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This plant yields both greens and grain &
the greens, also known as Chinese
spinach, are sometimes steamed or boiled
and then mashed and mixed with various
seasonings. Please note that, like spinach,
amaranth contains a fair amount of oxalic


A member of the sunflower family, the
mature (globe) artichoke evolves from a
spectacular thistle-like blossom into its
somewhat forbidding veggie form.
Although it requires some prep time, the
artichoke's fabulous taste and its
nutritional value more than repay the effort.

Mainly a salad green and also sometimes
known as garden rocket; is possibly the
most well-known variety of salad green, to
form the basis of many a salad. Originating
from the Mediterranean, this green tastes
more peppery than bitter and is especially
associated with Italian dishes like pesto.

The spears of this plant are a great source
of folic acid, potassium, fiber, vitamin B6,
thiamine, and vitamins A and C. To
preserve its delicate taste and texture,
please do not overcook this veggie2
minutes, max. Then toss with a little olive
oil or butter, parmesan cheese & lemon
Beet greens:

The leafy tops of the beet root make a very
tasty veggie dish, lacking the bitterness of
certain other greens. The purplish-red
veins are visually striking and can dress up
any salad. When wilted, the veins become
brighter in color and a little bit sweeter.Be
sure to soak and rinse the greens a couple
of times before cooking.



A new one for me, although apparently
widely eaten in Africa, where it is used as
a vegetable and also as a remedy for,
among other things, upset stomach and
skin infections. A soup made with dried
bitter leaf is said to be quite popular in

Bok choy:


Full of great stuff, although hard for some
of us to take when cooked; makes a fine
dipper for sauces when raw but does
provide more lycopene when cooked.

Brussels sprouts:

Also more palatable to some of us when
raw. Sliced very thinly, these baby
cabbages add a nice peppery taste to
salads. But many people eat them whole
and steamed, boiled, or roasted.

Napa cabbage:

Also called Chinese cabbage, as it has a
nice taste and texture.


This stringy but tasty veggie is perfect for
sauces and dips, but eats sparingly if your
doc wants you to cut down on sodium.

Named after its unique combination of
celery-like stalks and lettuce-like leaves. In
China the plant is grown mainly for the fat


central stalk, which is quite crispy and
Ceylon spinach:

Tender and fast growing tropical climber
with thick heart-shaped leaves and white
flowers; high in vitamin A, vitamin C, iron,
and calcium.


A mild but flavorful green similar to
spinach. Some varieties have very colorful
but also very tough stems, so cooks
generally retain white stems only.
Nutritional studies suggest that chard
helps regulate blood sugar.

Collard greens:

A green with thick and slightly bitter leaves
often eaten in the American South with
smoked and fatty meats. Vegetarians may
want to season these greens with onions
and/or garlic, vinegar, and even some hot
peppers. Collards are often eaten with
feijoada, a Portuguese stew, and are also
popular in Kashmir, where people eat the
roots as well as the greens.

Corn salad:

Also called Lewiston cornsalad, lamb's
lettuce, field salad, mche, and rapunzel,
this habitu of veggie lists has dark spoon-
shaped leaves and a particularly tangy


Also known as Batavian endive, scarole,
broad-leaved endive, this is related to
frise, and is a mildly bitter leafy green
that is large and crisp. Escarole is often
used in soups and paired with beans,
reflecting its popularity in Italian cuisine.


A versatile veggie, endive comes in two
versions is also called as Frise, Curly
endive, chicory, chicory endive, curly
chicory. The other type, with looser and
darker-green curly leaves makes
wonderful salad ingredients, the headed
version is the one more-commonly cooked


Belgian endive:

The Belgian endive, yields small oblong
heads with tightly furled white/light-green
leaves; these are pronounced ahn-deev, in
the French manner. The unique oval
shape, soft satiny texture, and slight
bitterness all mean endive's a great
addition to any salad. It's scooplike shape
makes for edible servers, perfect for small
appetizers like "spoons."

Golden samphire:

A leafy bush with large yellow flowers
growing in marshy or coastal areas; its
young leaves are eaten raw or cooked.


Also known as Chinese broccoli or
Chinese kale.


A nutritional powerhouse of its magnitude
should be on everybody's "list of


Also known as shalgum, kohlrabi is
sometimes white or purple. Although its
many leaf stems give it an oddish look, its
actually quite tasty and can be eaten either
raw or cooked. Try the bulb coarsely
shredded in salads, for example, and toss
the leaves into stir fries


A leafy vegetable with a flavor resembling
mustard greens; used in salads or Asian
stir fry dishes.

Kuka leaves:
Young, fresh baobab leaves; similar to
spinach and eaten in similar waysi.e.,


raw or cooked. Sometimes these leaves
are dried and ground into a powder to add
to soups and stews for thickening

A few varieties of this wonderful salad
green include romaine, iceberg, oak leaf,
mache and those little bitty heads that are
so cute and tasty.

Butterhead lettuce:

A type of head lettuce, the leaves of the 2
types - Boston and bibb lettuces are soft.
And as this variety's name implies, the
texture of a butter lettuce is indeed smooth
like butter. Bibb is the more expensive of
the two and is usually sold in a plastic
container to protect the delicate leaves.

Miners Lettuce:

Also known as winter purslane, Indian
lettuce, and Cuban spinach, it has high
vitamin A and C content. It also contains
toxic elements (oxalic acid and nitrates).
Works well in salads and can also be
boiled as "faux" spinach.


An Egyptian herb similar to spinach and
also called Molokhia; often used in soups

Mizuna greens:

A Japanese mustard green with jagged-
edge green leaves and a peppery flavor;
used in salads, stir-fries and soups

Mustard greens:

Also called Vallarikirai, this veggie is a
cool-season crop popular for "greens"
recipes and salads. (Another veggie no
"list of vegetables" should be without!)

New Zealand spinach:
Also known as (among other things) sea
spinach, Botany Bay apinach, and Cook's
Cabbage. Native to New Zealand,


Australia, Japan, Chile, and Argentina this
plant produces smaller and much-
smoother leaves than traditional spinach. It
can be eaten in similar ways, however; like
traditional spinach, it contains oxalic acid.


Leafy vegetable with a salty, spinach-like
taste; also called Red orach, Mountain
spinach, or French spinach


Mild, chewy vegetable with a thick reddish
stem; has a slight citrus flavor that's
yummy in salads.


Not green (reddish-purple), but leafy;
keeps amazingly well and punches up
salads with its bright, peppery taste. Also
called Chioggia, red chicory, red leaf
chicory, red Italian chicory;
When cooked, the
red-purple hue
turns brown and
what was once
bitter becomes

A green veggie with spiked leaves
surrounding a green bud that looks much
like a small head of broccoli. Often, there
are small yellow flowers blooming from the
buds, which are edible. Flavor said to be
nutty, sometimes bitter and pungent, and
often delicious


This mesmerizing vegetable is actually an
exotic variant of the cauliflower. If you're
feeling tripped out while looking at it, that's
because it is a natural approximation of a
fractal. In fact, the spirals on the head of
romanesco follow the Fibonacci pattern
so toss one into your next stir-fry to

Samphire: Long, fleshy, bright-green, shining leaflets

(full of aromatic juice); long used as a
condiment and pickle, or as a salad
Sea beet:

Grows wild along some shores; often
known as wild spinach, its leaves have a
pleasant texture and taste when served
raw or cooked.


Broadleaf vegetable of the Amaranth
family; a popular veggie in Nigeria, where
they call it soko yokoto: (means make
husbands fat and happy.)


Leafy garden herb, member of the hibiscus
family with a sourish flavor; often used in
soups, salads, and sauces. After flowering
the sorrel petals fall of leaving the sepals
(fruit), these become enlarged and turn
crimson as they mature.

Turnip greens:

A good calcium source for vegetarians and
everyone else, turnip greens are simply
the leafy tops of mature turnips; also worth
noting is their high vitamins K and A
Cooking method?
steaming for 5
minutes or so to
get the best taste.

A peppery and nutritious veggie often used
in sandwiches and salads today, this cress
has been promoted for many centuries as
a preventive or remedy for various
maladies including scurvy. Many people,
however, eat it simply for its bright taste.

Water spinach:

Green plant with very narrow leaves and
light-green stalks; often used in Chinese


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