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G.R. Nos. 135068-72 September 20,2001PEOPLE OF THE PHLPPNES, p!

"ppe!!ee,&s.'()'O R('OS * S(N +EGO "!#"s ,,'O,-"../se0-"ppe!!"$t.
F".ts1 '"2#mo R"mos 3 S"$ +#e4o "!#"s mo 5"s #$#t#"!!3 .6"r4e0 5#t6 t5o 728 .o/$ts o% m/r0er
9/"!#%#e0 b3 tre".6er3 "$0 e&#0e$t preme0#t"t#o$ %or t6e :#!!#$4 o% E!eo0oro (r"r"$44o! "$0 Se&er#$o
(r"r"$44o!, "$0 t6ree738 .o/$ts o% "ttempte0 m/r0er %or t6e 5o/$0#$4 o% '"r.e!#$o Pere;, (/4/sto
Pere; "$0 P"/!#$o Pere;. </t t6e Re4#o$"! Tr#"! =o/rt o% ="b"$"t/"$ =#t3, <r. 27, ".9/#tte0
6#m o%t6ree 738 .o/$ts o% "ttempte0 m/r0er
%or t6e %"#!/re o% t6e prose./t#o$ to est"b!#s6 6#s 4/#!t be3o$0 re"so$"b!e 0o/bt> 6e$.e, t6#s "/tom"t#.
re&#e5 pert"#$s o$!3 to =r#m. ="ses Nos. 7370-(F "$0 7371-(F %or m/r0er. T6e Pere; .!"$ o%
<"r"$4"3 St". (r."0#",="b"$"t/"$ =#t3, 5"s p!"$$#$4 " %"m#!3 re/$#o$o$ ? Febr/"r3 1??7. (
re.t"$4/!"r t"b!e "$0 t6ree 738 be$.6es 5ere set /p "bo/t o$e "$0 o$e-6"!% 71 1@28 meters !o$4 #$ %ro$t
o% t6e 6o/se o% <"b3 '"r"$"$ 56ere " 0r#$:#$4 spree 5"s "!re"03 /$0er5"3 "s e"r!3 "s 5100 o,.!o.: #$
t6e "%ter$oo$. (mo$4 t6ose 0r#$:#$4 5ere %"t6er "$0 so$ E!eo0oro "$0 Se&er#$o (r"r"$44o!,'"r.e!#$o
Pere;, <"!"t Fer$"$0o, Aose '"r"$"$ "$0 (/4/sto Pere;.(t 6"!% p"st 8100 o,.!o.: t6"t e&e$#$4 t6e
prep"r"t#o$s "$0 t6e merr3m":#$4 5ere 0#sr/pte0 b3 " s/00e$ b/rst o% 4/$%#re s/ppose0!3 .om#$4
%rom "$ "rm"!#te r#%!e. E!eo0oro "$0 Se&er#$o 5ere 6#t. (!so 5o/$0e0 5ere '"r.e!#$o Pere;, (/4/sto
Pere; "$0 P"/!#$o Pere; 56o s/%%ere0 m#$or #$B/r#es. E!eo0oro "$0 Se&er#$o 5ere r/s6e0 to t6e
6osp#t"! b/t t6e !"tter 5"s 0e.!"re0 0e"0 o$ "rr#&"! 56#!e E!eo0oro 0#e0 t6e %o!!o5#$4 0"3. (..or0#$4 to
'"r.e!#$o Pere;, t6e 4/$m"$ s/00e$!3 "ppe"re0 $e"r t6e 6o/se o% <"b3 '"r"$"$ o$e "$0 " 6"!% 71-
1@28 meters "5"3 %rom Se&er#$o "$0 t6ree 738 meters %rom 6#m "$0 E!eo0oro. T6e "ss"ss#$ 5"s
sport#$4 " s6o/!0er-!e$4t6 6"#r, " %/!! be"r0 "$0 "$ e"rr#$4 o$ 6#s !e%t e"r. T6e 4/$m"$ "#me0 6#s r#%!e
%#rst "t Se&er#$o 6#tt#$4 6#m #$st"$t!3. He $e2t "#me0 6#s s6ots "t E!eo0oro 56o s/%%ere0 se&er"! mort"!
5o/$0s. (%ter t6e #$#t#"! b/rst o% 4/$%#re,t6e rest o% t6e p"rt3 s."mpere0 "5"3 %or s"%et3 e2.ept %or
'"r.e!#$o 56o rem"#$e0 56ere 6e
5"s 56#!e Se&er#$o "$0 E!eo0oro 5ere spr"3e0 5#t6 b/!!ets. He %o./se0 6#s 4";e "t t6e 4/$m"$ "s 6e
5"s s6oot#$4 t6e rest o% 6#s re!"t#&es. $ %".t, #t 5"s o$!3 "%ter t6e !"st s6ot 5"s %#re0 "$0 t6e 4/$m"$
6"0 "!re"03 !e%t t6"t '"r.e!#$o t6o/46t o% !3#$4 %".e 0o5$ o$ t6e 4ro/$0.
$ .o/rt, '"r.e!#$o Pere; po#$te0 to "../se0-"ppe!!"$t '"2#mo R"mos "s t6e "ss"#!"$t. $ 6#s 0e%e$se,
'"2#mo R"mos 0e$#e0 p"rt#.#p"t#o$ #$ t6e .r#me. He "&erre0 t6"t "t t6e
t#me E!eo0oro "$0 Se&er#$o 5ere s6ot, 6e7'"2#mo8 5"s #$ T"4pos, So!e0"0, St". Ros",N/e&" E.#B"
rest#$4 #$s#0e t6e 5"re6o/se o% 6#s emp!o3er Ep#t".#o R#&er" "$0 6#s .o-5or:er <o$#%".#o C#!!"$/e&".
$ .o$&#.t#$4 R"mos o% t5o 728 .o/$ts o% m/r0er t6e .o/rt " 9/o 5"s .o$&#$.e0 t6"t b"se0 o$ t6e
test#mo$#es o% '"r.e!#$o Pere; "$0 L/#s Pere; t6e #0e$t#t3 o% t6e "../se0 "s t6e 4/$m"$ 5"s
"0e9/"te!3 est"b!#s6e0. De 0o $ot see #t t6e 5"3 t6e tr#"! .o/rt 0#0. T6e tr#"! .o/rt 4"&e /$0/e .re0e$.e
to t6e test#mo$#es o% t6e -e3e5#t$esses- 0esp#te t6e#r #mprob"b#!#t#es "$0 #$.o$s#ste$.#es 56#.6 re$0er
t6em too /$re!#"b!e %or t6e .o$&#.t#o$ o% "../se0-"ppe!!"$t.
He!01 T6e #$.o$s#ste$.3 bet5ee$ t6e st"teme$ts o% '"r.e!#$o "$0 t6ose o% t6e po!#.e o%%#.ers #s &er3
m"ter#"! "$0 re!e&"$t to t6e #$st"$t ."se. T6e %"#!/re o% t6e prose./t#o$ to e2p!"#$ "$0 .!"r#%3 t6#s
ob&#o/s 0#s.rep"$.3 !e"0s /s to .o$.!/0e t6"t $e#t6er o% t6e st"teme$ts 4#&e$ b3 '"r.e!#$o $or t6ose o%
t6e po!#.eme$ 5"s .re0#b!e. =o$se9/e$t!3, t6#s re$0ers 0/b#o/s t6e #0e$t#%#."t#o$ b3 '"r.e!#$o o%
"../se0-"ppe!!"$t "s t6e 4/$m"$. (!so, #t #s 0#%%#./!t %or t6#s =o/rt to t":e t6e 5or0 o% '"r.e!#$o t6"t
6e .!e"r!3 s"5 t6e %".e o% R"mos. (..or0#$4 to '"r.e!#$o, 56e$ "../se0-"ppe!!"$t s/00e$!3 "ppe"re0
t6e !"tter
%#re0 t6e #$#t#"! t5o 728 s6ots,%o!!o5e0 b3 s/..ess#&e s6ots. De %#$0 #t /$0erst"$0"b!e %or t6e "ss"#!"$t
to 6"&e r".e0"4"#$st t#me be."/se 6e 5"s "!re"03 $e"r 6#s t"r4ets "$0 to 6es#t"te 5o/!0 $ot o$!3
0er"#! 6#s p!"$ b/t "!so .ost 6#m 6#s !#%e. T6/s, be."/se o% t6e t#me e!eme$t #$&o!&e0, #0e$t#%#."t#o$
.o/!0 $ot 6"&e bee$ "s e"s3 "$0 .!e"r "s m"$#%este0 b3 '"r.e!#$o. Pr#or to t6e s6oot#$4, '"r.e!#$o
.o/!0 $ot 6"&e 6"0 " 4oo0 !oo: "t t6e "tt".:er "s to %#2 6#s e3es o$ 6#s %e"t/res. D#t6 " .o$s#0er"b!e
port#o$ o% t6e "tt".:er,s %".e .o$.e"!e0 b3 " %/!! be"r0, '"r.e!#$o,s "b#!#t3 "$0 opport/$#t3 to re.o4$#;e
6#m 5"s 0#m#$#s6e0. $ "!! .r#m#$"! ."ses, "!! 0o/bts s6o/!0 be reso!&e0 #$ %"&or o% t6e "../se0 o$ t6e
pr#$.#p!e t6"t #t #s better to %ree " 4/#!t3 m"$ t6"$ to /$B/st!3 :eep #$ pr#so$ o$e 56ose 4/#!t 6"s $ot
bee$ pro&e0 b3 t6e re9/#re0 9/"$t/m o% e&#0e$.e.
t #s o$!3 56e$ t6e .o$s.#e$.e #s s"t#s%#e0 t6"t t6e .r#me 6"s bee$ .omm#tte0 b3 t6e perso$ o$ tr#"! t6"t
t6e B/04me$t m/st be %or .o$&#.t#o$. For o$!3 56e$ t6ere #s proo% be3o$0 "$3 s6"0o5 o% 0o/bt t6"t
t6ose respo$s#b!e s6o/!0 be m"0e "$s5er"b!e.
DHEREFORE, %or %"#!/re o% t6e prose./t#o$ to pro&e t6e 4/#!t o% "../se0-"ppe!!"$t '"2#mo R"mos 3
S"$ +#e4o "!#"s -mo- be3o$0 re"so$"b!e 0o/bt, t6e +e.#s#o$ o% t6e Re4#o$"!Tr#"! =o/rt o%
="b"$"t/"$ =#t3, <r. 27, 0"te0 26A/$e 1??8, .o$&#.t#$4 "../se0-"ppe!!"$t '"2#mo R"mos o% t5o 728
.o/$ts o% m/r0er "$0 se$te$.#$4 6#m to s/%%er t6e pe$"!t3 o% 0e"t6 o$ e".6 .o/$t, "$0 or0er#$4 6#m to
p"3 t6e 6e#rs o% 6#s &#.t#ms P50,000.00 e".6 "s #$0em$#t3, #s RECERSE+ "$0 SET (S+E. (../se0-
"ppe!!"$t #s (=EFTTE+ "$0 or0ere0 #mme0#"te!3 re!e"se0 %rom ./sto03 /$!ess 6e!0 %or some ot6er
!"5%/! ."/se.
[ G.R. No. 116122. September 6, 1996PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES,
Plainti! "ppellee
F(=TS1 S"!&"0or +e!mo, " %ormer m"3or o% ="!"mb",L"4/$", 5"s %o/$0 0e"0 5#t6 t6ree 4/$s6ot
5o/$0s #$ t6e mor$#$4 o% 20 '"3 1??0 o$ "0/st3 ro"0 #$ <"r"$4"3 <""0ero. For 6#s 0e"t6 (RNOL+
=(STLLO * '(NGF(T, (FRELO=(STLLO "$0 <ENTO C(S 5ere .6"r4e0 5#t6 m/r0er
"tte$0e0 5#t6 tre".6er3, e&#0e$t preme0#t"t#o$ "$0 "b/se o% s/per#or stre$4t6 be%ore t6e Re4#o$"! Tr#"!
=o/rt o% ="!"mb". O$ 30 A/$e 1??G (r$o!0 ="st#!!o 3 '"$4/#"t 5"s 0e.!"re0 b3 t6e tr#"! .o/rt 4/#!t3
"s .6"r4e0,se$te$.e0 to
re.!/s#o$ perpet/", "$0 or0ere0-to #$0em$#%3 t6e 6e#rs o% S"!&"0or +e!mo t6e "mo/$t o% P200,175.00
"s ".t/"! 0"m"4es,P500,000.00 %or t6e 0e"t6 o% S"!&"0or +e!mo "$0 mor"! 0"m"4es, "$0 to p"3 t6e
.osts.-(/re!#o ="st#!!o "$0 <e$#to C#"s 5ere ".9/#tte0.
T6e e&#0e$.e s6o5s t6"t (/re!#o ="st#!!o 6"0 "6o/se "$0 !ot s#t/"te0 #$ <""0ero, ="!"mb",L"4/$",
56#.6 6e mort4"4e0 5#t6 t6e R/r"! <"$: o% ="!"mb". (%ter 6e be."me 0e!#$9/e$t #$ t6e p"3me$t o%
6#s !o"$ t6e b"$: %ore.!ose0 t6e mort4"4e "$0 s/bse9/e$t!3 so!0 t6e propert3 to '"3or S"!&"0or
+e!mo. O$ 3 '"3 1??3 t6e s6er#%%, t6e b"$: !"53er "$0 b"$: o%%#.#"!s, "$0 t6e se./r#t3 4/"r0s 6#re0 b3
'"3or +e!mo pro.ee0e0 to <""0ero to #mp!eme$t t6e 5r#t o% possess#o$ #ss/e0 b3 t6e tr#"! .o/rt.
(/re!#o p!e"0e0 5#t6 t6e b"$: !"53er$ ot to #mp!eme$t t6e 5r#t 3et be."/se 6e 5o/!0 e!e&"te t6e ."se
to t6e =o/rt o% (ppe"!s. T6e b"$: !"53er 6o5e&er rep!#e0 t6"t 6e .o/!0 $ot 0o "$3t6#$4 "$3more
be."/se t6e .o/rt or0er 5"s "!re"03 %#$"! "$0 e2e./tor3. (%ter " 56#!e, " $ep6e5 o% (/re!#o ."me o/t.
He #$%orme0 t6eb"$: !"53er t6"t t6e3 .o/!0 pro.ee0 5#t6 t6e remo&"! o% t6e perso$"! propert#es #$s#0e
t6e 6o/se. O$ 20 '"3 1??3, "t "ro/$0 s#2 o,.!o.: #$ t6e mor$#$4, A/"$ <o$44", " 6e!per o% '"3or
+e!mo, 5e$t to t6e :"!"m"$s#-"$ o% 6#s %"t6er-#$-!"5 #$ <""0ero to 4"t6er :"!"m"$s# . ( %e5 m#$/tes
!"ter '"r#" =r#st#$" +e!mo, 5#%e o% S"!&"0or +e!mo Ar. "$0 0"/46ter-#$-!"5 o% '"3or +e!mo, "rr#&e0
"$0 so/46t perm#ss#o$ "!so to 4"t6er :"!"m"$s#
. t 5"s "t "bo/t se&e$o,.!o.: t6"t s"me mor$#$4 56e$ A/"$ <o$44"s"5 '"3or +e!mo "$0 (/re!#o
="st#!!o "r4/#$4 #$ t6e m#00!e o% t6e ro"0. A/"$ 5"s "bo/t t5e$t3 meters "5"3. D#t6 (/re!#o 5ere 6#s
so$ (r$o!0 "$0 brot6er-#$-!"5 <e$#to C#"s. D6#!e '"3or +e!mo "$0 (/re!#o 5ere "r4/#$4,(r$o!0 5e$t
s/00e$!3 be6#$0 t6e m"3or "$0 %#re0 " s6ot "t t6e b".: o% 6#s 6e"0 ."/s#$4 6#m to %"!! to t6e 4ro/$0
5#t6 %".e 0o5$5"r0. (r$o!0 %#re0 " se.o$0 s6ot "t t6e b".: o% +e!mo,s bo03,"$0 " t6#r0 s6ot "t t6e
!o5er port#o$ o% 6#s b/tto.:s. A/"$ t6e$ r"$ to5"r0s t6e 6o/se o% S"!&"0or +e!mo Ar. "$0 #$%orme0 6#m
o% t6e #$.#0e$t. He 0#0 $ot 6o5e&er $"me t6e perpetr"tor@s o% t6e .r#me. (%ter 6e"r#$4 t6e s6ots, '"r#"
=r#st#$" 6e"0e0 to5"r0s t6e 0#re.t#o$ 56ere t6e s6ots ."me %rom. S6e 5"s "sto/$0e0 56e$ s6e s"5 6er
%"t6er-#$-!"5 !3#$4 o$ t6e ro"0 some %ort3 to %ort3-%#&e meters "5"3. S6e "!so s"5 (r$o!0 po#$t#$4 "
s6ort %#re"rm "t 6er %"t6er-#$-!"5 5#t6 (/re!#o "$0 <e$#to st"$0#$4 $e"rb3. Fpo$ see#$4 t6e &#.t#m s6e
r"$ to5"r0s 6ome. T6e me0#.o-!e4"! report s6o5e0 t6"t '"3or +e!mo s/%%ere0 t6ree 4/$s6ot 5o/$0s1
"t t6e b".: o% 6#s 6e"0, "t t6e m#00!e o% 6#s b".:, "$0 "t t6e b".: o% 6#s !e%t t6#46, "$0 t6"t 6e 0#e0 o%
6emorr6"4e "s " res/!t o% 4/$s6ot 5o/$0s. T6"t s"me mor$#$4 (r$o!0 "$0 <e$#to 5ere #$&#te0 b3 t6e
#$&est#4"tors to t6e po!#.e st"t#o$ b/t 5ere re!e"se0 "%ter #$terro4"t#o$. (/re!#o "!so 4"&e 6#s st"teme$t
to t6e po!#.e t6"t "%ter$oo$.O$ 23 '"3 1??3 (/re!#o "$0 (r$o!0 5e$t to <"!e!e, T"$"/"$, <"t"$4"s.
T6e3 st"3e0 #$ t6e 6o/se o% " s#ster o% (/re!#o "$0 t6e$ #$ t6e 6o/se o% " brot6er /$t#! A/$e or A/!3
1??3. T6e3 ret/r$e0 to ="!"mb", L"4/$", "$0 st"3e0 #$ " 6o/se #$ </."! /$0er t6e ./sto03 o%
=o!.=es"r#o <"r"#ro. T6e3 5ere !"ter t/r$e0 o&er to t6e A"#! D"r0e$. (r$o!0 ="st#!!o "!!e4es #$ 6#s
"ppe"! t6"t t6e tr#"! .o/rt erre0 7"8 56e$ #t !e$t .re0e$.e to t6e test#mo$#es o% A/"$ <o$44" "$0 '"r#"
=r#st#$" $ot5#t6st"$0#$4 s#4$s o% %"br#."t#o$ "$0 0e%#"$.e o% 6/m"$ $"t/re> 7b8 56e$ #t 0#0 $ot
"ppre.#"te t6e 0o./me$t"r3 e&#0e$.e %or t6e 0e%e$se, #.e.,t6e $#t#"! Report 0"te0 20 '"3 1??3 "$0 t6e
Ao#$t (%%#0"&#t o% (rrest 0"te0 8 A/$e 1??3> "$0,7.8 56e$ #t r/!e0 t6"t t6e :#!!#$4 5"s "tte$0e0 5#t6
tre".6er3 56#!e 0#s."r0#$4 6#s .!"#m o% &o!/$t"r3 s/rre$0er. (ppe!!"$t "ss"#!s A/"$ <o$44",s S"!"3s"3
"$0 6#s test#mo$3 #$ .o/rt1 F#rst, A/"$,s st"teme$t #$ 6#s S"!"3s"3 t6"t '"3or +e!mo 5"s s6ot b3
"ppe!!"$t t6ree t#mes "t t6e b".: o% 6#s 6e"0 r/$s .o/$ter to 6#s test#mo$3 #$ .o/rt t6"t t6e '"3or 5"s
s6ot "t t6e b".: o% 6#s 6e"0, "t t6e b".: o% 6#s bo03, "$0 "t t6e !o5er port#o$ o% 6#s b/tto.:s> Se.o$0,
A/"$ "0m#tte0 #$ 6#s S"!"3s"3
t6"t 6e 0#0 $ot :$o5 56"t t6e "../se0 "$0 '"3or +e!mo 5ere "r4/#$4 "bo/t b/t !"ter .o$tr"0#.te0
6#mse!% b3 test#%3#$4 t6"t t6e3 5ere "r4/#$4 "bo/t t6e 6o/se "$0 !ot> "$0, T6#r0,
A/"$ m"0e #t "ppe"r #$ 6#s S"!"3s"3 t6"t 6e 5e$t to t6e p"!#:o$4 0""$ to "s.ert"#$ 56"t t6e "../se0
"$0 t6e m"3or 5ere 9/"rre!#$4 "bo/t,"$0 3et, %"#!e0 to me$t#o$ t6#s %".t "t t6e 5#t$ess st"$0. (ppe!!"$t
%/rt6er 0#sp/tes t6e .re0#b#!#t3 o% A/"$ b3 ."!!#$4 "tte$t#o$ to t6e %".t t6"t t6e !"tter 0#0 $ot #mme0#"te!3
report to t6e po!#.e "/t6or#t#es or to t6e 5#0o5 o% '"3or +e!mo 56"t 6e 6"0 5#t$esse0 t6"t mor$#$4 o%
20 '"3 1??3 "$0 t6"t 6e e2e./te0 " st"teme$t o$ t6e #$.#0e$t o$!3 o$8 A/$e 1??3.T6e #$#t#"! s#!e$.e o%
A/"$ <o$44" s6o/!0 $ot bet":e$ "4"#$st 6#m. T6e 0e!"3 or &".#!!"t#o$ #$ m":#$4 " .r#m#$"! "../s"t#o$
0oes $ot $e.ess"r#!3 #mp"#r t6e .re0#b#!#t3 o% 5#t$esses #% s/.6 0e!"3 #s s"t#s%".tor#!3 e2p!"#$e0, "s #$
t6#s ."se. D6e$ A/"$ 5"s "s:e0 0/r#$4 t6e .ross-e2"m#$"t#o$ 563 6e 0#0 $ot report t6e #$.#0e$t "t o$.e
to t6e po!#.e "/t6or#t#es 6e "$s5ere0 t6"t 6e 5"s t6e$ t":e$ "b".:.
'oreo&er, #t #s $ot /$.ommo$ %or " 5#t$ess to " .r#me to s6o5 some re!/.t"$.e "bo/t 4ett#$4 #$&o!&e0
#$ " .r#m#$"! ."se, "s #$ %".t t6e $"t/r"! te$0e$.3 o% most peop!e $ot to 4et #$&o!&e0 #s o% B/0#.#"!
$ot#.e. (s re4"r0s t6e .re0#b#!#t3 o% '"r#" =r#st#$","ppe!!"$t "r4/es t6"t 6er stor3 t6"t s6e s"5 6#m
po#$t#$4 " 4/$ "t t6e bo03 o% '"3or +e!mo #s 6"r0 to be!#e&e .o$s#0er#$4 6er test#mo$3 t6"t s6e 5"s
%ort3 to %ort3-%#&e meters "5"3 56e$ t6e s6ots 5ere %#re0. 'oreo&er, "..or0#$4 to 6#m, #t #s 6#46!3
#$.re0#b!e %or 6er to rem"#$ s#!e$t "$0 $ot to 0#s.!ose to 6er 6/sb"$0 t6e 0et"#!s o% t6e s!"3#$4 o% 6er
%"t6er-#$-!"5. T6e 0#st"$.e o% %ort3 to %ort3-%#&e meters "5"3 %rom t6e s.e$e o% t6e .r#me, t":e$ b3
#tse!%, m"3 !e"0 t6e =o/rt to e$tert"#$ 0o/bt o$ t6e "../r".3 o% 56"t " 5#t$ess 6"s obser&e0. $ t6e
prese$t ."se, 6o5e&er, '"r#" =r#st#$" .o/!0 $ot 6"&e bee$ m#st":e$ #$ t6e #0e$t#%#."t#o$ o% t6e "../se0
.o$s#0er#$4 t6"t #t 5"s bro"0 0"3!#46t> t6ere 5ere $o ot6er perso$s o$ t6e ro"0>#t0oes $ot "ppe"r t6"t
6er &#e5 5"s obstr/.te0>"$0, most #mport"$t!3, t6e "../se0 5ere 6er to5$ m"tes. O$.e " perso$ 6"s
4"#$e0 %"m#!#"r#t3 5#t6 "$ot6er, #0e$t#%#."t#o$ be.omes 9/#te "$ e"s3 t"s: e&e$ %rom " .o$s#0er"b!e
0#st"$.e. T6e #$#t#"! s#!e$.e o% '"r#" =r#st#$" 5"s !#:e5#se s/%%#.#e$t!3 e2p!"#$e0. (..or0#$4 to 6er, s6e
5"s s6o.:e0 "$0 s."re0. T6e =o/rt t6/s "%%#rms t6e %".t/"! %#$0#$4s o% t6e tr#"! .o/rt o$ t6e .re0#b#!#t3
o% t6e prose./t#o$ 5#t$esses $ot o$!3 be."/se #t 6"0 t6e "0&"$t"4e o% obser&#$4 %#rst-6"$0 t6e
0eportme$t o% s"#0 5#t$esses "$0 t6ere%ore 5"s #$ " better pos#t#o$ to %orm "$ "../r"te #mpress#o$ "$0
.o$.!/s#o$, b/t "!so be."/se " re&#e5 o% t6e re.or0s re&e"!s t6"t t6e#r test#mo$#es 5ere
."te4or#."!,str"#46t%or5"r0 "$0 rem"#$e0 .o$st"$t e&e$ /$0er press/re o% .ross-e2"m#$"t#o$. (!so, t6e3
6"0 $o "2e to 4r#$0 "4"#$st t6e "../se0. $ t6e %#$"! "$"!3s#s, t6e re!"t#o$s6#p o% '"r#" =r#st#$" "$0
A/"$ to t6e &#.t#m "!t6o/46 b3 mere "%%#$#t3 "$0 emp!o3me$t, respe.t#&e!3, re$0er t6e#r test#mo$#es
more 5ort63 o% be!#e% "s #t 5o/!0 be /$$"t/r"! %or t6em 56o "re #$tereste0 #$ &#$0#."t#$4 t6e .r#me to
#mp!#."te perso$s ot6er t6"$ t6e re"! ./!pr#ts. L"st!3, "ppe!!"$t "r4/es t6"t "ss/m#$4 t6"t 6#s 4/#!t 6"s
bee$ est"b!#s6e0 be3o$0 re"so$"b!e 0o/bt, t6e prose./t#o$ %"#!e0 to pro&e tre".6er3. (s#0e %rom t6e
st"teme$t o% A/"$ t6"t 6e s"5 "ppe!!"$t 4o be6#$0 '"3or +e!mo "$0 s6oot 6#m "t t6e b".: o% 6#s 6e"0,
t6ere #s $o ot6er e&#0e$.e to est"b!#s6 tre".6er3. (s re4"r0s &o!/$t"r3 s/rre$0er, 6#s s/rre$0er to =o!.
<"r"#ro s6o/!0 m#t#4"te 6#s !#"b#!#t3.
De 0o $ot "4ree. (r$o!0 ="st#!!o 5#t6o/t "$3 5"r$#$4 s/00e$!3 5e$t "t t6e b".: o% 7be6#$08S"!&"0or
+e!mo 56#!e t6e !"tter 5"s %".#$4 (/re!#o ="st#!!o, t6e$ %#re0 " s6ot "t t6e b".: o% t6e 6e"0 o% S"!&"0or
+e!mo. (r$o!0 ="st#!!o emp!o3e0 " me"$s #$ t6e e2e./t#o$ o% t6e %e!o$3 t6"t 0#re.t!3 "$0 spe.#"!!3
#$s/re0 #ts e2e./t#o$. F$0o/bte0!3, t6ere 5"s $o r#s: to (r$o!0 ="st#!!o %rom t6e 0e%e$se t6"t S"!&"0or
+e!mo m#46t m":e be."/se t6e !"tter 5"s t6e$ "pp"re$t!3 /$"5"re o% 56"t (r$o!0 ="st#!!o 5#!! 7s#.8
0o. De .o$.!/0e t6"t t6e tr#"! .o/rt 0#0 $ot err #$ %#$0#$4 "../se0-"ppe!!"$t 4/#!t3 be3o$0 re"so$"b!e
0o/bt o% t6e m/r0er o% '"3or S"!&"0or +e!mo. DHEREFORE, t6e B/04me$t "ppe"!e0 %rom %#$0#$4
"../se0-"ppe!!"$t (RNOL+ =(STLLO* '(NGF(T 4/#!t3 o% m/r0er "$0 #mpos#$4 /po$ 6#m t6e
pe$"!t3 o%
re.!/s#o$ perpet/", "s 5e!! "s or0er#$4 6#m to p"3 t6e 6e#rs o% S"!&"0or +e!mo.
G.R. No. 1-./09 1an+ar2 2-, 2..2PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plainti!
appellee,#$.1"&INTO N"R3"E4, FERN"N%O &)TON, an,EFREN N"R3"E4, a**+$e,!
F(=TS1 T6"t o$ or "bo/t ?100 o,.!o.: #$ t6e e&e$#$4 o% A/$e 2G, 1??2, "t <"r"$4"3 L"$4.""$, #$ t6e
'/$#.#p"!#t3 o% +"sm"r#H"s, Pro&#$.e o% ="&#te,P6#!#pp#$es "$0 5#t6#$ t6e B/r#s0#.t#o$ o%t6#s
Ho$or"b!e =o/rt, t6e "bo&e-$"me0 "../se0, .o$sp#r#$4, .o$%e0er"t#$4 "$0 m/t/"!!3 6e!p#$4 o$e
"$ot6er, 5#t6 #$te$t to :#!!, 5#t6 tre".6er3, e&#0e$t preme0#t"t#o$ "$0 t":#$4 "0&"$t"4e o% $#46tt#me,
56#!e be#$4 "rme0 5#t6 %#re"rms, 0#0, t6ere "$0 t6e$, 5#!!%/!!3,/$!"5%/!!3 "$0 %e!o$#o/s!3, "tt".: "$0
%#re "t D#!%re0o '"$t#!!"s 6#tt#$4 t6e !"ttero$ 0#%%ere$t p"rts o% t6e bo03 "$0#$%!#.t#$4 /po$ 6#m mort"!
#$B/r#es 56#.60#re.t!3 ."/se0 6#s 0e"t6 to t6e 0"m"4e"$0 preB/0#.e o% t6e !e4"! 6e#rs o% s"#0D#!%re0o
'"$t#!!"s.-T6e tr#"! .o/rt "..or0e0 %/!! %"#t6 "$0.re0e$.e to t6e test#mo$3 o%prose./t#o$ 5#t$ess
'e$0o;" "$00#sre4"r0e0 "ppe!!"$ts, 0e%e$se o% "!#b#.t 6e!0 t6"t t6e #$.o$s#ste$.#es bet5ee$'e$0o;",s
test#mo$3 #$ .o/rt "$0 6#ss5or$ st"teme$t to t6e po!#.estre$4t6e$e0 r"t6er t6"$ 5e":e$e0
6#s.re0#b#!#t3. O$ t6e ot6er 6"$0, t6e tr#"!.o/rt %o/$0 t6e 0e%e$se o% "!#b# 5e":be#$4 /$re!#"b!e "$0
s/s.ept#b!e to%"br#."t#o$. t %/rt6er r/!e0 t6"t t6e %".tt6"t t6e 5"rr"$ts o% "rrest 5ere ret/r$e0/$ser&e0,
s#$.e "ppe!!"$ts .o/!0 $ot be%o/$0 #$ t6e#r 4#&e$ "00ress, #s#$0#."t#&e o% %!#46t "$0 bo!sters t6e%#$0#$4
o% 4/#!t "4"#$st "ppe!!"$ts. L"st!3,t6e tr#"! .o/rt 0#sre4"r0e0 t6e p"r"%%#$ test %or $#tr"tes .o$0/.te0 o$
"ppe!!"$ts A".#$to N"r&"e; "$0 Fer$"$0o =/t o$ s"3#$4 t6"t t6e s"me #s $ot .o$.!/s#&e proo% t6"t o$e
6"s $ot %#re0 " 4/$.He$.e, t6e #$st"$t "ppe"!.
He!01 De %#$0 t6e "ppe"! mer#tor#o/s. t #s 6#46!3 0o/bt%/! #% " perso$ ."$ re.o4$#;e t6e %".es o% t6e
"ss"#!"$ts 70 meters "5"3 "t "ro/$0 ?100 p.m. 5#t6o/t s/%%#.#e$t #!!/m#$"t#o$ 0#re.t!3 6#tt#$4 t6e %".es
o% t6e "ss"#!"$ts. t 5"s 6e!0 t6"t t6e 0#st"$.e o% G0 to 50 meters %rom t6e s.e$e o% t6e .r#me, t":e$ b3
#tse!%, m"3 !e"0 t6e .o/rt to e$tert"#$ 0o/bt o$ t6e "../r".3 o% 56"t " 5#t$ess 6"0 obser&e0. Here, s/.6
0o/bt #s m"4$#%#e0 b3 t6e %".t t6"t t6e 0#st"$.e #s "bo/t 70 to 150 meters 5#t6 t6e s/rro/$0#$4s 9/#te
0"r:. Prose./t#o$ 5#t$ess SPO1 S#mer" .o$%#rme0 t6"t "t 70 meters "$0 e&e$ 150meters, #t 5o/!0 be
0#%%#./!t to re.o4$#;e " perso$ "t $#46tt#me. T6ere #s e&e$ 4re"ter 0#%%#./!t3 #$ re.o4$#;#$4 56"t !#es
"6e"0 56e$ t6e 5#t$ess #s !3#$4 %!"t o$ t6e 4ro/$0, "#0e0 o$!3 b3 t6e !#46t .om#$4 %rom " %!"s6!#46t
some 70 meters "5"3. 'e$0o;",s test#mo$3 #$ .o/rt t6"t 6e !"#0 %!"t o$ t6e 4ro/$0 "t " 0#st"$.e o% 70
meters %rom t6e s6"$t3 .o$tr"0#.ts 6#s s5or$ st"teme$t to t6e po!#.e t6"t 6e !"#0 %!"t o$ t6e 4ro/$0 "t "
0#st"$.e o%150 meters. T6e p"rt#.#p"t#o$ o% "ppe!!"$ts #$ t6e :#!!#$4 o% t6e &#.t#m D#!%re0o '"$t#!!"s
$ot 6"&#$4 bee$ pro&e$ be3o$0 re"so$"b!e 0o/bt, 5e 6o!0 t6"t t6e "ppe!!"$ts s6o/!0 be "bso!&e0.
DHEREFORE, t6e +e.#s#o$ 0"te0 '"r.6 12,1??? o% t6e Re4#o$"! Tr#"! =o/rt o% m/s, ="&#te,<r"$.6
22, #$ =r#m#$"! ="se No. 2576-?3 %#$0#$4 "ppe!!"$ts A".#$to N"r&"e;, Fer$"$0o =/t o$ "$0 E%re$
N"r&"e; 4/#!t3 o% t6e .r#me o% m/r0er,#s 6ereb3 RECERSE+ "$0 SET (S+E. (ppe!!"$ts "re
(=EFTTE+ o% t6e .r#me .6"r4e0 o$ t6e 4ro/$0 o% re"so$"b!e 0o/bt. T6e3 "re or0ere0
''E+(TEL* RELE(SE+ %rom .o$%#$eme$t /$!ess 6e!0 %or "$3 ot6er !"5%/! ."/se. No .osts. SO
G.R. No. 1/5196 "+6+$t 6, 2..5PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, plainti!appellee,#$.R)%'
7)%)H"N 2 7)LL"N an, RO7ERT7)%)H"N 2 7)LL"N, ,een,ant$!appellant$.
Facts: That on or about 10:40 oclock in the
evening of July 24, 1998 in oblacion !orte, "unici#ality of "a$$ela, rovinceof
%uirino, hili##ines, an$ &ithin the 'uris$iction of this (onorable )ourt, the above*
na+e$ accuse$, four of the+ are ar+e$ an$ after ,rst cons#iring,confe$erating
an$ +utually hel#ing one another an$ &ith force an$ violence $i$ then an$ there
&illfully, unla&fully an$ feloniously rob -."/0123 01"3-.! of his &allet an$
&rist &atch an$ 10--43-353 of his &rist &atch to the $a+age an$ #re'u$ice of
the sai$ -."/012301"3-.! an$ 10--4 3-3536That on the occasion of the
-obbery,the sai$ accuse$, ar+e$ &ith ,rear+s of $i7erent caliber an$ after ,rst
cons#iring, confe$erating an$ +utually hel#ing one another $i$ then an$ there
&illfully, unla&fully an$ feloniously,shoot an$ ,re u#on -."/012301"3-.!,
10--4 3-353 an$ .-10!2. 05)/0 resulting to the irinstanteneous 8sic9 $eath
an$ the in'uries to the #ersons of F3-!0!2.3-0 an$ :;1<3-T ).-T3=> .n 20
.ctober 1998, the accuse$ ,le$ a "otion to %uash the above infor+ation,
alleging that the court $i$ not legally ac?uire 'uris$iction over their #ersons> ;n an
.r$er $ate$ 2@ 0ugust1999, the -T) $enie$ the above +otion> Ahen arraigne$
on 12 January 2000, the accuse$ -u$y <u$uhan, -obert <u$uhan an$ <oyet
:inyang, &ith the assistance of their counsel $e o,cio , entere$ their #leas of
B!ot :uiltyB to the cri+e charge$> The #rosecution #resente$ the follo&ing
&itness: 819 )herry -ose 5alaCar, an e+#loyee of the establish+ent &here the
cri+e &as co++itte$>
The eo#les version of the inci$ent as narrate$ by its #rinci#al &itness, )herry
-ose 5alaCar8)herry -ose9, is as follo&s:.n 24 July 1998, )herry -ose &as &orking
as a guest relations oDcer at the -"1 )anteen, a beer house an$ a vi$eoke bar in
0t about 9:00 to 10:00 #>+>, there &ere only t&o grou#s of +en insi$e the beer
The grou# that &ent there ,rst &as that of the a##ellants, &hich &as co+#ose$
of -obert <u$uhan, &ho &as &earing a &hite T*shirt +arke$ :ior$ano,-u$y
<u$uhan, &ho &as &earing a re$ T*shirt,a +an &earing a blue T*shirt, an$
another +an &earing a blue T*shirt &ith a black 'acket> The secon$ grou# &as
co+#ose$ of 1arry 3rese an$ his co+#anions :ilbert )orteC 8alias 0be9 an$
Fernan$o era 8alias !an$ing9>0t 10:40 #>+>, &hile )herry -ose &as entertaining
the grou# of 1arry 3rese, -obert a##roache$ the+ an$ #oke$ a gun at 1arry>
;++e$iately, the +an &earing a blue T*shirt like&ise a##roache$ )herry -oses
"anager -o+ual$e 0l+eron 8alias 3$$ie9, &ho &as seate$ at the counter> The
+an in blue #oke$ a gun at -o+ual$e an$ announce$ a hol$*u#> 1arry then
han$e$ over his &rist&atch to -obert> ;nstantaneously, all four +en fro+ -oberts
grou# ,re$ their guns at 1arry an$ -o+ual$e, &hich cause$ the+ to fall $o&n>
0be an$ !an$ing ran out of the -"1 )anteen &hen the shooting occurre$, an$
)herry -ose hi$ belo& the table> ;n a 2ecision $ate$ 24 July 200E, the trial court
foun$ a##ellants guilty of the charges, .n 10ugust 200E, the a##ellants ,le$
a !otice of 0##eal> Fro+ the )ourt of 0##eals, the case &as then elevate$ to this
)ourt for auto+atic revie&>

;ssue: Ahether or not cherry rose is a cre$ible &itnessF
(el$: ;nas+uch as the above*state$ +an$atory #roce$ural re?uire+ents &ere not
co+#lie$ &ith,the cre$ibility of )herry -ose as a &itness stan$s un i+#eache$> 0s
foun$ by the trial court,the testi+ony of )herry -ose &as straightfor&ar$
throughout> The a##ellants &ere not able to a$$uce any reason or +otive for
herto bear false &itness against the+> 0s a +atter of fact, )herry -ose testi,e$
$uring cross*eGa+ination that she $i$ not #ersonally kno& a##ellant -obert, an$
that she ha$ ,rst seen hi+ only $uring the night &hen the shooting inci$ent took
G.R. No. 182555 September 7, 2010LENIDO LUMANOG and AUGUSO
SANOS,!et"t"oner#,$#.!EO!LE O% &E !&ILI!!INES, Re#pondent.' ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ('G.R. No. 18512)*ESAR %ORUNA,
!et"t"oner,$#.!EO!LE O% &E !&ILI!!INES, Re#pondent.' ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ('G.R. No. 1877+5!EO!LE O% &E !&ILI!!INES, !,a"nt"-(
and 0OEL DE0ESUS . 1ALDE2, A334#ed(Appe,,ant#.
F0)T5:.n June 1E, 199H, at aroun$ 8:00 oclock in the +orning, 0ba$illa left his
house at 5oliven ;,1oyola :ran$ Iillas, 1oyola (eights, %ueCon )ity an$ $rove his
car, a black (on$a 0ccor$ &ith late !o> -!0*JJJ> "ean&hile, at about8:40 a>+>,
5enior olice .Dcer 85.9 2 0rthur .rtiC, the $esk oDcer on $uty at 5tation 8 of
the )entral olice 2istrict )o++an$ 8)2)9locate$ at > TuaCon <lv$>, ro'ect 4,
%ueCon )ity, ans&ere$ a tele#hone call fro+ a +ale #erson &ho re#orte$ a
shooting inci$ent along Kati#unan 0venue> /#on reaching the area at8:4@ a>+>,
they sa& several onlookers aroun$ an$ near a black (on$a 0ccor$ &ith late !o>
-!0*JJJ on a sto# #osition in the +i$$le lane of Kati#unan 0venue facing south
going to 1ibis> They foun$ the victi+s bloo$ie$ an$ bullet *ri$$le$ bo$y #artly
slu+#e$ onto the #ave+ent at the cars left $oor, &hich &as o#en> The victi+ &as
#ronounce$ $ea$ on arrival at the hos#ital> The victi+s i$entity &as con,r+e$ by
5usan 0ba$illa &ho ha$ rushe$ to the hos#ital> -ecor$s in$icate that i++e$iately
after the inci$ent, ele+ents of the )2), !*!)- at )a+# Karingal &ere alrea$y
coor$inating &ith investigators of 5tation 8*)2) &ho ha$ turne$ over to sai$
oDce the evi$ence gathere$ an$ referre$ the &itnesses #resent at the cri+e
scene> 0s a result of follo&*u# o#erations, Joel $e Jesus, alias BTabong,B &as
a##rehen$e$ onJ une 19, 199H at his house at 2ahlia 5t>,Fairvie&, %ueCon )ity> (e
eGecute$ his 5inu+#aang 5alaysay $ate$ June 20, 199H an$ Karag$agang
5inu+#aang 5alaysay $ate$ June21, 199H> n his ,rst state+ent, Joel $e Jesus
narrate$ that on June 1E, 199H at H:E0 in the +orning after #arking his tricycle at
the corner of -egala$o an$ )a+aro 5treets, Fairvie&, he &as fetche$ by 1orenCo
B1arryB $e los 5antos &ho &as his neighbor at -uby 5t> 1arry &as acco+#anie$ by
his ne#he& .gie, an$ a certain BTisoyB &ho $rove the o&ner*ty#e 'ee#> 1arry tol$
hi+ they&ere going to kill a big*ti+e #ersonality 8B+ay titirahin na +alaking taoB9,
&hose na+e &as 0ba$illa, an$ that they &ere going to a+bush the latter at
Kati#unan 0venue> The a+bush &oul$ be carrie$ out by Joel, 1arry, Tisoy, -a+8$e
Jesus9, )esar &ho &as a #olice+an, an$ four 849 others> Joel further state$ that
the a+bush*slay of 0ba$illa &as #lanne$ by the grou# three 8E9 $ays before,
&hen they +et at the house of -a+ $e Jesus also in Fairvie& near his house>
0lthough he $i$ not kno& the i$entity of the #erson &ho +aster+in$e$ the
a+bush*slay of 0ba$illa> The afore*na+e$ sus#ects i$enti,e$ by Joel &ere
a##rehen$e$ $uring further follo&*u# o#erations con$ucte$ on June 20, 199H
byBTask Force -ollyB subse?uently for+e$ by the ! after the lea$ initially
#rovi$e$ by hi+> 5ai$ arresting oDcers &ere also able to seiCe certain ,rear+s
an$ other #ieces of evi$ence>
G.R. No. 1+0205 04ne 21, 2001!EO!LE O% &E !&ILI!!INES, p,a"nt"-(
appe,,ee,$#.RODOL%O MA6AONG, a334#ed(appe,,ant.GON2AGA(RE6ES,
F0)T5: That on or about the 2Jth $ay of 2ece+ber, 199@, at <rgy>
1atu$,"unici#ality of -iCal, rovince of ala&an, hili##ines, an$ &ithin
the 'uris$iction of this (onorable )ourt, thesai$ accuse$, &ith evi$ent
#re+e$itation, treachery an$ &ith intent to kill, &hile ar+e$ &ith a roun$
&oo$8<aka&an 9, $i$ then an$ there &ilfully,unla&fully an$ feloniously
attack,assault, +aul an$ club one -/F;!0"0T40.!: 4 0=, his la&fully &e$$e$
&ife, hitting her in the $i7erent vital #arts of her bo$y an$ inLicting u#on her
+ulti#le contusion an$ he+atuasMsicN in the bo$y &hich &ere the $irect an$
i++e$iate cause of her $eath shortly thereafter> 0fter trial, the court a ?uo
ren$ere$ 'u$g+ent, ,n$ing accuse$*a##ellant guilty of #arrici$e, an$ sentencing
hi+ to reclusion #er#etua , as the +itigating circu+stance of lack of intention to
co++it so grave a &rong &as a##reciate$ in his favor> ;n a$$ition, the court
or$ere$ accuse$*a##ellants to #ay the heirs of -u,na "atyaong@0,000>00 as
civil in$e+nity> The trial court hel$ that, although he +ay not have inten$e$ to kill
her, -u,nas $eath &as the $irect an$ natural conse?uence of accuse$*a##ellants
felonious act of clubbing her, an$ therefore, #ursuant to 0rticle 4 of the -evise$
enal )o$e, he is liable for the sa+e> (ence, the #resent a##eal>
(el$: ;n the case at bar, it has been establishe$ that accuse$*a##ellant beat his
&ife &ith a #ieceof &oo$> This conclusion is base$ u#on the unrebutte$ testi+ony
of -o$olfo "atyaong, Jr> Kan eye&itness to the assault> (aving faile$ to #rove that
the &itness &as i+#elle$ by i+#ro#er +otives, the )ourt has no reason to
$isbelieve the chil$s testi+ony, &hich the trial court foun$ to be cre$ible>;t is also
un$is#ute$ that the victi+ $ie$ on 29 2ece+ber 199@, or al+ost t&o $ays after
the assault> (o&ever, &e agree &ith the 5olicitor :eneral that the #rosecution has
not establishe$ the crucial link bet&een the assault an$ the $eath> ;n other &or$s,
it has not been #roven beyon$ a reasonable $oubt that the beatings inLicte$ by
accuse$*a##ellant u#on his &ife &ere the #roGi+ate cause of her $eath> ;t is
signi,cant that, in this #articular case, no #ost+orte+ eGa+ination &as
con$ucte$ in or$er to $eter+ine the #recise cause of $eath> There &as neither an
ante +orte+ nor #ost +orte+ eGa+ination of the victi+s bo$y for #ur#oses of
ascertaining the nature an$ eGtent of any &oun$s that +ay have been sustaine$
as a result of the beating> The signi,cance of evi$ence on the #recise nature of
the in'uries sustaine$ by the $ecease$ is that it often lea$s the careful eGa+iner
to uncover the real cause of $eath> There being no evi$ence on the in'uries
sustaine$ by -u,na "atyaong an$ the cause of her $eath, accuse$*a##ellant is
entitle$ to an ac?uittal for the )ourt entertains a reasonable $oubt that his
actions have in fact cause$ the $eath of his &ife> A(3-3F.-3, accuse$*a##ellant
is hereby 0)%/;TT32 of the cri+e of
#arrici$e > 5. .-23-32>
G.R. No. 72775 Mar38 )1, 1787&E !EO!LE O% &E !&ILI!!INES,
p,a"nt"-(appe,,ee,$#.0UANIO 0UIE, a334#ed(appe,,ant.
%A*S9 That on or about the 1Eth $ay of 2ece+ber,1982, in the afternoon, at
<arangay 1ongos "unici#ality of )alasiao, rovince of angasinan, hili##ines,
an$ &ithin the 'uris$iction of this (onorable )ourt, the above*na+e$ accuse$,
e$ro 0boy y aris, together &ith Juanito Jutie &ho is still at large,
cons#iring,confe$erating, an$ +utually hel#ing onea nother, ar+e$ &ith a gun
8caliber >E09, &ith intent to kill, an$ &ith evi$ent #re+e$itation, an$ treachery, $i$
then an$ there &ilfully, unla&fully an$ feloniously attack, assault an$ shoot 3l#i$io
!e#uscua y Joves, thereby inLicting u#on hi+ several gunshot &oun$s &hich
cause$ his $eath> )ontrary to 0rticle 248 of the -evise$ enal )o$e> 8#>
28,-ecor$s90boy &as arreste$ on the $ay follo&ing the inci$ent an$ &as
arraigne$ an$ trie$ se#arate lysince Jutie &as at large> .n 0ugust 1@, 198E,the
trial court ren$ere$ its $ecision convicting 0boy of the o7ense charge$ an$
sentencing hi+ to su7er the #enalty of reclusion #er#etua > 0boy $i$ not a##eal>
Jutie, on the other han$, &as arreste$ only on .ctober 1H, 198E> /#on being
arraigne$, he entere$ the #lea of not guilty to the o7ense charge$> 0fter trial on
the +erits, the trial court,on 5e#te+ber 24, 198@, ren$ere$ its $ecision convicting
(el$: The evi$ence on recor$ sho&s that at about four oOclock in the afternoon of
2ece+ber1E, 1982, -oberto Joves, a 14*year ol$ boy, an$ his younger brother,
-o+el, &ent to a ,el$ in 1ongos )alasiao, angasinan, to gatherB$anglaB leaves
for their sick sister> .n their &ay ho+e, they +et 3l#i$io !e#uscua &ho &as then
running an$ follo&e$ by e$ro 0boy an$ Juanita Jutie> 0boy later caught u#
&ith !e#uscua an$ #ointe$ his gun at the latter> !e#uscua in turn raise$ both his
han$s an$ crie$> !e#uscua also +ove$ back&ar$s an$ sto##e$ u#on reaching a
s+all $ike 8#ila#il9, after &hich he knelt on the groun$> Thereu#on, 0boy shot
!e#uscua, &ith his >E0 caliber carbine> 0fter ahoy shot !e#uscua, Jutie also ,re$
at the latter &ith a 10*inch long ,rear+> Frightene$ by the inci$ent,-oberto an$
-o+el ran ho+e an$ re#orte$ the +atter to their +other> The inci$ent &as later
re#orte$ to the #olice authorities at )alasiao> The #olice investigators &ho &ent to
the sceneof the inci$ent foun$ the $ecease$, !e#uscua,covere$ &ith rice hay>
They also foun$ there at three 8E9 e+#ty shells of a>E0 caliber carbine>
0)).-2;!:14, the 'u$g+ent of the lo&er court is +o$i,e$ in that a##ellant is
sentence$ to su7er the #enalty of reclusion #er#etua an$ to in$e+nify the heirs
of the $ecease$ the a+ount of E0,000>00 but &ith the right to $e+an$
contribution fro+ his co*accuse$ e$ro 0boy in the su+ of 1,000>00>)osts
against the accuse$*a##ellant> 5. .-23-32>
G.R. No. 11)517 0an4ar. 17, 1775!EO!LE O% &E !&ILI!!INES, p,a"nt"-(
appe,,ee,$#. !A. %LORESAN NI*&A . DULA6,de:endant(appe,,ant.
%A*S9 .n .ctober 1990, at aroun$ J oOclock in the evening, Jo'o <el+onte &ent
out of his house locate$ at urok ;I, <arangay 0lac, 5an %uintin, angasinan to
buy so+e cigarettes in a nearby store> 8#> H, T5!, 2ece+ber 10, 19919 <efore Jo'o
<el+onte coul$ buy the cigarettes, 2oro !itcha arrive$, uttere$ the &or$s B4ou
are one of the+B 8B"aysa ca +etB9 in the vernacular,then starte$ +auling hi+> 8#>
J, T5!, 2ece+ber10, 19919 /nable to en$ure the #ain, Jo'o fough tback> 0 fe&
+inutes ha$ gone into the,ght &hen "ay Iillarica 8a>k>a> 1y$ia9 Joselito, 0gustin
an$ "arcelina 8!enet9, all surna+e$ 5ibayan, arrive$> 8#> 8, T5!, 2ece+ber
10,19916 #> H, T5!, 5e#te+ber 9, 19929 "ay an$ Joselito trie$ to #acify the t&o
#rotagonists,ho&ever, their e7orts #rove$ futile as 2oro !itcha refuse$ to be
#aci,e$> The ,ghting sto##e$ u#on the arrival of 2oroOs sister Iictoria )or#uC
8<aby9 &ho, u#on seeing the co++otion, $ragge$ 2oro a&ay fro+ the ,ght an$
brought hi+ ho+e> 1ike&ise, "arcelina 8!enet9, 0gustin, "ay an$ Joselito
#rocee$e$ to&ar$s their house locate$ in front of the store &here the
inci$ent occurre$> !ot long thereafter an$ &hile the 5ibayans &ere still on their
&ay, a##ellant Florestan !itcha,brother of 2oro, arrive$ at the sari*sari store
bran$ishing a gun an$ shouting in Tagalog,BAalanghiya kayo, #utangina ninyo,
#a#atayin ko kayong lahatPB 0fter uttering those &or$s, a##ellant ,re$ his gun in
the $irection of the 5ibayans, the bullet hitting "ay at the back of her hea$ an$
eGisting through the +i$$le of her forehea$> 8#> 11, T5!,2ece+ber 10, 19916 #> 8,
T5!, 5e#te+ber 9,19926 #> J, T5!, February 2, 199E6 #> 8, T5!,"arch 1, 199E6 ##>
H*J, T5! "arch 8, 199E90##ellant then ai+e$ his gun at Joselito but +isse$> "ay
&as brought to the 3astern angasinan 2istrict (os#ital in Tayug, angasinan
&hereshe &as given ,rst ai$ treat+ent> 8#> 10, T5!,February 2, 199E9 /#on the
a$vice of a $octor,the victi+ &as brought to a hos#ital in 2agu#an )ity> "ay,
ho&ever, eG#ire$ on the &ay thereto> 5hortly after the shooting inci$ent,
a##ellant &ent back to his +otherOs house before #rocee$ing to the #olice station
of 5an %uintin, angasinan &here he surren$ere$ hi+self together &ith his service
(el$: Ahat +ilitates heavily against accuse$*a##ellantOs #retense is the
concocte$ tale to the e7ect that an unna+e$ assailant ,re$ the gun but the bullet
+isse$ the brother of accuse$*a##ellant as he &as sitting on to# of the fallen Jose
<el+onte tsn, an$ that instea$, the bullet #enetrate$ the back of the hea$ of the
victi+ in a straight tra'ectory &hile the latter &as &alking on the earthen $ike>
;n$ee$, it is absur$ to su##ose that a bullet ,re$ by an assailant fro+ a stan$ing
#osition $irecte$ $o&n&ar$s against the so*calle$ inten$e$ victi+, such as
accuse$*a##ellants brother on the groun$, &oul$, against the la& or
gravity,change course fro+ its groun$ &ar$ tra'ectory an$ instea$, su$$enly
ascen$ after +issing the inten$e$ victi+, an$ hit the back of the hea$ of the
victi+ &ho &as at an elevate$ #osition> The cri+e co++itte$ by accuse$*
a##ellant is,therefore, ho+ici$e an$ not +ur$er> The #enalty for ho+ici$e, un$er
0rticle 249 of the -evise$ enal )o$e, is reclusion te+#oral > There being no
aggravating nor +itigating circu+stances, the #enalty i+#osable is reclusion
in its +e$iu+ #erio$6 an$ a##lying the ;n$eter+inate 5entence 1a&, the #enalty
that shoul$ be i+#ose$ u#on accuse$*a##ellant is an in$eter+inate sentence
&ithin the range of
#rision +ayor , as +ini+u+, an$ reclusion te+#oral +e$iu+, as +aGi+u+>
A(3-3F.-3, the $ecision a##eale$ fro+ ishereby ".2;F;32, an$ accuse$*
a##ellant is hereby foun$ guilty of (.";);23 an$ sentence$ to an in$eter+inate
#enalty of eight889 years an$ one 819 $ay of
#rision +ayor , as +ini+u+, to fourteen 8149 years, eight 889+onths, an$ one 819
$ay of
reclusion te+#oral ,as +aGi+u+> ;n all other res#ects, he a##eale$ $ecision is
hereby 0FF;-"32>5. .-23-32>
G.R. No#. 105177(200 Mar38 28, 177+!EO!LE O% &E !&ILI!!INES,
p,a"nt"-(appe,,ee,$#.0ESUS DEUNIDA 6 ENRI;UE2, a334#ed(appe,,ant>
F0)T5: That on or about 2ece+ber E1, 1990, in the )ity of "anila, hili##ines, the
sai$ accuse$ $i$ then an$ there &ilfully, unla&fully an$ kno&ingly have in his
#ossession an$ un$er his custo$y an$ control the follo&ing, to &it: one
819 caliber >E8revolver 8altik9 +arke$ 5+ith an$ Aesson,&ithout ,rst having
secure$ the necessary license or #er+it therefor fro+ the corres#on$ing
authorities, &hich $escribe$ ,rear+ &as use$ by the accuse$ in the co++ission
of the cri+e of ho+ici$e >;n its 2ecision 18 #ro+ulgate$ on E 0#ril 1992,the trial
court foun$ the accuse$ guilty beyon$ reasonable $oubt of the cri+e of B?uali,e$
violation of 5ection 1 of resi$ential 2ecree !o>18HHB an$ sentence$ hi+ to su7er
the #enalty of reclusion #er#etua
an$ to #ay the heirs of the $ecease$ the a+ount of @0,000>00 by &ay of actual
$a+ages an$ @,000>00 by &ay of in$e+nity> .n 21 0#ril 1992, the accuse$ ,le$
his notice of a##eal>
(el$: 0fter a careful revie& an$ consi$eration of the recor$s, the evi$ence, an$
the argu+ents of the #arties, &e ,n$ the a##eal to be &ithout +erit> ;n the ,rst
#lace, having #lea$e$ self*$efense,the accuse$ necessarily a$+itte$ having shot
an$ kille$ the victi+ &ith an unlicense$ ,rear+83Ghibit BB9> ;t &as then
incu+bent u#on hi+, to avoi$ cri+inal liability, to #rove that 'ustifying
circu+stance to the satisfaction of the court> To $o so, he +ust rely on the
strength of his evi$ence an$ not on the &eakness of that of the #rosecution, for
even if that &ere &eak it coul$ not be $isbelieve$ after he ha$ a$+itte$ the
killing> The accuse$ faile$ to $ischarge the bur$en &hich &as shifte$ to hi+ by his
#lea of self*$efense> (e &as not able to sho& unla&ful aggression on the #art of
the victi+> The allegation that the testi+onies of <elen Fortes an$ )#l> -enon are
not cre$ible $oes not convince us> The trial court gave the+ full faith an$ cre$it
thus:"ore, the )ourt belabore$ to +onitor an$ keenly observe the con$uct an$
$e+eanor of <elen Fortes an$ )#l> "eneleo -enon &hen they testi,e$ before the
)ourt, an$ the )ourt is fully convince$, &ithout e?uivocation that they testi,e$
before the )ourt s#ontaneously, in a can$i$ an$ straightfor&ar$ +anner, their
testi+onies bereft of tell*tale signs an$ the a7ectations an$ arti,cialities of
#er'ure$ or rehearse$ &itnesses>
Finally, his o&n version of ho& the shooting took #lace further befu$$le$ his
belate$ clai+ that the victi+ hi+self #resse$ the trigger of the gun,thereby
suggesting that the latter acci$entally ,re$ the gun an$ kille$ hi+self> This is
belie$ by the #hysical evi$ence sho&ing that the victi+ &as shot fro+ behin$ at
a $istance since there &ere no contusions or gun#o&$er burns on the skin at the
#oint of entry of the bullet> The $e+onstration +a$e by the accuse$ in court
further sho&e$ that it &as #hysically i+#ossible for the victi+ to have shot
hi+self, if in$ee$ he &as #ositione$ in the +anner $e+onstrate$> A(3-3F.-3,
'u$g+ent is hereby ren$ere$ 0FF;-";!:, &ith the above +o$i,cation consisting
of the $eletion of the a&ar$s for actual an$ +oral $a+ages, the challenge$
a+en$e$ 2ecision of the -egional Trial )ourt of "anila, <ranch 4@ $ate$ 10 0#ril
1992, in )ri+inal )ase !o> 91*9@98J>

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