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Department of Computer Sc.
B.I.T., Mesra
Class : BE !III Tutorial S"eet Sub: DI#
$. E%plain t"e term &monoc"romatic di'ital ima'e& . ("at is a pi%el or a
pel )
*. ("at are t"e fundamental steps of ima'e processin' ) ("at is t"e
si'nificance of a +no,led'e base in ima'e processin')
-. E%plain t"e functionin' of an ac.uisition device.
/. E%plain in detail a CCD line sensor device0s ,or+in'. 1o, is it
different from an area scanner)
2. I reference to ima'e stora'e ,"at is a frame buffer and a (34M device)
("5 does ima'e processin' re.uire a "i'" speed memor5 )
6. Differentiate bet,een soft,are ima'e processin' and ima'e processin'
boards. 7ustif5 t"e advanta'es t"at ima'e processin' boards "ave .
Su''est a parallel al'orit"m to find t"e bri'"test pi%el in an ima'e.
8. E%plain ima'e formation in t"e e5e . In t"is re'ard e%plain t"e
importance of rods and cones.
9. ("at is bri'"tness adaptation . #lot a 'rap" to depict t"e e5es
adaptabilit5 to bri'"tness and its limitations in t"is re'ard.
:. ("at is simultaneous contrast and Mac" bands.
$;. E%plain t"e ima'e formation process in terms of illumination and
reflection . ("at are 'ra5scales and 'ra5values
$$. E%plain t"e terms samplin' and .uanti<ation. ("at is t"e effect of
var5in' resolution on t"e clarit5 of t"e ima'e .
$*. E%plain t"e process of non uniform .uanti<ation and its relative
advanta'e over uniform .uanti<ation.
$-. E%plain t"e term mconnectivit5 . In t"e fi'ure belo, is = m connected
to B
; $ $>b?
; $ ;
$>a? ; ;
$/. Describe an al'orit"m to count t"e number of distinct ob@ects in a
binar5 ima'e
$2. Even t"ou'" t"e Euclidean distance is a standard measurement procedure
, cit5 bloc+ and c"ess board distances are preferred in ima'e
measurements . ("5 )
$6. Describe mat"ematicall5 t"e processes of ima'e translation , scalin'
and rotation . Can t"is operation s be concatenated into a series of
operations . If so "o, )
$8. ("at is a perspective transformation . ("at is t"e need for a free
variable in t"e transformation)
$9. E%plain stereo ima'in' . ("at is t"e advanta'e of stereo ima'in' over
perspective transformation .
$:. Consider t"e ima'e se'ment s"o,n belo,. Aiven !BC;,$D find D/,D9,Dm
distances bet,een p and . .4epeat for !BC$,*D
- $ * $>.?
$ * $ $
$ ; $ *
*;. Suppose t"at a flat area "avin' its center at >%;,5;? is illuminated b5
a li'"t source ,it" intensit5 distribution
i>%,5? B Ee%pCF>%%;?*G>55;?*H?
=ssume reflectance is $ and EB*22. If t"e result is di'iti<ed ,it" m
bits of resolution and t"e e5e can detect an abrupt c"an'e of 9 s"ades
of intensit5 bet,een ad@acent pi%els , ,"at value of m ,ill cause
false contourin'.
*$. Iind t"e fourier0s transform for a *d fn defined as
f>%,5? B = J ;KB%KBE J;KB5KBE
B ; J else
**. Enumerate various properties of t"e discrete fourier0s transform .
#rove t"e periodicit5 of t"e fourier0s transform.
*-. E%palin t"e importance of t"e term >$?>%G5? in centerin' t"e fourier0s
transform .
*/. E%plain t"e mec"anism for convolution . In t"is respect ,"at is t"e
importance of an unit impulse . ("5 is paddin' necessar5 for
convolution of discrete functions
*2. State and prove t"e S"annon ("ita+er samplin' t"eorem in t"e one
dimension and t,o dimension cases
*6. Derive t"e Iast Iourier Transform and compute its comple%it5 for
additions and multiplications . ("at are t"e al'orit"ms implementation
*8. Describe briefl5
a. T"e (als"0s Transform b. T"e 1otellin' Transform
c. T"e DCT
*9. #rove
a. (uG*m,*m B (u,*m b. (*u%,*m B (u%,m
*:. Differentiate bet,een t"e mec"anisms of t"e convolution and correlation
operations .
-;. S"o, t"at t"e fourier transform of t"e convolution of t,o functions is
t"e product of t"eir fourier0s transform0s . =ssume t"e functions are
one dimensional.
-$. E%plain bit plane splicin' for 'ra5scale ima'es . Su''est an al'orit"m
t"at utili<es bit plane splicin' for compression of ima'es.
-*. Describe "isto'ram e.uali<ation . Derive its mat"ematical formulation
. 1o, is "isto'ram matc"in' different from "isto'ram e.uali<ation .
--. E%plain t"e use of mas+s for ima'e en"ancement . ("at is "i'" boost
-/. ("at are derivative filters . E%plain ,it" e%amples . ("at advanta'es
do t"e5 provide over s"arpenin' filters .
-2. E%plain ima'e en"ancement in t"e fre.uenc5 domain.Differentiate
bet,een ideal filters and butter,ort" filters .
-6. Derive and e%plain "omomorp"ic filterin' .
-8. Derive and e%plain t"e Moore #enrose 'enerali<ed inverse function and
its importance
-9. E%plain ,"5 t"e discrete "isto'ram e.uali<ation tec"ni.ue in 'eneral
,ill not 5ield a flat "isto'ram.
-:. #resent an al'orit"m for performin' local "isto'ram e.uali<ation over
nei'"bor"oods of si<e n % n.
/;. E%plain median filterin' and its use in removin' salt and pepper noise.
/$. Discuss t"e continous de'radation model and in t"is respect e%plain
circuli<ation of t"e de'radation matri% .
/*. Discuss t"e discrete formulation of t"e de'radation model . ("at is
t"e advanta'e offered b5 dia'onali<ation
/-. Compare constrained and unconstrained met"ods of restoration derivin'
t"eir respective mat"ematical models
//. ("at is inverse filterin' . S"o, t"at removal of blur blur due to
motion is a special case of inverse filterin'
/2. (rite a s"ort note on (iener >least mean s.uare filter? "i'"li'"tin'
its advanta'es and implementation
/6. E%plain t"e process of 'ra5scale interpolation . ("at is linear and
bicubic interpolation .
/8. E%plain t"e term compression and compression ratio . 7ustif5
&reduction in si<e is not t"e onl5 criteria for @ud'in' t"e
performance of an compression al'orit"m.&
/9. E%plain t"e various forms of redundancies ,it" proper e%amples . ("at
is fidelit5 criteria
/:. 1o, do ,e represent t"e entrop5 of a s5stem . ("at does a "i'" value
of entrop5 su''est .
2;. Derive and discuss t"e S"annon0s noiseless and nois5 codin' t"eorems.
2$. E%plain in detail t"e "uffman0s code , t"e truncated "uffman0s code
and t"e 1uffman s"ift code , "i'"li'"tin' t"eir relative advanta'es
and disadvanta'es .
2*. Encode t"e follo,in' 'ra5scale se.uence ,it" a suitable al'orit"m
2; 2; 2; 2; 2$ 2* 2* 2* 2$ 2; 2; 2; 2; 2; 2$ 2* 2* 2$
2-. Discuss arit"metic codin' and bit plane codin'.
2/. Compare $D runlen't" encodin' to *D runlen't" encodin' and discuss
t"ei implementation aspects
22. Ee%plain a loss5 codin' al'orit"m . ("at is a loss5 predictive
al'orit"m . Compare its performance to a non loss5 predictive
26. Derive a met"od to calculate optimal predictors
28. E%plain a transform codin' al'orit"m . 1o, does suc" codes remove
ps5c"o visual redundanc5
29. Discuss in detail t"e various sta'es of t"e 7#EA al'orit"m . ("at is
t"e importance of Luanti<ation Tables
2:. Su''est an al'orit"m to compress an ima'e usin' t"e ima'e "isto'ram
6;. 1o, man5 uni.ue 1uffman trees are t"eir for a - s5mbol source code.
Construct t"em

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