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The Wicket Gate Magazine

A Continuing Witness
Internet Edition 110 issued September 2014
1. The Doctrine of "In-it-to-win-it-ism" the !stor"s #etter $!rch 1%&'
2. ()e!nin*s in the s!)ms s!)m +, continued
-. #etter to the .o/s !nd (ir)s from $rs Se!ton
4. The Sweetest Son* on E!rth b/ 0. $ood/ Stu!rt
'. 1hrist ()orified b/ the Spirit 1omment b/ 1.2. Spur*eon
0t the 3eb Site of the 3ic4et (!te m!*!5ine www.wic4et*!te.co.u4 /ou wi)) !)so
find the fo))owin* recordin*s6
Throu*h the .ib)e with the 1hi)dren .ib)e Stories to)d b/ $r Se!ton.
1on*re*!tion!) r!ise the sin*in* of our 1hurch durin* 3orship Ser7ices
Sermons pre!ched b/ Dr 8eedh!m !nd $r Se!ton
2istoric!) #ectures *i7en in the 1hurch b/ Dr 8eedh!m
odc!st Ser7ice !7!i)!b)e !t www.wic4et*!te.co.u4
The Doctrine of
9The !stor"s #etter $!rch 1%&':
De!r ;riends<
It !ppe!rs th!t the doctrine of =In-it-to-win-it-ism> is f!st *!inin*
*round !mon* those who )!/ c)!im to bein* =?eformed>< or
=1!)7inistic> in their be)iefs. =In-it-to-win-it> w!s< !nd is< the *re!t
cr/ of those who rem!in within doctrin!))/-mixed< or ecumenic!)
churches. ./ their inf)uence in these churches< or or*!nis!tions< these
peop)e c)!im< the/ wi)) e7entu!))/ win these churches etc. to the true
scriptur!) p!ttern. ;or !n/ who h!7e !n e/e of discernment !t !))< it is
ob7ious th!t the premise st!nds tot!))/ discredited. ;!r from the
mixed thin* becomin* the thin* inf)uenced< it becomes the thin* th!t
inf)uences< !nd the =winnin*> 7oices *row we!4< then f!int< then
si)enced< !s /e!r proceeds to /e!r.
8ow< for this st!te of !ff!irs to exist !nd find !ccept!nce in the
*ener!))/ non-doctrin!) !nd we!4 e7!n*e)ic!)ism of our d!/ is one
thin*@ howe7er< for it to be*in to be reco*nised !s 7!)id !mon* those
who c)!im to be =reformed in doctrine !nd in pr!ctice> is somethin*
e)se !*!in< !nd sets ! s!d spect!c)e before us. 2ow p!thetic< th!t
reformed 1hristi!nit/ shou)d now be*in to Aump on ! b!nd-w!*on th!t
h!s 7irtu!))/ trund)ed itse)f into the *round. 2!7e the =In-it-to-win-it>
7oices st!/ed the h!nd of po))ution in those denomin!tions< churches<
!nd or*!nis!tions th!t h!7e be*un to rot )on* !*oB Indeed the/
h!7en"t. 0nd )et no reformed brother im!*ine th!t it is the doctrine
th!t is wron*< !nd if he c!n on)/ brin* the =;i7e oints> to be!r on the
p)!*ue sore then the bod/ wi)) be m!de c)e!n !*!in. Is this to under-
7!)ue the *)orious doctrines of *r!ceB Indeed< no. .ut< it is to be
*r!cious)/ reminded th!t reformed 1hristi!nit/ is more th!n words
from ! pu)pit.
The cr/in* need of our d!/ is !n ende!7our to be reformed in
wh!t we do, !s we)) !s in wh!t we say, in our churches. 0nd< if !n/
bod/ of professin* 1hristi!ns shou)d h!7e ! hi*h doctrine of the
n!ture !nd purpose of the 1hurch of 1hrist on this e!rth< it shou)d be
=reformed> 1hristi!ns. The one thin* th!t m!n/ other forms of
1hristi!nit/ h!s eroded o7er the p!st hundred /e!rs or more h!s been
the doctrine of the 1hurch< so th!t the 1hurch< b/ turns< h!s become !
=t!4e-it-or-)e!7e-it>sort of or*!nis!tion< ! concert h!))< or ! p)!ce to *o
on Sund!/ to he!r !nd fee) somethin* th!t mi*ht be of benefit to
=mine own !nd person!) s!)7!tion.>
.ut< the 1hurch of 1hrist is the .od/ of the #ord@ !nd it is the
one p)!ce on this e!rth where (od h!s ord!ined th!t 2is pr!ise shou)d
dwe)). The *!therin* of the church of 1hrist h!s< therefore< one
prim!r/ purpose@ it is not e7!n*e)istic to the uncon7erted< nor e7er
inspir!tion!) to the peop)e of (od !)thou*h both of these thin*s wi))
be present where she fu)fi)s her prim!r/ purpose. .ut the prim!r/
purpose of the church"s *!therin* is to worship !nd pr!ise 0)mi*ht/
(od. 2ow is this brou*ht !boutB =./ the pre!chin* of the 3ord>
/ou s!/. CesD .ut th!t is on)/ one side of the truth. It is not on)/ b/
the pre!chin* of the 3ord but b/ the he!rin* of th!t 3ord< !s we)).
3orship in the house of the #ord is to be reciproc!). 8ot on)/ must
the 7oice< !nd the he!rt< !nd the mind of the pre!cher echo out - =Thus
s!ith the #ord<> but the response of the peop)e must re-echo out -
=0men< our (od is ! *re!t !nd *r!cious (od.>
8ow< this is ex!ct)/ where =In-it-to-win-it-ism> comp)ete)/ f!))s
to the *round. Ef course there c!n be no perfect church perish the
thou*ht< for who cou)d Aoin itD .ut< ob7ious)/< the n!ture of the
church where the worship of (od is bein* conducted must be e7ident
in th!t church"s composition. In other words< where !n =e7!n*e)ic!)>
minister is pre!chin* the 3ord of (od from wee4 to wee4 to !
con*re*!tion composed< in the m!in< of nomin!) church-*oers Fuite
h!rdened to th!t *ospe)< with ! h!ndfu) of professin* 1hristi!ns
present< is this the worship of (od b/ the church of (odB E7!n*e)ism
it m!/ be< but we wou)d sincere)/ Fuestion whether or not it is =the
true worship> in7o)7in* the =true worshippers> whom the ;!ther see4s
throu*h Gesus 1hrist 2is Son to worship him. 0nd )i4ewise< when !
=reformed> minister is pre!chin* wh!t he be)ie7es to be the entire
counse) of (od in !n !tmosphere th!t is )!r*e)/ !)ien!ted !nd opposed
to his doctrine< does this constitute the true worship of (od !s !
reformed 1hristi!n mi*ht be thou*ht to ho)d th!t worshipB
=Eh< /es<> comes the rep)/< =but the reformed brother is *oin* to
ch!n*e !)) th!t@ he is "In-it-to-win-it."> 3e))< of course< !s we"7e s!id<
th!t h!s been the son* of *ener!) e7!n*e)ic!)ism for /e!rs now@ !nd<
s!d to s!/< it !ppe!rs th!t it h!s pro7ed to be the =sw!n son*> to
uncompromised !nd uncompromisin* witness. .ut< here is the who)e
point< !nd one which confessed)/ reformed 1hristi!ns must see wh!t
becomes of th!t centr!) !nd prim!r/ purpose of the church< e7en under
! reformed ministr/< in the me!ntime. In other words< whi)e the
brother is =winnin*> his situ!tion< for s!/< fi7e< ten< fifteen< twent/
/e!rs /e!rs of opposition< !nd !buse of the truth< !nd cross-purposes
in the church< !nd wr!n*)in* with those to whom he h!s Aoined
himse)f in membership - wh!t becomes of the worship of (od durin*
!)) th!t timeB 3here is th!t (od-ord!ined t!s4 of the church in both
the pre!chin* !nd the he!rin*< which !)one constitutes worship durin*
these =winnin*> /e!rsB 3here is the =Thus s!ith the #ord> th!t
shou)d form the 7er/ b!c4bone< !nd w!rp !nd woof of reformed
pre!chin*< and the *)!d =0men> !risin* in the he!rts !nd minds of
those who h!7e chosen to !ttend on such pre!chin*< be)ie7in* it to be
the 7er/ truth of (od !s it is in 1hrist GesusB 3h!t h!s become of th!t
7it!) thin* the church"s first *re!t c!))in* durin* this inter7!)B
Sure)/< ! serious Fuestion< m/ friends< !nd one which shou)d
produce ! different !nswer th!n =In-it-to-win-it.> If no better !nswer
is forthcomin*< then< we !re forced to wonder< indeed< if the new
=?eform!tion> mo7ement is !n/thin* more th!n ! p!per reform!tion.
Sure)/< it h!s m!n !t the centre< /et< !nd h!s f!i)ed to *r!sp the o)d
1!techism"s burden< th!t =$!n"s chief end is to *)orif/ (od...> Ef !
truth< =the 7oice is the 7oice of G!cob< but the h!nds !re the h!nds of
Es!u.> 0nd it h!s f!i)ed to *r!sp the princip)e behind $oses" !ction
when he w!s wi))in* to di7ide the peop)e in Isr!e) in two when the/
were found worshippin* the *o)den c!)f. The who)e n!tion wou)d
h!7e been Fuite prep!red to continue in th!t form of thin*s th!t c!))ed
th!t m!n-m!de de7ice< =Cour *od which h!th brou*ht /ou up out of
the )!nd of E*/pt@> did the/ not h!7e 0!ron !n ord!ined priest of the
n!tion in =membership> with them< !nd so< *i7in* credence to their
beh!7iourB .ut< the p!tri!rch 4new better6 the honour of the #ord w!s
!t st!4e< !nd better to h!7e h!)f the c!mp see4in* th!t< th!n doub)e
th!t number *i7in* on)/ )ip ser7ice to it whi)e their e/es were sti))
turned !w!/ in the direction of the *ods of their own im!*in!tions.
=Then $oses stood in the *!te of the c!mp< !nd s!id< 3ho is on the
#ord"s sideB> Th!t st!tement cost de!r o)d $oses =!bout three
thous!nd men> out of his con*re*!tion< but it w!s ! sm!)) price !t the
end of the d!/.
The *re!t essenti!) of our d!/ is to stri7e to *i7e heed to th!t
inAunction of !u)"s to Timoth/< !nd )e!rn< more !nd more how we
ou*ht to beh!7e ourse)7es in the house of (od> - =the pi))!r !nd
*round of the truth> - where =the m/ster/ of *od)iness> is brou*ht
before the peop)e of (od. The church of 1hrist is where those of )i4e-
mind *!ther to bow under th!t !wesome !nd m/sterious truth of their
redemption< th!t =(od w!s in 1hrist reconci)in* the wor)d unto
himse)f.> It is he th!t h!s done the =winnin*> of our sou)s to 2imse)f@
it is 2is n!me th!t we !re to worship with =one he!rt< !nd one mind<
stri7in* to*ether for the f!ith of the *ospe).>
Cours Sincere)/<
3. G. Se!ton
Gleanings in the Psalms
(Psalm 68 - Continued)
Verse 11. The or! ga"e the Wor!# great was the com$an% of
those that $u&'ishe! it.( In these next 7erses we do not sin* of
m!rchin*< but of b!tt)e !nd 7ictor/. =The #ord *!7e the word.> The
enem/ w!s ne!r< !nd the si)7er trumpet from the t!bern!c)e door w!s
(od"s mouth to w!rn the c!mp6 then w!s there hurr/ to !nd fro< !nd !
*ener!) te))in* of the news@ =*re!t w!s the comp!n/ of those th!t
pub)ished it.> The women r!n from tent to tent !nd roused their )ords
to b!tt)e. ?e!d/ !s the/ !)w!/s were to *r!nt the 7ictor/< the/ were
eFu!))/ swift to pub)ish the f!ct th!t the b!tt)e-note h!d been sounded.
The ten thous!nd m!ids of Isr!e)< )i4e *ood h!ndm!ids of the #ord<
!roused the s)eepers< c!))ed in the w!nderers< !nd b!de the 7!)i!nt men
h!sten to the fr!/. E for the )i4e 5e!) in the 1hurch tod!/< th!t when
the *ospe) is pub)ished< both men !nd women m!/ e!*er)/ spre!d the
*)!d tidin*s of *re!t Ao/.
C.H. Spurgeon
Verse 1). Though %e ha"e 'ien among the $ots* %et sha'' %e &e as
the wings of a !o"e co"ere! with si'"er ...( The prob!b)e me!nin*
is< Thou*h /e h!7e )!boured !nd )!in down between the brick kilns in
E*/pt ! poor< ens)!7ed< !nd oppressed peop)e< /et< /e sh!))
*r!du!))/ rise to di*nit/< prosperit/ !nd sp)endour. 0s ! do7e which
h!s been defi)ed with dirt< disordered !nd deAected< b/ w!shin* herse)f
in ! runnin* stre!m< !nd trimmin* her p)um!*e *r!du!))/ reco7ers the
serenit/ of her disposition< the purit/ of her co)our< !nd the richness
!nd 7!ried e)e*!nce of her !ppe!r!nce.
W. Greenfield
Verse 1+. When the A'might% scattere! kings in it* it was white
as snow in ,a'mon.( It is e7ident th!t D!7id sti)) insists upon the
fi*ure of the whiteness of si)7er. The countr/ h!d< !s it were< been
b)!c4ened or su))ied b/ the hosti)e confusion into which it w!s thrown<
!nd he s!/s it h!d now reco7ered its f!ir !ppe!r!nce !nd resemb)ed
S!)mon. This m!4es the comp!rison more stri4in*@ for it intim!tes
th!t !s the snows whitened this b)!c4 mount!in< so the countr/ h!d
resumed its former be!ut/< !nd put on !n !spect of Ao/< when (od
dispe))ed the d!r4ness which h!d )!in upon it durin* the oppression of
John Calvin
Verse 1-. Wh% 'ea$ %e* %e high hi''s. This is the hi'' which Go!
!esireth to !we'' in ...( This )ow< )itt)e< b!rren hi)) of Hion@ !nd /et<
(od"s e)ection m!4eth the difference< !s it did of 0!ron"s rod from the
rest< !nd does sti)) of the church from the rest of the wor)d< for the
#!mb is on $ount Hion.
John Trapp
Verse 1/. Thou hast ascen!e! on high* thou hast 'e! ca$ti"it%
ca$ti"e# thou hast recei"e! gifts for men ...( Some thin4 it refers to
(od"s *oin* forth on beh!)f of 2is peop)e Isr!e)< )e!din* them forth to
7ictor/< t!4in* their enemies c!pti7e< !nd enrichin* them with the
spoi)s. Suppose it to be so< we !re w!rr!nted to consider it m!in)/ !s
referrin* to 1hrist or so the !post)e h!s !pp)ied it in Ephesi!ns 4
7erse ,. The c!pti7it/ which 2e )ed c!pti7e w!s our spiritu!) enemies
who h!d )ed us c!pti7e S!t!n !nd de!th. 0nd h!7in* obt!ined the
7ictor/< 2e proceeds to di7ide the spoi)s th!t 2e recei7ed - =*ifts for
men> - !s D!7id m!de presents. 0nd hence comes our ordin!nces<
ministers etc.< for ministers !re received for !nd !re given to /ou b/
1hrist. 0s m!n< !nd !s sinfu) men< ministers !re !s nothin*< !nd wish
not to m!4e !n/thin* of themse)7es@ but< !s the *ifts of 1hrist< it
becomes /ou to m!4e such of them. If /ou )o7e 1hrist< /ou wi)) m!4e
much of /our minister< on !ccount of his bein* is *ift ! *ift
desi*ned to supp)/ 2is !bsence in ! sort. 2e is *one 9!scended:< but
2e *i7es /ou 2is ser7!nts. ./-!nd-b/ /ou hope to be with 2im but !s
/et /ou !re !s sheep in the wi)derness. 2e *i7es /ou ! shepherd. If
/ou fe!r (od< /ou wi)) be !fr!id of tre!tin* /our p!stor !miss seein*
he is the *ift of 1hrist. (od too4 it i)) of Isr!e) for despisin* $oses6
=2e is my servant, 2e s!id.
From Andrew Fuller's sermon o he !hur!h a "oulon, on he
ordinaion of William Care#.
Verse 10. 1'esse! &e the or!* who !ai'% 'oa!eth us with
&enefits* e"en the Go! of our sa'"ation. ,e'ah.( #!/ !)) the
=benefits> to*ether th!t concern est!te< bod/ !nd mind< !nd how c!n
the !x)e of the sou) but cr!c4 under the )o!d of these f!7oursB .ut<
from wh!t (od h!s done for us !s men, we )oo4 to wh!t 2e h!s done
for us !s Christians! Th!t 2e h!s embr!ced us with !n e7er)!stin*
)o7e< th!t 2e h!s mou)ded us !new< en)i7ened us b/ 2is Spirit< fed us
b/ 2is 3ord !nd S!cr!ments< c)othed us with 2is merits< bou*ht us
with 2is b)ood< bein* !ccounted 7i)e to m!4e us *)orious< ! curse to
in7est us with b)essedness@ in ! word< th!t 2e h!th *i7en 2imse)f to us
!nd 2is son for us. Eh< the hei*ht< !nd depth< !nd bre!dth of the rich
mercies of our (od
Joseph Hall
9To be conc)uded:
De!r .o/s !nd (ir)s<
?emember the stor/ I to)d /ou in m/ )!st )etter !bout the two
bo/s< S!m !nd .i))/< !nd how the/ h!d e!ch bui)t ! r!ft b/ the se!side
where the/ )i7edB The/ h!d both h!d ! h!pp/ mornin* p)!/in* on
their r!fts< but th!t !fternoon< how s!d S!m w!s !s he stood he)p)ess
!nd w!tched his r!ft f)o!tin* !w!/ out to se! on its own.
3h!t h!d h!ppenedB 3e))< when the/ h!d *one off for their
)unch< the/ h!d tied their r!fts !t the se!side< but where!s .i))/ h!d
tied his to ! roc4< S!m h!d Aust tied his to ! piece of stic4 th!t he h!d
pushed into the s!nd. So when the tide c!me in< the stic4 w!s
)oosened from the s!nd< !nd off went poor S!m"s r!ft.
8ow< I to)d /ou th!t there w!s ! stor/ in the .ib)e 7er/ )i4e th!t@
it"s not !bout two bo/s !nd their r!fts< of course< but it is !bout roc4s
!nd s!nd. Cou find it in $!tthew ch!pter &< 7erses 24 to 2&< !nd
there< the #ord Gesus te))s !bout two men who e!ch bui)t ! house. The
first m!n< s!id Gesus< bui)t his house on ! so)id roc4< !nd !)thou*h !
storm c!me< !nd the winds b)ew< !nd sometimes f)oods swir)ed !round
th!t house< it did not f!)).
3h/ did it not f!))B It w!s bec!use it h!d ! *ood firm
found!tion on th!t roc4. Gesus c!))ed this m!n< =0 wise m!n.>
2owe7er< the other m!n w!s c!))ed =! foo)ish m!n.> 3h/B .ec!use
he too4 !n e!s/ w!/ to bui)d his house< !nd he bui)t it on s!nd. 3hen
the storm< !nd winds< !nd f)oods c!me th!t house fe)) down f)!t. The
*round th!t it w!s bui)t on w!s not firm< it w!s )oose< !nd the house
h!d no so)id found!tion.
Gesus to)d this stor/ to te!ch us ! *ood )esson< bo/s !nd *ir)s.
The )esson is this6 those peop)e men !nd women< !nd bo/s !nd *ir)s
who he!r (od"s truth in the .ib)e !nd obe/ th!t truth< !nd )i7e their
)i7es from d!/ to d!/ )oo4in* to Gesus !s their S!7iour< !nd the source<
!nd *uide< !nd ex!mp)e for !)) their !ctions< wi)) be )i4e th!t wise
m!n. .ut those peop)e men !nd women< bo/s !nd *ir)s who )oo4
for their own w!/ to )i7e< !nd don"t w!nt Gesus to contro) their )i7es<
!re )i4e the foo)ish m!n< !nd their )i7es wi)) end in dis!ster< !s his
house ended.
It is ! 7er/ serious stor/< bo/s !nd *ir)s@ re!d it o7er !nd o7er<
!nd m!4e sure th!t /ou !re )i4e the wise m!n< !nd fo))ow Gesus.
$rs Se!ton
The ,weetest
,ong on 2arth
=The Son* of Son*s< which is So)omon"s> Seems to be so entit)ed< !s
composed b/ So)omon< the wisest of men< under the *uid!nce of the
2o)/ Spirit< !nd !s composed concernin* the true So)omon< the rince
of e!ce< of whom the son of D!7id w!s !n eminent t/pe.
It be)on*s to the e!rth)/ So)omon< !s the s4i)fu) wor4 of his h!nds@ to
the he!7en)/ So)omon< !s the utter!nce of 2is he!rt to the 1hurch@ !nd
of the he!rt of the 1hurch tow!rds 2im. It is the Son* of Son*s< !s
the choicest both of !)) the son*s of the sons of men< !nd of !)) th!t
So)omon sun*@ the chief of his thous!nd son*s !nd fi7e@ the sweetest<
the simp)est< the hi*hest< the deepest of the son*s of the 1hurch in the
house of her pi)*rim!*e. 0bo7e !)) others< her son* in the ni*ht< unti)
the d!/ bre!4 !nd the sh!dows f)ee !w!/. =;or this re!son !)so<> s!id
one who 4new it we))< =wou)d I c!)) it the Son* of Son*s< bec!use
other son*s must be sun* first< !nd this !s the fruit of !)) the rest@ *r!ce
!)one te!ches it@ experience !)one c!n )e!rn it.> 9.ern!rd.:
.ride of the #!mb< the son* is /ours@ for if !n/where in the or!c)es of
truth the new son* is found< which c!n be )e!rned b/ none but the
redeemed from the e!rth< !nd sun* b/ none but the 7ir*ins who fo))ow
the )!mb< it must consist in p!rt of this Son* of So)omon.
Emph!tic!))/< this is ! son* which the men of e!rth c!n ne7er )e!rn.
#i4e 1hrist 2imse)f< it is ! stumb)in*-b)oc4 to one< to !nother foo)ish@
but b/ this 7er/ to4en wi)) /ou reco*nise the im!*e of /our #ord< !nd
=.ind the boo4 !s ! crown upon /ou<> *)or/in* in the repro!ch of the
The Gews re7ered the Son* of So)omon !s !mon*st the ho)iest of
s!cred boo4s. #i4enin* his written wor4 to his nob)e@ but )ess dur!b)e
Temp)e of wood !nd stone< the/ comp!red the ro7erbs to the Euter
1ourt< Ecc)esi!stes to the 2o)/ )!ce< !nd the Son* of Son*s to the
2o)iest of ho)ies the inmost s!nctu!r/ of (od. The 1hristi!n
;!thers comp!re the who)e te!chin* of So)omon to ! )!dder consistin*
of three steps6 ro7erbs embr!ces instruction in mor!)s@ Ecc)esi!stes
indic!tes the n!ture of thin*s tr!nsient@ !nd the Son* of Son*s
cont!ins the m/stic union of 1hrist !nd 2is 1hurch< th!t we m!/ f)/
upw!rd to the (re!t .ride*room.
90. $ood/ Stu!rt.:
Christ G'orifie! &% the ,$irit.
=#et the 1hristi!n fee) th!t the te!chin* which )owers the wor4 of
1hrist m!4es it dependent upon the wi)) of m!n !s to its effic!c/< puts
the cross on the *round< !nd s!ith< =Th!t b)ood is shed< but it m!/ be
shed in 7!in< shed in 7!in for /ou.> - )et us !)) fee) th!t such te!chin*
cometh not from the Spirit of (od. Th!t te!chin* it is which< pointin*
to the cross< s!ith< =2e sh!)) see of the tr!7!i) of his sou)< !nd sh!)) be
s!tisfied@> th!t te!chin* which m!4es the !tonement ! true !tonement
which puts !w!/ the 7indicti7e Austice of (od for e7er from e7er/ sou)
for whom th!t !tonement w!s offered< ex!)ts 1hrist< !nd therefore< it is
! te!chin* which comes from the Spirit of (od. 3hen /our he!rt is
brou*ht to rest upon wh!t 1hrist h!s done< when< )!/in* !side !))
confidence in /our own wor4s< 4now)ed*e< pr!/in*s< doin*s< or
be)ie7in*s< /ou come to rest upon wh!t 1hrist h!s done in its
simp)icit/< then is Gesus 1hrist ex!)ted in /our he!rt< !nd it must h!7e
been the wor4 of the Spirit of di7ine *r!ce.
1.2. Spur*eon

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