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Background of the Study
Our human body is one of the most amazing creations. It is composed of
several systems that work together in order to function well. Our body has so many
functions such as to inhale oxygen and to exhale carbon dioxide, to react to stimuli,
to break down food, to pump blood and so many functions. One very significant
system is the immune system, it functions to protect and fight foreign bodies for us
to live a satisfying life and to enjoy this wonderful creation
However, in some cases the immune system can be compromised. Thus, our
human body can be easily invaded by microorganisms resulting to illnesses which
can cause further malfunctions. A virus is one of these common infections. Factors
which lower the bodys resistance to virus infection are overexposure to cold,
fatigue, recent or present infections, lack of rest, allergic reactions, inhalation of
irritating dusts or gas, overeating, sugar consumption, and wrong eating (Vance et.al,
The common colds is one of the viral infection that invades our immune
system. Base on the site of right diagnosis the extrapolated estimation of incidence
(annual) of common colds, Philippines reached 19,658,033 out of 86,241,697

population estimation used. This may be due to the tropical weather of the country. It
is one of the most common reasons that children miss school and parents miss work.
Furthermore, colds is the general inflammation of the mucous membranes of
the respiratory passages. Its symptoms include nose and throat irritations, watery
eyes, headaches, chills, muscles aches and temporary loss of smell and taste. It is not
good to ignore colds and drag on with your work. As soon as it develops, it is
advisable to go to bed, drink fresh lemon juice in water, and settle down to getting
well. Its treatment should include as much Vitamin C as you can take, without
producing diarrhea(up to 5,000 mg at a time) (Vance et.al, 2004).
Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, works on several levels to support the
functioning of the immune system. Besides enhancing the activity of immune cells, it
is needed in the production of collagen, the principal protein found in all connective
tissue. By helping to maintain this tissue, vitamin C slows down the spread of
infections throughout the body. Also, vitamin C, found in many fruits and
vegetables, assists in building and maintaining mucous membranes and collagen, as
well as strengthening the blood vessel walls, and is thought to enhance the function
of the immune cells. Vitamin C supplements may help reduce the duration of a
cold.(Strengthen Your Immune System: Boosting the Bodys Own Healing Powers
in the Fight against Disease, 2002)

On the other hand, Hippocrates, the father of western Medicine, said in his
writing Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food. This implies that
natural food is vital in maintaining the optimum state of our health and that it should
be our first and foremost medicine when diseases attack our body or when
maintaining a healthy body.
To enhance the delivery of health services especially to the poor, the
Traditional and Alternative Medicine Act of 1997 explicitly encourages the pursuit
of researches on traditional and alternative health care
In relation to this, it was discovered that watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is
a good source of vitamin C. Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is a cruciferous
vegetable that is rich in antioxidants, bioflavonoids and other substances that may
protect against certain types of cancer, particularly those of the digestive system. It
has also been found to contain a phytochemical called phenylehylisothiocyanate
(PEITC), which may detoxify the carcinogens that are linked to lung cancer.
Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) is also a good source of Vitamin A (in the form f
beta carotene, its precursor), C and E, anti-oxidants that protect against cell damage
by free radicals, unstable molecules that are produced when the body uses oxygen. A
single cup of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) provides 135 mcg of vitamin A,
approximately 40mg of vitamin C, and useful amounts of calcium, iron and

potassium, yet it contains only 30 kilojoules (Foods that Harm, Foods that Heal,
Many alternative practitioners suggest that watercress can alleviate
gastrointestinal upsets and help to treat respiratory problems and urinary tract
infections. Some claim that it also can be useful as a mild antidepressant, an appetite
stimulant and a diuretic. However, these health benefits have not been verified
(Foods that Harm, Foods that Heal, 2006).
Therefore, based on the information that was presented, the researchers are
eager to study on the effectiveness of watercress in relieving common colds.


Theoretical Framework
The illustration below describes the metaparadigms of Henderson. The
environment should be manipulated and in relation to this research, watercress which
is abundant in our place will be used hence the environment will be manipulated.
Health, on the other hand aims to have balance in our lives in which we should
observe to prevent diseases or infection where in watercress contains vitamin C that
can strengthen the immune system of the body. Person also plays an important role
in which the person should be independent in maintain ones health. And the nurse
"will devote himself or herself consistently day and night," to help the patient meet
the 14 basic needs. (Henderson, 1991).

Figure 1.Diagram of Virginia Henderson'sMetaparadigms

Furthermore, the Environmental theory of Florence Nightingale, mother of
modern nursing, was considered. According to this theory nursing is an art of
utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery. In relation the
environment which will utilized in this research through watercress which can help
in the recovery of those in need.
We all know that plants are part of the environment, particularly herbal
plants. They have been widely documented and used throughout the human

existence. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, and the earlier researchers are truly
keen on the usage of plants to treat different illnesses. Still, these times, the use of
plants as an alternative an first aid line of treatment is practiced especially with the
people living in rural areas but then with no exception with the ones in the urban
As supported by the Thompsonianism and Physiomedicalism theories, that
herbal plants act through the cellular metabolism to maintain the functional integrity
of the organism. Then, it is understood that herbal plants are not only for curing
purposes but also for strengthening the immune system against the invasion of
opportunistic pathogens. Like it was stated in the previous paragraph, watercress
contains vitamin C which strengthens our immune system.
According to Samuel Thompson, (1981), this Thompsonian Theory states
that disease is the result of a disease or a disturbed function of the vital fluids. The
resulting symptoms are interpreted as efforts of the vital force to rid itself of the toxic
encumbrances thus generated. Essentially, treatment is aimed to restoring vital
energy and removing disease generated obstructions. (Ornamental plants utilized as
alternative medicine of residents of Bahong, LTB, 2010)


Paradigm of the Study
The paradigm of the study shows the independent and dependent variables
and the relationship between them. The independent variables include watercress and
the ascorbic acid as the positive control treatment. These different treatments will be
used to determine the effectiveness of watercress as a common colds remedy.


Figure2. Paradigm of the study


Effectiveness of
watercress as a cold
1-2 days =Very effective
3-5 days =Less effective
6-7 days = Not effective


- Ascorbic acid
Concentrates from the watercress
prepared in four concentrations
- 100%
- 75%
- 50%
4 -


Statement of the Problem
The study aims to determine the effect of watercress on common colds to
answer the following questions:
1. What is the effect of the different treatments against common colds?
2. What is the effect of the best concentrate of watercress extract as compared to
ascorbic acid against common colds?
Hypotheses of the Study
1. There is a significant difference on the effect of the different treatments in
relieving common colds.
2. There is a significant difference on the effect of the best concentration of
watercress (Nasturtium officinale) as compared to ascorbic acid.
Significance of the Study
Nurses outside the hospital are currently having problems on what they
would do if the doctor is not around. Nurses that are living and working in far flung
areas may use this research as a basis in having another remedy for common colds.
This study will provide necessary information on the use of watercress as a remedy
for common colds.

This study will help in the improvement and development of knowledge
about common colds and watercress. The researchers will confirm the beneficial
effect of Nasturtium officinalein individuals with common colds.
For the student nurses, this will help in doing responsibilities for the results
that they would accomplish and the effectiveness of the interventions they apply and
recommend to their patients. That is why it is important that they should be updated
on the new information in their field.
This study will also enrich and strengthen the role of nurses as researchers.
This will serve as a basis for other individuals who want to study watercress.
Scope and Delimitation of the Study
The study comprises the effect of watercress in relieving common colds that
consists of five treatments; four experimental treatments that includes 100%, 75%,
50 % and 25% of watercress extract and a control treatment of 500mg Vitamin C on
grades 4 and 5 who have common colds for 1-2 days of three elementary schools La
Trinidad, Benguet for seven days.


Common Colds
The common colds is a viral infection in the upper respiratory tract primarily
caused by rhinoviruses. It is usually harmless, although it may not feel that way at
the time. Because any one of more than 100 viruses can cause common colds, signs
and symptoms tend to vary greatly. During our lifetime, we tend to build up
immunity against cold viruses thats why preschool children are at greatest risk of
frequent colds because of weaker immune system but this doesnt remove the risk in
adults in having colds. (Mayo Clinic, 2012).
Signs and symptoms of viral rhinitis are nasal congestion, runny nose,
sneezing, nasal discharge, nasal itchiness, tearing watery eyes, scratchy or sore
throat, general malaise, low grade fever, chills and often head ache and muscle
aches. The symptoms last from 1-2 weeks. (Smeltzer and Bare, 2004)
There are no medications or herbal remedies proven to shorten the duration
of illness. Treatment is symptomatic support; medications were given to alleviate the
symptoms but do not cure the disease itself. The best way to prevent colds is to
observe thorough hand hygiene, and proper precautions when sneezing and coughing
(News Medical).

Figure 3.Pathogenesis of symptoms attributable to the common colds. (Hunt, 2011)


Antibiotics and Antiviral
Antibiotics dont have any beneficial effect in the common colds since they
only target bacteria and there are no approved antiviral drugs for common colds.
Although, such medications are used just to treat symptoms only (news-medical.net).
Once contracted, colds must run its course (Natural Remedies Encyclopedia, 2004).
Vitamins C
Vitamins are derived from food and are essential for a variety of biologic
processes, among them growth, digestion, mental alertness and resistance to
infection. They also enable the human body to use carbohydrates, fats and proteins,
and they act as catalysts initiating or speeding up chemical reactions. Although
they do not provide energy or make up our cells or organs, without them the body
cannot carry out many of the chemical processes it needs (dorchesterhealth.org).
Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin. It has many functions in the body: as an
antioxidant fighting free radicals, it has a role in the synthesis of collagen which
forms muscles, tendons, ligaments, bone, and blood vessels (therefore contributes to
wound healing and tissue repair). It increases the absorption of iron, decreases the
absorption of copper, and interacts with other antioxidants.

Its importance is highly remarkable. It aids in the formation of antibodies,
acts as a natural antihistamine, helps in the metabolism of folic acid, stimulation of
white blood cells, and in the formation of corticosteroid hormones (stress hormones).
It also maintains healthy blood vessels, skin, gums, bones and teeth. Thus, it is very
important in strengthening the immune system (Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 2006).
The body is not able to make vitamin C on its own, and it does not store
vitamin C. It is therefore important to include plenty of vitamin C-containing foods
in our daily diet. The recommended dietary allowance of Vitamin C for men and
women adult is 90mg and 75mg per day respectively. 45mg should be taken by
children 4-10 years old and 50mg for 11-15 years old on daily basis (Mocati, et.al,
Serious side effects from too much vitamin C are very rare, because the body
cannot store the vitamin. However, amounts greater than 2,000 mg/day are not
recommended because such high doses can lead to stomach upset and diarrhea and a
severe form of vitamin C deficiency is known as scurvy (Zieve&Eltz, 2013). Its
symptoms include bleeding and bruising easily, hair and tooth loss, and joint pain
and swelling. Such symptoms appear to be related to the weakening of blood vessels,
connective tissue, and bone, which all contain collagen (Frei, 2009).

Traditional medicine
According to WHO, traditional medicine is the sum total of the knowledge,
skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to
different cultures, whether explicable or not, used in the maintenance of health as
well as in the prevention, diagnosis, improvement or treatment of physical and
mental illness. It includes the following principles:
Herbs: crude plant material such as leaves, flowers, fruit, seed, stems, wood,
bark, roots, rhizomes or other plant parts, which may be entire, fragmented or
Herbal materials: in addition to herbs, fresh juices, gums, fixed oils,
essential oils, resins and dry powders of herbs. In some countries, these
materials may be processed by various local procedures, such as steaming,
roasting, or stir-baking with honey, alcoholic beverages or other materials.
Traditional use of herbal medicines refers to the long historical use of these
medicines. Their use is well established and widely acknowledged to be safe
and effective, and may be accepted by national authorities.
Therapeutic activity refers to the successful prevention, diagnosis and
treatment of physical and mental illnesses; improvement of symptoms of
illnesses; as well as beneficial alteration or regulation of the physical and
mental status of the body.

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
Watercress has long been believed to have a number of health benefits. It has
been revered as a super food down the centuries. Hippocrates, the father of medicine,
is said to have located his first hospital close to a stream to ensure fresh watercress to
help treat his patients. Greek soldiers were given it as a tonic before going into battle
and the 16th Century herbalist Culpepper claimed it could cleanse the blood
(Medical News Today, 2007). According to Watercress.com, the Persians, Greeks
and Romans are all known to have partaken in its consumption. Persians are advised
to feed watercress to their children to improve bodily growth.
In addition to the University of Ulster study, the Chinese have long known
the benefits of a watercress diet. In this country, watercress soup has long been used
to help treat chancer sores and mouth blisters. It also is consumed to help with pain
in the teeth and bad breath complaints.
The Greek name of cress, krdamon, was loaned from Persia, where the
garden cress probably originates; it is not related to English cress. The latter is either
related to Lithuanian griezigs "pungent" or, which is far more probable, derives from
the Indo-European root GRES "devour" whence also Old Norse kras "delicacy",
Sanskrit grasati "he eats", Greek grn "gnaw". On the other hand, nasturtium (a
name used by the Romans for several cress-like plants, mostly garden cress)
probably derives from nasi-tortium "nose pain" (from nasus "nose" and the verb

torquere "torment") and refers to the sharp, pungent aroma. Water cress bears in
most languages an attribute meaning "water" or "well" referring to its frequent
growth in nonmoving water. The French, German and Spanish names of nasturtium
all derive from Italian cappucio "hood; especially a monk's cowl", related to English
cap; the name was given because the flowers of nasturtium resemble the cowl of
Capuchin monks. (Katzer, 1999)
Despite its low fat and calorie content, watercress manages to pack an
incredibly big punch in vitamins and minerals. Watercress contains vitamin A,
vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin K and is a source of calcium, manganese, potassium,
magnesium and phosphorus (Amos, 2007).

Figure 3. Watercress

One cup of watercress contains 106 percent of the Recommended Dietary
Allowance, or RDA, for vitamin K, which assists in blood clotting. It also provides
22 percent of vitamin A, 24 percent of vitamin C and 2 percent of vitamin E. These
vitamins act as antioxidants to support vision health and collagen production. In
addition, they scavenge free radicals in the body that can cause cellular damage,
which contributes to aging and disease. Watercress also provides 2 percent of the
RDA for vitamin B6, thiamin, riboflavin, phosphorus and magnesium.

Figure 4.Comparison of Watercress in Vitamin C Content. (USDA Food
Watercress Asparagus Cabbage Carrot Peas

Watercress (Nasturtium officinale) has Cancer-Fighting and Weight Loss
Potentials. Eating watercress daily can significantly reduce DNA damage to blood
cells, which is considered to be an important trigger in the development of cancer
and a daily portion of watercress also increased the ability of those cells to resist
further DNA damage caused by free radicals. One cup of watercress contains a mere
4 calories and no fat. Watercress can add bulk to meals without adding a lot of
calories, helping you to feel full but not exceed your calorie limits (Medical News
Today, 2007).
Other potential uses, not necessarily backed by scientific documentation, are
also fairly well known. They include headache relief, and treating eczema,
dermatitis, gout, lung congestion, scurvy and tuberculosis (Amos, 2007).
Preparations and Amounts
Watercress can be added to salads, soups, sandwiches, stir-frys, stews and
many other things. It can also be juiced along with other fruits and vegetables in
daily juice beverages. For optimal health benefits, eat watercress raw and as fresh as
possible. When used in a salad, toss with olive oil and apple cider vinegar. The apple
cider vinegar will improve digestion and will allow for better assimilation of
nutrients. If you live near a clean stream, you can even grow your own watercress by

planting the seeds indoors and transplanting the seedlings into the shallowest part of
a gently flowing creek. Harvest leaves when young and tender for the best taste. It
contains a wide variety of healing nutrients and, since it is a food and not a drug, it
can be safely consumed in large quantities to obtain therapeutic benefit. (Benson,
Nursing Herbal Medicine Handbook suggests that watercress can be prepared
as tea by taking it 2 or 3 cups daily before meals. It is prepared by pouring 150 mL
boiling water over 2g of herbs (about 1 or 2 teaspoons), covering for 10-15 minutes
and then straining. Typical daily amount says 4-6g of dried herb, 20-30g of fresh
herb, or 60 to 150g of freshly pressed juice.
Phytochemical Components of Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
Watercress contains glucosinolates, which are plant compounds that offer
disease prevention. Glucosinolatesare powerful anti-cancer agents. They exhibit such
defensive effects by protecting against oxidative damage, inducing cells protective
enzymes against toxins, and inhibiting the activity of numerous genes and enzymes
thought to play a substantial role in tumor progression (Yazdi, 2011).
Phenylehylisothiocyanate (PEITC) a phytonutrient also found in watercress
that can help inhibit carcinogenesis (the development of cancer) and tumorigenesis
(the development of tumors) and therefore useful in reducing cancer risk.

Phenethylisothiocyanate (PEITC) has been shown to induce apoptosis (or cell
suicide) in certain cancer cell lines (Healing Gourmet, 2013 ).
Antioxidants such as Vitamin C and E are also found in watercress.
Antioxidants help to protect cells by scavenging highly reactive free radical
molecules (by donating electrons) before they cause cell and tissue damage.
Watercress provides vitamin A via beta-carotene, which has ProvitaminA activity.
Vitamin A is an essential fat-soluble vitamin and is necessary for normal vision
(including night vision), structure and function of the skin and mucous membranes,
reproduction, embryonic development, growth and cellular differentiation, and for
the maintenance of immune function. Watercress is also a source of iron which is
essential for energy production and the normal transport of oxygen in the body via its
role in the formation of hemoglobin in red blood cells and myoglobin in muscle
cells. It is also needed for normal immune function, blood formation, and
neurological development in embryos (watercress.com).
Watercress leaves contain rich reserves of an omega-3 fatty acid called alpha-
linolenic acid (ALA), as well as lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidants are found
in high concentrations in the lens and retina (especially the macular) of the eye,
playing a protective role in promoting eye health (Forberg, 2008).


Ascorbic Acid
According to Web MD, Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) is used to prevent or treat
low levels of vitamin C in people who do not get enough of the vitamin from
their diets. Most people who eat a normal diet do not need extra ascorbic acid. Low
levels of vitamin C can result in a condition called scurvy. Scurvy may cause
symptoms such as rash, muscle weakness, joint pain, tiredness, or tooth loss.
Vitamin C plays an important role in the body. It is needed to maintain the
health of skin, cartilage, teeth, bone, and blood vessels. It is also used to protect your
body's cells from damage. It is known as an antioxidant.
A very serious allergic reaction to this drug is rare. However, seek immediate
medical attention if you notice any symptoms of a serious allergic reaction,
including: rash, itching/swelling (especially of the face/tongue/throat),
severe dizziness, trouble breathing. Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal
cramps/pain, or heartburn may occur. If any of these effects persist or worsen, tell
your doctor or pharmacist promptly.
If taken with other drugs, vitamin C can change their effects. This can
increase the risk for serious side effects or may cause the medications not to work
correctly. These drug interactions are possible, but do not always occur. Doctor or

pharmacist can often prevent or manage interactions by changing how the uses of the
medications or by close monitoring.
This vitamin may interfere with certain laboratory tests (including certain
urine glucose tests), possibly causing false test results. Make sure laboratory
personnel and all your doctors know you use this drug.(Web MD)


This chapter discusses in detail how the study will be done. It deals with the
methods and procedures of research which will be employed in the study; it
discusses the research design, and the research instrument that will be used in
gathering the data. It also includes the statistical treatment of the data.
Research Design
The study will be using a quantitative experimental research design in order
to determine the potentials of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) as a remedy for
common colds.
The effectiveness of watercress (Nasturtium officinale) concentrate in
relieving common colds will be prepared to the use of the standard medicine
Ascorbic Acid as a control group. Four extract concentrations will be used: 100%,
75%, 50% and 25%.
Population and Locale of the Study
The study will be conducted in three different elementary schools in La
Trinidad namely Balili Elementary School, Alapang Elementary School and Lubas
Elementary School from October 2013-February 2014. Watercress will be gathered
from Km. 3, La Trinidad,Benguet Ascorbic Acid will be purchased from a drugstore


Figure 5. Experimental Design

1 -
2 -
3 -
4 -

Data Collection Instrument
The data will be through observation and interview method. Each pupil from
grades 4 and 5 levels will be interviewed for the subjective reports of common colds.
The teachers also will be interviewed to clarify the reports of the students.
Observation using physical assessments in the occurrence of symptoms of common
colds such as sneezing, runny nose, teary eyes and presence of fever will be done by
the researchers. An assessment checklist will used in the collection of data.
Data collection Procedure
Five treatments including the control will be prepared for the study. These
treatments will be utilized to determine the potentials of watercress (Nasturtium
officinale) in relieving signs and symptoms of common colds.
Initial assessments will be done before the implementation to determine the
pupils with common colds and those who manifest any signs and symptoms through
the use of assessment checklist. Only pupils who had the symptoms for 1-2 days will
be qualified in the study. This will be the basis of the researchers in dividing the
subjects of the study.
Pupils from grades 4 and 5 ages 9-11 years old will be the respondents of the
study. Four pupils, two girls and two boys, will be taking each different treatment.

Assessments will also be done every day during the implementation and the
final assessment will be done after the implementation to be able to take note any
improved manifestations per day that the pupils have.
Preparation of Nasturtium officinale
The materials that will be used include the following: 16000g of watercress
leaves and stalk, basin, cheesecloth, funnel, graduated cylinder, distilled water, clean
gloves, sugar and water bottles.
The watercress will be collected making sure that it is young and tender. The
freshly collected watercress will be washed first with purified water to remove dusts
and other particles. A ratio of o.5kg is to 2L will be used. This will be used in
soaking overnight or 8-10 hours in cold water to preserve the vitamin content of the
watercress. Afterwards, the leaves will be squeezed using cheesecloth. Then, the
treatment will be diluted into different level of water.
Using a graduated cylinder, the different treatments will be measured. The T
will be prepared with 100mL of watercress concentrate. The T
will be prepared with
75 mL of watercress mixed with 25 mL distilled water. T
will be prepared with 50
mL of watercress mixed with 50 mL distilled water. T
will be prepared with 25 mL
of watercress mixed with 75 mL distilled water. Then minimal amount of sugar will
be added to each treatment to add taste.

Table 1. Ratio of watercress concentrates (mL) and distilled water (mL)
Treatments Concentrate (mL):water (mL)
100% (T
75% (T
50% (T
25% (T

Preparation of control treatment
The 100mg tablet ascorbic acid will be given together with water once a day
every morning for seven days.
Application of Treatment
The different treatments will be given by the research team with the help of
the teachers of the different elementary schools. 100mL of treatments will be given
twice every day, one in the morning and another in the afternoon. The study will be
done for a span of 7days since cold symptoms usually appear 2 or 3 days after
exposure to a source of infection but most colds clear up within 1 week, but some

last for as long as 2 weeks (kidshealth.org). Assessment will be done every day after
the intake of treatments to determine the effectiveness (in days) of the treatments in
relieving common colds. The data collected from each treatment will be recorded
and arranged in a tabular form for analysis.

Figure 6.Flow chart on the analysis and data gathering
Gathering of
Washing and
cleansing watercress
Weighing watercress
Preparation of
different watercress
Preparation of
control treatment
Initial interview and
physicl assesment of
prospective subjects
Selection and
division of the
subjects for the study
Application of each
Observation and
interview during the
Final assessment and
Collection of data
Analyzation of data
obtained for
statistical analysis

Figure 7. Experimental layout

(Control group)

(50%) T

Statistical Treatment
The design of the experiment will follow the Completely Randomized Design
(CRD). The formula is as follows:
Correction Factor (CF) = (grand total)

= x
Total number of replications N

Total Sum of Squares (TSS) = x

Treatment Sum of Squares (TrSS) = (treatment total)
CF = xx
/r- CF
Number of replication

Error Sum of Squares (ESS) = total sum of squares Treatment sum of squares


Treatment Mean of Squares (treatment MS) = treatment sum of squares
Total number of treatments - 1

= Treatment SS
t - 1

Error Mean of Squares ( Error MS) = error sum of squares
Number of treatment (number of replications 1)

= error SS
t ( r - 1 )

F-value = treatment mean of squares
Error mean of squares

= treatment MS
Error MS


The treatments will be further analyzed using the Duncans Multiple Range
Test (DMRT). The following formulas will be used:
Standard error of a treatment mean (s
) = s
Shortest significant ranges (Rp) = (shortest significant ranges of the treatment)
(standard error of a treatment mean)
= r



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WATERCRESS.(2010). Watercress Does-A-Body-Good.Retrieved September 10,
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ZIEVE, David, MD, MHA and ELTZ, David R. (2013, March 22). Vitamin C.
Retrieved September 10, 2013 from



Communication Letters

Benguet State University
La Trinidad, 2601 Benguet

September 27, 2013
Jonalyn S. Esco, RN, MAN
Chairman for Clinical Instructor
College of Nursing
Benguet State University

We, the undersigned third year students of Benguet State University are to
conduct a study entitled EFFECTIVENESS OF WATERCRESS (Nasturtium
Officinale) IN RELIEVING COMMON COLDS in partial fulfillment of the
requirement of research 12 for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
In this regard, we would like to request you to be our adviser for the said
We are hoping for your favorable response.
Thank you very much and God bless.
Respectfully yours,
Depayso, Jubilee Beth L.
Dominguez, LeonarieKarren T.
Ebro, Norieleen N.

Jonalyn S. Esco, RN, MAN

Benguet State University
La Trinidad, 2601 Benguet

September 27, 2013
Retired Faculty
Benguet State University
We, the undersigned third year students of Benguet State University are to
conduct a study entitled EFFECTIVENESS OF WATERCRESS (Nasturtium
Officinale) IN RELIEVING COMMON COLDS in partial fulfillment of the
requirement of research 12 for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
In this regard, we would like to request you to be our panel during the
defense for the said research.
We are hoping for your favorable response.
Thank you very much and God bless.
Respectfully yours,
Depayso, Jubilee Beth L.
Dominguez, LeonarieKarren T.
Ebro, Norieleen N.

Noted: Approved:
Jonalyn S. Esco, RN, MAN Edna A. Chua, MAT, Ed.D
Adviser Chairman


Benguet State University
La Trinidad, 2601 Benguet

September 27, 2013
Office of the University Registrar
Benguet State University
We, the undersigned third year students of Benguet State University are to
conduct a study entitled EFFECTIVENESS OF WATERCRESS (Nasturtium
Officinale) IN RELIEVING COMMON COLDS in partial fulfillment of the
requirement of research 12 for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
In this regard, we would like to request you to be our panel during the
defense for the said research.
We are hoping for your favorable response.
Thank you very much and God bless.
Respectfully yours,
Depayso, Jubilee Beth L.
Dominguez, LeonarieKarren T.
Ebro, Norieleen N.

Noted: Approved:
Jonalyn S. Esco, RN, MAN Marilyn B. Toledo, M.A.T.
Adviser Statistician

Benguet State University
La Trinidad, 2601 Benguet

September27 , 2013
Glenn Ryan I. Palao-ay
Instructor I
College of Nursing
Benguet State University
Madam/ Sir:
We, the undersigned third year students of Benguet State University are to
conduct a study entitled EFFECTIVENESS OF WATERCRESS (Nasturtium
Officinale) IN RELIEVING COMMON COLDS in partial fulfillment of the
requirement of research 12 for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
In this regard, we would like to request you to be our panel during the
defense for the said research.
We are hoping for your favorable response.
Thank you very much and God bless.
Respectfully yours,
Depayso, Jubilee Beth L.
Dominguez, LeonarieKarren T.
Ebro, Norieleen N.

Noted: Approved:
Jonalyn S. Esco, RN, MAN Glenn Ryan I. Palao-ay,R.N., M.A.N
Adviser Member

Data Collection Instrument

Benguet State University
La Trinidad, Benguet


Grade & section:________________
Age: _________
Gender: ___________
School: _____________________________________

INSTTRUCTION: Check the sign and symptoms present.









Blunted senses
of smell and

Slight fever
(37.8-39 C)



It is composed by a several
systems that work together in
order to function well.

1 It is composed of several systems that
work together in order to function
But one of the systems that is
very significant is the immune
system that functions to protect
and to fight foreign bodies for us
to live a satisfying life and to
enjoy this wonderful creation.

1 One very significant system is the
immune system, it functions to
protect and fight foreign bodies for us
to live a satisfying life and to enjoy
this wonderful creation
Virus is a common infection 1

1 A virus is one of these common
Common colds is one of the most
usual viral infection that invades
our immune system

1 The common colds is one of the viral
infection that invades our immune
Furthermore, colds are a general
inflammation of the mucous
membranes of the respiratory

2 Furthermore, colds is the general
inflammation of the mucous
membranes of the respiratory
Symptoms include nose and
throat irritations, watery eyes,
headaches, chills, muscles aches
and temporary loss of smell and
taste cause is a variety of viruses.

2 Its symptoms include nose and throat
irritations, watery eyes, headaches,
chills, muscles aches and temporary
loss of smell and taste.
The environment should be
manipulated and in relation to this
research, watercress contains
vitamin C that can strengthen the
immune system of the body.


5 The environment should be
manipulated and in relation to this
research, watercress which is
abundant in our place will be used
hence the environment will be
Health, on the other hand aims to
have balance in our lives in which
we should observe to prevent
diseases or infection.


5 Health, on the other hand aims to
have balance in our lives in which we
should observe to prevent diseases or
infection where in watercress
contains vitamin C that can
strengthen the immune system of the
According to this theory nursing 4 6 According to this theory nursing is

is an art of utilizing the
environment of the patient to
assist him in his recovery

an art of utilizing the environment of
the patient to assist him in his
recovery. In relation the
environment which will utilized in
this research through watercress
which can help in the recovery of
those in need.
According to Samuel Thompson,
(1981), this Thompsonian Theory
states that disease is the result of a
disease or a disturbed function of
the vital fluids, brought about by
a loss of animal heat.

7 According to Samuel Thompson,
(1981), this Thompsonian Theory
states that disease is the result of a
disease or a disturbed function of the
vital fluids.
Concentrates from the watercress
prepared in three concentrations

Concentrates from the watercress
prepared in four concentrations
Effectiveness of watercress as a
cold remedy.
Very effective
Less effective
Not effective

Effectiveness of watercress as a cold
1-2 days =Very effective
3-5 days =Less effective
6-7 days = Not effective
What concentrate of the
watercress extract has the best
effect against common colds?

10 What is the effect of the different
treatments in relieving common
There will be a significant
difference on the level of
effectiveness of the differenct
treatments as in relieving
common colds.

10 There is a significant difference on
the effect of the different treatments
in relieving common colds.
There will be a significant
difference on the effect of the best
concentration of watercress
(Nasturtium officinale) as
compared to ascorbic acid.

10 There is a significant difference on
the effect of the best concentration of
watercress (Nasturtium officinale) as
compared to ascorbic acid.
11 Scope and Delimitation of the Study
11 The study comprises the effect of
watercress in relieving common colds
that consists of five treatments; four
experimental treatments that includes
100%, 75%, 50 % and 25% of

watercress extract and a control
treatment of 500mg Vitamin C on
grades 4 and 5 who have common
colds for 1-2 days of three elementary
schools La Trinidad, Benguet for
seven days.
Its importance is highly
remarkable. It aids in the
formation of antibodies, acts as a
natural antihistamine, helps in the
metabolism of folic acid,
stimulation of white blood cells,
and in the formation of
corticosteroid hormones (stress
hormones). It also maintains
healthy blood vessels, skin, gums,
bones and teeth. Thus, it is very
important in strengthening the
immune system (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, 2006).

15 Vitamin C is important in the
formation of antibodies, as a natural
antihistamine, in the metabolism of
folic acid, in the stimulation of white
blood cells, in the formation of
corticosteroid hormones (stress
hormones), and maintains healthy
blood vessels, skin, gums, bones and
teeth. Thus, it is very important in
strengthening the immune system
(Massachusetts Institute of
Technology, 2006).

Persians are advised to feed cress
to their children to improve
bodily growth.

17 Persians are advised to feed
watercress to their children to
improve bodily growth

19 Figure 4. Comparison of watercress
in vitamin C content.
Watercress has been used for
centuries to treat other ailments
like migraine headaches, eczema,
anemia, tuberculosis and kidney
and liver disease.

As tea, 2 or 3 cups taken daily
before meals. It is prepared by
pouring 150 mL boiling water
over 2g of herbs (about 1 or 2
teaspoons), covering for 10-15
minutes and then straining.
Typical daily amount: 4-
6g of dried herb, 20-30g of fresh
herb, or 60 to 150g of freshly
pressed juice.


21 Nursing Herbal Medicine Handbook
suggests that watercress can be
prepared as tea by taking it 2 or 3
cups daily before meals. It is
prepared by pouring 150 mL boiling
water over 2g of herbs (about 1 or 2
teaspoons), covering for 10-15
minutes and then straining. Typical
daily amount says 4-6g of dried herb,
20-30g of fresh herb, or 60 to 150g of
freshly pressed juice.

Place and Time of Study 19 24 Population and Locale of Study
The study will be conducted in
four different elementary schools
in La Trinidad namely Bahong
Elementary School, Wangal
Elementary School, Beckel
Elementary School and Alapang
Elementary School from October
2013-February 2014.

24 The study will be conducted in three
different elementary schools in La
Trinidad namely Balili Elementary
School, Alapang Elementary School
and Lubas Elementary School from
October 2013-February 2014.

26 An assessment checklist will used in
the collection of data.
Three treatments will be prepared
for the study.

26 Five treatments including the control
will be prepared for the study.
Initial assessments will be done
before the implementation to
determine the pupils with
common colds and those who
dont manifest any signs and

26 Initial assessments will be done
before the implementation to
determine the pupils with common
colds and those who manifest any
signs and symptoms through the use
of assessment checklist.

26 Only pupils who had the symptoms
for 1-2 days will be qualified in the

26, 27 Pupils from grades 4 and 5 ages 9-11
years old will be the respondents of
the study. Four pupils, two girls and
two boys, will be taking each
different treatment
Assessments will also be done
twice during the implementation
and the final assessment will be
done after the implementation

27 Assessments will also be done every
day during the implementation and
the final assessment will be done
after the implementation to be able to
take note any improved
manifestations per day that the pupils
The materials that will be used
include the following: 28000g of
watercress, basin, cheesecloth,
funnel, graduated cylinder,
distilled water, clean gloves,
sugar and water bottles.

27 The materials that will be used
include the following: 16000g of
watercress leaves and stalk, basin,
cheesecloth, funnel, graduated
cylinder, distilled water, clean gloves,
sugar and water bottles.
27 The watercress will be collected

making sure that it is young and
A ratio of 1kg is to 1L will be
used. This will be used in soaking
overnight in cold water to
preserve the vitamin content of
the watercress.
21 28 A ratio of o.5kg is to 2L will be used.
This will be used in soaking
overnight or 8-10 hours in cold water
to preserve the vitamin content of the
Table 1. Ratio of watercress
concentrates (mL) and distilled
water (mL)
(below the table)
22 29 Table 1. Ratio of watercress
concentrates (mL) and distilled water
(above the table)
29 Assessment will be done every day
after the intake of treatments to
determine the effectiveness (in days)
of the treatments in relieving
common colds.
Correlational Factor (CF) 26

32 Correction Factor (CF)
Treatment Sum of Squares (TrSS)
= (treatment total)
Number of observations
Treatment Sum of Squares (TrSS)
= (treatment total)
Number of replication
Treatment Mean of Squares
(treatment MS)
= treatment sum of square
Total number of observations

Treatment Mean of Squares
(treatment MS)
= treatment sum of square
Total number of treatments - 1

Error Mean of Squares ( Error
= error sum of squares
Number of treatment
(number of complications 1)

= error SS
T ( r - 1 )

Error Mean of Squares ( Error MS)
= error sum of squares
Number of treatment
(number of replications 1)

= error SS
t ( r - 1 )

The treatment will be further
analyzed using the Duncan
Multiple Range Test (DMRT).
The following formulas are to be

33 The treatments will be further
analyzed using the Duncans Multiple
Range Test (DMRT). The following
formulas will be used:



Name: Jubilee Beth L. Depayso
Age: 19 y/o
Birth date: October 12, 1994
Birth Place: Baguio City
Religion: Christian (Lutheran)
Civil Status: Single
Address: KD-008 Cruz, La
Trinidad, Benguet

Hobbies: watching, reading,
playing computer games,
listening to music
Mother: Diadem L. Depayso
Father: Joel W. Depayso
Educational Background:
-Elementary: La Trinidad Central
-Secondary :Cordillera Career
Development College

Faith does
not make
easy. It

Name: LeonarieKarren T.
Age: 18 y/o
Birth date: July 28, 1995
Birth Place: La Trinidad, Benguet
Religion: Baptist
Civil Status: Single
Address: Betag, La Trinidad,
Hobbies: watching youtube video
and TV, reading, singing
Mother: Victoria T. Dominguez
Father: Romulo M. Dominguez

Educational Background:
-Elementary:Lucban Elementary
-Secondary:Benguet State
University Secondary Laboratory


Name: Norieleen N. Ebro
Age: 18 y/o
Birth date: November 2, 1994
Birth Place: Mankayan, Benguet
Religion: Roman Catholic
Civil Status: Single
Address: Boted Tawang, La
Trinidad, Benguet
Hobbies: watching TV, reading,
Mother: Conchita N. Ebro
Father: Daniel L. Ebro

Educational Background:
-Elementary: Abatan Elementary
-Secondary: San Isidro School of
Abatan, Inc

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