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Appendix F

HCA/240 Version 4
Associate Level Material
Appendix F
Review the following two case studies. Each patient is being referred to a specialist for further
evaluation of a nervous system disorder. Outline characteristics of the disease each patient is
suffering from by answering the questions associated with each case study. Answer in your own
Case Study 1
nteroffice Referral Form
Ray !. Ology" #.!.
A !octor$s Office" %orth &ampus
1'1' %. #edical (la)a *1'1
Anytown" Anywhere 1+,-'
!ear Ray"
#yelin visited my office yesterday complaining of numbness in his right leg and face. .e has also
been experiencing muscle wea/ness and mild depression. noticed a delay in his visual
response in both eyes. have referred #yelin to your facility because of possible multiple
sclerosis" and am requesting an #R of the brain and spine. (lease fax the results to me as
soon as possible.
Ruben !elgadillo" #.!.
Answer the following questions.
1. 0hat could have caused #yelin$s disease1
A. 2his may be a hereditary situation. 3nfortunately" there is not a cure for
multiple sclerosis so it could be a case of being passed down from
generation to generation. %ormally" when a person has multiple sclerosis"
the person will have numbness in the legs and blurred vision. t is a great
idea to have the #R done of the brain and spine to ensure this is the
disease #yelin has.
+. 0hat structure4s5 and function4s5 of the nervous system are affected by multiple sclerosis1
A. #ultiple sclerosis does affect the brain and the spinal cord. 2he myelin
sheath is damaged when a person has multiple sclerosis 46Emedicinehealth7"
+81+5. A person that has multiple sclerosis will have nerve damage that is
caused by inflammation in the brain" optic nerve" or spinal cord
46Emedicinehealth7" +81+5. 2he nerves within the body become much
deteriorated. 9ignificant areas of deterioration of nerves will show on the s/in
%ame #yelin 9. .eath
(atient * 1+,1+,1+ !O;< 8,:8':1=>?
(hysician !r. !elgadillo !ate< 8+:1?:+8@@
Appendix F
HCA/240 Version 4
since only selected nerves will be affected. #uscles become impaired at a
high level and can cause spasms to occur
,. 0hat can be done to treat this disease1
A. 0hile there is no cure or definite treatment for multiple sclerosis that
wor/s effectively for long periods. 9tudies has been proved that" physical
therapy helps patients" it enables the person to use controllable muscles.
#uscle relaxants and steroids reduce spasms.
Appendix F
HCA/240 Version 4
Case Study 2
nteroffice Referral Form
#elissa %eidermayer" #.!.
A !octor$s Office" %orth &ampus
1'1' %. #edical (la)a *+8,
Anytown" Anywhere 1+,-'
!ear #elissa"
$m sending Aimmy over for a stat spinal tap to evaluate suspected meningitis. .e has had a fever
for a couple of days" which increased to 18+ degrees today. 9ince yesterday" he$s been
complaining of a headache and stiff nec/. .is mother said last wee/ he had gone swimming in
the pond by their barn and started feeling ill a few days later. Fax results A9A(.
2errie Raychee" #.!.
Answer the following questions in your own words.
1. 0hat could have caused Aimmy$s disease1
A. Bacteria, as well as viruses, cause meningitis. Enteroviruses account for most of the cases
when the virus is identified. In aseptic meningitis, no bacterium is found and it is
considered a viral condition.
+. 0hat structures and functions of the nervous system are affected by meningitis1
A. Meningitis is an acute inflammation of the first two meninges that cover the brain and
spinal cord: the pia mater and the arachnoid mater. The infecting organisms can reach the
meninges from the middle ear, upper respiratory tract, or frontal sinuses. They can also be
carried in the blood from the lungs or other infected sites.
,. 0hat can be done to treat this disease1
A. Bacterial meningitis is effectively treated with antibiotics lie !ifampin, ciproflo"acin,
or ceftria"one. #reventive measures include viral vaccines lie $ib or
M#%&'(meningococcal polysaccharide vaccine) and a con*ugate vaccine (M+&')
%ame Aimmy 9chwimmer
(atient * -'?-'?-' !O;< 11:8,:+88+
(hysician !r. Raychee !ate< 8-:+1:+8@@

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