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Aviation Industry in Bangladesh: Prospects and

December 31, 2007
Mr. Mohammed Iftekar Amin chawdury
Department of u!ine!! and "conomic
Daffodi# Internationa# $ni%er!ity
Letter of transmittal
Dear 'ir(
It i! )reat p#ea!ure for me to !ubmit my report on the topic Aviation Industry in Bangladesh:
Prospects and Challenges. To make thi! report up to the !tandard I tried my be!t to fu#fi## the
re*uirement!, by imp#ementin) the know#ed)e I ha%e )athered from you.
Thank you, %ery much for pro%idin) me thi! type of opportunity and )uidance needed for
preparin) thi! report.
I e+pre!! from my heart fu## )ratitude to you to )o throu)h thi! report. I hope thi! report wi##
fu#fi## your e+pectation toward! me.
M,-AMMAD .-AI/$0 -A'A1
.2om 3-on4!5 6th atch
ID 7 062&18&660

I am )ratefu# to Mr. Iftekar amin chwodury, 'inior #ecture of Daffodi# Internationa# $ni%er!ity
for a## the he#p, and information. A! an apprentice to the !ub9ect I tried to )i%e my be!t in
preparin) thi! report. I #eft no !tone unturned to fu#fi## a## the re*uirement! to make thi! report up
to the !tandard. I am a#!o )ratefu# to Mr. Iftekar amin chwodury for )i%in) u! the opportunity to
prepare the report on thi! topic. 'o my heartie!t )ratitude and thank! to Mr. Iftekar amin
"'"C(&I)" *(%%"+,
Daffodi# Internationa# $ni%er!ity ha! !tarted it! operation from 2002. 'ince it! e!tab#i!hment it
ha! impro%ed it! ratin) within a %ery !hort time. 1ow it i! ho#din) 6
po!ition in the ratin) of
pri%ate uni%er!itie!. 1umber of it! !tudent i! increa!in) %ery *uick#y. It ha! !pread out new
campu!e! o%er the few year!.
Thi! report i! prepared ba!ed on Accountin) Information 'y!tem practice of Daffodi#
Internationa# $ni%er!ity. I ha%e co##ected re*uired information by face&to&face inter%iew of from
2AA, from Ma)a:ine, 1ew!paper!, ;eb and !o on.
In my report, I ha%e di!cu!!ed in a wide ran)e from theoretica# per!pecti%e of A%iation indu!try
in an)#ade!h e!pecia##y about <ro!pect! and it! cha##en)e!, it! function! and technica#
procedure!. I ha%e a#!o di!cu!!ed about findin)! from the inter%iew and !ome recommendation i!
)i%en in the #ater part of the report.
=rom the %ery be)innin) of my report, I tried to make thi! !imp#e for better under!tandin). I tried
to compare from theoretica# per!pecti%e and it! technica# !ide in the practica# fie#d of operation.
'eria# no Topic <a)e no.
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Introduction&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 06
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& AI' &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&06
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& =unction of AI' &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&06
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Tran!action proce!!in)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&0?
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& AI' practice in DI$&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&07
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& =indin)!&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&0@
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& /ecommendation&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&10
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& 2onc#u!ion&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&11
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Appendi+&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&11
A)IA&IN IN#(*&+, IN BAN$LA#"*-:
P+*P"C&* AN# C-ALL"N$"*
*u.mitted to (
%+/ %-A%%"# I0&"KA+ A%IN C-A!#(+,
'r. 0ecturer
Department of u!ine!! and "conomic
Daffodi# Internationa# $ni%er!ity
*u.mitted .y:
M,-AMMAD .-AI/$0 -A'A1
ID7 062&18&660, 6
.2om 3-on4!5 <ro)ram
#A00#IL IN&"+NA&INAL (NI)"+*I&,
*u.mission #ate: #ecem.er 123 4556
The -istory of Aviation in Bangladesh be)an with kite!, the traditiona# hea%ier&than&air man&
made ob9ect that i! f#own by one or more peop#e whi#e !tayin) on the )round. The fir!t recorded
manned f#i)ht wa! arran)ed by the Dhaka 1awab =ami#y in 1882, which re!u#ted in the death of
the f#yer.
7enny +umary van &assel accompanied her ba##ooni!t dau)hter
7eanette )an &assel when !he died in an attempt at the fir!t
manned f#i)ht in an)#ade!h in 1882
Aeanette Ban Ta!!e#, a youn) ba##ooni!t from the $nited 'tate!, wa!
hired by the then incumbent 1awab .hwa9a Ah!anu##ah. 'he wa! a
member of a fami#y troupe of profe!!iona# ba##ooni!t! and arri%ed
with her mother, Aenny /umary Ban Ta!!e#. At C.20pm on the 1Cth
March 18@2, !he !et off to f#y from the !outhern bank of the /i%er
uri)an)a to the roof of Ah!an Man:i#, #yin) acro!! the ri%er. ut
a )u!tin) wind carried her off to the )arden! of 'hahba), where her
ba##oon became !tuck in a tree. 'he wa! ki##ed in her fa## to the )round, and #ie! interned in the
2hri!tian )ra%eyard at 1arinda, Dhaka.
!+L# !A+ II
Modern a%iation in an)#ade!h be)an when the riti!h /a9 bui#t a mi#itary air!trip in Te9)aon
durin) ;or#d ;ar II to f#y warp#ane! toward! the batt#e fie#d! of .ohima and war theater! in
urma. ,ther air!trip! were bui#t in 2omi##a, =eni, 2hitta)on), 2o+D! a:ar, 2hakaria, 'y#het,
Ae!!ore, /a9!hahi and 0a#monirhat.
In Au)u!t 1@63, a 'outh A!ia 2ommand wa! formed under Admira# Mountbatten, inc#udin) the
/A= Third Tactica# Air =orce 3Third TA=5, which #aunched the !econd urma 2ampai)n a)ain!t
the "mpire of Aapan in the December that year. The /oya# Indian Airforce 3/IA=5, Indian part of
the /oya# Air =orce p#ayed a crucia# ro#e by pro%idin) tactica# reconnai!!ance and e+ten!i%e
c#o!e !upport to the army when a riti!h 2orp! !tarted ad%ancin) down the Arakan coa!t in
Aanuary 1@66.

In 1o%ember 1@63, C '*uadron and #ater 8 '*uadron were mo%ed to 2o+D! a:aar. y the end of
=ebruary 1@66, 1o C '*uadron pi#ot! had comp#eted o%er 1,000 operationa# !ortie!, a%era)in) C
!ortie! a day per pi#ot, a record for the entire the Third TA=. Toward! the end of March 1@66, 6
'*uadron 9oined the operation! when it wa! mo%ed fir!t to =eni airfie#d, and then to 2omi##a in
Aune to rep#ace C '*uadron.
In May, @ '*uadron wa! mo%ed to 2omi##a after a brief !pe## of tactica# reconnai!!ance dutie!
!upportin) the batt#e! of Impha# and .ohima. Durin) Au)u!t 1@66, the two !*uadron! carried out
inten!i%e bombin) of enemy po!ition! in the 'an)u ri%er %a##ey, !pecia##y for three con!ecuti%e
day! in 0abawa to !upport an offen!i%e by 81 Di%i!ion to e+pe# the Aapane!e from the area. y
the end of December 1@66, 10 '*uadron had a#!o been mo%ed into the operationa# area at /amu.
;ith the fa## of /an)oon on 3rd May 1@6?, the operation! in urma were reduced to moppin) up
of !ma## pocket! of re!i!tance. y the end of Aune mo!t of the #A=D! !*uadron! were withdrawn,
#ea%in) on#y 8 '*uadron to a!!i!t in the moppin) up.
;hen the war wa! o%er, the co#onia# )o%ernment decided to bui#d the Te9)aon Airport a#on) with
a #andin) !trip at .urmito#a to meet the need! of a /oya# Indian Air =orce 3/IA=5 !tation in
Dhaka. In 1@6C, the Mir:a Ahmad I!pahani and hi! partner! formed an air#ine & ,rient Airway! &
which !oon !tarted u!in) the airport a! a ci%i# airport.'hiftin) it! ba!e from .o#kata to .arachi
when <aki!tan wa! born, ,rient Airway! !tarted D2&3 f#i)ht! from .arachi to Dhaka on 7 Aune
1@?6, formin) a critica# connection between the capita#! of )eo)raphica##y !eparated "a!t and
;e!t <aki!tan. ,n March 11 1@??, ,rient Airway! mer)ed with the )o%ernmentD! propo!ed
air#ine, becomin) Pakistan International Airlines Corporation, #ater rechri!tened a! <aki!tan
Internationa# Air#ine! 3<IA5.
The "a!tern <aki!tan =#yin) 2#ub wa! e!tab#i!hed in 1@68. y 1@C0, riti!h Airway! and <an
American Airway! had !tarted operatin) f#i)ht! out of Dhaka, <IA had !tarted operatin) oein)
9et !er%ice!, and new airport! had been con!tructed at Ae!!ore, 2hitta)on), Thakur)aon, I!hwardi,
and 2omi##a. Durin) the 1@C2 'ino&Indian ;ar, !er%ice! to "a!t <aki!tan 3now an)#ade!h5 were
pro%in) to be difficu#t, therefore <IA p#aced their 'ikor!ky '&C1 he#icopter! on the!e route! unti#
1@CC when condition! impro%ed. In the 1@71 war, <IA aided the <aki!tan Army by tran!portin)
!o#dier! to "a!t <aki!tan in the Indo&<aki!tani ;ar of 1@71 and #o!t a coup#e of it! aircraft to
Indian Air =orce fi)hter!. etween 10 and 13 March, immediate#y before the war !tarted,
<aki!tan Internationa# Air#ine! cance##ed a## their internationa# route! to ur)ent#y f#y
EFo%ernment <a!!en)er!E to Dhaka. The!e EFo%ernment <a!!en)er!E were a#mo!t a## <aki!tani
!o#dier! in ci%i#ian dre!!.
De!troyed han)ar! of Te9)aon airfie#d, pictured after the 'urrender of Dhaka. Durin) the
1@71 0iberation ;ar of an)#ade!h Indian Air =orce 3IA=5 and the <aki!tan Air =orce 3<A=5
fou)ht had e+ten!i%e en)a)ement! in the !ky o%er an)#ade!h. The fir!t en)a)ement wa! on 22
1o%ember o%er the 'a#ient of oyra in ;e!t en)a#.

In the proce!! Te9)aon
Airport !uffered e+ten!i%e dama)e.
Then, on the ni)ht of 3 December 1@71, 2anberra bomber! of "a!tern Air 2ommand
!truck Te9)aon, which wa! )uarded by <A= 1o. 16 !*uadron e*uipped with 'abre 9et! which
#acked ni)ht fi)htin) capabi#ity. y the mornin) of 6 December, !trike mi!!ion! a)ain!t Te9)aon
were a!!i)ned to 11 IA= !*uadron!, inc#udin) -unter! of the 1o. 7 '*uadron, 1o. 16 '*uadron,
1o. 17 '*uadron and 1o. 37 '*uadron of IA=, a! we## a! 'u&7! of 1o. 221 '*uadron and MiF&
21! of 1o. 28 '*uadron.
r 're!htho Matiur /ahman
Throu)hout 6 and ? December, IA= concentrated in attackin) the aircraft on the )round.
ut, it fai#ed to cau!e !i)nificant dama)e to the <A= a!!et! in we##&di!per!ed and camouf#a)ed
#ocation!. y the e%enin) of ? December, the IA= chan)ed tactic!. ,n the mornin) of C
December four MiF&21! 31o. 28 '*n5, f#yin) from Fauhati hit Te9)aon with 1000#ber, !corin)
!e%era# hit! on the runway. .urmito#a wa! attacked on the mornin) of 7 December, when Mi)&
21! of 1o. 28 '*n a)ain hit the runway. 1o. 7 '*n wa! pu##ed out of the ea!tern op! on the C
December to he#p the Indian Army in the we!t. /epeated attack by MiF&21! and -unter! of 1o.
16 and 1o.28 howe%er, kept the runway cratered. The IA= a!!au#t effecti%e#y )rounded the <A=
in by 7 December, and 1o. 16 '*uadron wa! taken out of the war. The IA= a#!o bombed other
airfie#d! inc#udin) the abandoned ;;II airfie#d! of 2omi##a, 0a#manirhat and 'ham!her 1a)ar
throu)h the war, denyin) their u!e to <A=.
,n Au)u!t 20, 1@71 =#i)ht 0ieutenant Matiur /ahman attempted to pi#ot a T&33 trainer from
.arachi, <aki!tan to India in order to defect from the <aki!tan Air =orce and 9oin the #iberation
mo%ement of an)#ade!h. -owe%er, Matiur cou#d not take the p#ane out of <aki!tani territory, a!
reported#y, <i#ot ,fficer /a!hid Minha!, the other pi#ot in the p#ane, forced it to cra!h in Thatta, a
p#ace near the Indian border. Matiur wa! awarded ir 're!htho and Minha! wa! awarded 1i!han&
"&-aider, re!pecti%e#y the hi)he!t mi#itary honor! in an)#ade!h and <aki!tan, and both ha! air
ba!e! named after them, re!pecti%e#y in Ae!!ore and .amra.
P*&8IN#"P"N#"NC" 0 BAN$LA#"*-
Bangladesh Air 0orce:
an)#ade!h Air =orce wa! formed at Dimapur, 1a)a#and, India on 28 'eptember 1@71 under the
command of Air 2ommodore A. .hondakar. At that time, the embryo of an)#ade!h Air =orce
3A=5 wa! formed a! D.i#o =#i)htD to a!!i!t the Mukti ahini 3=reedom =i)hter!5. Initia##y, D.i#o
=#i)htD con!i!ted of 3 aircraft 3)i%en by Indian Air =orce5, 0@ officer! and 67 airmen. '*uadron
0eader 'u#tan Mahmud 3retired a! Air Bice Mar!ha# and 2hief of the Air 'taff of A=5 wa!
appointed a! the commander of the D.i#o =#i)htD. After ha%in) !ome ba!ic trainin) on air to
)round weapon de#i%ery, D.i#o =#i)htD !ucce!!fu##y, bombed =ue# !tora)e in 2hitta)on) and
1arayan)on9 area and thu! the 9ourney of A= had commenced. Durin) the #a!t pha!e of the
an)#ade!h 0iberation ;ar, the new#y formed an)#ade!h Air =orce carried out 12 !ucce!!fu#
attack mi!!ion! o%er <aki!tani tar)et!.
After #iberation in 1@71, the an)#ade!h Air =orce recei%ed e*uipment from the 'o%iet $nion
and the <eop#eD! /epub#ic of 2hina, a c#utch of MiF&21!, An&26!, An&2C!, and Mi&6 he#icopter!.
In 1@@?, the an)#ade!h Air =orce made it! #ar)e!t purcha!e from the $.' to date in the form of
12 T&37 9et trainer!. More recent#y, an)#ade!h procured four 2&130 -ercu#e! tran!port aircraft
3from o#d $' Air =orce !tock5.
-I*&+ICAL BACK$+(N# 0 CI)IL A)IA&IN 0 BAN$LA#"*-:
In the year 1@8?, the Fo%ernment of the <eop#e4! /epub#ic of an)#ade!h formed 2i%i# A%iation
Authority, an)#ade!h 32AA5 %ide ,rdinance 1o. >>>BIII of 1@8?, tit#ed The 2i%i# A%iation
Authority ,rdinance, 1@8?.
#epartment of Civil Aviation 9#CA::
In the year 1@67, Department of 2i%i# A%iation of <aki!tan formed. Thi! department had been
doin) mana)ement and operation! of ci%i# a%iation in thi! portion of the country named "a!t
<aki!tan ti## 1@71. After the #iberation war of 1@71, Department of 2i%i# A%iation 3D2A5 !tarted
it! 9ourney a#mo!t from !cratch. ecau!e durin) the nine&month #on) b#oody war for
independence the a%iation infra!tructure wa! bad#y dama)ed due to bombardment! by A##ied
=orce! o%er the main airport! in order to di!ab#e <aki!tan =orce!. D2A of an)#ade!h inherited
the a!!et! and property #eft o%er by the er!twhi#e D2A of the <aki!tan. A%iation acti%itie! in
independent an)#ade!h !tarted in the #a!t week of December 1@71 under the Mini!try of
Airports #evelopment Agency 9A#A::
There wa! another or)ani:ation, a #imited company named Airport! De%e#opment A)ency
3ADA5, which wa! workin) from <aki!tan period. It formed in the year 1@C?, it! function! were
to con!truct aerodrome! and airport!, and to perform a## re*uired e#ectrica#, and mechanica#
en)ineerin) work! for D2A. It wa! e!!entia##y an en)ineerin) or)ani:ation in nature.
Pro.lems in %anagement:
There had been bureaucratic and admini!trati%e prob#em! not befittin) ci%i# a%iation
mana)ement. D2A wa! a pure Fo%ernment or)ani:ation and on the other hand, ADA wa! a
company. The makin) of deci!ion! and there imp#ementation! by D2A !uffered from
bureaucratic comp#e+itie! re!u#tin) in #en)thy proce!!e! a! it wa! a Fo%ernment or)ani:ation.
The function! of ADA were e!!entia##y re#ated to the D2A function! but D2A did not ha%e
admini!trati%e contro# o%er it. The Internationa# 2i%i# A%iation ,r)ani:ation 3I2A,5, an a)ency
or)ani:ation of the $1 for formu#ation and co&ordination of a%iation procedure! and acti%itie!
wor#dwide, had been recommendin) con%ertin) the D2A to a more independent authority
reducin) Fo%ernment4! contro# o%er it! acti%itie!.
2;<4: #CA and A#A merged into a Civil Aviation Authority:
In the year 1@82, the D2A and the ADA were mer)ed to)ether to form a compact or)ani:ation
and wa! named a! 2i%i# A%iation Authority %ide ,rdinance 1o. >>BII of 1@82 tit#ed the 2i%i#
A%iation Authority ,rdinance, 1@82 promu#)ated by the Fo%ernment. Thi! Authority wa! %e!ted
with more power re)ardin) or)ani:ationa# mana)ement, but the Fo%ernment re!er%ed the power
re)ardin) financia# mana)ement. Thi! arran)ement did not !er%e the purpo!e we##.
2;<=: Civil Aviation Authority of Bangladesh:
In the year 1@8?, the pre!ent 2i%i# A%iation Authority came into e+i!tence a! a body corporate
with fu## mana)eria# power, both re)ardin) or)ani:ationa# and financia#, %e!ted with it %ide
,rdinance, 1@8?. Thi! ordinance repea#ed the ,rdinance, 82 and di!!o#%ed the pre%iou!#y
con!tituted 2i%i# A%iation Authority tran!ferrin) a## it! e!tab#i!hment, a!!et! and #iabi#itie! to the
new Authority.
AI +P+& #")"LP%"N& -I *&+,:
I n t r o d u c t i o n :
It i! not po!!ib#e for aircraft! to take&off and #and if aerodrome! do not e+i!t. 'imi#ar#y,
air tran!portation i! not po!!ib#e if airport! do not e+i!t. 'o a !uitab#e infra!tructure
ba!ed on )round i! re*uired prior to any endea%our for a%iation or air tran!portation.
2AA i! in perpetua# pur!uit in !tudyin), p#annin), de%e#opin) and e+pendin) a%iation
infra!tructure throu)h out the country !o that air tran!portation !ector continua##y meet!
demand of the nation and time ade*uate#y.
The infra!tructure re*uired to make a%iation po!!ib#e i! bui#t up with two kind! of
en)ineerin) work!. ,ne i! a!!ociated with the phy!ica#&!tructura# con!truction!, #ike
that of termina# bui#din)!, runway!, tarmac! etc.
The other of the two kind! i! the radio communication and e#ectronic en)ineerin)
work! re#ated with in!ta##ation of radio communication, air na%i)ation and !ur%ei##ance
!y!tem! etc.
+e.uilding: +ight after Li.eration:
Durin) the nine&month #on) #iberation war in 1@71, the entire a%iation infra!tructure of
the country wa! !e%ere#y dama)ed. The Department of 2i%i# A%iation 3D2A5 and the
Airport! De%e#opment A)ency 3ADA5, to)ether hand in hand with a## their pa!t
e+perience and patriotic enthu!ia!m, recon!tructed and repaired the airport! at Te9)aon
3Dhaka5, 2hitta)on), 'y#het, Ae!!ore, I!hurdi, and 2o+4! a:ar within ama:in)#y !hort
period of time that faci#itated po!t #iberation re#ief operation! and enab#ed ci%i# air
tran!portation to re&commence.

&e>gaon Airport3 #ha?a:
Te9)oan Airport had been the on#y internationa# airport of the country unti# Gia wa!
commi!!ioned. In addition to the po!t #iberation recon!truction wok!, the runway of thi!
airport wa! re&carpeted in 1@7C, a#on) with an apron for oein) operation. In the !ame
year, the termina# bui#din) wa! e+tended to meet the increa!ed demand for more office
!pace. y the year 1@83 the aeronautica# and na%i)ation e*uipment a#on) with the
office e!tab#i!hment! were !hifted to Gia Internationa# Airport at .urmito#a.
@ia International Airport3 #ha?a:
Cargo village:
The o#d car)o comp#e+ had been in!ufficient for #on). A! Gia p#ay! the mo!t %ita# ro#e in car)o
tran!portation, increa!in) the car)o hand#in) capacity of the airport wa! ine%itab#e. To comp#y
with the demand, 2AA took a pro9ect of con!tructin) a )iant car)o %i##a)e with a termina#
and a !eparate bui#din) for a!!ociated office work!. y the year 2000, the con!truction work of
the %i##a)e ha%in) a f#oor&area of two hundred thou!and !*uare feet wa! comp#ete. Afterward,
the comp#e+ wa! handed o%er to an)#ade!h iman 2orporation for mana)ement of car)o
%ulti8storied car par? (
/ecent#y a mu#ti&!toried car park ha! been con!tructed at the north !ide of the o#d car park in
front of the termina# bui#din). <re!ent#y, with three #ayer!, capacity of the park i! ?00 car!. It
wa! opened for pub#ic on 26th Au)u!t, 2002. Another #ayer !ha## be con!tructed in the future
which !ha## increa!e the capacity to C00 car!.
+enovation of #eparture 0loor:
In order to faci#itate departin) pa!!en)er!, the Departure =#oor of the termina# bui#din) under
went a comp#ete reno%ation and refurbi!hment. 2heck&in counter! and immi)ration de!k! were
!martened up turnin) it into more ae!thetic in fa!hion and efficient in work. an)#ade!h iman
e*uipped the check&in counter! with a computer network ca##ed 2$T" 32ommon $!er
Termina# "*uipment5.
"Atension of &erminal Building:
Gia Internationa# Airport had been fai#in) to cope up with the increa!in) number of f#i)ht! and
pa!!en)er!. To e+pand the car)o hand#in) capacity, a car)o %i##a)e wa! con!tructed. Then in
order to increa!e the pa!!en)er hand#in) capacity, the termina# bui#din) ha! been e+tended, in 2
pha!e!, 1.? time! the o#der one. In the 1!t pha!e, the )round f#oor and in the 2nd pha!e, the 1!t,
2nd and me::anine f#oor! were con!tructed. Gia4! pa!!en)er hand#in) capacity now therefore
rai!ed to 8 mi##ion per year, a#mo!t 2 time! the pre%iou! capacity, and we e+pect that thi!
airport wi## )o on meetin) we## the need! for further 20 year! or more.
*hah Amnat International Airport3 Chittagong:
'hah Amanat Internationa# Airport i! the !econd )reate!t airport of an)#ade!h. It wa!
con!tructed in ear#y 1@60!. The ma9or de%e#opment work! after #iberation fo##ow.
1@77&78 In order to faci#itate oein)720 operation!, the runway wa! e+tended by 7C2
meter! to ha%e a 3068 meter #on) one.
1@86&8? To increa!e <21 of the runway, it wa! carpeted with macadam and bitumen
1@@1&@2 Termina# bui#din) wa! repaired and e+tended !ince it wa! dama)ed by the
!torm of 2@th Apri# 1@@1 and a#!o to increa!e and de%e#op the !tandard of
pa!!en)er !er%ice!.
1@@C The Fo%ernment! of Aapan and an)#ade!h !i)ned an a)reement for
financia# and technica# a!!i!tance to de%e#op the airport to a modern
internationa# airport.
1@@8&00 The airport wa! under )one the de%e#opment pro9ect known a! 2hitta)on)
Airport De%e#opment <ro9ect a!!i!ted by Aapan a! the a)reement. A new
termina# bui#din) wa! con!tructed a#on) with in!ta##ation of new
aeronautica# and pa!!en)er !er%ice e*uipment. The architectura# and
en%ironmenta# beauty and )randeur of the airport i! noteworthy.
smani International Airport3 *ylhet:
In the 80!, a pro9ect wa! taken in hand for de%e#opment of the airport and the work wa!
comp#eted in the year 1@8C. ;ork! done under the pro9ect(
Termina# bui#din) con!truction,
In!ta##ation of 1a%i)ation Aid!.
2on!truction of runway pa%ement.
De%e#opment of Ta+iway! and apron!.
In #a!t few year! a)o, /e&carpetin) and e+ten!ion of runway 3to 8?00 ft5 wa! done in order to
enab#e wide bodied aircraft operation. The airport wa! dec#ared a! an internationa# airport. An
I0' with 0andin) DM" wa! in!ta##ed in the #a!t few year! a)o.
ther Airports:
1@82 /unway e+ten!ion at Ae!!ore airport.
1@@3 /unway e+ten!ion at 2o+4! a:ar airport.
1@@6 /unway e+ten!ion at /a9!hahi airport
1@@6 /unway e+ten!ion at 'aidpur airport.
CI)IL A)IA&IN A(&-+I&,3 BAN$LA#"*-
+$ANI@A&IN: B&-" BA+#C
2i%i# A%iation Authority, an)#ade!h i! a pub#ic !er%ice enterpri!e and a body corporate. It
function! under the Mini!try of 2i%i# A%iation and Touri!m. The Authority i! run by a oard with
a 2hairman and !i+ other Member!. Mana)ement of admini!tration, finance and operation! of
the Authority a## %e!t in the oard. The or)ani:ation wa! formed in 1@8? %ide ,rdinance 1o.
>>>BIII of 1@8?, tit#ed The 2i%i# A%iation Authority ,rdinance, 1@8?.
2AA ha! an appro%ed e!tab#i!hment of a tota# of 37C@ po!t! where 3@2 are of officer! and the
re!t 3377 are of !taff. Moreo%er, a tota# of @1? !ki##ed and un!ki##ed dai#y&ba!i! 3no work no pay5
temporary emp#oyee! are a#!o workin). e!ide! permanent and temporary emp#oyee! of 2AA
a few !enior officer! come on deputation from the an)#ade!h Air =orce and the 2i%i# 'er%ice.
&-" BA+#:
2i%i# A%iation Authority i! run by a oard. The oard con!i!t! of !e%en Member! with a
2hairman. They a## are appointed by the Fo%ernment. <re!ent#y, the Member! of the oard are(
Member 3,peration H <#annin)5, 2AA
Member 3=inance5, 2AA
Member 3Admini!tration5, 2AA
2hief "n)ineer, 2AA
Aoint 'ecretary, Mini!try of 2i%i# A%iation H Touri!m
Director 3AT'5, an)#ade!h Air =orce
The 2hairman of the oard i! a fu## time officer and the chief e+ecuti%e of 2i%i# A%iation
Authority re!pon!ib#e for the efficient mana)ement and proper admini!tration of the affair! of the
Authority. In the ab!ence of the 2hairman, the Member 3operation and <#annin)5 act! a! the
2hairman of the Authority.
%"%B"+ 9P* and PLAN::
The main&!tream acti%itie!, direct#y re#ated to a%iation !uch a! air traffic !er%ice!,
communication operation and en)ineerin), f#i)ht !afety and re)u#ation, p#annin) and trainin) etc.
are done under a Member de!i)nated a! Member 3,peration and <#annin)5. -e i! a fu## time
Member in the or)ani:ation. Thi! branch co%er! the )reate!t %o#ume of the tota# acti%itie! of
2AA with about 7?I of it! manpower. A## internationa# and dome!tic airport! in the country
work under Member 3,peration and <#annin)5. "ach airport ha! it! own manpower for AT',
2ommunication, 'ecurity, =ire a#on) with Admini!tration and Account!. They are contro##ed by
the re!pecti%e Airport Mana)er who i! re!pon!ib#e to the Member 3,peration and <#annin)5.
%"%B"+ 90INANC":(
A## acti%itie! re#ated to finance, account!, bud)et and audit in the or)ani:ation are done
under a Member de!i)nated a! Member 3=inance5. -e i! a fu## time Member in the or)ani:ation.
,ffice of the Member 3=inance5 a#!o ha! )ot one directorate headed by Director 3=inance5.
%"%B"+ 9A#%INI*&+A&IN::
A## or)ani:ationa# admini!trati%e work!, !uch a! recruitment, tran!fer, promotion,
retirement of emp#oyee! etc. in the or)ani:ation, are done under a Member de!i)nated a!
Member 3Admini!tration5. -e i! a fu## time Member in the or)ani:ation. ,ffice of the Member
3Admini!tration5 ha! )ot one directorate which i! headed by Director 3Admini!tration5.
C-I"0 "N$IN""+(
The ci%i#, e#ectrica# and mechanica# en)ineerin) work! in 2AA are performed under the
!uper%i!ion of the 2hief "n)ineer. ,ffice of the 2hief "n)ineer ha! three 2irc#e!. The 2hief
"n)ineer of 2i%i# A%iation Authority i! a part time Member of the oard. ut he i! a re)u#ar
officer of the Authority a! 2hief "n)ineer
2AA i! a <ub#ic 'er%ice "nterpri!e and a /e)u#atory ody. A! a /e)u#atory ody it
imp#ement! the ru#e!, re)u#ation! and directi%e! of the Fo%ernment of the <eop#eD! /epub#ic of
an)#ade!h and the !tandard! and recommendation! thereon of Internationa# 2i%i# A%iation
,r)ani:ation 3I2A,5. A! per pro%i!ion! #aid down in 2i%i# A%iation ,rdinance 1@C0 and 2i%i#
A%iation /u#e! 1@86, thi! or)ani:ation act! a! the Aeronautica# Authority of an)#ade!h and
di!char)e! the dutie! and re!pon!ibi#itie! a! #aid down by I2A,.
0L"$-& +(L"* AN# +"$(LA&IN : CNC"+NIN$ AI+P+& (*":
32ondition! )o%ernin) the u!e of a##
Fo%ernment&owned aerodrome! in an)#ade!h.5
The condition! under which aircraft may #and, be parked, hou!ed or otherwi!e dea#t
with at any of the )o%ernment owned aerodrome! in an)#ade!h under the contro# of the 2i%i#
A%iation Authority are )i%en hereunder. The e+pre!!ion DFo%ernmentD u!ed in the!e condition!
refer! to the Fo%ernment! of the <eop#e4! /epub#ic of an)#ade!h.
0iabi#ity wi## not be accepted by Fo%ernment or by any !er%ant or a)ent of or !er%in) under
Fo%ernment for any #o!!, dama)e, or in9ury by accident, fire, f#ood, tempe!t, e+p#o!ion, or any
other cau!e to aircraft and it! part! or acce!!orie! or thin)! therein or for any #o!!, dama)e or
in9ury from whate%er cau!e ari!in) to pa!!en)er! therein or any other per!on 3inc#udin) pi#ot!,
en)ineer! or other per!onne# of aircraft5 #andin) at or departin) from or accommodate at any
aerodrome owned by Fo%ernment or to any per!on comin) to or departin) !uch an aerodrome,
e%en if !uch #o!!, dama)e or in9ury i! cau!ed by or ari!e! from ne)#i)ence on the part of any
!er%ant or a)ent of Fo%ernment or any defect in the aerodrome or any part of it! e*uipment.
The u!e of any apparatu!, !uch a! tractor! , crane!, chock!, mechanica# !tarter!, etc. be#on)in)
to, or under the char)e of Fo%ernment, by the per!onne# of aircraft or any other per!on makin)
u!e of the aerodrome !ha## be entire#y at the ri!k of the per!on u!in) !uch apparatu!, and no
#iabi#ity wi## be accepted for any #o!!, dama)e or in9ury cau!ed by, or ari!in) out of the u!e of
any !uch apparatu! 3whether under the contro# of mana)ement of any !er%ant or a)ent of
Fo%ernment or otherwi!e5 which may re!u#t in #o!!, dama)e or in9ury to the u!er thereof, or to
any other per!on or thin). The u!e of any !uch apparatu! bein) permitted on the e+pre!!
condition that Fo%ernment !ha## be he#d indemnified by the u!er and owned of any aircraft
concerned 39oint#y and !e%era##y5 a)ain!t a## c#aim!, #o!!e! and dama)e! re!u#tin) from !uch u!e.
In the e%ent of dama)e bein) done to Fo%ernment property at a Fo%ernment aerodrome by any
per!on makin) u!e of the aerodrome, !uch per!on and the owner of any aircraft concerned wi##
be 9oint#y and !e%era##y #iab#e for the dama)e.
The fee! and char)e! for the #andin), parkin) or hou!in) of aircraft !ha## be tho!e from time to
time pub#i!hed by the chairman, 2i%i# A%iation Authority, an)#ade!h. The fee! and char)e! for
any !upp#ie! or !er%ice! which may be furni!hed to the aircraft at any aerodrome under the
contro# of the 2i%i# A%iation Authority by or on beha#f of the 2hairman, 2i%i# A%iation
Authority !ha## un#e!! it i! otherwi!e a)reed before !uch fee! or char)e! are incurred, be !uch
rea!onab#e fee! and char)e! a! may from time to time be determined by the Airport Mana)er
for that aerodrome. The fee! and char)e! referred to in thi! para)raph !ha## accrue from day to
day and !ha## be payab#e to the 2hairman, 2i%i# A%iation Authority on demand.
The 2hairman, 2i%i# A%iation Authority !ha## ha%e a #ien on the aircraft, it! part! and
acce!!orie!, for !uch fee! and char)e! a! afore!aid.
If payment of !uch fee! and char)e! i! not made to the chairman, 2i%i# A%iation Authority
within fourteen day! after a #atter demandin) payment thereof, ha! been !ent by po!t addre!!ed
to the re)i!tered owner of the aircraft, the 2hairman, 2i%i# A%iation Authority !ha## be entit#ed
to !e##, remo%e, de!troy or otherwi!e di!po!e of the aircraft and any of it! part! and acce!!orie!,
and to app#y the proceed! from !o doin) to the payment of !uch fee! and char)e!.
LAN#IN$ %A#" "L*"!-"+" &-AN A& AL&"+NA&" AI+P+&:
If #andin) i! made e#!ewhere than at an internationa# airport or de!i)nated a#ternate
airport, the <i#ot&in&2ommand !ha## report the #andin) a! !oon a! practicab#e to the -ea#th,
2u!tom! and Immi)ration authoritie! at the internationa# airport at which the #andin) wa!
!chedu#ed to take p#ace. Thi! notification may be made throu)h a radio channe#, if thi! method
of communication i! a%ai#ab#e or by te#e)ram.
&-" PIL&8IN8C%%AN# *-ALL B" +"*PN*IBL" 0+ "N*(+IN$ &-A&:
9a: if prati*ue ha! not been )ranted to the aircraft at the pre%iou! #andin), contact
between other per!on! on the one hand and the pa!!en)er! and crew on the other i! a%oidedJ
9.: that car)o, ba))a)e and mai# are not remo%ed from the aircraft e+cept a! pro%ided be#owJ
9c: any food!tuff! of o%er!ea! ori)in, or any p#ant materia# i! not remo%ed from the aircraft
e+cept where #oca# food i! unobtainab#e. A## food refu!e inc#udin) pee#in)!, !tone! of fruit!,
etc. mu!t be co##ected and returned to the )a##ey refu!e container, the content! of which !hou#d
not be remo%ed from the aircraft e+cept for hy)ienic rea!on!, in which ca!e they mu!t be
de!troyed by burnin) or deep buria#.
&+A00IC 0 P"+*N* AN# )"-ICL"* N A"+#+%"*:
(Demarcation of zones)
The )round! of each aerodrome are di%ide a! fo##ow!(
3a5 a pub#ic :one compri!in) the part of the aerodrome open to the pub#icJ
3b5 a re!tricted area! compri!in) the re!t of the aerodrome 3e+c#udin) Dparticu#ar area!D5J
3c5 Dparticu#ar area!D compri!in) AT' $nit, 2ommunication 2enter, -an)ar!, 0oadin)
<#atform!, 2u!tom Area, /unway!, Ta+iway!, <arkin) Apron!, <a!!en)er! 0oun)e! and
%)"%"N& 0 P"+*N*:
Acce!! to the /e!tricted Area i! authori:ed on#y under condition pre!cribed by the chairman,
2i%i# A%iation Authority.
The cu!tom!, <o#ice and -ea#th In!pection office! and the premi!e! a!!i)ned to tran!it traffic
are norma##y acce!!ib#e on#y to pa!!en)er!, to !taff of the pub#ic authoritie! and air#ine
authori:ed per!on! in pur!uit of their duty.
The mo%ement of per!on! ha%in) acce!! to the re!tricted area of the aerodrome i! !ub9ect to the
condition! pre!cribed by the air traffic re)u#ation! and by !pecia# ru#e! #aid down by the per!on
re!pon!ib#e for the mana)ement of the aerodrome.
%)"%"N& 0 )"-ICL"*:
The mo%ement of %ehic#e! in the re!trictedKparticu#ar area! i! !trict#y #imited to !pecia##y
appro%ed %ehic#e! dri%en by per!on! carryin) a apron dri%in) permit i!!ued by the airport
Dri%er! of %ehic#e!, of whate%er type, dri%in) within the confine! of the aerodrome mu!t
re!pect the direction of the traffic, the traffic !i)n! and the po!ted !peed #imit! and )enera##y
comp#y with the pro%i!ion! of the hi)hway code and in!truction! )i%en by the competent
PLICIN$ AN# $(A+#IN$ 0 AI+C+A0&:
2are and protection of aircraft, %ehic#e!, e*uipment and )ood! for which the aerodrome
faci#itie! are u!ed are not the re!pon!ibi#ity of the 'tate or any conce!!ionaire, who cannot be
re!pon!ib#e for #o!! or dama)e which i! not incurred throu)h action by them or their a)ent!.
'ecurity Fuard! 32aretaker!5 are pro%ided at a## Fo%ernment ci%i# aerodrome!. If a pi#ot
re*uire! a <o#ice Fuard, he !hou#d app#y to the #oca# <o#ice authoritie! and wi## ha%e to pay a##
e+pen!e! thereof. <o#ice Fuard! wi## on#y be !upp#ied when they can be !pared from other
1o per!on !ha## take, cau!e, or permit to be taken from an aircraft owned by the an)#ade!h
Fo%ernment, a photo)raph of any area of the territorie! of an)#ade!h.
1o per!on !ha## be permitted to carry in any aircraft, other than an aircraft owned by the
an)#ade!h Fo%ernment, a #oaded camera.
At the time of emp#anin) a per!on in po!!e!!ion a #oaded camera !ha## un#oad it and de#i%er the
!ame to the pi#ot&in&2ommand of the aircraft who !ha## keep it for the duration of the f#i)ht in a
p#ace inacce!!ib#e to !uch per!on durin) the f#i)ht and !ha## return the !ame to that per!on on
arri%a# at hi! de!tination.
2i%i# aircraft are not permitted to #and at any aerodrome not #i!ted in the AI< an)#ade!h e+cept
in ca!e! of e+treme emer)ency or where !pecia# permi!!ion ha! been )ranted.
/e*ue!t to operate out!ide the hour! of operation at ci%i# aerodrome! in an)#ade!h, !hou#d be
made to re!pecti%e Airport Mana)er throu)h =I2, Gia Internationa# Airport, Dhaka at #ea!t two
hour! before airfie#d! c#o!ure time.
Durin) the mon!oon, the !ide !trip! of /unway! in an)#ade!h become e+treme#y !oft. <i#ot are
therefore warned and ad%i!ed not to u!e the!e !trip! e+cept in emer)ency.
LI%I&A&IN N &-" (*" 0 A"+#+%"*:
Apron ma!! i! re!tricted for aerodrome who!e A21 i! hi)her than corre!pondin) runway <21.
Air#ine operator! are re*uired to !ubmit trim !heet of the f#i)ht! to <=I$ within !horte!t po!!ib#e
time of f#i)ht departure. /e!triction wi## remain %a#id unti# /unway condition i! impro%ed by
2AA. In ca!e f#i)ht ha! to be operated at hi)her A21 %a#ue, 2AA !ha## be approached for
prior appro%a#.
/e!tricted to aircraft capab#e of maintainin) two&way radio communication with Tower, un#e!!
prior permi!!ion from the Tower ha! been obtained. 'uch permi!!ion wi## on#y be )i%en in
e+traordinary ca!e!.
%AIN&"NANC" 0 A"+#+%" %)"%"N& A+"A*:
The re#e%ant airport authority i! re!pon!ib#e for maintainin) the aerodrome in a !ati!factory
condition for f#i)ht operation! and for a!!e!!in) and reportin) on runway condition!.
CL"A+ANC" P+I+I&I"*:
The fo##owin) prioritie! ha%e been e!tab#i!hed for the c#earance of mo%ement area!(
9a: /unway&in&u!e, run&up area, apron! and appropriate ta+iway!
9.: Dependent on circum!tance!, other runway and ta+iway!.
Di!!emination of information on runway4! affected by !tandin) water. If a runway i! affected by
!tandin) water at any time durin) the approach of an aircraft for #andin), the depth and #ocation
of !uch !tandin) water i! notified by the aerodrome authority direct to AT' for tran!mi!!ion to
the aircraft. If the duration of the phenomenon i! #ike#y to per!i!t, and the information re*uire! a
wider di!tribution, a 1,TAM i! i!!ued.
0LI$-& *A0"&, AN# +"$(LA&IN:
2/ +egistration of aircraft: 2AA maintain! re)i!ter for a## an)#ade!h aircraft. 'uch
re)i!tration i! a prere*ui!ite for a an)#ade!h aircraft to !tart operation!.
4/ Certification of Air8Dorthiness: In order to en!ure f#i)ht !afety, airworthine!! of aircraft
mu!t be en!ured fir!t. An aircraft can be re)arded a! airworthy if it and it! component! conform
with de!i)n !tandard!, are of appro%ed type and are in !ound operationa# condition. 2AA
re)u#ar#y in!pect! the aircraft! re)i!tered in an)#ade!h and i!!ue!Krenew! certificate of
airworthine!! for the worthy aircraft!, and !u!pend!Kcance#! !uch certificate of unworthy one!.
;ithout !uch certificate no aircraft !hou#d attempt to f#y. In re#ation to !uch certification, 2AA
a#!o continuou!#y monitor! a## maintenance acti%itie! with an)#ade!h aircraft!, appro%e!
certificate for aircraft type and certificate for maintenance e!tab#i!hment!, i!!ue! direction!
re)ardin) maintenance, appro%e! de!i)n modification, repair and rep#acement of any component.
1/ Personnel Licensing( "ach per!onne# re!pon!ib#e for f#i)ht operation! on board L pi#ot,
na%i)ator, f#i)ht en)ineer, f#i)ht in!tructor, air traffic contro##er etc. L and aircraft maintenance
en)ineer on )round !hou#d ha%e appropriate #icen!e pro%in) hi! abi#ity and !ki## before he
en)a)e! him!e#f in re!pecti%e 9ob. 2AA te!t! and i!!ue!Krenew! #icen!e! to the !ucce!!fu#
app#icant!. 1o member of the aircrew and no maintenance en)ineer !hou#d en)a)e in f#yin)
operation! and participate in maintenance work! re!pecti%e#y without !uch #icen!e.
4. Bi-lateral Agreements: 2AA e+amine! document! !ubmitted by other countrie! in re)ard to
bi#atera# Air 'er%ice! A)reement!, ne)otiation! and prepare! brief for the Fo%ernment. Any
forei)n air#ine intendin) to operate !chedu#ed f#i)ht! in the country mu!t be de!i)nated pur!uant
to !uch Fo%ernment #e%e# a)reement!.
=/ Air &ransport *ervice AuthoriEation( 2AA i!!ue!Kcance#! #icen!e for an)#ade!hi
enterpri!e! of air tran!port !er%ice!, and appro%e!, re%i!e! if re*uired, tariff inc#udin) fare!, rate!,
char)e!, commi!!ion!, and term! and condition! a!!ociated with their bu!ine!!.
Airports of "ntry 9A"::
De!i)nated Internationa# Airport! in 2ountry
The cate)orie! of airport! are(
Internationa# airport! of entry and departure where a## forma#itie! incident to 2u!tom!,
Immi)ration, -ea#th and !imi#ar procedure! are carried out, and which are open to !chedu#ed
and non&!chedu#ed f#i)ht!.
Internationa# airport! of entry and departure at which the forma#itie! incident to 2u!tom!,
Immi)ration, -ea#th and !imi#ar procedure! are made a%ai#ab#e on a re!tricted ba!i!, to
f#i)ht! with prior appro%a# on#y.
Internationa# airport! !pecified in the f#i)ht p#an to which a f#i)ht may proceed when it
become! inad%i!ab#e to #and at the airport of intended #andin).
Internationa# airport! at which appro%a# may be )ranted, pro%ided the pre!cribed prior notice
i! )i%en, for internationa# non&!chedu#ed f#i)ht! on#yJ no other form of internationa# operation
i! permitted.
Internationa# airport! of entry and departure for internationa# air traffic #ocated in an
admini!tered territory, where a## forma#itie! incident to 2u!tom!, Immi)ration, -ea#th and
!imi#ar procedure! are a%ai#ab#e.
2/ A## pri%ate and non&!chedu#ed commercia# aircraft o%er#yin) or #andin) for commercia#
or non&commercia# purpo!e! mu!t obtain prior permi!!ion from the 2hairman 2i%i#
A%iation Authority, Fo%ernment of the <eop#eD! /epub#ic of an)#ade!h, .urmito#a,
Dhaka 120C, an)#ade!h 3T"0"F/A<-I2 ADD/"''( 2IBI0AI/ D-A.AKT"0">(
1,1"5 at #ea!t 3 workin) day! prior to departure. A## re*ue!t! mu!t inc#ude(
a. 1ame, nationa#ity and addre!! of operator!.
b. Type of aircraft, nationa#ity and re)i!tration mark!.
c. Date! and time! of arri%a# and departure.
d. <#ace! of embarkation or di!embarkation abroad of pa!!en)er! and car)o, a! the ca!e may
e. <urpo!e of f#i)ht.
f. 1umber of pa!!en)er! and type and amount of car)o.
). 1ame, addre!! and bu!ine!! 3if any5.
h. 2omp#ete route of f#i)ht.
i. 'uch other information a! may be re*uired by the 2hairman.
4. <a!!port, %i!a, and onwardKreturn ticket re*uired. Touri!tKbu!ine!! %i!a re*uire! 2
app#ication form!, 2 photo!, and M6? proce!!in) fee 3bank draft or money order5. Touri!t !hou#d
a#!o attach tra%e# itinerary. u!ine!! %i!a re*uire! #etter of 9u!tificationKfinancia# )uarantee from
the emp#oyer. 'tudent %i!a re*uire! financia# )uarantee certificate and #etter from educationa#
in!titution. =or #on)er !tay! and more information, con!u#t the "mba!!y of the <eop#e4! /epub#ic
of an)#ade!h, 3?10 Internationa# Dri%e, 1;, ;a!hin)ton, D2 20008 3202K266&01835 or the
an)#ade!h Mi!!ion in 1ew Nork at 3212K8C7&36365.
1. 1on&!chedu#ed commercia# aircraft anticipatin) #andin) pa!!en)er! or car)o
ori)inatin) from an)#ade!h may do !o on#y with the prior appro%a# of the 2hairman of the 2i%i#
A%iation Authority of an)#ade!h. The app#ication mu!t be accompanied by a E1o ,b9ection
2ertificateE from an)#ade!h iman, the 1ationa# 2arrier of an)#ade!h
AI+ &+A00IC *"+)IC"*:
F/ 2AA pro%ide! air traffic contro# !er%ice to each aircraft f#yin) in the nationa# air!pace
and mo%in) on maneu%erin) area! of an)#ade!h aerodrome! in order to pre%ent co##i!ion!, and
to maintain e+pedite and order#y f#ow of air traffic.
=/ 2AA e!tab#i!he! air route!, and f#yin), approachin) and #andin) procedure! for each route
and aerodrome be#on)in) to the country.
G/ 2AA make! a## nece!!ary arran)ement! for !earch and re!cue operation! in ca!e of accident
or mi!!in) of any aircraft, and conduct! in%e!ti)ation! a)ain!t accident! and unwanted incident!
re#ated to aircraft!.
6/ 2AA make! pro%i!ion! for faci#itie! and !er%ice! for aeronautica# te#ecommunication! and
air na%i)ation in order to en!ure !afety, re)u#arity and efficiency of aircraft operation.
AI+P+& AN# AN&I8-I7ACK *"C(+I&,:
</ 2AA make! a## nece!!ary arran)ement! in order to en!ure !ecurity to pa!!en)er! and
aerodrome!, and to detect, pre%ent penetration of terrori!t acti%i!t! on board from within nationa#
0ACILI&A&IN 0 PA**"N$"+*:
;/ 2AA make! a## nece!!ary arran)ement! to e!tab#i!h and maintain a## pa!!en)er !er%ice! and
faci#itie! at the termina# of an)#ade!h airport!. Arran)ement! for faci#itie!, !uch a! f#i)ht
information, pub#ic addre!!, entertainment!, comfortab#e room and en%ironment for pa!!en)er!
and their attendant! are a## accomp#i!hed by 2AA.
CN*&+(C&IN AN# %AIN&"NANC" 0 AI+P+&*:
25/ 2AA con!truct!, maintain! and de%e#op! airport!, aerodrome! whene%er and where%er are
re*uired in order to e+pand the a%iation infra!tructure and air tran!portation network in the
22/ 2AA a#!o pro%ide! operationa# accommodation to other or)ani:ation! and a)encie! #ike
air#ine!, 2u!tom!, Immi)ration, Meteoro#o)y, -ea#th, <o#ice etc. at the airport!.
24/ 2AA !tudie!, e%a#uate! and p#an! for de%e#opment of the a%iation infra!tructure within the
country con!iderin) nece!!ity and bud)et. It a#!o maintain! #iai!on with re)iona# partner! and
I2A, in re#ation to future de%e#opment pro)ram! ma!terminded by I2A,.
21/ 2AA take! a## nece!!ary !tep! for trainin) of it! operationa# officer! and emp#oyee! both in
country and abroad. It ha! a#ready e!tab#i!hed the 2i%i# A%iation Trainin) 2entre at Dhaka.
0l i ght *af e t y +e gul at i ons : Aviation *ecurity
I n t r o d u c t i o n :
The 2ounci# a)reed to con%ene, at I2A, -ead*uarter!, a hi)h&#e%e#, mini!teria# conference on
a%iation !ecurity on 1@ and 20 =ebruary 2002 with the ob9ecti%e! of pre%entin), combatin) and
eradicatin) act! of terrori!m in%o#%in) ci%i# a%iationJ !tren)thenin) I2A,O! ro#e in the adoption
of !ecurity&re#ated 'tandard! and /ecommendation <ractice! 3'A/<!5 and procedure! and the
audit of their imp#ementationJ and en!urin) the nece!!ary financia# mean! for ur)ent action by
I2A, in the fie#d of a%iation !ecurity. 'ecurity wa! adopted by the 2ounci# on 7 December. It
wi## become effecti%e on 1? Apri# 2002 and app#icab#e on 1 Au#y 2002.
Civil Aviation rdinance3 2;G5
The 2i%i# A%iation ,rdinance, 1@C0 3>>>II of 1@C05 wa! made to make better pro%i!ion! for the
contro# of manufacture, po!!e!!ion!, u!e, operation, !a#e, import and e+port of aircraft, the
contro# and re)u#ation of air tran!port !er%ice!, and the contro# and de%e#opment of aerodrome!
in the country. It repea#ed the Aircraft Act, 1@36 3>>II of 1@365.
Aircraft 9+emoval of #anger to *afety: rdinance3 2;G=
The Aircraft 3/emo%a# of Dan)er to 'afety5 ,rdinance, 1@C? 3>II of 1@C?5 wa! promu#)ated by
the Fo%ernment in the year 1@C?. It dea#! with f#i)ht !afety.
Civil Aviation +ules3 2;<F
The 2i%i# A%iation /u#e!, 1@86 wa! made and promu#)ated by the Fo%ernment in e+erci!e of the
power! conferred by !ection! 6, ?, 7 and 8 of the 2i%i# A%iation ,rdinance, 1@C0 3>>>II of
1@C05, !ection 10 of the Aircraft 3/emo%a# of Dan)er to 'afety5 ,rdinance, 1@C? 3>II of 1@C?5,
!ection 6 of the Te#e)raph Act, 188? 3>III of 188?5, and in !uppre!!ion of the Aircraft /u#e!,
1@37 and the Airport ,b!truction 2#earance /u#e!, 1@81.
Thi! !et of ru#e! e#aborate#y dea#t with per!onne# 3pi#ot, f#i)ht en)ineer, air traffic contro##er,
aircraft maintenance en)ineer etc.5 #icen!in), airworthine!! re*uirement!, operation of aircraft,
ru#e! of the air, air tran!port !er%ice! etc. Much of today4! operationa# re!pon!ibi#itie! and
function! of 2AA are defined and formu#ated in thi! /u#e!.
C%%I&&"" N (NLA!0(L IN&"+0"+"NC" !I&- IN&"+NA&INAL CI)IL
The twe#fth meetin) of the A%iation !ecurity <ane# wa! ur)ent#y con%ened at I2A, -ead*uarter!
from ? to @ 1o%ember in order to !tren)then a%iation !ecurity fo##owin) the tra)ic e%ent! of 11
A)IA&IN *"C(+I&, %"C-ANI*%:
In the #i)ht of the po!iti%e re!pon!e from donor 'tate!, the 2ounci# decided to e+tend the
Mechani!m for effecti%e imp#ementation of the 'A/<! unti# the end of 2006. =o##owin) the
tra)ic e%ent! of 11 'eptember, the 33
'e!!ion of the A!!emb#y permanent in%o#%in) a##
2ontractin) 'tate!. /e)iona# initiati%e! to impro%e 'tate!O a%iation !ecurity 3AB'"25 po!ture!
inc#ude a!!i!tance in the de%e#opment of AB'"2 action !ecurity trainin) center! and re)iona#
AB'"2 !eminar! promotin) internationa# cooperation. 'tate!, re)iona# and nationa#
or)ani:ation! a! we## a! the a%iation indu!try were in%ited to participate in the!e initiati%e!
throu)h the pro%i!ion of e+perti!e, foundation and contribution in kind. In thi! conte+t, a
*ue!tionnaire wa! !ent to a## 2ontractin) 'tate! in Aanuary in order to determine their wi##in)ne!!
to participate in a new from of the AB'"2 Mechani!m.
&"C-NICAL AN# L"$AL A*P"C&* 0 A)IA&IN *"C(+I&,
The 2ounci# re%iewed a !ummary of the report of the !econd !e!!ion of the I"T2 he#d at I2A,
-ead*uarter! from 16 to 1? December 2000 and appro%ed the 2ommi!!ion4! recommendation to
amend the Technica# Anne+ to the 2on%ention on the markin) of <#a!tic "+p#o!i%e! for the
<urpo!e of detection. The I"T2 formu#ated it! propo!a# on the ba!i! of technica# work
accomp#i!hed by the Ad -oc Froup of 'pecia#i!t! on the Detection of "+p#o!i%e!, who!e
findin)! and conc#u!ion! recommended the de#etion of ortho&Mononitroto#uene from the #i!t of
detection a)ent! in the Technica# Anne+ to the 2on%ention.
In accordance with the 2ounci# deci!ion, a #etter wa! !ent to 'tate! partie! to the 2on%ention,
propo!in) the amendment pur!uant to Artic#e BI, para)raph 6 of the 2on%ention. 'ince the
propo!ed amendment wa! not ob9ected to by any !tate the party within ninety day! from the date
of notification of the amendment by the 2ounci#, the amendment wa! adopted.
$nder ci%i# a%iation authority an)#ade!h 9CAAB: on 21&air#ine 2ompanie! runnin)
their operation in an)#ade!h. To !ee the future potentia# hu)e opportunity in thi! country many
air#ine company are )oin) to connect with our a%iation authority.
Amon) more than 21 Air#ine 2ompany about 1? companie! ha%e open their re)iona# office in
an)#ade!h to continue thi! operation proper#y and accurate#y.
$nder ci%i# a%iation authority of an)#ade!h there are more than 21 air#ine companie! 3inc#udin)
dome!tic air#ine!5 from around the wor#d doin) there operation in an)#ade!h inc#uded few are
nati%e company.
D,M"'TI2 AI/0I1"4' -I'T,/N(
+"$(LA&IN* CNC"+NIN$ I%P+&A&IN3 &+AN*-IP%"N& AN#
"'P+&A&IN 0 CA+$: C(*&%* +"H(I+"%"N&*:
1. The 2arria)e in aircraft of any arm!, ammunition, e+p#o!i%e!, mi#itary !tore! or artic#e! of
hi)h#y inf#ammab#e nature i! prohibited under the an)#ade!h Aircraft /u#e!, e+cept e+p#o!i%e!
or other artic#e! re*uired e+c#u!i%e#y for the workin) of the aircraft and !uch arm! and
ammunition a! may rea!onab#y be re*uired for pri%ate u!e.
2. 1o ci%i# re)i!tered aircraft, whether nationa# or forei)n !ha## carry ammunition of war or
imp#ement! of war in or acro!! the territorie! of an)#ade!h.
3. <er!ona# and !portin) arm! ammunition accompanied or unaccompanied may be imported,
e+ported or tran!ited by air into, our of or throu)h an)#ade!h !ub9ect to the condition that !uch
arm! and ammunition are kept in the cu!tody of the <i#ot&in&command and !tored in a p#ace not
acce!!ib#e to pa!!en)er!.
6. A #icen!e for firearm! to be carried on aircraft mu!t be obtained from the appropriate
authoritie! 3Deputy 2ommi!!ioner! at Dhaka and 2hitta)on) are the #icen!in) authoritie!5. In a##
ca!e! the bore of the arm and amount of ammunition which it i! intended to carry !hou#d be
!pecified. It mu!t be noted that the importation into an)#ade!h of arm! and ammunition of .303
and .6?0 bore!, of C.? MM. 8 MM or @ MM ca#ibre, or mu!ket! of .610 bore, or rif#e! of any
other bore containin) important component! of the afore!aid rif#e!, or pi!ton! or re%o#%er! of .
611, .6?? or any intermediate bore or .38 bore or @ MM ca#ibre, or part! of, or fittin)! for rif#e,
mu!ket!, <i!to#! or re%o#%er! of !uch bore!, or of ammunition which can be fired from !uch
firearm! , or of app#iance! the ob9ect of which i! the !i#encin) of firearm!, i! prohibited.
?. 'portin) arm! and ammunition, e+p#o!i%e! 3other than tho!e which are u!ed for hand#in) and
operatin) an aircraft5, poi!on!, corro!i%e #i*uid! or irritant )a!e!, a! ae!thetic )a!e!, #i*uid! and
compound!, f#ammab#e !o#id!, #i*uid! or )a!e!, o+idi:in) materia#! !ha## not be carried in bu#k
on any pa!!en)er carryin) aircraft, whether nationa# or forei)n in or acro!! the territory of
an)#ade!h e+cept in !uch *uantitie! a! may be notified from time to time.
C. ;hen any of the artic#e! mentioned in abo%e i! carried, the carrier !ha## en!ure that(
3a5 the *uantity i! within the pre!cribed #imit!J
3b5 it i! proper#y and !ecure#y packed and correct#y #abe#ed !howin) the content of the packa)e
with appropriate in!truction! for hand#in)J
3c5 it i! !tored in !uch a p#ace that if the container i! dama)ed, the crew, pa!!en)er and the main
!tructure of the aircraft i! not #ike#y to endan)ered by it! effect!.
7. 3a5 Artic#e! mentioned in para)raph ? may be tran!ited in bu#k throu)h an)#ade!h on a
forei)n re)i!tered aircraft pro%ided the owner of the aircraft ha! obtained prior permi!!ion of it!
Fo%ernment for con%eyance of the car)o on board and 26 hour! ad%ance notice of the arri%a# of
aircraft i! )i%en to the Airport of intended #andin) in an)#ade!h.
3b5 1ationa# ,perator in an)#ade!h !ha## not undertake to remo%e any of the artic#e! mentioned
in para)raph ? in bu#k un#e!! prior permi!!ion of Fo%ernment ha! been obtained.
A #i!t of artic#e! which are c#a!!ified a E<rohibited 2ar)oE or EDan)erou! 2ar)oE i! a%ai#ab#e at
a## ci%i# aerodrome!.
PLAN& H(A+AN&IN" +"H(I+"%"N&*: I%P+&A&IN 0 PLAN&* AN# *""#*:
The importation of p#ant! and !eed! into an)#ade!h i! )o%erned by !pecia# ru#e!. In e%ery ca!e
where it i! intended to carry p#ant! or !eed! on aircraft enterin) an)#ade!h, en*uirie! !hou#d
fir!t be made from the Department of <#ant <rotection, Mini!try of A)ricu#ture, A)ricu#tura#
2omp#e+, =arm)ate, and Dhaka.
C(*&%* #(&, N AI+P+&:
1o cu!tom! duty i! #e%ied on an aircraft which i! in tran!it or i! to make a temporary !tay in
an)#ade!h for a period of #e!! than !i+ month!, -owe%er, dec#aration mu!t be !upp#ied to the
2u!tom! ,fficer at the Airport of entry that the aircraft i! in tran!it or that it i! intended to re&
e+port the aircraft within thi! period.
!I+"L"** APPA+A&(*:
In 2onformity with the pro%i!ion! of the Internationa# Te#ecommunication! 2on%ention 3At#antic
2ity, 1@675 aircraft enterin) an)#ade!h carryin) radio tran!mittin) apparatu! are re*uired to
ha%e a #icen!e3 for the apparatu! and the operator mu!t ho#d a certificate of competency. If an
aircraft e*uipped with wire#e!! apparatu! arri%e! in an)#ade!h and doe! not carry the re*uired
#icen!e and certificate i!!ued by the 'tate in which it i! re)i!tered, a #icen!e for the apparatu! and
a certificate for the operator mu!t be obtained from the Fenera# Mana)er, Te#ephone! 3;ire#e!!
ranch5, Dhaka, before proceedin).
-IL,CP&"+ *"+)IC" IN BAN$LA#"*-:
1ow in an)#ade!h MFM pro%ide! pri%ate#y he#icopter !er%iceJ for pri%ate *uick tra%e#, and
ambu#ance !er%ice.
'ti## now an)#ade!h Fo%ernment doe! not pro%ide any copper !er%ice pri%ate#y
P+BL"%* 0 A)IA&IN IN#(*&+,:
Capital: an)#ade!h i! a third wor#d country. 'o to open a a%iation company i! a be) dea# with
10 to 1? air. Thou)h the company can run their operation in dome!tic but it a#!o take! hu)e
amount of money.
License from the $overnment: To )et a air#ine operation #icen!e from the )o%ernment i! %ery
#on) and ha:ard procedure in an)#ade!h, #on) and procedure decrea!e the in%e!tor! and
creditor! to in%e!t in thi! !ector.
0eD Cargo *ervice: $<', =ed."+, D-0 and iman are the main car)o !er%ice pro%ider in
an)#ade!h. It i! %ery be) barrier to proper in thi! indu!try. Thou)h other few air#ine pro%ide!
%ery few amount of car)o 'er%ice.
&raining centre: on#y one )o%ernment trainin) centre can not pro%ide enou)h trained peop#e to
thi! !ector, wherea! e%ery year need! more than 1000 peop#e for thi! !ector.
LoD security system: =or the rea!on of #ow !ecurity !y!tem our air#ine companie! are not
)ettin) enou)h re%enue a! they want or need to touch for tar)et #ine.
(ndeveloped &ourism sector: Another be) i!!ue i! our #e!! faci#ity fu## touri!m !ector.
Not enough air.us for rush time: In the !ummer and other pick time our a%iation company4!
airbu! i! not )ood enou)h. They !hou#d ha%e more airbu!. 0ike( -A7 time, 1ew year and on
different fe!ti%a# time they doe! not pro%ide e+tra airbu! for hand#e ru!h.
Cargo facilities: 0e!! car)o faci#itie! brin)! #e!! re%enue from a hu)e potentia# arena.

*!& Analysis:
*trength: The <rofe!!iona#i!m i! the main !tren)th of thi! !ector. If a## the company do and
maintain perfect profe!!iona#i!m accordin) there ru#e! then non of the company win net )o for
#o!!, e%ery one wi## )ain profit.
pportunity: 1ow in an)#ade!h i! a de%e#opin) country and thi! !ector i! %ery much
profitab#e for an)#ade!h in%e!tor. ecau!e on#y 6 dome!tic companie! are runnin) bu!ine!!
o%er here !o the tota# market i! about entry.
!ea?ness: In an)#ade!h capita#, corruption and #e!! profe!!iona#i!m are the mo!t weakne!! in
thi! indu!try.
&hreats: The main threat! for our a%iation indu!try i! !tandard !er%ice *ua#ity other forei)n
company who are a#!o runnin) the!e operation in our country. Fettin) the !tandard *ua#ity
!er%ice i! the main threat for an)#ade!h Air#ine 2ompany.
,%er come the corruption prob#em and pro%ide! the #icen!e a! !oon po!!ib#e.
<ro%ide! #one from the be))in) of the company.
Make !ure a## !ort of faci#itie! are a%ai#ab#e in touri!m !ector #ike other countrie!.
Fi%e more opportunity for the car)o frei)ht company to do bu!ine!! in an)#ade!h, for
in!tance decrea!e the ta+ of car)o fri)ht.
"nforce e%ery pub#ic and pri%ate uni%er!ity to open a%iation re#ated department !ub9ect!.
Increa!e the !ecurity !y!tem of car)o, pa!!en)er and airport entry.
Introduce e&<a!!port !y!tem for the e%ery citi:en of an)#ade!h to make !ure a## kind of
!ecuritie! in a%iation !ector.
1ot on#y car)o and pa!!en)er !hou#d be in a%iation !ector but a#!o he#icopter !er%ice can
be earnin) hu)e amount of re%enue form thi! !ector.
0ibrary ( 01. 2IBI0 ABIATI,1 A$T-,/ITN A1F0AD"'- 32AA5.
02. IMA1 A1F0AD"'- AI/0I1"
03. DA==,DI0 I1T"/1AT,1A0 $1IB"/'ITN
1ew! p

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