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Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!

A ACA"#$ - % -
Chapter No. 1: In trodu ctio n to Co mp u ter
Q1. What is an Abacus?
Ans. H i sto r y: Abacus is one of the earliest and simplest computing devices.
It was developed
Around3000 BC.
An abacus is a rectangular wooden frame carrying several parallel
wires. Each wire
Supports a number of beads which are free to slide along the
P u r p ose a n d F un c tion o f
Abacus was used for addition or counting& or the addition of two
numbers! "rst number Is dialed by moving the beads down. #hen second
number is dialed by moving a speci"c number of beads down. #he total
number of beads below represents the sum of two numbers.
Q. !escribe different ear"iest computin# de$ices?
Write a note on: 'i( Na p i e r ) s *ones 'ii( +"ide &u"e
'iii( Pasca"ine 'i$( !i,erence -n#ine
'$( Ana"ytica" -n#ine
Ans. .ech an ica" Co mpu tin# !e$ices:
I( Napi er )s *on e s :
In $%$&! 'ohn (apier invented logarithms and a device called (apier)s bones or
rods. #he
rods helped to multiply numbers. #hese rods ware fast and
II( + "id e &u " e:
A slide rule consists of two scales* the +rule,' +slide, and a transparent
rectangular moving
piece called
III( P asca"i n e :
In $%&-! a $. years old boy Blaise /ascal developed a machine that
could add and subtract. It consisted of a series of wheel or dials. Each
dial had $0 digits from ( to . on it. #hese dials were geared with drums.
#hese drums also had digits from 0 to . which were displayed through
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - ) -
I/( !i, eren ce -n #in e:
In $01% '& 2. 3uller proposed a calculating machine called a +difference
engine,& #he idea was conceived by Charles Babbage but he could not
complete it after $0 years of labour& At the end Charles Babbage stopped
wor4ing on the +difference engine,&
/( Ana " y t ica" - n #i n e :
After failing to develop +difference engine,' Charles Babbage started
developing a new machine called +analytical engine,& It could be programmed
to evaluate a wide range of arithmetical e5pressions. Analytical Engine
consisted of five units6-
$7 Store6 #his part was used to store the numbers entered into the
machine and those which had to be generated at the time of
-7 3ill6 #his was the processing unit which performed all the
8arithmetic operations7 by moving gears.
37 Control6 Control 9nit was used to control all other units. It was used
to transfer the numbers to and from the mill&
&7 Input6 Input 9nit was used to feed numbers in the +analytical engine,&
Input media was punched cards.
:7 ;utput6 ;utput 9nit was used to display the results of
Q0. What are #enerations of computer? -1p"ain
Ans. 2 e ne r a t io n s of Co m put er :
#he development of electronic computers can be divided into
generations depending
upon the technologies used. #he generations of computer are6-
$. irst <eneration 8=acuum #ubes7
> $.&- ?
-. Second <eneration 8#ransistors7 > $.:. ?
$.%: 3. #hird <eneration 8Integrated
> $.%: ?
$.03 &. ourth <eneration
> $.0- ?
$.10 :. ifth <eneration 8Arti"cial
> $.10
$. F irst 2ene r a t ion of
Co m pu te r s
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - * -
=acuum tubes were used in the computers of irst <eneration. #he
"rst generation computers had the following characteristics or
shortcomin#s6> i. =ery big in si@e
ii. Slow in speed
iii. Aow reliability
iv. Aarge power
consumption v. Bifficult
E 5 a mp l e s of irst < e n e r a ti on Com p ute r s6 9(I=AC89niversal Automatic
computer7! EBSAC! EB=AC
-. + ec o n d 2 e n er a tion of
C o m pu te r s
#ransistors were used in the computers of Second <eneration.
#ransistors were smaller! reliable as compared to =acuum #ubes. #hey
consumed less power. Second <eneration computers were able to
perform a single operation in microseconds and were capable to store
huge data. Second <eneration computers had the following
i. E5tremely reliable as compared to the irst <eneration
computers. ii. Compact in si@e&
iii. Aess power consumption.
iv. 9se of card readers! magnetic tapes! magnetic discs!
printers etc. v. 9se of computer languages.
E 5 a mp l e of S ec ond < e n e r a ti on Com p ute r s6
3. 3 h ird 2 e n er a t ion of
Co m p u te r s
Integrated Circuits 8ICs7 were used in the computers of #hird
<eneration. An IC chip
contains many circuits such as transistors! diodes and resistors
interconnected with one another. 3ini computers were developed in
#hird <eneration.
#hird <eneration computers had the following
characteristics:4 i. =ery small si@e as compared
to the second generation ii. Consumed very little
iii. 3ore reliable
iv. Aess costly as compared to previous
generations v. 9se of real-time
vi. 9se of multiprogramming
vii. 9se of Bata Base 3anagement
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - + -
Software viii. Aarge storage capacity
E 5 a mp l e s of #hird < e n e r a ti on Com p ute r s6 I3B>1:! System-3%0
series etc&
&. F o u r th 2 e ne r a t ion of
Co m pu te r s
3icroprocessors 8$.0$7 were "rstly used in ourth <eneration
computers. #hey
Contained =ASI 8=ery Aarge Scale Integration7 circuits. A =ASI contained
a complete Central /rocessing 9nit8C/97 on a single semiconductor
chip. ourth <eneration computers had the following characteristics:4
i. =ery efficient and
fast ii. =ery Aarge
iii. =ery little power consumption
iv. =ery Cheap as compared to the computers of $
' -
and 3
generation computers.
v. 9se of 3icroprocessor
vi. 9se of #.=. screens now called monitors
vii. Could perform arithmetical and logical operations
E 5 a mp l e s of ourth < e n e r a ti on Com p ute r s 6 CD10! CD1$! Apple series
:. F o u r th 2 e ne r a t ion of Co m pu te r s
Arti"cial Intelligence 8AI7 and E5pert Systems are the
technologies of ifth
<eneration of computers& #here was very little hardware change in ifth
<eneration computers but a revolution in software& ollowing are the
characteristics of ifth <eneration computers6-
i. Arti"cial
Intelligence ii. E5pert
iii. Aarge thin4ing power as compared to previous
generations. iv. Increased speed
v. Increased
efficiency vi.
Eeduced si@e
vii. Eeduced cost
Q5. What are different types of computers accordin# to their
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - , -
6or7in#? -1p"ain. Ans. 3y p e s of Co m pu t e r s 'ac c o r d in # to t h e ir
6 o r 7 in #(
#here are three types of computers according to their wor4ing and design6-
$. Analog Computers
-. Bigital Computers
3. 2ybrid Computers
1. Ana"o# Computers:
An analog computer accepts data in continuous or physical form and
represents it in a suitable form to perform scienti"c operations. It
processes analog data e&g& speed! pressure! temperature! fluid Fow!
voltage' current etc.
Analog Computers are Special /urpose Computers. #hey are
$ery fast. E 5 a mp l e s of A n a log C o mpu t e r s 6 Speedometer!
thermometer etc.
. !i#ita" Computers:
An analog computer accepts data in form of digits and represents it in
the form of discrete numbers. It processes digital data and performs
arithmetic and logic operations.
Bigital Computers are <eneral /urpose Computers. #hey are
accurate as compared to Analog Computers. Computers at our
schools! homes and of"ces are digital computers.
E 5 a mp l e s of B ig it a l C ompu t e r s 6 /Cs or computers at
our homes.
0. Hybrid Computers:
2ybrid Computers are combination of features of digital and analog
computers. #hey are Special /urpose Computers which are fast and
E 5 a mp l e s of Bi g it a l Compu t e r s 6 Computers at 2ospitals in IC9s!
telemetry! spaceships' guided missiles etc.
Q8. What are different types of computers accordin# to
their si9es? -1p"ain.
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - - -
Ans. 3y p e s of Co m pu t e r s 'ac c o r d in # to t h e ir si 9e s(
#here are four types of computers according to their si@es6-
$. Super Computer
-. 3ainframe Computer
3. 3ini Computer
&. 3icrocomputer
$. +up e r Co m pu t e r s :
Super Computers are the largest and the fastest computers which
can perform hundreds of millions of instructions per second. irst
Super Computer was developed in $.10s.
E 5 a mp l e s of Super Co m pute r s 6 CEAG-$! CEAG--! CGBEE
-0: etc&
ields in whi c h S up e r Compu t e rs a re use d 6 Space E5ploration!
Heather forecasting! Aircraft Besign! (uclear Eesearch etc&
Ch a r a c te rist i c s of Super
Compu t e r 6
i. E5traordinary computing
power. ii. Special /urpose
iii. =ery
iv. 9sed by very large
-. . ai nf r a m e C o m put er s :
3ainframes are large-scale computers. #hese computers need
very large rooms and other arrangements li4e cooling etc.
3ainframes are very fast and have very large memory& #hey
support many users and can do different Iobs for different users. In
JA large digital computer serving $0(-&00 users and occupying
a special air-conditioned room is called a mainframe computer.K
E 5 a mp l e s of 3 a inf ra me Compu t e r s 6 IB3-&3&$! CGBEE
$0% etc&
ields in which 3ainfra me Computers are used 6 Ban4s! Airlines!
9niversities etc&
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - . -
Ch a r a c te rist i c s of 3 a inf r a me Compute r 6
i. Aarge Scale
Computers ii. =ery fast
iii. =ery Aarge 3emory
iv. Support $0(-&00 users
simultaneously v. 3ultiple
/rocessing Computers
3. . in i
Co m pu t e r s :
3ini Computers can support multiple-users and multiple tas4s li4e
through the use of terminals. #hey were firstly used in $.%0s. In
JA mid-si@ed computer! usually "tting within a single cabinet
about the si@e of a refrigerator! that has less memory than a
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - / -
mainframe is called a 3ini Computer.K
JComputer that possesses the same components as large
mainframes but
has reduced memory and slower processing speeds is
called a 3ini
E 5 a mp l e of 3ini C omp u te r s 6 /B/-$
ields in whi c h 3ini Co mpu t e rs a re u s e d6
Aarge Businesses! Education and <overnment sector etc.
Ch a r a c te rist i c s of 3ini Compu t e r 6
i. 3ini Computers can handle larger amount of data than
ii. #hey perform the functions of a mainframe computer with
slightly slower speed.
iii. #hey support multiple users
iv. #hese computers are 3ultiple /rocessing Computers.
&. . ic r o
C o m pu te r s :
A 3icro Computer is a relatively ine5pensive computer that is rapidly
being used
in all application areas. In short6
JA small digital computer based on a microprocessor 8=ASI
Circuit7 and
designed to be used by one person at a time is called a
E 5 a mp l e of 3i c ro Compu t e r s 6 IB3 /C! A#L#
etc. ields in whi c h 3i c ro C ompu t e rs a re
u s e d 6
Aarge Businesses! Education and <overnment sector etc.
Ch a r ac te rist i c s of 3ic r o Compu t e r s 6
i. 3icrocomputers are ine5pensive
computers. ii. 3icrocomputers are
smaller in si@e&
iii. 3icrocomputers are very powerful but less powerful than
super' mini or mainframe computers.
iv. 3icrocomputers are <eneral /urpose Computers.
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - 0 -
Q:. What is the impact of computers on society? A"so e1p"ain the
use of computers in different fie"ds of "ife.
Ans. Imp ac t of Compu ters o n
+ ociety:
Computer is 4nown as the most popular and wonderful discovery of the
century& It has inFuenced the society heavily& It is seen everywhere
and everybody wants to get use of it& It is seen at houses! of"ces! school!
colleges! universities! ban4s and hospitals. Computers are being used as
typewriters! calculators! =CEs! #=s! telephones and communicational
App"ications of Computers: Computer has applications in the
following fields of life&
Applications in Business
Applications in Ban4ing
Application in Stoc4
E5change Applications in
Applications in
o Computer Assisted Instruction8CAI7
o Computer 3anaged Instruction8C3I7
o Computer Based Simulations
o Computer Aided /roblem Solving
o Computer as a SubIect of Instruction
Applications in 3edical ield
Applications in Science
$. Ap p "i c a t io n s in
* u s in e s s :
Computers are being used by all businesses. Some of computer
uses in business are as under6>
#o record stoc4s
#o ma4e customer bills
#o analy@e sales
#o calculate employee)s pay
Computers are being used heavily by the following businesses
and persons6-
Income #a5 Bepartments etc.
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %( -
-. Ap p "i c a t io n s in
*a n 7 in # :
Ban4s are the largest users of computer. Some of computer
uses in ban4ing are as under6>
#o record day to day processing of customer)s account
#o facilitate customers in using their credit cards for
purchasing a product
#o ma4e automatic debit form
#o update customer)s accounts
Computers are being used heavily in ban4s by the
following persons6-
Cler4s etc&
3. Ap p "i c a t io n s in + to c 7 - 1 c h a n # e :
Computers update efficiently each day before the beginning of the
ne5t day& #his helps traders to open their accounts without waiting
for bro4ers to update previous
days processing&
&. Ap p "i c a t io n s in
& e tai"i n #:
Computers are also being used by stores and shops M mar4ets
of all types.
ollowing are some of the computer uses at stores
and mar4ets6-
#o write sales reports
#o write financial statements
#o calculate product cost
/rofit analysis
#o 4eep record of damaged or sold items
#he blac4 and white bar>code printed on most of the products in
supermar4ets in called ;ni$ersa" Production Code ';PC(. 9/C is
a 4ey to computer controlled supermar4et chec4out. Computers use
this 9/C to determine product,s number! price name! description and
:. Ap p "i c a t io n s in
- d u c a t io n :
#here are a number of ways in which a computer can educate its
users. #hey are as under6>
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %% -
o Computer Assisted
9sing computer as an aid to teach a subIect is called CAI
8Computer Assisted
Instructions7 In this method! following techniNues are used6-
Brill and
Evaluating the
o Computer .ana#ed Instructions
In this systems! the computer assigns a student to read
certain boo4! listen certain tape or attend certain lecture& ;n
completing the assignment the student returns the assignment to
the computer for testing and further assignments.
o Computer *ased
Simulation is the process of designing a model for a real
system and
conducting e5periments. It is used to understand such a system
whose direct e5perimentation is impossible! slow! or too
o Computer Aided Prob"em
Students use computers as problem solving tools. Students can
e5plore and organi@e material from a course by using computer
as an aid.
o Computer as a +ub<ect of
In this system! computer is taught as a subIect. 9niversities and
colleges offer many courses in Computer Science disciplines.
Software Engineering and 2ardware Engineering is also being
taught at almost all universities in /a4istan.
%. Ap p "i c a t io n s in .e d ica" F ie" d :
Computers are used in medical
"eld to6
Oeep trac4 of patients
Biagnosis and
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %) -
Assign medicine to certain patient depending on the
patient data
Oeep trac4 of the history of
In medical
0. Ap p "i c a t io n s in + c ienc e :
Computers are vastly used in sciences such as physics!
biology! chemistry'
mathematics! agricultural sciences! computer science and nuclear
physics etc. It helps in scienti"c researches.
1. Ap p "i c a t io n s in P r o du c t ! e si#n a n d . a n u f a c t u r in #:
3anufacturing companies use computers from the design
stage to the
manufacturing stage& Computer Aided Besign 8CAB7 software help to
develop a representation of the product and help testing it in a
variety of simulated environments.
Q=. What is a pro#rammin# "an#ua#e? What is the difference
bet6een a Hi#h >e$e"
>an#ua#e and a >o6 >e$e"
>an#ua#e? Ans. P r o # r a m m in #
>a n # u a# e s :
/rogramming is a way to communicate with computer. Computer
understands binary number system only consisting of digits ( and $. A
group of binary digits is called a code& Hhen a user wants to
communicate to the computer! he needs to give the computer a set of
instructions. #his is done with the help of a pro#rammin# "an#ua#e.
#here are two maIor categories of languages6
2igh Aevel Aanguages6 #hey use English-li4e statements and
commands. A program written in 2AA needs
to be translated into computer)s mother
language i.e. binary or machine language&
Aow Aevel Aanguages6 #hey are close to binary language or
machine language& #hey are hard to
understand for a user but computer easily
and Nuic4ly 8directly7 understands these
languages e&g. machine language
and assembly language&
Q?. What are >o6 >e$e" >an#ua#es? What is the difference bet6een
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %* -
machine "an#ua#e and assemb"y "an#ua#e?
Ans. >o6 > e $ e " > a n # u a# e s :
Aow Aevel Aanguages are those languages which are hard to understand
for man. #hey are not li4e English or natural languages. #hey are closer to
the computer and a computer directly understands them. #hese
languages are more powerful and user is independent to develop
whatever he wants to.
#here are two Aow Aevel Aanguages* 3achine Aanguage and
Assembly Aanguage6
. a c h in e
>a n # u a#e:
A set of binary instruction codes which a computer directly
understands is called
3achine Aanguage& It is a Aow Aevel Aanguage& It differs from computer to
computer. It is also called +language of the processor, or +mother language of
computer,& It is hard to understand by user as it is in the form of binary
Assembly Aanguage is also a low level language but it uses short
symbolic phrases
9nderstandable by user M programmer. #hese alphanumeric symbols are
called mnemonic codes& Assembly Aanguage is not directly
understandable by the computer. So! each program of Assembly
Aanguage is assembled into 3achine Aanguage with the help of an
An assemb"er is a program which converts Assembly Aanguage
program into 3achine
Q@. What are the ad$anta#es of Assemb"y >an#ua#e o$er
.achine >an#ua#e? Ans. Ad$a n ta# e s of Ass e m b " y >a n # u a# e :
Easier than 3achine Aanguage
Easier to debug
Easier to modify
Q1A. *rief"y describe the fo""o6in#
i. *A+IC ii. F%&3A
N iii. C%*%> i$. PA+CA>
$. A!A $i. C
$ii. CBB
Ans. !escrip tion of !iff eren t Hi#h >e$e" > an #u a#es
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %+ -
i. *A+IC:
BASIC 8Beginner)s All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code7 was
developed in $.%&.
It is close to English. A person with little programming 4nowledge can it
Easy to 9nderstand
Easy to Hrite programs
Easy to locate and debug errors
ii. F %&3AN ' F % & m u "a
3 & A Ns"atio n ( :
;E#EA( was developed in $.%& for IB3 computers. Its latest version is
;E#EA( .0. It was used to solve6-
3athematical problems
Scienti"c problems
Engineering problems
iii. C%*%> ' C% m m on * u si n e ss % r ient e d >a n # u a # e ( :
C;B;A was developed in $.:.. It was developed for general!
commercial and
business purpose& It was used handle large amount of data related to6-
Credit and debit accounts
Business applications
i$. P A+CA>:
/ascal was developed during the early $.0(s. /ascal is also a 2AA named
after the
rench mathematician and scientist Blaise /ascal. It is a general
purpose language&
$. A!A:
ABA was developed in $.10. It was named after the "rst programmer
Augusta Ada
Byron. It is a 2igh Aevel structured programming language which
was used in military applications.
$i. C >a n # u a#e:
C language was developed in $.0& by Brian Oarnighan and Bennis
Eitchie. It is used
for developing ;perating Systems. C is e5tremely powerful 2igh
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %, -
Aevel Aanguage&
$ii. CBB:
CPP was developed in the early $.10s by BIarne Stroustrup. It is the
most powerful
2igh Aevel Aanguage& It is li4e C but supports ;bIect ;riented
Q11. *rief"y describe the fo""o6in# 5
>an#ua#es. i. /isua" *asic
ii. Ca$a
Ans. i. /is u a"
* asic:
=isual BASIC is a general purpose language which is mainly used for
databases. It also supports ;bIect ;riented /rogramming& It is very
user-friendly& It provides ready-made options and controls and if a user
needs them he Iust needs to drag them on.
iii. Ca$a:
'ava is an ;bIect ;riented Aanguage 8;;A7. It was developed in $..$
by Sunsoft. It
is modeled after CPP& It is also a general purpose programming
language but it is mainly used in HEB M Internet applications.
Q1. What are "an#ua#e processors? -1p"ain
each of them. Ans >a n # u a#e P r o c e ssor:
A language processor is translating software which translates the 2igh
Aevel Aanguage or
Assembly Aanguage program into machine language&
#here are three types of translators or language processors6-
1. C o m p i" e r:
A compiler is translating software which converts the 2igh Aevel
Aanguage programs
into machine language& It converts the whole
program at once&
. In t e r p re t e r:
An interpreter is translating software which converts the 2igh
Aevel Aanguage
programs into machine language line-
0. Ass e m b "e r:
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %- -
An assembler is also system software which assembles M converts
assembly language programs into machine language&
Chapter No. : Computer Co mpo nents
Q1. What is meant by computer
hard6are? Ans. Hard6are:
All the physical components of a computer are collectively called
hardware& All the input
Bevices' output devices and system unit e&g& 4eyboard! mouse'
scanner! mic' monitor! printer! C/9 etc.
Q. !efine input
de$ices. Ans. Input
Input devices are used to enter data or instructions into a computer. e&g.
4eyboard! mouse' mic! scanner! light pen etc.
Q0. !efine output
de$ices. Ans. %utput
;utput devices give out the results to the user. #hey show results
and outputs. e.g& monitor! printer! spea4er etc.
Q5. What is the Dsystem unit)?
Ans. +ystem ;nit:
It is the main unit of a computer system. It contains motherboard!
microprocessor! storage devices! IM; cards! hard dis4! memory! dis4 drives
Q8. What is CP;? What are its different parts?
-1p"ain brief"y. Ans. CP; 'Centra" Processin# ;nit(:
C/9 is the brain of a computer. It controls the entire operation of a
computer system. It controls the entire system and e5ecutes
Parts of CP;:
A C/9 chip consists of mainly three
a7 Control 9nit
b7 Arithmetic L Aogic 9nit
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %. -
c7 3emory 9nit
a( Contro" ;nit'C;(: Control 9nit is the most important part of the
C/9. It controls the overall data-traf"c that ta4es place within a
computer. It issues necessary commands to relevant units. It fetches
instructions from EA3 and stores them in the instruction register and
then transfers them to AA9 registers. It acts li4e a traffic policeman.
b( Arithmetic E >o#ic ;nit 'A>;(6 AA9 consists of a number of
adder and logic gates. It performs all the arithmetic and logic
operations that ta4e place in a computer. Arithmetic operations are
addition! subtraction! multiplication etc. Aogic operations are
comparison operations! A(B! ;E! (;# etc&
c( CP; .emory: AA9 and C9 need memory. #his memory consists of
small temporary memory locations. #hese temporary memory
locations are called re#isters&
Q:. What is meant by Dmain memory)?
Ans. .ain .emory and its Importance: 3ain memory is the fastest
computers internal
memory& It is also called primary memory& It is generally on
semiconductor chips. #hese
chips are connected to the C/9 and the motherboard. 3ain memory is
very fast and is directly accessible by the C/9. Hithout main memory
computer would not have been so fast as it is now.
3ypes of .ain .emory: #hese are generally two types of
main memory6
a( &ea" %n"y .emory
E;3 is the permanent memory of a computer. E;3 provides the
C/9 the instructions during the start-up process or booting process.
E;3 also contains the drivers for basic inputM output devices li4e
4eyboard and monitor.
b( &andom Access .emory
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %/ -
EA3 is a very important memory of a computer. It is also called
read and write
3emory& EA3 is a volatile memory because the data in EA3 is lost
as soon as an electricity failure occurs. /rograms are brought in
EA3 for e5ecution.
Q=. What is meant by Fsecondary memoryG or Fbac7in# stora#eG?
Ans. +econdary .emory: Secondary memory is also called the
bac4ing storage of a
Computer the data in secondary storage is not lost even if an electricity
failure occurs. It is a non-volatile memory& It is not directly accessible by
the C/9. It is a slow but large memory& e&g. 2ard Bis4! loppy Bis4! CB etc.
Q?. What is meant by Dbuses) in computer? What are types of buses?
Ans. *uses:
A bus is an electrical path among different hardware parts of a computer.
A bus connects
AA9! C9! 3emory and other parts of a
3ypes of *uses: #hese are three types
of buses6
a( 3he !ata *us: Bata bus is an electrical path which connects the C/9!
memory and other parts on the motherboard. It carries data& Its si@e
differs from computer to computer. An 1 bit data bus can transfer $
byte at a time while a $% bit data bus can transfer - bytes at a time.
b( 3he Address *us: #he address bus carries memory addresses. It
connects the C/9
with the memory&
Aarge si@e address bus can address large memory& An 1 bit data bus
can address -
memory locations.
c( 3he Contro" *us: #he control unit controls the overall computer
system. It sends control commands through the control bus. It provides
two way transfers between the secondary storage and main memory&
Q@. What are ports? -1p"ain.
Ans. Ports: A port is an interface& It provides a direct lin4 with the
computer. All the IM;
devices are connected to the computer
through ports.
3ypes of
a( +eria" Ports: A serial port provides a lin4 through which only
one bit can be
transferred at a time. It can have . or -: pins.
-1amp"es: C;3$! C;3-! C;33 etc.
b( Para""e" Ports: A parallel port provides a lin4 for transmitting fast
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - %0 -
Fow of data. It can transfer more than one bits at a time. It can transfer
1 or $% bits are a time.
-1amp"es: A/#$! A/#-! A/#3 etc.
Q .A8 !i,erentiate bet6een hard6are and soft6are
of a computer. Ans. Hard6are:
All the physical components of a computer are collectively called
hardware. It
includes all the input devices! output devices and system unit e&g&
4eyboard! mouse! scanner! mic! monitor! printer! C/9 etc
All the programs of a computer are collectively called software& A
software is a set of
instructions which tells the computer what to do e&g& Hindows! 3S-
;f"ce' <ames! 3edia /layer etc&
Q .A: !escribe the main
functions of CP;. Ans. F un c tions
of C P ; :
C/9 is the brain of computer& It performs all the arithmetical and
logical operations
of a computer.
It performs the following functions6
$. It performs all the arithmetic operations such as addition!
multiplication! subtraction! division etc&
-. It performs all the logical operations of a computer such as
comparing two values.
Aogic operations are comparison operations! A(B! ;E!
(;# etc.
3. It controls the Fow of data among different parts of the computer.
It is done by Control 9nit of C/9.
&. C/9 e5ecutes all
Q .A= !escribe the 6or7in# and
function of A>;. Ans. Wo r 7 in # a n d
F un c tion of A> ; :
Arithmetic and Aogic 9nit 8AA97 contains a number of adder and logic
circuits and registers. AA9 performs all the processing i.e. arithmetic
and logic operations of a computer.
-HA.P>-6 Consider the addition of two numbers A and B stored in the
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - )( -
main memory& Control 9nit interprets the instruction and transfers the
number A from the main memory to the accumulator. #hen it transfers
the number B to some other available register. #hen these numbers are
added by adder circuits and the result is stored in the accumulator
register. Eesults can be sent to the main memory&
Q .A? !iscuss the importance of main memory. -1p"ain the
types of .ain .emory. Ans. Aoo4 Q% 83ain 3emory and its
Importance! #ypes of 3ain 3emory7
Q .A@ !escribe the function of
Contro" ;nit. Ans. Aoo4 Q: 8a7 ?
Control 9nit8C97
Q .1A What is meant by secondary stora#e? .ention some
secondary stora#e de$ices. Ans. Aoo4 Q0
Q .11 What is meant by bus in computer system? Ho6 is data
bus different from address bus?
Ans. Aoo4 Q1
Q .1 !escribe the function of ports. Ho6 many types of ports are
#enera""y present in a computer system?
Ans. Aoo4 Q.
Chapter No. 0: I nput I %utput !e$ ices
Q1. !efine input de$
ices. Ans. Inpu t
de $ ic e s :
Input devices are used to enter data or instructions into a computer.
E 5 a mp l e s 6 Oeyboard! mouse! microphone! scanner! light pen etc.
Q. !efine output
de$ices. Ans. % u tp u t
de $ ic e s :
;utput devices present M give out the results to the user. #hey show results
and outputs.
E 5 a mp l e6 3onitor! printer! plotter! spea4er etc.
Q0. Write a note on the
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - )% -
7eyboard. Ans. J e y b oa r d :
A board with a set of input 4eys on a terminal or computer is called a
4eyboard. It
includes the standard typewriter 4eys! several speciali@ed 4eys. Oeyboard
is the fundamental input device of a computer. It is used to enter data
and instructions into a computer. <enerally! a 4eyboard has a QHEE#G
arrangement. It is connected through a dedicated 4eyboard port with the
system unit.
+ ty" e s of J e y b oa r d :
a7 /C M D# style
b7 A# Style
!i$is i on o f a J e y b oa r d :
A 4eyboard is divided into four general areas6-
a7 Alph a nume r ic
4 e y b o a rd6 It includes6
Alphabetic 4eys6 #hese 4eys range from a
? @ or A? C. (umber 4eys6 #hese 4eys
range from 0 to .. /unctuation 4eys and special 4eys6
#hese 4eys include P! R! S! L etc.
c7 (um e ric O e y p a d6
It is a set of number 4eys at the right of a 4eyboard. Oeys in numeric
4eypad are
arranged li4e a calculators 4eys.
d7 un c ti on O e y s 6
unction 4eys are from $ to $-. #hey are located on the top of a
4eyboard. Each of these 4eys has a special function which depends on
the software.
e7 S c r e e n ( a vigation and E di t ing O e y s 6
#hey are used to move up! down! left! right! beginning or end of a
document. #hey include6
Q5. Write a note on the
mouse. Ans. . o u s e :
A mouse is another useful input device& It is used to enter instruction into a
computer. It
is the most common input device with Hindows operating systems. A
mouse is a hand> held device with a ball on its bottom. It is rolled on a
mouse-pad. A
i& #SC ii& C1!L iii& AL1
i2& !i3ht Arro4 2& Le5t Arro4 2i& 6p Arro4
2ii& "o4n Arro4
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - )) -
mouse>pointer also moves with the mouse& It also has two or three buttons
which are used to select various options.
Q8. Write a note on the
<oystic7. Ans. Coysti c 7 :
A Ioystic4 is a handheld input device with a moving stic4 and buttons. It is
generally used
for playing computer games.
A Ioystic4 is computer input device' especially helpful when playing
computer games. It consists of a handle that can be pointed in different
directions. Because the computer can
sense which direction the Ioystic4 is pointed! it can be used to control the
movements of obIects displayed on the computer screen.
Q:. Write a note on the
scanner. Ans. + c a nn er :
Scanner in an input device which converts typed documents! pictures or
photographs into electronic "les.
Scanner is a device that reads a printed page and converts it into a
graphics image for the computer. A scanner normally has an ;CE which
recogni@es the te5t and converts into H;EB files.
# y p e s o f
Sc a n n e rs6
latbed Scanners! 2and-held Scanners! Brum Scanners! ;verhead
Scanners or ilm
Q=. Write a note on the
trac7ba"". Ans. 3 r a c 7b a" " :
A trac4ball is also an input device& It is normally used in laptop
computers instead of
3ouse& It is li4e a mouse turned upside-down. It has a ball on its top which
is moved with the "nger tips. A cursor or pointer also moves with the
movement of the ball& It is best suited for the handicapped people who
cannot move the arm but can move their "ngers.
Q?. Write a note on the -"ectric
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - )* -
>i#ht Pen. Ans. -"e c t r ic >i# h t P e n :
A light pen is an input device& It is normally attached to some =ideo
Bisplay 9nit. It has
a tube which senses input. #he data is directly written on
the screen. or
Electric Aight /en is a light-sensitive input device shaped li4e a pen! used
to draw on the computer screen or to ma4e menu selections. As the tip of
the light pen ma4es contact with the screen! it sends a signal bac4 to the
computer containing the 5y coordinates of the pi5els at that point.
Q@. What is meant by $oice
reco#nition? -1p"ain. Ans. . ic r o ph o n e
a n d /oi ce I+p eec h & ec o# n itio n :
A microphone is another input device which transfers sounds and voice
into digital "les
of computer. Sounds can be entered into a computer with the help of
a microphone&
/oi c e
& e c o# n itio n :
#ranslating voice into te5t is an ability 4nown as voice recognition.
(ormally! sounds are
spo4en in a microphone and the computer recogni@es these sounds and
converts into te5t. ollowing steps are involved in speech recognition6-
$. 9ser spea4s the sound into a microphone&
-. Computer digiti@es the sound.
3. Computer matches the digiti@ed sound with e5isting
&. Computer converts the sound into te5t or it performs some
Q1A. Write a note on the -"ectric
>i#ht Pen. Ans. !i#ita" Ca mer a :
A digital camera converts video images in digital form and saves them in
memory. #hese images can be edited on
Q11. Write a note on !is7
!ri$es. Ans. !is7 ! r i$e:
It is a device that reads data stored on a magnetic or optical dis4 and
writes data onto the
dis4 for storage&
#he most popular storage media are the dis4ettes 8or Foppy dis4s7 and the
2ard Bis4s 8or "5ed dis4s7. #he data stored on these dis4s is called
softcopy& A readMwrite head which floats above the spinning dis4 writes
and reads data to and from the dis4.
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - )+ -
Q1. Write a note on .onitors. What are different
types of monitors? Ans. . o n ito r s:
3onitor is a display screen used to present output from a computer to
the user& /ictures
that are displayed on monitor screen are combination of very small
dots called pi5els.
#he number and si@e of pi5els determines the Nuality of the image formed
on screen. <reater is the number of pi5el! higher will be the resolution and
better will be the image Nuality&
# y p e s o f 3onitors6
i. C2A 'Co"our 2raphic Adapter( .onitors can display four
colours with a resolution of 3-0 5 -00 pi5els.
ii. -2A '-1tended 2raphic Adapter( .onitors can display
si5teen different colours with a resolution of %&0 5 &10 pi5els.
iii. /2A '/ideo 2raphic Adapter( .onitors can display -:%
different colour shades with a resolution up to 0-0 5 &00 pi5els.
iv. +/2A '+uper /ideo 2raphic Adapter( .onitors can display
images at a resolution from 100 5 %(0 pi5els to $-10 5 $0-& pi5els.
v. >C! '>iKuid Crysta" !isp"ay( .onitors are Fat! light weight!
portable monitors and use little power. #hey are normally found with
Q10. Write a note on Printers. What are different
types of printers? Ans. P r int er:
/rinter is a device that converts computer output into printed images.
#hey produce the
hardcopy of the stored
data. # y p e s o f /rinte r s 6
i. Impact Printer prints on the paper by stri4ing the paper. #here
are three types of impact printers6
a. !ot-matri1 Printer
Bot matri5 printer is an impact printer. It is a printer in which
each character
is formed from a matri5 of dots. It comes with .! $1! -& or 3-
pins with in4ed soa4ed ribbon.
/ rinting 3e c h a nism
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - ), -
/ins of a dot matri5 printer stri4e the in4 soa4ed ribbon
which stri4es the page. #his process repeats and characters
are printed.
S p ee d of B ot m a tri5
/ ri n ter
Speed of dot matri5 printers ranges from :0 to %(0
characters per second.
b. !aisy-6hee" Printer
Baisy-wheel printer is also an impact printer. It comes with "5ed
characters at
the end of the spo4es. #hese spo4es are "5ed on a wheel
which rotates to bring the reNuired character against the paper.
It is also called character printer. It is slow than a dot-matri5
printer but it produces high Nuality output&
c. >ine Printer
#he line printer is a form of high speed impact p r in t e r in which
one line of
type is printed at a time. /rint speeds of %(( to $-00 lines-per-
minute 8appro5imately $0 to -0 pages per minute7. Some of
these printers can print over 30(0 lines per minute.
ii. Non-impact Printer prints on the paper without stri4ing the paper.
#here are four types of non-impact printers6
a. -"ectrostatic Printer
Electrostatic /rinters are very high speed non-impact
printers. A charges image is formed on the paper by electric
"eld. #his paper is passed through an
in4-fog& #he in4 particles adhere at the image on the paper to
form a visible image. #he paper is then passed through the
heated roller for fi5ing the image&
b. -"ectro-therma" Printer
#hermal /rinters produce the output on heat sensitive wa5y
paper. #hese were
popular a few years ago because they are portable and
cheap. But the drawbac4 is that they reNuire special heat
sensitive wa5y paper.
c. In7<et Printer
In4Iet printer is a printer that prints characters and images by
shooting small droplets of in4 at the paper. Advantages of the
in4Iet printer include speed! high resolution! and Nuiet operation.
#hese printers reNuire in4
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - )- -
reservoirs. S p ee d of In4Iet
/ rint e r
In4Iet printer can print -00 characters per
second. d. >aser Printer
Aaser /rinters are the fastest non-impact printers. #hey
use electro photographic technology&
It is a printer that uses a laser and the electro photographic
method to print a full page at a time. #he laser TpaintsT a
charged drum with light! to which toner is applied and then
transferred onto paper.
/ rinting 3e c h a nism
A bit-mapped image of a page is formed in the computer by
software& #his image is transferred to the printer. Aaser beams
form a charged image on the drum. #hen the image is transferred
on the paper. #he
paper then passes between the drum and a corona wire& #he dots
of in4 get fused on to the paper.
S p ee d of A a s e r
A laser printer can print at a speed of -0(00 lines
per minute.
Q15. Write a note on p"otters. What are different
types of p"otters? Ans. P "ot t e r :
/lotter is a printing device that draws images on paper using in4 pens or
pencils. A
plotter draws images as a series of point-to-point lines.
# ypes o f /lott er
$. Brum plotter
A drum plotter can print on very large pieces of paper. #hey
produce continuous output&
-. latbed /lotter
A flatbed plotter will draw diagrams with pens on a piece of paper
that is "5ed on a flat tablet.
Q18. Write a note on C!-W&I3-&+. What are different types of
C!-W&I3-&+? Ans. C !4 W&I3 - &:
A CB drive that supports write once 8CB-E7 or rewritable media 8CB-EH7 is
referred as
CB>HEI#EE. A CB-HEI#EE has a write-head which can write on CBE or
CBEH. CBEs are available at very low cost and large memory& (ormally a
CBE can store upto
000 3B of data&
Computer Science Notes (Prepared by Sir: Syed Faisal Bashir) AL-HA!A ACA"#$ - ). -
Q1:. What is meant by the term hard copy
and soft copy? Ans. Hard Co p y:
#he printed output of a printer is called hard copy&
+ o f t Copy:
#he machine)s output displayed on screen is called soft copy&
Chapter No. 5: +tora #e !e$i ces
Q1. What is meant by computer memory? What are
different types of computer memory?
Ans. C o m pu t e r .e m o r y :
#he area of a computer where programs and data are stored is
called memory& It stores
the programs and data permanently or temporarily&
. e m o r y H ie r a r c h y:
A typical computer has several different levels of stor a g e &
Each level of storage has a
different speed! cost! and si@e& #he levels form a storage
hierarchy' in which the topmost levels 8those nearest the
processor7 are fastest! most e5pensive and smallest.
Biagram of
3 emor y
2ie rarch y
of data
C/9 to
to C/9.
#he processor or C/9 has almost direct access to the main
memory so in order to match the C/9 speed the main
memory is made very high speed memory& It is e5pensive
3y p e s of Co m pu t e r .e m o r y:
#here are two maIor types of computers memory6-
1. .ain .emory or Interna" .emory or Primary
#he main memory 8or primary storage7 of a computer
is memo r y that is wired directly to the processor!
consisting of &A. and possibly & % .& #he processor or
C/9 has almost direct access to the main memory& In
order to match the C/9 speed the main memory is made
very high speed memory& It is e5pensive also.
. +econdary .emory or *ac7in# +tora#e or
Au1i"iary +tora#e
Secondary memory 8or secondary storage7 is the slowest
and cheapest form of memo r y & It provides very high
storage capacity& It cannot be accessed directly by the
C / 9 & Secondary memory devices include magnetic dis4s
li4e h a rd d r i v e s and Fop p y dis4s * opt i ca l d i s4s such as
CBs and CBE;3s * and magnetic tap e s ' which were
the first forms of secondary memory&
Q. What are memory units? -1p"ain
di,erent memory units. Ans. . e m o r y
;n i ts:
3emory units are used to measure computer memory or
storage capacity& Bifferent
memory units include
BI# 8b76 It stands for BInary digi#& It can hold
one binary digit 0 or $. (IBBAE6 A group of four
bits is called a nibble&
BG#E 8B76 A group of eight bits is called a nibble& or large
si@ed memory different pre"5es are used which are
as under6
OB ?
3B ?
<B ?
#B ?
H;EB6 It depends from processor to processor. It is
normally of 1 bytes.
&e"ation of !iff eren t .e mory ;ni ts :
$ (ibble U -
bits U & bits
$ Byte U -
bits U 1 bits
$ Oilo Byte U -
Bytes U $0-& Bytes
$ 3ega Byte U -
Bytes U $0-& Oilo
$ <iga Byte
$ #era Byte
$0-& 3ega
$0-& <iga
Q0. What are memory units? -1p"ain
di,erent memory units. Ans. W%& !:
A word is simply a "5ed-si@ed group of bits that are handled
together by the machine& In
an eight-bit machine! the word length is eight bits* in a $%-bit
machine! the word length is
$% bits. (ow a days! 3- to %& bit processors are commonly
used. #hus a %& bit processor can handle large amount of data
than a 3- bit processor. #hat is why a %& bit processor is faster
than a 3- bit processor.
Q5. What is meant by &A.? Why &A. is faster than
secondary stora#e de$ices?
What is meant by &A.? Why is &A. direct"y "in7ed
6ith CP; and not the hard dis7?
Ans. &A .:
EA3 is the wor4ing memory of a computer where data and
programs are temporarily
stored. EA3 only holds information when the computer is on&
Everything stored in EA3 is lost when the computer is turned
;& #hats why it is called volatile memory& It is also called
&ead-And-write .emory&
If EA3 si@e of a particular computer is smaller! then a program
larger than EA3 si@e is loaded in parts! which slows down the
computer. Aarger EA3 si@es provide greater speed because
whole program is loaded at once&
IS AS#EE #2 A ( B IS O S V
EA3 is a semiconductor memory with no moving parts or
mechanical movement. It transfers and accepts data
electronically. #hats why its faster than secondary storage
devices li4e hard dis4! floppy dis4! CB-E;3 etc& C/9 is also
totally electronic and fast device& In order to save the C/9 time
and increase processing speed! C/9 is directly wired with cache
memory and EA3.
Q8. What is meant by &%.?
What are its types? Ans. &% .:
E;3 is a type of main memory whose contents can be
accessed and read but cannot be
Changed& It is a semiconductor memory
programmed by the manufacturer.
#he data in E;3 is not lost when the computer is turned ;'
that)s why it is called a
#ypes of E;36 #here are three
main types of E;3s6-
/E;3 8/rogrammable Eead ;nly 3emory76 It is a type
of E;3 which can be programmed only once
Q:. What is meant by
+I..s and !I..s? Ans.
+ I..:
Single Inline 3emory 3odule 8SI337 is a circuit board memory
which holds a group of
3emory chips. SI33s has capacity from $ 3B to
3- 3B or greater&
8Bual Inline 3emory 3odule7 is a small circuit board holding a
ban4 of memory chips!
Hith different contacts on each side! allowing for twice the
number of pins as a SI33&
EA3s capacity can be increased by plugging
in more BI33s&
Q=. What is meant by direct access stora#e and
seKuentia" access stora#e? Ans. + e Ku e n tia"
A cce ss + to r a # e :
In this mode! the data is accessed and recorded on storage in
seNuence& ;ne cannot refer
Birectly the contents of any memory location. In order to
access a record! searching starts from the "rst record in a
seNuence until reNuired item is found& E.g& =ideo Cassettes!
#apes etc&
!i rec t
A c c e ss
+ to r a# e :
#his mode provides immediate access to records. Any item
can be directly accessed
simply by addressing. e&g. 3agnetic Bis4s!
Compact Bis4s etc&
Q?. Write a note
on the fo""o6in#:
Bis4 ii.
Ans. . a# n e tic !is 7s :
A memory device consisting of a Fat dis4 covered with a
magnetic coating on which
Information is stored is called magnetic dis4. #here are two
types of magnetic dis4s6> i. lop p y Bis 4 6
A portable dis4 made up of Fe5ible plastic and coated
with iron o5ide is called a Foppy dis4.
2ow is data writ ten to a r ead from a flopp yV
#he Foppy has a window with a spring-loaded metal
shutter. #he shutter is pushed bac4 which uncovers the
window when it is inserted into the dis4 drive. #he drive
rotates the dis4 inside its protective covering at a speed
of 3(( rpm. EeadMwrite head contacts its e5posed surface
through the window. Eecording is done magnetically in
concentric circles called trac4s.
Computers dis4s use sector organi@ation to store data
and retrieve data. A sector and a trac4 number are
needed to read from a particular location of the dis4.
An access arm containing the read head is moved under
program control to read from a particular location. Bata
are read when the reNuired sector passes under the
head. It is found in 3.:K or :.-:K
of diameter&
ii. 2 a rd B is4 or i5 e d Bis4 or H inch e ster Bis 4 6
#his is your computers main storage device* this is where programs
are located& It is a large capacity' mechanical! magnetic! computer
storage device that stores your programs and data. A hard dis4 is
a sealed unit containing a number of platters in a stac4.
Each platter has two recording surfaces. #he dis4s or
platter in a hard dis4 spin continuously at a speed of
3%00 rpm to $0000 rpm within a sealed enclosure&
b7 Compa c t Bis4 E ea d ;nly
3emo r y 8CB -E;3 76
It is a secondary storage media which can store about
0003B of data. It stores data in machine-readable form.
It is a faster storage media than magnetic tapes because
it stores CB-E;3 discs are read using CB-E;3 drives!
which are now almost universal on personal computers.
2ow a re d a ta stor e d on C B -E;36 Bata are recorded on
CB-E;3s reFective surfaces in form of pits and lands.
#he pits are tiny reFective pumps that are burned in by a
laser beam. A spot that reFects a laser beam is interpreted
as +$ and a spot that scatters and does not reFect the
laser beam into the sensor is interpreted as +0&
#he data on CB-E;3 cannot be deleted or altered
unless you have a Hritable> CB and a CB-Hriter&
2ow a r e d a t a r e a d fr o m C B -E;36 A CB-E;3 reNuires
a CB-Brive or CB-
/layer which read data
from CB-E;3s.
Com m on uses of C B -E;36 A CB-E;3 is portable and can
be moved from one place to another place very easily'
so it is used now a day to transfer data from one place
to another& CB-E;3s are commonly used for storing
software pac4ages! audio songs! video etc. which reNuire
large storage&
Q 5.A8 What is meant by computer stora#e? Ho6 6i"" you
c"assify it?
Ans. See Q$ under the headings6 +Computer 3emory and +#ypes of
Q 5.A: What is the sma""est unit of memory in di#ita"
Ans. #he smallest unit of memory in a digital computer is BI#. A bit
can hold a ( or a $.
Q 5.A= Name four memory units in 6hich the memory of a
di#ita" computer is measured. Ans. #he four memory units in
which the memory of a digital computer is measured are as
$. *I3 8stands for *inary digI3 and can store a 0
or $7
-. Nibb"e 8& bits7
3. *yte 81 bits7 ? WOilo Byte! 3ega Byte! <iga ByteX
&. Word 8fi5ed si@ed group of bits that are handled
together by a processor7
Q 5.A? What is the si#nificance of *yte? Ho6 other memory
units are re"ated 6ith byte? Ans. See Q- under the heading
+Eelation of memory units&
Q 5.A@ Name some of the computer)s primary and
secondary stora#e de$ices. Ans. P r i m a r y + to r a # e
! e $i c e s :
$. EA3 8Eandom Access 3emory7
a. SEA3
b. BEA3
-. E;3 8Eead ;nly 3emory7
a. PROM 8programmable E;37
b. EPROM 8erasable>and-programmable E;37
c. EEPROM (electrically erasable-and-programmable
Q 5.1A In 6hat 6ays &A.
and &%. differ? Ans.
&A. $s. &%.:
&A. is the wor4ing memory of a computer where data and
programs are temporarily
Stored& EA3 only holds information when the computer is on&
Everything stored in EA3
is lost when the computer is turned ;& It is a $o"ati"e
&%. is a type of main memory whose contents can be
accessed and read but cannot be changed. It is a
semiconductor memory programmed by the manufacturer.
#he data in E;3 is not lost when the computer is turned
;& It is a non-$o"ati"e
Q 5.11 !i,erentiate bet6een
+I..+ and !I..+. Ans. +ee
Q 5.1 Name the types in 6hich
ma#netic dis7s can be di$ided. Ans.
#ypes of 3agnetic Bis4s6
Bis4 b7
Q 5.10 Ho6 data can be 6ritten to or retrie$ed from a f"oppy?
Ans. See Q1 under the heading +2ow is data read from or written to a
Foppy dis4VK
Q 5.15 6hy the capacity of a hard dis7 is $ery "ar#e as
compared to a f"oppy dis7?
Ans. A hard dis4 has more than one plate which record data on
both sides. So a hard dis4 with & platters has 1 recording
surfaces. #hat)s why the capacity of a hard dis4 is larger as
compared to a floppy dis4.
Q 5.18 !escribe $arious
features of a hard dis7. Ans.
F e a tur e s of a h a r d d is 7 :
$. A 2B has very high storage capacity as compared to
other storage media&
-. A 2B is reliable bac4ing storage media&
3. A 2B is enclosed within a sealed chamber and hence has
long life than a floppy&
&. #he speed of 2Bs ranges from 3%00 rpm to $0000 rpm.
Wrpm6 round per minuteX
Chapter No. =
Computer +oft6are
Q1. What is soft6are? What are its types?
!efine the term soft6are.
-1p"ain its types a"so. Ans.
C o m pu t e r + o f t 6 a r e:
Collection of programs that perform a particular tas4 is called
software. e&g. 3S-
Hindows! 3S-Hord! 3S-E5cel etc&
3y p e s of + o f t 6 a r e: #here are two
types of software6> a7 System
b7 Application Software
a7 S y stem S o ftw a r e6
#he software used to
controlMcoordinateMmonitor or facilitates
application software! hardware and user is
called system software&
b7 Applic a ti on S o ftw a r e6
Application software is those utility programs which are
used by the user to increase the productivity& 3any "rms
and companies use application software for their day-to-
day processing&
Q. What are different types of system soft6are?
Ans. 3y p e s of + y st e m + o f t 6 a r e : #here are three maIor
categories of system software&
a7 ;perating Systems
b7 /rogramming
Aanguage #ranslators c7
9tility /rograms M Service
a7 ;p e r a ti n g S y s t e m s 6
An ;perating System 8;S7 is a set of programs which
provide an environment in which other programs can be
e5ecuted. It acts li4e a government. It e5ecutes other
b7 / ro g r a m m ing A a n g u a g e # ra nslator s 6
/rogramming Aanguage #ranslators are system software
which converts a 2igh Aevel Aanguage program or
Assembly Aanguage /rogram into machine language.
#here are three types of translators6>
$. Compiler6 It is system software which converts M
translates a high level language program into
machine language as a whole.
-. Interpreter6 It is a system software which converts
M translates a high level language program into
machine language line by line.
3. Assembler6 It is system software which convert M
assembles an assembly language program into
machine language&
c7 S e rvi c e S o ftw a re6
Service Software are the software which help to manage
hardware' software and data resources of a computer&
e.g& utility programs! library programs and device drivers.
Q0. What are different types
of %peratin# +ystem? Ans.
3y p e s of % p er a t in # + y s te m s :
#here are two maIor types of ;perating Systems6-
a7 S in g le -us e r ; p e r a ti ng S y stem s 6
Single-user ;perating Systems provide the same
settings for every user. #hey are commonly used on /Cs.
e&g. 3S-
B;S! /C-
b7 3ult i -user ;p e r a ti ng S y s tem s 6
3ulti-user ;perating Systems are used for data
processing on large computers where there are
multiple users sharing and processing data.
e&g& 9(ID! AI(ID!
HI(B;HS -000 etc
Q5. What are the functions of %peratin# +ystem?
Ans. F un c tions of % p er a t in # + yst e m: ollowing are some
common ;perating System
$. Controls basic input output devices.
-. Allocates system resources.
3. 3anages storage space&
&. Supports application software&
:. 3aintains security&
%. Betects eNuipment failure&
Q8. What is !%+? What
tas7s does it perform?
Ans. !% + :
B;S 8Bis4 ;perating System7 is a single user ;perating
System. It is called B;S
Because it is stored on the dis4 of a computer. It performs the
following tas4s6-
$. Controls input and output devices.
-. Enables user to load and e5ecute programs.
3. 2elps user to manage data on the dis4.
Q:. What are different
types of !%+ fi"es? -1p"ain.
Ans. !%+ F i" e s :
B;S has three special types of e5ecutable files which are as
$. B a tch il e s 8.b a t 76
#he e5tension of a batch "le is +bat& It is a group of B;S
commands or e5ecutable
-. Com m a nd il e s 8. c om 7 6
#he e5tension of a command "le is +com. It is an e5ecutable
3. E 5 ec utable il e s 8. e 5 e 7 6
#he e5tension of an e5ecutable file is +e5e&
Q=. What are different types of
!%+ commands? -1p"ain. Ans.
!%+ Co m m a nds :
B;S has various commands which are used to manage and control
computer)s resources.
B;S commands have three parts* "lename! parameter and
switch. #here are two types of
B;S commands6-
$. Internal Commands6 B;S internal commands are
stored in a "le called
+command.com. #his "le is loaded in the computer memory
during booting process.
E.g. CAS! BIE! BEA etc.
-. E5ternal Commands6 B;S e5ternal commands are
stored on the dis4 in the form of "les M programs. #hey
have the e5tension of +com! +e5e or +com. E.g&
;E3A#! C2OBSO! DC;/G etc.
Q?. What is the purpose of the
fo""o6in# !%+ Interna" Commands? Ans.
Note L stands for -N3-&M
+N Command Purpose +ynta
$ CAS Clears the screen. CAS CAS
Bisplays the name
directory or
3 C;/G Copies one or more
"les from one
directory or
location to another
C;/G W"lenameX
directory or folderX
C;/G pa4 C67
& BA#E Bisplays or
Current date of
the system.
BA#E Wmm-dd-yyX Bate 0$-0$-00
: BEA Beletes one or
speci"ed "les from
BEA Wpath and "le
BEA abc&bas
% BIE Bisplays a list of
and directory of
the current
directory& It has a
number of
switches which are
used to tell the
computer how you
want to use the
$. Mp6 It
displays one
of the listing
at a time. #o
see ne5t
press any
-. Mw6 Bisplays
BIE WpathX MWswitchX BIE C6 Mp
0 EDI# E5its the
processor and
returns to a
1 EE3 Enables you to
Gour remar4s in a
batch or config&sys
EE3 Wcomment or
EE3 shows time
. #I3E Bisplays or
Current time of
the system.
#I3E Whh6mm6ssX #I3E -36&:6$-
$0 #G/E Bisplays the
;f a test "le.
#G/E W"lenameX #G/E /a4.t5t
$$ =EE Bisplays the
=ersion number&
$- =;A Bisplays the
Aabel and serial
number of the
=;A =;A
Q@. What is the purpose of the
fo""o6in# !%+ -1terna" Commands? Ans.
Note L stands for -N3-&M
+N Comman
Purpose +ynta
$ BACO9/ Bac4s up one or
"les from a "5ed
dis4 to a Foppy
dis4 or another
BACO9/ WsourceX6
BACO9/ C6 B6
- C2OBSO Chec4s a dis4 and
reports the total
space! number of
files or amount of
free space on the
dis4 and the total
and available
amount of EA3 in
3 C;33A(B Starts the
C;33A(B C;33A(B
& BEA#EEE Beletes all "les
of a speci"ed
: BISOC;/G Buplicates the
of one Bis4 to
BISOC;/G WsourceX
% EBI# Edits a files. EBI# W"lenameX EBI# DGC
0 ;E3A# ormats a dis4
removes e5isting
"les and folders.
;E3A# Wdrive6X WswitchX ;E3A# C6 7N
1 /E;3/# It de"nes how the
B;S command
prompt appears.
characters in
command have
special meaning.
or e5ample6-
St6 current time
Sn6 current drive
Sd6 current date
Sp6 current drive
and path
/E;3/# Wprompt stringX
/E;3/# Sd
. EES#;EE Eestores bac4ed
"les from Foppy
to hard dis4.
EES#;EE Wdrive$X6Wdrive-X EES#;EE d6 c6
$0 SGS Creates a bootable
and copies
booting "les to
speci"ed drive&
2ere Wdrive6X is the drive
letter to which booting
SGS a6
$$ #EEE Bisplays
#EEE Wdrive6X #EEE B6
$- DC;/G Copies "le8s7 from
location to another.
DC;/G WsourceX
DC;/G Z.Z B6
Q?. What is meant by Dpath) command?
Ans. P a t h C o mm a nd :
It is an internal command that enables you to generate
a list of directories that B;S
searches to locate programs. #his enables us to run most
commonly used programs without going into their
directories and then e5ecuting the programs.
Q@. What is meant by Dbootin# system)?
Ans. *ootin# + yst e m :
In computing' booting is a bootstrapping process that
starts operating systems when the user turns on a
computer system. A boot seNuence is the set of
operations the computer performs when it is switched on
that load an operating system.
#he set of files of an ;MS that facilitate the booting
process is called the booting process.
Chapter No. ? Introduction to
Q1. What
is Windo6s?
Windo 6 s:
Hindows is an operating system& Hindows is a <9I
8<raphical 9ser Interface7 because it provides icons!
buttons! menu and other graphical obIects to the user to
communicate with computer.
/ersions of Wi n do 6 s:
Hindows .:! Hindows .1! Hindows .0! Hindows
D/! Hindows (#! Hindows -000! Hindows 3E
Character i stics of W i ndo 6 s :
Q. What is !es7top?
Ans. #he Bes4top appears when windows is started. It
contains small pictures called icons. #here is a bar at
the bottom called tas4bar. Hhen start button is clic4ed
[start menu[ appears through which user can open di\erent
Q0. What is meant by
icons and buttons? Ans.
Ic o n s:
Small pictures which appear on screen for e5ample my
computer! my documents etc. are called Icons. Icons are
images which represent different 8programs and commands7.
# y p e s o f Ic ons
* u t t o ns :
Button is an area of screen where clic4ing causes something to
Buttons have names li4e ;O! Cancel! Eetry! Start etc. Buttons
are usually labeled with some te5t or picture&
Q8. What is mouse pointer? What are different mouse
actions and mouse-pointer shapes?
Ans. . o u se P oi nt e r L M:
An arrow W X appears on the screen when mouse is
connected to the system. It also
moves with the mouse. #his small arrow is called mouse pointer.
Hhen you move the mouse to the left! the pointer moves to
the left! when the mouse is moved to right! the pointer also
moves to the right and so on.
+ o m e C o m m on . o u se Poi n t e r +h a p e s:
ollowing are some of the common mouse pointer shapes6
A e ft A r r o w 8(o r m a l S e le c t7 6
It is used to select or choose different obIects.
2ou r g lass 8 B u s y 7 6
It appears when windows is busy in doing some tas4.
I- B ea m 8 # e 5 t S e le c t7 6
It is used to select te5t. It is used to position the cursor at
any point of the te5tbo5&
2 a nd 8 A in4 M 2 e lp S e le c t76
It is used to select web lin4! shortcut or de"nition in the +help
It is used to drag or move an obIect to a new place&
+ ome Co mmon .ou se Actions :
Pointin#: 3oving the mouse pointer to
any obIect in windows is called
C"ic7in# 3oving the mouse pointer to
an obIect and then pressing the left
mouse button is called clic4ing&
&i#ht-C"ic7in# /ointing an obIect and then
pressing the right-mouse-button once is
called right-clic4ing& It usually displays
the properties menu.
!oub"e C"ic7in# 3oving the mouse pointer on
an obIect in windows and then
pressing the left mouse button twice
in Nuic4 succession is called double>
!ra##in# /ointing to an obIect and then
pressing and holding the left> mouse>
button and then moving the mouse is
called dragging&
Q:. What is meant by D3as7 *ar) and D+tart *utton)?
3as7 *ar:
Bar at the bottom of the windows des4top is called
the tas4-bar. #he tas4> bar can be placed to any of
the four sides 8edges7 of the screen. It shows start
any program.
+Start Button is located on the left side of the tas4bar.
Hhen this button is pressed! a +start menu appears.
rom the +Start 3enu' user can launch different
Q=. What are di,erent
components of Windo6s? Ans.
C o m pon e nts of Win d o 6 s :
1. 3it"e *ar6 #itle bar is located at the top of a
Hindow. It contains the name and icon of the
application on its left. #here are three buttons on its
right. #hese buttons are called Control Buttons.
. +tatus *ar: Status bar is located at the bottom
of a window. It shows information about an
0. +cro""bar: A scrollbar is used to move a
document in left>right! right> left! top>down! or
bottom-up direction.
#here are two types of scrollbar6
a. =ertical Sc r ollba r 6
=ertical scrollbar is used to move in top-
down or bottom>up directions.
b. 2ori@ontal Scrollb a r 6
2ori@ontal scrollbar is used to move in
left>right or right>left directions.
5. .enu *ar: It is located below the title bar. It
contains commands. It normally contains +ile'
+Edit! +#ools! and +2elp etc. Hhen any item is
clic4ed! a drop>down menu appears which shows all
the commands.
8. !ia"o# *o1: Sometimes! Hindows needs some
information or data from the user before processing
the command or instruction. Hindows ta4es this
information from user with the help of dialog bo5es.
ollowing are some of the dialog bo5es which
are used in windows6> a. #e5tbo56
b. Chec4bo56
c. ;ption buttons
buttons e.
Aist Bo5
f. Brop>
down list bo5
g. Slide
h. Spin bo5
Q?. Write a note on O.y ComputerO icon.
Ans. 3y Computer6 It is usually located at the top left of the
windows des4top. #hrough +3y
Computer icon! you can access different resources of a
#hrough +3y Computer! one can6
Access any drive of the computer 8e.g. C6! B6 E6 etc7
Any folder of the computer.
Control /anel and other resources of a computer.
Q@. Write a note on Contro" Pane".
Ans. Control /anel6 It is used to change system default
settings or properties. 9ser can change mouse settings!
4eyboard settings! des4top bac4ground' screen saver
etc! and other hardware settings through [control panel[&
In short [Control /anel[ is used to change hardware and
software settings of Hindows.
Q1A. Write a note on O&ecyc"e
binO icon.
Ans. He can
delete file8s7 by6
8a7 Selecting the file and pressing delete 4ey&
8b7 Eight>clic4ing the file and selecting delete from the
appeared menu.
8c7 Bragging the file into the recycle bin
Hhen we delete the files using these methods! they
are not permanently deleted but they move to the
+Eecycle Bin. He can either restore them from +Eecycle
Bin or permanently delete them by deleting them from the
+Eecycle Bin&
Q"1. Write a note on the O+hut !o6nO process? A"so
6rite steps for shuttin# do6n 6indo6s.
Ans. Shut Bo w n /roc e s s 6 Hindows provides the shutdown
option to automatically switch off the computer while as4ing
user to save unsaved data. Buring Shutdown process!
windows save the changes made in the settings of Computer.
Steps f or shutting do w n H indo ws 6
$. Clic4 start button on the
-. Clic4 [shutdown[ form
the startup menu.
3. Select any of the +shut down option from the
shutdown dialog bo5 and clic4 [;O[&
Shutdown optio n s6
8a7 Aog off6 It ends
current user session. 8b7
Eestart6 It restarts the
8c7 Shut down6 It saves setting and
shut downs windows.
8d7 Stand by6 In this mode! computer remains
available for immediate use but consumes
less power.
Q1. What is a computer $irus? -1p"ain.
Ans. Compu t e r = irus6 Computer virus is a parasitic program. It
hides itself and copies itself from one dis4 to another or from one
networ4 to another. A virus can cause the following damages to a
B a m a g e s C a u s e d b y =i r u s 6
i. Beleting iles.
ii. Slowing down the computer.
iii. Bisplaying information
iv. Chang
v. Comp
vi. =irus
vii. Erasing the entire
2ard dis4
# y p e s o f Compu t e r = ir u s e s 6
i. Boot viruses
ii. /rogram viruses
iii. ActiveD viruses
iv. Birectory =iruses
v. ile infectors.
2isto r y of Compu t e r vi r u s e s 6
#he first computer virus was developed by two /a4istanis
8Alvi Brothers7& Its name was Brain and it was a boot sector
Q10. Write a note on anti$irus.
Ans. Anti$i r u s P r o # r a m s I P r o te c tin# C o m pu t e r A # ai n st
/ iruse s :
Anti$irus pro#rams are programs which safeguard a
computer against viruses. #hey can do the followings6
Betect a virus
Clean virus from an infected file or directory
If cleaning is not possible! delete the infected "le
Bloc4 the virus from spreading
C o m m on Anti$i r u s P r o # r a m s :

Symantic Antivirus
(orton Antivirus
Q ?.A8( What is meant by an
%peratin# +ystem? Ans.
% p er a t in # + yst e m s :
An ;perating System 8;S7 is a set of programs which provide
an environment in which
;ther programs can be e5ecuted. It acts li4e a government. It
e5ecutes other programs. It coordinates user! application
software and the computer hardware&
E5amples6 Hindows! B;S! 9(ID! AI(ID etc&
Q ?.A:( !escribe the three primary mouse
mo$ements in Windo6s. Ans. Aoo4 Q:
W"rst paragraphX
Q ?.A=( !escribe the four common
mouse pointer shapes. Ans. Aoo4
Q: W2eading6 Common 3ouse /ointer
Q ?.A?( Ho6 does a 6indo6 represents 2;I?
Ans. Hindow is a <9I which represents its different programs and
commands with the help of
Icons! buttons! menus! and other graphical elements.
Q ?.A@( What happens 6hen you ma1imi9e a 6indo6?
Ans. Hhen we ma5imi@e a window! it e5pands on the whole
screen and covers the whole
Screen area&
Q ?.1A( What are t6o important characteristics of a 6e""-
desi#ned 2;I?
Ans. i. A well designed <9I user #raphica" e"ements e&g& pictures!
icons! buttons etc. to
Eepresent different applications and commands.
A well designed <9I is consistent and user-friend"y&
Q ?.11( What is meant by p"u# and p"ay?
Ans. /lug and play is the term which is used for those devices
which are when plugged into the computer! start wor4ing and
their device drivers are automatically detected. #he user does
not need to install driver& /lug and /lay devices are
automatically detected by the Hindows.
Q ?.1( What is the purpose of the Dtas7 bar)?
Ans. Aoo4 Q%W2eading6 #as4barX
Q ?.10( What is meant by the phrase D6a""paper your
Ans. Changing the bac4ground image or wallpaper of window)s des4top is
also referred to as
Hallpaper your des4top.
Q ?.15( What is the benefit of usin# a screen sa$er?
Ans A screen saver 4eeps on refreshing the screen. So! one
image does not remain on screen for a longer period of time
which protects monitor from being burnt out&
Q ?.18( Compare D.y Computer) and DWindo6s -1p"orer).
Ans. Both can be used to access computer resources but in
windows e5plorer! folders and drives are displayed on left
side and the files which are contained in that folder are
displayed on the right side&
Q ?.1:( What is a Computer /irus? !escribe some of their
acti$ities. Ho6 computer $irus can be chec7ed in your
Ans. Aoo4 Q$-W2eading6 virusX and Q$3W2eading6 Antivirus
Chapter No. 18: Wo rd Pro cess in #
Q1. What is meant by
6ord processin#? Ans.
Wo r d P r o ce ss in #:
#he use of computer software to type' edit! format and print
documents is called word
Q. What are ad$anta#es of D6ord processin#) o$er
Ans. Ad$an ta#es of Word Pr ocessin #:
1. +pe""in# and 2rammar Chec7s: 3odern word
processing software indicates and autocorrects spelling
and grammar mista4es while a typewriter cannot do this.
. !ocuments can be re-edited and reused: #he
documents can be reedited and reused if they are typed
using word processing software. Bocuments cannot be
edited with a typewriter.
0. +i9e and +ty"e of 3e1t can be A"tered I Chan#ed: In
a word processing software& 9ser can change style and
si@e of te5t but this facility is not available in the
5. Insertion of 2raphics: In a word processing
software! user can insert pictures! clip arts! graphs and
charts etc. into the document. A type writer cannot
insert graphics and charts into documents.
Q0. What are the components
of .icrosoft Word? Ans.
C o m p o n e n ts of . ic r oso f t W or d :
1. 3it"e *ar: It is a hori@ontal bar which is located at
the upper-most portion M
area of 3S-Hord screen& It has control icon on its left and
three buttons 8+close'
+minimi@e' +restore7 on its right. It shows the title of the
. .enu *ar: It is a bar located below the title bar. Hord
has nine items in menu bar. #hese are +ile' +edit'
+view' +insert' +format! +tools! +table' +window and
+help etc. Each of these items contains a list of commands.
0. 3oo"bar: A toolbar is a group of buttons which
perform speci"c and related tas4 or command. Hord
contains many toolbars which are +standard toolbar'
+formatting toolbar etc&
5. &u"er: #hese show the measurement of page in inches
and centimeters. Hord contains two rulers.
8. +cro""bar: Scrollbars are used to move hori@ontally
a) Horizontal Ruler: 8t is on the ri3ht side o5 the 4or9in3 area&
b) Vertical Ruler: 8t is at the bottom o5 the 4or9in3 area&
or vertically within a document. #here are two types of
a( Hori9onta" +cro""bar: It is on the right
side of wor4ing area& It moves the document to
left or right&
b( /ertica" +cro""bar: It is at the bottom of the
wor4ing area& It moves the document up or down.
Q5. What are different modes of insertin# te1t in .+-Word?
Ans. 3 e 1t In s er tion .odes: I(SEE# 4ey is used to set te5t
insertion mode. #here are
two modes of inserting te5t in 3S-Hord6
a( Insert .ode: It is the default mode of 3S-Hord. In this
mode! te5t is inserted at the insertion point. As new te5t
is typed! e5isting te5t moves on the right side&
b( %$ertype .ode: In overtype mode! if new te5t is
typed! e5isting te5t is overwritten or replaced by the
new te5t. /ressing the I(SEE# 4ey once enables and
twice disables the overtype mode.
Q8. What is te1t formattin#? What are different "e$e"s of
te1t formattin#?
Ans. 3 e 1t F o r m a t tin # 6 Changing the appearance of te5t in
a document is called te5t formatting. #here are four levels of
te5t formatting6
1. Character Formattin#: #he selection of the typeface'
font si@e and style of te5t is called character formatting e&g&
ma4ing the te5t *%>!' ITALIC and 9 ( BE E AI ( EB are
character formatting styles.
. Para#raph Formattin#: /aragraph formatting includes
te5t alignment! line spacing! indenting! tab setting!
numbering and borders etc.
0. +ection Formattin#: Section formatting speci"es page
numbers! header L footers for different sections of a document.
5. !ocument Formattin#: Bocument formatting speci"es
the overall page layout for printing& It includes choosing the
page si@e! page orientation and margins.
Q:. Write shortcut 7eys for the
fo""o6in# commands. Ans.
Q=. What is meant by Deditin#)? Which features are
pro$ided by Word for editin# a
Ans. -ditin#: 3a4ing alterations or changes in the document is called
Features for -ditin# a !ocument in .+-Word: 3S-Hord
provides the following features for editing a document.
1. Insert6 Inserting means placing te5t at the desired
location by moving the cursor to that location. E5isting
character are pushed forward.
. Belete L 9ndelete6 Beleting means removing te5t
using +BEAE#E or
+BACOS/ACE 4eys. #he +undelete option allows you
to restore the te5t
recently deleted. #his is done by the 9(B; option from
the EBI# menu or by
pressing +C#EAPC&
0. ind and Eeplace6 I(B feature allow you to search
for any word! phrase or
number that e5ists in your document. #he EE/AACE
S# Commands Shortcut Key
1 Open New File CTRL+N
2 Open Existing File CTRL+O
3 Save a File CTRL+S
4 'Save as' a File F12
5 Copying ig!lig!te" Text CTRL+C
# C$t ig!lig!te" Text CTRL+%
& 'aste Text CTRL+(
) '*int +o,$-ent CTRL+'
. /n"o CTRL+0
11 Re"o CTRL+2
11 3ol" CTRL+3
12 4tali, CTRL+4
13 /n"e*line CTRL+/
Single5line spa,ing in a
pa*ag*ap! CTRL+1
+o$6le5line spa,ing in a
pa*ag*ap! CTRL+2
1# 1755line spa,ing in a pa*ag*ap! CTRL+5
1& Rig!t 8$sti9i,ation CTRL+R
1) Le9t 8$sti9i,ation CTRL+L
1. Cent*e 8$sti9i,ation CTRL+E
21 F$ll 8$sti9i,ation CTRL+8
command allows you to search for a word and replace it
with some other word.
5. Cut M Copy M /aste6 #his feature allows you to copy or
move a te5t from one place to another or from one file
8document7 to another&
+teps for Copy I Cut I Paste:
$. Select or highlight the te5t by dragging the
mouse on the te5t or by
S2I#PAEE;H-OEG combination.
-. Clic4 +C9# or +C;/G option from EBI# menu or
press +C#EAPD for cutting or +C#EAPC to copy&
3. 3ove the cursor to the destination by AEE;H-OEGS or
by mouse and select
+/AS#E from EBI# menu or press +C#EAP=
Selected te5t will be pasted to the destination.

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