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ACCT 1003 Introduction to Cost & Managerial Accounting Course Outline 2014
Presenter: Ms. Stascia Gordon
Office: Room 331
Telephone: 940-4349 ext: 7039
Office Hours: Tuesdays 3:00-4:00pm and 5:00- 6:00pm.
Email: Stascia.gordon02@uwimona.edu.m
Class Times & Venue: Stream M11 !ednesda" 9:00a.m- 11:oo#.m
$Annex room 1%
&uesda"s 2:00#.m-3:00#.m
(seminar room 25)
Stream M12 Monda"s: ':00 #m ( ):00 #m
$Annex room 1%
!ednesda"s: 7:00#m-):00#m
$Annex room 1%

Course Details
Course Code & Title: ACCT 100 *ntro. to +ost , Manageria- .ccounting
!o" o# $redits 3 +redits
Semester: Semester * ( 2014/2010
!o" o# $onta$t %ours ( 3 1ours #er wee2 $2 1ours -ecture3 1 1our tutoria-%
Pre&re'uisite ( Mat1ematics 4+S5+ $Grades *-***%6 789e:e-6 5+ 0001;
Course Description & Rationale
In this course, students are sensitized to an understanding of current cost and management
accounting theory and practice. Emphasis is paced on the concepts and procedures of product
costing, the toos of manageria accounting such as !-"-# anaysis and $udgeting, as %e as,
strategies that hep the manager to perform the functions of panning, controing and decision
ma&ing. This prere'uisite &no%edge pro(ides the foundation for the e(es II ) III *anagement
+ccounting courses.
This course is in part fufiment of Internationa Education ,tandards, IE, - !ontent of
professiona +ccounting Education programs. The course ma&es use of some simpe mathematica
concepts that shoud ha(e $een grasped at the primary and secondary e(es. These incude the
$asic mathematica operations, so(ing simpe inear e'uations and graphing inear functions.
Students are urged to revise these concepts prior to starting this course.
Course Objectives:
.n successfu competion of the course, students shoud $e a$e to:
i) /istinguish $et%een cost accounting and financia accounting.
ii) !assify costs and %ith the aid of graphs, e0pain ho% these costs $eha(e %ithin a range of
iii) 1ame the (arious in(entory systems and methods and prepare the in(entory records, using
each of these methods.
iv) !acuate the (arious in(entory e(es and e0pain the importance of each e(e.
v) E0pain the impact of each in(entory costing method on the income statement and the
*m#ortant <ates
September 1, 2014 Teaching Begins
October 20, 2014 National Heroes Day
November 28, 2014 Semester Teaching !n"s
December 0# $ 1%, 2014 Semester !&amination 'erio"
December 1%, 2014 Semester !n"s
Please Note: Subject to change
To+i$s C%a+ters,-eadin.
(ee) 1

0ntrodu$tion to Mana.ement A$$ountin.
<e=nition and Sco#e
Management .ccounting , >inancia-
.ccounting +om#ared
&"#es o? @usiness 7rganiAations ( Ser:ice6
merc1andising , manu?acturing
Cost Classifcation
>unctiona- costs
*n:entoriaB-e #roduct costs $direct &
Manu?acturing o:er1ead
Croduct , #eriod costs
+a-cu-ating cost o? goods manu?actured
Chapter 15
Suar! "otes #1
Suar! "otes #2
$%ages 1 & 2&
'or(sheet #1
$)uestions 1 *&
(ee) 2

Cost Behaviour
+ost Be1a:iour #atterns and -e:e-s o?
>ixed costs and :ariaB-e costs
Mixed costs
Se#arating mixed costs $High-Low method &
Scatter Diagram%
<e:e-o#ing cost ?unctions
Suar! "otes #2
$%ages 3 +&
'or(sheet #I
()*estion +,
(ee)s & 1

Sto$),0n2entor* Valuation & Control
!1at is stoc2/in:entor" contro-D
&"#es o? in:entor" s"stems-Cer#etua- ,
.ccounting ?or in:entor" in a #er#etua-
in:entor" s"stem
.ccounting ?or in:entor" in a #eriodic
in:entor" s"stem
*n:entor" costing met1ods
*n:entor" costing in a #er#etua-
in:entor" s"stem
*n:entor" costing in a #eriodic
in:entor" s"stem
(Dealing with excess, shortage &
5Eects o? in:entor" errors
5stimating ending in:entor"
5t1ica- issues
Suar! "otes #3
$%ages 1 & 2&
'or(sheet #II
$)uestions 1 & 2&
Suar! "otes #3
$%ages 2 , -&
'or(sheet #II
$)uestion 3&
Stoc2 contro- -e:e-s
To+i$s C%a+ters,-eadin.s
(ee) 5 A$$ountin. #or Manu#a$turin. 32er%eads
(1at are o:er1eadsD
7:er1ead a--ocation
7:er1ead a##ortionment
+a-cu-ating 7:er1ead .Bsor#tion Rates
+a-cu-ating 7:er1ead
Fariances(Under-/Over-alied )
Suar! "otes #4
'or(sheet #III
$)uestions 1 & 2&
(ee)s 4 & 5

6o/ Costin. & 7at$% Costin.
Met1ods o? #roduct costing ( GoB +osting
, Crocess +osting
.ccounting ?or materia- and -aBour
.ccounting ?or manu?acturing o:er1ead
.ccounting ?or com#-etion and sa-e o?
=nis1ed goods
.dusting ?or manu?acturing o:er1ead
+osting a oB/Batc1 o? items
Suar! "otes #5
$%ages 1 4&
'or(sheet #I.
)uestions 1& 2
(ee) 8

Pro$ess Costin. 0
Horma- -oss , aBnorma- -oss or gain
.ccounting ?or scra#
Cre#aring sim#-e #rocess costing
+a-cu-ating manu?acturer8s true -oss/gain
Suar! "otes #*
$%ages 1 3&
'or(sheet #.
$)uestion 1&
(ee) 9 Pro$ess Costin. 00
&1e conce#t o? eIui:a-ent units o?
+om#ute out#ut in terms o? eIui:a-ent
+om#ute cost #er eIui:a-ent unit
.ssign costs to units com#-eted6
aBnorma- -osses and ending !*C
Suar! "otes #*
$%ages 1 3&
'or(sheet #.
$)uestions 2 & 3&
(ee) 10

A/sor+tion Costin. 2 Mar.inal Costin.
.Bsor#tion costing: an introduction
&1e #rinci#-es o? margina- costing
Margina- costing , aBsor#tion costing
Fa-uing ending in:entor"
+a-cu-ating #roduction cost , cost
o? goods so-d
Suar! "otes #-
'or(sheet #.I
$)uestions 1 & 2&
Cre#aring margina- costing income
To+i$s C%a+ters,-eadin.
(ee) 11 Cost&Volume&Pro:t (C&V&P) Anal*sis
+-F-C ana-"sis: an o:er:iew
@rea2-e:en ana-"sis and Brea2e:en
+a-cu-ating t1e Brea2-e:en #oint (
&1ree .##roac1es
@rea2e:en c1arts (!raditional &
Jsing +FC to #-an #ro=ts
&1e margin o? sa?et"
9imitations o? Brea2e:en ana-"sis
Suar! "otes #+
'or(sheet #.II
$)uestions 1 & 2&
(ee) 12 0ntrodu$tion to 7ud.etin.
!1" managers use Budgets
+om#onents o? t1e master Budget
&1e o#erating Budget (sales "udget,
inventor#, roduction, urchases & cost
o$ goods sold "udgets)
Cre#aring t1e cas1 Budget
Suar! "otes #/
'or(sheet #.III
$)uestions 1 & 2&
(ee) 1

O00ice o0 Special Student Ser1ices
The /niversity o0 the 1est n"ies at 2ona provi"es special accommo"ations 0or st*"ents 3ith special nee"s4
Services are provi"e" as nee"s are i"enti0ie" an" incl*"e assistance 0or the hearing impaire" an" those 3ith
physical "isabilities4 0 yo* have a "isability 0or 3hich yo* believe yo* re5*ire services, please contact yo*r
respective program coor"inator4
. student w1o does not ta2e an examination in a course ?or w1ic1 1e or s1e is
registered is deemed to 1a:e ?ai-ed t1e examination un-ess #ermission to Be
aBsent was granted. . student w1o on t1e grounds o? i--ness or in ot1er s#ecia-
circumstances re?erred to in examination Regu-ation 206 ?ai-s to ta2e an
examination in a course ?or w1ic1 1e or s1e is registered ma" Be gi:en s#ecia-
consideration B" t1e Board o? examiner to ta2e t1e examination at t1e next
a:ai-aB-e o##ortunit"6 wit1out #ena-t"6 $>acu-t" o? Socia- Science Student
1andBoo2 2013-2014%.
A$ademi$ 0nte.rit*
+1eating is an" attem#t to Bene=t onese-? or anot1er B" deceit or ?raud. C-agiarism is a ?orm o?
c1eating. C-agiarism is t1e unaut1oriAed and unac2now-edged use o? anot1er #erson8s
inte--ectua- eEorts6 ideas and creations under one8s own name 1owsoe:er recorded6 inc-uding
w1et1er ?orma--" #uB-is1ed or in manuscri#t or in t"#escri#t or ot1er #rinted or e-ectronica--"
#resented ?orm. C-agiarism inc-udes ta2ing #assages6 ideas or structures ?rom anot1er wor2 or
aut1or wit1out attriBution o? suc1 source$s%6 using t1e con:entions ?or attriButions or citing
used in t1is Jni:ersit". Since an" #iece o? wor2 suBmitted B" a student must Be t1at student8s
own wor26 a-- ?orms o? c1eating6 inc-uding #-agiarism6 are ?orBidden $>acu-t" o? Socia- Sciences6
Graduate KandBoo26 A++endix a Regu-ations ?or Graduate <i#-oma , <egrees #g. 10'- 1'9
Jni:ersit" o? t1e !est *ndies%.
Code o# Condu$t
1. <uring t1e conduct o? an" c-ass6 t1ere s1a-- Be no acti:it" w1ic1 disturBs t1e assemB-" and
aEects t1e order o? t1e #roceedings. *nstructors 1a:e t1e rig1t to reIuire an" student to
-ea:e t1e c-assroom i? s1e/1e is in:o-:ed in disorder-" conduct6 or a-ternati:e-" instructors
1a:e t1e rig1t to -ea:e t1e c-assroom t1emse-:es.
2. +e-- #1ones6 #agers and a-arms o? an" t"#e s1a-- Be turned oE during c-asses. *? t1ere is an
emergenc" ?or w1ic1 a student or instructor ma" need to use t1e #1one6 t1is s1a-- Be
indicated at/or ust #rior to t1e start o? t1e c-ass in a manner indicated B" t1e instructor6
$+ode o? +onduct: >acu-t" o? socia- sciences undergraduate 1andBoo2 $#g.170% Jni:ersit" o? t1e
!est *ndies 2013-2014%.
Student;s -es+onsi/ilit*
7Btain a co#" o? t1e student 1andBoo2 and ?ami-iariAe "ourse-? wit1 code o? student
7Btain a co#" o? t1e course out-ine ?rom "our instructor.
Read t1e textBoo2 and ot1er assigned readings #rior to t1e start o? c-ass.
.ttend a-- c-asses.
Cartici#ate as ?u--" as #ossiB-e in c-ass discussions.
@e #unctua- ?or c-ass.
7Bser:e due dates ?or assignments
Res#ect t1e rig1ts o? ot1ers.
.d1ere to t1e 1ig1est standards o? academic integrit"
Res#ect uni:ersit" #ro#ert" and t1e #ro#ert" o? ot1ers
Cractice good 1ea-t1 and sa?et" 1aBits
+om#-" wit1 t1e standards6 ru-es6 and regu-ations o? t1e Jni:ersit"
0nstru$tor;s -es+onsi/ilit*
@e ?air and im#artia- to a-- students.
Ko-d oLce 1ours ?or students to discuss issues and Iuestions re-ating to t1e course
5nsure t1at t1e course is de-i:ered at t1e 1ig1est -e:e- o? academic standard.
5nsure t1at suLcient and re-e:ant materia- is made a:ai-aB-e ?or students.
&o Be #unctua- at a-- times $exce#t in extenuating circumstances%.
Maintain ongoing consu-tation wit1 t1e students to ensure t1at t1e course is meeting t1e
needs o? t1e students at a-- times.
%dated $rom the &nstructional Develoment Unit temlate & 'SS (rad )ourse )hec*list

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