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Council of Twelve of Prema Swarupa (The Embodiment of Divine Love)

Council of Twelve of Prema Swarupa (The Embodiment of Divine Love)

Dear Ones, am here as the !oice of the newl" established Council of Twelve, which was created
durin# the past wee$ as a result of the #roup consciousness which arose durin# the wor$shop at
%athr"n &a"'s retreat( The #roup hi$ed up the Stone &ountain above )ew Palt*, )+, to meditate on
the cr"stal roc$s on top of the mountain( The" were consciousl" wor$in# to raise their vibration to be
in tune with the vibration of the mountain and in doin# so, the" created a complete consciousness #rid
between and amon#st the members(
,e are tellin# "ou of this #roup adventure in order to encoura#e each of "ou to understand that this
$ind of mindful communication is a normal s$ill for human bein#s, left dormant for man" centuries(
+ou are now all developin# the abilit" to raise "ourselves to -th dimensional consciousness( n doin#
this, "ou become able to reach out to others around "ou who are e.uall" aware and dedicated to raisin#
their consciousness, to establish a /pod,/ a #roup of individuals who have a#reed to ascend to hi#her
dimensional vibration( ,hen "ou do this, "ou are able to relin.uish the 01dimensional belief s"stem
which re.uired /free will,/ to enter into a state in which "ou are able to find the state of ecstatic
connection which is 2nit" Consciousness(
Some of "ou ma" be feelin# horror at the idea of #ivin# up "our precious, hard1won /independence(/ t
has been the popular belief in recent centuries that /ever" man for himself/ is reall" an honorable and
important part of the inte#rit" of an individual( n a wa" that has been true3 it has #iven human$ind on
Earth the opportunit" to e4perience independence and self1reliance, two admirable .ualities in an
evolved soul(
5owever, now it is time to ta$e that independence and self1reliance to the ne4t step( +ou see, in the -th
dimension and above, there is no free will( Let us e4plain( ,hen Love becomes the stron#est, over1
ridin# feelin# in "our bein#, the e#o which re.uired thin#s li$e privac", ownership, status, acceptance,
approval and reco#nition be#ins to melt awa"(
The e#o "ou established in order to protect "ourself a#ainst attac$ finds it reasonable to ma$e the
ar#ument that "ou must defend "ourself at all times a#ainst an" hint of interference from another
person, if that person mi#ht seem to stand in the wa" of "our abilit" to e4press "ourself( This concept
then becomes confused with "our /freedom/ to do whatever "ou wish or sa" whatever "ou wish,
re#ardless of its impact on others( There have been whole treatises, philosophical ar#uments and
political movements to shore up this convoluted reasonin#, because it was ver" useful for the dar$ ones
to convince the populace that it was their ri#ht to pollute, claim ownership of the planet's lands and
resources, and profit from their destructive wa"s(
The cabal was even successful in convincin# most of the populace that the profit which results from an
activit" is more important than the Earth herself, more important than the .ualit" of the air "ou breathe
or the water "ou drin$( Those da"s are over, but the dar$ ideas remain, swirlin# around in the
consciousness of the humans who are now incarnated on the planet( )ow, "ou see wh" we are
discussin# these thin#s, do "ou not6 ,e are creatin# a picture for "ou of the difference between 0D
thin$in# and -D e4perience(
7roup consciousness does not mean "ou all thin$ ali$e, or that "ou #ive up an" part of "our own
independence or inte#rit"( t is 8ust the opposite( t is more( ,hen "ou 8oin in heart and spirit with
others, "our heart is the foundation for the e4perience of Love, sharin#, belon#in#, participatin# in a
communion of souls which is #reater than the sum of its parts( There is a #reat and thrillin# feelin# that
#oes with bein# completel" in connection with the bri#ht ener#" of a #roup of hi#hl" evolved, lovin#
There is no individual triumph, no marathon or medal won that can match the richness and fulfillment
of becomin# One with the others around "ou( )ow, here is where the triumphs and battles won come
in( Those individual accomplishments, stored in memor", are what ma$e it possible to raise the bar
hi#her, to reali*e with confidence that "ou do not have to prove "ourself worth" an" lon#er, nor fi#ht to
maintain "our fra#ile inte#rit"( +ou have lived man" lives /in the trenches/ Dear Ones( +ou have
proven "our valor, "our coura#e and "our dedication to the causes "ou espoused(
,hen "ou loo$ bac$ on "our life, loo$ with fresh e"es, the e"es of 7od, who loves "ou unconditionall"
and $nows how difficult life on Earth can be( Those failures and faults "ou focus on in "ourself and
others are merel" a blip on the screen in Creator's e"es and ours( +ou have accomplished much 8ust b"
livin# throu#h this life, feelin# Love, sheddin# tears, e4periencin# the an#er that rises up in response to
the in8ustice and pain "ou see around "ou( This was the trainin# for the ne4t phase 1 the hi#her plane
on which "ou will be able to ta$e lovin# action to cure the ills "ou have so disli$ed on 01dimensional
Planet Earth(
n order to accomplish the move into a hi#her realm, it is necessar" for "ou to learn the pleasures and
satisfactions of bein# One with others around "ou, with all livin# 9ein#s, within and on "our planet and
be"ond( This #reat leap re.uires a massive shift in consciousness to the abilit" to form and en8o" deep
ps"chic connections with others without feelin# an" fear that "ou mi#ht be compromised b" the
voluntar" resi#nation from "our career as an independent e#o(
This means, of course, that "ou must be able to be fearless( :ll ideas about avoidin# relationships in
order not to /#et hurt/ must be re1evaluated in the li#ht of hi#her realms, where feelin# hurt or deceived
or misused are not a worr", or even a consideration( ,here there is no e#o to be bruised, there is no
disappointment3 there is onl" acceptance, awareness, and Truth(
This is how it is possible for Creator to love ever" one of us without an" hint of bein# 8ud#mental or
punitive( %nowin# we have disre#arded our connection to 5im;5er, we are still accepted and Loved(
Even thou#h we have i#nored the Love pourin# down on us and have sometimes cursed the 5i#her
Powers for puttin# us here (a#ainst our will, we thou#ht), there is not a hint of disapproval or
disappointment from those who love "ou from their place in hi#her dimensions(
,e, the 5i#her Selves of our incarnated representatives, are not capable of bein# hurt, 8ealous or
vindictive( t would be unthin$able for us to be an#r" at "ou who are behind the !eil of <or#etfulness
and who are sufferin# the effects of havin# been immersed in a world of illusion( )ow, ma$e no
mista$e, Dear <riends, "our life, "our bod", "our feelin#s are real( The illusion of which we spea$ is
the belief that "ou are alone, that "ou have been abandoned there on a lonel" planet 1 the onl" place in
the 2niverse where intelli#ent life e4ists( The illusion is that this life is the onl" one "ou will
e4perience, and that at the end of it "ou will turn to dust and it will all be over(
That is certainl" a depressin# scenario, is it not6 )o wonder so man" amon# "ou are so depressed that
the" welcome the possibilit" of ta$in# dru#s to numb their senses and suppress their despair( s it an"
wonder that people feel frustrated, an#r" and depressed6 f this is the onl" chance to achieve what "ou
want in life, and "ou have not "et done so, and "our culture defines success as fame and fortune, then
most people on the planet are ab8ect failures( This s"stem of Catch1== beliefs and the feelin#s that
result are what "ou are leavin# behind, 9eloveds(
+es, it will be an enormous chan#e from the life of strivin# to climb the ladder, and worr"in# about
mort#a#es, insurance and loan pa"ments( The wa" the s"stem was set up, even the wealth" were so
immersed in The Pro#ram 1 or the &atri4 as some call it 1 that re#ardless of the millions the" mi#ht
have accrued, it never felt li$e enou#h(
+ou have been lon#in# to overcome the feelin#s of alienation and loneliness( +ou have "earned for
Love in "our lives( This is the s"mptom of bein# disconnected from "our Creator, "our 7uides, and
"our 7roup Consciousness( +ou have e4perienced the #lor" and e4hilaration of bein# One, in "our life
between lives in the hi#her dimensions( t has echoed in "our consciousness as a tantali*in# promise,
comin# ever closer as the powerful ener#ies of the Central Sun wash over "ou, carr"in# "ou a bit
hi#her each da", a bit closer to the Promised Land(
)ow is the time for real chan#e( Loo$ to "our hopes and dreams( 9e clear about what "ou reall" want
in the comin# Shift( Peace on Earth means no more competition for resources, and therefore no more
feelin#s of entitlement when "ou consider what "ou will do with "our blessin#s( ,ill a new >a#uar
reall" brin# "ou closer to #roup consciousness6 ,ill a hu#e new house reall" be 8ustified, if it means
usin# tremendous amounts of resources which cannot be replaced, even if "ou could afford to bu" three
such houses6 t is reall" not about the mone", Dear Ones( t is about bein# One with those "ou set out
to help(
This is not a time for missionar" wor$( 7ivin# what "ou would want to others is not #ivin#( Teachin#
"our cultural or reli#ious belief s"stem while "ou help a poor villa#e di# their well is not #enerosit", it
is 0D e#o( :re "ou be#innin# to see the whole1life chan#e we are introducin# "ou to6 7roup
consciousness means "ou are willin# to embrace ever" other one as "ou embrace "ourself, as we
embrace "ou( +ou will find others who are raisin# their consciousness, 8ust as the Council of Twelve
incarnations have done( +ou too will form Councils based on the feelin#s of overwhelmin# Love and
?espect for each person's uni.ue contribution, and for their abilit" to connect with "ou as One, and "ou
will find happiness the li$es of which "ou have never before e4perienced in this lifetime(
,e wish "ou Love, and we encoura#e "ou to be the See$ers "ou set out to be in this lifetime( <ind
"our soul mates 1 those who can meet "ou in hi#her dimensions and who encoura#e "ou to reach
hi#her( ,e love "ou without end,
The Council of Twelve of Prema Swarupa, the etheric retreat over Stone &ountain, )+(
Transcribed b" %athr"n E( &a", :u#( @@, =A@B, @A P&, )ew +or$
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