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... through Bertha Dudde

Difficult days
for patience - humility - meeness ....
!cti"ity of lo"e during the time of grace ....
#n e"ery hour of need the $ord is ready to offer solace for %is
O&n and if %e grants it to you' you are lo"ed (y %im ....
)y child' call upon the Father &hen you are an*ious' %e hears
e"ery pleading child and lifts them up.
Behold' according to God+s &ise council you humans must train
yoursel"es to apply self-discipline .... you must learn to
patiently accept everything the Lord sends to you, for all
that is gi"en to you for the impro"ement of your soul.
#f only days of steady tran,uillity &ere granted to you' you &ould
ne"er (e a(le to reach the degree of perfection you need in order
to (e close to the -a"iour. God+s &isdom allo&s such days to
come upon you so that all your "irtues shall mature' such as
patience .... humility .... gentleness and su(mission to God+s &ill.
.othing is further from the Father+s intention than to grant you a
difficult fate' yet a far more pleasing re&ard (econs in the
(eyond if you cope &ith such days (y training yoursel"es to
attain these "irtues ....
/"erything that appears to mae life more difficult can lead to
impro"ement if only you al&ays loo up to the Father &ith lo"e
and hum(ly (o& do&n to %is &ill.
!nd no& listen to &hat &e are permitted to proclaim to you
While e"eryone on earth is preparing to cele(rate the (irth of
1hrist' there is also diligent acti"ity in the (eyond for the
sal"ation of humanity. We tae an acti"e part in e"ery e"ent on
earth .... When mutual lo"e (et&een people has such an effect
that one is de"oted to the other' their souls remo"e themsel"es
from the influences of e"il po&ers and many (lessings can (e
e*pected from this' for lo"e educates people and lets them
unconsciously de"elop their di"ine stri"ing. !nd &here' in turn'
the urge e*ists to do good deeds and please another person'
there &ill also (e the Father+s (lessing ....
2he human (eing (ecomes dignified in this time .... &here lo"e
moti"ates his actions .... he only e"er aims to act according to
the ad"ice of the inner "oice .... !nd &here you endea"our to
please your fello& human (eing in this time' you can e*pect the
same fate. 3ou' too' &ill (e made happy (y the Father+s lo"e ....
(y %is grace you &ill (e permitted to refresh yoursel"es and %is
(lessing &ill rest upon you &ho li"e a life of lo"e.
!nd so the spiritual (eings in the (eyond also stri"e to e*ercise
their acti"ity of lo"e increasingly more. 2he strength they
emanate lifts untold souls up again and facilitates their &or of
impro"ing themsel"es ....
#f your heart only once dedicates itself to this acti"ity of lo"e' you
&ill (e changed fore"er .... for lo"e is -upreme .... to li"e in it is
(liss and the strength flo&ing forth from lo"e cannot (e assessed
(y you in earthly life' yet souls are constantly redeemed through
lo"e .... !nd to li"e life on earth in this strength is an in"alua(le
&ealth &hich you all can attain if you al&ays li"e in lo"e.
2hroughout millennia lo"e has ne"er lost its strength' for lo"e is
di"ine and through lo"e e"ery (eing (ecomes di"ine ....
#f you therefore deem lo"e as the most -upreme' you &ill (e in
contact &ith the eternal Deity .... 3ou &ill dra& e"er closer to the
-a"iour .... you &ill remain in %is lo"e and detach yoursel"es
from the po&er of darness.
#n these days each one of you should (e a&are of the fact that
you li"e in a time of grace' &hich can result in (lessings a(o"e
(lessings if you consider lo"e as the highest la&.
/ach heart (ecomes more easily accessi(le to God+s appeal and
only hardened people re4ect it and let the days pass (y &ithout
inner reflection .... 3et in the %oly .ight many a heart
e*periences inner grace' it opens itself' if only for a short time'
and listens to the "oice &hich speas to it from a(o"e.
2hen it &ould only re,uire an ardent prayer to the hea"enly
Father in order to pro"ide him &ith the strength of lo"e .... our
$ord and -a"iour is constantly close to %is earthly children .... %e
directs and leads each person and sees to come to their aid ....
4ust a little faith in %im and %is protecting hand &ill guide you
right ....
Oh' &e so hope that these days of lo"ing acti"ity amongst people
&ill e*ert a fa"oura(le influence .... so that they &ill turn to the
-a"iour .... and that they may also recei"e lo"e from %im in the
same &ay as they lo"e others. $oo deeply into your hearts ....
does not e"ery child long for its Father5 2hus' also regard
yoursel"es as God+s children in order to (e lo"ingly accepted (y
the Father' so that you may enter into %is ingdom.
6u(lished (y friends of ne& re"elations of God 7 #nformation'
do&nload of all translated re"elations' theme-(oolets at0


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