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Noe!"er 2#$% &Su'()*+

M,',str* o- Co!!erce )'( I'(ustr*
&Dep)rt!e't o- I'(ustr,). Po.,c* )'( Pro!ot,o'+
Govt. of India, New Delhi.
Director & Head (RPMG)
Regional Professional Management Group
National Productivity Council
6 !"DC# "ndustrial $state%m&attur
C'ennai ( 6)) )*+
Fax: 044
The Indian Boilers Act was enacted in 1923 mainly to provide or saety o lie and
property rom the dan!er o explosion o "oilers and or achievin! #niormity in re!istration
and inspection d#rin! operation and maintenance o "oilers thro#!ho#t the co#ntry$ %ince
then there had "een no ma&or amendments to the Act$ The le!islation re'#ired chan!es in
consonance with the evolvin! developments and chan!es in the technolo!y o a"rication(
operation( testin! and inspection o "oilers$
The Indian Boilers )amendment* Act( 200+ which was passed in ,ecem"er( 200+(
has introd#ced improvements in the provisions o the law to enhance saety norms( to
ens#re #niormity in standards o inspection( expeditin! inspections and red#cin!
"#rea#cratic delays "y decentrali-ation o inspection o "oilers d#rin! their man#act#re(
erection and #se( "y allowin! inspection and certiication "y the independent inspectin!
.otiication containin! re!#lations or implementin! many provisions o the amendment
Act incl#din! or implementin! the inspection "y the third party inspectin! a#thorities and
competent persons has "een p#"lished in the /a-ette o India on +
0cto"er( 2010$
As per re!#lations notiied on +
0cto"er( 2010( irst 1 second examination was
cond#cted on 24
April( 2011 1 +
0cto"er 2012 respectively or reco!nition o competent
persons or #nderta2in! inspections 1 certiication o "oilers d#rin! man#act#re( erection
and #se "y the third party inspectin! a#thorities in India$
3entral Boilers Board )3BB*( /overnment o India has a#thori-ed .ational
4rod#ctivity 3o#ncil ).43* to cond#ct the third examination or competent persons$
I invite yo# to re!ister or the third examination or reco!nition o competent
persons and wish yo# all very "est or yo#r s#ccess in the 5xamination
T.S.G. Narayannen
Ce'tr). Bo,.ers Bo)r(
M,',str* o- Co!!erce )'(
&Dep)rt!e't o- I'(ustr,). Po.,c*
)'( Pro!ot,o'+
Government of India, New Delhi.
,- .%C/GR#0ND
2- PR#C$D0R$ 3#R R$C#GN"4"#N #3 C#MP$4$N4 P$R!#N!
5- C#ND0C4 #3 % $6%M"N%4"#N 3#R C#MP$4$N4 P$R!#N!
3#R "N!P$C4"#N %ND C$R4"3"C%4"#N #3 .#"7$R!
1- $7"G"."7"48 CR"4$R"% 3#R %PP$%R"NG "N 4H$
$6%M"N%4"#N 3#R C#MP$4$N4 P$R!#N!
9- !877%.0!:C0RR"C070M 3#R 4H$ $6%M"N%4"#N 3#R
C#MP$4$N4 P$R!#N!
6- R$;0"R$M$N4! 3#R P%!!"NG 4H$ $6%M"N%4"#N 3#R
C#MP$4$N4 P$R!#N!
<- $6%M"N%4"#N C$N4R$!
+- R$3$R$NC$ .##/! 3#R #P$N .##/ $6%M"N%4"#N
*- R$G"!4R%4"#N PR#C$!!
R#7$ #3 NPC
C#ND"4"#N! %ND "N!4R0C4"#N! 4# 4H$ C%ND"D%4$!
7"!4 #3 $NC7#!0R$! 4# .$ %44%CH$D ="4H 4H$
%NN$60R$ ( , > !877%.0!
%s per t'e amendments made in t'e .oilers %ct ,*25 vide Ga?ette Notification &y
t'e "ndian .oilers (%mendment) %ct 2))< and t'e "ndian .oiler Regulations ,*9)
vide Ga?ette Notification vide Notification No- G-!-R- +2,($) dated <
#cto&er 2),)
a provision 'as &een made for inspection and certification of &oilers and &oiler
components during manufacture erection & use &y @Competent PersonsA recogni?ed
&y t'e Central .oilers .oard- %s per t'ese amendments a t'ird party @"nspecting
%ut'orityA in "ndia is reBuired to engage Competent Persons to undertaCe inspection
and certification of &oilers and &oiler components during manufacture erection &
use- Central .oilers .oard (C..) Government of "ndia 'as aut'ori?ed National
Productivity Council (NPC) to conduct t'e first eDamination for competent Persons-
($+ I'tro(uct,o'34
(a) t'is regulation provides t'e reBuirements for t'e uniform Bualification
eDamination issuance and reneEal of Central .oiler .oard aut'orisation to act as a
competent personF
(&) candidates meeting t'ese reBuirements may &e Bualified to &e issued a
Central .oilers .oard aut'orisationF
(c) Competent persons may &e alloEed to inspect and certify t'e &oilers
under t'e .oilers %ct during manufacture erection operation and maintenance
t'roug'out "ndia-
&2+ M,',!u! 5u).,-,c)t,o's )'( e6per,e'ceG>
(a) must &e a graduate in Mec'anical $ngineering from a recogni?ed
(&) minimum five years eDperience singly or cumulatively in t'e folloEing
fields related to &oilers su&Hect to t'e condition minimum of tEo years
s'all &e in operation and maintenance of &oilers >
(i) DesignF
(ii) ManufactureF
(iii) CommissioningF
(iv) #peration and maintenanceF
(v) "nspection and certification during manufacture or
operation and maintenanceF
(vi) Hig' Pressure =elding>"nspectionF
(c) 7evel>"" ND4 Certificates from "!N4 or any ot'er professional &ody
recognised &y "!N4 in Non Destructive met'ods of testing in radiograp'y
and ultrasonic testing-
&%+ Ce'tr). Bo,.ers Bo)r( E6)!,')t,o' Process3 (i) an eDamination
s'all &e conducted &y t'e Central .oilers .oard $Damination !tanding Committee
or an agency or Regional $Damination !tanding Committees aut'orised &y it as per
t'e folloEing met'ods namelyG>
(a) Eritten $Damination consisting of design manufacture operation and
maintenance of t'e &oiler Non Destructive 4esting 4ec'niBues
inspection and certification of &oilers during manufacture and use as
per "ndian .oiler RegulationsF
(&) viva>voce on t'e a&ove (5) I Eeig'tage s'all &e given for viva>voce)F
(c) t'e Central .oiler .oard Eill issue a passing grade certificate to t'e
candidate after passing t'e eDaminationF
(d) candidate s'all secure at least 6) I marCs in Eritten eDamination as
Eell as viva>voce in order to pass t'e eDaminationF
(ii) application for appearing in t'e Central .oiler .oard $Damination
Process s'all &e made in t'e format as provided &y t'e Central .oilers .oard
$Damination !tanding Committee at suc' place and time as decided &y t'e
Central .oilers .oard $Damination !tanding Committee or an agency or
Regional $Damination !tanding Committees aut'orised &y it-

&4+ Ce'tr). Bo,.ers Bo)r( Author,s)t,o' Process34
(i) t'e Competent Person s'all perform t'e EorC Eit'out conflict of
(ii) an applicant for a Central .oiler .oard %ut'orisation s'all meet t'e
folloEing reBuirements namelyG>
(a) t'e applicant s'all &e in regular employment of and eDclusively
engaged &y a Central .oilers .oard recognised "nspecting
(&) t'e applicant s'all meet t'e minimum Bualification and
eDperience reBuirements as referred in su&>regulation 2 of t'is
(c) t'e applicant s'all 'ave taCen and passed t'e Central .oilers
.oard eDamination as referred to in su&>regulation 5 of t'is
(d) t'e applicant s'all apply for an aut'orisation not later t'an t'ree
years after passing t'e Central .oilers .oard $Damination and a
person E'ose aut'orisation 'as not &een issued Eit'in t'e t'ree
year period s'all &e reBuired to taCe t'e Central .oiler .oard
$Damination and receive a passing grade and
(e) t'e maDimum age for t'e Competent Person s'all &e 69 years
provided t'e person is medically fitF

(iii) (a) E'en t'e applicant 'as met t'e eligi&ility reBuirements as
referred in clause (ii) of su&>regulation 1 and at t'e reBuest of
t'e applicantJs employer a Central .oilers .oard aut'orisation
card and a certificate s'all &e issuedF
(&) t'e application for an aut'orisation s'all &e on forms o&tained
from t'e Central .oilers .oardF
(c) a Competent Person may possess only t'e valid aut'orisation
card listing one employerF
(iv) (a) t'e validity of eac' aut'orisation certificate s'all &e t'ree years
from t'e date of issue or in co>terminus Eit' t'e validity period of
recognition of employing "nspecting %ut'ority E'ic'ever is earlierF
(&) t'e Competent Person must &e in regular employment of t'e
Central .oiler .oard recognised "nspecting %ut'ority failing E'ic'
t'e aut'orisation lapsesF
(c) if t'e Competent Person leaves t'e employment Central .oilers
.oard %ut'orisation Card s'all &e surrendered &y t'e
"nspecting %ut'ority to t'e !ecretary Central .oilers .oard
Eit'in a period of seven daysF
(d) t'e reBuest for reneEal s'all &e made &y Competent PersonJs
employer and t'e reBuest s'all certify t'at t'e Competent
Person maintained inspection proficiency &y performing or
supervising inspection activity and t'at t'e individual 'as met
t'e continuing updation reBuirement as given in clause (f) of t'is
(e) on c'ange of employment a reBuest for aut'orisation card s'all
&e made &y t'e Competent PersonJs current employer on forms
o&tained from t'e Central .oilers .oardF
(f) eac' Central .oilers .oard aut'orised Competent Person at
least once every t'ree years s'all eit'er attend a Central
.oilers .oard seminar or receive ot'er instruction related to
inspections and t'e instruction may &e in any format e-g-
classroom 'ome study or Ee&>&asedF t'e topics may include
any su&Hect of relevance to t'e inspection process suc' as neE
met'ods products materials tec'nology or c'anges to
construction or repair codesF
(g) a person E'ose aut'orisation 'as not &een reneEed for five
years or less may on proper application from t'e employer
'ave t'e aut'orisation reinstatedF
(') t'e employer s'all provide verification of continuing updation as
mentioned in clause (f) F
(i) a person E'ose aut'orisation 'as not &een reneEed for more
t'an five years s'all &e reBuired to taCe t'e Central .oilers
.oard $Damination and receive a passing gradeF
(v) (a) a Central .oilers .oard aut'orisation may &e revoCed &y t'e
!ecretary Central .oilers .oard for falsification of any
statement contained in any application 'oEever t'e person may
reBuest reconsideration &y t'e !ecretary Central .oilers .oardF
(&)E'en an evaluation reveals t'at a Central .oilers .oard
aut'orised Competent Person 'as &een negligent in 'is duty or
'as made false statements on forms used for documentation of
'is duties a Central .oilers .oard committee formed for t'e
purpose may eDamine t'e evaluation and recommend to t'e
!ecretary Central .oilers .oard a suita&le action against t'e
Competent Person- 4'e !ecretary Central .oilers .oard s'all
taCe t'e final decisionF
(c) if any individual is aggrieved &y a decision of t'e !ecretary
Central .oilers .oard t'e individual 'as t'e rig't to appeal to
t'e Central .oilers .oard t'roug' t'e !ecretary Central
.oilers .oard and suc' appeal s'all &e Eit'in t'irty days of t'e
date of t'e decisionF
(d) t'e decision of t'e Central .oilers .oard s'all &e &indingF
(e) any person aggrieved &y>
(i) an order made or purporting to &e made &y a Competent
Person in t'e eDercise of any poEer conferred &y or under t'e
%ctF or
(ii) a refusal of a Competent Person to maCe any order or to
issue any certificate E'ic' 'e is reBuired or ena&led &y or under
t'e %ct to maCe or issue may Eit'in t'irty days from t'e date
on E'ic' suc' order or refusal is communicated to 'im appeal
against t'e order or refusal to t'e C'ief "nspector of .oilers of
t'e state in E'ic' t'e &oiler is locatedF
(vi) a fee esta&lis'ed &y t'e Central .oiler .oard $Damination
!tanding Committee s'all &e paid for eac' aut'orisation issued
reneEed or reinstated-
Central .oilers .oard (C..) 'as nominated National Productivity Council
(NPC) as t'e %gency to conduct t'e eDamination for competent person
The e6)!,')t,o' -or reco7',t,o' o- co!pete't perso's /,.. "e he.( o'
Noe!"er8 2#$%0 4'e eDamination Eould &e conducted for t'ree
papers vi?- paper ,2 & 5 and viva>voce Eould &e su&seBuently for t'ose E'o
Bualify in t'e eDamination-
(a) Must &e a graduate in Mec'anical $ngineering from a recogni?ed
)"* Minimum five years eDperience singly or cumulatively in t'e folloEing fields
related to &oilers su&Hect to t'e condition t'at minimum tEo years s'all &e
in operation & Maintenance of &oilers-
(i) Design
(ii) Manufacture
(iii) Commissioning
(iv) #peration and Maintenance
(v) "nspection and certification during manufacture or operation and
(vi) Hig' Pressure =elding>"nspection
(c) 7evel>"" ND4 Certificates from "!N4 or any ot'er professional &ody
recogni?ed &y "!N4 in Non Destructive met'ods of testing in radiograp'y
and ultrasonic testing-
Note 3 (,) %pplicants employed in Central Govt- : !tate Govt- : P!0Js
'ave to inform t'eir employer in Eriting &efore applying
(2) %pplicants %ge s'ould &e as on 5,
#cto&er 2),5
(5) 4raining period Eill not &e considered as eDperience
a) 4'e eDamination Eill &e consisting of t'e folloEing t'ree papers-
,- Paper ( , (,)) marCs) Eould consist of #pen &ooC descriptive
eDamination on .oiler Design $ngineering
2- Paper > "" (,)) marCs) Eould consist of #pen &ooC (".R ,*9) & t'e
.oilers %ct ,*25) Multiple C'oice ;uestion (MC;) type eDamination
on .oiler %ct and "ndian .oiler Regulations and t'eir compliance-
5- Paper > """ (,9) marCs) Eould consist of No &ooC descriptive
eDamination .oiler ( %ct Regulation Materials $rection
Commissioning #peration & Maintenance
&) Kiva>Koce ,9) marCs- 4'e candidate s'ould o&tain a minimum of 9)I in
eac' paper Eit' aggregate of 6)I in t'ree papers in t'e Eritten eDamination
in order to &e eligi&le for viva>voce- 4'e pass marCs for viva>voce
eDamination is 6)I
c) 4'e Central .oiler .oard Eill issue a passing grade certificate to t'e
candidates after passing t'e eDamination

(i) % candidate s'all secure at least 9)I in eac' and 6)I aggregate marCs
in Eritten eDamination as Eell as viva>voce in order to pass t'e eDamination-
E6)!,')t,o' /,.. co't),' the -o..o/,'7 p)pers3
Paper > ,
#pen &ooC descriptive eDamination on .oiler
Design $ngineering
2 Hours Duration ,)) MarCs
Paper > 2
#pen &ooC (".R ,*9) & t'e .oilers %ct ,*25)
Multiple C'oice ;uestion (MC;) type
eDamination on .oiler %ct and "ndian .oiler
Regulations and t'eir compliance
, Hour Duration ,)) MarCs
Paper > 5
No &ooC descriptive eDamination on
.oiler ( %ct Regulation Materials $rection
Commissioning #peration & Maintenance-
5 Hours Duration ,9) MarCs
Kiva ( Koce
,9) MarCs
Sche(u.e o- E6)!,')t,o'3
D)te;D)* P)per T,!,'7s E6)!,')t,o' M)r>s Oer)..
Paper ( " Morning !ession
)*-5) to ,,-5)
(2 Hours)
#pen &ooC
eDamination on .oiler
Design $ngineering
,)) 2)I
Paper ( 2 Morning !ession
,,-5) to ,2-5)
(, Hour)
#pen &ooC (".R ,*9)
& t'e .oilers %ct
,*25) Multiple
C'oice ;uestion
(MC;) type
eDamination on .oiler
%ct and "ndian .oiler
Regulations and t'eir
,)) 2)I
Paper ( 5 %fternoon
,1-)) to ,<-))
(5 Hours)
No &ooC descriptive
eDamination on
.oiler ( %ct
Regulation Materials
#peration &
,9) 5)I
4o &e decided later Kiva>Koce ,9) 5)I
Tot). !)r>s :## $##@
4'e eDamination centres are as folloEsG>
S0 No0 Ce'tre
,- C'ennai
2- Mum&ai
5- /olCatta
1- NeE Del'i
4'e applicants Eill 'ave to give tEo c'oices of eDamination centre in order of t'eir
preference- "f t'e num&er of applications for a particular centre is found to &e less
t'an t'e minimum reBuired num&er t'e eDamination centre for t'ose applicants can
&e s'ifted to t'eir neDt preferred centre-
Rs-,59)):> (4'irteen t'ousand five 'undred only) inclusive of service taD as
applica&le &y G#" for General Category candidates and Rs-,)2)):> (Rupees ten
t'ousand tEo 'undred only) inclusive service taD as applica&le &y G#" for !C:!4
4'e fee s'all &e paid &y Demand Draft favouring National Productivity Council
paya&le at C'ennai
4'e candidates Eill refer t'e &ooC on "ndian .oilers Regulation for t'eir open &ooC
eDamination- 4'e candidates s'ould &ring t'eir oEn current edition of ".R .ooC
Eit'out any notes : marCs and any ot'er &ooC is not alloEed-
4'e necessary tec'nical data s'eets if reBuired Eould &e supplied to t'e candidates
during t'e eDamination-
Registration for t'e Certification $Damination Eill &e done on receipt of t'e filled>in
application form along Eit' reBuisite fees from t'e candidates
4'e candidates 'ave to doEnload t'e application form and send t'e filled in forms
Eit' all necessary enclosures- #nce Ee receive t'e p'ysical form t'e same Eill &e
scrutini?ed and if found eligi&le a Registration No- Eill &e allotted and
acCnoEledgement Eould &e sent &y e>mail-
Fees o'ce p),( /ou.( 'ot "e re-u'(e( u'(er )'* c,rcu!st)'ces-
4'e Hall 4icCets Eould &e sent t'ree EeeCs &efore t'e commencement of t'e
4'e results of t'e Eritten eDamination Eill &e communicated to all t'e candidates and
also displayed on NPC Ee& site-
4'e Central .oilers .oard 'as retained t'e National Productivity Council (NPC) to
conduct t'e eDamination for Competent Persons and declare t'e results-
NPC Eill carry out t'e folloEing activitiesG >
,- Regional Professional Management Group (RPMG) NPC C'ennai Eill
receive and process t'e applications from t'e candidates and register t'em
as per t'e laid doEn procedures-
2- NPC Eill send all necessary instructions in respect of t'e $Damination and
ot'er details suc' as 'all ticCet t'e venue of eDamination timings code of
conduct for t'e candidates E'o are registered for t'e eDamination-
5- NPC Eill administer t'e eDamination in four centres su&Hect to t'e availa&ility
of minimum num&er of candidates-
,- Candidates are advised to go t'roug' t'e prospectus &efore filling t'e
application form & all entries s'ould &e correctly filled-
2- %ttac' proof of EorC eDperience certificate as per t'e eligi&ility criteria duly
certified &y t'e competent aut'ority-
5- %ttac' an attested P'otostat copy of Degree certificate as per t'e eligi&ility
1- 7evel>"" ND4 Certificates from "!N4 or any ot'er professional &ody
recogni?ed &y "!N4 in Non Destructive met'ods of testing in radiograp'y and
ultrasonic testing-
9- %ffiD t'ree recent passport si?e p'otograp's (one self attested in t'e
application form one in t'e 'all ticCet and one in t'e $Damination centre
c'ecC form)-
6- $nclose Demand Draft toEards t'e fees in favour of N)t,o'). Pro(uct,,t*
Cou'c,.8 p)*)".e at Che''),0
<- Candidates &elonging to !C:!4 category Eill &e reBuired to su&mit t'e
attested copies of t'e necessary supporting documents as mentioned in t'e
prospectus and as per t'e -or!)ts )pp.,c)".e -or Got0 o- I'(,)- #t'er
formats issued in local languages Eill not &e accepted-
+- Candidates s'ould 'ave an $>mail "D ("f you donLt 'ave an email account
please create one in free sites)
*- !elf addressed cover (21 cm D,)cm) Eit' duly affiDed "ndian postal stamp of
,)- Candidates fulfilling t'e eligi&ility criteria need only to apply Eit' necessary
,,- 3illed>in application form Eit' attested copies of enclosure along Eit' reBuisite
fee s'ould reac' t'e folloEing address on or &efore ,9
#cto&er 2),5
Director & Head
Regional Professional Management Group
National Productivity Council
6 !"DC# "ndustrial $state
%m&attur C'ennai ( 6)) )*+
4el- No- )11 ( 2629216<:Mo&ileG*,><2**66<1+5: *+1,1),2*5
3aD No- )11 ( 26295,22
$mailG rpmgc'n-&oilerMgmail-com
Note: All correspondence related with Examination should be made to the
above address preferably on e-mail.
,2- 4'e fees paid &y a candidate E'o 'as &een admitted to t'e $Damination
s'all not &e refunded or adHusted under any circumstances on t'e &asis of
medical or any ot'er ground-
,5- 4'e candidates Eill 'ave t'e responsi&ility to cross c'ecC t'e information on
allotted eDamination centres issue of 'all ticCets and ot'er instructions issued
from time to time from t'e a&ove mentioned Ee&site-
,1- %ny candidate E'o does not receive or loses t'e admission ticCet s'all
report to t'e allotted eDamination centre Eit' documentary evidence of 'aving
registered for $Damination- "nformation a&out allotted eDamination centres
may &e seen at t'e Ee&>site mentioned in t'e prospectus-
,9- (a) "f a candidate on declaration of t'e results of $Damination is not satisfied
Eit' t'e marCs given in any paper(s) and feels t'at t'ere is possi&ility of eit'er
omission in marCing of any ansEer(s) or t'ere is possi&ility of mistaCe in
totalling of t'e marCs in any paper(s) t'e candidate may seeC verification(re>
totalling) of all or any paper on 'is su&mitting an application accompanied &y
a fee of Rs 1)):> for eac' paper to &e paid &y DD draEn in favour of
DN)t,o'). Pro(uct,,t* Cou'c,.E paya&le at DChe''),E Eit'in a EeeCsJ time
from t'e announcement of t'e result- NPC Eould c'ecC for re>totalling and
E'et'er all t'e Buestions attempted &y t'e candidates 'as &een evaluated-
(&) 4'e process of verification s'all &e completed Eit' in a period of tEo
EeeCs from t'e date of receipt of t'e application &y NPC-
(c) 4'e marCs o&tained &y a candidate in individual Buestions of paper(s) s'all
not &e supplied-
(d) ReBuest for revaluation of %nsEer .ooCs Eill not &e entertained-
(e) P'otocopies of evaluated %nsEer .ooCs Eill not &e made availa&le to

,6- Central .oilers .oard $Damination !tanding Committee reserves t'e rig't to
c'ange t'e eDamination dates : centres due to some unforeseen reasons and
reasons &eyond its control-
,<- %pplications received after t'e last date #R in any ot'er format ot'er t'an
t'e prescri&ed one #R incomplete Eill &e summarily reHected- Delays in transit
and applications Eit'out relevant enclosures Eould &e reHected Eit'out
assigning any reason-
,+- "n all su&seBuent correspondence maCe sure t'at invaria&ly you Buote t'e
registration num&er E'ic' you Eill receive in your acCnoEledgment &y email-
,*- 3or any clarification- Contact us at rpmgc'n-&oilerMgmail-com
2)- 3or $Damination updates visit Ee&site GEEE-npcindia-gov-in &
, Proof for reBuisite educational Bualification including ND4 Certificate-
(Certificate s'ould &e attested &y a Ga?etted #fficer : $mployer)-
2 Proof for reBuisite eDperience in t'e prescri&ed format duly certified &y t'e
5 DD in favour of National Productivity Council paya&le at C'ennai-
1 4'ree recent passport si?e p'otograp's (one self attested in t'e application
form one in t'e 'all ticCet and one in t'e $Damination centre c'ecC form)-
9- Proof of !C:!4 certificates as per Govt- of "ndia format in case of claiming fee
concession- Cert,-,c)tes ,ssue( ,' .oc). .)'7u)7es /,.. 'ot "e )ccepte(-
6- Duly filled Hall 4icCet & centre c'ecC form along Eit' p'otograp'
<- Proof of age-
+- !elf addressed cover (21 cm D,)cm) Eit' duly affiDed "ndian postal stamp of
A''e6ure4 I
Paper: 1 - Boiler Design Engineering
(To !o"rs# $pen Boo% (&B'# 1()0 * +!e Boilers A,+# 1(-3.# Des,rip+i/e E0a1ina+ion.
=ater tu&e &oilersG Classification of &oilers> Natural circulation 3orced circulation
3luidi?ed .ed Com&ustor .oiler (3.C) Circulating 3ludi?ed .ed Com&ustor .oiler
(C3.C) =aste 'eat &oiler C'emical recovery &oilers Cycles for !team PoEer
#nce t'roug' &oilers !upercritical &oiler and 0ltra>supercritical &oiler functions and
differences advantages and disadvantages-
!olar .oilers unfired &oilers including t'ermic fluid &oilers
=ater circuit and steam circuit-
3ire tu&e &oilerG !'ell type &oilers ( Hori?ontal and Kertical &oiler Karious types of
furnaces 3urnace 'eat release rates for solid fuel and #il fired .oilers Met'ods of
various attac'ments in !'ell and furnaces-
.oiler Design and $ngineering GDesign calculation met'ods ( factors to &e
considered in designing a &oiler &oiler layout pressure part arrangement pressure
and temperature drops across t'e &oiler > temperature control met'ods Hig'
temperature properties (Hot yield creep) of steel and design criteria for ascertaining
permissi&le stress and maDimum temperature for use of eac' grade of steel > Design
calculation to ascertain maDimum EorCing pressure of parts tu&es eDposed to 'ot
gases connecting pipes 'eaders pipes and drums ligament efficiency met'od of
compensation for opening met'od of attac'ment of tu&es and &ranc' pipes
7ongitudinal !tress &ending moment etc- Eeld coefficient-
$lements of feed Eater 'eaters (Design and construction including tu&e eDpansion
Design & EorCing pressure calculations for s'ell type &oilers ligament efficiency
end plates : tu&e plates tu&e design furnace design met'od of compensation for
openings stay rods gussets stiffeners pressure circle calculations etc-
Karious &oiler mountings and auDiliaries liCe fusi&le plugs safety valves safety valve
selection criteria and capacity calculation electromatic safety valves drum level
indicators selection of feed Eater pumps etc-
.oiler components piping fitting steam receivers valves steam traps neE
Criteria for adopting Pressure reducing and desuper'eating stations (PRD!) 3eed
Eater control system 4ees el&oEs &ends and fittings-
Metal temperature calculations for various sections of &oiler-
P)per F 2 4Bo,.er Act )'( I'(,)' Bo,.er Re7u.)t,o's )'( the,r co!p.,)'ce
&O'e Hour8 Ope' Boo> &IBR $C:# & the Bo,.ers Act8 $C2%+8 Mu.t,p.e Cho,ce
=uest,o's &MC=+ t*pe E6)!,')t,o'
Bo,.er Act )'( I'(,)' Bo,.er Re7u.)t,o's3
!alient 3eatures of .oiler %ct ,*25 (as amended) and "ndian .oiler Regulations
,*9) (as amended)-
Materials used in &oilers and t'eir specification met'ods of manufacture of
materials RevieE of material certificate material tracea&ility Positive material
identification %cceptance of materials not fully identified 4ests done on plates :
pipes tu&es forgings castings and Eelding consuma&les-
Co'struct,o' )'( /or>!)'sh,p
Cold and 'ot forming of plates tu&es and pipes ( 'eat treatment criteria after
=elding> =elding procedure =elders : operator ;ualificationG "nitial ;ualification &
issue of certificate Kalidity Re>validation age & eDperience for Eelders Conditions
under E'ic' reBualification test is reBuired 4ests to &e done on plate:Pipe & 4u&e
for "nitial and ReBualification ( $ssential varia&les Maintenance of records-
=elding processes G !M%= G4%= !%= 3C%= GM%= Com&ination Eelding
Plasma 3las' &utt Eelding "nduction Pressure Eelding etc- Eelding consuma&les
and t'eir classification Eelding engineering (Hoint design fit>up Eeld & Eelding
sym&ols) reinforcement reBuirements Eeld defects uniBue to eac' Eeld>fit>up
process and t'eir acceptance norms met'ods & norms for Eeld repairs-
=elding Consuma&les > initial:periodic c'ecC tests as per ".R
Pre'eating Post 'eating and Post Eeld 'eat treatmentG Criteria for application of
P=H4 for !'ells Drums Headers piping 4u&ular products met'od of loading
cali&ration of furnaces and measuring instruments soaCing temperature : time Rate
of 'eating : cooling-
Non>destructive 4estingG Mandatory ND4 reBuirements for various Eelds on tu&es
pipes 'eaders and drums-
Mec'anical testing of production test coupon-
4ensile 4estG 4ensile test &asic principle types of tensile tests significance of all>
Eeld and transverse tensile tests specimen eDtraction procedure preparation &
dimensional details of all>Eeld and transverse tensile specimens testing procedure
calculation procedure for 8! 04! I $ IR% interpretation of test results as per
".R code-
.end 4estG Root &end face &end side &end tests significance & application of eac'
test preparation & dimensional reBuirements of specimens criteria for selection of
mandrel diameter angle of &end .end test procedure for plates tu&es & pipes
interpretation of test results as per code-
"mpact testG .asic principle of impact test types of impact test location preparation
& dimensional reBuirements of specimens selection of test temperature as per
regulation testing procedure interpretation of test results as per regulations-
Macro eDaminationG !pecimen preparation procedure macroscopic eDamination
procedure o&serva&le defects interpretation as per regulation-
Micro $DaminationG !pecimen preparation procedure microscopic eDamination
procedure selection of magnification range o&serva&le defects interpretation as per
Procedure for open inspection of Eater tu&es and 3ire tu&es &oilers-
H*(r)u.,c testG
Hydraulic test of &oilers & various components liCe Drums Headers piping tu&ular
products at EorCs-
Hydraulic test of &oilers at site after erection and for reneEal of certificate for use of
Kenting 4est pressure Num&er of cali&rated gauges Holding time met'od of
"nspection MaCerJs stamp as stipulated in regulation-
I'spect,o' & Cert,-,c)t,o'G
!tages of "nspection during manufacture of .oiler:.oiler Components different
forms and t'eir applica&ility-
3ees for approval of draEings:design inspection during manufacture erection
Calculation of 'eating surface area of &oilers and its components
$Demptions as per %ct
P)per F % 4 Bo,.er F Act8 Re7u.)t,o'8 M)ter,).s8 erect,o'8 co!!,ss,o','78
oper)t,o' )'( !),'te')'ce
&Three hours8 No4Boo>8 Descr,pt,e E6)!,')t,o'+
Bo,.er Act )'( Co!p.,)'ce
.oiler %ct and its provisions Definition of terms liCe %ccident &oiler Pipelines
Manufacturer #Ener "nspecting %ut'ority Competent Person etc- Procedure for
certification registration and reneEal of &oiler Role and responsi&ilities of competent
person "nspector C'ief "nspector "nspecting %ut'ority Competent %ut'ority-
Classification of materials Classification of steels &oiler materials &asic metallurgy
Eelda&ility of materials plates pipes tu&es casting and forgings of &oiler Buality
and Eelding electrodes process of steel manufacturing c'emical composition
mec'anical properties tolerances CnoEledge on eBuivalent international materials
used in &oiler manufacture Eell CnoEn steel :forge:foundry: pipe : tu&e maCer etc
reBuirements procedures inspection and testing to &e done in t'e a&sence of Eell
CnoEn recognitions neE materials-
Co'struct,o' )'( /or>!)'sh,p
=elding> =elding procedure =elders ;ualification "nitial ;ualification & reneEal for
Eelders Conditions under E'ic' reBualification test is reBuired tests to &e done on
plate:Pipe & 4u&e for "nitial and reBualification $ssential varia&les-
=elding processes G !M%= G4%= !%= 3C%= GM%= Com&ination Eelding
Plasma 3las' &utt Eelding "nduction Pressure Eelding etc- Eelding consuma&les
and t'eir classification Eelding engineering (Hoint design fit>up Eeld & Eelding
sym&ols) reinforcement reBuirements Eeld defects uniBue to eac' Eeld>fit>up
process and t'eir acceptance norms met'ods & norms for Eeld repairs-
=elding Consuma&les > initial:periodic c'ecC tests on consuma&les as per ".R-
Pre'eating Post 'eating and Post Eeld 'eat treatment Criteria for application of
P=H4 for !'ells Drums Headers piping 4u&ular products met'od of loading
cali&ration of furnaces and measuring instruments soaCing temperature : time Rate
of 'eating : cooling -
Different process adopted in Eelding of tu&es pipes !'ells Kisual "nspection of
Eelds reinforcement reBuirements acceptance norms for Eeld defects norms &
met'od for Eeld repairs-
Non>destructive 4estingG Mandatory ND4 reBuirements for various Eelds on tu&es
pipes 'eaders and drums ;ualification of ND$ personnel-
P4> 7iBuid Penetrant 4esting
Principles of liBuid penetrant process 7ig'ting for liBuid penetrant testing Materials
for liBuid penetrant testing 4esting of materials "nterpretation:$valuation 3actor
affecting indications "ndications from discontinuities Procedures
Codes:!tandards:!pecifications- Non relevant indications-
M4> Magnetic Particle 4esting
C'aracteristics of magnetic fields and eBuipments 4ec'niBue:Cali&rations !electing
t'e proper met'od of magneti?ation Magnetic particle test indications and
interpretations Procedures Codes:!tandards:!pecifications- Non relevant
R4>Radiograp'ic 4esting
Principles Radiograp'ic imaging !ources for radiation 4ec'niBues : Cali&ration
"maging considerations "mage ;uality "ndicator (";") Density of material KieEing
of radiograp's Nudging radiograp'ic Buality "nterpretation and $valuationG
Radiograp'ic appearance of discontinuities Non>relevant indications 3ilm artifacts
3ilm identification and correlation of t'e Eeld Procedures
04>0ltrasonic 4esting
Principles $Buipment:Materials Pulse:ec'o instrumentation Cali&ration &locCs
4ec'niBues:Cali&rations 0se of all types of pro&es Cali&ration(electronic and
functional) "nterpretation and $valuationsG $valuation of &ase metal product forms
$valuation of Eeldments Karia&les affecting test results Procedures
Radioscopy 4est (3luoroscopy)-
F,e.( ,'st)..)t,o' )'( re7,str)t,o'
RevieE of document of &oiler parts as received and correlation to t'e corresponding
part > Kerifying t'e Bualification of Eelders ND$ personnel etc revieE and remedial
action "nspection during field installation E-r-t parts identification =eld setups
=elding and non destructive eDamination- $valuation of field Eelds &y R4 04 H4 or
P4 or &y com&ination-
Heat 4reatment E'ere applica&le met'od for local H4 and controls > =itnessing final
Hydraulic test &efore t'ermal insulation Eater Buality and temperature !afety Kalve
set : reset pressure disc'arge capacity !afety valve set pressure and disc'arge
capacity for Easte Heat .oiler Eit' auDiliary firing =ater level indicator and use of
remote =ater level indicator !team pipe lines cold : 'ot condition fleDi&ility and
'anger settings Kerification of instruments to measure metal temperature !team
temperature and pressure Protection of &oilers t'roug' &urner management system
(3uel cut off systems flame scanner and trips interlocCs etc-)-
Documentation for registration of &oilers-
"nspection & CertificationG
!tages of "nspection during manufacture of .oiler:.oiler Components erection and
use of different ".R forms and t'eir applica&ility Memorandum of "nspection or
registration .ooC (3orm ") and its salient features-
ReBuirements for Registration of &oilers-
Rep),r )'( Re'e/). o- Cert,-,c)te -or use o- Bo,.ersG
Procedure for "nspection and repair of "nstalled .oilers & !team pipes-
Bo,.er Oper)t,o' )'( M),'te')'ce
C'emical reBuirements of feed Eater .oiler Eater steam Buality for loE medium
pressure 'ig' and super>critical .oilers sampling met'ods test met'od Carryover
scale and sludge scaling of fireside of 'eating surfaces steam contamination and its
control prevention of deposit formation in &oiler units corrosion of 'eating surfaces
!tart & stop seBuence operation procedure critical &oiler parameters alarms and
annunciations contingency action plan safety precautions-
.oiler emergencies ( HoE to 'andle
.oiler eDplosions ( Reasons and Preventions
.oiler repairs ( Met'ods and procedure 3ailure analysis
4'icC Ealled component repair at site ( Precautions and limitations Pre'eating and
post 'eating Post =eld Heat 4reatment
Maintenance sc'edule ( s'utdoEn maintenance procedure safety precautions
EorC permit system restarting procedure acid cleaning 'ydraulic test lig't up of
&oiler commissioning
Data acBuisition and analysis ( .road idea importance
.oiler inspection periodicity met'ods procedure
I' ser,ce per,o(,c ,'spect,o'
RevieE mandatory reBuirements of operating &oilers Procedures for conducting
periodic 'ydraulic test of operating &oilers $lements of mode of failures of metals
%ssessment of condition of &oilersG > RevieE past record of &oilers E-r-t- failures
outages repairs : replacements of pressure parts Kisual inspection of eDternal &
internal surfaces for visi&le damages loss of metal &y erosion:corrosion condition of
tu&e supports spacers etc- fire side scaling as':slag fouling .oilers Eit' record of
freBuent failures may reBuire detailed investigation &y conducting ND$ using Dye
penetrant : magnetic particle test for detecting cracCs or 04 to determine t'icCness
of tu&es or cracCs in dissimilar Eelds : fillet : &utt Eeld cracCing or R4 insitu
metallurgical eDamination Conducting la&oratory eDamination on tu&e samples for
erosion : corrosion creep damage 'ydrogen em&rittlement !tress Corrosion
CracCing #Dygen pitting #Didation fire side fouling Eater side deposits and need
for c'emical cleaning etc- %ut'ori?ation for repairs & replacement Kerifying t'e
condition of safety valves Eater level gauges and ot'er mounting instruments for
measuring temperature and pressure and fire protection systems and interlocCs
"solation of steam and Eater circuits in &attery of &oilers and ot'er safety measures-
Re!')'t L,-e Assess!e't &RLA+ o- "o,.ers
Criteria for R 7 % ( 4ests reBuired for various &oiler components $valuation
met'ods for remaining life-
Fue. F A,r F G)s s*ste!
.asics CnoEledge in t'e areas liCe Primary fuels principles of com&ustion
c'emistry of com&ustion pulveri?ed coal fired furnaces fuel oil and gas fired
furnaces controls and instrumentation and t'eir effect on &oiler functioning-
"solation of 3uel:3lue Gas during inspection-
L)*out )'( S>etches
7ayout and !Cetc'es of &oilers & &oiler components steam & feed Eater circuits and
t'eir parameters-
.43 is a national level or!ani-ation to promote prod#ctivity c#lt#re in India$ 5sta"lished as
a re!istered society "y the /overnment o India( it is an a#tonomo#s tripartite( non9proit
or!ani-ation with e'#al representation rom the !overnment( employers and wor2ers
or!ani-ations apart rom the technical and proessional instit#tions on its !overnin! co#ncil$
.43 provides cons#ltancy( trainin! and #nderta2es research in the area o prod#ctivity(
"esides implementin! the prod#ctivity promotion o the To2yo "ased Asian 4rod#ctivity
0r!ani-ation( an inter9!overnmental "ody o which the /overnment o India is a o#nder
SPE2T'U3 $4 SE'5&2ES
.43 has more than ive decades o experience deployin! the "est practices( preerred
methods 1 standards and advanced prod#ctivity sotware across a spectr#m o ind#stries
and services$ The or!ani-ation speciali-es in a wide ran!e o services to promote
prod#ctivity( competitiveness and cost eectiveness thro#!h$
Aareness Genera+ion : 4ropa!atin! prod#ctivity '#ality and competitiveneness thro#!h
seminars( wor2shops( p#"lications and other s#ita"le methods$
2ons"l+an,y : Improvin! prod#ctivity or competitiveness thro#!h cons#ltancy wor2 o the
private and p#"lic corporate sectors$ %:5s( /overnments and other client !ro#ps$
Training : Trainin! o exec#tive mana!ers( wor2ers( s#pervisors and others
'esear,! : 3ond#ctin! research st#dies and s#rveys on prod#ctivity and related matters$
Pro,ess 3anage1en+ : Total ;#ality mana!ement( I%0 9000 certiication( B#siness 4rocess
<e9en!ineerin!( =AI>5.( Benchmar2in!( 3#stomer <elations :ana!ement )3<:*$
&n6or1a+ion Te,!nology : :ana!ement Inormation %ystem( 59!overnance( IT Inrastr#ct#re
Energy 3anage1en+ : 5ner!y A#dits( 3o9operation( ,emand side :ana!ement( <enewa"le
and /reen 5ner!y %o#rces( 4rocess 0ptimi-ation and 5ner!y 3onservation$
En/iron1en+ 3anage1en+ : Inte!rated 5nvironment 4lannin!( 5nvironment A#dit( 3leaner
4rod#ction Techni'#es( ?a-ardo#s @aste :ana!ement( @aste :inimi-ation and
Atili-ation( /reen 4rod#ctivity( I%0 14000 1 0%?A% 18000$
E,ono1i, Ser/i,es : 4olicy <esearch and 3ons#ltancy( 4rod#ctivity A#dit$
7"1an 'eso"r,es De/elop1en+ : @or2 3#lt#re( 4articipative /ro#p Activities( @or2 Boad
Assessment( 0r!ani-ation <edesi!n( 4rod#ctivity Bin2ed <ewardC@a!es %cheme( Trainin!
needs Assessment$
Te,!nology 3anage1en+ : 3ondition :onitorin!( %aety A#dit( Assessment( Total
4rod#ctivity :aintenance$
8orl9 2lass 3an"6a,+"ring : Flexi"leC3ell#lar :an#act#rin!( Time <ed#ction( %ix %i!ma$
Agri:"siness : Food 4rocessin!( %oil and @ater 3onservation$
What we know is only a handful
What we dont know is an ocean
- Avvaiyar, Tamil poet, 2 AD.
For )'* -urther (et),.s8 p.e)se co't)ct
Director & Head (RPMG)
Regional Professional Management Group
National Productivity Council
6 !"DC# "ndustrial $state %m&attur
C'ennai ( 6)) )*+
4el- No- )11 ( 2629216<
Mo&ileG*,><2**66<1+5: *+1,1),2*5
3aD No- )11 ( 26295,22
$mailG rpmgc'n-&oilerMgmail-com


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