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Sri Herawati, Ari Nurwei, Hu!airi
La"#u$ Ui%er&it'
Abstract. The objectives of the research were to find out whether picture can
improve the students entertainments vocabulary achievement. The population of
this research was the eighth grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Bandar
ampung in !cademic "ear #$$%. There were three classes& '!& 'B and '(. )irst&
the researcher gave try out test to '(& and then gave pre test to '! and 'B. !fter
that& the researcher gave the treatments by using pictures to '! and 'B received the
treatments from their teacher by using conventional techni*ue. Then& the researcher
gave post test to both of the classes. !fter the data has been analy+ed& it is shown
that there were significant differences of the students vocabulary achievement
between both of the classes. The average score of pre test in e,perimental class was
%-.. and the post test was //.-. 0hile in control class& the average score of pre test
was %-.% and the post test was /-.$. So& it could be inferred that teaching vocabulary
by using pictures can improve the students vocabulary of entertainments
achievement. The researcher tought that the result
0e'w+r1&2 Vocabulary of Entertainments, Vocabulary Achievements, Using
Based on the researcher e,perience when taught in SMP Muhammadiyah 3
Bandar ampung& the difficulty of studying 1nglish is that the students there did
not understand what a sentences of te,t about. 2t was because they do not 3now
the meaning most of words in a sentence or a te,t. The problem happened because
the teacher allows the students to open the dictionary when they study. 2t made the
students forget the meaning easily.
4ealing with the bac3ground& the researcher saw that vocabulary plays is an
important role in understanding a sentence or a te,t. Based on the problem& the
researcher was suggested to using a suitable techi*ue so that teaching and learning
process can run effectively. Picture media could be the suitable alternative to
improve the students vocabulary achievement. !s we 3new that picture can be
used as a media to transfer the image of the real thing. Teng ing Sing 5-6'$7-.8
says that teaching through picture is not only effective but also practical and
9ocabulary is the one important part in learning a language& because without
vocabulary it is difficult to communicate each other. :armer 5-6637-.38 says that
if language structure ma3es up s3eleton of language& it is vocabulary that provides
the vital organs and flesh. 0ebster 5-6''7--#%8 states that vocabulary is a sum or
stoc3 of words used in language by class& individual& or in field of 3nowledge.
0il3ins 5-6'37---8 states that without grammar little be conveyed& without
vocabulary nothing be conveyed. 2t means that the students can not spea3 if they
do not master in vocabulary& but if they do not understand grammar& they are still
able to spea3. Based on the e,pert statements above& it can be inferred that
vocabulary is a ver essential part in learning languages. By 3nowing vocabulary
we can understand that the other people says and ma3es us to e,press the idea
!ccording to the ;ation 5-6/%7-'8& when we teach a word there are three things to
be taught7 we must teach the shape& or form of the word& we must teach the
meaning of the word and the form and the meaning should be taught together.
Based on the statement& it means the 1nglish teacher should teach not only the
form but also the meaning of the word.
9isual aids are usually used to help teachers to deal with tas3 on actuating the
teaching materials. The aids which are used must suit the aim and the setting of
the teaching learning process. Stevic3 5-6./7/%8 defines that visual aids are
anything visible which helps our students to learn the language more *uic3ly and
more accurate. Murcia 5-6/673$'8 divides visual aids into three catagories7 plate
materials 5e.g. pictures& flash cards& maps8& three dimensional 5e.g. puppets& dolls&
models8& and project materials 5e.g. films& film strips& motion pictures8. 2n this
research& the researcher use plate materials& picture.
Picture is 3ind of visual aids that can help students in ac*uiring vocabulary.
0ebster 5-6'<7-/--8 states that picture is a representation 5as person& landscape
and building8 on canvas& paper or surface produced by painting& drawing and
photography. Based on 0ebster statements& picturecan ma3e the students sure
about they dealing with& so they really 3now the thing that they see.
There are some advantages and disadvantages of using picture in teaching
1nglish. Some of the advantages are7
(apture the students interest and stimulates students motivation&
Picture are relatively cheap&
Picture can ma3e the students see clearly what they are being tal3ed and
Picture can be used for individual student or group.
!nd some of the disadvantages are7
2t is difficult to loo3 for the specific picture which is suitable for the students
level& curriculum& needs or sociali+ation&
;ot all vocabularies can be taught by picture& especially those concerning
abstract concepts.
(onsidering the e,planation above& the researcher formulated the problem7 can
picture improve the students vocabulary of entertainments achievement= !nd as
stated in the bac3ground and the formulation of the problem& the objective of the
research is to find out whether picture can improve the students vocabulary of
entertainments achievement.
The uses of this research were e,pected to be useful as information for 1nglish
teacher in increasing students vocabulary achievement through using picture.
This research was focused implementation of picture for teaching vocabulary. The
material of this research were based on the curriculum of SMP which focused on
vocabulary of entertainment. The researcher had two hypothesis of this research&
there are7 teaching vocabulary by using pictures can improve the students
vocabulary of entertainments achievement 5:o8 or teaching vocabulary by using
pictures can not improve the students vocabulary of entertainments achievement
The researcher used e,perimental method in conducting the research. This
e,perimental method dealt with two groups& one was e,perimetal class and
another was control class. The e,perimental class was the class which got the
treatments through pictures that was presented by the researcher and the control
class was the class which got treatments through techni*ue that was presented by
the 1nglish teacher of SMP Muhammadiyah 3 Bandar ampung. 1ach group
received pre test& treatments which were done two times& and post test. The
researcher gave the same pre test and post test to those classes.
The design could be presented as follows7
>- 7 T- ? T#
># 7 T- @ T#
The population of this research was the eighth students of SMP Muhammadiyah 3
Bandar ampung. The researcher chose two classes as the sample. @ne class was
an e,perimental class and the other was a control class. 2n determining the
e,perimental class and control class. The researcher used the probability
sampling& using coin.
2n collecting the data& the researcher used the following steps7
-. Pre test
The pre test is conducted before presenting the treatments to 3now how far the
students vocabulary mastery was. The researcher used objective test in the
form of multiple choice.
#. Post test
The post test is conducted after presenting the treatments to 3now the progress
of students vocabulary mastery. The type of post test is multiple chioce.
The research procedures were7 determining the subject& administering the pre test&
conducting trreatments& administering the post test& analy+ing the test result and
analy+ing the data. The data analysis of the research is to 3now the difficulty level
and discrimination power and to chec3 the validity and reability. The purposes are
to measure of accuracy& concistency& dependability of fairness of scores resulting
from administration of particular e,amination.
The researcher compared the average score pre test and post test to find out the
gain. the TAtest will used in order to toward the average score of both e,perimental
class and control class. The criteria of the result of using TAtest is :o is accepted if
TAratio is e*ual or higher than TAtable 5the hypothesis proposed are proven8 or :a
is accepted if TAratio is smaller than TAtable 5the hypothesis proposed are not

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