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Research Proposal

Faculty of Administrative Science

& Policy Studies
Universiti Teknologi MARA
The Level of Satisfaction: the student of Faculty of
Science Administrative and Policy Studies FSPPP!
to"ards the #nline Registration through $ Portal
Mohd %elmi &in A'dul A(i(
/or A(mi 'in Mohamed
3n4 A(ma Asna"i Shah &4 A'd %akim
5uly to /ovem'er )**-
1 / 65
Research Proposal
Supervisors Comments
Moderators Comments
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) / 65
Research Proposal
6L3ARA/63 F#R SU&M$SS$#/ #F T%3 R3S3AR6% R3P#RT &7 T%3
!"n# A$ma Asna%i Shah B# A&d Ha'im(
) have revie%ed the final and complete research report and approve the su&mission of
this report for evaluation#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) . / 65
Research Proposal
Assalamualai'um %#&#t
/irst of all0 %e %ould li'e to sa1 Alhamdulillah that a+ainst all odds %e have finall1
completed this report# 2e %ant to e3press our deepest +ratitude to Allah S#2#4
&ecause He has &lessed us %ith +ood health0 sound mind and 'no%led+e to
ena&le us to complete this research proposal#
2e 'no% the 5ourne1 to complete this research report endeavor has not &een a
smooth one# 2e faced man1 o&stacles such as seatin+ for hours and hours %ith
the supervisor0 ans%erin+ 6uestions and +ivin+ clarification to %hat has &een
%ritten# )n almost ever1 meetin+ %e have to ma'e chan+es0 and most of the time
ma5or chan+es# Sometimes0 %e %ere &ein+ attac'ed %ith lots of 6uestions and
that also sometimes ma'e us sta1 in the supervisors office up to the late hours
of the evenin+#
Sincerel10 %e %ant to sa1 than' 1ou to our Supervisor0 "nci' A$ma Asna%i Shah
B A&dul Ha'im and our lecturer0 7rof# ,r# Ha5i Ha$man Shah A&dullah for their
+uidance and constructive comments in helpin+ us to su&mit this research report
on time# 2e have to admit the fact that %ithout his proper +uidance and close
supervision0 %e %ill not &e a&le to complete this research report#
Mohd Helmi Bin A&dul A$i$
8or A$mi &in Mohamed
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons)
/acult1 of Administrative Science 9 7olic1 Studies
:niversiti 4e'nolo+i MA;A0 Shah Alam#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) < / 65
Research Proposal
4he =nline ;e+istration throu+h ) 7ortal is a s1stem %hich provided
&1 :i4M to all students# 4he s1stem is a compulsor1 that all
students need to use the s1stem# 4he purpose of this stud1 is to
find out the >evels of Satisfaction of the students to%ards the
=nline ;e+istration# 4he stud1 also meant to propose several
recommendations and su++estions to the parties involved# 4he
method used in this stud1 is &1 distri&utin+ the 6uestionnaires to
the students in /acult1 of Science administrative and polic1 Studies
(/S777) as a sample representin+ the %hole population of the
:i4M students# 4he main findin+s that the +ender of the students
did not influencin+ their levels of satisfaction %hich &een measured
&1 the &enefits of the =nline ;e+istration# Students from rural or
ur&an also have the same perception and the con+ruence levels of
satisfaction %hich the factors (rural0 ur&an) did not influence their
>evels of Satisfaction# 4he perceptions of the students are affected
&1 the levels of Satisfaction# Most of the students are satisfied %ith
the =nline ;e+istration throu+h ) 7ortal# 4he =nline ;e+istration is
proven to &e the mechanism that help the involved parties +ain
&enefit from it &ut ho%ever it needs to &e improved from time to
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5 / 65
Research Proposal
2e here&1 declare that the %or' contained in this research report is our o%n
e3cept those %hich have &een dul1 identified and ac'no%led+ed# )f %e are later
found to have committed pla+iarism or other forms of academic dishonest10
action can &e ta'en a+ainst us under the Academic ;e+ulations of :i4Ms#
8ame- Mohd Helmi Bin A&d A$i$
8ame- 8or A$mi &in Mohamed
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 6 / 65
Research Proposal
Ta'le of contents
6ha:ter .: $ntroduction
1#1 )ntroduction B
1# 7ro&lem statement @
1#. ;esearch o&5ectives 1?
1#< Scope of the stud1 1?
1#5 Si+nificance of the stud1 11
1#6 ,efinition of terms/concepts 1
6ha:ter ): Literature Revie" & 6once:tual Frame"ork 1<
#1 >iterature ;evie% 1<
#1#1 )ntroduction 1<
#1# Benefits of the =nline ;e+istration throu+h ) portal 1<
#1#. /ailure of the )nformation 4echnolo+1 S1stem 16
#1#< 4he Strate+ies to )mprove and Successful S1stem 1A
2.1.5Su++estion and ;ecommendation :ser Cie% 21
# Conceptual frame%or' .
6ha:ter ,: Research Method B
.#1 ;esearch desi+n B
.# :nit of anal1sis B
.#. 7ilot Stud1
.#< Sample Si$e B
.#5 Samplin+ techni6ue A
.#6 Measurement/)nstrumentation @
.#B ,ata collection ..
.#A ,ata anal1sis .<

6ha:ter +: Finding and Analysis
<#1 )ntroduction .A
<# :nivariate Anal1sis .@
<#. ;espondents 7rofile <?
<#< /indin+s
<#<#1- 4he relationship of the students demo+raph1
(Dender0 re+ion) to the students >evels of Satisfaction
=f the =nline ;e+istration
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) B / 65
Research Proposal
<#<#- 4he relationship &et%een the Students perceptions
to%ards the =nline ;e+istration %ith +ender
<#<#.- 4he relationship &et%een the students perception of the
=nline ;e+istration and >evels of Satisfaction (&enefits)
<#5 =verall >evel of Satisfaction (&enefits) of the ;espondents
6ha:ter 0: 9iscussion & 6onclusion
5#1 )ntroduction
5.2 ,iscussion and Conclusion
5##1- 4he relationship of the students demo+raph1
(Dender0 re+ion) to the students >evels of Satisfaction
=f the =nline ;e+istration
5##1#1- Dender
5##1#- ;e+ion
5##- 4he relationship &et%een the Students perceptions
to%ards the =nline ;e+istration %ith +ender
5##.- 4he relationship &et%een the students perception of the
=nline ;e+istration and >evels of Satisfaction (&enefits)
5#. ;ecommendations
5#.#1- Su++estion for :i4M
5#.#- Su++estion for the facult1
5#.#.- Su++estion for students
5#.#<- Su++estion for the future research
5#< Conclusion
;eferences .5
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) A / 65
Research Proposal
6%APT3R .
.4. $ntroduction
Before the technolo+1 is %idel1 used in the learnin+ institution0 or+ani$ational
and institution usin+ the manual process in recordin+ the documents and
re+istration form filled &1 the students# 4his situation leads to inefficienc1 in
performin+ the tas'# More over0 it causes the use a lot of paper in ever1 5o&
performed# 4hrou+hout this moment0 there are man1 efforts done &1 the
mana+ement in order to improve the efficienc1 in the re+istration process#
;e+istration process previousl1 need the students usin+ the paper has &een
replaced throu+h the use of technolo+10 for e3amples usin+ the internet for the
online re+istration# 4his is an effective step ta'en &1 the mana+ement in order to
improve the re+istration process and also reducin+ the use of paper and finall1
reducin+ the tas' that need to &e performed &1 the staff# 4he most important part
of the implementation of the online re+istration s1stem is e3pected to deliver fast
services re+ardin+ the re+istration process %ith a minimum supervision &1 the
=nline re+istration throu+h ) portal ena&les the student to access from an1%here
in order to complete the re+istration process# )t also can avoid cro%d in certain
places as happened durin+ the manual re+istration process# 4he 4heor1 of the
;easoned Action (4;A) and 4heor1 4echnolo+1 Acceptance Model (4AM) &oth
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) @ / 65
Research Proposal
have a stron+ &ehavioral element %hich assume that the technolo+1 ena&le
people free to act due to the man1 constraint such as limited a&ilit10 time
constraint0 environmental and or+ani$ational limit#( Ba+o$$i et al#01@@)#
:niversit1 4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M) is one of the learnin+ institution that are tr1in+
to adopt %ith the online re+istration throu+h the )*portal s1stem provide &1 the
mana+ement for their students# 4he online re+istration must &e desi+n throu+h
the users manner to the students in order to ensure that students are a&le and
understand to use the s1stem# ,espite to avoid the pro&lem occur in the s1stem
%hich lead to the dissatisfaction &1 the students in use it0 the mana+ement
should provide the technical support and technical motivation from time to time#
4herefore &oth mana+ement and students %ill +et &enefit from the s1stem
.4) Pro'lem statement
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 1? / 65
Research Proposal
4he i*Students 7ortal is a s1stem that is provided &1 :niversiti 4e'nolo+i MA;A
(:i4M) for their students# =ne of the functions provided in the i*7ortal is the
re+istration throu+h online# Ho%ever recentl10 there are pro&lems occurred
re+ardin+ the online re+istrations0 %here most of the students faced difficulties in
re+isterin+ their courses# 4his is due to the s1stem failure0 and the inefficienc1 of
the s1stem %hich create &ottlenec' and cause pro&lems# 4his research proposal
is done to identif1 and clarif1 these pro&lems and to find out the satisfaction of
the online re+istration throu+h i*7ortal to the students of /aculties of Science
Administration and 7olic1 Studies (/S777)# 4he online re+istration is compulsor1
to the students and the1 have to accept and use it an1%a1# 4he stud1 is also to
find out %hat are the initiatives that :niversiti 4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M) could ta'e
in order to ma3imi$e the effectiveness of the s1stem#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 11 / 65
Research Proposal
.4, Research o';ectives
1#.#1 4o stud1 the relationship of the students demo+raph1 (+ender0 re+ion) to
the students >evels of Satisfaction of the =nline ;e+istration throu+h the
1#.# 4o determine the relationship &et%een the Students perceptions and
+ender of the students to%ards the =nline ;e+istration
1#.#. 4o determine the relationship &et%een the students perception of the
=nline ;e+istration and >evels of Satisfaction (&enefits)#
.4+ Sco:e of the study
4he stud1 %ill cover the students of /acult1 of Science Administration and 7olic1
Studies (/S777) in Shah Alam campus# 4here are 1?? sets of 6uestionnaire that
%ill &e distri&uted the students of /acult1 of Science Administration and 7olic1
Studies (/S777)# Both Bachelor Administration Science (BAS) and Bachelor in
Corporate Administration (BCA) from semester < to semester 6 students %ill &e
the respondents of the stud1#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 1 / 65
Research Proposal
.40 Significance of the study
1#5#1 :niversiti 4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M) no% declarin+ that the universit1 is
+oin+ to &e a %orld class universit1 and also certain departments are
alread1 certified to ()S= @??1)# 4he s1stem that :niversiti 4e'nolo+i
MA;A (:i4M) provided is to +ive the comfort and eas1 accessi&ilit1 to the
1#5# 4he si+nificance of this stud1 is to provide the solutions and clarif1 the root
pro&lems re+ardin+ the uses and the effectiveness of the online
re+istration throu+h i*7ortal# 4he stud1 also could recommend and
propose the solutions %hich %ill &rin+ the +oodness and the development
of the s1stem#
1#5#. 4his stud1 %ill provide the &asis for improvement in developin+ the online
re+istration throu+h i*7ortal to ensure that the standard of the services
conform to the students re6uirements and e3pectations#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 1. / 65
Research Proposal
.4- 9efinition of terms<conce:ts
4he terms used in this stud1 are defined for ease of understandin+#
.4-4. Satisfaction
Satisfaction ma1 refer to a feelin+ of a +ratification# Dratification is the positive
emotional response or happiness to a fulfillment of desire# )n the conte3t of this
stud10 satisfactions relate to the response or happiness of the students to%ards
the online re+istration throu+h online#
.4-4) System
)nformation s1stem can &e defined technicall1 as a set of interrelated
components ena&le to that collect0 retrieve0 store and distri&ute information
(>audon ??1)#
.4-4, Perce:tion
7erception refers to a process &1 %hich individuals or+ani$e and interpret their
sensor1 impressions in order to +ive meanin+ to their environment# Ho%ever0
%hat one perceives can &e su&stantiall1 different from o&5ectives realit1# )t needs
to &e0 &ut there is often disa+reement (;o&&ins0 ??1)#
Mean%hile0 perception is not mechanical at all# )t is Ethe process &1 %hich
sensation is or+ani$ed and interpreted0 formin+ an inner representation of the
%orldF# )t is involves much more than sensation# )t also involves learnin+ and
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 1< / 65
Research Proposal
e3pectations add the %a1s in %hich %e or+ani$e incomin+ information a&out the
%orld# Besides0 he also sa1s that perception is Ean active process throu+h %hich
%e ma'e sense of sensor1F (;athus0 1@A@)#
/urthermore0 the perception defined as Ean asset of mental processes that
or+ani$ed and interpret sensor1 information that has &een transmitted to the
&rainF# )t usuall1 refers to the co+nitive processes in the &rain %hich %e interpret
the messa+e our sense provide# )t involves s1nthesi$in+ and assi+nin+ meanin+
to sensation &1 ta'in+ into account our e3pectations0 prior e3periences and
sometimes our culture (C# Goun+mi0 1@@5)#

.4-4+ $ Portal
7ortal is a 2e& pa+e that serves as a point of entr1 for surfers of the 2orld 2ide
2e&# Portal is a term0 +enerall1 s1non1mous %ith gateway0 for a 2orld 2ide
2e& site that is or proposes to &e a ma5or startin+ site for users %hen the1 +et
connected to the 2e& or that users tend to visit as an anchor site# 4here are
+eneral portals and speciali$ed or niche portals#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 15 / 65
Research Proposal
6%APT3R )
L$T3RATUR3 R38$3= & 6#/63PTUAL FRAM3=#R>
)4. Literature revie"
4his chapter provides a revie% of the literature on %omen politics in pu&lic
perception leadership and also conceptual frame%or' of the stud1#
)4.4. $ntroduction4
)n this ne% era of technolo+10 most of the compan1 actuall1 competin+ amon+
themselves in order to survived# )n other %ords0 the1 are shiftin+ from the
production &ased economic to 'no%led+e &ased economic# As far as %e
concern0 the companies or the or+ani$ation %ill definitel1 need the ri+ht tools to
implement the ri+ht and proper technolo+1 adoption in their compan1#
)4.4) The 'enefits #f the #nline Registration through $ :ortal
41picall10 past adoptions of a ne% technolo+1 for education have si+naled a
confidence in its potential to alleviate a particular pro&lem or to ma'e a 5o&
easier or more efficient (C#H Carr Hr ??1)#
)n hi+hl1 competitive recruitment mar'et0 improvin+ the application process &1
installin+ online tools puts a compan1 in a superior position# IAs hirin+ heats up
and as &a&1 &oomers start retirin+0 thatJs +oin+ to &e the dou&le %hamm10 and
&eatin+ the competitionI (Diehll0 1@@A)#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 16 / 65
Research Proposal
4he ne% s1stem %ill ena&le si+nificant &enefits to &oth the manufacturer and
distri&utor# Specificall10 co adoption of the ne% s1stem &1 the manufacturer and
supplier %ill ena&les the reduction in manual processin+ such as fa3in+0 %ritin+
emails0 re 'e1in+ information0 researchin+ de&it re6uest information and in6uirin+
on approval status and also the 6uantified &enefits of the ne% s1stem are
anticipated to &e su&stantial (M# Hohn0 ??1)#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 1B / 65
Research Proposal
2.1.3 Failure #f The $nformation Technology System
)nformation technolo+1 s1stem also sometime &rin+s the difficulties and
pro&lem to the users# "ven thou+h the esta&lishments of the information
technolo+1 s1stem help to runnin+ the or+ani$ation effectivel10 it sometime
lead to the side effect e3ist from the development of the information
technolo+1 itself#
4he s1stem ma1 fail to perform its function# 4his is &ecause of the failure
durin+ the implementation of the s1stem itself# 4here are man1 reasons for
failure0 includin+ unrealistic schedules0 insufficient or poorl1 mana+ed
fundin+0 poor desi+n0 uns'illed staff0 poor mana+ement and lac' of E&u1 inF
&1 users or senior mana+ement# 4he implementations of the s1stem in earl1
process &rin+ the difficulties and failure of the s1stem to perform %ell in
future# Ho%ever0 at least part of the pro&lem lies in the uncertaint1 of the
effect of inte+ratin+ the su&s1stems that result in the s1stem# :ncertaint1
mana+ement is a fundamental unif1in+ concept in anal1sis and desi+n of
comple3 s1stems (,o1le 1@@B)# 4herefore Mana+ement role is important to
determine the unforeseen uncertaint1 especiall1 in desi+nin+ the comple3
s1stem and improvin+ the users to ma'e sure the s1stem desi+n can
perform %ell and suit users durin+ the consumption of the s1stem in future#
7oor mana+ement in earl1 sta+es of the desi+nation of the s1stem ma1
cause the s1stem not suit to users and &rin+ some difficulties to the users in
usin+ it# 4his matter then leads to the dissatisfaction and &ad perception &1
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 1A / 65
Research Proposal
users to%ards the s1stems provided# )n this case the mana+ement in
:niversiti 4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M) should pla1 an important role in providin+
the &est s1stem for the students# Means that the1 should &uild the students
&ased s1stem &1 determine the students needs to%ards the s1stem# Simple
and eas1 use s1stem &rin+s to the efficient and effective %or's that
contri&ute satisfaction amon+ the students#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 1@ / 65
Research Proposal
2.1.4 The Strategies to $m:rove and Successful System
)nnovation ,ecision 7rocess theor1: 7otential adopters of a technolo+1
pro+ress over time throu+h five sta+es in the diffusion process# /irst0 the1
must learn a&out the innovation kno"ledge!? second0 the1 must &e
persuaded of the value of the innovation :ersuasion!? the1 then must
decide to adopt it decision!? the innovation must then &e implemented
im:lementation!? and finall10 the decision must &e reaffirmed or re5ected
confirmation!4 4he focus is on the user or adopter (;o+ers0 1@@5)#
=r+ani$ation should follo% the theor1 of )nnovation ,ecision 7rocess# )n our
stud10 the :niversit1 has to have the 'no%led+e re+ardin+ the s1stem# 4hen
the1 must persuade the innovation that the1 are tr1in+ to do and then0 the1
have to decide %hether to adopt it or not0 and after that0 the1 have to
practicall1 implement the s1stem and end %ith the confirmation or +ettin+
the feed&ac' from the user0 that is the students in the universit1 (;o+ers0
7erceived Attri&utes theor1: 4here are five attri&utes upon %hich an
innovation is 5ud+ed- that it can &e tried out triala'ility!@ that results can &e
o&served o'serva'ility!@ that it has an advanta+e over other innovations
or the present circumstance relative advantage!@ that it is not overl1
comple3 to learn or use com:leAity!@ that it fits in or is compati&le %ith the
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) ? / 65
Research Proposal
circumstances into %hich it %ill &e adopted com:ati'ility! ;o+ers0 1@@5)#
Another theor1 introduced &1 ;o+ers0 %hich is the 7erceived Attri&utes
4heor1# 4he theor1 e3plains a&out %hat should &e done &1 the s1stem
adopters# 4he1 should first have the tria&ilit10 o&serva&ilit10 have the relative
advanta+e0 understand the comple3it1 and anal1$e %hether the s1stem is
compati&le for the user# )n our stud10 :niversiti 4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M)
should run the triala&ilit1 &efore totall1 implement the s1stem# So that0 the
students not facin+ the difficulties %ith the s1stem or the online re+istration
throu+h ) portal# 4he universities also have to o&serve and +et feed&ac'
from the students re+ardin+ the s1stem#
:ser*oriented development approach e3emplifies those currentl1 favored
for the adoption and diffusion of instructional technolo+1 +enerall1 and
)nternet technolo+1 in particular# )t consists of 5 adopter*focused steps- 1)
potential adopter identification0 ) measurement of their relevant
perceptions0 .) user (adopter)*friendl1 product desi+n and development0 <)
informin+ the potential user (adopter) of the product0 and 5) support after
adoption# An alternative model developed at the :niversit1 of MinnesotaJs
4elecommunication Center recommended a complete anal1sis of
educational need and user characteristics alon+ %ith the identification of a
ne% educational technolo+1Js relevant and appropriate features and factors
(Stoc'dill and Morehouse0 1@@)#
"rnest Bur'man said that the adoption of the technolo+1 has adopter focus
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 1 / 65
Research Proposal
steps# 4he first one is the =r+ani$ation %hich is in this case is the :niversiti
4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M) have to identif1 the potential adopter0 measure
their relevant perceptions0 then adopt the s1stem that is more friendl1 user
and inform the user or the adopter and +ive support after the adoption#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) / 65
Research Proposal
)4.40 Suggestion and Recommendation for &etter Technology
Ado:tion from User 8ie"
4echnolo+1 Acceptance Model (4AM)
4echnolo+1 acceptance model is an information s1stem theor1 that models
ho% users come to accept and use a technolo+1# 4he model su++ests that
%hen users are presented %ith a ne% soft%are pac'a+e0 a num&er of
factors influence their decision a&out ho% and %hen the1 %ill use it nota&l1#
Perceived usefulnessK this %as defined &1 /red ,avis as Ethe de+ree to
%hich a person &elieves that usin+ a particular s1stem %ould enhanced his
or her 5o& performanceF Perceived ease of useK ,avis defined this as Ethe
de+ree to %hich a person &elieves that usin+ a particular s1stem %ould &e
free from effortF (,avis0 1@A@)#
4echnolo+1 Adoption and ,iffusion
Had technolo+ical chan+e and innovation proceeded at toda1Js rate in
fifteenth centur1 "urope %hen printin+ technolo+1 %as introduced0 one can
onl1 speculate on the economic and political effects that its adoption and
diffusion mi+ht have had on that era and su&se6uent histor1# And0 if )nternet
technolo+1 is the Iprintin+I technolo+1 of toda10 its potential effects on
modern societ1 mi+ht &e compared to those of that centuries*old innovationK
that is0 momentous0 &ut difficult to foresee# /ortunatel10 %e no% 'no% more
a&out the adoption/diffusion process (C#H Carr Hr0 ??1)#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) . / 65
Research Proposal
Attri&utes of )nternet technolo+1 that differ from those of traditional
instructional technolo+ies and that modif1 the adoption and diffusion
process are discussed0 as are characteristics of the potential adopters and
strate+ies that contri&ute to successful technolo+1 adoption and inte+ration
%ithin an or+ani$ation (C#H Carr Hr0 ??1)#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) < / 65
Research Proposal
)4) 6once:tual Frame"ork

/i+ure #1 4he conceptual frame%or' for the level of satisfaction amon+
the students in /S777 to%ards the online re+istration throu+h
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5 / 65
L383L #F SAT$SFA6T$#/
Benefit of the =nline
;e+istration provided
&1 :i4M
7erception of the =nline
;e+istration throu+h
Research Proposal
)4)4. $nde:endent 8aria'les: Student 9emogra:hy gender@ region@
4he students demo+raphic are varia&les that indicate the level of students
satisfaction to%ards the on*line re+istration throu+h )*portal#
)4)4.4. Bender
)nformation from the ph1siolo+ical and medical data support that +ender &iases
in certain t1pes of response ("tter0 ??5)#
Dender divides into t%o male and female# )n scope of our stud10 male and female
students are chosen as focus +roup &ecause &oth of them commonl1 have a
different perception in usin+ the online s1stem# 4herefore this varia&le %ill affect
the level of satisfaction and it also %ill measure the level of satisfaction in usin+
the online re+istration#
)4)4.4) Region
;e+ion refers to a part or section of a countr1 or the %orld# Students re+ional
perspectives %ill affect the level of accessi&ilit1 to the internet and information
technolo+1# Students in the ur&an area more fre6uent in usin+ the information
s1stem compared to students in rural are# 4herefore0 the1 are more e3posure in
usin+ the internet and this %ill effect the perception and level of satisfaction in
usin+ the online re+istration throu+h i*7ortal#
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Research Proposal
)4)4) 9e:endent varia'le: Level of Satisfaction of the online registration
>evel of satisfaction refers to the level of fulfillment or +ratification of the desire0 a
need and the appetite# 4he level of satisfaction amon+ the students measured
accordin+ to the &enefit o&tained in usin+ the online re+istration# )t is also the
6ualitative measure of &enefits as defined &1 users %hich meet their &asic
re6uirements and standards#
)4)4)4. &enefit
Something that aids or promotes well-being; "for the common good",(
4his varia&le refers to the &enefit offer to the students in re+istration process
throu+h the )*7ortal# 4his varia&le actuall1 %ill support and the measurements of
the &enefits of the online re+istration %ill determine the level of satisfaction of
online re+istration throu+h i*portal#
)4)4, Moderators
4his is a varia&le that affect the stren+th of the relationship &et%een t%o of more
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) B / 65
Research Proposal
)4)4,4. Perce:tion of the #nline Registration through iC:ortal
7erception is the process &1 %hich or+anisms interpret and or+ani$e sensation to
produce a meanin+ful e3perience of the %orld# Sensation usuall1 refers to the
immediate0 relativel1 unprocessed result of stimulation of sensor1 receptors in
the e1es0 ears0 nose0 ton+ue0 or s'in# 7erception0 on the other hand0 &etter
descri&es oneJs ultimate e3perience of the %orld and t1picall1 involves further
processin+ of sensor1 input# )n practice0 sensation and perception are virtuall1
impossi&le to separate0 &ecause the1 are part of one continuous process#
7erception could &e positive and ne+ative# (7eter >indsa1 9 ,onald A# 8orman)
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) A / 65
Research Proposal
6%APT3R ,
R3S3AR6% M3T%#9
,4. Research design
/or the purpose of this stud10 the research desi+n %ill &e cross*sectional surve1#
41pe of approach is supplemented &1 a 6uestionnaire surve1#
,4) Unit of analysis
As this stud1 %ill address the issue of the level of satisfaction of the online
re+istration throu+h i*portal0 therefore the unit of anal1sis %ill &e the students of
the /acult1 of Administrative Science and 7olic1 Studies (/S777) in :niversiti
4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M) Shah Alam#
,4, Pilot Study
4he purpose of the pilot stud1 %as to determine-
a# )f pro&lems e3isted %ith the %ordin+ of the preliminar1 surve1
&# )f pro&lem e3isted %ithin the %ordin+ of the surve1 6uestionnaire#
c# )f the surve1 %as capturin+ the information needed to successfull1
ans%er the respective research 6uestions for this stud1#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) @ / 65
Research Proposal
2ith this in mind0 a pilot stud1 of 6uestionnaire had &een conducted at :i4M#
7articipants %ere 1? people includin+ &oth se3es0 male (nM5) and female (nM5)#

As a result of the pilot stud1 it %as discovered that the initial instructions recited
to the participants need to &e re%orded &ecause the responses to the 6uestion
%ere more comprehensive %hen su&5ects %ere reminded durin+ the preliminar1
4he avera+e completions time %as 1?*15 minutes of the ten su&5ects# =nl1
respondents re6uested clarification re+ardin+ 6uestions for health and illness
(section B)# 4herefore0 it %as concluded that the surve1 %as clear and
understanda&le for the holder of universities students in the pilot stud1# 4he1
su++ested that there %ill &e &etter if the1 %ere under administered and %ell
instruct %hen ans%erin+ the 6uestionnaire#
4he final +oal of the pilot stud1 %as to determine if the surve1 uncovered
responses that could potentiall1 ans%er the prospective research 6uestions#
;esulted indicated that the collected data provided the necessar1 information
re6uired to ans%er research 6uestions and h1potheses proposed in this stud1#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .? / 65
Research Proposal
,4+ Sam:le si(e
4he sample si$e for the purpose of this stud1 is 1??0 %hich e6uall1 distri&uted to
the students =f Bachelor of Administration Science (BAS) and to the students of
Bachelor of Corporate Administration (BCA)# All the 6uestionnaires returned#
,40 Sam:ling techniDue
4his stud1 %ill &e conducted in the /acult1 of Science Administrative and 7olic1
Studies (/S777) in :niversiti 4e'nolo+i MA;A (:i4M) Shah Alam# 4herefore0 %e
have selected the convenience samplin+ techni6ue for the purpose of this
research# Accordin+ to Se'aran (??.)0 convenience samplin+ techni6ue refers
to collection of information from mem&ers of the population %ho are convenientl1
availa&le to provide it# 4his samplin+ procedure involves the selection of units
that are easil1 accessi&le and convenient to the researchers# (Ha$man0 ??5/6)
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .1 / 65
Research Proposal
,4- Measurement<$nstrumentation
4he varia&les and their measurement are outline in the follo%in+ sections#
#';ectives 6once:ts<constructs Measurement Euestion /o
1 o st!dy the relationship
of the st!dents
demographic (gender
and region) to the le"el of
satisfaction towards the
#nline $egistration
thro!gh %-Portal
Students ,emo+raph1
1#) Dender* +ender divides into
female and male# )nformation
from the ph1siolo+ical and
medical data support that
+ender &iases in certain t1pes
of response
#) ;e+ion* can &e cate+ori$ed
into ur&an and rural area#
Students in the ur&an area are
more e3posed in usin+ the
internet and information
Satisfaction is determine &1 the
intensit1 and direction of +ap &et%een
e3pectation and perceived
)n the conte3t of this stud10 satisfaction
refers the 6ualitative measure of
&enefits as defined &1 users %hich
meet their &asic re6uirements and
1#)Dender* male and female students(nominal)
Dender Male
#);e+ion* ur&an and rural area0 measured in
term of the population in the students cit1 or to%n
"#+# :r&an
1.#7ortal ma'es the re+istration process easier
1<# Can save a lot of time
15# "as1 to understand
16# Can re+ister their su&5ects at an1 place
1B# Can re+ister their su&5ects at an1time
1A# Create s1stematic students records
1@# Students can reduce the uses of paper
?# Allo%s students to customi$e their timeta&le
1# =utstandin+ vacant in classes
Section A
Section B
Nuestion 1.*..
. / 65
Research Proposal
# 7lan their studies
.# Can save the cost of the students
<# 7rovide all the relevant information
5# ,id not face an1 pro&lem in re+isterin+
6# Al%a1s read1 to use &1 students
B# Can re+ister on &ehalf of others
A# >ess procedure in re+isterin+ the su&5ects
@# Helps :i4M in achievin+ their +oals
.?# All information are updated
.1# Students to &ecome computer literate
.# More efficient
..# )nformation a&out the re6uired su&5ects
"3ample - Students >evels of Satisfaction
*>i'ert scale
5# Stron+l1 A+ree
<# A+ree
# :ncertain
# ,isa+ree
1# Stron+l1 ,isa+ree

Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .. / 65
Research Proposal
o in"estigate the
st!dent&s perception
towards the gender of
the st!dents.
7erception of the =nline re+istration
throu+h i*portal refers to the value
5ud+ment made as a&out the net
&enefits attri&uted to the use of an
information s1stem# 4he perception is
also the possession positive or
ne+ative attitudes to%ards the online
re+istration provided &1 :i4M#
.<# Al%a1s havin+ technical pro&lem
.5# =nline ;e+istration is not effective
.6# 2ill &rin+ difficulties to the students
.B# 4he features are interactive
.A# )nstructions provided are clear
.@# "as1 to understand &1 the user
<?# Convenient to :i4M students
<1# 4ime consumed is shorter
<# Better than re+istration throu+h manual form
<.# Gou li'e to use the =nline ;e+istration
<<# 4he server al%a1s do%n
<5# )nformation 4echnolo+1 is a %aste of time
<6# ;e+istration process more complicated
<B# Has no %ea'nesses in +eneral
<A# :i4M has provided the necessar1 e6uipment
<@# :i4M provide sufficient computers
5?# "nou+h time for students to re+ister
51# :i4M has to improve the s1stem
5# :r&an more advanta+e to use the s1stem
"3ample - Students 7erception* >i'ert Scale
5# Stron+l1 A+ree
<# A+ree
.# :ncertain
# ,isa+ree
1# Stron+l1 ,isa+ree
Section B
Nuestion .<*5
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .< / 65
Research Proposal
. o determine the
relationship between the
st!dent&s perception
towards the online
registration and the 'e"el
of Satisfaction
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .5 / 65
Research Proposal
,4F 9ata collection
,ata collection deals on ho% the researchers reach the respondents# )t deals
%ith the 6uestion of ho% 1ou %ill contact and +ather the re6uired data from the
units of the stud1 (Ha$man0 ??5)# 4here are several popular methods of data
collection namel1 6uestionnaire0 intervie%s and o&servation (Ha$man0 ??5)#
4he data for this stud1 %ill &e collected throu+h personall1 administered
6uestionnaire# 4his method %as chosen &ecause the researcher can collect all
the completed responses %ithin a short period# He also added that the
researcher is also afforded the opportunit1 to introduce the research topic and
motivate the respondents to offer their fran' ans%ers (Se'aran0 ??.)#
.6 / 65
Research Proposal
,42 9ata analysis
/or the purpose of this stud10 the data anal1$ed usin+ the statistical soft%are tool
S7SS Cersion 1#?#1 for 2indo%s# 4a&le .# summari$es the o&5ectives0
varia&les0 measurement0 scale and statistics used in this research#
4o accomplish the aims of the first0 second and third o&5ective0 fre6uenc1 is used#
A fre6uenc1 refer to the num&er of times various su&cate+ories of a certain
phenomenon occurs0 from %hich the percenta+e and the cumulative percenta+e
of their occurrence can &e easil1 calculated (Se'aran0 ??.)
As the first o&5ectives of the stud1 is to find out the relationship %ith the t%o
varia&les0 thus )ndependent 4*4est to find out the si+nificant &et%een the
varia&les# A t*test is used to determine %hether there is a si+nificant difference
&et%een t%o sets of scores (H#Coa'es0??5)#
A little different to test the last o&5ectives0 %here it is &een used the 7aired
sample 4*4est to determine the si+nifican6t &et%een the t%o varia&les#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .B / 65
Research Proposal
Ta'le ,4) Summary of o';ectives@ varia'les@ measurement@ scale and
statistics used in this research
#';ectives 8aria'le<s Measurement Scale Statistics
4o stud1 the relationship
of the students
demo+raph1 (+ender0
re+ion) to the level of
satisfaction to%ards the
online re+istration
throu+h )*7ortal
,efinition of +ender
and re+ion
,efinition of level of
satisfaction of
online re+istration
Dender (male or
;e+ion (ur&an or
/acilities and the
structural of the
8ominal scale
)nterval Scale
4o determine the
students perception
to%ards the +ender#
perception to%ards
the online
2hether positive
or ne+ative
)nterval Scale 4*4est
4o determine the
relationship &et%een the
students perception
to%ards the online
re+istration and the level
of satisfaction
perception of online
,efinition of level of
satisfaction to%ards
the online
)nterval Scale
)nterval Scale
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .A / 65
Research Proposal
6%APT3R +
F$/9$/B A/9 A/AL7S$S
+4. $ntroduction
4his chapter present &riefl1 the profile of the respondents involved in the stud1 of
>evel of Satisfaction amon+ the students of /acult1 of Science Administrative
and 7olic1 Studies (/S777) in :i4M Shah Alam0 to%ards the =nline ;e+istration
throu+h ) 7ortal# 4he >evel of Satisfaction amon+ the students of /acult1 of
Science Administrative and 7olic1 Studies (/S777) %ere o&tained &1 distri&utin+
e6uall1 the 6uestionnaires to the students of Bachelor of Administrative Science
(BAS) and Bachelor of Corporate Administration (BCA) in /acult1 of Science
Administrative and 7olic1 Studies (/S777) in :i4M Shah Alam# Aside from that0
the purpose of this stud1 is to determine the perception of the students to%ards
the =nline ;e+istration that provided &1 :i4M#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) .@ / 65
Research Proposal
+4) Univariate Analysis
4here are a num&er of statistics availa&le to test the normalit1# /or this stud10 the
S'e%ness and Ourtosis are &ein+ used to test the normalit1 of the varia&les#
S'e%ness and Ourtosis refer to the shape of the distri&ution0 and &een used %ith
interval and ratio level data# Since our data are interval data0 so the test of
normalit1 &ased on S'e%ness and Ourtosis#
4he distri&uted data considered normal if it fall &et%een the ran+es of * to #
4a&le <#1 sho%s that0 the S'e%ness for total &enefits is ?#.1< and this fi+ure
actuall1 a positivel1 s'e%ed# Ho%ever0 it is still in the ran+e of * to and
assumed to &e normall1 distri&uted# >oo'in+ at the Ourtosis for total &enefits0
1#<.< is normal &ecause it falls in the ran+e of * to # 4he S'e%ness for the total
perceptions is *?#<<. is considered normal and the 'urtosis for total perception is
also assumed normal %hen it still in the ran+e * to (?#1<.)#
Ta'le +4.: Summary of the /ormality Test for the Level of Satisfaction total
'enefits! and Perce:tion total :erce:tion! of the res:ondents4
8aria'le Ske"ness >urtosis Result
Total 'enefits ?#.1< 1#<.< 8ormal
Total :erce:tions *?#<<. ?#1<. 8ormal
+4, Res:ondentGs :rofile
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) <? / 65
Research Proposal
4here %as a 1?? 6uestionnaires have &een distri&uted e6uall1 %ithout missin+ to
the students of Bachelor of Administrative Science (BAS) and Bachelor of
Corporate Administration (BCA) in /acult1 of Science Administrative and 7olic1
Studies (/S777) in :i4M Shah Alam#
4a&le <# indicates that female contri&uted the hi+hest num&er of respondents
%ith 55P and male respondents are <5P# 4he respondents are e6uall1
distri&uted %ith our convenient samplin+ and results to the e6ual distri&ution
consist of 5?P from BAS and 5?P from BCA students# 4he findin+ sho%s that
.6P of the respondents are from semesters < students0 follo%ed &1 semester 5
and 6 students of /S777 %hich .P and .P respectivel1# Mountin+ to 5<P of
the respondents are from the rural area and respondents from the ur&an area
consist the rest of <6P#
Most of the respondents0 contri&utin+ .AP are actuall1 earnin+ household
income0 ran+ed from ;M??? to ;M.???# )t follo%ed &1 6P of the students
earned ;M1??? to ;M???0 1@P of the respondents earned ;M.??? to
;M<??? and 15P of the respondents are from less than ;M1??? income
earners# 4he lo%est +roup indicates on P of the respondents are earned
income more than ;M5???#
Ta'le +4): Summary of Res:ondents Profile
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) <1 / 65
Research Proposal
8o# Profile /o4 of Res:ondents Percentage H!
1 Bender
* Male
* /emale

. Semesters
* 7art<
* 7art5
* 7art6
< %ometo"n
* :r&an
* ;ural
5 %ousehold $ncome
* Q ;M1???
* ;M1??? to ;M???
* ;M??? to ;M.???
* ;M.??? to ;M<???
* R;M5???

+4+ Finding
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) < / 65
Research Proposal
4his section presents the findin+s of the stud1 in relation to the research
o&5ectives# 4hus0 the findin+s indicate the test of e6ualit1 and the si+nificant of
the tested varia&les# A 4*4est is used to determined %hether there is a si+nificant
different &et%een t%o varia&les#
+4+4. Relationshi: of the StudentGs 9emogra:hy gender and region! to the
Levels of Satisfactions total 'enefits! to"ards the #nline
Registration through $ Portal4
4he first part of the first o&5ectives are actuall1 &een tested usin+ the
)ndependent Droup 4*4est# )f the tested varia&les is considered si+nificant
(pQ?#?5)0 thus have relationship &et%een the varia&les# ;eferrin+ to the 4a&le
<#.#10 the +ender of the respondents consist of male and female are actuall1
have no relationship %ith the >evel of Satisfactions(total &enefit) %hen the p is
actuall1 more than ?#?5 (pM?#BA@)# Meanin+ that0 the +ender actuall1 is not
influencin+ or +ives effect to the >evel of Satisfaction (total &enefit)#
Ta'le +4,4.: Summary of $nde:endent TCTest 'et"een gender and Level
of Satisfaction total 'enefits!
8aria'le Test of 3Duality
Total &enefits t df Si+ (*tailed)
* ?#A1 @A ?#BA?
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) <. / 65
Research Proposal
Based on the 4a&le <#.#0 indicates that the )ndependent 4*4est result &et%een
the re+ions of the respondents consists of ur&an and rural %ith the >evel of
Satisfaction (total Benefits)#)t sho%s that there is no si+nificant &et%een the
re+ion of the respondents %ith the >evel of Satisfaction (total &enefit)# 4he p is
actuall1 more than ?#?50 (pM?#5B5)# Since the result in no relationship0 meanin+
that there is no relationship and re+ion has no influence to the >evel of
Satisfaction (total &enefits)#
Ta'le +4,4): Summary of $nde:endent TCTest 'et"een Region and Level of
Satisfaction total 'enefits!
8aria'le Test of 3Duality
Total &enefits t df Si+ (*tailed)
*?#56 @A ?#5B5
/rom all of the 6uestions representin+ the >evel of Satisfaction (total &enefit)0
onl1 one 6uestions sho%s the relationship or si+nificant %ith the Dender (male or
female) in this stud1# 4he 6uestion num&er 1B re+ardin+ the fle3i&ilit1 of the time
of the students to do their =nline ;e+istration# (Students can re+ister their
su&5ects at an1time)# 4he ta&le sho%s that0 pM?#?.. %hich actuall1 less than
?#?5# 4his indicates that the si+nificant relationship &et%een the varia&les#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) << / 65
Research Proposal
Ta'le +4,4,: Summary of $nde:endent TCTest 'et"een Bender and Ican
register at any timeJ Duestion no4 .F!
8aria'le Test of 3Duality
Total &enefits t df Si+ (*tailed)
*#15@ @A ?#?..
+4+4) The 3ffect of StudentGs Perce:tions to"ards the #nline Registration
"ith the gender of the students

4he second o&5ective is to determine the relationship &et%een the Students
7erceptions %ith the +ender of the students0 %hich consist of male and female#
4he )ndependent 4*4est &een used to determine the relationship &et%een the
varia&les# 4he result sho%s that there is no si+nificant %hen pM?#<15# 4here is no
relationship &ecause it is actuall1 more than ?#?5# Meanin+ that0 the +ender has
no relationship on the students perception to%ards the =nline ;e+istration0 thus
it %ill &rin+ no influence#
Ta'le +4+: Summary of $nde:endent TCTest 'et"een gender and the
studentGs :erce:tions total :erce:tion!
8aria'le Test of 3Duality
Total Perce:tions t df Si+ (*tailed)
*?#A1A @A ?#<15
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) <5 / 65
Research Proposal
4.4.3 The Relationshi: 'et"een the StudentGs Perce:tion total :erce:tion!
Levels of Satisfaction total 'enefit! to"ards the #nline Registration4
4he third o&5ective is to determine the relationship &et%een the students
perceptions %ith the >evels of Satisfaction# 4he 7aired sample 4*4est used to
determine the relationship# ;eferrin+ to the 4a&le <#50 it sho%s that there is a
stron+ relationship %here pM?#??? %hich less than ?#?5 (pQ?#?5)# Meanin+ that
the perceptions of the students to%ards the =nline ;e+istration are affected &1
the >evels of Satisfaction (total &enefit)#
Ta'le +40: Summary of Paired Sam:le TCTest 'et"een :erce:tions total
:erce:tion! and Level of Satisfaction total 'enefits!
8aria'le Test of 3Duality
Total Perce:tions t df Si+ (*tailed)
1.#B6. @@ ?#???
+40 #verall Level of Satisfaction 'enefits! of the Res:ondents
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) <6 / 65
Research Proposal
4his research is to stud1 the >evel of Satisfaction of the Students in /acult1 of
Science Administrative and 7olic1 Studies (/S777)# 4hus the fre6uencies test
&een done in order to determine their overall >evels of Satisfaction# /rom the
ta&le <#6#1 sho%s that0 most of the 6uestions that determine the >evels of
Satisfaction (&enefits)0 most of the respondents a+reed %ith the &enefits of the
=nline ;e+istration#
4he hi+hest is 65P of the respondent a+reed that usin+ the =nline ;e+istration
%ill inform the students a&out the outstandin+ vacant of the class# /ollo%ed &1
6<P of the respondents a+reed that the =nline ;e+istration allo% the students to
custom their timeta&le and 6?P of the respondents a+reed that the students can
re+ister their su&5ects at an1time#
Ho%ever0 .BP of the respondents disa+reed %ith the statement that the =nline
;e+istration could save the cost of the students# 8e3t0 .AP of the respondents
actuall1 disa+reed and den1 that the =nline ;e+istration is al%a1s read1 to use
%hen needed# >astl10 <AP of the respondents disa+reed %hen the statement
sa1s that the =nline ;e+istration did not face an1 pro&lem#
/rom the 4a&le <#6#1 sho%s0 that 5?P of the respondents %ere uncertain a&out
ho% the =nline ;e+istration could helps :i4M in achievin+ their +oals#
Ta'le +4-: Summary of the #verall of the StudentGs Level of Satisfaction
'enefits! To"ards the #nline Registration
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) <B / 65
Research Proposal
8aria'les Mode of Ans"er Percentage H! FreDuency
;e+istration 7rocess "asier A+reed .@P .@
Can Save 4ime A+reed 5?P 5?
"as1 4o :nderstand A+reed <BP <B
;e+ister at An1 7lace A+reed <<P <<
;e+ister at An1 4ime A+reed 6?P 6?
S1stematic Students
A+reed <6P <6
;educe 4he :se of 7aper A+reed <5P <5
Can Customi$e their
A+reed 6<P 6<
)nform =utstandin+ Cacant A+reed 65P 65
Helps to 7lan Studies A+reed <6P <6
Can Save Cost of the
,isa+ree .BP .B
7rovide All )nformation A+reed <1P <1
,id 8ot /ace An1 7ro&lem ,isa+ree <AP <A
Al%a1s ;ead1 4o :se ,isa+ree .AP .A
Can ;e+ister on Behalf
A+ree <@P <@
>ess procedure in
;e+istration 7rocess
A+reed 51P 51
Helps :i4M Achievin+
:ncertain 5?P 5?
)nformation are :pdated A+reed 56P 56
Help Become Computer
A+reed 51P 51
More "fficient Compared to
7revious ;e+istration
A+reed 5P 5
)nformation a&out ;e6uired
su&5ects are Availa&le
A+reed <<P <<
6%APT3R 0
9$S6USS$#/ A/9 6#/6LUS$#/
04. $ntroduction
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) <A / 65
Research Proposal
4he research is stud1 the level of satisfaction amon+ the students /acult1 of
Science Administrative and 7olic1 Studies (/S777) to%ards the =nline
;e+istration throu+h )*7ortal# 4his research is done to e3amine the relationship
&et%een students demo+raphic and mediatin+ factor (perception) to%ards the
level satisfaction in usin+ the online re+istration throu+h ) *7ortal#
4hus0 this chapter discusses in detail the findin+ as presented in Chapter < and
concludes the research# 4his chapter also provides practical implications of the
findin+0 the limitations of the stud1 as %ell as the recommendations for future
04) 9iscussion and $m:lications
4he stud1 is conducted to determine the relationship of the demo+raphic and the
mediatin+ factor of perception %ith the level of satisfaction to%ards the online
re+istration s1stem throu+h ) S7ortal# 4hus0 the discussion in this chapter %ill +o
throu+h %ith the research o&5ectives#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) <@ / 65
Research Proposal
04)4. To study the relationshi: of the studentGs demogra:hy gender and
region! to the level of satisfaction 'enefit! to"ards the online
registration through the $CPortal
4he findin+s sho% that there is no si+nificant relationship &et%een the
demo+raphic and the level of satisfaction (&enefit) to%ards the online re+istration
throu+h ) S7ortal# ,emo+raphic divided into t%o +ender and re+ion#
04)4.4. Bender
)t %as found that +ender have no si+nificant relationship to%ards the level
of the satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration# Dender0 %hether the1
are male or female &oth are not have a si+nificant relationship to%ards the
&enefit usin+ the online re+istration# 4he result sho%s that +ender is not a
factor that %ill affect the level of satisfaction in usin+ the online re+istration
)n the stud10 it sa1s that different +ender %ill influence the level of the
satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration s1stem since the male and
female commonl1 have a difference in their feelin+0 %hich female is more
to%ards the positive feelin+ on certain thin+s compared to male# Ho%ever0
%e cannot conclude that +ender %ill influence the level of satisfaction
to%ards the online re+istration s1stem since the result sho%ed +ender
does not have a si+nificant relationship %ith the level of satisfaction#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5? / 65
Research Proposal
04)4.4) Region
;e+ion is defined or refers to a part or section of a countr1 or the %orld#
(http-//%%%#investor%ords#com/) 4he test result sho%ed that there is no
si+nificant relationship &et%een the re+ion and the level of satisfaction
to%ards the online re+istration# ;e+ion divided into t%o0 %hich is rural and
ur&an# Both the students live in the rural and ur&an area have not influence
the level of satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration# 4herefore0 %hether
the students live in rural or ur&an area it %ill not affect their level of
satisfaction on the s1stem#
)n the stud10 %e assumed that the student in the rural have more &enefit
throu+h the online re+istration than the students in rural# 4his is &ecause0
students in rural have less e3posure to the information technolo+1 such as
in usin+ the computer or internet# Ho%ever the result sho% that the students
%hether the1 live in rural and ur&an have not influence to the &enefit of
usin+ the online re+istration s1stem#

04)4) To study the relationshi: of Perce:tion and the studentGs gender
to"ards the online registration through $ KPortal4
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 51 / 65
Research Proposal
7erception defines as a process &1 %hich individuals or+ani$e and interpret their
sensor1 impressions in order to +ive meanin+ to their environment# Ho%ever0
%hat one perceives can &e su&stantiall1 different from o&5ectives realit1# )t needs
to &e0 &ut there is often disa+reement (;o&&ins0 ??1)#
;e+ardin+ the research to the online re+istration s1stem0 the perception is
divided into t%o0 %hich is +ood or &ad# 4herefore0 +ender %hether the1 are male
and female mostl1 has a different perception on the online re+istration that %ill
affect the level of satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration#
Ho%ever0 the result sho%s that there is no si+nificant relationship &et%een the
perception and students +ender to%ards the level of satisfaction in usin+ the
online re+istration s1stem throu+h ) S7ortal# )t means that0 the perception and the
students +ender are not influencin+ to each other to%ards the online re+istration#
04)4, To determine the relationshi: 'et"een the studentGs :erce:tion
to"ards the online registration and level of satisfaction
)t %as found that there is a si+nificant relationship &et%een the mediatin+ factor
the students perception of the online re+istration and the level of satisfaction# )t
means that students perception %ill influence the level of their satisfaction
to%ards the online re+istration s1stem# 2hen the students perception on the
online re+istration s1stem offer more &enefits for them to re+ister their course
such as (reduce the time to spend on re+ister process0 students can re+ister at
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5 / 65
Research Proposal
an1 time and place0 the s1stem allo% students to customi$e their timeta&le and
students can re+ister on &ehalf on others)0 thus it %ill lead to the hi+her
satisfaction feel &1 the students# Adversel10 %hen their perception re+ardin+ the
online re+istration s1stem are &ad such as the online re+istration is al%a1s
havin+ technical pro&lems0 the s1stem is not effective and the1 'no% that the
online re+istration s1stem have a %ea'nesses to them# 4hen it %ill lo%er their
level of satisfaction0 %hich leads to dissatisfaction to%ards the online re+istration#
4herefore0 the :i4M must maintain a +ood perception to%ards the online
re+istration since it +ives an effect to the level of satisfaction amon+ the students#
4he level of satisfaction could relate to the motivation of the students re+ardin+
the use of the s1stem# >o% level of satisfaction ma1 cause the students do not
accept the s1stem# As far as %e concern0 the online re+istration is compulsor1 to
use &1 students in re+ister their su&5ects# 4hus0 this situation %ill leave the
student %ith no option &ut usin+ the online re+istration s1stem#
04, Recommendations
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Research Proposal
Several su++estions and recommendations can put for%ard and used &1 the
future researchers in carr1in+ out the related stud1# 4he researchers also
proposed several su++estions for the :i4M itself in order to improve the level of
satisfaction amon+ the students to%ards the online re+istration throu+h ) S7ortal#
)n the 6uestionnaire distri&uted to the respondents in0 the last 6uestion is an
open ended 6uestion to see' the recommendation from the user or students
re+ardin+ the %a1 to improve the online re+istration s1stem provide &1 :i4M#
4herefore0 the recommendation &elo% is includin+ from the researchers and
respondents point of vie%#
04,4. Suggestion for UiTM
4he :i4M should provide &etter online re+istration s1stem than %hat are
the1 currentl1 adopt# 4he s1stem provide &1 the :i4M to their students
itself must &e eas1 to understand and eas1 to use &1 the students# 4he
interactive s1stem also important to ensure the students can enhance or
ma'e their re+istration more efficient compared to the manual re+istration#
)t serves no purpose to adopt for the s1stems that is e3pected to +ive an
efficient service &ut in realit10 it +ives more complicated tas' and adverse
effect to the or+ani$ations#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5< / 65
Research Proposal
4he :i4M also are encoura+in+ to e3ercise the pilot test for their online
re+istration s1stem# Before allo%in+ the s1stems &roadl1 use in the %hole
facult10 the pilot test for the s1stem should &e implementin+ first# 7ilot test
help the mana+ement to identif1 the pro&lem and potential pro&lem that
mi+ht occur durin+ re+ardin+ the online re+istration s1stem# ,ue to that0
the mana+ement can find the possi&le solution to the %ea'nesses of the
s1stem# 4herefore0 the students ma1 not face an1 pro&lem in usin+ the
online re+istration s1stems %hen the s1stem is &roadl1 introduce in all
facult1 and in all :i4M &ranches# #
Better improvement for the s1stem ma1 avoid the :i4M mana+ement and
staff itself to do dou&le %or'# )t means that0 the staff in the facult1 not
needs to handle for the manual re+istration an1more for certain students
%hich face the pro&lem %ith the online re+istration#
04,4) Suggestion for the faculty
4he top mana+ement of the facult1/ department/ unit for instance the
,ean0 Head of ,epartment and ;e+istrar0 need to pla1 their role
effectivel1 in order to ensure that the online re+istration process can &e
done effectivel1 and efficientl1# 4he1 also should enhance the online
re+istration process &1 monitor the re+istration session# Moreover0 the
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 55 / 65
Research Proposal
facult1 supposedl1 provides sufficient computers and e6uipment for the
students to do the online re+istration throu+h ) S7ortal#
4he facult1 also supposes inform their students a&out the online
re+istration process# Here the most important roles are to +ive an
education a&out the %a1 to use the online re+istration# 4hese situations
allo% the students familiar %ith the s1stem and 'no% ho% to use the
s1stem# =nce the1 'no% ho% to use the s1stem properl10 the online
re+istrations &ecome more easil1 and finall1 +ive an advanta+e for the
students and the mana+ement in /acult1 of Administrative Science and
7olic1 Studies#
04,4, Suggestion for the students
4he students are the person that used the online re+istration s1stem#
4herefore0 the students should +ive a feed&ac' to the mana+ement of the
facult1 re+ardin+ the pro&lem the1 face at the time the1 do re+istration and
as' for the 6uic' response from them in order to complete their
re+istration process in specified time re6uired# Moreover0 the students can
directl1 complaint to the :i4M throu+h the letter of complaint that provided
in the facullt1# 4hese %ill &ecome sources of the information for the :i4M
mana+ement re+ardin+ the pro&lem faces &1 the students in re+ister their
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 56 / 65
Research Proposal
course# 4his ma1 encoura+e a 6uic' response from the :i4M
mana+ement in improvin+ the online re+istration s1stem#
04,4+ Suggestion for the future research
/rom the result of the current stud10 it sho%n that it %as not an accurate as
needed# 4herefore in order to +ain more accurate and precise data in the
future research0 it recommended usin+ a lar+e sample si$e in order to
provide an accurate and valid result# 4hrou+h this research0 onl1 1??
6uestionnaires %ere distri&uted to Bachelor of Administrative science
students and 5? to Bachelor of Corporate Administration students#
4herefore0 in order to +et accurate data the 6uestionnaire must e3ceed
this 6uantit1#
/urther researchers also are encoura+ed to %iden the scope of the stud1
&1 ac6uirin+ the information from the all faculties in the universities and
not 5ust onl1 in the selected faculties# 4his is &ecause the different faculties
ma1 have a different situation in re+istration process throu+h the online
s1stem# 4herefore %iden the scope of stud1 ena&le the researcher
ac6uirin+ the accurate information0 thus +ive an accurate result from the
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5B / 65
Research Proposal
Moreover0 the research also onl1 covered the t%o varia&les0 %hich are
+ender and re+ion# 4herefore0 future research su++ested focusin+ on
more various factors that are relevant to the issues stud1# 4his is &ecause
that0 there mi+ht &e the other factors %hich are affected and have a
si+nificant relationship to the level of the satisfaction to%ards the online
re+istration amon+ the students#
)t also recommended to conductin+ the stud1 consistentl1 in respects to
the issue0 for instance conductin+ it once a 1ear or an1 relevant period#
4he results of the stud1 %ill sho% ho% the universit1 see's to improve the
online re+istration s1stem &ased on the previous stud1s results that
serves as +uidance in terms of %hat factors contri&ute to students level of
satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration over certain period#
/inall10 the research resulted to the e3tended of present literature revie%#
4herefore0 it is &een recommended for future research to &e carried out
a+ain in the future %ith the same disciplines &ut the consideration
re+ardin+ the scope of the stud1 must &e made# /or instance0 the
literature revie% must &e focus on the local studies# 4his is &ecause0 the
different environment such as in %estern differ from our countries0 %hich
are more advance in term of their online s1stem or technolo+1#
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Research Proposal
04+ 6onclusion
As a conclusion0 the level of satisfaction amon+ the focus +roup to%ards the
online re+istration had influenced &1 the perception of the &enefit that the1
o&tained from the online re+istration s1stem# Dood or &ad of the perception %ill
determine the level of satisfaction of students to%ards the online re+istration
s1stem# Dood perceptions to%ards the s1stem lead to the hi+her satisfaction
amon+ the students in use it and vice versa0 the &ad perception %ill lead to the
lo%er level of satisfaction of students to%ards the online re+istration s1stem#
4he perception has a si+nificant relationship %ith the level of satisfaction in usin+
the online re+istration# 4herefore0 the :i4M must concentrate to improve the
online re+istration s1stem as its most of the factor that effect the perception#
/inall10 it is effect the level of satisfaction amon+ the students in usin+ it to
re+ister their course or su&5ect# )n this case0 :i4M should focus on preparin+ the
online re+istration s1stem that are interactive0 effective0 eas1 to understand and
eas1 to use0 free from technical pro&lem and havin+ clear instruction in order to
increase the level of satisfaction amon+ the students to%ards the online
re+istration s1stem#
=n the other hand0 it is important for the :i4M to eliminate the &arriers that %ill
affect the level of satisfaction to%ards the online re+istration s1stem# As the
further research in the same disciplines conductin+ in the future and discover the
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 5@ / 65
Research Proposal
drastic +ro%th of the improvement in )C4 ma1 help the :i4M in improvin+ their
online re+istration s1stem# )t %ould &e the &est if the staffs also are %ell e6uip
%ith the s1stem 'no%led+e0 %hich ena&le them to handle the s1stem %hen the
minor pro&lem occur#
4hus0 as a 2orld Class :niversit10 :i4M should have a proper online re+istration
s1stem# )t is important to have a proper online re+istration s1stem &ecause the
failin+ to do so %ill definitel1 effect the %hole or+ani$ation# 4herefore0 ever1
sin+le &arrier should &e eliminatin+ in order to maintain a +ood ima+e as a 2orld
Class :niversit1#
040 Limitation
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 6? / 65
Research Proposal
>imitations refers to the &arriers of pro&lems occurred in conductin+ the
research# 4here have &een several challen+es and limitations involved %hile
carr1in+ out this research#
4he first challen+es are the stud1 is limited to the students in the /acult1 of
Science Administrative and polic1 studies (/S777) onl1# 4herefore accurac1 of
information is difficult to &e o&tains as the limited sample si$e# 4hus0 it %ill affect
the result of the findin+s in the research#
Second0 it %as uneas1 to o&tain the information from the focus +roups# 4his %as
&ecause there %as lac' in cooperation +ivin+ &1 the focus +roup in +ivin+ the
information re6uired# 4he level of their cooperation can &e seen throu+h the
feed&ac' received or the 6uestionnaires returned to the researchers#
/urthermore0 lac'in+ of the literature revie% su&5ect to the online re+istration
s1stem also provide difficulties as for our references# 4hus a limited references
cause the research could not &e &roaden and the stud1 onl1 cover the scope
%hich is availa&le as for the references#
/inall10 another limitation that faced %as re+ardin+ the ans%erin+ the
6uestionnaire &1 the respondents# 4he %ron+ interpretations on the 6uestion lead
to inaccurac1 in +ainin+ the information#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 61 / 65
Research Proposal
Assoc# 7rof# ,r# A1te'in )SMA8 (??<)0 Attitudes of Students to%ards )nternet-
4ur'ish =nline Hournal of ,istance "ducation*4=H,"
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 6 / 65
Research Proposal
Al*Dahtani0 Said S# 9 M# 'in+ (1@@@)0 TAttitude Satisfaction and usa+e- /actors
contri&utin+ to each in the acceptance of )nformation 4echnolo+1
Behavior and information technolo+10 Col 1A0 8o <0 pp# BB*@B
Ba+o$$i "t Al (1@@)0 4echnolo+1 Acceptance Model and 4he 4heor1 of ;eason
Action (4;A)0 :sa+e of )nformation 4echnolo+1- A ;eplication#
Brosnan0 M#H# (1@@@)0 JModelin+ technopho&ia- a case for %ord processin+J0
Computers in Human Behavior
,avis0 /#,#0 ;#7# Ba+o$$i 9 7#;# 2arsha% (1@A@)0 J:ser Acceptance of
Computer 4echnolo+1- A Comparison of 4%o 4heoretical ModelsJ0
Mana+ement Science0 Col# .50 8o# A0 pp# @A*1??.
,a%n S#=nle10 Ma'e Sure Gour =nline Application 7rocess Oeeps candidates
"n+a+e - )mprovin+ Gour =nline Application 7rocess#
,iane ;# Bo1le0 Association of Health )nsurans Advisors- Oeeps 4hose
,ocuments Safe0 Col 1?1 )ssue 1 p55*550 1p (() *+,*-+,,)
Mohamed Ohalifa (??)0 Satisfaction %ith )nternet Based Services
http-//to5de#anadolu#edu# J
>audon# H0 C#M#0 S# Cho% 9 ;#A# >eitch (??1)0 J4o%ards an :nderstandin+ of
the Behavioral )ntention to :se an )nformation S1stemJ0 ,ecision
Sciences0 Col# A0 8o# 0 pp# .5B*.A@
Heanette M# 2in+ (??6)0 Communication )n the Ach- Computational 4hin'in+#
Col <@ 8o#.#
M# Hohn (??1)0 )nterferences &et%een 7ropa+atin+ Chan+es and the "ffect of
the S1stem#
8icole "tter (??5) Dender ,ifferences in 7erception and ;esponse to
Crisis0Human 8ature 4eam#
7eter >indsa1 9 ,onald A# 8orman,)ntroduction to perception#
;o&&ins0 Mana+ement information s1stem (M)S)0 A
;athus# H 9 ;o&erts0 7# 9 (1@A@)0 J)nformation technolo+1 acceptance in a
sample of +overnment emplo1ees- A test of the technolo+1 acceptance
modelJ0 )nteractin+ %ith Computers0 Col# 10 8o# 50 pp# <B*<<.
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 6. / 65
Research Proposal
CH Carr Hr0 C# (??1)0 J,eterminants =f 7erceived "ase =f :se- )nte+ratin+
Control0 )ntrinsic Motivation0 And "motion )nto 4he 4echnolo+1
Acceptance ModelJ0 )nformation S1stems ;esearch
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)nternet Commerce - 4he Australia 4e3tile0 Clothin+0 /oot%ear and
>eather )ndustr10C);C)4 at ;M)4 :niversit10 Mel&ourne#
Bachelor of Administrative Science (Hons) 6< / 65
Research Proposal
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