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World Capital Helvetia?

I would like to let you know whats going on in my country with globalism getting more
mor and more on

We seem to play a central role, a big part of the world capital is here
and even the political and financial world capital
cap seems to be planned
here, with all the world institutions already sitting here.

Geneva based UN Organisation UNCTAD just recently called for a

World Currency to replace the doomed Dollar.
Dollar The Single Global
Currency Association is proposing Switzerland
Switzerland for a while now as the perfect place for THE BANK.
Regarding a headquarter for the Global Central Bank, the President of SGCA Mr. Bonpasse suggests
Basel, Zurich, or Geneva.

“Switzerland has a reputation for sound money and locating the GlobalCentralBbank
GlobalCentralBb in Switzerland
just might be the necessary incentive for that country to join the Global Monetary Union as a

Swiss history is quite special in Europe, because we are the only country that didn’t have a monarchy
since 1291, when we became the uncontrollable freedom rebels by a covenant under farmers to
defend each other against the surrounding kings. In many battles we defended our freedom against
the Habsburgs and other royal families. We got though compromised in our independence by the
lth political influence of the catholic church, later sending even guards to the pope. In the 18th
century European royalties preferred the neutral Swiss guards, because of their good reputation.
With the occupation of Napoleon and the Helvetic Republic, Switzerland
Switzerland became a federation with a
capital and later a central banking system was established. After the occupation we got our flag, the
anthem and our religious freedom back, but not the old confederation. The French left obvious signs
of freemason, mysterystery religion symbolism, seen to this day, like the goddess Helvetia which was
copied from the worship of Minerva on Capitol(ine) Hill, one of
Rome’s seven hills.

Now we are again under attack, this time by the internationalist IMF
and the OECD to harmonize ze tax practices with the EU and the US
after we lost the economic freedoms of a gold standard as the last
country on earth, fulfilling IMF member rules. Our democratic
freedoms and the reputation of our currency is probably why we are
still seen as a safe haven for capital and considered an obstacle for a
new World Currency Order, that is probably tried to be overcome by
offering Switzerland the Global Central Bank.

After reading the article End of National Currency by Benn Steil from
the “Watchtower” of the Council on Foreign Relations, one could
think that they seem to see their new currency a bit like the good old sound money that brings back
the confidence after the Phoenix has landed on the ashes of the casino money system led by the
Federal Reserve. Knowing the role of the Rockefellers in the establishment of both the Fed and the
CFR one should see through these hypocritical approaches. The old chairman of the Federal Casino
Reserves Alan Greenspan has also mysteriously changed from Saulus to Paulus in in his opinion on Gold
Standard versus Casino Capitalism
just after leaving the Fed. It seems
that now that they have
accumulated enough gold in their
ands, which they will use as a
covering for their planed digital
world currency in the manner of
Breton Woods, as quasi Gold
Standard. Basel is the headquarter
of the Bank for International
Settlements, The Central Bank of
the Central Banks, frequently
hosting meetings for the Central
Banking elite, even though they
have known Nazi ties: Emil Puhl was
one of BIS’s president during the
war, while also vice president of
Hitler’s Reichsbank. The president
of the Reichsbank Walther Funk is
known to have supplied Hitler with
money from Fritz Thyssen, who
himself has ties with Senator and
Bonesman Prescott Bush.

eneva, in neutral Switzerland became something of world capital by hosting the LEAGUE OF
NATIONS. The League was formed with President Wilson’s help at the Treaty of Versailles. Many
believe that those “peace talks” of World War I were in fact a stepping stone for the World War 2,
because Germany was held in a slave mode with war reparations, defined at the treaty.

So it happened that after World

orld War
ar 2 the League of Nations rose to the United Nations, including
even the „stubborn“ United States. Today, we find in Geneva the The Red Cross, WHO, WTO and
many NGO’s, as well as the United Nations building just a small park away from the property of the
Rothschild family, which is known for having financed both sides of wars time and time again. Jogging
in Genevava I discovered once a diplomatic complex of the Knights of Malta, Iraq and Germany,
guarded by the Swiss army. Even the religious direction of this brave new world is obvious. Lucis
Trust, formerly known as “Lucifer Publishing Company” is situated right inin front of the UN main
building. The Theosophic NGO is a member of the United Nations Economic and Social Council.

The WHO in Geneva can be considered headquarter of the worldwide scientific dictatorship. With
the fear mongering on the back of a global pandemic, the WHO shows its real face. To raise the alert
level to 6, even no more have died of influenza then in other
othe years shows clearly that the fear
mongering is not at all based on any scientific grounds
and is used to prepare the long known agenda. I consider
AIDS as a test run for the global pandemic for scientist to
get used to unscientific propaganda. Many prominent
scientist like Nobel Prize winner for PCR Kary Mullis and oncogene discoverer Peter Duesberg are still
rejecting HIV as cause for AIDS with very good reasons. For example Demographics of AIDS cases are
very different in 1st and 3rd world countries. Confusing as well are the different test standards in
different continents, which allow the steering of the positive test results and therefore are open for
eugenic use. In Africa a test is considered positive, when 2 HIV antibody proteins show up, in
ralia the western blot test needs to show at least 4 HIV antibody proteins before it can be rated

If we look at the use of AZT in the first years of AIDS, it is logical that nobody survived long with this
highly dosed therapy.

On a laboratory package of AZT we can clearly see that everybody would die sooner or later by
ingesting this drug.What changed with the 2nd generation of AIDS drugs, who promise a better and
longer life? They just cut the AZT dose to
a survivable rate and mixed in some other

Studying chemotherapy I landed on a

story about its beginnings in Hitler’s IG
Farben concentration camps. It seems as
the modern form of the pharmaceutical
company has basically started with IG Farben. Their headquarters in Frankfurt was in 1837 the
property of the Rothschild family. In 1864, the city's psychiatric hospital known as "Affenfelsen" or
"Affenstein"', was erected on the site. During the war while the rest oft he city was destroyed, nazi
epicenter IG Farben headquarters was notno hit once during the war.

I.G. Farben was the first pharmaceutical

company, which tested chemotherapy on
inmates in concentration camps. The
Auschwitz concentration camp was only
built to supply enough workforce and
guinea pigs for the I.G. Farben complex
compl in

At the Nurnberg Trials the responsible

directors of I.G. Farben Hermann
Schmitz,, Carl Krauch and Heinrich
Bütefisch got only small sentences and
were freed after 2-33 years of prison. Like scientist of operation paperclip I.G. Farben directors
direc were
integrated st into high positions of power in the pharmaceutical industry in post war Germany. Even
the 1 president of the commission of the EEC Walter Hallstein was a Nazi, who formerly promoted
the racial hygiene doctrine.

Is it possible that there are no killer viruses and all depends on the terrain which meets the virus, like
Antoine Béchamp , adversary of Louis Pasteur said? Sources claim that Pasteur made death bed
confessions, saying Béchamp was right. If Béchamp was right we have to see projects
projects of the scientific
dictatorship like vaccination, food additives and climate engineering side effects as a bigger threat to
our health than a killer virus. I think it’s not fair to say
there is no silver bullet, when the silver bullet was
tested withh great success on basically all sicknesses
originating in the blood, killing every single celled
organism. Silver ions were used by Dr. Credé, known for
the Credé prophylaxis to treat Sepsis before WWII. After
the colloid chemical institute in Dresden, Germany
G was
bombed by allied forces and antibiotics were pushed by
pharmaceutical companies, silver just disappeared in the
consciousness of mankind, until information could no
longer be suppressed with the increase of information
technology. Silver oxide was as recently successfully tested
on cancer and terminal AIDS patients without side
effects for pennies only, instead of hundreds of
thousands of dollars for the highly toxic chemotherapies.
Even farmer could now produce their own safe plant
protection agentss with an ionizer that is also used for swimming pool disinfection.

On the 17 May 2009 the Swiss population voted with 67% for an equality of alternative medicine, but
nothing can change the mind of Pascal Couchepin, who kicked alternative medicine out of basic
insurance just days after meeting the CEO of Novartis in Rottach-Egern,
Rottach Egern, Germany at the 2005
Bilderberger meeting. He will try everything to keep the scientific dictatorship in place for his
masters. His embarrassing action will wake up many here for the real world. If we understand the
scientific dictatorship we are no longer a its victim. May God bless you in this troubled time !

Article with links : http://www.scribd.com/doc/16084114/Switzerland-the-New-World

http://www.scribd.com/doc/16084114/Switzerland World-Capital

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