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December 1993
Electronics Technician
Volume 4Radar Systems
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A: Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited.
Although the words he, him, and
his are used sparingly in this course to
enhance communication, they are not
intended to be gender driven or to affront or
discriminate against anyone.
By enrolling in this self-study course, you have demonstrated a desire to improve yourself and the Navy.
Remember, however, this self-study course is only one part of the total Navy training program. Practical
experience, schools, selected reading, and your desire to succeed are also necessary to successfully round
out a fully meaningful training program.
COURSE OVERVIEW: In completing this nonresident training course, you will demonstrate a
knowledge of the subject matter by correctly answering questions on the following subjects: Define the
basic terms associated with radar and radar systems; identify the basic components of and explain the
operation of the Navys standard surface search radars, air search radars, three-coordinate air search radars,
carrier controlled approach (CCA) and ground controlled approach (GCA) radars, and planned position
indicators (PPI) and repeaters; identify the basic components of and explain the operation of identification,
friend or foe (IFF) systems, direct altitude and identity readout (DAIR) systems, naval tactical data (NTDS)
systems, and radar distribution switchboards; and identify and explain the safety hazards associated with
radar systems.
THE COURSE: This self-study course is organized into subject matter areas, each containing learning
objectives to help you determine what you should learn along with text and illustrations to help you
understand the information. The subject matter reflects day-to-day requirements and experiences of
personnel in the rating or skill area. It also reflects guidance provided by Enlisted Community Managers
(ECMs) and other senior personnel, technical references, instructions, etc., and either the occupational or
naval standards, which are listed in the Manual of Navy Enlisted Manpower Personnel Classifications
and Occupational Standards, NAVPERS 18068.
THE QUESTIONS: The questions that appear in this course are designed to help you understand the
material in the text.
VALUE: In completing this course, you will improve your military and professional knowledge.
Importantly, it can also help you study for the Navy-wide advancement in rate examination. If you are
studying and discover a reference in the text to another publication for further information, look it up.
1993 Edition Prepared by
ETCS(SW) Linda Villareal
Published by
NAVSUP Logistics Tracking Number
Sailors Creed
I am a United States Sailor.
I will support and defend the
Constitution of the United States of
America and I will obey the orders
of those appointed over me.
I represent the fighting spirit of the
Navy and those who have gone
before me to defend freedom and
democracy around the world.
I proudly serve my countrys Navy
combat team with honor, courage
and commitment.
I am committed to excellence and
the fair treatment of all.
1. I ntroducti on to Basi c Radar Systems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
2. Radar Systems Equi pment Conjurati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
3. Radar System I nterfaci ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
4. Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
I . Gl ossary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AI -1
I I . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . AI I -1
I ndex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I NDEX-1
. . .
Thi s seri es of trai ni ng manual s was devel oped to repl ace the Electronics
Technician 3 & 2 TRAMAN. The content i s di rected toward personnel worki ng
toward advancement to El ectroni cs Techni ci an Second Cl ass.
The ni ne vol umes i n the seri es are based on major topi c areas wi th whi ch the
ET2 shoul d be fami l i ar. Vol ume 1, Safety, provi des an i ntroducti on to general safety
as i t rel ates to the ET rati ng. I t al so provi des both general and speci fi c i nformati on
on el ectroni c tag-out procedures, man-al oft procedures, hazardous materi al s (i .e.,
sol vents, batteri es, and vacuum tubes), and radi ati on hazards. Vol ume 2,
Administration, di scusses COSAL updates, 3-M documentati on, suppl y paperwork,
and other associ ated admi ni strati ve topi cs. Vol ume 3, Communications Systems,
provi des a basi c i ntroducti on to shi pboard and shore-based communi cati on systems.
Systems covered i ncl ude man-pac radi os (i .e., PRC-104, PSC-3) i n the hf, vhf, uhf,
SATCOM, and shf ranges. Al so provi ded i s an i ntroducti on to the Communi cati ons
Li nk I nteroperabi l i ty System (CLI PS). Vol ume 4, Radar Systems, is a basi c
i ntroducti on to ai r search, surface search, ground control l ed approach, and carri er
control l ed approach radar systems. Vol ume 5, Navigation Systems, i s a basi c
i ntroducti on to navi gati on systems, such as OMEGA, SATNAV, TACAN, and
man-pac systems. Vol ume 6, Digital Data System, is a basi c i ntroducti on to di gi tal
data systems and i ncI udes di scussi ons about SNAP I I , l aptop computers, and desktop
computers. Vol ume 7, Antennas and Wave Propagation, i s an i ntroducti on to wave
propagati on, as i t pertai ns to El ectroni cs Techni ci ans, and shi pboard and
shore-based antennas. Vol ume 8, System Concepts, di scusses system i nterfaces,
troubl eshooti ng, sub-systems, dry ai r, cool i ng, and power systems. Vol ume 9,
Electro-Optics, i s an i ntroducti on to ni ght vi si on equi pment, l asers, thermal i magi ng,
and fi ber opti cs.
The text pages that you are to study are listed at
the beginning of each assignment. Study these
pages carefully before attempting to answer the
questions. Pay close attention to tables and
illustrations and read the learning objectives.
The learning objectives state what you should be
able to do after studying the material. Answering
the questions correctly helps you accomplish the
Read each question carefully, then select the
BEST answer. You may refer freely to the text.
The answers must be the result of your own
work and decisions. You are prohibited from
referring to or copying the answers of others and
from giving answers to anyone else taking the
To have your assignments graded, you must be
enrolled in the course with the Nonresident
Training Course Administration Branch at the
Naval Education and Training Professional
Development and Technology Center
(NETPDTC). Following enrollment, there are
two ways of having your assignments graded:
(1) use the Internet to submit your assignments
as you complete them, or (2) send all the
assignments at one time by mail to NETPDTC.
Grading on the Internet: Advantages to
Internet grading are:
you may submit your answers as soon as
you complete an assignment, and
you get your results faster; usually by the
next working day (approximately 24 hours).
In addition to receiving grade results for each
assignment, you will receive course completion
confirmation once you have completed all the
assignments. To submit your assignment
answers via the Internet, go to:
Grading by Mail: When you submit answer
sheets by mail, send all of your assignments at
one time. Do NOT submit individual answer
sheets for grading. Mail all of your assignments
in an envelope, which you either provide
yourself or obtain from your nearest Educational
Services Officer (ESO). Submit answer sheets
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Answer Sheets: All courses include one
scannable answer sheet for each assignment.
These answer sheets are preprinted with your
SSN, name, assignment number, and course
number. Explanations for completing the answer
sheets are on the answer sheet.
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properly processed and for you to receive credit
for your work.
Courses must be completed within 12 months
from the date of enrollment. This includes time
required to resubmit failed assignments.
If your overall course score is 3.2 or higher, you
will pass the course and will not be required to
resubmit assignments. Once your assignments
have been graded you will receive course
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After successfully completing this course, you
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current directives governing retirement of Naval
Reserve personnel. For Naval Reserve retire-
ment, this course is evaluated at 5 points. (Refer
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Reservists on Inactive Duty, BUPERSINST
1001.39, for more information about retirement
Student Comments
Course Title: Electronics Technician, Volume 4Radar Systems
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NETPDTC 1550/41 (Rev 4-00
The Navy El ectri ci ty and El ectroni cs Trai ni ng
Seri es (NEETS) modul es, especi al l y modul e 18, Radar
Principles, provi de i nformati on that i s basi c to your
understandi ng of thi s vol ume. Thi s vol ume wi l l di scuss
radar and radar systems as you may encounter them as
an El ectroni cs Techni ci an at your command. You
shoul d refer to NEETS modul e 18 and El ectroni cs
I nstal l ati on and Mai ntenance Book (EI MB), Radar and
Electronic Circuits, on a regul ar basi s to ensure that you
have a compl ete understandi ng of the subject matter
covered i n thi s vol ume.
As an El ectroni cs Techni ci an, Second Cl ass, and
possi bl e work center supervi sor, you must understand
the basi c radar pri nci pl es and safety requi rements for
radar mai ntenance. However, due to l uck of the draw,
your fi rst assi gnment may not afford you exposure to
radar systems. Our i ntenti on wi th thi s vol ume i s NOT
to teach you every radar system the Navy uses, but
si mpl y to fami l i ari ze you wi th the radars and thei r
gener al mai ntenance pr i nci pl es.
You wi l l be abl e to i denti fy the equi pment
requi rements and general operati on of the three basi c
radar systems covered i n chapter 1. Youl l become
fami l i ar wi th the nomencl ature of speci fi c radars used
i n the Navy today as we di scuss them i n chapter 2. Then,
armed wi th al l that knowl edge you wi l l easi l y grasp the
system concepts addressed i n chapter 3. And before you
go out to tackl e the radar worl d, chapter 4 wi l l gi ve you
necessar y safety i nfor mati on speci fi c to r adar
mai ntenance.
When you arri ve at your next command as a second
cl ass wi th work center responsi bi l i ti es for a radar
mai ntenance shop, you wi l l be ready.
The term radar i s an acronym made up of the words
radio, detection, and ranging. I t refers to el ectroni c
equi pment that detects the presence, di recti on, hei ght,
an d di s tan ce of obj ects by u s i n g r efl ected
el ectr omagn eti c en er gy . Th e f r equ en cy of
el ectromagneti c energy used for radar i s unaffected by
darkness and al so penetrates weather. Thi s permi ts
radar systems to determi ne the posi ti on of shi ps, pl anes,
and l and masses that are i nvi si bl e to the naked eye
because of di stance, darkness, or weather.
Radar systems provi de onl y a l i mi ted fi el d of vi ew
and requi re reference coordi nate systems to defi ne the
posi ti ons of the detected objects. Radar surface angul ar
measurements are normal l y made i n a cl ockwi se
di recti on from TRUE NORTH, as shown i n fi gure 1-1,
or from the headi ng l i ne of a shi p or ai rcraft. The actual
radar l ocati on i s the center of thi s coordi nate system.
Fi gure 1-1 contai ns the basi c terms that you need to
know to understand the coordi nate system. Those terms
are defi ned i n the fol l owi ng paragraph.
The surface of the earth i s represented by an
i magi nary fl at pl ane, known as the HORIZONTAL
PLANE, whi ch i s tangent (or paral l el ) to the earths
surface at that l ocati on. Al l angl es i n the up di recti on
are measured i n a secondary i magi nary pl ane, known as
the VERTICAL PLANE, whi ch i s perpendi cul ar to the
hori zontal pl ane. The l i ne from the radar set di rectl y to
the object i s referred to as the LINE OF SIGHT (LOS).
The l ength of thi s l i ne i s cal l ed RANGE. The angl e
Figure 1-1.Radar reference coordinates.
between the hori zontal pl ane and the LOS i s the
ELEVATI ON ANGLE. The angl e measur ed
cl ockwi se from true north i n the hori zontal pl ane i s
cal l ed the TRUE BEARING or AZIMUTH angl e.
I nformati on based on these terms descri bes the l ocati on
of an object wi th respect to the antenna, gi vi ng the
operator data on range, beari ng, and al ti tude.
Usi ng the coordi nate system di scussed above, radar
systems provi de earl y detecti on of surface or ai r objects,
gi vi ng extremel y accurate i nformati on on di stance,
di recti on, hei ght, and speed of the objects. The vi sual
radar data requi red to determi ne a targets posi ti on and
to track the target i s usual l y di spl ayed on a speci al l y
desi gned cathode-ray tube (crt) i nstal l ed i n a uni t known
as a pl anned posi ti on i ndi cator (ppi ).
Radar i s al so used to gui de mi ssi l es to targets and to
di rect the fi ri ng of gun systems. Other types of radar
provi de l ong-di stance survei l l ance and navi gati on
i nformati on.
Beari ng and range (and i n the case of ai rcraft,
al ti tude) are necessary to determi ne target movement.
I t i s very i mportant that you understand the l i mi tati ons
of your radar system i n the areas of range, hewi ng, and
al ti tude.
Radar measurement of range (or di stance) i s made
possi bl e because of the pr oper ti es of r adi ated
el ectromagneti c energy. Thi s energy normal l y travel s
through space i n a strai ght l i ne, at a constant speed, and
wi l l vary onl y sl i ghtl y because of atmospheri c and
weather condi ti ons. The range to an object, i n nauti cal
mi l es, can be determi ned by measuri ng the el apsed ti me
(i n mi croseconds) duri ng the round tri p of a radar pul se
and di vi di ng thi s quanti ty by the number of
mi croseconds requi red for a radar pul se to travel 2
nauti cal mi l es (12.36). I n equati on form thi s i s:
elapsed time
range (nautical miles) =
MI NI MUM RANGE. Radar du pl ex er s
al ternatel y swi tch the antenna between the transmi tter
and recei ver so that one antenna can be used for both
functi ons. The ti mi ng of thi s swi tchi ng i s cri ti cal to the
operati on of the radar and di rectl y affects the mi ni mum
range of the radar system. A refl ected pul se wi l l not be
recei ved duri ng the transmi t pul se and subsequent
recei ver recovery ti me. Therefore, any refl ected pul ses
from cl ose targets that return before the recei ver i s
connected to the antenna wi l l be undetected.
MAXIMUM RANGE. The maxi mum range of a
pul se radar system depends upon carri er frequency peak
power of the transmi tted pul se, pul se repeti ti on
frequency (prf), or pul se repeti ti on rate (prr), and
recei ver sensi ti vi ty.
The peak power of the pul se determi nes what
maxi mum range the pul se can travel to a target and sti l l
return a usabl e echo. A usabl e echo i s the smal l est si gnal
detectabl e by a recei ver that can be processed and
presented on an i ndi cator.
The prr wi l l determi ne the frequency that the
i ndi cator i s reset to the zero range. Wi th the l eadi ng
edge of each transmi tted pul se, the i ndi cator ti me base
used to measure the returned echoes i s reset, and a new
sweep appears on the screen. I f the transmi tted pul se i s
shorter than the ti me requi red for an echo to return, that
target wi l l be i ndi cated at a fal se range i n a di fferent
sweep. For exampl e, the i nterval between pul ses i s 610
sec wi th a repeti ti on rate of 1640 pul ses per second.
Wi thi n thi s ti me the radar pul se can go out and come
back a di stance equal to 610 sec 164 yards per sec, or
100,000 yards, whi ch becomes the scopes sweep l i mi t.
Echoes from targets beyond thi s di stance appear at a
fal se range. Whether an echo i s a true target or a fal se
target can be determi ned by si mpl y changi ng the prr.
RANGE ACCURACY. The shape and wi dth of
the rf pul se i nfl uences mi ni mum range, range accuracy,
and maxi mum range. The i deal pul se shape i s a square
wave that has verti cal l eadi ng and trai l i ng edges. A
sl opi ng trai l i ng edge l engthens the pul se wi dth. A
sl opi ng l eadi ng edge provi des no defi ni te poi nt from
whi ch to measure el apsed ti me on the i ndi cator ti me
Other factors affecti ng range are the antenna hei ght,
antenna beam wi dth, and antenna r otati on r ate. A hi gher
antenna wi l l cr eate a l onger r adar hor i zon, whi ch al l ows
a greater range of detecti on. Li kewi se, a more
concentr ated beam has a gr eater r ange capabi l i ty si nce
i t provi des hi gher energy densi ty per uni t area. Al so,
because the energy beam woul d stri ke each target more
ti mes, a sl ower antenna rotati on provi des stronger echo
returns and a greater detecti on range for the radar.
Gi ven the range i nformati on, the operator knows the
di stance to an object, but i nformati on on beari ng i s sti l l
requi red to determi ne i n whi ch di recti on from the shi p
the target l i es.
Radar beari ng i s determi ned by the echo si gnal
strength as the radi ated energy l obe moves past the
target. Si nce search radar antennas move conti nuousl y,
the poi nt of maxi mum echo return i s determi ned ei ther
by the detecti on ci rcui try as the beam passes the target
or vi sual l y by the operator. Weapons control and
gui dance radar systems are posi ti oned to the poi nt of
maxi mum si gnal return and mai ntai ned at that posi ti on
ei ther manual l y or by automati c tracki ng ci rcui ts.
TRUE BEARING. The angl e between tr ue nor th
and a l i ne poi nted di rectl y at a target i s cal l ed the true
bearing (referenced to true north) of a radar target. Thi s
angl e i s measured i n the hori zontal pl ane and i n a
cl ockwi se di recti on from true north.
RELATIVE BEARING. The angl e between the
centerl i ne of your own shi p or ai rcraft and a l i ne poi nted
di rectl y at a target i s cal l ed the relative bearing of the
radar target. Thi s angl e i s measured i n a cl ockwi se
di recti on from the centerl i ne.
Both true and rel ati ve beari ng angl es are i l l ustrated
i n fi gure 1-2.
Most surface search radars wi l l provi de onl y range
and beari ng i nformati on. I f the operator had a need to
di rect ai r traffi c or to track i ncomi ng mi ssi l es, the radar
woul d al so have to provi de al ti tude.
An operator can determi ne the al ti tude of a target by
adjusti ng a movabl e hei ght l i ne on a hei ght i ndi cator to
Figure 1-2.True and relative bearings.
the poi nt where i t bi sects the center of the target. The
al ti tude i s then di spl ayed by an al ti tude di al or di gi tal
readout. A search radar system that detects al ti tude as
wel l as range and beari ng i s cal l ed a three-di mensi onal
(3D) radar.
Al ti tude or hei ght-fi ndi ng radars use a very narrow
beam i n the verti cal pl ane. Thi s beam i s scanned i n
el evati on, ei ther mechani cal l y or el ectroni cal l y, to
pi npoi nt targets. Tracki ng and weapons-control radar
systems commonl y use mechani cal el evati on scanni ng
techni ques. Thi s requi res movi ng the antenna or
radi ati on source mechani cal l y. Most ai r search radars
use el ectroni c el evati on scanni ng techni ques. Some
ol der ai r search radar systems use a mechani cal
el evati on scanni ng devi ce; however, these are bei ng
repl aced by el ectroni cal l y-scanned radar systems.
Radar systems ar e nor mal l y di vi ded i nto
operati onal categori es based on energy transmi ssi on
methods. Al though the pul se methcd i s the most
common method of transmi tti ng radar energy, two other
methods are someti mes used i n speci al appl i cati ons.
These are the conti nuous wave (cw) method and the
frequency modul ati on (fm) method.
Continuous Wave
The conti nuous wave (cw) method uses the Doppl er
effect to detect the presence and speed of an object
movi ng toward or away from the radar. The system i s
unabl e to determi ne the range of the object or to
di fferenti ate between objects that l i e i n the same
di recti on and are travel i ng at the same speed. I t i s
usual l y used by fi re control systems to track fast movi ng
targets at cl ose range.
Frequency Modulation
Wi th the frequency modul ati on (fm) method,
energy i s transmi tted as radi o frequency (rf) waves that
conti nuousl y vary, i ncreasi ng and decreasi ng, from a
fi xed reference frequency. Measuri ng the di fference
between the frequency of the returned si gnal and the
frequency of the radi ated si gnal wi l l gi ve an i ndi cati on
of range. Thi s system works wel l wi th stati onary or
sl owl y-movi ng targets, but i t i s not sati sfactory for
l ocati ng movi ng objects. I t i s used i n ai rcraft al ti meters
that gi ve a conti nuous readi ng of how hi gh the ai rcraft
i s above the earth.
Pulse Modulation
Wi th the pul se modul ati on method, dependi ng on
the type of radar, energy i s transmi tted i n pul ses that vary
from l ess than 1 mi crosecond to 200 mi croseconds. The
ti me i nterval between transmi ssi on and recepti on i s
computed and converted i nto a vi sual i ndi cati on of range
i n mi l es or yards. Pul se radar systems can al so be
modi fi ed to use the Doppl er effect to detect a movi ng
object. The Navy uses pul se modul ati on radars to a
gr eat extent.
Radar accuracy i s a measure of the abi l i ty of a radar
system to determi ne the correct range, beari ng, and i n
some cases, al ti tude of an object. The degree of
accuracy i s pri mari l y determi ned by the resol uti on of the
radar system and atmospheri c condi ti ons.
Range Resolution
Range resol uti on i s the abi l i ty of a radar to resol ve
between two targets on the same beari ng, but at sl i ghtl y
di fferent ranges. The degree of range resol uti on
depends on the wi dth of the transmi tted pul se, the types
and si zes of targets, and the effi ci ency of the recei ver
and i ndi cator.
Bearing Resolution
Beari ng, or azi muth, resol uti on i s the abi l i ty of a
radar system to separate objects at the same range but at
sl i ghtl y di fferent beari ngs. The degree of beari ng
resol uti on depends on radar beamwi dth and the range of
the targets. The physi cal si ze and shape of the antenna
determi nes beamwi dth. Two targets at the same range
must be separated by at l east one beamwi dth to be
di sti ngui shed as two objects.
Earl i er i n thi s chapter, we tal ked about other i nternal
characteri sti cs of radar equi pment that affect range
performance. But there are al so external factors that
effect radar performance. Some of those are the ski l l of
the operator; si ze, composi ti on, angl e, and al ti tude of the
target; possi bl e el ectroni c-countermeasure (ECM)
acti vi ty; readi ness of equi pment (compl eted PMS
requi rements); and weather condi ti ons
Atmospheric Conditions
Several condi ti ons wi thi n the atmosphere can have
an adverse effect on radar performance. A few of these
are temperature i nversi on, moi sture l apse, water
dropl ets, and dust parti cl es.
Ei ther temperature i nversi on or moi sture l apse,
al one or i n combi nati on, can cause a huge change i n the
refracti on i ndex of the l owest few-hundred feet of
atmosphere. The resul t i s a greater bendi ng of the radar
waves passi ng through the abnormal condi ti on. The
i ncreased bendi ng i n such a si tuati on i s referred to as
DUCTING, and may greatl y affect radar performance.
The radar hori zon may be extended or reduced,
dependi ng on the di recti on i n whi ch the radar waves are
bent. The effect of ducti ng i s i l l ustrated i n fi gure 1-3.
Water dropl ets and dust parti cl es di ffuse radar
energy through absorpti on, refl ecti on, and scatteri ng.
Thi s l eaves l ess energy to stri ke the target so the return
echo i s smal l er. The overal l effect i s a reducti on i n
usabl e range. Usabl e range vari es wi del y wi th weather
condi ti ons. The hi gher the frequency of the radar
system, the more i t i s affected by weather condi ti ons
such as rai n or cl ouds.
Al l radar systems perform the same basi c functi ons
of detecti on, so, l ogi cal l y, they al l have the same basi c
equi pment requi rements. Next, we wi l l tal k about that
basi c radar system.
Radar systems, l i ke other compl ex el ectroni cs
systems, are composed of several major subsystems and
many i ndi vi dual ci rcui ts. Al though modern radar
systems ar e qui te compl i cated, you can easi l y
understand thei r operati on by usi ng a basi c bl ock
di agram of a pul sed radar system.
Si nce most radars used today are some vari ati on of
the pul se radar system, the uni ts we di scuss i n thi s
secti on wi l l be those used i n a pul se radar. Al l other
Figure 1-3.Ducting effect on the radar wave.
types of radars use some vari ati ons of these uni ts, and
we wi l l expl ai n those vari ati ons, as necessary i n the next
chapter. For now, l ets l ook at the bl ock di agram i n
fi gure 1-4.
You can see on the bl ock di agram that the heart of
the radar system i s the modul ator. I t generates al l the
necessary ti mi ng pul ses (tri ggers) for use i n the radar
and associ ated systems. I ts functi on i s to ensure that al l
subsystems maki ng up the radar system operate i n a
defi ni te ti me rel ati onshi p wi th each other and that the
i nterval s between pul ses, as wel l as the pul ses
themsel ves, are of the proper l ength.
The transmi tter generates powerful pul ses of
el ectromagneti c energy at preci se i nterval s. The
requi red power i s obtai ned by usi ng a hi gh-power
mi crowave osci l l ator, such as a magnetron, or a
mi crowave ampl i fi er, such as a kl ystron, that i s suppl i ed
by a l ow-power r f sour ce. (You can r evi ew the
Figure 1-4.Block diagram of fundamental radar system.
constructi on and operati on of mi crowave components
i n NEETS modul e 11, Microwave Principles.)
The dupl exer i s essenti al l y an el ectroni c swi tch that
permi ts a radar system to use a si ngl e antenna to both
transmi t and recei ve. The dupl exer must connect the
antenna to the transmi tter and di sconnect the antenna
from the recei ver for the durati on of the transmi tted
pul se. As we menti oned previ ousl y, the swi tchi ng ti me
i s cal l ed receiver recovery time, and must be very fast i f
cl ose-i n targets are to be detected.
Antenna System
The antenna system routes the pul se from the
transmi tter, radi ates i t i n a di recti onal beam, pi cks up the
returni ng echo and passes i t to the recei ver wi th a
mi ni mum of l oss. The antenna system i ncl udes the
antenna, transmi ssi on l i nes, and wavegui de from the
transmi tter to the antenna, and transmi ssi on l i nes and
wavegui de from the antenna to the recei ver.
The recei ver accepts the weak rf echoes from the
antenna system and routes them to the i ndi cator as
di scer ni bl e vi deo si gnal s. Because the r adar
frequenci es are very hi gh and di ffi cul t to ampl i fy, a
superheterodyne recei ver i s used to convert the echoes
to a l ower frequency, cal l ed the i ntermedi ate frequency
(I F), whi ch i s easi er to ampl i fy.
The i ndi cator uses the vi deo output of the recei ver
to produce a vi sual i ndi cati on of target i nformati on
i ncl udi ng r ange and bear i ng (or i n the case of
hei ght-fi ndi ng i ndi cators, range and hei ght).
Because of di fferent desi gn parameters, no si ngl e
radar set can perform al l the many radar functi ons
requi red for mi l i tary use. The l arge number of radar
systems used by the mi l i tary has forced the devel opment
of a joi nt-servi ces cl assi fi cati on system for accurate
i denti fi cati on of radars.
Radar systems are usual l y cl assi fi ed accordi ng to
thei r speci fi c functi on and i nstal l ati on vehi cl e. The
joi nt-servi ce standardi zed cl assi fi cati on system di vi des
these broad categori es for more preci se i denti fi cati on.
Tabl e 1-1 i s a l i sti ng of equi pment i denti fi cati on
i ndi cators. You can use thi s tabl e and the radar
nomencl ature to i denti fy the parameters of a parti cul ar
radar set.
I f you use the tabl e to fi nd the parameters of an
AN/FPS-35, you wi l l see that i t i s a fi xed (F) radar (P)
for detecti ng and sear ch (S). The AN i ndi cates
Army/Navy and the 35 i s the model number.
Si nce no si ngl e radar system can ful fi l l al l of the
r equi r ements of moder n war far e, most moder n
warshi ps, ai rcraft, and shore i nstal l ati ons have several
radar sets, each performi ng a speci fi c functi on. A
shi pboard radar i nstal l ati on may i ncl ude surface search
and navi gati on r adar s, an ai r sear ch r adar , a
hei ght-fi ndi ng radar, and vari ous fi re control radars.
Surface Search and Navigation
The pri mary functi on of a surface search radar i s to
mai ntai n a 360-degree search for al l targets wi thi n
l i ne-of-si ght di stance from the radar and to detect and
Table 1-1.Table of Equipment Indicators
determi ne the accurate ranges and beari ng of surface
targets and l ow-fl yi ng ai rcraft.
The fol l owi ng are some appl i cati ons of surface
search radars:
I ndi cate the presence of surface craft and ai d i n
determi ni ng thei r course and speed
Coach fi re control radar onto a surface target
Provi de securi ty agai nst attack at ni ght, duri ng
condi ti ons of poor vi si bi l i ty, or from behi nd a
smoke screen
Ai d i n scouti ng
Obtai n r ange and bear i ng on pr omi nent
l andmarks and buoys as an ai d to pi l oti ng,
especi al l y at ni ght and i n condi ti ons of poor
vi si bi l i ty
Faci l i tate stati on keepi ng
Detect l ow-fl yi ng ai rcraft
Detect certai n weather phenomena
Detect submari ne peri scopes
Ai d i n the control of smal l craft duri ng boat and
amphi bi ous operati ons
Navi gati on radars fal l i nto the same general
category as surface search radars. As the name i mpl i es,
navi gati on radars are used pri mari l y as an ai d to navi gate
or pi l ot the shi p. Thi s type of radar has a shorter
operati ng range and hi gher resol uti on than most surface
search radars. Because the navi gati on and surface
search radars share the same general operati ng
char acter i sti cs, both r adar types can be used
si mul taneousl y wi th one coveri ng l onger ranges, whi l e
the other covers di stances cl oser to the shi p. The use of
radars for navi gati on i s di scussed further i n Electronics
Technician, Volume 5Navigation.
So now, wi th surface search and navi gati on radars
on l i ne, the shi p i s aware of al l surface targets, l and
masses, and l ow-fl yi ng ai rcraft. But, to protect i tsel f
from fi ghter pl anes, i ncomi ng mi ssi l es, and other targets
i n the upper ski es, the shi p requi res a di fferent type of
r adar .
Air Search
The pri mary functi on of an ai r search radar i s to
mai ntai n a 360-degree survei l l ance from the surface to
hi gh al ti tudes and to detect and determi ne ranges and
beari ngs of ai rcraft targets over rel ati vel y l arge areas.
The fol l owi ng are some appl i cati ons of ai r search
Earl y warni ng of approachi ng ai rcraft and
mi ssi l es, provi di ng the di recti on from whi ch an
attack coul d come. Thi s al l ows ti me to bri ng
anti -ai rcraft defenses to the proper degree of
readi ness and to l aunch fi ghters i f an ai r attack i s
i mmi nent.
Constant observati on of movement of enemy
ai rcraft, once detected, to gui de combat ai r patrol
(CAP) ai rcraft to a posi ti on sui tabl e for an
i ntercept
Provi de securi ty agai nst attacks at ni ght and
duri ng ti mes of poor vi si bi l i ty
Provi de i nformati on used for ai rcraft control
dur i ng oper ati ons r equi r i ng a speci fi c geogr aphi c
tr ack (such as an anti -submar i ne bar r i er or sear ch
and rescue pattern)
Together, surface and ai r search radars provi de a
good earl y warni ng system. However, the shi p must be
abl e to determi ne al ti tude to effecti vel y i ntercept any ai r
target. Thi s requi res sti l l another type of radar.
Height Finding
The pri mary functi on of a hei ght-fi ndi ng radar
(someti mes referred to as a 3D or three-coordi nate
radar) i s to compute accurate ranges, beari ngs, and
al ti tudes of targets detected by ai r search radar. Thi s
i nformati on i s used to di rect fi ghter ai rcraft duri ng
i ntercepti on of ai r targets.
The hei ght-fi ndi ng radar i s di fferent from the ai r
search radar i n that i t has a hi gher transmi tti ng
frequency, hi gher output power, a much narrower
verti cal beamwi dth, and requi res a stabi l i zed antenna for
al ti tude accuracy.
Th e fol l owi n g ar e s ome appl i cati on s of
hei ght-fi ndi ng radar:
Obtai n range, beari ng, and al ti tude data on
enemy ai rcraft and mi ssi l es to assi st i n the
gui dance of CAP ai rcraft
Provi de preci se range, beari ng, and hei ght
i nfor mati on for fast and accur ate i ni ti al
posi ti oni ng of fi re control tracki ng radars
Detect l ow-fl yi ng ai rcraft
Determi ne range to di stant l and masses
Track ai rcraft over l and
Detect certai n weather phenomena
Track weather bal l oons
As we stated previ ousl y, the modern warshi p has
several radars. Each radar i s desi gned to ful fi l l a
parti cul ar need, but may be capabl e of performi ng
other functi ons. For exampl e, most hei ght-fi ndi ng
radars can be used as secondary ai r search radars; i n
emergenci es, fi re control radars have served as
surface search radars.
I n thi s chapter we l ooked at general radar operati on
and the three types of radars most frequentl y mai ntai ned
by ETs. Tracki ng radars, mi ssi l e-gui dance radars, and
ai rborne radars are al so cri ti cal to Navy readi ness;
however, they are not normal l y mai ntai ned by ETs and
wi l l not be covered i n thi s TRAMAN.
Because there are so many di fferent model s of radar
equi pment, the radars and accessori es we descri be i n
thi s vol ume are l i mi ted to those common to a l arge
number of shi ps or shore stati ons. I n our di scussi on of
speci fi c equi pments i n the next chapter, we wi l l
purposel y l eave out ol der equi pment currentl y i nstal l ed
i n the fl eet, but schedul ed for repl acement.
I n chapter 1, we di scussed the confi gurati on of a trai ni ng, you can become an expert mai ntai ner of ANY
basi c pul se radar system and the three basi c types of
radar sets. We cannot cover i n one chapter every radar
used by the Navy or every appl i cati on of radars at the
vari ous uni ts. Therefore, thi s chapter wi l l present onl y
a general overvi ew of commonl y used radars. We wi l l
not teach you speci fi c equi pment, but will hel p you
i denti fy and understand the operati on of surface
search/navi gati on radars, ai r search radars, 3D radars,
CCA/GCA radars, and vari ous repeaters used i n the
Navy today. For each type of radar, we wi l l provi de a
basi c system descri pti on, fol l owed by i ts theory of
operati on and a bri ef expl anati on of the mai ntenance
Most of the radar equi pment di scussed i n thi s
chapter has speci fi c mai ntenance trai ni ng avai l abl e.
However, except for certai n crypto equi pment, you do
not need specific trai ni ng to work on the gear. By
combi ni ng the i nformati on i n the appropri ate techni cal
manual wi th your extensi ve basi c el ectr oni cs
background from A school and the general knowl edge
you get through trai ni ng manual s and on-the-job
el ectroni c equi pment.
Youl l be surpri sed at how much you can fi gure out
on your own. And i f you ever get stumped, there are
ways to get hel p. You may request mai ntenance
assi stance from tenders, repai r shi ps, Mobi l e Techni cal
Uni ts (MOTUs), or NAVSEA fi el d acti vi ti es. I n
addi ti on, Di rect Fl eet Support (DFS) wi l l resol ve
mai ntenance repai r probl ems beyond the capabi l i ty of
shi ps force, Shi p Repai r Faci l i ti es (SRFs), I ntermedi ate
Mai ntenance Acti vi ti es (I MAs), and MOTU personnel .
I f you need DFS assi stance, submi t a request to the
appl i cabl e NAVSEACEN vi a your type commander, as
prescri bed i n NAVSEAI NST 4350.6.
The fi rst radars wel l tal k about are the surface
search and navi gati on radars.
Recal l from chapter 1 that the two mai n functi ons
of surface search and navi gati on radars are to (1) detect
surface targets and l ow-fl yi ng ai rcraft and (2) determi ne
thei r range and beari ng. Some of the more commonl y
used surface search and navi gati on radars i n the Navy
are the AN/SPS-10, AN/SPS-67(V), AN/SPS-64(V)9,
and AN/SPS-55. Si nce the AN/SPS-10 wi l l soon be
repl aced by the si mi l ar AN/SPS-67(V), we wi l l not
di scuss the AN/SPS-10 i n thi s chapter.
The AN/SPS-67(V) radar i s a two-di mensi onal
(azi muth and range) pul sed radar set pri mari l y desi gned
f or s u r f a ce op er a ti on s . I t ca n a l s o d etect
anti shi p-mi ssi l es (ASM) and l ow-fl yi ng ai rcraft. The
AN/SPS-67(V)1 i s the pri mary surface search and
navi gati on radar, wi th l i mi ted ai r search capabi l i ty, for
the fol l owi ng types of shi ps:
On DDG51 cl ass shi ps, the AN/SPS-67(V)3 radar
performs navi gati on, stati on keepi ng and general
s u r f a ce s ea r ch d u ti es . Addi ti on al l y , th e
AN/SPS-67(V)3 supports the combat systems as shown
bel ow:
Pri mary combat mi ssi on (ASUW)provi des a
qui ck reacti on, automated target detecti on and
track capabi l i ty
Secondary combat mi ssi on (AAW)detects l ow
el evati on (conventi onal ) threats.
General Theory of Operation
The AN/SPS-67(V) radar set operates i n the 5450-
to 5825-MHz fr equency r ange, usi ng a coaxi al
magnetron as the transmi tter output tube. To enhance
radar performance for speci fi c operati onal or tacti cal
si tuati ons, the recei ver-transmi tter can operate i n a l ong
(1.0 %sec), medi um (0.25 %sec), or short (0.10 %sec)
pul se mode. The correspondi ng pul se repeti ti on
frequenci es (prf) are 750, 1200, and 2400.
The AN/SPS-67(V)3 versi on has a new, hi gh data
rate, nucl ear survi vabl e, l ow-profi l e antenna and
pedestal assembl y that repl aces the AN/SPS-10 antenna
and pedestal assembl y. I n addi ti on, the synchro si gnal
ampl i fi er functi on i s i ntegrated i nto the radar.
Some speci al operati ng features i ncl uded i n the
AN/SPS-67(V) radars areas fol l ows:
Automati c Frequency Control (AFC)
Automati c tuni ng
Fast Ti me Constant (FTC)
I nterference Suppressi on (I S)
Anti -l og ci rcui t (Target Enhance)
Sensi ti vi ty Ti me Control (STC)
Vi deo Cl utter Suppressi on (VCS)
Bui l t-I n-Test (BI T) Equi pment
Sector Radi ate (SR)
Shi ps Headi ng Marker (SHM)
Ji tter mode
Stagger mode
The fol l owi ng addi ti onal speci al oper ati ng
functi ons are i ncl uded i n the AN/SPS-67(V)3 model :
Synthesi zed Channel Frequency Sel ecti on
RF Sensi ti vi ty Ti me Control (RFSTC)
Antenna bear i ng squi nt cor r ecti on
Di gi tal r el ati ve to tr ue bear i ng conver si on
Ful l -ti me rel ati ve and true beari ng synchro
output at the ante ma control l er
Rel ati ve or tr ue bear i ng synchr o output
sel ectabl e at the Radar Set Control (RSC) for the
vi deo processor uni t
Di gi tal Movi ng Target I ndi cator (DMTI )
Sel ectabl e envi r onmental sector
Constant Fal se Al arm Rate (CFAR) threshol d
gati ng by external control
Centroi d functi on
Track functi on
Coherent EMI suppressi on i n the DMTI channel
Jam strobe detecti on
Wraparound test by external control
Target sel ectabl e threshol d gati ng by external or
i nter nal contr ol
The major uni ts of the AN/SPS-67(V)1 and (V)3
radar sets are shown i n fi gure 2-1 and fi gure 2-2
respecti vel y. As you can see, there i s onl y a sl i ght
di ffer ence between the AN/SPS-67(V)1 and the
AWSPS-67(V)3 versi ons. Thi nk back to the basi c
bl ock di agram of a pul se radar i n chapter 1 (fi g. 1-4).
Rel ate the functi on bl ocks i n fi gure 1-4 to the basi c uni ts
shown i n fi gure 2-1. I f you understand the basi cs, youl l
fi nd that no matter how many speci al operati ng
functi ons a radar has, the basi c system i s sti l l the same.
The recei ver-transmi tter and vi deo processor
components of the AWSPS-67(V) bol t to the same
bul khead foundati ons used for the AN/SPS-10 seri es
components. The remai ni ng components mount i n the
same area of the uni ts they repl ace, al though they may
or may not have the same shape as the AN/SPS-10
components. The dummy l oad mounts on the output of
the recei ver-transmi tter uni t.
r adar systems pr ovi de val uabl e i nfor mati on by
themsel ves, the i nterface of that i nformati on wi th other
warfare systems i s cri ti cal .
The AN/SPS-67(V)1 meets i nterface requi rements
of the fol l owi ng equi pment:
El ectroni c Synchroni zer, AN/SPA-42 or
Bl anker-Vi deo Mi xer Group, AN/SLA-10( )
I FF Equi pment
I ndi cator Group, AN/SPA-25( ) or equi val ent
Synchro Si gnal Ampl i fi er, Mk 31 Mod 8A or
equi val ent
The AN/SPS-67(V)3 meets i nterface requi rements
for the fol l owi ng addi ti onal equi pment:
Shi pboar d Emi ssi on Moni tor -Contr ol Set,
Data Mul ti pl ex System, AN/USQ-82(V)
Si gnal Pr oce s s or Con v e r t e r Gr ou p ,
Command and Deci si on System, Mk-2
Gyro Di gi tal Converter, P/O Mk-38/39 and
ACTS Mk-29
Survei l l ance and Control System, AN/SPY-1
a sol i d-state repl acement for the AN/SPS-10 radar system.
Mi ni ature and mi cro-mi ni ature technol ogi es are used
throughout the radar set. I t i s more rel i abl e and has better
l ogi sti cal support, wi th 92 percent of i ts constructi on bei ng
Standard El ectroni c Modul es (SEM).
The Bui l t-i n-Test (BI T) mi croprocessor sub-assembl y
uses on-l i ne performance sensors to decrease the chance
of operati ng the radar wi th an undetected faul t. Usi ng BI T
ci rcui try duri ng normal operati on wi l l not degrade system
performance, nor wi l l faul ty BI T ci rcui try affect system
performance. When system fai l ures dooccur , you can use
BI T to i sol ate 95 percent of the possi bl e faul ts to a
maxi mum of four modul es wi thi n the recei ver-transmi tter
or vi deo processor.
BI T ci rcui try uses l i ght-emi tti ng di odes (i ndex
i ndi cators) at certai n test poi nts to i ndi cate the l ocati ons
of faul ts. The condi ti on of the system at each test poi nt
i s di spl ayed on readout i ndi cators as GO, MARGI NAL,
or NO-GO. I n addi ti on, the BI T subsystem provi des an
i nteracti ve test mode that permi ts you to moni tor certai n
test poi nts whi l e maki ng l evel or ti mi ng event
adjustments. Power and vol tage standi ng wave rati o
(vswr) are moni tored on an on-l i ne basi s. The BI T
subsystem al so automati cal l y tests i tsel f peri odi cal l y by
goi ng i nto a sel f-check mode.
The AN/SPS-67(V) radar set operates conti nuousl y
duri ng the shi ps depl oyment. The responsi bi l i ty for the
organi zati onal l evel mai ntenance fal l s on the shi ps
El ectroni cs Techni ci ans, (NEC ET-1507.)
Organi zati onal l evel mai ntenance consi sts of
pr eventi ve mai ntenance (PM) and cor r ecti ve
mai ntenance (CM). PM i s performed accordi ng to
mai ntenance requi rement cards (MRCs) devel oped for
the AN/SPS-67(V) system. PM at thi s l evel i ncl udes
checks of operati onal status and fi l ter/equi pment
cl eani ng. CM i s per for med accor di ng to the
AN/SPS-67(V) techni cal manual procedures, and
i ncl udes removi ng and repl aci ng chassi s-mounted pi ece
parts, modul es, assembl i es, and sub-assembl i es.
Re p a i r a b l e mod u l e s , a s s e mb l i e s , a n d
sub-assembl i es are returned to the depot accordi ng to
Navy suppl y procedures.
The AN/SPS-64(V)9 radar i s a two-di mensi onal
(2D) navi gati on/surface search radar used as a pri mary
radar on smal l combatants and vari ous non-combatant
Figure 2-1.AN/SPS-67(V)1 radar.
Figure 2-2.AN/SPS-67(V)3 radar.
shi ps. I t i s al so used as a back-up radar on l arge
combatants. I t provi des a true beari ng di spl ay for
coastal pi l oti ng and a capabi l i ty for radar navi gati on and
stati on keepi ng.
Th e AN/SPS r epl aces a v ar i ety of s mal l
commerci al radars on the fol l owi ng types of shi ps:
General Theory of Operation
The AN/SPS-64(V)9 has a mi ni mum detecti on
range of 20 yards on a radar cross-secti onal target of 10
square meters, 3 feet above the surface of the water. I t
can oper ate i n ei ther tr ue or r el ati ve bear i ng when used
wi th Navy gyrocompasses.
Some speci al operati ng features of the radar
i ncl ude:
Shi p l i ne vol tage protecti on
Shi p Headi ng Marker (SHM)
Var i abl e r ange mar ker
Fi gure 2-3 provi des a general overvi ew of how thi s
radar operates. Unl i ke the AN/SPS-67 radars, thi s
off-the-shel f radar system was not desi gned to use
exi sti ng antennas and i ndi cators. Al l the components,
i ncl udi ng the i ndi cator and the antenna system, are
uni que to the AN/SPS-64(V)9.
from the AN/SPS-64(V)9 i nterfaces wi th the fol l owi ng
Navy equi pment:
Bl anker/Vi deo Mi xer Group, AN/SLA-10
I ndi cator Group, AN/SPA-25( ) or equi val ent
Synchro Si gnal Ampl i fi er, Mk 27 or equi val ent
Mk 19 gyrocompass or equi val ent
64(V)9 i s desi gned and constructed accordi ng to the best
Figure 2-3.AN/SPS-64(V)9 radar block diagram.
commerci al practi ces. For exampl e, there are safety
i n t e r l ock s on t h e a n t e n n a p e d e s t a l , t h e
recei ver/transmi tter (R/T) uni t, and the azi muth range
i ndi cator. Al l the other uni ts i ncl ude ON/OFF swi tches
and i ndi cator l i ghts.
The AN/SPS-64(V)9 was purchased as the si ngl e,
commerci al l y avai l abl e, off-the-shel f radar for the
Navys Cl ass B1 radar program. Mai ntenance support,
i ncl udi ng documentati on, spar es, and l evel s of
mai ntenance i s al so an off-the-shel f concept.
Mai ntenance responsi bi l i ti es are assi gned to an
exi sti ng bi l l et and performed by an El ectroni cs
Techni ci an (no speci fi c NEC assi gned). Organi zati onal
l evel mai ntenance consi sts of preventi ve mai ntenance
(PM) and correcti ve mai ntenance (CM). PM i s done
accordi ng to the mai ntenance requi rement cards
(MRCs). CM consi sts of (1) adjustments, al i gnments,
and tests, as descri bed i n the techni cal manual and (2)
repl acement of the l owest repl aceabl e uni t (LRU)
r equi r ed to cor r ect r adar di scr epanci es.
The Mi ni ature/Mi cromi ni ature (2-M) El ectroni c
Repai r Program and the Support and Test Equi pment
Engi neeri ng Program (STEEP) are not used for the
AN/SPS-64(V)9 radar, si nce the Navy has no data ri ghts
for the equi pment.
Ma j or ov er h a u l a n d r es tor a ti on of th e
AN/SPS-64(V)9 radar and LRU repai r are performed at
the depot l evel , i n the pri me contractors faci l i ty.
Techni cal Repai r Standards (TRSs) are not avai l abl e
si nce the Navy does not make depot-l evel repai rs.
The AN/SPS-55 i s a sol i d-state, Cl ass A surface
search and navi gati on radar. I t i s used to detect smal l
surface targets and for navi gati on and pi l otage. The
AN/SPS-55 radar detects targets from as cl ose as 50
yards to as far as 50 nauti cal mi l es. I t was speci fi cal l y
d es i gn ed f or i n s ta l l a ti on i n th e f ol l owi n g
new-constructi on shi p cl asses:
AO-177 CGN-38 DDG-993 MCM-1
CG-47 DD-963 FFG-7 PBC-1
A radar vi deo converter (RVC) modi fi cati on was
devel oped for AN/SPS-55s used on the FFG-61 cl ass.
The AN/SPS-55 radar supports several mi ssi on
ar eas i ncl udi ng Anti sur face War far e (ASUW),
Anti submari ne Warfare (ASW), Amphi bi ous Warfare
(AMW), Speci al Warfare (SPW), Mobi l i ty (MOB), and
Command and Control (CAC).
General Theory of Operation
The radar set operates from 9.05 GHz to 10 GHz,
and can tune over the enti re bandwi dth wi thi n 60
seconds. Tuni ng can be control l ed from ei ther the
r emote radar set control (RSC) or the
recei ver-transmi tter (R/T) uni t. The transmi tter uses a
magnetron wi th a mi ni mum peak power of 130 KW.
The recei ver can operate i n a l ong-pul se mode (1.0
%sec) or short-pul se mode (.12 %sec) wi th mi ni mum
ranges of 200 yards and 50 yards respecti vel y. The
antenna consi sts of two back-to-back end-fed, sl otted
wavegui de arrays wi th a scan rate of 16 rotati ons per
mi nute (rpm).
Some speci al operati ng features of the AN/SPS-55
radar set i ncl ude:
Squi nt compensati on
Vari abl e sensi ti vi ty ti me control
Fast ti me constant (FTC)
Log/l i near-l og i ntermedi ate frequency (I F)
ampl i fi er
Vi deo bl anki ng ci rcui t
Sector radi ate capabi l i ty
Automati c and manual fr equency contr ol
The RVC modi fi cati on provi des these addi ti onal
Anal og/di gi tal (A/D) conversi on
Di gi tal i ntegrati on wi th beam ti me i nterval
Noncoherent DMTI
Movi ng wi ndow constant fal se al arm rate
(CFAR) threshol di ng
Segmented CFAR
As shown i n fi gure 2-4, the major components of
the AN/SPS-55 r adar i ncl ude the antenna, the
Figure 2-4.AN/SPS-55 block diagram.
recei ver-transmi tter (R/T), the radar set control (RSC),
and the antenna safety swi tch.
Al though the AN/SPS-55 radar i s el ectroni cal l y
rel i abl e, the antenna pedestal has been a source of
mechani cal mai ntenance probl ems. A fi el d change ki t,
devel oped i n FY89, provi ded an i mproved antenna
pedestal . Del i very and i nstal l ati on of the pedestal
modi fi cati on are coordi nated by the Restorati on
Pr ogr am Manager .
55, l i ke al l radars, has an i mpact on other systems,
subsystems, and equi pment. The RVC modi fi cati on
devel oped for the FFG-61 and the antenna pedestal
modi fi cati on not onl y i mproved the radar set, but
i mproved the i nterface capabi l i ti es. The RVC enabl es
the FFG-61 I ntegrated Automati c Detecti on and
Tracki ng System (I ADT) to use the AN/SPS-55 data.
The pedestal modi fi cati on al l ows i nterface wi th I FF.
The AN/SPS-55 i nterfaces wi th the fol l owi ng
equi pment:
Bl anker/Vi deo Mi xer Group, AN/SLA-10
I ndi cator Group, AN/SPA-25( ) or equi val ent
Mk 27 synchro si gnal ampl i fi er or equi val ent
Mk XI I I FF (pedestal mod onl y)
AN/SYS-2(V)2 I ADT (FFG-61 RVC mod onl y)
radar has vari ous bui l t-i n features to protect the
mai ntai ner and the equi pment. The transmi tter has a
vol tage standi ng wave rati o (vswr) al arm. Faul t
detecti on i ndi cators, l ocated on both the transmi tter and
the RSC uni t, show when the hi gh-vol tage power
suppl y, modul ator, or magnetron exceeds predetermi ned
safe l i mi ts. A l ow-power condi ti on i n the radar
automati cal l y pl aces the radar i n the standby mode and
acti vates an i ndi cator at the RSC when l ow power exi sts.
The antenna safety swi tch, when acti vated, opens
the radi ate i nterl ock, removi ng power from the dri ve
motor. I t al so acti vates a Man Al oft i ndi cator on both
the R/T and the RSC uni t to ensure that no one tri es to
operate the radar duri ng mai ntenance.
Mai ntenance of the AN/SPS-55 consi sts pri mari l y
of modul e r epl acement, wi th l i mi ted r epai r or
repl acement of certai n i ndi vi dual components. The
equi pment i s desi gned for rapi d faul t i sol ati on to the
l owest repl aceabl e uni t (LRU). The techni cal manual
l i sts the assembl i es and components that can be repl aced
dur i ng or gani zati onal l evel mai ntenance.
El ectroni cs Techni ci ans (NEC ET-1491 for FFG-7
Cl ass shi ps or ET-1504 for al l other shi ps) are
responsi bl e for organi zati onal l evel mai ntenance of the
AN/SPS-55. Pr eventi ve mai ntenance (PM) and
correcti ve mai ntenance (CM) i ncl ude:
el ectri cal and mechani cal al i gnments;
adjustments, and cal i brati on;
faul t detecti on, i sol ati on, and modul e or major
part repai r/repl acement; and
al l correcti on and veri fi cati on necessary to
restore the radar set to an operati ng condi ti on.
Di sposi ti on and repai r of fai l ed components i s
s peci fi ed by th e Sou r ce, Mai n ten an ce, an d
Recover abi l i ty (SM&R) codes i n the appl i cabl e
Al l owance Parts Li st (APL). Send your repai rabl e
modul es to the Desi gnated Overhaul Poi nt (DOP) for
r epai r or condemnati on.
The two pri mary functi ons of ai r search radar are to
(1) detect ai rcraft targets at l ong ranges and (2)
determi ne thei r range and beari ng. Some of the most
wi del y used two-di mensi onal (2D) ai r search radars i n
th e Nav y ar e th e AN/SPS-37A, AN/SPS-43,
AN/SPS-43A, AN/SPS-49(V), AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E,
and AN/SPS-65(V) aboard shi ps and the AN/GPN-27
(ASR) at shore i nstal l ati ons.
We wi l l not di scuss the AN/SPS-29, AN/SPS-37,
and AN/SPS-43 radars, si nce the AN/SPS-49(V) radar
repl aces them.
The AN/SPS-49(V) radar i s the pri mary U.S. Navy
ear l y war ni ng ai r sear ch 2D r adar . I t i s a
very-l ong-range radar, and provi des l ong-range ai r
s u r v ei l l an ce i n s ev er e cl u tter an d j ammi n g
envi ronments. I t pri mari l y supports the anti ai r warfare
(AAW) mi ssi on on surface shi ps, but al so provi des
back up to the 3D weapon system r adar . The
AN/SPS-49(V) radar i s al so used for ai r traffi c control
(ATC), ai r i ntercept control (AI C), and anti submari ne
ai rcraft control (ASAC).
The AN/SPS-49(V) radar repl aces the AN/SPS-29,
AN/SPS-37, AN/SPS-40, and AN/SPS-43 radars i n
some shi ps, i ncl udi ng the fol l owi ng shi p types:
Current pl anni ng cal l s for i nstal l ati on of the
AN/SPS-49(V) radar i n 160 U.S. Navy shi ps, pl us
vari ous shore i nstal l ati ons.
General Theory of Operation
The AN/SPS-49(V) i s a narrow-fan beam radar
devel oped from a Speci fi c Operati onal Requi rement. I t
provi des the capabi l i ty to conduct ai r search operati ons
on a previ ousl y unused radar frequency. Thi s mi ni mi zes
el ectr oni c i nter fer ence between shi ps and i ncr eases the
di ffi cul ty for hosti l e el ectroni c countermeasures
(ECM). The AN/SPS-49(V) provi des good beari ng
measurements to backup the 3D radar weapons system.
I ts narrow beamwi dth substanti al l y i mproves resi stance
to jammi ng.
The coherent si de l obe cancel er (CSLC) cancel s
jammi ng and i nterference si gnal s, provi di ng the
AN/SPS-49(V) radar further resi stance to jammi ng and
i nterference. The DMTI capabi l i ty enhances detecti on
of l ow-fl yi ng, hi gh-speed targets.
The AN/SPS-49(V)5 versi on, whi ch has automati c
target detecti on (ATD) capabi l i ty, has even more
sophi sti cated anti jammi ng features. Thi s versi on offers
i mproved cl utter suppressi on and a di gi tal i nterface to
the AN/SYS-2(V) I ADT system. The AN/SPS-49(V)5,
does not cancel non-movi ng targets as wi th MTI ,
i nstead i t uses the newest devel opment i n doppl er
processi ng, Fi ni te I mpul se Response (FI R) fi bers.
These fi l ters separate radar echo returns i nto fi xed and
movi ng channel s accor di ng to thei r doppl er
characteri sti cs. The movi ng channel s contai n movi ng
targets onl y. The fi xed channel s contai n fi xed cl utter
and bl i nd speed targets. Rejecti on of non-movi ng
targets recurs at a l ater poi nt i n ti me i n the cl utter maps.
The AEGI S Tracker modi fi cati on consi sts of a
PCB card set i ntegrated i nto the si gnal data processor.
I t adds an embedded tracker, wi th di rect di gi tal i nterface
wi th the AEGI S combat system, to the AN/SPS-49(V)7
r adar (i nstal l ed on AEGI S cr ui ser s). Wi th thi s
modi fi cati on i ncor por ated, the AN/SPS-49(V)7
nomencl ature changes to AN/SPS-49(V)8.
The di gi tal coherent si de l obe cancel er (DCSC) i s
part of the Medi um PRF Upgrade (MPU) modi fi cati on.
I t i mproves performance agai nst smal l targets when
subjected to stand-off jammi ng. The modi fi cati on
pri mari l y repl aces the recei vers sensitivity time control
(STC) wi th a sensitivity velocity control (SVC). SVC
uses radi al vel oci ty and target si ze i nformati on to
fi l ter out bi rds and near-i n cl utter. I t suppresses
these unwanted targets whi l e retai ni ng detecti on
performance throughout the vol ume of coverage. The
MPU al so ai ds i n reduci ng reacti on ti me to onl y two
scans by pr ovi di ng ver y hi gh-qual i ty vel oci ty
esti mates for radar targets.
The AN/SPS49(V) radar set contai ns 47 major
uni ts i n ni ne vari ant confi gurati ons, (V)1 through (V)9.
Fi gure 2-5 shows the physi cal confi gurati on of the
AN/SPS-49(V) radar system.
The ni ne var i ant confi gur ati ons ar e:
(V)1 Basel i ne radar
(V)2 AN/SPS49(V)1 radar wi thout the
coherent si de l obe cancel l ati on
featur e
(V)3 AN/SPS-49(V)1 radar wi th the radar
vi deo processor (RVP) i nterface
(V)4 AN/SPS49(V)2 wi th the RVP
i nterface
(V)5 AN/SPS-49(V)1 wi th automati c
target detecti on (ATD)
(V)6 AN/SPS-49(V)3 wi thout the cool i ng
(V)7 AN/SPS-49(V)5 wi thout the cool i ng
(V)8 AN/SPS-49(V)7 wi th automati c
detecti on and tracki ng (ADT)
(V)9 AN/SPS-49(V)5 wi th medi um PRF
upgrade (MPU)
49(V) radar i nterfaces wi th shi pboard di spl ay systems
vi a conventi onal radar swi tchboards and NTDS
swi tchboards. Fi el d Change 1 provi des an opti onal
i nterface through the Dual Channel RVP and associ ated
equi pment. I n addi ti on, the AN/SPS-49(V)5 versi on
i nterfaces wi th the AN/SYS-2(V) MDT system.
FOR THE MAINTAINER. Sol i d-state tech-
nol ogy wi th modul ar constructi on i s used throughout the
radar, except for the kl ystron power ampl i fi er and
hi gh-power modul ator tubes. Di gi tal pr ocessi ng
techni ques are used extensi vel y i n the AN/SPS-49(V)5,
7 and 8.
The radar has comprehensi ve BI T features, such as
performance moni tors, automati c faul t detectors, and
bui l t-i n-test equi pment (BI TE). The AN/SPS-49(V)5,
7, and 8 i ncl ude automati c, on-l i ne, sel f-test features.
Each major uni t has test panel s wi th faul t i ndi cators and
test poi nts. There i s al so a test meter to moni tor system
power suppl y vol tage.
The AN/SPS-49(V) radar operates conti nuousl y
dur i ng depl oyment. Radar mai ntenance i s a
responsi bi l i ty of the ET rati ng (NEC ET-1503 for
(V)1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 or ET-1510 for (V)5, 7, 8 and 9).
Basi c mai ntenance i nvol ves modul e repl acement and
pl anned mai ntenance (PM) and fol l ows the pol i ci es
s e t f or t h i n N AVS E AI N S T 4 7 0 0 , 1 a n d
Organi zati onal mai ntenance consi sts of PM and CM,
performed on the radar i n pl ace, whi l e the shi p i s
underway. CM i s l i mi ted to (1) faul t i sol ati on, (2) removal
and repl acement of modul es or cabi net-mounted pi ece
parts, and (3) the adjustment, al i gnment, and testi ng
r equi r ed to cor r ect the r adar degr adati ons. Al l r epai r abl e
modul es are shi pped to DOP for repai r as di rected by
SPCC Mechani csburg.
Removi ng and repl aci ng the radar antenna and vari ous
major antenna subassembl i es requi re i ntermedi ate-l evel
mai ntenance. These tasks are conducted as di rected by the
NAVSEASYSCOM Restorati on Program.
The AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E i s the pri mary shi pboard
l ong-range, hi gh-powered, two-di mensi onal (2D), ai r
search radar. I t provi des 10-channel operati on, movi ng
target i ndi cator (mti ), pul se compressi on, and hi gh data
shor t r ange mode (SRM) for detecti ng smal l ,
l ow-al ti tude, cl ose-i n targets. Desi gned for use aboard
fri gate-si ze or l arger shi ps, the AN/SPS-40B/C/D radar
i s used on the fol l owi ng types of shi ps:
Fi el d Change 11, whi ch changes the nomencl ature
to AN/SPS-40E, repl aces the tube-type power ampl i fi er
wi th a sol i d-state transmi tter (SSTX) and provi des a
substanti al i mprovement i n operati onal avai l abi l i ty.
The AN/SPS-40E radar i s used on the fol l owi ng types
of shi ps:
The many changes to thi s radar set have i mproved
i ts mi ni mum range capabi l i ty, as wel l as made i t more
rel i abl e and easi er to mai ntai n.
General Theory of Operation
The AN/SPS-40 radar set, wi th the automati on
modul e, i s better abl e to detect targets over l and and
water and to generate cl utter-free target data. I t has a
two-speed dri ve motor, whi ch i ncreases the antenna rate
to 15 rpm for hi gh-data rate capabi l i ti es and operates at
a normal 7.5 rpm speed i n the l ong-range mode (LRM).
Some s peci al oper ati n g featu r es of th e
AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E i ncl ude the fol l owi ng:
Long-range, l ong-range/chaff, and short-range
Automati c target detecti on (ATD)
Bui l t-i n-test (BI T) equi pment
Anal og/di gi tal conversi on
Four-pul se staggered pul se repeti ti on frequency
(pr f)
Operator sel ectabl e antenna scan rate
Sensi ti vi ty ti me control (STC)
Fi gur e 2-6 i l l ustr ates the AN/SPS-40B/C/D
DMTI /RVC radar system. The DMTI fi el d change
repl aces the anal og movi ng target i ndi cator wi th more
rel i abl e and more easi l y mai ntai ned di gi tal ci rcui try. I t
al so provi des a new radar set control (RSC) and repl aces
the dupl exer wi th a sol i d-state uni t. The RVC fi el d
change al l ows the radar to i nterface wi th the AN/SYS-1
I ADT system.
I nstal l ati on of the sol i d-state transmi tter, fi el d
change (FC-11 ), repl aces 11 shi pboard uni ts (uni ts 2, 3,
4, 6, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, and 25) wi th fi ve uni ts (uni ts
28 through 32) as shown i n fi gure 2-7.
menti oned before, thi s radar set has had many changes.
Some of the more si gni fi cant fi el d changes are:
Di gi tal mov i n g tar get i n di cator
(DMTI )sol i d-state upgrade
Radar vi deo converter (RVC)i nterface wi th
Sol i d-state transmi tter (SSTX)changes the
number of uni ts i n the confi gurati on and the
nomencl ature of the system
AN/SPS-40E Fi el d Change 2changes the
two-cabi net PA confi gurati on to a si ngl e cabi net
AN/SPS-40E Fi el d Change 3repl aces the
DMTI wi th a new coherent recei ver processor
40B/C/D/E i nterfaces wi th shi pboard di spl ay systems
vi a conventi onal radar swi tchboards and NTDS
swi tchboards. The AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E radar wi th
DMTI /RVC i nterfaces wi th the AN/SYS-1 I ntegrated
Automati c Detecti on and Tracki ng System (I ADT).
FOR THE MAINTAINER. The i ncreased use of
sol i d-state desi gn and modul ar constructi on i n the
AN/SPS-40 radar resul ts i n a l onger mean ti me between
fai l ures (MTBF) and a shorter mean ti me to repai r
(MTTR). The new r ecei ver and mti both use
bui l t-i n-test equi pment to hel p i n al i gnment and
troubl eshooti ng.
The AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E radar i s desi gned for
conti nuous oper ati on dur i ng depl oyment. The
mai ntenance responsi bi l i ti es are assi gned to the ET
rati ng (NEC ET-1516, ET-1508 (wi th DMTI ), and
ET-1511 (wi th FC-11)). The SPS-40s modul ar desi gn
mi ni mi zes mai ntenance acti ons at the organi zati onal
l evel .
Organi zati onal mai ntenance i ncl udes preventi ve
and cor r ecti ve mai ntenance. PM i s per for med
accordi ng to techni cal manual s and mai ntenance
requi rement cards (MRCs).
CM i s performed accordi ng to the correcti ve
mai ntenance secti on of the techni cal manual s and by the
Source Mai ntai nabi l i ty and Recovery (SM&R) code
assi gned i n the APL. You may be requi red to perform
any of the fol l owi ng acti ons:
Remove and repl ace cabi net-mounted pi ece
parts, modul es, assembl i es or sub-assembl i es.
Repai r modul es, assembl i es, or sub-assembl i es
desi gnated as shi pboard repai rabl e.
Turn i n depot repai rabl e i tems usi ng prescri bed
suppl y procedures.
Figure 2-6.AN/SPS-40B/C/D DMTI/RVC radar system.
Figure 2-7.AN/SPS-40E radar system.
System overhaul and restorati on are performed on AN/GPN-27 (ASR-8)
a turn-around basi s every 10-15 years by naval
shi pyar ds or pr i vate contr actor s as di r ected by
The Ai rport Survei l l ance Radar AN/GPN-27 i s used
NAVSEA. Antenna and pedestal restorati on i s done on
at naval ai r stati ons (NAS) and Mari ne Corps ai r stati ons
(MCAS) to detect ai rcraft wi thi n 60 nauti cal mi l es of
a turn-around basi s, wi th the assembl y aboard shi p
the stati on and to generate pl an posi ti on i ndi cator (PPI )
repl aced about every 3 years. i nformati on for ai rcraft control .
General Theory of Operation
The AN/GPN-27 i s a modul ar , sol i d-state,
dual -channel , dual -beam/frequency di versi ty, S-band,
survei l l ance radar used for safe, effi ci ent movement of
ai r traffi c wi thi n the naval or Mari ne Corps Ai r Stati on
Nati onal Ai rspace System area.
Some of the operati ng features i ncl ude:
Stabl e l ocal osci l l ator (STALO)
MTI wi th 10-bi t desi gn
Cl utter rejecti on
Ci r cul ar pol ar i zati on
Reduced si de l obes
Fi el d-programmabl e range azi muth gate
The AN/GPN-27 radar i ncl udes three major groups:
an antenna group, a transmi tter bui l di ng group, and a
di spl ay si te group.
The antenna group consi sts of a refl ector, dual -feed
assembl y, rotary joi nt, pedestal , and a dual -dri ve trai n
assembl y. I t i s a dual -beam desi gn wi th normal and
passi ve channel s, i ncl udi ng swi tchabl e l i near and
ci rcul ar pol ari zati on. The cosecant-squared el evati on
pattern provi des constant radi ati on al ti tude coverage up
to 30 degrees above peak of beam. The passi ve,
recei ver-onl y feed horn i s ti l ted upward from the normal
beam to reduce i nterference from ground cl utter at short
I n the transmitter building group, the transmi tter
has an ai r-cool ed kl ystron, a sol i d-state modul ari zed
modul ator, and a sol i d-state, hi gh-vol tage power suppl y.
The recei ver provi des normal vi deo, l og vi deo, and
movi ng target i ndi cator (mti ) vi deo si gnal s to the
processor uni t. The di gi tal processor processes the
recei ver vi deo for the radar tuni ng and control ci rcui ts,
the range/azi muth gate generator, the azi muth pul se
generator (APG), and the vi deo cabl e-l i ne dri vers. The
system control i nterface and di stri buti on uni t features a
sol i d-state control system for radar command and status
i ndi cati ons. A 16-i nch mai ntenance pl an posi ti on
i ndi cator (MPPI ) ai ds i n system al i gnment and
mai ntenance. The transmi tter bui l di ng group al so has
two of the fi ve stati ons (1 master and 1 sl ave) of the
i ntercommuni cati on system.
The display site group at the i ndi cator si te or ai r
traffi c control (ATC) room consi sts of a di spl ay si te
remote uni t, two system control panel s, a di spl ay si te
cabl e juncti on box, and an i ntercommuni cati ons system
wi th three stati ons (2 master and 1 sl ave).
i nterfaci ng i s wi thi n the system i tsel f. The control
system contai ns control boxes that have rel ease and
take-control ci rcui try to ensure that radar command i s
avai l abl e onl y at the sel ected control box. Operators
scan the radar screen for i ncomi ng and outgoi ng ai rcraft,
vector ai rcraft to the ai rfi el d, and work wi th other
control l ers to coordi nate preci si on approach radars
(PAR) and l and ai rcraft.
uses state-of-the-art desi gn and technol ogy. Al l radar
command and status si gnal s stay i n power-protected
sol i d-state memory, i sol ati ng the control system from
short-term power outages. The MPPI at the transmi tter
bui l di ng ai ds i n system al i gnment and other
mai ntenance.
Mai ntenance of the AN/GPN-27 i s performed on
demand or as schedul ed and i s done by El ectroni cs
Techni ci ans (NEC ET-1580). Organi zati onal l evel
mai ntenance i ncl udes faul t i sol ati on, performance
testi ng, and al i gnment. Correcti ve mai ntenance
consi sts of the r emoval and r epl acement of
sub-assembl i es, modul es, and pri nted ci rcui t boards
(PCBs ). Those i tems not r epai r abl e at the
organi zati onal l evel are returned to the depot faci l i ty
through normal Navy suppl y channel s.
Fi r e Con tr ol Tech n i ci an s (FCs ) u s u al l y
mai ntai n the hei ght-fi ndi ng radars i nstal l ed aboard
Nav y s h i ps . So, r ath er th an cov er s peci fi c
equi pment, we wi l l cover general i nformati on to
hel p you understand the overal l radar capabi l i ti es
of your shi p.
The 3D radar functi ons much l i ke the 2D system,
but al so provi des el evati on i nformati on. To do thi s,
the hei ght-fi ndi ng radar uses a beam that i s very
narrow, both verti cal l y and hori zontal l y. Azi muth i s
provi ded as the antenna rotates conti nuousl y at speeds
varyi ng up to 15 rpm. Al though the antenna usual l y
operates i n the automati c mode, the operator may
control i t manual l y for searchi ng i n a speci fi c target
As we menti oned i n chapter 1, the ai r search 3D
radars determi ne al ti tude by scanni ng the verti cal pl ane
i n di screte i ncrements (steps). Al though thi s may be
done mechani cal l y, most fr equentl y, i t i s done
el ectroni cal l y. Fi gure 2-8 shows the radar beam
radi ated at di fferent el evati on angl es as el ectroni c
scanni ng changes the radi ated frequency i n di screte
steps. Each el evati on angl e or step has i ts own parti cul ar
scan frequency.
A computer el ectroni cal l y synchroni zes each
radi ated frequency wi th i ts associ ated scan angl e to
produce the verti cal hei ght of a gi ven target.
The 3D radars al so use a range-hei ght i ndi cator
(RHI ) i n addi ti on to the PPI used wi th 2D radars. We
wi l l di scuss both i ndi cators i n further detai l i n the
secti on on radar i ndi cators.
Ca r r i er -con tr ol l ed a p p r oa ch (CCA) a n d
ground-control l ed approach (GCA) systems gui de
ai rcraft to safe l andi ngs, even under condi ti ons
approachi ng zero vi si bi l i ty. Radar i s used to detect
ai rcraft and to observe them duri ng thei r fi nal approach
and l andi ng. Gui dance i nformati on i s suppl i ed to the
pi l ot i n the form of verbal radi o i nstructi ons, or to the
automati c pi l ot (autopi l ot) i n the form of pul sed control
si gnal s.
The pri mary approach systems i n the Navy are the
AN/SPS-46(V) Preci si on Approach Landi ng System
(PALS) for CCA and the AN/FPN-63 Pr eci si on
Approach Radar (PAR) for CGA.
The AN/SPN-46(V)1 system provi des safe and
rel i abl e fi nal approach and l andi ng for PALS-equi pped
Figure 2-8.Electronic elevation scan.
carri er-based ai rcraft, duri ng dayl i ght or darkness. I t i s
rarel y affected by severe weather and sea state
condi ti ons, and i s not affected by l ow cei l i ng and
vi si bi l i ty probl ems.
The AN/SPN-46(V)2 system i s i nstal l ed at sel ected
naval ai r stati ons (NAS). I t i s used for the PALS trai ni ng
of fl i ght crews, operator and mai ntenance personnel ,
and the PALS certi fi cati on of ai rcraft.
Th e AN/SPN-46(V)1 s y s tem r epl aces th e
AN/SPN-42A Automati c Carri er Landi ng System
(ACLS) on CV/CVN cl ass shi ps. The AN/SPN-46(V)2
system repl aces the AN/SPN-42T1/3/4 at vari ous naval
ai r stati ons.
General Theory of Operation
The AN/SPN-46(V) PALS al l ows si mul taneous and
automati c control of two ai rcraft duri ng the fi nal
approach and l andi ng phase of carri er recovery
operati ons. Desi gned pri mari l y as an automati c
l andi ng system, i t al so has manual control capabi l i ti es.
The AN/SPN-46(V) has three modes of operati on that
are i denti fi ed, based on the type of control (automati c or
manual ) and the source of i nformati on (di spl ay or
voi ce).
Mode I (automati c contr ol ).The Centr al
Computer Subsystem (CCS) pr ocesses fl i ght
i nformati on from the radar/shi p moti on sensor (SMS),
wi nd speed and di recti on equi pment, and other anci l l ary
equi pment. I t then transmi ts command and error si gnal s
to each ai rcraft vi a the Li nk 4A. The ai rcraft recei ves
these command and error si gnal s and transl ates them
i nto control acti ons that mai ntai n the ai rcraft wi thi n a
narrowl y prescri bed fl i ght envel ope.
Mode II (manual control wi th di spl ay).The
ai r cr aft cockpi t di spl ay r ecei ves command and
error si gnal s that di rect the pi l ot to take proper
acti ons.
Mode III (manual control wi th voi ce).The ai r
traffi c control l er, usi ng the processed fl i ght data
transmi tted to the operator control consol e (OCC),
provi des the pi l ot wi th voi ce communi cati ons for a
manual approach.
The AN/SPN-46(V)1 system consi sts of 26 uni ts
categori zed i nto four major subsystems: di spl ay
(uni ts 1 and 2), anci l l ary equi pment (uni ts 3-11),
central computer (uni ts 12- 16), and radar/SMS (uni ts
17-26). A pi ctori al fl ow di agram of the system i s
shown i n fi gure 2-9. The AN/SPN-46(V)2 functi ons
the same as the AN/SPS-46(V)1, except that i t does
NOT use the MK 16 Mod 12 stabl e el ements (uni ts 17
and 18). Al so, the (V)2 uses a 7-foot di ameter antenna
i nstead of the 4-foot antenna used for the (V)1.
The display subsystem consi sts of two i denti cal
operator control consol es (OCC) (uni ts 1 and 2), one for
each channel of the system. The OCCs al l ow the fi nal
control l ers to control and moni tor the AN/SPN-46(V)
system. The OCC i ncl udes a radar di spl ay, a data
generator, and an embedded computer. The OJ-314
system i nstal l ed i n the OCC pr ovi des oper ator
communi cati ons.
The ancillary equipment subsystem i ncl udes
ai rcraft control i ndi cators (uni ts 4, 6, and 7) for the
Carri er Ai r Traffi c Control Center (CATCC) and
Pr i mar y Fl i ght (PRI -FLI ) ar eas. The PRI -FLI
i ndi cators (uni ts 6 and 7) di spl ay the fl i ght i nformati on
and system status requi red for each OCC. The
recorder-converter (uni t 8) records sel ected system data.
The l andi ng si gnal offi cer (LSO) waveoff l i ght (uni t 10)
provi des the LSO wi th a vi sual i ndi cati on of the system
waveoff on the nearest ai rcraft under control .
The central computer subsystem (CCS), consi sti ng
of two i denti cal AN/AYK- 14(V) computer sets, recei ves
data from the radar/SMS and OCCs. I t computes
ai rcraft command and error si gnal s and transmi ts them
to control l ed ai rcraft vi a Li nk 4A.
The radar/ ships motion sensor (SMS) subsystem
consi sts of two radar channel s, each wi th an X-band
recei ver, a K
-band transmi tter, and an antenna. I t
consi sts of several uni ts, i ncl udi ng the recei ver and
antenna (uni ts 24 and 25), Mk 16 stabi l i zati on el ements
(uni ts 17 and 18), and embedded computer processors
(uni t 19). Ai rcraft tracki ng i nformati on (from the radar)
combi nes wi th shi ps stabi l i zati on data (from the Mk 16
gyros) and goes to the CCS for processi ng.
data swi tchboard (uni t 14) provi des an automati c
swi tchi ng i nterface between the master-sl ave computers
i n the central computer group (uni t 12) and al l external
system peri pheral s requi red for PALS operati on. The
OA-7984(U)/UYK I nput/Output (I /O) Control Consol e
(uni t 16) can al l operate as the master computer of the
CCS. El ectri cal l y operated swi tches automati cal l y
swi tch these equi pment i nto a master or sl ave
confi gurati on i n the central computer group. The
AN/SPN-46(V) al so i nterfaces wi th the
AN/TPX-42(V)8 system through the power di stri buti on
panel (uni t 3).
Other r adar s, such as the AN/SPN-35, the
AN/SPN-43, and the AN/SPN-44, are al so used i n
conjuncti on wi th the precessi on carri er control l ed
approach (CCA) system for l andi ng operati ons.
AN/SPN-35.The AN/SPN-35 radar set provi des
both azi muth and el evati on data for pr eci si on
approaches to ai rcraft carri ers duri ng adverse weather
condi ti ons. Usi ng the radar di spl ay, the operator di rects
pi l ots al ong a predetermi ned gl i de path and azi muth
coursel i ne to a poi nt one mi l e from the shi p.
AN/SPN-43. The AN/SPN-43 i s a survei l l ance
and ai r traffi c control radar used on carri ers and
amphi bi ous-type shi ps. I t operates i n a 2-4 GHZ
frequency band (S-Band) and provi des ai r navi gati onal
data for control and i denti fi cati on of ai rcraft i n the area
of the shi p. Wi th a range of 50 nauti cal mi l es, i t tracks
l ow-fl yi ng ai rcraft to a mi ni mum of 250 yards and
covers 360 at al ti tudes from radar hori zon to 30,000
feet. The radar di spl ays azi muth and range whi ch the
operator uses to di rect control of the ai rcraft to the CCA
transfer poi nt. An I FF system, synchroni zed wi th the
radar, provi des posi ti ve i denti fi cati on of the ai rcraft.
AN/SPN-44. The AN/SPN-44 i s a range-rate
radar set that computes, i ndi cates, and records the speed
of ai rcraft maki ng a l andi ng approach to the carri er.
Both true and rel ati ve ai r speed are i ndi cated. Suppl i ed
wi th thi s accurate i nformati on on the speed of the
approachi ng ai rcraft, the LSO can wave off those
attempti ng to l and at an unsafe speed.
i s a moderni zed PALS system that provi des i mproved
rel i abi l i ty, mai ntai nabi l i ty, and performance. I t uses
standard el ectroni c modul es (SEMs), an AN/USH-26
Magneti c Tape Uni t (MTU) and standard computers
(AN/AYK-14) to provi de rel i abi l i ty and i mproved
suppl y support.
The AN/SPN-46(V) has a sel f-moni tor capabi l i ty to
prevent the transmi ssi on of erroneous control and error
si gnal s i n Mode I and Mode I I operati on. I t al so di spl ays
the deck status.
The power di stri buti on panel (uni t 3) provi des
ci rcui t breaker protecti on and acts as a juncti on box for
al l stabi l i zati on source i nputs and outputs, and
anemometer i nputs. The PRI -FLI i ndi cator control
(uni t 5) contai ns ci rcui t breaker protecti on for PRI -FLI
i ndi cators (uni ts 6 and 7) and a mai ntenance i ntercom
for troubl eshooti ng purposes. The recorder-converter
group (uni t 8) has a synchro test poi nt panel to moni tor
i nput synchro vol tages.
The OCC i nstal l ed i n the equi pment room (uni t 15)
i s a system/bootstrap bus moni tor (SBBM) that
performs on-l i ne system testi ng and troubl eshooti ng,
and computer bootstrap program l oadi ng. The memory
l oader/veri fi er (MLV) (uni t 13), stored i n the equi pment
room, i s used for the fol l owi ng purposes:
Load and veri fy operati onal programs from
I ni ti ate AN/AYK-14 sel f-test and di spl ay resul ts
Load di agnosti cs and provi de mai ntenance
i nter face and contr ol
Wri te cassette memory wi th recei ved data
Di spl ay and change regi ster and memory
l ocati ons
The SPN radar test set (RTS) (uni t 22) i s used to
al i gn, cal i brate, and mai ntai n the radar/SMS subsystem.
The retractabl e al i gnment mast (uni t 23) el evates the
SPN RTS and a col l ocated corner refl ector to a
mi ni mum of 19 feet above the carri er fl i ght deck for
system cal i brati on. The UPM radar test set (uni t 26) i s
al so used to test and cal i brate the radar/SMS subsystem.
Thi s test set combi nes the functi ons of a spectrum
anal yzer and synchroscope to provi de pul se or CW test
si gnal s and vi sual spectrum i ndi cati on. I t al so has a
di rect readi ng cavi ty frequency meter, and a power l evel
Organi zati onal mai ntenance i s performed by ET
personnel (NEC ET-1524). I t consi sts of removal and
repl acement of pl ug-i n assembl i es and chassi s-mounted
par ts. You ca n i s ol a te f a u l ts u s i n g th e
bui l t-i n-test (BI T), bui l t-i n-test equi pment (BI TE),
general -purpose el ectroni cs test equi pment (GPETE),
speci al -pur pose test equi pment (SPETE), and
mai ntenance assi st modul es (MAM).
Depot l evel mai ntenance i ncl udes repai r of fai l ed
pri nted ci rcui t boards (PCBs) or modul es and major
r epai r s, such as over haul , r efur bi shment, and
cal i brati on.
The AN/FPN-63(V) Preci si on Approach Radar
(PAR) i s used at naval ai r stati ons (NAS) and Mari ne
Corps ai r stati ons (MCAS) for ai r traffi c control
operati ons. I t repl aces the PAR porti on of the
AN/CPN-4 fami l y of equi pment. The AN/MPN-23 i s a
versi on of the same equi pment mounted on a trai l er.
General Theory of Operation
Al though the AN/FPN-63(V) i s functi onal l y and
operati onal l y si mi l ar to the PAR porti on of the
AN/CPN-4, i t uses a modi fi ed ver si on of the
AN/CPN-4A PAR antenna system. The antenna
modi fi cati ons reduce si gnal si de l obes and mi ni mi ze
ground and preci pi tati on cl utter. The AN/FPN-63(V) i s
based on sol i d-state ci rcui try and i ncl udes a di gi tal
movi ng target i ndi cator (mti ). The modi fi cati on al so
i ncl udes a remote control subsystem that provi des
compl ete operati onal use of the PAR up to 10,000 feet
from the radar van.
The sol i d-state AZ-EL range i ndi cator generates i ts
own i nternal map, sweeps, range marks, and cursors. A
si ngl e curser adjustment al l ows al i gnment of each
cur ser wi th the r unway center l i ne.
I ndependent transmi tters and recei vers provi de one
operati onal channel and one hot standby channel .
Thi s al l ows the operator to use one set of equi pment,
whi l e a techni ci an performs mai ntenance on the other
set. Thus, servi ce i s never i nterrupted.
A remote control turntabl e uni t and the associ ated
remote control panel s al l ow posi ti oni ng of the radar for
mul ti pl e runway operati on. Stati ons not requi ri ng
mul ti pl e runway operati on use a fi xed-mounted
Al l r adar components ar e i n r acks and encl osur es of
the radar sets, wi th empty spaces covered by bl ank front
panel s. The number of i ndi cators vari es by si te.
Organi zati onal mai ntenance i s performed by ET
personnel (NEC ET-1579) and i ncl udes performance
veri fi cati on, testi ng, al i gnment, and faul t i sol ati on.
Repai r of equi pment consi sts of the repl acement of
di screte chassi s components and pi ece parts.
The pri me contractor performs al l depot-l evel
mai ntenance. I f you have any modul es or PCBs that
your organi zati on cannot repai r, return them to the depot
faci l i ty.
The purpose of a radar i ndi cator (repeater) i s to
anal yze radar system echo return vi deo and to di spl ay
that i nformati on at vari ous remote l ocati ons. For the
repeater to present correct target posi ti on data, i t must
have three speci fi c i nputs from the radar sel ected: vi deo
i nput, tri gger (ti mi ng) pul ses, and antenna i nformati on.
A video input from the radar vi a a vi deo ampl i fi er
for each returni ng echo enabl es the repeater to di spl ay
detected targets.
Trigger (timing) pulses from the radar ensure that
the sweep on the repeater starts from i ts poi nt of ori gi n
each ti me the radar transmi ts. Thi s al l ows repeaters to
di spl ay the target at actual range from the radar based
on the ti me l apse between the i nstant of transmi ssi on and
the i nstant of target echo recei pt.
Antenna information from the radar al l ows the
angul ar sweep posi ti on of the r epeater to be
synchroni zed wi th the angul ar posi ti on of the radar
antenna. Thi s wi l l produce and di spl ay the target at i ts
actual bearing(azi muth) from the radar.
The three most common types of di spl ays are the A
s cope (r an ge-on l y i n di cator ), th e PPI s cope
(r ange-azi muth i ndi cator ), and the RHI scope
(range-hei ght i ndi cator). The A scope, l i mi ted by i ts
range-onl y capabi l i ty, i s normal l y consi dered an
auxi l i ary di spl ay rather than a radar repeater. The PPI
scope i s by far the most used radar repeater.
The PPI i s a pol ar-coordi nate di spl ay of the
surroundi ng area wi th the ori gi n of the sweep (normal l y
l ocated at the center of the screen) representi ng your
radar. The PPI uses a radi al sweep pi voti ng about the
center of the presentati on, resul ti ng i n a mapl i ke pi cture
of the area covered by the radar beam. A rel ati vel y
l ong-persi stence screen i s used so targets wi l l remai n
vi si bl e unti l the sweep passes agai n.
Beari ng i s i ndi cated by the targets angul ar posi ti on
i n rel ati on to an i magi nary l i ne extendi ng verti cal l y from
the sweep ori gi n to the top of the scope. The top of the
scope represents ei ther true north (when the radar i s
operati ng i n true beari ng), or shi ps head (when the radar
i s operati ng i n rel ati ve beari ng).
To al l ow a si ngl e operator to moni tor several tacti cal
data i nputs from one l ocati on, many radar repeaters are
bei ng repl aced wi th mul ti purpose consol es on Naval
Tacti cal Data Systems (NTDS) equi pped shi ps.
However, radar repeaters sti l l serve as a back-up to the
consol es used on NTDS shi ps and are i rrepl aceabl e on
non-NTDS shi ps.
The most common radar i ndi cator group used i n the
Navy i s the AN/SPA-25G. Thi s Radar Di spl ay and
Di stri buti on System usual l y i ncl udes the AN/SPA-25G
I ndi cator, the CV-3989/SP Si gnal
the SB-4229/SP Swi tchboard.
AN/SPA-25G Indicator Group
Data Converter, and
The AN/SPA-25G I ndi cator Group i s found on 90
percent of al l Navy shi ps. I t meets the di verse mi ssi on
requi rements of anti ai r warfare, anti surface warfare,
anti submari ne warfare, el ectroni c warfare, stri ke and
amphi bi ous warfare, as wel l as navi gati on and bri dge
requi rements such as pi l oti ng and stati on keepi ng. The
AN/SPA-25G wi l l repl ace the AN/SPA-4, SPA-8,
SPA-25, SPA-33, SPA-34, SPA-40, SPA-41, and
SPA-66. The AN/SPA-50 and SPA-74 radar di spl ay
system/i ndi cator groups are al so potenti al candi dates
for repl acement by the AN/SPA-25G.
The AN/SPA-25G i s an advanced, sol i d-state
(except the CRT di spl ay) radar i ndi cator for both
Combat I nfor mati on Center (CI C) and br i dge
envi ronments. I t can recei ve mul ti pl e data i nputs,
i ncl udi ng three radar vi deo si gnal s from the same radar,
radar tri ggers, antenna synchro data, external course and
speed, off-centeri ng i nputs, and dead reckoni ng
anal yzer (DRA) i nputs.
The vari ous radar i nputs, except vi deo that i s i n
anal og form, are i n the Radar Di spl ay and Di stri buti on
Systems (RADDS) seri al 64-bi t data stream format.
The data i s conti nual l y pr ocessed thr ough fi ve
megabi ts of di gi tal memory. By correl ati ng the radar
data wi th i nternal l y generated graphi c symbol s, the
oper ator can ful l y i nter act wi th the di spl ayed
i n for mati on on th e CRT. Fi gu r e 2-10, th e
AN/SPA-25G top panel l ayout, shows al l of the
operati onal control s and i ndi cators.
Some of the si gni fi cant desi gn features of the
AN/SPA-25G i ncl ude:
Hi gh Defi ni ti on Raster Scan Di spl ay-enabl es
the AN/SPA-25G to perform at maxi mum capaci ty,
wi thout a hood, i n ei ther the subdued l i ghti ng of CI C or
the bri ght dayl i ght on the shi ps bri dge.
Fl i cker Reducti onpr ovi des an effecti ve
di spl ay refresh rate that suppresses fl i cker i n any
l i ghti ng envi ronment.
Figure 2-10.AN/SPA-25G radar indicator, top panel controls and indicators.
Azi muth Fi l l processprevents voi ds, gaps, and
hol es i n the radar vi deo that occur when transl ati ng from
rhotheta to X-Y format.
El ectroni c Beari ng Ci rcl earound the peri meter
of the radar vi deo di spl ay, has beari ng markers
di spl ayed every 5, and i s numeri cal l y l abel ed every
El ectroni c Pl otti ng Ai dprovi des a conti nuous
di spl ay of shi ps speed and course, offset setti ngs,
pri nci pal desi gnator range and beari ng, and BI T
Fi gure 2-11 shows the physi cal confi gurati on of the
AN/SPA-25G. I t has the same form and fi t as previ ous
i ndi cator group model s i n the AN/SPA-25 seri es. I t wi l l
pass through a 25-i nch di ameter hatch wi thout
di sassembl y. I f a ti l ted panel or si t-down consol e i s
requi red, a 60 i nsert secti on and an attachabl e front
shel f are avai l abl e (fi g. 2-12).
The AN/SPA-25G has unl i mi ted oper ati onal
capabi l i ti es, si nce i t wi l l i nterface wi th any Navy
conventi onal search radar system. The CV-3989/SP
Figure 2-11.AN/SPA-25G stand-up configuration.
Figure 2-12.AN/SPA-25G with insert section.
Si gnal Data Converter provi des the pri mary i nterface
between conventi onal equi pment by mul ti pl exi ng
anal og i nformati on i nto a si ngl e di gi tal data stream for
use by the AN/SPA-25G.
The AN/SPA-25G al l ows the mai ntai ner to l ocal i ze
faul ts qui ckl y by usi ng bui l t-i n-test (BI T) and test
messages for ci rcui t and modul e checkout.
CV-3989/SP Signal Data Converter
The Si gnal Data Converter CV-3989/SP (SDC),
shown i n fi gure 2-13, i s desi gned for i nstal l ati on i nsi de
the shi pboard radar room. I t i s mated to the radar
(tri ggers), antenna azi muth, shi ps gyro-headi ng, and
shi ps speed or di stance (shi ps pi t l og).
The SDC condi ti ons and mul ti pl exes the vari ous data
i nputs i nto a si ngl e di gi tal data (RADDS) stream. Thi s
permi ts a si ngl e cabl e to di stri bute RADDS stream data
throughout the shi p. Previ ous di stri buti on of radar and
navi gati on data requi red mul ti pl e cabl es. The SDC
accepts radar and navi gati on i nputs and converts them i nto
fi ve i ndependent seri al di gi tal data (RADDS stream)
outputs. Over a si ngl e coaxi al cabl e, the fol l owi ng data i s
provi ded by the SDC RADDS data stream:
Figure 2-13.Signal Data Converter, CV-3989/SP.
Radar tri gger(s)
Radar antenna azi muth (stabi l i zed and
unstabi l i zed)
Dead reckoni ng i nformati on
Shi ps headi ng
Radar set sensor I D
The SDC al so contai ns the necessary ci rcui try for
future growth and expanded use i n data di stri buti on. A
compati bl e swi tchboard i s requi red to i nterface the data
from vari ous radar sets wi th other systems.
SB-4229/SP Switchboard
The SB-4229/SP swi tchboard, shown i n fi gure
2-14, repl aces al l SB-440, SB-1109, and SB-1505
swi tchboards. I t provi des sel ectabl e di stri buti on of data
from any Navy conventi onal search radar set. The
CPU-control l ed swi tchboard can accept si gnal s from 16
radar sets and fi ve I FF i nterrogator sets, then di stri bute
them to ni ne i ndi vi dual radar i ndi cators and ni ne I FF
decoders. I t can al so accept mode control from any I FF
decoder associ ated wi th any of the radar i ndi cators and
swi tch the mode control of the I FF i nterrogator
associ ated wi th the radar set bei ng vi ewed on that
i ndi cator. Thi s process i s expl ai ned i n more detai l i n
chapter 3.
The SB-4229/SP swi tchboard al l ows radar and I FF
si gnal s from shi ps radar and RADDS data stream i nputs
to be sel ected from up to 16 si gnal data converters. I t
provi des up to ni ne sel ectabl e outputs to the AN/SPA
seri es radar i ndi cators. So, up to ni ne di fferent operators
can sel ect one of 16 i nput sensors to di spl ay at thei r
i ndi cator. Each of the 16 i nput sensors can consi st of
three radar vi deos, RADDS data stream, and I FF control
wi th i ts associ ated vi deos. The more si gni fi cant desi gn
features i ncl ude:
Local or remote sel ecti on of i nput sensors
Conversi on of RADDS data stream back to
anal og (for ol der i ndi cators)
Di stri buti on of any of the 16 i nput sensors to any
of up to ni ne separate radar i ndi cators
Detecti on of i mproper operati on by sel f-test
(BI T)
Figure 2-14.Radar Distribution switchboard, SB4229/SP.
The mai ntenance of the AN/SPA-25G, CV-3989/SP,
and the SB-4229/SP i s performed by the El ectroni cs
Techni ci an (ET) assi gned mai ntenance responsi bi l i ti es
for the surface search radar or conventi onal radar
di spl ay and di stri buti on systems.
Organi zati onal mai ntenance consi sts of correcti ve
and preventi ve mai ntenance acti ons. Preventi ve
mai ntenance i s performed accordi ng to the mai ntenance
requi rement cards (MRCs).
Sh i pboar d per s on n el per for m cor r ecti v e
mai ntenance accordi ng to the correcti ve mai ntenance
secti ons of the appl i cabl e techni cal manual s and as
refl ected by the mai ntenance code assi gned i n the
equi pment APL. CM may requi re (1) removal or
repl acement of cabi net mounted pi ece parts, (2)
r epl acemen t of compon en ts , as s embl i es , or
sub-assembl i es, or (3) repai r of certai n uni ts, assembl i es
or sub-assembl i es desi gnated as shi pboard repai rabl e.
I t may then requi re turn i n of depot repai rabl e
assembl i es or sub-assembl i es through prescri bed suppl y
Al l repl aceabl e modul es, assembl i es or pri nted
ci r cui t boar ds wi th a r epl acement val ue of $500 or mor e
(except the CRT and hi gh-vol tage power suppl i es) are
desi gned and constructed to be repai rabl e by component
repl acement at the depot mai ntenance l evel .
The range-hei ght i ndi cator (RHI ) scopes used wi th
hei ght-fi ndi ng radars obtai n and di spl ay al ti tude
i n for mati on . Th e RHI i s a two-di men s i on al
presentati on showi ng target range and al ti tude. An
exampl e of a RHI presentati on i s shown i n fi gure
The sweep of a RHI starts i n the l ower l eft si de of
the scope and moves across the scope to the ri ght at an
angl e that i s the same as the angl e of transmi ssi on of the
hei ght-fi ndi ng radar. The l i ne of si ght to the hori zon i s
i ndi cated by the bottom hori zontal l i ne. The poi nt
Figure 2-15.RHI presentation.
di rectl y overhead i n the sky (the zeni th) i s strai ght up
the l eft si de of the scope. Targets are di spl ayed as
verti cal bl i ps. Verti cal range markers are provi ded to
esti mate target range.
The operator determi nes al ti tude by adjust-
i ng the moveabl e hei ght l i ne to the poi nt where
i t bi sects the center of the tar get bl i p. Tar get
hei ght i s then read di rectl y from al ti tude di al s
(counter s).
I n chapter 1, you revi ewed the basi cs of the theory
of radar operati on. I n thi s chapter, you l earned some
basi cs about speci fi c equi pment used i n the fl eet.
You now know whi ch mi ssi ons, on what types of
shi ps, are supported by surface search and navi gati on
radars, such as the AN/SPS-67(V), the AN/SPS-64(V)9,
and the AN/SPS-55. You are aware of some of the
speci al operati ng, mai ntenance, and safety features of
these radars. You can i denti fy, duri ng troubl eshooti ng,
whi ch systems they i nterface wi th.
You l earned the same types of thi ngs about the 2D
ai r search radars used by the Navy, such as the
AN/SPS-49(V), the AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E, and the
AN/SPS-65(V) aboard shi ps and the AN/GPN-27
(ASR) at shore i nstal l ati ons. These are ai r search radars
that you wi l l mai ntai n.
Al though the FCs wi l l usual l y mai ntai n the 3D
radars aboard your shi p, you must understand how they
operate i n the scheme of the overal l radar mi ssi on.
Knowl edge of carri er control l ed approach and
ground control l ed approach radar systems such as the
AN/SPN-46(V) and the AN/FPN-63 i s essenti al i n the
hi gh-tech warfare we use today. Successful ai r stri kes
and ai r cover are the key to any mi l i tary vi ctory.
Mul ti purpose consol es are repl aci ng many of the
radar repeaters on Naval Tacti cal Data Systems (NTDS)
equi pped shi ps. But, radar repeaters sti l l serve as a
back-up to the consol es used on NTDS shi ps and are
i rrepl aceabl e on non-NTDS shi ps. So, i t i s sti l l
necessary that you know radar i nformati on i s provi ded
by di spl ays such as radar i ndi cators. The A scope
(r ange-onl y i ndi cator ) i s used pr i mar i l y by the
mai ntenance personnel to eval uate the operati on of the
radar. The PPI scope (range-azi muth i ndi cator) i s the
most commom usual l y consi sti ng of a Radar Di spl ay
and Di stri buti on System, i ncl udi ng the AN/SPA-25G
I ndi cator, the CV-3989/SP Si gnal Data Converter, and
the SB-4229/SP swi tchboar d. The RHI scope
(range-hei ght i ndi cator) i s used wi th hei ght-fi ndi ng
radars to obtai n and di spl ay al ti tude i nformati on.
The Handbook for Shipboard Surveillance Radars,
NAVSEA SE 200-AA-HBK-010, provi des i nformati on
on radar fundamental s and rul es of thumb to the l evel
that wi l l al l ow you to i nterpret techni cal speci fi cati ons
and performance statements wi th respect to radar
performance requi rements. Thi s i s a good publ i cati on
to revi ew i f you want to make a suggesti on for
i mprovement or modi fi cati on to a radar system. Thi s
handbook provi des techni cal support and back-up data
for shi pboard radar systems engi neers. However, i t al so
provi des fundamental and descri pti ve i nformati on for
Navy radar users, i ncl udi ng radar pri nci pl es and
shi pboard survei l l ance radar characteri sti cs.
I n chapter 3, we wi l l di scuss some of the systems
that use radar i nformati on. Wel l di scuss the equi pment
i nvol ved wi th I FF and DAI R, and al so l ook at some of
the uni que mai ntenance concepts of the Navy Tacti cal
Data System (NTDS).
I n the previ ous chapters, we di scussed a basi c pul se
radar system, basi c types of radar sets and speci fi c radar
equi pment used i n the fl eet. Most every radar weve
menti oned can i nterface wi th other systems. I n thi s
chapter wel l l ook at some of the systems that use that
radar i nformati on, such as I denti fi cati on Fri end or Foe
(I FF) systems, Di rect Al ti tude and I denti ty Readout
(DAI R) systems, and Navy Tacti cal Data Systems
(NTDS). We wi l l not teach you speci fi c equi pment, but
will hel p you i denti fy and understand the i nterface of
radar i nformati on wi th the vari ous systems used i n the
Navy today.
Most of the equi pment di scussed i n thi s chapter has
speci fi c mai ntenance trai ni ng avai l abl e. However,
except for certai n crypto equi pment, you do not need
specific trai ni ng to work on the gear. Remember, as an
ET, you can become an expert mai ntai ner of ANY
el ectroni c equi pment.
The fi rst system wel l tal k about i s I denti fi cati on
Fri end or Foe (I FF) equi pment, speci fi cal l y, the AI MS
Mark XI I I FF system, used by ai rcraft and surface
vessel s.
I FF equi pment, used wi th search radars, permi ts
automati c i denti fi cati on of targets before they are near
enough to threaten the securi ty of a fri endl y craft. I n
addi ti on to fri endl y i denti fi cati on, modern I FF systems
al so provi de other i nformati on such as type of craft,
squadron, si de number, mi ssi on, and ai rcraft al ti tude.
I FF compl etes the i denti fi cati on process i n three
basi c steps: (1) chal l enge, (2) repl y, and (3) recogni ti on.
The I FF i nterrogator sends a coded challenge i n the
form of pul se pai rs. The sel ected mode of operati on
determi nes the spaci ng between the pul ses.
A fr i endl y tar gets I FF tr ansponder wi l l
automati cal l y reply to the coded chal l enge wi th an
omni di recti onal transmi ssi on. I t sends a di fferent set of
pul ses at a sl i ghtl y di fferent frequency than the
i nterrogator frequency. A suppressi on (bl anki ng) si gnal
keeps your shi ps transponder from repl yi ng to i ts own
i nter r ogator .
The I FF i nterrogator recei ves the coded repl y and
processes i t for di spl ay on an i ndi cator. Recognition of
the target i s based on the ppi di spl ay. The coded repl y
from a fri endl y craft normal l y appears as a dashed l i ne
just beyond the target bl i p, as shown i n fi gure 3-1.
The i denti fi cati on process uses two sets of I FF
equi pment, the i nterrogator set and the transponder set.
A shi p may have one or more i nterrogator sets, but wi l l
have onl y one transponder set. Normal l y, i nterrogators
and transponders aboard shi ps functi on i ndependentl y.
The I FF i nter r ogator oper ates l i ke a r adar
transmi tter and recei ver. I t uses a smal l di recti onal
antenna ei ther attached to or rotated i n synchroni zati on
wi th the ai r search radar antenna. The modul ator of the
search radar set provi des synchroni zati on tri ggers for
the I FF i nterrogate.
When processi ng repl i es for di spl ay, the I FF
i nter r ogator uses the ti me l apse between the
transmi ssi on of a chal l enge and the recepti on of a repl y
to determi ne range. The synchroni zed antenna
i nformati on provi des the correct beari ng.
A hi gh output power i s not requi red for the one-way
tri p to the target taken by the transmi tted pul ses, so the
I FF i nterrogator can operate at l ow peak power (1 to 2
ki l owatts).
The I FF transponder i s a recei ver-transmi tter
combi nati on that automati cal l y repl i es to a coded
Figure 3-1.Fundamentats of IFF operation.
chal l enge. The recei ver secti on recei ves and ampl i fi es
si gnal s wi thi n i ts bandpass and decodes the chal l enge
si gnal s. Recepti on of correctl y coded chal l enge si gnal s
wi l l automati cal l y key the transmi tter secti on to send
prearranged repl y si gnal s on a di fferent frequency.
I n ti mes of hosti l i ty, safe or unsafe transi t through a
parti cul ar area coul d depend on how wel l your I FF i s
operati ng. I ts not very safe to approach another shi p i n
a hosti l e area wi thout bei ng abl e to i denti fy yoursel f as
a fr i endl y target. Al so, bei ng wi thout an I FF that can
i denti fy the targets on your radar screen puts your
Tacti cal Acti on Offi cer (TAO) at a di sadvantage.
Therefore, your understandi ng of I FF operati on and
mai ntenance i s extremel y i mportant.
AI MS i s an acronym for an air traffic control radar
beacon system (ATCRBS), identification friend or foe
(I FF), Mark XI I system. ATCRBS desi gnates the
ci vi l i an ai r traffi c control system used for ai r control
worl dwi de. I FF i denti ti es mi l i tary systems. The AI MS
system i ncl udes equi pment such as i nterrogators,
tr ansponder s, decoder s, i nter r ogator si de l obe
suppressi on (I SLS) swi tches and dri vers, defrui ters, and
crypt computers.
Modes of Operation
The Mark XI I system can chal l enge i n fi ve di fferent
modes (1, 2, 3/A, 4, and C), each wi th a speci fi c
functi on. The vi deo decoder uni t, associ ated wi th a
speci fi c i ndi cator, provi des control si gnal s that the
i nterrogator uses to send chal l enges and decode repl i es
i n the vari ous modes. As we menti oned i n chapter 2,
when the operator has mul ti -radar i nputs avai l abl e, the
radar di stri buti on swi tchboard routes the control si gnal s
to the correct i nterrogator uni t.
SIF MODES. Ai r traffi c control and code
moni tori ng for fri endl y ai rcraft and surface craft use
sel ecti ve i denti fi cati on feature (SI F) modes (modes 1,
2, and 3/A). Chal l enges i n these modes consi st of two
pul ses spaced at a characteri sti c i nterval for each pul se,
wi th a thi rd pul se added for I SLS operati on, as shown
i n fi gure 3-2.
For SI F modes, the transponder repl y i s a bi nary
code contai ned between two bracket (frami ng) pul ses.
Frami ng pul ses are present i n every repl y, regardl ess of
code content. Each repl y code corresponds to a uni que
4-di gi t deci mal code. For each mode, the user di al s the
desi r ed r epl y code i nto the tr ansponder usi ng
thumbwheel swi tches. Mode 1, 2, 3/A, and C repl i es,
by themsel ves, cannot be separated accordi ng to mode.
The i nterrogator, knowi ng i n whi ch mode i t has
chal l enged, separates and i denti fi es the repl i es wi th the
proper mode.
Figure 3-2.AIMS Mark XII IFF interrogations and replies.
When desi r ed, a tr ansponder may send an
i denti fi cati on of posi ti on (I /P) repl y to mode 1, 2, or 3/A
i nterrogati ons. Thi s repl y, when decoded, marks on the
i ndi cator a parti cul ar ai rcraft wi th whi ch the system
operator has voi ce communi cati ons.
A pi l otl ess ai rcraft contai ni ng a transponder
transmi ts an X-pul se repl y when respondi ng to SI F
mode i nterrogati ons. Thi s i s a normal mode repl y wi th
an addi ti onal pul se occupyi ng the center posi ti on of the
repl y trai n.
Mode 1. Mode 1 operati on, set at the control box
C-6280, i s for mi l i tary use onl y. The fi rst di gi t of the
repl y code must be a number from 0 to 7. The second
di gi t must be a number from 0 to 3. The remai ni ng two
di gi ts wi l l normal l y be 0. Mi l i tary emergency repl i es
(cal l ed 4X or four tr ai n emer genci es) i ncl ude the nor mal
repl y pl us 3 sets of frami ng pul ses for both modes 1 and
Mode 2. Mode 2 operati on, set i n at the
transponder uni t, i s al so for mi l i tary use onl y. I n mode
2 and 3/A repl y codes, each of the four repl y di gi ts can
have any val ue from 0 to 7.
Mode 3/A. Mode 3/A operati on, al so set at the
control box, i s avai l abl e for mi l i tary or ci vi l i an use.
Mode 3/A mi l i tary emergency repl i es consi st of a
combi nati on of 4X and 7700 codes. Ci vi l i an emergency
repl i es use just the 7700 code. A 7600 repl y code, for
both mi l i tary and ci vi l i an use, i ndi cates a fai l ure i n radi o
communi cati ons. A 7777 repl y code i s assi gned to
i nterceptors on acti ve ai r defense mi ssi ons. Any
transponder sendi ng repl i es to mode 3/A wi th codes of
7500, 7600, 7700, or 7777 wi l l tr i gger an al ar m at near by
FAA towers.
The FAAs nati onwi de computer network tracks al l
assi gned mode 3/A codes. The Department of Defense
i s assi gned four mode 3/A code bl ocks (50XX, 54XX,
61XX, 64XX) for use wi thi n U.S. nati onal ai r space.
A confl i cti ng si gnal from your shi p coul d cause
havoc for both l ocal and nati onal ai r control functi ons.
The mode 3/A code assi gned to your uni t duri ng an
operati on i s probabl y not a code authori zed for mi l i tary
use i n nati onal ai rspace. I t may even be the same as one
assi gned to a commerci al fl i ght. To avoi d probl ems wi th
ai r control , keep mode 3/A off the ai r when your shi p i s
i n port or coastal waters.
MODE 4. Mode 4 operati on i s for mi l i tary use
onl y and al l ows for secure i denti fi cati on of fri endl y
ai rcraft and surface vessel s. I FF automati cal l y
generates a repl y code accordi ng to a preset crypto key
l i st. As shown i n fi gure 3-2, mode 4 i nterrogati ons use
encoded, mul ti pul se trai ns wi th 4 (sync) pul ses and an
I SLS pul se, fol l owed by up to 32 i nformati on pul ses.
When the transponder recei ves and processes a
val i d mode 4 i nterrogati on, i t sends out a ti me-coded,
three-pul se repl y. The i nterrogator converts the val i d
mode 4 repl y back to one pul se. The repl y i s then ti me
decoded before i t i s presented on the i ndi cator. There
are no emergency repl i es for mode 4 or mode C.
MODE C. Mode C repl i es used by ci vi l i an and
mi l i tary ai rcraft i ndi cate ai rcraft al ti tude and are taken
automati cal l y from the ai rcrafts barometri c al ti meter.
Mode C i nterrogati ons are the same as those for SI F
modes. Repl i es are bi nary codes contai ned between
bracket pul ses si mi l ar to those for SI F modes.
The repl y, deri ved from an encoder l i nked to the
ai rcraft al ti meter, may represent any al ti tude from
-1,000 feet to +126,700 feet i n 100-foot i ncrements.
Shi pboard transponders are wi red to repl y to mode C
i nterrogati ons wi th bracket pul ses onl y (code 0000).
Commerci al avi ati on has i mpl emented the Traffi c
Al ert and Col l i si on Avoi dance System (TCAS), whi ch
uses a l ow-power mode C i nterrogator-processor.
Usi ng mode C al ti tude reports, i t computes the cl osest
poi nt of approach (CPA) to other ai rcraft and di spl ays
the i nformati on as an overl ay on the weather radar
i ndi cator. General avi ati on ai rcraft fl yi ng bel ow 12,500
feet repl y to mode C wi th empty brackets (code 0000),
the same code used by Navy shi ps.
TCAS cannot di sti ngui sh between repl i es sent by
your shi p and those sent by smal l ai rcraft. I t assumes
that a mode C target i s at the same al ti tude as i tsel f i f no
al ti tude i s reported. Therefore, your shi ps mode C repl y
can set off a projected col l i si on al arm i n the cockpi t of
an arri vi ng or departi ng ai rl i ner, causi ng the pi l ot to
make unnecessary and dangerous maneuvers. Si nce
thi s si tuati on i s a great threat to ai r safety, your
transponders mode C shoul d al ways be secured i n or
near port, unl ess you are testi ng the uni t, wi th the
antenna di sconnected.
i nter nal l y.
Equipment Components
As we menti oned earl i er, the i nterrogator and
transponder secti ons of the AI MS Mark XI I I FF operate
i ndependentl y of each other . I n the fol l owi ng
paragraphs, wel l di scuss each secti on, begi nni ng wi th
the i nterrogator secti on.
of the i nterrogator secti on (except the vi deo decoder
group) are usual l y mounted i n a rack l ocated i n the radar
equi pment room, as shown i n fi gure 3-3.
A si mpl i fi ed bl ock di agram of the i nterrogator
secti on i s shown i n fi gure 3-4. The Interrogator Set
AN/UPX-23, provi des rf chal l enges for the vari ous
modes. I t al so recei ves transponder repl i es and
processes them i nto proper vi deo si gnal s for appl i cati on
to the decoders and i ndi cators.
The pulse generator pr ovi des I FF system
pretri ggers that i ni ti ate chal l enges for the enabl ed
modes. I n a sl aved I FF system, associ ated wi th a
speci fi c radar, the pul se generator synchroni zes the
i nterrogati ons wi th the radar. I n a bl ack I FF system,
not associ ated wi th a radar, i t produces tri ggers
Figure 3-3.Mark XII IFF interrogator equipment.
Figure 3-4.Mark XII IFF system interrogator station.
The Computer, KIR-1A/TSEC, encodes mode 4
chal l enges for transmi ssi on by the i nterrogator. I t al so
decodes the recei ved mode 4 transponder repl i es. The
code changer key, TSEC/KI K-18, i nserts the mode 4
code i nto the computer.
The Video Decoder, AN/UPA-59(), has vari ous
confi gurati ons. The most common confi gurati on uses a
vi deo decoder, an i ntra-target data i ndi cator, and an
al arm moni tor.
The video decoder provi des control si gnal s that the
i nterrogator uses to di spl ay chal l enges i n the vari ous
modes. I t al so decodes and processes repl y vi deo (mode
4 vi deo goes di rectl y through wi thout processi ng) and
provi des vi deo output to the i ndi cator. The vi deo
decoder wi l l accept radar vi deo from an associ ated radar
and route i t, wi th or wi thout I FF vi deo, to the i ndi cator
for di spl ay. An intratarget data indicator pl ugs i nto a
receptacl e i n the decoders front panel . I t provi des
readouts of repl y codes for modes 1, 2, and 3/A and
di rect al ti tude readouts for mode C. The alarm monitor
contai ns a l oud speaker and i ndi cator l i ghts to provi de
audi bl e and vi sual al arms when I FF emergency si gnal s
are decoded.
The defruiter can be one of two types of
i nter fer ence bl anker s. The MX-8757/UPX i s a
four-channel type, usi ng one channel per mode for
modes 1, 2, 3/A, and C. The MX-8758/UPX i s a
one-channel type, usi ng one channel for al l modes.
Both uni ts remove nonsynchronous transponder repl i es
(frui t) and recei ver noi se from I FF vi deo.
The control monitor functi ons as a remote
control and remote moni tor for the i nterrogator
secti on. The front panel of the control moni tor i s
shown i n fi gure 3-5.
The Switch and Driver, AN/UPA-61, provi des
I SLS operati on for the Mark XI I system. Targets at
cl ose range may repl y to si de and back l obes, as wel l as
to the mai n antenna beam. Thi s coul d cause a target to
appear for nearl y 360 degrees cl ose to the ori gi n of the
di spl ay, a phenomenon known as ri ng-around. I SLS
prevents ri ng-around by i nhi bi ti ng transponder repl i es
to si de l obes.
The Antenna Pedestal Group, AN/UPA-57, can
operate i n any of three modes: sl aved to a radar system,
sel f-synchronous, or manual l y. I t consi sts of a manual
pedestal control uni t, a control power suppl y uni t, an
antenna pedestal assembl y, and a pedestal di sconnect
mast swi tch.
The manual pedestal control i s usual l y l ocated at
the ppi . The front panel control s al l ow the sel ecti on of
free run, sl ave, or manual operati on. The control power
supply unit, l ocated bel ow decks, devel ops al l power
requi red for the antenna pedestal group. I n the free run
operati on mode, the power suppl y uni t can rotate the
pedestal assembl y at up to 15 rpm. When sl aved to a
Fi gure 3-5.Control moni tor front panel.
radar, it can accommodate rotation rates from 2 to 30
rpm, receiving radar synchro information via the
radar switchboard. I n the manual mode, it can
position the antenna to any azimuth directed from a
remote position. The antenna pedestal assembly can
mount the AS-2188( )/UPX or any other 10-foot
antenna designed to mount on the same platform. The
pedestal disconnect mast switch, located above decks,
removes all power from the pedestal assembly.
The selection of system antenna equipment
depends on which radar is using the Mark XI I system.
For installations where the rotary joint will not pass
the switching bias, the AS-2188( )/UPX will transmit a
sum pattern only, with a separate AS-177( )/UPX
omnidirectional antenna transmitting the difference
rf. Some installations use an integral antenna to
transmit and receive both radar and I FF signals, with
difference rf transmitted on a separate AS-177( )/UPX
receives interrogation pulses and, in turn, generates
the proper reply pulses. A simplified block diagram of
a typical shipboard transponder section is shown in
figure 3-6. As we discussed before, desired reply codes
are set by thumbwheel switches for modes 1, 2, and
3/A; ships are wired for code 0000 mode C replies.
Mode 4 replies are coded automatically according to
the crypto key installed in the TSEC/KI T-1A.
The organizational-level maintenance of the
Mark XI I I FF system is performed by ETs (NEC ET-
1572). You must have formal training or written
permission from your commanding officer to work on
the TSEC/KI R-1, TSEC/KI T-1, or TSEC/KI K-18
crypto units.
The AI MS Newsletter, published by Naval
Electronic Systems Engineering Activity (NESEA) St.
I nigoes, Maryland, provides information to shipboard
technicians and operators on AI MS systems, primarily
Mk XI I I FF and its related subsystems. I t keeps you
up to date on any equipment modifications, PMS
changes, and significant interface problems. I t also
gives you an AI MS hotline number to use if you have
any questions or problems concerning maintenance or
operation of Mk XI I I FF equipment. You can find
more information on this publication in ET, Volume 2,
Agreements between the Navy, Air Force, and
FAA, under the AI MS program, required the
development of a system to present ATCRBS data
instantly, in symbolic and numeric form, directly on
the indicator, and superimposed over live radar video.
The AI MS Mark XI I I FF system does this for ships.
Under the AI MS
Figure 3-6.Typical shipboard Mark XII transponder section.
program, the Navy, Ai r Force, and FAA further agreed
on s peci fi cati on s for a gr ou n d/s h or e-bas ed
confi gurati on cal l ed the DAI R system.
The DAI R ai r traffi c control system provi des
several di fferent types of confi gurati ons for di fferent
user requi rements. They are as fol l ows:
Type 5, DAI R
Type 10, Radar Ai r Traffi c Control Faci l i ty
Type 8, Carri er Ai r Traffi c Control Center
Type 12, Amphi bi ous Ai r Tr affi c Contr ol
Type 13, Shi pboard DAI R.
The Navy Trai ni ng Pl an (NTP) for the Type 13
system i s currentl y bei ng revi ewed for approval . Thi s
shi pboard DAI R system i s schedul ed to repl ace al l Type
8 and Type 12 systems i n the fl eet; however, there i s
currentl y no confi rmed ti me for the conversi ons. We
wi l l i ncl ude the speci fi cs of thi s system i n the fi rst
revi si on of thi s vol ume after the NTP i s approved and
an i nstal l ati on schedul e i s set. I n the meanti me, i f you
woul d l i ke to fi nd out more about the Type 13 system,
contact the i nstructors who teach the DAI R systems at
the Naval Ai r Techni cal Tr ai ni ng Center , NAS
Memphi s, Mi l l i ngton, TN.
Al l the types of DAI R systems use an operator (or
a team of operators) to control ai r traffi c vi a di spl ay
devi ces. Each operator gathers and assembl es
i nformati on by moni tori ng and operati ng di spl ay
devi ces. The operators use thi s i nformati on to control
ai r traffi c wi thi n a gi ven area.
AN/TPX-42A(V)5 gi ves the ai r traffi c control l er
rapi d, posi ti ve i denti fi cati on and al ti tude data on
tr ansponder -equi pped ai r cr aft. I t i s used for
ground-control l ed approach at shore i nstal l ati ons, such
as Naval and Mari ne Corps ai r stati ons (NAS, MCAS),
radar operati onal faci l i ti es (ROF), and radar ai r traftl c
control faci l i ti es (RATCF). At expedi tory ai rfi el ds, the
AN/TPX-42(V)5, i n a transportabl e shel ter wi th ASR,
i s used by Mari ne Ai r Traffi c Control Squadrons
(MATCS). Thi s system operates wi th a pri mary radar.
The radar suppl i es synchroni zi ng tri ggers and azi muth
data to the system. The DAI R i nfor mati on i s
superi mposed on the pri mary radar vi deo.
Al l the equi pment for the DAI R system, except
antennas, i s i nstal l ed i n remote shel ters, vans, control
rooms, and equi pment bui l di ngs. Dependi ng on the
requi rements of the si te, a vari ety of confi gurati ons
coul d be used.
RATCF DAI R i s used at major shore i nstal l ati ons
to i ncrease the capabi l i ty of the AN/TPX-42A(V)5
i nterrogator system. Thi s programmabl e system retai ns
al l the features of the DAI R system and modi fi es the
si gnal -pr ocessi ng chai n. The use of computer -
processed data i ncreases control l er effi ci ency and traffi c
handl i ng capabi l i ty. Some of the RATCF DAI R new
capabi l i ti es i ncl ude:
Automati c tracki ng of emergency targets
Audi bl e and vi sual al arm when an ai rcraft
descends bel ow a presel ected mi ni mum al ti tude
Al ti tude moni tori ng wi th an al arm when targets
stray 300 feet from control l er-assi gned al ti tude
Semi -automati c handoff and exchange of fl i ght
data between operators and faci l i ti es
RATCF DAI R offers an expanded di spl ay and
ai rcraft tracki ng capabi l i ty and i mpacts other radar
systems i n the same way as DAI R The RATCF DAI R
i nterfaces wi th FAA enroute centers, ARTS faci l i ti es, Ai r
Force PI DP faci l i ti es, and other RATCF DAI R faci l i ti es.
The AN/TPX-42A(V)8 i s desi gned for ai r traffi c
control aboard ai rcraft carri ers. I ts radi us of coverage
can extend to 200 nauti cal mi l es, al though ai r traffi c
control l ers are responsi bl e onl y out to 50 nauti cal mi l es.
Control l ers cover thei r area of responsi bi l i ty usi ng the
al phanumeri c di spl ay of fl i ght i denti ty, al ti tude, and
other perti nent i nformati on provi ded by thi s system and
superi mposed over pri mary radar vi deo.
The CATCC DAI R system accepts tri gger and
azi muth data from several shi pboard radars. I t al so
accepts shi ps data such as speed, headi ng, posi ti on,
cl ock ti me, and barometri c pressure and di spl ays them
i n a tabul ar l i st on the control l ers i ndi cator. The system
automati cal l y computes the fi nal beari ng and di spl ays i t
as a vector on the i ndi cators.
A control l er can put fl i ght i nformati on i nto the
system, vi a a keyboard, up to 24 hours before ai rcraft
take-off or recovery. The system automati cal l y tracks
ai rcraft (usi ng beacon response), matchi ng each ai rcraft
wi th the proper i denti fi cati on data from the fl i ght data
tabul ar l i st. As each ai rcraft l eaves the control l ers area
of responsi bi l i ty, i ts track i s passed to another CATCC
control posi ti on, CI C, or ACLS/PALS as appropri ate.
Some of the si gni fi cant operati ng capabi l i ti es of the
CATCC DAI R system i ncl ude:
Automati c tracki ng and al phanumeri c i denti ty of
sel ected ai rcraft by ai rcraft si de numbers
I ndependent radar sel ecti on by posi ti on
The abi l i ty to accept NTDS map or to draw anew
or modi fi ed map from a keyboard
I ndependent mai ntenance modes for di spl ays
wi th computer-dri ven mai ntenance patterns
Bui l t-i n Test Equi pment (BI TE) wi th computer-
assi sted di agnosti cs
Fi gure 3-7 shows a typi cal CATCC DAI R system
i nterface di agram. CATCC DAI R i nterfaces wi th many
systems i ncl udi ng:
Keyset Central Mul ti pl exer (KCMX)
RD-379 recorders
Radar swi tchboards
CATCC DAI R equi pment i s i nstal l ed i n the
CY-7567 el ectri cal cabi net and the MT-4939 and
MT-4940 el ectri cal equi pment racks l ocated i n the
auxi l i ar y r adar r oom. The CATCC oper ati ons r oom has
5 i ndi cator-control groups and 5 keyboard control l ers,
i ncl udi ng the emergency I FF/radar swi tch.
The AATC DAI R system i s desi gned for ai r traffi c
control aboard LHA, LPH, and LHD amphi bi ous shi ps.
Di spl ay capabi l i ti es are si mi l ar to those of CATCC
DAI R, but new equi pment and software programs
provi de capabi l i ti es needed for amphi bi ous operati ons.
The control l er i s provi ded the i denti ty, al ti tude, and
status of I FF-equi pped ai rcraft wi thi n the amphi bi ous
objecti ve area (AOA). I nformati on such as Ai r Pl an
Li sts and shi ps data are al so avai l abl e for di spl ay on the
control l ers consol e. AATC DAI R uses the I FF beacon
as a pri mary means of target detecti on and tracki ng, but
Figure 3-7.CATCC DAIR system interlace block diagram.
al so i ncorporates pri mary radar track processi ng as a
The AN/TPX-42A(V) 12 does not repl ace any
exi sti ng system. On amphi bi ous-type shi ps, 4 i ndi cator
control groups (consol es) are l ocated i n the Hel i copter
Di recti on Center (HDC). Addi ti onal consol es are
l ocated i n the Tacti cal Ai r Control Center (TACC) on
LHA- and LHD-type shi ps. To accommodate the
i nstal l ati on, some exi sti ng consol es may be removed
from these l ocati ons, but no system i s repl aced. Fi el d
change ki ts wi l l update currentl y i nstal l ed CATCC
DAI R systems on CV- and CVN-type shi ps to the (V)12
confi gurati on.
The AATC DAI R i nterfaces wi th the same systems
as CATCC DAI R, wi th the fol l owi ng addi ti onal
i nterface capabi l i ti es:
I ntegrated Tacti cal
System (I TAWDS)
Amphi bi ous Warfare Data
Shi pboard Data Mul ti pl ex System (SDMS)
The organi zati onal mai ntenance for the DAI R
systems i s done by ETs (NEC ET-1574 for DAI R,
ET-1576 for CATCC DAI R, ET-1576 wi th 2 weeks of
di fference trai ni ng for AATC DAI R, and ET-1578 for
RATCF DAI R). You wi l l perform both on-l i ne and
off-l i ne tests and al i gnment, system operati onal checks
and adjustments for CATCC and AATC DAI R, and
peri odi c i nspecti on, veri fi cati on and cl eani ng of certai n
equi pments i n RATCF DAI R. By usi ng BI TE for
on-l i ne faul t i sol ati on, you wi l l be abl e to i sol ate faul ts
to di screte components and, i n some cases, to a set of
several di gi tal cards. Youl l compl ete most repai rs by
removi ng and repl aci ng di screte chassi s components,
modul es, or di gi tal ci rcui t cards.
The Ai r Force performs depot-l evel mai ntenance on
DAI R equi pment under a joi nt mai ntenance task
agreement; however, the contractor wi l l repai r al l
CATCC- and AATC DAI R-uni que i tems at the depot
l evel . Return the i tems that you cant repai r to suppl y.
Theyl l know where to send them.
Al l the systems weve di scussed so far are the
mai ntenance responsi bi l i ty of the ET rati ng. The next
system, NTDS, i s mai ntai ned by several rati ngs. As we
expl ai ned i n ET, Vol ume 3, Communications Systems,
the onl y way to ensure opti mum operati on of the NTDS
system i s to work cl osel y wi th the other rati ngs i nvol ved.
ET, Vol ume 3, addresses the NTDS tacti cal
communi cati ons data system. I n thi s vol ume, we wi l l
addr ess the tacti cal r adar secti on. The NTDS
computer-centered control system coordi nates the
col l ecti on of data from vari ous sources. I t accepts data
from shi ps sensors, such as radar, sonar, and navi gati on
i nputs, and from external (off-shi p) sources vi a
communi cati ons l i nks. I t al so processes and correl ates
thi s data for tacti cal use.
NTDS accompl i shes i ts objecti ves i n real ti me; the
system recei ves data from vari ous sensi ng devi ces that
are i n conti nuous contact wi th the outsi de envi ronment.
I t uses thi s data to eval uate an event as i t happens. How
often the system requi res an update wi l l determi ne the
rate of sampl i ng for each sensi ng devi ce. The concept
of standard computers operati ng i n conjuncti on wi th
each other to i ncrease capaci ty and functi onal capabi l i ty
i s known as the uni t computer concept. I t i s basi c to
the desi gn phi l osophy of NTDS. A di agram of a typi cal
NTDS equi pment groupi ng i s shown i n fi gure 3-8.
NTDS i ntegrates al l systems and subsystems for
per for mi ng the basi c combat system functi ons
i ncl udi ng:
Detecti on and entry
Tracki ng and i denti fi cati on
Threat eval uati on and weapon assi gnment
Engagement and engagement assessment
The NTDS system accompl i shes i ts vari ed tasks by
recei vi ng, stori ng, and processi ng the data i nputs from
the other systems and subsystems. The operati onal
program then di stri butes the processed data as usabl e
i nputs for other systems and subsystems. The data
di spl ay al so al l ows the operator to i nteract wi th the
Figure 3-8.NTDS equipment grouping.
As an ET, you are responsi bl e for mai ntai ni ng the
radar, antenna, vi deo and sync amps, and radar
swi tchboard, pl us any associ ated equi pment di rectl y
connected to thi s group.
Al l shi ps wi th NTDS have a Combat Systems
Technical Operations Manual (CSTOM). The CSTOM
documents the total i ntegrated combat systems concept;
y ou wi l l fi n d i t a u s efu l gu i de r egar di n g
communi cati ons, radar, and NTDS as a whol e i ntegrated
The CSTOM organi zes the techni cal data associ ated
wi th the i ntegr ated combat system, pr ovi di ng
i nformati on requi red to both operate and mai ntai n the
system. I t defi nes si gni fi cant capabi l i ti es and
l i mi tati ons of the system, and even outl i nes
requi rements for mai ntai ni ng materi al and personnel
readi ness for the system. The publ i cati on i s structured
as fol l ows:
As y ou may i magi n e, wi th s u ch an al l -
encompassi ng system, troubl eshooti ng may take you
beyond ET l i nes of mai ntenance responsi bi l i ty. I f the
system has a probl em, you shoul d be aware of what the
FCs, or DSs, or I Cs are doi ng. Your experti se on the
radar or the radar di stri buti on swi tchboard may hel p
prevent them from wasti ng thei r ti me. Bei ng aware of
what other rati ngs are doi ng al so wi l l al l ow you to
become more fami l i ar wi th other equi pment and more
knowl edgeabl e about what coul d affect your equi pment.
Regardl ess of your techni cal knowl edge on a pi ece
of gear, you must know the safety requi rements
associ ated wi th that gear before you work on i t. I n the
next chapter, we wi l l di scuss safety aspects that are
speci fi c to radar mai ntenance.
You are now a radar systems techni cal expert. As
an El ectroni cs Techni ci an, Second Cl ass, and possi bl e
work center supervi sor, you al so must understand the
basi c safety requi rements for radar mai ntenance and
operati on.
I n ET Vol ume 1, Safefy, we di scussed the fol l owi ng
safety i tems that appl y to radar: (1) the proper handl i ng
of cathode-ray tubes (CRTs), (2) measuri ng vol tage on
ener gi zed equi pment, (3) the use of pr otecti ve
equi pment, (4) tag-out procedures, (5) worki ng al oft,
and (6) RF hazards.
We wi l l not cover that materi al i n thi s vol ume.
However, we wi l l test your understandi ng of that
materi al i n the NRTC for thi s vol ume. Therefore, i f you
have not compl eted Vol ume 1, you may want to do so
before proceedi ng wi th thi s course.
Much of your radar gear (i f l abel ed correctl y) wi l l
have radi ati on hazard (RADHAZ) warni ngs attached.
These l abel s i ndi cate a radi ati on hazard produci ng RF
el ectromagneti c fi el ds i ntense enough to actuate
el ectro-expl osi ve devi ces, cause spark i gni ti on of
vol ati l e combusti bl es, or produce harmful bi ol ogi cal
effects i n humans. You wi l l probabl y not be abl e to
el i mi nate the hazards caused by normal operati on of
your radar equi pment. Therefore, you wi l l need to
mi ni mi ze them duri ng certai n evol uti ons.
The most effecti ve way to reduce radi ati on hazards
i s to shut down equi pment when possi bl e or to l ocate
equi pment so that radar mai n beams do not i l l umi nate
ordnance, personnel , or fuel s.
NAVSEA OP 3565 requi res each commandi ng
offi cer to establ i sh procedures for mai ntai ni ng posi ti ve
control of RF transmi tti ng equi pment and to coordi nate
the acti ons of personnel worki ng near emi tters or
handl i ng ordnance. By i nstructi on, no one may turn on
a n y tr ansmi tti ng equi pment wi thout pr oper
author i zati on fr om the super vi sor i n char ge of
operati ons. That means that you need permi ssi on to
operate, test operate, rotate, or radi ate el ectroni c gear.
Each command has an Emi ssi ons Contr ol
(EMCON) Bi l l that establ i shes the l evel of EMCON
requi red duri ng certai n types of operati ons. The
EMCON bi l l i denti fi es the equi pment to be secured
whi l e each EMCON l evel i s set. Label your radar
equi pment accordi ng to your EMCON bi l l to make
i denti fi cati on easy and to provi de for ti mel y shut down.
The fol l owi ng paragraphs di scuss the pri mary
adverse affects of el ectromagneti c radi ati on on materi al
and personnel and the programs desi gned to mi ni mi ze
those effects.
Duri ng on-l oadi ng or off-l oadi ng of ammuni ti on,
there i s a danger that RF el ectromagneti c fi el ds coul d
acci dental l y acti vate el ectro-expl osi ve devi ces (EEDs)
or el ectri cal l y-i ni ti ated ordnance. Thi s i s a very real
hazard to the ordnance, the shi p, and the crew. The
HERO program was devel oped to control these types of
si tuati ons.
When HERO i s set, i t usual l y requi res that radars be
secured. When you are i n port and must conduct any
radar mai ntenance requi ri ng rotati ng the antenna or
radi ati ng, al ways coordi nate your acti ons wi th Base
Operati ons vi a the CDO. HERO condi ti ons anywhere
i n the area coul d be affected by your radar. Even i f you
just want to radi ate a short peri od for an operati onal test,
check wi th the OOD or CDO fi rst.
Tabl e 4-1 i denti fi es ordnance hazards associ ated
wi th common el ectroni c equi pment. Thi s i s an exampl e
of tabl es found i n NAVSEA OP 3565 Vol ume I I , part 1.
The HERF program was devel oped to protect
fuel i ng operati ons. Duri ng fuel i ng operati ons, RF
el ectromagneti c fi el ds wi th a l arge enough i ntensi ty
coul d produce a spark that coul d i gni te the vol ati l e
combusti bl es. Therefore, certai n radars may need to be
shut down duri ng fuel i ng operati ons. Check your
HERF publ i cati ons for speci fi c detai l s.
Table 4-1.NAVSEA OP 3565 Volume II, Table 2-4, Safe Separation Distances for Radar, EW, and NAVAIDS Equipment
The HERP program was devel oped to protect
per sonnel fr om RF el ectr omagneti c r adi ati on.
Anywhere a radar or transmi tter i s operati ng, there i s a
danger that the RF el ectromagneti c fi el ds may produce
harmful bi ol ogi cal effects i n humans exposed to them.
The fol l owi ng paragraphs i denti fy the typi cal hazards
and the steps you can take to mi ni mi ze them.
exampl e of tabl es found i n NAVSEA OP 3565 Vol ume
I .
RF BURNS. As we menti oned i n ET Vol ume 1,
vol tages of enough potenti al to cause a burn i njury can
be i nduced on metal l i c i tems from nearby transmi tti ng
antennas. However, there has to be actual physi cal
contact for the burn to occur. You can hel p prevent
contact by ensuri ng that warni ng si gns are pl aced
properl y and obeyed.
RF hazards to personnel are based on overexposure
to RF energy. The bi ol ogi cal hazard l evel for exposure
to RF radi ati oni s establ i shed by the Bureau of Medi ci ne
and Surgery and i s i ncl uded i n NAVSEA OP 3565
Vol ume I .
SAFE LIMITS. Safe l i mi ts are based on the
power densi ty of the radi ati on beam and the exposure
ti me of the human body. Tabl e 4-2 i denti fi es safe l i mi ts
associ ated wi th common el ectroni cs equi pment. I t i s an
Duri ng normal operati ons, personnel can easi l y
avoi d most hazards i f the hazards are l abel ed properl y.
However, duri ng mai ntenance, some hazards must be
el i mi nated by speci fi c, pl anned acti ons, such as those
l i sted bel ow. Usi ng al l safety precauti ons i s the personal
responsi bi l i ty of the techni ci an.
TAG-OUT.Tag-out procedures are covered i n
depth i n ET Vol ume 1. Hangi ng a proper tag can save
your l i fe. Usi ng tags i mproperl y or not at al l wi l l
eventual l y put you, maybe your best buddy, maybe your
Table 4-2.NAVSEA OP 3565, Volume I, Table 2-1, Personnel Hazards from Continuous or Intermittent Exposure to Main Beam
whol e crew, i n a Navy mi shap report. Ensure that become fami l i ar wi th the hazards associ ated wi th your
requi red tags are i nstal l ed properl y and observed ful l y.
MAN-ALOFT CHITS. Man-Al oft chi ts protect
you from RF hazards when you are worki ng on radar
antennas. I f the chi t i s run properl y, the operati ons on
your shi p and any shi p next to you are modi fi ed to keep
you safe. Heed the requi rements and fol l ow the
bui l t i nto equi pment, such as cut-off swi tches on
antennas, are for your safety. A cut-off swi tch, when set,
wi l l keep you out of danger. I t wi l l prevent someone
from rotati ng the antenna from a remote l ocati on. But,
you, the techni ci an, have to set the cut-off swi tch for i t
to be of any use. Equi pment safety devi ces are there for
your protecti on. Use them!
Everywhere you go i n the Navy, there wi l l be
communi cati ons and radar equi pment that produces an
El ectromagneti c Radi ati on Envi ronment (EME). And,
there wi l l al ways be el ectromagneti c radi ati on hazards
i ntroduced by operati ng thi s equi pment. To be safe,
equi pment. I f you i nstal l new equi pment, update your
EMCON bi l l . Use NAVSEA OP 3565 Vol ume I or
Vol ume I I to determi ne the hazards associ ated wi th the
equi pment.
You cannot al ways avoi d hazards when worki ng on
radars. I n these i nstances, take what precauti ons you
can and at l east be prepared for an emergency. As we
di scussed i n ET Vol ume 1, there are vari ous safety
concer ns associ ated wi th wor ki ng on ener gi zed
equi pment, goi ng al oft, or handl i ng CRTs.
You may have to work on energi zed equi pment on
a hecti c bri dge, i n a crowded CI C, or i n a cramped radar
equi pment r oom. These ar e not i deal safety
envi ronments. As these spaces are mai ntai ned by
vari ous peopl e, al ways check the rubber matti ng around
your equi pment. Al so check other pr otecti ve
equi pment, such as rubber gl oves and shorti ng probes
before usi ng them.
On shi ps wi th mi ni mum manni ng, you may not have
the opti on of usi ng another ET as a safety observer.
Make sure that whoever i s goi ng to observe you i s CPR
qual i fi ed. Bri ef your observer on what you wi l l be
doi ng. Physi cal l y show hi m or her where the cut-off
swi tch i s l ocated. Have hi m or her stand by at a safe
di stance wi th a rope or wooden cane to pul l you from
the equi pment, shoul d you get hung up. Fol l ow
procedures outl i ned i n ET Vol ume 1 for vol tage checks.
As we menti oned earl i er, when you work al oft on
radar antennas, your man-al oft chi t protects you from the
RF radi ati on hazards. But, you al so need to be protected
from fal l i ng. Do the requi red PMS for safety harnesses
every ti me you use the harness. And remember, even a
good harness cant save you unl ess you use i t ri ght. When
you go up the mast attach your harness properl y so you
cant free fal l to the deck. Attach a l i ne to any tool s you
carry up, so they are unabl e to fal l freel y. Set the cut-off
swi tches for any antennas al ong your way.
I ts your l i fe; pi ck good safety observers. Your
safety observers shoul d be aware of what type of
mai ntenance youre goi ng to do. They al so need to
know whom to contact i f you run i nto techni cal
pr obl ems.
Safety Observers are responsi bl e for the safety of those
wal ki ng underneath you as wel l as for your safety. They
shoul d posi ti on themsel ves so you can communi cate wi th
them wi thout havi ng to come down. The safety observer
wi l l pass your i nformati on to everyone el se. I f somethi ng
i s fal l i ng, communi cate qui ckl y.
Cathode-ray tubes are part of radar scopes. You wi l l
defi ni tel y have to work around them. You wi l l probabl y,
at one ti me or another, pack or unpack, i nstal l , repai r, or
di spose of one. There are some very real dangers
associ ated wi th handl i ng a CRT. Al ways take the
precauti ons di scussed i n ET Vol ume 1 whenever you
handl e a CRT.
Never thi nk about el ectroni cs wi thout thi nki ng
about safety. Learn from the safety i nformati on you get
from the Shi ps Safety Bul l eti ns, Navy mi shap reports,
and per sonal exper i ence. Fol l ow establ i shed
procedures and al l safety i nstructi ons. Li ve l onger.
Weve di scussed many aspects of radar i n thi s
vol ume. I n ET Vol ume 7, Antennas and Wave
Propagation, we wi l l provi de speci fi c i nformati on
about radar antennas, wavegui des, and transmi ssi on
l i nes. Then i n ET Vol ume 8, System Concepts, we wi l l
di scuss speci fi cs on radar cool i ng systems.
2-M Mi cr omi ni atur e el ectr oni c r epai r .
2D RADAR Two di mensi onal ; the radar provi des
i nformati on on two separate coordi nates (usual l y
range and azi muth).
3D RADAR Three di mensi onal ; the radar provi des
i nformati on on three separate coordi nates (usual l y
range, azi muth, and al ti tude).
A/DAnal og/di gi tal .
AATC DAIR Amphi bi ous ai r traffi c control DAI R uses
an AN/TPX-42A(V)12 and i s known as a type 12 system.
AAW Anti ai r Warfare.
ACLS Autostati c Carri er Landi ng System.
ADT Automati c detecti on and tracki ng.
AFCAutomati c frequency control .
AIC Ai r i ntercept control .
AMW Amphi bi ous warfare.
AOA Amphi bi ous objecti ve area.
APG Azi muth pul se generator.
APL Al l owance parts l i st.
ASAC Anti submari ne ai rcraft control .
ASM Anti shi p mi ssi l e.
ASUW Anti surface warfare.
ASW Anti submari ne warfare.
ATCAi r traffi c control .
ATCRBSAi r Traffi c Control Radar Beacon System.
ATD Automati c target detecti on.
BITBui l t-i n-test.
BITE Bui h-i n-test equi pment.
CACCommand and control .
CAP Combat Ai r Patrol .
CATCC Car r i er Ai r Tr affi c Contr ol Center .
CATCC DAIR Carri er Ai r Traffi c Control Center
DAI R system uses a AN/TPX-42A(V)8 and i s
known as a type 8 system.
CCA Car r i er contr ol l ed appr oach.
CCS Central computer subsystem.
CDOCommand duty offi cer.
CFARConstant fal se al arm rate.
CIC Combat i nformati on center.
CM Cor r ecti ve mai ntenance.
CPACl osest poi nt of approach to other surface craft
or ai rcraft.
CPR Cardi opul monary resusci tati on.
CRT Cathode ray tube.
CSLCCoherent si del obe cancel er.
CSTOM Combat Systems Techni cal Operati ons
Manual .
CWConti nuous wave.
DAIR Di rect Al ti tude and I denti ty Readout. The
standard DAI R system uses an AN/TPX-42A(V)5
and i s known as a type 5 system.
DCSC Di gi tal coherent si del obe cancel er.
DFS Di rect fl eet support.
DMTI Di gi tal movi ng target i ndi cator.
DOP Desi gnated overhaul poi nt.
DRA Dead r eckoni ng anal yzer .
DUCTING The i ncreased bendi ng of radar waves as
they pass thr ough abnor mal atmospher i c
condi ti ons.
ECM El ectr oni c counter measur es.
EEDEl ectro-expl osi ve devi ces.
EIMB El ectroni cs I nstal l ati on and Mai ntenance
EMCONEmi ssi ons control .
EME El ectromagneti c radi ati on envi ronment.
EMI El ectr omagneti c i nter fer ence.
ET El ectroni cs Techni ci an.
FC Fi r e Contr ol Techni ci an.
FM Frequency modul ati on.
FRUIT Nonsynchronous transponder repl i es that
i nterfere wi th I FF vi deo.
FTC Fast ti me constant.
GCAGround control l ed approach.
GPETE General -pufpose el ectroni c test equi pment.
HDC Hel i copter di recti on center.
HERF Hazards of el ectromagneti c radi ati on to fuel .
HERO Hazards of el ectromagneti c radi ati on to
or dnance.
HERP Hazards of el ectromagneti c radi ati on to
personnel .
I/OI nput/output.
IADTI ntegrated Automati c Detecti on and Tracki ng
IFI ntermedi ate frequency.
IFF I denti fi cati on fri end or foe.
IMA I ntermedi ate mai ntenance acti vi ty.
ISI nterference suppressi on.
LSLS I ntemogator si de l obe suppressi on.
ITAWDS I ntegrated Tacti cal Amphi bi ous Warfare
Data System.
KCMX Keyset central mul ti pl exer.
LED Li ght-emi tti ng di odes.
LOS Li ne of si ght.
LRMLong range mode.
LRU Lowest repl aceabl e uni t.
LSO Landi ng si gnal offi cer.
MAM Mai ntenance assi st modul e.
MATCS Mari ne ai r traffi c control squadrons.
MCAS Mari ne Corps ai r stati on.
MFC Manual frequency control .
MLVMemory l oader/veri fi er.
MOBMobi l i ty.
MOISTURE LAPSE A fal l i ng away from the
standard moi sture content of the ai r.
MOTUMobi l e techni cal uni t.
MPPI Mai ntenance pl anned posi ti on i ndi cator.
MPU Medi um PRF upgrade.
MRC Mai ntenance r equi r ement car d.
MTBF Mean ti me between fai l ures.
MTI Movi ng target i ndi cator.
MTTR Mean ti me to repai r.
MTU Magneti c tape uni t.
MUTE Shi pboard Emi ssi on Moni tor-Control Set,
NASNaval ai r stati on.
NAVSEA Naval Systems Engi neeri ng Acti vi ty.
NAVSEACENNaval Systems Engi neeri ng Acti vi ty
Center .
NEC Navy Enl i sted Cl assi fi cati ons.
NEETS Navy El ectri ci ty and El ectroni cs Trai ni ng
Seri es.
NTDS Navy Tacti cal Data System.
OCCOperator control consol e.
OOD Offi cer of the deck.
PAPower ampl i fi er.
PALS Preci si on Approach Landi ng System.
PARPr eci si on appr oach r adar .
PCBPri nted ci rcui t board.
PM Pl anned/preventi ve mai ntenance.
PMS Pl anned Mai ntenance System.
PPIPl anned posi ti on i ndi cator.
PRF Pul se repeti ti on frequency, al so referred to as
pul se repeti ti on rate (PRR).
PRI-FLI Pri mary fl i ght.
PRRPul se repeti ti on rate, al so referred to as pul se
repeti ti on frequency (PRF).
R/TRecei ver/transmi tter.
RADDS Radar Di spl ay and Di stri buti on Systems.
RADHAZ Radi ati on hazard.
RATCF DAIR Radar Ai r Traffi c Control Faci l i ty
DAI R system uses the AN/TPX-42A(V)10 and i s
known as a type 10 system.
RF Radi o Fr equency.
RFI Radi o fr equency i nter fer ence.
RFSTC RF sensi ti vi ty ti me control .
RHI Range-hei ght i ndi cator.
RING-AROUND The appearance of a target cl ose to
the ori gi n of the di spl ay screen that extends nearl y
360 degrees. Usual l y a resul t of cl ose-i n targets
respondi ng to si de l obe I FF i nterrogati ons.
ROF Radar operati onal faci l i ti es.
RPM Rotati on per mi nute.
RSC Radar set control .
RTS Radar test set.
RVC Radar vi deo converter.
RVP Radar vi deo processor.
SBBM System/bootstrap bus moni tor.
SDCSi gnal data converter.
SDMS Shi pboard data mul ti pl ex system.
SEM Standard el ectroni c modul es.
SHM Shi ps headi ng marker.
SIF MODES Sel ecti ve i denti fi cati on feature modes
of I FF (modes 1, 2, and 3/A) used by fri endl y
ai rcraft and surface craft.
SM&R CODE Sou r ce,
recoverabi l i ty code.
SMS Shi ps moti on sensor.
mai n ten an ce, an d
SPETE Speci al -purpose el ectroni c test
equi pment.
SPW Speci al warfare.
SRSector radi ate.
SRF Shi p repai r faci l i ty.
SRM Short range mode.
SSTX Sol i d-state transmi tter.
STALO Stabl e l ocal osci l l ator.
STC Sensi ti vi ty ti me control .
STEEP Support and Test Equi pment Engi neeri ng
SVCSensi ti vi ty vel oci ty control .
TACC Tacti cal Ai r Control Center on LHA and LHD
type shi ps.
TAOTacti cal acti on offi cer.
TCAS Tr affi c Al er t and Col l i si on Avoi dance
condi ti on i n whi ch the normal properti es of the
l ayers of the ai r are reversed.
TRS Techni cal repai r standards.
VCS Vi deo cl utter suppressi on.
VSWRVohage standi ng wave rati o.
NOTE: Al though the fol l owi ng references were current when thi s TRAMAN
was publ i shed, thei r conti nued currency cannot be assured. You, therefore, need to
ensure that you are studyi ng the l atest revi si on.
AI MS Newsletter Number 24, Naval El ectroni c Systems Engi neeri ng Acti vi ty, St.
I ni goes, Md, February 1993.
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series, Module 18, Radar Principles,
NAVEDTRA 172-18-00-84, Naval Educati on and Tr ai ni ng Pr ogr am
Management Support Acti vi ty, Pensacol a, Fl ., 1984.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPA-25G I ndicator Group and SB-4229/ SP
Switchboard, NTP S-30-8304B, Chi ef of Naval Operati ons, Washi ngton,
DC, Apri l 1988.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ GPN-27 Airport Surveillance Radar, NTP E-50-7902A,
Chi ef of Naval Operati ons, Washi ngton, DC, May 1986.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPS-40B/ C/ D/ E Radar, NTP S-30-7127H, Chi ef of Naval
Operati ons, Washi ngton, DC, January 1991.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ TPX-42(V)5, 8, 10, NTP E-50-7005E, Chi ef of Naval
Operati ons, Washi ngton, DC, May 1986.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ TPX-42(V)12 AATC DAI R, NTP E-50-8502, Chi ef of
Naval Operati ons, Washi ngton, DC, August 1990.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPN-46(V) Precision Approach Landing System
(PALS), NTP E-50-8206C, Chi ef of Naval Operati ons, Washi ngton, DC,
Apri l 1989.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ TPS-49( V) Series Radar, NTP S-30-7515H, Chi ef of Naval
Operati ons, Washi ngton, DC, January 1993.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPS-55 Surface Search Radar, NTP S-30-7512E, Chi ef of
Naval Operati ons, Washi ngton, DC, June 1989.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ FPN-63 Precision Approach Radar (PAR), NTP
E-50-7404D, Chi ef of Naval Oper ati ons, Washi ngton, DC, August
Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPS-64(V) 9 Radar, NTP S-30-8106C, Chi ef of Naval
Operati ons, Washi ngton, DC, May 1989.
Navy Training Plan, AN/ SPS-67(V) Radar, NTP S-30-7716F, Chi ef of Naval
Operati ons, Washi ngton, DC, August 1990.
Technical Manual, Electromagnetic Radiation Hazards, Volume I and Volume I I ,
Part 1, NAVSEA OP 3565, Naval Sea Systems Command, Washi ngton DC, Jul y
A Confi gurati onConti nued
AN/SPS-40E, 2-11
Ai ms mark XI I I FF system modes of operati on, 3-2
AN/SPS-49(V), 2-9
emergency repl i es, 3-3
mode 1, 3-3
mode 2, 3-3
mode 3/A, 3-3
mode 4, 3-4
mode c, 3-4
SI F modes, 3-2
Ai r search (2D) radars, 2-8
AN/GPN-27(ASR-8), 2-13
AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E, 2-9
AN/SPS-49(V), 2-8
Al ti tude, 1-26
Beari ng, 1-3
beari ng resol uti on, 1-4
rel ati ve beari ng, 1-3
true beari ng, 1-3
Carri er-control l ed approach (CCA) radars, 2-15
AN/SPN-35, 2-16
AN/SPN-43, 2-16
AN/SPN-44, 2-16
AN/SPN-46(V) PALS, 2-15
Confi gurati on, 2-3
ANEPN-63 PAR, 2-18
AN/GPN-27, 2-14
ANI SPA-25G, 2-20
AN/SPN-46(V)1, 2-15
AN/SPN-46(V)2, 2-16
AN/SPS-40B/C/D, 2-11
AN/SPS-55, 2-6
AN/SPS-64(V)9, 2-5
AN/SPS-67(V)3, 2-3
Di rect al ti tude and i denti ty readout (DAI R) system, 3-7
AATC DAI R (AN/TPX-42A(V)12), 3-8
CATCC DAI R (AN/TPX-42A(V)8), 3-8
DAI R (AN/TPX-42A(V)5), 3-7
RATCF DAI R (AN/TPX-42A(V) 10), 3-8
Type 13, shi pboard DAI R, 3-7
General theory of operati on, 2-2
AN/FPN-63(V), 2-18
AN/GPN-27, 2-14
AN/SPA-25G, 2-19
AN/SPN-46(V), 2-15
AN/SPS-40, 2-11
AN/SPS-49(V), 2-8
AN/SPS-55, 2-6
AN/SPS-64(V)9, 2-5
AN/SPS-67(V), 2-2
radar i ndi cators (repeaters), 2-19
range-hei ght i ndi cator (RHI ), 2-23
SB-4229/SP swi tchboard, 2-22
si gnal data converter CV-3989/SP, 2-21
General theory of I FF operati on, 3-1
chal l enge, 3-1
i nterrogator, 3-1
recogni ti on, 3-1
repl y, 3-1
transponder, 3-1
Ground-control l ed approach (GCA) radars, 2-15
AN/FPN-63 PAR, 2-18
I nterfaces, 2-3
AN/GPN-27, 2-14
AN/SPA-25G, 2-20
AN/SPN-46(V), 2-16
AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E, 2-11
AN/SPS-49(V), 2-9
AN/SPS-55, 2-7
AN/SPS-67(V)1, 2-3
AN/SPS-67(V)3, 2-3
SB-4229/SP swi tchboard, 2-22
I nterrogator secti on, 3-4
antenna pedestal group, AN/UPA-57,
code changer key, TSEC/KI K-18, 3-5
computer, KI R-1A/TSEC, 3-5
control moni tor, 3-5
defrui ter, 3-5
i nterrogator set, AN/UPX-23, 3-4
pul se generator, 3-4
swi tch and dri ver, AN/UPA-61, 3-5
vi deo decoder, AN/UPA-590, 3-5
Mai ntenance, 2-3
AN/FPN-63, 2-18
AN/GPN-27, 2-14
AN/SPA-25G, 2-22
AN/SPN-46(V), 2-16
AN/SPS-40B/C/D/E, 2-11
AN/SPS-49(V), 2-9
AN/SPS-55, 2-7
AN/SPS-67(V), 2-3
CV-3989/SP, 2-22
Mai ntenanceConti nued
SB-4229/SP, 2-22
AN/SPS-64(V)9, 2-6
Naval Tacti cal Data System (NTDS), 3-10
Combat Systems Techni cal Operati ons Manual
(CSTOM), 3-11
Radar detecti ng methods, 1-3
conti nuous wave, 1-3
frequency modul ati on, 1-3
pul se modul ati on, 1-4
Radar i ndi cators (repeaters), 2-19
A scope, 2-19
AN/SPA-25G i ndi cator group, 2-19
pl anned posi ti on i ndi cator (PPI ), 2-19
range-hei ght i ndi cator (RHI ), 2-23
Radar performance, 1-4
atmospheri c condi ti ons, 1-4
beari ng resol uti on, 1-4
ducti ng, 1-4
r adar accur acy, 1-4
range resol uti on, 1-4
Radar reference coordi nate system, 1-1
azi muth, 1-2
el evati on angl e, 1-2
hori zontal pl ane, 1-1
l i ne of si ght, 1-1
true north, 1-1
true beari ng, 1-2
verti cal pl ane, 1-1
Radar safety, 4-1
cathode-ray tubes (CRTS), 4-4
energi zed equi pment, 4-3
man-al oft, 4-4
Radar safetyConti nued
radi ati on hazards, 4-1
RF burns, 4-2
safe l i mi ts, 4-2
Radar safety precauti ons, 4-2
equi pment safety devi ces, 4-3
man-al oft chi ts, 4-3
safety observer, 4-4
tag-out, 4-2
Radar system, 1-4
antenna system, 1-5
dupl exer, 1-5
i ndi cator, 1-5
modul ator, 1-5
recei ver, 1-5
transmi tter, 1-5
Radi ati on hazards, 4-1
HERO-hazards of
ordnance, 4-1
el ectromagneti c radi ati on to
HERF-hazards of el ectromagneti c radi ati on to
fuel s, 4-1
HERP-hazards of el ectromagneti c radi ati on to
personnel , 4-2
Range, 1-2
maxi mum range, 1-2
mi ni mum range, 1-2
range accuracy, 1-2
range resol uti on, 1-4
Surface search and navi gati on radars, 2-1
AN/SPS-55, 2-6
AN/SPS-64(V)9, 2-3
AN/SPS-67, 2-2
Three coordi nate (3D) ai r search radars, 2-14
Transponder secti on, 3-6
TSEC/KI T-1A, 3-6
Types of radar systems, 1-5
ai r sear ch, 1-7
hei ght fi ndi ng, 1-7
navi gati on, 1-6
surface search, 1-6
Assignment Questions
Information: The text pages that you are to study are
provided at the beginning of the assignment questions.
Textbook Assignment: Introduction to Basic Radar, chapter 1, pages 1-1 through 1-8;
and Radar Systems Equipment Configuration, chapter 2, pages 2-1
through 2-6.
1-1. A radar transmits a pulse, and
309 sec later the radar receives
an echo. What is the number of
nautical miles between the radar
and the contact?
1. 6.1
2. 12.2
3. 25
4. 50
1-2. Which method of transmitting radar
energy works well with stationary
or slow- moving targets, but is
not satisfactory for locating
fast-moving objects?
1. AM
2. CW
3. FM
4. Pulse
1-3. A radar cannot determine range if
it uses which of the following
types of energy transmission?
1. AM
2. CW
3. FM
4. Pulse
1-4. Which of the following methods of
energy transmission is used to a
great extent in Navy radars?
1. AM
2. CW
3. FM
4. Pulse
1-5. Which radar unit permits the use
of a single antenna for both
transmit and receive functions?
1. Antenna
2. Duplexer
3. Indicator
4. Modulator
Which of the following radar units
supplies rf energy of high power
for short time intervals?
1. Transmitter
2. Receiver
3. Modulator
4. Duplexer
Which of the following radar units
ensures that intervals between
pulses are of the proper length?
1. Transmitter
2. Receiver
3. Modulator
4. Antenna
Which of the following radar units
passes the echo to the receiver
with minimum loss?
1. Transmitter
2. Duplexer
3. Modulator
4. Antenna
Which of the following radar units
converts the weak rf echo to a
discernable video signal?
1. Duplexer
2. Modulator
3. Receiver
4. Indicator
Which of the following radar units
generates all
1. Duplexer
2. Modulator
3. Receiver
4. Indicator
necessary timing
Which of the following radar units
converts the video output of the
receiver to a visual display?
1. Duplexer
2. Modulator
3. Antenna
4. Indicator
Which of the following radar units
ensures that all subsystems
operate in a definite time
1. Duplexer
2. Modulator
3. Antenna
4. Indicator
Which of the following radar units
converts the echo to an
intermediate frequency?
1. Duplexer
2. Antenna
3. Indicator
4. Receiver
Which of the following
characteristics influence(s) radar
range performance?
1. Height of antenna
2. Peak power of the transmitted
3. Receiver sensitivity
4. All of the above
Which of the following external
characteristics influence(s) radar
1. Darkness
2. Rain
3. PMS
4. Both 2 and 3 above
Which of the following methods
should you use to do a radar
surface angular measurement?
1. Measure counterclockwise from
true north
2. Measure clockwise from true
3. Measure clockwise from the
heading line of the ship
4. Both 2 and 3 above
To determine if an echo is a false
target or a true target, what
radar characteristic should you
1. PW
2. STC
3. PRR
4. RPM
Which of the following radar
reference coordinates is an
imaginary plane parallel to the
earths surface?
1. Horizontal plane
2. Vertical plane
3. Los
4. Relative bearing
Which of the following radar
reference coordinates is a line
from the radar set directly to the
Horizontal plane
Vertical plane
Relative bearing
Which of the following radar
reference coordinates is the angle
measured clockwise from true north
in the horizontal plane?
1. Relative bearing
2. Elevation angle
3. True azimuth angle
4. Vertical plane
Which of the following radar
reference coordinates is the angle
measured clockwise from the
centerline of a ship or aircraft?
1. Relative bearing
2. Elevation angle
3. Azimuth angle
4. True bearing
1-22. Which of the following radar
reference coordinates is the plane
in which all angles in the up
direction are measured?
1. Horizontal plane
2. Vertical plane
3. Los
4. Elevation angle
1-23. Which of the following radar
reference coordinates is the angle
between the horizontal plane and
1. Relative bearing
2. Azimuth angle
3. Elevation angle
4. True bearing
1-24. Which of the following factors
will effect range performance if
the leading edge of the rf pulse
is sloping?
1. An increased pulse width
2. Lack of definite point of
measurement for elapsed time
on the indicator time base
3. A weaker return echo
4. A decrease in frequency
1-25. Which of the following antenna
characteristics will provide
greater range capability?
1. Higher antenna
2. Wider beam width
3. Faster rotation
4. Electronic scanning
1-26. A radars ability to detect
bearing is determined by which of
the following characteristics?
1. Transmit power out
2. Echo signal strength
3. Receiver sensitivity
4. All of the above
1-27. Which of the following systems are
positioned to the point of maximum
signal return?
1. Weapons control and surface
2. Surface search and guidance
3. Guidance and weapons control
4. Guidance and navigation
1-28. The refraction index of the lowest
few-hundred feet of atmosphere
will cause a ducting affect on
radar waves. Ducting may cause
which of the following results?
1. Increased bending of radar
2. Extended radar horizon
3. Reduced radar horizon
4. All of the above
1-29. When using a high-frequency radar
during a heavy rain storm, you
should expect which of the
following results?
1. Minimum range will increase
2. Usable range will be reduced
3. Range resolution will decrease
4. Range ability will NOT change
1-30. Using table 1-1, classify the
1. Fixed radar for detecting and
2. Portable sound in air for fire
control or searchlight
3. Mobile radar for detecting and
4. General radar for navigation
1-31. Which of the following types of
radars would be used to track an
aircraft over land?
1. Surface search radar
2. Fire control tracking radar
3. Air search radar
4. Height-finding radar
Which of the following types of
radars would be used to provide
precise information for initial
positioning of fire control
tracking radars?
Height-finding radar
Air search radar
Surface search radar
Navigation radar
Which of the following types of
radars would be used to control
aircraft during a search and
rescue operation?
1. Surface search radar
2. Air search radar
3. Height-finding radar
4. Fire control tracking radar
Which of the following types of
radars would be used to aid in
1. Height-finding radar
2. Fire control tracking radar
3. Surface search radar
4. Air search radar
Which of the following types of
radars would be used to guide CAP
to an interception point using
bearing and range only?
1. Surface search radar
2. Air search radar
3. Height-finding radar
4. Navigation radar
Which of the following types of
radars would be used to track a
weather balloon?
1. Navigation radar
2. Air search radar
3. Surface search radar
4. Height-finding radar
Which of the following types of
radars could be used for surface
search in an emergency?
1. Fire control tracking radar
2. Air search radar
3. Height-finding radar
1-38. Which of the following types of
radars would be used to facilitate
station keeping?
1. Height-finding radar
2. Air search radar
3. Surface search radar
1-39. Which of the following types of
radars would be used to aid in
controlling small craft during a
search and rescue operation?
1. Air search radar
2. Height-finding radar
3. Surface search radar
4. Fire control tracking radar
1-40. Which of the following types of
radars would be used to detect
submarine periscopes?
1. Surface search radar
2. Fire control tracking radar
3. Air search radar
4. Height-finding radar
1-41. On an AO class ship, what radar is
used as the primary surface search
and navigation radar?
1. AN/SPS-40E
2. AN/SPS-55
3. AN/SPS-64(V)9
4. AN/SPS-67(V)1
1-42. Which of the following radars
replaces a variety of small
commercial radars?
1. AN/SPS-40E
2. AN/SPS-55
3. AN/SPS-64(V)9
4. AN/SPS-67(V)1
1-43. Which of the following radars was
developed to detect small surface
targets from a range of 50 yards
to the radar horizon?
1. AN/SPS-40E
2. AN/SPS-55
3. AN/SPS-64(V)9
4. AN/SPS-67(V)3
1-44. A technician must have formal
training to work on which of the
following equipments, if any?
1. AN/SPS-64(V)9
2. AN/SPS-40E
3. AN/SPA-25G
4. None of the above
1-45. If you were unable to isolate a
fault in your radar system, you
could request assistance from
which of the following sources?
3. A tender
4. All of the above
1-46. Which of the following radars
performs navigation, station
keeping, and general surface
search functions on the DDG 51
class ship?
1. AN/SPS-55
2. AN/SPS-64(V)9
3. AN/SPS-65(V)1
4. AN/SPS-67(V)3
1-47. An AN/SPS-67(V) radar operating in
a short pulse mode will have what
pulse repetition frequency?
1. 750
2. 1200
3. 2400
4. 9600
1-48. The AN/SPS-10 antenna and pedestal
assembly on your ship has just
been replaced with a low-profile,
nuclear-survivable antenna
assembly. What new radar has been
1. AN/SPS-67(V)1
2. AN/SPS-67(V)2
3. AN/SPS-67(V)3
4. AN/SPS-64(V)9
1-49. At which unit of an AN/SPS-67(V)
will the dummy load be mounted?
1-50. The AN/SPS-67(V)1 radar will NOT
interface with which of the
following systems?
1. AN/USQ-82(V)
2. AN/ALA-10( )
3. AN/SPA-25( )
4. AN/SPG-55B
1. Video processor unit
2. Receiver-transmitter unit
3. Antenna controller unit
4. Radar set control unit
Textbook Assignment: Radar Systems Equipment Configurations, chapter 2, pages 23
through 224.
2-1. Use of BIT circuitry in the
AN/SPS67(V) radar will have which
of the following results?
1. It will degrade the
performance of the system
2. It will locate 95% of failures
within the receiver
transmitter only
3. It will locate 95% of failures
within the receiver-
transmitter and video
processor to six possible
4. It will locate 95% of failures
to four possible modules
within the receiver
transmitter and video
2-2. What Navy Enlisted Classification
code, if any, applies to the
AN/SPS64(V)9 radar?
1. NEC ET1507
2. NEC ET1510
3. NEC ET1524
4. None
23. Which of the following
information/support is available
for the AN/SPS64(V)9 technician?
1. 2M Electronic Repair Program
2. Formal maintenance training
3. Technical Repair Standards
4. Support and Test Equipment
Engineering Program (STEEP)
24. A radar video converter (RVC)
modification of the AN/SPS55 was
developed for which class of ship?
1. DD963
2. FFG7
3. FFG61
25. Which of the following missions is
NOT supported by the AN/SPS55
1. ASW
2. AAN
3. SPW
4. MOB
26. The AN/SPS55 radar, without any
modifications, will interface with
which of the following systems?
2. AN/SLA10
3. AN/SYS2(V)2
4. AN/SYS1
27. An operating AN/SPS55 radar goes
into standby mode and an indicator
is activated at the RSC. What is
the probable cause?
1. The magnetron has exceeded
safe operating parameters
2. The modulator has exceeded
safe operating parameters
3. A lowvoltage condition has
4. The highvoltage power supply
has exceeded safe operating
28. What is the primary function of an
AN/SPS49(V) radar?
1. Support of AAW
2. Backup to the weapon system
designation radar
3. Surface search
4. Navigation
4. MCM-1
29. Which of the following functions
is/are collateral to the
AN/SPS-49(V) radars primary
1. ATC
2. AIC
4. All of the above
210. You are on an AEGIS cruiser and
your 2D air search radar has been
modified to have a direct digital
interface with the AEGIS combat
system. What is the nomenclature
of your radar after the
modification is complete?
1. AN/SPS67(V)3
2. AN/SPS49(V)8
3. AN/SPS-49(v)5
4. AN/SPS40E
211. The AN/SPS49(V) radar has how
many variant configurations?
1. 5
2. 7
3. 8
4. 9
212. If the AN/SPS49(V) radar on your
ship has ATD and no cooling
system, which variant
configuration is installed?
1. (V)5
2. (V)6
3. (V)7
4. (V)8
213. Which of the following variant
configurations of the AN/SPS-49(V)
radar interface(s) with the
AN/SYS2(V) IADT system?
1. (V)7
2. (V)8
3. (V)9
4. All of the above
2-14. Which of the following Navy
Enlisted Classification codes
applies to the AN/SPS49(V)1,
(V)2, (V)3, (V)4, and (V)6 radars?
1. 1503
2. 1510
3. 1511
4. 1516
2-15. The AN/SPS40B/C/D/E radar
operates at what antenna rate for
(a) high data rate capabilities
and (b) long-range mode?
1. (a) 15 rpm (b) 6.7 rpm
2. (a) 15 rpm (b) 7.5 rpm
3. (a) 16 rpm (b) 7.5 rpm
4. (a) 19 rpm (b) 6.7 rpm
216. The OMTI field change of the
AN/SPS-40B/C/D radar accomplished
which of the following results?
1. Replaced the duplexer with a
solid state unit
2. Allowed interface with the
3. Changed the nomenclature of
the radar to AN/SPS-40E
4. Eliminated unit 23
217. The AN/SPS40 nomenclature is
changed to RN/SPS40E after
completion of which of the
following field changes, if any?
3. RVC
4. None of the above
218. What Navy Enlisted Classification
code applies to the AN/SPS40B/C/D
radar with field change 11?
1. 1508
2. 1510
3. 1511
4. 1516
219. How often will antenna and
pedestal restoration be performed
on the AN/SPS40B/C/D/E radar?
1. About every 3 years
2. About every 5 years
3. Every 7 years
4. Every 1015 years
220. The AN/GPN27 radar antenna group
provides constant radiation
altitude coverage of how many
degrees above the peak of the
1. 15 degrees
2. 30 degrees
3. 45 degrees
4. 60 degrees
221. In the AN/GPN27, which of the
following video signals are
provided to the processor unit by
the receiver?
1. Normal video
2. Log video
3. Moving target indicator video
4. fill of the above
222. Which of the intercommunication
system stations are located in the
transmitter building group of the
AN/GPN27 radar?
1. One master station only
2. One slave station only
3. One master station and one
slave station
4. Two master stations and one
slave station
Where is the 16inch maintenance
ppi for the AN/GPN27 located?
1. Display site
2. Transmitter building
3. Antenna site
4. Air traffic control room
224. The operator of which type of
radar is able to control the
antenna when searching in a target
1. Surface search
2. 2D air search
3. 3D air search
4. Groundcontrolled approach
225. Which of the following statements
describes the radiated frequency
of a 3D air search radar during
electronic scanning?
1. It changes in discrete steps
at each elevation angle
2. It remains constant at each
elevation angle
3. It changes beam width
4. It changes randomly
226. Which of the following radars is a
Precision Approach Landing System
1. AN/SPN42A
2. AN/SPN46(V)
3. AN/GPN-27
4. AN/FPN63
227. Which of the following systems iss
installed at naval air stations
for PALS training of flight crews,
operators, and maintenance
1. AN/SPN42T1/3/4
2. AN/SPN46(V)1
3. AN/SPN46(V)2
4. AN/FPN-63
228. How many aircraft can the
AN/SPN46(V) control simul
taneously and automatically during
the final approach and landing
phase of carrier recovery
1. 5
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
229. In which mode(s) of operation does
the AN/SPN-46(V) transmit command
and error signals via Link 4A for
automatic control?
1. Mode I
2. Mode II
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Mode III
230. In which mode(s) of operation does
the AN/SPN-46(V) provide manual
control of the aircraft?
1. Mode I
2. Mode II
3. Mode III
4. Both 2 and 3 above
231. During Mode II operation of the
AN/SPN46(V), the pilot receives
command and error information via
what medium?
1. Link 4A and autopilot
2. Voice communications
3. Cockpit display
4. Operator control console
232. Which of the 26 units in the
AN/SPN46(V)1 is/are not used by
the AN/SPN-46(V)2?
1. PRIFLI indicators (units 6
and 7)
2. Recorderconverter (unit 8)
3. LSO waveoff light (unit 10)
4. MK 16 stable elements (units
17 and 18)
2-33. Which unit of the AN/SPN46(V)
automatically switches the
AN/TPX42(V)8 into a master
computer configuration of the CCS?
1. Central computer group (unit
2. Digital data switchboard (unit
3. Computer processor (unit 19)
4. Power distribution panel (unit
234. Which unit of the AN/SPN-46(V)
provides a maintenance intercom
for troubleshooting purposes?
1. Power distribution panel (unit
2. PRIFLI indicators (unit 6)
3. PRI-FLI indicator control
(unit 5)
4. Recorderconverter (unit 8)
2-35. Which of the following units of
the AN/SPN46(V) is NOT designed
to test the system or to aid in
1. Retractable alignment mast
(unit 23)
2. MLV (unit 13)
3. SBBM (unit 15)
4. OCC (unit 2)
236. Of the following radars, which
would be used at a naval air
station to replace the PAR portion
of the AN/CPN4 family of
1. AN/SPN-46(V)1
2. AN/FPN-63(V)
3. AN/MPN23(V)
4. Both 2 or 3 above
237. Which of the following items are
generated by the AZEL range
indicator of the AN/FPN63(V)?
1. Cursors
2. Range marks
3. Internal map
4. All of the above
238. Which of the following radar
repeaters, if any, has rangeonly
1. Planned position indicator
2. A scope
3. RHI
4. None of the above
239. Which of the following inputs
is/are required for a radar
repeater to be able to display a
detected target at the correct
range and bearing?
1. Video
2. Triqger
3. Antenna position
4. A1l of the above
240. A printedcircuit board in the
CV3989/SP Signal Data Converter
is faulty. The replacement value
of the PCB is $627.00. Who, if
anyone, will repair the PCB?
1. The ET responsible for
maintenance of surface search
2. Intermediate level maintenance
3. Depot level maintenance
4. No one, it should be discarded
241. The electronic bearing circle
displayed around the AN/SPA25G
has bearing markers labeled
numerically at what points?
1. Every 5
2. Every 10
3. Every 15
4. Every 25
242. The AN/SPA-25G will interface with
which of the following systems?
1. Any Navy missile guidance
2. Any Navy air search radar
3. Any Navy surface search radar
4. Both 2 and 3 above
243. The CV3989/SP provides a RADDS
data stream containing which of
the following data?
1. Ships heading
2. Stabilized radar antenna
3. Deadreckoning information
4. All of the above
The SB/4229/SP Switchboard can
accept many signal inputs. Which
of the following statements is
most correct about its input
It can accept aignals from 16
radar sets
It can accept signals from 16
radar sets and four IFF
interrogator sets
It can accept signals from six
radar sets and four IFF
It can accept signals from six
radar repeaters and six IFF
SB-4229/SP can accept RADDS
data stream inputs from how many
separate signal data converters?
1. 16
2. 9
3. 5
4. 4
A total of how many different
operators can select input sensors
from the SB-4229/SP for display at
their indicator?
1. 5
2. 6
3. 9
4. 16
Which of the following radar
indicators is used to obtain
altitude information?
1. Planned position indicator
2. A scope
3. RHI
4. AN/SPA-25G
On an rhi, which of the following
is an indication of a target?
1. A horizontal line at the
bottom of the screen
2. A vertical blip
3. The zenith at the left side of
the screen
4. Vertical range marks
How do you determine the target
height when using an rhi?
1. Adjust height line; then read
from the range markers
2. Look at the target; then read
the scale on the screen
3. Adjust height line; then read
it from the altitude counters
4. Read it directly from the
altitude dials
250. You are on an NTDSequipped ship.
What function, if any, does the
AN/SPA-25G perform?
1. Primary radar indicator
2. Backup radar indicator
3. Multipurpose console
4. None
251. Which radar repeater is used
primarily by maintenance personnel
to evaluate the operation of a
1. A scope
2. PPI
3. RHI
4. Both 2 and 3 above
252. Which of the following radar
display and distribution system
configurations will be found on
90% of Navy ships?
1. AN/SPA25G, CV3989/SP,
2. AN/SPA50, CV3989/SP,
3. AN/SPA-66, CV3989/SP, SB1505
4. AN/SPA25G, CV3989/SP, SB440
Textbook Assignment: Radar System Interfacing, chapter 3, pages 31 through 311; and
Radar Safety, chapter 4, pages 41 through 44.
Of the following information, 3-6.
which could be provided by modern
IFF systems?
1. Mission of the target
2. What squadron the target
belongs to
3. The altitude of an aircraft
4. All of the above
What are the three basic steps of
the IFF identification process?
1. Challenge, reply, and
2. Interrogate, transpond, and
3. Search, challenge, and
identify 3-8.
4. Challenge, reply, and decode
The spacing between IFF
interrogation pulse pairs is
determined by which of the
following factors?
1. Timing from the primary radar
2. Rpm of the antenna
3. Mode of IFF operation 39.
4. Amount of power out
When you use IFF, a dashed line
just beyond the target on your
radar screen indicates which of
the following craft?
1. A craft in distress
A friendly craft 310.
3. A hostile or unfriendly craft
4. A craft that the operator has
voice communications with
The Mark XII IFF aystem is capable
of how many modes of operation?
1. 5
2. 2
3. 3
4. 4
Which IFF unit provides the
control signals that determine the
MK XII mode of operation?
1. Control monitor
2. Video decoder
3. Manual pedestal control
4. Computer
Which of the following modes of
IFF operation is NOT a selective
identification feature (SIF) mode?
1. 1
2. 2
3. C
4. 3/A
The transponder of a pilotless
aircraft, responding to a SIF mode
interrogation, would send which of
the following replies?
1. I/P
2. Xpulse
3. 4X
4. 7700
Which of the following codes could
be selected as an IFF transponder
reply code for mode 1 operation?
1. 4300
2. 4400
3. 7400
4. 7777
A major failure in your radio room
has knocked your communications
off the air. Which of the
following codes should you set in
the IFF transponder for mode 3/A
1. 7500
2. 7600
3. 7700
4. 7777
311. Which of the following IFF mode
3/A reply codes will trigger an
alarm at an FAA tower?
1. 7500
2. 7600
3. 7777
4. All of the above
3-12. Which of the following IFF mode
3/A reply codes may your ship use
in U.S. national air space?
1. 5011
2. 5247
3. 6247
4. 6539
313. Which of the following IFF mode C
reply codes will your ship use?
1. 3564
2. 5732
3. 6534
4. 0000
314. A commercial airliner using TCAS
could mistake your ships IFF mode
C reply for which of the following
1. An airport tower
2. A small aircraft flying at
about 14,000 feet
3. A small aircraft flying at
about 10,000 feet
4. A bigger ship
315. Under which of the following
circumstances may you operate IFF
in mode C when your ship is in or
near port?
1. In heavy air traffic areas
2. To make contact with the FAA
3. When performing operational
4. When testing with the antenna
316. The MK XII IFF system requires
triggers to initiate interro
gations. Where do they come from?
1. The modulator of the primary
2. The pulse generator of the IFF
3. Both 1 and 2 above
3-17. You would find direct altitude
readouts for IFF mode C replies on
which of the following displays?
1. Planned position indicator
2. Range and height indicator
3. Intratarget data indicator
4. Alarm monitor
3-18. All the indicators on your ship
that are interfaced with IFF have
ring-around. Which of the
following places will the problem
most likely be found?
1. Primary radar antenna
2. Radar distribution switchboard
3. IFF interrogator section
4. IFF transponder section
319. The antenna pedestal assembly is
being rotated at 21 rpm. To what
mode of operation is your IFF
manual pedestal set?
1. Free run
2. Slave
3. Manual
4. Auto
320. Which of the following modes of
IFF operation does/do NOT require
that reply codes be set by
thumbwheel switches?
1. 3/A
2. C
3. 4
4. Both 2 and 3 above
321. You would need written permission
from the Skipper to work on which
of the following units without
formal training?
1. MX-8758/UPX
2. AN/UPX23
4. TS-1843A/APX
322. Which of the following agencies
is/are involved in agreements made
under the AIMS program?
1. The Air Force
2. The Navy
3. The FAA
4. All of the above
323. Which type of DAIR system is used
at major shore installations?
1. Type 5
2. Type 8
3. Type 10
4. Type 12
324. Which type of DAIR is used at
expeditory airfields?
1. Type 5
2. Type 8
3. Type 10
4. Type 12
325. You are at a shore installation
and your DAIR system alarms when
the target strays 300 feet from
the controllerassigned altitude.
What type of DAIR system do you
1. Type 5
2. Type 8
3. Type 10
4. Type 12
A controller using a CATCC DAIR
system has which of the following
information available at his/her
1. Flight identity
2. Flight altitude
3. Ships barometric pressure
4. All of the above
327. As an aircraft leaves the CATCC
controllers area of respon
sibility, it is passed to which of
the following controllers?
1. Another CATCC control position
2. CIC
4. Any of the above, as
328. Which type of DAIR system would be
used for amphibious operations?
1. Type 5
2. Type 8
3. Type 10
4. Type 12
329. Each DAIR system provides
information to allow control of
aircraft within a given area.
Which type has a responsibility
area of 50 nautical miles
surrounding the ship?
1. Type 5
2. Type 8
3. Type 10
4. Type 12
330. Which type of DAIR system has the
AOA as its responsibility area?
1. Type 5
2. Type 8
3. Type 10
4. Type 12
331. On board your carrier you have
just updated your AN/TPX42A(V)8
to a (V)12. Which additional
system can now interface with your
3. IFF
332. A technician trained to maintain a
RATCF DAIR system will have what
1. ET1572
2. ET-1574
3. ET1576
4. ET-1578
333. A technician trained to maintain
an AIMS Mk XII IFF system will
have what NEC?
1. ET1572
2. ET1574
3. ET-1576
4. ET-1578
334. A technician trained to maintain
an AATC DAIR system will have what
1. ET-1572
2. ET1574
3. ET-1576
4. ET-1578
335. Which of the following systems, if
any, integrates other systems and
subsystems to perform detection
and entry functions?
4. None of the above
336. Which of the following are combat
system functions controlled by
1. Tracking and identification
2. Threat evaluation and weapon
3. Engagement and engagement
4. All of the above
3-37. As an ET you are responsible for
maintenance on which of the
following NTDS-related equipment?
1. Video and sync amps
2. Operator consoles
3. Gun systems
4. Missile systems
3-38. What publication, if any, provides
information on radar and NTDS as
an integrated system on your ship?
339. The Combat Systems Technical
Operations Manual provides
information required to take which
of the following actions?
1. Define the limitations of the
NTDS system
2. Operate the NTDS system
3. Maintain the material
readiness of the NTDS system
4. All of the above
3-40. Which of the following are CRT
safety hazards?
1. Violent implosion if broken
2. Toxic phosphor coating
3. Very high voltage
4. All of the above
341. When working on an energized radar
and measuring a voltage of 2000
volts, you should wear electrical
safety rubber gloves with which of
the following ratings?
1. Class 0
2. Class I
3. Class II
4. Class III
342. In which section of the tag-out
log would you place a tag-out
record sheet that has been cleared
after completion of radar PMS?
1. Section 1
2. Section 2
3. Section 3
4. Section 5
3-43. RADHAZ labels indicate an RF
electromagnetic field intense
enough to do which of the
following damage?
1. Cause spark ignition of fuel
2. Produce harmful biological
effects in humans
3. Actuate electroexplosive
4. Any of the above
1. Handbook for shipboard
surveillance radars
4. None
344. When you are in port, who must
give you permission to test
operate your radar system?
1. The commanding officer
2. The command duty officer
3. The supervisor in charge of
4. Both 2 and 3 above
3-45. Which of the following hazard
conditions is most critical during
a refueling operation?
346. Which of the following hazard
conditions is most critical when a
person is working aloft?
347. Which of the following hazard
conditions is most critical during
an ammunition offloading
348. What parameter(s) is/are used to
determine safe limits associated
with electronic equipment?
1. Power density of the radiation
2. Exposure time of the human
3. Both 1 and 2 above
4. Potential of voltage to cause
a burn injury
349. Which of the following
requirements pertain(s) to a
safety observer for a technician
working on energized equipment?
1. Must be CPR qualified
2. Must know the location of all
cutoff switches
3. Must have a nonconductive
device to pull the technician
from a circuit
4. All of the above
350. How often is the required PMS
performed on a safety harness?
1. Each time it is used
2. Weekly
3. Monthly
4. Annually

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