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Epic WWII Rules Benjamin Asmussen

by Benjamin Asmussen
Epic WWII is a modifcation to Games Workshops free game Epic, availale at
their !esite http"##!!!$specialist%games$com$ Epic WWII does not take place
in the &'
millenium, ut instead much earlier, during the second !orld !ar,
from '()(%'(&*$ Epic WWII is meant to pla+ed !ith miniatures in either '",-*
or '").., meaning a soldier is standing /mm tall$
0he idea !ith Epic WWII is to comine realism !ith pla+ailit+$ 0he unit
formations in the game are closel+ modelled after their historical counterparts,
and !eapons range, rate of fre and armour penetration are carefull+
1an+ armies participated in this great con2ict, and their e3uipment developed
at a speed never seen efore or since$ In the eginning, this ruleset !ill focus
on the !ar from '(&&, after the allied invasion of 4ormand+$ 0he frst t!o arm+
lists !ill cover the German and American forces, ut later the 5oviet and British
!ill follo!$
0he Epic rules + GW is the fourth version of the ruleset, and it sho!s$ 0he+
strike a great alance et!een grandeur and detail, and !ork ver+ !ell$
6o!ever a fe! modifcations are necessar+ to properl+ re2ect the attlefelds
of the ,
0he ground scale in GW Epic is supposed to e aout '")..., !hich is ten
times higher than the miniature scale, and a turn is supposed to last for aout
'* minutes$ 0his !a+, a soldier is supposed to e ale to run farther in a round
than he can shoot$
In Epic WWII ground scale is much closer to miniature scale, aout '"/..$
Ideall+, ground and miniature scale !ould e the same, ut that !ould re3uire
either a ver+ large tale or ver+ small forces$ I$e$ a German 1G&, an e7ective
range at aout *.. meters, or '/. cm in miniature scale$ 0his has een
rounded o7 into a range of 8*cm in this game$ 0he game rounds are also much
shorter representing onl+ a fe! minutes of real time$
9ue to the change of scale, the stat :;irefght< is not used$ All !eapons have
separate statlines$
Epic WWII Rules Benjamin Asmussen
Infantry Saving Throws
In GW Epic even the lo!liest trooper has a 2ak jacket, providing him !ith
protection from the hostile attlefeld$ Bod+ armour !as ver+ rare in the second
!orld !ar, and are so not not used in Epic WWII$
ehicle Saving Throws
=ehicle saving thro! can range from /> ?ver+ !eak@ to .> ?the strongest
possile armour@$ Anti%tank !eapons ma+ no! have a saving thro! modifer$ In
addition, the armour on a vehicle is normall+ strongest at the front, so to
represent this, vehicles hit from the rear ?'-. degrees@ su7er a A' to their
saving thro!$
0hese rules are a !ork in pogress, so an+ comments, suggestions, and ideas
are more than !elcome at occamsrageknivBhotmail$com$
Cast edited '/$ ma+ ,..&

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