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kouter8CAkD 1100

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CopyrlghL and 1rademarks. CopyrlghL Mlkro1lkls SlA. 1hls manual conLalns lnformaLlon proLecLed by copyrlghL
law. no parL of lL may be reproduced or LransmlLLed ln any form wlLhouL prlor wrlLLen permlsslon from Lhe
copyrlghL holder. 8ouLer8CA8u, 8ouLerCS, 8ouLer8CC1 and Mlkro1lk are Lrademarks of Mlkro1lkls SlA. All
Lrademarks and reglsLered Lrademarks appearlng ln Lhls manual are Lhe properLy of Lhelr respecLlve holders.
nardware. Mlkro1lk warranLs all 8ouLer8CA8u serles equlpmenL for Lhe Lerm of flfLeen (13) monLhs from Lhe
shlpplng daLe Lo be free of defecLs ln maLerlals and workmanshlp under normal use and servlce, excepL ln case
of damage caused by mechanlcal, elecLrlcal or oLher accldenLal or lnLended damages caused by lmproper use
or due Lo wlnd, raln, flre or oLher acLs of naLure.
1o reLurn falled unlLs Lo Mlkro1lk, you musL perform Lhe followlng 8MA (8eLurn Merchandlse AuLhorlzaLlon)
procedure. lollow Lhe lnsLrucLlons below Lo save Llme, efforLs, avold cosLs, and lmprove Lhe speed of Lhe 8MA
1. lf you have purchased your producL from a Mlkro1lk 8eseller, please conLacL Lhe 8eseller company
regardlng all warranLy and repalr lssues, Lhe followlng lnsLrucLlons apply CnL? lf you purchased your
equlpmenL dlrecLly from Mlkro1lk ln LaLvla.
2. We do noL offer repalrs for producLs LhaL are noL covered by warranLy. LxcepLlons can be made for
881000 and 881100.
3. CuL-of-warranLy devlces and devlces noL covered by warranLy senL Lo MlkroLlkls wlll be reLurned Lo
Lhe sender aL sender's cosL.
8MA lnsLrucLlons are locaLed on our webpage here: http:]]rma.m|krot|k.com
Manua|. 1hls manual ls provlded as ls" wlLhouL a warranLy of any klnd, expressed or lmplled, lncludlng, buL
noL llmlLed Lo, Lhe lmplled warranLy of merchanLablllLy and flLness for a parLlcular purpose. 1he manufacLurer
has made every efforL Lo ensure Lhe accuracy of Lhe conLenLs of Lhls manual, however, lL ls posslble LhaL lL may
conLaln Lechnlcal lnaccuracles, Lypographlcal or oLher errors. no llablllLy ls assumed for any lnaccuracy found
ln Lhls publlcaLlon, nor for dlrecL or lndlrecL, lncldenLal, consequenLlal or oLher damages LhaL may resulL from
such an lnaccuracy, lncludlng, buL noL llmlLed Lo, loss of daLa or proflLs. lease reporL any lnaccuracles found Lo

USLk'S MANUAL ............................................................................................................................................................. 1
CCkIGn1 AND WAkkAN1 INICkMA1ICN .................................................................................................................. 1
SS1LM 8CAkD VILW AND LACU1 ................................................................................................................................ 3
SLCIIICA1ICNS .............................................................................................................................................................. 4
nAkDWAkL GUIDL ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
MLMC8? Anu S1C8ACL uLvlCLS ................................................................................................................................................ 4
lnu1/Cu1u1 C81S .............................................................................................................................................................. 3
LLuS ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
USLk'S GUIDL ................................................................................................................................................................. S
ASSLM8LlnC 1PL PA8uWA8L ..................................................................................................................................................... 3
CWL8lnC .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6
8CC1lnC C1lCnS .................................................................................................................................................................... 6
kCU1Lk8CC1 ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
8CC1 LCAuL8 CCnllCu8A1lCn .................................................................................................................................................. 7
8CC1 LCAuL8 uC8AulnC ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
8lMA8? 8CC1 LCAuL8 ............................................................................................................................................................ 9
kCU1LkCS IUNC1ICNS ................................................................................................................................................... 9
PLAL1P MCnl1C8 .................................................................................................................................................................... 9
ll8MWA8L lnlC8MA1lCn .......................................................................................................................................................... 9
ll8MWA8L SL11lnCS ................................................................................................................................................................ 9
SCl1WA8L 8LSL1 ................................................................................................................................................................... 10
ALNDIk ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
8LCCk ulAC8AM .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
CCnnLC1C8 lnuLx ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
8u11Cn lnuLx ....................................................................................................................................................................... 11
L1PL8nL1 CA8LLS .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
SL8lAL nuLL-MCuLM (CCnSCLL) CA8LL Wl1P LCC8ACk .............................................................................................................. 11
!402 SL8lAL C81 lnCu1 ....................................................................................................................................................... 12
RouterBOARD 1100/AH Series User's Manual
9/"3#8 :-($4 ;0#< ()4 =(/-*3

?ou can download Lhe board dlmenslons and case deslgn flles (ul and uxl) from www.rouLerboard.com

"#$%&'()*"+ ,,--.*/
CU k81100: MC8344 800MPz
k81100An: 2010 1066MPz
k81100Anx2: 2020 1066MPz dual core Cu wlLh lsec acceleraLlon
Memory SCulMM sloL, no onboard module
8oot |oader 8ouLer8CC1
Data storage onboard nAnu memory chlp
Lthernet 1hlrLeen 10/100/1000 MblL/s LLherneL porLs supporLlng AuLo-Mul/x
M|n|CI s|ot -
Lxpans|on -
CompactI|ash s|ots Cne mlcroSu card sloL on board, accesslble by openlng Lhe case
Ser|a| port Cne u89 8S232C asynchronous serlal porL
LLDs ower and user LLu
8eeper +
ower at the board ower [ack: 12-24vuC, oL on LLher13: 12-24vuC
ower at the case ILC C14 [ack: 110-220vuC
Ians !1202 and !1204 - 12v, 0,2A max.
!1201 and !1203 - 3,3v, 0,3A max.

Cnly one lan ln each palr wlll roLaLe, oLher wlll sLarL when flrsL falls.
Cnly one palr can be connecLed aL Lhe same Llme (Lwo fans).
D|mens|ons 8oard: 133 mm x 291 mm
1u rackmounL case: 44 x 176 x 442 mm

We|ght 363g board only, 1273g assembled wlLh case
1emperature CperaLlonal: -20C Lo +63C (-4l Lo 149l)
num|d|ty CperaLlonal: up Lo 70 relaLlve humldlLy (non-condenslng)
ower consumpt|on 12W mln/23W max
?($4<($# @*04#
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1here ls no onboard memory, buL Lhe devlce has a SCulMM sloL for one uu82 module, lL ls recommended Lo
use modules wlLh aL leasL 667MPz (C-4200). 1he 881100 devlce supporLs modules of up Lo 2C8, buL due Lo
sofLware llmlLaLlons, 8ouLerCS wlll be able Lo use only 1.3C8 of lL.
80>$-9A "+-3
1he board has one mlcroSu card sloL whlch supporLs mlcroSu and mlcroSuPC cards for expandlng Lhe sLorage
ln 8ouLerCS
RouterBOARD 1100/AH Series User's Manual
6).*3CD*3.*3 E-$3"
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1here are LhlrLeen eLherneL porLs. 1here are Lwo swlLch groups, flve porLs each. 1he LLher13 porL supporLs
ower over LLherneL.
1he 881100 devlce also has Lwo LLherneL bypass porLs (LLher11 and LLher12). 1he bypass mode can be
acLlvaLed by Lurnlng Lhe bypass swlLch nexL Lo Lhem Lo Lhe poslLlon 1. oslLlon 0 Lurns off Lhe bypass mode and
porLs work as usual.
All cables made Lo LlA/1lA 368A/8 cable speclflcaLlons wlll work correcLly (see Connector Index for plnouL).
noLe LhaL Lhls porL supporLs auLomaLlc cross/sLralghL cable correcLlon (AuLo Mul/x), so you can use elLher
sLralghL or cross-over cable for connecLlng Lo oLher neLwork devlces.
F32#$)#3 G/.("" 8-4#
8ypass mode ls used Lo cross-connecL Lhe Lwo 8!43 connecLors (LLher11 and LLher12) elecLrlcally Lhus creaLlng
an exLended Layer 1 neLwork. 1rafflc presenL on elLher neLwork (lnLernal or LxLernal) ls seen on Lhe oLher
neLwork lmmedlaLely.
lf Lhe rouLer would sLop worklng for some reason, Lhe porLs would be connecLed LogeLher as lf Lhere would be
no rouLer ln beLween. ?ou could conflgure your neLwork Lo allow Lhls, and ln case of hardware fallure, Lhe
communlcaLlons would sLlll work, as lf Lhe (broken) rouLer wouldn'L exlsL Lhere.
A:H 9#$0(+ E-$3
1he 8S232C sLandard male u89 asynchronous serlal porL may be used for lnlLlal conflguraLlon, or for aLLachlng
a modem or any oLher 8S232 serlal devlce. 1xu (pln 3) of Lhls porL has -3v uC power when ldle. Some slgnals
are noL connecLed, so Lhls lmplemenLaLlon may noL be consldered Lo supporL full hardware flow-conLrol, so
sofLware flow-conLrol (xCn/xCll) or none aL all should be used.
I() ,-))#>3-$"
?ou can connecL up Lo four fans Lo Lhe 8ouLer8CA8u, buL only Lwo of Lhem wlll work aL a Llme. 1hey wlll
recelve 12v uC power. 1he board supporLs fan speed feedback slgnallng. 8ouLerCS can be conflgured Lo
change Lhe acLlve fan, lf Lhe currenL acLlve one ls noL roLaLlng (noLe LhaL lf a fan does noL have roLaLlon sensor,
lL wlll be consldered falled).
E-<#$ =FA
Power LED is on when the board is powered.
!"#$ =FA
user LLu may be programmed aL user's opLlon. lL ls llL by defaulL when Lhe board sLarLs up, Lhen lL ls Lurned off
when Lhe booLloader runs kernel.
!"#$%" @*04#
J""#8G+0)1 32# ?($4<($#
ln mosL cases you do noL need Lo use any addlLlonal booL devlces, as you can booL Lhe 8ouLer8CA8u from Lhe
onboard nAnu memory. ?ou can also lnsLall one mlcroSu card whlch you can use as an alLernaLlve booL devlce
(noL for 8ouLerCS) or addlLlonal sLorage medla,
1o dlsassemble Lhe case, you wlll need a hllllps 2 screwdrlver.
ower opLlons:
1. oL on Lther13 supporLs 12-24v uC powerlng wlLh a passlve oL ln[ecLor. 1he devlce does noL supporL
power over daLallnes.
2. I11 power connecLor, used when devlce lnsLalled ln a rackmounL case, 12-24v uC. ConnecLs Lo Lhe
bullL-ln Su.
:--30)1 -.30-)"
llrsL, 8ouLer8CC1 loader ls sLarLed. lL dlsplays some useful lnformaLlon on Lhe onboard 8S232C asynchronous
serlal porL, whlch ls seL Lo 113200blL/s, 8 daLa blLs, 1 sLop blL, no parlLy by defaulL. Also supporLs hardware
(81S/C1S) flow conLrol. 1he loader may be conflgured Lo booL Lhe sysLem from Lhe onboard nAnu module or
from LLherneL neLwork. See Lhe respecLlve secLlon of Lhls manual for how Lo conflgure booLlng sequence and
oLher booL loader parameLers.
D)G-($4 KJKA 93-$(1# A#B0>#
1he 8ouLer8CA8u may be sLarLed from Lhe onboard nAnu sLorage chlp. As Lhere ls no parLlLlon Lable on Lhe
devlce, Lhe booL loader assumes Lhe flrsL 4Ml8 form a ?AllS fllesysLem, and execuLes Lhe flle called kernel"
sLored ln Lhe rooL dlrecLory on LhaL parLlLlon. lL ls posslble Lo parLlLlon Lhe resL of Lhe medlum by paLchlng Lhe
kernel source.
6)3#$)(+ 93-$(1# A#B0>#
1he 8ouLer8CA8u may be sLarLed from a mlcroSu card sloL, alLhough 8ouLerCS doesn'L supporL Lhls. AL leasL
Lwo parLlLlons musL exlsL on Lhe devlce, flrsL of whlch belng Lhe LLl lmage Lhe board ls Lo be booLed from
(normally, lL ls a Llnux kernel, appended wlLh Lhe kernparm LLl secLlon LhaL speclfles Lhe rooL parLlLlon name
and, opLlonally, oLher kernel parameLers of your cholce).
:--30)1 7$-8 )#3<-$L
neLwork booL works slmllarly Lo xL or LLher8ooL proLocol, and allows you Lo booL a 8ouLer8CA8u 1100
serles boards from an execuLable lmage sLored on a 1l1 server. lL uses 8CC1 or uPC (conflgurable ln booL
loader) proLocol Lo geL a valld l address, and 1l1 proLocol Lo download an execuLable (LLl) kernel lmage
comblned wlLh Lhe lnlLlal 8AM dlsk (lnserLed as an LLl secLlon) Lo booL from (Lhe 1l1 server's l address and
Lhe lmage name musL be senL by Lhe 8CC1/uPC server).
1o booL Lhe 8ouLer8CA8u compuLer from LLherneL neLwork you need Lhe followlng:
An LLl kernel lmage for Lhe loader Lo booL from (you can embed Lhe kernel parameLers and lnlLrd lmage
as LLl secLlons called !"#$%&#' and ($()#* respecLlvely)
A 1l1 server whlch Lo download Lhe lmage from
A 8CC1/uPC server (may be lnsLalled on Lhe same machlne as Lhe 1l1 server) Lo glve an l address,
1l1 server address and booL lmage name
See Lhe 8ouLer8CC1 secLlon on how Lo conflgure loader Lo booL from neLwork.
noLe LhaL you musL connecL Lhe 8ouLer8CA8u you wanL Lo booL, and Lhe 8CC1/uPC and 1l1 servers Lo
Lhe same broadcasL domaln (l.e., Lhere musL noL be any rouLers beLween Lhem).
RouterBOARD 1100/AH Series User's Manual
D.#$(30)1 9/"3#8 9*..-$3
Mlkro1lk 8ouLerCS, sLarLlng from verslon v3, ls fully compaLlble wlLh 8ouLer8CA8u 1100 serles embedded
boards. lf your devlce ls prelnsLalled wlLh an earller 8ouLerCS release, please upgrade 8ouLerCS Lo v4.9 or
1he 8ouLer8CC1 flrmware (also referred as 8ooLloader here) provldes mlnlmal funcLlonallLy Lo booL an
CperaLlng SysLem. lL supporLs serlal console vla Lhe onboard serlal porL aL Lhe booL Llme. 1he loader supporLs
booLlng from Lhe onboard nAnu devlce and from a neLwork server (see Lhe respecLlve secLlon for deLalls on
Lhls proLocol).
:--3 =-(4#$ ,-)701*$(30-)
Loader parameLers may be conflgured Lhrough Lhe onboard 8S232C u89 asynchronous serlal lnLerface. 1o
connecL Lo lL, use a sLandard null-modem cable. 8y defaulL, Lhe porL ls seL Lo 113200blL/s, 8 daLa blLs, 1 sLop
blL, no parlLy. Note LhaL Lhe devlce also lmplemenLs Lhe hardware (81S/C1S) flow conLrol.
1o enLer Lhe loader conflguraLlon screen, press any key (or only [ueleLe] key (or [8ackspace] key - see Lhe noLe
for Lhe respecLlve conflgurable opLlon), dependlng on Lhe acLual conflguraLlon) [usL afLer Lhe booL loader ls
asklng for lL:
RouterBOOT booter 2.27
RouterBoard 1100

CPU frequency: 800 MHz Memory size: 512 MB
Press any key within 2 seconds to enter setup

What do you want to configure?
d - boot delay
k - boot key
s - serial console
o - boot device
r - reset configuration
e - format nand
g - upgrade firmware
i - board info
p - boot protocol
t - do memory testing
x - exit setup
your choice:

1o selecL a menu polnL, press Lhe key wrlLLen aL Lhe beglnnlng of Lhls llne. resslng [LnLer] selecLs Lhe opLlon
marked wlLh '*'.
boot de|ay - how much Llme Lo walL for a key sLroke whlle booLlng (1..9 seconds, 2 second by defaulL).
boot key - whlch key wlll cause Lhe loader Lo enLer conflguraLlon mode durlng boot de|ay (any key | <ueleLe>
key only, any key by defaulL). noLe LhaL ln some serlal Lermlnal programs, lL ls lmposslble Lo use Lhe [ueleLe]
key Lo enLer Lhe seLup - ln Lhls case lL mlghL be posslble Lo do Lhls wlLh Lhe [8ackspace] key.
ser|a| conso|e - Lo conflgure lnlLlal serlal console blLraLe (1200 | 2400 | 4800 | 9600 | 19200 | 38400 | 37600
| 113200, 11S200 bps by defaulL).
boot dev|ce - lnlLlal booL devlce (booL over LLherneL | booL from nAnu, lf fall Lhen LLherneL | booL from
CompacLllash only | booL LLherneL once, Lhen nAnu | booL LLherneL flrsL, Lhen CompacLllash | booL from
nAnu only, boot from NAND, |f fa|| then Lthernet by defaulL). ?ou can also selecL boot chosen dev|ce opLlon
Lo booL from Lhe devlce selecLed lmmedlaLely, wlLhouL savlng Lhe seLLlng.
reset conf|gurat|on - wheLher Lo reseL all Lhe booL loader seLLlngs Lo Lhelr respecLlve defaulL values (yes | no,
no by defaulL).
format nand - perform a low-level nAnu formaL. uurlng Lhls operaLlon, all prevlously marked bad secLors are
reLesLed Lo flnd ouL lf Lhey are faulLy lndeed.
upgrade f|rmware - recelve a new booL loader lmage uslng xModem proLocol over serlal llne or uslng
uPC/8CC1 and 1l1 proLocols Lhrough Lhe LLherneL neLwork (upgrade flrmware over eLherneL | upgrade
flrmware over serlal porL).
board |nfo - prlnLs Lhe serlal number, booL loader verslon, Cu frequency, memory slze and MAC addresses of
Lhe onboard LLherneL porLs
boot protoco| - neLwork booLlng proLocol (booLp proLocol | dhcp proLocol, bootp protoco| by defaulL).
do memory test|ng - performs a full memory LesL.
cpu-frequency -
a - MEM:333DDR CPU:333MHz
b - MEM:333DDR CPU:500MHz
c - MEM:333DDR CPU:667MHz
d - MEM:333DDR CPU:833MHz
e - MEM:400DDR CPU:400MHz
f - MEM:400DDR CPU:600MHz
g - MEM:400DDR CPU:800MHz
h - MEM:400DDR CPU:1000MHz
i - MEM:533DDR CPU:533MHz
*j - MEM:533DDR CPU:800MHz
k - MEM:533DDR CPU:1067MHz
l - MEM:533DDR CPU:1333MHz

:--3 =-(4#$ !.1$(40)1
1he booL loader ls needed Lo lnlLlallze all Lhe hardware and booL Lhe sysLem up. newer loader verslons mlghL
have supporL for more hardware, so lL's generally a good ldea Lo upgrade Lhe loader once a newer verslon ls
1he booL loader upgradlng ls posslble from Mlkro1lk 8ouLerCS, from wlLhln Lhe /sysLem rouLerboard" menu.
updaLes are lncluded wlLh each 8ouLerCS updaLe. 1he procedure ls descrlbed ln Lhe Mlkro1lk 8ouLerCS
manual: hLLp://wlkl.mlkroLlk.com/wlkl/Manual:8ooLloader_upgrade
?ou can also upgrade Lhe loader Lhrough Lhe onboard serlal porL uslng xModem proLocol (programs avallable
for all ma[or CSs). lor example, you can use Pyper1ermlnal for Wlndows or Mlnlcom for Llnux Lo upload Lhe
booL loader. AlLernaLlvely lf you have a uPC/8CC1 and 1l1 servers avallable, you can speclfy Lhe loader
lmage as a booL lmage and choose Lhe b|os upgrade over ethernet opLlon ln Lhe booL loader conflguraLlon
menu. 1he loader wlll geL Lhe lmage from Lhe 1l1 server and upgrade lLself. 1he mosL currenL loader lmage ls
avallable for download on www.rouLerboard.com.
RouterBOARD 1100/AH Series User's Manual
E$08($/ :--3 =-(4#$
1here are Lwo booL loaders presenL on Lhe nC8 flash memory chlp. Secondary ls Lhe maln one, LhaL ls
execuLed by defaulL. 1hls ls Lhe one LhaL can be upgraded. ln case someLhlng goes wrong ln Lhe upgrade
process, or you have seL some lncorrecL seLLlngs LhaL render lL unusable, you can load Lhe rlmary booL loader
by holdlng Lhe SofLware 8eseL 1 buLLon (S1), connecLlng Lhe power, and Lhen releaslng Lhe buLLon/[umper. 1he
rlmary booL loader has Lhe defaulL seLLlngs, whlch can noL be changed. lL ls also noL posslble Lo upgrade lL.
M-*3#$D9 7*)>30-)"
?#(+32 8-)03-$
1hls menu shows Lhe currenL fan sLaLus.
[admin@MikroTik] /system health> print
fan-mode: auto
use-fan: main
active-fan: auxiliary
voltage: 12V
current: 861mA
fan-speed: 9878RPM
temperature: 32C
cpu-temperature: 40C
power-consumption: 10.3W

881100AP doesn'L have any fans. All lan opLlons apply Lo 881100Ahx2 only.
fan-mode - wheLher Lo use auLomaLlc fan fallover (auLo | manual, manua| by defaulL).
use-fan - whlch fan Lo use ln manual mode (maln | auxlllary, ma|n by defaulL).
1he 881100Ahx2 also feaLures a fan 8M monlLor and fan 8M conLrol by Cu Lemp ( less nolse ).
I0$8<($# 0)7-$8(30-)
1hls menu dlsplays 8ouLer8CA8u model number, serlal number, Lhe currenL booL loader verslon and Lhe
verslon avallable ln Lhe currenL sofLware packages lnsLalled.
[admin@MikroTik] > system routerboard print
routerboard: yes
model: "rb1100"
serial-number: "154201C1DD3C"
current-firmware: "2.27"
upgrade-firmware: "2.27"
[admin@MikroTik] >

1he flrmware verslon can be upgraded uslng ]system routerboard upgrade" command.
I0$8<($# 9#330)1"
8ooL loader seLLlngs are also accesslble Lhrough Lhls menu.
[admin@MikroTik] > system routerboard settings print
baud-rate: 115200
boot-delay: 2s
boot-device: nand-if-fail-then-ethernet
enter-setup-on: any-key
boot-protocol: bootp
enable-jumper-reset: yes
[admin@MikroTik] >

1he SofLware 8eseL 2 buLLon (112) reseL hole, whlch reseLs boLh booL loader seLLlngs and 8ouLerCS seLLlng by
defaulL, can be dlsabled ln Lhls menu (lL wlll sLlll reseL Lhe booL loader seLLlngs).
9-73<($# M#"#3
lL ls posslble Lo reseL all sofLware conflguraLlon by uslng Lhe SofLware 8eseL 2 buLLon hole (C229, see
schemat|c) durlng Lhe power-up. no conflrmaLlon or passwords wlll be asked, so use wlLh cauLlon. 1hls feaLure
can be dlsabled ln Lhe system routerboard sett|ngs" menu by swlLchlng Lhe enab|e-[umper-reset"
parameLer Lo no". Slmply use a meLal ob[ecL Lo shorL clrculL Lhe meLalllc reseL hole (112) whlle booLlng.
:+->L A0(1$(8

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RouterBOARD 1100/AH Series User's Manual
,-))#>3-$ 6)4#O
!404 MlcroSu sloL (booLable)
!401 8S232C male u89 serlal porL
2 8xu (8ecelve uaLa)
3 1xu (1ransmlL uaLa)
3 Cnu
7 81S (8equesL Lo Send)
8 C1S (Clear Lo Send)

!402 AlLernaLe serlal porL (see 12 for plnouL)
(Croup one)
(Croup Lwo)
8!43 ClgablL LLherneL 10008ase-1 porLs ln Lwo swlLch groups
!301 8ypass porL group
!3 8!43 ClgablL LLherneL 10008ase-1 porL wlLh oL (LLher13)
!10 ower [ack (12 v uC, poslLlve conLacL ls Lhe cenLral pln)
!11 AlLernaLlve power !ack (12 v uC, poslLlve conLacL ls Lhe lefLmosL pln, closer Lo !10)
uC lan 1 connecLor
1 Cnu
2 +3.3 v uC
3 8oLaLlon speed feedback

:*33-) 6)4#O
S401 SofLware 8eseL 1 buLLon. Loads Lhe rlmary booL loader
S402 SofLware 8eseL 2 buLLon hole. 8eseLs 8ouLerCS seLLlngs
F32#$)#3 ,(G+#"
Co|or Iunct|on
kI4S p|n for Stra|ght cab|e
(Mul, LlA/1lA368A)
kI4S p|n for Crossover cab|e
(Mul-x, LlA/1lA3688)
1 Creen 1x+ uaLa uaLa A+ 1 3
2 Creen/WhlLe 1x- uaLa uaLa A- 2 6
3 Crange 8x+ uaLa uaLa 8+ 3 1
4 8lue - uaLa C+ 4 4
3 8lue/WhlLe - uaLa C- 3 3
6 Crange/WhlLe 8x- uaLa uaLa 8- 6 2
7 8rown - uaLa u+ 7 7
8 8rown/WhlLe - uaLa u- 8 8
9#$0(+ K*++P8-4#8 Q,-)"-+#R ,(G+# <032 =--.G(>L
+(12 3$45%6#4 +(12 +(782
1 + 4 + 6 Cu + u18 + uS8 n/C n/C
n/C Cu + u18 + uS8 1 + 4 + 6 6 + 8 + 20
2 8xu 3 2
3 1xu 2 3
3 Cnu 3 7
7 + 8 81S + C1S 7 + 8 4 + 3

N/C not connected.
STUV 9#$0(+ .-$3 .0)-*3

u18 4
C1S 8
1xu 3
81S 7
8xu 2
uS8 6
uCu 1
Cnu 3

lns 1,4,6 are connecLed LogeLher. ln 9 and pln 10 are noL connecLed

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