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What are the signs and symptoms by which we know a (a person who has a) weak or a strong mind.

Here are some of the indices.

A weak mind is hard; it lacks in resilience and fluidity, and compassion. A strong mind is resilient, fluid,
and compassionate.

A weak mind is egotistical; a strong mind is humble.

A weak mind makes statements that contradict each other; a strong mind is consistent, harmonious.

A weak mind looks at oppositions; a weak mind seeks to see complements and helps with resolution (

A weak mind starts its sentences ( in speech and writing) with I and frequently repeats the various
forms of this pronoun. A strong mind avoids the first personal pronoun and its variants.

A weak mind is addicted to the words like No, Not, Refuse, Deny, Challenge, my stand, my view, and
such other expressions. When a strong mind refuses. it does not hurt like a refusal.

A weak mind feels that others are resisting him/her, refusing him/her. A strong mind has faith in others
positive and good reaction.

A weak mind remembers what hurt and harm others have cause to him/her; a strong mind forgets

A weak mind forgets the good and kind acts others have done to him/her; a strong mind remembers

A Weak mind forgets what hurt and harm s/he has caused to others; a strong mind remembers these.

A weak mind forgets the good and kind acts others s/he has done for others; a strong mind forgets

People do not say No to a weak mind , out of fear; people do not say No to a strong mind out of love.

*A weak mind justifies his/her acts; a strong mind apologises

*A weak mind does not forgive; a strong mind forgives and also forgets the incident.

*A weak mind criticises others, speaks ill of them; a strong mind does not criticise in his/her own mind
but rather seeks the reasons for anotehr persons weaknesses and grants strength.

*A week mind gets tense and stressed; the same stimuli that cause tension in a weak mind immediately
trigger a relaxed state in a strong mind

*A weak mind is hurt by others angers; a strong mind sympathetically seeks to find the history of the
pain and suffering that is causing anger and seeks to remedy the same.

*A weak mind sees others fault; a strong mind sees its own faults.

* A person with a weak mind is easily fatigued; one with a strong mind regenerates quickly.

* One with a weak mind makes bodys illness into a mind condition; a strong mind introduces minds
healing into the body.

*A weak mind seeks others to be responsible for him, and then resents them; a strong mind takes
responsibility for others without feeling burdened..

*A weak mind follows set patterns; a strong mind invents.

*A weak mind is lethargic and lazy a strong mind takes initiative and action.

*A weak mind is suspicious; a strong mind trusts.

* A weak mind struggles to accomplish any objective; a strong mind does without doing and
accomplishes by his/her mere presence.

*A weak mind finds small irritants to be too large to suffer; a strong mind has an oceanic capacity to
absorb and not feel that there had been any irritation.

* A weak mind cannot taste the fullness of any experience and therefore his/her craving is never
satiated; a strong mind, being well centred, tastes and experiences everything in fullness, enjoys more
of less and is contented.

A weak mind is self-centred, seeking its own pleasure; a strong mind constantly seeks the fulfilment of

A weak mind reacts to small things, small events that have the duration of an instant only and are of
temporary worth; the strong mind ignores such matters and holds a larger picture in a more expansive
time frame ( dirgha-darshin and dura-darshin), therefore is not disturbed by small events, little words,
temporary situations.

A weak mind has a small horizon; a strong mind has a large horizon in all subjects and matters.

A weak mind sees only parts; a strong mind carries the vision of a complete whole in which all atoms
and galaxies, all ideas and sciences are a single interconnected Whole.

A weak mind finds it difficult to learn new things; all sciences are easily opened to a strong mind.

A weak mind lives in fear ( of loss, repeat of natural disasters, ghosts and possessions, attacks, illness,
poverty, death); a strong mind grants reassurance to all beings by his/her very presence.

A weak mind, suffering from inferiority, keeps reasserting his (individual, religious, national, tribal,
political) superiority; a strong mind holds back on such assertions because of an interior self-assurance
which embraces all opponents and opposite views.

A weak mind is full of inner conflicts and a thousand question about the smallest step, seeking answers
to each question and each answer raising a crop of a million more questions; a strong mind flows in
harmony and his/her questions have not been answered but have been resolved.

A weak mind demands; a strong mind gives.

A weak mind feels insulted; a strong mind gives honour.

A weak mind rejects everything; a strong mind assimilates what may seem most unacceptable in

A weak mind seeks its own pleasure and gratification; a strong mind discovers a subtler, more refined,
more intense and more lasting pleasure, that of knowing that someone has been pleased by his/her

A weak mind speaks loudly; a strong mind speaks only from within a depth of interior silence.

A weak mind struggles to choose one of many options; a strong mind incorporates the most
contradictory options into a single scheme.

A weak mind overindulges, overeats, over-possesses, overstates, overdresses - because it tries to fill its
emptiness with exterior objects; a strong mind has an inner fullness, is therefore mild, restrained,
without feeling restricted or deprived. A strong mind under-indulges, under-possesses, understates.

A weak mind lives in fear of others, constantly overprotecting oneself and thereby inviting attack; a
strong mind lives in love and that love alone is his/her protection.

*A weak minds efforts and relationships are unstable; in the presence of a strong mind all is stabilised.

*A weak mind cannot concentrate on any effort, and wanders around; a strong mind is a concentrated
one and thereby well centred in life and in meditation.

* A strong mind, finally, is a saintly mind that grants to others freedom and liberates them from their
own self-enslavement.

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