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Academic Writing

Popular Writing Topics

1. People attend college or university for many diferent reasons (for
example, new experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge). Why
do you think people attend college or university !se speci"c reasons and
examples to support your answer.
2. #ome people $elieve that university students should $e re%uired to attend
classes. &thers $elieve that going to classes should $e optional for students.
Which point of view do you agree with !se speci"c reasons and details to
explain your answer.
3. #ome people think that they can learn $etter $y themselves than with a
teacher. &thers think that it is always $etter to have a teacher. Which do you
prefer !se speci"c reasons to develop your essay.
4. 'n some countries, teenagers have (o$s while they are still students. )o you
think this is a good idea #upport your opinion $y using speci"c reasons and
5. )o you agree or disagree with the following statement With the help of
technology, students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more
%uickly. !se speci"c reasons and examples to support your answer.
6. Which would you choose* a high+paying (o$ with long hours that would give
you little time with family and friends or a lower+paying (o$ with shorter
hours that would give you more time with family and friends ,xplain your
choice, using speci"c reasons and details.
7. #ome people say that computers have made life easier and more
convenient. &ther people say that computers have made life more complex
and stressful. What is your opinion !se speci"c reasons and examples to
support your answer.
8. #ome people say that the 'nternet provides people with a lot of valua$le
information. &thers think access to so much information creates pro$lems.
Which view do you agree with !se speci"c reasons and examples to support
your opinion.
9. 'n the future, students may have the choice of studying at home $y using
technology such as computers or television or of studying at traditional
schools. Which would you prefer !se reasons and speci"c details to explain
your choice.
10. )o you agree or disagree with the following statement -igh schools
should allow students to study the courses that students want to study. !se
speci"c reasons and examples to support your opinion.
11. )o you agree or disagree with the following statement People are never
satis"ed with what they have. they always want something more or
something diferent. !se speci"c reasons to support your answer.
Academic Writing
1/. )o you agree or disagree with the following statement 0echnology has
made the world a
$etter place to live. !se speci"c reasons and examples to support your
Practice One
Which of the following sentences is a thesis 'f the sentence is a thesis, put a
101 in the space provided next to it. 'f it is not a thesis, put in 1201 in the
space provided.
1. 3333 Washington, ).4., is the capital of the !nited #tates.
/. 3333 0here are two $asic reasons for the rise of divorce* the lack of
communication skills and "nancial pro$lems.
5. 3333 )ivorce is not legal in my country. #ome people think it should $e,
some don6t.
7. 3333 Walking is the $est exercise* it is great for one6s health, and it doesn6t
cost anything8
9. 3333 0raveling for fun and education.
:. 3333 ;ecause ' wanted to learn how to speak ,nglish <uently, it was
essential that ' move to an ,nglish+speaking country.
=. 3333 >inancial woes and lack of free time are the ma(or causes of stress
?. 3333 0he ;eatles sold over a million records in the 1@:As.
@. 3333 0he ;eatles and the Bolling #tones were far more talented than the
popular rock $ands of today.
1A. 3333 2ow, ' am going to write a$out the reasons ' moved to the !nited
Topic 1: People attend college or university for many different reasons (for example, new
experiences, career preparation, increased knowledge).
Wy do you tink people attend college or university! "se specific reasons and examples to
support your answer.
Nowadays, education plays a very important place in our lie. !any students want to attend a
colle"e or university or dierent reasons. #n t$e ollowin" essay # will try to e%plain some o
&ome students t$in' a colle"e or university as a new lie, a new e%perience. (ctually it is. )sually
most o t$em lived wit$ t$eir parents and depended on t$em, so w$en t$ey let $ome, t$ey $ave to
"et used to ta'e care o t$emselves, learn in a dierent environment and *e or"ani+ed. ,$e
university as a new city or a new country is really new rom all points o view. ( new country
implies learnin" t$e lan"ua"e, so $e needs to e%ercise a lot, wor' in a team and ma'e new riends.
Academic Writing
-ommunication is t$e *est way to learn a new lan"ua"e and $elp $im to understand t$e new
courses and $ave t$e *est results. ,$is is t$e e%cellent period to ma'e t$e *est riends.
(part rom "ainin" new e%perience, studyin" to a colle"e or university can increase our
'nowled"e. ,$ey "ive us a proessional learnin" or a speciic domain and a *etter understandin"
o t$e outside world. ,a'in" as an e%ample -omputer &cience )niversity, it teac$es us t$e *asic o
pro"rammin", al"orit$ms and w$ere to loo' or inormation and $ow can we learn it. .ecause t$e
pro"rammin" tec$nolo"y is "rowin" up very ast, as a pro"rammer you $ave to 'eep up wit$ new
tec$nolo"ies and t$e university is t$e one w$o teac$es as t$is i you want to *e a proessional.
!oreover, it can improve our /n"lis$ 'nowled"e *ecause all #, documentations are in /n"lis$.
.esides, attendin" a colle"e or university means a preparation or uture carriers. -arrier is t$e one
w$o "ives us a *etter uture. 0avin" a "ood education in your specialty it "ives you "reat
opportunities. # you are 1ualiied and $ave a ric$ resume, t$e companies will loo' or you. ,$is
means a *etter salary and position into a *i" company. !any companies are loo'in" or t$e *est
students and oer t$em a position even i t$ey are still in t$e sc$ool.
#n a nuts$ell, attendin" a colle"e or university is *eneicial to us. 2e $ave to *e very well
speciali+ed to $ave a "reat uture and to contri*ute to our society. 3earnin" doesn4t $eart you and
ma'es you a "reat person.
Topic #: $ome people %elieve tat university students sould %e re&uired to attend classes.
'ters %elieve tat going to classes sould %e optional for students. Wic point of view do
you agree wit! "se specific reasons and details to explain your answer.
#n some university and colle"es, students are as'ed to attend to t$e classes or determined $ours o
t$e course. !ostly 75 percent o t$e class $ours or t$e w$ole semester is mandatory to attend or
students. #n contrast, in some ot$er university and colle"es, it depends on t$e students preerence
to attend classes. # t$in', university and colle"e students s$ould *e re1uired to attend to t$e classes
or an eicent and ade1uate education w$ile it oers many virtues.
5irst, to learn su*6ects rom teac$ers and to as' t$e unclear and va"ue points are very important or
common education. #normation w$ic$ is "iven *y t$e teac$er is more relia*le and students w$o
attend t$e classes *eneit t$e advanta"e o as'in" t$e lecturer a*out t$e unclear and diicult points.
&econd, students can improve t$eir perception a*out t$e topics and su*6ects *y participatin" to t$e
course related discussions in t$e classroom. 7oin" to t$e classes *rin"s t$e advanta"e o
reinorcin" and synt$esin" t$e 'nowled"e learnt rom t$e lesson wit$ t$e uni1ue ideas o ot$er
students in t$e classroom. ,$us, students w$o attend t$e classes re"ularly are more li'ely to $ave a
wider understandin" o t$e topic t$an t$ose w$o preer to study t$e course remote rom t$e class,
t$ereore sc$ool.
5urt$ermore, it is waste o resources or *ot$ t$e sc$ool and nation w$en students do not tend to
"o to t$e sc$ool and classes *ecause t$e tools and materials attained or t$eir education are now
not used and t$ey idle. ,$ereore, it means t$at ta%es and "overnment spendin"s are not used in an
Academic Writing
appropriate way.
#n sum, attendin" to class is necessary or t$e eective learnin" *y "ivin" students t$e opportunity
to as' t$e va"ue and diicult parts o t$e course and improvin" t$e conception o t$e students
a*out t$e topics and t$e course.
Topic (: $ome people tink tat tey can learn %etter %y temselves tan wit a teacer.
'ters tink tat it is always %etter to ave a teacer. Wic do you prefer! "se specific
reasons to develop your essay.
5rom our $istory we see t$at t$ere is always a teac$er to teac$ a person. 2it$out t$at people
cannot "et 'nowled"e a*out su*6ects and even outside o world. 8eople can do somet$in" simple
on t$eir own *ut to learn more comple%, it is always *est to $ave a teac$er. # support t$at to learn
*etter to $ave a teac$er. 5or t$is # discuss my reasons *elow.
,eac$er $as "reat 'nowled"e and e%perience. ( teac$er can understand a student *etter t$an any
ot$er. ,eac$ers can $elp students learn in t$e way t$at is *est or eac$ student. ,eac$er understands
t$at dierent students $ave dierent learnin" style. 3i'e some students learn *etter *y 6ust readin"
t$at topic w$ile ot$er students learn *etter *y writin" t$at topic. ,eac$er can ollow students
learnin" style to $elp t$em, w$ile a *oo' can "ive you 6ust one way o learnin" somet$in".
,eac$ers can draw attention to our mista'es and also $elp us $ow to overcome rom t$is. ,$ey can
$elp you 'eep rom *ecomin" distracted. ,$ey can s$ow you w$ic$ points are more important or
lesson to understand. # you study *y yourselves t$an it mi"$t *e $appen t$at you distracted and
not learn properly.
#n t$e last, *oo's $ave 'nowled"e *ut i you do not a*le to understand it t$en $ow can you learn
*etter way9 ,eac$ers *rin" s t$eir own inormation and understandin" power t$at topic, so students
easily understand and can learn. ,eac$er can add more t$in"s to learn li'e to arran"e ield trip
related wit$ su*6ects or s$ow documentary ilms, so students "et e%tra 'nowled"e a*out su*6ects.
,$e *oo's never contain suc$ e%tra activities.
#n conclusion, t$ere is not$in" wron" wit$ studyin" on your own. .ut or t$e *est possi*le
learnin", a teac$er is t$e *i""est $elp.
Topic ): *n some countries, teenagers ave +o%s wile tey are still students. ,o you tink
tis is a good idea! $upport your opinion %y using specific reasons and details.
(t present, we can easily notice t$at more and more teena"ers $ave 6o*s durin" t$eir studies. ,$is
p$enomenon *ecomes so popular, t$an's to its variety o advanta"es. (s ar as # am concerned,
every student s$ould "ain a "reat e%perience rom wor'in" and studyin" at t$e same time. #n t$e
ne%t lines o my essay, # will try to prove my opinion *y speciic ar"uments.
5irstly, it is considered t$at t$e e%perience in t$e 6o* mar'et counts e%tremely. ,$e vast ma6ority o
Academic Writing
employers searc$ or e%perienced youn" people and re6ect immediately t$e uninitiated applicants.
(s a result, students are even orced to ta'e some part:time 6o*s w$ic$ t$en will acilitate t$eir
proessional career. #n reality, i a teena"er wor's odd 6o*s, simultaneously $e will *e supposed to
"et a *etter wor'.
(part rom t$is clearly paya*le reason or $avin" 6o*s durin" studies t$ere are ot$er ones w$ic$
s$ould not *e omitted. #s anyone w$o can deny t$at every additional e%perience enric$ personality
and stren"t$en conidence9 ,$ese particularities are vitally important nowadays concernin" a
diicult c$oice o a career pat$ and $i"$ rivalry in t$e 6o* mar'et.
; course, t$ere are people w$o ar"ue t$at an optional 6o* durin" studies leads into t$e
unnecessary tiredness w$ic$ in act involve inade1uate notes. ,$ese opponents are positive t$at
studyin" s$ould come irst or every teena"er or else $e will not *e a*le to ocus on learnin"
(ll in all, # stron"ly approve o ta'in" odd 6o*s durin" studies, *ecause it "ives t$e uni1ue
possi*ility to *ecome more responsi*le. ,$e students w$o ta'e t$e initiative and start wor'in" as
1uic'ly as possi*le, distin"uis$ t$emselves *y t$e $u"e maturity. 2it$out a dou*t, t$e *est pri+e
or t$ese coura"eous teena"ers are "reat career prospects w$ic$ ena*le t$em to ollow t$eir
Topic -: ,o you agree or disagree wit te following statement! Wit te elp of tecnology,
students nowadays can learn more information and learn it more &uickly. "se specific
reasons and examples to support your answer.
2it$ t$e $elp o tec$nolo"y, students nowadays can learn more inormation and learn it more
1uic'ly. 3earnin" is en$anced *y t$e way inormation is introduced to t$em .#nternet, multimedia
computers and television and radio $ave t$eir own way o ma'in" learnin" easier.
,o start wit$, nowadays most students $ave access to #nternet w$ic$ is t$e most convenient way to
ind inormation a*out nearly everyt$in" .# one 'nows $ow to searc$, t$e 'nowled"e is in $is or
$ers "rasp. <ust a little am*ition is needed to learn t$e inormation. ,$e $ours spent on indin"
somet$in" in t$e li*rary can *e used or studyin" t$e inormation ac1uired or minutes.
&econd, t$e process o learnin" is made easier *y multimedia .#t is a act t$at a person learns more
w$en $e or s$e sees and $ears somet$in" rat$er t$an 6ust reads it or listens to it. ,$ere are so many
ilms and interactive learnin" pro"rams w$ic$ "reatly improve t$e learnin" process .,$us,
ac1uirin" 'nowled"e is not so *orin", a very important actor leadin" to "reat results = learnin" is
aster and more t$orou"$.
5inally, students are e%posed to inormation almost constantly .>urin" sc$ool $ours t$e
inormation is introduced *y t$e teac$ers .>urin" t$eir leisure time ? *y t$e television or t$e
computer. #t is 1uite common to watc$ popular science ilms, *ecause t$ey are made very easy to
understand t$an's to computer "rap$ics. &urin" t$e #nternet is also very popular. .ot$ ma'e
students inclined to learn more and aster.
Academic Writing
,o sum up, tec$nolo"y improved our lives in many directions one o w$ic$ is t$e process o
learnin". &tudents learn more 1uic'ly and more *ecause it $as *een made easier to use, ind and
remem*er inormation.
Topic .: Wic would you coose: a ig/paying +o% wit long ours tat would give you
little time wit family and friends or a lower/paying +o% wit sorter ours tat would give
you more time wit family and friends! 0xplain your coice, using specific reasons and

&ome people may preer to $ave a lower:payin" 6o* as lon" as t$e 6o* as's or s$orter wor'in"
$ours so t$ey can $ave more ree time spendin" wit$ t$eir riends and amily. 0owever, # would
rat$er *e "iven a $i"$er:payin" 6o* wit$ lon"er $ours, even i # would $ave little time wit$ my
riends and amily. # do not muc$ care a*out t$e ree time spendin" wit$ my riends and amily
nowadays@ # really care a*out t$e money. .esides, all my riends and my amily mem*ers are
usually *usy in wor'in". 5urt$ermore, i # do not earn a lot o money, # cannot spend my ree time
wit$ my riends and amily $appily.
# really care a*out t$e money *ecause my *ud"et is too ti"$t nowadays. # am so poor a student.
,$e tuition is too $i"$, *ut # $ave to pay it. # also $ave to pay my rentals o room and pay t$e
*oard. # $ave to pay t$e transportation ares, t$e *oo's, t$e clot$es and a lot o daily supplies. (ll
t$ese seem to *e a $eavy inancial *urden to me. &o, # $ave to loo' or a 6o* t$at could oer me
$i"$er salary.
!y riends and my amily mem*ers are all very *usy all day lon". &ome o t$em are *usy in
wor'in"@ ot$ers are *usy in studyin". ,$ey are usually $avin" little ree time to spend wit$ t$eir
riends and amilies, includin" me. # # were "iven a s$orter $ours 6o* and more ree time, # could
not meet t$em re1uently eit$er. .ut t$e money # would $ave lost.
.esides, even i my riends or my amily and # $ave mana"ed to ind out some leisure time to
spend to"et$er, i # $ave not "otten enou"$ money, w$ere t$e un will *e9 (ny meetin" or party
costs a ortune, even t$e simplest picnic. # we $ave no money to *e spent or our "at$erin", we
$ave to 6ust sit over t$ere and c$at. 2e will eel *orin" sooner. Anowin" t$is, # am ea"er or a
$i"$er:payin" 6o* so t$at # can "et t$e money ready or t$e meetin"s in t$e uture.
5or all t$ese reasons, # would li'e to $ave a $i"$er:payin" 6o* to support mysel and earn enou"$
money to meet my *usy riends and amily someday later. (lt$ou"$ t$is 6o* cannot oer me more
time to spend wit$ my riends and amily now, # *elieve t$at # will compensate it ater # $ave
*ecome some 'ind o millionaire in t$e uture.
Topic 1: $ome people say tat computers ave made life easier and more convenient. 'ter
people say tat computers ave made life more complex and stressful. Wat is your opinion!
"se specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
&ome people say t$at computers made lie more comple% and very stressul. .ut, t$ey do not see
real advanta"es o computers. ,$ey made lie easier and more convenient in many ways. ( prove
Academic Writing
o t$is, it is t$at computers $elp us every day in routinely and *orin" 6o*s. (lso, we can retrieve a
lot o inormation o t$em and inally, our modern communications would *e impossi*le wit$out
t$is tec$nolo"y.
Nowadays, every*ody in t$e world is demandin" more and more "oods, li'e cars, video:"ame
consoles and televisions and t$ey are possi*le t$an's to computers. -omputers ma'es very well
repetitive tas's and t$ey are also very "ood administratin" t$em. 5or e%ample, in car actory t$ere
are lots ro*ots assem*lin" cars. .ut, t$ese ro*ots need a central unity to do w$ic$ is in c$ar"e o
operations and administration o t$e w$ole process. ,$e answer= a computerB ,$is is a very "ood
e%ample, w$y are so important computers, normally a common $uman cannot mana"e all t$is
operations wit$ t$e same velocity as a computer can.
;n t$e ot$er $and, we are livin" a incredi*le time *ecause o t$e #nternet. 2e can retrieve a lot o
inormation rom many dierent sources in a couple o seconds and use it or w$atever we want.
5or instance, 15 years a"o a sc$ool:student to do $is $omewor'. 0e $ad to collect all t$e
inormation retrievin" t$em rom a li*rary and normally t$is inormation was not completely
enou"$. Now, a sc$ool student can retrieve lots o inormation rom internet and $e can
complement t$is initial inormation wit$ many ot$er dierent sources o*tained rom t$e internet
,oday or many dierent reasons, people are mi"ratin" rom t$eir $ome:country to ot$er countries.
.ut t$ey still want to $ave a contact wit$ t$eir amilies and riend. -omputers are a really
convenient tool to reac$ t$is "oal. ,$ere are tec$nolo"ies wit$ audio and video capa*ilities li'e
&'ype or !&N !essen"er w$ic$ we can use in our computers to communicate wit$ our loved
&ummin" up, # t$in' t$at computers are tremendous tools w$ic$ $elp us to ma'e our lie easier and
more convenient. ,$ey can do or us all t$ose *orin" and repetitive tas's. .esides, t$ey $elp us to
retrieve a lot o inormation rom many sources to use t$em in $omewor' or t$in" li'e t$at and
inally t$ey are $elpin" to many immi"rants to communicate wit$ t$eir loved ones. # cannot
ima"ine my lie wit$out a computerB
Topic 2: $ome people say tat te internet provides people wit a lot of valua%le information.
'ters tink tat access to so muc information creates pro%lems. Wic view do you agree
wit! "se specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.
,$ere is no dou*t t$at internet is one o t$e "reatest $uman'indCs inventions o t$e last century. #t is
ast and easy way to "et a lot o inormation. 0owever, some people *elieve t$at t$e internet
creates many pro*lems. 5rom my point o view, # t$in' t$at it $as advanta"es as well as
5irst o all, # t$in' t$at it *rin"s us many advanta"es and *eneits. 8eople can $ave t$e access to
t$e latest new o weat$er, traic, stoc' mar'et etc. (not$er important *eneit is t$at it is a "reat
mean o communication. ( ew years a"o it was rat$er diicult to ima"ine t$at it would *e
possi*le to communicate wit$ t$e people rom all over t$e world. &tudents $ave t$e opportunity to
Academic Writing
communicate wit$ t$e proessors around t$e world. ,$ey can as' t$em dierent 1uestions and can
$ave t$eir opinions to increase t$eir 'nowled"e. 8eople $ave t$e opportunity to communicate wit$
t$e people o t$e ot$er country and t$ey can 'now a*out t$eir cultures,traditions,customs and can
even visit eac$ ot$er. # t$in' t$at t$e internet $as made t$e world smaller and riendlier. 2e $ave
"ot t$e c$ance to learn more a*out t$e worldCs $istory, our oreat$ers and can "ain our 'nowled"e.
#nternet $as created a new orm o *usiness and it is called /:commerce. 2it$ t$e $elp o it,
8eople can easily *uy or sell t$e "oods around t$e world. 2e can order t$e t$in"s rom t$e ot$er
countries t$at are not availa*le in our country.
5rom t$e ot$er $and, it $as many disadvanta"es and diiculties. 5or e%ample, c$ildren "ot t$e easy
access to t$e inormation t$at t$ey are not supposed to read. (lso peopleCs security and privacy is
oten voilated. !any *an's $ad to increase its security *ecause o $ac'in".
0owever, # *elieve t$at t$e internet "ave us more advanta"es t$en disadvanta"es.
Topic 3: *n te future, students ave te coice of studying at ome %y using tecnology suc
as computers or television or of studying at traditional scools. Wic would you prefer! "se
reasons and specific details to explain your coice.
( *etter education stems rom t$e learnin"s you "et out rom w$at youCve studied. # you ind your
education more important t$an anyt$in" else, you $ave to set 1uality time, $ard wor', conducive
place and variety o resources to study. #n my personal view, i rat$er stay in sc$ool and learn t$e
traditional way o studyin" to *rus$ up my 'nowled"e and s'ills t$an to rely on my computer or
televison at $ome to study.
,$eres a lot o t$in"s u can *eneit rom "oin" to sc$ool. Dou are not only learnin" academically
*ut you can also learn t$e spiritual, p$ysical, and psyc$olo"ical aspects o your well:*ein". #n
sc$ool, teac$ers can assess $ow you are *e$avin" towards ot$er people. ,$ey "ive eed*ac's and
teac$ t$e students t$e more important values in lie. 2$en you rely learnin" at $ome, t$ese
'nowled"e *ein" tau"$t rom your teac$ers are *ein" overs$adowed. Dour parents may not always
*e at $ome to see and c$ec' u all t$e time.
(lt$ou"$ computers or televisions are "ood sources o "ettin" updated:t$orou"$ inormation.
,$ese may not actually *e t$e 'ey to "ood way o learnin". # you rely on t$ese resources, you may
not *e a*le to pay more attention o studyin". -omputers and televisions can *e a source o
entertainment in some ways. 5or t$ese reason, studyin" at $ome will 6ust end up o not$in".
)nli'e, "oin" to sc$ool, students can pay more attention *ecause t$ere is alos motivation comin"
rom class attentiveness and discussion. &tudent scan also incorporate computers as way o added
up learnin".
,$e oundation o learnin" s$ould *e"in wit$ proper education. &,ayin" in sc$ool could ma'e t$e
students 'eep up wit$ t$e $i"$:demands placed *y our socio:economic society nowadays. i our
Academic Writing
standard way o livin" means improvin" our country. # t$in' more sc$ools s$ould *e put up in
order to ma'e access or our yout$. # *elieve our Dout$ is t$e uture. &o, lets "et more educated.
Topic 14: ,o you agree or disagree wit te following statement! 5ig scools sould allow
students to study te courses tat students want to study. "se specific reasons and examples
to support your opinion.
,$e 1uestion w$et$er $i"$ sc$ool s$ould allow students to study t$e courses t$at students want to
study is t$e one t$at is open or de*ate. &ome people *elieve t$at students in $i"$ sc$ool s$ould
$ave t$e ri"$t to study t$e courses t$ey li'e. 0owever, ot$er people disa"ree and stand t$at
teena"ers can not totally *e sure w$at t$ey li'e and w$at t$ey need to 'now at t$eir a"e. #n t$is
essay # will analy+e t$ese points and present my view in avor o people w$o *elieve t$at some
courses must *e re1uired to study *y students.
5rom t$e one side, $avin" a c$ance to c$oose w$at one li'es to study can *rin" many *eneits.
5irst o all, a student can *e *etter prepared or t$e career $e li'es *ecause $e can spend more time
studyin" w$at $e is interested in. &econd o all, students will learn wit$ more ent$usiasm *ecause
t$ey will learn w$at t$ey li'e.
5rom t$e ot$er side, teena"ers oten can not completely understand w$at t$ey want to do in t$e
uture. &o, "iven a c$ance to c$oose, t$ey can c$oose classes, w$ic$ are easy to learn and do not
ta'e muc$ time to study. (s a result o t$is ater "raduation many students can *e unprepared to
enroll in universities and, o cause, ma'e careers. 8ersonally, # t$in' t$at some courses suc$ as
mat$ematics, literature, writin" /n"lis$ must *e re1uired or studyin" *y students. ,$is will $elps
t$em to "ain more 'nowled"e and e%perience, develop a*ility to t$in' lo"ically, improve writin"
s'ills, etc. &o, students will *e *etter prepared or t$e real world and independence lie.
,o sum up, # t$in' t$at $i"$ sc$ool s$ould $ave re1uired courses *ecause it is essential or a
student to $ave a "ood *ase or t$e uture lie. Ee1uired courses as a rule are more complicated *ut
t$ey "ive t$e opportunity or students to e%tend t$eir ran"e o interests and $elp t$em to develop
many important c$aracteristics suc$ as sel:conident, persistent, patience, etc.
Topic 11: ,o you agree or disagree wit te following statement! People are never satisfied
wit wat tey ave6 tey always want someting more or someting different. "se specific
reasons to support your answer.
>o you t$in' t$at people want somet$in" new and dierent and are never satisied wit$ w$at t$ey
$ave9 2ell, some people mi"$t oppose t$is point. 0owever, or t$e ollowin" t$ree points and
e%amples, # stron"ly insist t$at as people "et more, t$ey want somet$in" even more. Now, # will
"ive you my t$ree points t$at support my position.
,o *e"in wit$, many people t$in' t$at t$ey want to wal' w$en t$ey are runnin". ,$ey t$en
want to sit i t$ey are wal'in". Ne%t, i t$ey are sittin", t$ey want to lay down. ,$en, t$ey want to
all asleep. ,$is s$ows us $ow people are never satisied wit$ w$at t$ey $ave. ;nce t$ey $ave
accomplis$ed somet$in", t$ey want to "et somet$in" more and more. ,$is is t$e irst point o my
Academic Writing
(s to t$e second point, people especially students want lots o clot$es even ater t$ey *ou"$t
clot$es. !y riends in "rade nine really li'e wearin" many dierent 'inds o clot$es. ,$ey said
t$at made t$eir parents an"ry *ut t$ey were never satisied wit$ t$eir clot$es. #n t$is situation, it is
clearly s$owin" t$at people are never satisied wit$ w$at t$ey $ave.
,$e very last point is related to money. (s you all 'now, people love money *ecause t$ey
'now t$at t$ey wouldn4t *e a*le to do anyt$in" wit$out money. Nevert$eless, people always want
more money as t$ey earn more. 2e can4t deny t$is act. 2ell, some won4t do *ut over 80F o
people will pro*a*ly want more money. ,$ey never "et satisied wit$ money and t$is is evidently
tellin" us t$at people always want somet$in" more.
(ll t$in"s considered, some people would stron"ly disa"ree wit$ t$e point t$at people are
never satisied wit$ w$at t$ey $ave, as mentioned. Det, or t$e previous t$ree e%amples, we can
easily say t$at people always want somet$in" more and never eel suicient wit$ w$at t$ey $ave.
0ence, # certainly a"ree t$at people are never pleased wit$ w$at t$ey $ave and want somet$in"
Topic 1#: ,o you agree or disagree wit te following statement! Tecnology as made te
world a %etter place to live. "se specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.

!any aspects o t$e world are *ot$ "ood and *ad and are constantly c$an"in", c$an"e t$at can
commonly *e attri*uted to tec$nolo"y. 2$ile some people *elieve t$at tec$nolo"y *rin"s not$in"
*ut trou*le, ot$ers *elieve t$at t$e advanta"es o tec$nolo"y outwei"$ t$e ne"ative aspects. #
*elieve t$at tec$nolo"y $as made t$e world a *etter place to live due to *ot$ t$e convenience and
advancements in medical science it $as *rou"$t.
5irst, tec$nolo"ical advancements $ave lie more convenient. #n t$e $ectic world o modern lie,
any added convenience ma'es lie easier. ;ne everyday o*6ect aected *y advancin" tec$nolo"y is
t$e telep$one. ,$e land:line or $ome p$one allowed people to contact ot$ers over "reat distances.
2it$ a telep$one *usinessmen can contact clients, parents can 'eep in touc$ wit$ c$ildren, all wit$
t$e touc$ o a ew *uttons. 0owever, t$e $ome p$one is stationary. 2it$ a cellular p$one people
can ma'e p$one calls rom anyw$ere at anytime@ at $ome, on t$e *us, in t$e li*rary or at sc$ool.
,$ese days, it is also possi*le to watc$ ,G, *rowse t$e internet, listen to music or play video
"ames, all wit$ a cellular p$one. ,$ese conveniences are all used t$rou"$ a sin"le device.
&econd, developments in medical tec$nolo"y $ave allowed people to live lon"er, $ealt$ier lives.
8revious advancements suc$ as 'idney transplants or artiicial $earts were t$ou"$t o as simply
science iction and unli'ely to ever *e possi*le. 0owever, medical patients routinely receive or"an
transplants and pacema'ers continue to allow people to live lon"er despite many con"enital $eart
deects. ,$is tec$nolo"y allows or eit$er a new $eart or a mac$ine t$at re"ulates your $eart*eat
and allows people to live a $ealt$y, normal lie. ,$at is 6ust one e%ample o t$ousands t$at are now
possi*le t$rou"$ advancements in medical science.
#n conclusion, many people ocus on t$e disadvanta"es and pro*lems associated wit$ tec$nolo"y,
*ut # *elieve t$at t$e *eneits ar outwei"$ t$e ne"ative aspects. ,ec$nolo"y $as made t$e world a
*etter place to live *y allowin" additional convenience and t$e opportunity or a $ealt$ier lie
t$rou"$ improved medical science.

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