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Tanada vs Tuvera (Case Digest)
136 SCRA 27
the petitioners, Lorenzo M T!"!#!, A$r!h!% F S!r%iento, !n# Mo&e%ent o'
Attorne(s 'or )rotherhoo#, Inte*rit( !n# N!tion!+is%, In, (MA)INI), so-*ht !
.rit o' %!n#!%-s to ,o%pe+ the respon#ents, /on 0-!n C T-&er!, /on
0o!1-in 2en-s, Me+1-i!#es P De L! Cr-z !n# F+oren#o S P!$+o to ,!-se the
p-$+i,!tion in the O3,i!+ G!zette o' &!rio-s presi#enti!+ #e,rees, +etters o'
instr-,tions, *ener!+ or#ers, !n# .h!tnot .hi,h the petitioners ,+!i%e# .ere
not p-$+ishe# in the O3,i!+ G!zette !s %!n#!te# $( the +!. 'or their
en'or,e%ent The respon#ents ,onten#e# th!t p-$+i,!tion o' the
!'ore%entione# iss-!n,es is not re1-ire# 'or the% to $e e4e,te# sin,e the(
the%se+&es pro&i#e# 'or the #!te o' their e4e,ti&It( This ,ontention pointe#
to Arti,+e 5 o' the Ci&i+ Co#e
.hether or not p-$+i,!tion in the O3,i!+ G!zette is !n in#ispens!$+e
re1-ire%ent 'or the e4e,ti&it( o' iss-!n,es .hi,h pro&i#e 'or the%se+&es
their #!te o' e4e,ti&it(
The S-pre%e Co-rt -phe+# the petition !n# #e,i#e# th!t Arti,+e 5 o' the Ci&i+
Co#e #oes not pre,+-#e the re1-ire%ent o' p-$+i,!tion in the O3,i!+ G!zette
e&en i' the +!.s pro&i#e 'or the%se+&es their #!te o' e4e,ti&it( This is in
&ie. o' the o$7e,t o' *i&in* the p-$+i, !#e1-!te noti,e o' the &!rio-s +!.s
.hi,h !re to re*-+!te their !,tions !n# ,on#-,t !s ,itizens 8itho-t s-,h,
there .i++ $e no $!sis 'or the %!9i% :i*nor!n,e o' the +!. e9,-ses no one;
It .i++ $e -n7-st to p-nish or other.ise $-r#en ! person .ho tr!ns*resses !
+!. o' .hi,h he h!s no noti,e
National Amnest Commission vs C!A (Case Digest)
the petitioner, the N!tion!+ A%nest( Co%%ittee so-*ht to !nn-+ the #e,ision
o' the respon#ent, the COA, o' #is!++o.in* the p!(%ent o' honor!ri! to the
represent!ti&es o' petitioner<s e9 o3,io %e%$ers, per COA Me%or!n#-%
No =>?@AB, on the *ro-n# th!t the s!i# %e%or!n#-% .!s i%p+e%ente#
.itho-t re1-ire# p-$+i,!tion p-rs-!nt to Arti,+e II o' the Ci&i+ Co#e, or th!t its
e4e,ti&it( .!s %!#e #is,rete The e9 o3,io %e%$ers o' the N!tion!+
A%nest( Co%%ittee .ere o3,i!+s .ho o.ne# other positions s-,h !s $ein*
,!$inet %e%$ers or 7-sti,es Me%or!n#-% No => C @AB .!s iss-e# $( the
COA in !,,or#!n,e .ith the %!n#!te o' the Constit-tion re*!r#in* their tot!+
7-ris#i,tion on %!tters ,on,ernin* !,,o-nts !n# e9pen#it-res The COA
iss-e# it !'ter re!+izin* th!t the represent!ti&es o' the e9 o3,io %e%$ers
!,t-!++( &io+!te# ! r-+e $( ho+#in* %-+tip+e o3,es !n# re,ei&in* #o-$+e
.hether or not it is &!+i# 'or COA to i%p+e%ent Me%or!n#-% No => C @AB
.itho-t p-$+i,!tion
The S-pre%e Co-rt #e,+!re# this petition &oi# !n# #e,i#e# th!t
Me%or!n#-% No => C @AB #i# not nee# p-$+i,!tion !s re1-ire# $( Arti,+e 5
o' the Ci&i+ Co#e sin,e its n!t-re is %ere+( !n intern!+ !n# interpret!ti&e
re*-+!tion or +etter o' instr-,tion .hi,h #oes not nee# p-$+i,!tion to $e
e4e,ti&e !n# &!+i# It is not !n i%p+e%entin* r-+e or re*-+!tion o' ! st!t-te
$-t ! #ire,ti&e iss-e# $( the COA to its !-#itors to en'or,e the se+'?e9e,-tin*
prohi$ition i%pose# $( Se,tion DA, Arti,+e 2II o' the Constit-tion on the
Presi#ent !n# his o3,i!+ '!%i+(, their #ep-ties !n# !ssist!nts, or their
represent!ti&es 'ro% ho+#in* %-+tip+e o3,es !n# re,ei&in* #o-$+e
NAT"!NAL A#N$ST% C!#"SS"!N & C!A
The '!,ts o' the ,!se !re these: the petitioner, the N!tion!+ A%nest(
Co%%ittee so-*ht to !nn-+ the #e,ision o' the respon#ent, the COA, o'
#is!++o.in* the p!(%ent o' honor!ri! to the represent!ti&es o' petitioner<s e9
o3,io %e%$ers, per COA Me%or!n#-% No =>?@AB, on the *ro-n# th!t the
s!i# %e%or!n#-% .!s i%p+e%ente# .itho-t re1-ire# p-$+i,!tion p-rs-!nt
to Arti,+e II o' the Ci&i+ Co#e, or th!t its e4e,ti&it( .!s %!#e #is,rete The e9
o3,io %e%$ers o' the N!tion!+ A%nest( Co%%ittee .ere o3,i!+s .ho
o.ne# other positions s-,h !s $ein* ,!$inet %e%$ers or 7-sti,es
Me%or!n#-% No => C @AB .!s iss-e# $( the COA in !,,or#!n,e .ith the
%!n#!te o' the Constit-tion re*!r#in* their tot!+ 7-ris#i,tion on %!tters
,on,ernin* !,,o-nts !n# e9pen#it-res The COA iss-e# it !'ter re!+izin* th!t
the represent!ti&es o' the e9 o3,io %e%$ers !,t-!++( &io+!te# ! r-+e $(
ho+#in* %-+tip+e o3,es !n# re,ei&in* #o-$+e ,o%pens!tion
The iss-e here !sFs .hether or not it is &!+i# 'or COA to i%p+e%ent
Me%or!n#-% No => C @AB .itho-t p-$+i,!tion
The S-pre%e Co-rt #e,+!re# this petition &oi# !n# #e,i#e# th!t
Me%or!n#-% No => C @AB #i# not nee# p-$+i,!tion !s re1-ire# $( Arti,+e 5
o' the Ci&i+ Co#e sin,e its n!t-re is %ere+( !n intern!+ !n# interpret!ti&e
re*-+!tion or +etter o' instr-,tion .hi,h #oes not nee# p-$+i,!tion to $e
e4e,ti&e !n# &!+i# It is not !n i%p+e%entin* r-+e or re*-+!tion o' ! st!t-te
$-t ! #ire,ti&e iss-e# $( the COA to its !-#itors to en'or,e the se+'?e9e,-tin*
prohi$ition i%pose# $( Se,tion DA, Arti,+e 2II o' the Constit-tion on the
Presi#ent !n# his o3,i!+ '!%i+(, their #ep-ties !n# !ssist!nts, or their
represent!ti&es 'ro% ho+#in* %-+tip+e o3,es !n# re,ei&in* #o-$+e
'ARC"LLAN! vs( )!*S$ !+R$,R$S$NTAT"&$S
('(R( No( 17-33. / De0em1er 23/ 2--.)
?G!r,i++!no (in GR No D>@AAB) G+e# !
Petition'or Prohi$ition to restr!in the /o-seRepresent!ti&es Co%%ittees 'ro%
thet!pe re,or#in*s o' the Hi++e*!++( o$t!ine#H.iret!ppe# ,on&ers!tions in thei
r ,o%%itteereports !n# 'or !n( other p-rpose /e '-rther
i%p+ore# th!t the s!i# re,or#in*s !n# !n( re'eren,e thereto
$e or#ere# stri,Fen o4
there,or#s o' the in1-ir(, !n# the respon#ent/o-se Co%%ittees #ire,te# to
#esist 'ro%'-rther -sin* the re,or#in*s in !n( o' the /o-se pro,ee#in*s?
R!n!#! !n# A*,!oi+i (in GR No D>=5>I),retire# 7-sti,es o' the CA, G+e# !
Petition 'or Prohi$ition to $!r the Sen!te 'ro% ,on#-,tin* its s,he#-+e#
+e*is+!ti&e in1-ir( The( !r*-e# in the %!in th!t the inten#e# +e*is+!ti&e
in1-ir( &io+!tes RA No J5@@ !n# Se,tion A, Arti,+e III o' the Constit-tion
?M!7 Lin#s!( Re9 S!**e, ! %e%$er o' the
ISAFP !n# one o' the reso-r,e persons s-%%one# $( the Sen!te to !ppe!r
!n# testi'( !t its he!rin*s, %o&e# to inter&ene !s petitioner in GR No
D>=5>I DB
8hi+e $oth petitions in&o+&e the H/e++o G!r,iHre,or#in*s, the( h!&e #i4erent
o$7e,ti&esCthe Grst
is poise# !t pre&entin* the p+!(in* o' the
t!pes in the /o-se !n# their s-$se1-ent in,+-sion in the ,o%%ittee reports,
!n# the se,on# seeFs to prohi$it !n# stop the ,on#-,t
o' the Sen!te in1-ir( on the .ire t!ppe# ,on&ers!tion
(D)8ON petitioners h!&e +e*!+ st!n#in*(YES)
(5)8ON there is !n !,t-!+ ,!se or,ontro&ers( (NO: !*!inst the /o-se o' Rep
YES: !*!inst the Sen!te)
The Co-rt #is%isses the Grst petition, GR No D>@AAB, !n#
*r!nts the se,on#, GR No D>=5>I
+uentes v( Conrado Ro0a/ '(R( 17.2-2/ A3ril 2-1-
+ACTS: On, O,t DD, D=B5, T!r,i!no Ro,! $o-*ht ! AIB?s1-!re %eter +ot in
K!%$!+es 'ro% his %other Si9 (e!rs +!ter in D=BB, T!r,i!no o4ere# to se++
the +ot to the petitioners F-entes spo-ses thro-*h the he+p o' Att( P+!*!t!
.ho .o-+# prep!re the #o,-%ents !n# re1-ire%ents to ,o%p+ete the s!+e
In the !*ree%ent $et.een T!r,i!no !n# F-entes spo-ses there .i++ $e ! Php
L@,@@@ #o.n p!(%ent !n# Php DJ@,@@@ .i++ $e p!i# -pon the re%o&!+ o'
T!r,i!no o' ,ert!in str-,t-res on the +!n# !n# !'ter the ,onsent o' the
estr!n*e# .i'e o' T!r,i!no, Ros!rio, .o-+# $e !tt!ine# Att( P+!*!t! th-s
.ent !$o-t to ,o%p+ete s-,h t!sFs !n# ,+!i%e# th!t he .ent toM!ni+! to *et
the si*n!t-re o' Ros!rio $-t not!rize# the #o,-%ent !t K!%$o!n*!
The #ee# o' s!+e .!s e9e,-te# 0!n-!r( DD, D=B= As ti%e p!sse#, T!r,i!no
!n# Ros!rio #ie# .hi+e the F-entes spo-ses !n# possession !n# ,ontro+ o&er
the +ot Ei*ht (e!rs +!ter in D==>, the ,hi+#ren o' T!r,i!no !n# Ros!rio G+e# !
,!se to !nn-+ the s!+e !n# re,on&e( the propert( on the *ro-n# th!t the s!+e
.!s &oi# sin,e the ,onsent o' Ros!rio .!s not !tt!ine# !n# th!t Ros!rios<
si*n!t-re .!s ! %ere 'or*er( The F-entes spo-ses ,+!i% th!t the !,tion h!s
pres,ri$e# sin,e !n !,tion to !nn-+ ! s!+e on the *ro-n# o' 'r!-# is J (e!rs
'ro% #is,o&er(
The RTC r-+e# in '!&or o' the F-entes spo-ses r-+in* th!t there .!s no
'or*er(, th!t the testi%on( o' Att( P+!*!t! .ho .itnesse# the si*nin* o'
Ros!rio %-st $e *i&en .ei*ht, !n# th!t the !,tion h!s !+re!#( pres,ri$e#
On the other h!n#, the CA re&erse# the r-+in* o' the CA st!tin* th!t the
!,tion h!s not pres,ri$e# sin,e the !pp+i,!$+e +!. is the D=I@ Ci&i+ Co#e
.hi,h pro&i#e# th!t the s!+e o' Con7-*!+ Propert( .itho-t the ,onsent o' the
other spo-se is &oi#!$+e !n# the !,tion %-st $e $ro-*ht .ithin D@ (e!rs
Gi&en th!t the tr!ns!,tion .!s in D=B= !n# the !,tion .!s $ro-*ht in D==>
hen,e it .!s .e++ .ithin the pres,ripti&e perio#
"SS*$S4 1 8hether or not Ros!rio<s si*n!t-re on the #o,-%ent o' ,onsent
to her h-s$!n# T!r,i!no<s s!+e o' their ,on7-*!+ +!n# to the F-entes spo-ses
.!s 'or*e#M
2 8hether or not the Ro,!s< !,tion 'or the #e,+!r!tion o' n-++it( o' th!t s!+e
to the spo-ses !+re!#( pres,ri$e#M !n#
3 8hether or not on+( Ros!rio, the .i'e .hose ,onsent .!s not h!#, ,o-+#
$rin* the !,tion to !nn-+ th!t s!+e
R*L"N'4 1( The SC r-+e# th!t there .!s 'or*er( #-e to the #i4eren,e in the
si*n!t-res o' Ros!rio in the #o,-%ent *i&in* ,onsent !n# !nother #o,-%ent
e9e,-te# !t the s!%e ti%e perio# The SC note# th!t the CA .!s ,orre,t in
r-+in* th!t the he!&(h!n#.ritin* in the #o,-%ent .hi,h st!te# ,onsent .!s
,o%p+ete+( #i4erent 'ro% the s!%p+e si*n!t-re There .!s no e&i#en,e
pro&i#e# to e9p+!in .h( there .!s s-,h #i4eren,e in the h!n#.ritin*
2 A+tho-*h T!r,i!no !n# Ros!rio .!s %!rrie# #-rin* the D=I@ ,i&i+ ,o#e, the
s!+e .!s #one in D=B=, !'ter the e4e,ti&it( o' the F!%i+( Co#e The F!%i+(
Co#e !pp+ies to Con7-*!+ P!rtnerships !+re!#( est!$+ishe# !t the en!,t%ent
o' the F!%i+( Co#e The s!+e o' ,on7-*!+ propert( #one $( T!r,i!no .itho-t
the ,onsent o' Ros!rio is ,o%p+ete+( &oi# -n#er Art D5J o' the '!%i+( ,o#e
8ith th!t, it is ! *i&en '!,t th!t !ss!i+in* ! &oi# ,ontr!,t ne&er pres,ri$es On
the !r*-%ent th!t the !,tion h!s !+re!#( pres,ri$e# $!se# on the
#is,o&er( o' the 'r!-#, th!t pres,ripti&e perio# !pp+ie# to the F-entes
spo-ses sin,e it .!s the% .ho sho-+# h!&e !ss!i+e# s-,h ,ontr!,t #-e to the
'r!-# $-t the( '!i+e# to #o so On the other h!n#, the !,tion to !ss!i+ ! s!+e
$!se# on no ,onsent *i&en $( the other spo-se #oes not pres,ri$e sin,e it is
! &oi# ,ontr!,t
3 It is !r*-e# $( the Spo-ses F-entes th!t it is on+( the spo-se, Ros!rio, .ho
,!n G+e s-,h ! ,!se to !ss!i+ the &!+i#it( o' the s!+e $-t *i&en th!t Ros!rio
.!s !+re!#( #e!# no one ,o-+# $rin* the !,tion !n(%ore The SC r-+e# th!t
s-,h position is .ron* sin,e !s st!te# !$o&e, th!t s!+e .!s &oi# 'ro% the
$e*innin* Conse1-ent+(, the +!n# re%!ine# the propert( o' T!r,i!no !n#
Ros!rio #espite th!t s!+e 8hen the t.o #ie#, the( p!sse# on the o.nership
o' the propert( to their heirs, n!%e+(, the Ro,!s As +!.'-+ o.ners, the Ro,!s
h!# the ri*ht, -n#er Arti,+e J5= o' the Ci&i+ Co#e, to e9,+-#e !n( person 'ro%
its en7o(%ent !n# #ispos!+
'(R( No( 1756577 8ul 6/ 2-11
R*,$RT! A( A#B"L/ 8R vs( SAND"'ANBA%AN and ,$!,L$ !+ T)$
AL$9ANDR"N! R( A,$LAD!/ SR vs( ,$!,L$ !+ T)$ ,)"L",,"N$S
E!stern S!%!r Go&ernor R-perto A%$i+ !n# Pro&in,i!+ .!r#en A+e9!n#rino
Ape+!#o .ere 'o-n# *-i+t( $e'ore the S!n#i*!n$!(!n 'or &io+!tin* Se,tion
A(e) o' Rep-$+i, A,t No A@D= Fno.n !s the Anti?Gr!'t !n# Corr-pt Pr!,ti,es
A,t !'ter Go&ernor A%$i+, ,o++!$or!te# .ith Pro&in,i!+ 0!i+ 8!r#en Ape+!#o,
or#ere# the re+e!se o' M!(or Fr!n,is,o A#!+i%, ! #et!inee, ,ri%in!++(?
,h!r*e# !n# h!# hi% tr!ns'erre# 'ro% the pro&in,i!+ 7!i+ to the Go&ernor<s
D 8hether or not the tr!ns'er o' the #et!inee, .ho .!s ! %!(or, $( the
*o&ernor .!s ! &io+!tion o' Se,A(e) o' RA A@D= in re+!tion to se,5($) o' the
s!%e !,t
5 8hether or not the S!n#i*!n$!(!n h!# 7-ris#i,tion o&er ! s-it .here one
o' the 5 !,,-se# h!s ! S!+!r( Gr!#e ,+!ssiGe# to $e ,o*niz!$+e $e'ore the
+o.er ,o-rts
The S!n#i*!n$!(!n h!# 7-ris#i,tion o&er the s-it .here one o' the 5 !,,-se#
he+# ! position .ith ! ,+!ssiG,!tion o' S!+!r( Gr!#e 5> On+( .hen none o'
the n-%ero-s !,,-se# o,,-pies ! position .ith ! s!+!r( *r!#e :5>; or hi*her
,!n e9,+-si&e 7-ris#i,tion $e'!++ in the +o.er ,o-rts S!n#i*!n$!(!n h!s
7-ris#i,tion o&er A%$i+ !s pro&in,i!+ *o&ernor !n# so !s .ith Ape+!#o 'or
$ein* ! ,o?prin,ip!+ in the perpetr!tion o' the o4ense !+tho-*h he h!# !
s!+!r( *r!#e o' 55
The po.er o' ,ontro+ !n# s-per&ision *r!nte# to $( the Lo,!+ Go&ern%ent
Co#e !n#A#%inistr!ti&e Co#e o' D=D> #oes not in,+-#e nor per%it the
-s-rp!tion o' po.er #-+( &este# $e'ore the ,o-rts F!,ts sho.e# th!t
tr!ns'er $( A%$i+ o' A#!+i% .!s !tten#e# $( e&i#ent $i!s !n# $!#'!ith
Se,tion A(e) sti++ !pp+ies to the ,!se !t h!n# e&en i' the !,t .!s not one
re+!ti&e to the :*r!ntin* o' +i,enses !n# ,on,essions; The pro&ision .!s
%e!nt to in,+-#e o3,ers .ith s-,h #-t( to the +ist !+re!#( en-%er!te# !n#
not ne,ess!ri+( to pro&i#e e9,+-si&it( Moreo&er, the '!,t th!t An#!+i%, !s the
re,ipient o' the $eneGt, .!s ! p-$+i, o3,er, #i# not pre,+-#e !pp+i,!tion The
!,t e%p+o(s the phr!se :pri&!te p!rt(;, .hi,h is %ore ,o%prehensi&e in
s,ope to %e!n either ! pri&!te person or ! p-$+i, o3,er !,tin* in ! pri&!te
,!p!,it( to prote,t his person!+ interest
Th-s the &er#i,t $( the S!n#i*!n$!(!n, Gn#in* the !,,-se# *-i+t( o'
&io+!tin* RA A@D= .!s proper
:asilag vs Rodrigue; (62 ,<il 217)
PROCED6RAL FACTS: This is !n !ppe!+ t!Fen $( the #e'en#!nt?petitioner
(N!si+!*) 'ro% the #e,ision o' the Co-rt o' Appe!+s .hi,h %o#iGe# th!t
ren#ere# $( the ,o-rt o' First Inst!n,e o' )!t!!n The s!i# ,o-rt he+#: th!t
the ,ontr!,t is entire+( n-++ !n# &oi# !n# .itho-t e4e,tM th!t the p+!inti4s?
respon#ents (Ro#ri*-ez, et!+), then !ppe++!nts, !re the o.ners o' the
#isp-te# +!n#, .ith its i%pro&e%ents, in ,o%%on o.nership .ith their
$rother G!&ino Ro#ri*-ez, hen,e, the( !re entit+e# to the possession thereo'M
th!t the #e'en#!nt?petitioner sho-+# (ie+# possession o' the +!n# in their
'!&or, .ith !++ the i%pro&e%ents thereon !n# 'ree 'ro% !n( +ien
S6)STANTI2E FACTS: The p!rties entere# into ! ,ontr!,t o' +o!n to .hi,h h!s
!n !,,o%p!n(in* !,,essor( ,ontr!,t o' %ort*!*e The e9e,-te# !,,essor(
,ontr!,t in&o+&e# the i%pro&e%ents on ! pie,e +!n#, the +!n# h!&in* $een
!,1-ire# $( %e!ns o' ho%este!# Petitioner 'or his p!rt !,,epte# the
,ontr!,t o' %ort*!*e
)e+ie&in* th!t there !re no &io+!tions to the prohi$itions in the !+ien!tion o'
+!n#s Petitioner, !,tin* in *oo# '!ith tooF possession o' the +!n# To .it, the
Petitioner h!s no Fno.+e#*e th!t the en7o(%ent o' the 'r-its o' the +!n# is !n
e+e%ent o' the ,re#it tr!ns!,tion o' Anti,hresis
D 8hether or not the prin,ip!+ ,ontr!,t entere# into is n-++ !n# &oi#
5 8hether or not the s-$se1-ent ,ontr!,t is n-++ !n# &oi#
A 8hether or not the N!si+!* is ! possessor in *oo# '!ith o' the +!n#
D The ,!r#in!+ r-+e in the interpret!tion o' ,ontr!,ts is to the e4e,t th!t
the intention o' the ,ontr!,tin* p!rties sho-+# !+.!(s pre&!i+ $e,!-se their
.i++ h!s the 'or,e o' +!. $et.een the% Arti,+e D5BD (no. Art DA>@) o' the
Ci&i+ Co#e ,onse,r!tes this r-+e !n# pro&i#es, th!t i' the ter%s o' ! ,ontr!,t
!re ,+e!r !n# +e!&e no #o-$t !s to the intention o' the ,ontr!,tin* p!rties,
the +iter!+ sense o' its stip-+!tions sh!++ $e 'o++o.e#M !n# i' the .or#s !ppe!r
to $e ,ontr!r( to the e&i#ent intention o' the ,ontr!,tin* p!rties, the
intention sh!++ pre&!i+ The ,ontr!,t sho-+# $e interprete# in !,,or#!n,e .ith
these r-+es As the ter%s thereo' !re ,+e!r !n# +e!&e no roo% 'or #o-$t, it
sho-+# $e interprete# !,,or#in* to the +iter!+ %e!nin* o' its ,+!-ses
The .or#s -se# $( the ,ontr!,tin* p!rties in the ,ontr!,t ,+e!r+( sho. th!t
the( inten#e# to enter into the prin,ip!+ ,ontr!,t o' +o!n in the !%o-nt o'
PD,@@@, .ith interest !t D5 per ,ent per !nn-%, !n# into the !,,essor(
,ontr!,t o' %ort*!*e o' the i%pro&e%ents on the +!n# !,1-ire# !s
ho%este!#, the p!rties h!&in* %oreo&er, !*ree# -pon the p!,ts !n#
,on#itions st!te# in the #ee# In other .or#s, the p!rties entere# into !
,ontr!,t o' %ort*!*e o' the i%pro&e%ents on the +!n# !,1-ire# !s
ho%este!#, to se,-re the p!(%ent o' the in#e$te#ness 'or PD,@@@ !n# the
stip-+!te# interest thereon
Another '-n#!%ent!+ r-+e in the interpret!tion o' ,ontr!,ts, not +ess
i%port!nt th!n those in#i,!te#, is to the e4e,t th!t the ter%s, ,+!-ses !n#
,on#itions ,ontr!r( to +!., %or!+s !n# p-$+i, or#er sho-+# $e sep!r!te# 'ro%
the &!+i# !n# +e*!+ ,ontr!,t !n# .hen s-,h sep!r!tion ,!n $e %!#e $e,!-se
the( !re in#epen#ent o' the &!+i# ,ontr!,t .hi,h e9presses the .i++ o' the
,ontr!,tin* p!rties
Prin,ip!+ ,ontr!,t is th!t o' +o!n !n# the !,,essor( th!t o' %ort*!*e o' the
i%pro&e%ents -pon the +!n# !,1-ire# !s ! ho%este!# There is no 1-estion
th!t the Grst o' these ,ontr!,t is &!+i# !s it is not !*!inst the +!.
5 P!rties entere# into !nother &er$!+ ,ontr!,t .here$( the petitioner .!s
!-thorize# to t!Fe possession o' the +!n#, to re,ei&e the 'r-its thereo' !n# to
intro#-,e i%pro&e%ents thereon, pro&i#e# th!t he .o-+# reno-n,e the
p!(%ent o' stip-+!te# interest !n# he .o-+# !ss-%e p!(%ent o' the +!n#
t!9 The possession $( the petitioner !n# his re,eipt o' the 'r-its o' the +!n#,
,onsi#ere# !s inte*r!+ e+e%ents o' the ,ontr!,t o' !nti,hresis, !re i++e*!+ !n#
&oi# !*ree%ents $e,!-se the ,ontr!,t o' !nti,hresis is ! +ien !n# s-,h is
e9press+( prohi$ite# $( se,tion DDL o' A,t No 5B>J
A Despite the 'ore*oin*, SC 'o-n# the #e'en#!nt?petitioner N!si+!* !s !
possessor o' the +!n# in *oo# '!ith Se, JAA o' the Ci&i+ Co#e o' the
Phi+ippines pro&i#es :E&er( person .ho is -n!.!re o' !n( O!. in his tit+e or
in the %!nner o' its !,1-isition $( .hi,h it is in&!+i#!te# sh!++ $e #ee%e# !
possessor o' *oo# '!ith; An# in this ,!se, the petitioner !,te# in *oo# '!ith
Goo# '!ith %!($e ! $!sis o' e9,-s!$+e i*nor!n,e o' the +!., the petitioner
!,te# in *oo# '!ith in his en7o(%ent o' the 'r-its o' the +!n# to .hi,h .!s
#one thro-*h his !pp!rent !,1-isition thereo'
+rivaldo v( C!#$L$C/ 'R( No( 12-225/ 8une 2./ 1226
0-!n G Fri&!+#o, petioner G+e# his ,!n#i#!,( 'or Go&ernor o' Sorso*on on
M!r,h 5@, D==I 'or the M!( B, D==I e+e,tion Respon#ent R!-+ R Lee,
!nother ,!n#i#!te 'or the s!%e position G+e# ! #is1-!+iG,!tion ,!se !*!inst
petitioner Fri&!+#o $( re!son o' not (et $ein* ! ,itizen o' the Phi+ippines M!(
D, D==I the Se,on# Di&ision o' COMELEC pro%-+*!te# ! Reso+-tion *r!ntin*
the petition o' R!-+ R Lee Motion 'or Re,onsi#er!tion .!s G+e# $( Fri&!+#o
$-t re%!ine# -n!,te# !n# his ,!n#i#!,( ,ontin-e# !n# he .!s &ote# 'or
#-rin* the e+e,tions On M!( DD, D==I the COMELEC En )!n, !3r%e# the
pro%-+*!te# Reso+-tion o' the Se,on# Di&ision Fir&!+#o *!rnere# the hi*hest
n-%$er o' &otes in the s!i# e+e,tion $-t Lee G+e# ! petition pr!(in* 'or his
pro,+!%!tion !s the #-+(?e+e,te# Go&ernor o' Sorso*on Then e&enin* o' 0-ne
A@, D==I Lee .!s pro,+!i%e# Go&ernor o' Sorso*on $-t Fri&!+#o G+e# ! ne.
petition 'or the !nn-+%ent o' the pro,+!%!tion o' Lee !n# 'or his o.n
pro,+!%!tion !++e*in* th!t !t 5:@@ p% o' 0-ne A@, D==I he h!# !+re!#( t!Fen
his o!th o' !++e*i!n,es !s ! ,itizen o' the Phi+ippines .hi,h he G++e# ,o-p+e o'
%onths $e'ore the e+e,tion Fri&!+#o<s %otion .!s re,o*nize# !n# he .!s
then pro,+!i%e# !s Go&ernor
8hether or not Fri&!+#o<s rep!tri!tion .!s &!+i# !n# +e*!+ I' so, #i# it
se!son!$+( ,-re his +!,F o' ,itizenship !s to 1-!+i'( hi% to $e pro,+!i%e# !n#
to ho+# the o3,e o' the Go&ernorP I' not %!( it $e *i&en retro!,ti&e e4e,tP
Yes, the Co-rt r-+e# his rep!tri!tion .!s &!+i# !n# +e*!+ $e,!-se o' the
Presi#enti!+ De,ree No >5I !n# !+so -n#er Se, A= o' the Lo,!+ Go&ern%ent
Co#e, H(!)n e+e,ti&e +o,!+ o3,i!+ %-st $e ! Citizen o' the Phi+ippines !n# the
,o-rt he+# th!t the +!. #oes not spe,i'( !n( p!rti,-+!r #!te or ti%e .hen the
,!n#i#!te %-st possess ,itizenship At the s!%e ti%e, s-,h 1-!+iG,!tion o'
,itizenship sho-+# th-s $e possesse# .hen the :e+e,ti&e Qe+e,te#R o3,i!+;
$e*ins to *o&ern In the inst!nt ,!se, Fri&!+#o re!ss-%e# his ,itizenship on
the &er( #!( the ter% o' o3,e o' *o&ernor (!n# other e+e,ti&e o3,i!+) $e*!n
he .!s there'ore !+re!#( 1-!+iGe# to $e pro,+!i%e#, to ho+# the o3,e !n# to
#is,h!r*e the '-n,tions !n# responsi$i+ities thereo' !s o' s!i# #!te
)-t to re%o&e !++ #o-$t on this i%port!nt iss-e, th!t the rep!tri!tion o'
Fri&!+#o is retro!,te# #-e to Presi#enti!+ De,ree No >5I o' .hi,h
i%%e#i!te+( sho.s it ,re!tes ne. ri*hts !n# !+so pro&i#es 'or ne. re%e#(
there$( inten#s to *i&e the #e,ree ! Retro!,ti&e e4e,t Not 7-st the #e,ree,
$-t e&en the rep!tri!tion *r!nte# -n#er s!i# +!. to Fri&!+#o is to $e #ee%e#
to h!&e retro!,te# to the #!te o' his !pp+i,!tion on A-*-st D>, D==J !n#
sin,e his rep!tri!tion h!s retro!,ti&e e4e,t, his re*istr!tion !s ! &oter .i++
#ee%e# $e sett+e#
Develo3ment Ban= o> t<e ,<ili33ines v( Court o>
A33eals/ 26 SCRA 362
FACTS: De&e+op%ent )!nF o' the Phi+ippines, petitioner, &s Co-rt o' Appe!+s
!n# L(#i! C-$!, Respon#ent QG R No DDBAL>, 0!n-!r( I, D==BR L(#i! P
C-$!, petitioner, &s Co-rt o' Appe!+s, De&e+op%ent )!nF o' the Phi+ippines
!n# A*ripin! P C!per!+, Respon#ent Th!t, petitioner ,onten#s to n-++i'(
D)P<s !ppropri!tions !n# restor!tion o' her ri*hts, tit+e, !n# interest o&er !
JJ he,t!re Gshpon#?+!n# +o,!te# in )o+in!o, P!n*!sin!n, !n# the re,o&er( o'
#!%!*es, !ttorne(<s 'ees, !n# e9penses o' +iti*!tion 8hi+e the #e'en#!nt,
D)P ,onten#s th!t it e9er,ise# its ,ontr!,t-!+ ri*ht -n#er the Assi*n%ents o'
Le!seho+# Ri*hts in !ppropri!tin* to itse+' petitioner<s ri*hts o&er the
Gshpon#?+!n# in 1-estion .itho-t 'ore,+os-re pro,ee#in*s 8here$(, #!te#
M!( DA, D=>J, Petitioner L(#i! P C-$! is ! ne. *r!ntee o' ! Fishpon# Le!se
A*ree%ent No 5@BA 'ro% the *o&ern%ent !n# o$t!ine# +o!ns 'ro% the
De&e+op%ent )!nF o' the Phi+ippines in the !%o-nts o' Php D@=,@@@@@
#!te# Septe%$er L, D=>J, Php D@=,@@@@@ #!te# A-*-st DD, D=>I, !n# Php
=B,>@@@@ #!te# Apri+ J, D=>> in e!,h Pro%issor( Notes Th!t, !s se,-rit( o'
the s!i# +o!ns, Petitioner e9e,-te# t.o (5) Dee#s o' Assi*n%ent o' her
Le!seho+# Ri*hts !n# -n'ort-n!te+( '!i+e# to per her +o!ns on the s,he#-+e#
#!tes thereo' in !,,or#!n,e .ith the ter%s o' the Pro%issor( Notes Th!t,
.itho-t 'ore,+os-re, De'en#!nt !ppropri!te# the Le!seho+# Ri*hts o&er the
Gsh?pon# +!n# in 1-estion !n# in t-rn, e9e,-te# ! Dee# o' Con#ition!+ S!+e o'
the Le!seho+# Ri*hts in '!&or o' the Petitioner As s-,h, rep-r,h!se +etters
!##resse# to the De'en#!nts M!n!*er #!te# No&e%$er L, D=>= !n#
De,e%$er 5@, D=>= .!s iss-e# $( the petitioner .hi,h .!s !,,epte# $( the
#e'en#!nt in ! +etter #!te# Fe$r-!r( D, D=B5 Th!t, Petitioner '!i+e# to p!(
the !%ortiz!tion stip-+!te# in the Dee# o' Con#ition!+ S!+e Th!t, Noti,e o'
Res,ission .!s sent $( the De'en#!nt !'ter .hi,h it tooF possession o' the
Le!seho+# Ri*hts o' the Gshpon#?+!n# in 1-estion Th!t, on 0-ne 5J, D=BJ,
De'en#!nt !#&ertise# the Gshpon#?+!n# 'or p-$+i, $i##in* to #ispose o' the
propert( There!'ter, on A-*-st DL, D=BJ, De'en#!nt e9e,-te# ! Dee# o'
Con#ition!+ in '!&or o' A*ripin! C!per!+ .ith .hi,h .!s !.!r#e# Fishpon#
Le!se A*ree%ent No 5@BA?A on De,e%$er 5B, D=BJ $( the Ministr( o'
A*ri,-+t-re !n# Foo#
ISS6ES: 8hether or not, the #e'en#!nt<s (D)P) t!Fin* possession, o.nership,
#ispos!+ o' Gshpon#?+!n# in 1-estion .itho-t 'ore,+os-re .!s in &io+!tion o'
Arti,+e 5@BB o' the Ci&i+ Co#e o' the Phi+ippines .hi,h st!tes th!tM the
,re#itor ,!nnot !ppropri!te the thin*s *i&en $( .!( o' p+e#*e or %ort*!*e,
or #ispose o' the% An( stip-+!tion to the ,ontr!r( is n-++ !n# &oi# An#
.hether or not the #e'en#!nt is o$+i*!te# to p!( $!,F the o' #!%!*es,
!ttorne(<s 'ees, !n# e9penses o' +iti*!tion it ,!-se# the petitioner
/ELD: (Thr- 0-#*e D!&i#e, 0r) it .!s reso+&e# th!t the ,!se $e REMANDED to
the tri!+ ,o-rt 'or the re,eption o' the in,o%e st!te%ents o' the #e'en#!nt,
!s .e++ !s the st!te%ent o' the !,,o-nt o' the Petitioner, !n# 'or the
#eter%in!tion o' e!,h p!rt(<s Gn!n,i!+ o$+i*!tions to one !nother
AR*$'!/ 8R( &S CA 256 SCRA 711
Antoni! Ar-e*o !n# her sister E&e+(n G+e# ! petition in the ,o-rts
seeFin* 0ose Ar-e*o, 0r !n# his G&e %inor ,hi+#ren !n# ,o%p-+sor( heirs o'
0ose Ar-e*o, Sr .ho #ie# on M!r,h A@, D=B5 The( ,+!i% there is !n open
!n# ,ontino-s possesion o' st!t-s o' i++e*iti%!te ,hi+#ren o' 0ose .ho h!# !
re+!tionship .ith their %other L-z F!$i!n -nti+ the ti%e o' his #e!th The
,o-rt #e,+!re# th!t Antonio Ar-e*o is !n i++e*iti%!te #!-*hter o' the
#e,e!se# .ith L-z F!$i!n .hi+e E&e+(n is not Antoni! !n# E&e+(n ,onteste#
the #e,ision ,itin* the pro&isions o' the F!%i+( Co#e p!rti,-+!r+( Art D5> on
Fi+i!tion, Art D>5 on i++e*iti%!te ,hi+#ren,s G+i!tion, !n# Art 5IL on the
retro!,ti&it( o' the ,o#e
8hether or not the pro&isions o' the F!%i+( Co#e $e !pp+ie# retro!,ti&e+(
!n# it .i++ i%p!ir the &este# ri*hts o' the respon#ents
The %e!nin* o' the &este# !n# !,1-ire# ri*hts -n#er Art 5IL .!s not
#eGne# $( the F!%i+( Co#e, hen,e the ,o-rt .i++ #eter%ine it !,,or#in* to
iss-es s-$%itte# to the%
)$"RS !+ $D*ARD! S"#!N/ ,etitioners/ ?versus ? $L&"N@ C)AN AND
T)$ C!*RT !+ A,,$ALS/ Res3ondent '(R( No( 157567 ,resent4
BR"!N/ A0ting C<air3erson/@@ B$RSA#"N/ ABAD/@@@ &"LLARA#A/ 8R(/
and S$R$N!/ 88( ,romulgated4 +e1ruar 23/ 2-11
On 0-+( DD, D==>, !,,-se#?petitioner E#-!r#o Si%on .!s G+e# !n in'or%!tion
,h!r*in* hi% .ith ! &io+!tion o' )P 55, #o,Fete# !s Cri%in!+ C!se No
5>IABD entit+e# Peop+e & E#-!r#o Si%on, ! ,!se ste%%in* 'ro% the
!,,-se#?petitioner<s !++e*e# .i++'-+, 'e+onio-s, !n# -n+!.'-+ iss-!n,e o' !
+!n#$!nF ,he,F !%o-ntin* to PAAL,@@@@@ p!(!$+e to ,!sh p-rpose+( 'or
p!(%ent to p+!inti4?respon#ent, E+&in Ch!n, .hi,h .hen the +!tter presente#
'or p!(%ent .ithin the re*+!%ent!r( perio# o' =@ #!(s to the #r!.ee $!nF,
!ppe!re# to $e .itho-t s-3,ient #eposit !n# .!s !+re!#( ! ,+ose# !,,o-nt
Three (e!rs !'ter, on A-*-st A, 5@@@, respon#ent E+&in Ch!n ,o%%en,e# in
the MeTC in P!s!( Cit( ! ,i&i+ !,tion 'or the ,o++e,tion o' the prin,ip!+ !%o-nt
o' PAAL,@@@@@, ,o-p+e# .ith !n !pp+i,!tion 'or ! .rit o' pre+i%in!r(
!tt!,h%ent (#o,Fete# !s Ci&i+ C!se No =DI?@@) p+-s other pr!(ers to in,+-#e
+!.(er<s !,,ept!n,e 'ee o' PI@,@@@@@ p+-s P5,@@@ !ppe!r!n,e Fee The
Petitioner?!,,-se# G+e# ! Motion 'or Dis%iss!+ ,itin* S+itis pen#enti!< or
pen#en,( o' ! ,ri%in!+ ,!se !risin* on s!%e !++e*e# !,ts o' .i++'-+, 'e+onio-s,
-n+!.'-+, iss-!n,e o' !n -n'-n#e# L)P ,he,F !%o-ntin* to PAAL,@@@@@
.hi,h .!s #o,Fete# !s Cri%in!+ C!se No 5>IABD entit+e# Peop+e & E#-!r#o
Si%on, in &io+!tion o' )P55 The MeTC r-+e# on the '!&or o' E#.!r# Si%on,
.hi,h the p+!inti4?respon#ent E+&in Ch!n G+e# ! Motion 'or Re,onsi#er!tion
!t the s!%e ,o-rt $-t .!s #enie# The ,!se .!s e+e&!te# to the P!s!( Cit(
Re*ion!+ Tri!+ Co-rt, th!t !3r%e#< in toto< the MeTC r-+in* E+&in Ch!n sti++
.ith the s!%e !r*-%ents 'or his ,!se G+e# !n !ppe!+ to the Co-rt o' Appe!+s
$( petition 'or re&ie., ,h!++en*in* the propriet( o' the #is%iss!+ o' his
,o%p+!int on the *ro-n# o' +itis pen#enti!? th!t the CA ,on,-rre# .ith !
#e,ision re&ertin* the r-+in* o' MeTC on the %!7or pre%ise o' ; e&er( person
,ri%in!++( +i!$+e 'or ! 'e+on( is !+so ,i&i++( +i!$+e; Th-s, the ,!se .!s $ro-*ht
to the S-pre%e Co-rt, no. $( the /eirs o' E#.!r# Si%on thro-*h ! petition
'or re&ie. on Certior!ri
8hether or not SLitis pen#enti!< in ,ri%in!+ ,!se +!.'-++( $!rs the G+in* o' !
,i&i+ !,tion o&er s!%e !++e*e# !,t o' 'e+on(

R-+in* (s):
D)The MeTC $!se# its #e,ision on the prin,ip+e o' :+itis Pen#enti!; or
pen#en,( o' tri!+ th!t s!(s, S+itis pen#enti!< !s ! $!r to !n !,tion, re1-ires
the ,on,-rren,e o' the 'o++o.in* re1-isites n!%e+(: (!) there %-st $e i#entit(
o' p!rties or !t +e!st s-,h !s represent the s!%e interest in $oth !,tionsM ($)
there %-st $e i#entit( o' ri*hts !sserte# !n# re+ie's pr!(e# 'or, the re+ie's
$ein* 'o-n#e# on the s!%e '!,tsM !n#, (,) the i#entit( in the t.o ,!ses
sho-+# $e s-,h th!t the 7-#*%ent th!t %!( $e ren#ere# in one .o-+#,
re*!r#+ess o' .hi,h p!rt( is s-,,ess'-+, !%o-nt to res 7-#i,!t! in respe,t o'
the other Disse,tin* the ,!ses G+e# $( p+!inti4?respon#ent in $oth ,o-rts
(MeTC, P!s!( Cit( !n# in M!ni+!) #o,Fete# !s Cri%in!+ C!se No 5>IABD !n#
Ci&i+ C!se No =DI?@@ respe,ti&e+(, (C!NT"N*$ )$R$) !++ three !$o&e?,ite#
re1-isites o' S+itis pen#enti!< !re !++ present Th-s, it r-+e# in '!&or o'
Petitioner?!,,-se# E#.!r# Si%on, !3r%e# $( the RTC, !n# -phe+# $( the
S-pre%e Co-rt th!t ,ite# !##ition!+ +e*!+ $!ses 'or -pho+#in* the +o.er
,o-rts #e,ision, !n# re&ertin* th!t o' the Co-rt o' Appe!+s
Note: I' !n# .hen, .e .i++ $e re1-ire# to present other iss-es on the ,!se !t
h!n#, the 'o++o.in* %!( $e -ti+ize# Appre,i!tin* the .ho+eness o' the ,!se,
these ,!n $e seen !s %!teri!+ !r*-%ents r!ise# $( the petitioner?!,,-se#,
,ite# $( the ,o-rts, !n# stren*thene# e9istin* 7-rispr-#en,e in&o+&in* s!%e
1-estion o' +!.
( The S-pre%e Co-rt !+so in,+-#e# the 'o++o.in* s-pportin* *ro-n#s 'or its
#e,ision to *r!nt the petition 'or re&ie. on ,ertior!ri $( /eirs o' E#-!r#
D The G+in* o' ! ,ri%in!+ ,!se i%p+ies the pr!(er 'or ,i&i+ in#e%nities
5 R-+e DDD o' the R-+es o' Co-rt, e4e,ti&e De,e%$er D, 5@@@, .hi,h
re+e&!nt+( pro&i#es: Se,tion D Instit-tion o' ,ri%in!+ !n# ,i&i+ !,tions ? (!)
8hen ! ,ri%in!+ !,tion is instit-te#, the ,i&i+ !,tion 'or the re,o&er( o' ,i&i+
+i!$i+it( !risin* 'ro% the o4ense ,h!r*e# sh!++ $e #ee%e# instit-te# .ith the
,ri%in!+ !,tion -n+ess the o4en#e# p!rt( .!i&es the ,i&i+ !,tion, reser&es the
ri*ht to instit-te it sep!r!te+( or instit-tes the ,i&i+ !,tion prior to the ,ri%in!+
A The ,ri%in!+ !,tion 'or &io+!tion o' )!t!s P!%$!ns! )+* 55 sh!++ $e
#ee%e# to in,+-#e the ,orrespon#in* ,i&i+ !,tion No reser&!tion to G+e s-,h
,i&i+ !,tion sep!r!te+( sh!++ $e !++o.e#
J Se,tion A, R-+e DDD o' the R-+es o' Co-rt pres,ri$es: 8hen ,i&i+ !,tion
%!( pro,ee# in#epen#ent+( C In the ,!ses pro&i#e# in Arti,+es A5, AA, AJ !n#
5D>L o' the Ci&i+ Co#e o' the Phi+ippines, the in#epen#ent ,i&i+ !,tion %!( $e
$ro-*ht $( the o4en#e# p!rt( It sh!++ pro,ee# in#epen#ent+( o' the ,ri%in!+
!,tion !n# sh!++ re1-ire on+( ! prepon#er!n,e o' e&i#en,e In no ,!se,
ho.e&er, %!( the o4en#e# p!rt( re,o&er #!%!*es t.i,e 'or the s!%e !,t or
o%ission ,h!r*e# in the ,ri%in!+ !,tion

Llave v( Re3u1li0 o> t<e ,<ili33ines '(R N!( 162766/#ar0<
,R!C$D*RAL )"ST!R%4
This petition 'or re&ie. on certiorari !ss!i+s the De,ision #!te# A-*-st D>,
5@@J o' the Co-rt o' Appe!+s (CA) in CA?GR C2 No LD>L5 !n# its
s-$se1-ent Reso+-tion #!te# Septe%$er DA, 5@@I, .hi,h !3r%e# the
De,ision o' the Re*ion!+ Tri!+ Co-rt(RTC) o' T-ezon Cit(, )r!n,h B= #e,+!rin*
petitioner Estre++it! 0-+i!no?L+!&e s (Estre++it!) %!rri!*e to Sen M!%int!+ A0
T!%!no (Sen T!%!no) !s &oi# ab initio
Aro-n# DD %onths $e'ore his #e!th, Sen T!%!no%!rrie# Estre++it! t.i,e C
initi!++( -n#er the Is+!%i, +!.s !n# tr!#ition on M!( 5>, D==A in Cot!$!to
Cit( !n#, s-$se1-ent+(, -n#er ! ,i&i+ ,ere%on( o3,i!te# $( !n RTC 0-#*e !t
M!+!$!n*, L!n!o #e+ S-r on 0-ne 5, D==A In their %!rri!*e ,ontr!,ts, Sen
T!%!no s ,i&i+ st!t-s .!s in#i,!te# !s :#i&or,e#; Sin,e then, Estre++it! h!s
$een representin* herse+' to the .ho+e .or+# !s Sen T!%!no s .i'e, !n#
-pon his #e!th, his .i#o.
On No&e%$er 5A, D==J, pri&!te respon#ents /!7! P-tri Kor!(#! A T!%!no
(Kor!(#!) !n# her son A#i$ Ah%!# A T!%!no (A#i$), in their o.n $eh!+' !n#
in $eh!+' o' the rest o' Sen T!%!no s +e*iti%!te ,hi+#ren .ith Kor!(#!, G+e#
! ,o%p+!int .ith the RTC o' T-ezon Cit( 'or the #e,+!r!tion o' n-++it( o'
%!rri!*e $et.een Estre++it! !n# Sen T!%!no 'or $ein* $i*!%o-s The
,o%p+!int !++e*e# th!t Sen T!%!no %!rrie# Kor!(#! on M!( AD, D=IB -n#er
,i&i+ rites, !n# th!t this %!rri!*e re%!ine# s-$sistin* .hen he %!rrie#
Estre++it! in D==A
8hether the %!rri!*e $et.een Estre++it! !n# the +!te Sen T!%!no .!s
Yes The ,i&i+ ,o#e *o&erns the %!rri!*e o' Kor!(#!!n# +!te Sen T!%!noM
their %!rri!*e .!s ne&er in&!+i#!te# $( PD D@BA Sen T!%!no s s-$se1-ent
%!rri!*e to Estre++it! is &oi# ab initio.
The %!rri!*e $et.een the +!te Sen T!%!no !n# Kor!(#! .!s ,e+e$r!te# in
D=IB, so+e%nize# -n#er ,i&i+ !n# M-s+i% rites The on+( +!. in 'or,e
*o&ernin* %!rri!*e re+!tionships $et.een M-s+i%s !n# non?M-s+i%s !+iFe
.!s the Ci&i+ Co#e o' D=I@, -n#er the pro&isions o' .hi,h on+( one %!rri!*e
,!n e9ist !t !n( *i&en ti%e 6n#er the %!rri!*e pro&isions o' the Ci&i+ Co#e,
#i&or,e is not re,o*nize# e9,ept #-rin* the e4e,ti&it( o' Rep-$+i, A,t No
A=J .hi,h .!s not !&!i+e# o' #-rin* its e4e,ti&it(
As '!r !s Estre++it! is ,on,erne#, Sen T!%!no s prior %!rri!*e to Kor!(#!
h!s $een se&ere# $( .!( o' #i&or,e -n#er PD D@BA, the +!. th!t ,o#iGe#
M-s+i% person!+ +!.s /o.e&er, PD D@BA ,!nnot $eneGt Estre++it! First+(,
Arti,+e DA(D) thereo' pro&i#es th!t the +!. !pp+ies to :%!rri!*e !n# #i&or,e
.herein $oth p!rties !re M-s+i%s, or .herein on+( the %!+e p!rt( is ! M-s+i%
!n# the %!rri!*e is so+e%nize# in !,,or#!n,e .ith M-s+i% +!. or this
Co#e in !n( p!rt o' the Phi+ippines; )-t Arti,+e DA o' PD D@BA #oes not
pro&i#e 'or ! sit-!tion .here the p!rties .ere %!rrie# $oth in ,i&i+ !n#
M-s+i% rites;
The petition is D$N"$D(
Araneta v 'atmaitan '(R( Nos( L?..25/ L?2121/ A3ril 3-/
Ponente: Fe+i9, 0
The Le!*-e o' M-ni,ip!+ M!(ors o' %-ni,ip!+ities ne!r the S!n Mi*-e+ )!(,
$et.een the pro&in,es o' C!%!rines S-r !n# C!%!rines Norte, %!ni'este# in
! reso+-tion th!t the( ,on#e%n the oper!tion o' tr!.+s in the s!i# !re! !n#
reso+&in* to petitiont he Presi#ent o' the Phi+ippines to re*-+!te Gshin* in S!n
Mi*-e+ )!( In !nother reso+-tion, the s!%e Le!*-e o' M!(ors pr!(e# th!t
the Presi#ent $!n the oper!tion o' tr!.+s in the S!n Mi*-e+ )!( !re! In
response to the p+e!s, the Presi#ent iss-e# EO 55 prohi$itin* the -se o'
tr!.+s in S!n Mi*-e+ )!( $-t the EO .!s !%en#e# $(E O LL !pp!rent+( in
!ns.er to ! reso+-tion o' the Pro&in,i!+ )o!r# o' C!%!ries S-r re,o%%en#in*
the !++o.!n,e o' tr!.+?Gshin* #-rin* the t(phoon se!son on+(S-$se1-ent+(,
EO B@ .!s iss-e# re&i&in* EO 55 There!'ter ! *ro-p o' Otter tr!.+ oper!tors
G+e# ! ,o%p+!int 'or in7-n,tion pr!(in th!t the Se,ret!r( o' A*ri,-+t-re !n#
N!t-r!+ Reso-r,es !n# #ire,tor o' Fisheries $een7 oine# 'ro% en'or,in* s!i#
e9e,-ti&e or#er !n# to #e,+!re the s!%e n-++ !n# &oi# The Co-rt he+# th!t
-nti+ the tr!.+er is o-t+!.e# $( +e*is+!ti&e en!,t%ent, it ,!nnot $e $!nne#
'ro% S!n Mi*-e+ )!( $( e9e,-ti&e pro,+!%!tion !n# he+# th!t the Eos 55!n#
LL !re in&!+#
D8hether or not the Presi#ent h!s !-thorit( to iss-e Eos 55, LL !n# B@
58hether or not the s!i# EOs .ere &!+i# !s it .!s not in the e9er,ise o'
+e*is+!ti&e po.ers -n#-+( #e+e*!te# to the Presi#ent
YES 6n#er se,tions >I !n# BA o' the Gsheries +!., the restri,tion
!n#$!nnin* o' tr!.+ Gshin* 'ro% !++ Phi+ippine .!ters ,o%e .ithin the
po.ers o' the Se,re!tr( o' !*ri,-+t-re !n# N!t-r!+ Reso-r,es /o.e&er, !s
theSe,ret!r( o' A*ri,-+t-re !n# N!t-r!+ Reso-r,es e9er,ises its '-n,tions
s-$7e,tto the *ener!+ s-per&ision !n# ,ontro+ o' the Presi#ent o' the
Phi+ippines, thePresi#ent ,!n e9er,ise the s!%e po.er !n# !-thorit( thro-*h
e9e,-ti&eor#ers, re*-+!tions, #e,rees !n# pro,+!%!tions -pon
re,o%%en#!tion o' theSe,ret!r( ,on,erne# /en,e, Eos 55,LL !n# B@
restri,tin* !n# $!nnin* o' tr!.+ Gshin* 'ro% S!n Mi*-e+ )!( !re &!+i# !n#
iss-e# $( !-thorit( or +!.
C!NS*N8" &( C!*RT o> A,,$ALS/ '(R( No( 137.73/ A3ril
2-/ 2--1
The ,!se roote# 'ro% the #e!th o' 0ose 0-e*o, ! ,onstr-,tion .orFer o' DM
Cons-n7i, In,,
L!ter, his .i#o., M!ri! 0-e*o G+e# ! ,o%p+!int $e'ore the RTC !*!inst the
Petitioner RTC ren#ere# ! #e,ision or#erin* the petitioner to p!( the
respon#ent the #!%!*es !%o-ntin* to LJJ,@@@
The petitioner !ppe!+e# to the CA on the *ro-n# th!t the +o.er ,o-rt erre# in
ho+#in* th!t respon#ent is not pre,+-#e# 'ro% re,o&erin* #!%!*es -n#er
,i&i+ ,o#e The CA !3r%e# the #e,ision o' the +o.er ,o-rt
/en,e, the petition
Petitioner no. ,onten#s th!t sin,e the pri&!te respon#ents h!# !+re!#(
!&!i+e# the re%e#( pro&i#e# $( the St!te Ins-r!n,e F-n#, her ri*ht -n#er
other +!.s is #ee%e# .!i&e#
8hether or not there .!s ! .!i&er o' ri*ht on the p!rt o' pri&!te respon#ent
.hen she !&!i+e# the re%e#( pro&i#e# -n#er ECC
No, $e,!-se to ,onstit-te ! .!i&er, there %-st $e ! Fno.+e#*e o' '!,ts to
the e9er,ise o' the ri*ht .!i&e#, .ith !n !.!reness o' its ,onse1-en,e
+$RR$R & D"AA 'R N! 1653--
CAS$4 Att( ,edro #( +errer v( S3ouses Al>redo Dia; and "melda
Dia; '(R( No( 1653--/ A3ril 23/ 2-1-
The petitioner ,+!i%e# th!t the Di!zes, !s represente# $( their #!-*hter
Co%!n#!nte o$t!ine# 'ro% hi% ! +o!n o' PD,DDB,55B@@ on M!( >, D=== The
+o!n .!s se,-re# $( ! Re!+ Est!te Mort*!*e Contr!,t $( .!( o' se,on#
%ort*!*e o&er Tr!ns'er CertiG,!te o' Tit+e (TCT) !n# ! Pro%issor( Note
p!(!$+e .ithin si9 %onths or -p to No&e%$er >, D=== Co%!n#!nte !+so
iss-e# to petitioner post?#!te# ,he,Fs to se,-re p!(%ent o' s!i# +o!n
Petitioner '-rther ,+!i%e# th!t prior to this or on M!( 5=, D==B, Co%!n#!nte,
'or ! &!+-!$+e ,onsi#er!tion o' PL@@,@@@@@, .hi,h !%o-nt 'or%e# p!rt o'
the !$o&e %entione# se,-re# +o!n, e9e,-te# in his '!&or !n instr-%ent
entit+e# 8!i&er o' /ere#it!r( Ri*hts !n# Interests O&er ! Re!+ Propert( (Sti++
6n#i&i#e#), !n# .hi,h propert( is tit+e# !n# re*istere# -n#er the n!%e o'
Co%%!n#!te<s p!rents A+'re#o T Di!z !n# I%e+#! G Di!z, !s e&i#en,e# $( !
Tr!ns'er CertiG,!te o' Tit+e On the $!sis o' s!i# .!i&er, petitioner e9e,-te#
!n A3#!&it o' A#&erse C+!i% .hi,h he ,!-se# to $e !nnot!te# !t the $!,F o'
the TCT
The Di!zes, ho.e&er, rene*e# on their o$+i*!tion !s the ,he,Fs iss-e# $(
Co%!n#!nte .ere #ishonore# -pon present%ent Despite repe!te#
#e%!n#s, s!i# respon#ents sti++ '!i+e# !n# re'-se# to sett+e the +o!n Th-s,
petitioner G+e# on Septe%$er 5=, D=== ! Co%p+!int 'or Co++e,tion o' S-% o'
Mone( Se,-re# $( Re!+ Est!te Mort*!*e Contr!,t !*!inst the Di!zes !n#
8hether or not ! .!i&er o' here#it!r( ri*hts in '!&or o' !nother e9e,-te# $(
! '-t-re heir is &!+i# .hi+e the p!rents !re sti++ +i&in*
P-rs-!nt to the se,on# p!r!*r!ph o' Arti,+e DAJ> o' the Ci&i+ Co#e, no
,ontr!,t %!( $e entere# into -pon ! '-t-re inherit!n,e e9,ept in ,!ses
e9press+( !-thorize# $( +!. For the inherit!n,e to $e ,onsi#ere# :'-t-re;,
the s-,,ession %-st not h!&e $een opene# !t the ti%e o' the ,ontr!,t A
,ontr!,t %!( $e ,+!ssiGe# !s ! ,ontr!,t -pon '-t-re inherit!n,e, prohi$ite#
-n#er the se,on# p!r!*r!ph o' Arti,+e DAJ>, .here the 'o++o.in* re1-isites
(D) Th!t the s-,,ession h!s not (et $een opene#
(5) Th!t the o$7e,t o' the ,ontr!,t 'or%s p!rt o' the inherit!n,eM !n#,
(A) Th!t the pro%issor h!s, .ith respe,t to the o$7e,t, !n e9pe,t!n,( o' !
ri*ht .hi,h is p-re+( here#it!r( in n!t-re
In this ,!se, there is no 1-estion th!t !t the ti%e o' e9e,-tion o'
Co%!n#!nte<s 8!i&er o' /ere#it!r( Ri*hts !n# Interest o&er ! Re!+ Propert(
(Sti++ 6n#i&i#e#), s-,,ession to either o' her p!rent<s properties h!s not (et
$een opene# sin,e $oth o' the% !re sti++ +i&in* 8ith respe,t to the other t.o
re1-isites, $oth !re +iFe.ise present ,onsi#erin* th!t the propert( s-$7e,t
%!tter o' Co%!n#!nte<s .!i&er ,on,e#e#+( 'or%s p!rt o' the properties th!t
she e9pe,t to inherit 'ro% her p!rents -pon their #e!th !n#, s-,h
e9pe,t!n,( o' ! ri*ht, !s sho.n $( the '!,ts, is -n#o-$te#+( p-re+(
here#it!r( in n!t-re
Fro% the 'ore*oin*, it is ,+e!r th!t Co%!n#!nte !n# petitioner entere# into !
,ontr!,t in&o+&in* the 'or%er<s '-t-re inherit!n,e !s e%$o#ie# in the 8!i&er
o' /ere#it!r( Ri*hts !n# Interest O&er ! Re!+ Propert( (Sti++ 6n#i&i#e#)
e9e,-te# $( her in petitioner<s '!&or The 8!i&er o' /ere#it!r( Ri*hts !n#
Interest O&er ! Re!+ Propert( (Sti++ 6n#i&i#e#) e9e,-te# $( Co%!n#!nte in
'!&or o' petitioner !s not &!+i# !n# th!t s!%e ,!nnot $e the so-r,e o' !n(
ri*ht or ,re!te !n( o$+i*!tion $et.een the% 'or $ein* &io+!ti&e o' the se,on#
p!r!*r!ph o' Arti,+e DAJ> o' the Ci&i+ Co#e
T<ornton v( T<ornton/ '(R( No( 15652. August 16/ 2--6
Petitioner, !n A%eri,!n, !n# respon#ent, ! Fi+ipino, .ere %!rrie# on A-*-st
5B, D==B in the C!tho+i, E&!n*e+i,!+ Ch-r,h !t 6nite# N!tions A&en-e,
M!ni+! A (e!r +!ter, respon#ent *!&e $irth to ! $!$( *ir+ .ho% the( n!%e#
Se1-eir! 0enni'er De++e Fr!n,is,o Thornton
/o.e&er, !'ter three (e!rs, respon#ent *re. rest+ess !n# $ore# !s ! p+!in
ho-se.i'e She .!nte# to ret-rn to her o+# 7o$ !s ! H*-est re+!tions o3,erH
in ! ni*ht,+-$, .ith the 'ree#o% to *o o-t .ith her 'rien#s In '!,t, .hene&er
petitioner .!s o-t o' the ,o-ntr(, respon#ent .!s !+so o'ten o-t .ith her
'rien#s, +e!&in* her #!-*hter in the ,!re o' the ho-sehe+p
Petitioner !#%onishe# respon#ent !$o-t her irresponsi$i+it( $-t she
,ontin-e# her ,!re'ree .!(s On De,e%$er >, 5@@D, respon#ent +e't the
'!%i+( ho%e .ith her #!-*hter Se1-ier! .itho-t noti'(in* her h-s$!n# She
to+# the ser&!nts th!t she .!s $rin*in* Se1-ier! to P-roF M!riFit, St! C+!r!,
L!%it!n, )!si+!n Pro&in,e
Petitioner G+e# ! petition 'or h!$e!s ,orp-s in the #esi*n!te# F!%i+( Co-rt in
M!F!ti Cit( $-t this .!s #is%isse#, pres-%!$+( $e,!-se o' the !++e*!tion
th!t the ,hi+# .!s in )!si+!n Petitioner then .ent to )!si+!n to !s,ert!in the
.here!$o-ts o' respon#ent !n# their #!-*hter /o.e&er, he #i# not Gn#
the% there !n# the $!r!n*!( o3,e o' St! C+!r!, L!%it!n, )!si+!n, iss-e# !
,ertiG,!tionA th!t respon#ent .!s no +on*er resi#in* there
Petitioner *!&e -p his se!r,h .hen he *ot ho+# o' respon#ent<s ,e++-+!r
phone $i++s sho.in* ,!++s 'ro% #i4erent p+!,es s-,h !s C!&ite, N-e&! E,i7!,
Metro M!ni+! !n# other pro&in,es Petitioner then G+e# !nother petition 'or
h!$e!s ,orp-s, this ti%e in the Co-rt o' Appe!+s .hi,h ,o-+# iss-e ! .rit o'
h!$e!s ,orp-s en'or,e!$+e in the entire ,o-ntr(
/o.e&er, the petition .!s #enie# $( the Co-rt o' Appe!+s on the *ro-n# th!t
it #i# not h!&e 7-ris#i,tion o&er the ,!se It r-+e# th!t sin,e RA BAL= (The
F!%i+( Co-rts A,t o' D==>) *!&e '!%i+( ,o-rts e9,+-si&e ori*in!+ 7-ris#i,tion
o&er petitions 'or h!$e!s ,orp-s
Iss-e: 8hether the Co-rt o' Appe!+s h!s 7-ris#i,tion to iss-e .rits o' h!$e!s
,orp-s in ,!ses in&o+&in* ,-sto#( o' %inors in the +i*ht o' the pro&ision in RA
BAL= *i&in* '!%i+( ,o-rts e9,+-si&e ori*in!+ 7-ris#i,tion o&er s-,h petitions
The S-pre%e Co-rt *r!nte# the petition The petition 'or h!$e!s ,orp-s in
CA?GR?SP?No >@I@D is here$( REINSTATED !n# REMANDED to the Co-rt o'
Appe!+s, Si9teenth Di&ision
The F!%i+( Co-rt ,!n iss-e .rits o' h!$e!s ,orp-s en'or,e!$+e on+( .ithin its
territori!+ 7-ris#i,tion On the other h!n#, in ,!ses .here the territori!+
7-ris#i,tion 'or the en'or,e%ent o' the .rit ,!nnot $e #eter%ine# .ith
,ert!int(, the Co-rt o' Appe!+s ,!n iss-e the s!%e .rit en'or,e!$+e
thro-*ho-t the Phi+ippines, !s pro&i#e# in Se, 5, R-+e D@5 o' the Re&ise#
R-+es o' Co-rt, th-s:
The 8rit o' /!$e!s Corp-s %!( $e *r!nte# $( the S-pre%e Co-rt, or !n(
%e%$er thereo', on !n( #!( !n# !t !n( ti%e, or $( the Co-rt o' Appe!+s or
!n( %e%$er thereo' in the inst!n,es !-thorize# $( +!., !n# i' so *r!nte# it
sh!++ $e en'or,e!$+e !n(.here in the Phi+ippines, !n# %!( $e %!#e
ret-rn!$+e $e'ore the ,o-rt or !n( %e%$er thereo', or $e'ore ! Co-rt o' First
Inst!n,e, or !n( 7-#*e thereo' 'or he!rin* !n# #e,ision on the %erits It %!(
!+so $e *r!nte# $( ! Co-rt o' First Inst!n,e, or ! 7-#*e thereo', on !n( #!(
!n# !t !n( ti%e, !n# ret-rn!$+e $e'ore hi%se+', en'or,e!$+e on+( .ithin his
7-#i,i!+ #istri,t (E%ph!sis s-pp+ie#)
(A(# N!( ,?25?1167/ De0em1er 21/ 122.)
CAR#$L"TA L( LL$D!/ Com3lainant
ATT%( C$SAR 2 LLEDO, )r!n,h C+erF o' Co-rt, RTC, )r!n,h =J, T-ezon
Cit(, Respon#ent
D) Mrs C!r%e+it! L+e#o G+e# !n !#%inistr!ti&e ,o%p+!int !*!inst her
h-s$!n# 'or i%%or!+it(, !$!n#on%ent !n# ,on#-,t o' -n$e,o%in* ! p-$+i,
5) So%eti%es in ==A, Mrs L+e#o 'o-n# o-t thro-*h person!+ &eriG,!tion th!t
her h-s$!n# is +i&in* .ith !nother .o%!n n!%e# N!trin! N!r&!ez .ho% he
h!# three ,hi+#ren !s s-porte# $( +i&e ,erti',!tes o$t!ine# 'ro% the N!tion!+
St!tisti,s O3,e
A) Mrs L+e#o &eriGe# the !##ress in#i,!te# in the )C she o$t!ine# 'ro% NSO
.hi,h she %!n!*e# to &isit, on+( to $e in'or%e# $( the L!n#+!#( o' the
!p!rt%ent th!t Att( L+e#o !n# his %istress tr!ns'erre# to !nother !p!rt%ent
+o,!te# in )!+!*t!s, )-+!,!n #-e to serio-s !+ter,!tion th!t h!ppene#
$et.een the +!n#+!#( !n# the ,o-p+e .hi,h res-+te# in the G+in* o' three
J) Th!t on No&e%$er D5, D==5, Att( L+e#o !tteste# to the tr-th th!t N!trin!
N!r&!ez is his .i'e
I) Mrs L+e#o -pon Fno.in* o' her h-s$!n#Us inG#e+it(,.rote ! +etter to 0-#*e
Pe#ro S!nti!*o re1-estin* 'or ! #i!+o*-e .ith her h-s$!n#, ho.e&er, Att(
L+e#o re'-se# to see her
L) Mrs L+e#o e9e,-te# !3#!&it !ttestin* to the tr-th'-+ness o' her
st!te%ents !s $!sis o' her ,o%p+!ints !*!inst her h-s$!n# 'or i%%or!+it(,
!$!n#on%ent !n# 'or ,on#-,t o' -n$e,o%in* ! p-$+i, o3,i!+ .hi,h Att(
L+e#o #enie# !++ o' these %!teri!+ !++e*!tions
L) On A-*-st >,D==L, the Co-rt re'erre# the ,o%p+!int to then 0-#*e Pe#ro
S!nti!*o to in&esti*!te the ,!se $-t s!#+(, the report o' the 7-#*e .!s not
responsi&e !n# e&en irre+e&!nt to the ,!se
>) The ,!se .!s re'erre# !*!in to the ne.+( E9e,-ti&e 0-#*e Estre++! Tri!s?
Estr!#! 'or '-rther rein&est!tion !n# re,o%%en#!tion
8hether or not, Att( Ces!r L+e#o is *-i+t( o' A#%inistr!ti&e Co#e o' D=B> (PD
B@>) !n# RA L>DA (Co#e o' Con#-,t !n# Ethi,!+ St!n#!r#s 'or P-$+i, O3,i!+s
!n# E%p+o(ees)
Yes 8ith the ,o++e,ti&e proo' *!there# !'ter thoro-*h in&esti*!tion, the
T-ezon Cit( RTC re,o%%en#e# 'or the #is%iss!+ !n# s!n,tion o' Att( L+e#o
'ro% the ser&i,e .ith 'or'eit-re o' !++ retire%ent $eneGts !n# +e!&e ,re#its
!n# .ith pre7-#i,e to ree%p+o(%ent in !n( $r!n,h or instr-%ent!+it( o' the
*o&ern%ent or ,ontro++e# ,orpor!tion This ,!se is re'erre# to the I)P )o!r#
o' Go&ernors p-r-s!nt to Se,tion D o' R-+e DA=?) o' the R-+es o' Co-rt
,$!,L$ &( L"C$RA 65 SCRA 27- (1275)
In D=LD, !,,-se# .!s *r!nte# !n !ppoint%ent !s se,ret !*ent o' Go&ernor
Le&iste In D=LI, !,,-se# .!s ,h!r*e# .ith i++e*!+ possession o' Gre!r%s
The SC he+# th!t .here !t the ti%e o' his !ppoint%ent, Peop+e &
M!,!r!n#!n* (D=I=) .!s !pp+i,!$+e, .hi,h he+# th!t se,ret !*ents .ere
e9e%pt 'ro% the +i,ense re1-ire%ent, !n# +!ter Peop+e & M!p! (D=L>) .!s
#e,i#e#, the e!r+ier ,!se sho-+# $e he+# !pp+i,!$+e
8ON Li,er! is Li!$+e 'or the possession o' the riOe .itho-t the re1-isite
+i,ense or per%it
Arti,+e B o' the Ci&i+ Co#e #e,rees th!t 7-#i,i!+ #e,isions !pp+(in* or
interpretin* the +!.s or the Constit-tion 'or% p!rt o' this 7-ris#i,tionUs +e*!+
s(ste% These #e,isions, !+tho-*h in the%se+&es not +!., ,onstit-te
e&i#en,e o' .h!t the +!.s %e!n The !pp+i,!tion or interpret!tion p+!,e# $(
the ,o-rts -pon ! +!. is p!rt o' the +!. !s o' the #!te o' the en!,t%ent o'
the s!i# +!. sin,e the Co-rtUs !pp+i,!tion or interpret!tion %ere+( est!$+ishes
the ,onte%por!neo-s +e*is+!ti&e intent th!t the ,onstr-e# +!. p-rports to
,!rr( into e4e,tA ne. #o,trine !$ro*!tin* !n o+# r-+e oper!tes prospe,ti&e+(
!n# sho-+# not !#&erse+( !4e,t those '!&ore# $( the o+# r-+e
,$SCA & ,$SCA
'R No( 136221/ A3ril 17/ 2--1
,etitioner4 L!RNA '*"LL$N ,$SCA
Res3ondent4 A!S"#! A( ,$SCA
The petitioner !n# respon#ent .ere %!rrie# !n# $e*ot 'o-r ,hi+#ren Lorn!
G+e# ! petition 'or #e,+!r!tion o' n-++it( o' their %!rri!*e on the *ro-n# o'
ps(,ho+o*i,!+ in,!p!,it( on the p!rt o' her h-s$!n# to per'or% his %!rit!+
,o&en!nt Th!t his tr-e ,o+or o' $ein* e%otion!++( i%%!t-re !n#
irresponsi$+e $e,!%e !pp!rent /e .!s ,r-e+ !n# &io+ent /e .!s ! h!$it-!+
#rinFer 8hen ,!-tione# to stop or %ini%ize his #rinFin*, her h-s$!n# .o-+#
$e!t, s+!p !n# Fi,F her There .!s e&en ! ti%e she .!s ,h!se# .ith ! +o!#e#
shot*-n !n# thre!tene# to Fi++ her in the presen,e o' their ,hi+#ren The
,hi+#ren !+so s-4ere# ph(si,!+ &io+en,e T.o %onths +!ter, petitioner #e,i#e#
to 'or*i&e the respon#ent !n# ret-rne# ho%e hopin* he .i++ ,h!n*e )-t he
#i#n<t In#ee#, %!tters $e,!%e .orse The respon#ent .!s i%prisone# 'or
DD #!(s 'or s+i*ht ph(si,!+ in7-ries RTC #e,+!re# their %!rri!*e to $e n-++ !n#
&oi# on the $!sis o' ps(,ho+o*i,!+ in,!p!,it( Respon#ent !ppe!+e# the
#e,ision to the Co-rt o' Appe!+ CA re&erse# RTC<s r-+in* /en,e, this
8hether or not the #o,trine en-n,i!te# in S!ntos &s Co-rt o' Appe!+s
pro%-+*!te# on DJ 0!n-!r( D==I, !s .e++ !s the *-i#e+ines set o-t in rep-$+i,
&s CA !n# Mo+in! sho-+# h!&e no retro!,ti&e !pp+i,!tion !n# ,o-+# $e
!pp+ie# retro!,ti&e
No In the ,!se o' S!ntos, the Co-rt h!s *i&en +i'e to the ter% :ps(,ho+o*i,!+
in,!p!,it(; in one h!n# Mo+in! , h!s stren*thene#, not o&ert-rne# , S!ntos,
on the other h!n# These *-i#e+ines !re %!n#!tor( in n!t-re Petition
The? H#o,trine o' st!re #e,isis,H or#!ine# in Arti,+e B o' the Ci&i+ Co#e,
e9presses th!t 7-#i,i!+ #e,isions !pp+(in* or interpretin* the +!. sh!++ 'or%
p!rt o' the +e*!+ s(ste% o' the Phi+ippines The r-+e 'o++o.s the sett+e# +e*!+
%!9i% ? H+e*is interpret!#o +e*is &i% o$tinetH ? th!t the interpret!tion p+!,e#
-pon the .ritten +!. $( ! ,o%petent ,o-rt h!s the 'or,e o' +!.
De Castro vs( 8udi0ial and Bar Coun0il 'R No( 121--2/ #ar0< 17/ 2-1-
The ,o%p-+sor( retire%ent o' Chie' 0-sti,e Re(n!to S P-no $( M!( D>, 5@D@
o,,-rs 7-st #!(s !'ter the ,o%in* presi#enti!+ e+e,tions on M!( D@, 5@D@ E&en
$e'ore the e&ent !,t-!++( h!ppens, it is *i&in* rise to %!n( +e*!+ #i+e%%!s This
#i+e%%! is roote# in ,onsi#er!tion o' Se,tion DI, Art 2II o' the Constit-tion
prohi$itin* the Presi#ent or A,tin* Presi#ent 'ro% %!Fin* !ppoint%ents
.ithin t.o %onths i%%e#i!te+( $e'ore the ne9t presi#enti!+ e+e,tion !n# -p
to the en# o' his ter%, e9,ept .hen te%por!r( !ppoint%ents to e9e,-ti&e
positions .hen ,ontin-e# &!,!n,ies .i++ pre7-#i,e p-$+i, ser&i,e or en#!n*er p-$+i,
s!'et( /o.e&er, Se,tion J (D), Art 2III o' the Constit-tion !+so pro&i#es th!t !n( &!,!n,(
in the S-pre%e Co-rt sh!++ $e G++e# .ithin =@ #!(s 'ro% o,,-rren,e The 1-estion +e!#s
to .ho sho-+# !ppoint the ne9t Chie' 0-sti,e !n# %!( the 0)C res-%e the pro,ess o'
s,reenin* ,!n#i#!tes sho-+# the in,-%$ent presi#ent not prohi$ite# to #o so M!( !
%!n#!%-s +ie to ,o%pe+ the s-$%ission o' 0)C<s no%inees to the presi#entP This iss-e
!t h!n# tr-+( is i%presse# .ith tr!ns,en#ent!+ i%port!n,e to the N!tion A +ot
o' petitions .ere re,ei&e# $( the ,o-rt 'ro% ! %!n#!%-s to prohi$itions 8e
+i%it o-r #is,-ssion .ith GRD=D@@5 'or $re&it(
8hether or not the ,!se !t $!r is !n !,t-!+ ,ontro&ers( 8hether or not the petitioners
h!&e +e*!+ st!n#in* to G+e the s!i# petition
The ,o-rt he+# the ,!se $ein* pre%!t-re $e,!-se the 0-#i,i!+ !n# )!r Co-n,i+ h!s -nti+
M!( D>, 5@D@ !t the +e!st .ithin .hi,h to s-$%it the +ist o' no%inees to the Presi#ent to
G++ the &!,!n,( ,re!te# $( the ,o%p-+sor( retire%ent o' Chie' 0-sti,e P-no The
petitioner here !sserts his ri*ht !s ,itizen G+in* the petition on $eh!+' o'
the p-$+i, .ho !re #ire,t+( !4e,te# $( the iss-e o' the !ppoint%ent The 1-estion
r!ise# $e'ore the ,o-rt is in '!,t o' tr!ns,en#ent!+ i%port!n,e The ,o-rt #ispe+s !++
#o-$t to re%o&e !n( o$st!,+e or o$str-,tion to the reso+-tion o' the essenti!+
iss-e s1-!re+( presente# St!n#in* is ! pe,-+i!r ,on,ept to ,onstit-tion!+ +!.
$e,!-se in so%e ,!ses, s-its !re not $ro-*ht $( p!rties .ho h!&e $een person!++(
in7-re# $( the oper!tion o' +!. or !n( other *o&ern%ent !,t $-t $( ,on,erne# ,itizens,
t!9p!(ers or &oters .ho !,t-!++( s-e in the p-$+i, interest The ,o-rt #is%isse# the
petitions 'or ,ertior!ri !n# %!n#!%-s in GR D=D@@5 !n# GR D=DDJ= !n# the petition
'or %!n#!%-s in GR no D=D@I> 'or $ein* pre%!t-reM #is%iss!+ o' the
petitions 'or prohi$ition in GR D=D@A5!n# GR D=DAJ5 'or +!,F o' %eritM !n#
*r!nts the in AM No D@?5?I?SC !n# !,,or#in*+( #ire,ts the 0)C to: res-%e
pro,ee#in*s 'or the no%in!tion o' ,!n#i#!tes, prep!re short +ist o' no%inees 'or the
s!i# position, s-$%it to the in,-%$ent Presi#ent the short +ist o' no%inees, !n# to
,ontin-e pro,ee#in*s 'or the no%in!tion o' ,!n#i#!tes to G++ other &!,!n,ies in
the 0-#i,i!r( !n# s-$%it to the Presi#ent the short +ist o' no%inees
,orrespon#in* thereto in !,,or#!n,e .ith this #e,ision
,eo3le v( Ritter 126 SCRA 62-
On or !$o-t O,to$er D@, D=BL, Ritter $ro-*ht 0essie R!%irez !n# Ros!rio
)!+-(ot in ! hote+ roo% in O+on*!po Ritter %!st-r$!te# 0essie !n# Gn*ere#
Ros!rio A'ter.!r#s, he inserte# ! 'orei*n o$7e,t to the &!*in! o' Ros!rio The
ne9t %ornin*, Ritter *!&e 0essie 5@@, !n# Ros!rio A@@ Ros!rio to+# 0essie
th!t Ritter inserte# !n o$7e,t insi#e her &!*in! So%eti%e the 'o++o.in* #!(,
Ros!rio s!i# th!t the o$7e,t h!s !+re!#( $een re%o&e# 'ro% her &!*in! On
M!( DJ, D=B>, A+,!nt!r! s!. Ros!rio .ith $+oo#( sFirt, 'o-+ s%e++in* Ros!rio
.!s $ro-*ht !n# ,onGne# to O+on*!po Cit( *ener!+ /ospit!+ An O)?G(ne
trie# to re%o&e the o$7e,t insi#e her &!*in! -sin* 'or,eps $-t '!i+e# $e,!-se
it .!s #eep+( e%$e##e# !n# ,o&ere# $( tiss-es She .!s h!&in* peritonitis
She to+# the !tten#in* ph(si,i!n th!t ! Ne*ro inserte# the o$7e,t to her
&!*in! A %onths !*o Ritter .!s %!#e +i!$+e 'or r!pe .ith ho%i,i#e
8VN Ritter .!s +i!$+e 'or r!pe !n# ho%i,i#e
No The prose,-tion '!i+e# to pro&e th!t Ros!rio .!s on+( D5 (e!rs o+# .hen
the in,i#ent .ith Ritter h!ppene# An# th!t Ros!rio prostit-te# herse+' e&en
!t the ten#er !*e As e&i#en,e, she re,ei&e# A@@ 'ro% Ritter the 'o++o.in*
%ornin* A #o,torVspe,i!+ist !+so testiGe# th!t the inserte# o$7e,t in the
&!*in! o' Ros!rio )!+-(ot $( Ritter .!s #i4erent 'ro% th!t .hi,h ,!-se# her
#e!th As e&i#en,e, Ros!rio herse+' s!i# to 0essie the 'o++o.in* #!( th!t the
o$7e,t h!s $een re%o&e# !+re!#( She !+so to+# the #o,tor th!t ! Ne*ro
inserte# it to her &!*in! A %onths !*o Ritter .!s ! C!-,!si!n Ritter .!s
!+so !,1-itte# 'or the ,ri%in!+ ,!se o' r!pe .ith ho%i,i#e /o.e&er, it #oes
not e9e%pt hi% 'or the %or!+ !n# e9e%p+!r( #!%!*es he %-st !.!r# to the
&i,ti%<s heirs It #oes not ne,ess!ri+( 'o++o. th!t the !ppe++!nt is !+so 'ree
'ro% ,i&i+ +i!$i+it( .hi,h is i%p+ie#+( instit-te# .ith the ,ri%in!+ !,tion Ritter
.!s #eporte#
C!( '!": L*N v Co/ '(R( No( 1.6656 August 3/ 2-11
This ,!se in&o+&es t.o +ots !++e*e#+( ,o?o.ne# $( t.o $rothers, petitioner Co
GioF L-n (L-n) !n# Co )on Fien* (Fien*), the '!ther o' respon#ent 0ose Co
(Co) The +ots, .hi,h !re sit-!te# in Sorso*on pro&in,e, one in the to.n o'
G-$!t !n# the other in the to.n o' )!r,e+on!
Petitioners ,+!i%e# th!t L-n !n# Fien* ,!%e to the Phi+ippines 'ro% Chin! in
D=5= L-n !++e*e#+( !,1-ire# the G-$!t propert( 'ro% thePB,@@@@@ ,!pit!+
the $rothers inherite# 'ro% their '!ther, Co Ch!,o (Ch!,o), $e'ore Ch!,o
ret-rne# to Chin! in D=5L #-e to o+# !*e TheG-$!t propert( .!s n!%e#
-n#er Fien* on+( sin,e it h!s $een ! ,o%%on pr!,ti,e !n# ,-sto% in Chin!
th!t properties inten#e# 'or the ,hi+#ren !re p+!,e# in the n!%e o' the e+#est
L-n !n# Fien* set -p ! $-siness, se++in* !n# tr!#in* o' #r( *oo#s, ,!++e# the
Phi+ippine /onest !n# Co%p!n( 6sin* the ,o%p!n(<s '-n#s, the( rente# the
propert( o' Crispin! Ro,h! (Ro,h!), .hi,h .!s %ort*!*e# !n# Gn!++( so+# to
the% in D=AI L!ter, 'ro% the in,o%e o' the $-siness, the( !,1-ire# the t.o
!#7oinin* resi#enti!+ !n# ,o%%er,i!+ +ots .hi,h in,re!se# the size o' the
G-$!t propert(
In D=JL, L-n !n# Fien* #isso+&e# !n# +i1-i#!te# the $-siness A'ter re,ei&in*
his sh!re o' P5L,@@@ 'ro% the +i1-i#!tion, L-n est!$+ishe# his o.n #r( *oo#s
$-siness ,!++e# Sh!n*h!i Tr!#in* Fien*, on the other h!n#, entere# into
other $-sinesses .ith #i4erent p!rtners
Petitioners ,+!i%e# th!t L-n st!(e# !t the G-$!t propert( 'ro% the ti%e he
!rri&e# in Chin! in D=5= L-n .!s the one .ho re+i*io-s+( p!i# 'or the re!+t(
t!9es !n# %!#e se&er!+ rep!irs on the $-i+#in* to %!Fe the G-$!t propert(
h!$it!$+e It .!s on+( so%eti%e in D=JL .hen L-n !n# Fien* #e,i#e# to
#i&i#e the t.o +ots /o.e&er, the p!rtition #i# not p-sh thro-*h on the
insisten,e o' their %other, Po Ni!t, .ho .!nte# to preser&e !n# %!int!in
,+ose '!%i+( ties
A'ter ! ,!re'-+ s,r-tin( o' the re,or#s, .e ho+# th!t the e&i#en,e o'
petitioners .ere ins-3,ient or i%%!teri!+ to .!rr!nt ! positi&e Gn#in* o' ,o?
o.nership o&er the G-$!t !n# )!r,e+on! properties The CA ,orre,t+(
o$ser&e# th!t petitioners '!i+e# to s-$st!nti!te .ith re!son!$+e ,ert!int(
th!t (D) Ch!,o *!&e Fien* ! st!rt?-p ,!pit!+ o' PB,@@@ to $e -se# $( L-n !n#
Fien* in settin* -p ! $-siness, (5) th!t the Phi+ippine /onest !n# Co%p!n(
.!s !
p!rtnership $et.een L-n !n# Fien*, !n# (A) th!t the Dee# o' S!+e #!te# 5J
A-*-st D=5A in&o+&in* the )!r,e+on! propert( is s-3,ient to est!$+ish ,o?
o.nership A+so, petitioners .ere not !$+e to pro&e the e9isten,e o' the
!++e*e# Chinese ,-sto% o' p+!,in* properties in the n!%e o' the e+#est ,hi+#
!s pro&i#e# -n#er Arti,+e D5 o' the Ci&i+ Co#e
In ,ontr!st, respon#ents .ere !$+e to sho. #o,-%ents o' s!+e 'ro% the
ori*in!+ o.ners o' the G-$!t propert( ren#erin* the ,+!i% o' ,-sto% !s
i%%!teri!+ A+so, respon#ents s-3,ient+( est!$+ishe# th!t Fien* .!s the
re*istere# o.ner o' the G-$!t !n# )!r,e+on! properties .hi+e L-n .!s
%ere+( !n !#%inistr!tor
BARC$LLAN! v BABAS '(R( No( 1652.7 Se3tem1er 16/ 2-11
Respon#ent )!"!s is !n heir o' )!rto+o%e )!"!s .ho o.ns in 'ee si%p+e Lot
JJBI, PLS?>55?D sit-!te# in /in#i, )!,!,!(, A+$!( A#7oinin* the s!i# +ot is
the propert( o' 2i,ente Me#in! (Me#in!), ,o&ere# $( Ori*in!+ CertiG,!te o'
Tit+e No 2/?=@=J, .ith !n !re! o' D,B>> s1-!re %eters On D> M!r,h D==>,
Me#in! o4ere# his +ot 'or s!+e to the !#7oinin* o.ners o' the propert(, the
heirs o' )!rto+o%e )!"!s, in,+-#in* herein respon#ent Do+ores )!"!s,
Crispino )er%i++o ()er%i++o) !n# Is!$e+! )er%i++o?)er-e+! ()er-e+!) Crispino
)er%i++o, !s the represent!ti&e o' his '!%i+(, !*ree# to the o4er o' Me#in!,
the s!+e to t!Fe p+!,e !'ter the h!r&est se!son
On A Apri+ D==>, Me#in! so+# the propert( to herein petitioner Ar%!n#o
)!r,e++!no 'or PL@,@@@@@ The 'o++o.in* #!(, the heirs o' )!"!s +e!rne#
!$o-t the s!+e !n# .ent to the ho-se o' Me#in! to in1-ire !$o-t itQLR
Me#in! ,onGr%e# th!t the +ot .!s so+# to )!r,e++!no The heirs ,on&e(e#
their intention to re#ee% the propert( $-t Me#in! rep+ie# th!t there .!s
!+re!#( ! #ee# o' s!+e e9e,-te# $et.een the p!rtiesQ>R A+so, the )!"!s heirs
'!i+e# to ten#er the PL@,@@@@@ re#e%ption !%o-nt to Me#in!QBR
A**rie&e#, the heirs .ent to the O3,e o' the )!r!n*!( Co-n,i+ On = Apri+
D==>, the )!"!s heirs !n# )!r,e++!no, .ith neither Me#in! nor his ten!nt in
!tten#!n,e, .ent to the O3,e o' the )!r!n*!( Co-n,i+ to sett+e the #isp-te
A,,or#in* to one o' the )!"!s heirs, )!r,e++!no to+# the% th!t he .o-+# $e
.i++in* to se++ the propert( $-t 'or ! hi*her pri,e o' P=@,@@@@@ )e,!-se the
p!rties ,o-+# not !*ree on the pri,e !n# 'or '!i+-re to sett+e the #isp-te, the
L-pon iss-e# ! CertiG,!tion to Fi+e A,tion
On DD M!r,h D==B, Do+ores )!"!s, !s represente# $( )er%i++o, G+e# !nother
!,tion 'or Le*!+ Re#e%ption It .!s oppose# $( )!r,e++!no insistin* th!t he
,o%p+ie# .ith the pro&isions o' Art DL5A o' the Ne. Ci&i+ Co#e $-t )!"!s
'!i+e# to e9er,ise her ri*ht .ithin the perio# pro&i#e# $( +!.
8VN )!r,e++!no ,o%p+ie# .ith the .ritten noti,e to )!"!s !s pro&i#e# in
!rti,+e DL5A NCC
The in#ispens!$i+it( o' ! .ritten noti,e h!# +on* $een #is,-sse# in the e!r+(
,!se o' Cone7ero & Co-rt o' Appe!+s,Q penne# $( 0-sti,e 0)L Re(es:
8ith re*!r# to the .ritten noti,e, .e !*ree .ith petitioners th!t s-,h noti,e
is in#ispens!$+e, !n# th!t, in &ie. o' the ter%s in .hi,h Arti,+e o' the
Phi+ippine Ci&i+ Co#e is ,o-,he#, %ere Fno.+e#*e o' the s!+e, !,1-ire# in
so%e other %!nner $( the re#e%ptioner, #oes not s!tis'( the st!t-te The
.ritten noti,e .!s o$&io-s+( e9!,te# $( the Co#e to re%o&e !++ -n,ert!int(
!s to the s!+e, its ter%s !n# its &!+i#it(, !n# to 1-iet !n( #o-$ts th!t the
!+ien!tion is not #eGniti&e The st!t-te not h!&in* pro&i#e# 'or !n(
!+tern!ti&e, the %etho# o' notiG,!tion pres,ri$e# re%!ins e9,+-si&e
L!te+(, in Gosien*G!o G-i++en & the Co-rt o' Appe!+s, this Co-rt !*!in
e%ph!size# the %!n#!tor( ,h!r!,ter o' ! .ritten noti,e in +e*!+ re#e%ption:
Fro% these pre%ises, .e r-+e# th!t :QPRetitioner?heirs h!&e not +ost their
ri*ht to re#ee%, 'or in the !$sen,e o' ! .ritten notiG,!tion o' the s!+e $( the
&en#ors, the A@?#!( perio# h!s not e&en $e*-n to r-n; These pre%ises !n#
,on,+-sion +e!&e no #o-$t !$o-t the thr-st o' M!ri!no: The ri*ht o' the
petitioner?heirs to e9er,ise their ri*ht o' +e*!+ re#e%ption e9ists, !n# the
r-nnin* o' the perio# 'or its e9er,ise h!s not e&en $een tri**ere# $e,!-se
the( h!&e not $een notiGe# in .ritin* o' the '!,t o' s!+e
L!te+(, in Gosien*G!o G-i++en & the Co-rt o' Appe!+s, this Co-rt !*!in
e%ph!size# the %!n#!tor( ,h!r!,ter o' ! .ritten noti,e in +e*!+ re#e%ption:
Fro% these pre%ises, .e r-+e# th!t :QPRetitioner?heirs h!&e not +ost their
ri*ht to re#ee%, 'or in the !$sen,e o' ! .ritten notiG,!tion o' the s!+e $( the
&en#ors, the A@?#!( perio# h!s not e&en $e*-n to r-n; These pre%ises !n#
,on,+-sion +e!&e no #o-$t !$o-t the thr-st o' M!ri!no: The ri*ht o' the
petitioner?heirs to e9er,ise their ri*ht o' +e*!+ re#e%ption e9ists, !n# the
r-nnin* o' the perio# 'or its e9er,ise h!s not e&en $een tri**ere# $e,!-se
the( h!&e not $een notiGe# in .ritin* o' the '!,t o' s!+e
Ti%e !n# ti%e !*!in, it h!s $een repe!te#+( #e,+!re# $( this Co-rt th!t
.here the +!. spe!Fs in ,+e!r !n# ,!te*ori,!+ +!n*-!*e, there is no roo% 'or
interpret!tion There is on+( roo% 'or !pp+i,!tionQ5AR 8here the +!n*-!*e o'
! st!t-te is ,+e!r !n# -n!%$i*-o-s, the +!. is !pp+ie# !,,or#in* to its
e9press ter%s, !n# interpret!tion sho-+# $e resorte# to on+( .here ! +iter!+
interpret!tion .o-+# $e either i%possi$+e or !$s-r# or .o-+# +e!# to !n
in7-sti,e The +!. is ,+e!r in this ,!se, there %-st Grst $e ! .ritten noti,e to
the '!%i+( o' )!"!s
8/EREFORE, the !ppe!+ is DENIED The 5L Fe$r-!r( 5@@J De,ision o' the
Co-rt o' Appe!+s in CA?GR C2 No L>>@5, *r!ntin* to petitioner?!ppe++!nts
the ri*ht to re#ee% the s-$7e,t propert( 'or the !%o-nt o' PhpL@,@@@@@
.ithin thirt( (A@) #!(s 'ro% the Gn!+it( o' this #e,ision is here$( AFFIRMED
No ,ost
'(R( No( 126.23 A3ril 1./ 1227
L%N$TT$ '( 'AR&"DA/ 3etitioner/
vs(+L!R$NC"! '( SAL$S/ 8R(/ T)$ )!N!RABL$ C!##"SS"!N !N
$L$CT"!NS/ $L$CT"!N !++"C$R D"!N"S"! +( R"!S and
,R!&"NC"AL S*,$R&"S!R N!L" ,",!/ res3ondents
On M!r,h DL, D==L, in prep!r!tion 'or M!( D==L SN e+e,tion, petitioner
L(nette G G!r&i#! !pp+ie# 'or re*istr!tion !s %e%$er !n# &oter o' the
N!tip-n!n n* N!$!t!!n o' )!r!n*!( S!n Lorenzo, )!n*-i, I+o,os Norte The
$o!r# o' e+e,tion te++ers #enie# the !pp+i,!tion on the *ro-n# th!t G!r&i#! is
5D (e!rs !n# D@ %onths o+#, e9,ee#in* the !*e +i%it 'or N!tip-n!n n*
F!$!t!!n !s +!i# #o.n in Se, A ($) o' COMELEC Reso+-tion No 5B5J
She !ppe!+e# $e'ore the M-ni,ip!+ Cir,-it Tri!+ Co-rt )!n*-i?P!*-#p-#?
A#!%s?D!%!+!ne*, I+o,os Norte, the s!i# ,o-rt 'o-n# her 1-!+iGe# !n#
*r!nte# her !ppe!+ !n# or#ere# her 1-!+iG,!tion !n# !ppe!+ !s %e%$er !n#
&oter o' NN On Apri+ 5A, D==L, she G+e# her ,ertiG,!te o' ,!n#i#!,( 'or SN
Ch!ir%!n $-t .!s #is!ppro&e# $( the e+e,tion o3,er $e,!-se o' her !*e
The petitioner, ho.e&er, !ppe!+e# $e'ore the COMELEC Re*ion!+ Dire,tor
.ho +!ter set !si#e the or#er o' the e+e,tion o3,er !n# !++o.e# her to r-n
On Apri+ 5=, D==L, F+oren,io S!+es 0r, G!r&i#!<s ri&!+ ,!n#i#!te, sent 5 ,op(
petiotion 'or the #is1-!+iG,!tion o' G!r&i#! on the *ro-n# o' '!+se
represent!tion o' !*e &i! '!,si%i+e !n# ! re*istere# %!i+ to COMELEC %!in
o3,e, M!ni+!
On M!( 5, D==L, E+e,tion O3,er Rios iss-e# ! %e%or!n#-% to petitioner
in'or%in* her o' her #is1-!+iG,!tion !n# *!&e her 5J ho-rs to e9p+!in .h(
here COC sho-+# $e !ppro&e# On the s!%e #!( the COMELEC en $!n,
iss-e# !n or#er #ire,tin* the $o!r# o' e+e,tion te++ers !n# )o!r# o'
C!n&!ssers to s-spen# G!r&i#!<s pro,+!%!tion sh!++ she .on the e+e,tion !s
response to S!+es petition
On the e+e,tion #!(, G!r&i#! .on o&er >B?>L &otes !*!inst S!+es, in
!,,or#!n,e .ith the en $!n, or#er she .!s not pro,+!i% )-t on 0-ne 5 )ET
pro,+!i%e# her .itho-t pre7-#i,e to !n( '-rther !,tion $( the Co%%ission or
!n( intereste# p!rt( An# !'ter, she e&ent-!++( .on !s A-#itor o' the
P!%$!ns!n* Pe#er!s(on n* S!n*-ni!n* n* N!$!t!!n
Is L(nette G!r&i#! 1-!+iGe# !s ! %e%$er !n# &oter o' S!n*-ni!n* N!$!t!!nP
NO 6n#er Arti,+e DA o' the ,i&i+ ,o#e: 8hen the +!. spe!Fs o' (e!rs, %onths,
#!(s or ni*hts, it sh!++ $e -n#erstoo# th!t (e!rs !re o' ALI #!(s e!,hM
%onths, o' A@ #!(sM #!(s o' 5J ho-rsM !n# ni*hts 'ro% s-nset to s-nrise The
pro&ision th!t !n e+e,ti&e o3,i!+ o' the SN sho-+# not $e %ore th!n 5D (e!rs
o' !*e on the #!( o' his e+e,tion is &er( ,+e!r The Lo,!+ Go&ern%ent Co#e
spe!Fs o' (e!rs, not %onths, nor #!(s One $orn on the Grst #!( o' the (e!r
is ,onse1-ent+( #ee%e# to $e D (e!r o+# on the ALIth #!( !'ter his $irth?the
+!st #!( o' the (e!r
The phr!se :not %ore th!n 5D (e!rs o' !*e; %e!ns not o&er 5D (e!rs, not
$e(on# 5D (e!rs It %e!ns 5D ALI?#!( ,(,+e It #oes not %e!n 5D (e!rs !n#
one or ! 'r!,tion o' the (e!r $e,!-se th!t .o-+# $e %ore th!n 5D ALI?#!(
,(,+es :Not %ore th!n 5D (e!rs o+#; is not e1-i&!+ent to :+ess th!n 55 (e!rs
o+#;, ,ontr!r( to the petitioners ,+!i% The +!. #oes not st!te th!t the
,!n#i#!te $e +ess th!n 55 (e!rs on e+e,tion #!(
C!se 5:
ATCI O&erse!s Corp (petitioner) &s E,hin (respon#ent)
GR No D>BIID O,to$er DD, 5@D@
M!ri! 0ose'! E,hin (respon#ent) G+e# ! ,o%p+!int .ith the NLRC on the 5>th
o' 0-+( 5@@D 'or i++e*!+ #is%iss!+ !*!inst ATCI (petitioner) !s +o,!+ re,r-it%ent
!*en,( represente# $( A%!+i! IF#!+
The respon#ent .!s hire# $( ATCI O&erse!s Corp !s ! %e#i,!+ te,hno+o*ist
-n#er 5 (e!rs ,ontr!,t, #o%in!te# !s ! Me%or!n#-% O' A*ree%ent (MOA),
.ith ! %onth+( s!+!r( o' D,5@@ 6S #o++!rs 6n#er the MOA, !++ ne.+( hire#
e%p+o(ees -n#er*o ! pro$!tion!r( perio# o' D (e!r !n# !re ,o&ere# $(
N-.!itiUs Ci&i+ Ser&i,e )o!r# E%p+o(%ent Contr!,t No 5 The respon#ent
.!s ter%in!te# 'or not p!ssin* the pro$!tion!r( perio# .hi,h .!s -n#er the
The Ministr( o' P-$+i, /e!+th o' N-.!it #enie# the respon#ents re1-est 'or
re,onsi#er!tion !n# she ret-rne# to the Phi+ippines !t her o.n e9pense
The L!$or Ar$iter ren#ere# 7-#*e%ent in '!&or o' E,hin (respon#ent) !n#
or#ere# ATCI to p!( her A,L@@ 6S #o++!rs o' the A %onths -ne9pire# portion
o' the ,ontr!,ts
ATCI !ppe!+e# L!$or Ar$iterUs #e,ision, ho.e&er the NLRC !3r%e# the
+!tterUs #e,ision !n# #enie# petitioners ATCIUs %otion 'or re,onsi#er!tion
petitioners !ppe!+e# to the Co-rt o' Appe!+s ,onten#in* th!t their prin,ip!+
$ein* ! 'orei*n *o&ern%ent !*en,( is i%%-ne 'ro% s-it, !n# s-,h, i%%-nit(
e9ten#e# to the%
The Appe++!te Co-rt !3r%e# NLRCUs #e,ision It note# th!t -n#er the +!., !
pri&!te e%p+o(%ent !*en,( sh!++ !ss-%e !++ responsi$i+ities 'or the
i%p+e%ent!tion o' the ,ontr!,t o' e%p+o(%ent o' !n o&erse!s .orFer It ,!n
$e s-e# 7oint+( !n# se&er!++( .ith the 'orei*n prin,ip!+ 'or !n( &io+!tion o' the
re,r-it%ent !*ree%ent or ,ontr!,t o' e%p+o(%ent
The Petitioners %otion 'or re,onsi#er!tion .!s #enie#
8hether or not the petitioners $e he+# +i!$+e ,onsi#erin* th!t the ,ontr!,t
spe,iG,!++( stip-+!tes th!t respon#entUs e%p+o(%ent sh!++ $e *o&erne# $(
Ci&i+ Ser&i,e L!. !n# Re*-+!tions o' N-.!it
The Co-rt #enie# the petition $!se on the Rep-$+i, A,t No B@J5 ( The
o$+i*!tions ,o&en!nte# in the re,r-it%ent !*ree%ent entere# into $( !n#
$et.een the +o,!+ !*ent !n# itUs 'orei*n prin,ip!+ !re not ,oter%ino-s .ith
the ter% o' s-,h !*ree%ent so th!t i' either o' $oth o' the p!rties #e,i#e to
en# the !*ree%ent, the responsi$i+ities o' s-,h p!rties to.!r#s the
,ontr!,te# e%p+o(ees -n#er the !*ree%ent #o not !t !++ en#, $-t the s!%e
e9ten#s -p to !n# -nti+ the e9pir!tion o' the e%p+o(%ent ,ontr!,ts o' the
e%p+o(ees re,r-ite# !n# e%p+o(e# p-rs-!nt to the s!i# re,r-it%ent
!*ree%ent In intern!tion!+ +!., the p!rt( .ho .!nts to h!&e ! 'orei*n +!.
!pp+ie# to the #isp-te or ,!se h!s the $-r#en o' pro&in* the 'orei*n +!.
8here ! 'orei*n +!. is not p+e!#e# or, e&en i' p+e!#e#, is not pro&e#, the
pres-%ption is th!t 'orei*n +!. is the s!%e !s o-rs Th-s, .e !pp+(
Phi+ippines L!$or +!.s in #eter%inin* the iss-es presente# $e'ore -s
'(R( No( L?16762
8anuar 31/ 1263
E#.!r# Christensen .!s $orn in Ne. YorF $-t he %i*r!te# to C!+i'orni!
.here he resi#e# 'or ! perio# o' = (e!rs In D=DA, he ,!%e to the Phi+ippines
.here he $e,!%e ! #o%i,i+i!r( -nti+ his #e!th In his .i++, he instit-te# !n
!,Fno.+e#*e# n!t-r!+ #!-*hter, M!ri! L-,( Christensen (+e*iti%!te), !s his
on+( heir, $-t +e't ! +e*!,( s-% o' %one( in '!&or o' /e+en Christensen
G!r,i! (i++e*iti%!te) Co-nse+ 'or /e+en ,+!i%s th!t -n#er Arti,+e DL,
p!r!*r!ph 5 o' the Ci&i+ Co#e, C!+i'orni! +!. sho-+# $e !pp+ie#M th!t -n#er
C!+i'orni! +!., the %!tter is re'erre# $!,F to the +!. o' the #o%i,i+e On the
other h!n#, ,o-nse+ 'or M!ri!, !&erre# th!t the n!tion!+ +!. o' the #e,e!se#
%-st !pp+(, i++e*iti%!te ,hi+#ren not $ein* entit+e# to !n(thin* -n#er
C!+i'orni! +!.
"SS*$4 8hether or not the n!tion!+ +!. o' the #e,e!se# sho-+# $e !pp+ie# in
#eter%inin* the s-,,ession!+ ri*hts o' his heirs
)$LD4 The S-pre%e Co-rt #e,i#in* to *r!nt %ore s-,,ession!+ ri*hts to
/e+en s!i# in e4e,t th!t there !re t.o r-+es in C!+i'orni! on the %!tterM the
intern!+ +!. .hi,h !pp+ies to C!+i'orni!ns #o%i,i+e# in C!+i'orni! !n# the
,onOi,t r-+e 'or C!+i'orni!ns #o%i,i+e# o-tsi#e o' C!+i'orni! Christensen
$ein* #o%i,i+e# in the Phi+ippines, the +!. o' his #o%i,i+e %-st $e 'o++o.e#
The ,!se .!s re%!n#e# to the +o.er ,o-rt 'or '-rther pro,ee#in*s C the
#eter%in!tion o' the s-,,ession!+ ri*hts -n#er Phi+ippine +!. on+(
A#!S & B$LL"S 2- SCRA 35. (1262)
A%os )e++is .!s ! ,itizen o' the St!te o' Te9!s, !n# o' the 6nite# St!tes )(
his Grst .i'e .ho% he #i&or,e# he h!# G&e +e*iti%!te ,hi+#ren, $( his se,on#
.i'e, .ho s-r&i&e# hi%, he h!# three +e*iti%!te ,hi+#ren, !n# three
i++e*iti%!te ,hi+#ren )e'ore he #ie#, he %!#e t.o .i++s, one #isposin* o' his
Te9!s properties !n# the other #isposin* his Phi+ippine properties In $oth
.i++s, his i++e*iti%!te ,hi+#ren .ere not *i&en !n(thin* The i++e*iti%!te
,hi+#ren oppose# the .i++ on the *ro-n# th!t the( h!&e $een #epri&e# o'
their +e*iti%es to .hi,h the( sho-+# $e entit+e#, i' Phi+ippine +!. .ere to $e
8hether or not the n!tion!+ +!. o' the #e,e!se# sho-+# #eter%ine the
s-,,ession!+ ri*hts o' the i++e*iti%!te ,hi+#ren
The S-pre%e Co-rt he+# th!t the s!i# ,hi+#ren !re not entit+e# to their
+e*iti%es -n#er the Te9!s L!., $ein* the n!tion!+ +!. o' the #e,e!se#, there
!re no +e*iti%es
'(R( No( L?23165 No&e%$er 5=, D=LB
T$STAT$ $STAT$ !+ "D!NA) SLAD$ ,$R:"NS/ de0eased( R$NAT! D(
TA%A', ancillary administrator-appellee,
B$N'*$T C!NS!L"DAT$D/ "NC, oppositor-appellant
I#on!h S+!#e PerFins, !n A%eri,!n ,itizen .ho #ie# in Ne. YorF Cit(,
+e't !%on* others, t.o sto,F ,ertiG,!tes iss-e# $( )en*-et Conso+i#!te#, !
,orpor!tion #o%i,i+e# in the Phi+ippines As !n,i++!r( !#%inistr!tor o' PerFins<
est!te in the Phi+ippines, T!(!* no. .!nts to t!Fe possession o' these sto,F
,ertiG,!tes $-t Co-nt( Tr-st Co%p!n( o' Ne. YorF, the #o%i,i+i!r(
!#%inistr!tor, re'-se# to p!rt .ith the% Th-s, the pro$!te ,o-rt o' the
Phi+ippines .!s 'or,e# to iss-e !n or#er #e,+!rin* the sto,F ,ertiG,!tes !s
+ost !n# or#erin* )en*-et Conso+i#!te# to iss-e ne. sto,F ,ertiG,!tes
representin* PerFins< sh!res )en*-et Conso+i#!te# !ppe!+e# the or#er,
!r*-in* th!t the sto,F ,ertiG,!tes !re not +ost !s the( !re in e9isten,e !n#
,-rrent+( in the possession o' Co-nt( Tr-st Co%p!n( o' Ne. YorF
8hether or not T!(!* h!s the po.er to ,ontro+ the #e,e#ent<s est!te
.ithin the 7-ris#i,tion o' Phi+ippines
Yes As !n,i++!r( !#%inistr!tor, T!(!* h!s the po.er to *!in ,ontro+ !n#
possession o' !++ !ssets o' the #e,e#ent .ithin the 7-ris#i,tion o' the
Phi+ippinesM S-,h ! po.er is inherent in his #-t( to sett+e her est!te !n#
s!tis'( the ,+!i%s o' +o,!+ ,re#itors
:*A*)"R! )AS$'ACA & :"TA#*RA
'R N!( 162177
In M!r,h D===, Nippon En*ineerin* Cons-+t!nts Co, Lt#, ! 0!p!nese Gr%,
.!s ,ontr!,te# $( the Dep!rt%ent o' P-$+i, 8orFs !n# /i*h.!(s (DP8/) to
s-per&ise the ,onstr-,tion o' the So-thern T!*!+o* A,,ess Ro!# In Apri+
D===, Nippon entere# into !n in#epen#ent ,ontr!,tor !*ree%ent (ICA) .ith
Minor- Nit!%-r! 'or the +!tter to he!# the s!i# pro7e,t The ICA .!s entere#
into in 0!p!n !n# is e4e,ti&e 'or ! perio# o' D (e!r (so -nti+ Apri+ 5@@@) In
0!n-!r( 5@@@, DP8/ !.!r#e# the )on*!$on?)!+er Ro!# pro7e,t to Nippon
Nippon s-$se1-ent+( !ssi*ne# Nit!%-r! to he!# the ro!# pro7e,t )-t in
Fe$r-!r( 5@@@, N!z-hiro /!se*!.!, the *ener!+ %!n!*er o' Nippon in'or%e#
Nit!%-r! th!t the( !re pre?ter%in!tin* his ,ontr!,t Nit!%-r! so-*ht Nippon
to re,onsi#er $-t Nippon re'-se# to ne*oti!te Nit!%-r! then G+e# !
,o%p+!int 'or spe,iG, per'or%!n,e !n# #!%!*es !*!inst Nippon in the RTC
o' Lip!
/!se*!.! G+e# ! %otion to #is%iss on the *ro-n# th!t the ,ontr!,t .!s
entere# in 0!p!n hen,e, !pp+(in* the prin,ip+e o' +e9 +o,i ,e+e$r!,ionis, ,!ses
!risin* 'ro% the ,ontr!,t sho-+# $e ,o*niz!$+e on+( $( 0!p!nese ,o-rts The
tri!+ ,o-rt #enie# the %otion E&ent-!++(, Nippon G+e# ! petition 'or ,ertior!ri
.ith the S-pre%e Co-rt
/!se*!.!, on !ppe!+ si*niG,!nt+( ,h!n*e# its theor(, this ti%e in&oFin*
'or-% non ,on&eniensM th!t the RTC is !n in,on&enient 'or-% $e,!-se the
p!rties !re 0!p!nese n!tion!+s .ho entere# into ! ,ontr!,t in 0!p!n Nit!%-r!
on the other h!n# in&oFes the tri!+ ,o-rt<s r-+in* .hi,h st!tes th!t %!tters
,onne,te# .ith the per'or%!n,e o' ,ontr!,ts !re re*-+!te# $( the +!.
pre&!i+in* !t the p+!,e o' per'or%!n,e, so sin,e the o$+i*!tions in the ICA !re
e9e,-te# in the Phi+ippines, ,o-rts here h!&e 7-ris#i,tion
8hether or not the ,o%p+!int !*!inst Nippon sho-+# $e #is%isse#
No The tri!+ ,o-rt #i# the proper thin* in t!Fin* ,o*niz!n,e o' it
In the Grst p+!,e, the ,!se G+e# $( Nit!%-r! is ! ,o%p+!int 'or spe,iG,
per'or%!n,e !n# #!%!*es S-,h ,!se is in,!p!$+e o' pe,-ni!r( esti%!tionM
s-,h ,!ses !re .ithin the 7-ris#i,tion o' the re*ion!+ tri!+ ,o-rt
/!se*!.! G+e# his %otion to #is%iss on the *ro-n# o' 'or-% non
,on&eniens /o.e&er, s-,h *ro-n# is not one o' those pro&i#e# 'or $( the
R-+es !s ! *ro-n# 'or #is%issin* ! ,i&i+ ,!se
'(R( No( 162.26
Rat<eon &( Rou;ie (2--.)
So%eti%e in D==@,)r!n# M!rine Ser&i,es,In,,! ,orpor!tion #-+( or*!nize#
!n# e9istin* -n#er the +!.s o' the st!te o' Conne,ti,-t,6nite# St!tes o'
A%eri,!,!n# respon#ent Sto,Fton 8 Ro-zie ,0r !n A%eri,!n ,itizen,entere#
into ! ,ontr!,t .here )MSI hire# respon#ent !s its represent!ti&e to
ne*oti!te the s!+e o' ser&i,es in se&er!+ *o&ern%ent pro7e,ts in the
Phi+ippines 'or !n !*ree# re%-ner!tion o' D@W o' the *ross re,eiptsOn DD
M!r,h D==5,respon#ent se,-re# ! ser&i,e ,ontr!,t .ith the Rep-$+i, o' the
Phi+ippines on $eh!+' o' )MSI 'or the #re#*in* o' ri&ers !4e,te# $( the Mt
Pin!t-$o er-ption !n# %-#Oo.s
On DL 0-+( D==J,respon#ent G+e# $e'ore the Ar$itr!tion )r!n,h o' the
N!tion!+ L!$or Re+!tions ,o%%issions,! s-it !*!inst )MSI !n# R-st
Intern!tion!+ ,In,,Ro#ne( C Gi+$ert !n# 8!+ter G )ro.nin* 'or !++e*e# non
p!(%ent o' ,o%%issions ,i++e*!+ ter%in!tion !n# $re!,h o' e%p+o(%ent
Petitioner !+so re'erre# to the NLRC #e,ision,the ri*hts !n# o$+i*!tions o' the
p!rties sh!++ $e *o&erne# $( the +!.s o' the St!te o' Conne,ti,-tPetitioner
so-*ht the #is%iss!+ o' the ,o%p+!int on the *ro-n#s o' 'or-% non
,on&enient !n# pr!(e# 'or #!%!*es $( .!( o' ,o%p-+sor( ,o-nter,+!i%
8ether or not the ,o%p+!int $e #is%isse# on the *ro-n# o' For-% Non
On the %!tter o' 7-ris#i,tion o&er ! ,onOi,t?o'?+!.s pro$+e% .here the ,!se
is G+e# in the Phi+ippine ,o-rt !n# .here the ,o-rt h!s 7-ris#i,tion o&er the
s-$7e,t %!tter,the p!rties !n# the res,it %!( !n# ,!n pro,ee# to tr( the ,!se
e&en i' the r-+es o' ,onOi,t?o'?+!.s or the ,on&enien,e o' the p!rties point to
! 'orei*n 'or-%This is !n e9er,ise o' so&erei*n prero*!ti&e o' the ,o-ntr(
.here the ,!se is G+e#
6n#er the #o,trine o' For-% Non Con&eniens,! ,o-rt,in ,onOi,ts?o'?+!.s
,!ses,%!( re'-se i%positions on its 7-ris#i,tion .here it is not the %ost
H,on&enientH or !&!i+!$+e 'or-% !n# the p!rties !re not pre,+-#e# 'ro%
seeFin* re%e#ies e+se.here
Moreo&er ,the propriet( o' #is%issin* ! ,!se $!se# on the prin,ip+e o' 'or-%
non Con&enien,e re1-ires ! '!,t-!+ #eter%in!tion Mhen,e,it is %ore proper+(
,onsi#ere# !s ! %!tter o' #e'ense
AA#!RAN!S & ,$!,L$
This is ! ,!se 'or #i&or,e G+e# $( the herein ,o%p+!in!nt M!riett! (M!ri!%) D
K!%or!nos #e G-z%!n !*!inst her h-s$!n#, the herein respon#ent, on the *ro-n#
th!t the .i'e, herein ,o%p+!in!nt, .!s pre&io-s+( *i&en $( her h-s$!n# the !-thorit( to
e9er,ise T!+!1, !s pro&i#e# 'or !n#, in !,,or#!n,e .ith Presi#enti!+ De,ree No D@BA,
other.ise Fno.n !s the Co#e o' M-s+i% Person!+ L!.s o' the Phi+ippines 8hen this
,!se .!s ,!++e# 'or he!rin* $oth p!rties !ppe!re# !n# herein respon#ent, 0es-s
(Moh!%!#) #e G-z%!n interposes no o$7e,tion to ,onGr% their #i&or,e, .hi,h the(
h!&e 'ree+( entere# into on De,e%$er DB, D=BA This Co-rt, !'ter e&!+-!tin* the
testi%onies o' the herein p!rties is '-++( ,on&in,e# th!t $oth the ,o%p+!in!nt !n# the
respon#ent h!&e $een #-+( ,on&erte# to the '!ith o' Is+!% prior to their M-s+i% .e##in*
!n# Gn#in* th!t there is no %ore possi$i+it( o' re,on,i+i!tion $( !n# $et.een the%,
here$( iss-es this #e,ree o' #i&or,e The !++e*!tion o' QP!,!s-%R to the e4e,t th!t his
%!rri!*e .ith QK!%or!nosR on De,e%$er 5B, D==5 is ! $i*!%o-s %!rri!*e #-e to the
!++e*e# s-$sistin* pre&io-s %!rri!*e $et.een QK!%or!nosR !n# 0es-s #e G-z%!n is
%isp+!,e# The pre&io-s %!rri!*e $et.een 0es-s #e G-z%!n !n# QK!%or!nosR h!s+on*
$een ter%in!te# Q!n#R h!s *one .ith the .in# The '!,t th!t #i&or,e $( T!+!1 .!s
entere# into $( QK!%or!nosR !n# her Grst h-s$!n# in !,,or#!n,e .ith PD D@BA, their
%!rri!*e is #isso+&e# !n# ,onse1-ent+( thereo', QK!%or!nosR !n# 0es-s #e G-z%!n
,!n re?%!rr( Moreo&er, the se,on# %!rri!*e entere# into $( QK!%or!nosR !n# her Grst
h-s$!n# 0es-s #e G-z%!n -n#er the F!%i+( Co#e on 0-+( A@, D=B5 is %ere+(
,ere%oni!+, $ein* -nne,ess!r(, it #oes not %o#i'(V!+ter or ,h!n*e the &!+i#it( o' the
Grst %!rri!*e entere# into $( the% -n#er PD D@BA
8hether or not ! #i&or,e #e,ree -n#er M-s+i% +!. *i&es the spo-ses the ri*ht to
8/EREFORE, the petition in GR No D=A=@5 is GRANTED The petition in GR
NoD=J@>I is DENIED The De,ision o' the Co-rt o' Appe!+s in CA?GR SP No @AI5I?
MIN is RE2ERSED !n# SET ASIDE A,,or#in*+(, the Motion to T-!sh the In'or%!tion in
Cri%in!+ C!se No @L?D5A@I 'or )i*!%( is GRANTED
'AS)$# S)!!:AT BA:S) & C!*RT !+ A,,$ALS 212 SCRA115
In A-*-st D=BL, .hi+e .orFin* !s ! .!itress in D!*-p!n Cit(, P!n*!sin!n,
M!ri+o- Gonz!+es, then 5D (e!rs o+#, %et G!she% ShooF!t )!Fsh, ! 5= (e!r
o+# e9,h!n*e st-#ent 'ro% Ir!n .ho .!s st-#(in* %e#i,ine in D!*-p!n The
t.o *ot re!++( ,+ose !n# inti%!te On M!ri+o-<s !,,o-nt, she s!i# th!t
G!she% +!ter o4ere# to %!rr( her !t the en# o' the se%ester M!ri+o- then
intro#-,e# G!she% to her p!rents .here the( e9presse# their intention to
*et %!rrie# M!ri+o-<s p!rents then st!rte# in&itin* sponsors !n# re+!ti&es to
the .e##in* The( e&en st!rte# +ooFin* 'or !ni%!+s to s+!-*hter 'or the
Me!n.hi+e, M!ri+o- st!rte# +i&in* .ith G!she% in his !p!rt%ent .here the(
h!# se9-!+ inter,o-rse )-t in no ti%e, their re+!tionship .ent so-r !s
G!she% $e*!n %!+tre!tin* M!ri+o- G!she% e&ent-!++( re&oFe# his pro%ise
o' %!rr(in* M!ri+o- !n# he to+# her th!t he is !+re!#( %!rrie# to so%eone in
)!,o+o# Cit( So M!ri+o- .ent ho%e !n# +!ter s-e# G!she% 'or #!%!*es
The tri!+ ,o-rt r-+e# in '!&or o' M!ri+o- !n# !.!r#e# her P5@F in %or!+
#!%!*es The Co-rt o' Appe!+s !3r%e# the #e,ision o' the tri!+ ,o-rt
On !ppe!+, G!she% !&erre# th!t he ne&er propose# %!rri!*e to M!ri+o- !n#
th!t he ,!nnot $e !#7-#*e# to h!&e &io+!te# Fi+ipino ,-sto%s !n# tr!#itions
sin,e he, $ein* !n Ir!ni!n, .!s not '!%i+i!r .ith Fi+ipino ,-sto%s !n#
8hether or not the Co-rt o' Appe!+s is ,orre,t
Yes G!she% is +i!$+e to p!( 'or #!%!*es in '!&or o' M!ri+o- not re!++(
$e,!-se o' his $re!,h o' pro%ise to %!rr( her $-t $!se# on Arti,+e 5D o' the
Ci&i+ Co#e .hi,h pro&i#es: An( person .ho .i+'-++( ,!-ses +oss or in7-r( to
!nother in ! %!nner th!t is ,ontr!r( to %or!+s, *oo# ,-sto%s or p-$+i, po+i,(
sh!++ ,o%pens!te the +!tter 'or the #!%!*e. )re!,h o' pro%ise to %!rr( is
not !n !,tion!$+e .ron* per se In this ,!se, it is the #e,eit !n# 'r!-#
e%p+o(e# $( G!she% th!t ,onstit-tes ! &io+!tion o' Arti,+e 5D o' the Ci&i+
Co#e /is pro%ise o' %!rr(in* M!ri+o- .!s ! #e,eit'-+ s,he%e to +-re her
into se9-!+ ,on*ress As 'o-n# $( the tri!+ ,o-rt, M!ri+o- .!s not ! .o%!n o'
+oose %or!+s She .!s ! &ir*in $e'ore she %et G!she% She .o-+# not h!&e
s-rren#ere# herse+' to G!she% h!# G!she% not pro%ise# to %!rr( her
G!she%<s $+!t!nt #isre*!r# o' Fi+ipino tr!#itions on %!rri!*e !n# on the
rep-t!tion o' Fi+ipin!s is ,ontr!r( to %or!+s, *oo# ,-sto%s, !n# p-$+i, po+i,(
As ! 'orei*ner .ho is en7o(in* the hospit!+it( o' o-r ,o-ntr( !n# e&en t!Fin*
!#&!nt!*e o' the opport-nit( to st-#( here he is e9pe,te# to respe,t o-r
tr!#itions An( !,t ,ontr!r( .i++ ren#er hi% +i!$+e -n#er Arti,+e 5D o' the Ci&i+
The S-pre%e Co-rt !+so e+-,i#!te# th!t Arti,+e 5D .!s %e!nt to e9p!n# the
,on,epts o' torts !n# 1-!si #e+i,t It is %e!nt to ,o&er sit-!tions s-,h !s this
,!se .here the $re!,h ,o%p+!ine# o' is not stri,t+( ,o&ere# $( e9istin* +!.s
It .!s %e!nt !s ! +e*!+ re%e#( 'or the -nto+# n-%$er o' %or!+ .ron*s .hi,h
is i%possi$+e 'or h-%!n 'oresi*ht to spe,iG,!++( en-%er!te !n# p-nish in the
st!t-te $ooFs C s-,h !s the !$sen,e o' ! +!. pen!+izin* ! the $re!,h o'
pro%ise to %!rr(
The S-pre%e Co-rt ho.e&er !*ree# .ith +e*!+ +-%in!ries th!t i' the pro%ise
to %!rr( .!s %!#e !n# there .!s ,!rn!+ Fno.+e#*e $e,!-se o' it, then
%or!+ #!%!*es %!( $e re,o&ere# (presen,e o' %or!+ or ,ri%in!+ se#-,tion),
E9,ept i' there .!s %-t-!+ +-stM or i' e9penses .ere %!#e $e,!-se o' the
pro%ise (e9penses 'or the .e##in*), then !,t-!+ #!%!*es %!( $e
,AC"+"C #$RC)AND"A"N' C!R, & C!NS!LAC"!N "NS*RANC$
'R N!( L3-2-6/!CT!B$R 22/1276
An !,tion instit-te# $( P!,iG, Mer,h!n#izin* ,orp to ,o++e,t the s-% o'
5IL5BB 'ro% Conso+!,ion Ins-r!n,e ,o in, In t-rn G+es ! thir#?p!rt( ,o%p+!int
!*!inst Ther(ono 2 Pe*!ri++o (thir# p!rt( #e'en#!nt !ppe++ee)
8hether or not A
p!rt( #e'en#!nt?!ppe++ee is +i!$+e to P!,iG, Mer,h!n#izin* .hi,h
is $ein* ,o++e,te# !*!inst Conso+!,ion Ins-r!n,e
YES, it<s on+( si%p+e 7-sti,e th!t P!7!ri++o sho-+# p!( the ,+!i% Other.ise he .o-+#
$e enri,hin* hi%se+' .itho-t p!(in* p+!inti## 'or the ,ost o' ,ert!in %!teri!+s th!t
.ent into its ,onstr-,tion It is !*ree# ho.e&er , th!t he #i# so on+( !s ! re,ei&er o'
Leo P!7!ri++o $( &irt-e o' the 7-#*%ents in Ci&i+ C!se no 5@D
Re3u1li0 vs( 8udge Ballo0anag
Re(es $o-*ht the s-$7e,t DB5,=JD?s1-!re?%eter +!n# !t Orient!+ Min#oro 'ro%
C!sti++o Ri*ht !'ter his p-r,h!se, Re(es intro#-,e# e9tensi&e i%pro&e%ents,
p+!nte# 'r-it?$e!rin* trees !n# e%p+o(e# %!n( .orFers .ho re*-+!r+( tooF
,!re o' the trees !n# other p+!nts Re(es so prize# this +!n# .hi,h he $o-*ht !n#
o,,-pie# in *oo# '!ith 'or thirt( (e!rs 6n'ort-n!te+(, ! ,o%p+!int
'or HC!n,e++!tion o' Tit+e !n#Vor Re&ersionH .!s G+e# $( the O3,e o' the
So+i,itor Gener!+ in $eh!+' o' the Rep-$+i,, !s represente# $( the )-re!-o'
Forest De&e+op%ent It .!s e9p+!ine# th!t the so-r,e Ori*in!+ Tr!ns'er
CertiG,!te o' Tit+e o' C!sti++o, iss-e# p-rs-!nt to Free P!tent, is sp-rio-s,
G,titio-s !n# irre*-+!r+( iss-e# on !,,o-nt o':
!) The DL5,I@@ s1-!re %eters o' the +!n# .!s, !t the ti%e it .!s !pp+ie# 'or
p!tent!n# or tit+in*, ! p!rt o' the ti%$er+!n# o' Orient!+ Min#oro, the s!%e
,!nnot $e thes-$7e,t o' !n( #isposition or !,1-isition -n#er !n( e9istin* +!.M
$) The DL5,I@@ s1-!re %eters !re entire+( insi#e the DJ@ he,t!res
A*ro?Forestr(F!r% Le!se A*ree%ent in '!&or o' Att( M!rte, iss-e# to hi% $(
the Ministr( o' N!t-r!+ Reso-r,es in D=BL to e9pire on De,e%$er 5D, 5@DDM
,) Neither the pri&!te #e'en#!nt nor his pre#e,essors?in?interest h!&e
$een in
possession o' the propert( $e,!-se the ri*ht'-+ o,,-p!nt is Att( M!rte
/en,e, the RTC ren#ere# #e,ision in '!&or o' the Rep-$+i, .hi,h .!s !+so !3r%e# $( the
CA It #e,+!re# the OCT o' C!sti++o !n# its #eri&!ti&e n-++ !n# &oi#, !n#
#e,+!re# the re&ersion o' the +!n# in 1-estion to the *o&ern%ent s-$7e,t to
the A*ro?Forestr( F!r% Le!se A*ree%ent, to 'or% p!rt o' the p-$+i, #o%!in in the
pro&in,e o' Orient!+ Min#oro F-rther%ore, the t.o?he,t!re +ot, .hi,h !ppe!rs
#ispos!$+e !n# !+ien!$+e, is #e,+!re# n-++ !n# &oi# 'or '!i+-re to se,-re
,ertiG,!tion 'ro% the )-re!- o' Forest De&e+op%ent )-t these #e,isions si%p+(
or#ere# the re&ersion o' the propert( to the St!te, !n# #i# not ,onsi#er the i%pro&e%ents
th!t Re(es h!# intro#-,e# on the propert( or pro&i#e hi% .ith !n( re%e#( re+!ti&e
thereto Th-s, !**rie&e#, Re(es G+e# ! Motion to Re%o&e I%pro&e%ents
Intro#-,e# $( Re(es on the Propert( Re(es pr!(e# th!t he !n#Vor his !*ents $e *i&en !t
+e!st one (D) (e!r 'ro% the iss-!n,e o' the ,orrespon#in* or#er to re%o&e his %!n*o,
,itr-s !n# *-(!$!no trees, !n# th!t the( $e !++o.e# to st!( in the pre%ises
.ithin th!t perio# to .orF on the ,-ttin* !n# re%o&!+ o' the s!i# trees /e !+so
!sFe# the Co-rt th!t in the %e!nti%e th!t these trees !re not (et re%o&e#, !++ the
-nh!r&este# 'r-its $e !ppropri!te# $( hi%, !s pro&i#e# 'or $( +!., to the e9,+-sion
o' !++ other persons .ho %!( t!Fe !#&!nt!*e o' the sit-!tion !n# h!r&est s!i# 'r-its
Iss-e: 8hether or not Re(es is entit+e# to the $eneGts o' Arti,+e JJB o' the
Ci&i+ Co#e
Yes, Re(es is entit+e# to the $eneGts o' Arti,+e JJB o' the Ci&i+ Co#e In the
inst!nt ,!se, the iss-e !ss-%es '-++ si*niG,!n,e, $e,!-se Arti,+es JJB o' the Ci&i+ Co#e
*r!nt the $-i+#er or p+!nter in *oo# '!ith '-++ rei%$-rse%ent o' -se'-+
i%pro&e%ents !n# retention o' the pre%ises -nti+ rei%$-rse%ent is %!#e
The Co-rt #is%isses the Grst petition , GR No D>@AAB, !n# *r!nts the se,on# GR No
(D>=5>I) The S-pre%e Co-rt is #ispose# to !*ree .ith the CA th!t Re(es .!s ! p+!nter

*oo# '!ith $e,!-se he .!s o' the $e+ie' th!t he .!s the o.ner o' the s-$7e,t +!n#M in'!,t, !
TCT o&er the propert( .!s iss-e# in his n!%e /e ti++e# the +!n#, p+!nte# 'r-it trees
thereon, !n# in&este# %one( 'ro% D=>@ /e re,ei&e# noti,e o' the Rep-$+i,Us ,+!i% on+(
.hen the re&ersion ,!se .!s G+e# on M!( DA, D=B> The trees !re no.'-++?*ro.n !n# 'r-it?
$e!rin* To or#er Re(es to si%p+( s-rren#er !++ o' these 'r-it?$e!rin* trees in '!&or o' the
St!te?? $e,!-se the #e,ision in the re&ersion ,!se #e,+!rin* th!t the +!n# is p!rt o'

in!+ien!$+e 'orest +!n# !n# $e+on*s to the St!te is !+re!#( Gn!+ !n# i%%-t!$+e ??.o-+#
ine1-it!$+( res-+t in -n7-st enri,h%ent o' the St!te !t the e9pense o' Re(es, ! p+!nter in
*oo# '!ith /o.e&er, the Co-rt is %in#'-+ th!t Re(esU entit+e%ent to these $eneGts is not

$e,!-se the s-$7e,t +!n# ,-rrent+( ,o&ere# $( A*ro?Forestr( F!r% Le!se A*ree%ent To
!++o. Re(es to re%o&e the 'r-it?$e!rin* trees no. '-++?*ro.n on the s-$7e,t +!n#, e&en i'
he is +e*!++( entit+e# to #o so, .o-+# $e risFin* s-$st!nti!+ #!%!*e to the +!n# It .o-+#
ne*!te the po+i,( ,onsi#er!tion -n#er+(in* the AFFLA ?? to prote,t !n# preser&e the
$io#i&ersit( !n# the en&iron%ent, !n# to pre&ent !n( #!%!*e to the

+!n# In this +i*ht, the on+( e1-it!$+e !+tern!ti&e .o-+# $e to or#er the Rep-$+i, to p!(
Re(es the &!+-e o' the i%pro&e%ents he intro#-,e# on the propert( This is on+(
'!ir $e,!-se, !'ter !++, $( the ter%s o' the AFFLA, -pon the e9pir!tion o' the +e!se or

-pon its ,!n,e++!tion i' there $e !n( &io+!tion or $re!,h o' its ter%s, !++ per%!nent
i%pro&e%ents on the +!n# sh!++ p!ss to the o.nership o' the Rep-$+i, .itho-t !n(
o$+i*!tion on its p!rt to in#e%ni'( the +essee /o.e&er, the AFFLA is not #-e to e9pire
-nti+ De,e%$er 5D, 5@DD In the interi%, it is +o*i,!+ to !ss-%e th!t the +essee, Att( M!rte,
.i++ #eri&e Gn!n,i!+ *!in 'ro% the 'r-its th!t the trees p+!nte# $( Re(es .o-+# (ie+# In
'!,t, Att( M!rte %!( !+re!#( h!&e proGte# there'ro% in the p!st se&er!+ (e!rs It is,
there'ore, re!son!$+e to *r!nt the

Rep-$+i, the ri*ht o' s-$ro*!tion !*!inst the +essee .ho %!( h!&e $eneGte# 'ro% the
i%pro&e%ents The Rep-$+i, %!(, th-s, #e%!n# rei%$-rse%ent 'ro% Att(
M!rte 'or .h!te&er !%o-nt it .i++ h!&e to p!( Re(es 'or these i%pro&e%ents
$LADlA D$ L"#A vs( LA'*NA TA%ABAS C!('(R( No( L?
35627?22 A3ril 15/ 12..
E+!i#! #e Li%!, Poten,i!no Re1-i7o, Ne%esio F+ores petitioner & L!*-n!
T!(!$!s )-s Co respon#ents GR no L?AIL=>?== Apri+, D=BB) Leo O T(,
Ges%-n#o !n# Ges%-n#o !n# Ren!to ) 2!s1-ez petitioners 2s Do%in*o E
#e L!r! !n# !sso,i!tes respon#ents Th!t the petitioner ,onten#s to in,+-#e
!n !.!r# o' +e*!+ interest on the !%o-nt !#7-#*e# 'ro% the #!te o' the
#e,ision o' the ,o-rt ! 1-o to the Co-rt o' Appe!+ to ti%e o' !,t-!+ p!(%ent
The !,tion !rose 'ro% the ,o++ision $et.een ! p!ssen*er $-s o' L!*-n!
T!(!$!s Co !n# ! #e+i&er( tr-,F o' Se&en?-p $ott+in* ,o o' the Phi+ 8hi,h
tooF p+!,e in 0-ne A, D=IB res-+tin* to the #e!th o' Petr! #e+! Cr-z !n#
serio-s ph(si,!+ in7-ries o' E+!i#! #e Li%! !n# Ne%esio F+oresP Ci&i++ s-its
.ere G+e# !*!inst the respon#ent De,5>, D=LA the ,o-rt ren#ere# its
#e,ision !n# or#ere# the respon#ents to 7oint+( p!( the p+!inti4 Ci&i+ ,!se
SP No 5A=, E+!i#! #e Li%! 5,BAJ, Ci&i+ ,!se SP no 5J@ Re1-i7os DB,DBAA5,
Ci&i+ ,!se SP no 5LA Ne%esio F+ores DJ,LB@ P+!inti4 in Ci&i+ ,!se SP nos
5A=?5J@ G+e# ! %otion 'or re,onsi#er!tion o' the #e,ision seeFin* the !.!r#
o' +e*!+ interest, $-t the %otion .!s not !,te# $( the tri!+ ,o-rt De, 5=,
D=>D petitioner G+e# the ,o-rt o' !ppe!+ seeFin* i%%e#i!te #e,ision o' the
,!se !n# ! pr!(er 'or *r!ntin* +e*!+ interest 'ro% the #!te o' its #e,ision,
A,@@@ to D5,@@@ in#e%nities
D 8hether or not, the ,o-rt o' !ppe!+ *r!nts the +e*!+ interest on the
#!%!*es to st!rt on+( the #!te o' its #e,ision inste!# o' 'ro% the #!te o' tri!+
,o-rt<s #e,ision
5 .hether or not, the ,o-rt o' !ppe!+ erre# not in,re!sin* the in#e%nit( 'or
the #e!th o' Petr! #e+! Cr-z (in ,i&i+ ,!se No SP ?5J@)
Co-rt o' !ppe!+s *r!nte# the petitioner, the s-$7e,t #e,ision is %o#iGe# in
the +e*!+ interest on the #!%!*es !.!r#e# the petitioners ,o%%en,es 'ro%
the #!te o' #e,ision o' the tri!+ ,o-rt -nti+ !,t-!+ p!(%ent, !s .e++ !s the ,i&i+
in#e%nit( 'or the #e!th o' Petr! #e+! Cr-z in in,re!se# to A@,@@@
#endo;a versus Al0ala 2SCRA1-32
Th!t, G!-#en,io T Men#oz! G+e# ! ,ri%in!+ ,!se o' ESTAFA to M!9i%o M
A+,!+! in the ,o-rt o' First Inst!n,e o' N-e&! E,i7! !n# .hi,h .!s ori*in!++(
!ppe!+e# to the Co-rt o' Appe!+s
Th!t, the ,h!r*e# o4ense .!s s-pporte# $( re,eipt !s HE9hi$it )H si*ne# on
Sept 5, D=IA $( the Appe++ee hi%se+' st!tin* th!t he re,ei&e# the !%o-nt o'
PD,D@@@@ 'ro% Mr Men#oz! !s p!(%ent therein 'or the D@@ ,!&!ns o'
p!+!(s .hi,h .!s !++e*e#+( store# in his sisterUs $o#e*! +o,!te# in ! 'e.
%eters !.!( 'ro% Mr Men#oz!Us ho-se !n# !,,or#in*+( $e #e+i&ere# on or
$e'ore Sept I, D=IA, !%on* others
Th!t, t.o .ere *oo# 'rien#s !n# h!# Fno.n e!,h other 'or ! +on* ti%e !*o
!n# e&en ,!%e 'ro% s!%e to.n !s .e++
8VN Mr A+,!+! .!s +i!$+e 'or ,ri%in!+ ,!se o' Est!'!
Not, the Co-rt !,1-itte# Mr A+,!+! !s the o4ense ,h!r*e# 'or the re!son th!t
the prose,-tion '!i+e# to pro&e $e(on# re!son!$+e #o-$t !n# on+( ,ri%in!+
!,tion %!( prosper -n#er Art AA o' Ci&i+ Co#e
The %ere '!,t th!t Mr Men#oz! #i# not !tte%pt to &eri'( the s!i# e9isten,e
or !&!i+!$i+it( o' ,!&!ns o' p!+!( ,onsi#erin* the #ist!n,e o' the s!%e 'ro%
his ho-se !n# it is ! &!+i# '!,t th!t the re,eipt HE9hi$it )H is not .h!t re!++(
p-rports to $e
An( o4ense in,-rre# $( the #e'en#!nt !re %ere+( ,i&i+ in n!t-re
LiDaDa &in;ons?C<ato vs( +ortune To1a00o/ Cor3(
'(R( No( 1613-2/ 8une 12/ 2--7
This is ! ,!se 'or #!%!*es -n#er Arti,+e A5 o' the Ci&i+ Co#e G+e# $( Fort-ne
!*!inst Li.!(.!( !s CIR
On 0-ne D@, D==A, the +e*is+!t-re en!,te# RA >LIJ, .hi,h pro&i#e# th!t
+o,!++( %!n-'!,t-re# ,i*!rettes .hi,h !re ,-rrent+( ,+!ssiGe# !n# t!9e# !t
IIW sh!++ $e ,h!r*e# !n !# &!+ore% t!9 o' :IIW pro&i#e# th!t the %!9i%-%
t!9 sh!++ not $e +ess th!n Fi&e Pesos per p!,F; Prior to e4e,ti&it( o' RA >LIJ,
Li.!(.!( iss-e# ! r-+e, re,+!ssi'(in* :Ch!%pion,; :/ope,; !n# :More; (!++
%!n-'!,t-re# $( Fort-ne) !s +o,!++( %!n-'!,t-re# ,i*!rettes $e!rin* 'orei*n
$r!n# s-$7e,t to the IIW !# &!+ore% t!9 Th-s, .hen RA >LIJ .!s p!sse#,
these ,i*!rette $r!n#s .ere !+re!#( ,o&ere#
In ! ,!se G+e# !*!inst Li.!(.!( .ith the RTC, Fort-ne ,onten#e# th!t the
iss-!n,e o' the r-+e &io+!te# its ,onstit-tion!+ ri*ht !*!inst #epri&!tion o'
propert( .itho-t #-e pro,ess o' +!. !n# the ri*ht to e1-!+ prote,tion o' the
For her p!rt, Li.!(.!( ,onten#e# in her %otion to #is%iss th!t respon#ent
h!s no ,!-se o' !,tion !*!inst her $e,!-se she iss-e# RMC A>?=A in the
per'or%!n,e o' her o3,i!+ '-n,tion !n# .ithin the s,ope o' her !-thorit( She
,+!i%e# th!t she !,te# %ere+( !s !n !*ent o' the Rep-$+i, !n# there'ore the
+!tter is the one responsi$+e 'or her !,ts She !+so ,onten#e# th!t the
,o%p+!int st!tes no ,!-se o' !,tion 'or +!,F o' !++e*!tion o' %!+i,e or $!#
The or#er #en(in* the %otion to #is%iss .!s e+e&!te# to the CA, .ho
#is%isse# the ,!se on the *ro-n# th!t -n#er Arti,+e A5, +i!$i+it( %!( !rise
e&en i' the #e'en#!nt #i# not !,t .ith %!+i,e or $!# '!ith
/en,e this !ppe!+
8hether or not ! p-$+i, o3,er %!( $e &!+i#+( s-e# in hisVher pri&!te
,!p!,it( 'or !,ts #one in ,onne,tion .ith the #is,h!r*e o' the '-n,tions o'
hisVher o3,e
8hether or not Arti,+e A5, NCC, sho-+# $e !pp+ie# inste!# o' Se, AB, )ooF I,
A#%inistr!ti&e Co#e
On the Grst iss-e, the *ener!+ r-+e is th!t ! p-$+i, o3,er is not +i!$+e 'or
#!%!*es .hi,h ! person %!( s-4er !risin* 'ro% the 7-st per'or%!n,e o' his
o3,i!+ #-ties !n# .ithin the s,ope o' his !ssi*ne# t!sFs An o3,er .ho !,ts
.ithin his !-thorit( to !#%inister the !4!irs o' the o3,e .hi,h heVshe he!#s
is not +i!$+e 'or #!%!*es th!t %!( h!&e $een ,!-se# to !nother, !s it .o-+#
&irt-!++( $e ! ,h!r*e !*!inst the Rep-$+i,, .hi,h is not !%en!$+e to
7-#*%ent 'or %onet!r( ,+!i%s .itho-t its ,onsent /o.e&er, ! p-$+i, o3,er
is $( +!. not i%%-ne 'ro% #!%!*es in hisVher person!+ ,!p!,it( 'or !,ts
#one in $!# '!ith .hi,h, $ein* o-tsi#e the s,ope o' his !-thorit(, !re no
+on*er prote,te# $( the %!nt+e o' i%%-nit( 'or o3,i!+ !,tions
Spe,iG,!++(, -n#er Se, AB, )ooF I, A#%inistr!ti&e Co#e, ,i&i+ +i!$i+it( %!(
!rise .here there is $!# '!ith, %!+i,e, or *ross ne*+i*en,e on the p!rt o' !
s-perior p-$+i, o3,er An#, -n#er Se, A= o' the s!%e )ooF, ,i&i+ +i!$i+it(
%!( !rise .here the s-$or#in!te p-$+i, o3,er<s !,t is ,h!r!,terize# $(
.i++'-+ness or ne*+i*en,e In Co7-!n*,o, 0r 2 CA, ! p-$+i, o3,er .ho #ire,t+(
or in#ire,t+( &io+!tes the ,onstit-tion!+ ri*hts o' !nother, %!( $e &!+i#+( s-e#
'or #!%!*es -n#er Arti,+e A5 o' the Ci&i+ Co#e e&en i' his !,ts .ere not so
t!inte# .ith %!+i,e or $!# '!ith
Th-s, the r-+e in this 7-ris#i,tion is th!t ! p-$+i, o3,er %!( $e &!+i#+( s-e# in
hisVher pri&!te ,!p!,it( 'or !,ts #one in the ,o-rse o' the per'or%!n,e o' the
'-n,tions o' the o3,e, .here s!i# p-$+i, o3,er: (D) !,te# .ith %!+i,e, $!#
'!ith, or ne*+i*en,eM or (5) .here the p-$+i, o3,er &io+!te# ! ,onstit-tion!+
ri*ht o' the p+!inti4
On the se,on# iss-e, SC r-+e# th!t the #e,isi&e pro&ision is Arti,+e A5, it
$ein* ! spe,i!+ +!., .hi,h pre&!i+s o&er ! *ener!+ +!. (the A#%inistr!ti&e
Arti,+e A5 .!s p!tterne# !'ter the :tort; in A%eri,!n +!. A tort is ! .ron*, !
tortio-s !,t .hi,h h!s $een #eGne# !s the ,o%%ission or o%ission o' !n !,t
$( one, .itho-t ri*ht, .here$( !nother re,ei&es so%e in7-r(, #ire,t+( or
in#ire,t+(, in person, propert( or rep-t!tion There !re ,!ses in .hi,h it h!s
$een st!te# th!t ,i&i+ +i!$i+it( in tort is #eter%ine# $( the ,on#-,t !n# not $(
the %ent!+ st!te o' the tort'e!sor, !n# there !re ,ir,-%st!n,es -n#er .hi,h
the %oti&e o' the #e'en#!nt h!s $een ren#ere# i%%!teri!+ The re!son
so%eti%es *i&en 'or the r-+e is th!t other.ise, the %ent!+ !ttit-#e o' the
!++e*e# .ron*#oer, !n# not the !,t itse+', .o-+# #eter%ine .hether the !,t
.!s .ron*'-+ Presen,e o' *oo# %oti&e, or r!ther, the !$sen,e o' !n e&i+
%oti&e, #oes not ren#er +!.'-+ !n !,t .hi,h is other.ise !n in&!sion o'
!nother<s +e*!+ ri*htM th!t is, +i!$i+it( in tort in not pre,+-#e# $( the '!,t th!t
#e'en#!nt !,te# .itho-t e&i+ intent
AB$RCA & &$R (16-SCRA52-)
This ,!se ste%s 'ro% !++e*e# i++e*!+ se!r,hes !n# seiz-res !n# other
&io+!tions o' the ri*hts !n# +i$erties o' p+!inti4s $( T!sF For,e M!F!$!ns!
(TFM) or#ere# $( Gener!+ F!$i!n 2er Hto ,on#-,t pre?e%pti&e striFes !*!inst
Fno.n ,o%%-nist?terrorist (CT) -n#er*ro-n# ho-ses in &ie. o' in,re!sin*
reports !$o-t CT p+!ns to so. #ist-r$!n,es in Metro M!ni+!,H The TFM r!i#e#
so%e p+!,es -sin* #e'e,ti&e .!rr!nts, seize# person!+ $e+on*in*s o'
petitioners, interro*!te# the% in &io+!tion o' their ri*ht to si+en,e !n# to
,o-nse+, tort-re# !n# inti%i#!te#
Petitioners !sFe# 'or p!(%ent o' #!%!*es 'or &io+!tions o' their
,onstit-tion!+ ri*hts
"SS*$4 8hether or not the %i+it!r( personne+ #ire,t+( in&o+&e# !n#Vor their
s-periors !re +i!$+e 'or s-,h &io+!tions
Yes Arti,+e A5 o' the Ci&i+ Co#e ren#ers !n( p-$+i, o3,er or e%p+o(ee or !n(
pri&!te in#i&i#-!+ +i!$+e in #!%!*es 'or &io+!tin* the Constit-tion!+ ri*hts !n#
+i$erties o' !nother, !s en-%er!te# therein, #oes not e9e%pt the
respon#ents 'ro% responsi$i+it( On+( 7-#*es !re e9,+-#e# 'ro% +i!$i+it( -n#er
the s!i# !rti,+e, pro&i#e# their !,ts or o%issions #o not ,onstit-te ! &io+!tion
o' the Pen!+ Co#e or other pen!+ st!t-te
The ,o%p+!int in this +iti*!tion !++e*es '!,ts sho.in* .ith !$-n#!nt ,+!rit(
!n# #et!i+s, ho. p+!inti4sU ,onstit-tion!+ ri*hts !n# +i$erties %entione# in
Arti,+e A5 o' the Ci&i+ Co#e .ere &io+!te# !n# i%p!ire# $( #e'en#!nts
Lim v( ,on0e de Leon (66 SCRA 222)
F!,ts : DELFIN LIM !n# 0INIL TA/A, p+!inti4?!ppe++!nts
FRANCISCO PONCE !n# ORLANDO MADDELA, #e'en#!nts?!ppe++ees
T!h! so+# to ! ,ert!in A+$erto Ti%$!n*,!(! ! %otor +!-n,h n!%e# MVL
:SAN RAFAEL; A (e!r +!ter or on Apri+ =, D=L5 A+$erto Ti%$!n*,!(!
G+e# ! ,o%p+!int .ith the O3,e o' the Pro&in,i!+ Fis,!+ o' P!+!.!n
!++e*in* th!t !'ter the s!+e 0iFi+ T!h! 'or,i$+( tooF !.!( the %otor
+!-n,h 'ro% hi%
Fis,!+ Fr!n,is,o Pon,e #e Leon, -pon $ein* in'or%e# th!t the %otor
+!-n,h .!s in )!+!$!,, P!+!.!n, .rote the Pro&in,i!+ Co%%!n#er o'
P!+!.!n re1-estin* hi% to #ire,t the #et!,h%ent ,o%%!n#er?in?
)!+!$!, to i%po-n# !n# t!Fe ,-sto#( o' the %otor +!-n,h
On 0-ne 5L, D=L5, Fis,!+ Pon,e #e Leon reiter!te# his re1-est to the
Pro&in,i!+ Co%%!n#er to i%po-n# the %otor +!-n,h, e9p+!inin* th!t its
s-$se1-ent s!+e to ! thir# p!rt(, p+!inti4?!ppe++!nt De+Gn Li%, ,!nnot
pre&ent the ,o-rt 'ro% t!Fin* ,-sto#( o' the s!%e So on 0-+( L, D=L5
-pon or#er o' the Pro&in,i!+ Co%%!n#er, #e'en#!nt?!ppe++ee Or+!n#o
M!#e+!, Det!,h%ent Co%%!n#er o' )!+!$!,, P!+!.!n, seize# the
%otor +!-n,h :SAN RAFAEL; 'ro% p+!inti4?!ppe++!nt De+Gn Li% !n#
i%po-n#e# it
De+Gn Li% !n# 0iFi+ T!h! G+e# ! ,!se !*!inst Fis,!+ Fr!n,is,o Pon,e #e
Leon !n# Or+!n#o M!##e+!, !++e*in* th!t on 0-+( L, D=L5 Or+!n#o
M!##e+! entere# the pre%ises o' De+Gn Li% .itho-t se!r,h .!rr!nt
!n# then !n# there tooF !.!( the h-++ o' the %otor +!-n,h .itho-t his
,onsentM th!t he e4e,te# the seiz-re -pon or#er o' Fis,!+ Pon,e #e
Leon .ho Fne. '-++( .e++ th!t his o3,e .!s not &este# .ith !-thorit(
to or#er the seiz-re o' ! pri&!te propert(M th!t s!i# %otor +!-n,h .!s
p-r,h!se# $( De+Gn Li% 'ro% 0iFi+ Th!! in ,onsi#er!tion o' Three
Tho-s!n# Pesos (PA,@@@@@), T.o Tho-s!n# Pesos (P5,@@@@@) o' .hi,h
h!s $een *i&en to 0iFi+ T!h!!s !#&!n,e p!(%entM th!t !s !
,onse1-en,e o' the -n+!.'-+ seiz-re o' the %otor +!-n,h, its s!+e #i#
not %!teri!+izeM !n# th!t sin,e 0-+( L, D=L5, the s!i# %otor +!-n,h h!#
$een %oore# !t the )!+!$!, )!(, P!+!.!n !n# $e,!-se o' e9pos-re to
the e+e%ents it h!# $e,o%e .orth+ess !n# $e(on# rep!ir
Iss-e: 8hether or not #e'en#!nt?!ppe++e Fis,!+ Pon,e #e Leon h!# the
po.er to or#er the seiz-re o' the %otor +!-n,h in 1-estion .itho-t !
.!rr!nt ' se!r,h !n# seiz-re e&en i' the s!%e .!s !#%itte#+( the
,orp-s #e+i,ti o' the ,ri%e
8hether or not #e'en#!nts?!ppe++ees !re ,i&i++( +i!$+e to p+!inti4?
!ppe++!nts 'or #!%!*es !++e*e#+( s-4ere# $( the% *r!ntin* th!t the
seiz-re o' the %otor +!-n,h .!s -n+!.'-+
/e+#: The S-pre%e ,o-rt #e,+!re# the seiz-re i++e*!+ !n# or#erin*
#e'en#!nt?!ppe++ee Fis,!+ Fr!n,is,o Pon,e #e Leon to p!( to p+!inti4?
!ppe++!nt De+Gn Li% the s-% o' PA,@@@@@ !s !,t-!+ #!%!*es, p+-s
PD,@@@@@ %or!+ #!%!*es, !n#, in !##ition, P>I@@@ 'or !ttornet<s
'ees 8ith ,osts !*!inst #e'en#!nt?!ppe++ee Fis,!+ Pon,e #e Leon
The po.er to iss-e ! se!r,h .!rr!nt is &este# in ! 7-#*e or %!*istr!te
!n# in no other o3,er !n# no se!r,h !n# seiz-re ,!n $e %!#e .itho-t
! proper .!rr!nt
To $e +i!$+e -n#er Arti,+e A5 o' the Ne. Ci&i+ Co#e it is eno-*h th!t
there .!s ! &io+!tion o' the ,onstit-tion!+ ri*hts o' the p+!inti4s !n# it
is not re1-ire# th!t #e'en#!nts sho-+# h!&e !,te# .ith %!+i,e or $!#
'!ith E9,ept 'or M!#e++! .ho .!s %ere+( !,tin* -n#er or#ers

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