
42. () O (*
43. 3B O B*
+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using more than one
44. '; O 1*
45. *C O (B
46. 11 O C*
47. ;( O ))
48. ;1 O 3C
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 99;-
The S%ee& of /e&ic Di,ision
Lecture )
e to
of it
0n m
7et8s start ith the
problem '*,CB' X *(.
The Gedic approach
makes use of the fact
that it8s much easier to
divide by ;2 than *(.
+ividing by ;2 is
essentially as easy as
dividing by ;. 0f e
divide '*,CB' by ;, e
get the ;Jdigit anser
**(1.BC. (We consider
this a ;Jdigit anser
because it has ; digits
before the decimal
point.! 0f e8re dividing
'*,CB' by ;2, e
simply shift the
decimal point to get a
*Jdigit anserH
With Gedic division,
e start off as follosH
; goes into '*, * times
ith a remainder of '.
The * goes above the
line and the ' goes
ne@t to the C belo the
line. -o, here8s the
tistH 0nstead of
dividing ; into 'C, e
divide ; into 'C N *K
the * comes from the
Auotient digit above
the line. We no have
'C N * P '), and ;
goes into
'), ; times
ith a
of 1. The ;
goes above
the line, and
the 1 goes
ne@t to the
B belo the
line. Again,
instead of
dividing ;
into 1B, e
divide ; into
1B N ; (the
digit above
the line!,
hich is *'.
this process
to get an
anser to
the original
problem of
*;B ith a
of *).
To see hy this method orks, let8s look at the problem 1;3,)'2 X B(.
<ssentially, hen e divide by B(, e8re dividing by )2 4 ', but if the process
subtracts off three multiples of )2, it needs to add back three to compensate,
&ust as e sa in the subtraction method for multiplication. The idea behind
the Gedic method is that it8s easier to divide by )2 than B(. .or this problem,
)2 goes into 1;3, * times, so e subtract 1;2, but e ere
supposed to subtract * O B(, not * O )2, so
e have to add back * before taking the ne@t
step. Ince e do this, e8re at the same
place e ould be using long division.
Sometimes, the division step results in a divisor
that8s greater than '2. 0f that happens, e carry
the '2s digit into the previous column and keep
going. .or ';BC X 1(, e go up ' to *2, so * is our
divisorK * goes into ';, ; times ith a remainder
of 1. The ; goes above the line and the 1 goes ne@t to the B. -e@t, e
do * into 1B N ;, hich is *'K * goes into *', '2 times ith a
remainder of '. We rite the '2 above the line, as before, making
sure that the ' goes in the previous column. When e reach the
remainder step, e have to make sure to add 'C N '2, rather than 'C
N 2. The result here is C2 ith a remainder of 1C.
0f the divisor ends in ), B, 3, or C, the procedure is almost the same. .or
the problem '1*,;C3 X B), e go up 1 to get to )2 and use ) as our
divisor. Then, as e go through the procedure, e double the previous
Auotient at each step. 0f the original divisor ends in B, e ould add * to
reach a round number, so at each step, e add * times the previous
Auotient. 0f the divisor ends in 3, e add ; times the previous Auotient,
and if it ends in C, e add C times the previous Auotient. 0f the divisor
ends in ', 1, *, or ;, e go don to reach a round number and subtract
the previous Auotient multiplied by that digit. 0n other ords, the
multiplier for these divisors ould be ', 1, *, or ;. This subtraction step
sometimes yields negative numbersK if this happens, e reduce the
previous Auotient by ' and increase the remainder by the 'Jdigit divisor.
a%%lie& to &i,ision.
for multi%lication
su;traction metho&
sort of li>e the
/e&ic &i,ision is
To get comfortable ith Gedic division, you8ll need to practice, but
you8ll eventually ?nd that it8s usually faster than short or long
division for most 1Jdigit division problems. D
Im%ortant Term
/e&ic mathematicsH A collection of arithmetic and algebraic
shortcut techniAues, especially suitable for pencil and paper
calculations, that ere populari:ed by %h rat[ Rrishna Tirtha&[
in the 12
Su00este& "ea&in0
Tekrial, < '=' Set on =e!ic Maths-
Tirtha&[, =e!ic Mathematics-
Williams and 5askell, The Cosmic Calculator: A =e!ic
Mathematics Course for Schools> Boo# .-
+o the folloing 'Jdigit division problems on paper using short
1. '1*,;C3 X B
2. )3;) X *
3. ;13,3(' X )
4. 1',;B1 X ;
5. *B;,;B3,;2( X 3
+o the folloing 'Jdigit division problems on paper using short
division an! by the Gedic method.
''1,*22 X (
7. ;*,1'2 X (
8. ;B,2); X (
9. 33,(11 X (
10. *(*,;2) X (
To divide numbers beteen '' and '(, short division is very Auick,
especially if you can rapidly multiply numbers beteen '' and '( by 'J
digit numbers. +o the folloing problems on paper using short division.
11. 'C(,*;) X ''
12. (;(,(BB X '1
13. 1;),)'; X '*
14. ''3,;BB X ';
15. )3;,1** X 'C
16. '12,'(( X '3
17. 3(B,;3) X 'B
18. ;'),*21 X ')
19. 3C;,C(B X '(
Use the Gedic method on paper for these division problems here the
last digit is (. The last to problems ill have carries.
20. '1*,;C3 X 3(
21. ';,''* X C(
11. B',);2 X ;(
15. B*),B2; X B(
1(. *2),(22 X )(
1-. C3,*(' X ((
1=. 1*,()C X 1(
18. ))(,)(1 X '(
Use the Gedic method for these division problems here the last digit is
), B, 3, or C. /emember that for these problems, the multi$lier is 1, *, ;,
and C, respectively.
1). 3'',B1C X B)
14. ;'C,CB( X *)
5*. 3C2,)B; X )B
52. )1',*31 X ;B
51. B;2,*;2 X (3
55. )2;,';) X 13
5(. *)2,'C1 X *C
5-. '2*,()C X )C

5=. +o the previous to problems by ?rst doubling both numbers, then
using short division.
Use the Gedic method for these division problems here the last digit
is ', 1, *, or ;. /emember that for these problems, the multiplier is 4',
41, 4*, and 4;, respectively.
37. ''*,()( X 1'
38. **),1)2 X C'
39. 12',112 X (1
40. 3**,33' X ;1
41. (*1,;() X )*
42. );1,1() X 3*
43. C;B,('B X B;
44. )22,;13 X *;
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 997-
MemoriAin0 <um;ers
Lecture 4
t if
., the
a9a. an&
& to lon03
or .ou
r the
0n this lecture,
e8ll learn a fun
and ama:ingly
effective ay to
numbers. This skill
ill help you
perform large
calculations and
help you memori:e
important numbers,
such as credit card
numbers. .or most
of this lecture, e8ll
take advantage of a
phonetic code
knon as the Major
s.stem, hich has
been in the <nglish
language for nearly
122 years.
$ere is
H ' P t
or !
1 P n
* P m
; P r
C P "
3 P ch,
sh, or ?
B P #
or g
) P f or
( P $
or b
and 2
P s or
s the consonants h,
+, or y, so those
can also be used
henever you8d
like. <ven though a
number might
have several
ords that
represent it, each
ord can be
turned into only
one number.
/A%%0T, for
represents only the
number ;('. If
course, e can
also use the code
in reverse to
identify hich
number is
represented by a
particular ordK for
instance, PA/TE
ould be (;'.
The phonetic code
is also useful for
memori:ing dates.
.or e@ample, to
remember that
Andre ,ackson
as elected
president of the
United States
in ')1), e could turn ')1) into T.-.. Eou might picture ,ackson as a
TIU5$ guy ith a R-0.<. Ir to remember that the 5ettysburg Address
as ritten in ')3* (T.,#!, you might think that 7incoln rote it to get
out of a TIU5$ ,A#. In the 0nternet, you can ?nd numerous sites that
have converted entire dictionaries into phonetic code.
0f you have a long number, such as a '3Jdigit credit card number, then it pays
to look inside the number for particularly long ords because the feer ords
you use, the easier the resulting phrase is to remember. .or the ?rst 1;
digits of pi, *.';'C(13C*C)(B(*1*);313;, e
can construct this sentenceH =#y turtle Poncho
ill, my love, pick up my ne mover 5inger.>
The phonetic code can also be used ith the
%e0 s.stem to memori:e any numbered list of
ob&ects. The peg system converts each number
on the list into a tangible, easily visuali:ed ord
called the peg ord. #y peg ords for the
numbers ' though '2 areH tea, knee, moo, ear,
oil, shoe, key, foe, pie, and dice. -otice
that each of these ords uses the sound for its corresponding number in
the phonetic code. To remember that 5eorge Washington as the ?rst
president, 0 might picture myself drinking tea ith him. Ither associations
might be a little bit strange, but that makes them even easier to remember.
0f your list has more than '2 ob&ects, then you need more peg ords,
and using the phonetic code, every 1Jdigit number can be turned into
at least one ordH '' P tot, '1 P tin, '* P tomb, and so on. #y peg
ord for ;2 is rose, and the phrase =red rose> reminds me that the
president as /onald /eagan. 08ve also applied the peg system
to learn here various elements appear on the periodic table.
Eou can use the phonetic code to provide more security to your computer
passord by adding e@tra digits. .or instance, you might have one
passord that you like to use, such as %U--E /A%%0T, but you ant to
make slight alterations for each of your accounts. To adapt the passord
for your Gisa account, you might attach the digits )2,B;' (P G0SA "A/+!.
You can use the
%honetic co&e to
%ro,i&e more securit.
to .our com%uter
%ass9or& ;. a&&in0
e7tra &i0its.
The phonetic code is especially handy for numbers that you need to
memori:e for tests or for nely acAuired phone numbers, addresses,
parking spots, hotel rooms, and other numbers that you need to kno
for &ust a short hile. 0 ?nd the phonetic code to be useful for
remembering partial ansers hen doing large mental calculations.
We8ll see more calculation e@amples that use mnemonics near the
end of the course. D
Im%ortant Terms
Major s.stemH A phonetic code that assigns consonant sounds
to digits. .or e@ample ' gets the t or ! sound, 1 gets the n sound,
and so on. %y inserting voel sounds, numbers can be turned
into ords, hich make them easier to remember. 0t is named
after #a&or %enioski, a leading memory e@pert in 7ondon,
although the code as developed by 5regor von .einagle and
perfected by AimM Paris.
%e0 s.stemH A ay to remember lists of ob&ects, especially hen the
items of the list are given a number, such as the list of presidents,
elements, or constitutional amendments. <ach number is turned into
a ord using a phonetic code, and that ord is linked to the ob&ect to
be remembered.
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer> Secrets of Mental Math: The
Mathemagicians ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math
Tric#s, chapter (.
$igbee, ,our Memory: Ho+ 1t 0or#s an! Ho+ to 1m$ro(e 1t-
7orayne and 7ucas, The Memory Boo#.
Use the #a&or system to convert the folloing ords into
1. -es
2. .lash
3. Phonetic
4. "ode
5. #akes
6. -umbers
7. #uch
8. #ore
9. #emorable
.or each of the numbers belo, ?nd at least to ords for each number.
10. ''
11. 1*
12. C)
13. '*
14. 1'
15. *;
16. CC
17. )(
Use the phonetic code to create a mnemonic to remember the years
of the folloing events.
2). 5utenberg operates ?rst printing press in ';C2.
19. Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth /ock in '312.
20. "aptain ,ames "ook arrives in Australia in 'BB2.
21. /ussian /evolution takes place in '('B.
22. .irst man sets foot on the #oon on ,uly 1', '(3(.
"reate a mnemonic to remember the phone numbers listed
23. The 5reat "ourses (in the U.S.!H )22J)*1J1;'1
24. White $ouse sitchboardH 121J;C3J';';
25. "reate your on personal set of peg ords for the
numbers ' through 12.
26. $o could you memori:e the fact that the eighth U.S.
president as #artin Gan %urenS
27. $o could you memori:e the fact that the .ourth Amendment
to the U.S. "onstitution prohibits unreasonable searches and
28. $o could you memori:e the fact that the Si@teenth
Amendment to the U.S. "onstitution allos the federal
government to collect income ta@esS
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 954-
#alen&ar #alculatin0
Lecture 2*
Sometimes %eo%le as> me the &a.s of the 9ee> of ancient histor.,
li>e 9hat &a. of the 9ee> 9as @anuar. 2 in the .ear *J The ans9er
is Gnone of the a;o,e,H since %rior to the 5r& centur., most %laces
&i& not ha,e se,en &a.s of the 9ee>. Instea&, the situation 9as
li>e 9hat the Beatles once &escri;e& as GEi0ht Da.s a +ee>.H
0n this lecture, e8ll learn ho to ?gure out the day of the eek of any
date in history. Ince you8ve mastered this skill, you8ll be surprised ho often
you use it. Starting ith the year 1222, every year gets a code number. The
code for 1222 is 2. The codes for #onday through Saturday are ' through 3K
the code for Sunday is B or 2. There are also codes for every month of the
yearH 3 (,an.!, 1 (.eb.!, 1 (#arch!, C (April!, 2 (#ay!, * (,une!, C (,uly!, '
(Aug.!, ; (Sept.!, 3 (Ict.!, 1 (-ov.!, ; (+ec.!. 0n a lea% .ear,
,anuary is C and .ebruary is '.
0t8s helpful to develop a set of mnemonic devices to establish a link in your
mind beteen each month and its code. .or e@ample, ,anuary might be
associated ith the ord W0-T</, hich has the same number of letters
as its codeK .ebruary is the second month, and its code is 1K and so on.
To determine the day of the eek for any year, e use this formulaH month
code N date N year code. .or the date ,anuary ', 1222, e go through these
stepsH The year 1222 as a leap year, so the month code for ,anuary is CK
add ' for the date and 2 for the year. Those numbers sum to 3, hich means
that ,anuary ', 1222, as a Saturday. 0f the sum of the codes and date is B or
greater, e subtract the largest possible multiple of B to reduce it.
.or the year 122', the year code changes from 2 to 'K for 1221, it8s 1K
for 122*, it8s *K for 122;, because that8s a leap year, the code is CK
and for 122C, the code is 3. The year 1223 ould have a code of B,
but because e subtract Bs in the process of ?guring out dates, e
can subtract B here and simplify this code to 2.
Determinin0 the .ear
co&e is the har&est %art
of the calculation, so it
hel%s to &o that Brst.
(( isH years N leaps 4 multiples of B. 7et8s try the year 121C. We ?rst
plug the last to digits in for years. To ?gure out the leaps, recall that
1222 has a year code of 2. After that, the calendar ill shift once for
each year and once more for each leap year. %y 121C, the calendar ill
have shifted 1C times for each year, plus once more for each leap year,
and there are si@ leap years
from 122' to 121C (years X ;, ignoring
any remainder!. Thus, e add 1C N 3 P
*', then subtract the largest possible
multiple of BH *' 4 1) P *, hich is the
year code for 121C.
+etermining the year code is the
hardest part of the calculation, so it
helps to do that ?rst. There is also a
shortcut that comes in handy hen the
year ends in a high number.
%eteen '(2' and 12((, the calendar repeats every 1) years.
Thus, if you have a year such as '((), you can subtract any
multiple of 1) to make that number smaller, and the calendar ill be
e@actly the same.
The general rule for leap years is that they occur every ; years, ith the
e@ception that years divisible by '22 are not leap years. An e@ception to
this e@ception is that if the year is divisible by ;22, then it is still a leap
The year '(22 has a code of ', ')22 is *, 'B22 is C, and '322 is
2. To determine the code for a year in the '(22s, the formula is
years N leaps N ' multiples of BK for the ')22s, years N leaps N *
multiples of BK for the 'B22s, years N leaps N C multiples of BK
and for the '322s, years N leaps multiples of B.
The calculations e8ve done all use the !re0orian calen&ar,
hich as established by Pope 5regory \000 in 'C)1 but asn8t
universally adopted until the '(12s. %efore the 5regorian
calendar, <uropean countries used the ,ulian calendar,
established by ,ulius "aesar in ;3 %.". Under the ,ulian
dar, leap years happened every four years ith no e@ceptions,
but this created problems because the <arth8s orbit around the
Sun is not e@actly *3C.1C days. .or this reason, e can8t give the
days of the eek for dates in ancient history. D
Im%ortant Terms
!re0orian calen&arH <stablished by Pope 5regory \000 in 'C)1, it
replaced the ,ulian calendar to more accurately reWect the length of the
<arth8s average orbit around the SunK it did so by alloing three feer
leap years for every ;22 years. Under the ,ulian calendar, every ; years
as a leap year, even hen the year as divisible by '22.
lea% .earH A year ith *33 days. According to our 5regorian calendar, a year
is usually a leap year if it is divisible by ;. $oever, if the year is divisible by
'22 and not by ;22, then it is not a leap year. .or e@ample, 'B22, ')22, and
'(22 are not leap years, but 1222 is a leap year. 0n the 1'
century, 122;,
122), Q, 12(3 are leap years, but 1'22 is not a leap year.
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagicians
ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math Tric#s, chapter (.
+uncan, The Calen!ar: The <///6,ear Struggle to Align the Cloc#
an! the Hea(ens@an! 0hat Ha$$ene! to the Missing Ten 'ays-
/eingold and +ershoit:, Calen!rical Calculations: The Millennium )!ition-
$ere are the year codes for the years 1222 to 12;2. The pattern repeats
every 1) years (through 12((!. .or year codes in the 12
simply add ' to the corresponding year code in the 1'
1222 122' 1221 122* 122; 122C 1223 122B 122) 122( 12'2
2 ' 1 * C 3 2 ' * ; C
12'' 12'1 12'* 12'; 12'C 12'3 12'B 12') 12'( 1212
3 ' 1 * ; 3 2 ' 1 ;
121' 1211 121* 121; 121C 1213 121B 121) 121( 12*2
C 3 2 1 * ; C 2 ' 1
12*' 12*1 12** 12*; 12*C 12*3 12*B 12*) 12*( 12;2
* C 3 2 ' * ; C 3 '
1. Write don the month codes for each month in a leap
year. $o does the code change hen it is not a leap
2. <@plain hy each year must alays have at least one
.riday the '*
and can never have more than three .riday
the '*
+etermine the days of the eek for the folloing dates. .eel free
to use the year codes from the chart.
3. August *, 1222
4. -ovember 1(, 1222
5. .ebruary 1(, 1222
6. +ecember 1', 12'1
7. September '*, 12'*
8. ,anuary 3, 12')
"alculate the year codes for the folloing years using the
formulaH year N leaps 4 multiple of B.
9. 1212
10. 12**
11. 12;B
12. 12B;
13. 12((
+etermine the days of the eek for the folloing dates.
2 (. #ay 1, 1221
15. .ebruary *, 12C)
16. August ), 12))
17. ,une *', 12'3
18. +ecember *', 12((
19. +etermine the date of #other8s +ay (second Sunday in #ay!
for 12'3.
20. +etermine the date of Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in
-ovember! for 1212.
.or years in the '(22s, e use the formulaH year N leaps N ' 4
multiple of B. +etermine the year codes for the folloing years.
21. '(21
22. '('(
23. '(*3
24. '(;)
25. '();
26. '(((
27. <@plain hy the calendar repeats itself every 1) years hen
the years are beteen '(2' and 12((. ($intH %ecause 1222
is a leap year and a leap year occurs every ; years, in a 1)J
year period, there ill be e@actly seven leap years.!
28. Use the 1)Jyear rule to simplify the calculation of the year
codes for '(); and '(((.
+etermine the days of the eek for the folloing dates.
29. -ovember '', '(''
30. #arch 11, '(*2
31. ,anuary '3, '(3;
32. August ;, '();
33. +ecember *', '(((
.or years in the ')22s, the formula for the year code is years N leaps
N * 4 multiple of B. .or years in the 'B22s, the formula for the year
code is years N leaps N C 4 multiple of B. And for years in the '322s,
the formula for the year code is years N leaps 4 multiple of B. Use this
knoledge to determine the days of the eek for the folloing dates
from the 5regorian calendar.
34. .ebruary '1, ')2( (%irthday of Abe 7incoln an! "harles
35. #arch ';, ')B( (%irthday of Albert <instein!
36. ,uly ;, 'BB3 (Signing of the +eclaration of
37. April 'C, 'B2B (%irthday of 7eonhard <uler!
38. April 1*, '3'3 (+eath of #iguel "ervantes!
39. <@plain hy the 5regorian calendar repeats itself every ;22
years. ($intH $o many leap years ill occur in a ;22Jyear
40. +etermine the day of the eek of ,anuary ', 1'22.
41. William Shakespeare and #iguel "ervantes both died on
April 1*, '3'3, yet their deaths ere '2 days apart. $o can
that beS
Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 9.9-
A&,ance& Multi%lication
Lecture 22
As I %romise&, these %ro;lems are &eBnitel. a challen0e? As
.ou sa9, &oin0 enormous %ro;lems D re'uires all of the
%re,ious s'uarin0 an& memor. s>ills that 9eC,e learne&. $nce
.ou can &o a (3&i0it s'uare, e,en if it ta>es .ou a fe9 minutes,
the 53&i0it s'uares su&&enl. &onCt seem so ;a&?
0n this lecture, e8ll look at mental math techniAues for enormous problems,
such as sAuaring *J and ;Jdigit numbers and ?nding appro@imate cubes of
1Jdigit numbers. 0f you8ve been practicing the mental multiplication and sAuaring
methods e8ve covered so far, you
should be ready for this lecture.
To sAuare *Jdigit numbers Auickly, you must be comfortable sAuaring 1J
digit numbers. 7et8s start ith '2)
. As e8ve seen before, e go don ) to
'22, up ) to ''3, then multiply '22 O ''3 P '',322K e then add )
(P 3;!
to get '',33;. A problem like '13
becomes tricky if you don8t kno the 1J
digit sAuares ell, because you8ll forget the ?rst result ('C1 O '22 P
'C,122! hile you try to ork out 13
. 0n this case, it might be helpful to say
the 'C,222, then raise 1 ?ngers (to represent 122! hile you sAuare 13.
$ere8s a geometry AuestionH The 5reat Pyramid of <gypt has a
sAuare base, ith side lengths of about 1*2 meters, or BCC feet. What
is the area of the baseS To ?nd the anser in meters, e go don *2
to 122, up *2 to 132, then multiply 122 O 132 P C1,222K e then add
(P (22! to get C1,(22 sAuare meters.
To calculate the sAuare footage (BCC
!, e could go up ;C to )22, then don
;C to B'2, or e could use the pushJtogether, pullJapart methodH BCC N BCC P
'C'2, hich can be pulled apart into )22 and B'2. We no multiply )22 O B'2
P C3),222, then add ;C
(P 121C! to get CB2,21C sAuare feet.
$ne 9a. to 0et ;etter at 53&i0it
s'uares is to tr. (3&i0it
s'uares. In most cases, .ouCll
nee& to use mnemonics for
these %ro;lems.

ost cases, you8ll need to use mnemonics for these problems.
7et8s try 1*;C
. We go don *;C to 1222, up *;C to 13(2. We
then multiply 1222 O 13(2, hich is (1222 O 1322! N (1222 O (2!
P C,*)2,222. The anser ill begin ith C,222,222, but the
*)2,222 is going to change.
$o can e be sure that the C,222,222 on8t changeS When e sAuare
a ;Jdigit number, the largest *Jdigit number e ill ever have to sAuare
in the middle is C22, because e alays go up or don to the nearest
thousand. The result of C22
is 1C2,222, hich means that if e8re
holding onto a
number that is less than
BC2,222 (here, *)2,222!,
then e can be sure there
on8t be a carry.
$o can e hold onto *)2,222
hile e sAuare *;CS Using the
phonetic code e learned in
7ecture (, e send *)2 to the
#IG0<S. -o e sAuare *;CH
don ;C to *22, up ;C to *(2K
*22 O *(2 P ''B,222K add ;C
(P 121C!K and the result is ''(,21C. We hold onto the 21C by
turning it into a S-A07. We add ''(,222 N #IG0<S (*)2,222! P
;((,222, hich e can say. Then say S-A07 (21C! for the rest of
our anser. We8ve no said the anserH C,;((,21C.
-otice that once you can sAuare a ;Jdigit number, you can raise a 1Jdigit
number to the ;
poer &ust by sAuaring it tice. There8s also a Auick
ay to appro@imate 1Jdigit cubes. 7et8s try ;*
. We go don * to ;2,
don * to ;2 again, then up 3 to ;(. Iur estimate of ;*
is no ;2 O ;2
O ;(. When e do the multiplication, e get an estimate of B),;22K the
e@act anser is B(,C2B.
.inally, e turn to *JdigitJbyJ1Jdigit multiplication. The easiest *JbyJ1
problems have numbers that end in 2, because the 2s can be ignored
until the end. Also easy are problems in hich the 1Jdigit number can
ored into small numbers, hich occurs about half the time. To ?nd out
ho many hours are in a typical year, for e@ample, e calculate *3C O
1;, but 1; is 3 O ;, so e multiply *3C O 3, then multiply that result by
The ne@t easiest situation is hen the *Jdigit number can be factored
into a 1Jdigit number O a 'Jdigit number. .or instance, ith ;B O '13,
;B is prime, but '13 is 3* O 1K e can multiply ;B O 3*, then double
that result. .or the most dif?cult problems, e can break the *Jdigit
number into to parts and apply the distributive la. .or a problem
like ;B O 1)*, e multiply ;B O 1)2 and add ;B O *.
0n our last lecture, e8ll see hat you can achieve if you become
seriously dedicated to calculation, and e8ll consider broader bene?ts
from hat e8ve learned that are available to everyone. D
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagicians
ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math Tric#s, chapter ).
+oerWer, 'ea! Rec#oning: Calculating 0ithout 1nstruments-
7ane, Min! ames: Amazing Mental Arithmetic Tric#s Ma!e )asy-
"alculate the folloing *Jdigit sAuares.
1. '2B

2. ;21

3. 1'*

4. ((3

5. *(3

6. ;''

7. 'CC

8. C2(

9. *12

10. 31C

11. 1*C

12. BC*

13. ')'

14. ;BB

15. 3)1

16. 1*3

17. ;*'

"ompute these ;Jdigit sAuares.
18. *2'3

19. '1*C

20. ');C

21. 1C()

22. ;B3;

/aise these 1Jdigit numbers to the ;
poer by sAuaring the number
23. 12

24. '1

25. *1

26. CC

27. B'

28. )B

29. ()

"ompute the folloing *JdigitJbyJ1Jdigit multiplication problems.
30. )3; O 12
31. BB1 O 32
32. ';2 O 1*
33. ;C2 O C3
34. )32 O );
35. *;C O '1
36. ;C3 O ')
37. C(( O B;
38. BC* O C3
39. 31; O *)
40. *;( O (B
41. ;BB O B'
42. ')' O )3
43. 11; O 3)
44. 1;' O '*
45. 11* O C*
46. 3)1 O )1
<stimate the folloing 1Jdigit cubes.
47. 1B

48. C'

49. B1

50. ((

51. 33

%I-US #AT</0A7H We can also compute the e@act value
of a cube ith only a little more effort. .or e@ample, to cube
;1, e use z P ;2 and ! P 1. The appro@imate cube is ;2 O
;2 O ;3 P B*,322. To get the e@act cube, e can use the
folloing algebraH (z N !!
P z(z(z N *!! N *!
! N !
. .irst, e
do z(z N *!! N *!
P ;2 O ;3 N '1 P ')C1. Then, e multiply
this number by z againH ')C1 O ;2 P B;,2)2. .inally, e add
P 1
P ) to get B;,2)).
-otice that hen cubing a 1Jdigit number, in our ?rst addition
step, the value of *!
can be one of only ?ve numbersH *, '1,
1B, ;), or BC. Speci?cally, if the number ends in ' (so ! P '! or
ends in ( (so ! P 4'!, then *!
P *. Similarly, if the last digit is 1
or ), e add '1K if it8s * or B, e add 1BK if it8s ; or 3, e add
;)K if it8s C, e add BC. Then, in the last step, e ill alays
add or subtract one of ?ve numbers, based on !
. $ere8s the
0f last digit isQ ' 1 * ; C 3 B ) (
Ad&ust byQ N' N) N1B N3; N'1C 43; 41B 4)4'
.or e@ample, hat is the cube of (3S $ere, z P '22 and ! P 4;. The
appro@imate cube ould be '22 O '22 O )) P ))2,222. .or the e@act
cube, e ?rst do '22 O )) N ;) P ));). Then e multiply by '22 and
subtract 3;H ));) O '22 4 3; P ));,)22 4 3; P ));,B*3.
Using these e@amples as a guide, compute the e@act values of the
folloing cubes.
52. '*

53. '(

54. 1C

55. C(

56. B1

Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 9.8-
Masters of Mental Math
Lecture 21
at the
num;er an&
of a
We started
than the
ho to
0n this
some of
the larger lessons
e8ve learned.
Ine of these
lessons is that it
pays to look at the
numbers in a
problem to see if
they can someho
help to make the
&ob of
"an one
of the
s be
are the
s close
K or can
one of
s be
to give a
of the
or an anser ith B
digits. .or most
collections of
numbers in the real
orld, such as
street addresses or
numbers on a ta@
return, there are
considerably more
numbers that start
ith ' than start
ith (.
Also in this course, e8ve learned ho to apply the phonetic code to
numbers that e have to remember and to use a set of codes to
determine the day of the eek for any date in the year. 0f anything,
this course should have taught you to look at numbers differently,
even hen they don8t involve a math problem.
As e8ve said, it usually pays to try to ?nd features of problems that you can
e@ploit. As an e@ample, let8s look at ho to ?nd the cu;e root of a number
hen the anser is a 1Jdigit number. 7et8s try C;,)B1K to ?nd its cube root, all
e need to kno are the cubes of the numbers from ' through '2.
-otice that the last digits of these cubes
are all different, and the last digit either
matches the original number or is the
'2s complement of the original number.
To ?nd the cube root of C;,)B1, e look at
ho the cube begins and ends. The
number C; falls beteen *
and ;
. Thus,
e kno that C;,222 falls beteen *2
1B,222! and ;2
(P 3;,222!K its cube
root must be in the *2s. The last digit of the cube is 1, and there8s only one
number from ' to '2 hose cube ends in 1, namely, )
(P C'1!K thus, the cube
root of C;,)B1 is *). -ote that this method orks only ith perfect cubes.
.inally, e8ve learned that mental calculation is a process of constant
simpli?cation. <ven very large problems can be broken don into simple
steps. The problem ;B,)(*
, for e@ample, can be broken don into ;B,222
N ;B,222 O )(* O 1. As e go through this problem, e make use of the
crissJcross method, sAuaring smaller numbers, complements, and phonetic
codeUessentially, this is the math of least resistance.
To get into the uinness Boo# of 0orl! Recor!s for mental calculation, it
used to be that contestants had to Auickly determine the '*
root of a '22J
digit number. To break the record no, contestants have to ?nd the '*
root of a 122Jdigit number. <very to years, mathletes can also enter the
#ental "alculation World "up, hich tests computation skills similar to
hat e8ve discussed in this course. #ost of you atching this course are
If an.thin0, this course
shoul& ha,e tau0ht .ou to
loo> at num;ers &ifferentl.,
e,en 9hen the. &onCt
in,ol,e a math %ro;lem.
probably not aiming for these orld championships, but the
material e8ve covered should be useful to you throughout your
All mathematics begins ith arithmetic, but it certainly doesn8t
end there. 0 encourage you to e@plore the &oy that more
advanced mathematics can bring in light of the e@periences
you8ve had ith mental math. Some people lose con?dence in
their math skills at an early age, but 0 hope this course has given
you the belief that you can do it. 0t8s never too late to start looking
at numbers in a ne ay. D
Im%ortant Terms
Benfor&Cs la9H The phenomenon that most of the numbers e
encounter begin ith smaller digits rather than larger digits.
Speci?cally, for many realJorld problems (from home addresses,
to ta@ returns, to distances to gala@ies!, the ?rst digit is N ith
probability log(NN'! 4 log(N!, here log(N! is the base '2 logarithm
of N satisfying '2
P N.
cu;e rootH A number that, hen cubed, produces a given
number. .or e@ample, the cube root of ) is 1 since 1 O 1 O 1 P ).
Su00este& "ea&in0
%en&amin and Shermer, Secrets of Mental Math: The Mathemagicians
ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math Tric#s, chapters ) and
+oerWer, 'ea! Rec#oning: Calculating 0ithout 1nstruments-
,ulius, Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number Po+er.
7ane, Min! ames: Amazing Mental Arithmetic Tric#s Ma!e
/usc:yk, 1ntro!uction to Algebra-
Smith, The reat Mental Calculators: The Psychology> Metho!s
a n! "i(es of Calculating Pro!igies Past an! Present-
We begin this section ith a sample of revie problems. #ost likely,
these problems ould have been e@tremely hard for you to do before
this course began, but 0 hope that no they on8t seem so bad.
2. 0f an item costs T*3.B), ho much change ould you get
from T'22S
2. +o the mental subtraction problemH '3') 4
B)(. +o the folloing multiplication problems.
3. '* O ')
4. 3C O 3C
5. ((B O ((3
6. 0s the number B1,C*; a multiple of ''S
7. What is the remainder hen you divide B1,C*; by a multiple of (S
8. +etermine 1*VB to si@ decimal places.
9. 0f you multiply a CJdigit number beginning ith C by a 3Jdigit
number beginning ith 3, then ho many digits ill be in the
2*. <stimate the sAuare root of B2.
+o the folloing problems on paper and &ust rite don the anser.
11. C2( O *1C
12. 1',;2' X (
13. *;,C3B X )(
14. Use the phonetic code to memori:e the folloing
chemical elementsH Aluminum is the '*
copper is the 1(
elementK and lead is the )1
15. What day of the eek as #arch 'B, 1222S
16. "ompute 1'1
17. Why must the cube root of a ;J, CJ, or 3Jdigit number be
a 1Jdigit numberS
.ind the cube roots of the folloing numbers.
18. '1,'3B
19. *CB,(''
20. 'BC,3'3
21. 12C,*B(
The ne@t fe problems ill allo us to ?nd the cube root hen the
original number is the cube of a *Jdigit number. We8ll ?rst build up
some ideas to ?nd the cube root of 'B,'B*,C'1, hich is the cube of a
*Jdigit number.
22. Why must the ?rst digit of the anser be 1S
23. Why must the last digit of the anser be )S
24. $o can e Auickly tell that 'B,'B*,C'1 is a multiple of
25. 0t follos that the *Jdigit number must be a multiple of *
(because if the *Jdigit number as not a multiple of *, then
its cube could not be a multiple of (!. What middle digits
ould result in the number 1]) being a multiple of *S There
are three possibilities.
1=. Use estimation to choose hich of the three possibilities is
most reasonable.
Using the steps above, e can do cube roots of any *Jdigit cubes.
The ?rst digit can be determined by looking at the millions digits (the
numbers before the ?rst comma!K the last digit can be determined by
looking at the last digit of the cubeK the middle digit can be
determined through digit sums and estimation. There ill alays be
three or four possibilities for the middle digitK they can be determined
using the folloing observations, hich you should verify.
27. Gerify that if the digit sum of a number is *, 3, or (, then its
cube ill have digit sum (.
28. Gerify that if the digit sum of a number is ', ;, or B, then its
cube ill have digit sum '.
29. Gerify that if the digit sum of a number is 1, C, or ), then its
cube ill have digit sum ).
Using these ideas, determine the *Jdigit number that produces the cubes belo.
30. .ind the cube root of 1'1,BB3,'B*.
31. .ind the cube root of *B;,)2C,*3'.
32. .ind the cube root of ;,;'2,(;;.
"ompute the folloing CJdigit sAuares in your headF
33. '',1*C

34. C3,BC*

35. )1,3)1

Solutions for this lecture begin on $age 9A5-
Lecture 2
.or later lectures, most of the solutions sho ho to generate the anser,
but for 7ecture ', &ust the ansers are shon belo. /emember that it is
&ust as important to hear the problem as to see the problem.
The folloing mental addition and multiplication problems can be done
almost immediately, &ust by listening to the numbers from left to right.
1. 1* N C P 1)
2. 1* N C2 P B*
3. C22 N 1* P C1*
4. C222 N 1* P C21*
5. 3B N ) P BC
6. 3B N )2 P ';B
7. 3B N )22 P )3B
8. 3B N )222 P )23B
9. *2 N 3 P *3
10. *22 N 1; P *1;
11. 1222 N 1C P 121C
12. ;2 N ( P ;(
13. B22 N ); P B);
14. ';2 N ; P ';;
15. 1C22 N 12 P 1C12
16. 1*22 N C) P 1*C)
17. '* O '2 P '*2
18. '* O '22 P '*22
19. '* O '222 P '*,222
20. 1;* O '2 P 1;*2
21. 1;* O '22 P 1;,*22
22. 1;* O '222 P 1;*,222
23. 1;* O ' million P 1;* million
24. .ill out the standard '2JbyJ'2 multiplication table as Auickly as you
can. 0t8s probably easiest to ?ll it out one ro at a time by counting.
K 2 1 5 ( - = 8 ) 4 2*
2 1 * ; C 3 B ) ( '2 '
1 1 ; 3 ) '2 '1 '; '3 ') 12
5 * 3 ( '1 'C ') 1' 1; 1B *2
( ; ) '1 '3 12 1; 1) *1 *3 ;2
- C '2 'C 12 1C *2 *C ;2 ;C C2
= 3 '1 ') 1; *2 *3 ;1 ;) C; 32
8 B '; 1' 1) *C ;1 ;( C3 3* B2
) ) '3 1; *1 ;2 ;) C3 3; B1 )2
4 ( ') 1B *3 ;C C; 3* B1 )' (2
2* '2 12 *2 ;2 C2 32 B2 )2 (2 '22
25. "reate an )JbyJ( multiplication table in hich the ros
represent the numbers from 1 to ( and the columns represent
the numbers from '' to '(. .or an e@tra challenge, ?ll out the
sAuares in random order.
K 22 21 25 2( 2- 2= 28 2) 24
1 1; 13 1) *2 *1 *; *3 *) 11
5 ** *3 *( ;1 ;C ;) C' C; CB
( ;; ;) C1 C3 32 3; 3) B1 B3
- CC 32 3C B2 BC )2 )C (2 (C
= 33 B1 B) ); (2 (3 '21 '2) '';
8 BB ); (' () '2C ''1 ''( '13 '**
) )) (3 '2; ''1 '12 '1) '*3 ';; 'C1
4 (( '2) ''B '13 '*C ';; 'C* '31 'B'
26. "reate the multiplication table in hich the ros and
columns represent the numbers from '' to '(. .or an
e@tra challenge, ?ll out the ros in random order. %e
sure to use the shortcuts e learned in this lecture,
including those for multiplying by ''.
O '' '1 '* '; 'C 2= 28 2) 24
22 '*1 ';* 'C; '3C 'B3 ')B '() 12( '1'
21 '*1 ';; 'C3 '3) ')2 '(1 12; 1'3 11)
25 ';* 'C3 '3( ')1 '(C 12) 11' 1*; 1;B
2( 'C; '3) ')1 '(3 1'2 11; 1*) 1C1 133
2- '3C ')2 '(C 1'2 11C 1;2 1CC 1B2 1)C
2= 'B3 '(1 12) 11; 1;2 1C3 1B1 1)) *2;
28 ')B 12; 11' 1*) 1CC 1B1 1)( *23 *1*
2) '() 1'3 1*; 1C1 1B2 1)) *23 *1; *;1
24 12( 11) 1;B 133 1)C *2; *1* *;1 *3'
The folloing multiplication problems can be done &ust by
listening to the anser from left to right.
27. ;' O 1 P )1
28. 31 O * P ')3
29. B1 O ; P 1))
30. C1 O ) P ;'3
31. 12B O * P 31'
32. ;21 O ( P *3')
33. C;* O 1 P '2)3
+o the folloing multiplication problems using the shortcut from this
34. 1' O '' P 1*' (since 1 N ' P *, insert * beteen 1 and '!
35. 'B O '' P ')B
36. C; O '' P C(;
37. *C O '' P *)C
38. 33 O '' P B13 (since 3 N 3 P '1, insert 1 beteen 3 and 3,
then carry the '!
39. B( O '' P )3(
40. *B O '' P ;2B
41. 1( O '' P *'(
42. ;) O '' P C1)
43. (* O '' P '21*
44. () O '' P '2B)
45. '*C O '' P ';)C (since ' N * P ; and * N C P )!
46. 13' O '' P 1)B'
(8. )3* O '' P (;(*
(). B)( O '' P )3B(
(4. 9uickly rite don the sAuares of all 1Jdigit numbers that end in C.
P 11C
P 31C
P '11C
P 121C
P *21C
P ;11C
P C31C
P B11C
P (21C
-*. Since you can Auickly multiply numbers beteen '2 and 12, rite
don the sAuares of the numbers '2C, ''C, '1C, Q '(C, 12C.
P '',21C
P '*,11C
P 'C,31C
P '),11C
P 1',21C
P 1;,21C
P 1B,11C
P *2,31C
P *;,11C
P *),21C
P ;1,21C
-2. SAuare ((C.
P ((2,21C.
-1. "ompute '22C
',2'2,21C (since '22 O '2' P '2,'22K then attach 1C!
<@ploit the shortcut for multiplying 1Jdigit numbers that begin ith the
same digit and hose last digits sum to '2 to do the folloing problems.
53. 1' O 1( P 32( (using 1 O * P 3 and ' O ( P 2(!
54. 11 O 1) P 3'3
55. 1* O 1B P 31'
56. 1; O 13 P 31;
57. 1C O 1C P 31C
58. 3' O 3( P ;12(
59. 31 O 3) P ;1'3
60. 3* O 3B P ;11'
61. 3; O 33 P ;11;
62. 3C O 3C P ;11C
Lecture 1
Solve the folloing mental addition problems by calculating from left
to right. .or an a!!e! challenge, look aay from the numbers after
reading the problem.
2. C1N B P C(
1. (*N ; P (B
5. *)N ( P ;B
(. BBN C P )1
-. (3N B P '2*
=. ;2N *3 P B3
8. 32N C; P '';
). C3N B2 P '13
4. ;)N 32 P '2)
2*. C*N *' P )* N ' P );
22. 1;N 3C P ); N C P )(
21. ;CN *C P BC N C P )2
25. C3N *B P )3 N B P (*
2(. BCN '( P )C N ( P (;
2-. )CN CC P '*C N C P ';2
2=. 1BN B) P (B N ) P '2C
28. B;N C* P '1; N * P '1B
2). )3N 3) P ';3 N ) P 'C;
24. B1N )* P 'C1 N * P 'CC
+o these 1Jdigit addition problems in to aysK make sure the
second ay involves subtraction.
20. 3) N (B P 'C) N B P '3C
I/ 3) N (B P 3) N '22 4 * P '3) 4 * P '3C
21. B; N 3( P '*; N ( P ';*
I/ B; N 3( P B; N B2 4 ' P ';; 4 ' P ';*
22. 1) N C( P B) N ( P )B
I/ 1) N C( P 1) N 32 4 ' P )) 4 ' P )B
23. ;) N (* P '*) N * P ';'
I/ ;) N (* P ;) N '22 4 B P ';) 4 B P ';'
I/ ;) N (* P (* N C2 4 1 P ';* 4 1 P ';'
Try these *Jdigit addition problems. The problems gradually become
more dif?cult. .or the harder problems, it may be helpful to say the
problem out loud before starting the calculation.
24. )22 N *22 P ''22
25. 3BC N 122 P )BC
26. 1*C N )22 P '2*C
27. 3*2 N '12 P B*2 N 12 P BC2
28. BC2 N *B2 P '2C2 N B2 P ''12
29. ;B2 N C'2 P (B2 N '2 P ()2
30. ()2 N 1;2 P '')2 N ;2 P '112
31. **2 N )(2 P ''*2 N (2 P '112
32. 1;3 N )'2 P '2;3 N '2 P '2C3
33. (32 N *13 P '132 N 13 P '1)3
34. '*2 N CB( P 3B( N *2 P B2(
35. *1C N 31C P (1C N 1C P (C2
36. CBC N 3BC P ''BC N BC P ''22 N 'C2 P '1C2
37. '1* N ;C3 P C1* N C3 P CB* N 3 P CB(
38. 12C N '2) P *2C N ) P *'*
39. B;C N '*; P );C N *; P )BC N ; P )B(
40. *;' N '(' P ;;' N (' P C*' N ' P
C*1 I/ *;' N 122 4 ( P C;' 4 (
P C*1
41. C32 N )2* P '*32 N * P '*3*
42. C33 N ')C P 333 N )C P B;3 N C P BC'
43. B3; N 3*B P '*3; N *B P '*(; N B P ';2'
+o the ne@t fe problems in to aysK make sure the second
ay uses subtraction.
44. B)B N )(( P 'C)B N (( P '3BB N ( P '3)3
I/ B)B N )(( P B)B N (22 4 ' P '3)B 4 ' P '3)3
45. **( N ()( P '1*( N )( P '*'( N ( P '*1)
I/ **( N ()( P **( N '222 4 '' P '**( 4 '' P '*1)
46. B(B N '33 P )(B N 33 P (CB N 3 P (3*
I/ B(B N '33 P '33 N )22 4 * P (33 4 * P (3*
47. ;B; N (B2 P '*B; N B2 P ';;;
I/ ;B; N (B2 P ;B; N '222 4 *2 P ';B; 4 *2 P ';;;
+o the folloing subtraction problems from left to right.
48. (B 4 3 P ('
49. *) 4 B P *'
50. )' 4 3 P BC
51. C; 4 B P ;B
52. (1 4 *2 P 31
53. B3 4 'C P 33 4 C P 3'
54. )( 4 CC P *( 4 C P *;
55. () 4 1; P B) 4 ; P B;
+o these problems to different ays. .or the second ay, begin by
subtracting too much.
56. B* 4 C( P 1* 4 ( P ';
I/ B* 4 C( P B* 4 (32 4 '! P '* N ' P ';
57. )3 4 3) P 13 4 ) P ')
I/ P )3 4 (B2 4 1! P '3 N 1 P ')
58. B; 4 CB P 1; 4 B P 'B
I/ B; 4 CB P B; 4 (32 4 *! P '; N * P 'B
59. 31 4 ;; P 11 4 ; P ')
I/ 31 4 (C2 4 3! P '1 N 3 P ')
Try these *Jdigit subtraction problems, orking from left to right.
=*. B'3 4 C2C P 1'3 4 C P 1''
61. ()B 4 3C; P *)B 4 C; P **B 4 ; P ***
62. B3) 4 111 P C3) 4 11 P C;) 4 1 P C;3
63. 3;C 4 1*' P ;;C 4 *' P ;'C 4 ' P ;';
64. B)' 4 ;'3 P *)' 4 '3 P *B' 4 3 P *3C
I/ B)' 4 ;'3 P *)' 4 '3 P *)' 4 (12 4 ;! P *3' N ; P
+etermine the complements of the folloing numbers, that is,
their distance from '22.
65. '22 4 1) P B1
66. '22 4 C' P ;(
67. '22 4 *; P 33
68. '22 4 )B P '*
69. '22 4 3C P *C
70. '22 4 B2 P *2
71. '22 4 '( P )'
72. '22 4 (* P 2B
Use complements to solve these problems.
73. )11 4 C(* P )11 4 (322 4 B! P 111 N B P 11(
74. 3'; 4 *B1 P 3'; 4 (;22 4 1)! P 1'; N 1) P 1;1
75. (*1 4 B33 P (*1 4 ()22 4 *;! P '*1 N *; P '33
76. B;* 4 *)C P B;* 4 (;22 4 'C! P *;* N 'C P *C)
77. (1) 4 131 P (1) 4 (*22 4 *)! P 31) N *) P 333
78. C*1 4 ')1 P C*1 4 (122 4 ')! P **1 N ') P *C2
79. 3'' 4 *;C P 3'' 4 (;22 4 CC! P 1'' N CC P 113
80. B1; 4 ;B3 P B1; 4 (C22 4 1;! P 11; N 1; P 1;)
+etermine the complements of these *Jdigit numbers.
81. '222 4 BB1 P 11)
82. '222 4 3(C P *2C
83. '222 4 );( P 'C'
84. '222 4 B'2 P 1(2
85. '222 4 '1) P )B1
86. '222 4 (B; P 213
87. '222 4 CC' P ;;(
Use complements to determine the correct amount of change.
88. T'2 4 T1.B' P TB.1(
89. T'2 4 T).1) P T'.B1
90. T'2 4 T*.1; P T3.B3
91. T'22 4 TC;.(* P T;C.2B
92. T'22 4 T)3.') P T'*.)1
93. T12 4 T';.*3 P TC.3;
94. T12 4 T'1.BC P TB.1C
95. TC2 4 T*'.;' P T').C(
The folloing addition and subtraction problems arise
hile doing mental multiplication problems and are orth
practicing before beginning 7ecture *.
96. *C2 N *C P *)C
97. B12 N C; P BB;
98. 1;2 N *1 P 1B1
99. C32 N C3 P 3'3
100. ;(22 N 1'2 P C''2
101. '122 N ;12 P '312
102. '312 N ;) P '33)
103. B122 N C;2 P BB;2
104. *1;2 N *3 P *1B3
105. 1)22 N *C2 P *'C2
106. 1'C2 N C3 P 1123
107. )22 4 '1 P B))
108. *322 4 3* P *C*B
109. C322 4 1) P CCB1
110. 3*22 4 '2) P 3122 4 ) P 3'(1
Lecture 5
"alculate the folloing 1JbyJ' multiplication problems in your head
using the addition method.
1. ;2 O ) P *12
2. ;1 O ) P *12 N '3 P **3
3. 12 O ; P )2
4. 1) O ; P )2 N *1 P ''1
5. C3 O 3 P *22 N *3 P **3
6. ;B O C P 122 N *C P 1*C
7. ;C O ) P *12 N ;2 P *32
8. 13 O ; P )2 N 1; P '2;
9. 3) O B P ;12 N C3 P ;B3
10. B( O ( P 3*2 N )' P B''
11. C; O * P 'C2 N '1 P '31
12. B* O 1 P ';2 N 3 P ';3
13. BC O ) P C32 N ;2 P 322
14. 3B O 3 P *32 N ;1 P ;21
15. )* O B P C32 N 1' P C)'
16. B; O 3 P ;12 N 1; P ;;;
17. 33 O * P ')2 N ') P '()
18. )* O ( P B12 N 1B P B;B
19. 1( O ( P ')2 N )' P 13'
20. ;3 O B P 1)2 N ;1 P *11
"alculate the folloing 1JbyJ' multiplication problems in your
head using the addition method and the subtraction method.
21. )( O ( P B12 N )' P )2'
I/ )( O ( P ((2 4 '! O ( P )'2 4 ( P )2'
22. B( O B P ;(2 N 3* P CC*
I/ B( O B P ()2 4 '! O B P C32 4 B P CC*
23. () O * P 1B2 N 1; P 1(;
I/ () O * P ('22 4 1! O * P *22 4 3 P 1(;
24. (B O 3 P C;2 N ;1 P C)1
I/ ('22 4 *! O 3 P 322 4 ') P C)1
25. ;) O B P 1)2 N C3 P **3
I/ ;) O B P (C2 4 1! O B P *C2 4 '; P **3
The folloing problems arise hile sAuaring 1Jdigit numbers or
multiplying numbers that are close together. They are essentially 1JbyJ'
problems ith a
0 attached.
26. 12 O '3H 1 O '3 P 12 N '1 P *1, so 12 O '3 P *12
27. 12 O 1;H 1 O 1; P ;2 N ) P ;), so 12 O 1; P ;)2
28. 12 O 1CH 1 O 1C P C2, so 12 O 1C P C22
29. 12 O 13H 1 O 13 P ;2 N '1 P C1, so 12 O 13 P C12
30. 12 O 1)H 1 O 1) P ;2 N '3 P C3, so 12 O 1 P C32
31. 12 O *2H 322
32. *2 O 1)H * O 1) P 32 N 1; P );, so *2 O 1) P );2
33. *2 O *1H * O *1 P (2 N 3 P (3, so *2 O *1 P (32
34. ;2 O *1H ; O *1 P '12 N ) P '1), so ;2 O *1 P '1)2
35. *2 O ;1H * O ;1 P '12 N 3 P '13, so *2 O ;1 P '132
36. ;2 O ;)H ; O ;) P '32 N *1 P '(1, so ;2 O ;) P '(12
37. C2 O ;;H C O ;; P 122 N 12 P 112, so C2 O ;; P 1122
38. 32 O C1H 3 O C1 P *22 N '1 P *'1, so 32 O C1 P *'12
39. 32 O 3)H 3 O 32 P *32 N ;) P ;2), so 32 O 3) P ;2)2
40. 32 O 3(H 3 O 3( P *32 N C; P ;';, so 32 O 3( P ;';2
41. B2 O B1H B O B1 P ;(2 N '; P C2;, so B2 O B1 P C2;2
42. B2 O B)H B O B) P ;(2 N C3 P C;3, so B2 O B) P C;32
43. )2 O );H ) O ); P 3;2 N *1 P 3B1, so )2 O ); P 3B12
44. )2 O )BH ) O )B P 3;2 N C3 P 3(3, so )2 O )B P 3(32
45. (2 O )1H ( O )1 P B12 N ') P B*), so (2 O )1 P B*)2
46. (2 O (3H ( O (3 P )'2 N C; P )3;, so (2 O (3 P )3;2
$ere are some more problems that arise in the ?rst step of a 1JbyJ1
multiplication problem.
(8. *2 O 1*H * O 1* P 32 N ( P 3(, so *2 O 1* P 3(2
(). 32 O '*H 32 O '* P 32 N ') P B), so 32 O '* P B)2
(4. C2 O 3)H C O 3) P *22 N;2 P *;2, so C2 O 3) P *;22
-*. (2 O 13H ( O 13 P ')2 NC; P 1*;, so (2 O 13 P 1*;2
-2. (2 O ;BH ( O ;B P *32 N3* P ;1*, so (2 O ;B P ;1*2
-1. ;2 O '1H ; O '1 P ;2 N ) P ;), so ;2 O '1 P ;)2
-5. )2 O ;'H ) O ;' P *12 N) P *1), so )2 O ;' P *1)2
-(. (2 O 33H ( O 33 P C;2 NC; P C(;, so (2 O 33 P C(;2
--. ;2 O B*H ; O B* P 1)2 N'1 P 1(1, so ;2 O B* P 1(12
"alculate the folloing *JbyJ' problems in your head.
-=. 322 O B P ;122
-8. ;21 O 1 P )22 N ; P )2;
-). *32 O 3 P ')22 N *32 P1'32
-4. *32 O B P 1'22 N ;12 P1C12
=*. *(2 O B P 1'22 N 3*2 P1B*2
s=2. B'' O 3 P ;122 N 33 P ;133
=1. C)' O 1 P '222 N '32 N1 P ''31
63. '3' O 1 P 122 N '12 N 1 P *12 N 1 P *11
64. 3'3 O B P ;122 N (B2 N ;1! P ;122 N ''1 P ;*'1
65. 3B( O C P *222 (say it! N (*C2 N ;C! P **(C
66. B;B O 1 P ';22 (say it! N ()2 N ';! P ';(;
67. C*( O ) P ;222 (say it! N (1;2 N B1! P ;*'1
68. ';* O ; P ;22 N '32 N '1 P C32 N '1 P CB1
69. 13' O ) P '322 N ;)2 N ) P 12)2 N ) P 12))
70. 31; O 3 P *322 N '12 N 1; P *B12 N 1; P *B;;
71. )3; O 1 P '322 N '12 N ) P 'B12 N ) P 'B1)
72. BB1 O 3 P ;122 N ;12 N '1 P ;312 N '1 P ;3*1
73. *;C O 3 P ')22 N 1;2 N *2 P 12;2 N *2 P 12B2
74. ;C3 O 3 P 1;22 N *22 N *3 P 1B22 N *3 P 1B*3
75. ;B3 O ; P '322 N 1)2 N 1; P '))2 N 1; P '(2;
76. CB1 O ( P ;C22 N 3*2 N ') P C'*2 N ') P C';)
77. 33B O * P ')22 N ')2 N 1' P '()2 N 1' P 122'
When sAuaring *Jdigit numbers, the ?rst step is to essentially do a *J
byJ' multiplication problem like the ones belo.
78. ;2; O ;22H ;2; O ; P '3'3, so ;2; O ;22 P '3',322
79. 113 O 122H 113 O 1 P ;22 N C1 P ;C1, so 113 O 122 P ;C,122
80. ;11 O ;22H ;11 O ; P '322 N )) P '3)), so ;11 O ;22 P '3),)22
81. ''2 O 122H '' O 1 P 11, so ''2 O 122 P 11,222
82. C') O C22H C') O C P 1C22 N (2 P 1C(2, so C') O C22 P 1C(,222
83. *;2 O *22H *; O * P (2 N '1 P '21, so *;2 O *22 P '21,222
84. 3C2 O 322H 3C O 3 P *32 N *2 P *(2, so 3C2 O 322 P *(2,222
85. 1B2 O 122H 1B O 1 P ;2 N '; P C;, so 1B2 O 122 P C;,222
86. B23 O )22H B23 O ) P C322 N ;) P C3;), so B23 O )22 P C3;,)22
87. '31 O 122H '31 O 1 P 122 N '12 N ; P *12 N ; P *1;, so '31
O 122 P *1,;22
88. ;C; O C22H ;C; O C P 1222 (say it! N 1C2 N 12 P 1222 N 1B2 P
11B2, so ;C; O C22 P 11B,222
89. 33; O B22H 33; O B P ;122 N ;12 N 1) P ;312 N 1) P ;3;),
so 33; O B22 P ;3;,)22
Use the factoring method to multiply these 1Jdigit numbers together
by turning the original problem into a 1JbyJ' problem, folloed by a 1J
byJ' or *JbyJ' problem.
90. ;* O '; P ;* O B O 1 P (1)2 N 1'! O 1 P *2' O 1 P 321
I/ ;* O '; P ;* O 1 O B P )3 O B P C32 N ;1 P 321
91. 3; O 'C P 3; O C O * P (*22 N 12! O * P *12 O * P (22 N 32 P (32
92. BC O '3 P BC O ) O 1 P (C32 N ;2! O 1 P 322 O 1 P '122
93. CB O 1; P CB O 3 O ; P (*22 N 1;! O ; P *1; O ; P '122 (say
it! N (1; O ;! 1; O ; P )2 N '3 P (3, so CB O 1; P '1(3
94. )( O B1 P )( O ( O ) P (B12 N )'! O ) P )2' O ) P 3;2)
0n poker, there are 1,C(),(32 ays to be dealt C cards (from C1
different cards, here order is not important!. "alculate the folloing
multiplication problems that arise through counting poker hands.
95. The number of hands that are straights (;2 of hich are straight
Wushes! is '2 O ;
P ; O ; O ; O ; O ; O '2 P '3 O ;
O '2
1= 3; O ;
O '2 P 1C3 O ; O '2 P '21; O '2 P '2,1;2
96. The number of hands that are Wushes is (; O '* O '1 O '' O '2 O (!V'12
1= '* O '' O ; O ( P ';* (close together! O ; O ( P (;22 N '32 N '1! O
2= CB1 O ( P (;C22 N 3*2 N ')! P C'*2 N ') P C';)
97. The number of hands that are fourJofJaJkind is '* O ;) P '* O ) O 3
1= ()2 N 1;! O 3 P '2; O 3 P 31;
98. The number of hands that are full houses is '* O '1 O ; O 3
1='C3 (close together! O ; O 3 P (;22 N 122 N 1;! O 3 P 31; O 3
2= *322 N '12 N 1; P *B12 N 1; P *B;;
Lecture (
+etermine hich numbers beteen 1 and '1 divide into each of the
numbers belo.
1. ;;'2 is divisible by 1, *, C, 3, B, (, and '2.
WhyS 7ast digit gives us 1, C, and '2K digit sum P ( gives us *
and (K divisible by 1 and * gives us divisibility by 3. Passes B
testH ;;'2 ;;' ;; 4 1 P ;1 0t fails tests for ; (and, therefore, )
and '1! and ''.
2. B231 is divisible by 1, *, 3, and ''.
WhyS 7ast digit gives us 1K digit sum P 'C gives us *K 1
and * imply 3K alternating sum of digits B 4 2 N 3 4 1 P ''
gives us ''. .ails other tests.
3. 1B;; is divisible by 1, ;, B, and ).
WhyS B;; is divisible by )K passes B testH 1B;; 1B; 4
) P 133 13 4 '1 P ';. .ails other tests.
(. **,(CB is divisible by *, B, (, and ''.
WhyS +igit sum P 1B gives us * and (K passes B testH
**,(CB **(C 4 '; P **)' **) 4 1 P **3 ** 4 '1 P 1'.
Passes '' testH * 4 * N ( 4 C N B P ''. .ails other tests.
Use the createJaJ:ero, killJaJ:ero method to test the folloing.
-. 0s ;('* divisible by 'BS
Ees, because ;('* ;('* N 'B P ;(*2 ;(* ;(* N 'B
P C'2 C' is a multiple of 'B.
6. 0s *';' divisible by C(S
-o, because *';' N C( P *122 *12 *1 is not a multiple
of C(.
7. 0s *CC,''* divisible by BS
-o, because *CC,''* N B P *CC,'12 *C,C'1 *C,C'1 N 1)
P*CC,';2 *C,C'; *C,C';4';P*C,C22 *CC2 *CC *CCN*C
P *(2 *( is not a multiple of B. Also, it fails the special rule for
BsH *CC,''* 4 3 P *CC,'2B *C,C'2 4 '; P *C,;(3 *C;( 4 '1
P *C*B *C* 4 '; P **( ** 4 ') P 'C is not a multiple of B.
8. Algebraically, the divisibility rule for Bs says that '2a N b is a
multiple of B if and only if the number a 4 1b is a multiple of B.
<@plain hy this orks.
Suppose '2a N b is a multiple of B, then it remains a multiple
of B after e multiply it by 41, so 412a 4 1b ill still be a
multiple of B. And since 1'a is alays a multiple of B
(because it8s B O *a!, e can add this to get 412a 4 1b N 1'a,
hich is a 4 1b. So a 4 1b is still a multiple of B.
"onversely, if a 4 1b is a multiple of B, then it remains so after e
multiply it by '2, so '2a 4 12b is still a multiple of B. Adding 1'b (a
multiple of B! to this tells us that '2a N b is also a multiple of B.
#entally do the folloing 'Jdigit division problems.
9. (B X )
'1 / ' '1'V)
8 (B
1 )2
2 '3
10. 3* X ;
' C / * 'C *V;
; 3 *
22. 'C( X B
11 / C 11 CVB
7 'C(
1 ';2

21. ;33) X 3

25. )B3* X C P (double both numbers! P 'B,C13 X '2 P
"onvert the .ahrenheit temperatures belo to "entigrade using
the formula " P (. 4 *1! O CV(.
14. )
()2 4 *1! O CV( P ;) O CV( P 1;2 X (
1= )2 X * P 13 1V* degrees "entigrade
15. 3C degrees .ahrenheitH (3C 4 *1! O CV( P ** O CV( P '' O
1= CC X * P 'B 1V* degrees "entigrade
#entally do the folloing 1Jdigit division problems.
2=. (BC X '*
'1 / '
8 (B
28. 1C( X *'
) /'' )''V*'
*' 1C(
1;) ''
18. ;(2 X 31 (use overshooting!H 31 O ) P ;(3, so ;(2 X 31 P ) / 4 3
1= B / C3
19. ')* X '( (use overshooting!H '( O '2 P '(2, so ')* X '( P '2 / 4B
1= ( / '1
+o the folloing division problems by ?rst simplifying the problem to
an easier division problem.
20. ;122 X ) P 1'22 X ; P '2C2 X 1 P C1C
21. 3C; X *3 (dividing both by 3! P '2( X 3 P ') 'V3
22. *3( X ;C (doubling! P B*) X (2K B*) X ( P )1, so the anser is ).1
23. )'1 X '1.C (doubling! P '31; X 1C P *1;) X C2 P 3;(3 X '22 P 3;.(3
24. 5ive the decimal e@pansions for 'VB, 1VB, *VB, ;VB, CVB,
and 3VB. 'VB P 2.';1)CB (repeated!
1VB P 2.1)CB'; (repeated!
*VB P 2.;1)CB' (repeated!
;VB P 2.CB';1) (repeated!
CVB P 2.B';1)C (repeated!
3VB P 2.)CB';1 (repeated!
25. 5ive the decimal e@pansion for CV'3H C2 X '3 P 1C X ) P * 'V)
P *.'1C, so CV'3 P 2.*'1C
26. 5ive the decimal e@pansion for '1V*CH '1V*C P 1; X B2. 5iven
that 1;VB P * *VB P *.;1)CB'Q, '1V*C P 2.*;1)CB'Q
27. When he as groing up, Professor %en&amin8s favorite
number as 1C12. What is so special about that numberS 0t
is the smallest positive number divisible by all the numbers
from ' to '2.
Lecture -
<stimate the folloing addition and subtraction problems by
rounding each number to the nearest thousand, then to the
nearest hundred.
1. *B3; N ;33) ^ ;222 N C222 P
(222 I/ *B3; N ;33) ^ *)22 N
;B22 P )C22
2. (33' N B2BC ^ '2,222 N B222 P
'B,222 I/ (33' N B2BC ^ (B22 N
B'22 P '3,)22
3. (3'* 4 '1C1 ^ '2,222 4 '222 P
(222 I/ (3'* 4 '1C1 ^ (322 4
'*22 P )*22
4. C1C* 4 *B;' ^ C222 4 ;222 P
'222 I/ C1C* 4 *B;' ^ C*22 4
*B22 P '322
<stimate the grocery total by rounding each number up or don
to the nearest half dollar.
-. =. 8.
C.1; ^ C 2.)B ^ ' 2.B) ^ '
2.;1 ^ 2.C 1.3C ^ 1.C '.)3 ^ 1
1.B( ^ * 2.12 ^ 2 2.3) ^ 2.C
*.'C ^ * '.C' ^ '.C 1.B* ^ 1.C
2.1) ^ 2.C 2.(C ^ ' ;.1( ^ ;.C
2.(1 ^ ' 1.C( ^ 1.C *.;B ^ *.C
;.*( ^ ;.C '.32 ^ '.C 1.3C ^ 1.C
'B.C '2.2 '3.C
What are the possible numbers of digits in the ansers to the folloingS
8. C digits times * digits is B or ) digits.
9. C digits divided by * digits is 1 or * digits.
10. ) digits times ; digits is '' or '1 digits.
11. ) digits divided by ; digits is ; or C digits.
.or the folloing problems, determine the possible number of digits in
the ansers. (Some ansers may allo to possibilities.! A number
ritten like *abc represents a ;Jdigit number ith leading digit of *.
12. *abc O Bdef has ) digits.
13. )abc O 'def can have B or ) digits.
14. 1abc O 1def has B digits.
15. (abc X Cde has 1 digits.
16. 'abcdef X *ghi& has 1 digits.
17. 1Babcdefg X 13hi&k has ; digits.
18. 0f a year has about *1 million seconds, then ' trillion seconds
is about ho many yearsS
The number ' trillion has '* digits, starting ith ', and *1
million has ) digits, starting ith *, so ' trillion divided by *1
million has C digitsK thus, the anser is appro@imately *2,222.
19. The government ants to buy a ne eapons system costing T''
billion. The U.S. has about '22,222 public schools. 0f each school
decides to hold a bake sale to raise money for the ne eapons
system, then about ho much money does each school need to raiseS
The number '' billion has '' digits, starting ith '', and '22,222
has 3 digits, starting ith '2, so the anser has '' 4 3 N ' P 3 digits,
starting ith 'K thus, the anser is about T''2,222 per school.
1*. 0f an article is sent to to independent revieers, and one revieer
?nds ;2 typos, the other ?nds C typos, and there ere 1 typos in
common, then estimate the total number of typos in the document.
%y P6lya8s estimate, the total number of typos in the document is
appro@imately ;2 O C X 1 P '22.
12. <stimate 3Y sales ta@ on a ne car costing T*',C22. Ad&ust your
anser for 3.1CY sales ta@.
*'C O 3 P ')(2, so the sales ta@ is about T'(22. .or an additional
2.1CY, increase this amount by T'(22 X 1; (since 3V1; P 2.1CY!,
hich is about T)2K thus, the sales ta@ ith the higher rate is
about T'()2.
11. To calculate ).CY ta@, you can take )Y ta@, then add the ta@ you
&ust computed divided by hat numberS
Since )V'3 P 2.C, you divide by '3.
.or ).BCY ta@, you can take (Y ta@, then subtract that ta@ divided
by hat numberS
To reduce the number by 2.1CY, e divide the ta@ by *3, since
(V*3 P 2.1C.
15. 0f money earns interest compounded at a rate of 1Y per year, then
about ho many years ould it take for that money to doubleS
%y the /ule of B2, since B2V1 P *C, it ill take about *C years
to double.
24. Suppose you borro T12,222 to buy a ne car, the bank charges
an annual interest rate of *Y, and you have C years to pay off the
loan. +etermine an underestimate and overestimate for your
monthly payment, then determine the e@act monthly payment.
The number of monthly payments is C O '1 P 32. 0f no interest
ere charged, the monthly payment ould be 12,222V32 ^ T***.
%ut since the monthly interest is *YV'1 P 2.1CY, then you ould
oe T12,222(.1CY! P TC2 in interest for the ?rst month. The
regular monthly payment ould be, at most, T*** N TC2 P T*)*.
To get the e@act monthly payment, e use the interest
formulaH P O i(' N i!
V((' N i!
4 '!.
$ere, P P 12,222, i P 2.221C, m P 32, and our calculator or
search engine tells us ('.221C!
^ '.'3'3K the monthly
payment is about T12,222(.221C!('.'3'3!V(2.'3'3! ^
T*C(.;2Vmonth, hich is consistent ith our loer bound of
T*** and our upper bound of T*)*.
25. /epeat the previous problem, but this time, the bank charges
3Y annual interest and gives you '2 years to pay off the loan.
The number of monthly payments is '2 O '1 P '12, so the loer
estimate is 12,222V'12 ^ T'3BVmonth. %ut since the monthly
interest is 3YV'1 P 2.CY, then you ould oe T12,222(.CY!
P T'22 in interest for the ?rst month. Thus, the regular monthly
payment ould be, at most, T'3B N T'22 P T13B. Plugging P P
12,222, i P 2.22C, and m P '12 into the formula gives us
4 '! ^ T')'.(;V(2.)'(;! ^ T111Vmonth.
26. Use the divideJandJaverage method to estimate the sAuare
root of 1B.
0f e start ith an estimate of C, 1B X C P C.;, and their
average is C.1. (<@act anser begins C.'(3Q!
27. Use the divideJandJaverage method to estimate the
sAuare root of 'C*.
0f e start ith an estimate of '1, 'C* X '1 P '1 (V'1
P '1.BC, and their average is '1.*BC. (<@act anser
begins '1.*3(Q!
28. Speaking of 'C*, that8s the ?rst *Jdigit number eAual
to the sum of the cubes of its digits ('C* P '
!. The ne@t number ith that property is *B2. "an
you ?nd the third number ith that propertyS
Since *B2 P *
N 2
, it follos that *B' P *
N '
Lecture =
Add the folloing columns of numbers. "heck your ansers
by adding the numbers in reverse order and by casting out
2. 1. 5.
C(; ( *33 3 1.12 ;
'1 * 3)3 1 ;.31 *
C'' B ;3( ' '.B* 1
'(( ' 12'2 * *1.*2 )
*()1 ; 31 ) *.21 C
1(' * C22 C 2.*( *
'3(B C ;'(3 1 C.(2 C
B1)3 *1 )1)( 1B C2.'3 *2
_ _ _ _ _ _
C C ( ( * *
+o the folloing subtraction problems by ?rst mentally
computing the cents, then the dollars. "omplements ill
often come in handy. "heck your ansers ith an addition
p roblem and ith casting out nines.
(. 'BB3.3C B).(C '3(B.B2 (Gerifying, '3(B.B2 B).(C 'BB3.3C!
` ` `
C 1 *
-. C(BB.*');1.B) C'*;.C* (Gerifying, C'*;.C* );1.B) C(BB.*'!
` ` `
C 1 *
=. B3'.;C )2.*C 3)'.'2 (Gerifying, 3)'.'2 )2.*C B3'.;C!
` `
Use the crissJcross method to do the folloing multiplication
problems. Gerify that your ansers are consistent ith casting out
8. 1( o'' o 1
u)1 o'2
ou '
1*B) o12 o 1
). B3; o'B o )
uC'; o'2 ou'
*(1,3(3 o*C o )
4. CC(* o11 o ;
u1(23 o'B ou )
'3,1C*,1C) o *1
10. What is the remainder (not the Auotient! hen you divide
',1*;,C3B by (S
Summing the digits, ',1*;,C3B 1) '2 ', so the
remainder is '.
11. What is the remainder (not the Auotient! hen you
divide '1,*;C,3B) by (S
Summing the digits, '1,*;C,3B) *3 (, so the number is a
multiple of (, so dividing '1,*;C,3B) by ( yields a
remainder of 2.
12. After doing the multiplication problem '1*; O
C3B,)(2, you get an anser that looks like
B22,BZ3,132, but the ?fth digit is smudged, and you
can8t read it. Use casting out nines to determine the
value of the smudged number.
Using digit sums, '1*; ' and C3B,)(2 ), so their product
must reduce to ' O ) P ).
Summing the other digits, B N 2 N 2 N B N 3 N 1 N 3 N 2
P 1) ', so the smudged digit must be B in order to
reach a total of ).
Use the Gedic method to do the folloing division problems.
25. *1'2 X (
*C3 / 3
9 *1'2
14. 12,C1( X (
11B( /') 11)' / 2
9 12C1(
15. 1),*23 X (
*';C /'
( 1)*23
2=. (;1,)CB X (
' ''
/) '2;,B3' /) ( ;3C'
( (;1)CB
Use the closeJtogether method for the folloing multiplication
28. '2) ()!
113 ;2
18. (1 ()!
u(C (C!
)B ;2
24. '2) ()!
u (C (C!
'2*u'22 '2,*22
)u (C! ;2
(() (1!
((B (*!
((Cu'222 ((C,222
(1! u(*! 3
*2; (;!
*'' (''!
*'Cu*22 (;,C22
;u'' ;;
Lecture 8
-oteH The details of many of the 1JbyJ' and *JbyJ'
multiplications are provided in the solutions for 7ecture *.
"alculate the folloing 1Jdigit sAuares. /emember to begin
by going up or don to the nearest multiple of '2.
1. ';
P '2 O ') N ;
P ')2 N '3 P '(3
2. ')
P 12 O '3 N 1
P *12 N ; P *1;
3. 11
P 12 O 1; N 1
P ;)2 N ; P ;);
4. 1*
P 12 O 13 N *
P C12 N ( P C1(
5. 1;
P 12 O 1) N ;
P C32 N '3 P CB3
6. 1C
P 12 O *2 N C
P 322 N 1C P 31C
7. 1(
P *2 O 1) N '
P );2 N ' P );'
8. *'
P *2 O *1 N '
P (32 N ' P (3'
9. *C
P *2 O ;2 N C
P '122 N 1C P '11C
10. *3
P ;2 O *1 N ;
P '1)2 N '3 P '1(3
11. ;'
P ;2 O ;1 N '
P '3)2 N ' P '3)'
12. ;;
P ;2 O ;) N ;
P '(12 N '3 P '(*3
13. ;C
P ;2 O C2 N C
P 1222 N 1C P 121C
14. ;B
P C2 O ;; N *
P 1122 N ( P 112(
P 32 O C1 N ;
P *'12 N '3 P *'*3
16. 3;
P 32 O 3) N ;
P ;2)2 N '3 P ;2(3
17. B'
P B2 O B1 N '
P C2;2 N ' P C2;'
18. )1
P )2 O ); N 1
P 3B12 N ; P 3B1;
19. )3
P (2 O )1 N ;
P B*)2 N '3 P B*(3
20. (*
P (2 O (3 N *
P )3;2 N ( P )3;(
21. ((
P '22 O () N '
P ()22 N ' P ()2'
+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using the addition method.
22. *' O 1* P (*2 N '! O 1* P (*2 O 1*! N (' O 1*! P 3(2 N 1* P B'*
23. 3' O '* P (32 N '! O '* P (32 O '*! N (' O '*! P B)2 N '* P B(*
24. C1 O 3) P (C2 N 1! O 3) P (C2 O 3)! N (1 O 3)! P *;22 N '*3 P *C*3
25. (; O 13 P ((2 N ;! O 13 P ((2 O 13! N (; O 13! P 1*;2 N '2; P 1;;;
26. ;B O (' P ;B O ((2 N '! P (;B O (2! N (;B O '! P ;1*2 N ;B P ;1BB
+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using the subtraction
27. *( O '1 P (;2 4 '! O '1 P ;)2 4 '1 P ;3)
28. B( O ;' P ()2 4 '! O ;' P *1)2 4 ;' P *1*(
29. () O C; P ('22 4 1! O C; P C;22 4 '2) P C1(1
30. )B O 33 P ((2 4 *! O 33 P ((2 O 33! 4 (* O 33! P C(;2 4 '() P CB;1
31. *) O B* P (;2 4 1! O B* P (;2 O B*! 4 (1 O B*! P 1(12 4 ';3 P 1BB;
+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using the factoring
32. BC O C3 P BC O ) O B P 322 O B P ;122
33. 3B O '1 P 3B O 3 O 1 P ;21 O 1 P )2;
34. )* O '; P )* O B O 1 P C)' O 1 P ''31
35. B( O C; P B( O ( O 3 P B'' O 3 P ;133
36. ;C O C3 P ;C O ) O B P *32 O B P 1C12
37. 3) O 1) P 3) O B O ; P ;B3 O ; P '(2;
+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using the closeJ
together method.
38. '* O '( P ('2 O 11! N (* O (! P 112 N 1B P 1;B
39. )3 O ); P ()2 O (2! N (3 O ;! P B122 N 1; P B11;
40. BB O B' P (B2 O B)! N (B O '! P C;32 N B P C;3B
41. )' O )3 P ()2 O )B! N (' O 3! P 3(32 N 3 P 3(33
42. () O (* P ('22 O ('! N (41 O 4B! P ('22 N '; P ('';
43. 3B O B* P (B2 O B2! N (4* O *! P ;(22 4 ( P ;)('
+o the folloing 1Jdigit multiplication problems using more than
one method.
44. '; O 1* P 1* O B O 1 P '3' O 1 P
*11 I/ '; O 1* P 1* O 1 O B P ;3
O B P *11
I/ '; O 1* P ('; O 12! N ('; O *! P 1)2 N ;1 P *11
45. *C O (B P *C O ('22 4 *! P *C22 4 *C O * P *C22 4 '2C P
**(C I/ *C O (B P (B O B O C P 3B( O C P **(C
46. 11 O C* P C* O '' O 1 P C)* O 1 P ''33
I/ C* O 11 P (C2 N *! O 11 P C2 O 11 N * O 11 P ''22 N 33 P ''33
47. ;( O )) P (C2 4 '! O )) P (C2 O ))! 4 (' O ))! P ;;22 4 )) P
;*'1 I/ )) O ;( P )) O B O B P 3'3 O B P ;*'1
I/ ;( O )) P ;( O '' O ) P C*( O ) P ;*'1
48. ;1 O 3C P (;2 O 3C! N (1 O 3C! P 1322 N '*2 P
1B*2 I/ 3C O ;1 P 3C O 3 O B P *(2 O B P 1B*2
Lecture )
+o the folloing 'Jdigit division problems on paper using short division.
1. '1*,;C3 X B
1 B 3 * 3 /;
B '1
2. )3;) X *
1 ) ) 1 / 1
3 )
3. ;13,3(' X )
C * * * 3 /*
) ;1
(. 1',;B1 X ;
C * 3 ) /2
4 1'
5. *B;,;B3,;2( X 3
3 1 ; ' 1 B * ; /C
3 *B
+o the folloing 'Jdigit division problems on paper using short
division an! by the Gedic method.
=. ''1,*22 X (
' 1 ; B B /B '1;BB /B
2 Gedic H ( ''1*22
;*,1'2 X (
; ) 2 ' /'
' /' ;)2' /'
( ;*
2 Gedic H ( ;*1'2
;B,2); X (
C 1 * ' /C
' '
/C C1*' /C ; 11'
( ; B
; Gedic H ( ;B2);
33,(11 X (
B ; * C /B
/B B;*C /B 3 **C
( 33
1 Gedic H ( 33(11
2*. *(*,;2) X (
; * B ' 1 / 2
' '
/( ;*,B'1 /2 **3''
( *(
) Gedic H ( *(*;2)
To divide numbers beteen '' and '(, short division is very Auick,
especially if you can rapidly multiply numbers beteen '' and '( by 'J
digit numbers. +o the folloing problems on paper using short division.
11. 'C(,*;) X ''
1 ; ; ) 3 /1
'' 'C
12. (;(,(BB X '1
7 ( ' 3 ; / (
'1 ( ;
13. 1;),)'; X '*
1 ( ' * ( /B
'* 1 ;
14. ''3,;BB X ';
) * ' ( /''
14 ''3
15. )3;,1** X 'C
C B 3 ' C /)
15 ) 3
16. '12,'(( X '3
B C ' 1 /B
16 ' 12
17. 3(B,;3) X 'B
; ' 2 1 B /(
'B 3(
2). ;'),*21 X ')
1 * 1 * ( /2
18 ;'
19. 3C;,C(B X '(
* ; ; C 1 /(
'( 3C
Use the Gedic method on paper for these division problems
here the last digit is (. The last to problems ill have carries.
1*. '1*,;C3 X 3(
' B ) ( /'C
'1 * ; C 3
C C C 2
.irst division stepH '1 X B P ' / C
Second division stepH (C* N '! X B P B / C
Third division stepH (C; N B! X B P ) / C
.ourth division stepH (CC N )! X B P ( / 2
/emainderH 23 N ( P 'C
12. ';,''* X C(
1 * ( /'1
'; ' ' *
1 C 2
11. B',);2 X ;(
' ; 3 3 / 3
B ' ); 2
1 1 1 2
15. B*),B2; X B(
( * C 2 / C;
B* ) B 2 ;
' * 2 C
1(. *2),(22 X )(
* ; B 2 / B2
*2 ) ( 2 2
* C 2 B
1-. C3,*(' X ((
C 3 ( / 32
99 C3
2 '
1=. 1*,()C X 1(
B 1 3 / *' )13 / *' )1B / 1
1( 1*
' *2
.irst division stepH 1*X *P B / 1
Second division stepH (1( N B! X *P '1 / 2
Third division stepH (2) N '1! X *P 3 / 1
/emainderH 1CN 3P *'
18. ))(,)(1 X '(
' '
; 3 B 1 C / 1B ;3,)*C / 1B ;3,)*3 /)


stepH ) X 1P ; / 2
Second division stepH (2) N ;! X 1P 3 / 2
Third division stepH (2( N 3! X 1P B / '
.ourth division stepH (') N B! X 1P '1 / '
.ifth division stepH ('( N '1! X 1P 'C / '
/emainderH '1 N 'CP 1B
Use the Gedic method for these division problems here the last
digit is ), B, 3, or C. /emember that for these problems, the
multi$lier is 1, *, ;, and C, respectively.
1). 3'',B1C X B)
B ) ; 1 / ;(
3' ' B 1C
C ' ' ;
.irst division stepH 3'X )P B / C
Second division stepH (C' N ';! X ) P ) / '
Third division stepH ('B N '3! X )P ; / '
.ourth division stepH ('1 N )! X )P 1 / ;
/emainderH ;C N ;P ;(
14. ;'C,CB( X *)
' '
' 2 ) 1 C / ;( '2,(*C / ;( '2,(*3

.irst division stepH ;X ;P ' / 2
Second division stepH (2' N 1! X ;P 2 / *
Third division stepH (*C N 2! X ;P ) / *
.ourth division stepH (*C N '3! X ;P '1 / *
.ifth division stepH (*B N 1;! X ;P 'C / '
/emainder P '( N *2P ;(
5*. 3C2,)B; X )B
' /''; B;)2 /''; B;)' / 1B
B ; B 2
3 C 2 ) B ;
1 C B )
52. )1',*31 X ;B
' B ; B C / *B
;B ) 1 ' * 3 1
* 2 1 2 1
51. B;2,*;2 X (3
' ' /); BB'' /);
B 3 2 '
96 B;
2 ;
55. )2;,';) X 13
' 1 ; /'B3 *2,(11 /'B3 *2,(1) / 12
1 ( 3 ) 1
13 ) 2 ; ' ;)
1 ' 1 '
.irst division stepH )X *P 1 / 1
Second division stepH (12 N )! X *P ( / '
Third division stepH ('; N *3! X *P '3 / 1
.ourth division stepH (1' N 3;! X *P 1) / '
.ifth division stepH ('; N ''1! X *P ;1 / 2
/emainderH 2) N '3)P 'B3
-oteH Problem ** had many large carries, hich can happen
hen the divisor is larger than the multiplier. $ere, the divisor
as small (*! and the multiplier as larger (;!. Such problems
might be better solved using short division.
5(. *)2,'C1 X *C
' 1 *
/'(1 '2,)C3 /'(1 '2,)3' /'B ( 3 1 3
*C * )
5-. '2*,()C X )C
' 1 1 * / *2
)C' 2
36. +o the previous to problems by ?rst doubling both
numbers, then using short division.
*)2,'C1 X *C P B32,*2; X B2 P
' 2 ) 3 '. ; 3 V B '2,)3'.;)CB';1)
'2*,()C X )C P 12B,(B2 X 'B2 P 12,B(B X 'B P
' 1 1 * 3 V'B
'B 12
Use the Gedic method for these division problems here the last digit
is ', 1, *, or ;. /emember that for these problems, the multiplier is 4',
41, 4*, and 4;, respectively.
58. ''*,()( X 1'
C ; 1 ) /'
' '
5). **),1)2 X C'
3 3 * * / * 33*1 / ;)
* * ) 1 ) 2
* 1 ' 2
54. 12',112 X (1
1 ' ) B /'3
1 2
(*. 3**,33' X ;1
' C 2 ) B / B
3 * * 3 3 '
1 ' * ; 1
-oteH 0n the fourth division step, (*3 4 2! X ; P ( / 2 P ) / ;.
(2. (*1,;() X )*
' ' 1 * C / B '',1*; / B3
( * 1 ; ( )
' 1 *
(1. );1,1() X 3*
' * * 3 ( / C'

-oteH 0n the fourth division step, (C1 4 (! X 3 P B / ' P 3 / B.
0n the ?fth division step, (B( 4 ')! X 3 P '2 / ' P ( / B.
(5. C;B,('B X B;
B ; 2 ; / 1'
' *
((. )22,;13 X *;
1 * C ; ' / *1
Lecture 4
Use the #a&or system to convert the folloing ords into numbers.
1. -es P 12
2. .lash P )C3
3. Phonetic P )1'B
4. "ode P B'
5. #akes P *B2
6. -umbers P 1*,(;2
7. #uch P *3
8. #ore P *;
9. #emorable P **,;(C
.or each of the numbers belo, ?nd at least to ords for each
number. A fe suggestions are given, but each number has more
possibilities than those listed belo.
10. '' P date, diet, dot, dud, tot, tight, toot
11. 1* P name, -emo, enemy, gnome, -ome
12. C) P live, love, laugh, life, leaf, lava, olive
13. '* P Adam, atom, dime, dome, doom, time, tome, tomb
14. 1' P nut, night, knight, note, ant, aunt, Andy, unit
15. *; P mare, $omer, #ara, mere, meer, mire, and Q moreF
16. CC P lily, 7ola, 7eila, 7yle, lolly, loyal, 7I7
17. )( P ?b, fob, G0P, veep, Phoebe, phobia
"reate a mnemonic to remember the years press in ';C2.
$e put it together using electric +/077SF
$e as T0/<7<SS in his efforts.
18. Pilgrims arrive at Plymouth /ock in '312.
When they arrived, the pilgrims conducted a number of
A book about their voyage ent through several <+0T0I-S.
19. "aptain ,ames "ook arrives in Australia in 'BB2.
The ?rst animals he spotted ere a +U"R and
5IIS<. .or e@ercise, his cre ould TAR< WA7RS.
20. /ussian /evolution takes place in '('B.
0n the end, 7enin became TIP +I5, even though he as
21. .irst man sets foot on the #oon on ,uly 1', '(3(.
The astronauts discovered "A-+E (for BV1'! on TIP of their S$0P.
To get to sleep, the astronauts ould "IU-T +IP<E S$<<P.
"reate a mnemonic to remember these phone numbers.
11. The 5reat "ourses (in the U.S.!H )22J)*1J1;'1
Their I..0"<S e@perience .A#0-< hen a course is
Their GI0"<S $AG< #A-E a -<W /IUT0-<.
15. White $ouse sitchboardH 121J;C3J';';
The president drives a -0SSA- hile eating /<70S$ and
The sitchboard is run by an 0-SA-<, /<A77E S$E T/A+</.
1(. "reate your on personal set of peg ords for the numbers '
through 12.
Eou8ll have to do this one on your onF
25. $o could you memori:e the fact that the eighth U.S.
president as #artin Gan %urenS
0magine a GA- %U/-0-5 that as caused by your .I<
(named 0GE or <G<S!.
26. $o could you memori:e the fact that the .ourth Amendment to the
U.S. "onstitution prohibits unreasonable searches and sei:uresS
0magine a soldier 0-SP<"T0-5 your <A/, hich causes a
S<0LU/<. (Perhaps the solider as dressed like ,ulius
Sei:ure, and he had gigantic <A/sS!
27. $o could you memori:e the fact that the Si@teenth
Amendment to the U.S. "onstitution allos the federal
government to collect income ta@esS
This alloed the government to TIU"$ all of our moneyF
Lecture 2*
$ere are the year codes for the years 1222 to 12;2. The pattern repeats
every 1) years (through 12((!. .or year codes in the 12
simply add ' to the corresponding year code in the 1'
1222 122' 1221 122* 122; 122C 1223 122B 122) 122( 12'2
2 ' 1 * C 3 2 ' * ; C
12'' 12'1 12'* 12'; 12'C 12'3 12'B 12') 12'( 1212
3 ' 1 * ; 3 2 ' 1 ;
121' 1211 121* 121; 121C 1213 121B 121) 121( 12*2
C 3 2 1 * ; C 2 ' 1
12*' 12*1 12** 12*; 12*C 12*3 12*B 12*) 12*( 12;2
* C 3 2 ' * ; C 3 '
1. Write don the month codes for each month in a leap year.
$o does the code change hen it is not a leap yearS
0f it is not a leap year, the month codes are (from ,anuary to
+ecember! 311 C2* C'; 31;.
0n a leap year, the code for ,anuary changes to C and
.ebruary changes to '.
2. <@plain hy each year must alays have at least one .riday
the '*
and can never have more than three .riday the '*
This comes from the fact that in every year (hether or not it8s
a leap year!, all seven month codes, 2 through 3, are used at
least once, and no code is used more than three times. .or
e@ample, if it is not a leap year and the year had three .riday
the '*
s, they must have occurred in .ebruary, #arch, and
-ovember (all three months have the same month code of 1!.
0n a leap year, this can only happen for the months of
,anuary, April, and ,uly (ith the same month code of C!.
+etermine the days of the eek for the folloing dates. .eel free to use the
year codes from the chart.
5. August *, 1222 P month code N date N year code 4 multiple of B
P ' N * N 2 P ; P Thursday
(. -ovember 1(, 1222 P 1 N 1( N 2 4 1) P * P Wednesday
-. .ebruary 1(, 1222 P ' N 1( N 2 4 1) P 1 P Tuesday
=. +ecember 1', 12'1 P ; N 1' N ' 4 1' P C P .riday
8. September '*, 12'* P ; N '* N 1 4 '; P C P .riday
). ,anuary 3, 12') P 3 N 3 N ' P '* 4 B P 3 P Saturday
"alculate the year codes for the folloing years using the formulaH
year N leaps 4 multiple of B.
9. 1212H Since leaps P 12 X ; P C, the year code is 12 N C 4 1' P ;.
10. 12**H Since leaps P ** X ; P ) (ith remainder ', hich e
ignore!, the year code is ** N ) 4 *C P 3.
11. 12;BH year code P ;B N '' 4 C3 P 1
12. 12B;H year code P B; N ') 4 (' P ' (or B; N ') 4 B2 4 1' P '!
13. 12((H year code P (( N 1; 4 ''( P ; (or (( N 1; 4 B2 4
;( P ;! +etermine the days of the eek for the folloing dates.
14. #ay 1, 1221H year code P 1K
month N date N year code 4 multiple of B P 2 N 1 N 1 P ; P Thursday
15. .ebruary *, 12C)H year code P C) N '; 4 B2
P 1K day P 1 N * N 1 4 B P 2 P Sunday
16. August ), 12))H year code P )) N 11 4 '2C
P CK day P ' N ) N C 4 '; P 2 P Sunday
17. ,une *', 12'3H $aF This date doesn8t e@istF %ut the calculation
ould produce an anser of * N *' N 3 4 *C P C P .riday.
18. +ecember *', 12((H year code P ; (above!K
day P ; N *' N ; 4 *C P ; P Thursday
19. +etermine the date of #other8s +ay (second Sunday in #ay!
for 12'3.
The year 12'3 has year code 3, and #ay has month code 2. 3 N 2 P
3. To reach Sunday, e must get a total of B or '; or 1'. Q The ?rst
Sunday is #ay ' (since 3 N ' P B!, so the second Sunday is #ay ).
20. +etermine the date of Thanksgiving (fourth Thursday in
-ovember! for 1212.
The year 1212 has year code ;, and -ovember has month
code 1H ; N 1 P 3. To reach Thursday, e must get a day code
of ; or '' or '). Q Since 3 N C P '', the ?rst Thursday in
-ovember ill be -ovember C. Thus, the fourth Thursday in
-ovember is -ovember C N 1' P -ovember 13.
.or years in the '(22s, e use the formulaH year N leaps N ' 4
multiple of B. +etermine the year codes for the folloing years.
12. '(21H year code P 1 N 2 N ' 4 2 P *
11. '('(H year code P '( N ; N ' 4 1' P *
15. '(*3H year code P *3 N ( N ' 4 ;1 P ;
1(. '(;)H year code P ;) N '1 N ' 4 C3 P C
1-. '();H year code P ); N 1' N ' 4 '2C P '
1=. '(((H year code P (( N 1; N ' 4 ''( P C (This makes sense because
the folloing year, 1222, is a leap year, hich has year code
C N 1 4 B P 2.!
18. <@plain hy the calendar repeats itself every 1) years hen the
years are beteen '(2' and 12((.
%eteen '(2' and 12((, a leap year occurs every ; years, even
hen it includes the year 1222. Thus any 1) consecutive beteen
'(2' and 12(( ill contain e@actly B leap years. $ence, in a 1)J
year period, the calendar ill shift 1) for each year plus B more
times for each leap year for a total shifting of *C days. %ecause *C
is a multiple of B, the days of the eek stay the same.
28. Use the 1)Jyear rule to simplify the calculation of the year
codes for '(); and '(((.
.or '();, e subtract 1) O * P ); from '();. Thus, '(); has
the same year code as '(22, hich has year code '.
.or '(((, e subtract ); to get '('C, hich has year code
'C N * N ' 4 '; P C.
+etermine the days of the eek for the folloing dates.
29. -ovember '', '(''H year code P '' N 1 N ' 4 ';
P 2K day P 1 N '' N 2 4 B P 3 P Saturday
30. #arch 11, '(*2H year code P *2 N B N ' 4 *C
P *K day P 1 N 11 N * 4 1' P 3 P Saturday
31. ,anuary '3, '(3;H year code P 3; N '3 N' 4 BB P ;K
day P C (leap year! N '3 N ; 4 1' P ; P Thursday
32. August ;, '();H year code P ' (above!K
day P ' N ; N ' P 3 P Saturday
33. +ecember *', '(((H year code P C (above!K
day P ; N *' N C 4 *C P C P .riday
.or years in the ')22s, the formula for the year code is years N leaps N * 4
multiple of B. .or years in the 'B22s, the formula for the year code is years
N leaps N C 4 multiple of B. And for years in the '322s, the formula for the
year code is years N leaps 4 multiple of B. Use this knoledge to determine
the days of the eek for the folloing dates from the 5regorian calendar.
34. .ebruary '1, ')2( (%irthday of Abe 7incoln an! "harles +arin!H
year code P ( N 1 N * 4 '; P 2K day P 1 N '1 N 2 4 '; P 2 P Sunday.
35. #arch ';, ')B( (%irthday of Albert <instein!H
year code P B( N '( N * 4 () P *K day P 1 N '; N * 4 '; P C P .riday.
36. ,uly ;, 'BB3 (Signing of the +eclaration of 0ndependence!H
year code P B3 N '( N C 4 () P 1K day P C N ; N 1 4 B P ; P Thursday.
37. April 'C, 'B2B (%irthday of 7eonhard <uler!H
year code P B N ' N C 4 B P 3K day P C N 'C N 3 1' P C P .riday.
38. April 1*, '3'3 (+eath of #iguel "ervantes!H
year code P '3 N ; 4 '; P 3K day P C N 1* N 3 4 1) P 3 P Saturday.
39. <@plain hy the calendar repeats itself every ;22 years in the
5regorian calendar. ($intH ho many leap years ill occur in
a ;22Jyear periodS!
0n a ;22Jyear period, the number of leap years is '22 4 * P (B.
(/ecall that in the ne@t ;22 years, 1'22, 1122, and 1*22 are not
leap years, but 1;22 is a leap year.! $ence, the calendar ill
shift ;22 times (once for each year! plus (B more times (for
each leap year!, for a total of ;(B shifts. %ecause ;(B is a
multiple of B (P B O B'!, the day of the eek ill be the same.
40. +etermine the day of the eek of ,anuary ', 1'22.
This day ill be the same as ,anuary ', 'B22 (not a leap
year!, hich has year code CK hence, the day of the eek ill
be 3 N ' N C 4 B P C P .ridayK this is consistent ith our earlier
calculation that +ecember *', 12(( is a Thursday.
41. William Shakespeare and #iguel "ervantes both died on April 1*,
'3'3, yet their deaths ere '2 days apart. $o can that beS
"ervantes as from Spain, hich adopted the 5regorian
calendar. <ngland, Shakespeare8s home, as still on the
,ulian calendar, hich as '2 days =behind> the 5regorian
calendar. When Shakespeare died on the ,ulian date of April
1*, '3'3, the 5regorian date as #ay *, '3'3.
Lecture 22
"alculate the folloing *Jdigit sAuares. -ote that most of the *JbyJ'
multiplications appear in the problems and solutions to 7ecture *, and most
of the 1Jdigit sAuares appear in the problems and solutions to 7ecture B.
1. '2B
P '22 O ''; N B
P '',;22 N ;( P '',;;(
2. ;21
P ;22 O ;2; N 1
P '3',322 N ; P '3',32;
3. 1'*
P 122 O 113 N '*
P ;C,122 N '3( P ;C,*3(
4. ((3
P '222 O ((1 N ;
P ((1,222 N '3 P ((1,2'3
5. *(3
P ;22 O *(1 N ;
P 'C3,)22 N '3 P 'C3,)'3
6. ;''
P ;22 O ;11 N ''
P '3),)22 N '1' P '3),(1'
7. 'CC
P 122 O ''2 N ;C
P 11,222 N 121C P 1;,21C
8. C2(
P C22 O C') N (
P 1C(,222 N )' P 1C(,2)'
9. *12
P *22 O *;2 N 12
P '21,222 N ;22 N '21,;22
10. 31C
P 322 O 3C2 N 1C
P *(2,222 N 31C P *(2,31C
11. 1*C
P 122 O 1B2 N *C
P C;,222 N ',11C P CC,11C
12. BC*
P )22 O B23 N ;B
P C3;,)22 N 1,12( P C3B,22(
13. ')'
P 122 O '31 N '(
P *1,;22 N *3' P *1,B3'
14. ;BB
P C22 O ;C; N 1*
P 11B,222 N C1( P 11B,C1(
15. 3)1
P B22 O 33; N ')
P ;3;,)22 N *1; P ;3C,'1;
16. 1*3
P 122 O 1B1 N *3
P C;,;22 N ',1(3 P CC,3(3
17. ;*'
P ;22 O ;31 N *'
P ');,)22 N (3' P ')C,B3'
"ompute these ;Jdigit sAuares. -ote that all of the reAuired *Jdigit sAuares
have been solved in the e@ercises above. After the ?rst multiplication, you
can usually say the millions digitK the displayed ord is the phonetic
representation of the underlined number. Also, some of these calculations
reAuire ;JbyJ' multiplicationsK these are indicated after the solution.
18. *2'3
P *222 O *2*1 N '3
P (,2(3,222 N 1C3 P (,2(3,1C3
(-oteH * O *2*1 P * O *222 N * O *1 P (222 N (3 P (2(3!
19. '1*C
P '222 O ';B2 N 1*C
P ',;B2,222 (/I"RS! N CC,11C
(-I -A07! P ',C1C,11C
20. ');C
P 1222 O '3(2 N 'CC
P *,*)2,222 (#IG0<S! N 1;,21C
(S-A07! P *,;2;,21C
(-oteH 1 O '3( P 122 N '12 N ') P *12 N ') P **), so 1 O '3(2
P *,*)2. -ote also that the number '3(2 can be found by
doubling ');C, giving *3(2, hich splits into 1222 and '3(2.!
21. 1C()
P *222 O 1'(3 N ;21
P 3,C)),222 (7IG< I..! N
'3',32; ("$AS</! P 3,B;(,32;
(-oteH * O 1'(3 P * O 1222 N * O '(3 P 3222 N (*22 N 1B2 N ')!
1=3222 N (CB2 N ')! P 3C)). -ote also that 1C() O 1 P C'(3
2= *222 N 1'(3.!
22. ;B3;
P C222 O ;C1) N 1*3
P 11,3;2,222 ("$A0/S! N
CC,3(3 (S$<<P0S$! P 11,3(C,3(3
(-oteH C O ;C1) P C O ;C22 N C O 1) P 11,C22 N ';2 P
11,3;2. -ote also that ;B3; O 1 P (C1) P C222 N ;C1).!
/aise these toJdigit numbers to the ;
poer by sAuaring the number tice.
23. 12
P ;22
P '32,222
24. '1
P ';;
P '22 O ')) N ;;
P '),)22 N ',(*3 P 12,B*3
25. *1
P '21;
P '222 O '2;) N 1;
P ',2;),222 N CB3 P ',2;),CB3
26. CC
P *21C
P *222 O *2C2 N 1C
P (,'C2,222 N 31C P (,'C2,31C
27. B'
P C2;'
P C222 O C2)1 N ;'
P 1C,;'2,222 (/IA+S! N
',3)' (S$0.T! P 1C,;'',3)'
28. )B
P BC3(
P )222 O B'*) N ;*'
P CB,'2;,222 (T<AS</! N
')C,B3' ("AS$<+! P CB, 1)(,B3'
(-oteH ) O B'*) P ) O B'22 N ) O *) P C3,)22 N *2; P CB,'2;. Also
note that the number B'*) can be obtained by doing BC3( O 1 P
'C,'*) so that the numbers being multiplied are )222 and B'*).!
29. ()
P (32;
P '2,222 O (12) N *(3
P (1,2)2,222 (SAG<S! N
'C3,)'3 (.IITA5<! P (1,1*3,)'3
(-oteH (32; O 1 P '(,12) P '2,222 N (12).!
"ompute the folloing *JdigitJbyJ1Jdigit multiplication problems. -ote
that many of the *JbyJ' calculations appear in the solutions to 7ecture *,
and many of the 1JbyJ1 calculations appear in the solutions to 7ecture B.
5*. )3; O 12P 'B,1)2
52. BB1 O 32P ;3,*12
51. ';2 O 1*P 1* O B O 1 O '2 P '3' O 1 O '2 P *11 O '2 P *112
55. ;C2 O C3P ;C2 O ) O B P *322 O B P 1C,122
5(. )32 O );P )3 O ); O '2 P B11; O '2 P B1,1;2
5-. *;C O '1P *;C O 3 O 1 P 12B2 O 1 P ;';2
5=. ;C3 O ')P ;C3 O 3 O * P 1B*3 O * P )'22 N '2) P )12)
58. C(( O B;P (322 4 '! O B; P ;;,;22 4 B; P ;;,*13
5). BC* O C3P BC* O ) O B P 321; O B P ;1,222 N '3) P ;1,'3)
54. 31; O *) P *) O '2; O 3 P (*)22 N 'C1! O 3 P *(C1 O 3
P 1*,;22 N *'1 P 1*,B'1
(*. *;( O (BP *;( O ('22 4 *! P *;,(22 4 '2;B P **,)C*
(2. ;BB O B'P (B' O ;22! N (B' O BB! P 1),;22 N C;3B P **,)3B
(1. ')' O )3P ('22 O )3! N ()' O )3! P )322 N 3(33 P 'C,C33
(5. 11; O 3)P 3) O ) O B O ; P C;; O B O ; P *)2) O ; P 'C,1*1
s((. 1;' O '*P ('* O 1; O '2! N ('* O '! P *'12 N '* P *'**
45. 11* O C* P (11 O C* O '2! N (* O C*! P '',332 N 'C( P '',)'(
46. 3)1 O )1 P 322 O )1 N )1
P ;(,122 N 3B1; P
CC,(1; <stimate the folloing 1Jdigit cubes.
47. 1B
^ *2 O *2 O 1' P *2 O 3*2 P '),(22
48. C'
^ C2 O C2 O C* P C2 O 13C2 P '*1,C22
49. B1
^ B2 O B2 O B3 P B2 O C*12 P *B1,;22
50. ((
^ '22 O '22 O (B P (B2,222
51. 33
^ B2 O B2 O C) P B2 O ;232 P 1);,122
%I-US #AT</0A7H We can also compute the e@act value of a cube ith
only a little more effort. .or e@ample, to cube ;1, e use z P ;2 and ! P 1.
The appro@imate cube is ;2 O ;2 O ;3 P B*,322. To get the e@act cube, e
can use the folloing algebraH (z N !!
P z(z(z N *!! N *!
! N !
. .irst, e
do z(z N *!! N *!
P ;2 O ;3 N '1 P ')C1. Then, e multiply this number by
z againH ')C1 O ;2 P B;,2)2. .inally, e add !
P 1
P ) to get B;,2)).
-otice that hen cubing a 1Jdigit number, in our ?rst addition step, the value
of *!
can be one of only ?ve numbersH *, '1, 1B, ;), or BC. Speci?cally, if the
number ends in ' (so ! P '! or ends in ( (so ! P 4'!, then *!
P *. Similarly, if
the last digit is 1 or ), e add '1K if it8s * or B, e add 1BK if it8s ; or 3, e add
;)K if it8s C, e add BC. Then, in the last step, e ill alays add or subtract
one of ?ve numbers, based on !
. $ere8s the patternH
0f last digit isQ ' 1 * ; C 3 B ) (
Ad&ust byQ N' N) N1B N3; N'1C 43; 41B 4)4'
.or e@ample, hat is the cube of (3S $ere, z P '22 and ! P 4;. The
appro@imate cube ould be '22 O '22 O )) P ))2,222. .or the e@act
cube, e ?rst do '22 O )) N ;) P ));). Then e multiply by '22 and
subtract 3;H ));) O '22 4 3; P ));,)22 4 3; P ));,B*3.
Using these e@amples as a guide, compute the e@act values of the
folloing cubes.
52. '*
P ('2 O '( N 1B! O '2 N *
P 1'B2 N 1B P 1'(B
53. '(
P (12 O 'B N *! O 12 N (4'!
P *;* O 12 4 ' P 3)C(
54. 1C
P (12 O *C N BC! O 12 N C
P BBC O 12 N '1C P 'C,C22 N
'1C P 'C,31C
55. C(
P (32 O CB N *! O 32 N (4'!
P *;1* O 32 4 ' P 12C,*B(
(-oteH *;1* O 3 P *;22 O 3 N 1* O 3 P 12,;22 N '*) P 12,C*)!
56. B1
P (B2 O B3 N '1! O B2 N 1
P C**1 O B2 N ) P *B*,1;) (-oteH
C**1 O B P C*22 O B N *1 O B P *B,'22 N 11; P *B,*1;!
Lecture 21
We begin this section ith a sample of revie problems. #ost likely, these
problems ould have been e@tremely hard for you to do before this course
began, but 0 hope that no they on8t seem so bad.
2. 0f an item costs T*3.B), ho much change ould you get from T'22S
%ecause the dollars sum to (( and the cents sum to '22, the change
is T3*.11.
1. +o the mental subtraction problemH '3') 4 B)(.
'3') 4 B)( P '3') 4 ()22 4 ''! 4 )') N '' P )1(
+o the folloing multiplication problems.
3. '* O ') P ('* N )! O '2 N (* O )! P 1'2 N 1; P 1*;
4. 3C O 3C P 32 O B2 N C
P ;122 N 1C P ;11C
5. ((B O ((3 P ('222 O ((*! N (*! O (;! P ((*,2'1
6. 0s the number B1,C*; a multiple of ''S
Ees, because B 1 N C 4 * N ; P ''.
7. What is the remainder hen you divide B1,C*; by a multiple of (S
%ecause B N 1 N C N * N ; P 1', hich sums to *, the remainder is *.
8. +etermine 1*VB to 3 decimal places.
1*VB P * 1VB P *.1)CB'; (repeated!
9. 0f you multiply a CJdigit number beginning ith C by a 3Jdigit
number beginning ith 3, then ho many digits ill be in the
,ust from the number of digits in the problem, you kno the
anser must be either '' digits or '2 digits. Then, because
the product of the initial digits in this particular problem (C O 3
P *2!, is more than '2, the anser is de?nitely the longer of
the to choices, in this case '' digits.
10. <stimate the sAuare root of B2.
B2 X ) P ) *V; P ).BC. Averaging ) and ).BC gives us an
estimate of ).*B.
(<@act anser begins ).*33Q .!
+o the folloing problems on paper and &ust rite don the anser.
22. C2( O *1C P '3C,;1C (by crissJcross method!.
21. 1',;2' X (H Using the Gedic method, e get 1 * B B / ).
25. *;,C3B X )(H Using the Gedic method, ith divisor ( and multiplier
', e getH
* ) ) / *C
* ;
2(. Use the phonetic code to memori:e the folloing chemical
elementsH Aluminum is the '*
element, copper is the 1(
and lead is the )1
Aluminum P '* P +0#< or TI#%. An aluminum can ?lled ith
+0#<s or maybe a TI#%stone that as =Aluminated>S
"opper P 1( P R-I% or -AP. A doorR-I% made of copper or a
"IP taking a -AP.
7ead P )1 P GA- or .U-. A GA- ?lled ith lead pipes or maybe
being =lead> to a .U- event.
2-. What day of the eek as #arch 'B, 1222S +ay P 1 N 'B N 2 4 ';
P C P .riday.
2=. "ompute 1'1
P 122 O 11; N '1
P ;;,)22 N ';; P ;;,(;;
11. Why must the cube root of a ;J, CJ, or 3Jdigit number be a 1J
digit numberS
The largest 'Jdigit cube is (
P B1(, hich has * digits, and a *J
digit cube must be at least '22
P ',222,222, hich has B digits.
.ind the cube roots of the folloing numbers.
18. '1,'3B has cube root 1*.
19. *CB,('' has cube root B'.
20. 'BC,3'3 has cube root C3.
21. 12C,*B( has cube root C(.
The ne@t fe problems ill allo us to ?nd the cube root hen the original
number is the cube of a *Jdigit number. We8ll ?rst build up some ideas to
?nd the cube root of 'B,'B*,C'1, hich is the cube of a *Jdigit number.
22. Why must the ?rst digit of the anser be 1S
P ),222,222 and *22
P 1B,222,222, so the anser must
be in the 122s.
23. Why must the last digit of the anser be )S
%ecause ) is the only digit that, hen cubed, ends in 1.
24. $o can e Auickly tell that 'B,'B*,C'1 is a multiple of
(S %y adding its digits, hich sum to 1B, a multiple of (.
25. 0t follos that the *Jdigit number must be a multiple of * (because
if the *Jdigit number as not a multiple of *, then its cube could
not be a multiple of (!. What middle digits ould result in the
number 1]) being a multiple of *S There are three possibilities.
.or 1]) to be a multiple of *, its digits must sum to a multiple of *.
This orks only hen the middle number is 1, C, or ) because the
digit sums of 11), 1C), and 1)) are '1, 'C, and '), respectively.
1=. Use estimation to choose hich of the three possibilities is
most reasonable.
Since 'B,222,222 is nearly halfay beteen ),222,222 and
1B,222,222, the middle choice, 1C), seems most reasonable.
0ndeed, if e appro@imate the cube of 13 as *2 O *2 O 11 P '(,)22,
e get 132
, hich is about 12 million, consistent ith our anser.
Using the steps above, e can do cube roots of any *Jdigit cubes.
The ?rst digit can be determined by looking at the millions digits (the
numbers before the ?rst comma!K the last digit can be determined by
looking at the last digit of the cubeK the middle digit can be
determined through digit sums and estimation. There ill alays be
three or four possibilities for the middle digitK they can be determined
using the folloing observations, hich you should verify.
27. Gerify that if the digit sum of a number is *, 3, or (, then its
cube ill have digit sum (.
0f the digit sum is *, 3, or (, then the number is a multiple of *,
hich hen cubed ill be a multiple of (K thus, its digits ill
sum to (.
28. Gerify that if the digit sum of a number is ', ;, or B, then its
cube ill have digit sum '.
A number ith digit sum ', hen cubed, ill have a digit sum
that can be reduced to '
P '. 7ikeise, ;
P 3; reduces to '
and B
P *;* reduces to '.
29. Gerify that if the digit sum of a number is 1, C, or ), then its
cube ill have digit sum ).
Similarly, a number ith digit sum 1, C, or ), hen cubed, ill
have the same digit sum as 1
P ), C
P '1C, and )
P C'1,
respectively, all of hich have digit sum ).
Using these ideas, determine the *Jdigit number that produces the
cubes belo.
30. .ind the cube root of 1'1,BB3,'B*.
Since C
a 1'1 a 3
, the ?rst digit is C, and since B
ends in *,
the last digit is B. Thus, the anser looks like C]B. The digit sum
of 1'1,BB3,'B* is *3, hich is a multiple of (, so the number
C]B must be a multiple of *. $ence, the middle digit must be 2,
*, 3, or ( (because the digit sums of C2B, C*B, C3B, and C(B are
all multiples of *!. 5iven that 1'1,222,222 is so close to 322
1'3,222,222!, e pick the largest choiceH C(B.
31. .ind the cube root of *B;,)2C,*3'.
Since B
a *B; a )
, the ?rst digit is B, and since only '
ends in ',
the last digit is '. Thus, the anser looks like B]'. The digit sum of
B;,)2C,*3' is *B, hich has digit sum 'K by our previous
observation, B]' must have a digit sum that reduces to ', ;, or B.
$ence, the middle digit must be 1, C, or ) (because B1', BC', and
B)' have digit sums '2, '*, and '3, hich reduce to ', ;, and B,
respectively!. 5iven that *B; is much closer to *;* than it is to C'1,
e choose the smallest possibility, B1'. To be on the safe side, e
estimate B1
as B2 O B2 O B3 P *B1,;22, hich means that B12
about *B1,222,222K thus, the anser B1' must be correct.
32. .ind the cube root of ;,;'2,(;;.
$ere, '
a ; a 1
, so the ?rst digit is ', and (by e@amining the
last digit! the last digit must be ;. $ence, the anser looks
like '];. The digit sum of ;,;'2,(;; is 13, hich reduces to
), so ']; must reduce to 1, C, or ). Thus, the middle digit
must be 2, *, 3, or (. 5iven that ; is comfortably beteen '
and 1
, it must be '*; or '3;. Since '3* P '3 O '3 O '3 P
1C3 O ) O 1 P 12;) O 1 P ;2(3, e choose the anser '3;.
"ompute the folloing CJdigit sAuares in your headF (-ote that the
necessary 1JbyJ* and *Jdigit sAuare calculations ere given in the
solutions to 7ecture ''.!
33. '',1*C

'' O 1*C O 1 P 1C)C O 1 P C,'B2. So '',222 O 1*C O 1 P C,'B2,222.
We can hold the C on our ?ngers and turn 'B2 into +U"RS. '',222

1= '1',222,222, hich hen added to C million gives us '13
million, hich e can say. -e@t, e have 1*C
P CC,11C, hich hen
added to 'B2,222, gives us the rest of the anserH 11C,11C. .inal
2= '13,11C,11C.
34. C3,BC*
C3,222 O BC* O 1 P C3 O BC* O 1 O '222 P ;1,'3) O 1
O '222
1= );,**3,222 P .0/<, #E #AT"$.
P *,'*3,222,222, so e can say =* billion.> After adding
'*3 to ); (.0/<!, e can say =112 million.> Then, BC*
C3B,22(, hich hen added to **3,222 (#E #AT"$! gives the
rest of the anser, (2*,22(. .inal anser P *,112,(2*,22(.
5-. )1,3)1
)1,222 O 3)1 O 1 P )1 O 3)1 O 1 O '222 P CC,(1; O 1 O '222
P ''',);) P +ITT<+, G</0.E.
P 3,B1;,222,222, so e can say =3 billion,> then add
B1; to ''' (+ITT<+! to get )*C million, but because e see a
carry coming (from );),222 N 3)1
!, e say =)*3 million.> -e@t,
P ;3C,'1; (turning '1; into T<-I/, if helpful!. -o,
;3C,222 N );),222 (G</0.E! P ',*'*,222, but e have already
taken care of the leading ', so e can say =*'* thousand,>
folloed by (T<-I/! '1;. .inal anser P 3,)*3,*'*,'1;.
;3..................................................... ,ulian calendar established.
c. C22 ............................................... $indu mathematicians originate
positional notation for numbers and
most techniAues of arithmetic using
that notation.
c. (22 ............................................... +ecimal fractions in use in the
Arab orld.
'121................................................. Publication of "iber Abaci
7eonardo of Pisa (aka .ibonacci!. This
book introduced Arabic numerals and
$indu techniAues of arithmetic to the
Western orld.
'C)1................................................. 5regorian calendar established.
Thursday, Ictober ;, 'C)1, as
folloed by .riday, Ictober 'C,
'C)1, for all countries that adopted
it at that time.
'3*;................................................. <arly phonetic code introduced by the
.rench mathematician Pierre $Mrigone
'3((................................................. 5erman Protestant states adopt the
5regorian calendar.
'B*2................................................. Phonetic code using both voels
and consonants developed by
/ev. /ichard 5rey.
'BC1 ................................................ <ngland and the <nglish colonies adopt
the 5regorian calendar.
')2;................................................. %irth of lightning calculator
Lerah "olburn.
')23................................................. %irth of lightning calculator 5eorge
Parker %idder.
')2B................................................. Phonetic code that assigned only
consonant sounds to the digits 2 to (
developed by 5regor von .einagle, a
5erman monk.
')12................................................. AimM Paris creates a more userJfriendly
version of .einagle8s phonetic code,
hich became the #a&or system
in use today.
'(*)................................................. Physicist .rank %enford states
%enford8s laH .or many types of data,
the ?rst digit is most likely to be ', then
1, then *, and so on, ith ( the least
common ?rst digit of all.
'(32 ................................................ The Trachtenberg S$ee! System
of Basic Mathematics
Trachtenberg published in <nglish.
'(3C ................................................. Posthumous publication of
Mathematics by %h rat[
122; ................................................. #ental "alculation World "up ?rst held.
bers by
g the
sums of
s. .or
e, ; O
'B P (;
O '2! N
(; O B!
P ;2 N
1) P 3),
or ;' O
'B P (;2
O 'B! N
(' O 'B!
P 3)2 N
'B P
la9H A
la of
that for
s a, b,
c, (a O
b! O c P
a O (b O
and a
, '22 or
e, the
ment of
;* is CB
;* N CB
P '22.
a d
criss3cross metho&H A Auick method for multiplying numbers on paper.
The anser is ritten from right to left, and nothing else is ritten don.
cu;e rootH A number that, hen cubed, produces a given number.
.or e@ample, the cube root of ) is 1 since 1 O 1 O 1 P ).
cu;in0H /aising a number to the third poer. .or e@ample, the cube
of ;, denoted ;
, is eAual to 3;.
&istri;uti,e la9H The rule of arithmetic that combines addition ith
multiplication, speci?cally a O (b N c! P (a O b! N (a O c!.
factorin0 metho&H A method for multiplying numbers by factoring
one of the numbers into smaller parts. .or e@ample, *C O '; P *C O 1
O B P B2 O B P ;(2.
!re0orian calen&arH <stablished by Pope 5regory \000 in 'C)1, it
replaced the ,ulian calendar to more accurately reWect the length of the
<arth8s average orbit around the SunK it did so by alloing three feer
leap years for every ;22 years. Under the ,ulian calendar, every ; years
as a leap year, even hen the year as divisible by '22.
lea% .earH A year ith *33 days. According to our 5regorian calendar, a year
is usually a leap year if it is divisible by ;. $oever, if the year is divisible by
'22 and not by ;22, then it is not a leap year. .or e@ample, 'B22, ')22, and
'(22 are not leap years, but 1222 is a leap year. 0n the 1'
century, 122;,
122), Q, 12(3 are leap years, but 1'22 is not a leap year.
left to ri0htH The =right> ay to do mental math.
Major s.stemH A phonetic code that assigns consonant sounds to
digits. .or e@ample ' gets the t or ! sound, 1 gets the n sound, and
so on. %y inserting voel sounds, numbers can be turned into ords,
hich make them easier to remember. 0t is named after #a&or
%enioski, a leading memory e@pert in 7ondon, although the code
as developed by 5regor von .einagle and perfected by AimM Paris.
math of least resistanceH "hoosing the easiest mental calculating strategy
among several possibilities. .or e@ample, to do the problem ;* O 1), it is
easier to do ;* O B O ; P *2' O ; P '12; than to do ;* O ; O B P 'B1 O B.
%e0 s.stemH A ay to remember lists of ob&ects, especially hen the items
of the list are given a number, such as the list of presidents, elements, or
constitutional amendments. <ach number is turned into a ord using a
phonetic code, and that ord is linked to the ob&ect to be remembered.
ri0ht to leftH The =rong> ay to do mental math.
s'uare rootH A number that, hen multiplied by itself, produces a
given number. .or e@ample, the sAuare root of ( is * and the sAuare
root of 1 begins '.;';Q. 0ncidentally, the sAuare root is de?ned to be
greater than or eAual to :ero, so the sAuare root of ( is not 4*, even
though 4* multiplied by itself is also (.
s'uarin0H #ultiplying a number by itself. .or e@ample, the sAuare of C is 1C.
su;traction metho&H A method for multiplying numbers by turning the
original problem into a subtraction problem. .or e@ample, ( O B( P (( O )2!
4 (( O '! P B12 4 ( P B'', or '( O *B P (12 O *B! 4 (' O *B! P B;2 4 *B P B2*.
/e&ic mathematicsH A collection of arithmetic and algebraic shortcut
techniAues, especially suitable for pencil and paper calculations, that
ere populari:ed by %h rat[ Rrishna Tirtha&[ in the 12
The short list of ;oo>s
The books 0 ould most recommend for this course are those by
%en&amin and Shermer, $igbee, and Relly. All three of these paperback
books can be found for less than the price of a typical college te@tbook.
%en&amin, Arthur, and #ichael Shermer. Secrets of Mental Math: The
Mathemagicians ui!e to "ightning Calculation an! Amazing Math Tric#s-
-e EorkH Three /ivers Press, 1223. (Also published in the United
Ringdom by Souvenir Press 7td., 7ondon, ith the titleH Thin# "i#e a Maths
enius. An earlier version of this book as published in '((* by
"ontemporary %ooks in "hicago ith the title Mathemagics: Ho+ to "oo#
"i#e a enius 0ithout Really Trying.! This is essentially the book on hich
this entire course is based. 0t contains nearly all the topics of this course
(e@cept for Gedic division! as ell as other ama:ing feats of mind.
"utler, Ann, and /udolph #cShane. The Trachtenberg S$ee! System of
Basic Mathematics. -e EorkH +oubleday, '(32. This book focuses
primarily on problems that involve paper, such as multiplying numbers
using the crissJcross method, casting out nines, and adding up long
columns of numbers. <verything is done from right to left.
+oerWer, /onald W. 'ea! Rec#oning: Calculating 0ithout
1nstruments. $ouston, T\H 5ulf Publishing "o., '((*. An advanced
book on doing higher mathematics in your head, going ell beyond
simple arithmetic. Eou8ll learn ho to do (ithout a calculator, of
course! sAuare roots, cube roots, higher roots, logarithms,
trigonometric functions, and inverse trigonometric functions.
+uncan, +avid <ing. The Calen!ar: The <///6,ear Struggle to Align the
Cloc# an! the Hea(ens@an! 0hat Ha$$ene! to the Missing Ten 'ays.
7ondonH .ourth <state 7td., '((). An en&oyable read about the history of
the calendar, from ancient times through the 5regorian calendar.
.lansburg, Scott, and Gictoria $ay. Math Magic: The Human
Calculator Sho+s Ho+ to Master )(ery!ay Math Problems in
Secon!s- -e EorkH William #orro and "o., '((*. .ocuses
primarily on problems suitable for paper (e.g., adding columns of
numbers, crissJcross, multiplying numbers close to '22 or '222,
and casting out nines!, along ith basic information about
percentages, decimals, fractions, and such applications as
measurements and areas.
$andley, %ill. S$ee! Mathematics: Secrets of "ightning Mental
Calculation. AustraliaH ,ohn Wiley and Sons, 1222. 0ncludes some
interesting e@tensions of the closeJtogether method and the calculation
of sAuare roots.
$igbee, Renneth 7. ,our Memory: Ho+ 1t 0or#s an! Ho+ to
1m$ro(e 1t. "ambridge, #AH +a "apo Press, 122' ('(BB!.
Written by a professor of psychology, this book teaches
techniAues for memori:ing names, faces, lists, numbers, and
foreign vocabulary. The book includes many references to the
medical and psychological literature to gain a deeper
appreciation for ho mnemonics ork.
$ope, ,ack A., %arbara ,. /eys, and /obert <. /eys. Mental Math in
the Mi!!le ra!es. Palo Alto, "AH +ale Seymour Publications, '()B.
See also
Mental Math in 2unior High and Mental Math in the Primary
ra!es by the same authors and publisher. This is a orkbook
for students in grades ;J3, introducing the fundamentals of leftJ
toJright arithmetic and looking for e@ploitable features of
problems. The other books cover similar topics for grades B( and
'*, respectively.
,ulius, <dard $. More Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to
Number Mastery. -e EorkH ,ohn Wiley and Sons, '((3. This book
has much in common ith Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s but has
enough ne content (especially for division! to make the book
orthhile. ,ulius has to other books on the market (Ra$i! Math
in 9/ 'ays and Arithmetric#s!, but most of the material in these
books appears in Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s and More Ra$i!
ric#s an! Ti$s.
@@@- Ra$i! Math Tric#s an! Ti$s: ./ 'ays to Number Po+er- -e
EorkH ,ohn Wiley and Sons, '((1. This book has useful suggestions
for getting
started ith mental calculation and sections on the basics of mental
addition, subtraction, and multiplicationK the crissJcross methodK
amusing parlor tricksK and special problems (e.g., multiply by 1C,
divide by '1, sAuare numbers that end in ', and so on!.
Relly, 5erald W. Short6Cut Math. -e EorkH +over Publications, '();
('(3(!. A solid overall reference, ith good ideas for mental (and
paper! mathematics, focusing on addition, subtraction, multiplication,
division, estimation, and fractions. %ecause it8s published by +over,
it8s very ine@pensive.
7ane, 5eorge. Min! ames: Amazing Mental Arithmetic Tric#s Ma!e
)asy. 7ondonH #etro Publishing, 122;. A orldJchampion lightning
calculator reveals some of his tricks of the trade. The book is ritten
in a somehat Auirky style and is pretty heavy lifting, but it may be of
value to someone ho ants to compute sAuare roots and higher
roots for the #ental #ath World "up.
7orayne, $arry, and ,erry 7ucas. The Memory Boo#: The Classic
ui!e to 1m$ro(ing ,our Memory at 0or#> at School> an! at Play.
-e EorkH %allantine %ooks, '((3 ('(B;!. This is the book that taught
me the phonetic code and other fundamental techniAues for memory
improvement. Written in a clear and en&oyable style.
/eingold, <dard #., and -achum +ershoit:. Calen!rical Calculations: The
Millennium )!ition. -e EorkH "ambridge University Press, 122'. Provides
complete descriptions of virtually every calendrical system ever used (e.g.,
5regorian, ,ulian, #ayan, $ebre, 0slamic, "hinese, <cclesiastical!, along
ith algorithms to determine days of the eek and ma&or holidays. "omes
ith a "+ ith implementations of these algorithms, alloing the user to
convert dates from one calendar to another.
/usc:yk, /ichard. 1ntro!uction to Algebra- Alpine, "AH AoPS 0ncorporated,
122(. A great introduction to algebra, published by the Art of Problem
Solving (.ArtIfProblemSolving.com!, publisher of math books for
smart people. "overs all topics in Algebra 0 and some topics in Algebra 00.
AoPS also has terri?c books on intermediate algebra, geometry, number
theory, probability and counting, problem solving, preJcalculus, and
/yan, #ark. )(ery!ay Math for )(ery!ay "ife: A Han!boo# for
0hen 1t 2ust 'oesnt A!! 3$. 0f you are so rusty ith your math
skills that you ant to start from scratch, this ould be a good
book to use. The book focuses on hand calculation and mental
estimation skills, along ith realJlife applications of math, such as
measurements, checkbook tips, and unit conversions.
Smith, Steven %. The reat Mental Calculators: The Psychology>
Metho!s an! "i(es of Calculating Pro!igies Past an! Present.
-e EorkH "olumbia University Press, '()*. The title says it all.
Professor Arthur %en&amin is the only living American pro?led in
this book.
Tekrial, 5aurav. < '=' Set on =e!ic Maths.
.vedicmathsindia.orgV dvd.htm, 122(. Provides video instruction
on Gedic mathematics, taught by the president of the Gedic #aths
.orum in 0ndia. The instructor goes through '2 hours orth of
problems, standing in front of a hiteboard. Among the topics
included are the closeJtogether method, the crissJcross method, Gedic
division, and solutions of various algebraic eAuations.
Tirtha&[, %h rat[ Rrishna. =e!ic Mathematics. +elhiH #otilal
%anarsidass Publishers Private 7td., '((1 ('(3C!. The book from
hich all other books on Gedic mathematics are derived. A good
deal of material is presented on mental arithmetic (mostly for
pencilJandJpaper purposes! and algebra, including much that is
not covered in this course. The book is somehat challenging to
read because of the Auality of e@position and some of its
Weinstein, 7arence, and ,ohn Adam. uesstimation: Sol(ing the
0orl!s Problems on the Bac# of a Coc#tail Na$#in. Princeton, -,H
Princeton University Press, 122). Written by to physicists using
nothing more than basic arithmetic, this book provides interesting
strategies for coming up ith reasonable estimates (ithin a factor of '2!
oblems that initially sound impossible to comprehend. .illed ith plenty
of interesting e@amples, such
as ho many golf balls ould be needed to circle the eAuator or ho
many acres of farmland ould be reAuired to fuel your car ith ethanol.
Williams, Renneth, and #ark 5askell. The Cosmic Calculator: A =e!ic
Mathematics Course for Schools> Boo# .. -e +elhiH #otilal %anarsidass
Publishers, 1221. This book describes, using notation different from mine,
the Gedic method for division problems and an interesting method for doing
sAuare roots, along ith topics from algebra, geometry, and probability that
do not pertain to mental calculation. To other books ith the same name
are also available that cover similar topics.
$ther ;oo>s on relate& to%ics
%urns, #arilyn. Math for Smarty Pants. 0llustrated by #artha Weston.
%ostonH 7ittle, %ron, and "o., '()1. This is the best book on this list
that is aimed at kids. 7ots of fun material, illustrated ith great cartoons.
.illed ith mathematical magic tricks, number pu::les, calculation tricks,
and parado@es. 0f you like this book, then you should also get The 1
Hate MathematicsB Boo# by the same author and illustrator.
%utterorth, %rian. 0hat Counts: Ho+ )(ery Brain 1s Har!+ire! for
Math. -e EorkH .ree Press, '(((. An interesting book on ho the
mind represents mathematics and ho the brain has developed to
count, do arithmetic, and reason about mathematics.
+ehaene, Stanislas. The Number Sense: Ho+ the Min! Creates
Mathematics. -e EorkH I@ford University Press, '((B. A fascinating
account of ho animals and humans (including babies, autistic
savants, and calculating prodigies! conceptuali:e numbers.
5ardner, #artin. AhaB 1nsightB and AhaB otchaB Washington, +"H
#athematical Association of America, 1223. 5ardner has ritten do:ens
of books on recreational mathematics and turned on more people to
mathematics than anyone else. These to books are sold as one and
contain ingenious mathematical pu::les for hich the best solutions
reAuire you to think outside the bo@. Suitable for children and adults.
7orayne, $arry. Ho+ to Perform Ceats of Mathematical 0izar!ry.
-e EorkH $arry 7orayne, 1223. This book is ritten for
magicians ho ish to ama:e their audiences ith ama:ing
feats of mind and other mathematically based tricks.
Sticker, $enry. Ho+ to Calculate Duic#ly. -e EorkH +over
Publications, '(CC. A collection of *)* groups of problems (literally,
more than (222 problems! designed to give you practice at doing
mental arithmetic. 0t8s mostly problems ithout a lot of e@position. 0f
you are looking for an ine@pensive +over book, the book by Relly is
Stoddard, <dard. S$ee! Mathematics Sim$li%e!. -e EorkH
+over Publications, '((; ('(3C!. This book takes a radically
different approach from all the other books and is motivated by the
system for using a manual abacus. .or e@ample, to add ) to a
number, subtract 1, then add '2. This idea eliminates the need for
nearly half of the addition table and shos ne ays to represent
addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems, all done
from left to right. 0t8s an interesting approach that some might
appreciate, but the methods taught in the Stoddard book are very
different from the ones taught in this course.
Internet resources
Art of Problem Solving. .ArtIfProblemSolving.com. Publisher
of outstanding mathematics books (from algebra to calculus! aimed
at highJability students and adults, AoPS also offers online classes
and an online community for students, parents, and teachers to
share ideas.
+oerWer, /onald. .myreckonings.comVordpressV. 7ost arts
in the mathematical sciences, including several interesting pages
about the history and techniAues of lightning calculators.
#athematical Association of America. .maa.org. The premier
organi:ation in the United States dedicated to the effective
communication of mathematics. Publisher of hundreds of
interesting mathematics books, particularly at the college level.
#emoriad. .memoriad.com. The Web site for the World #ental
"alculation, #emory and Photographic /eading Ilympiad.
Phonetic #nemonic #a&or #emory System. httpHVV.phoneticmnemonic.
comV. A dictionary that has converted more than '*,222 ords into
numbers using the phonetic code. .ree and easy to use.

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