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Bibliografa y Referencias


Bibliografa y Referencias

1. ARCHUNDIA, Papacetzi, Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) &
Home Networking. Tesis Licenciatura. Ingeniera en Electrnica y
Comunicaciones. Departamento de Ingeniera Electrnica, Escuela de
Ingeniera, Universidad de las Amricas, Puebla-Mxico 2003.

2. NICOPOLITIDIS, P.y otros, Wireless Networks. Captulo 11

3. VALLE, Luis, Coexistencia de Redes WLAN & WPAN. Tesis Licenciatura.
Ingeniera en Electrnica y Comunicaciones. Departamento de Ingeniera
Electrnica, Escuela de Ingeniera, Universidad de las Amricas, Puebla-
Mxico 2005.

4. ELSON J . y ESTRIN D., An Address-Free Architecture for Dynamic Sensor
Networks Tech., Comp. Sci. Dept., USC, Enero 2000.

5. CALLAWAY, Ed y otros, Home Networking with IEEE 802.15.4: A
Developing Standard for Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks.

6. IEEE Standard 802.15.4-2003, "IEEE Standard for Information technology -
Telecommunications and information exchange between systems - Local and
metropolitan area networks - Specific requirements Part 15.4: Wireless
Medium Access Control (MAC) and Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications for
Low-Rate Wireless Personal Area Networks (LR-WPANs)"

7. PUIGGROS, J avier, Redes de Sensores Inalmbricas, Protocolo 802.15.4 y
ZigBee, 09 de Abril de 2005

8. MENNDEZ, Abraham y otros, Red de sensores inalmbricos para
monitorizacin de terrenos mediante tecnologa IEEE 802.15.4

Bibliografa y Referencias

9. HEILE, Bob, Wireless Sensors and Control Networks: Enabling New
Opportunities with ZigBee.

10. LESTER HILL, J ason, System Architecture for Wireless Sensor Networks

11. THRANING, Brd, The Impact of ZigBee in a BioMedical Environment

12. ALLIANZA ZIGBEE, The ZigBee Specification

13. http://personales.com/chile/puntaarenas/germantc2004/Protocolo802-

14. http://www.zigbee.org/download/tutorial.pdf

15. http://www.freescale.com/zigbee/ZigBee: Wireless Control Made

16. http://www.xbowl.com/micaz.html

17. http://www.aexit.es/aexit/ap/aexit.php/doc/Redes-ZigBee-43.htm

18. http://www.zigbee.org

19. J OSKOWICZ, J os, Redes de Datos; Universidad de la Repblica de
Montevideo Uruguay

20. MARR, Daniel, ECG Application Featuring Data Transmisin by Bluetooth;
Department of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering; The University
of Queensland.

21. VIVACQUA, Danilo, Bluetooth, Tecnologa de Comunicao sem Fios,

Bibliografa y Referencias

22. RODRGUEZ CALVACHI, Oscar Daro, MAYA CORAL Ricardo Andrs,
Protocolo Bluetooth, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, Ao: 2003

23. http://www.bluetooth.net

24. http://www.atmel.com/bluetooth/

25. http://www.countersys.com/tech/bluetooth.html

26. http://www.nokia.com/phones/bluetooth/index.html

27. http://www.intel.com/mobile/bluetooth/index.htm

28. http://guia.mercadolibre.com.ve/que-es-tecnologia-bluetooth-3785-VGP

29. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth

30. http://www.enterate.unam.mx/Articulos/2004/octubre/bluetooth.htm

31. http://revista.robotiker.com/articulos/articulo23/pagina1.jsp:

32. http://revista.robotiker.com/articulos/articulo23/pagina2.jsp:

33. http://www.zonabluetooth.com/que_es_bluetooth.htm

34. http://lat.3com.com/lat/products/wireless/bluetooth/faq.html

35. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c0/Bluetooth

36. http://html.microchip.com/bluetooth_1.html:

37. http://www.helicomm.com

38. http://www.3G.com.uk

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