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Coating Tables and Bar Tops with Epox-It 80

Important: It is most important that both resin and hardener are thoroughly mixed together with a flat sided stir stick.
Sides and bottom of container must be scraped while mixing. Epox-It 80 should be stored at 70-7 ! prior to use. "roduct
will not cure properly and will be soft or sticky if mixing instructions are not carefully followed.
"repare #he En$ironment% #he workplace en$ironment contributes to high &uality work and safety. ' dust free and well-
lit mixing and casting area are fundamental( as well as ade&uate $entilation( and reasonable temperatures ) 70-80 f *.
'lways take precautions and wear recommended safety e&uipment )rubber glo$es( protecti$e eye-wear( and apron*( and
ha$e all e&uipment and tools ready and positioned for use. Suggested tools include% +ixing cups( stir sticks( rags( drop
cloth( masking tape( foam brushes( duct tape( epoxy resin( hair dryer( scale( le$el( and lac&uer thinner )for clean up*.
"lace a drop cloth underneath table or work area. "osition the table and check for le$elness. ,ipe the table top off with a
damp rag and allow to completely dry. -reate a barrier of masking tape or painter.s tape around the edges of the table top
if the top doesn.t ha$e a raised rim of its own. "ress the tape in place around the entire table top with the tape sticking up
at least half an inch abo$e.
It is recommended to seal porous surfaces such as wood with a thin coating of Epox-It 80 using a s&ueegee or foam
brush. /et cure for 0 hours. If your surface is not porous or has been sealed you can skip this step.
"lace the ob1ects you wish to trap in the resin on the table top surface. 2eep in mind that pouring the resin may mo$e
ob1ects. 3ou should affix light ob1ects like photos with a glue stick. ,hile glue is wet( use a roller or a smooth round
bottle to get air bubbles out from underneath the print. ' glue gun can be used for other ob1ects such as coins.
-arefully measure out e&ual parts of resin by $olume and mix $igorously for 4 minutes until no swirls are seen( being
sure to scrape the sides and bottom thoroughly and remixing. /et the epoxy mixture sit for 5-4 minutes to allow bubbles
to dissipate before pouring. +ix enough to create a thin coating at a maximum thickness of 6789. 3ou may want to pour
se$eral layers. ,ait for each layer to gel 0 hours prior to pouring the next coat. Subse&uent coats beyond 88 hours re&uire
a light sanding with 550 grit sandpaper. 'fter sanding wipe down surface with a sol$ent such as denatured alcohol or
acetone. :ote% /arger pours may re&uire mixing -8 minutes( it is recommended to not mix more than 6 gallon at a time.
"our a thin layer of the resin mixture onto the top( pouring it slowly in a thin stream onto the center of the top. !ill any
indents or flaws within the table surface with the mixture( using a foam brush to guide the resin into indentations.
-ontinue pouring until the entire table top is coated. 'fter a few minutes air bubbles may rise to the surface( use a hair
dryer or propane torch )low flame* to blow the bubbles out. ;old the hair dryer or torch approximately 8 inches from
surface and use a gentle sweeping motion across the surface until bubbles are gone. #he hair dryer or torch should ne$er
be held in one place for too long as this can permanently damage surface and coating. <o not use a torch on surfaces that
may be flammable such as paper. 'llow resin to dry for 0 hours before making a second pour.
=emo$e the tape rim from the perimeter of the table top. -reate a fresh masking tape rim around the table top and mix a
fresh batch of epoxy resin( making a slightly larger batch than before. "our the resin mixture slowly onto the table top
until the entire top is coated. 'pply additional coats as desired( allowing ade&uate curing time between coats and using a
fresh rim of tape each time.
'llow it to dry 58 hours. Spray your cured epoxy table with a >? resistant acrylic for added protection against the
outdoor elements. It is recommended to allow the table top to cure and harden for days before placing ob1ects on it.
60 o@ coats approximately 4 s&. feet A 67609 thick
45 o@ coats approximately 0 s&. feet A 67609 thick
08 o@ coats approximately 65 s&. feet A 67609 thick
6 gallon coats approximately 58 s& feet A 67609 thick
5 gallon coats approximately 88 s&. feet A 67609 thick
Specialty esin ! Chemical "hone% 6-500-805-B50 ,eb% www.specialtyresin.com Email% specialtyresinAyahoo.com

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