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Statistical vs.

Tactical Fighters and the Persona Unity Theory

Ivan Siladji, Neuro-Combatives Original Version 07.06.05, Reviewed 02.09.14
Statistical vs. Tactical Fighters and the Persona Unity Theory
Ivan Siladji, Founder; Neuro-Combatives

http://www.selfdefenceintl.com, Email: selfdefenceinternational@gmail.com, @selfdefenceintl, @neurocombatives, Sydney, NSW Australia


After some analysis of both martial arts students and, for lack of a better term, untrained fighters, it is of the observation that some of the
methods of fighting employed by these two examples are successful within the following variables; predictability of punching, probability of
impact upon a desired target (if any) and psychological aspects.


It appears prevalent that some fighters, wether trained or not
resort to executing attacks based soley on probability such that the
fight is statistical rather than tactical. It can be seen in such
situations that a skilled fighter, one that initiates and executes
techniques does so with strategy. The skilled fighter is clearly
differentiable to his counterpart, the statistical fighter. The
statistical fighter executes attacks with no clear strategy whereby
the probability of landing a successful strike, wether on a
desirable target or not increases with the frequency of punches, all
this while unaware that vital channels of entry maybe open for the
tactical fighter to penetrate.

So, in deducing such events, as a general statement, that is,
acknowledging the uniqueness of different martial artists, I
propose that there are at least two types of fighters.

1. The Statistical Fighter

Such opponents contribute little to no thought in the fighting
methods, that is, attacking is ignorant, thinking only of the
outcome but smothered by rage or anger rather than the tactical
process required to achieve it. The attacks are probable, that is,
they carry with them no tactical purpose but rather a probability
of striking a useful target area. Generally, the greater the
frequency of these attacks, the greater the probability of a
somewhat successful outcome, however fewer attacks of this
form may also be executed with the same probable outcome. Such
opponents can thus be dangerous as their ignorance can carry
them through the tactical fighters attacks blindly. Generally,
either due to lack of training, ignorance, arrogance or any
combination of these, statistical fighters are restricted in their
fighting mentality and thus methods.

2. The Tactical Fighter

Fighters of this personality are generally aware, aware of
themselves and their actions. Their attacks are planed and are
encoded with success. Executions generally maintain defence and
they are highly offensive in execution. Such fighters are
unrestricted in the sense that employment of functional techniques
does not go unseen. If it works, it is used. A technique that is
cowardly to one, namely, the statistical fighter, is a potential
success to the tactical fighter. A tactical fighter initiates
technique(s) and or concepts with purpose, the line of attack is
quickest and/or safest and hence techniques are not probable; they
are tactical. Such fighters, when highly trained generally prevail
over their counter part, the statistical fighter. They are highly pre-
emptive and attack on the offense when a threat is inevitable.
These fighters generally train in reality-based systems or
consciously recognise limitations in traditional methods and their
training methods may be more unorthodox.


In summation it wouldnt be unique to suggest there should exists
a unity of the two, however, an imbalanced unity, an awareness of
the other while adopting one. In Neuro-Combatives we refer to
this coexistence of awareness as the Persona Unity Theory. That
is, adoption of a tactical fighters unrestrictive fighting [method]
with an understanding of the statistical fighters mentality
allowing awareness of the combat situation and its outcomes. The
superior fighter is thus one who is tactical in his fighting method
yet aware of the mentality of a statistical fighter, that way one
will be aware of how the statistical fighter will play the game and
tactic and subconscious application of concept can be used to win

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