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Foundation 1: True Colors

100% FREE
Overview: This talk is the first of a series in the first module of the 100% FREE Program. It is a
rere!uisite to the su""eeding sessions as it sets the tone and outlines the need for su"h a
rogram arti"ularl# among the #outh toda#.
1. To realize that it is because of God and in His unconditional love for all of us that we are
created the way we are.
2. To reflect on the person that God created us be and appreciate our being unique and
3. To live out our identity and purpose and to show and express Gods love through us to the
1. !egistration
2. "orship
3. #irst $ctivity% &y 'elf()ortrait
*. Tal+ )roper
,. 'econd $ctivity% -ircle of .ove
/. -losing )rayer 0 To be lead by a brother in a boys and girls group1
First Activity: My el!" #ortrait
1. Group the participants into pairs of the sa2e sex.
2. Give each participant a sheet of paper with a paper with a picture of a blan+ face on it.
3. $s+ the participants to draw their self(portrait as an answer to the question%3 How do you
see yourself43
*. Give the participants another sheet of paper with two(colu2ned table. The first colu2n
will be labeled as 5"H$T' H6T43 and the second colu2n will be labeled 5"H$T'
76T43 8n the first colu2n. The participant will answer% 5"hat do 8 li+e about 2yself43
8n the second colu2n9 the participant will answer% 5"hat do 8 not li+e about 2yself43
,. $s+ the participants to share with their partner what they drew and wrote and how they
feel about it.
E$%anded Outline
&' &ntroduction

"e all have a perception of ourselves. There are things we li+e and dont li+e about
ourselves. "e 2easure ourselves against certain standards( our own9 of the significant
peoples in our lives9 the worlds9 and Gods.
:nfortunately9 the desire to live up to the worlds standards has caused a lot of
youth today to be in a constant see+ing of love and appreciation in the wrong places.
7o 2atter how they try to get what they want9 they 2ostly end up wanting 2ore or
even 2ore confused about their own desires. -louded with worldly desires and
fleeting happiness9 2any youth have forgotten who they really are. They have
forgotten that they are Gods precious handiwor+s9 who need not sub2it to standards
of the world.
&&' True (alues
A' Our )uman *ature + Man,s di-nity as a %erson.
;ven while each of us is unique 9 there is so2ething co22on in all of us. "e are
hu2an in nature9 but regardless of color and statues9 we were all created in the i2age
and li+eness of a divine God9 a God who is perfect.
So God created man in his image; in the image of God he created him; male and
Female he created them. (Gen 1:27)
'ince God created us in His i2age and li+eness9 the only way to realize our value9
is to +now the -reator9 the &a+er of all things. "e are far superior to any other
creature in the world for we are created with our intellect and will.
<eing 2ade in the i2age of God9 our dignity is of and fro2 God. He created us to
have power over the fish9 the birds9 and all ani2als((( do2estic and wild.
God said, "Let us mae man in our image, to our lieness. Let them rule o!er the
fish of the sea, o!er the "irds of the air, o!er the cattle, o!er the #ild animals,
and o!er all cree$ing things that cra#l along the ground.(Gen 1:2%)
/' Our True 0ort1
"e are not valuable because of the things we own or even the talents and s+ills we
have. 'adly9 not all of us realize our worth. "e have failed to see that in Gods eyes=
every person is valuable and special9 thus equally entitled to our love and acceptance.
However9 this does not 2ean that we should condone or approve of everything that
we find in our neighbor. "e value other people because of how God originally
created the2.
God gave us our capabilities9 strengths and talents to have power and responsibility
over and for His creations. "e were given the privilege to thin+9 ta+e charge9 ta+e
care9 and 2a+e use of all the things that God has created.
&&&' True Callin-
A' Our Call to 2ove
God is love9 and He created us out of love. Hence9 our dignity as hu2an beings leads
us to find fulfill2ent through love. <eing 2ade out of love9 we were given that capacity to
love too9 as well as the invitation to love others as 2uch.
/' 01at is love3
The world has a thousand or 2ore definitions of love 0ex. .ove is blind9 .ove is a
thousand 2ysteries etc. etc.1 'adly9 2edia today has created a whole new 2eaning of word
5 .ove3. .ove in the 2ovies9 ro2antic novels9 television series9 and even reality T> shows
have tarnished the real 2eaning and beauty of love.
C' T1e Many Facets o! 2ove

There are three ter2s that the Gree+s use for 5love3 which we 2ay learn and distinguish fro2%
1' #1ilia or 4/rot1erly 2ove5
This is the love that is evident in brother(sister relationships and friendships. 8t is the
+ind of love that doesnt exactly have that 5+ilig3 factor but is still love because it
produces?brings about trust9 @oy9 and respect for another person. 8n the gospel of Aohn9 it is
used to express the relationship between Aesus and His disciples.
6' Eros or t1e 4Cloud"7 Feelin-5
This is the +ind of love that is usually seen in ro2antic 2ovies. 8t is 2ostly 2anifested
through a state of being(on(top(of(the(world9 that feeling of being so high in love. &ost
often9 this is the +ind of love that has no solid foundation because it is based on fic+le
e2otions and changing circu2stances.
8' A-a%e or 4C1ristian 2ove5
<y contrast9 agape 2oves beyond the selfish pleasure(see+ing characteristic of ;ros.
This +ind of love 2anifests genuine concern and care for the other. To love with an agape
love is to go beyond the feeling of being in love= it is choosing and deciding to love with a
co22it2ent in spite and despite of shortco2ings and failures. 8t decides to love through and
through no 2atter what.
9' 2ove o! :od and 2ove o! *ei-1bor
Every %erson is made to be loved' )e e$%eriences t1is love ;1en 1e is in communion
0it1 ot1er %eo%le <;1o carry :od,s ima-e=' *o 1as seen :od' >et i! ;e love one
Anot1er? :od d;ells in us and )is love brou-1t to %er!ection'
&o one has e!er seen God, "ut if #e lo!e one another, God li!es in us, and his lo!e s$reads
freel' among us. (1 (ohn ):12)

8n our hu2an nature9 God gives us the invitation to love with great 2easures. He loved us
first even in our own wea+nesses and frailties. !ealizing and accepting this great privilege
how God loves us unconditionally can allow an overflow of love in us. 'uch that we would
be able to 2ove toward reaching fulfill2ent of loving Hi2 in return and others as well.
Our love !or :od s1ould translate to love !or nei-1bor'
*f 'ou sa', "* lo!e God," #hile 'ou hate 'our "rother or sister, 'ou are a liar. +o# can
'ou lo!e God #hom 'ou do not see, if 'ou do not lo!e 'our "rother #hom 'ou see, -e
recei!ed from him this commandment: let those #ho lo!e God also lo!e their "rothers.
(1 (ohn ):2.)
T1us it is man,s call to live in communion ;it1 ot1ers' 0e are called to live in
communion ;it1 :od? and ;it1 our nei-1bors'
@' Celibacy or Marria-e
&n Cat1olic tradition? communion ;it1 ot1er %eo%le is c1aracteriAed by t1e total
-i!t o! one,s sel!' T1is -i!t o! sel! can taBe t;o !orms" celibacy or marria-e' T1is also a
Bind o! unconditional love o! -ivin- ourselves to :od or to anot1er %erson in marria-e
by decidin- to a li!elon- commitment to love'
&(' Conclusion
"e are all created in the i2age and li+eness of a God who is perfect. "e 2ay not
be perfect by worldly standards9 but we carry Gods perfect i2age in us. God wants us
to realize our worth that even at the point when we feel 2ost unloved it is when Hell
love us the 2ost9 because we are His priceless possessions.
"e 2ust realize9 believe9 and ta+e confidence in His love in order to free us fro2 the
bondage of the standards of this world. "e 2ust be free in experiencing the unconditional
love of God for us to share with those who do not +now Gods love yet. "e are 2ade
essentially for this purpose% to love. The world today 2ay hinder us fro2 using our capacity
to love not only others9 but 2aybe even ourselves. The challenge today is to continue to
+now our -reator9 see+ to love Hi2 everyday9 and to continue to decide to love others with a
co22it2ent that goes beyond e2otion9 instinct9 and fleeting circu2stances. .et us love in a
way that is pleasing to God.

"e were 2ade 6:T 6# .6>;9 2ade <;-$:'; 6# .6>;9 and 2ade 87 6!B;!
T6 .6>;. .6>; is our true value9 our true nature9 our true worth9 our true calling9 our very
essence9 our true colorC
econd Activity: Circle o! 2ove
1. $s+ the participants to for2 groups of ,(D 2e2bers each and to for2 a s2all
circle with their group 2ates.
2. )rovide each participant with a sheet of paper9 and so2e coloring writing
3. 8nstruct the participants to write their na2e at the top of the paper9 leaving plenty
of space for writing. They can decorate the paper9 and be creative as possible.
*. The ob@ect of the activity is to express love for each other by ac+nowledging the
i2age of God in the other person. The participants will write so2ething good or
positive about each of their group 2ates as the papers are being passed around. $
signal will be given for the2 to pass the paper to their right. They ta+e ti2e to
write so2ething good about the person whose paper theyre currently holding
before passing it on the next person on the next signal.
,. $llotted ti2e for writing on the paper in each turn is 3E seconds to a 2inute.
/. The passing and writing will end once the participants receive his?her own paper.
$ctivity will end with a closing prayer. The prayer should focus in being than+ful
to the gift of life and love of God that has blessed each and every person in the

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