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common discomforts of pregnancy

Nursing care common discomforts of pregnancy

Lie down.
Apply heat.
Body aches
As the uterus expands, may feel aches and pains in
the back, abdomen, groin area, and thighs. Many
women also have backaches and aching near the
pelvic bone due the pressure of the baby's head,
increased weight, and loosening oints. !ome
pregnant women complain of pain that runs from the
lower back, down the back of one leg, to the knee or
foot. "his is called sciatica #!$%&A"&ick&uh'. (t is
thought to occur when the uterus puts pressure on
the sciatic nerve.
)ear a maternity bra with good
*ut pads in bra to absorb
Breast changes
A woman's breasts increase in si+e and fullness
during pregnancy. As the due date approaches,
hormone changes will cause breasts to get even
bigger to prepare for breastfeeding. "he breasts may
feel full, heavy, or tender.
(n the third trimester, some pregnant women begin to
leak colostrum from their breasts. ,olostrum is the
first milk that breasts produce for the baby. (t is a
thick, yellowish fluid containing antibodies that
protect newborns from infection.
-rink eight to ./ glasses of
water daily.
-on't drink caffeine.
%at fiber&rich foods, such as
fresh or dried fruit, raw vegetables,
and whole&grain cereals and
"ry mild physical activity.
Many pregnant women complain of constipation.
!igns of constipation include having hard, dry stools0
fewer than three bowel movements per week0 and
painful bowel movements.
1igher levels of hormones due to pregnancy slow
down digestion and relax muscles in the bowels
leaving many women constipated. *lus, the pressure
of the expanding uterus on the bowels can contribute
to constipation.
!tand up slowly.
Avoid standing for too long.
-on't skip meals.
Lie on your left side.
)ear loose clothing.
Many pregnant women complain of di++iness and
lightheadedness throughout their pregnancies.
2ainting is rare but does happen even in some
healthy pregnant women. "here are many reasons for
these symptoms. "he growth of more blood vessels in
early pregnancy, the pressure of the expanding
uterus on blood vessels, and the body's increased
need for food all can make a pregnant woman feel
lightheaded and di++y.
Lie on your left side.
3se pillows for support, such as
behind back, tucked between your
knees, and under tummy.
*ractice good sleep habits, such
as going to bed and getting up at
the same time each day
"ry to go to bed a little earlier.
4ap if you are not able to get
enough sleep at night.
-rink needed fluids earlier in
the day, so you can drink less in
the hours before bed.
Fatigue, sleep problems
-uring pregnancy, might feel tired even after had a
lot of sleep. Many women find they're exhausted in
the first trimester. this is normal5 "his is your body's
way of telling that you need more rest. (n the second
trimester, tiredness is usually replaced with a feeling
of well being and energy. 6ut in the third trimester,
exhaustion often sets in again. As you get larger,
sleeping may become more difficult. "he baby's
movements, bathroom runs, and an increase in the
body's metabolism might interrupt or disturb your
sleep. Leg cramping can also interfere with a good
night's sleep.
%at several small meals instead
of three large meals 7 eat slowly.
-rink fluids between meals 7
not with meals.
-on't eat greasy and fried
Avoid citrus fruits or uices and
spicy foods.
-o not eat or drink within a few
hours of bedtime.
-o not lie down right after
Heartburn and indigestion
1ormones and the pressure of the growing uterus
cause indigestion and heartburn. *regnancy
hormones slow down the muscles of the digestive
tract. !o food tends to move more slowly and
digestion is sluggish. "his causes many pregnant
women to feel bloated.
1ormones also relax the valve that separates the
esophagus from the stomach. "his allows food and
acids to come back up from the stomach to the
esophagus. "he food and acid causes the burning
feeling of heartburn. As your baby gets bigger, the
uterus pushes on the stomach making heartburn
more common in later pregnancy.
-rink lots of fluids.
%at fiber&rich foods, like whole
grains, raw or cooked leafy green
vegetables, and fruits.
"ry not to strain with bowel
"alk to your doctor about using
products such as witch ha+el to
soothe hemorrhoids.
1emorrhoids are swollen and bulging veins in the
rectum. "hey can cause itching, pain, and bleeding.
3p to 8/ percent of pregnant women get
hemorrhoids. 1emorrhoids are common during
pregnancy for many reasons. -uring pregnancy blood
volume increases greatly, which can cause veins to
enlarge. "he expanding uterus also puts pressure on
the veins in the rectum. *lus, constipation can worsen
hemorrhoids. 1emorrhoids usually improve after
3se gentle soaps and
moisturi+ing creams.
Avoid hot showers and baths.
Avoid itchy fabrics.
About 9/ percent of pregnant women feel itchy
during pregnancy. 3sually women feel itchy in the
abdomen. 6ut red, itchy palms and soles of the feet
are also common complaints. *regnancy hormones
and stretching skin are probably to blame for most of
your discomfort. 3sually the itchy feeling goes away
after delivery.
:ently stretch muscles.
:et mild exercise.
2or sudden cramps, flex your
foot forward.
%at calcium&rich foods.
Ask your doctor about calcium
Leg cramps
At different times during your pregnancy, you might
have sudden muscle spasms in your legs or feet.
"hey usually occur at night. "his is due to a change in
the way your body processes calcium.
%at several small meals instead
of three large meals to keep your
stomach from being empty.
-on't lie down after meals.
%at dry toast, saltines, or dry
cereals before getting out of bed in
the morning.
%at bland foods that are low in
fat and easy to digest, such as
cereal, rice, and bananas.
!ip on water, weak tea, or clear
soft drinks. ;r eat ice chips.

Avoid smells that upset your

Morning sickness
(n the first trimester hormone changes can cause
nausea and vomiting. "his is called <morning
sickness,< although it can occur at any time of day.
Morning sickness usually tapers off by the second
6low your nose gently.
-rink fluids and use a cool mist
"o stop a nosebleed, s=uee+e
your nose between your thumb
and forefinger for a few minutes.
Nasal problems
4osebleeds and nasal stuffiness are common during
pregnancy. "hey are caused by the increased amount of
blood in your body and hormones acting on the tissues of
your nose.
"ake fre=uent breaks to rest
Ask your doctor about fitting
you for a splint to keep wrists
Numb or tingling hands
2eelings of swelling, tingling, and numbness in fingers
and hands, called carpal tunnel syndrome, can occur
during pregnancy. "hese symptoms are due to swelling of
tissues in the narrow passages in the wrists, and they
should disappear after delivery.
tretch marks, skin changes tretch marks, skin changes
!tretch marks are red, pink, or brown streaks on the
skin. Most often they appear on the thighs, buttocks,
abdomen, and breasts. "hese scars are caused by the
stretching of the skin, and usually appear in the second
half of pregnancy.
!ome women notice other skin changes during
pregnancy. 2or many women, the nipples become darker
and browner during pregnancy. Many pregnant women
also develop a dark line #called the linea nigra' on the
skin that runs from the belly button down to the pubic
hairline. *atches of darker skin usually over the cheeks,
forehead, nose, or upper lip also are common. *atches
often match on both sides of the face. "hese spots are
called melasma or chloasma and are more common in
darker&skinned women.
-rink eight to ./ glasses of
fluids daily.
-on't drink caffeine or eat salty
Rest and elevate your feet.
Ask your doctor about support
Many women develop mild swelling in the face, hands, or
ankles at some point in their pregnancies. As the due
date approaches, swelling often becomes more
"ake fre=uent bathroom
-rink plenty of fluids to avoid
-o >egel exercises to tone
pelvic muscles.
"rinary #re$uency and leaking
"emporary bladder control problems are common in
pregnancy. $our unborn baby pushes down on the
bladder, urethra, and pelvic floor muscles. "his pressure
can lead to more fre=uent need to urinate, as well as
leaking of urine when snee+ing, coughing, or laughing.
Avoid tight knee&highs.
!it with your legs and feet
%aricose &eins
-uring pregnancy blood volume increases greatly. "his
can cause veins to enlarge. *lus, pressure on the large
veins behind the uterus causes the blood to slow in its
return to the heart. 2or these reasons, varicose veins in
the legs and anus #hemorrhoids' are more common in
?aricose veins look like swollen veins raised above the
surface of the skin. "hey can be twisted or bulging and
are dark purple or blue in color. "hey are found most
often on the backs of the calves or on the inside of the
Pregnancy produces many physical changes. Aside from
weight and body shape, other alterations in body
chemistry and function take place. The heart works
harder, temperature registers slightly higher, body
secretions increase, joints and ligaments are more fexible
and hormones are altered .
ood changes are common, resulting from a combination
of hormonal changes and greater fatigue, as well as
normal anxiety o!er body image, sexuality, "nances,
marriage roles and impending parenthood .
The following is a list of the most common discomforts of
pregnancy and some guidelines for coping with them

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