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There is an extraction of antimony made in this manner.

Grind crude (pure) antimony to

powder, and pour (distil) upon it strong vinegar, not of wine, but made of its own minera,
and expose the mixture in a vessel well closed to a solar heat ; then, after some time the
vinegar will be tinged with a blood-lie colour ; pour (distil) off this extraction clear,
filter it, and distil by alembic in sand! then again, in distilling, it shews admirable
colour"s, pleasant to the sight, and wonderful in aspect. This oil at length becomes red as
blood, and leaves many faeces, and prevails against many infirmities.
Tae crude #ungarian antimony, put that ground to a subtile powder, into a glass cucurbit
with a flat bottom, and pour thereon the true vinegar of philosophers, rendered more acid
with its own salt. Then set the cucurbit firmly closed in horse-dung, or $. %. to putrify
the matter for forty days, in which time the body resolves itself, and the vinegar contracts
a colour red as blood.
%elt the minera of antimony, and purify it, grind it to a subfile powder, this matter put
into a round glass, which is called a phial, having a long nec, pour upon it distilled
water, that the vessel may be half full. Then having well closed the vessel, set it to putrity
in horse-dung, until the minera begin to wax hot, and cast out a froth to the superficies;
then it is time to tae it out; for that is a sign the body is opened This digested matter put
into a cucurbit, which well close, and extract the water, which will have an acid taste.
&hen all the water is come off, intend the fire, and a sublimate will ascend; this again
grind with the faeces, and again pour on the same water, and a second time abstract it,
then it will be more sharp. This operation must be repeated, until the water be made as
acid, as any other sharp distilled vinegar of wine. $ut the sublimate, the oftener the
operation is repeated, the more it is diminished. &hen you have obtained this acid
vinegar, tae fresh minera as before, and pour this vinegar on it, so as it may stand above
it three fingers; put it into a pelican, and digest it two days in heat, then the vinegar
becomes red, and much more sharp than before. 'ant this clean off, and distil it without
addition in $. %. The vinegar comes off white, and the redness remains in the bottom,
which extracted with spirit of wine, is an excellent medicine. (gain rectify the vinegar in
$. %. that it may be freed from its phlegm; lastly, dissolve in it its proper salt, vi). four
parts of it, to one of the salt, and force it strongly by ashes; then the vinegar becomes
more sharp, and ac*uires greater strength, and virtue.
The star is thus made! +ut #ungarian antimony nine parts upon iron red-hot four parts,
melt these together with two parte of nitre added in spoonfulls for half an hour, pour out
the whole into a hot greased iron mortar, when cold tae out the regulus, and separate it
from all the scoria; brea this regulus to pieces, and add to it when melted as much of
nitre as before, and pour it out. ,epeat this labour the third time; then the regulus purgetli
itself, and becomes pure and clear. -ote, if you have rightly performed the fusion, you
will see a fair star on the regulus shining lie cupellate silver, a proof that the matter has
taen a new structure in rays lie the sun and moon, irom the centre to the circumference.
.ir #umphry /avy, page 011, 2lements of 'hemistry, writes ! $asil 3alentine is the first
chemist who has described the process of extracting antimony from the sulphuret, though
it does not appear that he was. the inventor of this process. To procure antimony, the
common antimony sold by druggists, which appears as a series of chrystals lie needles
possessing the metallic brilliancy, and which are composed of the metal and sulphur, are
ignited with half their weight of iron filings ( $oerhaave says nails) and a *uarter of their
weight of nitre added (in spoonfulls) when they are in fusion, the antimony will be found
at the bottom. This is to be ignited for about twenty minutes with twice its weight of
tartar, when the pure metal will be produced.

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